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        *       PROG          *GUI       M  P    A  O  IC  GU  E          O
        E  ESUME  RO  AM*OFFICE*  IDE*RESU  *    R  *   ICE*   D  RESUME*PR
        D  RESUME  R  RAM*OFFIC  GUIDE*RES  E    G  M    IC    I  *
        I  *RESU  *P  GRAM*OFFIC  GUIDE*RE  M    O  A  O    E  U  E*RESU
        U       UME*       *OFFICE    DE*R  U    R  R  *O  IC  G       S
        G  DE*  SUME  ROGRAM*OFFICE*GU  E*  S    P  G  M*OFFI  *  IDE*RE
        *  IDE*  SUM  PROGRAM*OFFICE*GU  E  ES  E*  O  AM*OFF  E  U
        C  GUIDE*  S          M       *GUIDE*    ME*P  GRAM*O  I          E
      O      GUID      ME*PROG   *OFFICE      *      *PROGRAM OFFIC  GUIDE*  S
      A  OFFI  *G  DE*R  UM  PROGR  *  FICE*GUI  *RES  E*P  GRA  OF  C    I  *
      R      ICE*      RESU  *PROG  M  FFI    U      SUME  ROGRA  O  IC  GU  E
      O  AM*OFFIC  GUI  *RE  ME*PR  R  *OFFI  *  IDE  ESU         M  FFICE*  I
      P  GRAM*OFF  E*GUI  *RES   *PROGRA      C  GUIDE  E  ME*PR  R  *OFFIC  G
            RAM    ICE*          M          O      GUI       M          O
           *  OGRAM*  F       DE*R       ROGRAM  FF  E*GUIDE*R       R
            UME    GRAM  FFICE*GUI  *RESUME*P      *OF       I          P
                 *PR       F  CE*GUI  *      *       *OFF          R
                ME  ROGRAM*O  ICE*GU  E*R  UME  ROGRA  OF  CE*GUIDE*
                U  *PROGRAM*  FICE*G  DE*  SUM  PROGRA  O  I
                S  E*PROGRAM  FFICE*  IDE  ESU  *PROGR  *  FICE*G
                E  ME*     A  OFFICE  UID  RES  E*PROG  M       *
                R  UME*PR  R  *OFFIC  GUI  *RE  ME*PRO  A  OFFICE
                *  SUME*P  G  M*OFFI  *GU  E*R  UME*PR  R  *
                E*  SUME*  OG  M*OF  CE*G  DE*  SUME*  OG  M*OFFICE*
                 E*R       ROGR    FFIC      E       *PRO          E

                            RESUME Program Office Guide

                                  Donald E. Barth


The student resume system described in this manual was developed at  the
Yale School of Management for the automatic assembly of resume books for
each class of the Masters Degree in Public and Private Management (MPPM)
program.   This manual describes the administrative procedures needed to
prepare for and process the resumes.  A  separate  manual  is  available
which instructs the students in how to enter and edit their resumes.

                           TABLE OF CONTENTS
                           ----- -- --------

      Introduction  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1

      Overall Description of the Resume Collection Process .  .  2

      The Programs  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  9

      Computer Accounts   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10

      Files which will Be Stored in the Accounts  .  .  .  .  . 11

      Validation of Accounts From which Programs are Run   .  . 14

      Using the RSMPSW Program to Assign Passwords   .  .  .  . 21

      Preparation for Student Use  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 24

      Instructions for Using the RSMADM Program   .  .  .  .  . 27

      Production of the Resume Book   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 36

      Using HC Program to Type Resumes to be Photocopied   .  . 41

      Differences Between Typed and Typeset Resume Books   .  . 42

      Conversion from First Year Resume Format to Second Year . 44

      Calculation of File Names Based on Passwords   .  .  .  . 46

      Machine Dependence  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 48

      Differences Between DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 Versions  50

      List of Files Included in this Package   .  .  .  .  .  . 52


      The RESUME program is a simple line editor and word  processor  designed
      specially  for the production of resumes by the students enrolled at the
      school.  The students use the RESUME program to enter their resumes into
      the  computer.   They  then  run  the program again as many times as are
      necessary to revise their resumes.  When all of students have  completed
      their  resumes,  the resumes can be automatically collected together and
      typed ready to be photocopied and assembled into the resume book.

      Each resume can be limited to just a single page or can be several pages
      in  length.   The  student types as few or as many words on a line as is
      convenient.   The  words  will  be  accumulated   to   form   lines   of
      approximately  equal length in the resume.  The student's name and local
      and permanent addresses appear at the top of the resume.   The  rest  of
      the  resume  is  divided into sections which describe such things as the
      student's education and work experience.  Lines are  ruled  between  the
      sections  and  the  section  names appear in dark lettering at the upper
      left corners of the sections.  Selected words can also  be  darkened  or
      underlined.   Lists  can  be  included  in  which  each  item is shifted
      slightly to the right of the ordinary left margin and is marked  with  a

      The RESUME program is usually liked best by students who have had little
      or  no  previous  computer  experience.  They find that they can use the
      program even without any instruction in its use.  All  of  the  commands
      which  the  student  must  issue to enter a resume or edit it consist of
      short English language words.  The student can type a question mark  for
      a complete description of what the program expects at any point.  If the
      student makes a mistake and issues a command which would  be  likely  to
      damage  the  resume,  then  the program will always tell the student the
      possible consequences and will request confirmation that this really  is
      what the student wants.

      A student who has done no advance preparation usually takes from 3 to  4
      hours,  spread  over several sessions, to compose a new resume using the
      program.  Considerably less time is required to enter the resume if  the
      student  can  be convinced to prepare a rough draft of the resume before
      first using the computer.  Each student can run the RESUME program  from
      a  separate account or all of the students in a class can share a single
      account.  When many students share a single account, the passwords  used
      to  keep  their resumes separate from the rest can either be assigned to
      the students before they run  the  program  or  can  be  chosen  by  the
      students themselves when they first run the program.

      One or more members of the administrative office staff must be available
      to  set  up the central account in which the resumes are stored, to help
      the students enter and modify their resumes, to  proofread  and  correct
      the  resumes  after  the students have finished them, and to prepare the
      typed copies of the resumes which will be  photocopied  to  produce  the
      resulting  resume  book.   The  necessary  administrative  functions are
      enabled for certain accounts for particular classes.  The RESUME program
      can  be  run  by  the  administrator to modify any resume which has been
      finished by the student.  The administrator cannot modify a resume which
2                                            RESUME Program Office Guide

has  not  yet  been  finished by the student.  The student resume system
includes programs which can be run by the administrator  to  change  the
state  of  the  resumes,  to  change the passwords by which the students
access the resumes, and to collect together the final  versions  of  the
resumes so that these can be typed.

The student resume system was developed on a  DECsystem20  computer  and
has  been used over the course of 2 years.  During this time, the RESUME
program has been run by  nearly  600  students.   The  programs  in  the
package  can be run from practically any type of terminal.  The logic in
the programs is written entirely in machine independent FORTRAN.   There
are,  of  course,  sections of the programs which are machine dependent.
These have been localized as much  as  possible  and  should  be  easily
convertible  to  other  computer systems.  A version for the DECsystem10
computer is included.

          ------- ----------- -- --- ------ ---------- -------

The resumes which have been entered by the  students  are  stored  in  a
central  account  which  is  separate  from  the accounts from which the
students run the RESUME program.  This central account is used to  store
the resumes for all classes.  If each student has an individual computer
account, then the names of the files in which the resumes are stored can
be  based  upon  the  numbers  by  which  the  computer identifies these
accounts.  If several students share a single account, then the names of
the  files are based upon the passwords which the students type in after
starting the program.  Passwords are not needed  if  the  students  have
their  own  individual accounts, but the administrator can still require
that the students use passwords.

When a student runs the RESUME program, the program checks  whether  the
file  containing the current version of the resume exists in the central
account.  If the file exists, then the current version of the resume  is
read  from  this  file.   If the resume has not been submitted, then the
RESUME program will immediately ask the question "WHAT  NEXT?"  and  the
student  can  proceed  to modify the resume or to submit it.  The resume
cannot be modified if it has already been submitted, but the student can
still get a copy of the finished resume.

If the file does not exist and the student is not choosing a password to
gain  access  to  the  resume,  then  it is assumed that this particular
student has not run the program before.  If the file does not exist  and
the  student  is  choosing a password, then the program will ask whether
the student really wants to start a new resume.  This is merely a polite
way  of  asking  whether  the  student  made  an  error while typing the

The student's name is the first thing which the  program  will  ask  for
which  will  appear  in  the resume.  The program then requests, line by
line, the student's address and list of phone numbers.  The program will
ask  whether  a permanent address is to be included in the resume.  If a
permanent  address  is  to  be  included,  then  this  address  and  the
associated phone numbers are also requested line by line.
      Overall Description of the Resume Collection Process                   3

      After  the  addresses  have  all  been  entered,  the  program  reads  a
      description  of the degree program in which the student is enrolled from
      a file which is used for all of the students in  the  same  class.   The
      text  in  this  file is in exactly the same format as the text which the
      student can enter.  The description of the  current  degree  program  is
      appended  to  the  resume  and  is  then  displayed to the student.  The
      program then asks for the student to type in anything else which  is  to
      be  in  the  EDUCATION  section.   The student presses the RETURN key an
      extra time when the EDUCATION section has been completed.   The  program
      then  asks  the  "WHAT  NEXT?" question.  At this point, the student can
      modify the name, the addresses or the EDUCATION section  or  can  create
      new  sections.   If  the file which describes the current degree program
      cannot be read, then the program does not ask for the completion of  the
      EDUCATION  section,  but  instead  immediately  asks  the  "WHAT  NEXT?"
      question after the name and addresses have been entered.

      Each time the student exits from the program, the current version of the
      resume  is  saved  in the central account.  Finally, when the student is
      satisfied with the contents of the resume, the student answers the "WHAT
      NEXT?"  question  by  typing  the word SUBMIT.  This marks the resume as
      being ready to be included in the resume collection.   Once  the  resume
      has  been submitted, it cannot be modified further by the student.  If a
      student submits a resume, but later finds a mistake,  the  administrator
      either  can  modify  the  resume using the RESUME program or can use the
      RSMADM program  to  unsubmit  the  resume.   RSMADM  stands  for  RESume
      ADMinistrator.   If  the  administrator  unsubmits  the resume, then the
      student will have to correct the resume and submit the resume again.

      A number which indicates the state of the resume is  stored  along  with
      the  text  of the resume in the file in the central account.  The resume
      progresses through the following series of states on its  way  to  being
      incorporated  into  the  resume book.  If the resume collection is to be
      typed rather than typeset, then the resume would never reach  the  final
      TRANSMITTED  state.   In  general,  the  resume progresses through these
      states in the order shown.  However, whenever the administrator uses the
      RESUME  program  to  edit  a  resume, the resume is placed in the EDITED
      state even if it was in one of the later states.  It is assumed that the
      resume  would not have been edited unless an error was discovered in it,
      and it would therefore be proofed and either typed or transmitted again.
      The  word  proofed here is taken to mean that the reformatted version of
      the resume has been written into a file which can  then  be  printed  or
      typed.  The word transmitted is taken to mean that a specially formatted
      version of the file containing  the  resume  has  been  copied  into  an
      account which can be accessed by the printing service.

      DRAFT         The student has used the RESUME program to  create  a  new
                    resume,  or  to  modify  it,  but  the student has not yet
                    submitted  the  resume  to  be  included  in  the   resume

      SUBMITTED     The student has used the RESUME program to  indicate  that
                    the   resume  is  ready  to  be  included  in  the  resume
4                                            RESUME Program Office Guide

SUBMIT+PROOF  The administrator has used the RSMADM program to produce a
              paper  copy  of  a  resume which has been submitted by the
              student.  The state of the resume does not change  if  the
              administrator  produces  a paper copy of a resume which is
              in any state other than SUBMITTED or EDITED.

EDITED        The administrator has used the RESUME program to modify  a
              resume  which  was  in  any  state other than the original
              unsubmitted DRAFT state.  The administrator cannot use the
              RESUME  program  to  change  a  resume  which has not been
              submitted, although the administrator could first use  the
              RSMADM program to submit the resume and would then be free
              to edit it.

EDIT+PROOF    The administrator has used the RSMADM program to obtain  a
              paper  copy  of  a  resume  which was in the EDITED state.
              Obtaining a paper copy of a resume which is in  any  state
              other  than  SUBMITTED or EDITED does not change the state
              of the resume.

TRANSMITTED   The administrator has used the RSMADM program to copy  the
              resume  into  the  printing  service  account.  The resume
              remains in the TRANSMITTED state unless it is subsequently
              edited  in  which  case it drops back to the EDITED state.
              It is assumed that it will then be proofed and transmitted

REPLACED      The administrator has used the RSMADM program to copy  the
              resume  into  a  new file which has a different name.  The
              file having the  original  name  is  then  placed  in  the
              REPLACED  state.   Files  are  copied with different names
              when  the  students  must  access  them   from   different
              individual  accounts, as might happen from one year to the
              next, or when the students want to change the passwords by
              which the resumes are accessed.  This state is not part of
              the regular  progression  from  the  DRAFT  state  to  the
              TRANSMITTED  state.   Files  in  the  REPLACED  state  are
              subsequently ignored by  the  RESUME  program.   For  most
              purposes,  the  file  can  be  thought  of  as having been
              deleted.  If a student selects a password  which  maps  to
              the  same  number as that of a replaced file, then the new
              file will replace the original file when the student exits
              from the program.

BLOCKED       The administrator has used the  RSMADM  program  to  block
              access  to  the  resume.   This  state  is not part of the
              regular  progression  from  the   DRAFT   state   to   the
              TRANSMITTED  state.   The  students  cannot gain access to
              resumes which are in the BLOCKED state.  Students who have
              not  used the computer prior to running the RESUME program
              often do not understand that there can be  several  levels
              of  access  each controlled by separate passwords.  If the
              students share a common computer account, then the  resume
              having  the  same password as that used for gaining access
              to the account should be blocked so that several  students
      Overall Description of the Resume Collection Process                   5

                    don't  each  try  to  use  this common password inside the
                    RESUME program and in  the  process  destroy  each  others

      When some or all of the resumes have been submitted by the students, the
      RSMADM  program  should  be  run  to  produce  a file which contains the
      reformatted resumes which can be printed on the fast printer.  This will
      change  the  state of these resumes from SUBMITTED to SUBMIT+PROOF.  The
      RSMADM program can only be run from accounts which  are  listed  in  the
      RESUME.WHO file as being used by the administrator.

      The following is a typical dialog which  would  be  used  to  proof  the
      submitted resumes.

      Specify 1 number to select among following functions
      1=List student names, status and numbers in output file
      6=Proof and unsubmit
      7=Change number or password or class of resume file
      8=Block file from any further use
      Which function? 4
      Proofs will be in file RESUME.PRF
      Type of bolding (NONE, PRINTER, TYPEWRITER)? P
      Will resumes be selected individually (Y or N)? N
      Process resumes in preselected order (Y or N)? N
      Proof which classes (-1=all)? 85
      Type 1 or more of the following numbers
      Type -1 for all states DRAFT through TRANSMITTED.
      Process which states (-1=all)? 2
      Reject resumes created before what date? 1 AUG 83
      Month:  8, Day:  1, Year: 1983
      Reject resumes created after what date? OCTOBER 30, 1983
      Month: 10, Day: 30, Year: 1983

      If it is desired that the resumes be processed in the alphabetical order
      of  the  students  names,  then  the  RSMADM program will have to be run
      twice.  The RSMADM program would be run the  first  time  to  write  the
      student  names  into  a  file  named RESUME.LST by selecting function 1.
      Then the RSMSRT program would be run to sort the names  and  write  them
      into  a new file named RESUME.SRT.  Finally, the RSMADM program would be
      run a second time to process the resumes in the preselected order.
6                                            RESUME Program Office Guide

The RSMADM program will write the reformatted resumes into a file  named
RESUME.PRF  which should then be printed on the fast printer.  If errors
are seen in the resumes, then the RESUME program  can  be  used  by  the
administrator  to  edit  the resumes.  The RESUME program can be used to
modify any submitted resume if the RESUME program is run from an account
which  is  listed  in the RESUME.WHO file as an account which is used by
the administrator.  The administrator will be asked to specify the class
and  student  number  identifying the resume.  The student number can be
obtained by running the RSMADM program and asking  for  a  list  of  all
resumes for the particular class.

