
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-08 - decus/20-0178/vdt.mac
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;Edit number 51 by SST.D-BIGELOW on 29-Mar-84
;	Add new command ^VA, to even all of a double spaced input file.
;Edit number 50 by SST.D-BIGELOW on 28-Mar-84
;	Fix problem with page mark display routine.  Make the SPCON and SPCOFF
;	routines pay attention to the order in which they are called.
;Edit number 47 by SST.D-BIGELOW on 28-Mar-84
;	Add a /VT102 switch, which is required for special insert and delete
;	code for VT100 terminals.
;Edit number 46 by SST.D-BIGELOW on 27-Feb-84
;	Correct bug in ^DB routine introduced for ANSI terminals.
;Edit number 45 by SST.D-BIGELOW on 22-Feb-84
;	Make ^^ in function string yield an up-arrow in command.
;Edit number 44 by SST.D-BIGELOW on 22-Feb-84
;	Make first page 4 lines longer when autopaginating.  Make up for the
;	lack of a header on the first page.
;Edit number 43 by SST.D-BIGELOW on  9-Feb-84
;	Correct bugs when inserting or deleting too many lines or characters
;	is attempted.  Work manually if more than 23 lines or 78 characters.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.13, 29-Jan-84 20:12:49, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 42	Implement /Search mode.  If set, we call PATMAT instead of displaying
;	the first screen, and don't display the full screen until ^L is typed
;	or a routine which calls .FFD is executed.  All commands are usable
;	after the first search.  Areas effected: GETTXT, PATMAT, and TYPLIN
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.14, 11-Jan-84 18:29:03, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 41	Implement VT100 insertion and deletion of lines (let the terminal
;	do the work.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.3, 11-Jan-84 12:00:35, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 40	Take advantage of the alternate keypad mode on VT100s to allow
;	more function keys.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 21-Dec-83 16:31:22, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 37	Control-K;H modifications: make <CR> cancel the old header, but any
;	number of blanks followed by <CR> set to paging style two with no
;	left margin header.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  5-Dec-83 10:33:42, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 36	Make the header input routine more defensive.  Handle a header that
;	doesn't end with a null by looking for control characters as we read,
;	and ending as soon as we find one.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.5, 31-Oct-83 17:43:35, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 35	Fix problem where double-spaced downward scrolling broke when the
;	cursor was on the last line of the screen.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.4, 31-Oct-83 16:30:09, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 34	Correct problem with scrolling upwards in double spaced mode.  Scroll
;	value was being overwritten by two.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.3, 10-Oct-83 12:29:18, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 33	Change VT100 (ansi) terminal upward scrolling routine to take account
;	of status of double flag.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.40, 28-Sep-83 13:37:47, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 32	Allow a carriage return input to the get header routine to clear out
;	a page header and restore -n- style.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.33, 27-Sep-83 10:53:43, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 31	Correct problem with autopagination double-counting the first line of
;	a new page, causing the last lines of a file to disappear.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.8, 15-Sep-83 15:19:26, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 30	Rewrite the justify routine to handle any combinations of margins and
;	spacing conditions.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.6, 17-Aug-83 12:59:42, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 27	Make ^KP toggle pagination; Make ^KB Set a page break after inserting
;	a new line; Make ^KD Set double spacing and get rid of ^KT;  Make
;	routines more reluctant to call setpag:  .Hom, Posit, BakTab, TraTab,
;	Patmat, Search, Getlin, .Tab, .FFD, Insert, Deleol
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.11, 11-Aug-83 17:02:17, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 25	Completely rewrite fill and empty to handle new style of pagination,
;	remove AJ support, and increase speed and efficiency.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 30-Jun-83 11:43:25, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 24	Correct FILL and EMPTY routines to work properly with new techniques
;	of terminating file with delete.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.28, 21-Jun-83 13:52:56, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 23	Fix longstanding bug in the JOIN routine: if you attempt to do a
;	join when the cursor is past the margin, routine returns without
;	popping the stack first.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.27, 20-Jun-83 17:18:31, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 22	Attempted the impossible:  Floating (wordstar-like) pagination on
;	a mainframe computer.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.3, 16-Jun-83 13:36:32, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 21	Made ^KA (adjust margin) only change the left margin if
;	we're in program mode.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.2, 18-Mar-83 15:16:11, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 20	Started implementing a new algorithm for single and double spacing.
;	This one depends on the mode selected by ^KT, and flag DOUBLE is set
;	if we are double-spacing.
;<SST.D-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.2,  7-Mar-83 15:12:13, Edit by SST.D-GALVIN
; 17	Patch the FILL routine to eliminate hanging if no modified
;	SIN% JSYS is being used.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.3,  1-Mar-83 11:08:51, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 16	Add an error message if control-c trap enabling fails (for
;	the MIT exec and Batch).
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 17-Feb-83 14:14:34, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 15	Add the ^KA command to adjust the margins via the shrink amount.
;	This allows toggling of note style margins in and out.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.38, 29-Jan-83 16:06:37, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 14	Change the ^PP and ^PN commands so that the cursor remains on the
;	same screen line as it was before the command was issued.  This
;	does not effect these commmands when they are preceeded by a
;	numeric arguement.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.35, 28-Jan-83 17:48:34, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 13	Implemented reverse search and replacment.  Repeat search and replace
;	also knows how to behave, and so goes in the proper direction.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 31-Dec-82 08:17:48, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 12	Add processing for a new wpsim switch /NUMBER:n which allows starting
;	page numbering at any desired place.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.2,  9-Dec-82 16:38:21, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 11	Create a section of the UNFILL routine which checks the
;	CTRLCV word to see whether it should convert
;	"$"'s to "<esc>"'s and "^"'s to control's.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.2,  1-Dec-82 16:08:07, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 10	Change empty algorithm to avoid problems with filtab switch being
;	set.  Add new switch F.TABC.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.5, 22-Nov-82 13:37:04, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
; 7	Implement a new command "^KZ", which toggles "zero output", i.e.
;	output to nowhere, on and off.  The startup value is on.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 18-Oct-82 11:08:37, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 6	Change the insert mode so that it only inserts lines when it has
;	reached new territory -- allow editing within inserts.
;<SST.SYSDOC>VDT.MAC.3, 15-Oct-82 11:22:53, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 5	Modify the help file to reflect the changed commands.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.13, 14-Oct-82 14:43:46, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 4	Turn off /MODEL2 if not a Viewpoint.  Remove ^S/^Q from list of
;	commands, use ^KW for ^S and new search command for ^Q.  Changed
;	format of search failure messages.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  7-Oct-82 09:08:09, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 3	Fix problem where double spacing fails when reading in a single
;	spaced input file.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.6, 28-Sep-82 16:59:22, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 2	Correct problem reading in doubled files without the correct
;	number of trailing blank lines -- add erjmp after sin.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.3, 28-Sep-82 15:19:23, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
; 1	Start VDT edit history -- WPSIM now loads an external version
;	number which includes VDT edit in the edit number.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 28-Sep-82 14:55:55, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Fix a nasty bug that blows up programs when you are converting
;	output and a ~ line ends the file.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 27-Sep-82 15:26:44, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Correct problem in repeat search routine -- cursor left in wrong
;	place if search fails before N runs out.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.4, 22-Sep-82 18:32:27, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Correct more problems with replacement routine, and make the ^KN
;	routine clear the screen before refreshing.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  8-Sep-82 16:40:26, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Add ^PT routine to make the current line scroll to the top of the
;	screen.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  8-Sep-82 14:23:57, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Make change in insert file routine to prevent error in gtjfn from
;	leaving reverse video on.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  7-Sep-82 10:44:28, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Make a change in the output ciphering routine so that the last line of
;	text would get properly ciphered.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  3-Sep-82 12:42:59, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Add ^KV command to help message.  Subtracted a line from the numeric
;	repeat count explanation to make room for it.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  1-Sep-82 13:24:04, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Make the EMPTY routine smarter about counting -- it was converting
;	(hghlin-1) lines of text.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.10, 31-Aug-82 20:10:15, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Correct input file reading section -- don't use typerr for errors.
;	Instead use type with rfpos% to see where we are.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.7, 31-Aug-82 12:35:51, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Now implement upward scrolling, using the same logic as the downward
;	scrolling feature.  Amount to scroll is variable.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.3, 30-Aug-82 17:10:29, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Implement downward scrolling on the VT100 terminals, by use of the
;	reverse index command.
;<SST.SYSDOC>VDT.MAC.4, 30-Aug-82 14:59:29, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Add commands to save and restore the cursor attributes when using
;	special effects on a VT100 terminal.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.3, 26-Aug-82 14:49:44, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Make correction to $>R routine to prevent TOPLIN from ever becoming
;	negative.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.3, 20-Aug-82 17:06:30, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Make POSELN routine position to end of line even if past the end.
;	If blank line, just return.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 20-Aug-82 13:04:48, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Make the empty routine eliminate trailing spaces as well as trailing
;	tabs.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.3, 20-Aug-82 11:37:27, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
;	Allow interractive function redefinition (up to 70 characters in
;	a function).
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.16, 15-Aug-82 16:01:46, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
;	Implement the $>R (return) command.  Return the cursor to the
;	location of the $< command.  This command enables you to leave
;	an ancor in the file, and return to it at anytime (up till the
;	next $< command is executed.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.9, 15-Aug-82 14:06:30, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
;	Implemented the ^KN command: Kill the current buffer and input
;	a new file for editing.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.43, 13-Aug-82 14:22:24, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Finish implementation of replacement for long strings.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.33, 13-Aug-82 10:10:38, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Rewrite LINLEN routine and modify replacement algorithms.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.31, 13-Aug-82 08:22:22, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Modify algorithm for inserting spaces.  Terminate with error message
;	if we try to insert too many spaces.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.29, 12-Aug-82 18:51:43, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
;	Make the REPLACE command work with replacement strings longer
;	than the search string.  It still won't work if the old line
;	would be longer than 80 characters with the replacement
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.5, 10-Aug-82 09:43:51, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Change "undefined terminal type" message so that it doesn't undefine
;	the terminal before exiting.  Make repeat counts work for arrow keys
;	on DEC terminals.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  9-Aug-82 10:31:57, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Implement tabifying on output if requested by filtab switch.  Convert
;	multiple spaces to tabs.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.3,  6-Aug-82 14:15:27, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Change save buffer parameters -- counts were wrong and buffers were
;	overflowing.  Allow 144 lines, 3100 words, 17500 characters.  (Octal)
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2,  6-Aug-82 11:59:01, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Add new method of displaying proper screen after a continued ctrl-C.
;	Force a ^L into input buffer after continuing.  Also remove some error
;	messages from expert mode typout, and fix a bug in movpar processing.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.16,  1-Aug-82 12:50:45, Edit by SST.B-RAMSEY
;	Fix the maximum line checking code in FILL so that input is terminated
;	at Maxlin rather than at Maxlin-1 lines.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.2, 31-Jul-82 15:19:45, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
;	Implement a faster form of File <--> Buffer I/O.
;	This one depends on the modified SIN% JSYS.
;<SST.P-GALVIN>VDT.MAC.7, 29-Jul-82 10:41:43, Edit by SST.P-GALVIN
;	Implement the VT52 (GIGI) terminal type.
;<SST.D-BIGELOW>VDT.MAC.2, 20-Jul-82 15:39:36, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Adjust the maximum line checking routines to be at the character input
;	routine rather than just after a down command.
;<SST.B-RAMSEY>VDT.MAC.3, 20-Jul-82 10:42:44, Edit by SST.B-RAMSEY
;	Define as Internal MATCH and MAKTAB so that the pattern-matching
;	routines may be called from external programs.
;<SST.VIDEO>VDT.MAC.2, 19-Jul-82 15:37:39, Edit by SST.D-BIGELOW
;	Beginning of edit history.  Add intercept to pick up failure
;	of STI% jsys before the input buffer fills up.
Subttl	Table of contents for VDT

;	   -- Section --					   -- Page --
;  1.   Edit history.................................................. 1
;  2.	Table of contents............................................. 2
;  3.	Title page.................................................... 3
;  4.	Program flag definitions...................................... 4
;  5.	Terminal definitions.......................................... 6
;  6.	Control character dispatch table.............................. 8
;  7.	Interrupt system tables....................................... 9
;  8.	Control character output control.............................. 10
;  9.	INITRM - Set special terminal/job status...................... 11
;  10.	RESTRM - Restore original TTY status.......................... 13
;  11.	GETTXT - Routine to return text buffer........................ 14
;  12.	Pagination routines........................................... 22
;  13.	Control character processing.................................. 24
;  14.	Special functions
;	  14.1   Pagination and tab stop manipulation................. 34
;	  14.2   New file............................................. 43
;	  14.3   Deletes.............................................. 44
;	  14.4   Tabbing.............................................. 52
;	  14.5   Inserts.............................................. 53
;	  14.6   Search routines...................................... 60
;	  14.7   Pattern matching searches............................ 61
;	  14.8   String replacement................................... 63
;	  14.9   Positioning.......................................... 67
;  15.	Text movement routines
;	  15.1   GETLIN............................................... 73
;	  15.2   RETLIN............................................... 74
;	  15.3   MOVPAR............................................... 76
;  16.	Justification routines........................................ 80
;  17.	Pagination routines
;	  17.1   Routines to help auto-pagination..................... 88
;  18.	Show status command........................................... 90
;  19.	Toggle zero output command.................................... 93
;  20.	Special function control commands............................. 94
;  21.	Pattern matcher routines
;	  21.1   Maktab............................................... 97
;	  21.2   Getpat............................................... 98
;	  21.3   Match................................................ 100
;  22.	Terminal control routines..................................... 102
;  23.	NXTWRD - Find the next word in the file....................... 103
;  24.	Adjustment routines
;	  24.1   FILL................................................. 105
;	  24.2   EMPTY................................................ 112
;  25.	General subroutines........................................... 118
;  26.	Number input routines......................................... 126
;		     (End of table of contents)
Title	VDT - Video Display Terminal Simulator
Subttl	Title page
.Directive FLBLST

;Version information -- used in loading WPSIM
	VEDIT==51			; Edit number
	VDTEDT==:VEDIT			; Copy into an external

;Internal routines

;External storage


;	VDT was written in August of 1981 by Douglas Bigelow at the
;	Wesleyan Computing Center.  VDT is a general purpose subroutine
;	designed for use as a word processor simulator.
Subttl	Program flag definitions

;Define special SIN% jsys flag if it isn't in MONSYM

Ifndef	SI%TCC,<SI%TCC==676767,,123765>

;Define time to wait for an error message to be seen

HLDTIM==^D1500			; 1.5 seconds

;Define a special error typing macro


;Now define the flag accumulator bits

				; **note: terminal flags must be in lh only
	SWITCH	F.BHOM		; Terminal home is at bottom of screen
	SWITCH	F.NWRP		; Terminal doesn't wrap left or up
	SWITCH	F.ANSI		; Terminal follows ansi standard
	SWITCH	F.CXBY		; Cursor is x before y
	SWITCH	F.NFFD		; Terminal has no form feed
	SWITCH	F.SPEF		; Terminal has special video effects
	SWITCH	F.VT52		; Terminal is a VT52
	SWITCH	F.V102		; VT102 Terminal type
				; **end of terminal flags
;More switches

	SWITCH	F.TFAR		; Too far down - (too many lines)
	SWITCH	F.FINI		; Finished
	SWITCH	F.FMOV		; Forced move command in progress
	SWITCH	F.FFCV		; Form feed conversion in progress
	SWITCH	F.INDT		; Indent after refreshing
	SWITCH	F.EMES		; Error message on screen
	SWITCH	F.DSCR		; Downward scrolling move done
	SWITCH	F.RPSH		; Repeating previous search
	SWITCH	F.INSM		; Insert mode in effect
	SWITCH	F.PMRK		; Page mark
	SWITCH	F.NSIN		; New sin% jsys available
	SWITCH	F.REPL		; Replacement string active
	SWITCH	F.DGET		; Delete on get command
	SWITCH	F.COPY		; Copy text
	SWITCH	F.MOVE		; Move text
	SWITCH	F.DELE		; Delete text
	SWITCH	F.NEGR		; Negative retlin in effect
	SWITCH	F.NBAK		; No backup on retlin
	SWITCH	F.ZOUT		; Outputting to null:
	SWITCH	F.TABC		; Tab conversion in progress
	SWITCH	F.UPAR		; Up-arrow seen in control conversion mode
	SWITCH	F.NOPG		; No change of the pagination mark is possible
	SWITCH	F.IEOF		; Input end of file seen
	SWITCH	F.DBSP		; Double spacing toggle for justification
	SWITCH	F.DBIN		; Input text is double spaced
	SWITCH	F.NELN		; Non-empty line found in justif routine
	SWITCH	F.SPON		; Special effects on

;Now some spare storage used for auto-indent processing

CRLFS:	BYTE(7)	15,12,0,0,0
SPACES:	asciz	.                                                                                      .
Subttl	Terminal definitions

;Here we define the commands for all the terminals that we know about.

DEFINE	CL(X),<"X"-100>
	ALT==33			; Define an escape
	NUL==0			; And a null
	SP==40			; And a space

 TRM (Viewpoint,4,<F.BHOM+F.SPEF>,<ALT,"Y",SP,SP>,<ALT,"K">,<ALT,"k">,<ALT,"Y">)
 TRM (Datamedia,7,<F.NWRP+F.CXBY>,<CL(Y)>,<CL(])>,<CL(K)>,<CL(^)>)
 TRM (VT100,20,<F.SPEF+F.ANSI+F.NFFD>,<ALT,"[","H">,<ALT,"[","K">,<ALT,"[","J">,<ALT,"[">)
 TRM	(VT52,17,<F.NFFD+F.VT52>,<ALT,"H">,<ALT,"K">,<ALT,"J">,<ALT,"Y">)

;Now define the embedded SEQ macro. It takes one argument
;made up of a sequence of characters.  A word is generated in the
;form addr,,n where -n is the number of characters, and addr is
;the address of the string of characters.  Eight bit characters are generated.


	CNT==0				; Start count at zero
	IRP	<CHARS>,<CNT==CNT+1>	; Loop over chars counting them

  IFE CNT,<				; If no characters
	EXP	0			; Then produce just a zero word

  IFN CNT,<				; If any characters
	XWD	[			; Start literal
	WORD==0				; Initialize word to zero
	.SHFT==^D28			; Initialize shift value

    IRP <CHARS>,<			; Loop over all chars again
	WORD==WORD+<<CHARS>_.SHFT>	; Add new char into word
	.SHFT==.SHFT-8			; Lessen shift by a char

      IFL .SHFT,<			; If the word is full
	EXP	WORD			; Dump completed word of chars
	WORD==0				; Reset the word
	.SHFT==^D28			; And the shift value
    >					; End of loop over chars

    IFN <.SHFT-^D29>,<			; See if any partial word left
	EXP	WORD			; If so, dump it too
	],-CNT				; End literal and store count
  >					; End of ifn cnt conditional
;Now define the tables that hold the terminal sequences

TRMTAB:	TRMLST				; Generate the terminal list
	0				; End of list

;Now the home sequence table

HOMTAB:	TRMLST				; Generate the home list
	0				; End of list

;Now the clear to end of line sequence table

CELTAB:	TRMLST				; Generate the ceol list

;The clear to end of screen sequence table

CESTAB:	TRMLST				; Generate the ceos list

;The absolute addressing sequence table

ADRTAB:	TRMLST				; Generate the addressing list
Subttl	Control character dispatch table

;Any control character which may have a meaning to any of the supported
;terminals has a dispatch address where the character is handled.  A
;cursor key is indicated by the sign bit being set, in which case the left
;half word also contains the terminal type for which the cursor key is
;appropriate.  The dispatch table processing routine has the responsibility
;of resolving inter-terminal conflicts.

	ALL==400000	; All terminals
	ADDS==400004	; Viewpoints
	DATA==400007	; Datamedias
	VT52==400017	;GIGI and VT52

CCTAB:	EXP	R			; No meaning
	XWD	ADDS,.HOM		; ^a - home on adds terminals
	EXP	.FUN			; ^b - special functions
	EXP	CTLC			; ^c - abort
	EXP	DELETE			; ^d - delete functions
	EXP	EXIT			; ^e - exit
	XWD	ADDS,.RIG		; ^f - right on adds terminals
	EXP	GETLIN			; ^g - get text
	XWD	ALL,.LEF		; ^h - left on all terminals
	EXP	.TAB			; ^i - tab on all terminals
	XWD	ALL,.DWN		; ^j - down on all terminals
	EXP	.SPEC			; ^k - special functions
	EXP	.FFD			; ^l - clear on all terminals
	EXP	.CR			; ^m - carriage return on all terminals
	EXP	INSERT			; ^n - insert functions
	EXP	RETLIN			; ^o - retrieve "gotten" text
	EXP	POSIT			; ^p - position functions
	EXP	R			; ^Q - unused
	EXP	BAKTAB			; ^r - reverse tab
	EXP	R			; ^S - unused
	EXP	TRATAB			; ^t - transparent tab
	XWD	ADDS,.LEF		; ^u - left on adds terminals
	EXP	EVEN			; ^v - justify paragraph
	EXP	PATMAT			; ^w - string search
	EXP	SEARCH			; ^x - repeat search
	XWD	DATA,.HOM		; ^y - home on a datamedia
	XWD	ADDS,.UP		; ^z - up on an adds terminal
	EXP	.ESC			; Esc - special handling
	XWD	DATA,.RIG		; ^\ - right on a datamedia
	EXP	DELEOL			; ^] - delete to end of line
	EXP	R			; ^^
	XWD	DATA,.UP		; ^_ - up on a datamedia
Subttl	Interrupt system tables

;Level table


;Channel table

CHNTAB:	1,,CONC			; Channel zero, control-c
	BLOCK	^D35		; No others at present

;Here to process a control-C.  Ask the user if they really want to
;abort what they're doing.

CONC:	DMOVEM	F,INTACS	; Save f and a
	MOVE	A,[2,,INTACS+2]	; Load a blt pointer
	BLT	A,INTACS+17	; Store the acs
	MOVE	P,[IOWD 50,INTSTK]	; Get a stack pointer
	CALL	CONFRM		; Confirm the control-c
	 JRST	CONC.A		; Not really wanted
	CALL	CLRSCN		; Clear the screen
	CALL	RESTRM		; Restore normal mode
	TYPE	<% Aborting -- type CONTINUE to resume, or REENTER to save your file>
	PUSH	P,.JBREN##	; Save current reenter address
	MOVEI	A,CONC.B	; Get reenter address
	MOVEM	A,.JBREN##	; Save it
	HALTF%			; Quit

;If we're continued..
	CALL	INITRM		; Restore terminal
	CALL	CLRSCN		; Clear screen
;;	CALL	.FFD		; Refresh it
	MOVEI	B,14		; Form feed
	STI%			; Force a refresh

;Here if we never messed up the screen
CONC.A:	POP	P,.JBREN##	; Restore old reenter address
	MOVE	P,[INTACS,,0]	; Get blt pointer
	BLT	P,P		; Restore all acs
	DEBRK%			; And dismiss the interrupt

;Here for a reenter
CONC.B:	POP	P,.JBREN##	; Get old reenter address
	MOVE	P,SAVEP		; Get old stack pointer
	RETSKP			; Return to output mode
Subttl	Control character output control

;Define the control characters that should be literally translated.
;Everything else doesn't echo, which prevents the terminal being affected
;by special effects that the program doesn't know about.


	IFL <.T-^D35>,<CCP1=CCP1+400000000000_-.T>
	IFG <.T-^D35>,<CCP2=CCP2+400000000000_-<.T-^D36>>


	IFL <.T-^D35>,<CCP1=CCP1+400000000000_-.T>
	IFG <.T-^D35>,<CCP2=CCP2+400000000000_-<.T-^D36>>

;Now define the "action" characters

CCENB	(AFHJLMUYZ)		; The control characters
CCLFT	(<33,34,35,37>)		; And left-overs (non alphabetic)
Subttl	INITRM - Set special terminal/job status

;The terminal has to be carefully set up to run - exactly the correct
;control characters must echo in literal mode, and all others must not
;echo.  The length and width must be zero.  The terminal interrupt word
;must be cleared.  Page mode must be disabled.  And all standard parameters
;must be stored and restored at end of program.

