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                             TOPS-10/20 FORTRAN
                              Language Manual

|                               AD-N383B-T1

|                              February 1987

   This document  describes  the  language  elements  of  FORTRAN-10  and

|  This manual supercedes the TOPS-10/20 FORTRAN Language  Manual,  Order
|  Number AA-N383B-TK.

|  OPERATING SYSTEM:                  TOPS-10, V7.03
|                                     TOPS-20, V4.1 (KS)
|                                     TOPS-20, V6.0 (KL)
|  SOFTWARE:                          FORTRAN-10, Version 11
|                                     FORTRAN-20, Version 11
|                                     LINK-10, Version 5.1
|                                     LINK-20, Version 6
|                                     RMS-20, Version 3


                                            First Printing, February 1983
                                                        Revised, May 1985
|                                                  Updated, February 1987

   The information in this document is subject to change  without  notice
   and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment
   Corporation.  Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no  responsibility
   for any errors that may appear in this document.

   The software described in this document is furnished under  a  license
   and  may  only  be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such

   No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on
   equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL or its affiliated companies.

|           Copyright  C , 1987, Digital Equipment Corporation.
                            All Rights Reserved.

   The postage-prepaid READER'S COMMENTS form on the last  page  of  this
   document  requests  the  user's  critical  evaluation  to assist us in
   preparing future documentation.

   The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:

        DEC                 DECnet              IAS
        DECUS               DECsystem-10        MASSBUS
        Digital Logo        DECSYSTEM-20        PDT
        PDP                 DECwriter           RSTS
        UNIBUS              DIBOL               RSX
        VAX                 EduSystem           VMS




           1.1     OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
           1.2     MANUAL ORGANIZATION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
           1.2.1     FORTRAN Language Elements (Part I) . . . . . . . 1-2
           1.2.2     FORTRAN Statements (Part II) . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
           1.2.3     FORTRAN Language Usage (Part III)  . . . . . . . 1-3
           1.2.4     APPENDIXES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4


           2.1     CHARACTER SET  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
           2.2     STATEMENT DEFINITION AND FORMAT  . . . . . . . . . 2-3
           2.2.1     Statement Label Field and Statement Numbers  . . 2-3
           2.2.2     Line Continuation Field  . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
           2.2.3     Statement Field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
           2.2.4     Remark Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
           2.3     LINE TYPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
           2.3.1     Initial and Continuation Lines . . . . . . . . . 2-5
           2.3.2     Multi-Statement Lines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
           2.3.3     Comment Lines and Remarks  . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
           2.3.4     Debug Lines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
           2.3.5     Blank Lines  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
           2.4     LINE-SEQUENCED SOURCE FILES  . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8


           3.1     INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
           3.2     INTEGER CONSTANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
           3.3     REAL CONSTANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
           3.4     DOUBLE-PRECISION CONSTANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
           3.4.1     Comparison of Real, D-floating, and G-floating . 3-4
           3.5     COMPLEX CONSTANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
           3.6     CHARACTER CONSTANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
           3.7     OCTAL AND DOUBLE-OCTAL CONSTANTS . . . . . . . . . 3-6
           3.8     LOGICAL CONSTANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
           3.9     HOLLERITH CONSTANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
           3.10    STATEMENT LABEL CONSTANTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8


           4.1     SYMBOLIC NAMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
           4.2     VARIABLES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
           4.3     ARRAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
           4.3.1     Array Element Subscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3


           4.3.2     Dimensioning Arrays  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
           4.3.3     Order of Stored Array Elements . . . . . . . . . 4-6
           4.4     CHARACTER SUBSTRINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8


           5.1     ARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
           5.1.1     Rules for Writing Arithmetic Expressions . . . . 5-2
           5.1.2     Arithmetic Constant Expressions  . . . . . . . . 5-6
      Integer Constant Expression  . . . . . . . . . 5-6
           5.2     CHARACTER EXPRESSIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
           5.2.1     Character Constant Expression  . . . . . . . . . 5-8
           5.3     LOGICAL EXPRESSIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
           5.3.1     Logical Constant Expression  . . . . . . . . .  5-11
           5.4     RELATIONAL EXPRESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-12
           5.5     EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS  . . . . . . . . . . .  5-14
           5.5.1     Parenthetical Subexpressions . . . . . . . . .  5-14
           5.5.2     Hierarchy of Operators . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-15
           5.5.3     Mixed-Mode Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-16
           5.5.4     Use of Logical Operands in Mixed-Mode 
                     Expressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-17
           5.6     CONSTANT EXPRESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5-17


           6.1     EXECUTABLE STATEMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
           6.2     NONEXECUTABLE STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
           6.3     ORDERING OF FORTRAN STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
           6.4     COMPILATION CONTROL STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
           6.4.1     PROGRAM Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
           6.4.2     INCLUDE Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5


           7.1     DIMENSION STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
           7.1.1     Adjustable Dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
           7.1.2     Assumed-size Arrays  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
           7.2     TYPE SPECIFICATION STATEMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
           7.2.1     Numeric Type Specification Statements  . . . . . 7-5
           7.2.2     Character Type Specification Statements  . . . . 7-7
           7.3     IMPLICIT STATEMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
           7.4     COMMON STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-10
           7.4.1     Dimensioning Arrays in COMMON Statements . . .  7-12
           7.4.2     Character Data in COMMON . . . . . . . . . . .  7-12
           7.5     EQUIVALENCE STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-13
           7.5.1     EQUIVALENCE and Extended Addressing  . . . . .  7-22
           7.6     EXTERNAL STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-22
           7.7     INTRINSIC STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-23
           7.8     PARAMETER STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-25


           7.9     DATA STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-26
           7.10    SAVE STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-30


           8.1     ARITHMETIC ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . 8-1
           8.2     LOGICAL ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
           8.4     CHARACTER ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . 8-6


           9.1     GO TO STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
           9.1.1     Unconditional GO TO Statements . . . . . . . . . 9-2
           9.1.2     Computed GO TO Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
           9.1.3     Assigned GO TO Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
           9.2     IF STATEMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
           9.2.1     Arithmetic IF Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
           9.2.2     Logical IF Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
           9.2.3     Logical Two-Branch IF Statements . . . . . . . . 9-5
           9.2.4     Block IF Statements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
      Statement Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
      Block IF Examples  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
      Nested Block IF Constructs . . . . . . . . .  9-10
           9.3     DO STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-11
           9.3.1     Indexed DO Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-11
      Executing an Indexed DO Statement  . . . . .  9-13
      DO Iteration Control . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-14
           9.3.2     DO WHILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-15
           9.3.3     The Range of a DO Statement  . . . . . . . . .  9-16
           9.3.4     Nested DO Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-16
           9.3.5     Extended Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-18
           9.3.6     Permitted Transfer Operations  . . . . . . . .  9-19
           9.4     END DO STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-20
           9.5     CONTINUE STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-20
           9.6     STOP STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-21
           9.7     PAUSE STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-22
           9.8     END STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9-23


           10.1    DATA TRANSFER OPERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-5
           10.2    DATA ACCESS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-5
           10.2.1    Sequential Access  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-6
           10.2.2    Direct Access  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-6
           10.2.3    Keyed Access (TOPS-20 RMS) . . . . . . . . . .  10-6
           10.3    FORMATTED AND UNFORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS . . . .  10-7
           10.3.1    Formatted Data Transfers . . . . . . . . . . .  10-7
     Internal Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10-8


           10.3.2    Unformatted Data Transfers . . . . . . . . . .  10-9
           10.3.3    Unformatted Data Transfer to ASCII Devices . .  10-9
           10.4    DATA TRANSFER STATEMENT FORMS  . . . . . . . . . 10-10
           10.4.1    Data Transfer Statement Names  . . . . . . . . 10-11
           10.4.2    Data Transfer Control-Information List . . . . 10-11
           10.4.3    Unit References in Data Transfer Statements  . 10-13
     FORTRAN Logical Unit Identifier  . . . . . . 10-13
     Internal File Identifier . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
           10.4.4    Record Number References In Data Transfer 
                     Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16
           10.4.5    Format References in Data Transfer Statements  10-17
     FORMAT-Statement Formatting  . . . . . . . . 10-18
     List-Directed Formatting . . . . . . . . . . 10-19
     NAMELIST-Statement Formatting  . . . . . . . 10-20
           10.4.6    Optional End-of-File Transfer of Control 
                     (END=) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-21
           10.4.7    Optional Data Transfer Error Control (ERR=)  . 10-22
           10.4.8    Optional Error Variable For Error Reporting 
                     (IOSTAT=)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-24
           10.4.9    Key-Field-Value Specifier (TOPS-20 RMS)  . . . 10-25
     Key Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-27
           10.4.10   Key-of-Reference Specifier . . . . . . . . . . 10-27
           10.4.11   Data Transfer Statement Input/Output Lists . . 10-27
    Simple List Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-28
    Implied DO Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-29
           10.5    READ STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-32
           10.5.1    Formatted READ Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . 10-34
     Sequential FORMAT-Statement READ . . . . . . 10-34
     Direct-Access FORMAT-Statement READ  . . . . 10-35
     Sequential List-Directed READ  . . . . . . . 10-36
     Sequential NAMELIST-Statement READ . . . . . 10-37
           10.5.2    Unformatted READ Transfers . . . . . . . . . . 10-37
     Sequential Unformatted READ  . . . . . . . . 10-38
     Direct-Access Unformatted READ . . . . . . . 10-38
           10.5.3    Indexed READ Transfers (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . 10-39
     Sequential Indexed READ  . . . . . . . . . . 10-40
     Formatted Indexed READ   . . . . . . . . . . 10-40
     Unformatted Indexed READ   . . . . . . . . . 10-41
           10.6    WRITE STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-42
           10.6.1    Formatted WRITE Transfers  . . . . . . . . . . 10-44
     Sequential FORMAT-Statement WRITE  . . . . . 10-44
     Direct-Access FORMAT-Statement WRITE . . . . 10-45
     Sequential List-Directed WRITE . . . . . . . 10-46
     Sequential NAMELIST-Statement WRITE  . . . . 10-47
           10.6.2    Unformatted WRITE Transfers  . . . . . . . . . 10-48
     Sequential Unformatted WRITE . . . . . . . . 10-49
     Direct-Access Unformatted WRITE  . . . . . . 10-49
           10.6.3    Writing to RMS Files (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . . 10-50
           10.7    REREAD STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-51
           10.7.1    Sequential FORMAT-Statement REREAD . . . . . . 10-52
           10.7.2    Sequential List-Directed REREAD  . . . . . . . 10-53
           10.8    ACCEPT STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-55


           10.8.1    Sequential FORMAT-Statement ACCEPT . . . . . . 10-55
           10.8.2    Sequential List-Directed ACCEPT  . . . . . . . 10-56
           10.9    TYPE STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-57
           10.9.1    Sequential FORMAT-Statement TYPE . . . . . . . 10-58
           10.9.2    Sequential List-Directed TYPE  . . . . . . . . 10-59
           10.10   PRINT STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-61
           10.10.1   Sequential FORMAT-Statement PRINT  . . . . . . 10-61
           10.10.2   Sequential List-Directed PRINT . . . . . . . . 10-62
           10.11   PUNCH STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-63
           10.11.1   Sequential FORMAT-Statement PUNCH  . . . . . . 10-64
           10.11.2   Sequential List-Directed PUNCH . . . . . . . . 10-65
           10.12.1   Internal READ and WRITE Statements . . . . . . 10-66
           10.12.2   ENCODE and DECODE Statements . . . . . . . . . 10-68
           10.13   DELETE STATEMENT (TOPS-20 RMS) . . . . . . . . . 10-72
           10.13.1   Current-Record DELETE  . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-73
           10.13.2   Direct-Access DELETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-73
           10.14   REWRITE STATEMENT (TOPS-20 RMS)  . . . . . . . . 10-74
           10.14.1   Formatted REWRITE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-75
           10.14.2   Unformatted REWRITE Statement  . . . . . . . . 10-75
           10.15   UNLOCK STATEMENT (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . . . . . 10-75


           11.1    FILE-CONTROL STATEMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-1
           11.2    OPEN STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-2
           11.2.1    Implicit OPEN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-3
           11.2.2    OPEN on a Connected Unit . . . . . . . . . . .  11-4
           11.3    OPEN STATEMENT SPECIFIERS  . . . . . . . . . . .  11-4
           11.3.1    ACCESS Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-7
           11.3.2    ASSOCIATEVARIABLE Specifier  . . . . . . . . .  11-9
           11.3.3    BLANK Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-10
           11.3.4    BLOCKSIZE Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-11
           11.3.5    BUFFERCOUNT Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12
           11.3.6    BYTESIZE Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
           11.3.7    CARRIAGECONTROL Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . 11-13
           11.3.8    DEFAULTFILE Specifier (TOPS-20)  . . . . . . . 11-15
           11.3.9    DENSITY Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-16
           11.3.10   DEVICE Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-16
           11.3.11   DIALOG Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-17
           11.3.12   DIALOG= Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-18
           11.3.13   DIRECTORY Specifier (TOPS-10)  . . . . . . . . 11-18
           11.3.14   DIRECTORY Specifier (TOPS-20)  . . . . . . . . 11-20
           11.3.15   DISPOSE Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-20
           11.3.16   ERR Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-21
           11.3.17   FILE Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-22
    Remote File Specifications (TOPS-20) . . . . 11-23
           11.3.18   FILESIZE (INITIALIZE) Specifier (TOPS-10 Only) 11-23
           11.3.19   FORM Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-24
           11.3.20   IOSTAT Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-25
           11.3.21   KEY Specifier (TOPS-20)  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-26


           11.3.22   LIMIT Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-27
           11.3.23   MAXREC Specifier (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . . . . 11-28
           11.3.24   MODE Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-28
           11.3.25   NAME Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
           11.3.26   NOSPANBLOCKS Specifier (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . 11-31
           11.3.27   ORGANIZATION Specifier (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . 11-31
           11.3.28   PADCHAR Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-32
           11.3.29   PARITY Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-33
           11.3.30   PROTECTION Specifier (TOPS-10) . . . . . . . . 11-33
           11.3.31   PROTECTION Specifier (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . . 11-37
           11.3.32   READONLY Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-38
           11.3.33   RECL (RECORDSIZE) Specifier  . . . . . . . . . 11-39
           11.3.34   RECORDTYPE Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-41
           11.3.35   SHARED Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-43
           11.3.36   STATUS (TYPE) Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-44
           11.3.37   TAPEFORMAT SPECIFIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-46
           11.3.38   UNIT Specifier (Required)  . . . . . . . . . . 11-47
           11.3.39   USEROPEN Specifier (TOPS-20) . . . . . . . . . 11-47
           11.3.40   VERSION Specifier (TOPS-10)  . . . . . . . . . 11-48
           11.4    CLOSE STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-48
           11.4.1    Implicit CLOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-49
           11.5    CLOSE STATEMENT SPECIFIERS . . . . . . . . . . . 11-49
           11.5.1    DEVICE, DIRECTORY, FILE, NAME, and PROTECTION 
                     Specifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-51
           11.5.2    DIALOG Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-51
           11.5.3    DIALOG= Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-52
           11.5.4    DISPOSE Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-53
           11.5.5    ERR Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-54
           11.5.6    IOSTAT Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-55
           11.5.7    LIMIT Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-55
           11.5.8    STATUS Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-56
           11.5.9    UNIT Specifier (Required)  . . . . . . . . . . 11-57
           11.6    OPEN AND CLOSE STATEMENT EXAMPLES  . . . . . . . 11-57
           11.7    INQUIRE STATEMENT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-58
           11.7.1    INQUIRE by File  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-58
           11.7.2    INQUIRE by Unit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-59
           11.7.3    INQUIRE Specifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-60
     ACCESS Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-60
     BLANK Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-60
     BYTESIZE Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-61
     CARRIAGECONTROL Specifier  . . . . . . . . . 11-61
     DIRECT Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-61
     ERR Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-62
     EXIST Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-62
     FORM Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-62
     FORMATTED Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-63
    IOSTAT Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-63
    KEYED Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-63
    NAME Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-63
    NAMED Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-65
    NEXTREC Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-65
    NUMBER Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-65


    OPENED Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-66
    ORGANIZATION Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . 11-66
    RECL (RECORDSIZE) Specifier  . . . . . . . . 11-66
    RECORDTYPE Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-67
    SEQUENTIAL Specifier . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-67
    UNFORMATTED Specifier  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-67
           11.8    DEVICE CONTROL STATEMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-71
           11.8.1    FIND Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-72
           11.8.2    REWIND Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-73
           11.8.3    UNLOAD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-74
           11.8.4    BACKSPACE Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-74
           11.8.5    ENDFILE Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-75
           11.8.6    SKIPRECORD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-76
           11.8.7    SKIPFILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-77
           11.8.8    BACKFILE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-78


           12.1    FORMAT-STATEMENT FORMATTING  . . . . . . . . . .  12-3
           12.1.1    Specifying a Format List in a FORMAT Statement  12-3
           12.1.2    Specifying a Format Specification as a 
                     Character Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-5
           12.1.3    Specifying a Format Specification in a Numeric 
                     Array  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-5
           12.1.4    Specifying a FORMAT Statement Using an ASSIGNed 
                     Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-6
           12.1.5    The Ordering and Interpretation of Format List 
                     Items  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-6
           12.2    EDIT DESCRIPTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12-7
           12.2.1    Repeatable Edit Descriptors  . . . . . . . . .  12-8
           12.2.2    Nonrepeatable Edit Descriptors . . . . . . . . 12-10
           12.2.3    Carriage-Control Specifiers  . . . . . . . . . 12-12
           12.3.1    General Description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-14
           12.3.2    Formatted Input  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-17
           12.3.3    Formatted Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-18
           12.3.4    Embedded Format Specifications . . . . . . . . 12-18
           12.4    FORMAT EDITING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-20
           12.4.1    Apostrophe (') Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-20
           12.4.2    H Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-21
           12.4.3    Positional Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-22
     T, TL, and TR Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . 12-23
     X Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-26
           12.4.4    $ (Dollar Sign) Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . 12-27
           12.4.5    / (Slash) Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-28
           12.4.6    : (Colon) Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-29
           12.4.7    S, SP,and SS Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-30
           12.4.8    P Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-31
           12.4.9    BN and BZ Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-34
           12.4.10   Q Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35
           12.4.11   Numeric Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-35


    I Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-37
    F Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-38
    E and D Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-39
    G Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-40
    Complex Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-43
    O (Octal) Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-44
    Z Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-44
           12.4.12   L Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-45
           12.4.13   A Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-46
           12.4.14   R Editing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-48
           12.5    LIST-DIRECTED FORMATTING . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-49
           12.6    NAMELIST-STATEMENT FORMATTING  . . . . . . . . . 12-52
           12.7    NAMELIST STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-52
           12.7.1    NAMELIST-Controlled Data Input Transfer  . . . 12-54
           12.7.2    NAMELIST-Controlled Data Output Transfers  . . 12-55


           13.1    INTRINSIC FUNCTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13-2
           13.1.1    Using an Intrinsic Function  . . . . . . . . .  13-2
           13.1.2    Character Intrinsic Functions  . . . . . . . . 13-12
           13.1.3    Character Comparison Functions . . . . . . . . 13-15
           13.1.4    Bit Manipulation Functions . . . . . . . . . . 13-16
           13.2    STATEMENT FUNCTIONS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-17
           13.2.1    Defining a Statement Function  . . . . . . . . 13-17
           13.2.2    Using a Statement Function . . . . . . . . . . 13-18
           13.2.3    Statement Function Restrictions  . . . . . . . 13-19
           13.3    EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-20
           13.3.1    FORTRAN-Supplied External Functions  . . . . . 13-21
           13.3.2    User-Defined External Functions  . . . . . . . 13-22
           13.3.3    Function Subprogram Restrictions . . . . . . . 13-23
           13.3.4    Using a Function Subprogram  . . . . . . . . . 13-24
           13.4    SUBROUTINES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-25
           13.4.1    FORTRAN-Supplied Subroutines . . . . . . . . . 13-27
     ALCCHR Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-28
     CDABS Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-28
     CDCOS Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-29
     CDEXP Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-29
     CDLOG Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-30
     CDSIN Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-31
     CDSQRT Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-31
     CHKDIV Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-32
     CLRFMT Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-33
    DATE Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-33
    DIVERT Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-34
    DTOGA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-34
    DUMP Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-35
    ERRSET Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-35
    ERRSNS Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-37
    EXIT Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-38
    FFUNIT Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-38


    GTODA Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-38
    ILL Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-39
    LEGAL Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-39
    MVBITS Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-40
    OVERFL Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-40
    PDUMP Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-41
    QUIETX Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-42
    SAVFMT Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-42
    SAVRAN Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-43
    SETRAN Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-43
    SORT Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-44
    SRTINI Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-44
    TIME Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-45
    TOPMEM Subroutine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-46
    TRACE Subroutine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-46
           13.4.2    User-Defined Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . 13-48
     SUBROUTINE Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-49
     CALL Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-50
     Execution of a CALL Statement  . . . . . . . 13-50
     Actual Arguments for a Subroutine  . . . . . 13-51
           13.4.3    ENTRY Statement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-51
           13.4.4    RETURN Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-53
           13.4.5    Dummy and Actual Arguments . . . . . . . . . . 13-55
     Length of Character Dummy and Actual 
                       Arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-57
     Character and Hollerith Constants as Actual 
                       Arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-58


           14.1    BLOCK DATA STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14-1


           15.1    GENERAL PROGRAMMING CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . .  15-1
           15.1.1    Accuracy and Range of Double-Precision Numbers  15-1
           15.1.2    Writing FORTRAN Programs for Use on Other 
                     Computers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15-2
     Remote Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15-2
     Reducing Network Overhead  . . . . . . . . .  15-2
           15.1.3    Using Floating-Point DO Loops  . . . . . . . .  15-3
           15.1.4    Computation of DO Loop Iterations  . . . . . .  15-3
           15.1.5    Subroutines - Programming Considerations . . .  15-3
           15.1.6    Reordering of Computations . . . . . . . . . .  15-5
           15.1.7    Dimensioning of Dummy Arrays . . . . . . . . .  15-6
           15.2    FORTRAN GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION  . . . . . . . . . .  15-7
           15.2.1    Optimization Techniques  . . . . . . . . . . .  15-7
     Elimination of Redundant Computations  . . .  15-8
     Reduction of Operator Strength . . . . . . .  15-8
     Removal of Constant Computation from Loops .  15-9


     Constant Folding and Propagation . . . . . . 15-10
     Removal of Inaccessible Code . . . . . . . . 15-11
     Global Register Allocation . . . . . . . . . 15-11
     I/O Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-11
     Uninitialized Variable Detection . . . . . . 15-11
     Test Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
           15.2.2    Programming Techniques for Effective 
                     Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
           15.3    FUNCTION SIDE EFFECTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12
           15.4.1    Using The Sharable High-Segment FOROTS . . . . 15-13
           15.4.2    Calling Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-13
           15.4.3    Accumulator Usage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-14
           15.4.4    Argument Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-15
           15.4.5    Argument Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17
           15.4.6    Description of Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . 15-18
           15.4.7    Interaction with COBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-19
     Calling FORTRAN Subprograms from COBOL 
                       Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-20
     Calling COBOL Subroutines from FORTRAN 
                       Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22
           15.4.8    Interaction with BLISS-36  . . . . . . . . . . 15-22
     Calling FORTRAN Subprograms From BLISS-36 
                       Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-22
     Calling BLISS-36 Routines From FORTRAN . . . 15-23
           15.4.9    LINK Overlay Facilities  . . . . . . . . . . . 15-23
           15.4.10   FOROTS and Overlay Memory Management . . . . . 15-25
           15.4.11   Extended Addressing Memory Layout (TOPS-20 
                     only)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-27
           15.5    USING INDEXED FILES (TOPS-20 ONLY) . . . . . . . 15-28
           15.5.1    Creating an Indexed File . . . . . . . . . . . 15-29
           15.5.2    Writing Indexed Files  . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-31
     Duplicate Values in Key Fields . . . . . . . 15-31
     Preventing the Indexing of Alternate Key 
                       Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-32
           15.5.3    Reading Indexed Files  . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-33
           15.5.4    Updating Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-34
           15.5.5    Deleting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-35
           15.5.6    Current Record and Next Record Pointers  . . . 15-35
           15.5.7    Exception Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-36


           16.1    USING THE FORTRAN-10 COMPILER  . . . . . . . . .  16-1
           16.1.1    TOPS-10 COMPILE-Class Commands . . . . . . . .  16-1
           16.1.2    RUNNING THE FORTRAN-10 COMPILER  . . . . . . .  16-2
           16.1.3    TOPS-10 Compiler Command Switches  . . . . . .  16-3
           16.2    USING THE FORTRAN-20 COMPILER  . . . . . . . . .  16-5
           16.2.1    TOPS-20 COMPILE-Class Commands . . . . . . . .  16-5
           16.2.2    RUNNING THE FORTRAN-20 COMPILER  . . . . . . .  16-6
           16.2.3    TOPS-20 Compiler Commands Switches   . . . . .  16-9


           16.3    THE /DEBUG SWITCH  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-11
           16.4    THE /NOWARN SWITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-15
           16.5    THE /EXTEND SWITCH (TOPS-20 ONLY)  . . . . . . . 16-16
           16.5.1    /EXTEND and Applications with Large Arrays . . 16-17
           16.5.2    /EXTEND and Applications with Large Executable 
                     Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-18
     /EXTEND PSECT Placement  . . . . . . . . . . 16-19
     Building Large-Code Applications . . . . . . 16-19
           16.5.3    Arguments to /EXTEND . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-20
           16.5.4    Linking With TWOSEG REL Files  . . . . . . . . 16-22
           16.6    THE /FLAG (/FLAG-NON-STANDARD) SWITCH  . . . . . 16-22
           16.7    READING A FORTRAN COMPILER LISTING . . . . . . . 16-23
           16.7.1    Compiler-Generated Variables . . . . . . . . . 16-25
           16.8    ERROR REPORTING  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-34
           16.8.1    Fatal Errors and Warning Messages  . . . . . . 16-34
           16.8.2    Message Summary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-35
                   PROGRAM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-36


           17.1    INPUT FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-2
           17.1.1    Variables and Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-3
           17.1.2    Constant Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-3
           17.1.3    Statement Labels and Source Line Numbers . . .  17-4
           17.2    FORDDT AND THE FORTRAN /DEBUG SWITCH . . . . . .  17-4
           17.3    LOADING AND STARTING FORDDT  . . . . . . . . . .  17-6
           17.4    SCOPE OF NAME AND LABEL REFERENCES . . . . . . .  17-7
           17.5    FORDDT COMMANDS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-8
           17.6    ENVIRONMENT CONTROL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19
           17.7    FORTRAN /OPTIMIZE SWITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-20
           17.8    CALLING FORDDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-20
           17.9    FORDDT AND FORTRAN-20 EXTENDED ADDRESSING  . . . 17-20


           18.1    FEATURES OF FOROTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-2
           18.2    ERROR PROCESSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-3
           18.3    INPUT/OUTPUT FACILITIES  . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-3
           18.3.1    Input/Output Channels Used By FOROTS (TOPS-10 
                     Only)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-3
           18.3.2    File Access  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-3
           18.3.3    Closing Files After Non-standard Termination .  18-4
     Sequential Access  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-4
     Direct (Random) Access Mode  . . . . . . . .  18-5
           18.4.1    ASCII Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18-5
           18.4.2    FORTRAN Binary Data Files  . . . . . . . . . .  18-5
     Format of Binary Files . . . . . . . . . . .  18-5
           18.4.3    RMS Data Files (TOPS-20 only)  . . . . . . . . 18-16


           18.5    USING FOROTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-16
           18.5.1    FOROTS Entry Points  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-16
           18.5.2    Calling Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19
           18.5.3    MACRO Calls for FOROTS Functions . . . . . . . 18-19
     Sequential-Access  Calling  Sequences  . . . 18-21
     Internal File Calling  Sequences . . . . . . 18-22
     NAMELIST I/O, Sequential-Access Calling 
                       Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-23
     Array Offsets and Factoring  . . . . . . . . 18-24
     I/O Statements, Direct-Access Calling 
                       Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-26
     Default Devices Statements, Calling 
                       Sequences  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-27
     Statements to Position Files . . . . . . . . 18-28
     List-Directed Input/Output Statements  . . . 18-28
     Input/Output Data Lists  . . . . . . . . . . 18-29
    OPEN and CLOSE Statements, Calling Sequences 18-32
    Memory Allocation Routines . . . . . . . . . 18-34
    Channel Allocation and Deallocation Routines 18-35
           18.6    FUNCTIONS TO FACILITATE OVERLAYS . . . . . . . . 18-37
           18.7    LOGICAL/PHYSICAL DEVICE ASSIGNMENTS  . . . . . . 18-43
           18.8    FOROTS AND INQUIRE BY FILE STATEMENT . . . . . . 18-43
           18.9    USEROPEN PROCEDURES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-45
           18.9.1    Example of a USEROPEN  . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-46
           18.9.2    RMS/FOROTS Data and Control Structures . . . . 18-47


           19.1    INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-1
           19.2    USING FORRTF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-2
           19.2.1    Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-2
           19.2.2    Modes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-2
           19.2.3    Priority-Interrupt Levels  . . . . . . . . . .  19-3
           19.2.4    Masks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-3
           19.3    SUBROUTINES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-3
           19.3.1    LOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-3
           19.3.2    RTINIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-3
           19.3.3    CONECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-4
           19.3.4    RTSTRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-5
           19.3.5    BLKRW  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-5
           19.3.6    RTREAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-6
           19.3.7    RTWRIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-6
           19.3.8    STATO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-6
           19.3.9    STATI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-7
           19.3.10   RTSLP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-7
           19.3.11   RTWAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-7
           19.3.12   DISMIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-8
           19.3.13   DISCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-8
           19.3.14   UNLOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-8
           19.3.15   Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19-8









           F.1     PLOTS SUBROUTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-2
           F.2     AXIS SUBROUTINE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-3
           F.3     CAXIS SUBROUTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-4
           F.4     LINE SUBROUTINE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-5
           F.5     MKTBL SUBROUTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-5
           F.5.1     Character Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-6
           F.5.1.1     Creating a Character Table . . . . . . . . . . F-6
           F.5.1.2     Creating a Stroke Table  . . . . . . . . . . . F-7
           F.5.1.3     Sample Character Stroke Table  . . . . . . . . F-8
           F.5.1.4     FORTRAN- and User-Defined Character Sets . .  F-10
           F.6     NUMBER SUBROUTINE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-10
           F.7     PLOT SUBROUTINE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-11
           F.8     SCALE SUBROUTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-12
           F.9     SETABL SUBROUTINE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-13
           F.10    SYMBOL SUBROUTINE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-14
           F.11    WHERE SUBROUTINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  F-14


           2-1     Fields Within a FORTRAN Line . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
           4-1     A 3 x 3 x 2 Array  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
           6-1     Ordering of FORTRAN Statements . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
           7-1     Shared Storage using EQUIVALENCE Statement . . .  7-14
           7-2     Equivalence of Substrings  . . . . . . . . . . .  7-16
           7-3     Equivalence of Character Arrays  . . . . . . . .  7-18
           7-4     Valid Equivalencing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-20
           7-5     Invalid Equivalencing  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7-21
           9-1     Examples of Block IF Constructs  . . . . . . . . . 9-8
           10-1    Components of Data Transfer Statements . . . . . 10-10
           11-1    TOPS-10 File Protection Number . . . . . . . . . 11-34
           11-2    TOPS-20 Protection Number  . . . . . . . . . . . 11-37
           15-1    Run-time Memory Layout for Section Zero  . . . . 15-26


           F-1     Plotter Character Table Entry  . . . . . . . . . . F-7
           F-2     Character Stroke Table Entry . . . . . . . . . . . F-7
           F-3     Sample Character Stroke Table  . . . . . . . . . . F-9


           2-1     FORTRAN Character Set  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
           3-1     Comparison of Real, D-floating, and G-floating 
                   Numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
           4-1     Use of Symbolic Names  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
           5-1     Arithmetic Operations and Operators  . . . . . . . 5-2
           5-2     Type of the Result Obtained from Mixed-Mode 
                   Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
           5-3     Permitted Base/Exponent Type Combinations  . . . . 5-5
           5-4     Logical Operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
           5-5     Logical Operations Truth Table . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
           5-6     Relational Operators and Operations  . . . . . .  5-12
           5-7     Hierarchy of FORTRAN Operators . . . . . . . . .  5-16
           8-1     Rules for Conversion in Mixed-Mode Assignments . . 8-3
           10-1    FORTRAN I/O Statement Categories . . . . . . . .  10-2
           10-2    Summary of Data Transfer Statement Forms . . . .  10-3
           10-3    FORTRAN Logical Device Assignments . . . . . . . 10-15
           10-4    Summary of READ Statement Forms  . . . . . . . . 10-33
           10-5    Summary of WRITE Statement Forms . . . . . . . . 10-42
           10-6    Summary of REREAD Statement Forms  . . . . . . . 10-52
           10-7    Summary of ACCEPT Statement Forms  . . . . . . . 10-55
           10-8    Summary of TYPE Statement Forms  . . . . . . . . 10-58
           10-9    Summary of PRINT Statement Forms . . . . . . . . 10-61
           10-10   Summary of PUNCH Statement Forms . . . . . . . . 10-63
           10-11   Summary of Internal READ/WRITE and ENCODE/DECODE 
                   Statement Forms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-66
           10-12   Summary of DELETE Statement Forms  . . . . . . . 10-72
           10-13   Summary of REWRITE Statement Forms . . . . . . . 10-74
           10-14   Summary of UNLOCK Statement Forms  . . . . . . . 10-76
           11-1    Summary of OPEN Statement Specifiers and 
                   Arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11-5
           11-2    DEVICE and MODE Cross-Table  . . . . . . . . . . 11-30
           11-3    TOPS-10 Protection Code Values . . . . . . . . . 11-35
           11-4    TOPS-20 Protection Code Values . . . . . . . . . 11-37
           11-5    Summary of CLOSE Statement Specifiers and 
                   Arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-49
           11-6    Summary of Device-Control Statements . . . . . . 11-70
           12-1    Repeatable FORTRAN Edit Descriptors  . . . . . . 12-10
           12-2    Nonrepeatable FORTRAN Edit Descriptors . . . . . 12-12
           12-3    Carriage-Control Specifiers  . . . . . . . . . . 12-14
           12-4    Record, Format List, and I/O List Interaction  . 12-16
           12-5    Default Field Widths for Numeric Edit 
                   Descriptors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-36
           12-6    Effect of Data Magnitude on G-Format Output 
                   Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-41
           13-1    FORTRAN Instrinsic Functions . . . . . . . . . .  13-5


           13-2    FORTRAN-Supplied Subroutines . . . . . . . . . . 13-26
           15-1    Argument Types and Types Codes . . . . . . . . . 15-17
           15-2    Memory Allocations for /EXTEND and /NOEXTEND . . 15-27
           16-1    FORTRAN-10 Compiler Switches . . . . . . . . . .  16-3
           16-2    FORTRAN-20 Compiler Switches . . . . . . . . . .  16-9
           16-3    Arguments to /DEBUG Switch . . . . . . . . . . . 16-12
           16-4    Legal Dummy and Actual Argument Associations . . 16-15
           16-5    Arguments to /NOWARN Switch  . . . . . . . . . . 16-15
           16-6    /EXTEND Default Memory Layout  . . . . . . . . . 16-16
           16-7    Arguments to /EXTEND Switch  . . . . . . . . . . 16-20
           16-8    Arguments to /FLAG Switch  . . . . . . . . . . . 16-23
           17-1    FORDDT Commands  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17-1
           18-1    FOROTS Entry Points  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-17
           18-2    Function Numbers and Function Codes  . . . . . . 18-38
           19-1    Error Messages - Code Format and Full Message 
                   Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-10
           D-1     FOROTS Error Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3



   The FORTRAN-10/20 Language Manual reflects the software as of  Version
|  11 of the FORTRAN-10/20 compiler, the FORTRAN-10/20 Object Time System
   (FOROTS), and the FORTRAN-10/20 debugging program (FORDDT).

   This manual describes the FORTRAN  language  as  implemented  for  the
   TOPS-10 operating system (FORTRAN-10) and the TOPS-20 operating system
   (FORTRAN-20).  Any differences between FORTRAN-10 and  FORTRAN-20  are
   noted in this manual.

   Since this is a reference manual, we assume that you have used FORTRAN
   before.   If you haven't, you should read one of the many introductory
   FORTRAN texts.


   The following conventions are used throughout the manual:

        Braces { }          indicate that a choice must be made from  one
                            of the enclosed lines.

        Brackets [ ]        indicate an optional feature.

        Ellipsis ... or .   indicate  the  omission of information from a
                        .   programming  example  or that items in a
                        .   command line can be optionally repeated.

        Lowercase letters   indicate variable information you supply in a
                            command string.

        UPPERCASE LETTERS   indicate fixed (or literal) information  that
                            you must enter as shown in a command string.

        b                   indicates a blank.

   The standard for FORTRAN is the American National Standards  Institute


   (ANSI)  FORTRAN,  X3.9-1978 (also known as FORTRAN-77).  FORTRAN-10/20
   extensions and additions to ANSI FORTRAN are in  blue  print  in  this


                             MANUALS REFERENCED

   The following manuals are referenced from TOPS-10 publications:

         o  TOPS-10 Operating System Commands Manual

         o  SOS Reference Manual

         o  TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual

         o  TOPS-10 Hardware Reference Manual

         o  TOPS-10 LINK Reference Manual

         o  TOPS-10 SORT/MERGE User's Guide

         o  TOPS-10 FORTRAN Installation Guide

   The following manuals are referenced from TOPS-20 publications:

         o  TOPS-20 Commands Reference Manual

         o  TOPS-20 EDIT Reference Manual

         o  TOPS-20 User's Guide

         o  TOPS-20 Monitor Calls Manual

         o  TOPS-20 Link Reference Manual

         o  TOPS-20 SORT/MERGE User's Guide

         o  TOPS-20 FORTRAN Installation Guide
|        o  TOPS-20 RMS User's Guide
|        o  RMS-20 Programmer's Reference Manual

   The following TOPS-10/TOPS-20 manual are referenced:
|        o  FORTRAN-10/20 and VAX FORTRAN Compatibility Manual

         o  TOPS-10/20 FORTRAN Pocket Guide

         o  TOPS-10/TOPS-20 COBOL-74 Language Manual

         o  TOPS-10/20 BLISS Language Guide

         o  TOPS-10/20 Common Math Library Manual


                                 CHAPTER 1


   1.1  OVERVIEW

   The FORTRAN language,  as  implemented  on  the  TOPS-10  and  TOPS-20
   operating  systems,  is  compatible  with and encompasses the standard
   described in "American National Standard FORTRAN, X3.9-1978" (referred
   to as the FORTRAN-77 standard) at the full-language level.

   FORTRAN-10/20 provides many extensions and additions to the FORTRAN-77
   standard  that  greatly enhance the usefulness of FORTRAN and increase
   its compatibility with FORTRAN languages implemented by other computer
   manufacturers.    The   extensions   and  additions  to  the  standard
   FORTRAN-77 are printed in this manual in blue print.

   A FORTRAN source program consists of a set of  statements  constructed
   using  the  language elements and the syntax described in this manual.
   A given FORTRAN statement performs any one of the following functions:

        1.  It causes operations such as  multiplication,  division,  and
            branching to be carried out.

        2.  It specifies the type and format of the data being processed.

        3.  It specifies the characteristics of the source program.

   FORTRAN statements are composed of keywords (words that are recognized
   by  the  compiler) used with elements of the language set:  constants,
   variables, and expressions.  There are  two  basic  types  of  FORTRAN
   statements:  executable and nonexecutable.

   Executable  statements   specify   the   actions   of   the   program;
   nonexecutable  statements describe the characteristics and arrangement
   of data, editing information, statement functions,  and  the  kind  of
   subprograms  that  may be included in the program.  The compilation of
   executable statements results in the creation of  executable  code  in
   the object program.  Nonexecutable statements provide information only
   to the compiler; they do not create executable code.



   This  manual  is  divided  into  three  parts:    Language   Elements,
   Statements,  and Language Usage.  Sections 1.2.1 through 1.2.3 contain
   general descriptions for each of these  three  parts.   Section  1.2.4
   contains a general description of the appendixes.

   1.2.1  FORTRAN Language Elements (Part I)

   Part I of this manual describes the fundamental  elements  of  FORTRAN
   programs, including (by chapter):

        Chapter 2, CHARACTERS AND LINES, describes FORTRAN source program
        characters  and  lines.   The  FORTRAN  compiler  interprets your
        source program and translates it into  machine  code  (executable

        Chapter 3, CONSTANTS, describes FORTRAN data types and constants.
        FORTRAN enables you to manipulate information (data) in a variety
        of ways.  This chapter  describes  the  techniques  for  defining
        FORTRAN constants of various data types.

        Chapter 4,  SYMBOLIC  NAMES,  VARIABLES,  AND  ARRAYS,  describes
        symbolic  names,  variables, and arrays in FORTRAN.  The symbolic
        name is used in a variety of  ways  in  a  source  program;  this
        chapter  describes  the  conventions  for using symbolic names to
        define both variables and arrays.

        Chapter  5,  EXPRESSIONS,  introduces   and   describes   FORTRAN
        operators.   Expressions  in  FORTRAN are formed using variables,
        constants, and operators.

   1.2.2  FORTRAN Statements (Part II)

   Part II of this manual describes all the  statements  in  the  FORTRAN
   language.   The  following list describes (by chapter) the information
   presented in Part II:

        term  "FORTRAN Statement", and describes the "Compilation Control

        Chapter 7, SPECIFICATION AND DATA STATEMENTS, describes  all  the
        statements   within   the   category   "Specification   and  Data
        Statements".   The  specification  statements   enable   you   to
        explicitly  define  the  data types of variables used within your
        program; the DATA  statement  enables  you  to  create  initially
        defined constants within your program.


        Chapter 8, ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS, describes  all  the  statements
        within  the category "Assignment Statements".  FORTRAN assignment
        statements enable you to  assign  values  to  variables,  and  to
        assign statement labels to symbolic names.

        Chapter 9,  CONTROL  STATEMENTS,  describes  all  the  statements
        within  the category "Control Statements".  The default execution
        sequence of  lines  in  a  FORTRAN  program  is  each  line  from
        left-to-right,  and  all  lines  from top-to-bottom.  You use the
        FORTRAN  control  statements  to  alter  the  default   execution
        sequence,  to  stop or pause during program execution, or to mark
        the end of an executable program.

        Chapter 10, DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS, describes the data transfer
        category of "FORTRAN Input/Output (I/O) Statements".  As the term
        implies, a data transfer statement moves data from one  place  to

        file-control   and  device-control  categories  of  "FORTRAN  I/O
        Statements".  The file-control statements enable you to associate
        a  unit number with a file.  Device-control statements enable you
        to position a storage medium (for example, magnetic  tape)  on  a
        connected unit.

        Chapter 12, FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS, describes  three  types  of
        data   formatting.    During   certain  types  of  data  transfer
        operations, you  must  specify  the  format  of  the  data  being
        transferred.   FORTRAN  provides  three techniques for specifying
        the  format  of  data:   FORMAT-Statement,   List-Directed,   and
        NAMELIST-Statement formatting.

        Chapter  13,  FUNCTIONS  AND   SUBROUTINES,   describes   FORTRAN
        functions  and  subprograms.  Functions and subprograms provide a
        technique for  producing  clear  and  concise  FORTRAN  programs.
        FORTRAN-10/20 provides both predefined functions and subprograms,
        and  the  statements  for  defining  your   own   functions   and

        Chapter 14, BLOCK  DATA  SUBPROGRAMS,  describes  the  block-data
        subprogram.   This  type  of  subprogram  enables  you  to define
        initial values for variables in COMMON.

   1.2.3  FORTRAN Language Usage (Part III)

   Parts I and II of the manual contain complete descriptions of  FORTRAN
   elements and statements.  Part III of the manual contains explanations
   of how you use FORTRAN-10/20.  The following usage topics are  covered
   in Part III:


        Chapter  15,  WRITING  USER  PROGRAMS,  presents   some   general
        considerations  that  you  should  follow  when  you are creating
        FORTRAN source programs.  In addition, this  chapter  contains  a
        description of the FORTRAN optimizer.

        Chapter 16, USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER, describes how to use  the
        FORTRAN  compiler  and  contains  descriptions on how to compile,
        load, and execute a FORTRAN program.  In addition,  this  chapter
        contains descriptions of how to read a compiler-generated program
        listing, and how to create a  reentrant  FORTRAN  program.   This
        Chapter also describes how to use FORTRAN-20 extended addressing.

        describes  how  to  use the FORTRAN interactive debugging program
        (FORDDT) to test and debug a running program.  This chapter  also
        contains  a  brief  explanation of how to debug a running FORTRAN
        program using DDT, the system debugger.

        describes  the FORTRAN Object-Time System (FOROTS).  This chapter
        also  contains  descriptions  of  how  you  can  use  the  FOROTS

        describes  how  to  use  the  FORTRAN  real-time  software.  This
        chapter is for TOPS-10 installations only.

   1.2.4  APPENDIXES

   The appendixes describe various  useful  information.   The  following
   topics are covered in the appendixes:

        Appendix A, SUMMARY OF FORTRAN STATEMENTS, summarizes  the  forms
        of  all FORTRAN statements and provides a section reference where
        each statement is described in detail.

        Appendix B, ASCII-1968 CHARACTER CODE SET,  lists  the  character
        code  set  defined  in  the  X3.4-1968  version  of  the American
        National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).

        Appendix C, COMPILER MESSAGES,  describes  the  FORTRAN  compiler

        Appendix D, FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES,  describes  the  FOROTS  error

        Appendix E, FORDDT ERROR MESSAGES,  describes  the  FORDDT  error

        Appendix F, FORTRAN-SUPPLIED PLOTTER SUBROUTINES,  describes  the


        FORTRAN-supplied plotter subroutines.



                                 CHAPTER 2

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

   The basic elements of the FORTRAN source program  are  its  characters
   and  lines.   Characters are used to form statements, expressions, and
   comments in FORTRAN source programs.  Lines, and fields within  lines,
   are  used to define the context in which characters are interpreted by
   the FORTRAN compiler.

   This  chapter  describes  the  relationships  among   source   program
   characters, lines, and fields within source program lines.


   Table 2-1  lists  the  digits,  letters,  and  symbols  recognized  by
   FORTRAN.   The remainder of the ASCII-1968 character set is acceptable
   within character or Hollerith constants or  comment  text,  but  these
   characters cause fatal errors in other contexts.


           The complete ASCII character set  is  defined  in  the
           X3.4-1968  version  of the "American National Standard
           Code for Information Interchange".  A summary  of  the
           standard  ASCII set is also contained in Appendix B of
           this manual.


           Lowercase  alphabetic  characters   are   treated   as
           upper-case   outside   the  context  of  Hollerith  or
           character constants.

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

   Table 2-1:  FORTRAN Character Set


      Uppercase:   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  

      Lowercase:   a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z


                            0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


          !  Exclamation point             ,  Comma
          "  Quotation Mark                -  Hyphen (Minus)
          #  Number Sign                   .  Period (Decimal Point)
          $  Dollar Sign                   /  Slant (Slash)
          &  Ampersand                     :  Colon
          '  Apostrophe                    ;  Semicolon
          (  Left Parenthesis              <  Less Than    
          )  Right Parenthesis             =  Equal To
          *  Asterisk                      >  Greater Than
          +  Plus                          ^  Circumflex
|         _  Underscore

                         Line Termination Characters

               Line Feed (LF), Form Feed (FF), Vertical Tab (VT)

                      Line Formatting Characters

          Carriage Return (RET), Horizontal Tab (TAB), Blank

   Note that horizontal tabs  normally  advance  the  character  position
   pointer  to  the  next  position  that  is  an even multiple of 8.  An
   exception to this is the initial tab, which is defined as a  tab  that
   either  includes or starts in character position 6.  (Refer to Section
   2.3.1 for a description of initial and continuation line types.)  Tabs
   within  character  specifications  count as one character, even though

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

   they may advance the character position as many as eight places.


   Source program statements are divided into physical lines.  A line  is
   defined as a string of adjacent character positions, terminated by the
   first occurrence  of  a  line  termination  character,  regardless  of
   context.   As shown in Figure 2-1, each source program line is divided
   into four fields.

   Figure 2-1:  Fields Within a FORTRAN Line

   2.2.1  Statement Label Field and Statement Numbers

   You can place a number ranging from 1 to 99999 in the statement  label
   field  of  an  initial  line  to  identify  the statement.  Any source
   program statement that is referenced by another statement must have  a
   statement number.  Leading zeros and all blanks in the label field are
   ignored; for example, the numbers 00105 and 105 are both  accepted  as
   statement number 105.

   You can assign the statement numbers in a source program in any order;
   however,  each  statement  number  must  be unique with respect to all
   other statements in the program or subprogram.

   A main program  and  a  subprogram  can  contain  identical  statement
   numbers.   In this case, references to these numbers are understood to
   mean the numbers in the same program unit in which  the  reference  is
   made.  An example follows:

        Assume that main module  MAINMD  and  subprogram  SUB1  both
        contain  statement  number  105.  A GO TO 105 statement, for
        instance, in MAINMD will refer to statement 105  in  MAINMD,
        not  to  105  in  SUB1.   A  GO TO 105 in SUB1 will transfer
        control to 105 in SUB1.

   An initial tab may be used to skip all or part of the label field.  If
   an  initial  tab  is  encountered  during  compilation,  FORTRAN-10/20
   examines the character immediately following the tab to determine  the
   type  of line being entered.  If this character is one of the digits 1

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

   through 9, FORTRAN-10/20 considers the line as a continuation line and
   uses  the second character after the tab as the first character of the
   statement field.

   If the character following the tab is not one of the digits 1  through
   9,  FORTRAN-10/20  considers  the  line  to be an initial line and the
   character following the tab is considered to be the first character of
   the  statement  field.   The  character  following  the initial tab is
   considered to be in character position 6 for a continuation line,  and
   in character position 7 for an initial line.

   2.2.2  Line Continuation Field

   Any character of the FORTRAN character set (except a blank, a zero, or
   an  exclamation point) placed in the line continuation field (position
   6) identifies the line as a continuation  line  (see  Section  2.3.1).
   Whenever you use an initial tab to skip all or part of the label field
   of a continuation line, the next character you enter must  be  one  of
   the digits 1 through 9 to identify the line as a continuation line.

   2.2.3  Statement Field

   Any FORTRAN statement can  appear  in  the  statement  field.   Blanks
   (spaces)  and tabs do not affect compilation of the statement.  Blanks
   and tabs may be used freely in this  field  for  appearance  purposes,
   with  the exception of textual data given within either a character or
   Hollerith  specification,  where  blanks  and  tabs  are   significant

   2.2.4  Remark Field

   In lines consisting of 73 or more character positions, only the  first
   72  character  positions  are  interpreted by FORTRAN.  Note that tabs
   generally occupy more than one character position,  usually  advancing
   the  cursor to the next character position that is an even multiple of
   8.  The exception is the tab in a  label  field,  which  advances  the
   cursor  either  to column 6 or 7, depending on the character following
   the tab (see Section 2.2.1).

   All other characters  after  character  position  72  are  treated  as
   remarks and do not affect compilation.

   Note that remarks may also be added to a line in character positions 1
   through  72, provided the text of the remark is preceded by the symbol
   "!" (see Section 2.3.3).

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

   2.3  LINE TYPES

   A line in a FORTRAN source program may be:

        1.  An initial line

        2.  A continuation line

        3.  A multi-statement line

        4.  A comment line

        5.  A debug line

        6.  A blank line

   These lines are described in Sections 2.3.1 through 2.3.5.

   2.3.1  Initial and Continuation Lines

|  A FORTRAN statement may occupy the  statement  fields  of  up  to  100
   consecutive  lines.   The  first  line  in  a  multi-line statement is
   referred to as the initial line; the succeeding lines are referred  to
   as  continuation  lines.   Initial  lines  may be assigned a statement
   number and must have either a blank or a zero in character position 6.

   An initial tab may be used to skip all or part of the label field.  If
   you  use  an initial tab for this purpose, you must immediately follow
   it with a nonnumeric character; that is, the first  character  of  the
   statement field must be nonnumeric.

   You cannot assign a statement label to a continuation line.   Instead,
   you  identify  a  continuation  line  by  placing a character from the
   FORTRAN character set (except blank, zero, or  exclamation  point)  in
   character  position  6  of  that  line.   This  position  is  the line
   continuation field.  The label field of a continuation  line  must  be

   Note that blank lines, comments, and debug lines that are treated like
   comments  (that is, debug lines that are not compiled with the rest of
   the program) are legal continuation  lines  and  do  not  terminate  a
   continuation sequence (see Section 2.3.4).

   The following is an example of a 3-line FORTRAN FORMAT statement  with
   two continuation lines:

        105   FORMAT (1X,'This example shows how continuation lines ',
             2 'are used to accommodate FORTRAN statements that do not ',
             3 'entirely fit on a single line.')

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

   In this example the characters 2 and 3 in position  6  identify  those
   lines as continuation lines.

   2.3.2  Multi-Statement Lines

   You may write more than one FORTRAN statement in the  statement  field
   of one line.  The rules for structuring a multi-statement line are:

        1.  Successive statements must be separated by a semicolon (;).

        2.  Only the first statement in the series can have  a  statement

        3.  The last statement in a line is continued to the next line if
            that next line is made a continuation line.

   An example of a multi-statement line is:



                  If   a   statement   sequence    in    a
                  multi-statement   line   consists  of  a
                  logical IF (see Section 9.2.2)  followed
                  by  any other executable statement, then
                  the statement following the IF  will  be
                  executed  in  all  cases, even if the IF
                  expression evaluates as false.

   2.3.3  Comment Lines and Remarks

   Lines that contain descriptive text only  are  called  comment  lines.
   Comment  lines  commonly  identify  and  introduce  a  source program,
   describe the purpose of a particular set of statements, and  introduce

   To structure a comment line:

        1.  You must place one of the characters C (or c), *, $, /, or  !
            in  character  position  1  of  the  line to identify it as a
            comment line.

        2.  You place the text of the comment in  the  remainder  of  the

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

        3.  You may place comment lines anywhere in the  source  program,
            including preceding a continuation line.

        4.  You may write a large comment as a sequence of any number  of
            lines;   however,   each  line  must  carry  the  identifying
            character (C (or c), *, $, /, or !) in  its  first  character

   The following is an example of a comment that occupies more  than  one

        C   SUBROUTINE - A12
        C   This subroutine formats
        c   and stores the results of
        c   the HEAT-TEST program

   Comment lines are printed on all listings, but are  otherwise  ignored
   by the compiler.

   You may add a remark to any statement field, in character positions  7
   through 72, provided the symbol !  precedes the text.  For example, in
   the line

        IF(N.EQ.0)STOP   ! Stop if card is blank

   the text "Stop if card is blank" is identified  as  a  remark  by  the
   preceding  !   symbol.   The  compiler ignores all characters from the
   exclamation point to the end of the line.   The  characters  following
   the  exclamation point, however, appear in the source program listing.
   To be treated as a remark  symbol,  the  exclamation  point  must  not
   appear in a Hollerith or character constant.

   Note that characters appearing in character positions  73  and  beyond
   are  automatically  treated  as  remarks, so that you need not use the
   symbol !  (see Section 2.2.4).

   2.3.4  Debug Lines

   As an aid in program debugging, a D (or d) in character position 1  of
   any line causes the line to be interpreted as a comment line; that is,
   not compiled with the rest of the program unless the  /INCLUDE  switch
   is  present  in  the  compiler  command string.  (See Chapter 16 for a
   description of the compiler switches.)

   When the /INCLUDE switch is present in the  compiler  command  string,
   the D (or d) in character position 1 is treated as a blank so that the
   remainder of the line is compiled as an ordinary (noncomment) line.  A
   debug  line can have a label following the D (or d).  Note that if the
   debug statement is an initial line, all of its continuation lines must
   contain a D (or d) in character position 1.

                            CHARACTERS AND LINES

   2.3.5  Blank Lines

   You may insert lines consisting of only blanks, tabs, or no characters
   anywhere  in  a  FORTRAN  source  program.   Blank  lines that contain
   remarks only, are considered as blank lines.  Blank lines are used for
   formatting  purposes  only;  they cause blank lines to appear in their
   corresponding positions in source program  listings;  otherwise,  they
   are ignored by the compiler.


   FORTRAN-10/20   accepts   line-sequenced   files   as   produced    by
   line-oriented  text  editors  (for  example, SOS on TOPS-10 or EDIT on
   TOPS-20).  These sequence numbers are used in  place  of  the  listing
   line  numbers normally generated by FORTRAN.  The listing line numbers
   are not the same as FORTRAN statement numbers.


                                 CHAPTER 3



   Constants are quantities that do not change value during the execution
   of  the  object  program.  The data types you can use for constants in
   FORTRAN-10/20 source programs are:

        1.  Integer

        2.  Real

        3.  Double-precision

        4.  Complex

        5.  Character

        6.  Logical

        7.  Octal

        8.  Double-octal

        9.  Hollerith

       10.  Statement label

   The use and format of each  of  these  data  types  are  discussed  in
   Sections 3.2 through 3.10.


   An integer  constant  is  a  string  of  one  to  eleven  digits  that
   represents  a  whole  decimal  number  (a  number without a fractional
   part).  Integer constants must be within the range  of  -(2**35-1)  to
   (+2**35)-1 (-34359738367 to +34359738367).  Positive integer constants


   may optionally be signed; negative integer constants  must  always  be
   signed.   You  cannot  use decimal points, commas, or other symbols in
   integer constants (except for a preceding sign, + or -).

   Examples of valid integer constants are:


   Examples of invalid integer constants are:

        +345.   (use of decimal point)
         3,450  (use of comma)
         34.5   (use of decimal point; not a whole number)


   A real constant can have any of the following forms:

        1.  A basic real constant:  a string of decimal  digits  followed
            by   a  decimal  point,  followed  optionally  by  a  decimal
            fraction, for example, 1557.42.

        2.  A basic real constant followed by a decimal integer  exponent
            written  in  E  notation  (exponential  notation)  form,  for
            example, 1559.E2 or 1559.e2.  The number following the E  (or
            e)  specifies a power of ten by which the basic real constant
            will be multiplied.

        3.  An integer constant (no decimal point) followed by a  decimal
            integer  exponent  written in E notation, for example, 1559E2
            or 1559e2.

   Real constants may be of any size; however, each will  be  rounded  to
   fit the precision of 27 bits (7 to 9 decimal digits).

   Precision for real constants  is  maintained  to  approximately  eight
   significant  digits;  the  absolute precision depends upon the numbers

   The exponent field of a real constant written in E notation cannot  be
   empty  (blank);  it must be either a zero or an integer constant.  The
   range of magnitude permitted a real  constant  is  from  approximately
   1.47 * 10**(-39) to 1.70 * 10**(+38).

   The following are examples of valid real constants:

        7.0E+0    (= 7.)


        .7E-3     (= .0007)
        5E+5      (= 500000.)
        50.E1     (= 500.)

   The following are examples of invalid real constants:

        72.6E512  (exponent is too large)
        .375E     (exponent incorrectly written)
        500       (no decimal point given)


   Double-precision constants are similar to real constants written in  E
   notation form; the differences between these two constants are:

        1.  Double-precision constants,  depending  on  their  magnitude,
            have  precision from 16 to 18 places, rather than the 8-digit
            precision obtained for real constants.

        2.  Each   double-precision   constant   occupies   two   storage

        3.  The  letter  D  (or  d),   instead   of   E,   is   used   in
            double-precision constants to identify a decimal exponent.

   On KL model B systems, there are two forms of double-precision  number
   formats.   If the /GFLOATING compiler switch is specified (see Chapter
   16), the double-precision number format is called G-floating.  If  the
   /DFLOATING  compiler  switch  (the  default) is specified (see Chapter
   16), the double-precision number format  is  called  D-floating.   See
   Section  3.4.1  for  a  comparison  of  the different double-precision
   number formats.