If the students have  chosen  their  own  passwords,  then  the  student
numbers   are   6  digit  numbers  based  upon  the  passwords  and  the
administrator can use either the numbers or the  passwords  to  identify
the  resumes  when  running  the  RESUME  and  RSMADM  programs.  If the
administrator assigned the combination of a number  and  a  password  to
each  student,  then  the  student  number is the number assigned by the
administrator.  If the students are running from their own  accounts  on
either  the  DECsystem10  or  the  DECsystem20  computers  and not using
passwords, then the  student  numbers  are  the  DECsystem10  programmer
numbers.   On  the  DECsystem20, the administrator can issue a TRANSLATE
command to obtain the programmer number.  The programmer number  is  the
second  number which is enclosed in square brackets in the response made
by the  computer.   The  TRANSLATE  command  would  be  similar  to  the


The things which the RESUME program does differently  when  run  by  the
administrator rather than by the students are listed below.

 1.  The administrator can edit any submitted resume.  The administrator
     cannot  edit  a  resume  which  has  not  yet  been finished by the

 2.  The administrator is asked the "WHAT  NEXT?"  question  immediately
     after  the  EDIT command has performed a single modification of the
     line.  The administrator is not asked if editing of  the  line  has
     been  completed since it is assumed that only minor changes will be

 3.  The SAVE, EXIT and SUBMIT commands are identical when issued by the
     administrator.   All  of  these  commands  cause the changes to the
     current resume to be saved.  The resume will be marked as being  in
     the  EDITED  state.   The  administrator  is  then  asked to select
     another resume to be edited.  If the administrator issues  a  PAPER
     command,  the  program  will mark the resume as being in the EDITED
     state, will save the changes made by the administrator, will  write
     a  copy  of  the  resume  into a file named RESUME.DOC which can be
     typed or printed later, and will then exit.

 4.  The CANCEL command discards all changes which the administrator has
     made  to  the  current  resume,  but  does not destroy the original
     version.  The resume is not placed  into  the  EDITED  state.   The
     administrator is then asked to select another resume to be edited.
      Overall Description of the Resume Collection Process                   7

      If the administrator  runs  the  RSMADM  program  to  proof  the  edited
      resumes,  then  the  resumes  are  changed  from the EDITED state to the
      EDIT+PROOF state.   If  the  RESUME  program  is  used  to  correct  any
      additional  errors,  then  these  resumes  drop back from the EDIT+PROOF
      state to the EDITED state.

      Finally, when the resumes are seen to be correct, the RSMADM program  is
      run a final time to transmit the resumes.  The RSMADM program can either
      transmit individual resumes identified by student number or password, or
      can  transmit all of the resumes for a particular class or classes which
      are in a particular state or states.  It will  probably  be  desired  to
      transmit all of the resumes which are in the SUBMIT+PROOF and EDIT+PROOF
      states.  The resumes should  be  transmitted  sorted  by  the  students'
      names.   As  described earlier, transmitting the resumes sorted by names
      is a 3 stage process.  First the RSMADM program must be run to produce a
      file  containing  a  listing of the students and the numbers identifying
      their resumes.  Then the RSMSRT program must be run to  sort  the  names
      and  write  these into the RESUME.SRT file.  Finally, the RSMADM program
      is run again to process the resumes in the preselected order.  The files
      which  are written into the printing service account will be given names
      which are identical to the numbers which appear at the left ends of  the
      lines  containing the students' names in the RESUME.SRT file produced by
      the RSMSRT program.

      If individual resumes selected by student number or password  are  being
      transmitted,  then the administrator will be asked for the numbers which
      are to be used as the names of the files which will be placed  into  the
      printing   service  account.   If  the  resumes  being  transmitted  are
      corrected versions of resumes which have already been transmitted,  then
      probably  the  numbers  at  the  left  ends  of the lines containing the
      students' names in the RESUME.SRT file should be used so that the  files
      will  be  assigned  the  same names as when the resumes were transmitted

      The following is a typical dialog which might  be  used  to  transmit  a
      group of resumes in alphabetical order.

      Specify 1 number to select among following functions
      1=List student names, status and numbers in output file
      6=Proof and unsubmit
      7=Change number or password or class of resume file
      8=Block file from any further use
      Which function? 5
      Will resumes be selected individually (Y or N)? N
      Process resumes in preselected order (Y or N)? Y
      Transmit which classes (-1=all)? 85
      Type 1 or more of the following numbers
8                                            RESUME Program Office Guide

Type -1 for all states DRAFT through TRANSMITTED.
Process which states (-1=all)? 3,5
States:     3     5
Reject resumes created before what date? 1-AUG-83
Month:  8, Day:  1, Year: 1983
Reject resumes created after what date? 30 OCTOBER 1983
Month: 10, Day: 30, Year: 1983

If some of the resumes which are in one of the PROOFED states still have
to be edited, but some are correct and are ready to be transmitted, then
the resumes which are to be transmitted must be selected individually by
number or password.

The following is a typical  dialog  which  might  be  used  to  transmit
individual resumes.

Specify 1 number to select among following functions
1=List student names, status and numbers in output file
6=Proof and unsubmit
7=Change number or password or class of resume file
8=Block file from any further use
Which function? 5
Will resumes be selected individually (Y or N)? Y
Transmit which class (-1=exit)? 84
Number of individual resume (-2 by password,-1 to exit)? -2
Password? SAMPLE
This password translates to number  90186
*** Description of resume ***
Account: S.D.MCSMITH
 Number:  90186, Class:  84, Password: SAMPLE
  Month: 10, Day: 13, Year:   83
 Status: Submitted+Proofed
Is this the correct resume? Y
Number to be name of transmitted file (-1= 90186)? 1
Number of individual resume (-2 by password,-1 to exit)? 508422
*** Description of resume ***
   Name: Jane Jones
Account: S.E.JONES
 Number: 508422, Class:  84, Password: JANE
  Month:  0, Day:  0, Year:    0
 Status: Edited+Proofed
Is this the correct resume? Y
      Overall Description of the Resume Collection Process                   9

        EDIT+PROOF  TRANSMITTED 508422  84 Jane Jones
      Number to be name of transmitted file (-1=508422)? 2

      If the resume book is to be photocopied directly from the copy typed  on
      the letter quality typewriter, then the procedure is much simpler.  When
      all of the resumes are ready to be printed, the RSMADM program is run to
      produce  a  proof  of the entire collection.  In response to the various
      questions asked by the RSMADM program, CONTINUOUS  format  with  bolding
      for  the  TYPEWRITER  is  chosen.   The file is then typed on the letter
      quality typewriter.  If errors are detected in some resumes, then  these
      are  corrected  using  the RESUME program, and the RSMADM program is run
      again later to produce proofs for those which are in the EDITED state.

                                    THE PROGRAMS
                                    --- --------

      The student resume system contains the following 5 programs.

      RESUME  This is the program which is run by the students  to  enter  and
              edit  their  resumes.   This  is  the only program in the resume
              package which the students can run.  The administrator  can  use
              the  program  to  edit  any  resume which has been submitted for
              inclusion in the resume collection.   The  administrator  cannot
              use  the  RESUME  program  to  edit  a resume which has not been
              submitted or to input a new resume.

      RSMADM  This is the program which the administrator uses to perform  all
              routine  manipulations  of the resumes other than the editing of
              the resumes which is done using the RESUME program itself.   The
              RSMADM  program  cannot be run by the students.  The program can
              process resumes selected by class, by state and by date of entry
              or  can  process  individually  selected  resumes.   The  RSMADM
              program can be used to list the resumes, to submit  or  unsubmit
              the  resumes,  to  produce  proofs or final copies of the resume
              book or to change the numbers and the passwords used  to  access
              the  resumes.   It can also be used to copy a special version of
              the resumes to another account which can then be accessed by the
              printing service.

      RSMMIX  This is a program which can  be  run  by  the  administrator  to
              process  the  resumes  before  the students return to modify the
              resumes which  they  entered  the  previous  year.   The  RSMMIX
              program  cannot  be run by the students.  It converts the second
              and subsequent letters in words which  are  formed  entirely  of
              capital  letters  to  small letters.  It is recommended that the
              students' names, company names, school names and  section  names
              be  entirely capitalized if the resumes are typed, but only have
              the first letters of the words capitalized if  the  resumes  are
              typeset.   The RSMMIX program helps in the conversion of resumes
              which were formatted for typing the previous year so that  these
              can  now  be  typeset.   The  RSMMIX  program reads a file named
              RESUME.WRD from the resume storage account which contains a list
              of  words  which are to be kept entirely capitalized.  If a word
10                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

        does not  appear  in  the  RESUME.WRD  file,  then  it  will  be
        converted.   Of  course,  whether  some words are converted will
        depend upon context, and the students will have to  correct  the
        capitalization of these.

RSMPSW  This program can be used to assign passwords selected at  random
        from any text file to the students.

RSMSRT  This is a program which the administrator uses to sort the  list
        of  resumes  produced  by  the  RSMADM program into alphabetical
        order based upon the students' names.  The RSMSRT program  reads
        a file named RESUME.LST from the account in which it is run, and
        writes a sorted list into a file named RESUME.SRT  in  the  same
        account.   The  file containing the sorted list can be typed for
        use by the office staff, or can be read by the RSMADM program to
        allow  it  to  process these resumes in alphabetical order.  The
        RSMSRT program is not protected from use by the students.

                           COMPUTER ACCOUNTS
                           -------- --------

The following accounts must be established in order to use  the  student
resume system.

   1 account in which the resumes for all of the students in all of  the
     classes  are  stored.   The  resumes for different classes are kept
     separate by the use of the class numbers as part of  the  names  of
     the  files.   The resumes for different classes cannot be stored in
     separate accounts.

   1 or more administrative accounts.  If 1  person  is  acting  as  the
     administrator  for all of the classes, then a single account should
     be used.  If there is a different  administrator  for  each  class,
     then  each should use a separate account and each of these accounts
     should be validated for use by the administrator for only 1  class.
     Instructions  for  validating accounts for use by the administrator
     are given later  in  this  manual.   There  can  be  overlap  here.
     Typically,  an  account  used  by  someone on the computer services
     staff would be validated for  use  by  the  administrator  for  all
     possible classes, but the accounts being used by the people editing
     the resumes would be validated only for use  by  the  administrator
     for a small range of classes.

   1 account to be used by the printing service.  This is not  necessary
     if the resumes will be typed rather than typeset.

   1 account from which all of the students in a  particular  class  can
     run the RESUME program.  There should be 1 of these shared accounts
     for each class.  Alternatively, if  the  students  have  their  own
     individual   accounts,  then  they  can  run  from  their  separate
      Computer Accounts                                                     11

      The minimum number of accounts which should be available for the use  of
      the  student  resume package would be 1 more than the number of classes.
      There would then be 1 account to be used by all the students in a single
      class and 1 account to be used both by the administrator and for storage
      of the resumes for all of the classes.

      With a lot of care on the part  of  everyone,  a  single  account  could
      actually  be  used for all of these purposes.  The RESUME.WHO file would
      then have to be  changed  whenever  any  administrative  functions  were
      needed.   The  RESUME.WHO  file would have to be changed back again when
      the students were allowed to run the RESUME program.  The use of just  a
      single  account  would also mean that the files in which the resumes are
      stored would be visible to the students.  The most obvious danger  which
      would  result  from  the  storage of the resumes in the account which is
      used  by  the  students  is  that  any  student  could  accidentally  or
      intentionally  delete  the  files  containing  the resumes of all of the
      students.  Experience with student exercises  in  which  the  files  are
      stored  in  the accounts used by the students has demonstrated that such
      destruction of the files is likely.  Also, processing of the resumes for
      just  a  single  class  would  be difficult if the students from several
      classes shared the same account, since a single account cannot  be  used
      for the entry of resumes having different class numbers.

                     ----- ----- ---- -- ------ -- --- --------

      The following files must be prepared by  the  administrator  before  the
      students  are allowed to run the RESUME program.  These files should all
      be in the resume storage account.

      MESAGE.XXX  contains messages which are to be displayed to the  students
                  in  the class when they run the program.  XXX represents the
                  class number.  If the class number is less  than  100,  then
                  extra  zeros  are  inserted  at the left to obtain 3 digits.
                  This file is not necessary if there are no  messages  to  be

      PASWRD.XXX  specifies the passwords which are assigned to  the  students
                  in  the  class.   XXX  represents  the class number.  If the
                  class number is less than 100, then extra zeros are inserted
                  at  the left to obtain 3 digits.  This file is not needed if
                  the students are not asked for  passwords  or  if  they  are
                  allowed to select their own passwords.

      RESUME.DIR  contains a list of the files in the resume storage  account.
                  This is produced periodically and automatically by the batch
                  job  which  is  controlled  by  the  RESUME.CTL  file.   The
                  administrator could also issue a DIRECT command to construct
                  this file.

      RESUME.WHO  specifies which accounts are to be used by the students, and
                  which  are  to  be  used  by  the  administrator.   For  the
                  students, this file specifies the class number, default type
                  of  terminal,  maximum  length  of  the  resumes and whether
12                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

            passwords  are  used.   For  the  administrator,  this  file
            specifies  what  privileges  are  available  and  for  which

RESUME.WRD  contains a list of words which the RSMMIX program is not  to
            convert  from  being entirely capitalized to only having the
            leading letter capitalized.  This file is  not  required  if
            the  RSMMIX program is not used, or if the RSMMIX program is
            not to allow any exceptions.

SCHOOL.XXX  contains the description of the degree program in which  the
            student  is  currently  enrolled.   XXX represents the class
            number.  If the class number is less than  100,  then  extra
            zeros  are  inserted  at  the  left to obtain 3 digits.  The
            contents of this file are inserted into the resume after the
            name  and  address sections when the RESUME program is first
            run  by  the  student.   The  RESUME  program  can   operate
            correctly  without  this  file,  but  it  probably should be

The following file should exist either in the resume storage account, or
in  an account which has the account privileges necessary for creating a
file containing a directory of  the  resume  storage  account.   On  the
DECsystem20,  the account containing this file and from which batch jobs
are run which are controlled by this file must also be able  to  expunge
deleted files from the resume storage account.  It is recommended that a
parent account be used on the DECsystem20 so that the  students  do  not
see jobs being run from the resume storage account itself.

RESUME.CTL  is a batch control file for the DECsystem20  which  expunges
            the  resume  storage  account  and  produces a new directory
            file.  A batch job which is controlled  by  this  file  runs
            periodically during the resume season.

The following file contains the RESUME program.  This file should  exist
on the system account from which programs can be run by the students.

RESUME.EXE  contains the RESUME program which can be run either  by  the
            students  or  by  the administrator.  If run from an account
            which is validated as being used by the administrator,  then
            the  RESUME  program  can  be  used  to modify any submitted

The following files  contain  programs  which  are  run  solely  by  the
administrator.   These  files can be stored either on the system account
or in the administrative account.

RSMADM.EXE  allows   the   administrator   to   perform   all    routine
            manipulations of the resumes except editing them.

RSMSRT.EXE  sorts a list of student names produced by the RSMADM program
            into alphabetical order based upon the students' last names.
            If the last names are identical, then the  first  names  and
            middle names or initials are used.
      Files which will Be Stored in the Accounts                            13

      The following files are produced when the RESUME program is run  by  the
      students.  These files do not have to be prepared by the administrator.

      RESUME.DOC  (if the student is not using a password)
      YYYYYY.DOC  (if the student is using a password)
                  contains a reformatted  version  of  the  resume  which  the
                  student  can either print on the fast printer or type on the
                  letter  quality  typewriter.   YYYYYY  is  based  upon   the
                  password  or  identifies  the  account being used to run the
                  program.  If this number is less  then  100000,  then  extra
                  zeros  are  inserted  at the left to obtain 6 digits.  These
                  files are  written  into  the  account  being  used  by  the
                  students  when  the students select the PAPER command in the
                  RESUME program.