INITRM:	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Controlling terminal
	GTTYP%				; Get our type
	SETZ	P2,			; This will be the terminal pointer
INI.A:	SKIPN	A,TRMTAB(P2)		; Get a terminal type
	 NOERR	(<? Your defined terminal type is not supported>,EXIT)
	CAIE	B,(A)			; Do we match right half?
	 AOJA	P2,INI.A		; No, try again
	HLLZ	F,A			; Get the flags
	HRRZS	A			; Isolate terminal type
	CAIE	A,ADDS-ALL		; Is it a viewpoint?
	 SETZM	MOD2			; No, so model2 switch is worthless

	MOVX	A,GJ%SHT		; Short form
	HRROI	B,ASC<TTY:>		; Tty device
	GTJFN%				; Get a jfn on it
	 SSTERR	(<Can't get tty jfn>,EXIT)
	MOVX	B,FLD(10,OF%BSZ)!OF%WR	; Write 8-bit bytes
	OPENF%				; Open the channel
	 SSTERR	(<Can't open a channel to the tty>,EXIT)
	MOVEM	A,TJFN			; Save the jfn
	MOVEI	A,.FHJOB		; This job
	RTIW%				; Get current interrupt word
	MOVEM	B,TIW			; Save it
	MOVX	B,1B3			; ^c only
	STIW%				; Set interrupt word
	 ERJMP	[TYPE <%Warning: Control-C's are not being trapped>
		 JRST .+1]		; Type error and continue
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Terminal
	RFCOC%				; Get current ccoc settings
	DMOVEM	B,CCOC			; Save them
	MOVX	B,CCP1			; Control character output word one
	MOVX	C,CCP2			; And two
	SKPON	F.ANSI!F.VT52		; Does this terminal need escape?
	 TRZ	C,600000		; No, so turn off escape
	SFCOC%				; Set it
	MOVEI	B,.MORLW		; Line width
	MTOPR%				; Get current value
	MOVEM	C,WIDTH			; And store
	MOVEI	B,.MORLL		; Screen length
	MOVEM	C,LENGTH		; Store current value
	MOVEI	B,.MOSLW		; Set width function
	SETZ	C,			; To zero
	MOVEI	B,.MOSLL		; Set length
	MTOPR%				; Also to zero
	SKPON	F.ANSI			; Are we ansi?
	 JRST	INI.B			; No, skip the next code
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Set alternate keypad mode
	MOVEI	B,ALT			; By sending an <esc>= to the tty
	BOUT%				; Send an escape
	MOVEI	B,"="			; And an equal
	BOUT%				; Write it
	SKIPE	VT102			; Are we in VT102 mode?
	 FLGON	F.V102			; Yes, set the flag

;Set up interrupts to intercept a ^C

INI.B:	MOVEI	A,.FHSLF		; Our fork
	SIR%				; Initialize
	MOVX	B,1B0			; Channel zero
	AIC%				; Activate it
	EIR%				; Enable system
	MOVE	A,[3,,0]		; ^c to channel zero
	ATI%				; Activate terminal interrupt
	 ERJMP	.+1			; Ignore the error this time
	RET				; Done
Subttl	RESTRM - Restore original TTY status

RESTRM:	SKPON	F.ANSI			; Are we an ansi terminal?
	 JRST	RES.A			; No, skip the next code
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Reset the keypad mode by sending
	MOVEI	B,ALT			; An <esc>
	MOVEI	B,">"			; And a ">"
RES.A:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get the terminal JFN
	CLOSF%				; Close the terminal
	 JFCL				; Ignore errors
	MOVEI	A,.FHJOB		; Our job
	MOVE	B,TIW			; Get old interrupt word
	STIW%				; And set it
	 ERJMP	.+1			; Ignore errors
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; This terminal
	DMOVE	B,CCOC			; Get original ccoc settings
	SFCOC%				; Set them
	MOVEI	B,.MOSLW		; Set width
	MOVE	C,WIDTH			; To old value
	MOVEI	B,.MOSLL		; Set length
	MOVE	C,LENGTH		; To old value
	SETZ	B,			; Current line position
	SFPOS%				; Now zero
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Terminal jfn
	CLOSF%				; Closed
	 JFCL				; Ignore errors

;Disable the interrupt system
	MOVEI	A,.FHSLF		; Our fork
	DIR%				; Disable interrupts
	SETZ	B,			; No channels
	AIC%				; Now active
	MOVEI	A,3			; Terminal code 3 (^c)
	DTI%				; Deactivate terminal interrupt
	 ERJMP	.+1			; Ignoring errors
	RET				; Done
Subttl	GETTXT - Routine to return text buffer

;GETTXT assumes that what shows on the screen is reflected by the buffer
;contents, and that the cursor is where LINE and COL say it is.  Location
;MAXLIN contains the legal line limit for the input text.  TOPLIN contains
;the current line that's at the top of the screen.  Note that the line
;position to be used in cursor positioning, if such becomes necessary, is
;LINE modulo 24.  Location BUF contains the address of the destination buffer.
;The input is terminated on two successive escapes.  The failure return is
;taken if LINE exceeds MAXLIN.  HGHLIN contains the number of the highest
;line seen.

	SETZM	DOUBLE			; Single spacing by default
	SETZM	DIRECT			; Searching forward by default
	SKIPE	PROG			; Programming mode?
	 SETZM	AUTOPG			; Yes, NO autopagination
	SETZM	SHRVAL			; Clear shrink value
	MOVE	T1,[POINT 7,BUF]	; Point to the buffer
	MOVEM	T1,BEGBUF		; And save the pointer
	SETOM	SLINE			; Clear it
	SETOM	SCOL			; Clear it
	MOVEM	P,SAVEP			; Save the stack pointer
	SETZM	TOPLIN			; Top line counter
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Terminal
	RFCOC%				; Get current ccoc settings
	DMOVEM	B,CCSTRG		; Save them

;Initialize the screen
	FLGON	F.INDT			; Indent after refresh
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
;	SKIPE	SFIRST			; Are we in search-first mode?
;	 CALL	PATMAT			; Yes, do a search first
	SKIPN	SFIRST			; Search-first mode?
	 CALL	.FFD			; And initialize it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up the pointer

	SKPON	F.NSIN			; Do we have a new SIN% JSYS?
	 CALL	CHKSIN			; Not yet...make sure we don't
;This is the main character input loop

GET.A:	MOVE	A,HGHLIN		; Get highest current line
	CAMLE	A,MAXLIN		; Too high?
	 RET				; Yes
	SKPON	F.NSIN			; New SIN% jsys available?
	 JRST	GET.A2			; Nope, do it the old way

;Attempt to read in a string of characters at once, for efficiency.  We
;  only do this if there are more than 2 characters left on the line to read,
;  and only read to the first control character.  SIN% must be modified for
;  this function to work.

	MOVE	C,MAXCOL		; Get column
	SUB	C,COL			; Get characters left on line
	CAIG	C,6			; Line too short?
	 JRST	GET.A2			; Yes, don't bother
	SUBI	C,4			; Don't go into check area
	MOVX	D,SI%TCC		; Special JSYS flag
	BPM	B,SPARE			; Point to a buffer
	MOVEI	A,.PRIIN		; Principle input device
	MOVE	T1,C			; Copy character count
	SIN%				; Read in the text

	SUBI	T1,1(C)			; Get chars read minus one
	BPM	B,SPARE			; Reset byte pointer
	JUMPLE	T1,GET.A1		; Only one char read, handle specially
	ADDM	T1,COL			; Bump the column count
	MOVNS	T1			; Negate t1
	ADDM	T1,CHRCNT		; And bump character count
	ILDB	A,B			; Get a byte
	IDPB	A,P1			; Deposit it
	AOJL	T1,.-2			; And loop until done

;Here for the last character on the line - might be control, handle differently
GET.A1:	ILDB	A,B			; Get the character
	JRST	GET.A3			; Analyze it
;Here for regular character input, a byte at a time

GET.A2:	SOS	CHRCNT			; Count down another character read
	PBIN%				; Get a character

;We can get here from escape handling routine, if we were forced to
;  read in a pre-mature character.
GET.A3:	SETZM	VALUE			; No numeric value assumed
	CAIN	A,177			; Is it a rubout?
	 JRST	GET.C			; Yes, handle it specially
	CAIGE	A,SP			; Is it a control character?
	 JRST	GET.B			; Yes, handle it
	IDPB	A,P1			; Store the character
	CALL	.RIG			; Move cursor right
	JUMPE	T1,BREAK		; Look for line overflow
	CAMLE	T1,MAXCOL		; Too far over?
	 JRST	BREAK			; Yes, correct the line
	CAMLE	T1,MINCOL		; In the red zone?
	 JRST	CHECK			; Yes, look for a breaker
	JRST	GET.A			; Next char
;Handle control characters here. Return from GETTXT when we get the non-skip
;return from CCTAB, which indicates end of input found.

GET.B:	SKIPL	A,CCTAB(A)		; Get the dispatch code
	 JRST	GET.B1			; Not a cursor char
	LDB	T1,[POINT 9,A,17]	; Isolate type code
	JUMPE	T1,GET.B1		; All terminals if zero
	HRRZ	T2,TRMTAB(P2)		; Get type of this terminal
	CAMN	T1,T2			; Same type?
	 JRST	GET.B1			; Yes, execute the command
	JRST	GET.A			; No, discard the command

;Here if the control character is legitimate

GET.B1:	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Assume page mark will go away
	CALL	(A)			; Control character dispatch address
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set new pointer position
	SKPON	F.NOPG			; If screen ok, dont do paging
	 CALL	SETPAG			; Display any page breaks on screen
	SKPON	F.FINI			; Finished?
	 JRST	GET.A			; No, get next character
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	RETSKP				; And return

;Handle a rubout here.  This gets treated as an actual delete, not as a
;backspace.  It removes the character pointed to and shifts the line.

GET.C:	CALL	DELCHR			; Delete a character
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer up
	JRST	GET.A			; Loop for more
;	BREAK and CHECK - Routines to handle line breaking neatly

;Check -- if the character we just looked at was a space, break the line.

CHECK:	JUMPE	A,CHE.A			; Neo-space?
	CAIE	A,SP			; Or space?
	 JRST	GET.A			; No, return
CHE.A:	FLGON	F.FMOV			; Forced move
	CALL	.DWN			; Down a line
	CALL	DOIND			; Do indentation
	JRST	GET.A			; And continue

;Break - reverse and break the line at the first space we find.  Go back only
;BACKUP characters before giving up, though.   The double sequence at BRE.A
;probably looks odd, but reflect on the operation of the ADJBP instruction.

BREAK:	JUMPE	A,CHE.A			; Check for neo-space
	CAIN	A,SP			; Last one a space?
	 JRST	CHE.A			; Yes, let check handle it
	MOVE	T2,BACKUP		; Get maximum backup
	MOVE	T3,P1			; Get copy of pointer

;Loop here going backwards through the line
BRE.A:	SETO	T1,			; Set to minus one
	ADJBP	T1,T3			; Back up the pointer
	SOJ	T2,			; Count back
	LDB	T3,T1			; Get a byte
	JUMPE	T3,BRE.C		; Check for neo-space
	CAIN	T3,SP			; Space?
	 JRST	BRE.C			; Yes, handle it
	JUMPL	T2,BRE.E		; Check for exceeding backup value
	SETO	T3,			; Now do same for other ac
	ADJBP	T3,T1			; Make copy and back it up one
	SOJ	T2,			; Count back
	LDB	T1,T3			; Get the character
	JUMPE	T1,BRE.B		; Check for neo-space
	CAIN	T1,SP			; Space?
	 JRST	BRE.B			; Yes
	JUMPGE	T2,BRE.A		; Loop if we haven't gone too far
	JRST	BRE.E			; We have, break where we are
;We have a breaking spot. Pick up the characters we passed over and
;re-deposit them at the beginning of the next line.

BRE.B:	MOVE	T1,T3			; Get pointer in right ac
BRE.C:	SUB	T2,BACKUP		; Get negative count of characters
	PUSH	P,T2			; Save it
	ADDB	T2,COL			; Column where zeroing starts
	JUMPG	T2,BRE.C1		; Skip if normal count
	ADDI	T2,^D80			; We wrapped, back up to last line
	MOVEM	T2,COL			; Store it
	SOS	LINE			; Back up
BRE.C1:	PUSH	P,T1			; Save the pointer
	CALL	CLREOL			; Blank out rest of line
	FLGON	F.FMOV			; Forced move
	CALL	.DWN			; Get to next line
	CALL	DOIND			; Do indentation
	POP	P,T1			; Restore pointer
	POP	P,T2			; Restore counter
	MOVEI	T3,SP			; Load a space

;Transfer from old line to new
BRE.D:	ILDB	A,T1			; Get a character
	DPB	T3,T1			; Overwrite it with a blank
	IDPB	A,P1			; Deposit it
	AOS	COL			; Count it
	SKIPN	A			; Is it a null?
	 MOVEI	A,SP			; Yes, that's a space
	PBOUT%				; And type it
	AOJL	T2,BRE.D		; Loop as far as necessary
	JRST	GET.A			; Done
;No breaking point is convenient, so break the line just where we are

BRE.E:	MOVNI	T1,2			; Load a minus two
	SKIPE	HYPHEN			; Want a hyphen?
	 MOVNI	T1,1			; Nope
	ADDM	T1,COL			; Adjust the column
	ADJBP	T1,P1			; Copy the byte pointer
	PUSH	P,T1			; Save it
	HRROI	A,[ASCIZ .- .]	; Two backspaces, etc
	SKIPE	HYPHEN			; Do we want the hyphen?
	 HRROI	A,[ASCIZ . .]		; No, just break
	PSOUT%				; Repair the line
	FLGON	F.FMOV			; Forced move in progress
	CALL	.DWN			; Down a line
	CALL	DOIND			; Indent it
	POP	P,T1			; Restore old pointer
	SKIPE	HYPHEN			; Are we hyphenating?
	 JRST	BRE.E1			; Nope, skip this
	ILDB	A,T1			; Get a byte
	MOVEI	B,"-"			; Get a hyphen
	DPB	B,T1			; To replace it with
	IDPB	A,P1			; Move the char
	PBOUT%				; Type the char
BRE.E1:	ILDB	A,T1			; Get the next char
	MOVEI	B,SP			; Load a space
	DPB	B,T1			; Overwrite the character
	PBOUT%				; Type that one too
	IDPB	A,P1			; Transfer complete
	CALL	SETLC			; Set line and column
	JRST	GET.A			; Done
;Special routine to position the text byte pointer according to the current
;line and column.

SETPTR:	STKVAR	<<SAVT12,2>>		; Temp storage
	MOVE	P1,LINE			; Get line number
	IMULI	P1,20			; Get word address for line beginning
	MOVE	T1,COL			; Get column
	IDIVI	T1,5			; Get word within line block
	ADD	P1,T1			; Add to address
	ADD	P1,BUF			; Add in buffer address
	HLL	P1,PTRTAB(T2)		; Make proper byte pointer
	DMOVE	T1,SAVT12		; Restore acs
	RET				; Done

;Routine to position the line and column counters according to the current
;status of the byte pointer.

SETLC:	HLLZ	T1,P1			; Get byte pointer part
	HRRZ	T2,P1			; And address part
	SUB	T2,BUF			; Remove offset
	IDIVI	T2,20			; Get line
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Store it
	IMULI	T3,5			; Get start of column block
	HRLZI	T2,-6			; Counter for aobjn loop
	CAME	T1,PTRTAB(T2)		; Check entries
	AOBJN	T2,.-1			; Loop through table
	ADDI	T3,(T2)			; Add proper offset
	MOVEM	T3,COL			; And store the column
	CAIGE	T3,^D80			; Too high?
	 RET				; No
	SETZM	COL			; Yes, we're on the next line
	AOS	LINE			; So say so
	RET				; Done

;Byte pointer table

PTRTAB:	440700,,0			; Point 7,0
	350700,,0			; Point 7,0,6
	260700,,0			; Point 7,0,13
	170700,,0			; Point 7,0,20
	100700,,0			; Point 7,0,27
	010700,,0			; Point 7,0,35
Subttl	Pagination routines

SETPAG:	SKIPN	AUTOPG			; Autopagination on?
	 RET				; No, don't bother
	CALL	CLRPG			; Clear any current marks
	SETO	T1,			; Here we store loc of last page mark
	SKIPE	HARDPG			; Any hard page marks yet?
	 CALL	FNDPAG			; Yes, find the nearest previous one
	JUMPGE	T1,SETP.A		; Non-neg means value set
	MOVN	T1,LETHED		; Otherwise use letterhead as count
	ADDI	T1,4			; Add in count of header

; Here we loop, adding the page size to the value in t1 (last mark) until
; we are >= the current top-of-screen line value.
SETP.A:	ADD	T1,PAGSIZ		; Add the pagesize
	CAMGE	T1,TOPLIN		; Are we greater than top-of-screen?
	 JRST	SETP.A			; No, keep incrementing

	SUB 	T1,TOPLIN		; Find the difference
	CAIL 	T1,^D23			; Is it less than 24?
	 RET				; No, so no page break on screen
	MOVE	T2,T1			; Store the marker value
	SKIPN	HARDPG			; Any hard pages?
	 JRST	SETP.B			; No, so don't bother checking
	SKIPE	B,T1			; Copy it
	 IMULI	B,20			; If non-zero, multiply by 20
	ADD	B,BUF			; Add buffer offset
	CALL	FNDP.A			; Look for page break on screen
	JUMPGE	T1,R			; Return if one found

SETP.B:	MOVEM	T2,CURRPG		; Save current page marker

; Here we know there is a page break on the screen.  Put it where it belongs:
SETMRK:	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save the current line
	PUSH	P,COL			; Save the column
	MOVEI	A,^D79			; The 79th col
	MOVEM	A,COL			; Set it
	ADD	T2,TOPLIN		; Find our loc on the screen
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Set the line
	CALL	FNDP.B			; See if there's a hard mark on screen
	JUMPLE	T1,SETM.B		; If none, skip the next test
	MOVE	B,LINE			; Recall the current line
	SUB	B,TOPLIN		; Find it on the screen
	CAML	B,T1			; Is hard mark before soft one?
	 JRST	SETM.A			; Yes, don't write it then
SETM.B:	CALL	SPCON			; Start the special effects
	CALL	CURSOF			; Cursor off if possible
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position the cursor
	MOVEI	A,"P"			; Page marker
	PBOUT%				; Type it
SETM.A:	POP	P,COL			; Reset the column
	POP	P,LINE			; Reset the line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Put the cursor back
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Stop writing special characters
	CALL	CURSON			; Restore cursor if off
	RET				; And return
; Here is the routine which erases the current page-mark from the screen:

CLRPG:	SKIPGE	CURRPG			; Is there a current mark?
	 RET				; No, just return
	PUSH	P,COL			; Save the current line and col
	MOVE	A,CURRPG		; Recall where the mark is
	ADD	A,TOPLIN		; Find the real line number
	MOVEM	A,LINE			; Make it the line
	MOVEI	A,^D79			; 79
	MOVEM	A,COL			; Make it the current col
	CALL	CURSOF			; Turn off cursor, if possible
	CALL	CURPOS			; Move the cursor there
	MOVEI	A," "			; Get a space
	PBOUT%				; Type it
	POP	P,COL			; Restore the column
	POP	P,LINE			; And the line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Reset the cursor
	CALL	CURSON			; Restore cursor if off
	SETOM	CURRPG			; Clear the current page word
	RET				; And return

; Here is the FNDPAG routine.  We search backward from the current line
; until we find a "~" as the first character of a line:
FNDPAG:	MOVE	B,TOPLIN		; Recall the current line
	IMULI	B,20			; Make it a word counter
	ADD 	B,BUF			; Find it in the buffer
	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Where to start

; Now loop, looking for a "~" as the first character of a line
FNDP.A:	LDB	A,[POINT 7,@B,6]	; Get the first character of the line
	CAIN	A,"~"			; Is it a squiggle?
	 RET				; Return with the counter
	SUBI	B,20			; Move to the previous line
	SOJGE	T1,FNDP.A		; Loop for all lines
	RET				; And return

; Here to find if a hard page break is somewhere on the screen:
FNDP.B:	MOVE	B,TOPLIN		; Recall the top of screen
	ADDI	B,^D23			; Find the current bottom line
	IMULI	B,20			; Make it a word
	ADD	B,BUF			; Find it in the buffer
	MOVEI	T1,^D23			; We'll check up to 23 lines back
	JRST	FNDP.A			; And look for the break
Subttl	Control character processing

;.HOM - Home the cursor.  On an ADDS we go to the bottom left corner of
;the screen, but on any other terminal it's top left.

.HOM:	SETZM	COL			; Column zero
	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Get top line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Make it current line
	SKPOFF	F.BHOM			; On a bottom homing terminal?
	 CALL	HOMEUP			; An adds - really home it
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Don't change the page mark
	RET				; Return

;.LEF - Left cursor.  This behaves differently on different terminals.

.LEF:	SKIPN	T1,VALUE		; Repeat count?
	JRST	.+3			; No, regular
	 MOVNS	T1			; Make count negative
	 JRST	POSM.C			; And dispatch
	FLGON	F.NOPG			; So far, screen is ok
	SOSL	T1,COL			; Reduce column
	 RET				; Done - that was easy!
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; But now screen might be bad
	SKPON	F.NWRP!F.ANSI		; Non-wrapping terminal?
	 JRST	LEF.A			; Nope
	SETZM	COL			; Yes, can't back past left edge
	RET				; Done
LEF.A:	MOVEI	T1,^D79			; Last column on previous line
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Store it
	CALL	.UP			; Up one line
	RET				; Done

;.CR - Carriage return.  Handled same on all terminals

.CR:	PBIN%				; Get the line feed
	FLGOFF	F.DSCR			; No downward scrolling in effect
	SETZM	COL			; Now at column zero
	CALL	.DWN			; Go down a line
	TXZN	F,F.DSCR		; Did .dwn set scrolling flag?
	SKIPLE	INDENT			; Any indention?
	 JRST	DOIND			; Do the indentation
	RET				; Done
;.UP - Go up a line, watching for wraparound.

.UP:	SKIPN	T1,VALUE		; Repeat count?
	JRST	.+3			; No, regular
	 MOVNS	T1			; Make count negative
	 JRST	POSM.L			; And go do it
	SOS	T1,LINE			; Back up a line
	SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	 SOS	T1,LINE			; Yes, two lines
	FLGON	F.NOPG			; We left the page mark alone
	CAML	T1,TOPLIN		; Backed up too far?
	 JRST	[SKIPE	DOUBLE		; Double spacing?
		  JRST	CURPOS		; Yes, manual spacing
		 RET]			; No, just return
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Might have changed the screen
	JUMPG	T1,UP.B			; Hidden data, back up
	SETZM	TOPLIN			; Set first line as top
	CALL	CURPOS			; Re-position cursor
	RET				; Done

;Here if we want to wrap backwards with more text available.
UP.B:	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Get present top
	SUB	T1,SCRVAL		; Amount to scroll by
	SKIPGE	T1			; Don't go negative
	 SETZ	T1,
	CAMLE	T1,LINE			; See if we're not back far enough
	 MOVE	T1,LINE			; We weren't, fix it
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Reset the top border
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear screen
	CALL	.FFD			; Refresh the screen
	RET				; And return

;Cursor right

.RIG:	SKIPE	T1,VALUE		; Repeat count?
	 JRST	POSM.C			; Yes, handle that
	AOS	T1,COL			; Bump the column
	FLGON	F.NOPG			; Chance the screen is ok
	CAIGE	T1,^D80			; Wraparound?
	 RET				; No
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Screen might be fudged, mark it
	SKPON	F.ANSI!F.VT52		; Ansi or vt52 mode?
	 JRST	RIG.A			; Nope, regular
	SOS	T1,COL			; Yes, no wrapping available
	RET				; Done

;On a regular wrapping terminal
RIG.A:	SETZM	COL			; Now on column zero
	CALL	.DWN			; Cursor down one line
	SETZ	T1,			; Return column
	RET				; Done
;.TAB - These are tricky to handle.  The Viewpoints don't have hardware
;tabs, so for consistency on all terminals we set tabs to no echo mode and
;simulate them by spaces.