   On KS systems, only the D-floating double-precision number  format  is

   You must use both the letter D and an  exponent  (including  zero)  in
   writing a double-precision constant.  The range of magnitude permitted
   a double-precision constant is from approximately:

        1.47 * 10**(-39) to 1.70 * 10**(+38) for D-floating


        2.78 * 10**(-309) to 8.99 * 10**(+307) for G-floating

   The following are examples of valid double-precision constants:

        7.9D03    (= 7900.)


        7.9D+03   (= 7900.)
        7.9D-3    (= .0079)
        79D03     (= 79000.)
        79D0      (= 79.)

   The following are examples of invalid double-precision constants:

        7.9D999   (exponent is too large)
        7.9E5     ("E" denotes single precision; "D" denotes double

   3.4.1  Comparison of Real, D-floating, and G-floating

   For KL model B systems, G-floating double-precision is provided as  an
   alternative  double-precision  number  format.   You  must specify the
   /GFLOATING compiler switch (see Chapter 16) to invoke  the  G-floating
   double-precision  format.   If  you  specify  the  /DFLOATING compiler
   switch (the default),  the  D-floating  format  is  used.   Table  3-1
   summarizes the comparisons among real, D-floating, and G-floating.

   Table 3-1:  Comparison of Real, D-floating, and G-floating Numbers

                  Bits of   Bits of                         Digits of
                  Exponent  Mantissa         Range          Precision

     Real             8        27     1.47 * 10**(-39)         8.1
                                      to 1.70 * 10**(+38)

     D-floating       8        62     1.47 * 10**(-39)         18.7
                                      to 1.70 * 10**(+38)

     G-floating      11        59     2.78 * 10**(-309)        17.8
                                      to 8.99 * 10**(+307)


   You can represent a complex constant by an ordered  pair  of  integer,
   real, or octal constants written within parentheses and separated by a
   comma.  For  example,  (.70712,  -.70712)  and  (8.763E3,  2.297)  are
   complex constants.

   In a complex constant, the  first  (leftmost)  constant  of  the  pair
   represents the real part of the number; the second constant represents
   the imaginary part of the number.  Both the real and  imaginary  parts
   of a complex constant can be signed.


   The constants that represent the real and imaginary parts of a complex
   constant  occupy  two  consecutive  storage  locations  in  the object


   A character  constant  is  a  string  of  printable  ASCII  characters
   enclosed by apostrophes.  Both delimiting apostrophes must be present,
   and the string must be at least one character in length.  The compiler
   accepts  control  characters in character constants with the following

        Character    Octal Value

        ^@ - NUL        "0
        ^J - LF         "12
        ^K - VT         "13
        ^L - FF         "14
        ^M - CR         "15


           The CHAR function (see Chapter  13)  can  be  used  to
           build variables that contain these control characters.

   The value of a character constant is the string of characters  between
   the delimiting apostrophes.  The value does not include the delimiting
   apostrophes,  but  does  include  all  spaces  or  tabs   within   the

   Within a character constant, the apostrophe character  is  represented
   by  two  consecutive  apostrophes  (with  no  space or other character
   between them).

   The length of the character  constant  is  the  number  of  characters
   between the apostrophes, except that two consecutive apostrophes count
   as a single apostrophe.

   Each character in the string has a character position that is numbered
   consecutively  starting  at  one.  The number indicates the sequential
   position of a character in a string, from left to right.  There is one
   character storage location for each character in the string.

   If a character constant appears in a numeric context (for example,  as
   the   expression  on  the  right  side  of  an  arithmetic  assignment
   statement), it is considered a Hollerith constant (see Section 3.9).

   Examples of valid character constants and their lengths are:


                                 Length    Value

        'WHAT?'                  5         WHAT?

        'TODAYS''S DATE IS: '    18        TODAY'S DATE IS:

        'He said, "hello"'       16        He said, "hello"

        ''''                     1         '

   Examples of invalid character constants are:

        'HEADINGS           (no trailing apostrophe)

        ''                  (a character constant must contain  at  least
                            one character)

        "Now or Never"      (quotation marks cannot be used in  place  of


   You may use  octal  numbers  (radix  8)  as  constants  in  arithmetic
   expressions,  logical expressions, and data statements.  Octal numbers
   up to 12 digits in length are  considered  standard  octal  constants;
   they  are  stored  right-justified  in  one  storage  location.   When
   necessary, standard octal constants are padded with leading  zeros  to
   fill their storage location.

   If you specify  more  than  12  digits  in  an  octal  number,  it  is
   considered a double-octal constant.  Double-octal constants occupy two
   storage locations and may  contain  up  to  24  right-justified  octal
   digits; leading zeros are added to fill any unused digits.

   If you assign a single-octal constant to a double-precision or complex
   variable,  it  is stored right-justified in the high-order word of the
   variable.  The low-order portion of the variable is set to  zero.   If
   you  assign  a  double-octal constant to a double-precision or complex
   variable, it is stored right-justified in the two words.

   All octal constants must:

        1.  Be preceded by a double quote (") to identify the  digits  as
            octal, for example, "777

        2.  Be signed if negative, but optionally signed if positive

        3.  Contain one or more of the digits 0 through 7, but not 8 or 9

   The following are examples of valid octal constants:


        +"12345 (optional sign)

   The following are examples of invalid octal constants:

        "12368    (contains an 8)
        7777      (no identifying double quote)

   When you use an octal constant as an operand  in  an  expression,  its
   form  (bit  pattern) is not converted to accommodate it to the type of
   any other operand.  For example, the subexpression (A + "202400000000)
   has  as  its  result  the sum of A with the floating point number 2.0;
   while the subexpression (I + "202400000000) has as its result the  sum
   of I with a large integer.

   You cannot use octal constants as stand-alone  arguments  for  library
   functions  that  require  non-octal  arguments.   MIN0,  for instance,
   requires integer arguments and cannot accept octal arguments.

   When you combine a double-octal constant in  an  expression  with  (or
   assign it to) either an integer or real variable, only the contents of
   the high order location (leftmost) are used.


   The Boolean values of truth and falsehood are represented  in  FORTRAN
   source  programs as the logical constants .TRUE.  and .FALSE..  Always
   write logical constants enclosed  by  periods,  as  in  the  preceding

   You may use logical quantities in arithmetic and  logical  statements.
   Only  the  sign  of  a numeric value used in a logical IF statement is
   tested to determine if it is true (negative) or false (nonnegative).


   A Hollerith constant  is  a  string  of  alphanumeric  and/or  special
   characters  preceded by nH (for example, nHstring).  In the prefix nH,
   the letter n represents a number that specifies the  exact  number  of
   characters (including blanks) that follow the letter H.


           If a character constant appears in a  numeric  context
           it  is  considered  a  Hollerith constant (see Section


   The following are examples of Hollerith constants:

        14HLOAD TEST #124


           A tab in  a  Hollerith  constant  is  counted  as  one
           character; for example, 3H   AB.

   You may enter Hollerith constants into DATA statements as a string of:

        1.  Up  to  ten   7-bit   ASCII   characters   for   complex   or
            double-precision type variables

        2.  Up  to  five  7-bit  ASCII  characters  for  all  other  type

   The 7-bit ASCII characters that  comprise  a  Hollerith  constant  are
   stored   left-justified   (starting   in   the   first   word   of   a
   double-precision constant (the high-order word) or the real part of  a
   complex  constant)  with  blanks  placed in empty character positions.
   Hollerith constants that occupy more than one variable are  stored  as
   successive  variables  in the list.  The following example illustrates
   how the string of characters is stored in a six-element  array  called

        DIMENSION A(6)
        DATA A/27HA string of many characters/

        A(1) is set to 'A str'
        A(2) is set to 'ing o'
        A(3) is set to 'f man'
        A(4) is set to 'y cha'
        A(5) is set to 'racte'
        A(6) is set to 'rs   '


   Statement  labels  are  numeric  identifiers  that  represent  program
   statement numbers.

   You write statement label constants as strings of one to five  decimal
   digits,  that  are  preceded  by either an asterisk (*), a dollar sign
   ($), or an ampersand (&).  For example, *11992, $11992, and &11992 are
   all   valid  statement  label  constants.   You  use  statement  label
   constants only in the argument list of CALL statements to identify the
   number  of  the executable statement to return to in a multiple RETURN
   statement (see Chapter 13).


                                 CHAPTER 4



|  Symbolic names consist of any alphanumeric combination of  one  to  31
|  characters,  the  first  of  which  must  be  a  letter.   The special
|  characters dollar sign ($) and underscore (_) are allowed.  If you use
|  more  than  31  characters  in  a symbolic name, the compiler prints a
|  warning message and ignores all but  the  first  31  characters.   The
   compiler  interprets  lowercase letters in symbolic names as uppercase

   The following are examples of legal symbolic names:


   The following are examples of illegal symbolic names:

        .AMBIC    (first character is not a letter)
        8AB       (first character is not a letter)

   You use symbolic names to identify specific items of a FORTRAN  source
   program;  Table  4-1  lists these items, together with an example of a
   symbolic name and text reference for each.

   Table 4-1:  Use of Symbolic Names

                                                         For a Detailed
       Symbolic Names                                      Description
        Can Identify              For Example              See Section

     1. Variables             PI, CONST, LIMIT                4.2
     2. Arrays                TAX                             4.3
     3. Array elements        TAX(3,5)                        4.3.1


     4. Substrings            FOO(1:N)                        4.4
     5. Functions             MYFUNC, VALFUN                  13.2
     6. Subroutines           CALCSB, SUB2, LOOKUP            13.4
     7. Intrinsic functions   SIN, ATAN, COSH                 13.1
     8. PROGRAM Statement     TEST                            6.4.1
     9. PARAMETER Statement   V1,C2,K                         7.8 
    10. COMMON block names    DATAR, COMDAT                   7.4
    11. NAMELIST list         DATA3                           12.6


   A variable is a data storage location identified by a symbolic name; a
   variable  is not a constant, an array, or an array element.  Variables
   specify values that are assigned to them in such  ways  as  assignment
   statements  (Chapter  8),  DATA statements (Chapter 7), or at run time
   through I/O data transfers (Chapter 10).  Before you assign a value to
   a  variable,  its  value is undefined; and you should not reference it
   except to assign a value to it.

   The value you assign to a variable can be either  a  constant  or  the
   result  of a calculation that is performed during the execution of the
   object program.  For example, the statement IAB=5 assigns the constant
   5  to the variable IAB.  In the statement IAB=5+IB, however, the value
   assigned IAB depends on the value of  variable  IB  at  the  time  the
   statement is executed.

   The type of a variable determines the interpretation of its  contents.
   Variables can be:

        1.  Integer

        2.  Real

        3.  Logical

        4.  Double-precision

        5.  Complex

        6.  Character

   The type of a variable is determined either implicitly, by  the  first
   letter  of  the  variable  name  (described  below), or explicitly, by
   declaring the variable type  in  a  type  declaration  statement  (see
   Chapter 7).

   FORTRAN uses the following default  conventions  for  variables  whose
   types are not explicitly declared:


        1.  Variable names that begin with the letters I, J, K, L, M,  or
            N are integer variables.

        2.  Variable names that begin with any letter other than I, J, K,
            L, M, or N are real variables.


                    These default conventions can be  altered  by
                    use  of  the  IMPLICIT  statement,  which  is
                    described in Section 7.3.

   The following are examples of  determining  the  type  of  a  variable
   according to the preceding conventions:

        Variable            Beginning Letter         Assumed Data Type

         ITEMP                     I                      Integer
         OTEMP                     O                      Real
         KA123                     K                      Integer
         AABLE                     A                      Real

   4.3  ARRAYS

   An array is an ordered set of data identified by an array name.  Array
   names  are  symbolic  names  and must conform to the rules for writing
   symbolic names (see Section 4.1).

   Arrays are made up of smaller units of data called array elements.  As
   with  variables,  you  may assign a value to an array element.  Before
   you assign a value to an array element it has an undefined value.  You
   should  not  reference  an  array element until you have assigned it a

   An array element is referenced by using the array name  together  with
   some  number  of  subscripts that describe the position of the element
   within the array.

   4.3.1  Array Element Subscripts

   The general form of an array element name is AN (S1, S2,...Sn),  where
   AN is the array name and S1 through Sn represent 1 through n subscript
   expressions.  You may use any number of  subscript  quantities  in  an
   element name; however, the number used must always equal the number of
   dimensions (see Section 4.3.2) specified for the array.

   A subscript can be any constant or expression  (see  Chapter  5),  for



        1.  Subscript quantities may contain arithmetic expressions  that
            involve  addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and
            exponentiation.     For    example,     (A+B,C*5,D/2)     and
            (A**3,(B/4+C)*E,3) are valid subscripts.

        2.  Arithmetic  expressions  (see  Chapter  5)  used   in   array
            subscripts  may  be  of  any type, but noninteger expressions
            (including  complex)  are  converted  to  integer  when   the
            subscript is evaluated.

        3.  A subscript may contain function references (see Chapter 13).
            For  example,  TABLE  (SIN(A)*B,2,3) is a valid array element

        4.  Subscripts may contain array element  identifiers  nested  to
            any  level  as  subscripts.   For  example,  in the subscript
            (I(J(K(L))),A+B,C) the first subscript expression given is  a
            nested 3-level array reference.

   Some examples of valid array elements are:

        1.  IAB(1,5,3)

        2.  ABLE(A)

        3.  TABLE1(10/C+K**2,A,B)

        4.  MAT(A,AB(2*L),.3*TAB(A,M+1,D),55)

   4.3.2  Dimensioning Arrays

   You must declare the size (number of elements) of an array  to  enable
   FORTRAN  to reserve the number of locations needed to store the array.
   Arrays are  stored  as  a  series  of  sequential  storage  locations.
   Arrays,  however, are visualized and referenced as if they were single
   or multi-dimensional,  rectilinear  matrices  dimensioned  on  a  row,
   column,  and plane basis.  For example, Figure 4-1 represents a 3-row,
   3-column, 2-plane array.


   Figure 4-1:  A 3 x 3 x 2 Array

   You specify the size of an array by an array declarator written  as  a
   subscripted  array  name.   In  an  array  declarator  each  subscript
   quantity is a dimension of the array and must  be  either  an  integer
   expression, an integer variable, or an asterisk (*).

   Only the upper bound in the last dimension declarator  in  a  list  of
   dimension  declarators  can  be  an  asterisk.   An asterisk marks the
   declarators as an assumed-size array declarator (see Section 7.1.2).


           Variable  array  dimensions  are   only   allowed   in
           subprograms.   See  adjustable  dimension  statements,
           Section 7.1.1.

   For  example,  TABLE(I,J,K)  and  MATRIX(10,7,3,4)  are  valid   array

   The total number of elements that comprise an array is the product  of
   the  dimension quantities given in its array declarator.  For example,
   the array IAB dimensioned as IAB(2,3,4) has 24 elements (2 * 3 *  4  =

   You dimension arrays only in the specification  statements  DIMENSION,
   COMMON, and type declaration (see Chapter 7).  Subscripted array names
   appearing in any  of  the  these  statements  are  array  declarators;
   subscripted  array  names appearing in any other statements are always
   array element identifiers.


   In array declarators, the  position  of  a  given  subscript  quantity
   determines  the  particular  dimension of the array (for example, row,
   column, or plane) that  it  represents.   The  first  three  subscript
   positions  specify  the  number  of  rows,  columns,  and  planes that
   comprise  the  named  array;  each  following  subscript  given   then
   specifies  a set comprised of n-number (value of the subscript) of the
   previously defined sets.  For example:


           FORTRAN-10/20 permits up to 127 dimensions in an array
           declarator.  (The FORTRAN-77 Standard allows a maximum
           of 7 dimensions.)

   4.3.3  Order of Stored Array Elements

   The elements of an array are stored in ascending order.  The value  of
   the  first (leftmost) subscript varies between its minimum and maximum
   values most rapidly.  The value  of  the  last  (rightmost)  subscript
   increases  to  its  maximum  value  least  rapidly.   For example, the
   elements of  the  array  dimensioned  as  I(2,3)  are  stored  in  the
   following order:


        I(1,1)  I(2,1)  I(1,2)  I(2,2)  I(1,3)  I(2,3)

   In the following list, the elements  of  the  three-dimensional  array
   (B(3,3,3))  are  stored  row by row from left to right and from top to

   Thus B(3,1,1) is stored before B(1,2,1), and so forth.

   Character array elements are stored in successive character positions,
   and  do  not  necessarily  start  on a word boundary.  Character array
   elements  are  stored  five  characters  per  word  (seven  bits   per
   character), and the low order bit is never used, for example:

        CHARACTER*3 A(4)

   The array A will be stored in the following way:


        x    means bits are not used.  The value in bit 35 is zero.



   A character substring is a contiguous segment of a character  variable
   or  character array element.  A character substring is identified by a
   substring name and can be assigned values and referenced.

   A character substring reference has one of the following forms:



        a(s[,s]...) ([e1]:[e2])


        v    is a character variable name.

        a    is a character array name.

        s    is a subscript expression.

        e1   is  an  optional  numeric  expression  that  specifies   the
             leftmost character position of the substring.

        e2   is  an  optional  numeric  expression  that  specifies   the
             rightmost character position of the substring.

   Character positions within a character variable or array  element  are
   numbered  from left to right, beginning at 1.  For example, LABEL(2:7)
   specifies the substring beginning with the second  character  position
   and  ending  with  the  seventh  character  position  of the character
   variable LABEL.

   If the value of the numeric  expression  e1  or  e2  is  not  of  type
   integer,  FORTRAN  converts  it  to an integer value by truncating any
   fractional part before use.

   The values of the numeric expression e1 and e2 must meet the following

        1 .LE.  e1 .LE.  e2 .LE.  len


        len is the length of the character variable or array element.

   If e1 is omitted, FORTRAN assumes that e1 is 1.   If  e2  is  omitted,
   FORTRAN assumes that e2 equals len.

   For example, NAMES(1,3)(:7) specifies the substring starting with  the
   first  character  position  and  ending  with  the  seventh  character


   position of the character array element NAMES(1,3).



                                 CHAPTER 5



   An arithmetic  expression  is  formed  with  arithmetic  operands  and
   arithmetic operators.  The evaluation of such an expression produces a
   numeric value.

   Arithmetic expressions may be either simple  or  compound.   A  simple
   arithmetic expression consists of an operand that can be:

        1.  A numeric constant

        2.  A numeric variable

        3.  A numeric array element

        4.  An arithmetic function reference (see Chapter 13)

        5.  An  arithmetic   or   logical   expression   written   within

   Operands may be of integer, real, double-precision, complex,  logical,
   octal, double-octal, or Hollerith type.

   The following are examples of valid simple arithmetic expressions:

        105                 (integer constant)
        IAB                 (integer variable)
        TABLE(3,4,5)        (array element)
        SIN (X)             (function reference)
        (A+B)               (a parenthetical expression)

   A compound arithmetic expression consists  of  two  or  more  operands
   combined  by  arithmetic  operators.   Table  5-1 lists the arithmetic
   operations permitted in FORTRAN and the operator recognized  for  each


   Table 5-1:  Arithmetic Operations and Operators

            Operation              Binary Operator        Example

          Addition                     +                 A+B
          Subtraction                  -                 A-B
          Multiplication               *                 A*B
          Division                     /                 A/B
          Exponentiation               ** or            A**B or AB

            Operation              Unary Operator         Example

          Identity                      +                +A
          Negation                      -                -B

   5.1.1  Rules for Writing Arithmetic Expressions

   Observe the following rules in structuring arithmetic expressions:

        1.  The operands comprising an arithmetic expression  can  be  of
            different types.  Tables 5-2 and 5-3 illustrate all permitted
            combinations of data types  and  the  type  assigned  to  the
            result of each.


                    All combinations of numeric data types except
                    double-precision  with complex are allowed in

        2.  If you specify two adjacent operators, and the  second  is  a
            minus  or  a  plus, the second operator is considered a unary
            operator and acts only on the term immediately following  it.
            Thus,  in  the example (A*X+B)*+C, the subexpression, *+C, is
            interpreted as the binary operator * and the unary +.

            You cannot, however, have two adjacent binary operators in an
            expression.    For   example,  the  expression  A*/B  is  not

        3.  All operators must be included; no operation is implied.  For
            example, the expression A(B) does not specify multiplication,
            although this is implied in standard algebraic notation.  The
            expression  A*(B)  is required to specify a multiplication of


            the operands.


   Table 5-2:  Type of the Result Obtained from Mixed-Mode Operations


   Table 5-3:  Permitted Base/Exponent Type Combinations

     Base Operand                     Exponent Operand

                    Integer     Real        Precision    Complex

     Integer        Integer     Real        Double-      Complex


     Real           Real        Real        Double-      Complex

     Double-        Double-     Double-     Double-
     Precision      Precision   Precision   Precision    (Illegal)

     Complex        Complex     Complex     (Illegal)    Complex

   5.1.2  Arithmetic Constant Expressions

   An arithmetic constant expression is an arithmetic expression in which
   each operand is one of the following:

        1.  A numeric constant

        2.  A symbolic name of a numeric constant

        3.  An arithmetic constant expression enclosed in parentheses

        4.  A call to the function  ICHAR  (see  Chapter  13)  where  the
            argument is a character constant expression

   The exponentiation operator is not permitted unless the exponent is of
   type  integer.   Note  that  variables,  array  elements, and function
   references are not allowed.


        5+6*(ICHAR('Z')-ICHAR('A')+1)*4.1**3  Integer Constant Expression - An integer constant  expression
   is  an  arithmetic  constant  expression  in  which  each  constant or
   symbolic name of a constant is of type integer.




   Character expressions consist  of  character  operands  and  character
   operators.   The  evaluation of a character expression yields a single
   value of character data type.


   A character operand can be any one of the following:

        1.  A character constant

        2.  A symbolic name of a character constant

        3.  A character variable

        4.  A character array element

        5.  A character substring

        6.  A character expression, optionally enclosed in parentheses

        7.  A character function reference

   The only character operator is the concatenation operator (//).

   A character expression has the form:

        character operand [//character operand]...

   The value of a character expression is a character  string  formed  by
   successive  left-to-right  concatenations of the value of the elements
   of the character expression.  The length of a character expression  is
   the  sum  of  the lengths of the character elements.  For example, the
   value of the character expression 'AB'//'CDE' is 'ABCDE', which has  a
   length of 5.

   Note that the expression:


   has no effect on A, since the concatenation result is truncated to the
   length of A.

   Parentheses do not affect the value of a  character  expression.   For
   example, the following character expressions are equivalent:


   Each of these character expressions has the value 'ABCDEF'.

   If a character element in a character expression contains spaces,  the
   spaces  are  included  in  the value of the character expression.  For
   example, 'ABC '//'D E'//'F' has a value of 'ABC D EF'.


   5.2.1  Character Constant Expression

   A character constant expression is a  character  expression  in  which
   each operand is one of the following:

        1.  A character constant

        2.  The symbolic name of a character constant

        3.  A character constant expression enclosed in parentheses

        4.  A call to the  function  CHAR  (see  Chapter  13)  where  the
            argument is an integer constant expression

   Variables, array elements, substrings, and function references are not




   Logical expressions can be either simple or compound.  Simple  logical
   expressions  consist  of  a  logical  operand, which can be one of the

        1.  A constant

        2.  A variable

        3.  An array element

        4.  A function reference (see Chapter 13)

        5.  An expression written within parentheses

   Compound logical expressions consist of two or more logical or numeric
   operands  combined  by logical operators.  The evaluation of a logical
   expression produces a truth value (type logical,  true  or  false)  as
   determined by the resulting bit pattern.

   Table 5-4 gives the logical  operators  permitted  by  FORTRAN  and  a
   description of the operation each provides.


   Table 5-4:  Logical Operators

     Operator                         Description

     .AND.     AND operator.  Both of the logical operands combined  by
               this operator must be true to produce a true result.

     .OR.      Inclusive OR operator.  If either or both of the logical
               operands  combined by .OR.  are true, the result will be

     .NEQV.    Exclusive OR operator (also .XOR.).  If either  but  not
               both  of  the  logical  operands  combined by .NEQV.  is
               true, the result will be true.

     .EQV.     Equivalence operator.  If  the  logical  operands  being
               combined  by  .EQV.  are both the same (both are true or
               both are false), the result will be true.

     .NOT.     Complement   operator.     This    operator    specifies
               complementation  (inversion)  of  the  item  (operand or
               expression) that it modifies.   The  original  item,  if
               true by itself, becomes false, and vice versa.

   Logical expressions are of the general form P .op. Q,  where P  and  Q
   are logical operands and .op.  is any logical operator except ".NOT.".
   The .NOT.  operator complements the  value  of  an  operand;  it  must
   appear  immediately  before the operand that it modifies, for example,

   Table  5-5  is  a  truth  table  illustrating  all  possible   logical
   combinations  of two logical operands (P and Q) and the result of each

   Table 5-5:  Logical Operations Truth Table

     When P is         And Q is:      Then the Expression:      Is:

       True              -----             .NOT. P             False

       False             -----             .NOT. P             True

       True              True              P .AND. Q           True

       True              False             P .AND. Q           False


       False             True              P .AND. Q           False

       False             False             P .AND. Q           False

       True              True              P .OR. Q            True

       True              False             P .OR. Q            True

       False             True              P .OR. Q            True

       False             False             P .OR. Q            False

       True              True              P .NEQV. Q          False

       True              False             P .NEQV. Q          True

       False             True              P .NEQV. Q          True

       False             False             P .NEQV. Q          False

       True              True              P .EQV. Q           True

       True              False             P .EQV. Q           False

       False             True              P. EQV. Q           False

       False             False             P .EQV. Q           True

   For example, consider the following variables:

         Variables            Type

        PHETT, RUN          Real
        I,J,K               Integer
        DP,D                Double-Precision
        L,A,B               Logical
        CPX,C               Complex

   Examples of valid logical  expressions  consisting  of  the  preceding
   variables are:


   Logical  operations  are  performed  on   the   full   36-bit   binary
   representation  of the operands involved.  However, when an operand of


   a logical expression is double-precision or complex,  only  the  first
   word  of  a double-precision operand (the high-order word) or the real
   part  of  the  complex  operand  is  used  in  the  specified  logical

   The result of a logical operation is found by performing the specified
   operation  simultaneously  for  each of the corresponding bits in each
   operand.  For example, consider the expression A=C.OR.D, where  C="456
   and  D="201.   The operation performed by the processor and the result

     Bits      0  1         24  25 26  27  28  29  30  31  32 33  34 35
     Operand C 0  0          0   0  0   1   0   0   1   0   1  1   1  0
     Operand D 0  0          0   0  0   0   1   0   0   0   0  0   0  1
     Result  A 0  0          0   0  0   1   1   0   1   0   1  1   1  1

   Table 5-5 also illustrates all possible logical  combinations  of  two
   one-bit  binary  operands  (P  and  Q)  and  gives  the result of each
   combination.  Simply read 1 for true and 0 for false.

   If a logical expression  is  used  as  an  operand  in  an  arithmetic
   expression,  its  value is not converted to accommodate it to the type
   of any other operand.

   5.3.1  Logical Constant Expression

   A logical constant expression is a logical expression  in  which  each
   operand is one of the following:

        1.  A logical constant

        2.  The symbolic name of a logical constant

        3.  A relational expression in which each operand is  a  constant

        4.  A logical constant expression enclosed in parentheses

   Variables, array elements, and function references are not allowed.



   where PARML1 and PARML2 are specified in a  PARAMETER  statement  (see
   Section 7.8).



   Relational expressions consist of two arithmetic  expressions  or  two
   character   expressions   combined  by  a  relational  operator.   The
   relational operator allows you to test the  relationship  between  two
   arithmetic or two character expressions.

   The result of a relational expression is always a  logically  true  or
   false value.

   You can write relational  operators  either  as  a  2-letter  mnemonic
   enclosed  within  periods  (for  example,  .GT.)  or  use the symbolic
   equivalent, for example, >, instead of .GT.

   Table 5-6 lists the mnemonic and symbolic forms of  the  FORTRAN-10/20
   relational operators and specifies the type of test performed by each.

   Table 5-6:  Relational Operators and Operations

                     Operators                 Relation Tested

             Mnemonic       Symbolic

               .GT.             >          Greater than
               .GE.             >=         Greater than or equal to
               .LT.             <          Less than
               .LE.             <=         Less than or equal to
               .EQ.             ==         Equal to
               .NE.             #          Not equal to

   Relational expressions are of the general form A .op. B, where A and B
   represent  arithmetic or character operands, and .op.  is a relational

   You  can  mix  arithmetic  operands  of  type   integer,   real,   and
   double-precision in relational expressions.

   A relational expression cannot be used to  compare  the  value  of  an
   arithmetic  expression  with  the  value  of  a  character expression.
   However, you can compare a numeric expression to a character constant.
   In  this  case, the character constant is considered to be a Hollerith
   (see Section 3.9).

   You can compare complex operands using only the operators  .EQ.   (==)
   and  .NE.   (#).   Complex  quantities  are equal if the corresponding
   parts of both words are equal.


   For example, assume the following variables:

         Variables                Type

        PHETT, RON          Real
        I,J,K               Integer
        DP,D                Double-Precision
        L,A,B               Logical
        CPX,C               Complex
        CHR,RA              Character

   Examples of valid  relational  expressions  consisting  of  the  above
   variables are:

        I == 5

   Examples of invalid relational expressions  consisting  of  the  above
   variables are:

        (PHETT).GT 10  (closing period missing from operator)

        C.GT.CPX       (complex operands can only  be  compared  by  .EQ.
                       and .NE.  operators)

        RA.EQ.RON      (you  cannot  compare  arithmetic   operands   and
                       character operands)

   Examples of valid expressions that use  both  logical  and  relational
   operators to combine the preceding variables are:

        (I.GT. 10).AND.(J.LE.K)

   If a logical expression  is  used  as  an  operand  in  an  arithmetic
   expression,  its  value is not converted to accommodate it to the type
   of any other operand.

   In character relational expressions "less than" means "precedes in the
   ASCII  collating  sequence,"  and "greater than" means "follows in the
   ASCII collating sequence", for example:

        'AB'//'ZZZ' .LT.  'CCCCC'

   This expression tests whether 'ABZZZ' is  less  than  'CCCCC'.   Since
   that relationship does exist, the value of the expression is true.  If


   the relationship stated does not exist, the value of the expression is

   If the two character expressions in a relational  expression  are  not
   the  same length, the comparison is performed as if the shorter one is
   padded on the right with spaces  until  the  lengths  are  equal,  for

        'ABC' .EQ. 'ABC   '

        'AB' .LT. 'C'

   The first relational expression has a value of true  even  though  the
   lengths  of  the expressions are not equal, and the second has a value
   of true even though 'AB' is longer than 'C'.


           The rule that character relationals extend the shorter
           operand  with spaces to match the length of the longer
           operand has an  interesting  effect  when  the  longer
           string  ends  with  characters in the range CHAR(0) to
           CHAR(31) (ASCII control characters such as 'bell'  and
           line feed).

           Since space is CHAR(32), the trailing spaces  supplied
           as  filler  by  FORTRAN  compare  being  greater  than
           trailing control characters.  Thus, the  string  'FOO'
           is .GT. 'FOO^G' (FOO followed by a bell).


   The following considerations determine the order of computation  of  a
   FORTRAN expression:

        1.  The use of parentheses

        2.  An established hierarchy  for  the  execution  of  arithmetic
            relational, and logical operations

        3.  The location of operators within an expression

   5.5.1  Parenthetical Subexpressions

   In an expression, all subexpressions enclosed within  parentheses  are
   evaluated  first.   When  parenthetical subexpressions are nested (one
   contained within another), the most  deeply  nested  subexpression  is


   evaluated   first;  the  next  most  deeply  nested  subexpression  is
   evaluated  second;  and  so  on,  until  the  value   of   the   final
   parenthetical expression is computed.

   When  more  than  one  operator  is  contained  in   a   parenthetical
   subexpression,  the  required  computations are performed according to
   the hierarchy assigned to operators by FORTRAN (see Section 5.5.2).

   For example, the separate computations  performed  in  evaluating  the
   expression A+B/((A/B)+C)-C are:

        1.  R1=A/B

        2.  R2=R1+C

        3.  R3=B/R2

        4.  R4=A+R3

        5.  R5=R4-C


        R1 through R5  represent the interim and  final  results  of  the
                       computations performed.

   5.5.2  Hierarchy of Operators

   The following hierarchy  (order  of  execution)  is  assigned  to  the
   classes of FORTRAN operators:

        first,   arithmetic operators
        second,  relational operators
        third,   logical operators

   Table  5-7  specifies  the  precedence  assigned  to  the   individual
   operators of the above classes.

   With  the  exception  of  exponentiation  and  integer  division,  all
   operations  on  expressions  or  subexpressions involving operators of
   equal precedence are computed  in  any  order  that  is  algebraically

   A subexpression of a given expression may be computed  in  any  order.
   For  example,  in  the expression (F(X) + A*B), the function reference
   may be computed either before or after A*B.


   Table 5-7:  Hierarchy of FORTRAN Operators

        Class     Level               Symbol or Mnemonic

     EXPONENTIAL  First          ** or ^

                  Second         -(negation) and + (identity)
     ARITHMETIC   Third          *,/
                  Fourth         +,-

     RELATIONAL   Fifth          .GT.,.GE.,.LT.,.LE.,.EQ.,.NE.

                  Sixth          .NOT.
                  Seventh        .AND.
     LOGICAL      Eighth         .OR.
                  Ninth          .EQV.,.NEQV.

   Operations specifying integer division  are  evaluated  from  left  to
   right.   For  example,  the expression I/J*K is evaluated as if it had
   been written as (I/J)*K), but this  left-to-right  evaluation  process
   can  be  overridden by parentheses.  I/J*K (evaluated as(I/J) *K) does
   not equal I/(J*K).

   When a series of exponentiation operations occurs in an expression, it
   is evaluated in order from right to left.  For example, the expression
   A**2**B is evaluated in the following order:

        first R1 = 2**B (intermediate result)
        second R2 = A**R1 (final result).

   As with other expressions, parentheses alter  the  evaluation  of  the
   above  expression.  The expression (A**2)**B is evaluated in these two

        first R1 = A**2 (intermediate result)
        second R2 = R1**B (final result)

   5.5.3  Mixed-Mode Expressions

   Mixed-mode   expressions    are    evaluated    on    a    basis    of
   subexpression-by-subexpression,  with the type of the results obtained
   converted and combined with other results or terms  according  to  the
   conversion procedures described in Table 5-2.

   For example, assume the following variables and data types:


        Variables            Type

          D            Double-Precision
          X            Real
          I,J          Integer

   The mixed-mode expression D+X*(I/J)  is  evaluated  in  the  following

        1.  R1 = I/J  R1 is integer

        2.  R2 = X*R1 R1 is converted to type real and is multiplied by X
                      to produce R2

        3.  R3 = D+R2 R2 is converted to  type  double-precision  and  is
                      added to D to produce R3


        R1 and R2,  and  R3  represent  the  interim  and  final  results
        respectively of the computations performed.

   5.5.4  Use of Logical Operands in Mixed-Mode Expressions

   When you use logical operands in mixed-mode expressions, the value  of
   the  logical  operand is not converted in any way to accommodate it to
   the type of the other operands in the  expression.   For  example,  in
   L*R,  where  L  is  type logical and R is type real, the expression is
   evaluated without converting L to type real.


   A constant  expression  is  an  arithmetic  constant  expression  (see
   Section  5.1.2),  a character constant expression (see Section 5.2.1),
   or a logical constant expression (see Section 5.3.1).



                                 CHAPTER 6


   Each  statement  is  classified  as   executable   or   nonexecutable.
   Executable  statements  specify actions and form an execution sequence
   in a program.  Nonexecutable statements do the following:

        1.  Specify characteristics, arrangement, and initial  values  of

        2.  Contain editing information

        3.  Specify statement functions

        4.  Classify program units

        5.  Specify entry points within subprograms

   Nonexecutable statements are  not  part  of  the  execution  sequence.
   Nonexecutable  statements  may  be  labeled, but such statement labels
   must not be used to control the execution sequence.


   The following statements are classified as executable:

        1.  Arithmetic, logical, statement label (ASSIGN), and  character
            assignment statements

        2.  Unconditional GO TO, assigned  GO  TO,  and  computed  GO  TO

        3.  Arithmetic IF, logical IF statements, and two-branch  logical
            IF statements, IF THEN, ELSE, and ELSE IF THEN statements

        4.  CONTINUE statement


        5.  STOP and PAUSE statements

        6.  DO and DO WHILE statements
|       7.  READ, REREAD, WRITE, REWRITE, and PRINT statements
|       8.  DELETE and UNLOCK statements

        9.  OPEN and CLOSE statements

            FIND and UNLOAD statements

       11.  CALL and RETURN statements

       12.  END, END IF, and END DO statements

       13.  DECODE and ENCODE statements

       14.  ACCEPT, PUNCH, and TYPE statements

       15.  INQUIRE statement


   The following statements are classified as nonexecutable:


            INTRINSIC, EXTERNAL, and SAVE statements

            CHARACTER type-specification statements

        4.  DATA statement

        5.  FORMAT statement

        6.  Statement function statement

        7.  INCLUDE statement

        8.  NAMELIST statement



   The order in which you place FORTRAN statements in a program  unit  is
   important.   Certain  types  of  statements  must  be processed before
   others to guarantee that compilation takes place as you expect.

   Figure 6-1 shows the required order of statements  and  comment  lines
   within a program unit.  Horizontal lines indicate (from the top of the
   diagram to the bottom) the order in which statements and comment lines
   must appear in a program.  For example, a PROGRAM statement must occur
   before FORMAT statements.  FORMAT  statements,  in  turn,  must  occur
   before an END statement.

   Vertical  lines  in  the  diagram  indicate  how  comment  lines   and
   statements may be interspersed in the program.  For example, PARAMETER
   statements must be placed after all PROGRAM, FUNCTION,  or  SUBROUTINE
   statements,   and   before   all  statement  function  and  executable
   statements.  PARAMETER statements can  be  placed  before,  after,  or
   between  all  IMPLICIT  and  other  specification statements.  Comment
   lines may be interspersed anywhere in a program.

   Generally if FORTRAN encounters statements that are out of  place,  it
   prints  warning  messages  and  continues compilation.  In some cases,
   however, out-of-place  statements  cause  the  compiler  to  terminate
   compilation or generate unexpected results.


   Figure 6-1:  Ordering of FORTRAN Statements


           In FORTRAN-10/20,  a  DATA  statement  can  precede  a
           PARAMETER    statement    or   another   specification



   You use compilation control statements to  identify  FORTRAN  programs
   and  to  specify  their  termination.   Statements of this type do not
   affect either the operations  performed by the object program,  or the
   manner in which the object program is executed.  The three compilation
   control statements are:

        1.  PROGRAM statement

        2.  INCLUDE statement

        3.  END statement

   The PROGRAM statement and the INCLUDE statement are described  in  the
   following sections.  The END statement is described in Section 9.8.

   6.4.1  PROGRAM Statement

   This statement allows you to give the main program a name  other  than
   the  compiler-assumed  name  "MAIN."  The  general  form  of a PROGRAM
   statement is:

        PROGRAM name


        name      is a symbolic  name  that  begins  with  an  alphabetic
                  character  and  contains  a  maximum of six characters.
                  (See Section 4.1 for a description of symbolic names.)

   The PROGRAM statement must be the first statement in a  program  unit.
   (see  Section  6.3  for  a  discussion  of  the  ordering  of  FORTRAN

   6.4.2  INCLUDE Statement

   This statement  allows  you  to  include  code  segments  or  external
   declarations in a program unit without having them in the same file as
   the primary program unit.  When an INCLUDE  statement  is  encountered
   during  compilation,  the compiler replaces the INCLUDE statement with
   the contents of the specified file.  The general form of  the  INCLUDE
   statement is:

        INCLUDE 'filespec [/switch]'



        filespec       is a TOPS-10 or TOPS-20 file specification  (refer
                       to   the   TOPS-10  or  TOPS-20  Operating  System
                       Commands manual).  The only  restriction  is  that
                       under  TOPS-10  you  cannot  specify  subdirectory

        switch         is one of the following optional switches:

                            /CREF     indicates the  included  statements
                                      are  to  be  used  to  augment  the
                                      cross-reference listing (default).

                            /LIST     indicates that the statement in the
                                      specified  file  is to be listed in
                                      the compilation source listing.   A
                                      number   indicating  the  depth  of
                                      nesting of include  files  precedes
                                      each statement listed (default).

                            /NOLIST   indicates   that    the    included
                                      statements are not to be printed in
                                      the compilation listing.

                            /NOCREF   indicates   that    the    included
                                      statements  are  not  to be used to
                                      augment     the     cross-reference

   The following rules govern the use of the INCLUDE statement:

        1.  The INCLUDEd file can contain  any  legal  FORTRAN  statement
            except  a statement that terminates the current program unit,

            The INCLUDEd file can contain other INCLUDE statements.  This
            is  called  nesting INCLUDE statements.  The number of nested
            levels is restricted to 12.

        2.  The proper  placement  of  the  INCLUDE  statement  within  a
            program  unit  depends  upon  the  types  of statements to be
            INCLUDEd.  (See Section 6.3 for information on  the  ordering
            of FORTRAN statements.)

        3.  The file to be INCLUDEd must be on disk.

   Note that an asterisk (*) is appended  to  the  line  numbers  of  the
   INCLUDEd  statements on the compilation listing.  The level of nesting
   is indicated following the asterisk.


                                 CHAPTER 7


   Specification statements are used  to  specify  type  characteristics,
   storage  allocation,  and  data  arrangement.   There are ten types of
   specification statements:

        1.  DIMENSION

        2.  Statements that explicitly specify type,  including  INTEGER,

        3.  IMPLICIT

        4.  COMMON

        5.  EQUIVALENCE

        6.  EXTERNAL

        7.  INTRINSIC

        8.  PARAMETER

        9.  DATA

       10.  SAVE

   Specification statements are nonexecutable and  must  conform  to  the
   ordering guidelines described in Section 6.3.


   The DIMENSION statement provides FORTRAN with  information  needed  to
   identify  and allocate the space required for arrays.  You may specify
   any number of subscripted  array  names  as  array  declarators  in  a
   DIMENSION statement.  The general form of a DIMENSION statement is:


        DIMENSION a(d) [,a(d)...]


        each a(d)      is  an  array  declarator.   An  array  declarator
                       provides  the  name  and dimension(s) of an array.
                       An array declarator is written  in  the  following

                            a(d [,d...])


        a    is the symbolic name of the array.

        d    is the array dimension declarator.  The form of a  dimension
             declarator is as follows:

                  [ d1: ] d2


                  d1   is  an  optional  integer  expression  or  integer
                       variable  specifying  the  lower  dimension bound.
                       The lower dimension bound is the first element  in
                       that  dimension  of  the  array.   If  d1  is  not
                       specified the default is 1.

                  d2   is an integer expression or integer variable  that
                       specifies  the  upper  dimension bound.  The upper
                       dimension bound is the greatest  element  in  that
                       dimension  of  the  array.  You must have at least
                       one d2 specification in each array declaration.

                       If both d1 and d2 are specified, d1 cannot have  a
                       value  greater than d2.  The values d1 and d2 can,
                       however, be the same.

                       An asterisk (*) can also occur as an upper  bound,
                       but only as the last dimension.  An asterisk marks
                       the declarator as an assumed-size array declarator
                       (see Section 7.1.2).


           A  dimension  bound  expression  must  not  contain  a
           function or array element reference.

   If the array is a dummy argument to a subprogram, then d1 and  d2  can
   be  integer dummy arguments and d2 can be an asterisk; otherwise, they


   must be constants.

   If the symbolic name of a constant  or  variable  that  appears  in  a
   dimension  bound  expression  is  not of implicit default integer type
   (see Section 4.2),  it  must  be  specified  integer  by  an  IMPLICIT
   statement or a type-statement.


        DIMENSION EDGE (-1:1,4:8), NET (5,10,4), TABLE (567)
        DIMENSION TABLE (IAB:J,K,M,10:20)


        IAB, J, K, and M are of type integer.

   7.1.1  Adjustable Dimensions

   When used within a subprogram, a declarator for an  array  that  is  a
   dummy  argument  can  use integer dummy arguments as dimension bounds.
   The following rules govern the  use  of  adjustable  dimensions  in  a

        1.  The array name must be a dummy argument.  Each variable  that
            is  used as a dimension bound must be either a dummy argument
            or in COMMON (see Section 7.4).

        2.  For multiple entry subprograms, if any variables that specify
            dimension  bounds  are  dummy arguments which do not occur in
            the formal argument list of the entry point used,  the  value
            of  the  variables  as  passed  for a previous call are used.
            However, this is only permitted if  the  subprogram  has  not
            changed those dummy arguments.  Futhermore, when overlays are
            used, a SAVE statement that preserves the local variables  of
            the subprogram is needed.

        3.  If the value of an array dimension variable is altered within
            the program, the dimensionality of the array is not affected.

        4.  The size of an array within a subprogram  cannot  exceed  the
            size  of  the  original  array,  as  defined  in  the calling

   Example 1:

             SUBROUTINE SBR (ARRAY,M1,M2,M3,M4)
             DIMENSION ARRAY(M1:M2,M3:M4)
             DO 27 L=M3,M4
             DO 27 K=M1,M2
             ARRAY (K,L)=VALUE


        27   CONTINUE

   In the example above, the dimensions of  ARRAY  will  be  re-specified
   each time the subroutine SBR is entered.

   Example 2:

             SUBROUTINE SB1 (ARR1,M,N)
             DIMENSION ARR1(M,N)
             ENTRY SB2(ARR1,M)
             ENTRY SB3(ARR1,N)
             ENTRY SB4(ARR1)

   In the example above, the first call made to the  subroutine  must  be
   made  to  SB1 so that all of the dimension bounds have defined values.
   If a call is made to SB1 with the values M=11 and N=13,  a  succeeding
   call  to SB2 will use the value N=13, but will give M a new value.  If
   a succeeding call is made to  SB4,  the  last  values  passed  through
   entries SB1, SB2, or SB3 are used for M and N.

   7.1.2  Assumed-size Arrays

   An assumed-size array is a dummy array for which the  upper  bound  of
   the last dimension is specified as an asterisk(*), for example:

        DIMENSION A(1:N,1:*)

   Since storage for array A is allocated in  the  calling  routine,  the
   upper  bound  of  the  rightmost  dimension  of  A does not affect the
   subscript calculations or storage allocation for A.

   Therefore, subroutine SUB can be written to handle arguments with  any
   rightmost  dimension  (the  last  subscript is never range checked for
   being too large,  even  when  the  /DEBUG:BOUNDS  compiler  switch  is
   specified).  Such a subroutine can declare assumed-size arrays.

   The size of an assumed-size array, and the number of elements that can
   be referenced, are determined as follows:

        1.  If the actual argument corresponding to the dummy array is  a
            noncharacter  array  name, the size of the dummy array is the
            size of the actual-argument array.


        2.  If the actual argument corresponding to the dummy argument is
            a  noncharacter array element name, with a subscript value of
            s in an array of size a, the size  of  the  dummy  array  is:

        3.  If  the  actual   argument   is   a   character-array   name,
            character-array  element  name,  or  character-array  element
            substring name, and begins at character storage unit b of  an
            array  with  n character storage units, the size of the dummy
            array is INT((n+1-b)/y).  Where y is the length of an element
            of the dummy array.

   Because the actual size of an assumed-size  array  is  not  known,  an
   assumed-size array name cannot be used as:

        1.  An array name in the list of an I/O statement

        2.  A unit identifier for an internal file in an I/O statement

        3.  A format specifier in an I/O statement

        4.  A NAMELIST statement element


   Type specification statements explicitly  declare  the  data  type  of
   variables, arrays, or function names.  You can give an array name in a
   type specification statement, either alone (unsubscripted) to  declare
   the  type  of  all  its elements, or with dimension bounds, to specify
   both its type and dimensions.

   There are two forms of type specification  statements:   numeric  type
   specification  (see  Section  7.2.1)  and character type specification
   (see Section 7.2.2).

   7.2.1  Numeric Type Specification Statements

   The general form of numeric type specification statements is:

        type v[,v...]


        type      can be any one of the following declarators:

                       1.  INTEGER


                       2.  REAL

                       3.  DOUBLE PRECISION

                       4.  COMPLEX

                       5.  LOGICAL

        v         is a variable, array, or function name to  be  declared
                  the specified type.  The names listed must be separated
                  by commas and can appear in  only  one  type  statement
                  within a program unit.


        REAL R, M, ARRAY(5:10,10:20,5)

   If a name that is the same  as  an  intrinsic  FORTRAN  function  name
   appears  in  a conflicting type statement, it is assumed that the name
   refers to a user-defined routine, variable,  or  array  of  the  given
   type.   If  you  place  a generic FORTRAN function name in an explicit
   type statement, it loses its generic properties.


           The data  type  size  modifier,  *n,  is  accepted  by
           FORTRAN-10/20   to   be   compatible   with  the  type
           statements  used  by  other  manufacturers.   You  may
           append  this size modifier to the declarators, causing
           some to elicit messages warning users of the  form  of
           the variable specified by FORTRAN-10/20:

        Declarator           Form of Variable Specified

        INTEGER*2      Full word integer with warning message
        INTEGER*4      Full word integer
        LOGICAL*1      Full word logical with warning message
        LOGICAL*2      Full word logical with warning message
        LOGICAL*4      Full word logical
        REAL*4         Full word real
        REAL*8         Double-precision real
        COMPLEX*8      Complex
        COMPLEX*16     Complex with warning message
        REAL*16        Double-precision real with warning message
        COMPLEX*32     Complex with warning message

                  In addition, you  can  append  the  data
                  type   size   modifier   to   individual
                  variables, arrays,  or  function  names.


                  Its  effect  is  to  override,  for  the
                  particular element,  the  size  modifier
                  (explicit  or  implicit)  of the primary
                  type.  For example,

                       REAL*4 A, B*8, C*8(10), D

                  A and D are single-precision (one  word)
                  real,  and  B and C are double-precision
                  (two words for each element) real.

   7.2.2  Character Type Specification Statements

   The form of the character type specification statement is:

        CHARACTER [*len[,]] v[*len] [,v[*len]]...


        v      is one of the following:

                o  The name of a symbolic constant, variable,  array,  or
                   function subprogram

                o  An array declarator

        len    is the length of the character data item and is one of the

                o  An unsigned, nonzero integer constant

                o  An integer constant expression enclosed in parentheses
                   and with a positive value

                o  An asterisk enclosed in parentheses

   If you specify CHARACTER*len, len is the default length  specification
   for  that  list.   If  an  item  in  that  list does not have a length
   specification, the item's length is len.  But if an item does  have  a
   length  specification,  it  overrides  the default length specified in

   A  length  specification  of  asterisk  (for  example,  CHARACTER*(*))
   specifies  that  a  dummy argument or function name assumes the length
   specification  of  the  corresponding  actual  argument  or   function
   reference  (see  Chapter  13).  A length specification of asterisk for
   the symbolic name of a constant specifies that the  symbolic  constant
   assumes the actual length of the constant that it represents.

   If you do not specify a length, a length of one is assumed.  Note that


   a  length  specification  of zero is invalid.  You can use a character
   type  declaration  statement  to  define  arrays  by  including  array
   declarators  (see  Section 4.3.2) in the list.  If you specify both an
   array declarator and a length, the array bounds  precede  the  length,
   the form is:



        a    is an array name, and a(d) is an array declarator.

   Examples of character type specification statements follow:

        CHARACTER*32 SOCSEC(100)*9, NAMES(100)

   The above statement specifies an array SOCSEC comprising  one  hundred
   9-character  elements,  and  an  array  NAMES  comprising  one hundred
   32-character elements.


   The above statements  specify  two  8-character  variables,  LAST  and
   FIRST.  (The PARAMETER statement is described in Section 7.8.)


   The above statements specify an  array  LETTER  comprising  twenty-six
   1-character  elements and a dummy argument, BUBBLE, which has a length
   defined by the calling program.

        CHARACTER*16 QUEST*(5*INT(A))

   The above statement is invalid.  The length specifier for QUEST is not
   an integer constant expression.


   IMPLICIT statements declare the data type of variables  and  functions
   according  to  the  first  letter of each symbolic name.  The IMPLICIT
   statement has two forms:

        IMPLICIT type (a[,a]...)[,type (a[,a]...)]...


   As shown in the statement above, an IMPLICIT statement consists of one
   or  more  type  declarators separated by commas.  Each type declarator


   has the form:

        type (a[,a]...)


        type      can be any one of the following declarators:

                  1.  INTEGER

                  2.  REAL

                  3.  DOUBLE PRECISION

                  4.  COMPLEX

                  5.  LOGICAL

                  6.  CHARACTER[*len]

        a         is an alphabetic specification in either of the general
                  forms:  c or c1-c2, where c, c1, or c2 is an alphabetic
                  character.   The  latter  form  specifies  a  range  of
                  letters,  from  c1  through  c2,  which  must  occur in
                  alphabetical order.

   When you specify type as CHARACTER*len, len specifies the  length  for
   character  data type.  Len is an unsigned, nonzero integer constant or
   an integer constant expression enclosed  in  parentheses  and  with  a
   positive  value.   If  you do not specify a length, a length of one is

   Each letter in a type declarator list  specifies  that  each  symbolic
   name  (not  declared  in  an  explicit  type  specification statement)
   starting with that letter is assigned  the  data  type  named  in  the
   declarator.  For example, the statement:


   declares that all names that begin with the letters R, M, N, or O  are
   type  REAL  names,  unless  declared  otherwise  in  an  explicit type


           Type  declarations   given   in   an   explicit   type
           specification override those also given in an IMPLICIT
           statement.   IMPLICIT  declarations  do   not   affect
           intrinsic  functions.   The  length is also overridden
           when a particular  name  appears  in  a  CHARACTER  or
           CHARACTER FUNCTION statement (see Chapter 13).


   You may specify a range of letters within the alphabet by writing  the
   first  and  last letters of the desired range separated by a dash, for
   example, A-E for A,B,C,D,E.

   Thus, the statement:


   declares  that  all  symbolic  names  that  begin  with  the   letters
   I,L,M,N,O, and P are of type INTEGER.

   You may use more than one IMPLICIT statement,  but  they  must  appear
   before  any  other  declaration  statement  in the program unit.  (See
   Section 6.3 for a discussion on ordering FORTRAN statements.)

   The same letter must not appear as a single letter, or be included  in
   a  range  of letters, more than once in all of the IMPLICIT statements
   in a program unit.

   You can use an IMPLICIT NONE statement to provide warning messages for
   variables  not  explicitly  declared,  including  variables implicitly
   declared by other IMPLICIT statements.  If you specify IMPLICIT  NONE,
   no other IMPLICIT statement should be included in the program unit.


   The COMMON statement enables you to  establish  storage  that  may  be
   shared  by  two  or  more programs and/or subprograms, and to name the
   variables and arrays that are to occupy the common storage.   The  use
   of  common storage conserves storage and provides a means to reference
   the same data in different subprograms without passing arguments.

   COMMON statements have the following form:

        COMMON [/cb/] nlist[[,]/[cb]/nlist]...


        cb        is an optional common block name.  (See Section 4.1 for
                  the rules for symbolic names.)

        nlist     is a list of variable names,  array  names,  and  array
                  declarators  that  are  to occupy the common area.  The
                  items specified for a common area (block)  are  ordered
                  within  storage  as  they  are  listed  in  the  COMMON

   The items in nlist must  be  either  all  numeric  data  type  or  all
   character  data  type.  A common block cannot contain both numeric and
   character data.


   A symbolic name can be used to identify each block.  However, you  can
   omit  the  symbolic  name  for  one  block  in  a  program unit.  This
   unlabeled block is called the blank common block.

   The elements of a named common block can be assigned initial values by
   DATA  statements  appearing in the BLOCK DATA subprograms (see Chapter
   14).  In standard-conforming  programs,  the  elements  of  the  blank
   common   block   may   not   be  assigned  initial  values.   However,
   FORTRAN-10/20 allows any common block elements to be defined in a DATA
   statement in any program unit.

   A given common block name may appear more than once in the same COMMON
   statement,  and  in  more  than  one  COMMON statement within the same
   program or subprogram.

   When extended addressing is in effect, COMMON  blocks  reside  in  the
   large   data   area   by  default.   However,  the  /EXTEND:COMMON  or
   /EXTEND:NOCOMMON switches can be used to  explicitly  allocate  COMMON
   blocks in the large data area or small data area (see Section 16.5).

   During compilation of a source program, FORTRAN strings  together  all
   items  listed  for each common block in the order in which they appear
   in the source program.  For example:

        COMMON X,Y,Z/ST1/A,B



        COMMON W

   has the same effect as the single statement:

        COMMON X,Y,Z,P,Q,W/ST1/A,B,TST(3,4)/ST2/TAB(2,2),C,D,E

   All elements specified for a common block are placed  into  one  area.
   Common  block  names  must  be  unique with respect to all subroutine,
   function, and entry point names.


           If you use overlays, you can use the SAVE statement to
           retain the value of variables in a named common across
           overlays (see Section 7.10).  (Blank common is  always

   For example:

              Main Program              Subprogram


          .                           COMMON Z,KOUNT
          .                             .
          .                             .
        CALL CALC                       .

   The COMMON statements in the main program put DELTA  and  LENGTH  into
   the  blank  common  block, and put KILOS and PRICE into a common block
   named COM1.

   The COMMON statements in the subroutine make Z correspond to DELTA  in
   the  main  program, KOUNT correspond to LENGTH, N correspond to KILOS,
   and A correspond to PRICE.

   To prevent conflict with other COMMON blocks, LINK requires  that  the
   largest definition for each common block be loaded first.

   7.4.1  Dimensioning Arrays in COMMON Statements

   Array names with dimension bounds can be given in  COMMON  statements.
   However,  variables cannot be used as dimension bounds in a declarator
   appearing in  a  COMMON  statement;  adjustable  dimensioning  is  not
   permitted in COMMON.

   Each array name given in a COMMON statement must be dimensioned either
   by  the  COMMON  statement or by another dimensioning statement within
   the program or subprogram that contains the COMMON statement, but  not

   For examples,

        COMMON /A/B(100), C(10,10)
        COMMON X(5,15),Y(5)

   7.4.2  Character Data in COMMON

   Each character variable in a COMMON block is allocated to start at the
   first available character position.

   For example,

        CHARACTER B*3,C*3,D(3)*2
        COMMON B,C,D


   The COMMON block will be allocated in the following way:

   where x means the bits are not used.


   The EQUIVALENCE statement associates two or more  variables  with  the
   same storage location.

   The format of the EQUIVALENCE statement is:

        EQUIVALENCE(nlist) [,(nlist...)]


        nlist     is a list of  variable  names,  array  elements,  array
                  names,  and character substring references separated by
                  commas and enclosed in parentheses.  You  must  specify
                  two or more of these items in each list.

   In an EQUIVALENCE statement, each  expression  in  a  subscript  or  a
   substring reference must be an integer constant expression.

   The  EQUIVALENCE  statement  allocates  all  of  the  items   in   one
   parenthesized  list  beginning  at  the  same  storage  location.  For
   example, the statements:


   specify that the variables A, B, and C are to share the  same  storage
   location, and that the variable LOC and the array element SHARE(3) are
   to share the same location.

   The relationship of  equivalence  is  transitive.   For  example,  the
   following statements have the same effect:

        EQUIVALENCE (A,B),(B,C)


   The following EQUIVALENCE statement makes the first character  of  the
   character variables KEY and STAR share the same storage location.  The
   character variable STAR is equivalent to the substring KEY (1:10):

        CHARACTER KEY*16, STAR*10

   You  can  equivalence  variables  of  different  numeric  data  types.
   Character  variables  must  not  be equivalenced to numeric variables.
   For example, you can equivalence  a  real  variable  equivalent  to  a
   complex variable.  In this case, since each complex  variable occupies
   two words of storage, and each single-precision variable occupies  one
   word of storage, if you equivalence a real and a complex variable, the
   real variable shares  storage  with  the  real  part  of  the  complex
   variable.   Figure  7-1  depicts  the  shared  storage  when a complex
   variable is equivalenced with a real variable.