      YYYYYY.XXX  contains the text of a single resume.  YYYYYY is based  upon
                  the password or identifies the account being used to run the
                  program.  If this number is less  then  100000,  then  extra
                  zeros  are  inserted  at  the  left to obtain 6 digits.  XXX
                  represents the class number.  If the class  number  is  less
                  than  100,  then  extra  zeros  are  inserted at the left to
                  obtain 3 digits.  Each resume is  contained  in  a  separate
                  file.   These  files  are  written  into  the resume storage
                  account when the students select the commands  EXIT,  PAPER,
                  SAVE  and  SUBMIT in the RESUME program.  The files are read
                  by  the  RESUME  program  when  it  starts,  by  the  RSMADM
                  administrative  program,  and  by  the RSMMIX administrative

      The following files are written into the administrator's account  during
      the processing of the resumes.

      RESUME.LST  contains a list  of  the  students  and  the  numbers  which
                  identify  the  files containing their resumes.  This file is
                  written by the RSMADM program when  the  listing  option  is
                  selected.   It  can be sorted into alphabetical order by the
                  RSMSRT program.

      RESUME.PRF  contains the  reformatted  resumes  ready  to  be  typed  or
                  printed.  It is written by the RSMADM program.

      RESUME.SRT  contains a list  of  the  students  and  the  numbers  which
                  identify  the  files containing their resumes.  This list is
                  sorted in alphabetical order based upon the students' names.
                  The  file is produced by the RSMSRT program.  The RESUME.SRT
                  file lists all of the  students  listed  in  the  RESUME.LST
                  file,  but  the  formats  of these 2 files are different and
                  cannot be used interchangeably.  The RESUME.SRT file can  be
                  typed  to  be used as a check-off list.  The RESUME.SRT file
                  can also be read by the RSMADM program to control the  order
                  in which the resumes are to be processed.
14                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

            The procedure which  is  used  to  process  the  resumes  in
            alphabetical  order  based upon the students' names is first
            to run the RSMADM program to select resumes by some criteria
            from  those  listed  in  the  RESUME.DIR  file in the resume
            storage account, and to have the RSMADM  program  write  the
            information  about  these  resumes into the RESUME.LST file.
            Then the RSMSRT program is run to read the  RESUME.LST  file
            and  to  write  the  RESUME.SRT  file.   Finally  the RSMADM
            program is run again to process the  resumes  in  the  order
            indicated by the RESUME.SRT file.

           ---------- -- -------- ---- ----- -------- --- ---

The RESUME program and the administrative programs can only be run  from
accounts  which  are specified in a validation file which resides in the
resume storage account.  The validation file  is  named  RESUME.WHO  and
contains  1  line  for each account, or for each group of accounts, from
which the programs can be run.  Lines are read from the validation  file
until a line is found which exactly specifies the account from which the
program is being run or which specifies a group of accounts of which the
current  account  is  a  member.  The subsequent lines in the validation
file are ignored even if they also specify the current account.   It  is
thus  possible to treat a few members of a group of accounts differently
than the rest of the members of  the  group  by  inserting  lines  which
specify  the  accounts  to  be  treated  specially before the line which
specifies the rest of the group of accounts.

A typical validation file is shown below.

1 0 1 2 <S.E.*>           !EVEN NUMBER YEAR CLASS
2 0 1 2 <S.O.*>           !ODD NUMBER YEAR CLASS
3 0 1 2 <S.G.*>           !GRADUATE STUDENTS
4 0 1 2 <S.N.*>           !NON-MAJORS
998 1 1 2 <S.D.SMITH>     !TESTING
-3 0 999 2 <S.D.BARTH>    !ADMINISTRATOR
-2 0 999 2 <S.W.JONES>    !WORD PROCESSING
0 0 1 2 <S.*>             !ALL OTHERS

The general form of an entry in the RESUME.WHO file is



      Validation of Accounts from which Programs are Run                    15


      NUMBER1 = -1 or less, enables administrative functions
              = -3, allows all administrative functions
              = -2, allows production  of  proofs  of  submitted  resumes  and
                unsubmitting of these same resumes
              = -1, allows editing of submitted resumes
              = 0 through 999, places account into class having this value
              = 1000 or greater, prevents use of the RESUME program

      NUMBER2 = for administrator, is lowest class which can be processed
              = -1 for students, indicates that class is not allow to run now
              = 0 for students, indicates each user has own account
              = 1 for students, indicates all students use  same  account  and
                select their own passwords
              = 2 for students, indicates all students use  same  account  and
                supply both numbers and passwords assigned to them

      NUMBER3 = for administrator, is highest class which can be processed
              = 0 for students, indicates that the final copies of the resumes
                in the resume collection will be typeset
              = 1 or greater for students, is  the  maximum  number  of  pages
                which  can  be  included  in  a submitted resume which will be
                typed on the letter quality typewriter

      NUMBER4 = 0, any terminal which  does  not  fit  one  of  the  following
              = 1, video terminal which scrolls
              = 2, video terminal which scrolls and on which form feeds  clear
                the screen

      Anything which appears to the right of an exclamation point  is  treated
      as  a  comment  and is ignored.  The end of the file is marked by a line
      which starts with an equal sign.  The line which starts  with  an  equal
      sign and all lines which follow the line which starts with an equal sign
      are ignored.  It is not necessary however that the end of  the  file  be
      marked by a line which starts with an equal sign.

      The numbers which can appear on each line are described in  more  detail

      NUMBER1 = specifies the class number  which  will  be  assigned  to  the
                accounts  matching  the  specification  on  the  current line.
                NUMBER1 can also be used to grant administrator privileges  to
                the account.

              = -1 or less, the account can  be  used  by  the  administrator.
                NUMBER2  and NUMBER3 are taken as the lowest and highest class
                numbers associated with the resumes  which  can  be  processed
                from this account.

              = -3, enables all administrative functions.  The RESUME  program
                can  be used to edit any submitted resume.  The administrative
                programs can be used for all administrative functions.
16                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

        = -2, enables word processing functions only.   The  RESUME  and
          RSMMIX programs cannot be run.  The RSMADM program can be used
          to produce a file containing the  formatted  versions  of  the
          resumes  which the students have submitted.  These resumes are
          then marked as not having been submitted so that  the  resumes
          can be revised further by the students.  All resumes for which
          the class  numbers  are  in  the  range  NUMBER2  through  and
          including NUMBER3 and which are in the SUBMITTED or any higher
          state will be processed.  The RSMADM program cannot be used to
          perform  any other function.  The resulting file must be typed
          on the letter quality typewriter.

        = -1, enables publication office  functions  only.   The  RESUME
          program can be used to edit any existing resume which has been
          submitted by the student.  The administrative programs  cannot
          be run.

          For example, if the file contained the lines

          -1 999 999 2 <F.PUBLICATIONS>
          -3 999 999 2 <F.STAFF>       !COMPUTER SERVICES STAFF
          -1 1 4 2 <S.PUBLICATIONS>
          -3 1 4 2 <S.STAFF>           !COMPUTER SERVICES STAFF

          then the  account  <F.PUBLICATIONS>  would  be  able  to  edit
          submitted    resumes   for   class   999   and   the   account
          <S.PUBLICATIONS> would be able to edit submitted  resumes  for
          classes  1 through 4.  The account <F.STAFF> could perform all
          administrative  functions  for  class  999  and  the   account
          <S.STAFF>  could  perform  all  administrative  functions  for
          classes 1 through 4.

        = 0 through 999, allows the account to be used to run the RESUME
          program  to  create  or  modify  a resume.  The administrative
          programs cannot be run.  NUMBER1 is  taken  to  be  the  class
          number.  The RESUME program works identically for all classes.
          The class number appears in the name of the file in which  the
          resume  is  stored so that the resumes for the various classes
          can be kept separate.  The class number also  determines  from
          which file the description of the current degree program is to
          be read and which messages are to be shown to the students.

        = 1000 or greater, prevents running of the  programs  from  this
          account.   The programs also cannot be run from accounts which
          do not match any  of  the  accounts  specified  in  the  file.
          However,  putting  in  a line with NUMBER1=1000 can be used to
          block use of the programs by a subset of a group  of  accounts
          validated by a later line.

          For example, if the file contained the lines

          1000 0 0 2 <S.O.SMITH>
             2 0 0 2 <S.O.*>
      Validation of Accounts from which Programs are Run                    17

                then accounts such as <S.O.JONES> and <S.O.JOHNSON> which  are
                validated  by  the second line would be able to run the RESUME
                program, and would be taken to be in class 2, but the  account
                <S.O.SMITH> would not be able to run the program.

      NUMBER2 = if NUMBER1 is -1 or less so that administrative functions  are
                enabled  for  this  account, then NUMBER2 specifies the lowest
                class number of the resumes which can  be  processed  by  this

              = if NUMBER1 is  in  the  range  0  through  999,  then  NUMBER2
                specifies  whether each student will use a separate account or
                whether the students will run the RESUME program from a shared
                account.   If  the  students  run  the  program  from a shared
                account,  then  NUMBER2  also  specifies  whether   they   use
                passwords  which are assigned to them or will choose their own

                All of the accounts which are used by the students in the same
                class must have identical values for NUMBER2.  If it is really
                desired that some of the students  in  a  particular  academic
                class  run from a common account and use passwords to get into
                the program and that other students  in  the  same  class  use
                their  separate accounts without issuing passwords to get into
                the  program  (they  still  would  have  to  use  their  login
                passwords  to  gain  access  to  their  accounts) then these 2
                groups of students should  be  assigned  different  values  of
                NUMBER1  and  each  of these groups would need to have its own
                separate default education and message files.  The reason  for
                this  is  that the names of the resume storage files are based
                only on the  value  of  NUMBER1  and  a  second  number  which
                represents  either  the  password or the account.  The program
                protects against ambiguity in the conversion of  the  password
                to  a number, and the account numbers are unique, but there is
                no protection against the password being converted to a number
                which  happens  to  also  be  the  account  number  of another

                For example, a student running from  a  shared  account  might
                choose  the letter Z as a password which would be converted to
                the number 26.  If the same class number were  used  both  for
                students running from the shared account and for those running
                from individual accounts, then a student running  the  program
                later  from an individual account for which the account number
                also happened to be 26 would gain access to the resume started
                by the first person.

              = -1, and if NUMBER1 is in the range 0  through  999,  then  the
                members of the class are told that they are not allowed to run
                the RESUME program at this time, but any messages in the  file
                named MESAGE.XXX, where XXX is the class number, are displayed
                to them before they are kicked off.  The students will not  be
                asked  for  their  passwords,  and  will not be able to obtain
                paper  copies  of  their  submitted  resumes.   NUMBER1  could
                instead  be  set  to 1000 to prevent the students from running
18                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

          the program, but the students would then be told that they are
          not  authorized  to  run  the  program and no special messages
          would be displayed.

        = 0, and if NUMBER1 is in the range 0 through 999,  then  it  is
          expected  that each student has a separate account.  There can
          only be 1 resume associated with each of these accounts.   The
          student  will  not  be  asked to supply a password to identify
          which resume belongs to the student.

        = 1, and if NUMBER1 is in the range 0 through 999, then  several
          students can use the same account.  The student can access any
          resume for the current class for which the password is  known.
          To  create  a  new resume the student merely enters a password
          which is not already in use.   It  is  not  necessary  that  a
          resume which is to be modified have been created from the same
          account, only that it  have  been  created  using  a  password
          chosen  by  the  student from an account having the same class
          number.  There might, for example, be 5 accounts any of  which
          could  be  used by any of the students at any time, but all of
          these accounts would need to have the same value of NUMBER2.

        = 2, similar to NUMBER2=1, except that the student  must  supply
          both  a  number  and  a  password  which  the  RESUME  program
          administrator has assigned to the student.   This  number  and
          password  combination  must  appear in a file named PASWRD.XXX
          where XXX is the class number.   This  file  must  be  in  the
          resume  storage account.  Each line in this file starts with a
          number which must be unique to  that  student  in  the  class,
          followed  by  1  or  more  spaces and then by a password to be
          associated with this number.  The number must be in the  range
          0  through  999999  and  must be composed only of the digits 0
          through  9.   It  is  recommended  that  there  not   be   any
          duplication   of  the  passwords  within  a  class,  but  such
          duplication will not cause the programs any  difficulty.   The
          password  can  consist of 1 or more words.  Spaces between the
          words merely mark word boundaries.  It does not matter if just
          1  or several spaces appear between the words.  An exclamation
          mark followed by a comment or by the student's name can appear
          to  the  right  of  the  password.   The  following would be a
          typical line in the password file.

          2164 sticks and stones!John Doe

          The file can be terminated by a  line  which  starts  with  or
          contains  only  an  equal  sign,  although  such a line is not
          necessary.  Any lines following the line which starts with the
          equal  sign will not be read and will be ignored.  The student
          must type at least 1 space between  pairs  of  words,  and  at
          least  1  space  must appear between the words on the lines in
          the file, but the exact number  of  spaces  is  ignored.   The
          password  can  contain  up  to  20  characters,  counting  the
          separations between words as 1 character each.  The  passwords
          can  be constructed from any printing characters.  The capital
          and small forms of the alphabetic  letters  A  through  Z  are
      Validation of Accounts from which Programs are Run                    19

                considered  to  be  equivalent,  both  in  the file and in the
                password typed by the student.

      NUMBER3 = if NUMBER1 is -1 or less so that administrative functions  are
                enabled  for  this account, then NUMBER3 specifies the highest
                class number of the resumes which can  be  processed  by  this

              = if NUMBER1 is  in  the  range  0  through  999,  then  NUMBER3
                specifies  whether the final resumes will be typed on a letter
                quality typewriter or will  be  typeset.   Most  installations
                will  select the typed option here.  The page width and length
                for typeset resumes are based upon a particular type font, and
                the  installation  will  have  to arrange for insertion of the
                proper typesetting commands and for the shipping of the files.

              = 0, and if NUMBER1 is in the range  0  through  999,  then  the
                width and length of the pages will be based on the proportions
                of a particular type font.  More characters will be allowed on
                a  line  which  contains many narrow characters such as 1 or I
                than on lines which contain many wide characters such as M  or
                W.   The  tables  now  in  the program are for the Univers (no
                final letter e)  type  font  as  produced  on  a  Mergenthaler
                typesetter.   These  tables  were  obtained  by  measuring the
                widths of the characters on existing  typeset  resumes.   They
                are   not  based  upon  any  specifications  provided  by  the
                manufacturer of the typesetter.  Conversion  to  another  type
                font  would  be  much  easier if such tables could be obtained
                from the manufacturer.

              = 1 or greater, and if NUMBER1 is in the range  0  through  999,
                then  NUMBER3  is  the  maximum  number  of pages which can be
                included in a submitted resume which  will  be  typed  on  the
                letter  quality typewriter.  The width and length of the pages
                will be based on that appropriate for typing at 12  characters
                per  inch  and  6  lines per inch on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch page.
                Resumes to be included in the resume book should be limited to
                a  single  page.   However,  after  the  resume  book has been
                completed, the limit should probably be increased to 4  or  5.
                Putting  in  a  value  of  over 5 would be pointless since the
                array space in the program is dimensioned for a maximum of 300

      NUMBER4 = specifies the type of terminal which will be used by  most  of
                the  students  using this account.  This specifies the general
                type  of  display,  not  the  particular  brand  or  model  of
                terminal.   If some students use a different type of terminal,
                then these students will have to specify the type of  terminal
                which  they  are  using  each  time  that  they run the RESUME
                program.  The terminal type can be  changed  either  when  the
                RESUME  program asks if the student wants general instructions
                or any time the program asks the "WHAT  NEXT?"  question.   If
                NUMBER1  is  -1  or  less,  then NUMBER4 specifies the type of
                terminal which will be used  by  the  administrator  when  the
                RESUME program is used to edit submitted resumes.
20                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

        = 0, the terminal produces paper output or does not match any of
          the other terminal types supported by the RESUME program.

        = 1, the terminal is a video terminal which  scrolls  the  lines
          currently  being displayed upwards to display the new lines at
          the bottom and to discard the oldest lines at  the  top.   The
          terminal cannot clear the screen when a form feed character is
          issued.  The screen can display 24 lines of 80  columns  each.
          The  RESUME  program  will  scroll short dialogs but will stop
          whenever the screen fills and wait for the  student  to  press
          the  RETURN key when typing drafts or proofs of the resume and
          when typing lengthy help messages.  The  program  will  scroll
          the  next  page  of  text  onto  the  screen after the student
          presses the RETURN key.