.TAB:	MOVEI	A,SP			; Get a space
TAB.A:	IDPB	A,P1			; Deposit at least one
	PBOUT%				; And type it too
	AOS	T1,COL			; Bump the column
	CAIL	T1,^D80			; Too far?
	 JRST	TAB.B			; Yes, new line
	ADJBP	T1,[POINT 1,TABS]	; Get pointer to proper area
	ILDB	T2,T1			; Get the bit
	JUMPE	T2,TAB.A		; Not set, keep going
	RET				; Done

;Here when we've tabbed too far and reached next line
TAB.B:	SETZM	COL			; Yes, we're at left edge now
	CALL	.DWN			; And down one line
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; We could have blown floating mark
	RET				; Done

;Special routines to set and remove tab stops

.REMTB:	TDZA	T1,T1			; Clear t1

.SETTB:	MOVEI	T1,1			; Set t1
	SKIPN	T2,COL			; Get column
	 RET				; Don't mess with first tab
	ADJBP	T2,[POINT 1,TABS]	; Get byte pointer
	IDPB	T1,T2			; Set or clear a tab
	RET				; Return
;.FFD - Form feed handling.  The screen is now clear, so we should
;refresh it.

.FFD:	SETZM	SFIRST			; Clear search mode
	SKPOFF	F.NFFD			; No form feed?
	 CALL	CLRSCN			; Supply a clear screen
	SETZM	CURRPG			; No page mark any more
.FFD.B:	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Get top of screen
	MOVEI	T2,^D24			; Amount to print

;Alternate entry from routines that don't want to start outputting at the top.
FFD.A:	PUSH	P,BUF			; Save some parameters
	IMULI	T1,20			; Make into word offset
	ADDM	T1,BUF			; Add to buf
	SOJ	T2,			; Back up by one line
	MOVEM	T2,HGHLIN		; Store for empty routine
	MOVEI	A,SPARE			; Spare data buffer
	CALL	EMPTY			; Translate the buffer
	SETZ	T2,			; Wipe out the last crlf
	IDPB	T2,T1			; With a null
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Get the buffer
	PSOUT%				; And type it
	TXZN	F,F.INDT		; Should we indent?
	 JRST	CURPOS			; No, just return
	SKIPE	COL			; Are we at left edge?
	 JRST	CURPOS			; No, so stay where we are
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Get indent
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; And set it
	JRST	CURPOS			; Position and return

;CTLC - Control C handling.  Here we just abort the program.  If we're
;continued, we jump to .FFD to restore the screen to a known state.

CTLC:	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	CALL	RESTRM			; Restore normal terminal mode
	TYPE	<% Aborting, type CONTINUE to recover>
	HALTF%				; Die
	CALL	INITRM			; Back to special mode
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	CALL	.FFD			; Reset the contents
	JRST	GET.A			; And get next input

;Exit - leave the program

	RET				; Return
;.DWN - Go down one line.  This gets a bit tricky, since the screen
;might scroll and we have to be aware of where the top line really is.

.DWN:	SKIPE	T1,VALUE		; Repeat count?
	 JRST	POSM.L			; Yes, do it
	SKIPN	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	IFSKP.				; Yes, add another line
	  MOVEI	A,12			; Line feed
	  PBOUT%			; Type it
	  AOS	A,LINE			; Add another line
	  SUB	A,TOPLIN		; Find out what line we're on
	  CAIL	A,^D24			; Double scroll case?
	   AOS	TOPLIN			; Yes, account for it
	AOS	A,LINE			; Down a line
	SUB	A,TOPLIN		; How far down are we?
	FLGON 	F.NOPG			; We didn't move the window (yet)
	CAIGE	A,^D24			; Did we scroll?
	 JRST	DWN.A			; No, return after zeroing flags
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; We moved it now
        MOVE	A,LINE			; Get line again
	CAMLE	A,HGHLIN		; Is there more text below?
	 JRST	DWN.B			; No
	MOVEI	A,.PRIOU		; Output
	HRROI	B,[BYTE (7) 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12]
	MOVN	C,SCRVAL		; Number of lines down to go
	SKPON	F.FMOV			; Forced move?
	 AOJ	C,			; No, so go one less
	SKIPE	C			; Any more to go?
	 SOUT%				; Yes
	MOVE	T2,SCRVAL		; Get lines to refresh
	ADDM	T2,TOPLIN		; Reflect new top line
	PUSH	P,COL			; Save column
	SETZM	COL			; Clear it
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position
	POP	P,COL			; Restore column
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line to start
	CALL	FFD.A			; Do a partial refresh
	FLGON	F.DSCR			; Downward scrolling in effect
;Make sure that the flag F.FMOV is zeroed no matter how we leave this
;routine, or else it can hang around to bother us later.

DWN.A:	FLGOFF	F.FMOV			; Clear the flag
	MOVE	A,LINE			; Get line back again
	CAMLE	A,HGHLIN		; Did we set a new max?
	 MOVEM	A,HGHLIN		; Yes, set it
	JRST	DWN.C			; * check for insert mode
	RET				; Done

;Check for a forced MOVE command - such as for a tab overflow.

DWN.B:	AOS	TOPLIN			; Reflect new top line
	MOVEM	A,HGHLIN		; Set new maximum line seen
	TXZN	F,F.FMOV		; Forced move?
	 RET				; No
	MOVEI	A,12			; Get a lf
	PBOUT%				; And go down a line
;	RET				; Done

;* Check for insert mode

DWN.C:	SKPON	F.INSM			; Insert mode?
	 RET				; No, done
	MOVE	A,IMFLG			; Get current line
	CAML	A,LINE			; Are we within old limit?
	 RET				; Yes, so we're done
	CALL	INSLIN			; No, so add new line
	AOS	IMFLG			; Bump the new line flag
	RET				; Done
;.ESC - Escape handling.  Some special functions require an escape before
;the real command.  Otherwise escapes get ignored unless we're on an ANSI
;mode terminal.  ANSI terminals use escape sequences for cursor movement.
;** Update: escapes now mean beginning of number.

.ESC:	CALL	GETNIN			; Get a number, w/o terminator
	SKIPN	VALUE			; Don't erase an existing value
	 MOVEM	T1,VALUE		; Save it
	MOVE	A,T2			; Copy terminating byte
	JUMPE	T1,ESC.0		; Jump if no number
	CAIL	A,SP			; A control char?
	 JRST	ESC.0			; No
	SKIPLE	T1,CCTAB(A)		; Get the dispatch address
	 PBOUT%				; Must be echoed before dispatch
	JRST	(T1)			; Cursor, go to it

;Here if not a numeric command
ESC.0:	CAIN	A,"<"			; Open bracket?
	 JRST	ESC.D			; Yes
	CAIN	A,">"			; Close bracket?
	 JRST	MOVPAR			; Yes, copy and delete text
	CAIN	A,"O"			; A special function code?
	 JRST	ESC.C			; Yes, handle specially
	CAIE	A,.CHDEL		; Don't echo a rubout
	PBOUT%				; Type the terminating byte
	SKPOFF	F.VT52			; Terminal a vt52?
	 JRST	ESC.1			; Yes, skip the next tests
	SKPON	F.ANSI			; Altmodes part of cursor movement?
	 JRST	GET.A3			; No, analyze current character

	CAIE	A,"["			; A bracket?
	 RET				; Nope, illegal
	PBIN%				; Get the next
ESC.1:	CAIN	A,"A"			; Code a = up
	 JRST	ESC.E			; Do it
	CAIN	A,"B"			; Code b = down
	 JRST	ESC.A			; Handle it specially
	CAIN	A,"C"			; Code c = right
	 JRST	.RIG			; Do it
	CAIN	A,"D"			; Code d = left
	 JRST	.LEF			; Do it
	RET				; Ignore anything else
;We handle the down command specially because it doesn't scroll.  Thus
;it must be different from the line feed, which does.

ESC.A:	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Bump the line count
	SUB	T1,TOPLIN		; Get distance from top
	MOVEI	A,12			; Load up a line feed
	CAIL	T1,^D23			; Tried to go off the screen?
	 PBOUT%				; Force a cursor movement
	JRST	.DWN			; And go to down routine

;Check for bumping the highest line
ESC.B:	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get current line
	CAMLE	T1,HGHLIN		; Set new high water mark?
	 MOVEM	T1,HGHLIN		; Yes, say so
	RET				; Done

; Find out the sequence and handle the function code:
ESC.C:	SKPON	F.ANSI			; An ansi terminal?
	 RET				; No, ignore the sequence
	MOVEI	A,"A"			; A dummy code to follow the escape
	PBOUT%				; Write it to the terminal to get
					; Rid of the hanging <esc>
	CALL	ICHAR1			; Get the next character, no raise
	CAIE	A,"S"			; Is it the home sequence? (pf4)
	 JRST	ESC.C1			; Nope, find the function
	FLGON	F.NOPG			; Left the screen alone
	SETZM	COL			; Column zero
	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Get top line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Make it current line
	CALL	HOMEUP			; And home the cursor
	RET				; Done

ESC.C1:	MOVEI	T1,ESCMAX		; Get the conversion table size
ESC.C2:	HRRZ	T2,ESCTAB(T1)		; Get a function code
	CAME	A,T2			; Match?
	 IFSKP.				; Yes...
	 HLRZ	A,ESCTAB(T1)		; Get the corresponding function code
	 MOVEI	T1,FUNMAX		; Get the length of the other table
	 JRST	FUN.A			; And let the funct handler do the work
	 ENDIF.				; ...yes
	SOJG	T1,ESC.C2		; No, look at the next entry
	TYPERR	<? Illegal function code specified>
	RET				; Return to caller
	XWD	"1","P"			; Pf1
	XWD	"2","Q"			; Pf2
	XWD	"3","R"			; Pf3
	XWD	"!","w"			; 7
	XWD	"""","x"		; 8
	XWD	"#","y"			; 9
	XWD	"A","m"			; -
	XWD	"B","t"			; 4
	XWD	"C","u"			; 5
	XWD	"D","v"			; 6
	XWD	"E","l"			; ,
	XWD	"F","q"			; 1
	XWD	"G","r"			; 2
	XWD	"H","s"			; 3
	XWD	"I","p"			; 0
	XWD	"J","n"			; .
	XWD	"U","M"			; Enter
ESCMAX==.-ESCTAB-1			; Length of the table

;Mark a beginning position for the move command
ESC.D:	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line
	MOVEM	T1,SLINE		; Store it
	MOVE	T1,COL			; Get col
	MOVEM	T1,SCOL			; That too
	RET				; Done
;Move the cursor up.  If we're at the top, then scroll the screen downwards
;  and insert (scrval) lines.

ESC.E:	STKVAR	<SCRTMP>		; Temporary variable
	MOVE	A,LINE			; Get current line
	CAME	A,TOPLIN		; Are we at the top?
	 JRST	.UP			; No, regular up
	MOVE	B,SCRVAL		; Get current setting
	SUB	A,B			; Too far?
	ADD	B,A			; Correct the change
	SETZ	A,			; Cursor is homed
	JUMPLE	B,R			; We're already at the top
SCRL.A:	MOVEM	A,LINE			; Set line
	MOVEM	A,TOPLIN		; And topline
	MOVEM	B,SCRTMP		; Save amount to scroll
	SETOM	CURRPG			; Say the old page marks are gone
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get terminal jfn
	HLRZ	B,C			; Copy string address
	HRLI	B,441000		; Make 8-bit pointer
	MOVN	C,SCRTMP		; Get line count
	ASH	C,1			; Multiply by two
	SOUT%				; Type the string
	MOVEI	A,15			; Get a cr
	PBOUT%				; And home the line
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get top line
	MOVE	T2,SCRTMP		; Get line count
	CALL	FFD.A			; Refresh that many lines
	MOVE	A,LINE			; Get current line
	ADD	A,SCRTMP		; Add offset
	SOJ	A,			; Subtract for cursor movement
	SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double spacing set?
	 SOJ	A,			; Yes, one more line
	CAMGE	A,TOPLIN		; Too far?
	 MOVE	A,TOPLIN		; Yes, correct it
	MOVEM	A,LINE			; Restore new value for line
	JRST	CURPOS			; And return
Subttl	Special functions -- Pagination and tab stop manipulation

;These are a class of functions that deserve control characters but
;don't have them.  The ^K is followed by a letter code that specifies
;the action.

.SPEC:	CALL	ICHAR			; Get a character
	CAIN	A,"J"			; Join?
	 JRST	JOIN			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"C"			; Center?
	CAIN	A,"F"			; Flush right?
	CAIN	A,"S"			; Set tabs?
	 JRST	.SETTB			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"R"			; Remove tabs?
	 JRST	.REMTB			; Yes
 	CAIN	A,"B"			; Permanent page break?
 	 JRST	PERMBK			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"N"			; New file?
	CAIN	A,"D"			; Togging double/single mode
	 JRST	DOUB			; Yes, toggle  the mode
 	CAIN	A,"U"			; Unpaginate?
 	 JRST	UNPAG			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"I"			; Setting the indentation?
	CAIN	A,"M"			; Setting maximum right margin?
	CAIN	A,"H"			; Heading set up?
	CAIN	A,"?"			; Help command?
	CAIN	A,"L"			; List the functions?
	CAIN	A,"V"			; Set scroll value?
	CAIN	A,"W"			; What command
	 JRST	SHOW			; Show the status
	CAIN	A,"*"			; Search mode?
	 SETOM	SFIRST			; Yes, set the mode word
	CAIN	A,"A"			; Adjust margins?
;	CAIN	A,"Z"			; Toggle zero output?
;	 JRST	ZOUT			; Yes
	CAIE	A,"P"			; Toggle pagination?
	 RET				; No, none of the above, ignore it
	SETO	A,			; Set A to be true
	SKIPE	AUTOPG			; Are we paginating?
	 SETZ	A,			; We weren't, but we are now
	MOVEM	A,AUTOPG		; Save the toggled flag
	RET				; None of the above
;Setind - reset the current line indentation

SETIND:	MOVE	A,COL			; Get current column
	MOVEM	A,INDENT		; Set as the new indent
	RET				; Done

;Setmax - reset the current maximum margin

SETMAX:	MOVE	A,COL			; Get current column
	CAIGE	A,14			; Make sure it's not too small
	 RET				; Too small
	CAIL	A,^D80			; Or too big
	 RET				; It was
	MOVEM	A,MAXCOL		; Save it
	SUBI	A,4			; Now set mincol
	CAMLE	A,BACKUP		; Larger than backup?
	 MOVEM	A,BACKUP		; Yes, can't be allowed
	RET				; And return

;Centering formfeed - center the current line on the page and refresh

CNTFFD:	SKIPE	T1,VALUE		; Get repeat count
	 JRST	POSM.C			; It exists, char command
	SKPON	F.NFFD			; If nffd terminal, ffd comes later
	 CALL	CLRSCN			; Supply a clear screen
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line
	SUBI	T1,^D12			; Get half a screen back
	SKIPGE	T1			; But don't go negative
	 SETZ	T1,
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; New top of screen
	CALL	.FFD			; Do a form feed
	RET				; And return

;Setscr -- set new scrolling parameter

SETSCR:	SKIPG	A,VALUE			; Check the requested value
	 TYPERR	<? Value must be between 1 and 24>
	CAILE	A,^D24			; Too large?
	 TYPERR	<? Value must be between 1 and 24>
	MOVEM	A,SCRVAL		; Store it
	RET				; And return
;Centering subroutine - Center the text on the current line

CENTER:	MOVE	T1,MAXCOL		; Get right margin
	SKIPG	T3,COL			; Get column
	 RET				; Must be past zero
	SUB	T1,T3			; Get remaining space
	JUMPLE	T1,R			; Must be some
	LSH	T1,-1			; Cut in half
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Point to spare buffer
	HRROI	B,SPACES		; Source of spaces
	MOVNI	C,^D79			; Number to copy
	SOUT%				; Copy them
	SETZM	COL			; Start at left margin
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up p1
	MOVE	A,T1			; Get columns we're moving
	ADJBP	A,[POINT 7,SPARE]	; Adjust the pointer
	MOVE	B,P1			; Source
	MOVN	C,T3			; Move (col) places
	CALL	CLREOL			; Clear the line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Beginning of line
	HRROI	B,SPARE			; Source
	MOVNI	C,^D79			; Number to move
	SOUT%				; Copy the line, shifted
	MOVE	A,P1			; Where to start
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Type it out
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Indent position
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set column
	FLGON	F.FMOV			; Forced move in progress
	CALL	.DWN			; Down to next line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position cursor
	RET				; Done
;Flush right subroutine - make current text flush right

FLUSHR:	MOVE	T1,MAXCOL		; Get right margin
	SKIPG	T3,COL			; Get column
	 RET				; Must be past zero
	SUB	T1,T3			; Get remaining space
	JUMPLE	T1,R			; Must be some
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Point to spare buffer
	HRROI	B,SPACES		; Source of spaces
	MOVNI	C,^D79			; Number to copy
	SOUT%				; Copy them
	SETZM	COL			; Start at left margin
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up p1
	MOVE	A,T1			; Get columns we're moving
	ADJBP	A,[POINT 7,SPARE]	; Adjust the pointer
	MOVE	B,P1			; Source
	MOVN	C,T3			; Move (col) places
	CALL	CLREOL			; Clear the line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Beginning of line
	HRROI	B,SPARE			; Source
	MOVNI	C,^D79			; Number to move
	SOUT%				; Copy the line, shifted
	MOVE	A,P1			; Where to start
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Type it out
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Indent position
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set column
	FLGON	F.FMOV			; Forced move in progress
	CALL	.DWN			; Down to next line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position cursor
	RET				; Done
;Join subroutine -- Join next line to current line

JOIN:	MOVE	T1,MAXCOL		; Get maximum column
	SUB	T1,COL			; Find spaces left
	JUMPLE	T1,R			; Return if no space left
	PUSH	P,P1			; Preserve pointer
	MOVE	T2,P1			; Get pointer
	AOS	LINE			; Go to next line
	SETZM	COL			; Beginning of it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set a new pointer
	MOVE	T3,MAXCOL		; Get max columns
JOI.A:	ILDB	A,P1			; Get a byte
	CAIE	A,SP			; Discard spaces
	CAIN	A,NUL			; And nulls
	 SOJG	T3,JOI.A		; Keep looking for a valid character
	JUMPE	A,JOI.C			; None on line if zero
	CAMLE	T1,T3			; Check two counters
	 MOVE	T1,T3			; Use only lesser of two
	CAIA				; Skip next ildb
JOI.B:	ILDB	A,P1			; Get a char
	IDPB	A,T2			; Deposit it
	SOJG	T1,JOI.B		; Repeat until done
JOI.C:	POP	P,P1			; Restore old pointer
	CALL	SETLC			; And restore old line and col
	CALL	CLL.A			; Clear to end of line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Copy the pointer
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Type this line over
	AOS	LINE			; Get to next line
	CALL	DELLN1			; And delete it
	CALL	DISPLA			; Display new remainder of screen
	RET				; And return
;SHRMAR routine -- shrink and expand margins

	 SETZ	B,			;YES
	 MOVEI	B,^D78			;YES

;Now adjust the maximum
	 SETZ	B,			;YES
	 MOVEI	B,^D78			;YES

;Now change the flag
;HLPMES routine - display the help message

;Type out the help text, clear screen when a space is typed.

HLPMES:	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	HRROI	A,HLP..1		; Get message
	PSOUT%				; Type it
	CALL	ICHAR			; Get a continuation character
	CAIN	A,SP			; Is it a space?
	 JRST	HLPTWO			; Yes, next page
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear screen again
	JRST	.FFD			; And refresh

;The help message

HLP..1: ASCIZ   \  +--------------------------( Command summary )--------------------------+
  |                                                                       |
  | ^P  Position to:                    ^D  Delete:                       |
  |    C  Centering refresh.               C  Character. (Same as RUBOUT) |
  |    B  Beginning of file.               W  Word.                       |
  |    E  End of file.                     L  Line.                       |
  |    L  start of current Line.           R  Remainder of line.          |
  |    A  Append to current line.          E  + ^G -- to End of file.     |
  |    N  Next page (screen).              F  + ^G -- entire File.        |
  |    P  Previous page (screen).                                         |
  |    W  beginning of next Word.       ^N  iNsert:                       |
  |    R  Reverse word tab. (NIY)          C  Character.                  |
  |                                        L  Line.                       |
  | ^T  Transparent tab.                   S  Split line at cursor.       |
  | ^R  Reverse transparent tab.           I  continuous Insert mode.     |
  !                                        F  Function definition         |
  | ^W  Search for/replace a string.                                      |
  | ^X  Repeat last search/replace.     ^E  Exit from program.            |
  |                                     ^L  Refresh the screen.           |
  | ^V  eVen text:                                                        |
  |    P  in Paragraph.               (** Type space for more help,       |
  |    F  in File.                        or <CR> to return to text **)   |
  |                                                                       |
  +----------------------------( Page one )-------------------------------+\
;Page two of the help file

;Type out the help text, clear screen when a space is typed.

HLPTWO: CALL    CLRSCN                  ; Clear the screen
        HRROI   A,HLP..2                ; Get message
        PSOUT%                          ; Type it
        CALL    ICHAR                   ; Get a continuation character
        CAIN    A,SP                    ; Is it a space?
         JRST   HLPMES                  ; Yes, previous page
        CALL    CLRSCN                  ; Clear screen again
        JRST    .FFD                    ; And refresh

;The second page of the help file

HLP..2: ASCIZ   \  +--------------------------( Command summary )--------------------------+
  |                                                                       |
  | ^K  Miscellaneous commands:       ^K  More miscellaneous:             |
  |    ?  Type the help message.         W  What are tab/margin settings. |
  |    V  set Value for scrolling.       S  Set a tab stop.               |
  |    B  insert a hard page Break       N  input a New file.             |
  |                                      R  Remove a tab stop.            |
  | ^G  Get line(s) into text buffer:    C  Center text.                  |
  |    M  Move the lines (delete).       F  set text to Flush right.      |
  |    C  Copy the lines (keep).         I  set new /INDENT value.        |
  |                                      M  set new /MAXIMUM value        |
  | $<  Set beginning of text string.    P  toggle Pagination on and off  |
  | $>  Set end of text string:          D  toggle Double spacing         |
  |    M: move, C: copy, D: delete.      U  Remove hard page breaks       |
  |    R: return                         L  List user defined functions   |
  |                                      H  set up page Header.           |
  | ^O  Retrieve text in text buffer.    J  Join two lines together.      |
  |                                                                       |
  !   General note on numbers: any command may be preceeded by <escape>   |
  |   number -- this specifies a repeat count for the function.  Cursor   |
  |   keys may also be used with a repeat count for fast movement.        |
  |  									  |
  |    (** Type space for previous page, or <CR> to return to text **)    |
  +----------------------------( Page two )-------------------------------+\
;LSTFUN routine - list the user-defined functions
LSTFUN:	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	SETZ	T1,			; Set up a counter
	MOVEI	D,FUNCT			; Point to the function list
	TYPE	<            User Defined Functions
>					; Type a header
LSTLOP:	AOS	T1			; Increment the counter
	ADDI	D,30			; Increment our function word count
	SKIPN	(D)			; Is there a function defined?
	 JRST	LSTL.A			; No, don't type anything
	TYPNCR	<F>			; Type an F
	CAIL	T1,7			; Is the function 1-6?
	IFSKP.				; Yes, just type the number
	  NUMOUT T1,12			; Type the number of the function
	ELSE.				; If not, type a letter
	  MOVE	A,T1			; Get the number
	  ADDI	A,72			; Make it the corresponding letter
	  PBOUT%			; Type the byte
	ENDIF.				; End of typing a letter
	TYPNCR	<   [>			; Nice formating
	HRRO	A,D			; Point to the function in question
	PSOUT%				; Write the function to the screen
	TYPE <]>			; And type a CRLF
LSTL.A:	CAIGE	T1,FUNMAX		; Out of functions?
	 JRST	LSTLOP			; No, keep going
	(Type any character to continue)>
	CALL	ICHAR			; Yes, wait for a char to be input
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	JRST	.FFD			; And then refresh the screen
Subttl	Special functions -- New file

;This routine clears the main buffer and inputs a new file, preserving
; the previous files switches.  The routine is, unfortunately, WPSIM
; dependant. The new JFN is stored in external location IJFN.