   Figure 7-1:  Shared Storage using EQUIVALENCE Statement

   The EQUIVALENCE  statement  does  not  imply  (or  perform)  any  type
   conversions.   If  you  equivalence  a  real  variable  and an integer
   variable, the data within the equivalenced location will be treated as
   a real or integer number, depending on whether it is referenced by the
   real or integer variable.

   If you equivalence a real variable with a  double-precision  variable,
   the  data in the high-order word of the double-precision variable will
   be   used   by   the   real   variable.    For   positive   D-floating
   double-precision  numbers (see Section 3.4), the high-order word is in
   the same format as a single-precision number.

   For G-floating double-precision numbers (KL model B only - see Section


   3.4),  the  high-order word is not in the format of a single-precision
   number.   Thus,  equivalencing  a  real  variable  and  a   G-floating
   double-precision variable will produce incorrect results.

   Equivalencing a negative D-floating number and a real variable may not
   produce correct results either, for example the number:

        577000000000   000000000001   (the   negative   of   200777777777
        777777777777, almost 1.0)

   does not have a valid single-precision number in its high-order word.

   If you equivalence an array and a variable, the array does not  assume
   any  of  the  properties  of  the  variable, and the variable does not
   assume any of the properties of the array.

   When you use an array element in EQUIVALENCE statements, it must  have
   either  as  many  subscripts  as  dimensions of the array, or only one
   subscript.  In either case, the subscripts must be integer  constants.
   Note   that   the   single  subscript  case  treats  the  array  as  a
   one-dimensional array of the given type.

   The  following  example  shows   the   effect   of   equivalencing   a
   1-dimensional and a 2-dimensional array:

        DIMENSION A(3,2),B(6)
        EQUIVALENCE (A(1,1),B(1))
        EQUIVALENCE (A(1),B(1))

   In this example, each array element of array A shares the same storage
   area with an element of array B:

        A(1,1)   B(1)
        A(2,1)   B(2)
        A(3,1)   B(3)
        A(1,2)   B(4)
        A(2,2)   B(5)
        A(3,2)   B(6)

   Specifying  an  array  name  without  subscripts  in  an   EQUIVALENCE
   statement is the same as specifying the first element of the array.

   When you make one character substring equivalent to another  character
   substring,  the  EQUIVALENCE  statement also sets equivalences between
   the other corresponding  characters  in  the  character  strings,  for

        CHARACTER NAME*16, ID*9
        EQUIVALENCE (NAME(10:13), ID(2:5))

   As a result of these statements, the character variables NAME  and  ID


   share space as illustrated in Figure 7-2.

   Figure 7-2:  Equivalence of Substrings


   The following statement also aligns the variables as shown  in  Figure

        EQUIVALENCE (NAME(9:9),ID(1:1))

   If  the  character  substring  references  are  array  elements,   the
   EQUIVALENCE    statement   sets   equivalences   between   the   other
   corresponding characters in the complete arrays.

   Character elements of arrays can overlap at  any  character  position,
   for example:

        CHARACTER FIELDS(6)*4, STAR(5)*5
        EQUIVALENCE (FIELDS(1) (2:4), STAR(2) (3:5))

   As a result of these statements, the character arrays FIELDS and  STAR
   share storage space as shown in Figure 7-3.


   Figure 7-3:  Equivalence of Character Arrays


   General EQUIVALENCE Restrictions:

        1.  You cannot cause two different elements of an array to become
            equivalenced  to  each  other.  Thus, the following statement
            sequence is prohibited because it specifies the same  storage
            location (B) for A(1) and A(2):

                 DIMENSION A(2)
                 EQUIVALENCE (A(1),B),(A(2),B)

        2.  An  EQUIVALENCE  statement  must   not   specify   that   two
            consecutive  locations  are nonconsecutive.  For example, the
            following statement sequence is prohibited because B(1) takes
            two  storage  locations,  the second of which would make A(2)
            nonconsecutive to A(1):

                 INTEGER A(2)
                 DOUBLE PRECISION B(2)
                 EQUIVALENCE (A(1),B(1)), (A(2),B(2))

        3.  An  EQUIVALENCE  statement  in  a  SUBROUTINE   or   FUNCTION
            subprogram  must  not refer to an argument of the subprogram.
            For example, the following statement sequence is prohibited:

                 SUBROUTINE A(B,C)
                 EQUIVALENCE (B,X)

        4.  You  cannot  cause  two  different  substrings  of  the  same
            character  variables or arrays to become equivalenced to each
            other.  For example,  the  following  statement  sequence  is
            prohibited because it specifies the same substring B(1:3) for
            A(1:3) and A(2:4):

                 CHARACTER A(3)*4,B*4
                 EQUIVALENCE (A(1)(1:3),B(1:3)), (A(1)(2:4),B(1:3))

        5.  You also cannot  use  the  EQUIVALENCE  statement  to  assign
            memory  locations  in  a  way  that  is inconsistent with the
            normal linear storage of character variables and arrays.  For
            example,  the  following  statement  sequence  is  prohibited
            because it would require the character variable B(2:2) to  be
            equivalent to both A(1)(2:2) and A(1)(1:1):

                 CHARACTER A(2)*10,B*10
                 EQUIVALENCE (A(1)(1:3),B(1:3)), (A(1)(4:6),B(5:7))

   Restrictions on EQUIVALENCE and COMMON:

        1.  You cannot use the EQUIVALENCE statement to  equivalence  two
            elements  in  different  common  blocks.  Thus, the following
            statement sequence is prohibited:


                 COMMON /BLOCK1/A,B,F/BLOCK2/C,D,E
                 EQUIVALENCE (A,C)

        2.  You cannot set two quantities declared in a COMMON  block  to
            be  equivalent to one another.  Thus, the following statement
            sequence is prohibited:

                 COMMON A,B,C
                 EQUIVALENCE (A,C)

        3.  Quantities placed in a common area by means of an EQUIVALENCE
            statement  are permitted to extend the end of the common area
            forward.  For example, the statements:

                 DIMENSION A(4)
                 EQUIVALENCE (A,Y)

            cause the common block R to extend from Z to A(4) arranged as
            shown in Figure 7-4.

   Figure 7-4:  Valid Equivalencing

        4.  You cannot use EQUIVALENCE statements that cause the start of
            a  common  block  to be extended backwards.  For example, the
            invalid sequence:

                 DIMENSION A(4)

            would require A(1) and A(2) to extend the  starting  location


            of  block R in a backwards direction as illustrated in Figure

   Figure 7-5:  Invalid Equivalencing


   7.5.1  EQUIVALENCE and Extended Addressing

   When extended addressing is in effect, and  an  EQUIVALENCE  statement
   causes  a  variable to be in COMMON, that variable resides in the same
   psect as the rest of the COMMON block.

   For variables not in COMMON,  if  you  equivalence  a  large  variable
   (default  10,000  or  more  words)  with  other  variables  (including
   scalars), all these variables will reside in  the  large  data  psect.
   For example,

        REAL A(20000),X
        EQUIVALENCE (A(1),X)

   causes variable X to be placed in the large data psect,  since  it  is
   equivalenced with a large array.

   Conversely, if each equivalence variable is small (default  less  than
   10,000  words),  they will reside in the small data psect, even if the
   total size of the equivalence class is over the small variable  limit.
   For example,

        REAL A(8000),B(8000)
        EQUIVALENCE (A(8000), B(1))

   The arrays will reside in the small data psect, because  each  one  is
   smaller than 10,000 words.

   See Sections  15.4.11  and  16.5  for  more  information  on  extended


   Any user subprogram  name  to  be  used  as  an  argument  to  another
   subprogram  must  appear  in  an  EXTERNAL  statement  in  the calling
   subprogram.  The EXTERNAL statement declares names  to  be  subprogram
   names to distinguish them from other variable or array names.

   The subprograms mentioned in the EXTERNAL statement cannot be  FORTRAN
   intrinsic   functions;  they  can  be  only  user-supplied  functions,
   subroutines, or block  data  subprograms.   (The  INTRINSIC  statement
   discussed in Section 7.7 allows intrinsic function names to be used as
   arguments.) The EXTERNAL statement has the following form:

        EXTERNAL proc[,proc...]


        proc      is the symbolic name of a user-supplied subprogram, the
                  name  of a dummy argument associated with the name of a


                  subprogram, or a block data subprogram.

   The EXTERNAL statement declares each symbolic name included in  it  to
   be  the  name  of an external procedure, even if a name is the same as
   that of an intrinsic function.  For example, if SIN is specified in an
   EXTERNAL  statement  (EXTERNAL  SIN), all subsequent references to SIN
   are to a  user-supplied  function  name  SIN,  not  to  the  intrinsic
   function of the same name.

   The name specified in an EXTERNAL statement can be used as  an  actual
   argument  to  a subprogram, which can then use the corresponding dummy
   argument in a function reference or a CALL statement.


           Note that a complete function  reference  used  as  an
           argument,   for   instance,   FUNC(B)   in  CALL  SUBR
           (A(FUNC(B),C)), represents a value, not a  subprogram.
           A  complete  function  reference  is  not,  therefore,
           defined in an EXTERNAL statement.

   The interpretation  of  the  EXTERNAL  statement  described  above  is
   different  from  that  of  earlier  versions of FORTRAN-10/20.  If the
   /NOF77 compiler switch is specified (see Sections 16.1.3 and  16.2.3),
   the subprogram names can be intrinsic functions.

   For compatibility with previous versions of FORTRAN-10/20,  the  names
   of  external  subprograms  can  be  preceded  by an asterisk (*) or an
   ampersand (&) within an EXTERNAL statement.  For example,


   declares SIN and COS to be user subprograms.  (If a prefixed  name  is
   not an intrinsic function, then the prefix is ignored.)

   Note that specifying an intrinsic function in  an  EXTERNAL  statement
   without  a prefix (that is, EXTERNAL SIN) has no effect upon the usage
   of the function name outside of actual argument lists.   If  the  name
   has  generic properties, they are retained outside the actual argument
   list.  (The name has no generic properties within an argument list.)

   The names declared  in  a  program  EXTERNAL  statement  are  reserved
   throughout  the  compilation of the program, and cannot be used in any
   declarator statement other than a type statement.


   The INTRINSIC statement allows you to use intrinsic function names  as
   arguments to subprograms.  See Section 13.1 for further information on
   intrinsic functions.


   The INTRINSIC statement has the form:

        INTRINSIC fun[,fun]...


        fun is the symbolic name of an intrinsic function.

   The INTRINSIC statement declares each symbolic name included in it  to
   be  the name of an intrinsic procedure.  This name can then be used as
   an actual argument to a subprogram, which can  use  the  corresponding
   dummy argument in a function reference or a CALL statement.

   The appearance of a generic function name in  an  INTRINSIC  statement
   does not cause that name to lose its generic property.


           You cannot use a generic-only  name  in  an  INTRINSIC
           statement.   The  generic  name must be the same as an
           instrinic function name.  For example,

                INTRINSIC LOG

           is illegal because there is no function  named  'LOG'.
           LOG is the generic name that selects between functions
           such as ALOG, DLOG, or CLOG.

   Only one appearance of a symbolic name is  permitted  in  all  of  the
   INTRINSIC  statements  of  a program unit.  Also, a symbolic name must
   not appear in both an EXTERNAL and an INTRINSIC statement in a program

   An example of  the  use  of  the  EXTERNAL  and  INTRINSIC  statements

        Main Program





        Y = F(X)

        CTN = COS(X)/SIN(X)

   In this example, when TRIG is called with a second argument of SIN  or
   COS, the function reference F(X) references the math library functions
   SIN and COS; but when TRIG is called with a second  argument  of  CTN,
   F(X) references the user function CTN.


   The PARAMETER statement allows you to  define  constants  symbolically
   during compilation.

   The general form of the PARAMETER Statement is:

        PARAMETER   (p=c[,p=c]...)


        p    is a symbolic name.

        c    is a constant expression (except for  expressions  involving
             multiplication,   division,  or  exponentiation  of  complex
             numbers).  (See Chapter  3  for  a  description  of  FORTRAN

   The constant acquires the same data type as the symbolic name.  If the
   symbolic  name is of type integer, real, double precision, or complex,
   the corresponding  expression  (c)  must  be  an  arithmetic  constant
   expression  (see  Section  5.1.2).   If  the  symbolic name is of type
   character or logical, the  corresponding  expression  (c)  must  be  a
   character  constant  expression  (see  Section  5.2.1)  or  a  logical


   constant expression (see Section 5.3.1), respectively.

   The data type of a symbolic name defined to be a constant is specified
   by  a  type-statement  or  IMPLICIT  statement  preceding the defining
   PARAMETER statement.  Also, if the length specified for  the  symbolic
   name  of  a  character  constant is not the default length of one, its
   length must be specified by a  type-statement  or  IMPLICIT  statement
   preceding the symbolic name of the constant.


           The form  and  the  interpretation  to  the  PARAMETER
           statement  described above are different from those of
           the PARAMETER statement provided in  earlier  versions
           of  FORTRAN-10/20.   The  earlier version is described
           below.  This form  and  interpretation  can  still  be
           used,  however a warning message will be issued.  This
           form of the PARAMETER statement is:

                PARAMETER p=c[,p=c...]

           The symbolic name acquires the same data type  as  the

   During  compilation,  the  symbolic  names  are  replaced   by   their
   associated constants, provided the following rules are observed:

        1.  Symbolic names may appear only where  FORTRAN  constants  are

        2.  Symbolic name references  must  appear  after  the  PARAMETER
            statement definition.

        3.  Symbolic names must be unique with respect to all other names
            in the program unit.

        4.  Symbolic names must not be redefined in subsequent  PARAMETER

        5.  Symbolic names must not be used as part of another  constant,
            such  as  within  a  character constant or as the count for a
            Hollerith constant.

        6.  Symbolic  names  must  not  be  used  as  part  of  a  format


   DATA statements are used to supply the initial  values  of  variables,


   arrays, array elements, substrings, and COMMON areas.

   The form of the data statement is:

        DATA nlist/clist/ [[,]nlist/clist/]...


        nlist     identifies a set of items to be initialized.

        clist     contains the set of values to be assigned the items  in

   For example, the statement:

        DATA IA/5/,IB/10/,IC/15/

   initializes variable IA to the value 5, variable IB to the  value  10,
   and  variable IC to the value 15.  The number of storage locations you
   specify in the list of variables  must  be  equal  to  the  number  of
   storage  locations  you  specify in its associated list of values.  If
   not, a warning message is output.

   When the value list specifies more storage locations than the variable
   list,  the  excess  values are ignored.  When the value list specifies
   fewer storage locations than the variable list, the  excess  variables
   are not initialized.

   The nlist portion of each nlist/clist/ set can contain  the  names  of
   one   or  more  variables,  array  names,  array  elements,  character
   substring names, or labeled COMMON  variables.   You  may  specify  an
   entire  array (unsubscripted array name) or a portion of an array in a
   DATA statement nlist as an implied DO loop  construct.   (See  Section for a description of implied DO loops.)

   The form of an implied-DO list in a DATA statement is:



        dlist     is a list of array element names,  character  substring
                  names, or implied-DO lists.

        i         is the name of an integer  variable,  called  the  loop
                  index variable.

        n1,n2,n3  are  integer  expressions  that  can  contain   integer
                  constants and loop index variables.

   For example, the statement:


        DATA (NARY(I),I=1,5)/1,2,3,4,5/

   initializes the first  five  elements  of  array  NARY  as  NARY(1)=1,
   NARY(2)=2, NARY(3)=3, NARY(4)=4, and NARY(5)=5.

   When you use an implied DO loop in a DATA statement,  the  loop  index
   variable  must  be  of  type  INTEGER,  and the Initial, Terminal, and
   Increment parameters of the loop must be of type INTEGER.

   In a DATA statement, references to an array element or substring  must
   be integer expressions in which all terms are either integer constants
   or indices of embracing implied DO  loops.   These  types  of  integer
   expressions can include the exponentiation operator.

   The clist portion of each nlist/clist/ set can  contain  one  or  more
   numeric,   logical,   Hollerith,   octal,  hexadecimal,  or  character
   constants.  You  may  specify  literal  data  as  either  a  Hollerith
   specification,  for example, 5HABCDE,  or a string enclosed  in single
   quotes,  for  example,  'Abcde'.   Each  ASCII  data  item  is  stored
   left-justified and is padded with blanks if necessary.

   When you assign the same value to more  than  one  item  in  nlist,  a
   repeat  specification  may  be used.  The repeat specification has the



        n    is an integer that specifies how many times the value  d  is
             to  be  used.   For example, a clist specification of /3*20/
             specifies that the value 20 is to be assigned to  the  first
             three items named in the preceding list.  The statement:

                  DATA M,N,L/3*20/

             assigns the value 20 to the variables M, N, and L.

   When the specified data type is not the same as that of  the  variable
   to which it is assigned, FORTRAN converts the data item to the type of
   the variable.  The type conversion is performed using the rules  given
   for  type  conversion  in  arithmetic  assignments.   (See Table 8-1.)
   Octal, logical, Hollerith, hexadecimal, and  character  constants  are
   not converted.

                    Sample Statement                        Result

   DATA PRINT,I,O/'TEST',30,"77/,(TAB(J),J=1,30)/30*5/  The first 30
                                                        elements of
                                                        array TAB are
                                                        initialized to


   DATA((A(I,J),I=1,5),J=1,6)/30*1.0/                   No conversion

   DATA((A(I,J),I=5,10),J=6,15)/60*2.0/                 No conversion

   When character variables are initialized, length conversions are made.
   The conversion is based on the following rules:

         1.  If the constant contains fewer characters than the length of
             the  element  in nlist, the rightmost character positions of
             the element are initialized with spaces.

         2.  If the constant contains more characters than the length  of
             the element in nlist, the character constant is truncated to
             the right.

   Character constants and  Hollerith  constants  can  also  be  used  to
   initialize  numeric  variables.   The  character string is stored left
   justified  in  the  numeric  variable.   When  the  character   string
   specified  is longer than one numeric variable can hold, the string is
   stored left justified across as many variables as are needed  to  hold
   it.   If necessary, the last variable used is padded with blanks up to
   its right boundary.

   For character variables, each variable  or  array  element  must  have
   exactly one character constant in the data list.

   For example, assuming that X,  Y,  and  Z  are  single-precision,  the

        DATA X,Y,Z/'abcdefghijkl'/


        X to be initialized to 'abcde'
        Y to be initialized to 'fghij'
        Z to be initialized to 'klbbb'

   When a character string is to be  stored  in  double-precision  and/or
   complex variables, and the specified string is only one word long, the
   second word of the variable is padded with blanks.

   For example, assuming that the variable C is complex, the statement:

        DATA C/'ABCDE','FGHIJ'/

   causes the first word of C to be initialized to 'ABCDE' and its second
   word  to  be  initialized  to 'bbbbb'.  The string 'FGHIJ' is ignored.
   The first word contains the real part of  the  complex  variable;  the
   second word contains the imaginary part.


   In addition, the following two forms of bit data constants are allowed
   in DATA statements:



   where di are octal digits and  hi  are  hexadecimal  digits  with  A-F
   representing  the  decimal  equivalent  of 10-15.  These constants are
   right-justified.  Note that you can also use the double quote (") form
   of octal constants as described in Section 3.7.


   The SAVE statement retains the values stored in a variable, array,  or
   common  block  after  execution  of  a  RETURN  or  END statement in a

   The SAVE statement has the following form:

        SAVE [a[,a]...]


        a    is a named common block name (preceded  and  followed  by  a
             slash), a variable name, or an array name.


           Ordinarily, the values of all variables  are  retained
           after   execution   of  a  RETURN  or  END  statement.
           However, when overlays are used,  the  SAVE  statement
           must be used to ensure retention of values.

   An entity specified by a SAVE statement within a program unit does not
   become  undefined  upon execution of a RETURN or END statement in that
   unit.  If the entity  is  in  a  common  block,  however,  it  may  be
   redefined in another program unit that references that common.

   Procedure names, the names of variables and arrays in a common  block,
   and dummy argument names cannot be used in a SAVE statement.

   A SAVE statement that does not explicitly contain a list is treated as
   though  it contained a list of all allowable items in the program unit
   that contains the SAVE statement.

   If a particular common block name is specified by a SAVE statement  in
   a  subprogram of an executable program, it must be specified by a SAVE
   statement in every subprogram in which that common block appears.



           It is not necessary  to  use  the  SAVE  statement  to
           retain   the  value  of  a  blank  common  block;  the
           definition status of  blank  common  is  automatically
           retained after a RETURN or END statement.

           Also, when the SAVE  statement  is  used,  it  is  not
           necessary to specify the LINK switch /OVERLAY:WRITABLE
           when loading a program.



                                 CHAPTER 8

                           ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

   Assignment statements assign values to variables, array  elements,  or
   character substrings.  There are four kinds of assignment statements:

        1.  Arithmetic assignment statements (see Section 8.1)

        2.  Logical assignment statements (see Section 8.2)

        3.  Statement Label assignment (ASSIGN) statements  (see  Section

        4.  Character assignment statements (see Section 8.4)


   You use statements of this type to assign numeric  values  to  numeric
   variables  or  array  elements.  Arithmetic assignment statements have
   the form:



        v    is the name of the numeric variable or array element that is
             to receive the specified value.

        e    is an arithmetic expression.

   In assignment statements, the equal symbol (=) does not imply equality
   as  it  would  in  algebraic expressions; it implies replacement.  For
   example, the expression v=e is interpreted as  "the  contents  of  the
   location identified as v are to be replaced by the value of expression
   e; the previous contents of v are lost."

   When the type of the specified variable or array element name  differs

                           ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

   from  that  of  its  assigned value, FORTRAN converts the value to the
   type of its assigned variable or array element.  Table  8-1  describes
   the  type conversion operations performed by FORTRAN for each possible
   combination of variable and value types.

                           ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

   Table 8-1:  Rules for Conversion in Mixed-Mode Assignments

     Expression                        Variable Type (v)
     Type (e)


     Real            D      C      R,I        H,L        D        X

     Integer         F      D      R,F,I      M          D        X

     Complex         R      C,R    D          R,L        R        X

     Double-         O      N      H,I        D          H        X

     Logical         D      D      R,I        H,L        D        X

     Octal           D      D      R,I        H,L        D        X

     Hollerith       D%     D%     D&         D&         D%       X

     Character       X      X      X          X          X        D

     Double-         H      H      D#         D          H        X


     D = Direct replacement
     C = Conversion from real to integer with truncation, overflow is
     F = Conversion from integer to real with rounding
     R = Real part only
     I = Set imaginary part to 0
     H = High-order only
     L = Set low-order part to 0
     M = Convert with no truncation and no rounding
     N = Convert with rounding; truncation can occur and overflow is 

                           ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

     O = Round to one word of precision, overflow is possible
     X = Not allowed


     *  Octal numbers with 13 to 24  digits  are  termed  double-octal.
        Double-octals  require  two storage locations.  They are stored
        right-justified  and  are  padded  with  zeros  to   fill   the

     &  Use the first two words of  the  Hollerith  constant.   If  the
        Hollerith  constant  is  only one word long, the second word is
        padded with blanks.

     %  Use the first word of the Hollerith constant.

     #  To convert double-octal numbers to complex, the low-order octal
        digits are assumed to be the imaginary part, and the high-order
        digits are assumed to be the real part of the complex value.


   Statements of this type are used to assign  values  to  variables  and
   array  elements  of  type logical.  Logical assignment statements have
   the following form:



        v    is the name of a variable or array element

        e    is a logical expression

   For example, assuming that the variables L, F, M, and G  are  of  type
   logical, the following statements are valid:

           Sample Statement                         Results

        L=.TRUE.                      The contents of L are  replaced  by
                                      logical truth.

        F=.NOT.G                      The contents of F are  replaced  by
                                      the  complement  of the contents of


                           ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

        M=A>T                         If  A  is  greater  than   T,   the
                                      contents   of  M  are  replaced  by
                                      logical truth; if A is less than or
                                      equal  to  T, the contents of M are
                                      replaced by  logical  false.   This
                                      can  also be read:  If A is greater
                                      than T, then M is true,  otherwise,
                                      M is false.

        L=((I.GT.H).AND.(J<=K))       The contents of L are  replaced  by
                                      either  the true or false resultant
                                      of the expression.


   The ASSIGN statement is used to assign a statement label constant (a 1
   to  5  digit  statement  number)  to a variable name.  The form of the
   ASSIGN statement is:

        ASSIGN s TO i


        s    is a statement number in the current program unit.

        i    is a variable name.

   For example, the statement:

        ASSIGN 2000 TO LABEL

   specifies that the variable  LABEL  references  the  statement  number

   With the exception of complex, double-precision, or character, you can
   use any type of variable in an ASSIGN statement.

   Use the ASSIGN statement in conjunction with assigned  GO  TO  control
   statements  (see  Chapter  9),  or  as  a  format identifier in an I/O
   statement (See Chapter 10).  The ASSIGN statement  sets  up  statement
   label  variables  that are then referenced in subsequent GO TO control
   statements, or in format specifiers in I/O statements.  The  following
   sequence illustrates the use of the ASSIGN statement:

        555 TAX=(A+B+C)*.05
            ASSIGN 555 TO LABEL

                           ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

            GO TO LABEL


   The character assignment statement assigns the value of the  character
   expression  on  the right of the equal sign to the character variable,
   array element, or substring on the left of the equal sign.

   The form of the character assignment statement is:



        v    is a character variable, array element, or substring.

        e    is a character expression.

   If the length of the expression on the right side of the assignment is
   greater  than  the  length  of  the  variable  on  the  left side, the
   character expression is truncated on the right.

   If the length of the expression on the right side of the assignment is
   less  than  the length of the variable on the left side, the character
   expression is filled on the right with blanks.

   FORTRAN-10/20 allows overlap between the character expression and  the
   character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring.   (That  is, the
   character positions defined in the character variable, array  element,
   or  substring  can  be  referenced  in  the character expression.) For
   example, the following assignments are allowed:

        CHARACTER *4 A,B
        DATA A/'abcd'/,B/'efgh'/

        A(1:3) = A(2:4)
        B(2:4) = B(1:3)

   After the above assignment statements, A is 'bcdd', and B is 'eefg'.

   The expression must be of character data type.  You  cannot  assign  a
   numeric value to a character variable, array element, or substring.

   Note that assigning a value to a character substring does  not  affect
   character  positions  in  the  character variable or array element not
   included in the substring.  If a character  position  outside  of  the
   substring  has  a value previously assigned, it remains unchanged.  If
   the character position is undefined, it remains undefined.

                           ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

   Examples of valid and invalid character assignment statements  follow.
   All  variables  and  arrays  in  the  examples  are  assumed  to be of
   character data type.


        FILE = 'PROG2'

        REVOL(1) = 'MAR'//'CIA'

        LOCA(3:8) = 'PLANT5'

        TEXT(I,J+1)(2:N-1) = NAME//X


        'ABC' = CHARS     (the left side must be  a  character  variable,
                          array element, or substring reference)

        CHARS = 25        (expression on the right must be  of  character
                          data type)



                                 CHAPTER 9

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   FORTRAN object programs normally execute statement by statement in the
   order  in  which  they  were presented to the compiler.  The following
   control statements, however, enable you to alter the  normal  sequence
   of statement execution:

        1.  CALL (Section

        2.  CONTINUE (Section 9.5)

        3.  DO (Section 9.3)

        4.  DO WHILE (Section 9.3.2)

        5.  ELSE (Section 9.2.4)

        6.  ELSE IF THEN (Section 9.2.4)

        7.  END (Section 9.8)

        8.  END DO (Section 9.4)

        9.  END IF (Section 9.2.4)

       10.  GO TO (Section 9.1)

       11.  IF (Section 9.2)

       12.  IF THEN (Section 9.2.4)

       13.  STOP (Section 9.6)

       14.  PAUSE (Section 9.7)

       15.  RETURN (Section 13.4.4)

   The CALL and RETURN statements are described in Sections  and
   13.4.4,  respectively.  The remaining statements are described in this

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  



   A GO TO statement causes  the  statement  that  it  identifies  to  be
   executed next, regardless of its position within the program.

   There are three kinds of GO TO statements:  Unconditional (see Section
   9.1.1),  Computed  (see  Section  9.1.2),  and  Assigned  (see Section

   9.1.1  Unconditional GO TO Statements

   An unconditional GO TO statement  transfers  program  control  to  the
   specified statement label.

   The form of the unconditional GO TO statement is:

        GO TO s


        s    is a statement label of an executable statement.

   For example:

        GO TO 300

   You can position an unconditional GO  TO  statement  anywhere  in  the
   source program, except as the terminating statement of a DO loop.

   9.1.2  Computed GO TO Statements

   The form of a computed GO TO statement is:

        GO TO (s [,s]...)[,] e


        (s[,s]...)     is a list of statement labels.

        e              is an integer expression.

   You may include any number of  statement  labels  in  the  list  of  a
   computed  GO  TO statement.  However, each statement label must appear
   within the program unit containing the  GO  TO  statement.   The  same

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   statement label can appear more than once in the list.

   The value of the expression must be  an  integer  value  (it  will  be
   truncated  if necessary) that is greater than 0 and less than or equal
   to the number of statement labels given in the list.  If the value  of
   the expression is not within this range, the next sequential statement
   is executed.

   When a computed  GO  TO  statement  is  executed,  the  value  of  the
   expression  is  computed first.  The value of the expression specifies
   the position of the label (within the given list of statement  labels)
   that  identifies  the  statement to be executed next.  For example, in
   the statement sequence:

        GO TO (20, 10, 5)K
        CALL XRANGE(K)

   the variable K acts as a switch, causing a transfer to statement 20 if
   K=1, to statement 10 if K=2, or to statement 5 if K=3.  The subprogram
   XRANGE is called if K is less than 1 or greater than 3.

   9.1.3  Assigned GO TO Statements

   The form of an assigned GO TO statement is:

        GO TO i [[,] (s [,s]...)]


        i    is a variable name and the optional parenthesized list is  a
             list  of  statement  labels.  The statement labels specified
             must appear within the program unit  containing  the  GO  TO

   Assigned GO TO statements must be  logically  preceded  by  an  ASSIGN
   statement  (see  Section  8.3) that assigns a statement label value to
   the variable i.   The  assigned  GO  TO  statement  transfers  program
   control to the label that has been ASSIGNed.

   The statement label value assigned must appear within the same program
   unit  as the GO TO statement that uses that value.  In statements with
   a specified list, if i is not assigned  one  of  the  statement  label
   values given in the list, the next sequential statement is executed.


        ASSIGN 300 TO STAT1
        GO TO STAT1
        GO TO STAT1,(177,300,777)

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  


   There are four  kinds  of  IF  statements:   arithmetic  (see  Section
   9.2.1),  logical  (see Section 9.2.2), logical two-branch (see Section
   9.2.3), and block IF (see Section 9.2.4).

   9.2.1  Arithmetic IF Statements

   The form of the arithmetic IF statement is:

        IF (e) s1, s2, s3


        e    is an expression enclosed within parentheses and s1, s2, and
             s3  are  statement  labels  of  three  executable statements
             appearing  within  the  program  unit  containing   the   IF
             statement.   The  expression  e must not be of type complex.
             The same statement label can appear more than once in the IF

   This type of IF statement transfers control of the program to  one  of
   the  given  statements  according  to  the computed value of the given
   expression.  If the value of the expression is:

        1.  Less  than  0,  control  is  transferred  to  the   statement
            identified by label s1.

        2.  Equal  to  0,  control  is  transferred  to   the   statement
            identified by label s2.

        3.  Greater than 0,  control  is  transferred  to  the  statement
            identified by label s3.


        IF(ETA)4, 7, 12               Transfers control to statement 4 if
                                      ETA  is negative, to statement 7 if
                                      ETA is 0, and to  statement  12  if
                                      ETA is greater than 0.

        IF(KAPPA-L(10))20, 14, 14     Transfers control to  statement  20
                                      if  KAPPA  is  less  than  the 10th
                                      element of array L and to statement
                                      14  if  KAPPA  is  greater  than or
                                      equal to the 10th element of  array

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   9.2.2  Logical IF Statements

   The form of the logical IF statement is:

        IF (e) st


        e    is any expression.  The  expression  must  not  be  of  type

        st   is an executable statement.

   If the  value  of  the  expression  is  true  (negative),  control  is
   transferred  to  the executable statement within the IF statement.  If
   the value  of  the  expression  is  false  (nonnegative),  control  is
   transferred   to   the  next  sequential  executable  statement.   The
   statement you give in a logical IF statement  may  be  any  executable
   statement  except a DO statement, an END statement, or another logical
   IF statement.


        IF(T.OR.S) X=Y+1                   Performs     an     arithmetic
                                           assignment  operation  if  the
                                           result of the IF is true.

        IF(Z.GT.X(K)) CALL SWITCH(S,Y)     Performs a subroutine call  if
                                           the result of the IF is true.

        IF(K.EQ.INDEX) GO TO 15            Performs   an    unconditional
                                           transfer  if the result of the
                                           IF is true.

   9.2.3  Logical Two-Branch IF Statements

   The format of a logical two-branch IF statement is:

        IF (e) s1, s2


        e    is any expression,  and  s1  and  s2  are  statement  labels
             appearing   within   the  program  unit  containing  the  IF
             statement.  The expression must not be of type complex.

   Logical two-branch IF statements transfer control to either  statement
   s1 or s2, depending on the computed value of the given expression.  If
   the value of the given logical expression is true (negative),  control
   is  transferred  to  statement  s1.  If the value of the expression is

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   false (nonnegative), control is transferred to statement s2.


        IF (LOG1) 10,20               Transfers control to  statement  10
                                      if   LOG1   is   true   (negative);
                                      otherwise  transfers   control   to
                                      statement 20.

        IF (A.LT.B.AND.A.LT.C) 31,32  Transfers control to  statement  31
                                      if  A  is  less  than both B and C;
                                      transfers control to  statement  32
                                      if  A  is  greater than or equal to
                                      either B or C.

   9.2.4  Block IF Statements

   Block IF  statements  conditionally  execute  blocks  (or  groups)  of
   statements.  The four block IF statements are:

         o  IF THEN

         o  ELSE IF THEN

         o  ELSE

         o  END IF

   These statements are used  in  block  IF  constructs.   The  block  IF
   construct  has  the  following  form,  where the ELSE IF THEN and ELSE
   statements are optional:

        IF (e) THEN

        ELSE IF (e) THEN


        END IF


        e      is a logical expression.

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

        block  is a sequence of zero or more complete FORTRAN statements.
               This sequence is called a statement block.

   Each  block  IF  statement,  except  the  END  IF  statement,  has  an
   associated  statement  block.  The statement block consists of all the
   statements following the block IF statement up to (but not  including)
   the  next block IF statement in the block IF construct.  The statement
   block is  conditionally  executed  based  on  the  values  of  logical
   expressions  in  the preceding block IF statements.  A statement block
   can be empty.

   The IF  THEN  statement  begins  a  block  IF  construct.   The  block
   following it is executed if the value of the logical expression in the
   IF THEN statement is true.  The first statement of  the  block  cannot
   directly follow the THEN on the same line.  For example, the following
   is illegal:

        IF (T.LT.X) THEN T = X

   The correct form is:

        IF (T.LT.X) THEN
           T = X

   The ELSE statement specifies a statement block to be  executed  if  no
   preceding statement block in the block IF construct was executed.  The
   ELSE statement is optional.

   The ELSE IF THEN statement is similar to the ELSE statement, except it
   requires  an  additional  condition  for  execution.  The ELSE IF THEN
   statement specifies a statement block to be executed if both the value
   of  the  logical expression in the ELSE IF THEN statement is true, and
   no preceding statement block in the block IF construct  was  executed.
   A  block  IF  construct  can  contain  any  number  of  ELSE  IF  THEN
   statements.  The ELSE IF THEN statement is optional.

   The END IF statement terminates the block IF construct.

   Figure 9-1 describes the flow of control for four examples of block IF

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   Figure 9-1:  Examples of Block IF Constructs

   After the last statement in a statement  block  is  executed,  control
   passes   to  the  next  executable  statement  following  the  END  IF
   statement.  Consequently, at most one statement block in  a  block  IF
   construct is executed each time the IF THEN statement is executed.

   ELSE IF THEN and ELSE statements can have statement labels, but  these
   labels  cannot  be  referenced.   The  END  IF  statement  can  have a
   statement label to which control can be  transferred,  but  only  from

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   within the block IF construct.

   Section describes restrictions on statements  in  a  statement
   block.   Section  describes  examples of block IF constructs.
   Section describes nested block IF constructs.  Statement  Blocks - A  statement  block   can   contain   any
   executable  FORTRAN  statement  except  an  END statement (see Section
   9.8).  You can transfer control out of  a  statement  block,  but  you
   cannot  transfer  control  back  into the block.  Note that you cannot
   transfer control from one statement block into another.

   DO loops cannot overlap statement  blocks.   When  a  statement  block
   contains a DO statement (see Section 9.3), it must also contain the DO
   loop's terminal statement or END DO statement.  Conversely, if a block
   IF  construct appears within the range of a DO loop, the corresponding
   END IF statement must also appear within the range of that DO loop.  Block IF Examples - The simplest block IF construct  consists
   of  the  IF  THEN  and END IF statements; this construct conditionally
   executes one statement block.

        Form           Example

           block         MIDDLE=(LOWER+UPPER)/2
        END IF         END IF

   The statement block consists of all the statements between the IF THEN
   and END IF statements.

   The IF THEN statement first  evaluates  the  logical  expression  (e),
   (LOWER.LE.UPPER).   If  the value of e is true, the statement block is
   executed.  If the value of e is false, control transfers to  the  next
   executable  statement  after  the  END  IF statement; the block is not

   The following example contains a block IF construct with  an  ELSE  IF
   THEN statement:

        Form                Example

        IF (e1) THEN        IF (ITEM.LT.A(MIDDLE)) THEN
           block1              UPPER=MIDDLE-1
           block2              LOWER=MIDDLE+1
        END IF              END IF

   Block1 consists of all statements between the IF THEN and the ELSE  IF

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   THEN  statements;  block2  consists  of all the statements between the
   ELSE IF THEN and the END IF statements.

   If ITEM is less than A(MIDDLE), block1 is executed.

   If ITEM  is  not  less  than  A(MIDDLE),  but  ITEM  is  greater  than
   A(MIDDLE), block2 is executed.

   If ITEM is not less than  A(MIDDLE)  and  ITEM  is  not  greater  than
   A(MIDDLE),  neither  block1  nor block2 is executed; control transfers
   directly to the next executable statement after the END IF statement.

   The following example contains a  block  IF  construct  with  an  ELSE

        Form                Example

        IF (e) THEN         IF (ITEM.GT.A(MIDDLE)) THEN
           block1              LOWER=MIDDLE+1
        ELSE                ELSE
           block2              SEARCH=MIDDLE
        END IF              END IF

   Block1 consists of all the statements between the IF THEN and the ELSE
   statements; block2 consists of all the statements between the ELSE and
   the END IF statements.

   If ITEM is greater than A(MIDDLE), block1 is executed.

   If ITEM is not greater than A(MIDDLE), block2 is executed.  Nested Block IF Constructs - A  block  IF  construct  can  be
   included  in a statement block of another block IF construct.  But the
   nested block IF  construct  must  be  completely  contained  within  a
   statement block; it must not overlap statement blocks.

   The following example contains a nested block IF construct.

        Form                     Example

                                    FUNCTION SEARCH(A,N,ITEM)
                                    CHARACTER*(*) A(N),ITEM
                                    INTEGER SEARCH,N,LOWER,MIDDLE,UPPER


        IF (e) THEN                 IF(LOWER.LE.UPPER) THEN

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

                 IF (e) THEN     10    IF (ITEM.LT.A(MIDDLE)) THEN
                     blocka               UPPER=MIDDLE-1
        block1   ELSE IF (e) THEN      ELSE IF (ITEM.GT.A(MIDDLE)) THEN
                     blockb               LOWER=MIDDLE+1
                 ELSE                  ELSE
                     blockc               SEARCH=MIDDLE
                 END IF                END IF


        END IF                      END IF
                                 20 SEARCH=0


   If LOWER is less than or equal to UPPER, block1 is  executed.   Block1
   contains a nested block IF construct.  If ITEM is less than A(MIDDLE),
   blocka is executed.  If ITEM  is  greater  than  A(MIDDLE)  blockb  is
   executed.  If ITEM is equal to A(MIDDLE), blockc is executed.

   If LOWER is greater than UPPER, control is transferred  to  the  first
   executable  statement  after the last END IF statement.  The nested IF
   construct is not executed.


   The two types of DO statements are:

        1.  Indexed DO (DO statement)

        2.  Pretested indefinite DO (DO WHILE statement)

   The indexed DO statement is described in Section  9.3.1,  and  the  DO
   WHILE statement is described in Section 9.3.2.

   9.3.1  Indexed DO Statement

   DO statements simplify the coding of iterative  procedures;  that  is,
   the  statements  in  the  DO statement range are executed repeatedly a
   specified number of times.

   The form of an indexed DO statement is:

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  


        s   Terminal statement label s identifies the last  statement  of
            the  DO  statement  range.   The statement must follow the DO
            statement in the same program unit.  If s  is  omitted,  then
            the  loop  must  be  terminated  by  an END DO statement (see
            Section 9.4).

            The terminal statement can be any executable statement  other
            than one of the following:

             o  Unconditional or assigned GO TO statement

             o  Arithmetic IF or logical two-branch IF statement

             o  Block IF, ELSE IF, ELSE, or END IF statement

             o  RETURN statement

             o  STOP statement

             o  END statement

             o  DO statement

            If the terminal statement is a logical IF, it can contain any
            executable statement except one of the following:

             o  DO statement

             o  Block IF, ELSE IF, ELSE, or END IF statement

             o  END statement

             o  Another logical IF statement

        i   Index variable i is an unsubscripted numeric  variable  whose
            value is defined at the start of the DO statement operations.
            The index variable must not be of type complex.

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

            The index variable  is  available  for  use  throughout  each
            execution  of the range of the DO statement, but altering its
            value within the DO loop does not change the number of  times
            the DO loop will execute.  The DO loop index variable is also
            available for use in the program when:

            a.  Control is transferred outside the range of the  DO  loop
                by a GO TO, IF, or RETURN statement located within the DO

            b.  Control is transferred outside the range of the  DO  loop
                by  an I/O statement with either or both the options END=
                or ERR= (see Chapter 10)

            c.  A subprogram is executed from  within  the  DO  statement
                range  having  the  index  variable  as an argument or in

        e1  Initial parameter e1 assigns the index variable i its initial
            value.   This  parameter can be any expression, but cannot be
            of type complex.

        e2  Terminal parameter e2 provides the value  used  to  determine
            how many repetitions of the DO statement range are performed.
            This parameter can be any expression, but cannot be  of  type

        e3  Increment parameter e3 specifies the value to be added to the
            initial  parameter (e1) on completion of each cycle of the DO
            loop.  The increment parameter is optional.  If  e3  and  its
            preceding  comma are omitted, e3 is assumed to be equal to 1.
            This parameter can be any expression, but cannot be  of  type
            complex.  Executing an Indexed DO Statement - The  indexing  parameters
   e1, e2 or e3 can be any expressions.  Their values are calculated only
   once, at the start of each DO loop operation, to determine the  values
   for  the  initial,  terminal, and increment parameters.  If necessary,
   the initial, terminal, and increment parameters are converted,  before
   use, to the data type of the index variable.

   The number of times that a DO loop will execute, called the  iteration
   count, is specified by the formula:


   If the iteration count is less than or equal to zero, the body of  the
   loop  is  not executed.  The index variable retains its assigned value

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  


           The interpretation of the  iteration  count  described
           above  is  different  from that of earlier versions of
           FORTRAN-10/20.   If  the  /NOF77  compiler  switch  is
           specified  (see  Sections  16.1.3  or 16.2.3), and the
           iteration count is less than or  equal  to  zero,  the
           body of the loop is executed once.

   Since the iteration count is computed  at  the  start  of  a  DO  loop
   operation,  changing  the  value of the loop index variable within the
   loop cannot affect the number of times that the loop is executed.

   At the start of a DO loop operation, the index value  is  set  to  the
   value  of  the  initial  parameter  (e1);  and  the iteration count is
   established.  DO Iteration Control - At the end of each DO loop cycle,  the
   following steps are executed:

        1.  The value of the increment parameter (e3)  is  added  to  the
            index variable.

        2.  The iteration count is decremented.

        3.  If  the  iteration  count  is  greater  than  zero,   control
            transfers  to  the  first  executable  statement after the DO
            statement for another iteration of the loop.

        4.  If the iteration  count  is  less  than  or  equal  to  zero,
            execution of the DO loop terminates.

   Exit from a DO loop  upon  completion  of  the  number  of  iterations
   specified  by  the  loop count is referred to as a normal exit.  If no
   other DO loop shares the  terminal  statement,  or  if  this  DO  loop
   statement  is  outermost,  control  passes  to  the  first  executable
   statement after the terminal statement of the DO loop.

   The final value of the index variable is the value determined by  step


           The interpretation of  the  index  variable  described
           above  is  different  from that of earlier versions of
           FORTRAN-10/20.   If  the  /NOF77  compiler  switch  is
           specified  (see  Sections 16.1.3 or 16.2.3), the final
           value of the index variable of  the  DO  statement  is
           undefined after a normal loop exit.

   Exit from a DO loop may also be accomplished by a transfer of  control

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   by  a  statement  within  the DO loop range to a statement outside the
   range of the DO statement.  This is called an extended range  DO  loop
   (see Section 9.3.5).

   When execution of a DO loop terminates, and other DO loops  share  its
   terminal  statement,  control  transfers  outward  to  the  next  most
   enclosing DO loop in the DO nesting structure (see Section 9.3.4).

   Examples of DO Iteration Control:

             DO 100 I = 1,10
        100  J=I

   After execution of these statements, I=11 and J=10.   (If  the  /NOF77
   switch is specified, I is undefined and J=10).

             DO 200 K = 5,1
        200  L=K

   After execution of these statements, K=5  and  L=0.   (If  the  /NOF77
   switch is specified, K is undefined and L=5).

   9.3.2  DO WHILE Statement

   The DO WHILE statement is similar to the  DO  statement  described  in
   Section 9.3.1.  Instead of executing a fixed number of iterations, the
   DO WHILE statement executes  for  as  long  as  a  logical  expression
   contained in the statement continues to be true.

   The form of the DO WHILE statement is:

        DO [s[,]] WHILE (e)


         s   is the label of an executable statement that must physically
             follow in the same program unit.

         e   is a logical expression.

   The DO WHILE statement tests the logical expression at  the  beginning
   of  each  execution of the loop, including the first.  If the value of
   the expression is true, the statements in the body  of  the  loop  are
   executed;  if  the  expression  is  false,  control  transfers  to the
   statement following the loop.

   If no label appears in a DO WHILE statement, the DO WHILE loop must be
   terminated with an END DO statement (see Section 9.4).

   The following example demonstrates the use of the DO WHILE statement:

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

        CHARACTER*132 LINE
        LINE(132:) = 'X'
        DO WHILE (LINE(I:I) .EQ. ' ')
             I = I + 1
        END DO

   9.3.3  The Range of a DO Statement

   The range of a DO statement is defined as  the  series  of  statements
   that  follows  the  DO  statement,  up  to and including the specified
   terminal statement or END DO statement.

   If another DO statement appears within the range of  a  DO  statement,
   the  range  of  that  statement  must be entirely contained within the
   range of the first DO statement.  More than one DO statement may  have
   the   same  labeled  terminal  statement  but  not  unlabeled  END  DO
   statement.  (See Section 9.3.4, Nested DO Statements.)

   If a DO statement appears within an IF block, ELSE IF block,  or  ELSE
   block  (see  Section  9.2.4),  the  range  of the DO statement must be
   contained entirely within that block.

   If a block IF statement appears within the range of  a  DO  statement,
   the  corresponding  END IF statement must also appear within the range
   of the DO statement.

   9.3.4  Nested DO Statements

   One or more DO statements can be contained within the range of another
   DO statement.  This is called nesting.  The following rules govern the
   nesting of DO statements:

        1.  The number of nested levels  (DO  loop  within  DO  loop)  is
            restricted to 79 DO loops.

        2.  The range of each nested DO statement must be entirely within
            the  range  of  the  containing  DO  statement (such as, they
            cannot overlap).

            For example:

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

        3.  More than one DO loop within a nest of labeled DO  loops  can
            end  on  the  same statement.  When this occurs, the terminal
            statement  is  considered  to  belong  to  the  innermost  DO
            statement that ends on that statement.  Only a statement that
            occurs within the range of the innermost DO statement can use
            the  statement  label  of  the  shared terminal statement for
            transfer of control.

            For example:

            Although all four DO loops share the same terminal statement,
            the terminal statement "belongs" to the innermost DO loop.

        4.  Nested loops cannot share  an  unlabeled  END  DO  statement.
            Each unlabeled END DO terminates exactly one DO loop.

            For example:

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

   9.3.5  Extended Range

   By following certain rules, it is possible to transfer  out  of  a  DO
   loop,  perform  a  series  of statements elsewhere in the program, and
   then transfer back into the DO loop.  The statements that are executed
   after  a transfer out of a DO loop and before a transfer back into the
   same DO loop are collectively known as the "extended range." A DO loop
   that  permits  transfer  in and out of its range is called an extended
   range DO loop.


           This feature makes the flow of a program difficult  to
           follow,  does  not conform to the FORTRAN-77 standard,
           and is therefore discouraged.

   The following rules govern the use of extended range DO loops:

        1.  The statement that causes the transfer out  of  the  DO  loop
            must be contained within the most deeply nested DO (innermost
            loop having the same terminal  statement).   This  loop  must
            also  contain  the  statement  to  which  the  extended range

        2.  A transfer into the range of a DO statement is permitted only
            if  the  transfer  is made from the extended range of that DO

        3.  The extended range of a DO statement must not contain another
            DO statement.

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

        4.  The extended range of a DO statement cannot change the  index
            variable or indexing parameters of the DO statement.

        5.  You can call a subprogram within an extended range.

   The following example illustrates the use  of  an  extended  range  DO

               DIMENSION TABLE(10,5), VALUE(10)
               LOGICAL LOGARR(10)
               DO 1000 I= 1, 10           ! An extended range DO loop
               IF (LOGARR(I)) GOTO 500    ! Test logical array item
               CALL SUBROT(K)             ! Invoke subroutine using 
                                          ! current index value
                 DO 200 J= 1, 5           ! Nonextended range loop
                 TABLE(I,J) = 0      
        200      CONTINUE              
               GOTO 2000                  ! Extended range invocation
        500    VALUE(I) = GETVAL(K)       ! Invoke function GETVAL with
                                          ! current index
        1000   CONTINUE                   ! Terminal statement for outer 
                                          ! loop
        2000   TYPE 2100, I               ! Extended range starts
        2100   FORMAT(' I = ',I2) 
               LOGARR(I) = .TRUE.
               GOTO 500                   ! Extended range ends and 
                                          ! returns

   9.3.6  Permitted Transfer Operations

   The following rules govern the transfer of program control from within
   a DO statement range or the ranges of nested DO statements:

        1.  A transfer out of the range of any DO loop  is  permitted  at
            any  time.   When  such  a  transfer occurs, the value of the
            controlling DO  loop's  index  variable  is  defined  as  the
            current value.

        2.  A transfer into the range of a DO statement is  permitted  if
            it is made from the extended range of the DO statement.

        3.  You can call a subprogram from within the range of any:

            a.  DO loop
            b.  nested DO loop
            c.  extended range loop (in which you leave the loop  through
                a  GO  TO,  execute statements in the extended range, and

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

                return to the original loop)

   The following examples illustrate the  transfer  operations  permitted
   from within the ranges of nested DO statements:


   The END DO statement  terminates  the  range  of  a  DO  or  DO  WHILE
   statement.   The END DO statement must be used to terminate a DO block
   if the DO or DO WHILE statement defining the block does not contain  a
   terminal-statement  label.  The END DO statement may also be used as a
   labeled terminal statement if  the  DO  or  DO  WHILE  statement  does
   contain a terminal-statement label.

   The form of the END DO statement is:

        END DO


   The form of the CONTINUE statement is:


   Execution of the CONTINUE statement has no effect.  It may be used  as
   the terminating statement of a DO loop.

   In the following example, the labeled CONTINUE  statement  provides  a
   legal termination for the range of the DO loop.

           DIMENSION STOCK(100)
           DO 20 I=1,100
           CALL UPDATE (STOCK(I))

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

           IF(STOCK (I).EQ. 0) GO TO 30
        20 CONTINUE
        30 TYPE 35
        35 FORMAT (' UPDATE ERROR')


   Execution of  the  STOP  statement  causes  program  execution  to  be
   terminated.   A  descriptive message may optionally be included in the
   STOP statement to  be  output  to  your  terminal  immediately  before
   program execution is terminated.

   The form of the STOP statement is:

        STOP [n]


        n    is an optional decimal integer constant of up to  6  digits,
             or  a  character  constant.   The constant is printed at the
             terminal when the STOP statement is executed.

             You can have any  number  of  characters  in  the  character
             constant.   You  can  use  continuation lines to accommodate
             large character strings.  The constant  is  printed  without
             leading zeroes, unless they are specified in the statement.


                 The word STOP is not printed when the STOP statement
                 is  executed unless the word STOP is included in the
                 statement as a character constant.

   The following examples show the results of executing  STOP  statements
   that contain a 6-digit decimal string and a character constant.

                PROGRAM TEST
        10      STOP 123456
        FORTRAN: STOP1
        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST execution]
        CPU time 0.1   Elapsed time 0.3

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

                PROGRAM TEST
        10      STOP 'The program has stopped'

        FORTRAN: STOP2
        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST execution]
        The program has stopped  
        CPU time 0.1   Elapsed time 0.3


   Execution of a PAUSE statement suspends the execution  of  the  object
   program  and  gives  you  the  option  of  continuing execution of the
   program, exiting from the program, or beginning a TRACE operation.

   The form of the PAUSE statement is:

        PAUSE [n]


        n    is an optional integer constant of up  to  6  digits,  or  a
             character constant.  The constant is printed at the terminal
             when the PAUSE statement is executed.

             You can have any  number  of  characters  in  the  character
             constant.   You  can  use  continuation lines to accommodate
             large character strings.  The constant  is  printed  without
             leading zeros, unless they are specified in the statement.

   If execution of the program is resumed after a PAUSE, program  control
   continues  as if a CONTINUE had been executed.  Execution of the PAUSE
   statement causes the word PAUSE, the  optionally  specified  constant,
   and the following prompt to be printed at the terminal:

        Type G to Continue, X to Exit, T to Trace

   The responses to this prompt are:

        G    continues program execution  at  the  statement  immediately
             following the PAUSE statement.

        X    causes program termination.

        T    produces a trace back  list  at  the  terminal.   This  list
             consists  of  invoked  routine names and locations, plus the
             location and module names of the callers of those  routines.
             Using  this  information  you  can  track the active path of

                            CONTROL STATEMENTS  

             execution from the main program to the PAUSE trace  routine.
             (See  Section  for a detailed description of this

        PAUSE 234
        PAUSE 'Character String'

        LINK: Loading
        [LNKXCT PTEST execution]
        Type G to Continue, X to Exit, T to Trace.
        Type G to Continue, X to Exit, T to Trace.
        Character String         
        Type G to Continue, X to Exit, T to Trace.

        CPU time 0.3   Elapsed time 18.8


   This statement signals FORTRAN that the physical end of a program unit
   has  been  reached.  END is an executable statement.  The general form
   of an END statement is:


   The following rules govern the use of the END statement:

        1.  This statement must be  the  last  physical  statement  of  a
            source program unit (main program or subprogram).

        2.  When executed in a main program, the END  statement  has  the
            effect  of  a  STOP  statement;  in a subprogram, END has the
            effect of a RETURN statement.

        3.  An END statement may be labeled, but it must not be continued
            (that is, it must appear only on an initial line).



                                 CHAPTER 10

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   FORTRAN I/O statements are divided into three categories by  function,
   as follows:

        1.  Data Transfer Statements  -  transfer data between memory and
            files.   The  "files"  can  be devices such as TTY:  or MTA:.
            Internal files and  ENCODE/DECODE  statements  are  used  for
            memory-to-memory data transfers.

        2.  File Control Statements  -  associate and disassociate  files
            and   FORTRAN   logical   unit   numbers,   and  can  specify
            characteristics of such an association.

        3.  Device Control Statements  -  position files.   For  example,
            using the device control statements you can position magnetic
            tape to a particular file or record.

   This chapter describes data transfer statements.  Chapter 11 describes
   file-control and device-control statements.

   Table  10-1  lists  the  three  categories  of  I/O  statements,   the
   statements  within  each  category, and the sections in which each I/O
   statement is further described.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   Table 10-1:  FORTRAN I/O Statement Categories

   Table 10-2, on the  tab-divider,  summarizes  all  the  data  transfer
   statement forms.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   Table 10-2:  Summary of Data Transfer Statement Forms

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS


   Data transfer statements are used to transfer data between memory  and
   files   or  between  memory  and  memory.   Data  can  be  transferred
   sequentially (sequential access) or  randomly  (direct  access).   The
   areas  in  memory from which data is to be taken during output (write)
   operations,  and  into  which  data  is  stored  during  input  (read)
   operations are specified by:

        1.  A list in the data transfer statement

        2.  A list defined by a NAMELIST statement

        3.  FORMAT  specifications  referenced  in  the   data   transfer

   The appearance and arrangement of transferred data  can  be  specified

        1.  Format specifications located in either a FORMAT statement or
            an array (FORMAT-statement I/O)

        2.  The contents of an I/O list (list-directed I/O)

        3.  An I/O list defined in a NAMELIST statement (NAMELIST I/O)

   These three methods are known collectively as formatted I/O.

   In contrast to formatted I/O transfers, FORTRAN  has  several  methods
   for  transferring  data without regard for the type and arrangement of
   the data being transferred.  These methods are known  collectively  as
   unformatted  I/O.   Unformatted  I/O transfers are particularly useful
   when you want the internal (memory) representation of the  data  being
   transferred  to  be  the same as the external (file) representation of
   the data.

   In addition, unformatted data  transfers  are  generally  faster  than
   formatted  transfers.   This  is because unformatted data transfers do
   not convert the data to or from its ASCII  representation  during  the

   The following sections describe the types  of  access  available,  the
   types  of  data  transfers  available, and the statements used for I/O
   transfer operations.

   10.2  DATA ACCESS

|  There are three forms of access available -  sequential,  direct,  and
|  keyed.  These forms are described in the following sections.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   10.2.1  Sequential Access

   If the data access is sequential, the data records are transferred  in
   a   serial   fashion   to  or  from  the  external  data  file.   Each
   sequential-access input statement transfers the  next  record(s)  from
   the  accessed data file, such that data records are transferred in the
   same order that they appear in the file.

   10.2.2  Direct Access

   If the data access is direct, the data records are transferred  to  or
   from  a  file in any desired order, as specified by a record number in
   the data transfer statement.   (Section  10.4.4  describes  specifying
   records in data transfer statements.)

   Direct-access transfers, however, can be made only to  files  residing
   on disk that have been previously set up (using an OPEN statement) for
   direct access.  Direct-access files  must  contain  identically  sized
   records that are accessed by a record number.