        = 2, same as NUMBER4=1 except that the screen can be cleared  by
          issuing a form feed character.  The RESUME program will scroll
          short dialogs, but will clear the screen before typing  drafts
          or proofs of the resume and before typing lengthy instructions
          or help messages.  Whenever the screen fills  when  drafts  or
          proofs  or long help messages are being displayed, the program
          will stop and wait for the student to  press  the  RETURN  key
          before  clearing the screen again and then displaying the next
          page of text.

The accounts which can be used to run the programs are specified by name
on  the  DECsystem20.   Accounts  are  arranged in a tree structure with
periods separating the list of nodes.  The account names which appear to
the  right of the numbers in the validation file should be preceded by a
less than sign and followed by a greater than sign although any sequence
of  printing  characters which does not start with a left square bracket
is also taken to be an account name.   There  must  not  be  any  blanks
either between the leading less than sign and the name of the account or
within the name of the account.  The alphabetic letters A through  Z  in
the account names can appear in either upper or lower case.  An asterisk
can be included at the right end of the account name if any sequence  of
nodes  is  to  be  allowed  starting at that point.  A period can appear
between the names of the nodes to the left and the asterisk but  is  not
required.   In  order  to be matched, the name of the account being used
must include a node at the location of the asterisk.   An  account  name
consisting  only  of  nodes  to the left of the location of the asterisk
will not be matched.

For example,

1 0 0 0 <*>         !allows any account

1 0 0 0 <S.O>       !allows <S.O> but not <S.O.SMITH> or <S.O.JONES>

1 0 0 0 <S.O.*>     !allows <S.O.SMITH> and <S.O.JONES> but not <S.O>

1 0 0 0 <S.O*>      !same as the above

1 0 0 0 <S.O.SMITH> !allows <S.O.SMITH> but not <S.O> or <S.O.JONES>
      Validation of Accounts from which Programs are Run                    21

      The accounts which can be used to  run  the  program  are  specified  by
      numbers  on the DECsystem10.  Each purpose for which the computer can be
      used is assigned a project number and these project numbers  are  paired
      with  a  programmer  number  which identifies a particular person who is
      allowed to use the computer.  The project  and  programmer  numbers  are
      octal  numbers,  and  never include either of the decimal digits 8 or 9.
      Accounts are specified in the validation file by a left square  bracket,
      followed  by  the  project  number, a comma, the programmer number and a
      right square bracket.  Spaces can appear on either side of  the  numbers
      and  can  replace  the  separating  comma.   A  question mark can appear
      anywhere in either number where any digit is to be allowed.  An asterisk
      can  appear instead of a number if any number is to be allowed.  A comma
      can separate the asterisk from the other number but is not necessary.

      For example,

      1 0 0 0 [201,3556]  !allows programmer 3556 to use project 201

      1 0 0 0 [*,3556]    !allows programmer 3556 to use any project

      1 0 0 0 [*3556]     !same as the above

      1 0 0 0 [201,*]     !allows any programmer to use project 201

      1 0 0 0 [?01,*]     !allows any programmer to use project 1 or 101
                          !or 201 or 301 or 401 or 501 or 601 or 701
      1 0 0 0 [?01*]      !same as the above

                    ----- --- ------ ------- -- ------ ---------

      The students can be required to use a number and a password assigned  to
      them  by the administrator to identify themselves to the RESUME program.
      This feature is enabled by setting NUMBER2 to have the value  2  in  the
      entry  in  the RESUME.WHO file for the account or accounts being used by
      the students.   The  instructions  for  validating  accounts  should  be
      consulted for additional information.

      The numbers and the passwords by which the students identify  themselves
      to  the  RESUME  program  must  be specified by a file named PASWRD.XXX,
      where XXX is the class number.  There must be one of these files in  the
      resume  storage  account  for  each  class for which passwords are being
      assigned.  Each line in this file contains  a  number  followed  by  the
      associated  password.   An  exclamation  point followed by a comment can
      appear to the right of the password.  The comment might consist  of  the
      students'  names  to aid a visual search of the file, but the comment is
      ignored by the password checker in the RESUME program.  The file can  be
      terminated  by a line starting with an equal sign and containing nothing

      Although the password file could be constructed by  hand,  selection  of
      hundreds  of  such  passwords  soon  becomes  a  mental word association
      exercise.  Provided that a file which contains a  list  of  the  student
      names  and  any arbitrary text file containing at least several pages of
22                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

text are available, the RSMPSW program can be used to  select  words  at
random from the text file and assign these as passwords to the students.
Each line in the resulting  file  contains  a  number,  a  password,  an
exclamation point and the student's name.

The RSMPSW program also produces a second file  which  can  be  used  to
insert  the  student's  name,  number  and  password  into a form letter
telling the student how to gain access to the RESUME program.  This file
contains  2  lines for each student.  The student's name is on the first
line and the number and password are on the second line.  This  file  is
meant  to be processed, along with a file which describes the basic form
letter, by the FROFF word processor.   An  example  of  the  file  which
describes the basic form letter is shown below.

.open splice.loop;To:
.splice 1.skip
You will use the following number and password to identify
yourself when you run the RESUME program.
.skip.indent 5.splice 1.skip
This password was chosen at random from a list of common
short words.  You can type the number and the password on
the same line, or you can type the number on the first line,
and the password on the next line.
If you have any difficulties with the program, please
contact the RESUME program administrator.
.reset.end loop

The .OPEN SPLICE and .LOOP commands at the start of  the  file  and  the
.RESET  and  .END LOOP  commands  at  the  end  merely  prepare  for and
terminate each form letter respectively.  The .SPLICE  1  commands  each
insert  the  contents  of the next line from the second file produced by
the RSMPSW program at that point into the letter.

The file of student names which is processed by the RSMPSW program  must
contain only 1 name per line.  The maximum length of a single name is 40
characters, counting each of the spaces between words.   The  names  are
copied into the resulting files in the order in which they appear in the
original file.  It is suggested that these names should have been sorted
in alphabetical order before they are processed by the RSMPSW program so
that a visual search can be used to locate  the  entry  belonging  to  a
particular  student.   It should be noted that the RSMMIX program is not
meant to be used for sorting these names.

The RSMPSW program can  extract  passwords  from  any  text  file  which
contains  enough  words  so  that  the same password does not have to be
assigned to many students.  The RSMPSW program would  operate  correctly
even  if  this  file  only  contained  a  single word, but the resulting
duplication of passwords wouldn't really  be  acceptable.   However,  it
doesn't matter if a few of the students have the same password, since it
is only the combination of number and password  which  must  be  unique.
The  lines in the file can each contain up to 80 characters.  Only words
containing from 4  to  8  letters  each  are  used  as  passwords.   The
passwords  can  also  be  based  upon the file named RSMPSW.DAT which is
supplied with this package.  The RSMPSW.DAT file contains 5000 different
      Using the RSMPSW Program to Assign Passwords                          23

      words 4 to 8 letters in length sorted by the frequency of the appearance
      of these words in a variety of text  files  which  originally  contained
      over 7.5 million words.

      The RSMPSW program is able to skip over any number of initial  words  in
      the  file  from  which  the  passwords  are being extracted.  The RSMPSW
      program stores 250 words read from the file in a hopper.  The  passwords
      are  selected from this hopper at random and are then discarded from the
      hopper.  If only a fraction of the words in the file are being  used  as
      passwords,  then the words which are to be discarded without having been
      used are also selected at random from the hopper.  When  the  hopper  is
      empty,  the  next  group of words read from the file are placed into the
      hopper.  Once all of the words in the original file have been processed,
      the  hopper  is  filled  with  words from the start of the original file
      again.  Duplicates are discarded each time the hopper is filled,  but  a
      password  assigned  in  1 filling of the hopper might have appeared in a
      previous filling of the hopper.

      The RSMPSW program asks the following questions.


      These questions merely establish the names of the various files.  On the
      DECsystem10  and DECsystem20 computers, these file names must consist of
      1 to 6 letters or digits, a period which must be typed, and an  optional
      1 to 3 letters or digits.


      Either zero or a positive integer should be typed in  response  to  this
      question.   The  number  is used to select the sequence of numbers which
      are returned by the random number generator.


      Discarding the initial passwords is really useful only if a single large
      file  containing  many possible passwords is being used repeatedly.  The
      number typed here would then be the number of  passwords  processed  the
      last  time  that  passwords were selected from the file.  If a different
      file is being used, or if a different sampling interval selected by  the
      next  question  is being used, or if the file was scanned more than once
      the last time, then 0 should be typed here.


      If the same large file containing many possible passwords is being  used
      repeatedly,  and  if  the  contents  of  this file might be known by the
      students, then a portion of the possible passwords can  be  rejected  to
      make  guessing  the  passwords  based  upon  the  known  contents of the
      original file more difficult.  If either 0 or 1 is typed here, then  all
      of  the  passwords  in  the  file  will  be  used until enough have been
      obtained.  If a number greater than 1 is typed here, then  this  is  the
24                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

number  of  possible  passwords which are discarded each time 1 is used.
If 10 is typed here, then only 1 out of 10 possible passwords is used.


The answers to these questions are used to obtain the numbers which  are
assigned to the students.  If the initial number is 10 and the increment
is 5, then the students would be assigned the numbers 10,  15,  20,  25,

                      PREPARATION FOR STUDENT USE
                      ----------- --- ------- ---

Preparation for the use of the student resume system  on  a  DECsystem20
computer is described below.

 1.  Build the account in  which  the  resumes  will  be  stored.   This
     account should have the following characteristics:

     A.  Disk storage allocation of about 2  pages  per  student.   Most
         resumes  require just 1 page, but some require 2, and there has
         to be room for a modest set of deleted  former  versions  which
         have  not  yet been expunged.  There should also be enough disk
         allocation for a duplicate set of resumes for any class.   This
         is  necessary  since  the RSMADM program produces a new copy of
         each resume each time that the resume changes state.

     B.  Default  file  protection  of  776400.   This  prevents   other
         accounts  from  using  the  directory commands to find out what
         files are in the account.  The files can be overwritten by  new

     C.  Directory protection of 774400.  This allows  accounts  in  the
         proper  user  group  to write new files into the resume storage

     D.  Directory group the same as the  user  group  of  the  accounts
         which  will  run  the  RESUME program.  If this cannot be done,
         then  make  sure  that  the  right  2  digits  of  the  various
         protection  codes  are  all  the  same  as  the middle 2 digits
         instead of 00.

     E.  The resume storage account must contain several files which are
         to be read from the students' accounts, but which should not be
         able to be rewritten from these accounts.  These  files  should
         have 775200 protection.
      Preparation for Student Use                                           25

               MESAGE.XXX  optional initial messages for class XXX
               PASWRD.XXX  optional passwords for class XXX
               RESUME.DIR  required to  run  RSMADM  program.   This  file  is
                           created   by   the  batch  job  controlled  by  the
                           RESUME.CTL file.
               RESUME.WHO  required to validate accounts
               RESUME.WRD  optional file used by RSMMIX program.
               SCHOOL.XXX  optional EDUCATION section for class XXX

               The contents of these files are  described  elsewhere  in  this

           F.  The following file should be stored in an account  which  is  a
               parent of the resume storage account.

               RESUME.CTL  file which controls the batch job which  creates  a
                           directory  file  in  the  resume  storage  account,
                           expunges the resume storage account,  then  submits
                           itself to be run again later.

       2.  Insert the name of the account where the  resumes  will  be  stored
           into  the  DATA statement which defines the NUMDIR character string
           in the BLOCK DATA routine.   This  character  string  must  contain
           exactly 40 characters.  Fill out the right end of the string beyond
           the end of the name with spaces.  Do not include the less than  and
           greater than signs in the name.

       3.  If the resume storage account already exists, delete any resumes in
           it from the previous graduating class.

       4.  Validate an account or accounts to act as the  various  classes  of
           administrator  by inserting their account names into the RESUME.WHO
           file.   Instructions  for  validating  these  accounts  are   given
           elsewhere in this manual.

       5.  If this is the first year that these particular students  have  run
           the  RESUME  program,  validate  their accounts by inserting a line
           describing their accounts into the RESUME.WHO file.

       6.  If the students are all to use a single account to run  the  RESUME
           program,  set up this account.  It should be in the same user group
           as the directory group of the resume storage account.  Insert  this
           account  name  into  the  RESUME.WHO  file  and  indicate  that the
           students must use passwords to run the RESUME program.

       7.  If the passwords are to be assigned to the  students,  rather  than
           selected  by  the students, then construct a file named PASWRD.XXX,
           where XXX is the class number, in the resume storage account.  This
           should  have 775200 protection.  This file can be constructed using
           the RSMPSW program, or by hand using a text editor.   The  contents
           of  this  file  and  the  use  of  the RSMPSW program are described
           elsewhere in this manual.
26                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

 8.  If resumes from the previous year are to be used again,  but  words
     which  were  entirely  capitalized  are  to  have  the  second  and
     following letters converted to lower case, then  construct  a  file
     named RESUME.WRD containing any words which are to be left entirely
     in upper case.  The contents of the RESUME.WRD file  are  described
     elsewhere  in  this manual.  Then run the RSMMIX program to perform
     the conversion on all words except those listed in  the  RESUME.WRD

 9.  If the resumes from the previous year are to be used again,  change
     the  validation  of  the student accounts in the RESUME.WHO file to
     indicate whether the final output is to be typed or typeset.

10.  If this is the first year that the students in this class have used
     the RESUME program, construct a file named SCHOOL.XXX, where XXX is
     the class number, which describes the degree program in  which  the
     students  are  enrolled.   The  first  line should contain only the
     EDUCATION section name.  The next lines should define the  contents
     of  the  start of the EDUCATION section.  An asterisk should appear
     at the start of each line which is also to start a new line in  the
     finished  resume.  If the second line starts with an asterisk, then
     it will appear 1 line below the section name in the resume.  If  it
     does  not  start  with an asterisk, then it will appear on the same
     line but to the right of the section  name.   Use  circumflexes  in
     front  of each word of the school name to indicate that these words
     are to be darkened.  The final line should contain  only  an  equal

     The SCHOOL.XXX file should define no more lines than will require 7
     lines  to  be displayed on the terminal, allowing 80 characters per
     line and the use of an extra  line  below  underlined  or  darkened
     letters.  A .PAGE POSITION +9 command in the rough form of the help
     messages for the RESUME program adjusts  the  count  of  the  lines
     displayed  on  the  screen  to  allow room for the insertion of the
     description of  the  degree  program  in  which  the  students  are
     currently  enrolled  and room for blank lines before and after this
     description.  If more lines  would  be  required,  then  the  .PAGE
     POSITION  command  will  have  to  be changed correspondingly where
     these lines are displayed, and the rough form of the help  messages
     will  have  to  be reprocessed by the FORMAT program to produce new
     FORTRAN source code.

     A typical SCHOOL.XXX file is shown below.

     *Candidate for Master's degree in Business
     Administration (MBA), 1985.

     The asterisk at the start of the line containing  the  school  name
     forces  the school name to appear on the line below the name of the
     section.  If this asterisk is removed, then the name of the  school
     would  appear  on  the  same line as, and to the right of, the word
      Preparation for Student Use                                           27


      11.  If the printing service is to have its own account, build  it  with
           the  same  default  file  protection  code  and  the same directory
           protection code as  were  used  for  the  resume  storage  account.
           Insert  the  name of this account into the definition of the NUMYPS
           character string in  the  BLOCK  DATA  routine.   If  this  account
           already  exists,  clean  out  any  old  resumes  left over from the
           previous year.

      12.  Replace the account named in the RESUME.CTL  file  by  the  current
           name  of  the resume storage account.  Either in the resume storage
           account, or preferably from an  account  higher  in  the  directory
           tree,  submit the RESUME.CTL to run a batch job.  This expunges the
           resume storage account, writes a new version of the directory  file
           RESUME.DIR into the resume storage account, and resubmits itself to
           run again later.  The time until the next run of the batch job must
           be short enough that the resume storage account will not run out of
           disk space until then.  A half hour interval is suggested.

      13.  Compile,  load  and   save   the   RESUME   program,   the   RSMADM
           administrative  program,  the  RSMSRT name sorting program, and the
           RSMMIX case conversion program.  Rename or copy the resulting  .EXE
           files  into  the  system  storage  account.   If the resume storage
           account and the printing service account are  unchanged,  then  the
           versions of these files from the previous year can still be used.