NEWFIL:	CALL	DELFIL			; Delete the file after confirmation
	SKIPLE	HGHLIN			; Anything in the buffer?
	 RET				; Yes, not confirmed
	CALL	WRKSPC			; Get workspace set up
	CALL	SPCON			; On with the lights
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; This terminal
	SETZ	B,			; Zero the line and col
	SFPOS%				; Set the position
	TYPNCR	<File: >		; Prompt
	MOVE	B,[.PRIIN,,.PRIOU]	; Get info from terminal
	GTJFN%				; Get a jfn
	 ERJMP	NEWF.1			; Can't
	HRRZM	A,IJFN##		; Save the jfn
	MOVX	B,FLD(7,OF%BSZ)!OF%RD	; Read access
	OPENF%				; Open it
	 ERJMP	NEWF.2			; Can't
	MOVE	A,IJFN##		; Jfn in a
	CALL	FILL			; Get the file into the buffer
	 ERJMP	NEWF.3			; Can't
NEWF.A:	CALL	SPCOFF			; Off with the lights
	SETZM	LINE			; Position to top of file
	SETZM	TOPLIN			; Top of screen
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	CALL	.FFD			; And display the screen
	RET				; And we're done

; Here to toggle between single and double space mode:
DOUB:	SETCMM	DOUBLE			; Toggle double spacing
	RET				; And return

;Error returns

NEWF.1:	HRROI	T1,ASC<? Unable to find file>
	SKIPA				; Next
NEWF.2:	HRROI	T1,ASC<? Unable to open file>
	SKIPA				; Next
NEWF.3:	HRROI	T1,ASC<? Unable to read file>
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; This terminal
	RFPOS%				; Get position
	HRRZS	B			; Isolate column
	JUMPLE	B,NEWF.4		; At the beginning
	TYPE				; At end of line -- type a cr
NEWF.4:	MOVE	A,T1			; Get string pointer
	PSOUT%				; Type it
	MOVEI	A,HLDTIM		; Sleep time
	DISMS%				; Wait that long
	JRST	NEWF.A			; And finish up
Subttl	Special functions -- Deletes

;Analyze the character following to determine whether to delete a word, line
;or to EOL or EOS.

DELETE:	CALL	ICHAR			; Get a character
	CAIN	A,"C"			; Character?
	CAIN	A,"W"			; Word?
	CAIN	A,"L"			; Line?
	CAIN	A,"R"			; Rest of line?
	CAIN	A,"E"			; To end of text?
	CAIN	A,"F"			; Delete whole file?
	CAIN	A,"B"			; Delete to beginning?
	RET				; None of the above
;Routine to delete one character

DELCHR:	SKIPLE	T1,VALUE		; Repeat value?
	 JRST	DELMCH			; Yes, do several
	MOVE	A,P1			; Get pointer
	MOVE	C,COL			; Where are we?
	SUBI	C,^D79			; Get characters left on line

;Loop looking at rest of characters on line
DELC.A:	ILDB	T1,A			; Get a character
	JUMPE	T1,DELC.B		; Null is a space
	CAIE	T1,SP			; Space
	 JRST	DELC.C			; Not a space

;Look for a line of all spaces remaining
DELC.B:	AOJL	C,DELC.A		; Spaces only, keep going
	SOSGE	COL			; End of line, back up
	 JRST	[AOS	COL		; Too far, correct and return
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set pointer correctly
	IDPB	T1,P1			; Deposit a space
	MOVEI	A,10			; Get a backspace
	PBOUT%				; Type it
	CALL	CLL.A			; Clear to eol
	RET				; Done

;Routine to delete to beginning of file

DELBEG:	MOVE	T1,COL			; Get column
	MOVE	T2,INDENT		; Get indent
	SUB	T1,T2			; Get difference
	JUMPL	T1,R			; Don't do it if beyond indent
	MOVEM	T2,COL			; Set new column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	JRST	DELMCH			; And remove the space
;This line gets a regular deletion of a character at the cursor

DELC.C:	SKPON	F.V102			; Are we a VT102 terminal?
	 CALL	CLL.A			; No, clear to end of line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Destination
	MOVEI	B,1			; Source is destination+1
	ADJBP	B,P1			; So get it
	MOVE	C,COL			; Get column
	SUBI	C,^D79			; Get minus columns left
	SKIPE	C			; Don't let it be zero
	SOUT%				; Move in
	SKPOFF	F.V102			; Are we VT102?
	 JRST	DELC.D			; Yes, delete a char and return
	MOVEI	D,SP			; No, get a space
	IDPB	D,A			; And tack it on
	MOVE	A,P1			; Get pointer
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Type the line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Get cursor back
	RET				; Done

;Here to delete characters on a VT102 terminal:

DELC.D:	SKIPN	T1,VALUE		; Do we have a count?
	 MOVEI	T1,1			; No, make it a 1
DELC.E:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; The jfn of the terminal
	MOVEI	B,ALT			; An escape
	BOUT%				; Write it
	MOVEI	B,"["			; A bracket
	BOUT%				; Write it
	MOVE	B,T1			; Get the repeat count
	CAILE	B,^D80			; Too many?
	 MOVEI	B,^D80			; Yes, reduce to a reasonable number
	HRRZI	C,12			; Decimal, no column count
	NOUT%				; Write the number
	 DBLERR	(Nout Failed,CONT)
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; To the terminal again
	MOVEI	B,"P"			; A p to terminate
	BOUT%				; Write it
	RET				; And return to caller

;Here to delete many characters

DELMCH:	MOVE	T3,T1			; Copy number
	ADD	T1,COL			; Get column that would put us at
	CAIG	T1,^D79			; Too far?
	 JRST	DELM.A			; Nope
	SUBI	T1,^D79			; Get distance over
	SUB	T3,T1			; Modify value
	SKIPG	T3			; Still legal?
	 TYPERR	<? Can't delete that many characters on this line>
DELM.A:	PUSH	P,T3			; Save the number
	CALL	SHIFT			; Shift line by (t3) chars
	POP	P,T1			; Restore count
	SKPOFF	F.V102			; Are we a VT102 terminal?
	 JRST	DELC.E			; Yes, go delete (t1) characters
	CALL	CLREOL			; Clear line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Copy pointer
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Type rest of line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position
	RET				; And return
;Delete line routines - remove the line at the cursor

DELLIN:	SKIPLE	T4,VALUE		; Repeat count?
	IFSKP.				; No, do one line
	  MOVEI	T4,1			; Load one
	  SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	   LSH	T4,1			; Yes, double to two lines

DELN.A:	PUSH	P,T4			; Save the delete count
	CALL	DELLN1			; Delete 1 line
	SOJG	T4,.-1			; Repeat as far as necessary
	POP	P,T4			; Retreive the line count
	CAIG	T4,^D23			; Too many lines?
	SKPON	F.V102			; Or a VT102 terminal?
	 JRST	DISPLA			; Either one...display and ret
; Here if we have a VT102 a fancy line delete and redisplay

	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get the tty jfn
	MOVEI	B,ALT			; An esc
	BOUT%				; Send it
	MOVEI	B,"["
	BOUT%				; Send a bracket
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Point at the destination
	MOVE	B,T4			; Get the number to output
	CAILE	B,^D24			; Too many?
	 MOVEI	B,^D24			; Yes, reduce to a reasonable number
	HRRZI	C,12			; A base 10 number
	NOUT%				; Translate it into ascii
	 DBLERR	(Nout failed,CONT)
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Recall the terminal jfn
	MOVEI	B,"M"			; Delete line code
	BOUT%				; Send it
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save the current line number
	MOVE	T3,TOPLIN		; Get the top of screen
	ADDI	T3,^D24			; Find the bottom line
	SUB	T3,T4			; Find t4 lines form the bottom
	CAML	T3,LINE			; Further along in file?
	 MOVEM	T3,LINE			; Pretend this is the current line
	CALL	DISPLA			; Redisplay here
	POP	P,LINE			; Recall the current line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position the cursor
	RET				; And return

;This is the routine to delete one line without updating the display

DELLN1:	MOVE	A,LINE			; Get line
	IMULI	A,20			; Get word starting line
	ADD	A,BUF			; Point to text
	HRLS	A			; Put in left half
	ADD	A,[20,,0]		; Make "from" higher than "to"
	SOS	B,HGHLIN		; Lower highest line
	CAMGE	B,LINE			; Must not delete too far
	 AOS	HGHLIN			; So if we did, bump hghlin back up
	IMULI	B,20			; Point to new highest line
	ADD	B,BUF			; Inside buffer
	BLT	A,17(B)			; Shift everything
	MOVE	A,SPACES		; Get some spaces
	MOVEM	A,20(B)			; Store in last line
	HRLI	A,20(B)			; Set up new blt pointer
	HRRI	A,21(B)
	BLT	A,37(B)			; Clear new highest line
	RET				; And return
;DELEOL - delete to end of line routine.

DELEOL:	CALL	TXTEOL			; Remove text to end of line
	CALL	CLREOL			; Clear on screen
	RET				; Done

;DELEOS - Delete from cursor to end of text

DELEOS:	CALL	CONFRM			; Make sure that's what's wanted
	 RET				; It wasn't
	CALL	TXTEOL			; Remove text trailing this line
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get current line
	MOVE	T2,HGHLIN		; Get highest line
	CAML	T1,T2			; Are we at the top?
	 JRST	CLREOS			; Yes, nothing more to remove
	MOVEM	T1,HGHLIN		; New highest line
	AOJ	T1,			; Start at next
	IMULI	T1,20			; Convert to word value
	ADD	T1,BUF			; Make into address
	HRLS	T1			; Get into left half
	SUB	T1,[1,,0]		; Point back into cleared area
	IMULI	T2,20			; Convert high line to word address
	ADD	T2,BUF			; Make it an address
	BLT	T1,17(T2)		; Propogate the spaces
	CALL	CLREOS			; Clear to end of screen
	RET				; And return

;TXTEOL - Remove the text on the current line trailing the cursor.

TXTEOL:	MOVE	A,P1			; Get pointer
	HRROI	B,SPACES		; Space source
	MOVNI	C,^D79			; Get line length
	ADD	C,COL			; Left after cursor
	SKIPE	C			; Don't let it be zero
	SOUT%				; Clear with spaces
	MOVEI	B,SP			; Get a space
	IDPB	B,A			; And wipe out that trailing null
	RET				; Done
;Delete a word.  Erases the word either at or following the cursor,
;plus the trailing spaces.

DELWRD:	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get coordinates of next word
	 JRST	DLW.A			; No word following
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Where it starts
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer to it
	CALL	SHIFT			; Shift the line over by (t3)
	CALL	CLREOL			; Clear to end of line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Get pointer
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Type the line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Get cursor back
	RET				; Done

;Here to back up a character and try again

;Shift subroutine -- shift the line over (T3) places to the left, filling
;in trailing blanks on the right.

SHIFT:	MOVE	A,P1			; Destination
	MOVE	B,T3			; Number of spaces to delete
	ADJBP	B,P1			; Now points to source
	MOVE	C,COL			; Get column
	ADD	C,T3			; Add field width
	SUBI	C,^D80			; Get minus columns left
	SKIPE	C			; Don't let it be zero
	SOUT%				; Move in
	MOVEI	D,SP			; Get a space
	IDPB	D,A			; And tack it on
	SOJG	T3,.-1			; Loop for number of deleted spaces
	RET				; Done
;Function F - delete whole file

DELFIL:	CALL	CONFRM			; Confirm the request
	 RET				; Not really meant
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	SETZM	TOPLIN			; Start at line zero
	SETZM	LINE			; We're at home position
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Get indention
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set it
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position there
	MOVE	T1,SPACES		; Get some spaces
	MOVEM	T1,@BUF			; Clear first word
	MOVE	T3,HGHLIN		; Get highest line seen
	IMULI	T3,20			; Get number of words
	ADDI	T3,17			; Add another line's worth
	ADD	T3,BUF			; Add in address of buffer
	HRL	T2,BUF			; Get buffer start
	HRR	T2,BUF			; In both halves
	AOJ	T2,			; Bump right hand side
	BLT	T2,(T3)			; Clear whole storage block
	SETZM	HGHLIN			; Highest line we've seen
	RET				; Done
Subttl	Special functions -- Tabbing

;Transparent tabs - non destructive as they move.

TRATAB:	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Doesn't need resetting of page mark
	AOS	T1,COL			; Bump the column
	CAIL	T1,^D80			; Too far?
	 JRST	TRA.A			; Yes, down a line
	ADJBP	T1,[POINT 1,TABS]	; Get pointer to proper area
	ILDB	T2,T1			; Get the bit
	JUMPE	T2,TRATAB		; Not set, keep going
	JRST	TRA.B			; Done, position and return

;Here we adjust for a new line
TRA.A:	SETZM	COL			; Zero the column
	FLGON	F.FMOV			; Forced move in progress
	CALL	.DWN			; Down a line

;Now get the cursor where we want it
TRA.B:	CALL	CURPOS			; Position it
	RET				; And return

;Backtabs - non-destructive tabs backwards to previous tab stop.

BAKTAB:	SOS	T1,COL			; Backup the cursor
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Doesn't need resetting of page mark
	JUMPL	T1,BAK.A		; Too far?
	ADJBP	T1,[POINT 1,TABS]	; Get pointer to proper bit
	ILDB	T2,T1			; Get it
	JUMPE	T2,BAKTAB		; No set, keep going
	JRST	BAK.B			; Found one

;Here when we've backed up a line
BAK.A:	MOVEI	T1,^D79			; Last column
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set it
	CALL	.UP			; Tell program we went up a line
	JRST	BAKTAB			; Keep trying on this new line

;Now get the cursor where we want it
BAK.B:	CALL	CURPOS			; Position it
	RET				; And return
Subttl	Special functions -- Inserts

;Insert either a line or an unknown number of characters.  If the latter,
;we break the current line and put the remainder on the next line.
;Or, insert a function definition into the function block.

INSERT:	CALL	ICHAR			; Get the specifier
	CAIN	A,"L"			; Line?
	CAIN	A,"C"			; Char?
	CAIN	A,"S"			; Split?
	CAIN	A,"I"			; * insert mode to stick?
	 JRST	INSMOD			; * yes
	CAIN	A,"F"			; Function definition?
	RET				; No good

;Here to insert a whole line

INSLIN:	SKIPLE	T2,VALUE		; Repeat count?
	IFSKP.				; No, do one line
	  MOVEI	T2,1			; Load one
	  SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	   LSH	T2,1			; Yes, double to two lines
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Insert the line here
	CALL	ILINE			; Insert line(s)
	SKPON	F.V102			; A VT102 terminal?
	 JRST	DISPLA			; No, now display

; Here for VT102 terminals.  Do a fancy insert.
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save the current line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Set the new line for insert
	CALL	CURPOS			; Move the cursor there
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get the tty jfn
	MOVEI	B,ALT			; An esc
	BOUT%				; Send it
	MOVEI	B,"["
	BOUT%				; Send a bracket
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Point at the destination
	MOVE	B,T2			; Get the number to output
	CAILE	B,^D24			; Too many?
	 MOVEI	B,^D24			; Yes, reduce to a reasonable number
	HRRZI	C,12			; A base 10 number
	NOUT%				; Translate it into ascii
	 DBLERR	(Nout failed,CONT)
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Recall the terminal jfn
	MOVEI	B,"L"			; Insert line code
	BOUT%				; Send it
	POP	P,LINE			; Restore the old line loc
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position the cursor
	RET				; And return

;Here to toggle insert mode

INSMOD:	TXCE	F,F.INSM		; * on or off?
	 JRST	INM.A			; Off
	CALL	LINACT			; Active line?
	IFSKP.				; Yes, do the following
	  CALL	INLN1			; Insert 1 line
	  CALL	INS.B			; And do a split
	ENDIF.				; Done
	MOVE	A,LINE			; Save current line
	MOVEM	A,IMFLG			; For later use
	RET				; Done

;Here when we're turning insert mode off - justify the code now
INM.A:	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save current line
	JRST	EVE.A			; And even current paragraph
; Subroutine to insert one or more lines into the workspace.
;  Call with T1 containing line number in front of which new lines are to
;  be inserted.  T2 contains the number of lines to insert.  The inserted
;  lines will be zeroed before returning.

; Entry point if double spacing is to be considered a factor:
ILINED:	SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	 LSH	T2,1			; Yes, double the # of lines

; Entry point for straight single spacing insertion:
ILINE:	DMOVE	B,T1			; Copy the args
	SOS	B			; Adjust the location argument
	MOVE	A,HGHLIN		; Top line of file
	SUB	A,B			; Get number of lines to insert
	IMUL	A,[-20] 		; Make a neg number of words
	MOVE	B,HGHLIN		; Get highest line
	LSH	B,4			; Multiply by 20 to get words
	ADD	B,BUF			; Add buffer address
	ADDI	B,17			; Last word of the line
	IMULI	C,20			; Number of words to insert
	ADD	C,B			; New destination
	EXTEND	A,[XBLT]		; Do a backwards blt
	ADDM	T2,HGHLIN		; Set the new highest line

;Now clear the area vacated

	DMOVE	A,T1			; Copy values again
	LSH	A,4			; Word number of starting area
	ADD	A,BUF			; Address
	SETZM	(A)			; Clear first word
	HRLS	A			; Put into left half
	AOJ	A,			; Bump right half
	LSH	B,4			; Number of words to clear
	ADDI	B,(A)			; Add location to start at
	BLT	A,-2(B)			; And move words until we get there

	RET				; Done

; Here to insert a line, ignoring the single/double spacing status:
INLN1:	PUSH	P,T2			; Save the current t2
	PUSH	P,T1			; Save t1 too
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Insert the line where we are
	AOS	T1			; But after the current line
	MOVEI	T2,1			; Insert 1 line
	CALL	ILINE			; Go do it
	POP	P,T1			; Retore t1
	POP	P,T2			; And t2
	RET				; And return

;Insert a line after the current line, or 2 if double spacing:
INLN2:	PUSH	P,T2			; Save the current t2
	PUSH	P,T1			; Save t1 too
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Insert the line where we are
	AOS	T1			; But after the current line
	MOVEI	T2,1			; Insert 1 line
	CALL	ILINED			; Go do it
	POP	P,T1			; Retore t1
	POP	P,T2			; And t2
	RET				; And return

;Here to insert a partial line

INSPLT:	CALL	INLN1			; Insert a line

INS.B:	CALL	SPLIT			; Split this line
	SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	 CALL	INLN1			; Yes, insert one line
	PUSH	P,COL			; Save proper column
	SETZM	COL			; Reset it
	CALL	DISPLA			; Display the screen changes
	POP	P,COL			; Restore proper column
	JRST	CURPOS			; And get there
;Split subroutine.  Split the current line at the cursor, but don't update.

SPLIT:	SKIPN	PROG			; Programming?
	CALL	NXTWRD			; Find beginning of word
	 JRST	SPL.A			; Split the line here
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Use that column to start
	CALL	SETPTR			; And reset the pointer
SPL.A:	PUSH	P,P1			; Save current pointer
	AOS	LINE			; Bump the line
	PUSH	P,COL			; Save column
	SETZM	COL			; Zero the column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Reset the pointer
	MOVE	A,INDENT		; Get indent
	POP	P,B			; Restore column
	CAMLE	A,B			; Beyond current column?
	 SETZ	A,			; No, so start on the margin
	ADJBP	A,P1			; Point to proper place on this line
	MOVE	P1,(P)			; Get proper value of p1 back
	CALL	SETLC			; Reset old line and column
	MOVE	B,P1			; Get source
	MOVNI	C,^D79			; Find out how many..
	ADD	C,COL			; ..characters to send
	SKIPGE	C			; Check for no transfer
	SOUT%				; Send them
	ILDB	T2,B			; Get one more byte
	IDPB	T2,A			; And insert it
	MOVE	A,P1			; Get pointer
	HRROI	B,SPACES		; What to write
	MOVNI	C,^D79			; Number of spaces
	ADD	C,COL			; Left after text
	SKIPGE	C			; Don't transfer if nothing to do
	SOUT%				; Fill in all but last
	POP	P,P1			; Restore old pointer
	RET				; Done
;Here to insert characters.  Put in a blank and shift the rest of the
;line to the right.  Characters shifted out of last position are lost.

	 MOVEI	T1,1			; No, only one
	MOVE	T3,P1			; Store pointer
	CALL	MAKSPC			; Make some space
	 TYPERR	<? Inserted spaces would cross right margin -- command ignored>
	CALL	CLREOL			; Clear to end of line
	MOVE	A,T3			; Retrieve old pointer
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Type rest of line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position cursor
	RET				; And return

;Makespace routine -- insert several characters

MAKSPC:	MOVE	A,T1			; Copy number
	ADD	A,COL			; Add to current column
	SUB	A,MAXCOL		; Check against right edge
	SKIPLE	A			; Past it?
	 RET				; Yes, give error return
	MOVE	C,COL			; Get column
	SUBI	C,^D79			; Get remainder of line
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Point to spare buffer
	MOVE	B,P1			; Get text pointer
	SKIPGE	C			; Only if characters to transfer
	SOUT%				; Transfer the data
	MOVE	A,T1			; Get space count
	MOVEI	T4,SP			; Get a space
	IDPB	T4,P1			; Store it where we are
	SOJG	A,.-1			; Loop for all spaces
	MOVE	A,P1			; Where to put the remainder
	MOVE	B,[POINT 7,SPARE]	; Source
	MOVE	C,COL			; Get column
	SUB	C,MAXCOL		; Remainder of line
	ADDI	C,1(T1)			; Minus number of spaces
	SKIPGE	C			; Check for no transfer
	JUMPG	C,.+3			; Maybe we shouldn't type anything
	ILDB	T4,B			; Last one
	IDPB	T4,A			; Overwrites the null
	RETSKP				; Done
;Here we allow the user to assign a function to a function key.
INSFUN:	CALL	WRKSPC			; Get some workspace
	CALL	SPCON			; Special effects
	HRROI	A,ASC<Function name: >	; Prompt
	CALL	GETSTU			; Get a string
	MOVE	B,[POINT 7,SPARE]	; Point to it
	ILDB	A,B			; Get the name
	ILDB	C,B			; Get the next byte
	JUMPN	C,INSF.B		; If not a null, error
	SUBI	A,60			; Make it useable
	JUMPLE	A,INSF.B		; Zero or less...illegal
	CAIG	A,6			; Was it a proper number?
	 JRST	INSF.A			; Yes
	CAIG	A,20			; Improper number?
	 JRST	INSF.B			; Yes
	CAILE	A,32			; Too big a letter?
	 JRST	INSF.B			; Yes
	SUBI	A,12			; Good letter, make it a number >11

;Here for a proper function name
INSF.A:	IMULI	A,30			; Find the index into function storage
	MOVEM	A,T4			; And save it
	CALL	WRKSPC			; Beginining of work space
	HRROI	A,ASC<Function: >	; Prompt
	CALL	GETSTR			; Get the string
	MOVE	A,[POINT 7,SPARE]	; Point to the string
	MOVE	B,[POINT 7,0]		; Destination
	ILDB	C,A			; Get a byte
	IDPB	C,B			; No, write it out
	JUMPE	C,.+2			; Zero?  done.
	JRST	.-3			; Loop

;Here when done
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Of with the lights
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear the workspace
	RET				; And we're done

;Here for an illegal function name
INSF.B:	TYPNCR	<% Illegal function name>
	MOVEI	A,HLDTIM		; Waiting time
	DISMS%				; Sleep long enough to see it
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Effects off
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear the workspace
	RET				; Error and return
Subttl	Special functions -- Search routines

;This routine searches for the last string found by a ^W search, or for
;an "@" if this is the first search.

SEARCH:	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Doesn't need resetting of page mark
	FLGON	F.RPSH			; Say we're repeating previous search
	SKPOFF	F.REPL			; Replacement?
	 JRST	REPLA			; Yes, do that
	SKIPE	CHRNUM			; Any characters?
	 JRST	PMATCH			; Yes, repeat last search
	MOVEI	A,"@"			; Get a char
	MOVEM	A,PAT+1			; Store it
	MOVEI	T3,1			; One character
	MOVEM	T3,CHRNUM		; Store it
	CALL	MAKTAB			; Make the table
	JRST	PMATCH			; And match it
Subttl	Special functions -- Pattern matching searches

;This routine uses the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.