   You must use the  OPEN  statement  to  establish  direct  access  (see
   Section 11.2).  Execution of the OPEN statement must precede the first
   data transfer statement for the specified logical unit.
|  10.2.3  Keyed Access (TOPS-20 RMS)
|  If the data access is keyed, the data records are  transferred  to  or
|  from  an  indexed  file  as  specified  by character values or integer
|  values called keys.  The keys are defined as permanent  attributes  of
|  the  file  when the file is created.  Each READ statement contains the
|  key that locates the record.  The key value in the  I/O  statement  is
|  compared with index entries until the record is located.
|  When you insert a new record, the values contained in the  key  fields
|  of the record determine the record's placement in the file; you do not
|  have to indicate a key.
|  You  can  use  keyed  access  only  for  RMS  files  with  an  indexed
|  organization.
|  Your program can mix keyed access and sequential access I/O statements
|  on  the  same  file.  You can use keyed I/O statements to position the
|  file to a particular record and then use sequential I/O statements  to
|  access   records   with   increasing   key   values   in  the  current
|  key-of-reference.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS


   The term "formatted data transfer" describes an intermediate step that
   occurs during a data transfer.  This intermediate step, which does not
   occur in an unformatted data transfer,  converts  the  data  from  its
   internal  (memory)  representation  to  a  different  external  (file)
   representation.  (Formatted data transfers are  described  in  Section

   An unformatted data transfer refers to the transfer of  data  with  no
   change  to  the  data  during  the  transfer.   In an unformatted data
   transfer, the internal (memory) representation of  the  data  and  the
   external (file) representation of the data are the same.  (Unformatted
   data transfers are described in Section 10.3.2.)

   10.3.1  Formatted Data Transfers

   In a formatted data transfer, the internal and external format of  the
   data is controlled during the data transfer in one of three ways:

        1.  FORMAT-Statement Formatting  -  The data  transfer  statement
            contains   a  statement  number,  a  numeric  array  name,  a
            character  expression,  or  an  integer,  real,  or   logical
            variable as a format identifier.

            The statement number references a line that contains a FORMAT
            statement.   The array name references an array that contains
            a  format  specification.   The  value   of   the   character
            expression  is a format specification.  The integer, real, or
            logical variable references a FORMAT  statement  number  that
            was assigned with an ASSIGN statement.

            In  the  following  example,  the  data  transfer   statement
            contains  a  statement  number  of  a  FORMAT statement.  The
            FORMAT statement, in turn,  contains  edit  descriptors  that
            control the formatting of the data during the transfer:

                        WRITE (22,101)X,J,Z
                 101    FORMAT (1X,F10.5,I5,F6.4)

            See Section for more information on FORMAT-statement

        2.  List-Directed  Formatting  -  The  data  transfer   statement
            contains  an asterisk as the format identifier.  The asterisk
            signifies that the transfer is controlled by the data type of
            the variables in the data transfer statement I/O list.

            In the following example, the data transfer is controlled  by
            the I/O list items X, J, and Z:

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

                 WRITE (22,*)X,J,Z

            In this example, unless the data types of X, J,  and  Z  have
            been  set  explicitly  to  a type other than the default data
            type,  the  transferred  values  of  X  and   Z   appear   in
            floating-point  form,  and the transferred value of J appears
            in integer form.

            See Section for more  information  on  list-directed

        3.  NAMELIST-Statement Formatting  -  The data transfer statement
            contains  a  NAMELIST  name  as  the format identifier.  This
            NAMELIST name associates the data transfer statement  with  a
            NAMELIST I/O list defined in the NAMELIST statement elsewhere
            in the same program unit.  Elements in the NAMELIST I/O list,
            in  turn,  dictate the formatting of the data during the data

            In the following example, the data transfer is controlled  by
            the NAMELIST.

                 PROGRAM NAMLST

        See Section for more information  on  NAMELIST-statement
        formatting.  Internal Files - Internal files provide  the  capability  to
   perform  formatted  data transfers between character variables and the
   elements of an I/O list.  Their use with formatted sequential READ and
   WRITE  statements  reduces  the  need  to  use  the  ENCODE and DECODE
   statements for internal I/O (see Section 10.12).

   An internal file consists of a character variable, a  character  array
   element,  a  character array, or a character substring; a record in an
   internal file consists of any of the above except a character array.

   If an internal  file  is  a  character  variable,  array  element,  or
   substring,  that  file  comprises  a single record whose length is the
   same as the length of the variable, array element, or substring.

   If an internal file is  a  character  array,  that  file  comprises  a
   sequence  of  records,  with  each record consisting of a single array
   element.  The sequence of records in an internal file is determined by
   the  order of subscript progression (see Section 4.3.2).  Every record
   of the file has the same length, which  is  the  length  of  an  array

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   element in the array.

   The character variable, array element, or substring that is the record
   of  the  internal  file becomes defined by writing the record.  If the
   number of characters written in a record is less than  the  length  of
   the  record, the remaining portion of the record is left-justified and
   filled with blanks.

   A record in an internal  file  can  be  read  only  if  the  character
   variable,  array  element, or substring comprising the record has been
   defined (that is, a value has been assigned to the record).  Prior  to
   data  transfer, an internal file is always positioned at the beginning
   of the first record.

   10.3.2  Unformatted Data Transfers

   Unformatted data is transferred in two forms  on  TOPS-20  (BINARY  or
   IMAGE),  and  three  forms on TOPS-10 (BINARY, IMAGE, or DUMP).  In an
   explicit OPEN statement (Section 11.2.1), you can specify one of these
|  forms  as  an  argument  to  the  MODE  specifier.   (Section  11.3.24
   describes the MODE specifier and its arguments.)

   On  disk  devices  and  CORE-DUMP  tapes,  numeric  data   items   are
   transferred  directly  as  36-bit  words.   Character  data  items are
   transferred as 7-bit  bytes.   Numeric  and  character  items  can  be
   interpersed  in the same I/O list.  Numeric data items and, for BINARY
   files, record markers (LSCWs) are  always  word-aligned  (see  Section
   18.4.2).   On  INDUSTRY  tapes, numeric data items should not be used.
   Character data items are transferred  one  character  per  frame  (see
|  Section 11.3.37).

   10.3.3  Unformatted Data Transfer to ASCII Devices

   Unformatted data transfer can be done to and from ASCII devices  (such
   as line printer, plotter, or terminal).  Character data is transferred
   exactly as it appears in the input/output list, with no formatting  or
   carriage control.

   The method for transferring numeric data items depends on the  device.
   For  non-terminal  devices (such as, line printer or plotter), numeric
   data  is  treated   as   if   it   were   packed   (Hollerith)   data,
   left-justifited, five characters per word.  For the terminal, the data
   is treated as if it were right-justified, one character per word.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS


   Table 10-2, on the tab  divider,  summarizes  the  forms  of  all  the
   FORTRAN  data  transfer statements.  Figure 10-1 shows the three major
   components of data transfer statements.

   Figure 10-1:  Components of Data Transfer Statements

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   10.4.1  Data Transfer Statement Names

   In a data transfer statement, the statement name indicates whether the
   operation is an input (read) or output (write) operation.

   The FORTRAN data transfer statements described in this chapter are:

        1.  READ (see Section 10.5)

        2.  WRITE (see Section 10.6)

        3.  REREAD (see Section 10.7)

        4.  ACCEPT (see Section 10.8)

        5.  TYPE (see Section 10.9)

        6.  PRINT (see Section 10.10)

        7.  PUNCH (see Section 10.11)

        8.  ENCODE (see Section 10.12)

        9.  DECODE (see Section 10.12)

       10.  Internal READ (see Section 10.12)

       11.  Internal WRITE (see Section 10.12)
|      12.  DELETE (see Section 10.13)
|      13.  REWRITE (see Section 10.14)
|      14.  UNLOCK (see Section 10.15)

   10.4.2  Data Transfer Control-Information List

   A  control-information  list  is  included  in  every  data   transfer
   statement.   Each  control-information list (including those having an
   implicit definition of device) can contain:

        1.  One unit specifier (see Section 10.4.3)

        2.  One format specifier (see Section 10.4.5)

        3.  One record specifier (see Section 10.4.4)

        4.  One I/O status specifier (see Section 10.4.8)

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        5.  One error specifier (see Section 10.4.7)

        6.  One end-of-file specifier (see Section 10.4.6)
|       7.  One key-field-value specifier (see Section 10.4.9)
|       8.  One key-of-reference specifier (see Section 10.4.10)

   The following rules govern the placement and inclusion of items  in  a
   control-information list:

        1.  If the keyword UNIT= is omitted from the unit specifier,  the
            unit    specifier   must   be   the   first   item   in   the
            control-information list.

        2.  If the control-information list contains a  format  specifier
            (FMT=  or  NML=),  the statement is a formatted data transfer
            statement.  Otherwise, it is  an  unformatted  data  transfer
            statement.   The NML= keyword is used for NAMELIST formatting
            only, although you can also use the FMT= keyword for NAMELIST

            If the keywords FMT= or  NML=  is  omitted  from  the  format
            specifier,  the  format  specifier must be the second item in
            the control-information list, and the first item must be  the
            unit specifier without the keyword UNIT=.

        3.  If the control-information list contains a  record  specifier
            (REC=),  the  statement  is  a  direct-access  data  transfer
            statement.   Otherwise,  it  is  a   sequential-access   data
            transfer statement.

            If the keyword REC= is omitted from the record specifier, the
            unit  specifier (without the keyword UNIT=) must appear first
            in the control-information list, followed by a  single  quote
            ('), and then the record specifier.

        4.  A control-information  list  cannot  contain  both  a  record
            specifier and an end-of-file specifier.

        5.  If the format specifier is an asterisk or a NAMELIST name,  a
            record    specifier    must    not   be   included   in   the
            control-information list.

        6.  A control-information list in an internal file or  ENCODE  or
            DECODE  statement  must contain a format specifier other than
            an asterisk or NAMELIST name, and must not contain  a  record
|       7.  If the control-information list contains  a  key-of-reference
|           specifier   (KEYID=),  the  statement  must  also  contain  a
|           key-field-value specifier.  If a key-field-value specifier is

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|           present,  KEYID= may be omitted; the current key-of-reference
|           as specified by a previous KEYID= specifier is used  (or  the
|           primary index if never set).

   10.4.3  Unit References in Data Transfer Statements

   The unit specifier is used to refer to a file or device.  The form  of
   a unit specifier is:

        UNIT = un


         un  is a logical unit identifier or an internal file identifier.

   A logical unit identifier (see Section is used to  refer  to
   an  external file.  An internal file identifier (see Section
   is used to refer to an internal file.

   The keyword UNIT= is optional if the unit specifier is the first  item
   in the control-information list.  FORTRAN Logical Unit Identifier - The FORTRAN  logical  unit
   identifier  is associated with the file to or from which data is being
   transferred.  This identifier is an integer expression whose value  is
   in the range of 0 to 99, or an asterisk.

   For example, the following WRITE statement contains the  reference  to
   logical  unit  number  22 as the first item in the control-information

        WRITE (22,101)

   Table 10-3 lists the default logical unit  number  assignments.   Note
   that  logical  unit  number  22  identifies the file as DSK:FOR22.DAT.
   Thus,  the  sample  WRITE  statement  references  a  disk.   The  unit
   identifier  asterisk  corresponds  to  the  card  reader  for the READ
   statement, and to the line printer for the WRITE statement.

   The compiler automatically assigns default logical  unit  numbers  for
   the  REREAD,  READ,  ACCEPT, PRINT, PUNCH, TYPE, and WRITE statements.
   Default unit numbers are negative integers that  cannot  be  accessed.
   For example:

        1.  OPEN(UNIT=n) or READ/WRITE(UNIT=n)  where  n  is  a  negative
            integer is illegal.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        2.  Assigning a negative decimal number to a  device  at  command
            level is illegal.

            You can,  however,  from  monitor  command  level,  assign  a
            default  device  to  another  device.  For example, using the
            TOPS-20 DEFINE command (or TOPS-10 ASSIGN command),  you  can
            assign LPT:  (line printer) to DSK:  (disk).  If you do this,
            then any I/O  statements  that  reference  the  line  printer
            actually reference the disk.

   You can optionally make the logical device assignments at runtime,  or
   you  can  use  the default assignments contained by the FORTRAN Object
   Time System (FOROTS).  Table 10-3 lists  the  default  logical  device
   assignments.   You  should  specify  the  device explicitly in an OPEN
   statement (see Section 11.2) if  you  wish  to  override  the  default

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   Table 10-3:  FORTRAN Logical Device Assignments

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS  Internal File Identifier - The  internal   file   identifier
   specifies  the  internal file to be used.  This identifier is the name
   of a character variable, character array, character array element,  or
   character substring.


        CHARACTER*132 LINE

   10.4.4  Record Number References In Data Transfer Statements

   All direct-access data  transfer  statements  must  contain  a  record
   specifier, which is used in the transfer to identify the number of the
   record to be accessed.

   The form of the record specifier in the control-information list is:



        rn        is a positive integer  expression  that  indicates  the
                  record number.

   When you use the REC=rn form to specify the  record  number,  you  can
   place the record specifier anywhere in the control-information list.

   An alternative way for including the record specifier is:



        un        is a positive  integer  constant,  variable,  or  array
                  element  that represents the logical unit number of the
                  device to or from which  the  data  transfer  is  being
                  made.   When  you  use  this  form  for  specifying the
                  logical unit number, you cannot use the UNIT= keyword.

        '         is an apostrophe delimiting  the  logical  unit  number
                  from the record number.

        rn        is a positive  integer  constant,  variable,  or  array
                  element that represents the record number.

   When you use the alternative form for specifying  the  record  number,
   you cannot use the keyword REC=.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   10.4.5  Format References in Data Transfer Statements

   All formatted data transfer statements must contain a format specifier
   in  the  control-information  list.   The  general  form of the format
   specifier is:



        NML= a NAMELIST name


        FMT=      is the keyword used in the keyword form of  the  format
                  specifier.   Using  the  keyword  form  of  the  format
                  specifier makes  it  positionally  independent  in  the
                  control-information list.

        NML=      is the keyword that can be used  instead  of  FMT=  for
                  NAMELIST  formatting.   Either FMT= or NML= can be used
                  for NAMELIST formatting.

        f         is a format  identifier.   Depending  on  the  type  of
                  formatting chosen, f can be one of the following:

                  1.  A statement number

                  2.  A numeric array name

                  3.  A character expression

                  4.  An integer, real, or logical variable

                  5.  An asterisk

                  6.  A NAMELIST name

   If you do not use the keyword form of the format specifier,  you  must
   place   the   format   specifier   as   the   second   item   of   the
   control-information  list  (immediately  following  the  logical  unit
   number specifier) (see Section 10.4.2).

   Sections through describe all forms  of  the  format

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS  FORMAT-Statement  Formatting - The  FORMAT-statement  format
   specifier has the following form:



        FMT=      is the optional keyword in the format specifier.

        f         is one of the following:

                  1.  The  statement  number  of   a   FORMAT   statement
                      appearing  in  the  same  program  unit as the data
                      transfer statement

                  2.  The name of a numeric array

                  3.  A character expression

                  4.  An integer, real, or logical variable that has been
                      assigned  a  FORMAT statement number with an ASSIGN
                      statement (see Section 8.3)

                  (See   Section   12.1   for   more    information    on
                  FORMAT-statement formatting.)

   The following examples show all forms of the  FORMAT-statement  format
   specifier.   In  the  first  example,  the  format specifier (FMT=101)
   references the FORMAT statement 101 in the same program unit.

             PROGRAM TEST
             WRITE (UNIT=22,FMT=101) I,P
        101  FORMAT (1X,'FIRST VALUE IS: ',I,' SECOND VALUE IS: ',F)

   In the second example, the same format list used in the first  example
   is  stored in an 10-element array.  Note that the word "FORMAT" is not
   included in the array.


        MYARAY(3)=' VALU'
        MYARAY(4)='E IS:'
        MYARAY(5)=' '',I,'
        MYARAY(6)=''' SEC'
        MYARAY(7)='OND V'

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        MYARAY(8)='ALUE '
        MYARAY(9)='IS: '''



   In the third example, the same format  list  used  in  the  first  two
   examples is stored in a character expression.

        INTEGER I
        REAL P

        WRITE(UNIT=22,FMT='(1X,'''//WORD1//' VALUE IS: '',I,'' '//
        1 WORD2//' VALUE IS: '',F)') I,P

   In the fourth example, the format specifier (FMT=IFORMT) references  a
   variable that has been assigned a statement number.

             PROGRAM TESTD
             ASSIGN 101 TO IFORMT
             WRITE (UNIT=22,FMT=IFORMT) I,P
        101  FORMAT (1X,'FIRST VALUE IS: ',I, 'SECOND VALUE IS: ',F)

   For more information on FORMAT-statement formatting, see Section 12.1.  List-Directed Formatting - In list-directed formatting,  the
   variables  in  the I/O list of the data transfer statement dictate the
   formatting of the data during the transfer.

   The form of the list-directed format specifier is:



                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        FMT=      is the optional keyword part of the  format  specifier.
                  Including  this  keyword  in  the  format specification
                  makes the specification positionally independent in the
                  control-information   list.    If  you  omit  the  FMT=
                  keyword,  the  format  specifier  must  be  the  second
                  specifier (the unit specifier must be first).

        *         is an asterisk that indicates that  the  formatting  is

   In the following example, the variables  I  and  P  are  formatted  by
   list-directed formatting.

        WRITE (UNIT=22,FMT=*) I,P

   List-directed formatting is further described in Section 12.5.  NAMELIST-Statement   Formatting - If   the   formatting   is
   NAMELIST,   the  format  specifier  in  the  control-information  list
   contains a  reference  to  a  NAMELIST  name  defined  in  a  NAMELIST
   statement   in  the  same  program  unit.   Since  the  NAMELIST  name
   definition contains an  I/O  list,  a  data  transfer  statement  that
   contains  a  NAMELIST name in the format specifier cannot also contain
   an I/O list.

   The form of the NAMELIST format specifier is:





        FMT=      is the optional keyword part of the  format  specifier.
                  Including the keyword in the format specification makes
                  it positionally independent in the  control-information
                  list.   If  you  do not include the keyword part of the
                  format specifier, you must place the  format  specifier
                  second (after the logical unit number specifier) in the
                  control-information list.

        NML=      is an alternative keyword that can be used in place  of

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        name      is the NAMELIST name.  The NAMELIST name is defined  in
                  a NAMELIST statement in the same program unit.

   In the following example, the data transfer statement uses a  NAMELIST
   name in its format reference:


   The execution of this sample program is as follows:

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TESTNL  execution]
         $MYIOLT I=675,P=34.71$

        I= 675, P= 34.71000

        CPU time 0.2   Elapsed time 32.0

   For further information on the NAMELIST statement, see Section 12.7.

   10.4.6  Optional End-of-File Transfer of Control (END=)

   The  optional  end-of-file  transfer  specifier  (END=)  specifies   a
   statement number to which control passes if this statement attempts to
   read past the last data record of a file.

   If you  include  an  ERR=  specifier  (Section  10.4.7)  and  no  END=
   specifier,  control  passes  to  the  statement  indicated in the ERR=
   specifier whenever an end-of-file condition occurs.  Note that an END=
   specifier  on  any  output  statement  and  on an input statement of a
   direct-access file is ignored.

   If no END= specifier, IOSTAT= specifier, or ERR= specifier is included
   in  the  data  transfer  statement,  and  an  end-of-file condition is
   encountered,  an  error  message  is  displayed  on  the   controlling
   terminal, and program execution is terminated.

   The form of the END specifier is:



                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        END=      is the keyword part of the END=  specifier.   The  END=
                  portion of the END= specifier is required.

        s         is the statement number of an executable  statement  in
                  the current program unit.

   In the following example, the end-of-file specifier causes a  transfer
   of   control  to  statement  50  after  the  data  transfer  statement
   encounters an end-of-file on unit 22.

             PROGRAM TESTEN
             READ (UNIT=22,FMT=30,END=50) A,B,C
        30   FORMAT (F/F/F)
             GO TO 100
        50   WRITE (UNIT=5,FMT=75)
        100  WRITE (UNIT=5,FMT=105)

   The  following  shows  the  sample  program  being  executed  and  the
   end-of-file  branch  being taken.  In this example, the READ statement
   reads from  the  default  filename,  FOR22.DAT.   To  demonstrate  the
   end-of-file  branch,  FOR22.DAT is an empty file.  Thus, when the READ
   statement attempts  to  read  records  from  FOR22.DAT,  an  immediate
   end-of-file condition is detected.

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TESTEN execution]

        CPU time 0.2   Elapsed time 0.5

|  When sequentially reading  records  from  an  RMS  indexed  file,  the
|  end-of-file  branch,  if  specified,  will  be  taken if the statement
|  attempts to read past the last data record of the current index.

   10.4.7  Optional Data Transfer Error Control (ERR=)

   The optional error specifier (ERR=) enables you to specify a statement
   to  which  control passes if an error occurs during the data transfer.
   If an error occurs other than for end-of-file, the file is  positioned
   after the record containing the error.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS


           If the program attempts to read  from  the  same  unit
           after  an ERR= branch occurs, the record following the
           record containing the error will be read.  To  read  a
           record  containing the error, the program must execute
           either  a  REREAD  statement  (Section  10.7)   or   a
           BACKSPACE   (Section   11.8.4)   followed  by  a  READ

   If no ERR= specifier or IOSTAT= specifier  is  present  and  an  error
   occurs during the data transfer, the program is aborted.

   The form of the error specifier is:



        ERR=      is the keyword portion of the error specifier.

        s         is the statement number of an executable  statement  in
                  the same program unit.

   The following example shows the error specifier  being  used  to  pass
   control to the statement at line 85 if an error occurs during the data

             PROGRAM TESTEN
             READ (UNIT=22,FMT=30,END=50,ERR=85) A,B,C
        30   FORMAT (F/F/F)
             GO TO 100
        50   WRITE (UNIT=5,FMT=75)
             GO TO 100
        85   WRITE (UNIT=5,FMT=86)
        100  WRITE (5,105)

        TYPE FOR22.DAT

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TESTEN execution]

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        CPU time 0.2   Elapsed time 2.8

   In this example, the error branch is  taken  when  the  input  routine
   detects   a   nonnumeric   data   item  while  attempting  to  read  a
   floating-point number into variable C.  If the file FOR22.DAT contains
   more than three records, the next READ accesses record 4 in the file.

   10.4.8  Optional Error Variable For Error Reporting (IOSTAT=)

   The optional I/O status specifier enables you to designate an  integer
   variable  which  receives a value indicating the success or failure of
   the data transfer.

   When  the  data  transfer  statement  is  successfully  executed,  the
   variable  is  assigned a value of zero.  If an error occurs during the
   data transfer, the variable is assigned a  positive  value  indicating
   which  error  occured  (see Appendix D).  In this case, if there is no
   ERR= specifier, the program proceeds to the statement after  the  data
   transfer statement.

   If an end-of-file occurs during the data transfer, the variable is set
   to  -1.   In  this  case,  if  there is no END= or ERR= specifier, the
   program proceeds to the statement after the data transfer statement.

   The form of the error variable specifier is:



        ios       is  an  integer  variable  that  is  the   I/O   status

   The following example shows the I/O status  specifier  being  used  to
   report  the  number of the error on default unit 5 if the error branch
   is taken.

             PROGRAM TESTEN
        10   READ (UNIT=22,FMT=30,END=50,ERR=85,IOSTAT=J)A,B,C
        30   FORMAT (F4.1/F4.1/F4.1)
             WRITE (UNIT=5,FMT=40)A,B,C
        40   FORMAT (1X,'THE VALUES ARE: ',3F6.1)
             GO TO 100
        50   WRITE (UNIT=5,FMT=75)
             GO TO 100
        85   WRITE (UNIT=5,FMT=86)J

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

             IF(J.GT.0) GO TO 10
        100  WRITE (5,105)

        TYPE FOR22.DAT

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TESTEN execution]
        THE VALUES ARE:   80.0  90.0  95.0

        CPU time 0.2   Elapsed time 1.5

   In this example, the IOSTAT variable J is  set  when  the  first  READ
   detects  a  nonnumeric  data  item  while trying to input the data for
   variable C.   In  this  case,  the  value  of  IOSTAT  represents  the
   processor specific error number (the second value listed in the FOROTS
   error  messages  in  Section  D.1),  and  indicates  that  an  illegal
   character  has  been detected in the data.  After the error status has
   been printed, the second READ successfully executes using  records  4,
   5, and 6 from the file.
|  10.4.9  Key-Field-Value Specifier (TOPS-20 RMS)
|  The key-field-value specifier is used to specify the key  field  value
|  of  a  record  to  be  accessed in an indexed file.  Indexed files are
|  composed of records that have one or more fields in common;  that  is,
|  the  byte offset, type and length of the field(s) are the same in each
|  record in any given indexed file.
|  A key-field-value specifier has two components:
|        o  An expression, which specifies the key field value to be used
|           in locating the record to be transferred
|        o  A match criterion, which specifies the selection conditions
|  A key-field-value specifier has one of the following forms:

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|       KEY=val
|       KEYEQ=val
|       KEYGE=val
|       KEYGT=val
|  where:
|        val      is a character expression  or  an  integer  expression.
|                 Character  expressions  must be used with character key
|                 fields, and  integer  expressions  must  be  used  with
|                 integer key fields.
|  An integer expression in a key-field-value  specifier  cannot  contain
|  real or complex values.
|  The match criterion specifies which key values in the record can match
|  the expression.  There are three possible criteria:
|        o  Equal - the key field value must be equal to  the  expression
|           specified.
|        o  Greater - the key  field  value  must  be  greater  than  the
|           expression specified.
|        o  Greater than or equal - the key field value must  be  greater
|           than or equal to the expression specified.
|  The following parameters are  used  to  establish  the  desired  match
|  criterion:
|       KEY=val     specifies an equal match
|       KEYEQ=val   specifies an equal match
|       KEYGT=val   specifies a greater than match
|       KEYGE=val   specifies a greater than or equal match
|  For character expressions, the comparison is  made  according  to  the
|  ASCII  collating sequence.  For integer expressions, the comparison is
|  made according to the signed integer value.
|  For character keys, either generic match or exact match can  be  used.
|  A generic match compares only a specified number of leading characters
|  in the key.   The  length  of  the  search  key  determines  how  many
|  characters are compared.
|  For example, if the expression is 'ABCD'  and  the  key  field  is  10
|  characters  long, then an equal match is obtained for the first record
|  containing 'ABCD' as  the  first  4  bytes  of  the  key  field.   The
|  remaining six characters are arbitrary.
|  An approximate-generic match occurs when approximate match  (KEYGT  or
|  KEYGE)  is  selected in addition to generic match.  In that case, only
|  the leftmost characters are used for comparison.  For example, if  the
|  expression  is  'ABCD',  the  key field is five characters long, and a

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  greater-than match is selected, then the value 'ABCDA' does not match;
|  'ABCEx' does match.
|  Key Attributes - By  default,  FOROTS  creates  new  indexed
|  files  with  the "No duplicate" and "No change" attributes set for the
|  primary index.   Secondary  indexes  default  to  the  duplicates  and
|  allowed  changes.   Thus,  new  records containing a primary key that,
|  when written, produces a duplicate primary key in the index, cause  an
|  error  message or the ERR= branch to be taken.  Records updated with a
|  REWRITE statement that results in a revised primary key, also  produce
|  an error.
|  The default "No duplicate" attribute for primary key  can  be  changed
|  only  in  a USEROPEN routine (see Section 11.3.39).  RMS requires that
|  primary keys cannot be changed.
|  10.4.10  Key-of-Reference Specifier
|  The key-of-reference specifier  may  optionally  be  included  with  a
|  key-field-value  specifier;  it is used to specify the key field index
|  that is to be searched for the specified key field value.
|  The form of the key-of-reference specifier is:
|       KEYID=kn
|  where:
|        kn  is  an  integer  expression,  called  the   key-of-reference
|            number, which designates the key field index to be searched.
|  The key-of-reference number is an integer value in the range  zero  to
|  the  maximum  key  number  defined  for  the  file.   A  value of zero
|  specifies the  primary  key,  a  value  of  one  specifies  the  first
|  alternate key, and so forth.
|  If no key-of-reference number  is  given,  it  defaults  to  the  last
|  specification given in a keyed I/O statement for that logical unit, or
|  the primary key-of-reference if never set.

   10.4.11  Data Transfer Statement Input/Output Lists

   The I/O list in an input or output statement  contains  the  names  of
   variables,  arrays,  array elements, or character substrings.  The I/O
   list in an output statement can  also  contain  expressions,  function
   references, or constants.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   An I/O list has the following form:



|       e    is a simple input or output item (see Section  or
|            an implied DO list (see Section

   The I/O statement assigns values to, or  transfers  values  from,  the
   list elements in the order in which they appear (from left to right).  Simple List Elements - A simple input list item can be  one
   of the following:

        1.  A variable name

        2.  An array element name

        3.  A character substring name

        4.  An array name

   For example:

        READ (5,10) J,K(3),CH(1:3)

   A simple output list item can be one of the above, or it can be one of
   the following:

        1.  A constant

        2.  A function reference

        3.  An expression

   For example:

        WRITE (5,10) J,K(3),(L+4)/2,CH(1:3)

   An input list item cannot be an expression.  However, it  can  contain
   expressions as subscripts or substring bounds.

   I/O list items can be of the following types:

        1.  Integer

        2.  Real

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        3.  Double-precision

        4.  Complex

        5.  Logical

        6.  Character

        7.  Octal

        8.  Double Octal

        9.  Hollerith

   When you use an unsubscripted array name in  an  I/O  list,  an  input
   statement  reads  enough  data  to fill every element of the array; an
   output statement writes all the values in the  array.   Data  transfer
   begins with the initial element of the array and proceeds in the order
   of subscript progression, with the  leftmost  subscript  varying  most
   rapidly from lower to upper bound.  For example, the following defines
   a two-dimensional array:

        DIMENSION ARRAY(3,3)

   If the name ARRAY with no subscripts appears in a READ statement, that
   statement  assigns  values  from  the  input  record(s) to ARRAY(1,1),
   ARRAY(2,1), ARRAY(3,1), ARRAY(1,2), and so on through ARRAY(3,3).

   In an input statement, variables in the I/O list can be used in  array
   subscripts later in the list, for example:

                 READ (1,1250) J,K,ARRAY(J,K)
        1250     FORMAT (I1,1X,I1,1X,F6.2)

   The input record contains the following values:


   When the READ statement is executed, the first input value is assigned
   to  J  and  the second to K, thereby establishing the actual subscript
   values  for  ARRAY(J,K).   Then  the  value  721.73  is  assigned   to
   ARRAY(1,3).   Variables  that are to be used as subscripts in this way
   must appear before (to the left of) their use as the array  subscripts
   in the I/O list.  Implied DO Lists - An  implied  DO  list  is  an  I/O  list
   element  that  functions  as  though  it were part of an I/O statement
   within a DO loop.  Implied DO lists can be used to:

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        1.  Specify iteration of part of an I/O list

        2.  Transfer part of an array

        3.  Transfer array elements in  a  sequence  different  from  the
            order of subscript progression

   As in explicit DO loops, zero-trip implied DO loops are possible  (see
   Section 9.3).

   An implied DO list has the form:



        dlist          is an I/O list.   Dlist  can  also  contain  other
                       implied DO lists.

        i              is the index control variable that can represent a
                       subscript appearing in a preceding subscript list.

        e1,e2,e3       are  the   indexing   parameters   that   specify,
                       respectively, the initial, terminal, and increment
                       values that control the range  of  i.   If  e3  is
                       omitted  (with  its preceding comma), a value of 1
                       is assumed.

   The variable i and the parameters e1, e2, and e3 have the  same  forms
   and the same functions that they have in the DO statement (see Section
   9.3).  The list immediately preceding the DO loop control variable  is
   the range of the implied DO loop.  Elements in that list can reference
   the index, but they must not alter it.  Some examples are:

        WRITE (3,200) (A,B,C, I=1,3)

   The statement in this example functions as though you had written:

        WRITE (3,200) A,B,C,A,B,C,A,B,C

   The following two statements are the same:

        WRITE (3,200) (X(I),I=1,3)

        WRITE (3,200) X(1),X(2),X(3)

   Another example is:

        WRITE (6) (I,(J,P(I),Q(I,J),J=1,L),I=1,M)

   The I/O list in this example consists of an implied DO list containing
   another implied DO list nested with it.  The implied DO lists together

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   write a total of (1+3*L) *M fields, varying values of J for each value
   of I.

   In a series of nested implied DO lists, the parentheses  indicate  the
   nesting  (see  Section  9.3.4).   Execution  of  the innermost list is
   repeated most often.  For example:

             WRITE (6,150) ((FORM(K,L), L=1,10), K=1,10,2)
        150  FORMAT (F10.2)

   Because the inner DO loop is executed 10 times for each  iteration  of
   the  outer  loop,  the second subscript, L, advances from 1 through 10
   for each increment of the first subscript.  This is the reverse of the
   order  of  subscript progression.  In addition, K is incremented by 2,
   so only the odd-numbered rows of the array are output.

   The entire list of an  implied  DO  list  is  transmitted  before  the
   control variable is incremented, for example:

        READ (5,999) (P(I), (Q(I,J), J=1,10), I=1,5)

   In this example, P(1), Q(1,1), Q(1,2),...,Q(1,10) are read before I is
   incremented to 2.

   When processing multidimensional arrays, you can use a combination  of
   fixed  subscripts  and subscripts that vary according to an implied DO
   list, for example:

        READ (3,5555) (BOX(1,J), J=1,10)

   This statement assigns input values to BOX(1,1) through BOX(1,10)  and
   then terminates without affecting any other element of the array.

   The value of the control variable can also be  output  directly.   For

        WRITE (6,1111) (I, I=1,20)

   This statement simply outputs the integers 1 through 20.


                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS


   The READ statement transfers data from a file into memory.  There  are
   two categories of READ statements:  formatted (see Section 10.5.1) and
|  unformatted (see Section 10.5.2).   An  indexed  READ  statement  (see
|  Section  10.5.3)  applies only to RMS indexed files, and can be either
|  formatted or unformatted.

|  For RMS relative files that are accessed sequentially, RMS  reads  the
|  next  existing  record,  skipping  any  deleted or empty record cells.
|  Relative files accessed randomly return a "?Record  not  found"  error
|  (or take the ERR= branch) for deleted or non-existent records.

   Table 10-4 summarizes the various forms of the READ statement.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   Table 10-4:  Summary of READ Statement Forms

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   10.5.1  Formatted READ Transfers

   A formatted READ transfer uses a READ statement  that  specifies  that
   the  transferred  data  is  edited  during the transfer, such that the
   external and internal representation of the data are  different.   The
   three  types  of  formatted  READ  statements  are:  FORMAT-statement,
   list-directed, and NAMELIST-statement.

   There are two types of access  to  the  device  from  which  the  READ
   statement  transfers  data.   They  are sequential and direct.  If you
   want to perform a direct-access formatted READ from a device, you must
   use   FORMAT-statement   formatting.    List-directed   and   NAMELIST
   formatting can only be  used  with  sequential-access  formatted  READ
   statements.  Sequential FORMAT-Statement  READ - This  section  describes
   the sequential-access (FORMAT-statement) formatted READ statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        READ (UNIT=un,FMT=f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,FMT=f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If an I/O list is included in these forms, it specifies that  data  is
   transferred   from   logical  unit  un,  formatted  according  to  the
   specification given by f, and transferred into  the  elements  of  the
   specified I/O list.

   If an I/O list is not included, the input record is skipped.  (If  the
   FORMAT  statement specifies slash editing, more than one record can be
   skipped.  H or apostrophe editing can cause data transfers to occur to
   the FORMAT statement itself.  See Section 12.4.)

   The  following  example  contains  two  READ  statements:   the  first
   contains an I/O list; the second does not:

             READ (22,5) A,Z,J        
        5    FORMAT (2F10.2,I5)
             READ (22,5)              

   In this example, the  first  READ  statement  reads  one  record  from
   logical  unit  22, formats the data according to the FORMAT statement,
   and assigns the values to the variables A, Z, and J.  The second  READ
   statement skips one input record on logical unit 22.

   The default unit forms of this READ statement operates in the same way

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   as  the  first  forms,  except  that data transfers reference the card
   reader, which is the default logical unit for these forms.

   The default unit forms of this statement are:

        READ f[,iolist]

        READ (UNIT=*,FMT=f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]  Direct-Access FORMAT-Statement READ - This section describes
   the direct-access (FORMAT-statement) formatted READ statement.

   The forms of this statement are:

        READ (UNIT=un,FMT=f,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,FMT=f,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,f,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If an I/O list is included in  these  forms,  the  data  specified  by
   record rn is transferred, according to the format specifications given
   in f, into the elements of the I/O list.  These forms can be used only
   with  disk  files  that  have  been  opened  by an OPEN statement that
   specifies ACCESS='DIRECT', ACCESS='RANDOM',  or  ACCESS='RANDIN'  (see
   Section 11.3.1).

   If the record specified by rn has not been written, an  error  results
   (except for IMAGE mode files).

   The following example shows this form of the READ statement.

             READ (22,5,REC=10)A,Z,J
        5    FORMAT (2F10.2,I5)

   In this example, the READ statement reads record 10 from logical  unit
   22,  formats  the  data according to the FORMAT statement, and assigns
   the values to variables A, Z, and J.

   The alternative forms of this READ statement operate in the  same  way
   as  the first forms.  The only difference between the forms is the way
   in which the unit and record specifications are expressed.

   The alternative forms for this statement are:

        READ (un'rn,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un'rn,f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   In the alternative forms,  the  unit  and  record  references  do  not
   contain  the  keywords  UNIT=  and  REC=.   Instead the unit number is
   specified first; a single quote (') is specified next; followed  by  a
   record number, a comma, and finally the format reference.  Sequential List-Directed READ - This section  describes  the
   sequential-access (list-directed) formatted READ statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        READ (UNIT=un,FMT=*[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,FMT=*[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,*[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   With these forms, the data is transferred from logical device  un  and
   is  formatted  according  to the data types of the elements of the I/O
   list.  If the I/O list is not included, a record is skipped.

   The default unit forms of this statement are:

        READ *[,iolist]

        READ (UNIT=*,FMT=*[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   With these forms, the data is transferred from the  card  reader  (the
   default  device),  and is formatted according to the data types of the
   elements in the specified I/O list.

   The following example shows this form of the READ statement:

        CHARACTER*14 C
        COMPLEX D,E
        LOGICAL L,M
        READ (1,*) I,R,D,E,L,M,J,K,S,T,C,A,B

   The external record to be read contains the following:

        4 6.3 (3.4,4.2), (3,2 ) , T,F,,3*14.6 ,'ABC,DEF/GHI''JK'/

   Upon execution of the program unit, the following values are  assigned
   to the I/O list elements:

        I    4
        R    6.3
        D    (3.4,4.2)
        E    (3.0,2.0)

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        L    .TRUE.
        M    .FALSE.
        K    14
        S    14.6
        T    14.6D0
        C    ABC,DEF/GHI'JK

   A, B, and J are unchanged.  Sequential NAMELIST-Statement READ - This section  describes
   the sequential-access (NAMELIST-statement) formatted READ statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        READ (UNIT=un,FMT=name[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        READ (UNIT=un,NML=name[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        READ (un,FMT=name[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        READ (un,NML=name[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        READ (un,name[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

   With these forms, the data is transferred from the specified unit into
   the  locations  specified  by  the  NAMELIST  list.  The formatting is
   controlled by the implicit data types of the NAMELIST list items.   We
   suggest  that  you  use  the  NAMELIST  form  of the READ statement to
   transfer data from files created by the NAMELIST  form  of  the  WRITE
   statement (Section

   The following example shows this form of the READ statement:

        READ (22,DATA)

   In this example, the NAMELIST statement associates the  NAMELIST  name
   DATA  with  a  list  of three items.  The corresponding READ statement
   reads input data and assigns values to the specified namelist items.

   10.5.2  Unformatted READ Transfers

   Unformatted  READ  transfers  move  data  from  a  specified  file  to
   locations  in  memory.   Unlike  formatted READ transfers, unformatted
   transfers do not involve any editing of the data.

   The two types of unformatted data transfers enable  you  to  access  a

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   specified file either sequentially or directly.


           The OPEN  statement  MODE  specifier  enables  you  to
           specify in which form the unformatted data file exists
|          (see Section 11.3.24).  If you execute an  unformatted
           READ statement without having first specified the MODE
           in an OPEN statement, the data file is assumed  to  be
           BINARY.   (For  additional  information on unformatted
           data file forms, see Section 11.2.)  Sequential Unformatted  READ - This  section  describes  the
   sequential-access unformatted READ statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        READ (UNIT=un[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If the I/O list is present, the data is  transferred  as  one  logical
   record from the specified logical unit.  This type of read should only
   be used to read files that have  been  created  by  unformatted  WRITE

   If you omit the I/O list portion of the statement, the statement skips
   one logical record on input from the specified unit.

   The following example shows this type of READ statement used both with
   and without the I/O list:

        READ (22)A,Z,J
        READ (22)

   In this example, the  first  READ  statement  reads  one  record  from
   logical  unit  22  and  assigns  values to variables A, Z, and J.  The
   second READ statement skip one record from logical unit 22.  Direct-Access Unformatted READ - This section describes  the
   direct-access unformatted READ statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        READ (UNIT=un,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   If an I/O list is included in these forms, the data, in  the  form  of
   one  logical  record,  is transferred from the specified unit into the
   elements of the I/O list.  Only files that  have  been  output  by  an
   unformatted  WRITE statement should be transferred by this form of the
   READ statement.  In addition, for FORTRAN binary files, if the  record
   specified by rn has not been written, an error results.

   These forms can be used only with disk files that have been opened  by
   an  OPEN statement that specifies ACCESS='DIRECT', ACCESS='RANDOM', or
   ACCESS='RANDIN' (see Section 11.3.1).

   The alternative form of this READ statement functions the same as  the
   first forms.  The only difference between the forms is in the way that
   the unit and record are specified.

   The alternative form of this statement is:

        READ (un'rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   In this form, the unit  and  record  references  do  not  contain  the
   keywords  UNIT= and REC=.  Instead the unit number is specified first;
   a single quote (') is  specified  next;  then  the  record  number  is
   specified last.

   The following example demonstrates the use  of  the  unformatted  READ

        READ (22,REC=10)A,Z,J    
        READ (22'12)B,X,K

   In this example, the first READ statement reads record 10 from logical
   unit  22  and assigns values to the variables A, Z, and J.  The second
   READ statement reads record 12 from logical unit 22 and assigns values
   to the variables B, X, and K.
|  10.5.3  Indexed READ Transfers (TOPS-20)
|  RMS indexed files can be  read  either  sequentially  or  randomly  by
|  key-of-reference  and  key-field-value.  The access mode is determined
|  by the READ statement, and can be switched from one mode to the  other
|  in successive read statements.
|  Keyed or random READ statements  from  an  indexed  file  require  the
|  specification  of  a  key  relational  value  (match  criterion),  and
|  optionally, a key-of-reference.  Keyed or random READ  statements  can
|  be formatted or unformatted.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  Sequential  Indexed  READ - Indexed  files   can   be   read
|  sequentially  on  any  index  defined  when  the  file  is created.  A
|  sequential indexed read does not require any new syntax  in  the  READ
|  statement.
|  Sequential reads retrieve successive records in  an  indexed  file  by
|  ascending  key  value  for  a  specific  key of reference.  The key of
|  reference can be established  by  a  prior  keyed  read  (the  key  of
|  reference  remains unchanged until the next keyed read changes it), or
|  defaults to the primary key of reference.
|  A sequential read on a key of reference returns  end-of-file  when  no
|  records with a higher key value exist in that index.
|  Formatted  Indexed   READ - This   section   describes   the
|  formatted indexed READ statement.
|  This statement has the following forms:
|       READ (UNIT=un,FMT=f,key=val[,KEYID=kn][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]
|       READ (un,FMT=f,key=val[,KEYID=kn][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]
|       READ (un,f,key=val[,KEYID=kn][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]
|  where key= can be either KEY=, KEYEQ=, KEYGT=, or KEYGE=.
|  The formatted indexed READ statement  can  be  used  only  on  indexed
|  files.   If  the  I/O  list  and  format  specifications  specify that
|  additional  records  are  to  be  read,  the  statement  reads   those
|  additional  records  sequentially  using  the current key-of-reference
|  value.
|  If  the  KEYID=  keyword  is  omitted,  the  key-of-reference  remains
|  unchanged  from  the most recent specification.  If the KEYID= keyword
|  is omitted from the first keyed  read,  the  key-of-reference  is  the
|  primary key.
|  If the specified key value is shorter than the key field referred  to,
|  the  key  value  is  matched  against  the  leftmost characters of the
|  appropriate key field until a match is found; the record supplying the
|  match is then read.
|  An example of the use of the formatted indexed READ statement is:
|       READ (1,KAT(25),KEY='ABCD') A,B,C,D
|  In this example, the READ statement retrieves  a  record  with  a  key
|  value of "ABCD' in the primary key, and then uses the format contained
|  in the array item KAT(25) to read  the  first  four  fields  from  the

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  record into variables A,B,C, and D.
|  Unformatted  Indexed  READ - This  section   describes   the
|  unformatted indexed READ statement.
|  This statement has the following forms:
|       READ (UNIT=un,key=val[,KEYID=kn][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]
|       READ (un,key=val[,KEYID=kn][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]
|  where key= can be either KEY=, KEYEQ=, KEYGT=, or KEYGE=.
|  The unformatted indexed READ statement can be  used  only  on  indexed
|  files.  If the number of the I/O list elements is less than the number
|  of fields in the record being read, the unused fields  in  the  record
|  are discarded.
|  If a specified key value is shorter than the key  field  referred  to,
|  the  key  value  is  matched  against  the  leftmost characters of the
|  appropriate key field until a match is found; the record supplying the
|  match is then read.
|  The following example demonstrates the use of the unformatted  indexed
|  READ statement:
|       OPEN (UNIT=1,STATUS='OLD',
|       2    FORM='UNFORMATTED',
|       3    KEY=(1:5,30:37,18:23))
|  In this example, the  READ  statement  reads  from  the  indexed  file
|  connected  to  logical  unit 1 and retrieves the record with the value
|  'SMITH' in the primary key field (bytes 1 to 5).  The first two fields
|  of  the  record  retrieved  are  placed  in  variables ALPHA and BETA,
|  respectively.
|  In this example, the READ statement retrieves the first record  having
|  a  value equal to or greater than 'XYZDEF' in the second alternate key
|  field (bytes 18 to 23).  This first field of that record is placed  in
|  the variable IKEY.


                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS



   WRITE statements transfer data from memory to  a  file.   The  various
   forms  of  the  WRITE  statement  enable  it to be used in sequential,
   append, and direct-access transfer modes for  formatted,  unformatted,
   list-directed, and NAMELIST-controlled data transfers.

|  WRITE statements cannot write to existing records in an indexed  file.
|  For  statements  that  can perform this function in indexed files, see
|  the REWRITE statement (Section 10.14).

   Table 10-5 summarizes all forms of the WRITE statement.

   Table 10-5:  Summary of WRITE Statement Forms

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   10.6.1  Formatted WRITE Transfers

   A formatted WRITE transfer uses a WRITE statement that specifies  that
   the  transferred  data  is  edited  during the transfer, such that the
   external and internal representations of the data are different.   The
   three  types  of  formatted  WRITE  statements are:  FORMAT-statement,
   list-directed, and NAMELIST-statement.

   There are two types of  access  to  the  device  to  which  the  WRITE
   statement  transfers  data.   They  are sequential and direct.  If you
   want to perform a direct-access formatted WRITE to a device, you  must
   use FORMAT-statement formatting.  List-directed and NAMELIST-statement
   formatting can only be  used  for  sequential-access  formatted  WRITE
   statements.  Sequential FORMAT-Statement WRITE - This  section  describes
   the sequential-access (FORMAT-statement) formatted WRITE statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        WRITE (UNIT=un,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un,f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If the I/O list is included in these forms, the data specified by  the
   elements of the I/O list are output to a file on logical unit un.  The
   output data  is  formatted  in  this  file  according  to  the  FORMAT
   specifications given in f.

   A blank record is written if the I/O list is not specified, and one of
   the following is true:

        1.  The FORMAT statement is empty.

        2.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing descriptors occur alone.

        3.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing  descriptors  precede  the
            first repeatable edit descriptors.

            See Section 12.4.

   The following example  contains  a  sequential  formatted  WRITE  that
   contains an I/O list, and one that does not:

             WRITE (22,5)A,Z,J

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        5    FORMAT (1X,2F10.2,I5)
             WRITE (22,15)
        15   FORMAT (' PAGE NO. 1')

   The following is written to logical unit 22:

             11.40    13.90    5
        PAGE NO. 1

   The default unit forms of this statement are:

        WRITE f[,iolist]

        WRITE (UNIT=*,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If an I/O list is included in these forms, the data, specified by  the
   elements  within  the  I/O list, are transferred to the default device
   (line printer).  The transferred data are formatted according  to  the
   FORMAT specification given by f.

   The following example shows both forms of this WRITE transfer:

             WRITE 5,A,Z,J
        5    FORMAT (1X,2F10.2,I5)
             WRITE 15
        15   FORMAT (' PAGE NO. 1')

   The following is written to the default device (line printer):

             11.40    13.90    5
        PAGE NO. 1  Direct-Access  FORMAT-Statement  WRITE - The   direct-access
   (FORMAT-statement)  formatted  WRITE  statement  is  described in this

   This statement has the following forms:




                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   If you include an I/O list in these forms, the data in the I/O list is
   written  starting  at  record  rn  to  a file on logical unit un.  The
   formatting is controlled by the FORMAT specifications given at f.

   Only disk files that have  been  opened  by  an  OPEN  statement  that
   specifies  ACCESS='DIRECT' or ACCESS='RANDOM' (see Section 11.3.1) can
|  be accessed by a WRITE statement of  this  form.   This  form  is  not
|  permitted for RMS indexed files.

   If you omit the I/O list portion of this statement, at least one blank
   record (specified by REC=rn) is written to logical unit un.

   The following example shows a direct-access formatted WRITE  statement
   that contains an I/O list, and one that does not:

             WRITE (22,5,REC=10)A,Z,J
        5    FORMAT (2F10.2,I5)
             WRITE (22,15,REC=11)
        15   FORMAT (' PAGE NO. 1')

   The following is written to logical unit 22:

             11.40    13.90    5
        PAGE NO. 1

   The alternative forms of this WRITE statement operate the same way  as
   the  first forms.  The only difference between the forms is in the way
   that the logical unit and the record number are expressed.

   The alternative forms of this statement are:

        WRITE (un'rn,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un'rn,f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   In these forms, the unit and record  references  do  not  contain  the
   keywords  UNIT= and REC=.  Instead the unit number is specified first;
   a single-quote (') is specified next, followed by a record  number,  a
   comma, and finally the format reference.  Sequential List-Directed WRITE - This section describes  the
   sequential-access (list-directed) formatted WRITE statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        WRITE (UNIT=un,FMT=*[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un,FMT=*[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un,*[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   These forms of the WRITE statement specify that the data identified in
   the  I/O  list is written to logical unit un.  Because the transfer is
   list-directed (FMT=*), the data is formatted according to the implicit
   data  types  of the variables in the I/O list.  If the I/O list is not
   included, a blank record is written.

   The default unit forms of this statement are:

        WRITE *[,iolist]

        WRITE (UNIT=*,FMT=*[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   The default unit forms function in the same way as  the  first  forms,
   except  that  the  output  is  written  to  the  default  device (line

   The following example shows the list-directed WRITE statement:

        DIMENSION A(4)
        DATA A/4*3,4/
        WRITE (1,*) A,4

   The following is written to logical unit 1:

        4*3,400000, 4  Sequential NAMELIST-Statement WRITE - This section describes
   the sequential-access (NAMELIST-statement) formatted WRITE statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        WRITE (UNIT=un,FMT=name[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        WRITE (UNIT=un,NML=name[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        WRITE (un,FMT=name[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        WRITE (un,NML=name[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

        WRITE (un,name[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   These forms of the  WRITE  statement  transfer  data  defined  in  the
   referenced  NAMELIST  statement  (FMT=name or NML=name) to the file on
   the logical unit specified by un.

   The following example demonstrates the  NAMELIST  form  of  the  WRITE

        CHARACTER*19 NAME(2)
        DATA NAME/2*' '/

   The input contains the following:

        b$PARAM NAME(2)(10:)='HEISENBERG',
        bPITCH=5.0, YAW=0.0, ROLL=5.0,

   The WRITE statement writes the following:

   NAME= '                  ', '          HEISENBERG', PITCH=
   5.000000, ROLL= 5.000000, YAW= 0.0000000E+00, POSIT= 3*0.0000000E+00,

   10.6.2  Unformatted WRITE Transfers

   Unformatted WRITE transfers move data from memory to a  file.   Unlike
   formatted  WRITE transfers, unformatted WRITE transfers do not involve
   any editing of the data.

   The two types of unformatted data transfers enable you to write  to  a
   file either sequentially or directly.


           The MODE specifier of the OPEN statement  enables  you
           to  specify the type of unformatted data file you want
|          to create (see Section 11.3.24).  If  you  execute  an
           unformatted   WRITE  statement  without  having  first
           specified the MODE in an OPEN statement, the data file
           is  by  default BINARY.  For additional information on

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

           unformatted data file forms, see Section 11.2.  Sequential Unformatted WRITE - This  section  describes  the
   sequential-access unformatted WRITE statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        WRITE (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If the I/O list is present in these forms, the data is written as  one
   logical record to the file contained on the specified logical unit un.

   If you omit the I/O list in this statement, the statement  writes  one
   blank  logical  record  to the file contained on the specified logical
   unit un.

   The following example shows this form of the WRITE statement with  the
   I/O list and without the I/O list:

        WRITE (22)A,Z,K     
        WRITE (22)          

   In this example, the first WRITE statement writes a record to the file
   connected to logical unit 22 containing the values of the variables A,
   Z, and K.  The second WRITE statement writes one blank record  to  the
   file connected to logical unit 22.  Direct-Access Unformatted WRITE - This section describes the
   direct-access unformatted WRITE statement.

   This statement has the following forms:

        WRITE (UNIT=un,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

|  These forms can be used only with non-indexed disk  files  which  have
   been  opened  by  an  OPEN statement that specifies ACCESS='DIRECT' or
   ACCESS='RANDOM' (see Section 11.3.1).  If an I/O list is  included  in
   these  forms,  the  data,  in  the  form  of  one  logical  record, is
   transferred from the memory to record rn of the file on the  specified
   logical unit.

   If the I/O list is not specified, the statement  outputs  one  logical
   blank record.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   The following example shows this type of WRITE statement with  an  I/O
   list and without an I/O list:

        WRITE (22,REC=10)A,Z,K     
        WRITE (22,REC=12)

   In this example, the first WRITE statement writes the  values  of  the
   variables  A,  Z,  and  K to record 10 on logical unit 22.  The second
   WRITE statement writes one  logical  blank  record  to  record  12  on
   logical unit 22.

   The alternative form of this type of WRITE statement operates  in  the
   same  way  as the first forms.  The difference between the forms is in
   the way that the unit and the record are specified.

   The alternative form of this statement is:

        WRITE (un'rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   In this form, the unit  and  record  references  do  not  contain  the
   keywords  UNIT= and REC=.  Instead the unit number is specified first;
   a single quote (') is  specified  next;  then  the  record  number  is
   specified last.
|  10.6.3  Writing to RMS Files (TOPS-20)
|  WRITE statements to RMS files can be either formatted or unformatted.
|  Records written to RMS files that have a RECORDSIZE value (see Section
|  11.3.33),  cannot  be  larger than the size specified at file creation
|  time.  Formatted records that are shorter  are  padded  by  FOROTS  to
|  RECORDSIZE  with  the  character  specified  in  PADCHAR  before being
|  written.  Unformatted records are padded with nulls.  Records that are
|  larger  than  the size specified at file creation are truncated with a
|  warning.
|  WRITE statements to indexed files are  indistinguishable  from  normal
|  sequential  WRITE  statements.  WRITE statements to indexed files must
|  not contain key-relational or key-of-reference data.  RMS examines the
|  record being written and determnines the position of the new record on
|  the basis of the record's primary key.  New records cannot  be  larger
|  than the size specified at the file creation time; FOROTS pads shorter
|  formatted records  to  RECORDSIZE  with  the  character  specified  in
|  PADCHAR (see Section 11.3.28).
|  An indexed WRITE statement writes a new record; the REWRITE  statement
|  must  be  used  to  update  an existing record.  Each new record in an
|  indexed file must contain a complete primary key.  Alternate keys  can
|  be partially or completely absent.  RMS does not make an entry for the

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  new record in the associated alternate indexes.
|  When performing a formatted WRITE to an  indexed  file  that  contains
|  integer  key  data  types,  the key is translated from internal binary
|  form to external character form.  A subsequent  attempt  to  read  the
|  record using an integer key produces unpredictable results.



   The REREAD statement  causes  the  last  record  read  from  the  last
   sequential formatted READ or ACCEPT statement to again be accessed and
   processed.  You cannot use the REREAD feature until  an  input  (READ)
   transfer has been accomplished.  You can use the REREAD statement only
   for sequential-access formatted data transfers.  The REREAD  statement
   can  be  used  with both FORMAT-statement formatting and list-directed

   Once a record has been accessed by a  formatted  READ  statement,  the
   record  transferred  can  be reread as many times as desired.  You can
   use the same or a new format specification for each successive  REREAD

   Table 10-6 summarizes all the forms of the REREAD statement.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   Table 10-6:  Summary of REREAD Statement Forms

   10.7.1  Sequential FORMAT-Statement REREAD

   This section describes the sequential-access (FORMAT-statement) REREAD

   The first form of this statement is:

        REREAD (FMT=f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If the I/O list is specified in this  form,  the  previous  record  is
   transferred from the logical unit (specified in the previous formatted
   READ statement) to the memory locations specified by the  elements  in
   the  I/O  list.   The transferred record is formatted according to the
   FORMAT specifications given in f.

   If you omit the I/O list from this  statement,  the  input  record  is
   skipped.   (If the FORMAT statement specifies slash editing, more than
   one record can be skipped.  H or apostrophe  editing  can  cause  data
   transfers to occur to the FORMAT statement itself.  See Section 12.4.)

   The second form of this REREAD statement operates in the same  way  as
   the  first  form.   The difference between the two forms is in the way
   the FORMAT specifiers are expressed.

   The second form of this statement is:

        REREAD f[,iolist]

   In this form, the keyword form of the FORMAT specifier (FMT=)  is  not
   used  in  the  FORMAT reference.  Whenever you use the keyword form of

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   this specifier, you must enclose the keyword list in parentheses.

   The following example shows the formatted REREAD being used:

             CHARACTER J*5
             DIMENSION J(5)
        1    READ (20,5)A,X,I
        5    FORMAT (2F10.2,I5)
        10   REREAD 15,J
        15   FORMAT (5A5)

   In the above sequence, statement 1 reads the two real variables A  and
   X, and the integer I.  Statement 10 rereads the last record input from
   unit 5 as a character string of 25 characters, five per word, and puts
   five characters per element into the array J.

   10.7.2  Sequential List-Directed REREAD

   This section describes the  sequential-access  (list-directed)  REREAD

   The first form of this statement is:

        REREAD (FMT=*[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   In this form, the last record read by a formatted  READ  statement  is
   transferred  from  the  logical  unit (specified in the formatted READ
   statement) into the memory locations identified by the elements of the
   I/O  list.   Since  the formatting is list-directed, the format of the
   data is controlled by the data types of the elements in the I/O  list.
   If no I/O list is included, no data is transferred.

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the
   first  form.  The difference between the two forms is the way in which
   the formatting is specified.

   The second form of this statement is:

        REREAD *[,iolist]

   The following example shows  the  list-directed  form  of  the  REREAD

             READ (20,*) A
             REREAD *,B

   In this example, the READ statement reads data from  logical  unit  20
   into  variable  A.  The REREAD statement rereads the data from logical

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   unit 20 into variable B.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS



   The ACCEPT statement enables you to input data from your terminal into
   memory.   You  can use the ACCEPT statement only for sequential-access
   formatted data transfers.   This  statement  can  be  used  with  both
   FORMAT-statement and list-directed formatting.

   Table 10-7 summarizes all forms of the ACCEPT statement.

   Table 10-7:  Summary of ACCEPT Statement Forms

   10.8.1  Sequential FORMAT-Statement ACCEPT

   This section describes the sequential-access (FORMAT-statement) ACCEPT

   The first form of this statement is:

        ACCEPT (FMT=f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If you include the I/O list in this form, the data is taken  from  the
   terminal  and  stored  in  the  memory locations identified in the I/O

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   list.  The transferred data  is  formatted  according  to  the  FORMAT
   specifications given in f.