      14.  If the students  will  be  sharing  a  single  account,  then  some
           students  will  probably  type  the  login password when the RESUME
           program itself asks for a password.  To protect against  this,  log
           into  the  shared  account,  use  the RESUME program to construct a
           dummy resume which can be accessed using the  login  password,  and
           then use the RSMADM program to block further access to this resume.

                     ------------ --- ----- --- ------ -------

      The RSMADM program is used by the administrator to list the authors  and
      the states of the resumes, to change the states of the resumes, to proof
      the resumes, to rename  the  resumes,  to  copy  the  resumes  into  the
      printing  service  account,  and  to block the resumes from further use.
      The program asks for the administrator to identify the function which is
      to be performed, then asks for the administrator to specify the criteria
      by which the resumes are to be selected.  The resumes  can  be  selected
      individually by class and by password or account number, or else a group
      of resumes can be selected by some combination of class,  date  of  last
      modification  and  state.   A group of resumes can either be selected in
      the order in which they appear in the directory of  the  resume  storage
      account,  or  can  be  selected  in  predetermined  order  based upon an
      alphabetic sort of the students' names.
28                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

Specifying the Function to be Performed

     The program first asks the following  question  to  determine  what
     function is to be performed.

     Specify 1 number to select among following functions
     1=List student names, status and numbers in output file
     6=Proof and unsubmit
     7=Change number or password or class of resume file
     8=Block file from any further use

     The functions which are  selected  by  the  numbers  are  described
     below.   The  program  can only perform one of these functions each
     time it is run.  The program will have to be run again if a  second
     function is to be performed.

       1  List the author, the status and the  numbers  identifying  the
          resume.   These  will be written both to the terminal and into
          an output file named RESUME.LST

       2  Unsubmit the resume.  The resume  can  originally  be  in  any

       3  Submit the resume.  The resume can originally be in any state.
          The resulting resume will be in the SUBMITTED state even if it
          was in a later state such as EDITED or TRANSMITTED.

       4  Proof the resume.  The program will ask for the  administrator
          to specify the type of proofs which are desired.

       5  Transmit the resume.  Later, when the resume is  about  to  be
          transmitted,  the  program  will  ask for the administrator to
          select a number by which  the  typesetter  can  refer  to  the
          resume.   The  transmitted  file  will have this number as its
          name, nothing more.  Neither .DOC nor .LST nor  anything  else
          will  appear to the right of the number used as the file name.
          If the administrator assigns the number 12 to the resume, then
          the name of the transmitted file will be just 12.  This number
          does not correspond to and has no correlation with the 6 digit
          number  by  which the administrator identifies which resume is
          to be transmitted.

       6  Proof and unsubmit the resume.  This combines the proofing and
          unsubmitting functions in a single function.  After the resume
          book has been completed, some students want to customize their
          resumes  for  particular  companies.  If the resume collection
          was typeset, then the RESUME.WHO file will  also  have  to  be
          changed to allow typed resumes.  The students can submit their
          resumes to  indicate  that  they  want  the  administrator  to
          produce  new  copies  of  their  resumes  typed  on the letter
      Instructions for Using the RSMADM Program                             29

                quality typewriter.  After the new  copies  have  been  typed,
                this  function  unsubmits  the  resumes  so  that  they can be
                modified further.  If  the  RSMADM  program  is  run  from  an
                account  which  is  validated  for  use by the word processing
                office, rather than by the administrator, then  this  function
                is selected automatically.

             7  Change the 6 digit number or password which  can  be  used  to
                access  the  resume or change the class number associated with
                the resume.  This copies the file giving the copy a new  name.
                The administrator will be asked which type of naming scheme is
                to be used for the new  file.   The  names  will  depend  upon
                whether  the  students  run  from  their  own accounts without
                passwords, or use passwords assigned by the administrator,  or
                select  their  own passwords.  The administrator will be asked
                to specify the new password and/or the new  number,  whichever
                is  appropriate, for each resume which is renamed.  The resume
                will be copied into a new file with the number as its name  or
                with  a  number  based upon the password as its name.  The old
                file is also rewritten  and  is  marked  internally  as  being
                replaced.   The  existence  of the old file will be ignored if
                the RESUME program is used to access it again.

             8  Block the resume from further use.  The student will  be  told
                to contact the administrator if the student attempts to access
                this resume from an individual account or  using  an  assigned
                password.   If  the  student is selecting a password, then the
                RESUME program will tell the student  to  select  a  different
                password.   A  blocked  resume  might  be  used to prevent any
                student from selecting the login password as the password used
                within the RESUME program to select an individual resume.

           If either function 4 or 6 which produce proofs of  the  resumes  is
           chosen, then the administrator will be asked the following question
           to determine the format of the resumes.


           The answer to this question  selects  the  overall  format  of  the
           resumes  which  are  generated.  The administrator must select 1 of
           the following formats.

           CONTINUOUS  If the final copies of the resumes will be included  in
                the  typed  resume  book.  The resume for each student will be
                typed on a separate page.  No page  breaks  will  be  inserted
                into  resumes  which  are  longer than 60 lines and the letter
                quality typewriter will not enforce 60 lines per  page.   This
                usually allows resumes which have increased in length slightly
                due to editing by the administrator to still fit onto a single
                sheet of paper.

           PAGED  For resumes which have been individually  requested  by  the
                students  after  the resume book has been finished.  The pages
                will be the same size as  in  the  typed  resume  book.   Long
                resumes will be split into multiple pages.
30                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

     TYPESET  For checking resumes which will  be  typeset.   The  lines
          will  be divided the same as in the typeset resume book.  Long
          resumes will not be split into multiple pages.

     If either function 4 or 6 is chosen, then  the  administrator  will
     also  be  asked  the  following  question  to determine the type of
     output device which will be used to type or print the proofs of the


     Bold or darkened lettering must be indicated quite  differently  on
     the  fast  printer  than  on the letter quality typewriter.  On the
     fast printer, it is sufficient to merely print the line  containing
     the  characters  to be darkened several times.  The fast printer is
     imprecise enough that  the  several  strikes  of  the  letter  blur
     sufficiently  to give dark letters.  The letter quality typewriter,
     however, types each strike exactly over the other so  that,  except
     for  filling  in any gaps in the strokes that form the letters, the
     second and subsequent strikes do  not  make  the  letters  visually
     darker.   Therefore,  for  the  letter quality typewriter, a second
     strike is made exactly over the first strike, then the third strike
     is  offset  by 1/120th inch.  The various types of boldfacing which
     are available are selected by the following responses.

     NONE  If  the  resumes  are  not  to  include  either  bolding   or

     PRINTER  If bolding and underlining  are  to  be  included  in  the
          resumes and the resumes will be printed on the fast printer.

     TYPEWRITER  If bolding and underlining are to be  included  in  the
          resumes  and  the  resumes will be typed on the letter quality

     If function 7 which copies the resume into  a  new  file  having  a
     different  name is chosen, then the administrator will be asked the
     following question to determine the manner in which the  new  files
     are named.

     Type 1 number to select type of account students will use
     1=Students run from own accounts without passwords
     2=Students use passwords assigned by administrator
     3=Students select their own passwords

     The names of  the  files  in  which  the  resumes  are  stored  are
     constructed from the class number and a number which identifies the
     account from which the resume was entered or which is based upon  a
     password  chosen  by  the student or which is assigned along with a
     password to the student.  Function 7  could  be  chosen  to  change
     either  or  both of these numbers.  The program will report if some
     other resume has already been created which corresponds to the  new
     numbers.  The administrator must type 1 of the following numbers in
     response to this question to select the type of account which  will
      Instructions for Using the RSMADM Program                             31

           be used in the future to access the resumes.

             1  If the students in the new class use their own  accounts.   It
                will   be   necessary  for  the  administrator  to  add  lines
                specifying the new classes which are  to  be  associated  with
                these  accounts  to  the  RESUME.WHO  file.   These lines must
                appear before the lines which specify the  default  class  for
                the  group  of  accounts containing these particular accounts.
                The program will ask for the  new  class  number  and  student
                number  for  each  resume.   If  a file already exits for this
                class number and student number, then the  administrator  will
                be asked to specify a different student number.

             2  If the students in the  new  class  use  passwords  which  are
                assigned  to  them by the administrator.  The program will ask
                for the new class number, new student number and new  password
                which  are  to  be  associated  with  each  resume.  If a file
                already exits for this class number and student  number,  then
                the administrator will be asked to specify a different student

             3  If the students in the new  class  use  passwords  which  they
                themselves  select.   The  program  will ask for the new class
                number and password for each resume.  If a file already exists
                for this class number and the 6 digit number which the program
                calculates from the password, then the administrator  will  be
                asked to specify a different password.

           The program then asks the question shown below to determine whether
           the  resumes  will be selected individually, or will be selected by
           some combination of class, state and date of last modification.


           The administrator should respond by typing either of the  following

           YES  If the resumes will be specified individually by class and  by
                either  password  chosen by the student, or number assigned by
                the administrator or the account number.

            NO  If a group of the resumes which match certain criteria are  to
                be processed.

      Specifying Criteria for Selection of a Group of Resumes

           If a  group  of  resumes  which  match  certain  criteria  will  be
           selected, then the following question is asked to determine whether
           these resumes will be selected in the order in  which  the  resumes
           appear  in  the  directory  or in alphabetical order based upon the
           students' names.
32                                           RESUME Program Office Guide


     The administrator should respond by typing either of the  following

     YES  If the resumes are to be processed in the  alphabetical  order
          based  upon the students' names.  The RSMADM program must have
          been run previously with function 1 having  been  selected  to
          obtain a list of the students in the file name RESUME.LST, and
          the RSMSRT program must have been run to sort  the  names  and
          write  them  into a file named RESUME.SRT.  Only those resumes
          which were selected when the RSMADM program was run to  obtain
          the  list in the RESUME.LST file can be selected this time.  A
          more stringent set of criteria might be specified this time to
          obtain  some  subset  of  the resumes listed in the RESUME.SRT
          file.  For example, the RESUME.SRT file might list all of  the
          students in a particular class, but only the submitted resumes
          might be selected to be processed this time.

      NO  If the resumes are to be selected in the order  in  which  the
          files  containing  the  resumes  are  listed in the file named
          RESUME.DIR which is stored in the resume storage account.  The
          RESUME.DIR  file  is  created  by  the  batch  job  which also
          expunges deleted files from the resume storage account.

     The program will  ask  whichever  of  the  following  questions  is
     appropriate to determine the class number or numbers of the resumes
     which are to be processed.


     The administrator can respond by typing either  the  number  -1  or
     from 1 to 10 class numbers.  These responses are described below.

      -1  To allow all classes to be included.  It is assumed that other
          criteria  will  be  used to select the resumes which are to be
          processed.  If the resumes are being processed in alphabetical
          order,  then only those resumes which were originally selected
          when RSMADM was run to obtain the original list are candidates
          for selection now.

     One to ten numbers.  Resumes for any of these  classes  which  meet
          the  other  criteria  will  be  processed.  If the resumes are
          being processed in alphabetical order, then only those resumes
          which  were  originally selected when RSMADM was run to obtain
          the original list are candidates for  selection  now.   Commas
          are  allowed  between  the  numbers  in  the  list but are not
          required.  All of the class numbers must be typed on a  single
      Instructions for Using the RSMADM Program                             33


           The program then asks the following  question  to  determine  which
           state  or  states  are  to  be processed.  Resumes which are in any
           states which are not specified will be rejected.

           Type 1 or more of the following numbers
           Type -1 for all states DRAFT through TRANSMITTED.

           Usually the REPLACED and BLOCKED states would not be selected.   In
           order  to  process  resumes  which  are  in the REPLACED or BLOCKED
           states, either the resumes must be selected individually, or  these
           states  must  be  asked  for  explicitly.   All  8  states could be
           obtained either by typing the values 0 through 7 on a single  line,
           or  by  typing  the values -1, 0 And 7.  Commas are allowed between
           the numbers in the list but are not required.   All  of  the  state
           numbers must be typed on a single line.

           Finally, the administrator will be asked to  specify  the  earliest
           and latest dates for the most recent modifications of resumes which
           are to be included.


           These dates can be specified in any conventional notation.  October
           20,   1983   could   be   represented   by  any  of  the  following
           specifications, among others.

           October 20 1983
           October 20, 1983
           20 October 83

           Either the full 4 digits or just the rightmost 2 digits of the year
           can  be given.  The full month name or just the first 3 letters can
           be used.  The month  name  can  be  either  capitalized  or  formed
           entirely  of small letters.  The date of last modification could be
           used to reject resumes which were  started  the  previous  year  by
           students who have since dropped out of school.
34                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

Selecting an Individual Resume

     If individual resumes rather than a group are being selected,  then
     the  program  will  ask one of the following questions to determine
     the class number.


     The program will next ask the administrator the following  question
     to identify the first resume to be processed.


     The administrator should respond by typing  one  of  the  following

      -2  If the students have selected  their  own  passwords  and  the
          administrator wishes to use one of these passwords to identify
          a particular resume.   The  program  will  then  ask  for  the
          password.   During  the  same  run of the RSMADM program, some
          resumes might be selected by password and  others  by  number.
          Resumes  for which the administrator assigned passwords to the
          students cannot be selected by passwords.

      -1  To exit from the program.

       0  or greater,  up  to  a  maximum  of  999999.   To  select  the
          particular  resume  for  which this is the identifying number.
          It makes no difference whether this number is based  upon  the
          individual account being used to enter the resume, or is based
          upon the password, or was assigned along with  a  password  by
          the administrator.

     The above question is  asked  again  after  each  resume  has  been
     processed.   The  administrator  can  merely  press  the RETURN key
     without having typed any other response to return to  the  question
     concerning which class is to be selected.
      Instructions for Using the RSMADM Program                             35

      Specifying New Class/Account/Password if Renaming Resumes

           If the resumes are being copied with new names,  and  if  passwords
           are  used  for  the  new files, then the program will ask for a new
           password for each file.


           The password can consist of 1 or several words but must be no  more
           than 20 characters in length counting the spaces between words as 1
           character each.  The password cannot be formed from any  characters
           other  than  the  alphabetic  letters  A through Z and the digits 0
           through 9.

           This password can either have been chosen by the  student  or  have
           been  assigned  by  the administrator.  Regardless of who chose the
           password, if the other students in the new  class  have  also  been
           assigned passwords, then the administrator will be asked to specify
           a number to be used with the password.  If the students are running
           the  RESUME  program  from  their own individual accounts, then the
           administrator must identify the programmer number of each of  these
           accounts.   This  question is not asked if the students are allowed
           to choose their own passwords.


           The administrator can type the value -1 in response to the  request
           for  the  new  student number to retain the same number as was used
           for the original file.

           If  the  resumes  are  being  copied  with  new  names,  then   the
           administrator  will also be asked to specify the new class for each
           resume which is copied.


           The administrator can type the value -1 in response to the  request
           for  the  new  class  to  retain the same class as was used for the
           original resume.

      Specifying Names of the Transmitted Files

           If the resumes are being copied into the printing service  account,
           but  are  not  being  copied  in  a  preselected  order,  then  the
           administrator will be asked to specify a number which is to be used
           as  the  name of the transmitted resume.  This question will not be
           asked if the resumes are being transmitted in a preselected order.


           The administrator can type -1 in response to the  request  for  the
           number  to be used as the name of the transmitted file to have this
           number be the same as the 6 digit number  which  identifies  either
           the account used to enter the resume or the password used to access
36                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

     the resume.

                     PRODUCTION OF THE RESUME BOOK
                     ---------- -- --- ------ ----

The various procedures which must be  performed  to  produce  the  typed
resume book are described below.  Where references are made to the staff
of the publications office, these are the people who will be editing the
the  resumes,  both  for  style  and  correctness.   The  resume book is
produced for  the  placement  office.   The  placement  office  has  the
ultimate say as to which resumes are included in the book.

The list given here should be used only as a general guide.  The  actual
sequence  of  events will depend greatly on human factors:  for example,
upon whether some students request that  exceptions  be  made  for  them
after  the  deadlines;  upon  whether the placement office asks that the
list of students be modified; and upon how many times the  resumes  have
to  be  proofed,  edited  and  transmitted.   It  is  essential that the
administrator understand why the various  operations  are  performed  so
that exceptions can be handled easily.