PATMAT:	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; Doesn't need resetting of page mark
	MOVE	A,VALUE			; Recall the repeat value
	MOVEM	A,DIRECT		; Save it as the direction were heading
	MOVE	T1,[PAT,,PAT+1]		; Get a blt pointer
	FLGOFF	F.REPL!F.RPSH		; Not a replacement, not repeating
	SETZM	PAT			; Clear a word
	BLT	T1,FLINK+120		; Clear to end
	CALL	GETPAT			; Get the pattern
	CALL	MAKTAB			; Make the pattern matcher
	SKPOFF	F.REPL			; Replacement?
	 JRST	REPLA			; Yes, proceed

;Alternate entry point from SEARCH
PMATCH:	CALL	MATCH			; Find a match
	IFNSK.				; Not found
	  SKIPE VALUE			; Are we repeating?
	   JRST	PATM.Z			; Yes, so reset cursor
	  JRST	PATM.C			; No, so cursor hasn't moved
	SOSLE	VALUE			; Count down number of searches
	 JRST	PMATCH			; More to do
PATM.Z:	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get current line
	SUB	T1,TOPLIN		; Get top of screen
	SKIPL	DIRECT			; Were we searching backward?
	 IFSKP.				; Yes...
	 SKIPL	T1			; Are we still on the screen?
	  JRST	PATM.A			; No, so dont refresh
	 ELSE.				; No...
	 CAIGE	T1,^D24			; Are we off the screen?
	  JRST	PATM.A			; No, so just repair last lines
	 ENDIF.				; End of conditional
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Turn off special effects
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get current line
	SUBI	T1,^D12			; Split a screen
	SKIPGE	T1			; Are we still in the file?
	 SETZ	T1,			; No, set the top of screen
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Store new screen top
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear
	SKIPN	SFIRST			; Just starting?
	 CALLRET .FFD			; No, refresh screen and return
	CALLRET	TYPLN1			; Yes, just type the line and return
;Here when we're still on the current screen.  Just repair last lines, which
;were used to hold the pattern we matched.

PATM.A:	SKPON	F.RPSH			; Repeating previous search?
	 JRST	PATM.B			; No, jump ahead
	SKIPN	SFIRST			; Searching at first?
	 JRST	CURPOS			; No, so nothing to repair
	CALLRET	TYPLN1			; Yes, type the line and ret
PATM.B:	CALL	SPCOFF			; Turn off special effects
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear the work space
	SKIPN	SFIRST			; Searching at first?
	 RET				; No, just return
	CALLRET	TYPLN1			; Yes, type the line and ret

;Here if we didn't find a string
PATM.C:	SKIPN	EXPERT			; Are we expert?
	 JRST	PTM.C1			; No, type message
	SKIPE	SFIRST			; Searching at first?
	 CALLRET TYPLN1			; Yes, type the line and return
	SKPOFF	F.RPSH			; Repeat search?
	 RET				; Yes, so no workspace to clear
	JRST	PATM.B			; No, so must clear workspace

PTM.C1:	CALL	WRKSPC			; Clear a message area
	CALL	SPCON			; On with the effects
	TYPNCR	<% Search string was not found>
	MOVEI	A,HLDTIM		; Time to wait
	DISMS%				; Sleep
	JRST	PATM.B			; And quit
Subttl	Special functions -- String replacement

;This function implements search and replace

REPLA:	STKVAR	<TXTMOV>		; Get a temp variable
	CALL	MATCH			; Match up the string
	 JRST	PATM.C			; Can't
	MOVN	T3,REPLEN		; Get length of replacement
	ADD	T3,CHRNUM		; Add length of search string
	MOVEM	T3,TXTMOV		; Save the size difference
	JUMPL	T3,REPL.B		; Too long
	SKIPE	T3			; Any left over?
	 CALL	SHIFT			; Yes, remove excess characters
	SKIPG	B,REPLEN		; Get length
	 JRST	RPL.Z1			; Nothing to replace
	BPM	T1,REPSTR		; Point to replacement string
	ILDB	T2,T1			; Get a byte
	IDPB	T2,P1			; Put it into the buffer
	SOJG	B,.-2			; Until done

;Now fix up the screen display
RPL.Z1:	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get current line
	SUB	T1,TOPLIN		; Subtract screen top
	SKIPL	DIRECT			; Were we searching backward?
	 IFSKP.				; Yes...
	 SKIPL	T1			; Are we still on the screen?
	  JRST	REPL.A			; No
	 ELSE.				; No...
	 CAIGE	T1,^D24			; Are we off the screen?
	  JRST	REPL.A			; No
	 ENDIF.				; End of conditional
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line
	SUBI	T1,^D12			; Put it into the center
	SKIPGE	T1			; Are we still in the file?
	 SETZ	T1,			; No, set the top of screen
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Set new top of screen
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear
	SKIPN	SFIRST			; Don't update if just starting
	 CALLRET .FFD			; No starting, redisplay and return
	CALLRET	TYPLN1			; Just display current line and ret
;Here to fix up part of the screen

REPL.A:	SKPOFF	F.RPSH			; Repeating?
	 JRST	REP.A1			; Yes, don't clear work space
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear work space
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line number
	SUB	T1,TOPLIN		; Find offset into screen
	SKIPE	SFIRST			; Searching at first?
	 CALLRET TYPLN1			; Yes, type the line and ret
	CAIL	T1,^D22			; Was affected area just fixed?
	 JRST	CURPOS			; Yes, position and return

REP.A1:	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position cursor
	SKIPN	TXTMOV			; Do we have to replace the remainder?
	 JRST	REP.A2			; No, just the exact text
	CALL	CLREOL			; Clear rest of line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Get pointer
	CALL	TYPLIN			; Re-type the line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position cursor
	RET				; And return

; Here if the replacement string is longer that the search string

REPL.B:	CALL	LINLEN			; How many chars are on this line?
	MOVN	T1,TXTMOV		; Get the overrun length
	ADD	T4,T1			; Get destination column
	CAML	T4,MAXCOL		; Would the line be too long?
	 JRST	RPL.B1			; Yes, check it out
	MOVE	D,P1			; Save pointer
	CALL	MAKSPC			; Insert (T1) spaces
	 TYPERR	<? New replacement line is too long>
	BPM	T1,REPSTR		; Point to the replacement string
	MOVE	T2,REPLEN		; Get the length of the string
	MOVEM	D,P1			; Restore pointer
RPL.B2:	ILDB	A,T1			; Get a byte
	IDPB	A,P1			; And put it in the buffer
	SOJG	T2,RPL.B2		; And loop through all characters
	JRST	RPL.Z1			; Finish the replacement
;Here if the replacement string is too long

RPL.B1:	SKIPE	PROG			; Program mode?
	 JRST	RPL.B3			; Yes, error
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save current line
	CALL	SETPTR			; Make sure pointer is set
	MOVE	T3,CHRNUM		; Get length
	CALL	SHIFT			; Delete that amount
	CALL	LINACT			; Active line following?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  CALL	INLN2			; Insert a following line
	  MOVE	A,P1			; Copy pointer
	  ILDB	A,A			; Get following char
	  CAIE	A,SP			; Space?
	  SKIPN	A			; Or null?
	    CALL SPLIT			; Split line at following word
	    CALL SPL.A			; Otherwise split in place
	CALL	LINAC2			; Line active before cursor?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  CALL	INLN2			; Insert another
	  AOS	LINE			; Bump line
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Get indent
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	MOVE	A,P1			; Point to destination
	BPM	B,REPSTR		; Point to the string
	MOVN	C,REPLEN		; It's this long
	MOVE	T1,MAXCOL		; Get maximum column
	SUB	T1,INDENT		; Find available length
	CAMLE	C,T1			; String short enough?
	 MOVE	C,T1			; No, reset it
	SOUT%				; Move it
	MOVE	T1,(P)			; Retrieve old value of line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; And set it
	JRST	EVE.A			; Finally, justify the paragraph
					; Note line stays pushed!
;Here if the replacement is too long and we're in program mode

RPL.B3:	CALL	CLRWRK			; Workspace again
	CALL	SPCON			; Turn on special effects
	TYPNCR	<% Replacement string is too long to fit>
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Turn off effects
	SETZM	REPLEN			; End of replacement string
	MOVEI	A,HLDTIM		; Time to wait
	DISMS%				; Sleep
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear the work space
	RET				; And return

;Here to just retype the changed part of the line

REP.A2:	HRROI	A,REPSTR		; Get the string
	PSOUT%				; Type it
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position
	RET				; And return
Subttl	Special functions -- Positioning

;These routines handle moving the cursor to special parts of the file.

POSIT:	CALL	ICHAR			; Get a char
	FLGOFF	F.NOPG			; None of these effect the page mark
	CAIN	A,"L"			; Beginning of line?
	CAIN	A,"A"			; Append to line?
	CAIN	A,"B"			; Beginning?
	CAIN	A,"E"			; End?
	CAIN	A,"P"			; Last page?
	CAIN	A,"N"			; Next page?
	CAIN	A,"W"			; To next word?
	CAIN	A,"C"			; Centering formfeed?
	CAIN	A,"T"			; Position to top?
	RET				; None of the above

;Move cursor to beginning of file

POSBEG:	SETZM	LINE			; Line zero
	SKIPN	TOPLIN			; Already there?
	 JRST	POSCUR			; Yes, just position cursor
	SETZM	TOPLIN			; No, reset
	JRST	POSCOM			; Clear and re-display

;Move cursor to end of file

POSEND:	SETZM	COL			; Column zero
	MOVE	T1,HGHLIN		; Get highest line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Our new position
	SUB	T1,TOPLIN		; Find out where we are
	CAIGE	T1,^D24			; On screen?
	 JRST	POSCUR			; Yes, just position the cursor
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get position
	SUBI	T1,^D12			; Put us in middle of screen
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; New top
	JRST	POSCOM			; Finish up
;In-line cursor movement routines -- move to beginning and end of line

;Move cursor to beginning of line

POSBOL:	SKIPE	T1,VALUE		; Any repeat count?
	 JRST	POSM.L			; Yes, multiple line positioning
	SETZM	COL			; Zero the column
	SKIPE	T1,INDENT		; Unless there's an indent
	 MOVEM	T1,COL			; In which case set it
	JRST	CURPOS			; Set cursor and return

;Move cursor to end of line

POSELN:	CALL	SETPTR			; Set pointer to current cursor posit
	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get next word
	 CAIA				; None, skip
	JRST	POSE.B			; Found one, continue
	SETZM	COL			; Start at beginning now
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	CALL	NXTWRD			; Anything there?
	 JRST	CURPOS			; No, position and return
POSE.A:	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up the pointer
	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get next word in line
	 JRST	POSE.C			; No more on line
POSE.B:	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set position of current word
	ADDM	T2,COL			; Now position to next word
	AOS	COL			; Bump to get past the word
	JRST	POSE.A			; And try again

POSE.C:	SOS	COL			; Back up one character
	JRST	CURPOS			; And reset
;Move cursor to the beginning of the next word on the line.

POSWRD:	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get next word coordinates
	 JRST	POSW.B			; None, go to next line
	CAMLE	T1,COL			; Have we advanced?
	 JRST	POSW.A			; Yes, set the new column
	ADD	T3,T1			; No, so get to next word
	CAIL	T3,^D79			; Too far?
	 JRST	[ADD	T1,T2		; Yes, don't advance all the way
		 JRST	POSW.A]		; And jump to eol
	MOVEM	T3,COL			; Set new column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get next word
	 JRST	POSW.B			; None there

;Here to move to the next word
POSW.A:	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set new column
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position
	RET				; And return

;Here to move to the next line
POSW.B:	FLGON	F.FMOV			; Set forced move flag
	CALL	.DWN			; Go down one line
	CALL	DOIND			; Indent properly
	RET				; And return
;Move cursor a varying number of pages or lines

POSM.C:	ADD	T1,COL			; Get new column
	IDIVI	T1,^D80			; Find number of lines
	ADD	T1,LINE			; Find new line number
	MOVEM	T2,COL			; Set new column
	SKIPL	T2			; Is it non-negative?
	 JRST	POSM.Y			; Yes, join main stream
	ADDI	T2,^D80			; Correct the offset
	MOVEM	T2,COL			; Set new column
	SOJA	T1,POSM.Y		; And lower the line by one

POSM.P: IMULI	T1,^D22			; Then adjust number of lines
	MOVE	T2,TOPLIN		; Get top line
	TRNA				; Skip

POSM.L:	MOVE	T2,LINE			; Get current line
	ADD	T1,T2			; Adjust current line

;All of the above
POSM.Y:	CAMLE	T1,HGHLIN		; Too high?
	 MOVEM	T1,HGHLIN		; Yes, adjust
	SKIPGE	T1			; Too low?
	 SETZ	T1,			; Yes, adjust
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Store the line value
	CAML	T1,TOPLIN		; Below old top line?
	 JRST	PML.A			; Nope
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Set new top line
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	JRST	.FFD			; And refresh

;Here if we're past old top line
PML.A:	MOVE	T2,TOPLIN		; Get top of screen
	ADDI	T2,^D23			; Find maximum location
	CAMG	T1,T2			; On the screen?
	 JRST	CURPOS			; Yes, just position cursor
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Set new screen top
	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	JRST	.FFD			; And refresh
;Move cursor to previous page

POSPRV:	SKIPN	T1,VALUE		; Numeric count?
	JRST	.+3			; No
	 MOVNS	T1			; Negate the argument
	 JRST	POSM.P			; Yes, move pages
	SETZM	COL			; Get to column zero
	SKIPN	T1,TOPLIN		; At beginning?
	 JRST	PPRV.A			; Yes, no refresh
	SUBI	T1,^D22			; Back up a screen
	SKIPGE	T1			; Unless gone too far
	 SETZ	T1,			; Yes, set to zero
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Reset top line
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Recall the line
	SUBI	T1,^D22			; Up 22 lines
	SKIPGE	T1			; Still positive?
	 SETZ	T1,			; No, make us zero
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Save new location
	JRST	POSCOM			; Finish up

;Here if we merely need to move the current line without refreshing screen
PPRV.A:	SKIPN	T1,LINE			; Get line
	 RET				; Already homed - no changes
	SETZM	LINE			; Get to line zero
	JRST	POSCUR			; Position cursor and return

;Move cursor to next page

POSNXT:	SKIPE	T1,VALUE		; Repeat count?
	 JRST	POSM.P			; Yes, move several pages
	SETZM	COL			; Column zero
	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Get top of screen
	ADDI	T1,^D22			; Scroll it
	CAML	T1,HGHLIN		; Compare to end of text
	 JRST	PNXT.A			; Too far
	MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Store new top line
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Recall the current line
	ADDI	T1,^D22			; Move to next page
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; And remember it
	JRST	POSCOM			; Finish up

;Here if our destination is on the screen.  Just get the cursor to end of text.
PNXT.A:	MOVE	T1,HGHLIN		; Get highest line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Store it
	JRST	POSCUR			; And position to there
;POSCOM routine - completion routine for all positioning.  Refresh the screen
;and display new text.

POSCOM:	CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	FLGON	F.INDT			; Indent after refresh
	JRST	.FFD			; Display

;POSCUR routine - cursor is moving to a position on the screen, so no
;refresh is necessary.  Just position the cursor after indenting.

POSCUR:	SKIPE	T1,INDENT		; Any indent?
	 MOVEM	T1,COL			; Yes
	JRST	CURPOS			; Position and return

;POSTOP routine -- position the current line at the top of the screen

POSTOP:	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line
	SUB	T1,TOPLIN		; Are we already there?
	JUMPLE	T1,R			; Yes, nothing to do
	PUSH	P,COL			; And col
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save current line
	SETZM	COL			; Zero the column
	MOVEI	A,^D23			; Last line
	ADD	A,TOPLIN		; Of screen
	MOVEM	A,LINE			; Store it
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position there
	MOVEI	A,.PRIOU		; Output to tty
	HRROI	B,[BYTE (7) 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12]
	MOVN	C,T1			; Number of lines
	SOUT%				; Go down
	MOVE	T2,(P)			; Get current line setting
	EXCH	T2,TOPLIN		; Set it and grab toplin
	ADDI	T2,^D24			; Add a screen
	EXCH	T1,T2			; T1 gets line, t2 gets count
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Save new (temp) line
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position to new location
	CALL	FFD.A			; Refresh screen (partially)
	POP	P,LINE			; And line
	POP	P,COL			; Restore column
	JRST	CURPOS			; And return to old place
Subttl	Text movement routines -- GETLIN

;Getlin accepts a parameter that indicates the number of lines to save.  The
;saved text is inserted in a buffer and deleted from the screen and text.

GETLIN:	SKIPG	VALUE			; Saved number?
	 JRST	GETL.A			; No
	CALL	ICHAR			; Get following character
	MOVE	T2,A			; Copy it
	MOVE	A,VALUE			; Get count
	JRST	GETL.B			; Continue on

;Read in the argument after the ^G command
GETL.A:	CALL	GETNUM			; Get a number
	 CAIA				; Skip
	JRST	GETL.D			; Number returned, done
	MOVE	T2,A			; Copy the terminating character
	MOVEI	A,1			; Assume one by default

;Check out the number returned
GETL.B:	CAILE	A,^D100			; Too many lines?
	 TYPERR	<? ^G argument must be between 1 and 100 inclusive>
	CAIN	T2,"C"			; Copy?
	 JRST	GETL.D			; Yes
	CAIN	T2,"M"			; Move?
	 JRST	GETL.C			; Yes
	TYPERR	<? ^G. termination code must be C or M>

GETL.C:	FLGON	F.DGET			; Delete after copy
GETL.D:	MOVEM	A,SAVNUM		; Save the number
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get current line
	IMULI	T1,20			; Get words
	ADD	T1,BUF			; Make an address
	HRLS	T1			; Put in left hand side
	HRRI	T1,SAVBUF		; Destination
	IMULI	A,20			; Words to be saved
	BLT	T1,SAVBUF-1(A)		; Transfer correct number
	CLRSKS	F.DGET			; Are we deleting?
	 RET				; No, just a copy
	MOVE	T4,SAVNUM		; Yes, get number
	CALL	DELLN1			; Delete one line
	SOJG	T4,.-1			; Repeat for all lines
	CALL	DISPLA			; Display changes
	RET				; And return
Subttl	Text movement routines -- RETLIN

;Retlin inserts the saved text into the buffer at the appropriate position.

RETLIN:	SKIPN	SAVNUM			; Get number of saved lines
	 RET				; None saved
	FLGOFF	F.NEGR			; Clear negative retlin flag
	SKIPL	SAVNUM			; Is it negative?
	IFSKP.				; Do the following if so
	  FLGON	F.NEGR			; Set the flag
	  FLGOFF  F.NBAK		; Assume backup is ok
	  CALL	LINAC2			; Active line before cursor?
	  IFSKP.			; Yes, do the following
	    CALL  LINACT		; Check if active line past col
	    IFSKP.			; An active line,
	      CALL INLN2		; Insert a line after this one
	      CALL SPLIT		; And split the current line
	  AOS	LINE			; Bump current line
	    FLGON  F.NBAK		; Flag no backup after insertion
	MOVM	T2,SAVNUM		; Get number of lines to insert
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; And where to do it
	CALL	ILINE			; Do the insert
;Here when the correct white space is there to overwrite.

RTL.B:	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get current line
	IMULI	T1,20			; Words
	ADD	T1,BUF			; Make an address
	HRLI	T1,SAVBUF		; Point to save buffer
	MOVEI	T2,20			; Words per line
	IMUL	T2,SAVNUM		; Times number of lines
	SKPOFF	F.NEGR			; Negative?
	 MOVNS	T2			; Yes, negate answer
	ADDI	T2,-1(T1)		; Make an address offset
	BLT	T1,(T2)			; Transfer it
	SETZM	COL			; Start at column zero
	SKPON	F.NEGR			; Negative retlin flag?
	 JRST	RTL.C			; No, just display
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get LINE value
	SKPOFF	F.NBAK			; No backup flag?
	  SOSGE	T1,LINE			; Back up the line value
	    SETZB  T1,LINE		; Unless it went to -1
	CAMGE	T1,TOPLIN		; Backed up too far?
	 JRST	[MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN	; Yes, correct it
		 FLGON	F.EMES		; Must correct the whole screen
		 JRST	.+1]		; Proceed
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save the line
	JRST	EVE.A			; And justify

;Here for normal move
RTL.C:	FLGON	F.INDT			; Indent after refresh
	CALL	DISPLA			; Display the screen changes
	RET				; And return
Subttl	Text movement routines -- MOVPAR

;This routine will move a block of text bounded by special markers, not
;  necessarily on line boundries.

	CALL	ICHAR			; What follows?
	CAIN	A,"C"			; Copy?
	 FLGON	F.COPY			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"M"			; Move?
	 FLGON	F.MOVE			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"D"			; Delete?
	 FLGON	F.DELE			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"R"			; Return to first mark?
	 JRST	MVP.E			; Yes, go to a special routine
	 TYPERR	<? Block move termination code must be M, C or D>

;Check for double spacing and prohibit if set
	SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	 TYPERR	<? Function not yet implemented for double spacing mode>
;Here to move the text

MVP.A:	STKVAR	<ELINE,ECOL>		; Current cursor position
	MOVE	T1,COL			; Get column
	MOVEM	T1,ECOL			; Save it
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Store current line
	MOVEM	T1,ELINE		; Store it
	IMULI	T1,^D80			; Multiply by chars per line
	ADD	T1,ECOL			; Add column
	HRRZ	T2,SLINE		; Starting line
	IMULI	T2,^D80			; Get character position
	ADD	T2,SCOL			; Add starting column
	SUB	T1,T2			; Get number of chars
	AOJ	T1,			; Bump by one to correct the count
	SKIPLE	T1			; Check it
	CAILE	T1,17500		; Check for too large
	 TYPERR	<? Illegal text boundry conditions>
	SKPON	F.COPY			; Copying?
	 JRST	MVP.B			; No
	MOVE	T2,SLINE		; Get line
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Store it
	MOVE	T2,SCOL			; And column
	MOVEM	T2,COL			; Set that too
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set pointer to it
	HRROI	A,SPACES		; Initialize to spaces
	BPM	B,SAVBUF		; Point to output buffer
	SETZ	C,			; Until a null
	SIN%				; Make it neat
	MOVEI	T2,^D80			; Characters on a line
	SUB	T2,COL			; Chars to transfer
	SUB	T1,T2			; Correct the count
	MOVE	B,INDENT		; Get indent
	CAMLE	B,COL			; Beyond current column?
	 SETZ	B,			; No, so start on the margin
	ADJBP	B,[POINT 7,SAVBUF]	; Adjust pointer accordingly
	MOVE	A,P1			; Point to text
	MOVN	C,T2			; Get count
	SKIPE	C			; Don't transfer nothing
	 SIN%				; Transfer the characters
	BPM	B,SAVBUF+20		; Point to beginning of second line
	MOVN	C,T1			; Get remaining characters
	SKIPE	C			; Check count
	 SIN%				; Transfer complete string
	HRROI	A,SPACES		; Spaces again
	SETZ	C,			; Until a null
	SIN%				; Make it neat
	MOVE	T2,ELINE		; Ending line
	SUB	T2,SLINE		; Starting line
	AOJ	T2,			; Bump it
	MOVNM	T2,SAVNUM		; Save (-) as lines in buffer
	MOVE	A,ELINE			; Get the line
	MOVEM	A,LINE			; Restore it
	MOVE	A,ECOL			; Get the column
	MOVEM	A,COL			; And restore it
	SETOM	SLINE			; Clear settings
	RET				; Return
;Here for a move or a delete

MVP.B:	CALL	LINAC2			; Line empty before cursor?
	IFSKP.				; No
	  CALL	LINACT			; Line empty after cursor?
	  IFSKP.			; No
	    CALL  INLN2			; Insert a new line
	    CALL  SPLIT			; And split the current one
	  SOS	ELINE			; Back up the last line copied
	MOVE	T2,SLINE		; Get starting line
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Store it
	MOVE	T2,SCOL			; And starting column
	MOVEM	T2,COL			; Store it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	FLGOFF	F.NBAK			; Assume backup
	CALL	LINAC2			; Line empty before cursor?
	IFSKP.				; No
	  AOS	SLINE			; So start at line+1
	  CALL	LINACT			; Line empty after cursor?
	  IFSKP.			; No
	    CALL  INLN2			; Insert a new line
	    CALL  SPLIT			; And split the current one
	    AOS   ELINE			; Bump the end count
	  FLGON	F.NBAK			; No backing up for justification
	MOVE	T4,ELINE		; Get ending line
	SUB	T4,SLINE		; Get difference
	JUMPL	T4,MVP.D		; None to move
	MOVE	T2,SLINE		; Get starting line
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Set it
	SKPON	F.MOVE			; Are we moving?
	 JRST	MVP.C			; No, deleting

;Copy the block of text to the save buffer

	IMULI	T2,20			; Multiply by words per line
	ADD	T2,BUF			; Get starting location
	HRLS	T2			; Put into left side
	HRRI	T2,SAVBUF		; Point to save buffer
	MOVEI	T3,1(T4)		; Number of lines
	MOVNM	T3,SAVNUM		; Save number of lines in buffer
	IMULI	T3,20			; Get number of words
	BLT	T2,SAVBUF(T3)		; Copy several lines
;Here to delete the block of text

MVP.C:	CALL	DELLN1			; Delete a line
	SOJGE	T4,.-1			; Repeat until done

;Here to finish up and justify

MVP.D:	SETO	T2,			; Flag to indicate no value
	EXCH	T2,SLINE		; Store it
	SKPOFF	F.NBAK			; Back up necessary?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  SOSGE	T2			; Back up ac t2
	   SETZ	T2,			; Unless we went too far
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Set new line
	SETOM	SCOL			; Clear starting column
	CAML	T2,TOPLIN		; Still on the screen?
	IFSKP.				; If not on screen
	  CALL	CLRSCN			; Clear the screen
	  MOVE	A,LINE			; Restore old line value
	  MOVE	T1,A			; Get line position
	  SUBI	T1,^D12			; Adjust it
	  SKIPGE T1			; Too small?
	   SETZ	T1,			; Yes, clear it
	  MOVEM	T1,TOPLIN		; Set new top line
	  FLGON	F.EMES			; Yes, make sure we refresh
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save current value
	JRST	EVE.A			; Now go justify

;Here for the Return command.  Restore the saved position and fix the display
MVP.E:	MOVE	A,SCOL			; And the column
	SKIPGE	A			; Valid value?
	 TYPERR	<? No anchor position set to return to>
	MOVE	A,SLINE			; Get the line
	CALL	SETPTR			; Point us there
	MOVE	A,LINE			; Get current line
	SUB	A,TOPLIN		; Subtract the screen top
	JUMPL	A,.+3			; Negative?  redo screen
	CAIGE	A,^D24			; Off the screen?
	 JRST	CURPOS			; No, position the cursor
	MOVE	A,LINE			; Get line again
	SUBI	A,^D12			; Put it into the center
	SKIPGE	A			; Is it non-negative?
	 SETZ	A,			; No, make it zero
	MOVEM	A,TOPLIN		; Set new top of screen
	CALL	CLRSCN			; And re-display
Subttl	Justification routines

;Justify the text until we come to a line that is all spaces or we come to
;a line that doesn't change.