   If you omit the I/O list from this form, the input record is  skipped.
   (If the FORMAT statement specifies slash editing, more than one record
   can be skipped.  H or apostrophe editing can cause data  transfers  to
   occur to the FORMAT statement itself.  See Section 12.4.)

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the
   first form.  The difference between the two forms is in how the FORMAT
   reference is expressed.

   The second form of this statement is:

        ACCEPT f[,iolist]

   In this form, the keyword portion of the FORMAT  specifier  (FMT=)  is

   The following example shows both forms of the FORMAT-statement ACCEPT.

             ACCEPT (FMT=35)A,Z,J
        35   FORMAT (2F10.2,I5)
             ACCEPT 15,B
        15   FORMAT (F10.2)

   In this example, the first ACCEPT statement accepts the values of  the
   variables  A,  Z,  and  J  from  the  terminal  in  the form of FORMAT
   statement 35.  The  second  ACCEPT  statement  accepts  the  value  of
   variable B from the terminal in the form of FORMAT statement 15.

   10.8.2  Sequential List-Directed ACCEPT

   The list-directed ACCEPT statement transfers  data  entered  from  the
   terminal  into variables specified in the I/O list.  The formatting of
   the transferred data is controlled by the data types of the  items  in
   the I/O list.

   The first form of this statement is:

        ACCEPT (FMT=*[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   In this form, the data is  transferred  from  the  terminal  into  the
   memory  locations  identified  in the I/O list.  Since the transfer is
   list-directed, the data is formatted according to the  data  types  of
   the  items  in  the  I/O  list.  If no I/O list is included, a line is

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   first   form.   The  difference  in  the  two  forms  is  in  how  the
   list-directed formatting reference is specified.

   The second form of this statement is:

        ACCEPT *[,iolist]

   In the following example,  both  forms  of  the  list-directed  ACCEPT
   statement  are  used to take information, character-by-character, from
   the terminal.  This example additionally shows the list-directed  TYPE
   statement being used to print the ACCEPTed data at the terminal:

        ACCEPT *,I,J,K           
        TYPE *,K,I,J             
        ACCEPT (FMT=*)G,H,F      
        TYPE *,H,F,G             

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT ACCTST execution]
        23456 9876 12
        12, 23456, 9876
        12.34 98.16 789.67
        98.16000, 789.6700, 12.34000
        CPU time 0.2   Elapsed time 40.4



   The TYPE statement enables you to output data to your  terminal.   Use
   the   TYPE   statement   only  for  sequential-access  formatted  data
   transfers.  This statement can be used with both FORMAT-statement  and
   list-directed formatting.

   Table 10-8 summarizes all the forms of the TYPE statement.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   Table 10-8:  Summary of TYPE Statement Forms

   10.9.1  Sequential FORMAT-Statement TYPE

   This section describes the sequential-access  (FORMAT-statement)  TYPE

   The first form of this statement is:

        TYPE (FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If you include the I/O list in this form, the data is transferred from
   the  I/O  list  to  your  terminal.  The transferred data is formatted
   according to the FORMAT specifications given in f.

   A blank record is written if the I/O list is not specified, and one of
   the following is true:

        1.  The FORMAT statement is empty.

        2.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing descriptors occur alone.

        3.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing  descriptors  precede  the
            first repeatable edit descriptors.

            (See Section 12.4 for more information on format editing).

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the
   first form.  The difference between the two forms is in how the FORMAT
   reference is expressed.

   The second form of this statement is:

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        TYPE f[,iolist]

   In this form, the keyword portion of the FORMAT  specifier  (FMT=)  is

   The following example shows both forms of the FORMAT-statement TYPE:

             TYPE (FMT=5)A,Z,J
        5    FORMAT (1X,2F10.2,I5)
             TYPE 15,K
        15   FORMAT (1X,I10)

   The following is typed on your terminal upon execution:

        LINK:    Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST40 execution]
             11.40     13.90    5
        CPU time 0.22   Elapsed time 2.00

   10.9.2  Sequential List-Directed TYPE

   The list-directed TYPE statement transfers data from a program to  the
   terminal.  The formatting of the transferred data is controlled by the
   data types of the items in the I/O list.

   The first form of this statement is:


   In this form,  the  data  is  transferred  from  the  program  to  the
   terminal.   Since the transfer is list-directed, the data is formatted
   according to the data types of the items in the I/O list.  If  no  I/O
   list is included, a blank record is written.

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the
   first  form.   The  difference  between  the  two  forms is in how the
   list-directed formatting reference is specified.

   The second form of the statement is:

        TYPE *[,iolist]

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   The following example shows  both  forms  of  the  list-directed  TYPE

        TYPE (FMT=*),A,Z,J
        TYPE *,K

   The following is typed on the terminal upon execution:

        LINK:    Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST41 execution]
        11.40000,  13,90000, 5
        CPU time 0.20   Elapsed time 0.87

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS



   The PRINT statement transfers data from memory to  the  line  printer.
   You  can  use the PRINT statement only for sequential-access formatted
   data transfers.  This statement can be used with both FORMAT-statement
   formatting and list-directed formatting.

   Table 10-9 summarizes all forms of the PRINT statement.

   Table 10-9:  Summary of PRINT Statement Forms

   10.10.1  Sequential FORMAT-Statement PRINT

   This section describes the sequential-access (FORMAT-statement)  PRINT

   The first form of this statement is:

        PRINT (FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If the I/O list is included in this form, the data identified  by  the
   I/O  list  is  transferred  from  memory  to  the  line  printer.  The

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   formatting of  the  transferred  data  is  controlled  by  the  FORMAT
   specifications given in f.

   A blank record is written if the I/O list is not specified, and one of
   the following is true:

        1.  The FORMAT statement is empty.

        2.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing descriptors occur alone.

        3.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing  descriptors  precede  the
            first repeatable edit descriptor.

            See Section 12.4.

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the
   first form.  The difference between the two forms is in how the FORMAT
   specifier is expressed.

   The second form of this statement is:

        PRINT f[,iolist]

   The following example shows two PRINT statements; one with an I/O list
   and one without:

             PRINT 10
             PRINT 20,A,B,C
        10   FORMAT (' Beginning of test')
        20   FORMAT (' Values are:',3F)

   The following is printed to the line printer upon execution:

        Beginning of test
        Values are:      7.6000000     12.5000000     20.9000001

   10.10.2  Sequential List-Directed PRINT

   This section describes  the  sequential-access  (list-directed)  PRINT

   The first form of this statement is:

        PRINT (FMT=*[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   This form of the PRINT statement specifies that the data identified by

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   the  elements of the I/O list is output on the line printer.  The data
   is formatted according to the data types of the elements  in  the  I/O
   list.  If no I/O list is included, a blank record is written.

   The second form of the list-directed PRINT statement operates  in  the
   same  way  as the first form.  The difference between the two forms is
   in the way that the formatting is expressed.

   The second form of this statement is:

        PRINT *[,iolist]

   The following  example  shows  the  use  of  the  list-directed  PRINT

        PRINT *,D,E,F

   The following is printed to the line printer upon execution:

        1.000000, 40.00000, 23.30000



   The PUNCH statement transfers data  from  memory  to  the  paper  tape
   punch.   You  can  use  the PUNCH statement only for sequential-access
   formatted data transfers.   This  statement  can  be  used  with  both
   FORMAT-statement formatting and list-directed formatting.

   Table 10-10 summarizes all forms of the PUNCH statement.

   Table 10-10:  Summary of PUNCH Statement Forms

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   10.11.1  Sequential FORMAT-Statement PUNCH

   This section describes the sequential-access (FORMAT-statement)  PUNCH

   The first form of this statement is:

        PUNCH (FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   If the I/O list is specified in this form, the data identified by  the
   items  in  the  I/O list are transferred to the paper tape punch.  The
   formatting of the data is  controlled  by  the  FORMAT  specifications
   given in f.

   A blank record is written if the I/O list is not specified, and one of
   the following is true:

        1.  The FORMAT statement is empty.

        2.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing descriptors occur alone.

        3.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing  descriptors  precede  the
            first repeatable edit descriptor.

            See Section 12.4.

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the
   first  form.   The difference between the two forms is in the way that
   the format specification is referenced.

   The second form of this statement is:

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        PUNCH f[,iolist]

   The following example shows the formatted PUNCH statement:

             PUNCH 10,A,B,C
        10   FORMAT (3F)

   10.11.2  Sequential List-Directed PUNCH

   This section describes  the  sequential-access  (list-directed)  PUNCH

   The first form of this statement is:

        PUNCH (FMT=*[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   This form of the PUNCH statement transfers the data identified by  the
   elements  of the I/O list to the paper tape punch.  Since the transfer
   is list-directed, the formatting of the data is controlled by the data
   types of the items within the I/O list.  If no I/O list is included, a
   blank record is written.

   The second form of this statement operates in  the  same  way  as  the
   first  form.   The difference between the two forms is in the way that
   the list-directed format reference is written.

   The second form of this statement is:

        PUNCH *[,iolist]

   The following example shows the list-directed PUNCH statement:

        PUNCH *,D,E,F

                                                         FILES AND


   Internal READ/WRITE statements and ENCODE/DECODE statements  are  used
   for internal I/O.

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   Table 10-11 summarizes all the forms of the  internal  READ/WRITE  and
   ENCODE/DECODE statements.

   Table 10-11:  Summary  of  Internal   READ/WRITE   and   ENCODE/DECODE
                 Statement Forms

   10.12.1  Internal READ and WRITE Statements

   The internal READ statement transfers data from an  internal  file  to
   I/O  list  elements.  The internal WRITE statement transfers data from
   I/O list elements to  an  internal  file.   Internal  READ  and  WRITE
   statements are always formatted.


           The DECODE statement can be used as an alternative  to
           the  internal READ statement, and the ENCODE statement
           can be used as an alternative to  the  internal  WRITE
           statement.  (See Section for more information
           on internal files.)

   The internal READ statement has the following forms:

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        READ (UNIT=un,FMT=f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,FMT=f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        READ (un,f[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

   In the above forms, un is an internal  file  identifier  (see  Section

   If an I/O list is included in these forms, it specifies that  data  is
   transferred  from internal file identifier, un, formatted according to
   the specification given by f, and transferred into the elements of the
   specified I/O list.

   If an I/O list is not included, the input record is skipped.  (If  the
   FORMAT  statement specifies slash editing, more than one record can be
   skipped.  Apostrophe or H editing can cause data transfers to occur to
   the FORMAT statement itself.  See Section 12.4.)

   The following example  demonstrates  the  use  of  the  internal  READ

             CHARACTER*9 STRING
             STRING = '3.14 6.02'
             READ(STRING,10) PI, A
        10   FORMAT(F4.2, 1X, F4.2)
             WRITE(5,20) PI, A, PI+A
        20   FORMAT(' PI=', F6.3, 5X, 'A=', F6.3, 5X, 'PI+A=', F6.3)

   The READ statement in this example  is  an  internal  file  read.   It
   extracts  the  two  numbers that are encoded in the character variable
   STRING, converts the numbers to floating point, and then  stores  them
   into  the  two  variables  PI  and A.  The following is printed at the
   terminal when the above program is executed:

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT IR execution]

        PI= 3.140     A= 6.020     PI+A= 9.160
        CPU time 0.19   Elapsed time 0.40

   The internal WRITE statement has the following forms:

        WRITE (UNIT=un,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        WRITE (un,f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   If the I/O list is included in these forms, the data specified by  the
   elements  of  the  I/O  list  are  output  to  a file on internal file
   identifier un.  The output data is formatted in this file according to
   the FORMAT specifications given in f.

   A blank record is written if the I/O list is not specified, and one of
   the following is true:

        1.  The FORMAT statement is empty.

        2.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing descriptors occur alone.

        3.  No slash, H, or apostrophe editing descriptors  preceded  the
            first repeatable edit descriptors.

            See Section 12.4.

   The following example demonstrates  the  use  of  the  internal  WRITE

             CHARACTER*20 CHARS(3)
             INTEGER PHNE(3)
             PHNE(1) = 617
             PHNE(2) = 481
             PHNE(3) = 4054
             WRITE(CHARS,10) (I, PHNE(I), I=1,3)
        10   FORMAT( 'PHNE(', I1, ')=', I4)
             WRITE(5,20) (I, CHARS(I), I=1,3)
        20   FORMAT(' Record ', I1, ' of CHARS is "', A20, '"')

   The first WRITE statement in the above program  is  an  internal  file
   write.   Since  the  character  variable  being  written to is a three
   element array, the internal file is a file  of  three  records.   When
   this program is executed, the following is output to the terminal:

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT IW execution]

        Record 1 of CHARS is "PHNE(1)= 617        "
        Record 2 of CHARS is "PHNE(2)= 481        "
        Record 3 of CHARS is "PHNE(3)=4054        "
        CPU time 0.24   Elapsed time 0.82

   10.12.2  ENCODE and DECODE Statements

   The DECODE statement can be used as  an  alternative  to  an  internal

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

   READ,  and  the  ENCODE statement can be used as an alternative to the
   internal WRITE.

   The ENCODE statement transfers data from the variables of a  specified
   I/O  list  into  a  specified array.  ENCODE operations are similar to
   those performed by a WRITE statement.

   The DECODE statement transfers data from a specified  array  into  the
   variables  of  an  I/O  list.   DECODE operations are similar to those
   performed by a READ statement.

   ENCODE and DECODE statements have the following forms:

        ENCODE (c,f,a[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]

        DECODE (c,f,a[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])[iolist]


         c        specifies the number of  characters  in  each  internal
                  record  of the array.  This argument can be any integer
                  expression, and must be the first specification in  the


                      Five characters per  word  are  stored  in  the
                      array without regard to the type of the array.

         f        specifies either a FORMAT-statement or a numeric  array
                  that  contains format specifications.  This must be the
                  second specification.

         a        specifies  the  array,  array  element,  variable,   or
                  character substring reference that is to be used in the
                  transfer operations, and it must  contain  at  least  c
                  characters.   More than one element of the array can be
                  used by the ENCODE/DECODE.

         iolist   specifies an I/O list of the standard form.

   When multiple records are stored by ENCODE or read by DECODE, each new
   record  starts  c  characters  after  the  previous  record;  no CR/LF
   (carriage return/line feed) is inserted between records.


           If the array contains fewer characters  than  required
           by   the  format  and  the  I/O  list,  the  variables
           following the  array  in  memory  are  used.   If  the
           processing of the I/O list requires more characters in
           a single record than are specified  by  the  character

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

           count c, blanks are used.

   The following example shows how the ENCODE and DECODE  statements  are

               DIMENSION B(4),A(2)

               DO 2 J=1,2

        10     FORMAT(1X,'A(',I1,') = ', F8.2)

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

         5     TYPE 11,B
        11     FORMAT(4A5)

         2     CONTINUE

        12     FORMAT(3F1.0,1X,F1.0)

               TYPE 13,B
        13     FORMAT(4F5.2)


   During the first iteration of the DO loop, the  ENCODE  statement  has
   transferred  the  contents  of  variable J and array element A(1) into
   array B.  The formatting of the data being transferred is specified by
   the FORMAT statement at line 10.

   After the first iteration of the DO loop, the contents of array B are:

        B(1) = ' A(1)'
        B(2) = ' =   '
        B(3) = '300.4'
        B(4) = '5    '

   The TYPE statement at line 5 types array B on the terminal during  the
   first iteration of the DO loop.

   During the second iteration of the DO loop, the  data  is  transferred
   from variable J and array element A(2) into array B.  After the second
   iteration, the contents of array B are:

        B(1) = ' A(2)'
        B(2) = ' =   '
        B(3) = '  3.0'
        B(4) = '0    '

   The TYPE statement at line 5 types array B on the terminal during  the
   second iteration of the DO loop.

   The DECODE statement:

        1.  Extracts the digits 1, 2, and 3 from C

        2.  Converts them to floating-point values

        3.  Stores them in B(1), B(2), and B(3)

        4.  Skips the next character (the digit 4)

        5.  Extracts the digit 5 from C

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

        6.  Converts it to a floating-point value

        7.  Stores the value in B(4)

   The following shows what is printed at the  terminal  when  the  above
   program is executed:

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT T execution]
        A(1) =  300.45    
        A(2) =    3.00    
        1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00
        CPU time 0.1   Elapsed time 0.8

|                                                      DELETE (TOPS-20)
|                                                         Statement
|  The DELETE statement deletes records from  RMS  relative  and  indexed
|  files.  It logically removes the appropriate record from the specified
|  file by locating the record and marking it as a deleted  record.   The
|  position  occupied  by  the deleted record becomes available so that a
|  new record can be written into that position.
|  The  DELETE  statement  is  illegal  for  RMS  files  with  sequential
|  organization, and for non-RMS files.
|  Table 10-12 summarizes all forms of the DELETE statement.
|  Table 10-12:  Summary of DELETE Statement Forms

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  10.13.1  Current-Record DELETE
|  The current-record DELETE statement has the following forms:
|       DELETE (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])
|       DELETE (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])
|  This form of the DELETE statement deletes  the  last  record  from  an
|  indexed   or   sequentially-accessed   relative  file  that  has  been
|  successfully accessed by a  previous  READ  or  FIND  statement.   The
|  current-record DELETE is the only form of the DELETE statement that is
|  permitted for indexed files.
|  10.13.2  Direct-Access DELETE
|  The direct-access DELETE statement has the following forms:
|       DELETE (UNIT=un,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])
|       DELETE (un,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])
|       DELETE (un'rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])
|  The direct-access DELETE  is  permitted  only  for  direct-access  RMS
|  relative  files.   It  deletes  the  record  specified by rn.  After a
|  direct-access DELETE statement, any associate variable is set  to  the
|  next record number.
|  The alternative form of this type of DELETE statement (the  last  form

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  shown)  operates  in  the  same  way  as  the  first  two  forms.  The
|  difference between the forms is in the  way  that  the  unit  and  the
|  record are specified.  In this form, the unit and record references do
|  not contain the keywords UNIT= and REC=.  Instead the unit  number  is
|  specified first; a single quote (') is specified next; then the record
|  number is specified last.
|                                                      REWRITE (TOPS-20)
|                                                        Statement        
|  The REWRITE statement transfers data  from  internal  storage  to  the
|  current  record  (the  record most recently accessed by a READ or FIND
|  statement) of an RMS indexed or relative file.  The REWRITE  statement
|  can be formatted or unformatted.
|  Table 10-13 summarizes all forms of the REWRITE statement.
|  Table 10-13:  Summary of REWRITE Statement Forms

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  10.14.1  Formatted REWRITE
|  The formatted REWRITE statement has the following forms:
|       REWRITE (UNIT=un,FMT=f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios]) [iolist]
|       REWRITE (un,f[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios]) [iolist]
|  Note that a WRITE to an indexed file always writes a new  record.   If
|  the  primary  key  for  the  new  record is changed, an error results.
|  Records rewritten with the REWRITE statement cannot exceed the  length
|  of the record being updated, or an error results.
|  An example of the use of a formatted REWRITE statement follows:
|            REWRITE (1,10,ERR=99) NAME, AGE, BIRTH
|       10   FORMAT (A16,I2,A8)
|  In this example, the REWRITE  statement  updates  the  current  record
|  contained  in  the  indexed  file connected to logical unit 3 with the
|  values represented by NAME, AGE, and BIRTH.
|  10.14.2  Unformatted REWRITE Statement
|  The unformatted REWRITE statement has the following forms:
|       REWRITE (UNIT=un[,ERR][,IOSTAT=ios]) [iolist]
|       REWRITE (un[,ERR][,IOSTAT=ios]) [iolist]
|  The  unformatted  REWRITE  statement  retrieves  binary  values   from
|  internal  storage  and  writes those values to an existing record in a
|  RMS file with indexed or relative organization.  The  values  are  not
|  translated.
|                                                      UNLOCK (TOPS-20)
|                                                        Statement        
|  The UNLOCK statement unlocks a record in a  RMS  relative  or  indexed
|  file  locked  by a previous READ or FIND statement, without performing
|  any other I/O operations.  If no record is locked, the  operation  has

                          DATA TRANSFER STATEMENTS

|  no  effect.   This statement is illegal for RMS sequential and non-RMS
|  files.
|  Table 10-14 summarizes all forms of the UNLOCK statement.
|  Table 10-14:  Summary of UNLOCK Statement Forms
|  UNLOCK (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])
|  UNLOCK (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])
|  UNLOCK un


                                 CHAPTER 11



   Prior to transferring any data using one of the forms of data transfer
   statements,  you can establish a connection between a logical unit and
   a file by using the OPEN statement.  After the completion  of  a  data
   transfer,  you  can  terminate the connection between the logical unit
   and the file before ending the program by using the CLOSE statement.

   The OPEN statement enables you to explicitly connect a logical unit to
   a file prior to the first data transfer, and also to specify a variety
   of characteristics about the file and the data transfers.

   After the last data transfer is completed, the CLOSE statement enables
   you  to  explicitly  disconnect  the  logical  unit from the file and,
   optionally, to specify a variety of characteristics about the CLOSE.

   If you do not precede an I/O statement with an OPEN statement,  FOROTS
   automatically performs an "implicit OPEN" (see Section 11.2.1).

   Similarly, if you do not  specify  a  CLOSE  statement  to  explicitly
   disconnect  a  file  from a logical unit, FOROTS performs an "implicit
   CLOSE" (see Section 11.4.1) when your program terminates.

   You need not specify the OPEN and  CLOSE  statements  if  the  actions
   performed by the implicit OPEN or CLOSE are satisfactory.




   The OPEN statement is used to specify characteristics of a  file  that
   you wish to read or write.  An example of an OPEN statement is:


   The specifiers inside the parentheses give information about the  file
   and determine how the file is opened.

   The UNIT specifier (in the example above, "UNIT=20") is required in an
   OPEN statement.  All other specifiers are optional, including the FILE
   specifier in the example shown  above.   You  can  supply  many  other
   optional  specifiers  (see  Section  11.3  for  a  description of OPEN
   statement specifiers).  The order in which the specifiers appear  does
   not affect the execution of the OPEN statement.

   By  using  the  OPEN  specifiers,  you  are  able  to  define  certain
   characteristics of each data transfer, including:

        1.  The name of the data file

        2.  The type of access required

        3.  The data format of the file

        4.  The disposition of the data file

        5.  The data file record and block sizes

   In addition, a DIALOG argument permits you to establish a dialog  mode
   of  operation when the OPEN statement containing it is executed.  In a
   dialog   mode,   interactive   terminal/program    communication    is
   established, enabling the user to define or redefine the values of the
   OPEN statement specifiers.

   When a file is open for output (STATUS='NEW'  or  ACCESS='SEQOUT'),  a
   null  file  is created on the device specified by FILE= or DEVICE=, or
   if none, the first structure in the job's search list.

   An OPEN statement is referred to as a  "deferred"  OPEN  statement  if
   both of the following are true:


         o  The OPEN statement specifies STATUS='UNKNOWN'  (or  does  not
            specify a STATUS value).

         o  The   OPEN   statement   specifies    ACCESS='SEQINOUT'    or
            'SEQUENTIAL' (or does not specify an ACCESS value).

   The actual opening of the  file  is  deferred  until  the  first  data
   transfer  statement  (READ,  WRITE, PRINT, PUNCH, or SKIPRECORD).  The
   actual opening of the file means the  determination  of  the  physical
   device,  and  for  TOPS-20,  the  generation number (if not explicitly

   If the first data transfer statement is  a  READ  or  SKIPRECORD,  the
   first  file  that  matches  the  file  specification given in the OPEN
   statement is  opened.   If  no  file  exists  that  matches  the  file
   specification given, a null file is created on the device specified by
   FILE= or DEVICE=, or if none, the first structure in the job's  search
   list.  The file is positioned as if a READ or SKIPRECORD statement had
   been executed, and an end-of-file error will be generated  (see  END=,
   Section 10.4.6).

   If the first data transfer statement  is  a  WRITE,  PRINT,  or  PUNCH
   statement,  a  new  file  (with  a  new generation on TOPS-20) will be
   created on the device specified by FILE= or DEVICE=, or if  none,  the
   first structure in the job's search list.

   If the file specified in the OPEN statement does not exist, and either
   a  CLOSE  statement  is  executed or the program runs to completion, a
   null file is created on the device specified by FILE= or  DEVICE=,  or
   if none, the first structure in the job's search list.

   11.2.1  Implicit OPEN

   When the OPEN statement has not been executed before a  data  transfer
   that references the unit number, an implicit OPEN is performed.

   An implicit OPEN has almost exactly the same effect as if you had  put
   an OPEN statement with the following format in the program just before
   the data transfer statement:



        un        is the unit  number  specified  in  the  data  transfer

        fm        is 'UNFORMATTED' if the data transfer statement  is  an
                  unformatted  READ  or  WRITE statement; otherwise fm is


   In addition, if the data transfer statement has an ERR specifier,  the
   implicit  OPEN has this same qualifier included.  This is also true of
   the IOSTAT specifier.


           The default  for  the  BLANK  specifier  is  different
           depending  on whether the OPEN is implicit or explicit
           (see Section 11.3.3).

   11.2.2  OPEN on a Connected Unit

   If the OPEN statement contains a  STATUS=OLD  specifier  (see  Section
|  11.3.29), then its action depends on whether a file is already OPEN on
   the unit, and whether the file specified by the OPEN is the same  file
   that  is  currently on the unit.  If the file specified by the OPEN is
   different from the OPEN file, the connected file is closed and the new
   file  is opened.  If the file specified by the OPEN is the same as the
   connected file, the file is not closed, and the file  pointer  is  not
   moved.   This  action  is  not  affected  by  the /F66 compiler switch
   (described in Chapter 16).


   All of the OPEN statement specifiers are  optional,  except  the  UNIT
   specifier,  which  is  required.   Some specifiers have default values
   that can depend on the unit number or the values of other specifiers.

   Table 11-1 summarizes the specifiers in the  OPEN  statement  and  the
   type of value required by each.  A section number is provided to refer
   to detailed descriptions  of  each  specifier.   The  CLOSE  statement
   specifiers are summarized in Table 11-5.


   Table 11-1:  Summary of OPEN Statement Specifiers and Arguments



           For   compatibility   with   previous   versions    of
           FORTRAN-10/20, you can specify a numeric array name as
           the value of each of the following specifiers:


           When a numeric array name is used, FOROTS assumes that
           it  contains  a  string  of characters terminated by a
           null character.

           In addition, you can specify a numeric variable as the
           value  of  the  DEVICE  and  FILE  specifiers.  If the
           variable is single precision, FOROTS assumes  that  it
           contains  5  characters;  if  it  is double precision,
           FOROTS assumes that is contains 10 characters.

           The use of numeric array names and  numeric  variables
           in  place  of  character  variables  is  a nonstandard



   11.3.1  ACCESS Specifier

   The ACCESS specifier describes the type of  data  transfer  statements
   allowed.   Records  within  files can be accessed directly (randomly),
|  sequentially, or by specified key (RMS).

   The form of the ACCESS specifier is:

        ACCESS = acc


         acc   is a character expression having a value equal to  one  of
               the following:

|                   'KEYED'

   ACCESS has a number of arguments, each of which specifies a method  of
   data  access.   SEQUENTIAL  is  the  default  access unless the device
   (UNIT) opened is a read-only device, in  which  case  the  default  is
   SEQIN.   If  the  device  opened  is  a write-only device, the default
   access is SEQOUT.

   The arguments to the ACCESS specifier are:

        SEQIN        (Implies STATUS='OLD') The specified  data  file  is
                     opened   for   read-only  sequential  access.   When
                     ACCESS='SEQIN' is specified,  it  is  equivalent  to
                     specifying  ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL'  and  READONLY  (see
|                    Section 11.3.32).

        SEQOUT       The specified data file is  opened  for  output  and
                     sequential  access.   If  the specified file already
                     exists,  it  is  superseded  (TOPS-10),  or  a   new
                     generation is created (TOPS-20).


        SEQUENTIAL   The specified data file  is  opened  for  sequential
                     access.   Records can be read from or written to the
                     file in sequential order.  However, when a record is
                     written  to  the file, it becomes the last record of
                     the file.  Any data following  that  record  becomes

                     Records can also be written to  the  file  and  then
                     read,  as  long  as  a  device-positioning statement
                     (BACKSPACE or REWIND, Section 11.8) is  used  before
                     the READ statement.

        SEQINOUT     Same as SEQUENTIAL

        DIRECT       The specified data file  may  be  read  from  and/or
                     written  to  in  units of fixed-length records.  The
                     record to be accessed next is specified in the  data
                     transfer statement by a record number.

                     The relative position of each record is  independent
                     of  the  previous READ or WRITE statement.  The RECL
|                    specifier (see  Section  11.3.33)  is  required  for
                     random-access  operations.   You must specify a disk
                     device when the DIRECT argument is used.

        RANDIN       (Implies STATUS='OLD') The specified  data  file  is
                     opened  for  read-only direct access.  More than one
                     user can read the same file at the  same  time  with
                     ACCESS='RANDIN'.  When ACCESS='RANDIN' is specified,
                     it is equivalent to specifying  ACCESS='RANDOM'  and
|                    READONLY (see Section 11.3.32).

        RANDOM       Same as DIRECT

        APPEND       The  specified  file  is   opened   for   sequential
                     write-only  access.   APPEND  is  the same as SEQOUT
                     except that the file is positioned at its end  after
                     the  OPEN statement.  Reading an APPEND mode file is
                     illegal.  REWIND and BACKSPACE are illegal for files
                     opened with APPEND access.

|       KEYED        The specified data  file  is  an  RMS  indexed  file
|                    opened  for either random keyed access or sequential
|                    access.  The file is accessed by  a  specified  key.
|                    Invokes   RMS   (as   if  ORGANIZATION='INDEXED'  is
|                    specified).



   11.3.2  ASSOCIATEVARIABLE Specifier

   This specifier enables you to declare a variable whose  value  is  the
   number  of  the  next  record that will be read from or written to the
|  file.    For   RMS   files,   this   specifier   is   ignored   unless

   For example, after the execution of an OPEN statement and prior to the
   first data transfer, the associate variable is set to 1.

   In a data transfer after the first record is transferred, the value of
   the associate variable is 2.

   The form of the ASSOCIATEVARIABLE specifier is:

        ASSOCIATEVARIABLE= Integer variable or integer array element

   If you are using the ASSOCIATEVARIABLE specifier  in  a  program  that
   makes  use  of  the  LINK overlay facility, please read the paragraphs
   that follow.

   If the variable you specify as the ASSOCIATEVARIABLE is declared in  a
   FORTRAN  subroutine,  then  that subroutine must be loaded in the root
   link of the overlay structure.  If the subroutine cannot be loaded  in
   the root link of the overlay structure, declare your ASSOCIATEVARIABLE
   in a COMMON statement  so  that  the  ASSOCIATEVARIABLE  will  operate

   The reasons for these steps are:

        1.  When the overlay facility is used to  load  FORTRAN  modules,
            the  local  variables  in  the  modules  are grouped with the
            routine in which they are declared.

        2.  When FORTRAN subroutines are loaded by the overlay  facility,
            they are divided into sets called overlay links.

        3.  Only one overlay link, the one specified to be the root link,
            is  always  resident  in memory.  The other overlay links are
            read in memory as required.

   Accessing a file opened with an ASSOCIATEVARIABLE changes the value of
   the  specified variable.  If this variable is in a nonresident overlay
   link when the access is made, program execution produces unpredictable
   results.   Moreover,  this  variable  is  reset  to zero each time its
   overlay link is removed from memory.

   Only variables declared in routines loaded  into  the  root  link  are
   always  resident.   Variables  declared in COMMON statements and those
   declared in the main program are always resident  and  can  always  be
   used as an associate variable.



           For more information on the LINK overlay facility, see
           the LINK Programmer's Reference Manual, and Chapter 15
           of this manual.


   11.3.3  BLANK Specifier

   The   BLANK   specifier   applies   only   when   reading    formatted
   (FORMAT-statement)  numeric  fields that have a field width specified.
   BLANK enables you to specify how blanks in  formatted  numeric  fields
   are treated in a read transfer (either as zero or ignored).

   The form of the BLANK specifier is:

        BLANK = blnk


         blnk  is a character expression having a value equal  to  either
               'NULL' or 'ZERO'.

   The arguments to the BLANK specifier are:

        NULL      specifies that  all  blank  characters  within  numeric
                  formatted  input  fields are ignored.  The exception is
                  that a field of all blanks has a value of zero.

        ZERO      specifies that all blanks are treated as zeros.

   If an OPEN statement is executed and the BLANK specifier is not given,
   the default is BLANK='NULL'.

   If no explicit OPEN statement is executed before a data transfer on  a
   unit,  the  default  is BLANK='ZERO' for all devices except terminals.
   For terminals,  the  default  is  always  BLANK='NULL'  regardless  of
   whether or not the OPEN statement is given.

   The BLANK specifier is overridden if  a  corresponding  data  transfer
   statement  references  a format list that contains either the BN or BZ
   descriptor.  In this case, the BN or BZ descriptor in the format  list
   overrides  the  setting  in  the  OPEN  statement until the end of the
   format list, or until the setting is changed within the  format  list.


   (The BN or BZ descriptors are described in Section 12.4.9.)


        10 FORMAT(I5)



   In the above example, if FOO.DAT contains 123bb, K has the value 12300
   and L has the value 123.


   11.3.4  BLOCKSIZE Specifier

   The BLOCKSIZE specifier enables you  to  specify  a  physical  storage
   block size for magnetic tape files.


           BLOCKSIZE specifies the physical  record  length,  and
           RECL(RECORDSIZE) specifies the logical record length.

   The argument is an integer expression, and for CORE-DUMP tape  format,
   the  value  assigned  represents  the  number of words in the physical
   block.  For INDUSTRY tape format, the value represents the  number  of
   bytes  in  the physical block.  (See the TAPEFORMAT specifier, Section
|  11.3.37.)

   The form of the BLOCKSIZE specifier is:

        BLOCKSIZE= Integer expression



   11.3.5  BUFFERCOUNT Specifier

   The BUFFERCOUNT specifier enables you to  define  the  number  of  I/O
   buffers used in the data transfer.

   The BUFFERCOUNT is the number of pages used in disk transfers, and  is
   ignored for nondisk transfers.

|  For RMS files, BUFFERCOUNT specifies the MBF (Multi-Buffer Count)  for
|  RMS internal buffering.

   The form of the BUFFERCOUNT specifier is:

        BUFFERCOUNT= Integer expression

   If a BUFFERCOUNT is not specified, or is assigned a value of zero:
|        o  For non-RMS files, the buffercount is four pages.
|        o  For RMS files, the RMS default is used.


           If MODE='DUMP' is specified, BUFFERCOUNT is ignored.

   The BUFFERCOUNT  specifier  does  not  affect  the  operation  of  the
   program, but it can affect execution time and memory requirements.

   For random I/O,  the  buffercount  specifies  the  maximum  number  of
   buffers  which  are  in  memory  (not  yet written to disk) during I/O


           For TOPS-20 extended addressing, all I/O buffers  must
           fit in FOROTS's section.


|                                                        BYTESIZE
|                                                        Specifier        
|  11.3.6  BYTESIZE Specifier
|  The BYTESIZE specifier determines the integer byte size for the  file.
|  For  existing  RMS  files,  this value must agree with the actual byte
|  size of the file.
|  The form of the BYTESIZE specifier is:
|       BYTESIZE = Integer expression
|  If no BYTESIZE is specified, FOROTS defaults to 7 for TOPS-10/20 files
|  (defaults  to 8 for VMS files).  If BYTESIZE is specified for a remote
|  VMS file, the bytesize must be  8.   If  BYTESIZE  is  specified  when
|  creating  a  new  TOPS-20  RMS  indexed  file  that has CHARACTER keys
|  defined, the byte size must be 7.


   11.3.7  CARRIAGECONTROL Specifier

   The CARRIAGECONTROL specifier enables you  to  decide  how  the  first
   character  of  each  record encountered during an output data transfer
   operation is  treated.   (Section  12.2.3  describes  carriage-control

   The form of the CARRIAGECONTROL specifier is:



         cc    is a character expression having a value equal to  one  of
               the following:



|                   'NONE'

   The arguments to the CARRIAGECONTROL specifier are:

        FORTRAN      specifies that the FORTRAN data  file  attribute  is
                     set  in  the file's access information, so that when
                     the file is printed, the  first  character  of  each
                     record  is  replaced  with a carriage return and the
                     corresponding   printer-control   vertical    motion
                     character(s)   (see   Table   12-3).    The   record
                     terminator  at  the  end  of  the  record  will   be

        LIST         specifies that the first character is output with no

|                    Since  RMS  sequential  files  do  not  have  record
|                    terminators,  when  LIST is used, you cannot specify
|                    that a record should not have a CRLF added  when  it
|                    is  printed.   Thus,  the  dollar  sign  format edit
|                    descriptor,  which  eliminates  the  CRLF  after   a
|                    record,  has  no  effect  for  RMS  files  with LIST
|                    specified.

        TRANSLATED   specifies that the first character of each record is
                     replaced    with   a   carriage   return   and   the
                     corresponding   printer-control   vertical    motion
                     character(s) (see Table 12-3).  No record terminator
                     is written at the end of the record.

                     Note that the last data record in the  file  has  no
                     ending  carriage  return/line feed sequence unless a
                     blank record is written.

                     For fixed-length files,  TRANSLATED  is  treated  as

|                    For RMS files, TRANSLATED is treated as FORTRAN.

        DEVICE       specifies that the  first  character  will  only  be
                     replaced  for a carriage-control device (such as LPT
                     or TTY).

   The default value is CARRIAGECONTROL='DEVICE'.


           The line  printer  software  assumes  that  the  first
           character  of  all  data  files  is a carriage-control
           character if the file has the extension .DAT or if the
           /FILE:FORTRAN switch is specified.


|                                                    DEFAULTFILE (TOPS-20)
|                                                        Specifier        
|  11.3.8  DEFAULTFILE Specifier (TOPS-20)
|  The DEFAULTFILE specifier defines a default file specification string.
|  If  you  do  not  specify either FILE or DEFAULTFILE, FORTRAN uses the
|  default value FORnn.DAT, where nn is  the  unit  number  with  leading
|  zeros.
|  The DEFAULTFILE specifier can be used in place of, or in  addition  to
|  the  FILE  or  NAME specifier.  If DEFAULTFILE is used without FILE or
|  NAME, it replaces the FILE or NAME specifier.  If DEFAULTFILE is  used
|  with  FILE  or NAME, the DEFAULTFILE file specification is merged with
|  the FILE or NAME value to form the full file specification.
|  The form of the DEFAULTFILE specifier is:
|       DEFAULTFILE = ce
|  where:
|        ce    is a character expression that  contains  a  default  file
|              name specification string.
|  You can specify defaults  for  one  or  more  of  the  following  file
|  specification components:
|        o  node (if the file specification contains  a  node  name,  RMS
|           will be used to access the file)
|        o  device
|        o  directory
|        o  filename
|        o  filetype
|        o  file generation number
|        o  network attributes
|  When you specify any of the above  components  in  the  FILE  or  NAME
|  specifier, they override those values specified in DEFAULTFILE.  Since
|  FOROTS processes DEFAULTFILE,  FILE,  and  NAME  in  that  order,  the
|  components  specified  in  NAME  supercede  all previous corresponding


|  components.


   11.3.9  DENSITY Specifier

   The DENSITY specifier is ignored except when used with magnetic  tape;
   it  permits  you to specify the tape density.  If you do not specify a
   tape density, FORTRAN assumes that you have set the density at monitor
   level  or  that  you  are  satisfied  with  the system default for the

   The form of the DENSITY specifier is:

        DENSITY = dens


         dens  is a character expression having a value equal to  one  of
               the following:


   SYSTEM specifies that the density  is  the  default  density  for  the
   magnetic tape device being used.


   11.3.10  DEVICE Specifier

   The DEVICE specifier enables you to specify the  name  of  the  device
   involved in the data transfer.  A logical name always takes precedence


   over a physical name.  The DEVICE arguments can  specify  I/O  devices
   located at remote stations, as well as logical devices.

   The form of the DEVICE specifier is:

        DEVICE= Character expression

   If you omit this option, the logical name un (where un is the  decimal
   unit  number)  is  tried.   If  this  is  not successful, the standard
   (default) device associated with the unit is used (see Table 10-3).


   11.3.11  DIALOG Specifier

   The DIALOG specifier enables you to type in additional OPEN specifiers
   when the OPEN statement is actually executed.

   If the DIALOG specifier is found in an OPEN list, then each  time  the
   OPEN  statement  is executed FOROTS suspends execution and prompts the
   terminal with an asterisk.

   The form of the DIALOG specifier is:


   You  can  respond  to  the  asterisk  prompt  by   entering   a   file
   specification,  DIALOG  switches  (see below), or a file specification
   followed by DIALOG switches.  The file specification  may  be  a  full
   file specification including the device, directory name, and so on.


           A DIALOG switch is any OPEN specifier (except  DIALOG,
           DIALOG=, UNIT, NAME, FILE, IOSTAT, or ERR) preceded by
           a slash (/).

   For example, when FOROTS enters DIALOG mode, you  can  type  a  string
   such as:




   11.3.12  DIALOG= Specifier

   The DIALOG= specifier enables you to include all or a portion  of  the
   OPEN  specifiers  in  a  character  expression.   The  contents of the
   character expression are interpreted as if you had  given  the  DIALOG
   specifier  (see  above);  and, when the asterisk prompt was given, you
   had typed in  the  same  string  as  is  contained  in  the  character
   expression, followed by a carriage return.

   The form of the DIALOG= specifier is:

        DIALOG= Character expression


        100 FORMAT(I5)

                                                     DIRECTORY (TOPS-10)  

   11.3.13  DIRECTORY Specifier (TOPS-10)

   On TOPS-10, the DIRECTORY specifier is ignored except for disk  files.
   It  specifies  the  location  of  the  User  File Directory (UFD) and,
   optionally, the Sub File Directory (SFD), either of which can  contain
   the file specified in the OPEN statement.

   The form of the DIRECTORY specifier is:

        DIRECTORY=  Character expression

   The UFD is the directory in which a user's files are stored;  the  SFD
   exists  within  the  UFD.   An  SFD  is often used to group files into
   separate subdirectories.


   The following is a sample of the UFD and SFD specification:


   In the sample specification, 10,7 is  the  project-programmer  number.
   This  is an adequate directory specification if the file is in the UFD
   specified by 10,7.  The SFDA and SFDB specify two  levels  of  subfile
   directories.   The complete directory specification indicates that the
   file is located in subfile directory SFDB.  As indicated, the path  to
   SFDB is through the UFD 10,7 and through the SFD SFDA.


           Refer to  the  TOPS-10  Monitor  Calls  Manual  for  a
           complete  description  of  directories  and multilevel
           directory structures.

   The following is an example of a character expression specification:


                   Project    SubFile
                   Programmer Directory
                   Number     Path

   The following is an example of how to assemble  a  specification  from
   individual elements:


        PROJ= '10'
        PROG= '7'
|       PATH1= 'SFDA'
|       PATH2= 'SFDB'
        COMM= ','

   The above specification  is  equivalent  to  the  following  character


                                                     DIRECTORY (TOPS-20)  


   11.3.14  DIRECTORY Specifier (TOPS-20)

   On TOPS-20, the DIRECTORY specifier is ignored except for disk  files.
   The  DIRECTORY  specifier  enables  you to define the path through the
   directory structure to a file specified in the OPEN statement.

   The form of the DIRECTORY specifier is:

        DIRECTORY=  Character expression

   The argument to the DIRECTORY  specifier  is  a  character  expression
   whose elements comprise the directory path specification, for example:

        !Looks for DSK:<GUEST>FOR22.DAT


        CHARACTER*12 ID
        ID= 'GUEST.CLASS3'
        !Looks for DSK:<GUEST.CLASS3>FOR22.DAT


   11.3.15  DISPOSE Specifier

   The DISPOSE specifier enables you to specify an action to  occur  when
   the file is closed.

   The form of the DISPOSE specifier is:

        DISPOSE = dis


         dis   is a character expression having a value equal to  one  of
               the following:




   The DISPOSE specifier must have one of the following values:

        KEEP      Specifies that the file is to be left  where  the  OPEN
                  statement specifies.  DISPOSE='KEEP' is the default.

        SAVE      Same as KEEP.

        DELETE    Specifies on TOPS-10 that, if the device  is  either  a
                  DECtape  or  disk,  delete the file; otherwise, take no

                  On TOPS-20, if the device involved is  a  disk,  delete
                  the file; otherwise, take no action.

        EXPUNGE   On TOPS-10, same as DELETE.  On TOPS-20, if the  device
                  involved  is  a disk, expunge the file; otherwise, take
                  no action.

        PRINT     Specifies that the file will be printed and kept.   The
                  file must be on disk.

        LIST      Specifies that the file will be  printed  and  deleted.
                  The file must be on disk.

        PUNCH     Specifies that the file will be punched  on  the  paper
                  tape punch and kept.  The file must be on disk.


   11.3.16  ERR Specifier

   The ERR specifier enables you to designate a statement  number  of  an
   executable  statement,  in  the current program unit, to which control
   passes if an error occurs during the execution of an I/O statement.

   If an error occurs and no  ERR  specifier  or  IOSTAT  specifier  (see
|  Section  11.3.20) is supplied, the program types an error message.  If
   the program is running under batch, it is aborted.

   If the program is not running under batch, it enters DIALOG mode after
   processing  all  of  the  other specifiers, as if you had supplied the
|  DIALOG specifier (see Section 11.3.11).  This is  true  regardless  of
   whether  or  not the OPEN statement was explicitly executed or implied


   by the execution of the first data transfer statement for a unit.

   The form of the ERR specifier is:

        ERR= s


        s    is the number of an executable statement  to  which  program
             control  passes  if  an error occurs during the execution of
             the statement that includes the ERR specifier.

   The subroutine ERRSNS can  be  called  to  pinpoint  the  error.   See
   Appendix D for FOROTS error values returned by ERRSNS.


   11.3.17  FILE Specifier

   The FILE specifier enables you to name the file involved in  the  data
   transfer operation.  You can specify a full file specification.

   The form of the FILE specifier is:

        FILE= Character expression

   The value of the character expression is any legal TOPS-10 or  TOPS-20
   file specification.  (See the TOPS-10 Operating System Commands Manual
   or the TOPS-20 User's Guide.)

   If you omit the period and extension, the extension .DAT  is  assumed.
   If  just the extension is omitted, a null extension is assumed.  Thus,
   if you want a filename without  an  extension,  remember  to  use  the

   If a filename is not specified, a default name is generated  that  has
   the form:



        xx   is the FORTRAN logical unit number (decimal) or the  logical
             unit  name  for the default statements ACCEPT, PRINT, PUNCH,
             READ, WRITE, or TYPE.


|  Remote  File  Specifications  (TOPS-20) - A   remote   file
|  specification  is  a  file  specification that contains a nodename and
|  optionally, network access information in the following format:
|  node::dev:<dir>file[.ext.gen;USERID:id;PASSWORD:pwd;ACCOUNT:act]
|  USERID, PASSWORD, and ACCOUNT attributes may be optional depending  on
|  the default access privileges of the remote directory or file.  DEVICE
|  may be optional depending on the defaults  in  effect  at  the  remote
|  host.   When  the  file specification is remote, RMS is used to access
|  the file.  For all remote access, RMS uses the default  protection  of
|  the remote directory or system.
|                                   NOTE
|          FORTRAN supports remote  file  access  only  to  other
|          TOPS-20  and  VMS  systems.   Note  that logical names
|          defined at the local host  will  not  be  expanded  or
|          interpreted  by FORTRAN/RMS before transmission to the
|          remote host.

                                                       (TOPS-10 only)     

   11.3.18  FILESIZE (INITIALIZE) Specifier (TOPS-10 Only)

   The FILESIZE (or INITIALIZE) specifier is  used  for  disk  operations
   only.   It  enables you to estimate the number of words that an output
   file is going to contain.

   The form of the FILESIZE specifier is:

        FILESIZE= Integer expression

   The value assigned as a FILESIZE argument can be a integer expression,
   and is rounded up to the next higher block boundary (multiple of 128).

   The value specified by FILESIZE= is used as  an  estimate  only.   The
   effect  of  FILESIZE=  is  to  help the monitor try to choose the best
   place on the disk to put the file.




   11.3.19  FORM Specifier

   The FORM specifier designates whether the records in a  data  transfer
   operation  are formatted or unformatted.  You should not mix formatted
   (character) and unformatted (binary) records in the same file.

   The form of the FORM specifier is:

        FORM = ft


         ft    is  a  character  expression  having  a  value  equal   to
               'FORMATTED' or 'UNFORMATTED'.

   The arguments to the FORM specifier are:

        FORMATTED      specifies  that  the  records  being   transferred
                       contain character (formatted) data.

        UNFORMATTED    specifies  that  the  records  being   transferred
                       contain binary (unformatted) data.

   If FORM is not specified and MODE is 'ASCII' or 'LINED',  the  default
   value  for  FORM  is  'FORMATTED'.   Otherwise,  if  MODE is 'BINARY',
   'IMAGE', or 'DUMP' (TOPS-10 only),  the  default  value  for  FORM  is

   If both FORM and MODE are specified and they  are  incompatible,  then
   DIALOG   mode   is   entered,   and  you  are  asked  to  correct  the
   incompatibility.   In  the  following   example,   MODE='BINARY'   and
   FORM='FORMATTED'  are  specified in the same OPEN statement.  As shown
   below, when the  program  is  executed,  interactive  DIALOG  mode  is
   automatically   entered   to   enable   the   user   to   correct  the

             PROGRAM TRIMP
        101  FORMAT(1X,'This is a test.')

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TRIMP execution]
        ?OPEN unit 1  DSK:FOR01.DAT at MAIN.+4 in TRIMP (PC 165)
        ?Incompatible attributes /MODE:BINARY /FORM:FORMATTED


        [Enter correct file specs]
        CPU time 0.3   Elapsed time 11.4
        TYPE FOR01.DAT
        This is a test.

   If neither FORM nor MODE is  specified  the  default  value  for  FORM
   depends on the access.  If the access is SEQUENTIAL (or is defaulted),
   the default for FORM is FORMATTED.  If the access is DIRECT or RANDOM,
   the default for FORM is UNFORMATTED.


           For ASCII devices (line  printer,  plotter,  terminal,
           industry  magnetic  tape),  the FORM= specifier has no
           meaning and is ignored; both formatted and unformatted
           data transfers are legal (see Section 10.3.3).


   11.3.20  IOSTAT Specifier

   The IOSTAT specifier identifies an integer variable that  is  used  to
   store the I/O status code during the execution of a statement.

   The form of the IOSTAT specifier is:

        IOSTAT= Integer variable or integer array element

   If no error occurs during the execution of the statement, the  defined
   variable is set to zero.

   If an error does occur during the  execution  of  the  statement,  the
   defined variable is assigned a positive integer value that corresponds
   to the number of the FOROTS error that occurred (see  Appendix  D  for
   FOROTS error codes).

   When an error occurs, no error message is typed; instead, the  program
   either continues at the ERR= statement number (if the ERR specifier is
   included), or continues at the  statement  immediately  following  the
   OPEN statement (if no ERR specifier is included).



|                                                        KEY (TOPS-20)
|                                                          Specifier        
|  11.3.21  KEY Specifier (TOPS-20)
|  The KEY specifier defines the keys used by RMS to access records in an
|  indexed file.
|  For new RMS  indexed  files  the  KEY  specifier  is  mandatory.   The
|  presence   of   KEY=   causes  RMS  to  be  invoked,  whether  or  not
|  ORGANIZATION= is specified.  If the KEY specifier is  present  without
|  the   ORGANIZATION=   being   specified,   ORGANIZATION=  defaults  to
|  'INDEXED'.   If   ORGANIZATION=   and   KEY=   are   both   specified,
|  ORGANIZATION= must be 'INDEXED', or an error occurs or the ERR= branch
|  is taken.
|  For existing RMS indexed files, the  KEY  specifier  is  optional;  if
|  given, it is ignored, although RMS does update the KEY XAB chain given
|  by the user with the key information from the file.  (See  Chapter  18
|  for more information on RMS data structures.)
|  The form of the KEY specifier is:
|       KEY = (kspec[,kspec]...)
|  where:
|        kspec    has the form:
|                      e1:e2[:dt]
|           where:
|                 e1   is an integer expression specifying the first byte
|                      position of the key.
|                 e2   is an integer expression specifying the last  byte
|                      position of the key.
|                 dt   is the optional data  type  of  the  key:   either
|                      INTEGER or CHARACTER.
|  The default data type of a key is CHARACTER.  The position  of  a  key
|  specification  in the list determines a key's key-of-reference number.
|  This number is used in any subsequent I/O  statement  to  specify  the
|  same  key.   The  primary  key is key-of-reference number 0, the first
|  alternate key is key-of-reference number 1, and so forth.
|  The key fields and key-of-reference numbers are  permanent  attributes


|  of an indexed file and are established when the file is created.  When
|  an existing file  is  opened,  key  definitions  and  key-of-reference
|  numbers are obtained from the file itself.
|  The KEY specifier defines the access key for  records  in  an  indexed
|  file.  The key starts at position e1 in the record and has a length of
|  e2-e1+1.  The values of e1 and e2 must be such that:
|       1 .LE. (e1) .LE. (e2) .LE. record-length
|       1 .LE. (e2-e1+1) .LE. 255
|  You must define at least  one  key  for  a  new  indexed  file.   This
|  mandatory  key is called the primary key of the file and usually has a
|  unique value of each record (this is the default condition).  You  can
|  also  define  other keys, called alternate keys.  RMS allows up to 254
|  alternate keys.
|  When using keys of type INTEGER, RMS requires that key length  e2-e1+1
|  equals 4.  INTEGER key lengths other than 4 generate an error.


   11.3.22  LIMIT Specifier

   The LIMIT specifier designates the number of  output  units  (such  as
   pages)  for  spooled  print or punch requests, which result from using
|  DISPOSE='PRINT',  DISPOSE='PUNCH',  or  DISPOSE='LIST'  (see   Section
|  11.3.15).

   The form of the LIMIT specifier is:

        LIMIT= Integer expression

|                                                          MAXREC (TOPS-20)
|                                                           Specifier        


|  11.3.23  MAXREC Specifier (TOPS-20)
|  The MAXREC specifier defines the maximum number of  records  permitted
|  in a direct access RMS file.  If MAXREC is omitted, the maximum number
|  is unlimited.  If MAXREC is specified, RMS returns  an  error  when  a
|  record number greater than the value specified is written to the file.
|  This keyword is ignored for non-RMS files.
|  The form of the MAXREC specifier is:
|       MAXREC = Integer expression


   11.3.24  MODE Specifier

   The MODE specifier defines the  data  mode  of  an  external  file  or

   The form of the MODE specifier is:

        MODE = mod


         mod   is a character expression having a value equal to  one  of
               the following:


   After a MODE has been assigned (either explicitly or by  default),  it
   cannot be changed until the file is closed and then reopened.

   The default value of MODE depends on the values of  FORM  and  ACCESS.
   If  FORM  is  FORMATTED,  then  the default MODE is ASCII.  If FORM is
   and  no  FORM= is specified, then the default MODE is ASCII; if ACCESS
   is DIRECT or RANDOM, and no FORM= is specified, then the default  MODE
|  is  BINARY.   (See  Section  11.3.19  for details on FORM, and Section
   11.3.1 for details on ACCESS.)


   Character data is supported in formatted BINARY and IMAGE mode  files;
   it is not supported in DUMP mode files.

   The possible values of MODE are:

        ASCII     Specifies  the  data  to  be  7-bit  ASCII  characters.
                  Records  are terminated with a line feed, form feed, or
                  vertical tab.

        LINED     Takes effect on input  only.   For  output,  this  mode
                  defaults  to  ASCII.   LINED  specifies  the data to be
                  7-bit ASCII  characters  with  optional  line  sequence
                  numbers.  FORTRAN removes the line sequence numbers, if
                  present, before supplying the data to the  user.   (The
                  line  sequence  number  can  be  obtained  by using the
                  function LSNGET, see Section 13.3.1.)

                  Note that  a  page  mark  in  a  file  containing  line
                  sequence numbers is a separate record.  FORTRAN removes
                  the blank sequence number, and the carriage return/form
                  feed sequence is read as a blank record.

|                 This value is ignored for RMS files.

        BINARY    specifies that data is formatted as  a  FORTRAN  binary
                  data  file.   A BINARY file is composed of 36-bit words
                  (see Section 10.3.2).  The first word of each record is
                  written  by  FOROTS  and specifies the beginning of the
                  binary record; this 36-bit value is  called  a  type  1
                  Logical Segment Control Word (LSCW).

                  Each binary record can  contain  one  or  more  type  2
                  LSCWs.   The  type  2  LSCW,  written  by  FOROTS under
                  certain conditions, is used to mark a record that spans
                  internal buffer boundaries.

                  A third FOROTS-written word, the type 3 LSCW, is always
                  written as the last 36-bit value in each BINARY record.

                  All data in a "BINARY" transfer remains  equivalent  in
                  its external form with its internal representation.

|                 For RMS  files,  specifying  BINARY  is  equivalent  to
|                 specifying IMAGE.  RMS files do not contain LSCWs.

        IMAGE     Specifies an unformatted binary mode.  Like the  BINARY
                  form  of  unformatted  transfers,  IMAGE specifies that
                  data is transferred as 36-bit values, with the internal
                  and  external  representation of the data remaining the

                  Unlike BINARY files, IMAGE files do not contain  record
                  information   (LSCWs);   they  contain  only  the  data


                  transferred.  IMAGE files can be backspaced if a record
                  size is specified.

        DUMP      Corresponds to TOPS-10 DUMP mode I/O.  (See the TOPS-10
        TOPS-10   Monitor  Calls  Manual.)  Record   size   is   ignored.
                  Character data cannot be written into or read from DUMP
                  mode  files.   Note  that  there  is   little   or   no
                  performance  advantage  to  using  DUMP, as FOROTS uses
                  DUMP mode internally for all disk files.


           For ASCII devices (line  printer,  plotter,  terminal,
           industry  magnetic  tape),  the MODE= specifier has no
           meaning and is ignored; both formatted and unformatted
           data transfers are legal (see Section 10.3.3).

   Table 11-2 summarizes the different MODE arguments that are  supported
   on different devices.

   Table 11-2:  DEVICE and MODE Cross-Table


   11.3.25  NAME Specifier

   The NAME specifier is used to specify a full file specification.   You
   can  use  this specifier instead of the DEVICE, FILE, and/or DIRECTORY

   The form of the NAME specifier is:


        NAME= Character expression

   Examples of the NAME specifier are:

        (TOPS-10):  NAME='DSK:FOO.BAR[10,34]'


   The NAME specifier can not be given in DIALOG mode.   Also,  the  OPEN
   statement cannot have both a DIALOG= specifier and a NAME specifier.

|                                                  NOSPANBLOCKS (TOPS-20)
|                                                        Specifier        
|  11.3.26  NOSPANBLOCKS Specifier (TOPS-20)
|  The NOSPANBLOCKS specifier enables you to specify that RMS records are
|  not  to cross disk block (page) boundaries.  If any record exceeds the
|  size of the physical block, an error occurs.
|  The form of the NOSPANBLOCKS specifier is:
|  This specifier has no effect on non-RMS files or on  RMS  files  other
|  than new relative or sequential files.

|                                                   ORGANIZATION (TOPS-20)
|                                                         Specifier        
|  11.3.27  ORGANIZATION Specifier (TOPS-20)
|  The ORGANIZATION specifier determines the internal organization of  an
|  RMS file.  This specifier invokes RMS (unless 'UNKNOWN' is specified).
|  The form of the ORGANIZATION specifier is:
|       ORGANIZATION = org


|  where:
|        org      is a character expression having a value equal  to  one
|                 of the following:
|                      'SEQUENTIAL'
|                      'RELATIVE'
|                      'INDEXED'
|                      'UNKNOWN'
|  For new files, the  default  file  organization  is  SEQUENTIAL.   For
|  existing  files, the value specified must be the same value as that of
|  the existing file, or an error message is displayed or the ERR= branch
|  is taken.