 1.  After the deadline for the submission of all  resumes  has  passed,
     check the terminal room to see if any students are still putting in
     their resumes.  If so, urge them to finish.

 2.  Issue the monitor command SYSTAT ALL  which  will  list  all  users
     currently  on  the  system.   Check  the type-out to insure that no
     student is still running the RESUME program.

 3.  In the RESUME.WHO file in the  file  storage  account,  change  the
     second  number  on  each  line  which  validates  the students just
     completing their resumes to the value -1.  This prevents them  from
     running  the  program  again,  but  gives  them the messages in the
     MESAGE.XXX file, where XXX is the class number with leading  zeros,
     before  kicking  them off.  This prevents the students from getting
     paper copies of their submitted resumes while the resumes are being
     edited by the publications office staff.

 4.  Change the message in the MESAGE.XXX file to tell the  students  in
     the  class  that the program is closed to them.  They will see this
     message if they try to run the RESUME  program  and  will  then  be
     kicked out of the program.

 5.  Make a copy of all of the resume files for  the  current  class  in
     another account just in case you goof up somewhere.

 6.  Run the RSMADM program and ask for a list of all of the students in
     the  current  class.   When  the  program  asks  for  the  earliest
     modification date which is to be  accepted,  give  a  date  just  a
     little  before  the start of the period when the students could run
     the RESUME program this time.  This will reject  any  resumes  from
     students who were in the class the previous year but who have since
     dropped out.  The list of students will be written to a  file  name
      Production of the Resume Book                                         37

       7.  If some students  have  worked  on  their  resumes,  but  have  not
           submitted them, then some of these may still have to be included in
           the resume collection.  The question of what to do with unsubmitted
           resumes   is   complicated  when  the  students  select  their  own
           passwords.  Some of the students will compose several  resumes  and
           then  only  submit  one.   Other  students  will practice using the
           program, then enter their real  resumes  with  different  passwords
           rather  than  just cancelling the practice resumes.  Some will just
           have forgotten to submit their resumes.

           The RSMADM program will have to be used to produce  proofs  of  the
           unsubmitted  resumes.   Some  of  these  resumes  can  obviously be
           discarded.  For example, any resume which does  not  start  with  a
           student's  name  can  be  discarded.   An  unsubmitted resume which
           starts with the name of a student who also submitted another resume
           can  also  be  discarded.  The resumes should be discarded by using
           the RSMADM program to transfer them into a  class  number  reserved
           for junk.  The students responsible for the rest of the unsubmitted
           resumes should be contacted to determine whether they  just  forgot
           to  submit  their  resumes.   If  some  of  these resumes are to be
           included in the resume collection, then the RSMADM  program  should
           be used to submit these resumes.  Alternatively, the RESUME program
           can be opened up again for awhile and the students can be asked  to
           finish their resumes and submit them.

           Finally, when all questions concerning the unsubmitted resumes have
           been resolved, run the RSMADM program again to produce a fresh list
           of the students.

       8.  Run the RSMSRT program to sort the student names in the  RESUME.LST
           file  which was produced by the RSMADM program.  The RSMSRT program
           will write a file named RESUME.SRT which  will  list  the  students
           sorted  by  last  name.   The  program  is  able  to recognize most
           suffixes of the names, such as II or Jr., but if an unusual  suffix
           is  used,  this could be treated as a last name causing the student
           to be out of alphabetical order.  The RSMSRT program has its  array
           space  dimensioned  for 400 students.  The appearance of 400 in the
           DIMENSION and DATA statements will have to be  increased  if  there
           are  more  than  400  students who must be included in alphabetical
           order in a single resume collection.  Type at least 3 copies of the
           RESUME.SRT file.

       9.  Run the RSMADM program to produce proofs of the resumes for all  of
           the  students  in  the  class.   When  the program asks whether the
           resumes are to be processed in a preselected order,  respond  "YES"
           so  that  these  can  be processed in the order in which these were
           sorted by the RSMSRT program.   The  CONTINUOUS  format  should  be
           selected with bolding for the TYPEWRITER.

           Follow the directions given later in this manual for  typing  these
           resumes  on the letter quality typewriter.  Photocopy the resulting
           resumes and give the photocopy of the resumes and  1  copy  of  the
           printout  of  the  RESUME.SRT file to the placement office staff so
           that they can verify that the list is correct.  Give the  originals
           of  the resumes and 2 copies of the printout of the RESUME.SRT file
38                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

     to the publications office staff who will be editing the resumes.

10.  Modify the RESUME.WHO file, if necessary, so that the account  used
     by  the  publications  office is listed as an administrator for the
     current class.  If they will only be doing editing but will not  be
     using  the  RSMADM  program  themselves, then do not give them full
     administrator privileges.

11.  If some students come in and say that they forgot  to  enter  their
     resumes,  some  provision  will have to be made to insure that they
     can enter their resumes.  If the  administrator  is  not  concerned
     that  other students who did not submit their resumes might use the
     opportunity of the RESUME program being opened to enter  their  own
     resumes,  then all that is necessary is to change the entry for the
     class in the RESUME.WHO file so that the class can run  the  RESUME
     program again.  In a class of about 150 persons, usually at least 1
     will have forgotten to enter a resume during  the  official  period
     but will then become very concerned afterwards.

     About 5 to 10 people in a class of  150  will  discover  errors  in
     their  resumes  after  the deadline has passed.  Unless the resumes
     require a lot of modification, it is usually easiest  to  have  the
     administrator  make these changes for the students.  If the changes
     have to be made by the students, then the administrator  will  have
     to  run  the RSMADM program to unsubmit the resumes which are to be

     The following instructions suggest how to open the  RESUME  program
     to particular students but keep it closed to other students who did
     not submit their resumes.

     If the students are using their own individual accounts,  then  all
     that  is  necessary  is  to add lines opening their accounts to the
     RESUME.WHO file.  These lines would have to appear before the lines
     which  specify  the group of accounts used by the students since by
     now the group of accounts is closed to the RESUME program.

     If the students have been running from a single  account  and  were
     using  passwords  which  were  assigned  to  them,  then it will be
     necessary to move or copy the lines which define the passwords  for
     the  students who are still allowed to run the program to the start
     of the PASWRD.XXX file, where XXX stands for the class number,  and
     to  insert a line containing only an equal sign between these lines
     and the lines which specify the passwords  which  are  not  active.
     The  rest  of the lines, and in particular the line containing just
     an equal sign at the end of the file, should be  retained  so  that
     the  entire  list of students can be allowed access later merely by
     removing the line containing the equal sign which was inserted into
     the  middle  of  the  file.   The  line  which specifies the shared
     account in the RESUME.WHO file will also  have  to  be  changed  to
     allow use of the RESUME program again.

     If the students have been running from a single  account  and  have
     been  selecting  their  own passwords, then it will be necessary to
     change the entry in the RESUME.WHO file so that  the  students  use
      Production of the Resume Book                                         39

           assigned  passwords  instead.   Also,  this  line  will  have to be
           changed to allow use of the RESUME program.  A PASWRD.XXX file will
           have  to be created which contains the passwords which the students
           selected.  The numbers which appear to the left of the passwords in
           this  file  must be the 6 digit numbers to which the RESUME program
           converts the passwords.  A listing  of  either  the  RESUME.LST  or
           RESUME.SRT   file   can  be  consulted  to  obtain  these  numbers.
           Alternatively, either the RESUME program or the RSMADM program  can
           be  run by the administrator to obtain these numbers.  The students
           will have to be told the  values  of  the  6  digit  numbers.   The
           students  who  will be starting or changing their resumes after the
           deadline will have to use both the numbers and the passwords to run
           the  RESUME  program.   It  is not necessary that the administrator
           change the files which contain the resumes in  any  way.   Although
           both  the  number  and  the password appear in each resume file, it
           makes no difference to the programs whether an assigned  number  is
           selected at random by the administrator or is the same as the value
           which the program would produce when it constructs a  number  based
           upon the password.  Later, to open the RESUME program to all of the
           students after the resume book has been completed, it will only  be
           necessary to change the single line entry in the RESUME.WHO file to
           allow student selected passwords again and to delete the PASWRD.XXX

      12.  If the placement office decides that some of the students who  have
           entered their resumes are not entitled to have their resumes in the
           resume book, then the RSMADM program will have to be run for  these
           students  to  move  their resumes to some other class or to a class
           reserved for junk resumes.  It is suggested that the class  numbers
           should  be  based  upon  the right 2 digits of the expected year of
           graduation for the class and that the hundreds digit  indicate  the
           type of account being used.

           For example, the following class numbers might be  chosen  for  the
           class of '85.

             85 if the student is running from the shared account.

            185 if the student is running from an  individual  account.   This
                account  is a member of a group of similar individual accounts
                used by the members of this class.

           Students who were using their own accounts for the  original  class
           will  continue  to  use  their  own  accounts  for  the  new class.
           Students who were using a shared account  for  the  original  class
           will  have  to use the different shared account which is being used
           for the new class.

           In most cases if the students chose their own passwords to run  the
           RESUME  program,  then  their original passwords can continue to be
           used for the new class.   If  a  password  already  being  used  by
           someone  else in the new class matches their old password, then the
           RSMADM program will block the transfer and will  require  that  the
           administrator  select  another  password.  The RESUME.WHO file does
           not have to be changed, but the students will have to be  told  how
40                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

     to  gain  access to the shared account being used for the new class
     and will have to be told the new  passwords  if  these  had  to  be

     If numbers and passwords were assigned to the  students,  then  the
     lines defining the passwords must be moved from the PASWRD.XXX file
     for the old class to that of  the  new  class.   Since  the  number
     portion  of each combination of number and password assigned by the
     administrator must be unique within the class, it  is  likely  that
     the  administrator  will have to pick a new number but the password
     can be left unchanged even if it duplicates a password  already  in
     use  in  the  new  class.   The RESUME.WHO file does not have to be
     changed, but the students will have to be told how to  gain  access
     to the shared account being used for the new class and will have to
     be told what the new numbers are.

     If the student has been using an individual account,  then  a  line
     must  be  inserted  into  the  RESUME.WHO  file  defining  the  new
     association of the account with the class number.  This  line  must
     be  inserted  before  the line which defines the class for students
     using similar accounts.  The student will not see any change.

     The following is a typical set  of  account  validations  from  the
     RESUME.WHO file.

     -3 1 999 2 <S.D.BARTH>  !ADMINISTRATOR
     84 1 0 2 <S.RESUME.84>  !CLASS OF 84 SHARED ACCOUNT
     85 1 1 2 <S.RESUME.85>  !CLASS OF 85 SHARED ACCOUNT
     184 0 0 2 <S.O.SMITH>   !CLASS OF 84, OTHERWISE IN 85
     185 0 1 2 <S.E.JONES>   !CLASS OF 85, OTHERWISE IN 84
     184 0 0 2 <S.E.*>       !CLASS OF 84 INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS
     185 0 1 2 <S.O.*>       !CLASS OF 85 INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS

13.  When the list of students  who  will  be  included  in  the  resume
     collection has finally settled down, run the RSMADM program to list
     the resumes again, and then run the  RSMSRT  program  to  sort  the
     list.   Type  the  RESUME.SRT file and give copies to the placement
     office staff and to the publications office staff.

14.  Whenever some students have been added to the list, or some of  the
     resumes  have  been edited, run the RSMADM program again to produce
     proofs of their resumes.  The resumes for  added  students  can  be
     produced  by  selecting  resumes  in the SUBMITTED state, and those
     which have been edited can be  produced  by  selecting  the  EDITED
     state.  Both of these states can be selected for in a single run of
     the RSMADM  program.   Type  the  resumes  on  the  letter  quality
     typewriter  as  before,  and  give  the  resulting  resumes  to the
     publications office staff.

15.  When all of the resumes have been checked  and  verified,  a  final
     typed copy of all of the resumes may have to be prepared to be used
     as  the  master  copy  for   production   of   the   resume   book.
     Alternatively,  if  the final copies of each resume which have been
     checked by the publications office staff have not been  marked  and
      Production of the Resume Book                                         41

           are still clean, then that set might be used as the master.

      16.  Finally, after  the  master  copy  of  the  resume  book  has  been
           prepared,  use  the  RSMADM program to unsubmit the resumes so that
           the students can modify the resumes and type  them  on  the  letter
           quality  typewriter.   Change the third number on each of the lines
           in the RESUME.WHO file which validate the  accounts  which  can  be
           used  by  the  class  from  1 which allowed them just a single page
           resume to a value of 4 to allow them a resume of up to 4 pages.

                 ----- -- ------- -- ---- ------- -- -- -----------

      The following is a complete list of the steps necessary for  typing  the
      resumes   on   the  letter  quality  typewriter  attached  to  the  Yale
      DECsystem20 computer once the RSMADM program  has  written  the  resumes
      into the RESUME.PRF file.  This procedure will differ elsewhere.  The HC
      (HardCopy) program which is used in this  procedure  reads  a  file  and
      types  it onto the controlling terminal.  The HC program is used because
      it causes escape characters (the alt-mode) and control characters to  be
      transmitted unchanged to the terminal.  This is necessary for the proper
      positioning of the multiple  strikes  used  for  darkening  the  student
      names,  section  names,  school  names and company names in the resumes.
      The HC program is not distributed with the student resume system.

      1.  Connect to or log into <s.diablo> on the Diablo 1750 terminal.   Any
          other  account  could be used as well, since the HC program sets the
          terminal characteristics regardless of those which are standard  for
          the account.

      2.  Put the Master 12 wheel on the Diablo.
          Set the pitch switch to 12.  This switch is  located  at  the  right
          front corner inside of the terminal and is exposed when the cover is
          Press down the bottom ends of the 2  switches  at  the  top  of  the
          keyboard  which  are above the 88 marking.  The Master 12 wheel does
          not contain all of the printing ASCII  characters  so  the  full  96
          character setting cannot be used.

      3.  Put the heavy duty fanfold paper feeder (the one  with  the  chromed
          release  bars  on the top edges) onto the terminal.  This feeder has
          sprocket drives on both sides  of  the  platen  to  hold  the  paper

      4.  Move the left sprocket drive as far to the left as it will go,  then
          back  1/4th  inch to the right.  Load the 8 1/2 x 11 bond 25% cotton
          paper into the sprocket drive mechanism.  This paper has  very  tiny
          perforations  so  that  it looks like ordinary typing paper when the
          edges are torn off.

      5.  Press the FF switch located above the keyboard.  Use  the  knobs  at
          the  ends of the platen to line up the perforations between the next
          two pages with the top edge of the guard plate which is in front  of
          the  printhead and which rides against the paper.  Turn the platen 2
42                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

    clicks so that about 1/6th inch of the piece of paper extends  above
    the guard plate.

6.  Type HC to run the hardcopy program.

7.  Type in the file name RESUME.PRF/C and press the RETURN key.

8.  Press the G key.

9.  The margin between the left edge of the paper  (after  the  sprocket
    edge  is torn away) and the left edge of the typed characters should
    be 1 inch.

    If it is not:

    A.  Hold down the CONTROL key and press the S key a few times  until
        the typing pauses.

    B.  Adjust the paper position by the estimated amount.

    C.  Hold down the CONTROL key and press the Q key to resume typing.

    Check the new left margin.  If it is still wrong, adjust  it  again.
    Once  the  left  margin  is  correct, the HC program must be started
    over.  To do so, hold down the CONTROL key and press the C key a few
    times  to  stop  the  program.   Then  repeat the above instructions
    starting with those for running the HC program.

           ----------- ------- ----- --- ------- ------ -----

The RESUME program can prepare the resumes  either  to  be  typed  on  a
letter  quality  typewriter or to be typeset.  Typed resumes are assumed
to have pages which are 87 characters wide and to be typed with a  pitch
of  12 characters per inch.  Extra characters are inserted into the file
to cause overstriking to be  misaligned  slightly  in  order  to  darken
selected  words.  The characters which are inserted are specific for the
Diablo 1600 series and Xerox 1700 series of terminals and will  probably
have to be changed for use on other types of letter quality typewriters.
The program can also produce darkened characters on a fast printer.  The
imprecision  inherent  in  such  fast  printers misaligns the characters
enough that darkened words can be obtained merely  by  overprinting  the
words several times.