EVEN:	FLGOFF	F.DBIN			; Assume no double input
	SKIPG	A,VALUE			; Repeat count?
	 SETO	A,			; No, don't count
	MOVEM	A,JCNT			; Set number of lines
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Store line
	CALL	ICHAR			; Get the next char
	CAIN	A,"P"			; Paragraph?
	 JRST	EVE.A1			; Yes
	CAIN	A,"F"			; File?
	 JRST	EVE.B			; Yes
	CAIE	A,"A"			; All double spaced?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  FLGON	F.DBIN			; Say double spaced input
	  JRST	EVE.B			; And even whole file
	CAIE	A,"D"			; Are we doing double spaced input?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  FLGON	F.DBIN			; Say so
	  JRST	EVE.A1			; And go even a paragraph
	POP	P,LINE			; Wrong character
	RET				; None of the above

;Justify one paragraph -- easy!

EVE.A:	SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Are we in double input mode?
	 FLGON	F.DBIN			; Yes, so try double output mode too
	SETOM	JCNT			; Don't count lines
EVE.A1:	SETZM	COL			; Start at beginning
	CALL	SETPTR			; Make pointer right
	CALL	JUSTIF			; Justify one paragraph
	 JFCL				; We don't care if it's eof
	JRST	EVE.C			; Done

;Justify the whole file

	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
EVE.B1:	CALL	JUSTIF			; Justify a paragraph
	 JRST	EVE.C			; Done
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get next line
	CAMLE	T1,HGHLIN		; Too high?
	 JRST	EVE.C			; Yes
	JRST	EVE.B			; No, do next paragraph
;Here to display the current buffer with changes.

EVE.C:	POP	P,LINE			; Restore original line
	SETZM	COL			; Column zero
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	FLGON	F.INDT			; Indent after refresh
	TXZE	F,F.EMES		; Error message on screen?
	 JRST	.FFD			; Yes, clear whole screen
	CALL	CLREOS			; Clear to end of screen
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line
	MOVE	T2,TOPLIN		; And top line
	ADDI	T2,^D24			; Add end of screen
	SUB	T2,T1			; True amount to refresh
	CALL	FFD.A			; Refresh the screen below line
	RET				; Done
;Justify subroutine

;This routine justifies the text in the current paragraph.  Special variables
;	Fstlin	- First line in paragraph

JUSTIF:	SKIPE	PROG			; Programming mode?
	 RET				; Yes, just return
	FLGOFF	F.DBSP			; Not on permitted blank
	SETZB	T4,COL			; Start at beginning of lines
	SETZM	INPLIN			; Clear input and output counters
JUST:	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get first word
	 JRST	[AOS	A,LINE		; Bump the line
		 CAMLE	A,HGHLIN	; Compare for max
		  RET			; End of file
		 JRST	JUST]		; Try again
	MOVE	A,LINE			; Get current line
	MOVEM	A,FSTLIN		; Store first active line
	MOVE	P3,[POINT 7,SPARE]	; Point to buffer
	MOVEI	B,SP			; Get a space
	MOVE	C,T1			; Copy position of first char in word
	SOJL	C,JUS.B1		; Pre-decrement count
	IDPB	B,P3			; Insert spaces to proper column
	AOJA	T4,.-2			; And loop, counting spaces

;Loop here getting one word after another

JUS.B:	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get a word
	 JRST	ENDLIN			; End of line
JUS.B1:	MOVEM	T1,COL			; New cursor posit
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set p1 to it
	MOVE	A,P3			; Destination
	MOVE	B,P1			; Source
	ADD	T4,T2			; Add length of word
	CAMLE	T4,MAXCOL		; Line now too long?
	MOVN	C,T2			; Length of word
	SOUT%				; Copy it
	MOVEM	A,P3			; Store new pointer
	LDB	A,P3			; Get last byte
	MOVEI	D,SP			; Load a space
	CALL	CHKTRM			; Check for sentance terminators
	 JRST	JUS.B2			; None found
	IDPB	D,P3			; Found one, extra space needed
	AOJ	T4,

JUS.B2:	IDPB	D,P3			; Load an extra space
	AOJ	T4,			; Count word terminator
	ADDM	T3,COL			; Point to next word
	CALL	SETPTR			; Reflect the change
	JRST	JUS.B			; And loop
;Endlin routine -- end of input line, so simply go on to the next.

ENDLIN:	AOS	INPLIN			; Bump input line counter
	SKIPGE	JCNT			; Skip counting if negative
	IFSKP.				; It isn't
	 SOSG	JCNT			; Count down number of lines
	  JRST	ENDPAR			; End of count, finish up
	TXC	F,F.DBSP		; Toggle the doubling counter
	AOS	T1,LINE			; Bump the line
	CAMLE	T1,HGHLIN		; Too high?
	SETZM	COL			; Start at beginning
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up the pointer
	MOVE	T1,P1			; Copy the pointer
	ILDB	T2,T1			; Get first char on line
	CAIN	T2,"~"			; Page marker?
	 JRST	ENDL.A			; Yes, new paragraph
	CAIN	T2,"."			; Runoff command?
	 JRST	ENDL.A			; Yes
	FLGOFF	F.NELN			; Empty line
	CALL	NXTWRD			; Get next word
	IFNSK.				; None there
	  SKPON	F.DBIN			; Double spaced input?
	   JRST	ENDL.B			; No, end of paragraph
	  SKPON F.DBSP			; Double toggle cleared?
	   JRST	ENDL.B			; Yes, end of paragraph
	  JRST	ENDLIN			; No, advance to next line
	FLGON	F.NELN			; A non-empty line
	CAME	T1,INDENT		; Off the margin?
	 CALL	ENDL.C			; Yes, end of normal paragraph
	SKPON	F.DBIN			; Double input mode?
	 JRST	JUS.B1			; No, continue with processing
	SKPOFF	F.DBSP			; Double toggle set?
	 CALL	ENDL.C			; Yes, should not be
	JRST	JUS.B1			; Continue on with processing
;ENDL.A - Handle a page marker carefully to avoid justifying it as text

ENDL.A:	CALL	ENDPAR			; End of paragraph processing
	 JFCL				; Expect skip return
	AOS	LINE			; Start with line past page mark
	RETSKP				; Return from justif

;ENDL.B - Only dispatch to ENDPAR if the JCNT is negative.
ENDL.B:	SKIPGE	JCNT			; Negative?
	 JRST	ENDPAR			; Yes, we're not counting lines
	JRST	ENDLIN			; Yes, we are counting lines

;ENDL.C - Only dispatch to ENDPAR if JCNT negative, otherwise process.
ENDL.C:	SKIPL	JCNT			; Negative?
	 RET				; No, proceed
	POP	P,A			; Yes, pop off return
	JRST	ENDPAR			; And end the paragraph

;Newlin routine -- end of output line, so regroup
NEWLIN:	SUB	T4,T2			; Get original count back
	CALL	MOVEIT			; Move the current line
	MOVE	A,OUTLIN		; Number of lines in output buffer
	CAIGE	A,100			; Limit of 100
	 JRST	JUS.B1			; Within the limit
	JRST	ENDPAR+1		; Over, stop here
;Endpar - end of input text.  We now adjust the space in the
;file by deleting or adding extra lines.

ENDPAR:	CALL	MOVEIT			; Move current output line
	MOVE	T2,OUTLIN		; Get output line count
	SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Doubling?
	 LSH	T2,1			; Yes, double the count
	MOVE	T3,T2			; Copy count
	ADD	T3,FSTLIN		; Get starting line
	MOVEM	T3,LINE			; Set it for ^vf command use
	SUB	T2,INPLIN		; Get change input to output
	JUMPE	T2,ENDP.B		; Equal, no change
	JUMPL	T2,ENDP.A		; Lines to delete
	MOVE	T1,FSTLIN		; Lines to add, get first line
	CALL	ILINE			; Add (t2) lines at line (t1)
	JRST	ENDP.B			; And do the transfer

;Here to delete lines
ENDP.A:	MOVNS	T2			; Negate to get lines to delete
	MOVE	T3,T2			; Copy that number
	ADD	T3,FSTLIN		; T3 now has source for blt
	MOVE	T1,FSTLIN		; T1 has destination
	IMULI	T1,20			; Word offset
	ADD	T1,BUF			; Address
	IMULI	T3,20			; Same gyrations
	HRL	T1,T3			; Make blt pointer
	MOVE	T3,HGHLIN		; Get highest point
	SUB	T3,T2			; Adjust it
	MOVEM	T3,HGHLIN		; And reset it
	IMULI	T3,20			; Calculate address
	BLT	T1,17(T3)		; Transfer the data
	MOVE	T1,SPACES		; Load some spaces
	MOVEM	T1,20(T3)		; Deposit them
	HRLI	T1,20(T3)		; Source
	HRRI	T1,21(T3)		; Destination
	IMULI	T2,20			; Get number of words to blank
	ADDI	T2,20(T3)		; Last address to blank
	BLT	T1,(T2)			; Finish up
;Now copy the lines from the output to the main buffer

ENDP.B:	MOVEI	A,JBUF			; Output address
	MOVE	B,FSTLIN		; First line of destination
	LSH	B,4			; Multiply by 20
	ADD	B,BUF			; Add in buffer
	HRLI	A,444400		; Make 36-bit byte pointers
	HRLI	B,444400

;Loop transferring a line at a time
ENDP.C:	MOVNI	C,20			; Transfer 20 words
	SIN%				; From source to dest
	SKIPN	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  PUSH	P,A			; Save source
	  BPM36	A,SPACES		; Load up pointer to spaces
	  MOVNI	C,20			; Number of words
	  POP	P,A			; Restore pointer
	SOSLE	OUTLIN			; Done right number of lines yet?
	 JRST	ENDP.C			; No, continue
	SKPOFF	F.DBIN			; Double input?
	IFSKP.				; No, do SINGLE -> DOUBLE conversion
	  SKIPN	DOUBLE			; Double spacing?
	   RETSKP			; No, done
	  SKPON	F.NELN			; Non-empty line following?
	   CALL	DELLN1			; No, so delete following empty line
	ELSE.				; Here, do DOUBLE -> SINGLE conversion
	  SKIPE	DOUBLE			; Double output?
	   RETSKP			; Yes, don't bother
	  SKPON	F.NELN			; Non-empty line follows?
	   RETSKP			; No, it's empty, leave it alone
	  MOVE	T1,LINE			; Current line
	  MOVEI	T2,1			; Only add one
	  CALL	ILINE			; Insert a line following paragraph
	RETSKP				; Now return
;Moveit subroutine - move the current output line into the input buffer.

MOVEIT:	SUBI	T4,^D80			; Get spaces left on line
	MOVEI	B,SP			; Get a space
	IDPB	B,P3			; Deposit it
	AOJL	T4,.-1			; Loop until end of line
	AOS	A,OUTLIN		; Bump output line pointer
	IMULI	A,20			; Word offset
	ADDI	A,JBUF-20		; Precise location
	MOVE	B,A			; Copy it
	HRLI	A,SPARE			; Source
	BLT	A,17(B)			; Transfer the line
	MOVE	T4,INDENT		; Reset line parameters
	SKIPN	A,INDENT		; Leading spaces
	 RET				; Done, none
	MOVEI	B,SP			; A space
	IDPB	B,P3			; Store one
	SOJG	A,.-1			; Loop
	RET				; Done

;CHKTRM subroutine - check for sentance terminators.  Character to be checked
;is in A and skip return is taken if we find one.

CHKTRM:	CAIN	A,"."			; Look for sentance terminators
	 RETSKP				; Found one
	CAIN	A,"!"			; Again
	CAIN	A,"?"			; And again
	RET				; Didn't find one, return
Subttl	Pagination routines -- Routines to help auto-pagination

;Insert a page break at the begining of the current line.  Set the HardPg
;flag so we know to look for the squiggle when showing soft breaks.

PERMBK:	SETZM	COL			; Zero the column counter
	SOS	LINE			; Move up a line
	CALL	INLN2			; Insert a blank line
	AOS	LINE			; Move back down
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set pointer to start of line
	MOVEI	A,"~"			; Get a fake form feed
	IDPB	A,P1			; Deposit it
	SETOM	HARDPG			; Say we have hard page breaks
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer again
	CALL	CLREOL			; Erase the line
	MOVE	A,P1			; Pointer to the line
	CALL	DISPLA			; Display the changes
	RET				; And return

; Unpaginate the file (remove all hard page breaks):

UNPAG:	MOVE	T1,HGHLIN		; Get highest line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Set it

;Loop through the file
UNP.A:	CALL	CHKPAG			; Check for a page feed
	 CALL	DELLN1			; Found, delete the line
	SOSLE	LINE			; Drop line
	 JRST	UNP.A			; Loop through file
	SETZM	LINE			; Finished, clean up
	FLGON	F.INDT			; Indent after refresh
	JRST	.FFD			; Redisplay the screen
;Set up a header for the output pagination routine.

SETHED:	CALL	WRKSPC			; Get header work space
	CALL	SPCON			; Turn on effects
	HRROI	A,ASC<Header: >		; Load header string
	CALL	GETSTR			; Get it into spare
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Point to string
	HRROI	B,PGHEAD		; Destination
	MOVEI	C,^D80			; Number of bytes
	SETZ	D,			; Terminator
	SIN%				; Do the transfer
	CAIGE	C,^D79			; Anything but the cr?
	IFSKP.				; Nope
	  SETZM	PGHEAD			; So clear the header
	  JRST	SETH.A			; And return
	SETO	A,			; Set a to -1
	ADJBP	A,B			; Back up the byte pointer
	MOVE	B,A			; And copy it
	HRROI	A,SPACES		; Now load up on spaces
	SIN%				; Finish up
SETH.A:	CALL	SPCOFF			; Special effects off
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear the work space
	RET				; And return
Subttl	Show status command

;This command shows the current parameter settings on the bottom two lines
;of the screen.

SHOW:	CALL	WRKSPC			; Clear workspace
	CALL	SPCON			; Turn on the effects
	MOVEI	A,SP			; Get a space
	SKIPG	T1,INDENT		; Get starting point
	 JRST	.+3			; At zero
	PBOUT%				; Type a space
	SOJG	T1,.-1			; Loop correct number of times
	MOVEI	A,"["			; Start screen
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Get starting point

;Loop here doing spaces and tabs
SHO.A:	AOS	T2,T1			; Get copy of column
	CAML	T2,MAXCOL		; Don't go too far
	 JRST	SHO.B			; We reached the end
	ADJBP	T2,[POINT 1,TABS]	; Get pointer
	ILDB	T3,T2			; Get proper bit
	MOVEI	A,"-"			; Prepare for a space
	SKIPE	T3			; Check
	 MOVEI	A,"T"			; Make it a tab instead
	PBOUT%				; Type it
	JRST	SHO.A			; And loop

;We've reached the margin
SHO.B:	MOVEI	A,"]"			; End the screen line
	PBOUT%				; Type it
;Now type out the parameters

	HRROI	A,ASC< Ind:>		; String
	PSOUT%				; Type it
	MOVE	B,INDENT		; Get value
	CALL	TYPNUM			; Type it
	HRROI	A,ASC< Max:>		; next
	MOVE	B,MAXCOL		; Get value
	CALL	TYPNUM			; Type it
	HRROI	A,ASC< P-size:>	; next
	MOVE	B,PAGSIZ		; Get it
	HRROI	A,ASC< A-save:>	; next
	MOVE	B,NUMSCH		; Characters between saves
	HRROI	A,ASC< Pag:ON>		; Pagination
	SKIPN	AUTOPG			; Test it
	 HRROI	A,ASC< Pag:OFF>	; Not set
	HRROI	A,ASC< Dbl:ON>		; Double spacing
	SKIPN	DOUBLE			; Test it
	HRROI	A,ASC< Lines:>		; next
	MOVE	B,HGHLIN		; Number of lines
	HRROI	A,ASC< L:>		; Current line
	HRROI	A,ASC< C:>		; Current column
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Turn off the special effects
	CALL	ICHAR			; Wait for continuation
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear the work space
	RET				; And return
;Typnum routine - type out number in B in decimal

	MOVEI	C,12			; Decimal
	NOUT%				; Type it
	 ERCAL	[MOVEI	A,60		; Get a zero
		 PBOUT%			; Type it
		 RET]			; And return
	RET				; Done
Subttl	Toggle zero output command

;Here we set a flag, telling us whether or not we are currently outputing
;to the terminal or to null, and set the primary output device accordingly

ZOUT:	CLRSKS	F.ZOUT			; Were we outputing to null:?
	 IFSKP.				; Yes...
	 FLGOFF	F.ZOUT			; Not any more
	 MOVEI	A,.FHSLF		; This process
	 SETO	B,			; Assume setting full display
	 SPJFN%				; Set the primary jfn to tty:
	 CALL	HOMEUP			; Home the cursor
	 CALL	CLS.A			; Clear the screen
	 JRST	.FFD.B			; Refresh the screen
	 ENDIF.				; End of yes...

;Here if we are setting the output to null:
	FLGON	F.ZOUT			; Set the flag
	MOVEI	A,.FHSLF		; This process
	HRROI	B,.NULIO		; Input from tty:, output nowhere
	SPJFN%				; Set it
	RET				; And return
Subttl	Special function control commands

;These functions are designed for a Viewpoint terminal, which have
;keys designed for ^B<char> sequences.

.FUN:	CALL	ICHAR			; Get an invisible character
	MOVEI	T1,FUNMAX		; Get maximum function

FUN.A:	HRRZ	T2,FUNTAB(T1)		; Get function code
	CAMN	A,T2			; Match?
	 JRST	FUN.B			; Yes
	SOJG	T1,FUN.A		; Loop
	TYPERR	<? Illegal function code specified>

FUN.B:	SKIPE	MOD2			; Model two viewpoint?
	CAILE	T1,6			; And function 1-6?
	 CAIA				; No to either, regular processing
	CALL	ICHAR			; Yes, so eat cr after function key
	HLRZ	T2,FUNTAB(T1)		; Get default destination
	IMULI	T1,30			; Thirty words per function
	SKIPN	FUNCT(T1)		; Is function set up?
	 JRST	(T2)			; No, do the default
	MOVE	T2,[POINT 7,FUNCT]	; Get pointer
	ADD	T2,T1			; Add offset
FUN.B1:	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; This terminal

;Now do the user function via STI jsys
FUN.C:	ILDB	B,T2			; Get char
	JUMPE	B,R			; Done, return
	CAIN	B,"$"			; Dollar sign?
	 MOVEI	B,.CHESC		; Yes, make into an alt instead
	CAIE	B,"^"			; An up-arrow?
	 JRST	FUN.D			; Nope, just send it
	ILDB	B,T2			; Get controlled char
	JUMPE	B,R			; None
	CAIN	B,"^"			; Another up-arrow?
	 JRST	FUN.D			; Yes, send it as regular text
	CAIL	B,"a"			; Make it upper case
	CAILE	B,"z"
	 TRNA				; Skip
	SUBI	B,SP			; Convert lower to upper
	SUBI	B,100			; Make it a control char
	SKIPGE	B			; Test for negatives
	 SETZ	B,			; Make it a null instead

;Send the character
FUN.D:	STI%				; Put it in input buffer
	 ERJMP	FUN.E			; Intercept errors
	JRST	FUN.C			; And get the next

;Here to intercept errors
	CFIBF%				; Clear buffer
	HRROI	A,ASC<? Input buffer full -- function is too long or recursive>
	CALL	ERMSA			; Always print the message
	RET				; Done
;Here for special functions which are variable

;Connected directory

CONNEC:	GJINF%				; Get job info
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Point to destination
	DIRST%				; Get the name
	 SETZM	SPARE			; Failed
	BPM	T2,SPARE		; Point to spare buffer
	JRST	FUN.B1			; And process the string


DAYTIM:	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Point to area used
	SETO	B,			; Current daytime
	MOVX	C,OT%NSC!OT%SCL		; No seconds
	ODTIM%				; Get the time
	BPM	T2,SPARE		; Point to spare buffer
	JRST	FUN.B1			; And process the string

;User name

USRNAM:	GJINF%				; Get job info
	MOVE	B,A			; Get user number
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Point to destination
	DIRST%				; Get the name
	 SETZM	SPARE			; Failed
	BPM	T2,SPARE		; Point to spare buffer
	JRST	FUN.B1			; And process the string
;Function table

	XWD	TRATAB,"1"		; One
	XWD	INSLIN,"2"		; Two
	XWD	SEARCH,"3"		; Three
	XWD	BAKTAB,"!"		; Four
	XWD	DELLIN,""""		; Five
	XWD	POSWRD,"#"		; Six
	XWD	R,"A"			; Function a
	XWD	R,"B"			; Function b
	XWD	CONNEC,"C"		; Function c
	XWD	DAYTIM,"D"		; Function d
	XWD	R,"E"			; Function e
	XWD	R,"F"			; Function f
	XWD	R,"G"			; Function g
	XWD	R,"H"			; Function h
	XWD	R,"I"			; Function i
	XWD	R,"J"			; Function j
	XWD	USRNAM,"U"		; Function U
FUNMAX==.-FUNTAB-1			; Number of entries
Subttl	Pattern matcher routines -- Maktab

;Maktab creates the pattern matching automaton.  The algorithm is from
;Baase - Computer Algorithms pg. 180.  Credit for this particular
;implementation goes to Steve Berlin.

MAKTAB:	MOVE	T3,CHRNUM		; Get number of characters
	SETZM	FLINK+1			; Refer to algorithm for explanation
MAKT.A:	CAMLE	T1,T3			; Reached the end?
	 RET				; Yes, done
MAKT.B:	JUMPE	T2,MAKT.C		; If equal
	CAMN	T4,PAT-1(T1)
	JRST	MAKT.B			; Loop

	AOJA	T1,MAKT.A		; Loop
Subttl	Pattern matcher routines -- Getpat

;This routine reads in the pattern to be matched.  We read it from the
;first line on the screen and repair it later.

GETPAT:	FLGOFF	F.REPL			; Not in replacement mode yet
	CALL	WRKSPC			; Get workspace set up
	CALL	SPCON			; Turn on special effects
	SETZ	T3,			; Character counter for maktab
	HRROI	A,[ASCIZ .String:.]
	CALL	GETSTR			; Read in input string
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Special effects off
	BPM	A,SPARE			; Point to beginning
	SKIPGE	VALUE			; Are we searching backward?
	 PUSH	P,T3			; Yes, push a zero to seperate us

;Now run through the string transferring the characters to PAT

GTP.A:	ILDB	T1,A			; Get a character
	CAIN	T1,ALT			; Is it an escape?
	 JRST	GTP.B			; Yes, replacement string coming
	CAIGE	T1,"a"			; Check lower case
	 JRST	.+3			; It isn't
	CAIG	T1,"z"			; Within upper bound?
	 SUBI	T1,40			; Yes, convert to upper case
	CAIN	T1,"%"			; Wildcard character?
	 SETO	T1,			; Yes
	SKIPGE	VALUE			; Are we searching backward?
	 PUSH	P,T1			; Yes, save the string in the stack
	MOVEM	T1,PAT+1(T3)		; Store character
	SKIPE	T1			; Skip if done
	 AOJA	T3,GTP.A		; And keep looping

	MOVEM	T3,CHRNUM		; Store number of characters
	SKIPL	VALUE			; Searching backward?
	 RET				; No, return

;Here when reverse-searching:  Read the characters off the stack, reversing
; the characters in the string we're searching for.