   11.3.28  PADCHAR Specifier

   The PADCHAR specifier is used only with formatted output data transfer
   operations.   PADCHAR  enables you to specify a character that will be
   used to pad fixed-length formatted records, on output only,  to  their
|  specified  record  length (see the RECL(RECORDSIZE) specifier, Section
|  11.3.33).

   The form for the PADCHAR specifier is:

        PADCHAR= A character expression in which the first  character  is

   The default pad character is space.  The pad character is  ignored  if
   fixed-length   records   are   not   being   used  (that  is,  if  the
   RECL(RECORDSIZE) specifier is absent), or  if  formatted  I/O  is  not
   being done.


           To specify a null character for the pad character, you
           must use the function CHAR (see Chapter 13), since the
           compiler does not allow null character constants,  for

                OPEN (UNIT=1,PADCHAR=CHAR(0))



   11.3.29  PARITY Specifier

   The PARITY specifier is only used for magnetic  tape  operations.   It
   permits  you to specify parity to be observed (odd or even) during the
   transfer of data.

   The form of the PARITY specifier is:

        PARITY = par


         par   is a character expression having a value equal to 'ODD' or

                                                    PROTECTION (TOPS-10)  

   11.3.30  PROTECTION Specifier (TOPS-10)

   This option specifies a protection code to be  assigned  to  the  data
   file  being transferred.  The protection code is a 3-digit octal value
   indicating the level of access to the file.

   Each of the three numbers  in  the  protection  code  has  a  specific
   meaning.   The  number  in  the  leftmost position designates the file
   owner's protection; the middle number designates the project  member's
   protection; and the rightmost number designates the protection for all
   others  users  on  the  system.   The  system  default  for  the  file
   protection is assigned if a protection is not specified.

   On TOPS-10, the form of the PROTECTION specifier is:

        PROTECTION= Integer expression

   Figure 11-1 illustrates the  TOPS-10  3-digit  octal  file  protection



           When setting the protection code for a file  open  for
           output,  be  sure  not to set the protection such that
           the file is protected against writing by the  program;
           if you should do this, the OPEN statement will fail.

           To protect the file against writing by the owner,  you
           should  give  the  PROTECTION  specifier  in the CLOSE

   Figure 11-1:  TOPS-10 File Protection Number


   Table 11-3 lists all  the  possible  values  for  each  field  of  the
   protection  code.   Refer to the TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual for more


                  The File Daemon  referred  to  in  Table
                  11-3  provides extended file protection.
                  The  File  Daemon  allows  any  user  to
                  specify  who  can  and who cannot access
                  their files (if applicable).  (Refer  to
                  the  TOPS-10  Operating  System Commands

   Table 11-3:  TOPS-10 Protection Code Values


   On TOPS-10, PROTECTION can be an integer expression.  If the  argument
   is  assigned  a zero value or is not specified, the default protection
   code established for the TOPS-10 installation is used.

                                                    PROTECTION (TOPS-20)  


   11.3.31  PROTECTION Specifier (TOPS-20)

   The PROTECTION specifier enables you to designate an octal  protection
   code  for the file.  The protection code is a 6-digit octal value that
   designates the access to the file of the  owner,  group  members,  and
   other system users.

   On TOPS-20, the form of the PROTECTION specifier is:

        PROTECTION= Integer expression

   Figure 11-2 illustrates a TOPS-20 protection code.

   Figure 11-2:  TOPS-20 Protection Number

|                                   NOTE
|          This specifier is ignored for remote files.   Instead,
|          the  default  protection  of  the  remote directory or
|          system is used.

   Table 11-4 lists the possible protection values and their meanings  in
   the TOPS-20 file protection code.

   Table 11-4:  TOPS-20 Protection Code Values


   On TOPS-20, PROTECTION specifies a protection code to be  assigned  to
   the  data  file being transferred.  The protection code determines the
   level of access that three classes of users have to the file.

   PROTECTION takes an integer expression as an argument.  If  PROTECTION
   is  assigned  a zero value or is not specified, the default protection
   code established for your connected directory is used.


   11.3.32  READONLY Specifier

|  For local non-RMS files, the READONLY specifier  is  used  to  specify
|  that  the program will only read from the file.  The accessing process
|  can read but not write to the file.  Output to the file is illegal and
   will cause an error at execution time.

|  For RMS or remote files, if the  first  process  to  access  the  file
|  specifies  READONLY,  the  file  is  open for read-only access by that
|  process, as for non-RMS files.  Any subsequent accessing process  must
|  specify READONLY to obtain any access to the file.  If READONLY is not
|  specified by the  subsequent  accessor,  or  if  SHARED  (see  Section
|  11.3.35)  is  specified, access to the file is denied with a "?File is
|  locked" error.  Thus, the access-sharing capabilities of the file  are
|  determined by the first process to access the file.

   The form of the READONLY specifier is:




   11.3.33  RECL (RECORDSIZE) Specifier

|  For non-RMS files, the RECL (or RECORDSIZE) specifier enables  you  to
   specify  the number of characters or words in each record transferred.
   RECL  is  required  for   all   files   opened   for   direct   access
   (ACCESS='DIRECT', 'RANDOM', or 'RANDIN').  (See Section 11.3.1.)

|  For RMS files, RECL specifies the Maximum Record Size (MRS).

   The form of the RECL specifier is:

        RECL= Integer expression

|  For non-RMS files:

         o  In an ASCII transfer (MODE='ASCII'  or  'LINED'),  the  value
            assigned  to  RECL specifies the number of characters in each

            For output to disk or CORE-DUMP tape files,  in  addition  to
            these  characters, FOROTS adds a carriage return/line feed to
            each record, followed by enough null characters to  fill  the
            current  word,  so  that  records  are word-aligned.  RECL is
            enforced on output by padding short records with the  padding
            character for formatted records.  Long records are truncated.

         o  FORTRAN enforces a specified RECL for all  input  operations.
            If  the RECL specified in an OPEN statement is different from
            the actual size of the records, FOROTS reads  the  number  of
            characters specified by RECL.

         o  For input to disk  or  CORE-DUMP  tape  files,  specifying  a
            record   size   directs  FOROTS  to  read  records  that  are
            word-aligned.  The calculation of the  actual  recordsize  is
            the  size  specified,  plus  two for the carriage return/line
            feed, plus the number of nulls necessary  to  word-align  the

         o  For INDUSTRY tapes, with RECORDTYPE='FIXED',  RECL  specifies
            the  exact  number of characters in each record; there are no
            terminators or padding characters.  For INDUSTRY  tapes  with
            RECORDTYPE='VARIABLE', RECL specifies the maximum record size
            in the file, excluding the RCW.


            When the record is read, regardless of the  contents  of  the
            record,  it  is  interpreted as specified by the rules above;
            there are RECL characters of data, and the rest are  ignored.
            No  interpretation is done of the characters in the data part
            of the record.  These characters appear in  the  FOROTS  line
            buffer  exactly  as  they appear in the file, including nulls
            and control characters.

         o  In the case of MODE='LINED', the value of RECL  excludes  the
            five characters and tab in each line-sequence number.

         o  In a binary transfer (MODE='BINARY', or 'IMAGE'),  the  value
            assigned to RECL specifies the number of 36-bit words in each
            record.  For MODE='BINARY', the value in  RECL  excludes  the
            LSCWs written by FOROTS.


           If MODE='DUMP' is specified, RECL is ignored.

|  For RMS files:
|        o  If the file contains fixed-length records, RECL specifies the
|           size of each record.
|        o  If the file is a sequential file and contains variable-length
|           records,  RECL  is  optional and specifies the maximum length
|           for each record.  If no RECL has been specified, RMS does not
|           perform maximum-length checking.
|        o  As with non-RMS files, if  the  records  are  formatted,  the
|           length is in bytes; if unformatted, in words.
|        o  If RECL is not specified, the MRS value  specified  when  the
|           file was created is used.
|        o  If RECL is specified for an existing file  with  fixed-length
|           records  or relative organization, and the value is different
|           from the actual length of the records in the file,  an  error
|           message is displayed, or the ERR= branch is taken.
|        o  If a program attempts to write a variable-length record  that
|           is longer than the non-zero MRS value specified when the file
|           was created, an error is displayed  or  the  ERR=  branch  is
|           taken.    Writing   fixed-length  records  that  exceed  RECL
|           produces a run-time warning, and the record is  truncated  to
|           the specified size.
|        o  RECL is required when creating  a  new  relative  or  indexed
|           file, or when the RECORDTYPE is (or defaults to) FIXED.
|  For local RMS files, RMS allows the following maximum record sizes for


|  file/record formats:
|       Organization   Record format     Maximum
|       Sequential     Fixed-length      262,143 bytes
|       Sequential     Variable-length   262,143 bytes
|       Relative       Fixed-length      262,143 bytes
|       Relative       Variable-length   262,143 bytes
|       Indexed        Fixed-length      3,579 words
|       Indexed        Variable-length   3,578 words
|  For remote files, the maximum size for an RMS record  transfer  cannot
|  exceed  RMS's  DAP  buffer  size.  If the record exceeds this limit, a
|  "?Record too big" error is displayed or the ERR= branch is taken.


   11.3.34  RECORDTYPE Specifier

   The RECORDTYPE specifier defines the format of the records in a file.

   The form of the RECORDTYPE specifier is:

        RECORDTYPE = rtype


|       rtype     is a character expression having a value equal  to  one
|                 of the following:
|                      'FIXED'
|                      'STREAM'
|                      'VARIABLE'
|                      'UNKNOWN'

   The possible values for RECORDTYPE are:

        FIXED        is not defined for 36-bit format  (CORE-DUMP).   For
                     INDUSTRY  magnetic  tape,  this is the standard ANSI
                     "F" tape record format.  Thus, the  record  data  is
                     written  with  no  terminators  or  carriage control
                     characters, one record directly  after  another,  to
                     fill  exactly  fixed-length blocks.  For this record
                     format, a RECORDSIZE must be specified in  the  OPEN


                     With this record format, all physical blocks on  the
                     tape  are  the  same size except for the last block,
                     which may be a short block.

        STREAM       For all tape formats, this record  format  specifies
                     that  for  formatted files, a standard stream record
                     terminator (CRLF) is  placed  at  the  end  of  each
                     record,  and  that  a  standard stream terminator is
                     expected  on  input   to   delimit   records.    For
                     unformatted files, the behavior is identical to that
                     of MODE='IMAGE'.

                     With this record format, all physical blocks on  the
                     tape  are  the  same size except for the last block,
                     which may be a short block.

                     For 36-bit mode (CORE-DUMP), the bytes in  the  last
                     36-bit word after the last character of data will be
                     nulls.  For all tape formats,  if  a  RECORDSIZE  is
                     specified  for  a  formatted file, the actual record
                     read or written consists of the data, CRLF, and  the
                     number of nulls necessary to word-align the record.

        VARIABLE     is not defined for 36-bit tape  format  (CORE-DUMP).
                     For  INDUSTRY  magnetic  tape,  this is the standard
                     ANSI "D" tape  record  format.   Thus,  records  are
                     variable  in  length, and the record data is written
                     with no terminators or carriage-control  characters,
                     and preceded by a 4-byte record size (referred to as
                     the Record Control Word or RCW).

                     Blocks are variable length, not to exceed the  block
                     length  specified  in  the  OPEN  statement.   If  a
                     RECORDSIZE is specified in the OPEN statement,  this
                     is  the  maximum  number  of  bytes specified in the
                     4-byte RCW that precedes each  record.   The  record
                     actually  read  or  written  is four characters less
                     than specified in the RCW.

|       UNKNOWN      If the record type cannot be determined.
|  If no RECORDTYPE specifier is used, its  value  is  UNKNOWN,  and  the
|  default record types are the following:
|       File Type                        Default Record Type
|       Non-RMS files                    'STREAM'
|       RMS Relative and indexed files   'FIXED'
|       All other RMS files              'VARIABLE'


|                                   NOTE
|          VMS  FORTRAN  may  write   special   'segmented'   RMS
|          sequential files with embedded record control bytes as
|          part of the data for each RMS record in the file  (VMS
|          These files  can  be  read  correctly  only  from  VMS
|          FORTRAN.   Attempts  to read these files from a remote
|          TOPS-20 system using FORTRAN-10/20 V11 will return two
|          bytes of control information as part of the data.

|                                                         SHARED
|                                                        Specifier        
|  11.3.35  SHARED Specifier
|  The SHARED specifier, for RMS and remote non-RMS files, specifies that
|  the file is opened for write sharing:  at least one program is writing
|  a file and at least one other program is either reading or writing the
|  same  file.   For write sharing to occur, all programs that access the
|  file must specify SHARED.  Attempts by a subsequent accessor to  write
|  a  record  that  has already been locked results in a "?Record locked"
|  error, or the ERR= branch is taken.
|  The form of the SHARED specifier is:
|       SHARED
|  If neither READONLY nor SHARED is specified,  the  file  is  open  for
|  exclusive  access; that is, the initial accessor can read and write to
|  the file, but subsequent accessors are denied any access.
|  This specifier is ignored for local non-RMS files.



   11.3.36  STATUS (TYPE) Specifier

   The STATUS (or TYPE) specifier lets you specify  whether  or  not  the
   file  being opened must exist, or what to do with the opened file when
   it is closed.

   The form of the STATUS specifier is:

        STATUS = sta


         sta   is a character expression whose value is equal to  one  of
               the following:


   The arguments to STATUS are:

        EXPUNGE   On TOPS-10, this specifies that  the  file  is  deleted
                  when it is closed.  On TOPS-20, this specifies that the
                  file is deleted and expunged when it is closed.


                      On TOPS-10, any delete  also  expunges  a  file
                      from  storage.   On TOPS-20, a DELETE operation
                      marks the file as deleted; an EXPUNGE operation
                      immediately erases the file from storage.

        OLD       Specifies that  the  file  being  opened  must  already
                  exist.  If the file does not exist, an error results.

        NEW       On TOPS-10, STATUS='NEW' specifies that the  file  must
                  not  exist.   If the file does exist, an error results.
                  An error also occurs if you specify  STATUS='NEW'  with
                  ACCESS='SEQIN','SEQUENTIAL','SEQINOUT'  (to a read-only
                  device), or 'RANDIN' (see Section 11.3.1).

                  On   TOPS-20,   the   STATUS='NEW'    specifier    acts
                  differently,   depending   on  what  you  have  in  the
                  directory before STATUS='NEW' is executed.

                  Also,  the  way  you  specify  the  file  in  the  OPEN
                  statement  which  contains  the  STATUS='NEW' specifier
                  influences the way the STATUS='NEW' specifier operates.


                  The   following  list  describes  the  ways  that  this
                  specifier can operate when used on TOPS-20.

                  1.  If the file specified in the  OPEN  statement  does
                      not  currently  exist  in  the  directory,  and  no
                      generation   number   is   specified,   then    the
                      STATUS='NEW'  specifier  creates the specified file
                      and gives it a generation number of 1.

                  2.  If  the  file  specified  in  the  OPEN   statement
                      contains  a  name, extension, and generation number
                      that does not exist, the specified file is used.

                  3.  If  the  file  specified  in  the  OPEN  or   CLOSE
                      statement   contains   a   name,   extension,   and
                      generation number that is exactly the  same  as  an
                      existing  file in your directory, then STATUS='NEW'
                      causes an error, and no file is created.

                  4.  If you did not specify a generation number, but the
                      file  specified  has the same name and extension as
                      an existing file in your directory, then  the  file
                      with  the  same  name  and  extension  and the next
                      highest generation will be created.

        SCRATCH   Specifies that the file will be  automatically  deleted
                  when  the  file  is  closed.   STATUS='SCRATCH' implies

                  A SCRATCH file is always given a name by  FOROTS.   The
                  name  of  the  file  is  inaccessible  to  the  FORTRAN

                  If STATUS='SCRATCH' is used, you must not specify FILE,
                  DIRECTORY,  PROTECTION, or VERSION.  If your program is
                  writing a file with STATUS='SCRATCH', and the  file  is
                  being written to disk, you can retain it by executing a
                  CLOSE statement that renames the file  to  a  specified

                  If a file is opened with STATUS='SCRATCH',  the  access
                  must   be   ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL'   (or   'SEQINOUT')  or
                  ACCESS='DIRECT' (or 'RANDOM') (see Section 11.3.1).

        UNKNOWN   Specifies that a file opened  for  an  input  operation
                  must  exist.   When  a  file  is opened for output with
                  STATUS='UNKNOWN', if the file exists, it is superseded;
                  if it does not exist, it is created.

                  UNKNOWN is the default for STATUS.  This value is  used
                  unless you specify STATUS or unless the value of STATUS
                  is otherwise determined by the ACCESS specifier.


        KEEP      Specifies that the file  is  not  deleted.   Specifying
                  STATUS='KEEP'     is     equivalent    to    specifying
                  DISPOSE='SAVE' and STATUS='UNKNOWN'.

        DELETE    On TOPS-10, specifies that the file will be erased when
                  the file is closed.

                  On TOPS-20, specifies that the  file  will  be  deleted
                  when  the  file  is  closed.  The file is erased when a
                  TOPS-20  EXPUNGE  command  is  given.   To  undelete  a
                  deleted file, use the TOPS-20 UNDELETE command.



   The TAPEFORMAT specifier defines the physical format of  the  magnetic

   The form of the TAPEFORMAT specifier is:

        TAPEFORMAT = tmode


        tmode     is a character  expression  having  a  value  equal  to
                  'CORE-DUMP' or 'INDUSTRY'.

   The values for the TAPEFORMAT specifier are:

        CORE-DUMP specifies the "DIGITAL-compatible" tape  format,  which
                  is  36-bits  stored  in  five frames on a 9-track tape.
                  The SET TAPE  RECORDSIZE  (TOPS-20)  or  SET  BLOCKSIZE
                  (TOPS-10)  command  is  interpreted to be the number of
                  36-bit words in the magnetic tape blocks on  the  tape,
                  and  is  used if no BLOCKSIZE specifier is given in the
                  OPEN statement.  If a BLOCKSIZE specifier is  given  in
                  the  OPEN statement, it is interpreted to be the number
                  of 36-bit words  for  both  formatted  and  unformatted

        INDUSTRY  specifies characters are read or  written  in  standard
                  industry tape format, one character per tape frame.



   11.3.38  UNIT Specifier (Required)

   The UNIT specifier defines the FORTRAN logical unit number to be used.
   FORTRAN  devices are identified by assigned decimal numbers within the
   range 0-99 (see Table 10-3).  UNIT must be an integer expression.

   The form of the UNIT specifier is:

        UNIT= Integer expression

   If the unit specifier  is  the  first  specifier  given  in  the  OPEN
   statement,  the  keyword UNIT= is optional.  For example the following
   statement opens a file on unit 20:

        OPEN (20,FILE='MYFILE')


           The FORTRAN  standard  logical  unit  assignments  are
           described  in Section  Although the range of
           logical unit numbers shown in Table 10-3 is 0-99,  the
           range  of  UNIT  numbers  is  an  installation-defined

|                                                      USEROPEN (TOPS-20)
|                                                          Specifier       
|  11.3.39  USEROPEN Specifier (TOPS-20)
|  The USEROPEN specifier is used to specify  the  name  of  an  optional
|  user-supplied  external  function.   This function can set various RMS
|  parameters that FORTRAN  otherwise  defaults,  and  must  perform  the
|  actual  OPEN  in  place  of FOROTS.  This function is intended for use
|  with RMS files only; a USEROPEN function used with  a  remote  non-RMS
|  file can produce indeterminate results.


|  The form of the USEROPEN specifier is:
|       USEROPEN = procedure-name
|  where:
|        procedure-name   is the symbolic name of the USEROPEN  function.
|                         The function name must be declared EXTERNAL.
|  The function must perform both $OPEN and $CONNECT RMS  service  calls,
|  returning  AC0  non-zero  on  any  non-recoverable failure.  If AC0 is
|  returned zero, FOROTS assumes the function has succeeded, and  program
|  execution  continues.  If AC0 is returned non-zero, FOROTS assumes the
|  USEROPEN function has failed, and issues an error (or takes  the  ERR=
|  branch) based on the STS and STV values returned by RMS to FOROTS.
|  See Section 18.9 for more information on USEROPEN.

                                                      VERSION (TOPS-10)   

   11.3.40  VERSION Specifier (TOPS-10)

   Use the VERSION specifier for disk operations only; it enables you  to
   assign a 12-digit octal version number to an output file.

   The form of the VERSION specifier is:

        VERSION=Integer expression


   The CLOSE statement disassociates an active file from a  logical  unit
   and releases the memory occupied by I/O buffers and other unit-related
   data.   The  CLOSE  statement  can  also  change  some  of  the   file
   characteristics  that were assigned during the OPEN, such as the name,
   protection, directory, and disposition of the file.

   Once a CLOSE statement has been executed, you must  use  another  OPEN
   statement (or implicit OPEN) to regain access to the closed file.

   The form of the CLOSE statement is:

        CLOSE (closelist)



        closelist      is a list of  CLOSE  statement  specifiers.   This
                       list  must contain the UNIT specifier (see Section
                       11.5.9)   and   can   optionally   contain   other

   11.4.1  Implicit CLOSE

   An implicit CLOSE occurs when FOROTS automatically  closes  a  logical
   unit  without  execution of a CLOSE statement.  This can happen when a
   program terminates, or when you execute an OPEN for  a  unit  that  is
   already connected to another file.


   All of the CLOSE statement specifiers are optional,  except  the  UNIT
   specifier which is required.  Some CLOSE statement specifiers have the
   same formats as the corresponding specifiers in the OPEN statement.

   Table 11-5 summarizes the specifiers in the CLOSE statement,  and  the
   type of value required by each.  A section number is provided to refer
   to detailed descriptions of each specifier.

   Table 11-5:  Summary of CLOSE Statement Specifiers and Arguments



           For   compatibility   with   previous   versions    of
           FORTRAN-10/20, you can specify a numeric array name as
           the value of each of the following specifiers:


           When a numeric array name is used, FOROTS assumes that
           it  contains  a  string  of characters terminated by a
           null character.

           In addition, you can specify a numeric variable as the
           value  of  the  DEVICE  and  FILE  specifiers.  If the
           variable is single precision, FOROTS assumes  that  it
           contains  5  characters;  if  it  is double precision,
           FOROTS assumes that is contains 10 characters.

           The use of numeric array names and  numeric  variables
           in  place  of  character  variables  is  a nonstandard

                                                      DEVICE, DIRECTORY,
                                                       FILE, NAME, and




   The CLOSE statement file identification specifiers can  be  used  when
   you  want  to rename the output file when it is closed.  Their formats
   are the same as the corresponding specifiers in the OPEN statement.

   If any of these specifiers are given in the CLOSE statement, the  file
   is  renamed  when  it  is  closed.   If  some, but not all of the file
   identification parameters are specified on a CLOSE statement, only the
   specified parameters are changed when the file is renamed.



   The above sequence renames the output file to DKSB:NEWFIL.BAR.

   Refer to the following sections under the OPEN statement:

|       FILE - see Section 11.3.17
|       NAME - see Section 11.3.25
|       DEVICE - see Section 11.3.8
|       DIRECTORY (TOPS-10) - see Section 11.3.13
|       DIRECTORY (TOPS-20) - see Section 11.3.14
|       PROTECTION (TOPS-10) - see Section 11.3.30
|       PROTECTION (TOPS-20) - see Section 11.3.31


   11.5.2  DIALOG Specifier

   The  DIALOG  specifier  enables  you  to  type  in  additional   CLOSE
   specifiers when the CLOSE statement is actually executed.

   If the DIALOG specifier is found in the CLOSE list, then each time the
   CLOSE statement is executed, FOROTS suspends execution and prompts the


   terminal with an asterisk.

   The form of the DIALOG specifier is:


   You  can  respond  to  the  asterisk  prompt  by   entering   a   file
   specification,  DIALOG  switches  (see below), or a file specification
   followed by DIALOG switches.  The file specification  can  be  a  full
   file specification including the device, directory name, and so on.

   If you enter a file specification that  is  different  from  the  file
   specification  currently assigned to the file, FOROTS RENAMEs the file
   after it is closed to the new name.


           A DIALOG switch is any CLOSE specifier (except DIALOG,
           DIALOG=, UNIT, NAME, FILE, IOSTAT, or ERR) preceded by
           a slash (/).


   11.5.3  DIALOG= Specifier

   The DIALOG= specifier enables you to include all or a portion  of  the
   CLOSE  specifiers  in  a  character  expression.   The contents of the
   character expression are interpreted as if you had  given  the  DIALOG
   specifier  (see  above);  and, when the asterisk prompt was given, you
   had typed in  the  same  string  as  is  contained  in  the  character
   expression, followed by a carriage return.

   The form of the DIALOG= specifier is:

        DIALOG= Character expression



   When DIALOG= is given in the CLOSE list, it  is  processed  after  all
   other specifiers except DIALOG.



   11.5.4  DISPOSE Specifier

   The DISPOSE specifier enables you to specify an action to  occur  when
   the file is closed.

   The form of the DISPOSE specifier is:

        DISPOSE = dis


         dis   is a character expression having a value equal to  one  of
               the following:


   The DISPOSE specifier must have one of the following values:

        KEEP      Specifies that the file is to be left on the  connected
                  unit.   DISPOSE='KEEP'  is  the  default.   You can not
                  specify DISPOSE='KEEP' if  in  the  corresponding  OPEN
                  statement  you  specified STATUS='SCRATCH' (see Section
|                 11.3.36).

        SAVE      Same as KEEP.

        DELETE    Specifies on TOPS-10 that, if the device  is  either  a
                  DECtape  or  disk,  delete the file; otherwise, take no

                  On TOPS-20, if the device involved is  a  disk,  delete
                  the file; otherwise, take no action.

        EXPUNGE   On TOPS-10, same as DELETE.  On TOPS-20, if the  device
                  involved  is  a disk, expunge the file; otherwise, take
                  no action.

|                 EXPUNGE deletes but does not expunge a local RMS  file.
|                 Depending  on  the  capabilities  of the remote system,


|                 EXPUNGE may also expunge a remote RMS or non-RMS file.

        PRINT     Specifies that the file will be printed and  kept  (the
                  file  will  not  be  kept  if  you  specify  the  CLOSE
                  statement STATUS='DELETE' or 'EXPUNGE').  The file must
|                 be  on  disk.   This value is not supported for TOPS-20
|                 RMS files; however, it is supported for VMS RMS files.

        LIST      Specifies that the file will be printed,  deleted,  and
                  expunged  (the  file will not be deleted if you specify
                  the CLOSE statement STATUS='KEEP').  The file  must  be
|                 on  disk.   This value is not supported for TOPS-20 RMS
|                 files; however, it is supported for VMS RMS files.

        PUNCH     Specifies that the file will be punched  on  the  paper
|                 tape  punch  and kept.  The file must be on disk.  This
|                 value is not supported for RMS or remote non-RMS files.


           The value of the  CLOSE  statement  DISPOSE  specifier
           supersedes  the  value  of  the OPEN statement DISPOSE
           specifier and the OPEN statement STATUS  specifier  if
           STATUS='EXPUNGE', 'KEEP', and 'DELETE'.


   11.5.5  ERR Specifier

   The ERR specifier enables you to designate a  statement  label  of  an
   executable  statement,  in  the current program unit, to which control
   passes if an error occurs during the execution of an I/O statement.

   The form of the ERR specifier is:

        ERR= s


        s    is the number of an executable statement  to  which  program
             control  passes  if  an error occurs during the execution of
             the statement in which the ERR specifier is included.


   The ERR specifier works the same way when it is given in a CLOSE as it
|  does when given in an OPEN statement (see Section 11.3.16).


   11.5.6  IOSTAT Specifier

   The IOSTAT specifier identifies an integer variable that  is  used  to
   store the I/O status code during the execution of a statement.

   The form of the IOSTAT specifier is:

        IOSTAT= Integer variable or integer array element


   11.5.7  LIMIT Specifier

   The LIMIT specifier designates the number of  output  units  (such  as
   pages)  for  spooled  print or punch requests, which result from using
   DISPOSE='PRINT',  DISPOSE='PUNCH',  or  DISPOSE='LIST'  (see   Section

   The form of the LIMIT specifier is:

        LIMIT= Integer expression



   11.5.8  STATUS Specifier

   The STATUS specifier tells FOROTS what to do with a file  when  it  is
   closed.   In  the  CLOSE  statement, STATUS values are a subset of the
   DISPOSE specifier (see Section 11.5.4) values.


           The ANSI-77 standard does not have  DISPOSE  and  only
           allows STATUS='KEEP' or STATUS='DELETE'.

   The form of the STATUS specifier is:

        STATUS = sta


         sta   is a character expression having a value equal to  one  of
               the following:


   The arguments to STATUS are:

        KEEP      Specifies that the file is not deleted.

        DELETE    On TOPS-10, specifies that the file is deleted.

                  On TOPS-20, specifies  that  the  file  is  marked  for
                  deletion  when  the file is closed.  The file is erased
                  when a TOPS-20 EXPUNGE command is given.  To undelete a
                  deleted file, use the TOPS-20 UNDELETE command.

        EXPUNGE   On TOPS-10, the  same  as  delete.   On  TOPS-20,  this
                  specifies that the file is deleted and expunged.

|                 EXPUNGE deletes but does not expunge a local RMS  file.
|                 Depending  on  the  capabilities  of the remote system,
|                 EXPUNGE may also expunge a remote RMS or non-RMS file.


           The value of  the  CLOSE  statement  STATUS  specifier
           supersedes  the  value  of  the OPEN statement DISPOSE
           specifier  and  OPEN  statement  STATUS  specifier  if
           STATUS='EXPUNGE', 'KEEP', and 'DELETE'.




   11.5.9  UNIT Specifier (Required)

   The UNIT specifier tells FOROTS which logical unit  number  is  to  be
   closed.   This specifier corresponds to the UNIT specifier in the OPEN
|  statement (see Section 11.3.38) and to the UNIT specifiers in the data
   transfer statements (see Section 10.4.3).

   The form of the UNIT specifier is:

        UNIT= Integer expression

   If the unit specifier is  the  first  specifier  given  in  the  CLOSE
   statement,  the  keyword  UNIT=  is optional.  For example, to close a
   file on unit 20, you can use the following command:

        CLOSE (20)


   The following are examples of OPEN and CLOSE statements:


   causes a  disk  file  named  FOR01.DAT  (since  no  FILE=  option  was
   specified) to be opened on unit 1 for sequential input in binary mode.

        2     ASSOCIATEVARIABLE=I,ERR=240)

   Causes a disk file named PAYROL.DAT to be opened on unit 3 for  random
   I/O  operations  in  ASCII  mode.   The  records  in PAYROL.DAT are 80
   characters long; the ASSOCIATE VARIABLE for this file  is  I.   If  an
   error  occurs  during  the  execution of this OPEN statement, the OPEN
   terminates, and control is transferred to the statement labeled 240.

|       OPEN  (UNIT=1, FILE='IDX.DAT',
|       1     KEY=(1:15:CHARACTER),RECORDSIZE=80)
|  Invokes RMS and causes an RMS indexed disk file  name  IDX.DAT  to  be
|  created  on unit 1.  A primary index of datatype CHARACTER, specifying
|  character positions 1 through 15 of each record has been  defined  for
|  the file.


        CLOSE (UNIT=3,DISPOSE='DELETE') The above  statement  causes  the
   file associated with unit 3 to be closed and deleted.


   The INQUIRE statement inquires about specific  properties  of  a  file
   name or of a logical unit number on which a file might be opened.  The
   INQUIRE statement has two forms:  one inquires by file, and the  other
   inquires by unit.

   11.7.1  INQUIRE by File

   An INQUIRE by file is an INQUIRE statement containing the following:

         o  A FILE= keyword

         o  An associated file specification

         o  No UNIT= keyword

   It is used to obtain information about a file based on the file  name.
   INQUIRE by file can be used to get information on the following files:

         o  Files that are "connected"; meaning files for which  an  OPEN
            statement  has  been  executed  or  for which a data transfer
            statement has been executed.

         o  Files that are not "connected."

   INQUIRE by file has the following form:

|       INQUIRE (FILE=fi[DEFAULTFILE=dfi],flist)


         fi       is a character expression  whose  value  specifies  the
                  name of the file to be inquired about.

         flist    is a list that can contain at most one of each  of  the
                  inquiry specifiers (see Section 11.7.3).

|        dfi      is a character expression  specifying  a  default  file
|                 name specification string.
|  DEFAULTFILE=dfi can be used in addition to or in place of FILE=fi when
|  used  in  connection  with  an inquiry about a file.  If both FILE and
|  DEFAULTFILE are used, then the  DEFAULTFILE  specification  is  merged
|  with   FILE   to   obtain  the  full  file  specification,  with  file
|  specification fields  in  FILE  superceding  corresponding  fields  in


|                                   NOTE
|          If the file specification is remote, RMS  is  used  to
|          access the file.

   INQUIRE by file may be  used  any  time  during  the  execution  of  a
   program.  It can be used before a file is opened to find out about the
   existence of the file, or after the file is opened to find  out  other
   attributes  of  the file.  It can also be used to find the unit number
   on which the file is opened.  If the same file is opened on more  than
   one unit, the smallest number on which the file is opened is returned.

   The determination of whether a file specified in an INQUIRE  statement
   is opened on a unit is the following:

        1.  The file specification given in the INQUIRE statement is used
            to lookup the file.

        2.  If the file exists, the file specification, expanded with the
            physical  device  name  and  generation  (TOPS-20  only),  is
            compared with the file specification for each open  unit,  in
            ascending order, until there is an exact string match.

        3.  If the file does not exist, the specification  given  in  the
            INQUIRE  statement (with a default of DSK: added if necessary
            for the device name), is compared with the file specification
            for  each  open  unit,  in ascending order, until there is an
            exact string match.   Note  that  this  match  will  only  be
            successful for 'deferred' OPEN files, since non-deferred OPEN
            files are  always  established  in  the  specified  directory
            immediately.  Therefore, the file exists (see item 2 above).


           If a file exists, INQUIRE by file will  not  generally
           match the file with a unit for which a 'deferred' OPEN
           has been done, since the file  specification  for  the
           unit  has  not been expanded.  For example, the file's
           logical  device  name  has  not  been  replaced  by  a
           physical device name.

   (See Section 18.8 for information on FOROTS and INQUIRE by file.)

   11.7.2  INQUIRE by Unit

   INQUIRE by unit is an INQUIRE statement containing a UNIT= keyword and
   no  FILE=  keyword.  It is used to find out information about the file


   that may be "connected" to the specified unit.

   INQUIRE by unit has the following form:

        INQUIRE ([UNIT=]u,ulist)


         u     is the number of the logical unit to  be  inquired  about.
               The  unit  need  not  exist, nor need it be connected to a
               file.  If the unit is connected to  a  file,  the  inquiry
               encompasses both the connection and the file.

         ulist is a list that can contain at most  one  of  each  of  the
               inquiry specifiers (see Section 11.7.3).

   If the optional UNIT= keyword if omitted, u must be the first item  in
   the list.

   INQUIRE by unit can be used at any time  during  the  execution  of  a
   program.   It can be used before a file is opened to find out if there
   is another file open on the unit, or after the file is opened to  find
   out other attributes of the file.

   11.7.3  INQUIRE Specifiers

   The specifiers described in the following  sections  may  be  used  in
   either form of the INQUIRE statement.  ACCESS Specifier - The ACCESS specifier  has  the  following

        ACCESS = acc


         acc   is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.   It  is assigned the value 'SEQUENTIAL' if the
               file is connected for sequential access, 'DIRECT'  if  the
|              file  is  connected  for  direct access, or 'KEYED' if the
|              file is connected  for  keyed  access.   If  there  is  no
               connection, acc is 'UNKNOWN'.  BLANK Specifier - The  BLANK  specifier  has  the  following

        BLANK = blk



         blk   is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.   It  is  assigned the value 'NULL' if the file
               was last opened with BLANK='NULL',  and  is  assigned  the
               value 'ZERO' if the file was opened with BLANK='ZERO'.  If
               the file is not open, blk is 'UNKNOWN'.

|  BYTESIZE  Specifier - The   BYTESIZE   specifier   has   the
|  following form:
|       BYTESIZE = byte
|  where:
|        byte     is the integer bytesize of the file (or 0 if  the  file
|                 is not open).  CARRIAGECONTROL  Specifier - The  CARRIAGECONTROL  specifier
   has the following form:



         cc    is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.  It is assigned the following values:

               1.  'FORTRAN' if the file has the FORTRAN carriage-control

               2.  'LIST' if the file has  the  implied  carriage-control

               3.  'NONE' if the file has no carriage-control attribute

               4.  'TRANSLATED' if the file has FORTRAN  carriage-control
                   characters  being  translated  directly  into vertical
                   motion characters.

               5.  'UNKNOWN'  if  the  CARRIAGECONTROL  value  cannot  be
                   determined, or the file is not open.  DIRECT Specifier - The DIRECT specifier  has  the  following


        DIRECT = dir


         dir   is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.  It is assigned the following values:

               1.  'YES' if DIRECT is an allowed access  method  for  the

               2.  'NO' if DIRECT is not an allowed access method for the

               3.  'UNKNOWN' if the  processor  is  unable  to  determine
                   whether DIRECT is an allowed access method  ERR Specifier - The ERR specifier has the following form:

        ERR = s


         s     is the label of an executable statement.  ERR is a control
               specifier;  if  an  error  occurs  during execution of the
               INQUIRE statement, control is transferred to the statement
               whose label is s.  EXIST Specifier - The  EXIST  specifier  has  the  following

        EXIST = ex


         ex    is a logical variable or logical  array  element.   It  is
               assigned  the  value  .TRUE. if the specified file or unit
               exists, and the value .FALSE.  if the  specified  file  or
               unit does not exist.  FORM Specifier - The FORM specifier has the following form:

        FORM = fm


         fm    is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.   It  is  assigned the value 'FORMATTED' if the


               file is connected for formatted I/O, and 'UNFORMATTED'  if
               the file is connected for unformatted I/O.  If there is no
               connection, fm is 'UNKNOWN'.  FORMATTED  Specifier - The  FORMATTED  specifier   has   the
   following form:

        FORMATTED = fmd


         fmd   is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.  It is assigned the value 'YES' if formatted is
               an allowed form for the file.  It is  assigned  the  value
               'NO'  if formatted is not an allowed form of the file, and
               the value 'UNKNOWN' if the form cannot be determined.  IOSTAT Specifier - The IOSTAT specifier has  the  following

        IOSTAT = ios


         ios   is an integer variable or integer array  element.   It  is
               assigned  a  processor-dependent positive integer value if
               an error occurs during execution of the INQUIRE statement,
               or assigned the value zero if there is no error condition.

|  KEYED Specifier - The KEYED  specifier  has  the  following
|  form:
|       KEYED = kyd
|  where:
|        kyd      is assigned the value 'YES'  if  KEYED  is  an  allowed
|                 access  method  for  the  file  (that  is,  the file is
|                 indexed), 'NO'  if  KEYED  is  not  an  allowed  access
|                 method, and 'UNKNOWN' if the file is not open.  NAME Specifier - The NAME specifier has the following form:

        NAME = nme



         nme   is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.   It  is  assigned  the  name of the file being
               inquired about.

               The value assigned to nme is not necessarily identical  to
               the  value  specified  with FILE=.  For example, the value
               that the processor returns may contain a directory name or
               generation number (TOPS-20 only).  However, the value that
               is assigned is always valid for use with FILE= in an  OPEN


                   FILE and NAME are synonyms when used with the OPEN
                   statement,  but  not  when  used  with the INQUIRE

               For INQUIRE by unit, FOROTS  returns  the  full,  expanded
               file specification if any of the following is true:

                o  If there is a file open on  the  specified  unit  with
                   STATUS other than UNKNOWN or SCRATCH.

                o  If there is a file open on  the  specified  unit  with
                   ACCESS other than SEQUENTIAL.

                o  An I/O transfer statement has been executed using  the
                   specified unit and the unit has not been closed.

               FOROTS returns the string given in the OPEN for NAME= with
               defaults applied if both of the following are true:

                o  If the file is open on the specified unit as a  result
                   of  an  OPEN  statement  in which STATUS='UNKNOWN' and
                   ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' are specified or implied.

                o  No I/O transfer statement has been executed using  the
                   specified unit.

               If STATUS='SCRATCH', FOROTS returns blanks for NAME=.

               If there has been no OPEN statement, and no  I/O  transfer
               statement  has  been  executed  using  the specified unit,
               FOROTS returns for NAME= the  default  file  specification
               for that unit.

               For INQUIRE by file, FOROTS  returns  the  full,  expanded
               file  specification  if  the  file exists in the specified
               directory.   If  the  file  does  not  yet  exist  on  the
               specified  directory,  but has been opened by a 'deferred'
               OPEN, FOROTS returns  the  string  given  in  the  INQUIRE


               statement,  with  defaults  applied  for  the  device  and
               generation number (TOPS-20 only).  Otherwise,  blanks  are
|                                         NOTE
|                  INQUIRE on a remote file that returns a full  file
|                  specification, returns the network attributes.  NAMED Specifier - The NAMED  specifier  has  the  following

        NAMED = nmd


         nmd   is a logical variable or logical  array  element.   It  is
               assigned  the  value  .TRUE.  if  the specified file has a
               name, and the value .FALSE. if the file does  not  have  a
               name.  NEXTREC Specifier - The NEXTREC specifier has the following

        NEXTREC = nr


         nr    is an integer variable or integer array  element.   It  is
               assigned  an  integer value that is one more than the last
               record number read or  written  on  the  specified  direct
               access file.  If no records have been read or written, the
               value of nr is one.  If the  file  is  not  connected  for
               direct access, or if the position is indeterminate because
               of an error condition, nr is zero.  NUMBER Specifier - The NUMBER specifier has  the  following

        NUMBER = num


         num   is an integer variable or integer array  element.   It  is
               assigned  the number of a logical unit currently connected
               to the specified  file.   If  there  is  no  logical  unit


               connected  to  the file, num is not defined.  If more than
               one unit is connected  to  the  file,  the  smallest  unit
               number is returned.  OPENED Specifier - The OPENED specifier has  the  following

        OPENED = od


         od    is a logical variable or logical  array  element.   It  is
               assigned  the value .TRUE. if the specified file is opened
               on a unit or if  the  specified  unit  is  opened;  it  is
               assigned  the  value  .FALSE.  if  the file or unit is not

|  ORGANIZATION Specifier - The ORGANIZATION specifier has the
|  following form:
|       ORGANIZATION = org
|  where:
|        org      is a character variable, array  element,  or  substring
|                 reference.   It  is  assigned the value 'SEQUENTIAL' if
|                 the file is a sequential file, 'RELATIVE' if  the  file
|                 is a relative file, 'INDEXED' if the file is an indexed
|                 file, or 'UNKNOWN' if the file is not open or the  file
|                 is not an RMS file.  RECL   (RECORDSIZE)   Specifier - The   RECL   (RECORDSIZE)
   specifier has the following form:

        RECL = rcl


         rcl   is an integer variable or integer array element.

|              For non-RMS files, if the file (or unit) is opened, rcl is
               the  record  length for fixed-length record files.  In all
               other cases, rcl is zero.   If  the  file  is  opened  for
               formatted  I/O,  rcl  is  expressed  in characters, and in
               words if the file is unformatted.

|              For RMS files, if the  file  is  open,  RECL  returns  the


|              maximum  record  size  value  associated  with the file in
|              either bytes (for formatted I/O) or words (for unformatted
|              I/O).  If the file is not open, RECL returns zero.  RECORDTYPE Specifier - The  RECORDTYPE  specifier  has  the
   following form:

        RECORDTYPE = rtype


         rtype is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.   It  is assigned the value 'FIXED' if the file
               has fixed-length records, assigned the value 'VARIABLE' if
               the  file  has  variable-length  records, and assigned the
               value 'STREAM' if the file is a stream file  (default  for
|              disk  and  magnetic tape).  If the file is not open, rtype
               is assigned the value 'UNKNOWN'.  SEQUENTIAL Specifier - The  SEQUENTIAL  specifier  has  the
   following form:

        SEQUENTIAL = seq


         seq   is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.  It is assigned the following values:

               1.  'YES' if SEQUENTIAL is an allowed  access  method  for
                   the specified file

               2.  'NO' if SEQUENTIAL is not an allowed access method

               3.  'UNKNOWN' if the processor  cannot  determine  whether
                   SEQUENTIAL is an allowed access method  UNFORMATTED Specifier - The UNFORMATTED specifier  has  the
   following form:

        UNFORMATTED = unf


         unf   is a  character  variable,  array  element,  or  substring
               reference.   It is assigned the value 'YES' if unformatted
               is an allowed form for the file.  It is assigned the value


               'NO'  if  unformatted  is not an allowed form of the file,
               and the value 'UNKNOWN' if the form cannot be determined.



   Table 11-6 summarizes the form and use of the FORTRAN  device  control

   Table 11-6:  Summary of Device-Control Statements



   Device control statements enable you  to  position  external  devices.
   For  example,  when  performing data transfers with magnetic tape, you
   use device control  statements  to  position  the  tape.   The  device
   control  statements  may  be  used  for both formatted and unformatted

   The following list contains all of the device control statements,  and
   the section in which each statement is described.

        1.  FIND (Section 11.8.1)

        2.  REWIND (Section 11.8.2)

        3.  UNLOAD (Section 11.8.3)

        4.  BACKSPACE (Section 11.8.4)

        5.  ENDFILE (Section 11.8.5)

        6.  SKIPRECORD (Section 11.8.6)

        7.  SKIPFILE (Section 11.8.7)

        8.  BACKFILE (Section 11.8.8)


           The results of the BACKSPACE and SKIPRECORD statements
           are  unpredictable  when  used  on  list-directed  and
           NAMELIST formatted data.

   The general form of every device control statement is:

        keyword un


        keyword (UNIT=un[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        keyword (un[,END=s][,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        keyword        is the statement name.

        un             is the FORTRAN logical unit  number.   Table  10-3
                       lists  the  default  logical unit numbers.  If you
                       enclose  the   logical   unit   specification   in


                       parentheses,  you  can include the keyword portion
                       (UNIT=) of the logical  unit  specification.   The
                       keyword  form  of  the  unit  specifier  makes the
                       specification  positionally  independent  in   the
                       parenthetical list.

        END=s          is the optional end-of-file specifier (see Section

        ERR=s          is  the  optional  error  specifier  (see  Section

        IOSTAT=ios     is the optional I/O error  status  specifier  (see
                       Section 10.4.8).

   The operations performed by the device control statements are  usually
   used  only  for magnetic tape devices (MTA).  In FORTRAN, however, the
   device control operations are simulated for disk devices.


   11.8.1  FIND Statement

   In earlier versions of FORTRAN-10/20, the FIND statement could be used
   during   direct-access   READ/WRITE  operations  to  reduce  the  time
   necessary  to  do  data  transfers  and  to  locate   records   in   a
|  direct-access  file.  For FORTRAN-10/20 Version 11, the FIND statement
|  has no effect on non-RMS files, except for setting the current  record
   number and, therefore, the associate variable.

|  For an RMS relative file, the FIND statement positions the file at the
|  record  number  specified.  This establishes the record as the current
|  record, sets the associate variable, and returns.   The  file  on  the
|  specified unit must be a relative file opened for direct access.

   The first form of the FIND statement is:

        FIND (UNIT=un,REC=rn[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])

   The second form of the FIND statement operates in the same way as  the
   first  form.   The difference between the two forms is in the way that
   the unit number and record number are specified.

   The second form of this statement is:



   In this form, the unit number and record number  do  not  contain  the
   keywords UNIT= and REC=.  Instead, the unit number is specified first,
   followed by a single quote ('), and finally the record number.

   The following example demonstrates how the FIND statement is used:


   This statement positions the file so  that  the  next  READ  statement
   reads record 100.


   11.8.2  REWIND Statement

   The REWIND statement, used for disk files, causes a specified file  to
   be  positioned  at its initial point.  For magnetic tape, execution of
   the REWIND statement positions the magnetic tape at its initial point.

|  The REWIND  statement  can  be  used  with  RMS  sequential  files  or
|  sequential  access  RMS  relative  files.   It  is illegal for indexed
|  files.

   The forms of the REWIND statement are:

        REWIND un


        REWIND (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        REWIND (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        un   is the logical unit number of the device on which the REWIND
             is  being  performed.   Table 10-3 lists the default logical
             unit numbers.

   REWIND is illegal for files opened with ACCESS='APPEND'.



   11.8.3  UNLOAD Statement

   The UNLOAD statement rewinds and unloads the magnetic tape  associated
   with the specified unit.

   The forms of the UNLOAD statement are:

        UNLOAD un


        UNLOAD (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        UNLOAD (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        un   is the logical unit number of the device on which the UNLOAD
             is  being  performed.   Table 10-3 lists the default logical
             unit numbers.


   11.8.4  BACKSPACE Statement

   Execution of a BACKSPACE statement causes the file  connected  to  the
   specified unit to be positioned before the preceding record.  If there
   is no preceding record, the position of the file is not  changed.   If
   the  preceding  record  is an ENDFILE record (see Section 11.8.5), the
   file is positioned before the ENDFILE record.

|  For RMS files, this  statement  repositions  a  file  with  sequential
|  organization  to  the beginning of the previous record.  When the next


|  I/O statement is executed, this  preceding  record  is  available  for
|  processing.

   The BACKSPACE  statement  cannot  be  used  for  direct-access  files,
   append-access files, or files that are formatted with list-directed or
   NAMELIST-statement formatting.

|  For RMS files, BACKSPACE cannot be used for files open ACCESS='APPEND'

   The forms of the BACKSPACE statement are:

        BACKSPACE un


        BACKSPACE (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        BACKSPACE (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        un   is the logical unit  number  of  the  device  on  which  the
             BACKSPACE  is being performed.  Table 10-3 lists the default
             logical unit numbers.


   11.8.5  ENDFILE Statement

   The ENDFILE statement closes the  file  on  the  specified  unit.   On
   magnetic  tape,  an 'ENDFILE record' is written and is then positioned
   after the end-of-file mark.

|  For RMS files, ENDFILE is supported only  for  files  with  sequential
|  organization.

   For disk, the file is closed and then positioned at  the  end  of  the
   file, and an end-of-file status is set.  This status is the equivalent
   of the file being positioned after an 'ENDFILE record'.

   Thus, for both disk and magnetic tape,  a  BACKSPACE  operation  given


   after  an  end  file  operation positions the file after the last data
   record (that is, before the physical (or virtual) 'ENDFILE record').

   The ENDFILE statement can be used only with sequential access files.

   The forms of the ENDFILE statement are:

        ENDFILE un


        ENDFILE (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        ENDFILE (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        un   is the logical unit  number  of  the  device  on  which  the
             ENDFILE  is  being  performed.  Table 10-3 lists the default
             logical unit numbers.


   11.8.6  SKIPRECORD Statement

   The SKIPRECORD statement skips the record  immediately  following  the
   current  (last  accessed)  record.   If  the  SKIPRECORD  statement is
   executed prior to accessing any records, then the first record in  the
   file  is  skipped.   You cannot use SKIPRECORD on direct-access files.
|  You can use SKIPRECORD on RMS indexed files; it does a sequential read
|  on the current index as established by a previous indexed READ, or the
|  primary index if no current index has been set.

   The forms of the SKIPRECORD statement are:

        SKIPRECORD un







        un   is the logical unit  number  of  the  device  on  which  the
             SKIPRECORD is being performed.  Table 10-3 lists the default
             logical unit numbers.


   11.8.7  SKIPFILE Statement

   This statement is used only for magnetic tape operations.   Unless  an
   end-of-file  has  been encountered, the SKIPFILE statement advances to
   the  beginning  of  the  next  file.   If  an  end-of-file  has   been
   encountered,  SKIPFILE skips the next file.  If the number of SKIPFILE
   executions exceeds the number of files available  to  be  skipped,  an
   error occurs.

   The forms of the SKIPFILE statement are:

        SKIPFILE un


        SKIPFILE (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        SKIPFILE (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        un   is the logical unit  number  of  the  device  on  which  the
             SKIPFILE  is  being performed.  Table 10-3 lists the default
             logical unit numbers.



   11.8.8  BACKFILE Statement

   This statement is used only  for  magnetic  tape  operations.   If  an
   end-of-file  has been encountered, the BACKFILE statement positions to
   the start of the file whose end-of-file was detected.  Otherwise,  the
   BACKFILE  statement  positions  to the start of the file that precedes
   the current (last accessed) file.

   The forms of the BACKFILE statement are:

        BACKFILE un


        BACKFILE (UNIT=un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=ios])


        BACKFILE (un[,ERR=s][,IOSTAT=s])


        un   is the logical unit  number  of  the  device  on  which  the
             BACKFILE  is  being performed.  Table 10-3 lists the default
             logical unit numbers.


           On a magnetic tape with multiple files,  the  position
           of  the  tape  after  an ENDFILE record of one file is
           equivalent to the position at  the  beginning  of  the
           next file.


                                 CHAPTER 12

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   Data transfers can be  either  formatted  or  unformatted.   When  the
   internal  (memory)  representation  of  the  data  is  translated to a
   different external (peripheral storage) representation during  a  data
   transfer, that data transfer is considered formatted.

   Conversely, when the internal and external representations of the data
   are the same, that data transfer is considered unformatted.

   A  formatted  data  transfer  involves  editing  of  data  as  it   is
   transferred  to and from memory.  FORTRAN provides you with three ways
   for specifying how the data  is  formatted  during  a  formatted  data
   transfer.  These are:

        1.  FORMAT-Statement Formatting

        2.  List-Directed Formatting

        3.  NAMELIST-Statement Formatting

   Of the three types, FORMAT-statement formatting provides you with  the
   most  control  over how the data is formatted.  Section 12.1 describes
   FORMAT-statement formatting.

   List-directed formatting means that the formatting  is  controlled  by
   the  data  types  of  the  I/O  list elements.  Section 12.5 describes
   list-directed formatting.

   NAMELIST-statement formatting is the third method for  formatting  the
   data;  the  formatting is controlled by the data types of the namelist
   elements.  In this form,  the  I/O  list  is  defined  in  a  NAMELIST
   statement and referenced by the data transfer statement.  Section 12.6
   describes NAMELIST-statement formatting.
|                                   NOTE
|          FOROTS/RMS supports transparent data transfers to  and
|          from  VMS  systems  for  all  formatted  data, and for

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

|          unformatted character data.   Numeric  data  transfers
|          are  not  supported.   DIL  (Data interchange Library)
|          routines or DIU (Data Interchange Utility)  should  be
|          used   to  correctly  exchange  numeric  data  between
|          TOPS-20 and VMS systems.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS



   A FORMAT statement directs the editing of  data  during  its  transfer
   between  internal  and  external  storage.   Every  formatted  (FORMAT
   statement) data transfer statement contains a reference to one of  the

        1.  A line containing a FORMAT statement with a format list

        2.  A numeric array containing a format list

        3.  A character expression containing a format list

        4.  An integer, real, or logical variable that has been  assigned
            a FORMAT statement number with an ASSIGN statement

   The format list is made up of format specifiers.

   During execution of a formatted data transfer statement, items in  the
   I/O list are associated with specifiers in the referenced format list.
   The specifiers dictate how the various data items are formatted.

   Section 12.1.1 describes how to create  a  format  list  in  a  FORMAT
   statement;   Section   12.1.2   describes   how  to  create  a  format
   specification as a character expression.  Section 12.1.3 describes how
   to create a numeric array that contains a format list.  Section 12.1.4
   describes  how  to  specify  a  FORMAT  statement  using  an  ASSIGNed

   12.1.1  Specifying a Format List in a FORMAT Statement

   The general form of a FORMAT statement is:

        n      FORMAT fs


        n              is the required statement  number.   This  number,
                       referenced  in  the control-information list of an
                       I/O statement (see Section  10.4.2)  provides  the
                       association  between  the  data transfer statement

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

                       and the FORMAT statement.

        fs             is a format specification.  The form of  a  format
                       specification is:

                            ([format list])


        format list    is a list of items  which  may  take  any  of  the
                       following forms:

                            [r] ed




                            [r] (fl)


        r              is a nonzero, unsigned, integer constant called  a
                       repeat specification.

        ed             is  a  repeatable  edit  descriptor  (see  Section

        ned            is a nonrepeatable edit  descriptor  (see  Section

        fl             is a nonempty format list.

   The only placement restrictions for FORMAT statements  are  that  they
   follow  PROGRAM,  FUNCTION,  SUBPROGRAM, or BLOCK DATA statements, and
   that they precede the END statement.

   The following example illustrates  FORMAT-statement  formatting.   The
   FMT  specifier  in  the WRITE statement references the label of FORMAT
   statement  101.   This  FORMAT  statement  contains  a  list  of  edit
   descriptors  (X,  I, and F) that dictate the formatting of the data in
   I/O list (variables J, Y, and Z).

        101    FORMAT(1X,I,F,F)

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   12.1.2  Specifying a Format Specification as a Character Expression

   You can store format specifications in character variables,  character
   arrays,  character  array elements, character substrings, or character

   A character format specification must be  of  the  form  described  in
   Section 12.1.1.  Note that the form begins with a left parenthesis and
   ends with a right parenthesis.  Character data may  follow  the  right
   parenthesis  that ends the format specification, with no effect on the
   format  specification.   Blank  characters  may  precede  the   format

   If the format  identifier  is  a  character  array  name,  the  format
   specification  may  be contained in more than the first element of the
   array.  (A character array format specification is considered to be  a
   concatenation  of  all  the  array  elements of the array in the order
   given by array element ordering (see Section 4.3.3).)

   However, if a character array element name is specified  as  a  format
   identifier, the length of the format specification must not exceed the
   length of the array element.

   The following example shows the same format specification used in  the
   examples   in   Section   12.1.1.   This  time,  however,  instead  of
   referencing  the  format  specification  by   statement   number,   or
   referencing  the  name of a numeric array, the data transfer statement
   references the name of the character  variable  in  which  the  format
   specification is contained.

        FORNAM = '(1X,I,F,F)'

   12.1.3  Specifying a Format Specification in a Numeric Array

   An alternative to using FORMAT  statements  is  to  store  the  format
   specification in a numeric array.

   The  format  specifications  are  associated  with  a  data   transfer
   statement   by  referencing  the  array  name  containing  the  format
   specification, instead of a statement label of a FORMAT statement.

   The following example shows the same format specification used in  the
   example in Section 12.1.1.  This time, however, instead of referencing
   the format  specification  by  statement  number,  the  data  transfer

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   statement references the name of the numeric array in which the format
   specification is contained.


   In the above example the format specification is stored in both  words
   of  array FORNAM.  This is because the format contains ten characters:
   the first five are in FORNAM(1); and the last five are in FORNAM(2).


           When storing  a  format  specification  in  an  array,
           always  include  the  outer most parentheses enclosing
           the format specifiers.   Note  that  the  word  FORMAT
           should not be included in the string.

   12.1.4  Specifying a FORMAT Statement Using an ASSIGNed Variable

   Integer, real, or logical variables that  have  been  ASSIGNed  FORMAT
   statement  numbers can be used as format specifiers.  (See Section 8.3
   for information on the ASSIGN (statement label) assignment statement.)

   The variable is assigned a statement number by  an  ASSIGN  statement.
   The  format  specifier  references  the  variable  that  refers to the
   statement number it has been assigned.

   The following example shows the same format specification used in  the
   examples  in Sections 12.1.1, 12.1.2, and 12.1.3.  This time, however,
   instead of referencing the format specification by  statement  number,
   the  data  transfer  statement  references  a  variable  that has been
   assigned a statement number by an ASSIGN statement.

