
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - decuslib20-11 - decus/20-192/mlist.readme
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MLIST uses a MACRO-20 macro package from Columbia University, from
whom I received permission to include a small portion of it with this
"release" of MLIST in order for recipients of MLIST to be able to
rebuild MLIST from sources.  Please contact Columbia University if you
are interested in obtaining a complete copy of Columbia's MACRO-20
macro package.


MLIST also uses an interface to the TOPS20 QUASAR subsystem developed
at Rutgers University.  I received permission from Charles Hedrick of
Rutgers University to include my slightly modified version of the QSR
routines with this MLIST "release".  For a complete copy of Rutgers
Pascal, please contact Rutgers University.


MLIST enables the user to manipulate mailing lists (i.e. adding names
to or deleting names from mailing lists, creating or deleting mailing
lists, etc.) without requiring the use of EMACS or some other text


General Synopsis:

MLIST's commands allow a user to maintain system-wide mailing lists
without running the risk of corrupting the files containing the
mailing lists in a text editor of some sort.

MLIST maintains a PMAP file (in SUB:MLIST.PMAP) which contains a
"binary" format of all the files in the MLIST: directory.  The reason
for the PMAP file is to speed up access to all the mailing list files
as a whole, rather than for MLIST to get bogged down accessing each
individual file separately.  This becomes more of an issue when using
the commands to show which mailing lists a particular person is on,
etc.  MLIST still updates the individual files in the MLIST:
directory, but based on the contents of the PMAP file.  The first time
that MLIST is executed, a message will be displayed on the user's
terminal indicating that the mailing list database must be
reinitialized.  Then MLIST will run the _RESTORE_MLIST_.EXE program to
submit the batch job which actually does the initialization.  The PMAP
file is created by the batch job during all this.

For the (rare) occasions when the MLIST PMAP file gets corrupted, two
routes of corrective action are available: delete the file
SUB:MLIST.PMAP and let MLIST create a new copy of the file, or use
MLIST's MUNGE command.  The MUNGE command is a "privileged" command --
available only to the users specified with the appropriate MLIST
privilege levels in the file SYSTEM:MLIST.MUNGERS.  MLIST privilege
levels are explained in the file MLIST.INSTALLATION-INSTRUCTIONS.

MLIST also has the feature whereby if it detects that the MLIST PMAP
file is out of sync with the contents of the MLIST: directory
(currently only in the cases where a mailing list has been created
with an editor that doesn't show up in the MLIST PMAP file, or if a
mailing list has been deleted and the MLIST PMAP file still indicates
that the mailing list exists), then MLIST will execute a program which
submits an MLIST "restore" batch job (in
PS:<SUBSYS>MLIST-RESTORE.CTL).  In early versions of MLIST, this
restore process did not utilize the batch system, which tied up MLIST
users' terminals for long periods of time.  So, to avoid these types
of terminal tie-ups, the batch system is currently used.  MLIST
currently does not detect if a mailing list/file has been modified
outside of MLIST.  This would require more information to be saved per
MLIST: file in the MLIST PMAP file.


MLIST requires 2 dedicated directories:

   MLIST:   a directory which contains the mailing lists themselves
            (one mailing list per file)

   MLIST-DOC:  a directory which contains the descriptions for the
            mailing lists in the MLIST: directory (one description
            per mailing list)

   Depending on your individual site, the default protections for both
   the above-mentioned directories should be:

	Default file protection 777777
	Default directory protection 777746

   A third directory is required to exist (referenceable by the	system-
   wide logical name G:) which must have enough access enabled so that
   normal users can create files in, and delete files, from that directory.
   This directory is where the "lock" file is created and deleted when the
   MLIST "database" is being regenerated.

The following files are associated with MLIST:

	MLIST.HLP		Help file for MLIST

	SUB:MLIST.PMAP		File which contains the mailing list
				data (in "binary" format)

	Cusym.*			A small portion of Columbia's MACRO-20
        Cuuos.*			macro package (the portion utilized by
        Helper.*		MLIST)

	MLIST.Build-Instructions  Instructions for rebuilding MLIST

	MLIST.CTL		Batch control file to build MLIST

	MLIST.LOG		Example batch log file from MLIST build


        MLIST.XSW               File which contains compile-time
			        switches for MLIST.  If this file is
				not included at compile-time, the
				appropriate values will be defaulted.
	MLIST.REL		MLIST relocatable

	MLIST.EXE		MLIST executable file

	MLIST.FORMAT		Explains several valid formats for
				mailing lists suitable for use in
				electronic mail systems

	MLIST.HLP    		MLIST help file


	MLIST.README		This file


	MLIST-RESTORE.CTL	The batch control file which regenerates
                                the MLIST PMAP file upon detection of
	MLIST-RESTORE.LOG	Example log file



	QSR.PAS			Slightly modified Rutgers' PASCAL-20
        QSR.REL                 QUASAR interface routines

	XMLIST.PAS		Source for the program (_RESTORE_MLIST_.EXE)
				run by MLIST to submit the file
				PS:<SUBSYS>MLIST-RESTORE.CTL to regenerate
				the MLIST PMAP file

        _RESTORE_MLIST_.EXE     XMLIST executable file




If you have any questions, suggestions, or problems, please contact:

	David Fordyce
	Texas Instruments Incorporated
	Computer Science Center
	P.O. Box 226015
	M.S. 238
	Dallas, Texas 75266
	(214) 995-0375
        [ fordyce%ti-csl@csnet-relay ]

[End of MLIST.Readme]