GTP.A1:	SETZ	T3,			; Reset the pointer
	POP	P,T1			; Get the zero off the stack
GTP.A2: POP	P,T1			; Get a char from the stack
	MOVEM	T1,PAT+1(T3)		; Add the char to the search string
	SKIPE	T1			; Are we done?
	 AOJA	T3,GTP.A2		; No, get the next one
	RET				; Return

;Here when a replacement string is forthcoming
GTP.B:	SKIPL	VALUE			; Reverse searching?
	 JRST	GTP.B2			; No, skip the next part
	SETZ	T3,			; Reset the pointer
GTP.B1: POP	P,T1			; Get a char from the stack
	MOVEM	T1,PAT+1(T3)		; Add the char to the search string
	SKIPE	T1			; Are we done?
	 AOJA	T3,GTP.B1		; No, get the next one
GTP.B2:	SETZ	T1,			; Make it null
	MOVEM	T1,PAT+1(T3)		; Terminate the array
	MOVEM	T3,CHRNUM		; Store number of characters
	BPM	B,REPSTR		; Point to replacement string dest
	MOVEI	C,^D80			; Max length
	SETZ	D,			; End on a null
	SIN%				; Copy the string
	SUBI	C,^D79			; Find length of string
	MOVNM	C,REPLEN		; Store it
	FLGON	F.REPL			; Replacement active
	RET				; Done
Subttl	Pattern matcher routines -- Match

;Match finds a match for the pattern in PAT, by searching through the text
;until we reach the end.

MATCH:	SKIPG	T3,CHRNUM		; Get number of chars
	 RET				; None, return
	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save line and col
	AOS	COL			; Bump the current column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up the pointer
	PUSH	P,P1			; Save the pointer
	MOVE	T1,HGHLIN		; Get highest line
	AOJ	T1,			; Plus one line
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Set it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up a pointer
	HRRZ	D,P1			; Save addr for later reference
	POP	P,P1			; Restore the pointer
	MOVEI	T2,1			; Set up initial conditions

;Loop looking for end of file

MAT.A:	HRRZ	T1,P1			; Get current pointer
	CAMLE	T1,D			; At end of file?
	 JRST	MAT.D			; Yes, failed
	SKIPL	DIRECT			; Are we searching backward?
	 JRST	.+3			; No, skip this test
	CAMGE	T1,BUF			; Are we at the top of file?
	 JRST	MAT.D			; Yes, failed
	SKIPL	DIRECT			; Are we searching backward?
	 IFSKP. 			; Yes...
	 SETO	A,			; -1 Character
	 ADJBP	A,P1			; Point to it
	 MOVE	P1,A			; Copy the byte pointer
	 LDB	T1,P1			; And get the character
	 ELSE.				; Here if we didn't skip
	 ILDB	T1,P1			; Get a char
	 ENDIF.				; End if conditionals
	CAIL	T1,"a"			; Is it a lower case letter?
	CAILE	T1,"z"
	 SKIPA				; No
	SUBI	T1,40			; Yes, make it upper case
MAT.B:	JUMPE	T2,MAT.C		; Got back to beginning of pattern?
	SKIPL	A,PAT(T2)		; No, get next pattern char
					; Skip if pattern is wild
	CAMN	A,T1			; Same as file character?
	 JRST	MAT.C			; Yes - check for end of pattern
	MOVE	T2,FLINK(T2)		; No, follow failure link
	JRST	MAT.B			; And loop
;Check for end of pattern

MAT.C:	CAMN	T2,T3			; At end of pattern?
	 JRST	MAT.E			; Yes, we win
	AOJA	T2,MAT.A		; No, loop for more

;Here when we've failed
MAT.D:	POP	P,COL			; Restore line and col
	RET				; And return

;Here when we've found a match
MAT.E:	MOVN	A,CHRNUM		; Get negative number of chars
	SKIPGE	DIRECT			; Searching backward?
	 SETO	A,			; Yes, just move by one character
	ADJBP	A,P1			; Adjust pointer
	MOVE	P1,A			; Save new pointer
	CALL	SETLC			; Set line and column
	POP	P,T1			; Toss out the saved values
	RETSKP				; And return
Subttl	Terminal control routines

;Homeup routine - get to the real home position, which is screwed up on
;ADDS terminals.

HOMEUP:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get image tty jfn
	HLRO	B,HOMTAB(P2)		; Address of homeup string
	HRLI	B,441000		; Set up 8-bit pointer
	HRRE	C,HOMTAB(P2)		; Length of string (negative)
	SOUT%				; Type it and home up
	RET				; Done

;CLREOL routine - blank out the line from COL to EOL

;This is done by sending the appropriate character sequence to clear to
;end of line, and internally replacing text by spaces.

CLREOL:	CALL	CURPOS			; Position the cursor
CLL.A:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get image tty jfn
	HLRO	B,CELTAB(P2)		; Get clear end of line sequence
	HRLI	B,441000		; Set up 8-bit pointer
	HRRE	C,CELTAB(P2)		; Number of characters
	SOUT%				; Type it
	RET				; Done

;CLREOS routine - blank out the screen from current position down
;Done by sending a clear eos string and internally blanking out the text.

CLREOS:	CALL	CURPOS			; Position cursor
CLS.A:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get image tty jfn
	HLRO	B,CESTAB(P2)		; Get address of string for clear eos
	HRLI	B,441000		; Set up 8-bit pointer
	HRRE	C,CESTAB(P2)		; Get count
	SOUT%				; Type it and clear to eos
	RET				; Done

;CLRSCN -- Clear the screen.  Just output a form feed if possible, otherwise
;home up and clear to end of screen.

CLRSCN:	SKPOFF	F.NFFD			; No form feed?
	 JRST	CLRS.A			; That's right
	MOVEI	A,14			; Get a form feed
	PBOUT%				; Type it
	RET				; And return

;Here to do it the hard way
	CALL	CLS.A			; And clear
	RET				; Done
Subttl	NXTWRD - Find the next word in the file

;Find starting and finishing position of next word, and length including
;trailing spaces.  If we are in the middle of a word, we back up to the start.
;If not in a word, we advance to the next one.  This algorithm will not advance
;lines, and takes the non-skip return if no word is found within bounds.

NXTWRD:	MOVE	T1,COL			; Get current column
	MOVE	B,P1			; Get pointer
	ILDB	A,B			; Get first char
	JUMPE	A,NXT.B			; A neo-space?
	CAIN	A,SP			; A space?
	 JRST	NXT.B			; Yes, go forward

;Look for the start of this word
NXT.A:	JUMPLE	T1,NXT.B		; Don't back up too far
	MOVE	A,B			; Character, go backward
	MOVNI	B,2			; Go back 2 for ildb loop
	ADJBP	B,A			; Back it up
	ILDB	A,B			; Get a char
	SOJ	T1,			; Count down column
	JUMPE	A,NXT.B			; Check for neo-space
	CAIE	A,SP			; A space?
	 JRST	NXT.A			; No, keep searching

;Here at beginning of field, scan to first non-space
NXT.B:	JUMPE	A,.+3			; Check for neo-space
	CAIE	A,SP			; A space?
	 JRST	NXT.C			; Not a space
	ILDB	A,B			; Get next
	CAIGE	T1,^D79			; Too far?
	 AOJA	T1,NXT.B		; Not yet
	RET				; Yes, quit
;Here at the beginning of the field

NXT.C:	MOVE	T2,T1			; Get current column
NXT.C1:	CAIL	T2,^D79			; End of line?
	 JRST	NXT.D			; Yes
	ILDB	A,B			; Get char
	JUMPE	A,NXT.D			; Check for a neo-space
	CAIN	A,SP			; Check for a space
	 JRST	NXT.D			; It is, field is done
	AOJA	T2,NXT.C1		; It isn't, keep looking

;We've found the end, now look for number of trailing spaces
NXT.D:	MOVEI	T3,1(T2)		; Start at next position
NXT.D1:	CAIL	T3,^D79			; Are we at the end?
	 JRST	NXT.E			; Yes
	ILDB	A,B			; Get a char
	JUMPE	A,.+3			; A neo-space?
	CAIE	A,SP			; Space?
	 JRST	NXT.E			; No, done
	AOJA	T3,NXT.D1		; Yes, keep looking

;Here when we're done
NXT.E:	SUB	T2,T1			; Get counts
	SUB	T3,T1			; For both
	AOJ	T2,			; Count starting char
	AOJA	T3,RSKP			; Done, return
Subttl	Adjustment routines -- FILL

;The FILL routine takes input text terminated by a null and puts it into
;80-column lines buffered with spaces.  The JFN of the input file
;is in AC A, and the address of the output buffer is in BUF.   The data is
;copied until we exceed MAXLIN lines from the start or until EOF.

FILL:	SETZM	PGHEAD			; Zero the page header
	FLGOFF	F.IEOF			; No input end of file
	MOVEM	A,P3			; Store the jfn
	SETZM	HARDPG			; No hard page breaks seen yet
	SKIPE	T4,CIPHER		; Are we ciphering?
	 JRST	CIP.IN			; Yes, special handling
	SETZM	HGHLIN			; Start at line zero
	SETOM	LINE			; Line counter
	SETZM	COL			; Zero the column
	STKVAR	<MARDIF>		; Get extra variable
	MOVEI	T1,^D78			; Get maximum margin
	SUB	T1,MAXCOL		; Get difference
	MOVEM	T1,MARDIF		; Save it
	SETZM	BFRCNT			; No characters yet

;Check for autopagination in effect in file -- if so, set it
	BIN%				; Get first byte of file
	 ERJMP	FIL.D1			; Can't, assume eof
	JUMPN	B,[BKJFN%		; Not null, back up
		    JFCL		; Ignore errors
		   JRST	FIL.A]		; And try again
	SKIPE	AUTOPG+OFFSET##		; Get original command line switch val
	 SETOM	AUTOPG			; Not off, make sure set

;Loop here making each line into 80 width chunks.

FIL.A:	AOS	T3,LINE			; Bump the line count
	CAMLE	T3,MAXLIN		; Don't go too far
	 JRST	FIL.D			; Quit while ahead
	SETZM	COL			; Clear the column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up the byte pointer
	SETOM	LSTSPC			; Last space seen
	SETZ	T1,			; Clear column counter
;Obtain the actual character

FIL.B:	CALL	NXTCHR			; Get next character
	 JRST	FIL.D1			; No next, eof

FIL.S:	CAIN	B,15			; Ignore cr
	SKPON	F.PMRK			; Page marks?
	 JRST	FIL.S1			; No, keep looking
	CAIE	B,12			; Line feed?
	 JRST	FIL.B			; No, discard characters
	FLGOFF	F.PMRK			; Turn off the flag
	SETZM	COL			; Column zero
	SETOM	LSTSPC			; No last space
	SKIPE	HARDPG			; Hard page?
	 AOS	LINE			; Yes, add one
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	MOVEI	T1,3			; Three line feeds
FIL.S0:	CALL	NXTCHR			; Get next
	 JRST	FIL.D1			; Eof
	CAIN	B,12			; Line feed?
	 SOJG	T1,FIL.S0		; Yes, continue
	JUMPE	T1,FIL.B		; Three lfs, get next character
	JRST	FIL.S			; Not three, process this character

FIL.S1:	CAIE	B,14			; Form feed?
	 JRST	FIL.S8			; No, next test
	SKIPE	AUTOPG			; Autopagination in effect?
	IFSKP.				; No
	 MOVEI	B,"~"			; Get substitution char
	 JRST	FIL.B4			; And deposit it
	CALL	NXTCHR			; Get next character
	 JRST	FIL.D1			; No next
	JUMPE	B,FIL.S2		; Null, soft page mark

;Proceed with hard page mark
	SETOM	HARDPG			; Hard pages in file
	MOVEI	A,"~"			; Page marker char
	IDPB	A,P1			; Store it
	CAIN	B,15			; Cr?
	 JRST	FIL.S4			; Yes, obtain a header
	JRST	FIL.S7			; Proceed with eating characters
;Soft page mark

FIL.S2:	CALL	NXTCHR			; Get next character
	 JRST	FIL.D1			; No next
	CAIE	B,15			; Cr?
	 JRST	FIL.S7			; No, soft page w/o header

;Read a header into PGHEAD -- we've found a CR marker
FIL.S4:	SKIPE	PGHEAD			; Page header stored yet?
	 JRST	FIL.S7			; Yes, don't repeat it
	MOVEI	T2,^D70			; Line limit
	BPM	T1,PGHEAD		; Point to buffer
	CALL	NXTCHR			; Read a character
	 JRST	FIL.S7			; None there
	CAIN	B,SP			; Space?
	 SOJG	T2,.-3			; Yes, don't save leading ones
	JUMPLE	T2,FIL.S7		; If exhausted, don't save a header
	JRST	FL.S5A			; Process this character

FIL.S5:	CALL	NXTCHR			; Get next
	 JRST	FIL.S6			; Finished
FL.S5A:	JUMPE	B,FIL.S6		; End on a null
	CAIGE	B,SP			; Check for control chars
	 JRST	FL.S5B			; Found one, probably cr, discard line
	IDPB	B,T1			; Store it
	SOJG	T2,FIL.S5		; Loop until done
FL.S5B:	SETZM	PGHEAD			; Ran out, don't save header
	JRST	FIL.S7			; Proceed with eating line

;Here when header probably finished
FIL.S6:	MOVEI	B,SP			; Load a space
	IDPB	B,T1			; Store it
	SOJG	T2,.-1			; Fill up rest of line

;Regular soft page w/o header, discard it
FIL.S7:	FLGON	F.PMRK			; Flag the mark
	JRST	FIL.B			; Get and test next one
;Proceed with next test

FIL.S8:	CAIN	B,12			; Handle lf specially
	JUMPE	B,FIL.B4		; Treat nulls like spaces
	CAIE	B,11			; Tab?
	 JRST	FIL.B2			; No, skip
	MOVEI	B,SP			; Load a space instead

;Loop inserting multiple spaces in place of a tab

FIL.B1:	IDPB	B,P1			; Insert a space
	AOJ	T1,			; Bump column counter
	CAMLE	T1,MAXCOL		; Too high?
	 JRST	FIL.B5			; Yes
	TRNN	T1,7			; Check tab position
	 JRST	FIL.B			; Yes, enough spaces
	JRST	FIL.B1			; No, keep looping

;Not a tab, continue checking

FIL.B2:	CAIGE	B,SP			; Check for control characters
	 JRST	FIL.B			; And toss them out!
	CAIN	B,177			; Also check for delete
	 JRST	FIL.B			; And discard that too
FIL.B4:	IDPB	B,P1			; Deposit character
	SKIPE	B			; Null?
	CAIN	B,SP			; Or space?
	 MOVEM	T1,LSTSPC		; Yes, count last space
	AOJ	T1,			; Bump column counter
	CAMG	T1,MAXCOL		; Too far?
	 JRST	FIL.B			; Nope, keep going
;Here we handle a line which must be broken at the spot

FIL.B5:	SKIPN	XPNCOL			; Are we expanding?
	 JRST	FL.B5B			; No
	AOS	T3,MAXCOL		; Bump maximum column
	CAILE	T3,^D78			; Too far?
	 JRST	FL.B5A			; Yes
	MOVEM	T3,XPNCOL		; Keep track of it
	JRST	FIL.B			; Keep going

;Here when we really must break
FL.B5A:	SOS	MAXCOL			; Bump down count again
FL.B5B:	JUMPE	B,FIL.B8		; Break on nulls
	CAIN	B,SP			; And spaces
	SETZ	B,			; Make b into a null
	SKIPGE	T3,LSTSPC		; Get last space position
	 JRST	FIL.B7			; None, break here
	SUB	T1,T3			; Get amount to back up
	CAMLE	T1,BACKUP		; Too far?
	 JRST	FIL.B7			; Yes
	MOVNI	T4,-1(T1)		; Copy length, make negative
	ADJBP	T4,P1			; Get copy of byte pointer
	AOS	LINE			; Bump line count
	SKIPE	T3,INDENT		; Get indention
	MOVEM	T3,COL			; Set it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set up the pointer
	MOVE	T3,INDENT		; Remove indent from line length
	ADDI	T3,2			; Allow for transferred characters
	SETOM	LSTSPC			; Clear last space counter
;Loop here transfering characters down a line until done

FIL.B6:	SOJLE	T1,FIL.B		; Where to go when done
	ILDB	T2,T4			; Get a byte
	DPB	B,T4			; Overwrite it with a space
	IDPB	T2,P1			; Copy to new place

;Here when we have to break the line in place

FIL.B7:	MOVNI	T3,2			; Back two bytes
	ADJBP	T3,P1			; Adjust byte pointer
	AOS	LINE			; Bump the line
	SKIPE	T1,INDENT		; Get indention
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set it
	CALL	SETPTR			; And set a new pointer
	ILDB	T1,T3			; Get byte
	MOVEI	T2,"-"			; Get a hyphen
	DPB	T2,T3			; Overwrite the character
	ILDB	T2,T3			; Get the next byte
	DPB	B,T3			; Overwrite with null
	IDPB	T1,P1			; Deposit on next line
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Set starting column for next line
	SETOM	LSTSPC			; Clear last space counter
	JRST	FIL.B			; Proceed

;Here when we are breaking the line right on a space.  Just remember to
;  start the next line on the indentation.

FIL.B8:	AOS	LINE			; Bump the line
	SKIPE	T1,INDENT		; Get indention
	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	SETOM	LSTSPC			; Clear last space counter
	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Set new count
	JRST	FIL.B			; Proceed

;Here we fill out the very last line.

FIL.D:	SOS	LINE			; Decrement line (to be Maxlin)
FIL.D1:	MOVE	T3,LINE			; Get line count
	MOVEM	T3,HGHLIN		; Store highest line
	RETSKP				; Done
;Routine to input next character.  Skip return if character in B,
;	otherwise non-skip on EOF

;Use SIN% to obtain chunks of the file, then use ILDB on each character.

NXTCHR:	SOSL	BFRCNT			; Characters remaining?
	 JRST	NXC.C			; Yes, go get one
	SKPOFF	F.IEOF			; End of file?
	 RET				; Yes, done
	MOVE	A,P3			; Get the jfn
	BPM	B,SPARE			; Point to buffer
	MOVNI	C,3000			; 3000 characters per sin
	SIN%				; Get them
	 ERJMP	NXC.A			; Can't
	MOVEI	C,3000			; Characters read
	MOVEM	C,BFRCNT		; How many we've got to read
	JRST	NXC.B			; Go get one

;Check out an error return from SIN.  Probably EOF.
NXC.A:	MOVE	A,P3			; Get jfn
	GTSTS%				; Get status
	TXNN	B,GS%EOF		; Skip if eof
	 JRST	NXC.ER			; No, error
	ADDI	C,3000			; Find how many actually read
	JUMPE	C,R			; None, end of file
	FLGON	F.IEOF			; Say end of file next time
	MOVEM	C,BFRCNT		; Store count

;Here to set up new byte pointer
NXC.B:	SOS	BFRCNT			; Reading one
	BPM	A,SPARE			; Point to buffer
	MOVEM	A,CHRPTR		; Store in pointer

;Here to obtain the character

;Here on errors
NXC.ER:	TYPE	<? Error reading input file, file truncated at error>
	MOVEI	A,^D3000		; 3 seconds
Subttl	Adjustment routines -- EMPTY

;This routine is the opposite of FILL, as might be expected -- it takes the
;buffer which starts at location BUF and transfers it to the block starting
;at location (A), stripping off the trailing spaces as it goes.  It does
;HGHLIN lines before terminating.

;UNFILL is an alternate entry used from the WPSIM main routine, which
;specifies that form feed conversion should take place.

UNFILL:	SKIPE	T4,CIPHER		; Are we ciphering?
	 JRST	CIP.OU			; Yes, special handling
	MOVE	T4,LETHED		; Set line counter to letterhead if any
	SKIPE	AUTOPG			; Are we autopaging?
	 SUBI	T4,4			; Yes, compensate for missing header
	SETZM	HARDPG			; Assume soft page for now
	FLGON	F.FFCV!F.TABC		; Form feed conversion
	SKIPN	T1,STRPAG		; Any starting page number specified?
	 MOVEI	T1,1			; No, start with page one
	MOVEM	T1,PAGNUM		; Initialize the numbering

EMPTY:	MOVE	C,BUF			; Source
	MOVE	D,A			; Destination
	HRLI	C,(POINT 7,0)		; Make into pointers
	PUSH	P,HGHLIN		; Store highest line
	SETZ	T1,			; Get a null
	SKPON	F.FFCV			; Form feed conversion?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  SKIPE	AUTOPG			; Autopaging?
	   IDPB	T1,D			; Yes, start with a null

;Loop here doing one line at a time
EMP.A:	MOVEI	T1,^D80			; Maximum allowed column
	SETZ	B,			; Space counter

;Loop here for each character on the line
EMP.B:	ILDB	T2,C			; Get a character
	SKIPN	T2			; Check for a neo-space
	 MOVEI	T2,SP			; Make it a real one
	SKPOFF	F.TABC			; Tab conversion in progress?
	SKIPN	FILTAB			; Converting spaces to tabs?
	 JRST	EMP.B1			; No
	JUMPLE	B,EMP.B1		; Any stored spaces?
	TRNE	T1,7			; Are we at a tab stop?
	 JRST	EMP.B1			; No
	MOVEI	T3,11			; Load a tab
	CAIN	B,1			; Only one space?
	 MOVEI	T3,SP			; Yes, don't use a tab
	IDPB	T3,D			; Store it
	SETZ	B,			; Clear stored space count
;Here to check for form feed conversion
EMP.B1:	SKPON	F.FFCV			; Form feed conversion?
	 JRST	EMP.B2			; No
	CAIE	T2,"~"			; Page break?
	 JRST	EMP.B2			; No, continue
	SKIPE	AUTOPG			; Autopagination?
	IFSKP.				; No
	 MOVEI	T2,14			; Load form feed
	 JRST	EMP.B2			; And process it as regular char
	SETOM	HARDPG			; A hard page break
	JRST	EMP.F			; Yes, handle form feeds

EMP.B2:	SOJLE	T1,EMP.E		; End of line
	CAIN	T2,SP			; Space?
	 AOJA	B,EMP.B			; Yes, count it
	MOVEI	T3,SP			; Get a space

;Here when we've got a non-space character
EMP.C:	SOJL	B,EMP.C1		; Count down stored spaces
	IDPB	T3,D			; Deposit them
	JRST	EMP.C			; Do as many as necessary

;Here when we've processed all stored spaces
EMP.C1:	SKIPN	CTRLCV			; Convert control chars?
	 JRST	EMP.D			; Nope
	CLRSKS	F.UPAR			; Up-arrow last character?
	IFSKP.				; Yes
	  CAIL	T2,"a"			; Check lower case
	   SUBI	T2,40			; Yes, convert to upper
	  SUBI	T2,100			; Make it a control char
	  SKIPGE T2			; Allowed value?
	   SETZ	T2,			; No, make it a null
	  JRST	EMP.D			; Go process it
	CAIE	T2,"$"			; A dollar sign?
	 JRST	EMP.C2			; No, try an "^"
	MOVEI	T2,ALT			; Get an escape
	JRST	EMP.D			; Deposit and get next character

EMP.C2:	CAIE	T2,"^"			; An uparrow?
	 JRST	EMP.D			; No, keep checking
	FLGON	F.UPAR			; Yes, flag it
	JRST	EMP.B			; And get next char

;Finally, process the character
EMP.D:	IDPB	T2,D			; Deposit
	SETZ	B,			; No more stored spaces
	JRST	EMP.B			; Keep going
;Here at EOL - toss in a CRLF

EMP.E:	CAIE	T2,SP			; Don't deposit a lone space
	 IDPB	T2,D			; Store the character
EMP.E1:	LDB	T2,D			; Get the character
	CAIE	T2,11			; A tab?
	CAIN	T2,SP			; Or a space?
	IFNSK.				; Yes
	  SETO	T2,			; Set to -1
	  ADJBP	T2,D			; Back up the pointer
	  MOVEM	T2,D			; Reset the pointer
	  JRST	EMP.E1			; And try next
	MOVEI	T2,15			; Get a cr
	IDPB	T2,D			; Deposit it
	MOVEI	T2,12			; Get a lf
	IDPB	T2,D			; Deposit it
	SOSGE	HGHLIN			; Count down number of lines
	 JRST	EMP.EX			; Done, finish up
	SKPON	F.FFCV			; Are we converting form feeds?
	 JRST	EMP.A			; No, do next line
	AOS	T4			; Up the line count
	SKIPE	AUTOPG			; Are we autopaginating?
	CAMGE	T4,PAGSIZ		; Ready for a new page?
	 JRST 	EMP.A 			; No, do next line
	AOS	HGHLIN			; Correct count, since emp.f changes it
	MOVE	B,C			; Copy byte pointer
	ILDB	A,B			; Get first byte of next line
	CAIN	A,"~"			; Page?
	 JRST	EMP.A			; Yes, don't make two of them
	JRST	EMP.F			; No, put in a page break

;Finish up and restore flags
EMP.EX:	POP	P,HGHLIN		; Restore pushed data
	SETZ	T2,			; Get a null
	CLRSKP	F.FFCV			; Form feed conversion? (clear, too.)
	 MOVEI	T2,177			; Yes, use delete instead
	IDPB	T2,D			; And tack it on.