             ASSIGN 101 TO IFORMT
        101  FORMAT(1X,I,F,F)

   12.1.5  The Ordering and Interpretation of Format List Items

   For standard conforming programs, all items  within  the  format  list
   should  be  separated  by  commas, with the exception of the following

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


        1.  Between a P edit descriptor and an immediately  following  F,
            E, D, or G edit descriptor (See Section 12.4.11)

        2.  Before or after a slash edit descriptor (See Section 12.4.5)

        3.  Before or after a colon edit descriptor (See Section 12.4.6)

   In FORTRAN-10/20, the use of commas to delimit format edit descriptors
   within  a format list is optional as long as no ambiguity exists.  For

        FORMAT (3X,A2)

   can be written as

        FORMAT (3XA2)

   But the specification

        FORMAT (I22I5)

   is ambiguous, since it can represent

        FORMAT (I22,I5)     or     FORMAT (I,22I5)

   and requires the comma to eliminate ambiguity.

                                                      Edit Descriptors    


   Edit descriptors within the format list describe the manner of editing
   performed on the data being transferred.

   For example, when you transfer integers from a file to memory, you use
   an  I  edit descriptor.  When the data transfer statement is executed,
   an item in the I/O list is associated with the I  edit  descriptor  in
   the format list, and the following results:

        1.  Before being stored in memory, the data is  converted  to  an
            internal  integer  format  by  the  I  edit descriptor in the
            format list.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        2.  The memory location in which the data is stored is identified
            by the I/O list element.

   The following sample program demonstrates how an integer is read  from
   the  terminal (external device) into the memory location identified in
   the I/O list of the ACCEPT statement.

               PROGRAM FORMAT

               TYPE *,'Please enter a two digit number:'
               ACCEPT 101,K
        101    FORMAT(I2)

               TYPE 102,K
        102    FORMAT(1X,I5)

   The sample output below shows what happens when the user executes  the
   above  program.   The  user  enters  78  in  response  to  the  ACCEPT
   statement.  This causes the integer value to be stored in the variable
   K  according  to  the I edit descriptor in FORMAT statement 101.  Then
   the type statement causes the value of variable K to be printed at the
   terminal according to the I edit descriptor in FORMAT statement 102.

        LINK: Loading
        [LNKXCT FORMAT execution]

        Please enter a two digit number:
        CPU Time 0.1   Elapsed Time 8.7

   The I edit descriptor is an example of a repeatable  edit  descriptor.
   FORTRAN  has  two  types  of  edit  descriptors:   repeatable (Section
   12.2.1) and nonrepeatable (Section 12.2.2).  The third  type  of  item
   that  appears  in  a  format  list  is  the carriage-control specifier
   (Section 12.2.3).

                                                      Repeatable Edit

   12.2.1  Repeatable Edit Descriptors

   A repeatable edit descriptor may be preceded by an optional, unsigned,

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   nonzero, integer constant that specifies a repeat count.  This integer
   is called a repeat specification.

   Using a repeat  specification  in  an  edit  descriptor  gives  you  a
   shorthand  way to specify multiple fields with a single specification.
   For example, without using the repeat specification, if you wanted  to
   specify  four  fields,  each of which contain an integer value that is
   six  characters  long,  you  might  construct  the  following   FORMAT

        101   FORMAT (1X,I6,I6,I6,I6)

   If you use the repeat specification, however, you  need  only  specify
   the edit descriptor and field width a single time, as follows:

        101   FORMAT (1X,4I6)

   These two FORMAT statements are equivalent.

   Table 12-1 lists the repeatable  edit  descriptors.   Each  descriptor
   listed  in  the  table  is shown in its complete form.  The key at the
   bottom of Table 12-1 describes all the optional elements in each  edit
   descriptor.   The  right-most  column  of  Table  12-1  references the
   section in which each edit descriptor is discussed.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   Table 12-1:  Repeatable FORTRAN Edit Descriptors

                                                     Nonrepeatable Edit

   12.2.2  Nonrepeatable Edit Descriptors

   A nonrepeatable edit descriptor  can  not  be  preceded  by  a  repeat

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   specification.   The  nonrepeatable edit descriptors provide a variety
   of  editing  possibilities,  such  as  positioning  within  a  record,
   including  character  constants  in a FORMAT statement, and delimiting
   records within a single format descriptor.

   Table 12-2 lists the  nonrepeatable  edit  descriptors.   The  format,
   function,  and  section  number where each descriptor is discussed are
   listed in the table.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   Table 12-2:  Nonrepeatable FORTRAN Edit Descriptors


   12.2.3  Carriage-Control Specifiers

   In a data output transfer, the first character of each record  can  be
   used  for carriage control.  A carriage-control specifier dictates the

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   action of the printing mechanism  on  output  devices.   For  example,
   carriage-control   specifiers   determine  the  vertical  spacing  for
   line-printer output.


           The CARRIAGECONTROL specifier of  the  OPEN  statement
           enables  you to decide how the first character of each
           record is treated.  Depending  on  the  value  of  the
           CARRIAGECONTROL specifier, the first character can be:

           1.  Replaced  with  the  appropriate   printer-control

           2.  Disregarded as a carriage-control  character  and,
               instead, be transferred as part of the record.

           For more information on the CARRIAGECONTROL specifier,
           see Section 11.3.6

   The carriage-control specifier may be written as a character constant.
   The  following example shows the blank carriage-control character in a
   FORMAT statement:


        101      FORMAT(' ','This is a string')


   When this example is executed,  the  string  in  the  format  list  is
   printed on unit 5, the terminal, as follows:

        This is a string

   If you omit the carriage-control specifier from a data output transfer
   format list, FOROTS interprets the first character to be output to the
   record as the carriage-control character.  Using the example above, if
   we  omit  the blank specifier, FOROTS assumes that the first character
   encountered (in this case, the "T" in "This") is the  carriage-control
   character.     Executing    this    example,    after   removing   the
   carriage-control specifier, causes the first character to be  stripped
   from the character constant.  Thus, the output at the terminal is:

        his is a string

   The carriage-control characters are summarized in Table 12-3.   The  $
   (dollar  sign)  output  edit  descriptor  modifies  the  action of the
   carriage-control specifier (see Section 12.4.4).

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   Table 12-3:  Carriage-Control Specifiers

                                                  I/O List & Format List


   This section describes how the I/O list and the format  list  interact
   during a data transfer.

   12.3.1  General Description

   Format control is initiated by execution of a formatted data  transfer
   statement.   The  actions  performed  by  format control depend on the
   interaction of the edit descriptors in the  format  specification  and
   the I/O list elements in the data transfer statement.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   The following example shows how  the  I/O  list  elements  in  a  data
   transfer  statement  interact  with the edit descriptors in the format
   list in a simple data transfer.

               READ (5,100) N,X,Y
        100    FORMAT (I5,F12.0,F10.0)

   In this example, the I/O list is


   and the format specification is


   The variables in the I/O list and the specifiers  in  the  format  are
   matched up as follows:

        N    I5
        X    F12.0
        Y    F10.0

   A formatted data transfer statement matches elements of the  I/O  list
   and  specifiers  in  the  format specification.  The matching proceeds
   from left to right, one  I/O  list  element  to  one  repeatable  edit

   In the above example, there are three elements in  the  I/O  list  and
   three  format  specifiers.   However,  the  interactions  can  be more
   complicated than those in the example.   A  format  specifier  can  be
   preceded  by a repeat count, in which case it corresponds to more than
   one element in the I/O list.  Also, an element of the I/O list can  be
   an array name, in which case it can correspond to more than one format
   specifier.  The number of elements in the I/O list and in  the  format
   specification do not have to be the same.

   Table 12-4 details what happens in these more complex cases.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   Table 12-4:  Record, Format List, and I/O List Interaction

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   The execution of a formatted I/O statement proceeds  by  matching  I/O
   list elements and FORMAT edit descriptors.  The edit descriptors I, O,
   Z, R, F, E, D, G, L, A, and Q each correspond to one  element  of  the
   I/O list.  No I/O list element corresponds to H, X, P, T, :, $, S, SP,
   SS,  BN,  BZ,  or  apostrophe  edit  descriptors.   If  one  of  these
   descriptors  is  encountered,  it  is  executed  and  the  format scan

   12.3.2  Formatted Input

   A formatted input statement  begins  by  reading  a  record  from  the
   specified  unit.   The format is scanned from left to right.  X, P, T,
   BN, BZ, and / edit descriptors are executed as they  are  encountered.
   If  an  I,  O, Z, R, F, E, D, G, L, A, or Q descriptor is encountered,
   data is read into the corresponding I/O list element as  specified  by
   the edit descriptor.

   If the I/O list contains no  more  elements,  execution  of  the  READ
   statement  ends.   Additional  records will be read from the specified
   unit when a slash occurs  in  the  format,  or  when  the  last  right
   parenthesis  of the format is reached, and I/O list elements remain to
   be filled.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   When an input record is terminated by a slash or by  the  end  of  the
   format,  any data left in the input record is discarded.  If the input
   record is exhausted before  the  data  transfers  are  completed,  the
   remainder  of the transfer is completed as if the record were extended
   with blanks.

   12.3.3  Formatted Output

   A formatted output statement begins by scanning the format.  The H, X,
   P,  T, BN, BZ, :, /, $, S, SS, SP, and apostrophe edit descriptors are
   executed as they are encountered.  If an I, O, Z, R, F, E, D, G, L, or
   A descriptor is encountered, data is translated from the corresponding
   I/O list element, as specified by the edit descriptor, and  placed  in
   the output record.

   If the I/O list contains  no  more  elements,  the  output  record  is
   written  to  the  specified unit, and execution of the WRITE statement
   ends.  Additional records will be written to the specified unit when a
   slash  occurs  in  the  format,  or when the last right parenthesis is
   reached, and I/O list elements remain to be transferred.

   12.3.4  Embedded Format Specifications

   Format specifications may contain embedded format specifications  with
   optional  repeat  specifications.   If a repeat specification is used,
   the entire format  specification  that  it  precedes  is  scanned  the
   specified number of times during the I/O transfer.  In the example:

             WRITE (1,100) A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J
        100  FORMAT (F10.2,4(I5,1X,I3),I8)

   the variable A is matched with  the  format  item  F10.2.   Then,  the
   variable B is matched with I5, variable C with I3, variable D with I5,
   and so on for four iterations of the  embedded  format  specification.
   Finally, the variable J is matched with the format item I8.

   If no repeat  specification  is  used  preceding  an  embedded  format
   specification, a repeat count of 1 is implied.

   When the last right parenthesis of the format is reached, and more I/O
   list  elements  remain  to be transferred, a new record is started and
   format scanning continues.  The scanning continues at the beginning of
   the  format  specification whose right parenthesis is the next to last
   right parenthesis in the format.  If  there  are  no  embedded  format
   specifications,  format  scanning  continues  at  the beginning of the

   For example:

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

             DIMENSION A(100)
             INTEGER CASE

             WRITE (1,100)CASE,(A(I),I=1,100)
        100  FORMAT ('THIS IS CASE ',I6,//,4(1X,F10.5))

   After A(1) through A(4) are written, a new line is started and  format
   scanning   continues   at   the   beginning  of  the  embedded  format
   specification.  Thus, A(5) through A(8) are written; a new  record  is
   started, and so forth.

   The output file would appear as follows:

        THIS IS CASE 33

        A(1)      A(2)      A(3)      A(4)
        A(5)      A(6)      A(7)      A(8)
        A(9)      A(10)     A(11)     A(12)


        DIMENSION A(5),DAT1(100),B(4,100),DAT2(100)
        WRITE (1,100) CASE,(A(K),K=1,5),(DAT1(J),(B(I,J),I=1,4),
             1  DAT2(J),J=1,100)
        100  FORMAT ('CASE',I5,//,5(1X,F10.3),/,(F10.3,4(3X,F15.5)
             1 ,1X,F10.3))

   In this example, after A(1)  through  A(5),  DAT1(1),  B(1,1)  through
   B(4,1),  and  DAT2(1) are written, a new record is started, and format
   scanning begins.  The format scanning begins at  the  embedded  format
   specification   following  the  '/'  (the  specification  whose  right
   parenthesis is the next to last right parenthesis).

   The output file would appear as follows:

        CASE    33

        A(1)      A(2)      A(3)      A(4)      A(5)
        DAT1(1)   B(1,1)    B(2,1)    B(3,1)    B(4,1)    DAT2(1)
        DAT1(2)   B(1,2)    B(2,2)    B(3,2)    B(4,2)    DAT2(2)
        DAT1(3)   B(1,3)    B(2,3)    B(3,3)    B(4,3)    DAT2(3)

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


   Tables  12-1  and  12-2  describe  forms  of  all  the   FORMAT   edit
   descriptors.  The edit descriptors enable you to specify the form of a
   record and to specify the editing of the data as it is transferred.

   The edit descriptors are described according to the character used  to
   accomplish  a  particular  modification to the data or record in which
   the data are stored.

                                                       Apostrophe (')     

   12.4.1  Apostrophe (') Editing

   The apostrophe (')  edit  descriptor  (single-quote)  enables  you  to
   include a character constant in a format list.

   The form of the apostrophe edit descriptor is:



        '' is a character constant.

   To include an apostrophe as part of the character constant,  you  must
   use two successive apostrophes.

   This descriptor is only used for output; the  characters  enclosed  by
   the apostrophes are written.


             TYPE 10
        10   FORMAT (' That''s the way!')

   will output

        That's the way!

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


   12.4.2  H Editing

   The H edit descriptor (also called the Hollerith  descriptor)  enables
   you to include character strings in a format list.

   The form of the H edit descriptor is:


        n         is a nonzero, unsigned, integer constant that indicates
                  the  total  number  of ASCII characters included in the
                  string.   is a string of ASCII characters.  (The ASCII  character
                  set is described in Appendix B.)

   You may transmit alphanumeric data directly from the FORMAT  statement
   using either the H or apostrophe specifiers.

   This descriptor is only used for output; the n characters that  follow
   the  H  are written.  For example, you can use the following statement
   sequence to print the words PROGRAM COMPLETE on the printer:

            PRINT 101

   The result of apostrophe editing is the  same  as  Hollerith  editing.
   For example, you may use the descriptors:




   in the same manner.

   Apostrophes can appear anywhere within  a  Hollerith  edit  descriptor
   without  having to be represented by two apostrophes.  However, if the
   H edit descriptor occurs within a character constant,  the  apostrophe
   is written as two apostrophes, which are counted as one character.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


   12.4.3  Positional Editing

   The positional edit descriptors specify the position at which the next
   character  will  be transmitted to or from the record.  The positional
   edit descriptors are:  T, TL, TR, and X.

   The T edit descriptor specifies the character position within a record
   where the next character will be transmitted (see Section

   The TL and TR descriptors specify the number of character positions to
   the  left  or  right,  respectively,  of  the current position for the
   character position of the next character (see Section

   The X descriptor specifies the number of character  positions  to  the
   right  of  the current position for the character position of the next
   character (see Section


           On output, a record is initially filled  with  blanks.
           Therefore,  fields  skipped  by the positional editing
           descriptors will be blank-filled.  However, the output
           record  length is determined by actual output.  Merely
           specifying a positional  editing  descriptor  with  no
           output  will  not  change  the record size.  Thus, the
           record written with:

                FORMAT (I6,50X,T10,I3)

           will have a record length of 13 characters,  since  no
           output was done after the 50X.


   The statement sequence:

          PRINT 2
        2 FORMAT (T50,'BLACK',T30,'WHITE')

   causes the following line to be printed:

              WHITE                  BLACK

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        (print position 30)      (print position 50)

   The statement sequence:

        1 FORMAT (T35,'MONTH')
          READ (2,1)

   causes the first 34 characters  of  the  input  data  associated  with
   logical  unit 2 to be skipped, and the next five characters to replace
   the characters M, O, N, T, and H in storage.

   If an input record containing:


   is read with the format specification:

        10 FORMAT (T7,A3,T1,A3)

   then the characters XYZ and ABC are read in that order.

   You can use the field descriptor nX to introduce  blanks  into  output
   records  or  to  skip  characters  of  input  records.   The  letter X
   specifies the operation, and n is a positive  integer  that  specifies
   the number of character positions to be either made blanks (output) or
   skipped (input).

   The statement:

        FORMAT (5HbSTEP,I5,10X,2HY=,F7.3)

   may be used to print the line:


                                                       T, TL, and TR      
                                                          Editing          T, TL, and TR Editing - The T edit descriptor specifies that
   the transmission of the next character to or from a record is to occur
   at the specified character position.

   The form of the T descriptor is:


                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


        c    is a positive, unsigned, integer constant that indicates the
             character  position to or from which the next character will
             be transferred.

   For example:

        FORMAT (T20,I5,T8,I2)

   specifies that the characters read or written for  the  I5  descriptor
   will  start  in  character  position  20,  and  the characters read or
   written for the I2 descriptor will start in character position 8.  For
   output  to  carriage-control  devices  (line printer and terminal), Tn
   specifies that n-1 will be  the  next  character  written,  since  the
   character position 1 is the carriage-control character position.

   The TL edit descriptor specifies that the  transmission  of  the  next
   character  to  or from the record is to occur at a position which is a
   specified number of positions backward from the current position.

   The form of the TL edit descriptor is:



        c    is a positive, unsigned, integer constant that indicates the
             character  position,  c  positions backward from the current
             position, to or  from  which  the  next  character  will  be
             transferred.   If  c  would cause transmission to start at a
             position  before  the  beginning  of  the  current   record,
             transmission will start instead at position one.

   For example:

        FORMAT (I5,T13,A5,TL10,I2)

   specifies that the characters read or written for  the  A5  descriptor
   will  start  at character position 13, and that the characters read or
   written for the I2 descriptor at will start at character position 8.

   The TR edit descriptor specifies that the  transmission  of  the  next
   character  to  or  from  a  record  will occur at a position that is a
   specified number of positions forward from the current position.   The
   function  of  this  form is identical to that of the X descriptor (see

   The form of the TR edit descriptor is:


                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


        c    is a positive, unsigned, integer constant that indicates the
             character  position,  c  positions  forward from the current
             position, from which the next character will be transferred.

   Example using all three types of T descriptor:

             TYPE 10
        10   FORMAT(' 234567890123456789012345678901234567890')

             TYPE 20
        20   FORMAT(T29,'BLACK',T10,'WHITE')

             TYPE 30
        30   FORMAT(T10,'9012',TR5,'8901')
             TYPE 10

             TYPE 40
        40   FORMAT(T20,'<SECOND>',TL10,'>FIRST<')


        FORTRAN: TEST2
        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST2 execution]

                WHITE              BLACK
                9012     8901

        CPU time 0.1  Elapsed time 0.5

   In FORMAT 20, 'BLACK' is written, then 'WHITE' is written to the  left
   of  it.   In  FORMAT  30,  five  positions are skipped between the two
   character strings being printed.  In FORMAT 40, '<SECOND>' is written,
   the  format  goes  back  ten  positions  and writes '>FIRST<' over the
   previously written character string.


                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS  X  Editing - The  X  edit  descriptor  specifies  that   the
   transmission  of characters to or from a record will occur a specified
   number of characters forward from the current position.

   The form of the X edit descriptor is:



        n    is an optional, unsigned, positive,  integer  constant  that
             indicates  the number of characters forward from the current
             position, at which the next character will  be  transmitted.
             The default value is 1.


             TYPE 10
        10   FORMAT(' 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890')

             TYPE 20
        20   FORMAT(' A WORD OR TWO',10X,'OR THREE')


        FORTRAN: TEST3
        LINK: Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST3 execution]

        A WORD OR TWO          OR THREE

        CPU time 0.2     Elapsed time 2.1

   In this example, ten positions are skipped between the printing of
   'A WORD OR TWO' and 'OR THREE'.

                                                     $ (Dollar Sign)      

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   12.4.4  $ (Dollar Sign) Editing

   The $ (dollar sign) output edit  descriptor  suppresses  all  carriage
   control  at the end of the current record (for CARRIAGECONTROL='LIST')
   or at the beginning of the next record (for  CARRIAGECONTROL='FORTRAN'
   or 'TRANSLATED').

   This descriptor is used for interactive I/O; it  leaves  the  terminal
   position  at  the  end  of the text so that a response will follow the
   output on the same line.


             WRITE (5,10)
             READ (5,*) N
        10   FORMAT (' Number of samples: ', $)
             WRITE (5,20)
             READ (5,*) X
        20   FORMAT (' Mean value:        ', $)

   If the user enters 100 for N and 1.23 for  X,  executing  the  program
   will produce the typescript:

             Number of samples: 100
             Mean value:        1.23

   The $ edit descriptor can be used to  append  the  output  of  several
   statements into a single line.  For example:

             DO 10 I = 1,10
        10   WRITE (5,20) I
        20   FORMAT (1X,I3,$)
             WRITE (5,20)

   will produce one line of output:

        1  2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

   The $ edit descriptor is ignored for input.

                                                         / (Slash)        

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   12.4.5  / (Slash) Editing

   The / (slash) edit descriptor indicates the end of data transfer for a
   record.  Two consecutive slashes indicate the transmission of an empty

   On input to a file connected  for  sequential  access,  the  remaining
   portion  of  the current record is skipped, and the file is positioned
   at the beginning of the next record.   This  new  record  becomes  the
   current  record.  On output to a file connected for sequential access,
   the current record is terminated, and a new record is  created,  which
   becomes the current and last record of the file.

   A record that contains no characters may be written.  Also, an  entire
   record may be skipped on input.

   If the file is connected for  direct  access,  the  record  number  is
   increased  by  one, and the file is positioned at the beginning of the
   record that has that record number.  This record becomes  the  current

   The following statements will write a record with no characters:

             WRITE (1,100)
        100  FORMAT(/)

   To handle  a  group  of  I/O  records  where  different  records  have
   different  field  descriptors,  use  a slash to indicate a new record.
   For example, the statement

        FORMAT (3O8/I5,2F8.4)

   is equivalent to

        FORMAT (3O8)

   for the first record, and

        FORMAT (I5,2F8.4)

   for the second record.

   You may omit separating commas when you use a slash.  When  n  slashes
   appear  at  the  beginning or end of a format, n blank records will be
   written on output or skipped on input.  When n slashes appear  in  the
   middle  of  a  format,  n-1 blank records are written on output or n-1
   records are skipped on input.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

                                                        : (Colon)         

   12.4.6  :  (Colon) Editing

   The :  (colon) edit descriptor terminates format control if there  are
   no  more  items  in  the  I/O  list of the corresponding data transfer
   statement.  The colon edit descriptor has no effect if there  are  any
   items  left  in  the  I/O  list  of  the  corresponding  data transfer


             X1 = 100
             X2 = 200
             X3 = 300

             TYPE 10, X1,X2
        10   FORMAT(F6.1,F6.1,:,'THIS SHOULD NOT PRINT',F6.1)

             TYPE 20,X1,X2,X3
        20   FORMAT(F6.1,F6.1,:,' BUT THIS SHOULD ',F6.1)

        FORTRAN: TEST4
        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST4 execution]

        100.0 200.0
        100.0 200.0 BUT THIS SHOULD  300.0
        CPU time 0.1   Elapsed time 1.5

                                                       S, SP, and SS      

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   12.4.7  S, SP,and SS Editing

   The S, SP, and SS edit descriptors control the output of the  optional
   plus  sign  in  numeric  output fields.  These descriptors are used as

        S    indicates that the  system-defined  action  is  taken.   The
             system-defined specification for Digital FORTRAN is SS.

        SP   indicates that the plus sign  is  printed  in  all  positive
             numeric output fields.

        SS   indicates that the plus sign  is  not  printed  in  positive
             numeric output fields.  This descriptor is the default.

   The S, SP, and SS edit descriptors affect only  I,  F,  E,  D,  and  G
   editing  during  the  execution  of  a data transfer output statement;
   these edit descriptors have no effect during input  transfers.   These
   descriptors  stay in effect until the end of the I/O transfer or until
   another S, SP, or SS is encountered.


             X1 = 100
             X2 = 200
             X3 = 300
             X4 = 400

             TYPE 10, X1,X2,X3,X4
        10   FORMAT(' ',S,F7.1, SP,F7.1, SS,F7.1, SP,F7.1)

        FORTRAN: TEST5
        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST5 execution]

          100.0 +200.0  300.0 +400.0
        CPU time 0.1   Elapsed time 0.2

   In this example,  X2  and  X4  have  plus  signs  because  of  the  SP
   descriptors in front of the F descriptors that correspond to them.


                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   12.4.8  P Editing

   The P edit descriptor is used to specify a scale factor for F,  E,  D,
   and G edit descriptors.

   The form of the P edit descriptor is:



        k    is an optionally signed integer  constant  representing  the
             scale factor.

   If a scale factor is not specified in a format list, a scale factor of
   zero  is  assumed.  Once a scale factor is specified in a format list,
   that scale factor remains in effect for  all  F,  E,  D,  and  G  edit
   descriptors  until  a  new scale factor is specified, or to the end of
   the execution of the current I/O statement.   Scale  factors  have  no
   effect on I, Z, and O edit descriptors.

   The scale factor affects the F, E, D, and G data transfers as follows:

   On input:

   If there is an exponent field, the scale factor k has no  effect.   If
   there  is  no  exponent  field  on  the  number read in, the number is
   multiplied by 10**(-k) before being assigned to the input variable.

   On output:

   The basic real constant part of the quantity, in E and D editing only,
   is  multiplied  by  10**k  and  the  exponent  is reduced by k.  For G
   editing, the scale factor has no effect unless the  magnitude  of  the
   data item to be edited is outside of the range that permits the use of
   F editing.  If G editing is specified, and the magnitude of  the  data
   item to be edited is such that E editing is required, the scale factor
   has the same effect as with E output editing (see Section

   The comma is optional between a  P  edit  descriptor  and  immediately
   following F, E, D, or G edit descriptors.

   For example, assume the data involved is the real number  26.451;  the
   edit descriptor


   produces the external field


   The addition of the scale factor of -1P, as in

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        FORMAT (-1P,F8.3)

   produces the external field


   When you add a scale factor to D, E,  and  G  (external  field  not  a
   decimal fixed-point) edit descriptors, the scale factor multiplies the
   number by the specified power of ten,  and  the  exponent  is  changed

   In input operations, type F (and type G,  if  the  external  field  is
   decimal  fixed-point)  conversions are the only ones affected by scale

   When you add a scale factor to a D or E edit descriptor, it  specifies
   a power of 10 so that the external form of the number has its mantissa
   multiplied by the specified power of  10;  its  exponent  is  adjusted

   For example, assume the data involved is the real  number  12.49;  the
   edit descriptor


   produces the external field


   The addition of the scale factor 2P, as in

        FORMAT (2P,E11.3)

   produces the external field


   With a scale factor of zero, the number of significant digits  printed
   by a format of the form:




   is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

   For a negative scale factor nP,  for  -d<n<0,  there  will  be  ABS(n)
   leading  zeros and d-ABS(n) significant digits after the decimal point
   (for a total of d digits after the decimal  point).   If  n<-d,  there
   will  be  d  insignificant  digits (zeros) to the right of the decimal

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


   If the scale factor nP is  positive,  for  0<n<d+2  there  will  be  n
   significant  digits  to  the  left  of  the  decimal  point  and d-n+1
   significant digits to the right of the decimal point (for a  total  of
   d+1  significant  digits).   If  n>d+2,  there will be d+1 significant
   digits and n-d-1 insignificant trailing  zeros  on  the  left  of  the
   decimal point.

   If the data to be printed is 12.493, these formats produce results  as

        FORMAT          OUTPUT         SIGNIFICANT    REASON

        E15.3       bbbbbb0.125E+02         3          n=0
        1PE15.3     bbbbbb1.249E+01         4          n<d+2
        -1PE15.3    bbbbbb0.012E+03         2          -d<n
        2PE15.3     bbbbbb12.49E+00         4          n<d+2
        -3PE15.3    bbbbbb0.000E+05         0          n<-d
        4PE15.3     bbbbbb1249.E-02         4          n<d+2
        6PE15.3     bbbb124900.E-04         4          n>d+2


             TYPE 10
        10   FORMAT(' Type in a real number')

             ACCEPT 20,X1
        20   FORMAT(2P,F)
             TYPE 30,X1
        30   FORMAT(' Number read with P=2 =',F,
             1 /,' (Number read)*10**(-2)')

             TYPE 40,X1
        40   FORMAT(/,' The above number written with P=2',/,
             1 ' is =',2P,F,/,' (Number above)*10**(2)')


        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TESTP execution]

        Type in a real number

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        Number read with P=2 =     0.0500000
        (Number read)*10**(-2)

        The above number written with P=2
        is =       5.0000000
        (Number above)*10**(2)
        CPU time 0.2   Elapsed time 5.1

   The number the program receives is (5.)*(10**(-2)) and the value typed
   out is (.05)*(10**(2)).

                                                         BN and BZ        

   12.4.9  BN and BZ Editing

   The BN and BZ edit descriptors specify how blanks other  than  leading
   blanks are interpreted only for numeric input fields where a width has
   been specified.  These edit descriptors  have  no  effect  on  numeric
   output fields.

   The BZ descriptor specifies that blanks will be read as  zeroes.   The
   BN  descriptor  specifies that blanks will not be read as zeroes.  The
   use of the BN or BZ edit descriptors in a format overrides the  BLANK=
   specifier  in  the  OPEN statement for the duration of the use of that
   format.  (The BLANK= specifier is described in Section 11.3.3.)

   For example:

             ACCEPT (FMT=101)A,B,C,D
        101  FORMAT (BN,I5,F10.2,BZ,F10.2,F8.5)

   reads the first two numbers of data, ignoring blanks embedded  in  the
   numbers.   Then the program reads the second two numbers, substituting
   zeroes for blanks embedded in the numbers.


                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   12.4.10  Q Editing

   The Q edit descriptor sets a corresponding integer variable in the I/O
   list to the number of characters left in the record being transferred.
   This descriptor is for use with input transfers  only.   You  can  use
   multiple Q descriptors in the same format list.  The Q edit descriptor
   is useful when you need to know the number of characters remaining  in
   a record.

   For example:

             TYPE *,'Enter text:'
             ACCEPT 100,L,J1
        100  FORMAT (A5,Q)

   when used to read the data

        Enter text:

   would yield  the  value  15  for  variable  J1,  since  there  are  20
   characters in the data, and A5 reads 5 of them.


   12.4.11  Numeric Editing

   The I, F, E, D, G, Z, and O edit descriptors are used to  specify  the
   input   and   output  of  integer,  real,  complex,  double-precision,
   hexadecimal, and octal data.

   The numeric edit descriptors are repeatable, and can be  used  without
   specifying  size.   For  output,  if you use a numeric edit descriptor
   without specifying a field width, the defaults shown in Table 12-5 are

   For input, the data is scanned until  a  blank,  comma,  or  character
   illegal for the specified edit descriptor is encountered, except for A
   format, which uses the defaults shown in Table 12-5.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   Table 12-5:  Default Field Widths for Numeric Edit Descriptors

   The following conventions apply to all I/O transfers using the numeric
   edit descriptors:

        1.  The interpretation of blanks is determined by  a  combination
            of  any  BLANK= specifier in the corresponding OPEN statement
            (see Section 11.3.3), and any BN or BZ edit  descriptor  (see
            Section  12.4.9)  that  is  currently in effect in the format
            list.  A field of all blanks is always equal to zero.

        2.  On input transfers, with F, E, D, and G  editing,  a  decimal
            point  appearing  in the input field overrides the portion of
            the edit  descriptor  that  specifies  the  location  of  the
            decimal point.

        3.  On output transfers, the representation of a positive or zero
            value in the field may be prefixed with a plus, as controlled
            by the S, SP, and SS edit descriptors (see  Section  12.4.7).
            The  representation  of  a  negative  value  in  the field is

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

            prefixed with a minus sign.

        4.  On output transfers, the representation  of  the  transferred
            datum  is  right-justified  in  the  specified field.  If the
            number of characters produced by the editing is smaller  than
            the specified field width, leading blanks are inserted in the

        5.  On output transfers, if the  number  of  characters  produced
            exceeds the field width, or if an exponent exceeds its length
            (as specified in the Ew.dEe  or  Gw.dEe  forms),  the  entire
            field width, represented by w, is filled with asterisks.

   The next sections describe the individual numeric edit descriptors.

                                                         Editing           I  Editing - The  I  edit  descriptor   specifies   integer

   The form of the I edit descriptor is:



        r    is  an  optional,  nonzero,   unsigned,   integer   constant
             indicating  how  many  fields of I are being specified.  The
             default is one field.

        w    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant that  is
             equal  to  the  total  number of digits in the integer field
             being described.  If w is not  specified,  for  output,  the
             value  is  15  (the default); for input, the data is scanned
             until a blank, comma, or character illegal for  the  I  edit
             descriptor is encountered.

        .m   is an optional, unsigned, integer constant (separated from w
             by  a period) that indicates the minimum number of digits to
             be output to the integer field being described.  The default
             is  one  digit  (I15.1).   If  necessary, leading zeroes are

             The value of m must not exceed the value of w.  If m is zero

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

             and  the value of the internal data item is zero, the output
             field consists of only blank characters, regardless  of  the
             sign control in effect.

   On input, the Iw.m and the Iw forms  of  the  I  edit  descriptor  are
   treated the same.


        10   FORMAT(I,I8,2I9.5)

   The first data item is output as  a  1-  to  15-digit  right-justified
   integer  in  the first 15 columns.  The second item is a 1- to 8-digit
   integer occupying the next 8 columns.  The third and fourth items  are
   5-  to  9-digit integers occupying 9 columns each, with leading zeroes
   appended to the data to make them 5 digits if necessary.

                                                          Editing          F  Editing - The   F   edit   descriptor   specifies   real
   (floating-point) editing.

   The form of the F edit descriptor is:



        r    is  an  optional,  nonzero,   unsigned,   integer   constant
             indicating  the  number of fields of F being specified.  The
             default is one field.

        w    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant equal to
             the  total  number of digits in the F field being described.
             This total includes the digits to the right and left of  the
             decimal  point,  the decimal point itself, and (if included)
             the sign.  On input, if the decimal point  is  omitted,  the
             rightmost d digits of the string, with leading zeros assumed
             if necessary, are interpreted as the fractional part of  the
             value represented.

             If  w  is  not  specified,  for  output,   the   value   for
             single-precision  is  15  (the  default),  and the value for
             double-precision is 25 (the default).  For input,  the  data

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

             is  scanned  until  a blank, comma, or character illegal for
             the F edit descriptor is encountered.

        .d   is an optional, nonzero,  unsigned,  integer  constant  that
             specifies the total number of fractional digits in the field
             of width w.  The default for single-precision is  7  digits;
             the  default  for double-precision is 18.  The maximum is 63


           If the default field width for F format (with no width
           specified)  is too small for the data, the field width
           expands to fit the data.

                                                          E and D
                                                          Editing          E and D Editing - The E  and  D  edit  descriptors  specify
   editing of real data.

   The form of the E edit descriptor is:


   The form of the D edit descriptor is:



        r    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant that  is
             equal  to  the number of E or D fields being described.  The
             defaults  are  one  single-precision   E   field   and   one
             double-precision D field.

        w    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant equal to
             the  total  number  of  digits  in  the  E  or D field being
             described.  The total for both types of fields is equal to:

             1.  The total number of digits on both sides of the  decimal

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

             2.  The decimal point itself

             3.  The sign for the number (if included)

             4.  The exponent character (if included)

             5.  The digits in the exponent

             If w is not specified, for  output,  the  value  for  single
             precision  is  15  (the  default),  and the value for double
             precision is 25 (the  default).   For  input,  the  data  is
             scanned until a blank, comma, or character illegal for the E
             or D edit descriptor is encountered.

        d    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned integer constant equal  to
             the  total  number  of  fractional digits in the field being
             described (unless a scale factor  greater  than  one  is  in
             effect).  The defaults for both the E and D edit descriptors
             are  7  digits  if  single  precision,  and  18  if   double
             precision.  The maximum is 63 digits.

        e    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant equal to
             the  total  number  of  digits  in  the  E  or D field being
             described.  The default for both types of  edit  descriptors
             is two digits.  The maximum is 15 digits.

             For KL model B systems, if the program is compiled with  the
             /GFLOATING  switch  (see  Section 16.1.3 or 16.2.3), you may
             want to specify three digits  to  accommodate  the  exponent
             field of double-precision numbers.

                                                           Editing         G  Editing - The  G  edit  descriptor  allows  editing   of
   integer,  real, double-precision, logical, complex, or character data.
   With the exception of real, double-precision, and  complex  data,  the
   type  of  conversion performed by the G edit descriptor depends on the
   type of the corresponding variable in the I/O list.

   The form of the G edit descriptor is:



                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        r    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant that  is
             equal  to  the  number  of  G  fields  being described.  The
             default is one.

        w    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant equal to
             the  total  number of digits in the G field being described.
             The total for both types of fields is equal to:

             1.  The total number of digits on both sides of the  decimal

             2.  The decimal point itself

             3.  The sign for the number (if included)

             4.  The exponent character (if included)

             5.  The digits in the exponent

             If w is not specified, for  output,  the  value  for  single
             precision  is  15  (the  default),  and the value for double
             precision is 25 (the  default).   For  input,  the  data  is
             scanned until a blank, comma, or character illegal for the G
             edit descriptor is encountered.

        d    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned integer constant equal  to
             the  total  number  of  fractional digits in the field being
             described (unless a scale factor  greater  than  one  is  in
             effect).  The defaults are 7 digits if single precision, and
             18 if double precision.  The maximum is 63 digits.

        e    is an optional, nonzero, unsigned, integer constant equal to
             the  total  number of digits in the G field being described.
             The default is two digits.  The maximum is 15 digits.

             For KL model B systems, if the program is compiled with  the
             /GFLOATING  switch  (see  Section 16.1.3 or 16.2.3), you may
             want to specify three digits  to  accommodate  the  exponent
             field of double-precision numbers.

   For input, in the case of real, double-precision,  and  complex  data,
   the  G-format  conversion is the same as for E-format conversion.  For
   output, however, the type  of  conversion  performed  depends  on  the
   magnitude  of  the  data items.  Table 12-6 illustrates the conversion
   performed for various ranges of real,  double-precision,  and  complex

   Table 12-6:  Effect of Data Magnitude on G-Format Output Conversion

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


        x    is a blank.

        n    is 4 for Gw.d and e+2 for Gw.dEe


           In all numeric field conversions, the field width  (w)
           you  specify  should  be  large  enough to include the
           decimal  point,  sign,  and,  where  applicable,   the
           exponent  character  (E),  the exponent sign, plus the
           exponent digits.  This is in addition to the number of
           digits in the number to be represented.

           If the specified width is too small to accommodate the
           converted  number,  the  field  will  be  filled  with
           asterisks (*).  If the number converted occupies fewer
           character  positions  than  specified by w, it will be
           right-justified in the field, and leading blanks  will
           be used to fill the field.

           If the numeric data representation cannot fit into the
           field  width  F(w-n),  the n spaces (n(x)) are removed
           from the right, and the numeric data representation is
           again processed into the field width Fw.

   Examples of G output conversions (where the b signifies a blank) are:

        Format             Internal Value       External Representation

        G13.6                   0.01234567           b0.123457E-01
        G13.6                  -1.12345678           -0.123457bbbb
        G13.6                   1.23456789           bb1.23457bbbb
        G13.6                  12.34567890           bb12.3457bbbb
        G13.6                 123.45678901           bb123.457bbbb
        G13.6               -1234.56789012           b-1234.57bbbb

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        G13.6               12345.67890123           bb12345.7bbbb
        G13.6              123456.78901234           bb123457.bbbb
        G13.6            -1234567.89012345           -0.123457E+07

   For comparison, consider the following  example  of  the  same  values
   output under the control of an equivalent F field descriptor.

        Format             Internal Value       External Representation

        F13.6                   0.01234567           bbbbb0.012346
        F13.6                  -0.12345678           bbbb-0.123457
        F13.6                   1.23456789           bbbbb1.234568
        F13.6                  12.34567890           bbbb12.345679
        F13.6                 123.45678901           bbb123.456789
        F13.6               -1234.56789012           b-1234.567890
        F13.6               12345.67890123           b12345.678901
        F13.6              123456.78901234           123456.789012
        F13.6            -1234567.89012345           *************

                                                          Editing          Complex Editing - A complex number consists of  a  pair  of
   separate  real numbers.  The first number of the pair is the real part
   of the complex number; the second number is the imaginary part.

   The editing of a complex number involves specifying two successive  F,
   E,  D,  or  G  edit descriptors.  The edit descriptors need not be the

   A sample format list description for a complex number is:

        101    FORMAT (F10.2,E10.2)

   In this sample, the F10.2 edit descriptor  provides  editing  for  the
   real  part  of  the complex number; the E10.2 edit descriptor provides
   editing for the imaginary part.

   You may include any nonrepeatable edit descriptors  between  the  real
   and imaginary edit descriptors for a complex number.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

                                                         O (Octal)        
                                                          Editing          O (Octal) Editing - The O (octal) edit descriptor specifies
   octal editing.

   The form of the O edit descriptor is:



        r    is  an  optional,  nonzero,   unsigned,   integer   constant
             specifying  the  number  of  successive  octal  fields being
             described.  The default is one octal field.

        w    is  an  optional,  nonzero,   unsigned,   integer   constant
             specifying  the  total  number  of digits in the octal field
             being described.

             If  w  is  not  specified,  for  output,  the  value  for  a
             single-precision  octal  field  is 15 (the default), and the
             value  for  a  double-precision  octal  field  is  25   (the
             default).   For  input,  the  data is scanned until a blank,
             comma, or character illegal for the  O  edit  descriptor  is

        m    is an optional, unsigned, integer  constant  specifying  the
             minimum  number  of  digits  to be output to the field.  The
             defaults are 12 for single-precision octal values and 24 for
             double-precision octal values.

                                                       Z (Hexadecimal)    
                                                           Editing         Z Editing - The  Z  edit  descriptor  specifies  input  and
   output  of hexadecimal values.  Hexadecimal is a base 16 number system
   where the characters 0-9 and A-F (or a-f) represent  the  numbers  0-9
   and 10-15, respectively.  (On output, A-F only.)

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   The form of the Z edit descriptor is:



        r    is  an  optional,  unsigned,   nonzero,   integer   constant
             specifying  the  number  of  consecutive  hexadecimal fields
             being specified.  The default is one hexadecimal field.

        w    is  an  optional,  unsigned,   nonzero,   integer   constant
             specifying  the  total  number  of digits in the hexadecimal
             field being described.

             If  w  is  not  specified,  for  output,  the  value  for  a
             single-precision  hexadecimal field is 15 (the default), and
             the value for a double-precision  hexadecimal  field  is  25
             (the  default).   For  input,  the  data  is scanned until a
             blank, comma, or character illegal for the Z edit descriptor
             is encountered.

        m    is an optional, unsigned, integer  constant  specifying  the
             minimum  number  of  digits  to be output in the field.  The
             default for single-precision hexadecimal fields is 9 digits;
             the default for double-precision fields is 18 digits.


   12.4.12  L Editing

   The L edit descriptor provides editing of logical data.

   The form of the L edit descriptor is:



        r    is  an  optional,  unsigned,   nonzero,   integer   constant
             specifying  the  number  of consecutive logical fields being
             described.  The default is one logical field.

        w    is  an  optional,  unsigned,   nonzero,   integer   constant
             specifying  the  total  number  of characters in the logical
             field being described.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

             If w is not specified, for output,  the  value  is  15  (the
             default)  For  input,  the  data  is  scanned until a blank,
             comma, or character illegal for the  L  edit  descriptor  is

   You may transfer logical data under format control in a manner similar
   to numeric data transfer by use of the field descriptor



        L    is the control character and w is an integer specifying  the
             field  width.   The  data  is  transmitted as the value of a
             corresponding logical variable in the associated I/O list.

   The input field consists of optional blanks, optionally followed by  a
   period,  followed  by a T for true or F for false, optionally followed
   by any series of characters (such as, .TRUE.  for true or .FALSE.  for
   false).   If the entire input data field is blank or empty, a value of
   false is stored.

   On output, w minus 1 blanks followed by T or F will be output  if  the
   value of the logical variable is true or false, respectively.


   12.4.13  A Editing

   The A edit descriptor specifies the editing of character or  Hollerith
   data.   The  data  are stored left-justified in a word and padded with
   blanks to the right.


           The R edit descriptor performs the same  function  for
           Hollerith    data,    only    it   stores   the   data
           right-justified in a word with leading nulls.   The  R
           edit  descriptor  is not supported for character data.
           For a  description  of  the  R  edit  descriptor,  see
           Section 12.4.14.

   The form of the A edit descriptor is:

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS



        r    is an optional, unsigned, integer  constant  specifying  the
             number  of  consecutive A fields being defined.  The default
             is one A field.

        w    is an optional, unsigned, integer  constant  specifying  the
             total  number of characters in the field being defined.  The
             default for single-precision values  is  5  characters;  the
             default  for  double-precision  and  complex  values  is  10

   Depending on the  I/O  operation,  the  A  edit  descriptor  transfers
   character or Hollerith data into or from a variable in an I/O list.  A
   list variable may be of any type.  For example,

          READ (6,5) V
        5 FORMAT (A4)

   causes four character or Hollerith characters to be read from  unit  6
   and stored in the variable V.

   The A  descriptor  deals  with  variables  containing  left-justified,
   blank-filled  characters.  The following list summarizes the result of
   character or Hollerith  data  transfer  (both  internal  and  external
   representations)  using  the  A descriptor.  These explanations assume
   that w represents the field width and m represents the total number of
   characters  possible  in  the  variable.  Double-precision and complex
   variables contain 10 characters (m=10);  integer,  real,  and  logical
   variables contain 5 (m=5).

   A Descriptor

        1.  INPUT, where w > m -- The rightmost m characters of the field
            are read in and stored in the corresponding variable.

        2.  INPUT, where w < m -- All w characters are read in and stored
            left-justified   and   blank-filled   in   the  corresponding

        3.  OUTPUT,  where  w > m  --  m  characters   are   output   and
            right-justified  in the field.  The remainder of the field is

        4.  OUTPUT, where w < m --  The  leftmost  w  characters  of  the
            corresponding variable are output.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS


   12.4.14  R Editing

   The R edit descriptor specifies the editing of  Hollerith  data.   The
   Hollerith  data  are stored right-justified with leading nulls.  The R
   edit descriptor is not supported for character data.


           The A edit descriptor, described in  Section  12.4.13,
           performs  the same function as the R descriptor except
           that  it  left-justifies  the  data  in  storage  with
           trailing spaces.

   The form of the R edit descriptor is:



        r    is  an  optional,  unsigned,   nonzero,   integer   constant
             specifying the number of consecutive R fields being defined.
             The default is one R field.

        w    is an optional, unsigned,  nonzero,  integer  constant  that
             specifies the total number of characters in the R field.

             If  w  is  not  specified,  for  output,  the  value  for  a
             single-precision field is 5 (the default), and the value for
             a double-precision or complex field is 10.  For  input,  the
             data  is  scanned until a blank, comma, or character illegal
             for the R edit descriptor is encountered.

   The R descriptor  deals  with  variables  containing  right-justified,
   zero-filled  characters.   The following list summarizes the result of
   Hollerith data transfer (both internal and  external  representations)
   using  the  R descriptor.  These explanations assume that w represents
   the field width and  m  represents  the  total  number  of  characters
   possible  in  the  variable.   Double-precision  and complex variables
   contain 10 characters (m=10); integer,  real,  and  logical  variables
   contain 5 (m=5).


           When more than five characters are stored, bit zero of
           the    low-order    word    is   skipped.    Thus,   a

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

           double-precision or  complex  variable  filled  by  an
           R-format data transfer is of the form:

                0   data    0   data

   R Descriptor

        1.  INPUT, where w > m -- The rightmost m characters of the field
            are read in and stored in the corresponding variable.

        2.  INPUT, where w < m -- All w characters are read in and stored
            right-justified   and   zero-filled   in   the  corresponding

        3.  OUTPUT,  where  w > m  --  m  characters   are   output   and
            right-justified  in the field.  The remainder of the field is

        4.  OUTPUT, where w < m -- The  rightmost  w  characters  of  the
            corresponding variable are output.



   The use of an asterisk in a data transfer  statement  in  place  of  a
   FORMAT  statement  label specifies list-directed formatting.  For this
   type of  formatting,  the  type  of  each  transferred  data  item  is
   specified by the types of respective elements in the I/O list.

   List-directed input data transfers are performed  without  regard  for
   column,  card,  or  line  boundaries.   List-directed output transfers
   produce records with a maximum length of 72 characters  (the  default)
   or the length specified by the RECL specifier (see Section 11.3.27 for
   devices other than the terminal).  Otherwise, the  maximum  length  of
   the current terminal width is used.

   The following is a sample list-directed data transfer statement:

        READ (5,*)I,IAB,M,L

   You may use list-directed transfers to read data from  any  acceptable
   input   device,   including   a   terminal.    However,   do  not  use
   device-positioning commands in  conjunction  with  list-directed  data

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   transfers.  If you do, the results are unpredictable.

   Data for list-directed transfers should consist of alternate constants
   and   delimiters.   The  constants  used  should  have  the  following

        1.  Input constants must be of a form acceptable to FORTRAN.

        2.  Character constants must be enclosed  within  single  quotes,
            for example, 'ABLE'.  Each apostrophe in a character constant
            must be represented by two apostrophes.

        3.  The end of a record is equivalent to a blank except  when  it
            occurs in a character constant.  In this case, the end of the
            record is ignored and the  character  constant  is  continued
            with  the  next record.  The first character of the continued
            record must be blank, which is ignored.

        4.  If the string of a character constant exceeds the  length  of
            the  data  item,  the  string is truncated.  If the string is
            shorter than the data item, the string is left-justified  and
            remaining character positions are blank filled.

        5.  Blanks  are  used  as  delimiters  in  list-directed   input.
            Embedded   blanks   are,  therefore,  not  permitted  in  any
            list-directed data item,  with  the  exception  of  character

        6.  Decimal points may be omitted from real constants that do not
            have a fractional part.  In this case, it is assumed that the
            decimal point follows the rightmost digit of a real constant.

        7.  Complex constants must be enclosed within parentheses.

        8.  Octal constants must be preceded with a double quote (").

        9.  A  numeric  data  item  can  correspond  only  to  a  numeric
            constant,  and a character data item can correspond only to a
            character constant.

   A delimiter in a list-directed list of data items separates  one  data
   item  from  another.   Delimiters in data for list-directed input must
   comply with the following:

        1.  Delimiters may be commas, blanks, or slashes.

        2.  Delimiters may be either  preceded  by  or  followed  by  any
            number of blanks, carriage return/line feed characters, tabs,
            or line terminators; any such combination  is  treated  as  a
            single delimiter.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        3.  A null  item  (the  complete  absence  of  a  data  item)  is
            represented   by   two   consecutive   commas  that  have  no
            intervening constant(s).  You may place any number of blanks,
            tabs,  or  carriage  return/line  feed characters between the
            commas of a null item.  Each time you specify a null item  in
            the  input  data,  its  corresponding list element is skipped

            The following illustrates the effect of the input of  a  null

            I/O List            A,B,IAB,N

            Data input          101,'A',,20

            Resulting contents of I/O list items:

                                A    101.
                                B    'A'
                                IAB  unchanged
                                N    20

        4.  Slashes (/) cause the current input  operation  to  terminate
            even  if  all  the items of the I/O list are not filled.  The
            contents of items of the I/O list that either are skipped (by
            null  items)  or  have not received an input data item before
            the transfer is terminated remain unchanged.   Once  the  I/O
            list  of the data transfer statement is satisfied, the use of
            the / delimiter is optional.

        5.  Once the I/O  list  has  been  satisfied  (values  have  been
            transferred to each item of the list), any items remaining in
            the input record are skipped.

   Constants or null  items  in  data  for  list-directed  input  may  be
   assigned a repeat count so that an item is repeated.

   A constant with a repeat count is written as:



        r         is an integer constant that  specifies  the  number  of
                  times  the  constant is repeated, the asterisk delimits
                  the repeat count from the constant,  and  K  represents
                  the constant.

   A null item with a repeat  count  is  written  as  an  integer,  which
   specifies the repeat count, followed by an asterisk.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   The following are examples of constants and null items:

        10*5           represents 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
        3*'ABLE'       represents 'ABLE','ABLE','ABLE'
        3*             represents null,null,null


           The asterisk form representing nulls must be delimited
           by  a  comma or slash; in this case spaces are ignored
           and not treated as delimiters.



   The data transfer statements described in Chapter 10  usually  include
   an  I/O  list,  which  is  a list of variable, array, or array element
   names that identify the names of the data being transferred.

   An alternative way of creating  I/O  lists  is  to  use  the  NAMELIST
   statement.   Using  this  method,  you  can  specify the I/O list in a
   NAMELIST statement  and  then  reference  the  list  by  name  in  the
   appropriate data transfer statement.

   When  you   use   NAMELIST-statement   formatting,   as   opposed   to
   FORMAT-statement  or list-directed formatting, you need only reference
   an I/O list by NAMELIST name in a data transfer statement.



   The form of the NAMELIST statement is:

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        NAMELIST /name/list[/name/list]...


        name      is the name of the NAMELIST I/O list.  This is the name
                  referenced  in data transfer statements.  Each NAMELIST
                  name must be enclosed in slashes.

        list      is the list of items comprising the NAMELIST I/O  list.
                  Items  within  the  list may be variable names or array
                  names.  Separate multiple list items with commas.

                  Each list of a NAMELIST  statement  is  identified  and
                  referenced by the name immediately preceding the list.

   The following is an example of creating two NAMELIST I/O lists  having
   the names TABLE and SUMS.

        DIMENSION C(2,4),TOTAL(10)

   In this example, the name TABLE identifies the list consisting of  the
   scalars A and B and the array C, and the name SUMS identifies the list
   consisting of the array TOTAL.

   Once a list has been defined in a NAMELIST statement, one or more  I/O
   statements may reference its name.

   The rules for structuring a NAMELIST statement are:

        1.  You may use a maximum of six characters for a NAMELIST name.

        2.  You must begin the list name with an alphabetic character.

        3.  You must enclose the NAMELIST name in slashes.

        4.  You should use NAMELIST names  that  are  unique  within  the

        5.  You may define a NAMELIST name only once, and you must define
            it  by  a  NAMELIST statement.  Once defined, you may use the
            name only in I/O transfer statements.

        6.  You must define the NAMELIST name before  the  data  transfer
            statements in which it is used.

        7.  You must define  any  dimensioned  variable  contained  in  a
            NAMELIST   statement   in   an  array  declaration  statement
            preceding the NAMELIST statement.

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

   12.7.1  NAMELIST-Controlled Data Input Transfer

   During data input  transfers  in  which  a  NAMELIST-defined  name  is
   referenced,  records are read until a record is found that begins with
   a blank, then $ (dollar sign), and then  the  desired  NAMELIST  name.
   The  dollar sign must be the second character in the record; the first
   character in the record must be a blank.


           You may use "&" instead of "$" in  NAMELIST-controlled

   Data items of records to be input (read) using NAMELIST-defined  lists
   must be separated by commas and may be of the following form:



        V              may be a variable, array, or array element name.

        K1,...,Kn      are constants.  A series  of  identical  constants
                       may  be  represented as a single constant preceded
                       by a repetition count (5*5 represents  5,5,5,5,5).
                       You  can  specify more than one constant only if V
                       is an array.  If V is a scalar, then you may  have
                       only K1.

   The input data is always converted to the type of  the  list  variable
   when  there is a conflict of types.  A character constant is truncated
   from the right, or extended on the right with blanks, if necessary, to
   yield  a  constant  of  the  same  length  as  the variable, array, or

   The input operation continues until another $ symbol is detected.   If
   variables  appear  in  the  NAMELIST  record that do not appear in the
   NAMELIST list, an error condition will occur.

   A  character  constant  must  have  delimiting  apostrophes.   If   an
   apostrophe  is part of a character constant, it must be represented by
   two consecutive apostrophes, which  must  be  contained  in  the  same
   record  (one  apostrophe cannot end a record, and the other apostrophe
   start a record).

   For example, assume:

        1.  A is a 2-dimensional real array

        2.  B is a 1-dimensional integer array

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        3.  C is an integer variable

        4.  D is a character variable of length 5.

        5.  The program contains the NAMELIST declaration:

                 NAMELIST /FRED/ A,B,C,D

        6.  The input data is as follows:

                 b$FRED A(7,2)=4, B=3,6*2.8, C=3.32, D='RON'$

   A READ statement referring to  the  NAMELIST-defined  name  FRED  will
   result in the following:

        1.  The integer 4 will be converted to floating point and  placed
            in A(7,2).

        2.  The integer 3 will be placed in B(1).

        3.  The integer 2 (after  being  truncated)  will  be  placed  in

        4.  The floating point number  3.32  will  be  converted  to  the
            integer 3 and placed in C.

        5.  The character string 'RONbb' will be placed in D.

   12.7.2  NAMELIST-Controlled Data Output Transfers

   When  a  WRITE  statement  refers  to  a  NAMELIST-defined  name,  all
   variables  and arrays and their values belonging to the named list are
   written out, each according to  its  type.   Character  constants  are
   written  with  delimiting  apostrophes.   Arrays  are  written  out by
   columns.  Output data is written so that:

        1.  The fields for the data will be large enough to  contain  all
            the significant digits.

        2.  The output can be read by an input  statement  referencing  a
            NAMELIST-defined list.

   For example, if ARRAY is a 2 X 3 real array, A1 is a real variable, K1
   is  an  integer variable, and D is a character variable containing the
   five characters AB'CD, the statements:

        REAL ARRAY(2,3)
        CHARACTER D*5
        DATA ARRAY,A1,KI,D/-6.75, 0.234E-04, 680.0, -17.8,0.0,00, 
        1              73.1, 3, 'AB''CD'/

                          FORMATTED DATA TRANSFERS

        WRITE (u,NAM1)

   generate the following form of output:

   Column 1

    ARRAY=  -6.750000,  0.2340000E-04,  680.0000,  -17.80000,  2*0.0000000,

    A1=   73.10000, K1= 3, D='AB''CD'


           Do  not  use  device-positioning  commands   such   as
           BACKSPACE  or  SKIPRECORD with NAMELIST-controlled I/O
           operations.  If you do, the results are unpredictable.


                                 CHAPTER 13

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   Procedures you use repeatedly in a program can  be  written  once  and
   then referenced each time you need the procedure.  Procedures that may
   be referenced are either contained within the program  in  which  they
   are  referenced,  or  self-contained executable procedures that can be
   compiled separately.  The kinds of procedures that can  be  referenced

        1.  Intrinsic functions (FORTRAN-defined functions)

        2.  Statement functions

        3.  External functions

        4.  Subroutines

   The first three of these categories are referred  to  collectively  as
   functions  or function procedures; procedures of the last category are
   referred to as subroutines or subroutine procedures.

   Intrinsic functions perform a predefined computation with  a  specific
   number and type of arguments.  These functions are provided by FORTRAN
   (see Section 13.1).

   Statement functions are user-defined, single statement procedures that
   resemble   assignment  statements.   The  appearance  of  a  statement
   function  reference  in  an   expression   causes   the   user-defined
   computation to be performed (see Section 13.2).

   External functions are separate program units that generally compute a
   single  value  using  one  or more parameters.  There are two types of
   external functions available:  user-defined and  FORTRAN-supplied.   A
   user-defined  external  function is defined with a FUNCTION statement.
   Both types of external functions are invoked by including  a  function
   reference in an expression (see Section 13.3).

   Subroutines are external  program  units  that  are  used  to  perform
   multiple  computations  or  alter  variables.   There are two types of

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   subroutines    available:     user-defined    and    FORTRAN-supplied.
   User-defined  subroutines are defined with a SUBROUTINE statement (see
   Section  Both types of subroutines are invoked with a  CALL
   statement (see Section


   Intrinsic functions are supplied  with  the  FORTRAN  software.   Each
   intrinsic  function  performs a predefined computation.  There are two
   types of intrinsic functions:  specific and generic.

   Specific  functions  have  an  implicitly  defined  data  type.   Each
   specific  function requires arguments of a particular type and returns
   results of a predefined type.  The IMPLICIT statement cannot  be  used
   to change the type of a specific intrinsic function.