The technique used for darkening characters on the Diablo terminal is to
shift  the  typing  slightly  before  overprinting  the characters.  The
entire line is first typed normally.  Then a carriage return  is  issued
without  a line feed and the portion of the line which is to be darkened
is overprinted.  This insures that a complete strike of each letter  has
been  obtained,  but does not produce much darker characters since the 2
strikes are precisely aligned.  After another carriage  return,  special
characters  are  sent to the terminal to cause it to make all characters
be 1/120 inch wide, a space is sent to the terminal which will move  the
printhead  1/120  inch, and then more special characters are sent to the
      Differences Between Typed and Typeset Resume Books                    43

      terminal to set the character width back  to  1/12  inch.   Finally  the
      characters  to  be  darkened  are typed a last time but now they will be
      shifted 1/120 inch to the right.

      When the resumes are to be typeset rather than typed, the RESUME program
      calculates  the  width of each word based upon the character widths in a
      particular type font.  The proofs which the students can  print  on  the
      fast  printer  will  have a very ragged right edge because the number of
      characters in each line is calculated  to  match  the  typeset  resumes.
      After  the  resumes  have  been completed, the RSMADM program copies the
      resumes into an account used by the printing service.   In  the  resumes
      copied  into  the  printing service account, the words in adjacent lines
      which are not prevented from being  wrapped  around  are  combined  into
      single lines which can become very long.  Initial spaces are removed and
      multiple spaces are compressed to  single  spaces.   The  rules  between
      sections  are  indicated by the capitalized word RULE.  Other than this,
      the resumes copied into the printing service  account  are  pretty  much
      what the students saw.  No typesetting commands are inserted.  It is the
      responsibility of the printing service to  copy  the  files  onto  their
      typesetting  equipment  and  then  to insert the appropriate typesetting

      The character widths currently defined in the BLOCK DATA routine are for
      the  Univers  font.   These  widths  were  obtained  by  measuring  each
      character in the typeset resumes from  a  previous  year.   The  allowed
      maximum  length of a line was adjusted until the correct number of words
      in a line was obtained in most cases.  A new  set  of  character  widths
      would have to be determined in order to use any other font.

      The proofreading copies of the resumes  which  are  to  be  typeset  are
      printed  on  a fast hardcopy terminal.  Since both the maximum number of
      characters on a line and the maximum number  of  lines  on  a  page  are
      greater  than  would  be acceptable for normally proportioned pages, the
      hardcopy terminal should be capable of producing reduced  size  letters.
      Alternatively,  larger  sheets  of  paper  could  be used.  The hardcopy
      terminal which is used for production of the proofreading copies of  the
      resumes  is a DECWRITER LA120.  Narrow 8.5 inch wide paper should be put
      into the DECWRITER terminal.  The DECWRITER should be  set  to  give  16
      characters  per inch, 8 lines per inch, and 88 lines per page.  The left
      margin should be about 1.5 inches to the right of the left edge  of  the
      paper  after  the  perforations  are removed.  To change these settings,
      hold down the SETUP key and press the H (for horizontal) key  until  the
      12  appears, then the V (for vertical) key until the 8 appears, and then
      the F (for form length) key until the 88 appears.   Still  holding  down
      the  SETUP  key, press the space bar until the number 15 appears showing
      that the printhead is in column 15, then press the numeric  key  in  the
      upper  row  which  has MARGIN LEFT written above it.  If the left margin
      were to be set before setting the pitch (characters per inch), then  the
      margin  setting  would  be  lost.   Release the SETUP key and adjust the
      paper position until there is a 1.5 inch left margin  and  about  a  0.5
      inch  top  margin.   Finally  use the HC program to type the file.  If a
      TYPE command is used instead to type the file, then the monitor  command
      must be issued which allows long lines.  On the DECsystem20, the command
      shown below would be issued to allow long  lines  to  be  typed  on  the
44                                           RESUME Program Office Guide


The RESUME.SRT file is used by the RSMADM program both to determine  the
order  in  which the resumes are processed, and to determine the numbers
which will be used as the names of the files which  are  transmitted  to
the  printing  service.   The RSMSRT program should not be run after the
publications office has started to use these  numbers  to  identify  the
resumes.  If resumes are added to or removed from the collection but the
original numbering must be maintained, then the text  editor  should  be
used  to  modify  the  RESUME.SRT  file  rather  than running the RSMSRT
program again.  Care must be taken when editing the RESUME.SRT  file  to
insure  that the numbers are placed into the proper columns in the added
lines and that no duplicates appear in the numbers at the  left  end  of
the lines.  Care should also be taken that no non-numeric characters are
placed into the columns which contain numbers.  The non-numeric stuff on
the  lines  is not used by the RSMADM program and need not be duplicated
on the added lines although it is a good idea to  insert  the  student's
name where this appears in the original lines.

The first time that the RSMADM program is used to copy  resumes  to  the
printing  service account, the question about whether the resumes are to
be processed in a preselected order  should  be  answered  "YES".   This
sends  the  resumes in the alphabetical order of the students' names and
gives them names which are based upon the numbers appearing at the start
of the lines in the RESUME.SRT file.

If all of the edited resumes must be transmitted again, then  these  can
also  be  transmitted in preselected order.  The RSMADM program will use
the numbers which appear at the left ends of the lines in the RESUME.SRT
file  as  the  names  of  the  files  which are copied into the printing
service account.  If the resumes which are to be transmitted  again  are
selected  individually,  or  are  selected  as  a  group  but not in the
preselected order, then the program will ask for  the  administrator  to
specify  the  numbers  to be used as the names of the transmitted files.
The administrator will have to consult a copy of the RESUME.SRT file  to
determine these numbers.

        ---------- ---- ----- ---- ------ ------ -- ------ ----

The final version of the resume book for the first year class  is  typed
on  a  Diablo  terminal.   The  second  year  resumes are typeset at the
printing service.  The resumes which the students entered  during  their
first  year  form  the  starting  point  for the second year collection.
Since typed and typeset resumes have different line widths and different
line  spacings,  the  RESUME  program  must  know  upon which device the
resumes will be produced.  This is specified by the third number on  the
line  in the RESUME.WHO file which validates the accounts from which the
RESUME program will be run.  Before the students start to  modify  their
resumes  for the second year collection, the third number on the line or
lines which validate their accounts should be changed from the  value  1
or  greater  which specified the maximum number of pages of typed output
to the value 0 which specifies typeset output.
      Conversion From First Year Resume Format to Second Year               45

      If the students are running the RESUME program from their own  accounts,
      but these accounts have changed, then the RSMADM program will have to be
      used to rename the files containing the  resumes.   The  RSMADM  program
      will  also  have  to be run to unsubmit any submitted resumes in the new
      second year class.  Resumes for the previous graduating class should  be

      For the first year collection, the students are instructed to  use  only
      capital letters for their own names and for the names of the sections of
      the resumes and for the names of organizations.  An exception  was  made
      for  last names which have prefixes such as du or La or Mc, in which the
      use of lower case letters in the conventional locations  in  the  prefix
      was  recommended.   For  the  second  year  collection, the students are
      instead asked to capitalize only the first letters of the words in  most
      names.   The students could be instructed to make these case conversions
      themselves, but the administrator  should  use  the  RSMMIX  program  to
      perform these conversions in all of the resumes for the entire class.

      The RSMMIX  program  converts  the  second  and  subsequent  letters  in
      sequences formed entirely of capital letters to lower case.  The program
      does not change any letters which are already in lower case.  In a  name
      such  as  McDONALD,  in  which there is an embedded lower case letter c,
      both the capital letter at the start of the name and the capital  letter
      after  the  lower  case  letter  are left capitalized.  All of the files
      which are read and written by the  RSMMIX  program  are  in  the  resume
      storage  account.  The account from which the RSMMIX program is run must
      be able to both read and write into the resume storage account, and must
      be  validated  for  all administrative functions by the RESUME.WHO file.
      The RSMMIX program can process the resumes for up to  10  class  numbers
      each  time that it is run.  The RSMMIX program asks the administrator to
      specify which classes are to be  processed,  then  processes  the  files
      which are specified for these classes in the RESUME.DIR directory file.

      A file named RESUME.WRD which specifies the words which are to  be  left
      capitalized  by  the RSMMIX program is also read from the resume storage
      account.  The RESUME.WRD file is not required.  Each line in  this  file
      should  contain  a  single word which is to be left capitalized when the
      resumes are processed.  The appearance of this word  in  the  RESUME.WRD
      file   must  itself  be  capitalized.   If  a  word  which  is  entirely
      capitalized in the resumes is to be converted entirely to lower case, as
      for  example  if  the words AND and OR appear in company or school names
      which were originally entirely capitalized, then the capitalized version
      of each word should be followed on the same line by 1 or more spaces and
      then by the desired lower case form of the word.  The  2  appearance  of
      the  word on the line must each contain the same number of letters.  The
      RSMMIX program cannot be used to change to or from the abbreviations  of
      words.   There  can be at most 1000 reserved words containing a total of
      5000 letters.
46                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

The following lines are typical of  those  which  might  appear  in  the

AND and
OR or

              ----------- -- ---- ----- ----- -- ---------

The names of the files in which the resumes are stored  are  constructed
from  the  class  number  and  from a number which uniquely identifies a
particular student in that class.   If  the  students  are  running  the
RESUME  program  from their own individual accounts, then the numbers by
which the computer system identifies their accounts from all others  are
used as the student numbers.  If the students are each assigned a number
and a password by the administrator, then these numbers are used in  the
construction  of  the  file  names  and  it is the responsibility of the
administrator to make sure that these numbers are unique  among  all  of
the students in the class.

If the students select their own passwords, then the program  calculates
a  number  based  upon  the password, and the program verifies that this
number is not being used for any other resume in the  same  class.   The
alphabetic letters A through Z and the digits 0 through 9 are allowed in
the passwords.  The password can consist of up to 20 of these characters
counting  each  separation  between  words  as 1 character.  The program
converts this password into a 6 digit number.  The resulting numbers are
not  unique  since there are many more possible passwords than resulting
numbers.  For example, all of the numbers 0 through 1 less  than  10  to
the 20th power could be used as passwords, and then there are all of the
possible combinations of up to 20 alphabetic letters and digits.

If half a million students in the  same  class  were  to  put  in  their
resumes  using  the  program, there would be 1 chance in 2 that the next
student who had not run the program before would choose a password which
would  be  converted  to  a number which was the same as that calculated
from a password which was already in use.  To guard against this student
from  gaining access to an existing resume, the password selected by the
student is stored in the same file as  the  resume.   The  program  then
checks  the  password  stored  in the selected file against the password
which the user has typed in, and if these do not match, then the user is
instructed  to  select  another password.  Although both the password as
typed by the student and that stored in the file must  be  divided  into
the same number of words, capitalization and the actual number of spaces
between the words are ignored.

The method used to convert the password to a number treats the  password
as a radix 37 number.  Each allowed character is assigned a value in the
range 0 through 36.  Moving from the right  end  of  the  password,  the
value  assigned  to the first or rightmost character is multiplied by 1,
the second is multiplied by 1*37 (where * represents times or multiplied
      Calculation of File Names Based on Passwords                          47

      by)  and  is  added  to the first, the third is multiplied by 1*37*37 or
      1369 and is added to the sum of the first and the  second,  and  so  on.
      This  is  analogous  to  the  way in which an ordinary decimal number is
      evaluated, except that, in the  ordinary  case,  the  second  number  is
      multiplied by 1*10 and the third by 1*10*10 and so on.  The values which
      are assigned to the allowed characters are as follows:

                  0 = The separation between words
       1 through 26 = the alphabetic letters A through Z
      27 through 36 = the digits 0 through 9

      When the resulting number is 1000000 or greater, only  the  rightmost  6
      decimal  digits  are  retained.   Thus,  the number corresponding to the
      password S0QB, in which the second character is the digit zero, would be
      calculated in the following manner:

      S has a value of 19
      0 has a value of 27
      Q has a value of 17
      B has a value of  2

      19*1*37*37*37 + 27*1*37*37 + 17*1*37 + 2*1
      =    19*50653 +    27*1369 +   17*37 +   2
      =      962407 +      36963 +     629 +   2
      =     1000001

      The resulting rightmost 6 digits have the value 1, which is identical to
      the  value  calculated for a password consisting of the single letter A.
      The first 20 passwords for which the rightmost 6 digits of  the  numbers
      calculated  from  them  have  the  same  value  as  that  for a password
      consisting of the single letter A are listed below.

        S0QB= 1000001 CGP1G= 6000001 E5FBL=11000001 HS5MQ=16000001
       ABQ7C= 2000001 C0GHH= 7000001 FN6SM=12000001 IBV3R=17000001
       AVHND= 3000001 DI7YI= 8000001 F7W9N=13000001 IVMJS=18000001
       BD84E= 4000001 D2YEJ= 9000001 GQNPO=14000001 JEC0T=19000001
       BXZKF= 5000001 ELOVK=10000001 H D6P=15000001 JX4GU=20000001

      Since the space between  words  is  represented  by  the  absence  of  a
      character, there are no passwords with rightmost spaces.  This is unlike
      the evaluation of ordinary decimal numbers in which 1 is not  equivalent
      to  10  or to 100 since zero is itself a placeholder.  As one progresses
      through all possible passwords, some of  the  corresponding  values  are
      therefore skipped.  For example in the following table

        99  = 1368    A 9  = 1405    A99  = 2737    B 9  = 2774
      (A--) = 1369   (AA-) = 1406   (B--) = 2738   (BA-) = 2775
       A A  = 1370    AAA  = 1407    B A  = 2739    BAA  = 2776

      the passwords shown in parentheses  with  minus  signs  where  the  word
      separations  would  be  necessary  for  the calculation of the indicated
      values would have to have word separations beyond  the  rightmost  words
      and  are  impossible.  There are, of course, longer passwords which have
      the rightmost 6 digits of their  calculated  values  equivalent  to  the
      values  corresponding  to  these  impossible  cases so all values in the
48                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

range 0 through 999999 can actually be used for file names.

The file name is constructed of the 6 digit number followed by a  period
and  then  by  the  class  number represented as a 3 digit number.  Both
numbers are right justified with zeros being filled in at the left.  The
password  B  used  by  a  member of the class of '83 would select a file
having 000002.083 as its name.

                           MACHINE DEPENDENCE
                           ------- ----------

The students who use the RESUME program  have  no  way  of  knowing  the
language  in  which  it is written.  All of the logic in the programs in
the student resume system is written in FORTRAN.  Together, the programs
contain  6000  FORTRAN  statements.   Most  of  this  code is completely
machine independent.  However, a few of the things which the programs do
must  be  performed  differently  on  different computers.  In so far as
possible, these machine dependent aspects  of  the  programs  have  been
isolated into routines which perform no other functions.

 1.  The BLOCK DATA  routine  specifies  the  locations  of  the  resume
     storage  account  and  the  printing  service  account.   These are
     specified  as  octal  project  and  programmer   numbers   in   the
     DECsystem10  version and as the account names in characters strings
     in the DECsystem20 version.

 2.  The BLOCK DATA routine specifies the sequence of  characters  which
     must  be  sent  to  the Diablo terminal to move the printhead 1/120
     inch to the right in order to misalign overprinting to get darkened
     letters.   These  characters are specified as several 36-bit values
     which can be written into the output file using a multiple of an A1
     format.   The  sequence  of  characters will have to be changed for
     other terminals.  The bit codes will have to be changed  for  other
     computers.   These  characters  are used only in the RSMPRF routine
     which writes the reformatted resumes into an output file.

 3.  The BLOCK  DATA  routine  specifies  the  relative  widths  of  the
     characters  in  a particular type font for typesetting.  This table
     will have to be redefined if any other type font is  used  instead.
     The  table is not used if the resumes are typed on a letter quality

 4.  The RSMHLP routine which issues the help messages  has  been  built
     assuming  that  the RESUME program will be run from video terminals
     which can display 24 lines on the screen.  The .PAGE LENGTH command
     in  the  rough  form of these messages specifies a value which is 2
     lines less than the maximum number of lines which can be  shown  on
     the  screen,  so  that  there  is room at the bottom for the "PRESS
     RETURN TO CONTINUE" message.  The .PAGE LENGTH command will have to
     be  changed  correspondingly  if  the program is run from terminals
     which cannot show a full 24 lines on the  screen,  and  the  FORMAT
     program  will  have to be run again to produce a new version of the
     RSMHLP routine.  The RSMHLP routine does not have to be rebuilt  if
     the program is being run from a hardcopy terminal instead.
      Machine Dependence                                                    49

       5.  The GETLIN routine which reads in a line from the terminal discards
           control  characters  on  the DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 computers.
           Any character read by a multiple of an A1 format which has a  value
           between  0 (integer zero, not '0') and ' ' (the space character) is
           discarded.  The 2 statements which perform these tests will have to
           be removed for use on any other computer.