;Now trim off the trailing blank lines
EMP.E2:	MOVNI	T1,3			; Three positions
	ADJBP	T1,D			; Back up the pointer
	LDB	T3,T1			; Get a byte
	CAIE	T3,12			; A line feed?
	 RET				; Done
	IDPB	T2,T1			; Yes, null out succeding crlf
	MOVEM	T1,D			; Set up pointer
	JRST	EMP.E2			; And try again
;Handle page header conversion here

EMP.F:	SETZ	T4,			; Back at line 0

;Eat the rest of the input line
EMP.F0:	SOJLE	T1,EMP.F1		; End of line
	ILDB	T2,C			; Get a character
	JRST	EMP.F0			; Loop
EMP.F1:	PUSH	P,C			; Save c
	MOVEI	C,12			; Prepare for number output in decimal
	MOVEI	A,14			; Get a form feed
	IDPB	A,D			; Toss it in
	SETZ	A,			; A null
	SKIPN	HARDPG			; Are we writing a hard page break?
	 IDPB	A,D			; No, so follow the ^L with a null
	HRROI	A,PGHEAD		; Page header string
	SKIPN	PGHEAD			; Only if set up
	 JRST	EMP.F4			; Otherwise another type used
	MOVEI	T2,15			; Carriage return
	IDPB	T2,D			; Deposit to say header coming
	SKIPG	T1,INDENT		; Indention used?
	 JRST	EMP.F2			; No, regular
	MOVEI	T2,SP			; Get a space
	IDPB	T2,D			; Deposit it
	SOJG	T1,.-1			; Loop until done
EMP.F2:	MOVE	T1,MAXCOL		; Get right margin
	SUB	T1,INDENT		; Sub left
	SUBI	T1,10			; Sub page count
	BPM	T2,PGHEAD		; Point to page header
	ILDB	T3,T2			; Get a byte
	IDPB	T3,D			; Deposit it
	SOJG	T1,.-2			; Loop until done
	SETZ	T2,			; Null
	IDPB	T2,D			; Tack onto end of header
	MOVEI	T1,5			; Get length of page string
	BPL	T2,<Page >		; Source
	ILDB	T3,T2			; Get a byte
	IDPB	T3,D			; Deposit it
	SOJG	T1,.-2			; Loop until done
	AOS	B,PAGNUM		; Get page
	MOVE	A,D			; Get pointer
	NOUT%				; Type number
	MOVE	D,A			; Restore pointer
	JRST	EMP.F5			; Finish up and return
;Here for an alternate paging style

EMP.F4:	MOVE	T1,MAXCOL		; Get right margin
	SUB	T1,INDENT		; Subtract left
	LSH	T1,-1			; Divide by two
	ADD	T1,INDENT		; And add indentation
	SUBI	T1,3			; Minus three for dashes
	MOVEI	T2,SP			; Get a space
	IDPB	T2,D			; Deposit it
	SOJG	T1,.-1			; Deposit that many spaces
	MOVEI	T3,"-"			; Get a dash
	IDPB	T2,D			; Another space
	AOS	B,PAGNUM		; Get page number
	MOVE	A,D			; Copy pointer
	NOUT%				; Type the number
	MOVE	D,A			; Restore pointer
	IDPB	T2,D			; Now the space
	IDPB	T3,D			; And the dash

;Here to finish up

EMP.F5:	BPM	T2,[BYTE(7)15,12,12,12,12]
	MOVEI	T1,5			; End the line
	ILDB	T3,T2			; Get a byte
	IDPB	T3,D			; Deposit it
	SOJG	T1,.-2			; And loop
	POP	P,C			; Restore the pointer
	SOSLE	HGHLIN			; Count down lines
	 JRST	EMP.A			; And do the next
	JRST	EMP.EX			; If done, finish up
;Ciphering support routines for input and output

;Random number routine - Copied from FORLIB version 6

RANDOM:	MOVE	T1,T4			; Get seed
	MUL	T1,[4544,,503720]	; Multiply
	DIV	T1,[17777,,-1]		; Divide
	MOVEM	T2,T4			; Save new seed
	RET				; Done

;Input ciphering routine

CIP.IN:	MOVE	T3,BUF			; Get starting address
CIP.I1:	BIN%				; Get a byte
	 ERJMP	CIP.I2			; Probably eof
	CALL	RANDOM			; Get a random number
	XOR	B,T4			; Xor our byte
	MOVEM	B,(T3)			; Store it
	AOJA	T3,CIP.I1		; And loop for more

;Here on probable eof
CIP.I2:	GTSTS%				; Get status
	TXNE	B,GS%EOF		; Eof?
	 JRST	CIP.I3			; Yes
	TYPE	<? Error reading input file, file truncated>
	MOVEI	A,HLDTIM		; 1.5 seconds
	DISMS%				; Leave message on

CIP.I3:	SUB	T3,BUF			; Get number of words
	IDIVI	T3,20			; Get number of lines
	MOVEM	T3,HGHLIN		; Save the value
	SETZM	CIPHER			; Don't cipher the output
	RETSKP				; Done

;Output ciphering routine

CIP.OU:	MOVN	B,HGHLIN		; Get highest line
	SOJ	B,			; Bump it to set up a count
	IMULI	B,20			; Get number of words
	HRL	A,B			; Set up an aobjn
	MOVE	B,BUF			; Get starting address

CIP.O1:	MOVE	C,(B)			; Get the byte
	CALL	RANDOM			; Get a random seed
	XOR	C,T4			; Xor it
	MOVEM	C,(A)			; Store the byte
	AOJ	B,			; Bump the pointer
	AOBJN	A,CIP.O1		; Loop until done
	RET				; Done
Subttl	General subroutines

;MOVLIN routines - transfer a line from one place in the buffer to
;another. Assumes T1 contains the source line number and the entry
;point indicates whether we're moving up or down.

;Enter here if T2 contains number of words to move
MOVLIN:	MOVE	A,T1			; Get source
	IMULI	A,20			; Get word address
	ADD	A,BUF			; Make buffer address
	HRLS	A			; Put into left hand side
	ADDB	A,T2			; Make right side point to proper line
	BLT	A,17(T2)		; Make the transfer
	RET				; Done

;Linlen routine -- set T4 to position of last character on line

LINLEN:	PUSH	P,COL			; Save current column
	MOVEI	T4,^D80			; Get last position
	MOVEM	T4,COL			; Store it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
LIN.A:	LDB	B,P1			; Get a byte
	JUMPE	B,LIN.B			; A null
	CAIE	B,SP			; Space?
	 JRST	LIN.C			; Not a space
LIN.B:	SETO	A,			; Minus one
	ADJBP	A,P1			; Back up the pointer
	MOVEM	A,P1			; Restore it
	SOJG	T4,LIN.A		; Keep looking
	MOVEI	T4,1			; Prepare for subsequent lowering

;Here when we've found a non-space character
LIN.C:	POP	P,COL			; Restore old column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Restore pointer
	SOJA	T4,R			; And return
;WRKSPC and CLRWRK -- Obtain/restore workspace at bottom of screen

;Clear bottom two lines of screen for special purpose use

WRKSPC:	PUSH	P,LINE			; Save line and col
	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Get top line
	ADDI	T1,^D22			; Add most of screen
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Set it
	CALL	CLREOS			; Clear the text area
	POP	P,COL			; Restore line and col
	RET				; And return

;Restore the bottom two lines to their normal state

CLRWRK:	PUSH	P,LINE			; Store current line
	PUSH	P,COL			; And column
	MOVE	T1,TOPLIN		; Get top of screen
	ADDI	T1,^D22			; Get to last line minus one
	MOVEM	T1,LINE			; Set new line
	SETZM	COL			; And column
	CALL	CLREOS			; Clear to end of screen
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Get line number back
	MOVEI	T2,2			; Two lines to refresh
	SKIPN	SFIRST			; Search mode?
	 CALL	FFD.A			; No, redisplay the lines
	POP	P,COL			; Get column and line back
	CALL	CURPOS			; Position
	RET				; And return
;FNDBRK - Find blank line nearest current position

;We go down and up three lines from current position searching for a line
;containing all blanks.  If found we delete it, if not we return with LINE
;at its original setting.

FNDBRK:	MOVE	T1,INDENT		; Get indentation
	MOVE	T2,LINE			; Get line
	CALL	CHKBRK			; Check for a break
	 RET				; Found
	AOJ	T2,			; Bump line
	CALL	CHKBRK			; Try again
	SUBI	T2,2			; Try line-1
	CALL	CHKBRK			; Try again
	SOJ	T2,			; Try line-2
	ADDI	T2,4			; Try line+2
	SUBI	T2,2			; Last chance failed
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Reset
	RET				; And return

;Chkbrk routine - check for a broken line, return with skip if not found

CHKBRK:	MOVEM	T1,COL			; Set indentation
	MOVEM	T2,LINE			; Set the line
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	ILDB	A,P1			; Get a byte
	JUMPE	A,R			; Return if null
	CAIN	A,SP			; Or space
	RETSKP				; Anything else gets a skip

;CHKPAG routine - check for a page marker at the beginning of the line

CHKPAG:	SETZM	COL			; Clear column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	ILDB	B,P1			; Get the character at start of line
	CAIN	B,"~"			; Page mark?
	 RET				; Yes, say so
	RETSKP				; No
;CURPOS - Cursor positioning routine.

CURPOS:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get image tty jfn
	HLRO	B,ADRTAB(P2)		; Addressing sequence
	HRLI	B,441000		; Set up 8-bit pointer
	HRRE	C,ADRTAB(P2)		; Get number of chars
	SOUT%				; Type the beginning
	SKPOFF	F.ANSI			; Check for ansi terminals
	 JRST	CURP.A			; They're a different ballgame
	MOVE	B,LINE			; Get line number
	SUB	B,TOPLIN		; Make into screen offset
	MOVE	A,B			; Get line
	SKPOFF	F.CXBY			; Check for reverse sequence terminals
	 MOVE	A,COL			; Get column instead
	ADDI	A,SP			; Standard offset
	PBOUT%				; Send it
	MOVE	A,COL			; Get column
	SKPOFF	F.CXBY			; Check for x before y
	 MOVE	A,B			; Yes, get line instead
	ADDI	A,SP			; Offset
	PBOUT%				; Type it
	RET				; Done

;Handle ANSI mode terminals -- the sequence is $[line; colh and the line
;and column have to be done carefully.

CURP.A:	SKIPN	B,LINE			; Get the line
	 JRST	CURP.B			; It's zero
	SUB	B,TOPLIN		; Subtract the offset
	AOJ	B,			; Add in the offset
	MOVEI	C,12			; In decimal
	NOUT%				; Type it
	 JFCL				; Ignore errors
CURP.B:	SKIPN	D,COL			; Is column non-zero?
	 JRST	CURP.C			; No
	MOVEI	B,";"			; Seperator
	BOUT%				; Type it
	MOVEI	B,1(D)			; Get column with offset
	MOVEI	C,12			; Decimal
	NOUT%				; Type it
CURP.C:	MOVEI	B,"H"			; Terminates ascii positioning
	RET				; Done
;ICHAR subroutine - get an invisible character by turning off the terminal
;echo before doing an input.  Raise lower case input to upper.

ICHAR:	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Controlling terminal
	RFMOD%				; Read mode
	TXZ	B,TT%ECO		; Turn off echo
	SFMOD%				; For following character
	PBIN%				; Read it in
	CAIN	A,15			; Is it a CR?
	 PBIN%				; Yes, get the LF too
	CAIL	A,"a"			; Find out if it's lower case
	CAILE	A,"z"			; ..
	 TRNA				; No, always skip
	SUBI	A,SP			; Yes, convert to upper
	PUSH	P,A			; Save the character
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Get terminal designator back
	TXO	B,TT%ECO		; Echo back
	SFMOD%				; And reset
	POP	P,A			; Restore character
	RET				; Done

;ICHAR subroutine - get an invisible character by turning off the terminal
;echo before doing an input.

ICHAR1:	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Controlling terminal
	RFMOD%				; Read mode
	TXZ	B,TT%ECO		; Turn off echo
	SFMOD%				; For following character
	PBIN%				; Read it in
	CAIN	A,15			; Is it a CR?
	 PBIN%				; Yes, get the LF too
	PUSH	P,A			; Save the character
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Get terminal designator back
	TXO	B,TT%ECO		; Echo back
	SFMOD%				; And reset
	POP	P,A			; Restore character
	RET				; Done

;Routine to confirm an input request.  This is requested by typing a bell
;and requiring one back.

	MOVEI	B,.CHBEL		; A bell
	BOUT%				; Send it
	CALL	ICHAR			; Get a bell back
	CAIE	A,.CHBEL		; Valid?
	 RET				; Nope
	RETSKP				; Yes

;Indentation routines for input processing.
;	DOIND  - Indentation alone

DOIND:	MOVE	C,INDENT		; Get indention
	MOVEM	C,COL			; Store it
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set pointer
	CALL	CURPOS			; And cursor
	RET				; And return

;Routine to type out the current line starting at COL.  We assume that the
;line is clear and thus avoid typing trailing spaces.  The pointer is in A.

; TYPLN1 type the current line from the beginning:
TYPLN1:	PUSH	P,COL			; Save the real column
	SETZM	COL			; Set to the beginning of line
	CALL	SETPTR			; Point there in the text
	CALL	CURPOS			; Point to where it would be
	MOVE	A,P1			; Copy the current pointer
	POP	P,COL			; Reset the column count
	CALL	SETPTR			; Reset the pointer
	CALLRET	CURPOS			; Show where it is and return

TYPLIN:	MOVE	T1,A			; Store pointer
	MOVEI	C,^D80			; Get line
	SUB	C,COL			; Find characters left

TYP.A:	SETZ	D,			; Space counter
TYP.B:	SOJLE	C,TYP.C			; End of line
	ILDB	B,A			; Get a character
	JUMPN	B,TYP.B1		; Look for nulls
	MOVEI	B,40			; Make it a space instead
	DPB	B,A			; And overwrite the null
TYP.B1:	CAIN	B,SP			; A space?
	 AOJA	D,TYP.B			; Yes, count it
	JRST	TYP.A			; No, clear space count

;Here when the line is finished
TYP.C:	MOVNI	C,^D80			; Find count
	ADD	C,COL			; Starting column
	ADD	C,D			; Add trailing spaces
	MOVEI	A,.PRIOU		; Output
	MOVE	B,T1			; Saved pointer
	JUMPE	C,R			; Don't sout if nothing there
	SOUT%				; Type
	RET				; And return
;Routine to refresh the display, by rewriting any lines starting at
;LINE and going down.

DISPLA:	SETZM	COL			; Now at column zero
	CALL	CLREOS			; Clear to end of screen
	MOVE	T1,LINE			; Where to start the refresh
	MOVE	T2,TOPLIN		; Top of screen
	ADDI	T2,^D24			; Add end of screen
	SUB	T2,LINE			; True amount to refresh
	FLGON	F.INDT			; Indent after refresh
	CALL	FFD.A			; Refresh rest of screen
	RET				; Done

;Routine to check for characters on the current line.  Skips if the line
;  has characters, non-skip if line is empty.

LINACT:	CALL	SETPTR			; Reset pointer
	MOVE	C,P1			; Copy the pointer
	MOVEI	A,^D80			; Load up a column counter
	SUB	A,COL			; Offset by current column

;Look for characters on this line
LINA.A:	ILDB	B,C			; Get a char
	CAIE	B,SP			; Space?
	SKIPN	B			; Or neo-space?
	 CAIA				; One or the other
	RETSKP				; Not a blank line
	SOJG	A,LINA.A		; Count down
	RET				; No chars found, non-skip return
;Routine to check for characters before the cursor on the current line.
;  Skip return if said characters exist.

LINAC2:	PUSH	P,P1			; Save pointer
	SETZ	A,			; Clear an ac
	EXCH	A,COL			; Get and clear column
	CALL	SETPTR			; Set the pointer
	EXCH	A,COL			; Reset column

;Look for characters before the cursor
LIN2.A:	CAML	A,COL			; At the cursor?
	 JRST	LIN2.C			; Yes, done
	ILDB	B,P1			; Get a char
	CAIE	B,SP			; Space?
	SKIPN	B			; Neo-space?
	 CAIA				; Yes
	JRST	LIN2.B			; No, characters on line
	AOJA	A,LIN2.A		; Keep looking

;Here when characters found, bump the return pc
LIN2.B:	AOS	-1(P)			; Remember pushed value
LIN2.C:	POP	P,P1			; Restore it
	RET				; And return

;Test to see if the modified SIN% jsys is available.  Read in a string
;  containing a control character and see if the jsys terminates on it.

CHKSIN:	BPL	A,<134>		; Bell is second char
	BPM	B,SPARE			; Point to some area
	MOVEI	C,4			; The whole string
	MOVX	D,SI%TCC		; Special JSYS flag
	SIN%				; Start reading
	SKIPE	C			; Did we stop on the ^g?
	 FLGON	F.NSIN			; Yes, new sin% available
Subttl	Number input routines

;Routine to read in a number from the screen.  Gives skip return if
;it found one.

GETNUM:	CALL	ICHAR			; Get a character
	SUBI	A,60			; Make into an integer
	JUMPLE	A,GETN.A		; Return if non-positive
	CAIG	A,11			; Nine is highest allowed
	RETSKP				; Success

;Here if the number is illegal -- return it to it's previous value
GETN.A:	ADDI	A,60			; Return to normal
	RET				; And return

;Routine to read in a number with an optional minus.  Returns the number
;in T1 and the terminator in T2.

	RFMOD%				; Get mode
	MOVEM	B,T3			; Store the value
	TXZ	B,TT%ECO		; Turn off the echo
	MOVEI	A,.PRIIN		; Input
	MOVEI	C,12			; In decimal
	NIN%				; Get a number
	 SETZ	B,			; Failed, clear number
	MOVE	T1,B			; Copy the number
	MOVEI	A,.PRIIN		; In case of failure above
	BKJFN%				; Back up the terminator
	 SKIPA	A,14			; Load a form feed
	PBIN%				; Get terminator
	CAIL	A,"a"			; Check for lower case
	CAILE	A,"z"
	 TRNA				; No, skip
	SUBI	A,SP			; Yes, convert to upper
	MOVE	T2,A			; Copy it
	JRST	GTNI.B			; Skip over the clear

;Restore echo and return
GTNI.A:	SETZ	T1,			; Clear number
GTNI.B:	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Terminal
	MOVE	B,T3			; Old mode
	SFMOD%				; Restore
	RET				; And return
;Terminal special effects control

SPCON:	SKPON	F.SPEF			; Special effeects?
	 RET				; No
	SETSKP	F.SPON			; Turn on special effects
	 RET				; They were on already
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Terminal jfn
	MOVE	C,[SEQ<CL(N),ALT,"0","P">]
	SKPOFF	F.ANSI			; Ansi terminal?
	 MOVE	C,[SEQ<ALT,"7",ALT,"[","7","m">]	; Yes
	HLRZ	B,C			; Get address
	HRLI	B,441000		; Byte pointer
	HRRES	C			; Get count of chars in c
	SOUT%				; Type the string
	RET				; Done

SPCOFF:	SKPON	F.SPEF			; Special effects?
	 RET				; No
	CLRSKS	F.SPON			; Turn off special effects
	 RET				; They weren't on
	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Get terminal jfn
	SKPOFF	F.ANSI			; Ansi terminal?
	 JRST	SPCF.A			; Yes, handle differently
	MOVEI	B,CL(O)			; Get the character
	BOUT%				; Send it
	RET				; And return

SPCF.A:	MOVE	C,[SEQ<ALT,"[","0","m",ALT,"8">] ; String to turn off attributes
	HLRZ	B,C			; Get address
	HRLI	B,441000		; Byte pointer
	HRRES	C			; Get count of chars in c
	SOUT%				; Type the string
	RET				; Done

;Cursor on and off on a viewpoint terminal

CURSOF:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Terminal jfn
	MOVEI	B,"W"-100		; Control-w
	SKPON	F.SPEF			; Special effects?
	 RET				; No
	SKPON	F.ANSI			; Ansi terminal?
	 BOUT%				; No, must be a viewpoint
	RET				; Done

CURSON:	MOVE	A,TJFN			; Terminal jfn
	MOVEI	B,"X"-100		; Control-X
	SKPON	F.SPEF			; Special effects?
	 RET				; No
	SKPON	F.ANSI			; Ansi terminal?
	 BOUT%				; No, must be a viewpoint
	RET				; Done
;GETSTR - Read in an input string from the terminal into SPARE
;	A points to the prompting string to be displayed
;	GETSTU is an alternate entry that raises case of input.

GETSTR:	SKIPA	B,[RD%BEL!RD%CRF!^D156]	; No raise by default
GETSTU:	MOVX	B,RD%BEL!RD%CRF!RD%RAI!^D156 ; 156 chars max
	STKVAR	<<ACSTRG,2>>		; Place to save acs
	HRLI	A,440700		; Make it a real pointer
	DMOVEM	A,ACSTRG		; Save the acs
	DMOVE	B,CCSTRG		; Save them
	XORI	B,140000		; Prevent lf from echoing literally
	TRO	C,600000		; Simulate format action for escape
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Controlling terminal
	SFCOC%				; Reset it
	MOVEI	B,.MOSLW		; Set terminal line width
	MOVE	C,WIDTH			; To old value
	SETZ	B,			; Line and column zero
	SFPOS%				; Set file position
	MOVE	A,ACSTRG		; Restore the pointer
	PSOUT%				; Type the string
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; Get terminal
	RFPOS%				; Read our new position
	HRRZ	C,B			; Isolate column
	DMOVE	A,ACSTRG		; Get pointer again
	SUB	B,C			; Subtract length of prompt
	MOVE	C,A			; Copy for re-prompt
	HRROI	A,SPARE			; Storage
	RDTTY%				; Read the input
	 SSTERR	(<RDTTY% Jsys failure>,EXIT)
	TXNN	B,RD%BTM		; Break terminated input?
	 IBP	A			; No, so move over one
	SETZ	B,			; Clear an ac
	DPB	B,A			; And terminate the string
	MOVEI	A,.CTTRM		; This terminal
	DMOVE	B,CCSTRG		; Get old modes
	SFCOC%				; Restore them
	MOVEI	B,.MOSLW		; Set width
	SETZ	C,			; To zero again
	RET				; Done
;Ermsg routine - type an error message in the workspace unless we're
;   in expert mode.  Ermsa entry is for a message that is always typed.

ERMSG:	SKIPE	EXPERT			; Are we expert?
	 RET				; Yes
ERMSA:	PUSH	P,A			; Save string pointer
	CALL	WRKSPC			; Clear a workspace area
	CALL	SPCON			; On with effects
	POP	P,A			; Restore string pointer
	PSOUT%				; Type it
	MOVEI	A,HLDTIM		; Time to wait
	DISMS%				; Sleep before returning
	CALL	SPCOFF			; Off with effects
	CALL	CLRWRK			; Clear work space
	RET				; And return

;End of program