       6.  The OPEN statements in the RSMOPN routine and the CLOSE  statements
           in  the  RSMCLS  routine  will  have to be changed for use on other
           computers.  On  the  DECsystem10  and  DECsystem20  computers,  the
           RSMDIR  routine  also  opens,  reads  from  and closes a file which
           contains a directory of  the  account  in  which  the  resumes  are
           stored.   Other  than  this,  all  opening  and closing of files is
           performed by the RSMOPN and RSMCLS routines.

       7.  A few simple assembly language routines are  used  to  control  the
           manner   in  which  the  computer  system  manages  the  typing  of
           characters onto the terminal, to identify the account being used to
           run the program and to exit gracefully without the usual time usage
           messages.  The following is  a  complete  list  of  these  assembly
           language routines.

           TTYSET sets the characteristics of the controlling  terminal.   The
           most  important  of  these  is  the turning off the pausing after a
           certain number of lines have been displayed  on  the  screen.   The
           RESUME program does its own parcelling out of lines to the screen.

           JOBINF returns information about the account from which the program
           is  being run.  The information which is returned includes the name
           of the account, the  corresponding  project  number  which  on  the
           DECsystem20   always   has  the  value  4,  and  the  corresponding
           programmer number.  The DECsystem10  version  of  this  routine  is
           called PPNU which stands for Project Programmer NUmber.

           LEAVE exits from the program without the time  statistics  produced
           by the FORTRAN STOP statement.

       8.  The RSMWIP routine clears the screen of a video terminal by  typing
           a  form  feed.   This  may  have  to  be  done differently on other
           computer systems.

       9.  The NEWDAT routine returns the current date as the  numeric  month,
           day  and  year.   These are obtained by decoding a double precision
           word containing the date in a form similar to  '10-Oct-83'.   Since
           FORTRAN has no standardized date routine, this also will have to be
           done differently on other computer systems.

      10.  The RSMCUL routine screens out characters which appear on an  ASCII
           keyboard  but  which  do  not  appear  on  an  88  character Diablo
           printwheel.  The list of these characters will have to  be  changed
           if  the  program is used with a different letter quality typewriter
           or if the program is used on a computer in which FORTRAN  does  not
           allow all of these characters to appear in DATA statements.
50                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

11.  The DAVERB routine which is used to identify  words  typed  by  the
     user  contains  an  array  of the lower case alphabetic letters 'A'
     through 'Z' sorted in numerical  order.   On  the  DECsystem10  and
     DECsystem20,  this  order  also  happens  to  be  the  same  as the
     alphabetic sort.  If the numeric values of 'a' through 'z' sort  in
     some  other  order,  then  the  array  containing  the  lower  case
     characters will have to be changed, and the  array  containing  the
     upper case characters will have to be changed to remain parallel to
     the new ordering.

12.  The RSMSRT program  sorts  the  student  names  assuming  that  the
     numerical  sort  of  the  upper case letters 'A' through 'Z' is the
     same as the alphabetic sort of these same characters.  The  sorting
     procedure will have to be changed if this is not the case.

13.  The RSMWHO routine calls the JOBINF routine to obtain the  name  of
     the current account and the programmer number of this account.  The
     RSMWHO routine then converts these into a form which can be used by
     the rest of the program.  This conversion is machine dependent.

14.  The RSMDIR routine returns the student number and class  number  of
     the  next  resume file in the resume storage account.  It does this
     by reading a file produced by the DIRECTORY command.  This  routine
     will have to be changed for use on other computers.

15.  The DAHEFT, DAMISS and DAVERB routines are general  routines  which
     interpret  a  line  of text read from the terminal.  These routines
     all treat a horizontal tabulation or tab character as equivalent to
     a  space.  In order to identify the tab character, a variable named
     ITAB is defined as the octal value "045004020100 in each  of  these
     routines.   This  definition  will  have  to  be  changed  on other
     computers, either to the actual numeric value of 'tab' or 1Htab, or
     else to 'space' or 1Hspace, where the words tab and space are meant
     to represent the nonprinting characters tab and space respectively.

16.  The RSMPSW program contains code for accepting file names from  the
     user,  and OPEN and CLOSE statements.  This FORTRAN code is simple,
     but will have to be changed for use on other computers.

17.  The RSMPSW program contains a call  to  the  SETRAN  routine  which
     initializes  the  RAN  random  number  function.  The corresponding
     routine on other systems may have a different name and may  require
     different calling arguments.

        ----------- ------- ----------- --- ----------- --------

The student resume system was developed on a DECsystem20 computer.   The
programs  have  been modified for the DECsystem10.  These computers have
basically the same hardware.  Only the operating systems are  different.
The  main  differences  between  the versions for the 2 computers result
from the differences in the account structures.
      Differences Between DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 Versions              51

      The following is a list of the differences between the  DECsystem10  and
      the DECsystem20 versions.

       1.  In the BLOCK DATA routine in the DECsystem10 version,  the  account
           in  which  files  are  stored  and the account used by the printing
           service are specified by project and programmer numbers.   Each  of
           these  accounts  is specified by an integer array dimensioned at 3.
           The project number is in the first location, the programmer  number
           is  in the second location and a zero is in the third location.  In
           the  DECsystem20  version,  the  locations  of  these  accounts  is
           specified  by  name in character strings which are each dimensioned
           for 40 characters.

       2.  In  the  RSMOPN  routine  in  the  DECsystem10  version,  the  OPEN
           statements  which  open  the files which are to be written into the
           storage account and into the printing  service  account  specify  a
           protection  code  of octal 100.  This allows subsequent versions of
           the same files to replace the current versions.  In the DECsystem20
           version,  the  default  file protection for the accounts into which
           the files are being written can be set so as to  allow  overwriting
           by  subsequent  versions  so  it  is  not  necessary  that the OPEN
           statements specify the protection codes.

       3.  In the RSMDIR routine in the DECsystem10  version,  it  is  assumed
           that  the  file  names  in the file containing the directory of the
           storage account each start in column 1 and  that  there  is  a  tab
           character  between  the  6  character  name  and  the  3  character
           extension.  In the DECsystem20 version, the  file  names  start  in
           column 2 and a period appears between the name and the extension.

       4.  In the RSMWHO routine in the DECsystem10 version, the name  of  the
           account  is  assumed  to  just  be the octal project and programmer
           numbers converted so that these can be written with a 40A1  format.
           The unique number which is returned for the account is actually the
           programmer number so that the programmer can access the same resume
           from  any  project  for  which  the  programmer  has  an account if
           passwords are not being used to gain access to the RESUME  program.
           In the DECsystem20 version, the actual account names are used.  All
           accounts have the same project number.  The  programmer  number  is
           unique to the particular account so only the account which was used
           when the resume was started can modify  it  if  passwords  are  not
           being used.

       5.  In the assembly language routines in the DECsystem10 version, UUO's
           are  used.  The routine which sets terminal characteristics is just
           a dummy entry point.  In the DECsystem20 version, JSYS's  are  used
           instead  of  UUO's.   UUO's  and  JSYS's are the names given to the
           monitor calls for the 2 operating systems.

      When  setting  up  the  accounts  on  the  DECsystem10,  the  user  file
      directories  or UFD's of the accounts into which files are to be written
      from other accounts should  be  given  protection  codes  of  777.   The
      procedure  for  this  would be to log into the accounts, and then to run
      the PIP program to rename the UFD for each disk structure.  For example,
      the  following  dialog  could  be  used  to change the protection of the
52                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

account on the DSKB: structure.


It must be noted that the UFD for a structure will  disappear  when  the
job  is  logged off unless there is at least one file in the UFD on that
structure.  Therefore, a dummy file, perhaps named A. to force it to  be
first in the sorted directory, should be created on each structure.

The batch control file which is used on the  DECsystem20  both  expunges
the storage account and creates a file containing a list of the files in
this account.  The expunging is the most important part of this process,
since  the  students  could  be  blocked from running the program by old
versions of the resumes if the disk quota  were  to  be  exceeded.   The
directory  file  could be created using a command given manually.  Files
are always expunged immediately on the DECsystem10, so the only function
which  the  batch  control  file  would serve would be the making of the
directory.  A batch control file is not  included  for  the  DECsystem10
version,  so  the  administrator  will  have  to create a directory file
before using the administrative programs  to  process  a  collection  of
resumes.   The  procedure  here  would  be  to log into the file storage
account and issue the command


The RSMCHK routine which determines whether the account  being  used  is
allowed  to  run these programs is able to handle either the DECsystem10
account numbers or the DECsystem20 account names.  The contents  of  the
entries   in   the   RESUME.WHO  file  control  which  type  of  account
specification is matched.  If the file contains numbers enclosed between
square  brackets,  then the DECsystem10 account numbers are matched.  If
the file contains account names enclosed between less than  and  greater
than signs, then the DECsystem20 account names are matched.

                 ---- -- ----- -------- -- ---- -------

The distributed version  of  the  student  resume  system  contains  the
following  source  files.   Versions  are  included  for use on both the
DECsystem10 computer and the DECsystem20 computer.

ADMLIB.FOR  Routines which are needed only for the RSMADM program.

BLKD10.FOR  BLOCK DATA routine which must be  loaded  with  the  various
            programs on the DECsystem10.

BLKD20.FOR  BLOCK DATA routine which must be  loaded  with  the  various
            programs on the DECsystem20.

FORMAT.FOR  The version of the FORMAT program which is needed to convert
            the  rough  form of the help messages in the RSMHLP.RNO file
            into FORTRAN source code.
      List of Files Included in this Package                                53

      LIBALL.FOR  Routines which are needed by  more  than  just  one  of  the
                  programs   in   this   package,  but  which  are  relatively
                  independent of the particular computer being used.

      LIBD10.FOR  Versions of routines which are specific for the  DECsystem10

      LIBD20.FOR  Versions of routines which are specific for the  DECsystem20

      MACD10.MAC  Assembly language routines for the DECsystem10 computer.

      MACD20.MAC  Assembly language routines for the DECsystem20 computer.

      RESUME.CTL  Batch control file for the DECsystem20 computer.  The  batch
                  job really isn't necessary on the DECsystem10 computer.

      RESUME.FOR  The major portion of the RESUME program.

      RSMADM.FOR  The major portion of the administrative program.

      RSMHLP.FOR  The FORTRAN source code which  produces  the  help  messages
                  which  can  be  typed  by  the RESUME program.  This file is
                  produced by using the FORMAT program to  process  the  rough
                  form of the messages in the RSMHLP.RNO file.  The RSMQUO.FOR
                  file contains the  same  messages  specified  in  apostrophe
                  notation, rather than the H notation in which they appear in
                  the RSMHLP.FOR file.

      RSMHLP.RNO  The rough form of the help messages which can  be  typed  by
                  the  RESUME  program.   This must be processed by the FORMAT
                  program to produce FORTRAN source code which can  be  loaded
                  with  the RESUME program.  The version of the FORMAT program
                  which is used must be from the summer of 1983 or later.

      RSMLIB.FOR  Routines which are needed only for the RESUME program.

      RSMMIX.FOR  The program used to convert resumes which were prepared  for
                  typed final copies to the starting versions of resumes which
                  will be typeset.

      RSMPSW.DAT  A file containing  5000  possible  passwords  which  can  be
                  assigned to the students using the RSMPSW program.

      RSMPSW.FOR  The program which can be used to assign  passwords  selected
                  from  any arbitrary text file.  The program consists only of
                  a main program and does not use any subroutines.

      RSMPSW.RNO  A file which can be processed by the FROFF  word  processor,
                  together  with  one  of  the  files  produced  by the RSMPSW
                  program, to produce form letters which can be given  to  the
                  students  telling  them  what  their passwords will be.  The
                  description in this file of the account to be used will have
                  to be changed.
54                                           RESUME Program Office Guide

RSMQUO.FOR  A version of the FORTRAN source code which produces the help
            messages.    These  messages  are  specified  in  apostrophe
            notation, rather than the H notation in which they appear in
            the  RSMHLP.FOR  file.   The RSMQUO.FOR file was produced by
            inserting a .USE' command into the RSMHLP.RNO file before it
            was processed using the FORMAT program.

RSMSRT.FOR  The program used to sort the student names.

The following files contain the instruction manuals and the  rough  form
of the text from which these manuals were constructed.

OFFICE.DOC  The administrator instruction manual.  This is  produced  by
            using  the FROFF word processor to process the rough form of
            the manual in the OFFICE.RNO file.

OFFICE.RNO  The rough form  of  the  administrator  instruction  manual.
            This is meant to be processed by the FROFF word processor.

USERS.DOC   The student instruction manual.  This is produced  by  using
            the  FROFF  word  processor to process the rough form of the
            manual in the USERS.RNO  file.   To  incorporate  an  actual
            example  of  a resume produced using the RESUME program, the
            first page of the last section in the manual can be replaced
            by  the  combination  of  USERS0.DOC and either of the files
            USERS1.DOC or USERS2.DOC.

USERS.RNO   The rough form of the student instruction manual.   This  is
            meant to be processed by the FROFF word processor.

USERS0.DOC  Top of the first page in the last  section  of  the  student
            instruction  manual.   Either  of  the  files  USERS1.DOC or
            USERS2.DOC can be typed on the rest of this page to  provide
            an  actual  example  of  a  resume produced using the RESUME

USERS0.RNO  The rough form of the top of the  first  page  in  the  last
            section of the manual which can be used if an actual example
            of a resume produced using  the  RESUME  program  is  to  be
            inserted into the student instruction manual.

USERS1.DOC  An example of a  resume  ready  to  be  typed  on  a  Diablo
            terminal.  Either this resume or that in the USERS2.DOC file
            should be superimposed upon the  first  page  in  the  final
            section  of the student instruction manual in the USERS0.DOC

USERS2.DOC  An example of a resume ready to be typed on a fast  printer.
            Either  this resume or that in the USERS1.DOC file should be
            superimposed upon the first page in the final section of the
            student instruction manual in the USERS0.DOC file.

The following files can be placed into the resume  storage  account  for
testing  the  programs  in this package.  The account numbers or account
name of the resume storage account must also be inserted into the  BLOCK
      List of Files Included in this Package                                55

      DATA routine before the programs can be tested.

      MESAGE.999  An example of the message file.  This  version  is  for  the
                  demonstration class 999.

      RESUME.WHO  An example of an  account  validation  file.   This  version
                  allows  all  accounts  to be in the demonstration class 999.
                  Of course, the line which does this must be replaced  before
                  the RESUME program is used by the students.

      RESUME.WRD  Data file for the RSMMIX program which specifies a  list  of
                  words which are to be left entirely capitalized.

      SCHOOL.999  An example of the file which describes  the  current  degree
                  program.  This version is for the demonstration class 999.

      090186.999  An example of a file in which a  resume  is  stored  in  the
                  resume storage account.  This file contains the resume which
                  appears as an example at the end of the student  instruction
                  manual.   It  can be referenced using the password SAMPLE in
                  class 999.

      The following command files are included for loading the programs in the
      student resume system on both the DECsystem10 and DECsystem20 computers.
      The versions of these command files for the DECsystem10 and  DECsystem20
      are  identical  except  that  the  letters  "D10"  in  the one have been
      replaced by "D20" in the other.

      ADMD10.CMD  Command file for loading the RSMADM program  on  DECsystem10

      ADMD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      MIXD10.CMD  Command file for loading the RSMMIX program  on  DECsystem10

      MIXD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      RSMD10.CMD  Command file for loading the RESUME program  on  DECsystem10

      RSMD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.

      SRTD10.CMD  Command file for loading the RSMSRT program  on  DECsystem10

      SRTD20.CMD  Same for the DECsystem20 computer.