   The data type of the return value of a generic function is  determined
   by the data type of its arguments.  The FORTRAN generic functions are:

        ABS       DIM
        ACOS      EXP
        AINT      INT
        ALOG      LOG
        ALOG10    LOG10
        AMAX1     MAX
        AMIN1     MIN
        ANINT     MOD
        ASIN      NINT
        ATAN      REAL
        ATAN2     SIGN
        CMPLX     SIN
        COS       SINH
        COSH      SQRT
        DBLE      TAN


           Table  13-1  lists  all  the  specific   and   generic
           intrinsic functions.  For ease of identification, each
           generic function name in the table is indicated by  an

   13.1.1  Using an Intrinsic Function

   An intrinsic function is used in a FORTRAN expression  by  referencing
   the name of the function in an expression.  For example, the following
   program contains two intrinsic functions:  ABS (returns  the  absolute

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   value  of  the  argument)  and  SQRT  (returns  the square root of the


        Y = -64
        A = ABS (Y)
        TYPE ,A

        B = SQRT (A)
        TYPE ,B


   When the preceding program is executed, variable  Y  is  assigned  the
   value  -64.   The ABS function in the second expression calculates the
   absolute value of -64.   Next,  in  the  third  expression,  the  SQRT
   function  calculates the square root of the absolute value of Y, which
   is A.  The square root of A is assigned to B in the third  expression.
   Executing the program yields the following results:

        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TEST execution]
        CPU time 0.1  Elapsed time 4.0

   The following example contains specific and generic functions.  In the
   example,  the generic function SQRT is used to find the square root of
   the double-precision value 64.0.  Next, the specific function DSQRT is
   used  to  find the square root of the double-precision value 64.0.  If
   the argument supplied to DSQRT was not a  double-precision  number,  a
   fatal compilation error would result.

             PROGRAM TESFUN

             REAL C,CR

             A = 64.00D0
             B = 64.00D0
             C = 64.00


             AR = SQRT(A)    


                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        C    ARGUMENT

             BR = DSQRT(A)   

        C    SPECIFIC SQRT RETURNS A REAL              
        C    VALUE RESULT

             CR = SQRT(C)    

             TYPE , AR,BR,CR

   Executing the program above yields the following results:

        EXE TESFUN
        LINK:   Loading
        [LNKXCT TESFUN Execution]
        8.0000000000000000, 8.0000000000000000, 8.000000
        CPU time 0.1   Elapsed time 0.7

   Table 13-1 lists the FORTRAN intrinsic functions.   This  table  gives
   function  definitions,  argument  and  function  types,  and ranges of
   acceptable values.  Each function contains a description of the  range
   for valid arguments(s) and the range within which the function returns
   valid results.  If function arguments do not fall within the specified
   range, the result of the function is undefined.

   For more information on the precision  and  accuracy  of  the  FORTRAN
   intrinsic  functions, refer to the TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Common Math Library

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   Table 13-1:  FORTRAN Instrinsic Functions

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   13.1.2  Character Intrinsic Functions

   Character  intrinsic  functions  are  functions  that  take  character
   arguments  or return character values.  Character comparison intrinsic
   functions are functions  that  take  character  arguments  and  return
   logical values.

   FORTRAN provides four character intrinsic functions:

        1.  LEN

            The  LEN  function  returns  the  length   of   a   character

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

            expression.  The LEN function has the following form:



                 arg   is a character  expression.   The  value  returned
                       indicates  how  many  characters  there are in the

             The following example illustrates the LEN function:

                  C    This subroutine reverses an entire character
                  C    string.

                       SUBROUTINE REVERS(S)
                       CHARACTER T, S*(*)

                       J = LEN(S)
                       DO 10 I=1,J/2
                            T = S(I:I)
                            S(I:I) = S(J:J)
                            S(J:J) = T
                            J = J - 1
                  10   CONTINUE


         2.  INDEX

             The INDEX function searches for  a  substring  (arg2)  in  a
             specified  character  string  (arg1),  and,  if it finds the
             substring, returns the substring's  starting  position.   If
             arg2 occurs more than once in arg1, the starting position of
             the first (leftmost) occurrence is returned.  If  arg2  does
             not  occur  in  arg1, the value zero is returned.  The INDEX
             function has the following form:



                  arg1   is a character expression specifying the  string
                         to  be  searched  for the substring specified by

                  arg2   is  a  character   expression   specifying   the
                         substring that is searched for.

             The following example illustrates the INDEX function:

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                  C    This subroutine places the symbol # into the
                  C    variable MARKS at places corresponding to the
                  C    beginning of all occurrences of the substring 
                  C    SUB within the string S.

                       SUBROUTINE FINSTR(SUB,S)
                       CHARACTER*(*) SUB, S
                       CHARACTER*132 MARKS
                       INTEGER I,J

                       I = 1
                       MARKS = ' '

                  10   J = INDEX(S(I:), SUB)
                       IF (J .NE. 0) THEN
                            I = 1 + J
                            MARKS(I-1:I-1) = '#'
                            IF (I .LE. LEN(S)) GO TO 10
                       END IF

                       WRITE (5,91) S, MARKS
                  91   FORMAT (2(/1X,A))

         3.  ICHAR

             The ICHAR function converts a character  expression  to  its
             equivalent  ASCII  code  and  returns  the ASCII value.  The
             ICHAR function has the following form:



                  arg    is the character to be  converted  to  an  ASCII
                         code.  If arg is longer than one character, only
                         the value of the first  character  is  returned;
                         the remaining characters are ignored.

         4.  CHAR

             The CHAR function returns the single character  whose  ASCII
             code  is  the  integer or octal argument.  The CHAR function
             has the following form:



                  arg  is an integer expression.

   The following example illustrates the CHAR and ICHAR functions:

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

             CHARACTER C*1
             INTEGER I

        C    Convert number between 0 and 9 in I to a character 
        C    digit

             C = CHAR(I+ICHAR('0'))


   13.1.3  Character Comparison Functions

   The four character comparison functions provided with FORTRAN are:

        LLT, where LLT(arg1,arg2) is equivalent to (arg1.LT.arg2)

        LLE, where LLE(arg1,arg2) is equivalent to (arg1.LE.arg2)

        LGT, where LGT(arg1,arg2) is equivalent to (arg1.GT.arg2)

        LGE, where LGE(arg1,arg2) is equivalent to (arg1.GE.arg2)

   The comparison functions have the following form:



         arg is a character expression.

   The character comparison functions defined by the FORTRAN-77  standard
   are  guaranteed  to  make comparisons according to the ASCII collating
   sequence, even on non-ASCII processors.  On  TOPS-10/20  systems,  the
   character  comparison  functions  are  identical  to the corresponding
   character relationals.

   An example of the use of a character comparison function follows:

        CHARACTER*10 CH2
        IF (LGT(CH2,'SMITH')) STOP

   The IF statement in this example is equivalent to:

        IF (CH2.GT.'SMITH') STOP

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   13.1.4  Bit Manipulation Functions

   Intrinsic bit manipulation functions are used for manipulation of  the
   bits  in  the  binary  patterns that represent integers.  Integer data
   types are represented internally in binary two's complement  notation.
   Bit  positions  in  the  binary representation are numbered from right
   (least significant bit) to left (most significant bit); the  rightmost
   bit  position is numbered 0, and the leftmost bit position is numbered
   35.  A bit in a binary pattern has a value of 0 or 1.

   The intrinsic functions IAND,  IOR,  IEOR,  and  NOT  perform  bitwise
   operations on all the bits of their arguments.  Bit 0 of the result is
   the result of applying the specified logical operation to bit 0 of the
   arguments.   Bit  1  of  the  result  is  the  result  of applying the
   specified logical operation to bit 1 of the arguments, and so  on  for
   all the bits of the result.

   The shift  functions  ISHFT  and  ISHFTC  shift  binary  patterns.   A
   positive  shift  count  indicates a left shift, while a negative shift
   count indicates a right shift.  A shift count of zero means no  shift.
   ISHFT  specifies a logical shift; bits shifted out of one end are lost
   and zeros are shifted in at the other end.  ISHFTC performs a circular
   shift;  bits  shifted  out at one end are shifted back in at the other

   The function IBITS and the subroutine MVBITS (see  Section
   operate  on  bit  fields.   A  bit field is a contiguous group of bits
   within a binary pattern.  Bit fields are specified by a  starting  bit
   position  and a length.  A bit field must be entirely contained in its
   source operand.

   For example, the integer 79 is represented  by  the  following  binary


        n...6543210 (bit position)


         n   is 35 (the number of bit positions in an integer).

   You can refer to the bit field  contained  in  bits  3  through  6  by
   specifying  a  starting position of 3 and a length of 4.  In the above
   example, the selected bit pattern would be the following:


   Negative integers are represented in two's complement  notation.   The
   integer -79 is represented by the following binary pattern:


                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        n...6543210 (bit position)


         n   is 35 (the number of bit positions in an integer).


           The value of bit position  35  is  1  for  a  negative
           number  and  0  for  a  non-negative.   Also,  all the
           high-order bits of the pattern  to  the  left  of  the
           value up to bit 35 are the same as bit 35.

   IBITS and MVBITS operate on bit fields.  Both the starting position of
   a  bit field and its length are arguments to these intrinsics.  IBSET,
   IBCLR, and BTEST operate only on one bit.  Thus, they do not require a
   length argument.


   A statement function is a procedure specified by  a  single  statement
   that  is  similar  in  form  to  an  arithmetic, character, or logical
   assignment statement.  The statement function enables you to define  a
   single-line computation once in your program, give it a name, and have
   that calculation performed  each  time  you  reference  the  statement
   function  in  the  program.   A  statement function is classified as a
   nonexecutable statement.

   13.2.1  Defining a Statement Function

   Statement functions have the following form:

        fun ( [d [,d]...] ) = e


        fun  is the  symbolic  name  for  the  statement  function.   The
             function  name  follows the rules for forming symbolic names
             in FORTRAN (see Chapter 4).

        d    is an optional  dummy  argument.   Separate  multiple  dummy
             arguments  with  commas.   (Dummy arguments are described in
             Section 13.4.5.) The parentheses are still  required  if  no
             dummy arguments are specified.

        e    is any type of FORTRAN expression.  The expression  part  of
             the  statement  function  (to  the  right of the equal sign)

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

             defines the computation performed using the dummy arguments.

   The relationship between fun and e  must  conform  to  the  assignment
   rules  in  Sections  8.1,  8.2,  and  8.4.   Note that the type of the
   expression may be different from the type of  the  statement  function

   The  following  rules  govern  the  formation  and  use  of  statement

        1.  The dummy argument list in the statement function serves only
            to  indicate the order, number, and type of arguments for the
            statement function.

        2.  The dummy arguments used in a statement function are local to
            that  statement  function.  It is valid to use the same names
            in multiple statement functions in the same program unit.   A
            dummy argument name may also be used elsewhere in the program
            unit to identify a variable of the same type,  including  its
            appearance  as a dummy argument in a FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE, or
            ENTRY statement.

        3.  Each dummy argument in a statement  function  dummy  argument
            list  must  be  unique; the same dummy argument cannot appear
            twice in a single list.

   Each variable reference in the function can be either a reference to a
   dummy argument of the statement function, or a reference to a variable
   that appears within the same program unit as  the  statement  function

   If a statement function dummy argument name is the same as the name of
   another  entity,  the  appearance  of that name in the expression of a
   statement function statement is a reference to the statement  function
   dummy argument.

   13.2.2  Using a Statement Function

   Statement functions are used in FORTRAN programs  by  referencing  the
   name  of  the  statement function in an expression that is in the same
   program unit as the statement function  definition.   If  a  character
   function  is  referenced  in  a  program  unit,  the  function  length
   specified in the program unit must be an integer constant expression.

   For example, the following program uses a statement  function  (called
   PROFIT)  to  determine  the  profit  for  a product.  In the statement
   function definition, PROFIT  is  defined  as  the  difference  between
   wholesale and retail prices minus .05 sales tax.

              PROGRAM STAFUN

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

              PROFIT (A,B) = ((A - B) - (A  .05))

        100   FORMAT(1X,'Enter Wholesale Price and Retail Price')


        150   C = PROFIT(RETAIL,WHOSAL)

              WRITE(UNIT=5,FMT=101) C
        101   FORMAT(1X,'The Profit (minus sales tax) is: ',F8.2)


   When the program is executed, the  retail  and  wholesale  values  are
   entered at the terminal.  Next, the expression at statement number 150
   uses the values of RETAIL  and  WHOSAL  to  calculate  the  profit  as
   defined  in the PROFIT statement function.  A sample execution of this
   program yields the following results:

        LINK:   Loading
        [LINKXCT STAFUN execution]
        Enter Wholesale Price and Retail Price
        31.67   45.95
        The profit (minus sales tax) is:    11.98
        CPU time 0.2   Elapsed time 18.5

   When a FORTRAN expression that contains a statement function reference
   is executed, the following happens:

        1.  The actual arguments  contained  in  the  statement  function
            reference are evaluated.

        2.  The actual arguments in the statement function are associated
            with   the   dummy   arguments   in  the  statement  function

        3.  The expression portion of the statement function is evaluated
            using the actual arguments.

        4.  If necessary, the value of the expression is converted to the
            type of the statement function.  Finally, the value resulting
            from  the  expression  evaluation  is  substituted   in   the
            expression containing the statement function reference.

   13.2.3  Statement Function Restrictions

   The following rules and restrictions must be  adhered  to  when  using
   statement functions:

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        1.  The actual arguments in a function reference  must  agree  in
            type and number with the corresponding dummy arguments in the
            statement function dummy argument list.

        2.  An actual argument in  a  statement  function  reference  can
            itself be an expression; all actual arguments must be defined
            when a statement function reference is evaluated.

        3.  A statement function can only be referenced  in  the  program
            unit that contains the statement function statement.

        4.  A statement function must not contain a reference to  another
            statement  function  that  appears later in the program unit,
            but can contain a reference  to  another  statement  function
            that appears earlier in the program.

        5.  The symbolic name used to identify a statement function  must
            not  appear as a symbolic name in any specification statement
            except a type statement (to specify the type of the function)
            or as the name of a common block in the same program unit.

        6.  An external function reference  (see  Section  13.3)  in  the
            expression  part  of  a statement function statement must not
            cause a dummy argument of the statement  function  to  become
            undefined or redefined.

        7.  The symbolic name of a  statement  function  may  not  be  an
            actual argument.  It must not appear in an EXTERNAL statement
            (see Section 7.6).

        8.  A statement function statement in a function subprogram  (see
            Section 13.3.4.) must not contain a function reference to the
            name of the function subprogram  or  an  entry  name  in  the
            function subprogram.

        9.  An actual argument in a statement function reference  can  be
            any  expression,  including  a character expression involving
            concatenation of an operand whose length specification is  an
            asterisk in parentheses.

       10.  The length specification of a  character  statement  function
            must be an integer constant expression.


   An external function is a procedure that is defined externally to  the
   program unit that references it.  FORTRAN offers two types of external
   functions:  FORTRAN-supplied and user-defined.   The  FORTRAN-supplied
   external  functions  are described in Section 13.3.1; the user-defined

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   functions are described in Sections 13.3.2 through 13.3.4.

   13.3.1  FORTRAN-Supplied External Functions

   FORTRAN-supplied  external  functions   are   similar   to   intrinsic
   functions.  To use a FORTRAN-supplied function, you reference its name
   in an expression.

   The following are the FORTRAN-supplied external functions:

        x=DTOG(y)           returns a G-floating double-precision  number
                            in  the  range  1.47  x  10**-39  to  1.70  x
                            10**+38.  The  argument  y  is  a  D-floating
                            double-precision   number.   (Also,  see  the
                            DTOGA subroutine, Section

        x=GTOD(y)           returns a D-floating double-precision  number
                            in  the  range  1.47  x  10**-39  to  1.70  x
                            10**+38.  The  argument  y  is  a  G-floating
                            double-precision   number.   (Also,  see  the
                            GTODA subroutine, Section

        x=LSNGET(unit)      returns the last line number read in  a  line
                            sequenced  file.   LSNGET  returns a positive
                            integer if the last line  has  a  valid  line
                            number;  returns  zero  if the last line is a
                            page mark; or returns -1  if  the  last  line
                            number  is invalid (such as, AAAA with bit 35
                            set).   It  also  returns  -1  if  the   file
                            contains no line number, or was opened with a
                            mode other than LINED (see Section 11.3.20).

        x=RAN(0)            returns a pseudo random floating-point number
                            in the range of 0.LT.x.LT.1.  The argument is
                            a dummy (not used) and  may  be  any  number.
                            Refer  to the related subroutines SETRAN (see
                            Section and  SAVRAN  (see  Section

        x=RANS(0)           returns a pseudo random floating-point number
                            in  the  range  of  0.LT.x.LT.1.   RANS  is a
                            prime-modulus random  number  generator  with
                            shuffling   capability.    It  calls  RAN  to
                            generate  its   initial   table   of   random
                            deviates.  Refer to related subroutins SETRAN
                            (see  Section  and  SAVRAN   (see

        y=SECNDS(x)         returns the  system  time  in  seconds  as  a
                            single-precision, floating-point value, minus

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                            the   value    of    its    single-precision,
                            floating-point  argument.   The argument y is
                            set  equal  to  the  time  in  seconds  since
                            midnight, minus the user-supplied value of x.

        x=TIM2GO(0)         returns the number of  seconds  remaining  in
                            the  job's run-time limit.  The time limit is
                            set by the /TIME switch when  submitting  the
                            batch  job.   The  argument  is  a dummy (not
                            used) and may be any number.

                            You may also specify  a  time  limit  for  an
                            interactive  job  by using the SET TIME-LIMIT
                            command on TOPS-20, or the SET  TIME  command
                            on TOPS-10.

   FORTRAN-supplied external functions are treated in the same manner  as
   user-defined functions.  Implicit or explicit type declarations affect
   these  functions,  and  no  argument  checking  (type  or  number)  is
   performed at compile time.

   13.3.2  User-Defined External Functions

   An external user-defined function is a procedure that is  external  to
   the  program unit that references it.  The function subprogram enables
   you to define a multiline function.  By referencing the name  of  that
   function in an expression, the lines of the function are automatically

   The FUNCTION statement is always the first  statement  in  a  function
   subprogram.  The form of the FUNCTION statement is:

        [type] FUNCTION fun ([arg1 [,arg2]...])


        type      is an optional  type  specification  for  the  external
                  function.  This may be INTEGER, REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION,
                  COMPLEX, LOGICAL, or CHARACTER (plus the optional  size
                  modifier *len).

                  For CHARACTER, len is the length specification  of  the
                  result  of  the  character  function.   If  you specify
                  CHARACTER*(*), the function assumes the length declared
                  for  it in the program unit that invokes it.  If len is
                  an integer constant, the value of len must  agree  with
                  the  length  of  the  function specified in the program
                  unit that invokes the function.  If  a  length  is  not
                  specified  in  a CHARACTER FUNCTION statement, a length
                  of one is assumed.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                  If you do not specify a type, the type of the  function
                  subprogram   name  determines  the  data  type  of  the
                  external function.

        fun       is  the  symbolic  name  of   the   external   function
                  subprogram.  Unless the optional data type is specified
                  in the FUNCTION statement, the  type  of  the  function
                  name   determines   the   data  type  of  the  function

        arg       is an optional dummy argument.  Arg may be  a  variable
                  name,  array  name,  or dummy procedure name.  Separate
                  multiple dummy arguments with commas.  The  parentheses
                  are optional if no dummy arguments are specified.

   You must define the symbolic name assigned a function subprogram as  a
   variable name in the function.  During each execution of the function,
   this variable can be redefined.  The value of the variable at the time
   of execution of any RETURN statement is the value of the function.


           The RETURN statement returns control to the  statement
           that  referenced  the function subprogram (see Section
           13.4.4).  Additionally,  you  may  desire  to  have  a
           function start executing at a statement other than the
           first executable statement in the function subprogram.
           The  ENTRY  statement (see Section 13.4.3) enables you
           to define an alternate entry  point  in  the  function

   13.3.3  Function Subprogram Restrictions

   The following rules govern the structuring of a function subprogram:

        1.  You can not use the symbolic name of a function subprogram in
            any  nonexecutable  statement in the subprogram except in the
            initial FUNCTION statement or a type statement.

        2.  Dummy  argument  names  cannot  appear  in  any  EQUIVALENCE,
            COMMON, or DATA statement used within the subprogram.

        3.  The function subprogram can define or redefine one or more of
            its  arguments  so  as  to  return results in addition to the
            value of the function.

        4.  The function subprogram can  contain  any  FORTRAN  statement
            except  BLOCK  DATA, SUBROUTINE, PROGRAM, or another FUNCTION

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        5.  The function subprogram should contain at  least  one  RETURN
            statement  and  must  be terminated by an END statement.  The
            RETURN  statement  signifies  a  logical  conclusion  of  the
            computation  made by the subprogram, and returns the computed
            function  value  and  control  to  the  calling  program.   A
            subprogram can have more than one RETURN statement.

            The  END  statement  specifies  the  physical  end   of   the
            subprogram and implies a return.

        6.  If the  type  of  a  function  is  specified  in  a  FUNCTION
            statement,  the  function  name  must  not  appear  in a type
            statement.   Note  that  a  name  must  not  have  its   type
            explicitly specified more than once in a program unit.

        7.  A function specified in a subprogram may be referenced within
            any  other  procedure  subprogram  or the main program of the
            executable program.  A function subprogram must not reference
            itself, either directly or indirectly.

        8.  If the name of a function subprogram is  of  type  character,
            each  entry  name  in the function subprogram must be of type
            character.  If the name of the  function  subprogram  or  any
            entry  in  the  subprogram  has a length of (*) declared, all
            such items must have a length of (*) declared; otherwise, all
            such  items  must  have  a  length  specification of the same
            integer value.

   13.3.4  Using a Function Subprogram

   After defining a function subprogram, you use it  by  referencing  the
   name   of   the   function  subprogram  in  an  expression.   Function
   subprograms are referenced in expressions using the following form:

        fun ([arg1,arg2,...argn])


        fun       is the function subprogram name.  This is the same name
                  that  appears  in the corresponding FUNCTION statement.
                  The length of the character  function  in  a  character
                  function  reference  must  be the same as the length of
                  the character function in the referenced function.

        arg       is  an  optional  list  of  actual  arguments.    These
                  arguments  must agree in type and number with the dummy
                  argument list of the corresponding FUNCTION  statement.
                  If the actual and dummy arguments do not agree, no type
                  conversion is done; and the results are  unpredictable.
                  The   parentheses   are  required  even  if  no  actual

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                  arguments are specified.

   When an expression that contains a function  subprogram  reference  is
   executed, the following happens:

        1.  Evaluation of actual arguments that are expressions

        2.  Association of actual arguments with the corresponding  dummy

        3.  Execution of the referenced function subprogram

   Section 13.3.3 describes all the restrictions that must be adhered  to
   when using function subprograms.


   A subroutine subprogram is a procedure that is external to the program
   units  that  reference  it.   FORTRAN offers two types of subroutines:
   user-defined and FORTRAN-supplied.  FORTRAN-supplied  subroutines  are
   described in Sections 13.4.1 -; user-defined subroutines are
   described in Sections 13.4.2 through


           The FORTRAN-supplied subroutines are described in this
           manual  in two sections.  Section 13.4.1 describes the
           general FORTRAN subroutines; Appendix F describes  the
           subroutines that enable you to use a plotter.

   Program units reference  subroutines  with  the  CALL  statement  (see
   Section   The  subroutine  reference in the CALL statement
   contains the unique name of the subroutine, as defined in a SUBROUTINE
   statement  (see Section  The SUBROUTINE statement is always
   the first statement in a subroutine.

   When a CALL statement reference is made to  a  subroutine  subprogram,
   program execution transfers from that CALL statement to the referenced
   subroutine subprogram.

   By including the ENTRY statement (see Section 13.4.3) within the  body
   of  a  subroutine  subprogram, you can enter the subroutine at a point
   other than the first statement in the subroutine.  In this  case,  the
   CALL  statement  used  to  reference  an  entry  point in a subroutine
   contains a reference to  an  entry  point  name,  as  opposed  to  the
   subroutine name.

   Return of program control from the subroutine to the  calling  program
   unit  occurs  when  the  RETURN  statement  is  executed  (see Section
   13.4.4).  The RETURN statement is always the last  statement  executed

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   in a subroutine subprogram.

   Table 13-2:  FORTRAN-Supplied Subroutines

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   13.4.1  FORTRAN-Supplied Subroutines

   The FORTRAN software includes a set of predefined  subroutines.   This
   section describes the general FORTRAN subroutines (and a function that
   is  similar)  in  alphabetical  order.   (See  Appendix  F   for   the
   FORTRAN-supplied plotter subroutines.)


           Sections    through    describe
           subroutines   (and  a  function)  that  are  used  for
           calculations on double-precision complex numbers.  You
           must   supply  your  own  subroutines  for  performing
           addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of
           double-precision complex numbers.

           In   addition,   FORTRAN   does   not   support    the
           double-precision    complex    data    type    (called
           COMPLEX*16).  These numbers are  kept  as  arrays  and
           cannot  be  used in expressions or as the arguments of
           generic routines.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                        Subroutine         ALCCHR Subroutine - The ALCCHR  subroutine  allocates  space
   for  dynamic  character concatenation operations.  You do not normally
   need to allocate space for this purpose  unless  you  are  doing  very
   large character concatenation operations.

   The form of the ALCCHR subroutine is:

        CALL ALCCHR(size)


        size      is the integer size in characters for  either  creating
                  or expanding the character stack.

                                                          Function         CDABS   Function - The   CDABS    function    returns    the
   double-precision  absolute  value  of  the  specified double-precision
   complex  number.   (Although  CDABS  is  a  function  and  is  not   a
   subroutine,  it  is  included  here  because  it  is  similar  to some

   The form of the CDABS function is:

        dpres = CDABS(dparg)


        dparg     is a 2-element double-precision  array  containing  the
                  complex value whose absolute value you want calculated.
                  The first element of dparg contains the  real  part  of
                  the double-precision complex number; the second element
                  contains the imaginary part.

        dpres     is a double-precision  variable  that  is  set  to  the
                  absolute value of the complex number.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                         Subroutine        CDCOS Subroutine - The CDCOS subroutine  finds  the  complex
   cosine of the specified double-precision complex number.

   The form of the CDCOS subroutine is:

        CALL CDCOS(dparg,dpres)


        dparg     is a 2-element double-precision  array  containing  the
                  complex  value  whose  cosine you want calculated.  The
                  first element of dparg contains the real  part  of  the
                  double-precision  complex  number;  the  second element
                  contains the imaginary part.

        dpres     is a 2-element  double-precision  array  in  which  the
                  subroutine  returns the result of the calculation.  The
                  first element of dpres contains the real  part  of  the
                  double-precision  complex  number;  the  second element
                  contains the imaginary part.


        DOUBLE PRECISION dparg(2),dpres(2)
        dparg(1) = 1D0                !arg is (1,-1)
        dparg(2) = -1D0
        CALL CDCOS(dparg,dpres)

                                                         Subroutine        CDEXP Subroutine - The CDEXP subroutine  finds  the  complex
   exponential of the specified double-precision complex number.

   The form of the CDEXP subroutine is:

        CALL CDEXP(dparg,dpres)

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES


        dparg     is a 2-element double-precision array that contains the
                  complex  argument to the subroutine.  The first element
                  of dparg contains the real part of the double-precision
                  complex   number;   the  second  element  contains  the
                  imaginary part.

        dpres     is a 2-element double-precision array that  stores  the
                  result  of the calculation.  The first element of dpres
                  stores the real part of the result; the second  element
                  stores the imaginary part.


        DOUBLE PRECISION dparg(2),dpres(2)
        dparg(1) = 0D0
        dparg(2) = 1D0                !arg is (0,1)
        CALL CDEXP(dparg,dpres)

                                                         Subroutine        CDLOG Subroutine - The CDLOG subroutine returns the  complex
   logarithm of a specified double-precision complex number.

   The form of the CDLOG subroutine is:

        CALL CDLOG(dparg,dpres)


        dparg     is a 2-element double-precision array that contains the
                  double-precision  complex  number  whose  logarithm you
                  want calculated.  The first element of  dparg  contains
                  the real part of the complex number; the second element
                  contains the imaginary part.

        dpres     is a 2-element double-precision array that  stores  the
                  result  returned  by CDLOG.  The first element of dpres
                  contains the real part of the double-precision  complex
                  number; the second element contains the imaginary part.


        DOUBLE PRECISION dparg(2),dpres(2)
        dparg(1) = 1D0                !arg is (1,0)
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        dparg(2) = 0D0
        CALL CDLOG(dparg,dpres)

                                                         Subroutine        CDSIN Subroutine - The CDSIN subroutine returns the  complex
   sine of the double-precision complex number specified.

   The form of the CDSIN subroutine is:

        CALL CDSIN(dparg,dpres)


        dparg     is a 2-element double-precision array that contains the
                  number  whose  sine  you  want  calculated.   The first
                  element  of  dparg  contains  the  real  part  of   the
                  double-precision  complex  number;  the  second element
                  contains the imaginary part.

        dpres     is a 2-element  double-precision  array  in  which  the
                  result  of  the  calculation  is  returned.   The first
                  element of dpres contains the real part of the  result;
                  the second element contains the imaginary part.


        DOUBLE PRECISION dparg(2),dpres(2)
        dparg(1) = -1D0               !arg is (-1,01)
        dparg(2) = 1D0
        CALL CDSIN(dparg,dpres)

                                                         Subroutine        CDSQRT  Subroutine - The  CDSQRT  subroutine   returns   the
   complex square root of the specified double-precision complex number.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   The form of the CDSQRT subroutine is:

        CALL CDSQRT(dparg,dpres)


        dparg     is a 2-element double-precision array that contains the
                  double-precision  complex  number whose square root you
                  want calculated.  The first element of  dparg  contains
                  the  real  part of the double-precision complex number;
                  the second element contains the imaginary part.

        dpres     is a 2-element double-precision array that contains the
                  result  of the calculation.  The first element of dpres
                  contains the real part of the complex square root;  the
                  second element contains the imaginary part.


        DOUBLE PRECISION dparg(2),dpres(2)
        dparg(1) = 10D0
        dpres(2) = -10D0              !arg is (10,-10)
        CALL CDSQRT(dparg,dpres)

                                                         Subroutine        CHKDIV Subroutine - The CHKDIV subroutine returns the number
   of  the  unit  to  which  error  messages  are  being  written.   This
   subroutine returns the value -1 if the messages are being sent to  the

   The form of the CHKDIV subroutine is:

        CALL CHKDIV(unitvar)


        unitvar   is the variable in which the unit number is stored.


                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES  CLRFMT  Subroutine - The  CLRFMT  subroutine  discards   the
   encoded  form  of  the  FORMAT statement saved by the execution of the
   SAVFMT subroutine (see Section

   The form of the CLRFMT subroutine is:

        CALL CLRFMT(arrayname)


        arrayname      is the name of the array that contains the encoded
                       form  of  the  FORMAT  specifications saved by the
                       SAVFMT subroutine.

                                                         Subroutine        DATE Subroutine - The DATE subroutine  stores  the  current
   date  as  a  left-justified ASCII string in a character variable.  The
   date is in the form:



        dd   is a 2-digit day (if the first digit is 0, it  is  converted
             to  a blank), mmm is a 3-letter month abbreviation (such as,
             Jan,Feb), yy is a 2-letter year, and b is a blank.  The data
             is stored in ASCII, left-justified, and blank filled.

   The form of the DATE subroutine is:

        CALL DATE(name)


        name      is the name of a character variable.  The date returned
                  by the subroutine is stored in this variable.


           For   compatibility   with   previous   versions    of
           FORTRAN-10/20, you can specify a numeric array name as
           the argument for the  DATE  subroutine.   The  current
           date  is  stored as a left-justified ASCII string in a
           2-word  array  or  data  item   (double-precision   or
           complex).  The array must have at least two elements.
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                         Subroutine        DIVERT Subroutine - The DIVERT subroutine  enables  you  to
   redirect  error  messages from the current device to an open file on a
   specified device.

   The form of the DIVERT subroutine is:

        CALL DIVERT(un)


        un   is the logical device number of the file on which  the  open
             file resides.

                                                         Subroutine  DTOGA - The   DTOGA   subroutine   converts   elements   of
   double-precision  arrays  from  D-floating  double-precision format to
   G-floating double-precision format.

   The form of the DTOGA subroutine is:

        CALL DTOGA (sname,dname,n)


         sname    is the name of the source array.

         dname    is the name of the destination array.

         n        is the number of elements to convert.

   (See Section for the GTODA subroutine.)

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                         Subroutine        DUMP  Subroutine - The  DUMP  subroutine  causes  specified
   portions of memory to be dumped to the line printer (LPT:).

   The form of the DUMP subroutine is:

        CALL DUMP(LB1,UB1,format1[...,LBn,UBn,formatn])


        LB1,UB1   are the integer values of the upper  and  lower  memory
                  addresses to be dumped.

        format1   is an integer that  indicates  the  dump  format.   The
                  possible specifications are:

                       0 = octal
                       1 = real
                       2 = integer
                       3 = ASCII

   If no arguments are supplied, all of user memory is dumped  in  octal.
   If  only the bounds arguments are specified, or if the format value is
   out of range, the dump format is  octal.   If  only  the  first  bound
   argument  is  specified, all locations from that address to the end of
   memory are dumped.

   The dump is terminated by a call to EXIT.

                                                         Subroutine        ERRSET  Subroutine - The  ERRSET  subroutine  controls  the
   output of warning messages during program execution.

   The ERRSET subroutine has three forms:

        1.  CALL ERRSET(n)

        2.  CALL ERRSET(n,i)

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        3.  CALL ERRSET(n,i,subr)


        n         is the maximum number of error messages to type.

        i         is the code to which error the call applies; one of the

                       -1  any of the following
                        0  integer overflow
                        1  integer divide
                        2  input integer overflow
                        3  input floating overflow
                        4  floating overflow
                        5  floating divide check
                        6  floating underflow
                        7  input floating underflow
                        8  library routine error
                        9  output field width too small
                       21  FORLIB warnings
                       22  nonstandard usage warnings
                       23  Bounds check warnings

                  if i is not specified, -1 is assumed

        subr      is the name of the user-defined error handling  routine
                  to  be invoked each time any of the above errors occur.
                  The effect is as if


                  were placed in the program just after  the  instruction
                  causing the trap.

                       I = error number of trap, same as above

                       IPC =  PC  of  trap  instruction  (if  code  9  is
                       trapped, IPC = PC of the IOLST. call

                       N2 = second error number (reserved for Digital)

                       ITYPE = data type of value

                       UNFIXD = value returned by the hardware

                       FIXED = value after fixup (SUBR  can  change  this

                       If SUBR is not specified, no routine is called  on
                       the APR trap.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                         Subroutine        ERRSNS Subroutine - The ERRSNS subroutine  returns  integer
   values  that  describe the status (success or failure) of the last I/O
   operation (see Appendix D).  This subroutine can be used to  determine
   the  reason  for  an  error trapped by ERR= on an OPEN, CLOSE, or data
   transfer operation.  Both return values are  always  cleared  after  a
   successful data transfer operation.

   The forms of the ERRSNS subroutine are:

        CALL ERRSNS (I)


        CALL ERRSNS (I,J)




        I         returns a FORTRAN-supplied number  that  describes  the
                  class of failure that occurred.

        J         optionally returns  a  processor-specific  number  that
                  further  describes  or  qualifies  the type of the last

        MSG       If present, is a character variable used to return  the
                  ASCII  text of the last error message.  If the variable
                  for MSG  is  less  than  80  characters,  the  text  is
                  truncated;   if   the   variable  is  greater  than  80
                  characters, the  text  is  padded  to  the  right  with


                      For compatibility  with  previous  versions  of
                      FORTRAN-10/20,  you can specify a numeric array
                      as the MSG argument.  The numeric array is used
                      as  a 16-word array to return the ASCII text of
                      the last error message.

|       K         optionally returns the RMS STV code that  explains  the
|                 reason for the last RMS error.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                         Subroutine        EXIT  Subroutine - The  EXIT  subroutine   terminates   the
   program and returns control to the monitor.  The EXIT subroutine takes
   no arguments.

   The form of the EXIT subroutine is:

        CALL EXIT

                                                         Subroutine  FFUNIT  Subroutine - The  FFUNIT  subroutine  returns   the
   lowest available FORTRAN logical unit number (see Table 10-3).

   The form of the FFUNIT subroutine is:

        CALL FFUNIT (n)

                                                         Subroutine  GTODA Subroutine - The GTODA subroutine  converts  elements
   of  double-precision arrays from G-floating double-precision format to
   D-floating double-precision format.

   The form of the GTODA subroutine is:

        CALL GTODA(sname,dname,n)


                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

         sname    is the source array name.

         dname    is the destination array name.

         n        is the number of array elements to convert.

   (See Section for the DTOGA subroutine.)

                                                         Subroutine        ILL Subroutine - The ILL subroutine sets  the  ILLEG  flag.
   If  this  flag  is  set  and  an  illegal  character is encountered in
   floating-point, double-precision input, the corresponding value is set
   to  zero  and no error message is issued.  The ILL subroutine takes no
   arguments.  The ILLEG flag is not set initially.

   The form of the ILL subroutine is:

        CALL ILL

                                                         Subroutine        LEGAL Subroutine - The LEGAL subroutine  clears  the  ILLEG
   flag  set  by  the  ILL  subroutine.   The  LEGAL  subroutine takes no

   The form of the LEGAL subroutine is:

        CALL LEGAL


                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES  MVBITS Subroutine - The MVBITS subroutine transfers  a  bit
   field  from  one  storage  location  (source)  to  a field in a second
   storage location (destination).

   The form of the MVBITS subroutine is:

        CALL MVBITS(m,i,len,n,j)


         m   is an integer expression that represents the source location
             from which a bit field is transferred.

         i   is an integer  expression  that  identifies  the  first  bit
             position in the source field transferred from m.

         len is an integer expression that identifies the length  of  the
             field transferred from m.

         n   is  an  integer  variable  or  array  element  that  is  the
             destination location to which a bit field is transferred.

         j   is an integer  expression  that  identifies  the  first  bit
             position in the destination field transferred from m.

   The MVBITS subroutine transfers  len  bits  from  position  i  through
   i+len-1  of  the source location (m) to positions j through j+len-1 of
   the destination location (n).  Other bits of the destination  location
   and  all  of  the  bits  of the source location remain unchanged.  The
   values of i+len and j+len must not be greater than 36.

   (See Section 13.1.4 for information on bit manipulation functions.)


                                                         Subroutine        OVERFL   Subroutine - The   OVERFL    subroutine    returns
   information about overflow, underflow, and divide check.

   The form of the OVERFL subroutine is:



        IANS      is an integer variable whose value specifies whether an
                  overflow, underflow, or divide check has occurred since
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                  the last call to OVERFL.  The values returned are:

                       1 = at least one overflow,  underflow,  or  divide
                           check occurred.

                       2 = none occurred.

                                                         Subroutine        PDUMP Subroutine - The PDUMP subroutine  functions  exactly
   like  the  DUMP subroutine (see Section except that control
   returns to the calling program after the dump has been executed.

   The form of the PDUMP subroutine is:

        CALL PDUMP(LB1,UB1,format1[...,LBn,UBn,formatn])


        LB1,UB1   are the integer values of the upper  and  lower  memory
                  addresses to be dumped.

        format1   is an integer that  indicates  the  dump  format.   The
                  possible specifications are:

                       0 = octal
                       1 = real
                       2 = integer
                       3 = ASCII

   If no arguments are supplied, all of user memory is dumped  in  octal.
   If  only the bounds arguments are specified, or if the format value is
   out of range, the dump format is  octal.   If  only  the  first  bound
   argument  is  specified, all locations from that address to the end of
   memory are dumped.


                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES  QUIETX Subroutine - The QUIETX  subroutine  suppresses  all
   summary  typeout  when the program terminates, including library error
   summaries and CPU times.  The QUIETX subroutine takes no arguments.

   The form of the QUIETX subroutine is:


                                                         Subroutine        SAVFMT Subroutine - The SAVFMT subroutine directs FOROTS to
   encode  the FORMAT specifications contained in the specified character
   variable or array, and to save the encoded form.  This action improves
   the  performance  of  any  future  I/O statements which that character
   variable or array is the format identifier.

   FOROTS saves the encoded form of the format until  a  call  to  CLRFMT
   (see  Section  is  executed  for that variable or array, or
   until another call to SAVFMT is executed for that variable or array.


           After a call to SAVFMT, you must not change the  value
           of  the  variable  or array.  If the value is changed,
           the new value may be ignored.  A call to SAVFMT with a
           variable  or  array whose address is identical to that
           in a previous call, does an implied call to CLRFMT.

   The form of the SAVFMT subroutine is:

        CALL SAVFMT(name[,arraysize])


        name           is the name of the  character  variable  or  array
                       that contains the FORMAT descriptors that you want

        arraysize      is the number of array elements  if  an  array  is


           For   compatibility   with   previous   versions    of
           FORTRAN-10/20, you can specify a numeric array name as
           the argument for the SAVFMT subroutine.
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                         Subroutine        SAVRAN Subroutine - The SAVRAN subroutine  saves  the  last
   internal  integer  seed  value generated by the RAN function.  The RAN
   function, described in Section 13.3.1, returns a  random  number  each
   time  it  is called.  This value can be used at a later time in a call
   to SETRAN to reestablish the same random number sequence.

   The form of the SAVRAN subroutine is:

        CALL SAVRAN(n)


        n    is an integer variable  into  which  the  SAVRAN  subroutine
             stores the last internal integer seed value generated.

                                                         Subroutine        SETRAN Subroutine - The  SETRAN  subroutine  specifies  the
   internal  integer  seed  value  for  the  RAN function.  If the SETRAN
   argument is zero, RAN uses its own default starting value.

   The form of the SETRAN subroutine is:

        CALL SETRAN(n)


        n    is a nonnegative integer constant  or  variable  (less  than


                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES  SORT Subroutine - The SORT subroutine  sorts  one  or  more
   files   using  the  SORT  program.   You  can  successfully  use  this
   subroutine only if the SORT  software  has  been  installed  (see  the
   FORTRAN  Installation Guide).  The SORT software is sold as a separate
   product and may not be available at your installation.

   The form of the SORT subroutine is:

        CALL SORT('sort string')


        sort string    is a command line containing  file  specifications
                       and SORT switches.  For specific information about
                       the SORT command line, see the  SORT/MERGE  User's


                           The sort string must  be  compatible  with
                           the  current  version  of  the  standalone
                           SORT.  Therefore, the string  is  not  the
                           same  for  TOPS-10  and  TOPS-20  (see the
                           SORT/MERGE User's Guide).

                                                         Subroutine        SRTINI Subroutine - The SRTINI subroutine directs FOROTS to
   start allocating memory from top downward to account for large overlay
   programs and preallocates pages 600:677 (octal) for SORT.

   The form of the SRTINI routine is:

        CALL SRTINI(n)


        n    is top page number to use when allocating memory.

   Note that FOROTS will not allocate pages (including  DDT  pages)  that
   have been marked as unavailable at memory initialization.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

                                                         Subroutine        TIME Subroutine - The TIME subroutine returns  the  current
   time of day in left-justified ASCII.

   The TIME subroutine has two forms:

        CALL TIME(x)


        CALL TIME(x,y)


        x    is a character variable.  In the  one  argument  form,  TIME
             returns  the  time in x in the form:  hh:mm, where hh is the
             hour (24-hour time) and mm is the minutes.

        y    is a character variable.  When the two argument form of  the
             TIME subroutine is used, the forms of the time returned in x
             is the same as the one argument form, and the value returned
             in  y  has  the  form:  bss.t, where b is a blank, ss is the
             current seconds, and t is the current tenths of seconds.


           For   compatibility   with   previous   versions    of
           FORTRAN-10/20,  you  can specify a numeric variable or
           array element as an argument of the TIME subroutine.

   The following example demonstrates using the one and the two  argument
   forms of the TIME subroutine in a program.

             PROGRAM TIMTST
             CHARACTER*10 X,Y

             CALL TIME(X,Y)


             CALL TIME(X)

             WRITE (UNIT=5, FMT=102)X


        LINK:   Loading
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        [LNKXCT TIMTST execution]
        CPU time 0.1   Elapsed time 0.2

                                                         Subroutine        TOPMEM Subroutine - The TOPMEM subroutine directs FOROTS to
   start  allocating  memory  from  a  specified  page number downward to
   account for large overlay programs.

   The form of the TOPMEM subroutine is:

        CALL TOPMEM(n)


        n    is the top page number to use in allocating memory.

   Note that FOROTS will not allocate pages (including  DDT  pages)  that
   have been marked as unavailable at memory initialization.

                                                         Subroutine        TRACE Subroutine - The TRACE subroutine generates a list of
   active  subprograms on the terminal.  An active subprogram is one that
   has been called but has not yet returned.  The main program is  always
   active.  The trace listing starts at the currently active routine (the
   one containing the call to  TRACE)  and  proceeds  back  to  the  main

   The form of the TRACE subroutine is:

        CALL TRACE

   The information produced by the TRACE routine consists  of,  for  each

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        1.  The name of the routine

        2.  The address of the routine (in octal)

        3.  The address of the subprogram call (expressed as routine-name
            + offset)

        4.  The address of the subprogram  call  (expressed  as  label  +
            offset with the calling routine)

        5.  The number of arguments passed to the called routine

        6.  The types of the arguments passed including:

                 C - Character string descriptor
                 D - D-floating double precision
                 F - Real
                 G - G-floating double precision
                 I - Integer or double integer
                 K - Literal string
                 L - Logical
                 O - Octal or double octal
                 S - Statement label
                 U - Unknown argument type
                 X - Complex

   If there are too many arguments to display, the  'types'  column  will
   contain '...'.

   If local  symbols  are  loaded  with  the  program,  the  label+offset
   information will be much more informative.  A label of the form 12345P
   refers to FORTRAN statement number 12345; a label of the  form  56789L
   refers  to  line  number  56789  in the compiler listing.  Line number
   labels only appear if the program was compiled with /DEBUG:LABELS (see
   Chapter 16).

   The traceback listing is sent to  the  error-message  unit,  which  is
   normally  the  terminal.   You  can use the DIVERT subroutine (Section to change where the listing is sent.


             PROGRAM MAIN
             TYPE 10
        10   FORMAT (/' Calling SUB1:')
             CALL SUB1
             TYPE 20
        20   FORMAT (/' Calling SUB2:')
             CALL SUB2 (A,B)

             SUBROUTINE SUB1
             Y = F(X)
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

             SUBROUTINE SUB2 (G,H)
             CALL SUB3 (G,H,I)

             SUBROUTINE SUB3 (A1,A2,A3)
             CALL TRACE

             FUNCTION F(Y)
             CALL SUB2 (Y,0)

   LINK:  Loading
   [LNKXCT TRC execution]

   Calling SUB1:

   Name   (Loc)    <<---  Caller      (Loc)        Args   Types
   TRACE. (426373) <<---  SUB3+2      (SUB3+2)      0
   SUB3   (256)    <<---  SUB2+6      (SUB2+6)      3      FFI
   SUB2   (232)    <<---  F+20        (F+20)        2      FI
   F      (307)    <<---  SUB1+2      (SUB1+2)      1      F
   SUB1   (214)    <<---  MAIN.+7     (MAIN.+7)     0

   Calling SUB2:

   Name   (Loc)    <<---  Caller      (Loc)        Args   Types
   TRACE. (426373) <<---  SUB3+2      (SUB3+2)      0
   SUB3   (256)    <<---  SUB2+6      (SUB2+6)      3      FFI
   SUB2   (232)    <<---  MAIN.+14    (MAIN.+14)    2      FF

   CPU time 0.4  Elapsed time 3.1

   13.4.2  User-Defined Subroutines

   A subroutine subprogram is a separate program unit.  The FORTRAN  CALL
   statement  is  used in a program unit to call a subroutine subprogram.
   The CALL statement contains  the  name  of  the  subroutine  to  which
   control  passes  when  the  CALL  statement  is  executed.   The  CALL
   statement can also optionally contain actual arguments that are passed
   to  the called subroutine.  The CALL statement is described in Section

   The SUBROUTINE statement is always the first statement in a subroutine
   subprogram.    The   SUBROUTINE   statement   defines  the  name  and,
   optionally,  any  dummy  arguments  used  by  the   subroutine.    The
   SUBROUTINE statement is described in Section

   The ENTRY statement enables you to enter a subroutine subprogram at  a
   statement other than the first statement of the subroutine.  The ENTRY
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   statement is described in Section 13.4.3.

   The last logical statement of a subroutine subprogram  is  always  the
   RETURN  statement.   By  default,  the RETURN statement always returns
   control to the first executable statement in the calling program  that
   immediately  follows  the CALL statement.  Optionally, you may use the
   alternate return form of the RETURN statement to return control  to  a
   statement  other than the default.  Both forms of the RETURN statement
   are described in Section 13.4.4.  SUBROUTINE Statement - The SUBROUTINE  statement  is  always
   the  first statement in a subroutine subprogram.  It is used to define
   the name of the subroutine and, optionally, to define dummy  arguments
   that are used by the subroutine.

   The form of the SUBROUTINE statement is:

        SUBROUTINE sub [([d1[,d2]...])]


        sub  is the symbolic name of the subroutine or dummy procedure.

        d    is an optional dummy argument for the subroutine subprogram.
             This argument can be a variable name, an array name, a dummy
             procedure name, or any combination  of  these  separated  by
             commas.   The parentheses are optional if no dummy arguments
             are specified.

   The  following  rules  control  the  structuring   of   a   subroutine

        1.  You can not use the symbolic name of the  subprogram  in  any
            statement within the defined subprogram except the SUBROUTINE
            statement itself.  The symbolic name of  a  subroutine  is  a
            global name and must not be the same as any other global name
            or any local name in the program unit.

        2.  The symbolic name of a dummy argument is local to the program
            unit  and must not appear in an EQUIVALENCE, PARAMETER, SAVE,
            INTRINSIC, COMMON, or DATA statement except as a common block

        3.  The subroutine subprogram may define or redefine one or  more
            of its dummy arguments so as to return results.

        4.  If the actual argument  is  a  constant  or  expression,  the
            subroutine must not change the value of that argument.

        5.  The subroutine subprogram may contain any  FORTRAN  statement
            except  BLOCK  DATA,  FUNCTION,  PROGRAM,  another SUBROUTINE
            statement,  or  any  statement  that   either   directly   or
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

            indirectly  references the subroutine being defined or any of
            the subprograms in the chain of subprogram references leading
            to this subroutine.

        6.  Dummy arguments that represent statement labels may be either
            an *, $, or &.

        7.  The subprogram should contain at least one  RETURN  statement
            and  must  be  terminated  by  an  END statement.  The RETURN
            statement indicates a logical end of  the  routine;  the  END
            statement  signifies  the physical end of the subroutine.  If
            no  RETURN  precedes  the  END  statement,  then  the  RETURN
            statement is implicit.

        8.  Subroutine subprograms can  have  as  many  entry  points  as
            desired  (see description of ENTRY statement given in Section

        9.  A character dummy argument whose length specification  is  an
            asterisk   in  parentheses  may  appear  as  an  operand  for
            concatenation.  CALL Statement - The CALL statement is  used  in  a  program
   unit  to  reference  a  subroutine.   Execution  of the CALL statement
   causes a transfer of program control to the subroutine  referenced  in
   the CALL statement.

   The CALL statement can also contain a list of arguments that  is  used
   by the computation performed in the referenced subroutine.

   The form of the CALL statement is:

        CALL sub [([a1[,a2]...])]


        sub  is the symbolic name of a subroutine or dummy procedure.

        a    is  an  optional  actual  argument  that  is  used  by   the
             subroutine.  The actual arguments in the CALL statement must
             agree in position and type with the dummy arguments  in  the
             referenced   SUBROUTINE   statement.   The  parentheses  are
             optional if no actual arguments are specified.  Execution of a CALL Statement - When  a  CALL  statement  is
   executed, the following results occur:

        1.  Any actual arguments in the CALL statement argument list that
            are expressions are evaluated.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

        2.  The actual arguments  are  then  associated  with  the  dummy
            arguments in the referenced SUBROUTINE statement.

        3.  Control passes to the subroutine and it is executed.

        4.  Return of control  from  the  referenced  subroutine  to  the
            calling   program   completes   the  execution  of  the  CALL

   A subroutine can be referenced within any other procedure or the  main
   program  of  the  executable  program.   A subprogram cannot, however,
   reference itself, either directly or indirectly.  Actual Arguments for  a  Subroutine - Actual  arguments  can
   appear  in  the  CALL  statement argument list.  Actual arguments must
   agree  in  order,  number,  and  type  with  the  corresponding  dummy
   arguments  in  the  dummy  argument list of the referenced subroutine.
   The exception to the agreement rules between actual and dummy argument
   lists is the use of a subroutine name or an alternate return specifier
   as an actual argument.

   Actual arguments in CALL statements can be any of the following:

        1.  Any expression, including a character expression whose length
            specification is an asterisk in parentheses.

        2.  An array name

        3.  An intrinsic function name

        4.  An external procedure name

        5.  A dummy procedure name

        6.  An alternate return label

   An actual argument in a subroutine reference may be a  dummy  argument
   name  that  appears  in  a  dummy  argument list within the subprogram
   containing the reference.  An asterisk dummy argument must not be used
   as an actual argument in a subprogram reference.

   13.4.3  ENTRY Statement

   The ENTRY statement provides you with a method for entering a function
   or  subroutine  subprogram  at  any  executable  statement.  The ENTRY
   statement can appear anywhere within a function subprogram  after  the
   FUNCTION  statement,  or  within  a  subroutine  subprogram  after the
   SUBROUTINE statement.  An ENTRY statement cannot appear between  a  DO
   statement  and  the  terminal  statement  of  its  DO-loop or inside a
   block-IF statement.
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   A subprogram may optionally have one or  more  ENTRY  statements.   An
   ENTRY statement is classified as a nonexecutable statement.

   The form of the ENTRY statement is:

        ENTRY en [(d1 [,d2...])]


        en   is the symbolic name of an entry in a function or subroutine
             subprogram.  This symbolic name is called an entry name.  If
             the entry name appears in a  subroutine  subprogram,  it  is
             referred  to as a subroutine name; if the entry name appears
             in a function subprogram, it is called an external  function

        d    is a variable name, array name, dummy procedure name, or the
             symbols:   *,  $,  or & (these symbols can represent a dummy
             argument which is an alternate return  label).   The  symbol
             references   (asterisk,  ampersand,  and  dollar  sign)  are
             permitted  only  when  the  ENTRY  statement  appears  in  a
             subroutine subprogram.

   If you do not specify any parentheses after the entry name,  you  need
   not  specify  any  dummy  arguments.   If,  however,  you  include the
   parentheses, you must specify at least one dummy argument.  The  rules
   for the use of an ENTRY statement follow:

        1.  The ENTRY statement allows entry into a subprogram at a place
            other  than  that  defined  by  the  SUBROUTINE  or  FUNCTION
            statement.  You may include more than one ENTRY statement  in
            an external subprogram.

        2.  Execution begins at the first executable statement  following
            the ENTRY statement.

        3.  Appearance of an ENTRY statement in  a  subprogram  does  not
            negate  the rule that statement functions in subprograms must
            precede the first executable statement.

        4.  ENTRY statements are nonexecutable  and  do  not  affect  the
            execution flow of a subprogram.

        5.  You can not use an ENTRY statement in a main program or  have
            a subprogram reference itself through its entry points.

        6.  You can not use an ENTRY statement  in  the  range  of  a  DO
            statement construction.

        7.  The dummy arguments in the ENTRY statement need not agree  in
            order, number, or type with the dummy arguments in SUBROUTINE
            or FUNCTION statements or any other ENTRY  statement  in  the
            subprogram.  However, the arguments for each call or function
            reference  must  agree  with  the  dummy  arguments  in   the
                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

            SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, or ENTRY statement that is referenced.

        8.  Entry into a subprogram initializes only the dummy  arguments
            of the referenced ENTRY statement.

        9.  You can not reference a dummy argument unless it  appears  in
            the   dummy  list  of  the  ENTRY,  SUBROUTINE,  or  FUNCTION
            statement by which the subprogram is entered.

       10.  The source subprogram must be ordered such that references to
            dummy   arguments   in   executable   statements  follow  the
            appearance of the dummy argument  in  the  dummy  list  of  a
            SUBROUTINE, FUNCTION, or ENTRY statement.

       11.  Dummy arguments that were defined for a  subprogram  by  some
            previous  reference  to  the  subprogram  are  undefined  for
            subsequent entry into the subprogram.

       12.  The value of a function  must  be  returned  by  use  of  the
            current entry name.

       13.  If an  entry  name  in  a  function  subprogram  is  of  type
            character,  each  entry  name  and  the  name of the function
            subprogram must be of type character.  If  the  name  of  the
            function  subprogram  or  any  entry  in the subprogram has a
            length of (*) declared, all such items  must  have  a  length
            specification of the same integer value.

   13.4.4  RETURN Statement

   The RETURN statement returns control to the referencing  program  unit
   and  may  appear  only  in  a  function  subprogram  or  a  subroutine

   The RETURN statement has two possible forms, depending on  whether  it
   is  the  last  statement  in  a  function  subprogram  or a subroutine

   The form of the RETURN statement in a function subprogram is:


   The form of the RETURN statement in a subroutine subprogram is:

        RETURN [e]


        e    is an integer constant, variable, or expression.  This  form
             of  the RETURN statement is called an alternate return.  The
             alternate return form enables  you  to  select  any  labeled

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

             statement  in  the  calling  program  unit as a return point
             after execution of the program unit in which  the  alternate
             RETURN statement appears.

             The value of e should be a positive integer that is equal to
             or  less  than  the  number of statement labels given in the
             argument list of the calling statement.  If e is less than 1
             or  is larger than the number of available statement labels,
             a  standard  return  is  performed.   (A   standard   return
             transfers  control  back  to  the first executable statement
             immediately following the calling statement in  the  calling
             program unit).


           A dummy argument for a statement label must be  either
           an  asterisk  (*),  a dollar sign ($), or an ampersand

   You may use more than one RETURN (standard return)  statement  in  any
   subprogram.   The  use  of  the  alternate  return  form of the RETURN
   statement is restricted to subroutine subprograms.

   For example,  assume  the  following  statement  sequence  in  a  main

             CALL EXAMP(1,*10,K,*15,M,*20)
             GO TO 101
        10   alternate return #1
        15   alternate return #2
        20   alternate return #3

             SUBROUTINE EXAMP (L, *,M, *,N,*)

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES


   Each occurrence of RETURN returns control to the statement GO  TO  101
   in the calling program.

   If, on the execution of the RETURN(I+J) statement, the value of  (I+J)

   Value                         The following is performed:

   less than one                 a standard  return  to  the  GO  TO  101
                                 statement is made
                1                the return is made to statement 10
                2                the return is made to statement 15
                3                the return is made to statement 20
   Greater than 3                a standard  return  to  the  GO  TO  101
                                 statement is made.

   13.4.5  Dummy and Actual Arguments

   Since you may reference subprograms at more than one point  throughout
   a  program,  many  of the values used by the subprogram may be changed
   each time it is used.  Dummy arguments in  subprograms  represent  the
   actual  values  to be used, which are passed to the subprogram when it
   is called.

   For example, shown below is a subroutine (TEST) being called from  the
   main  program  by a CALL statement.  In this example, the variables in
   the CALL statement, A, B, and C(2), represent  actual  values  in  the
   main program.  They are therefore called actual arguments.

   On the other hand, the variables in the SUBROUTINE  statement,  R,  X,
   and  Z,  do  not represent any values until they have values passed to
   them from  the  CALL  statement.   They  are  therefore  called  dummy

   (The CALL, SUBROUTINE, and RETURN statements are described in Sections,, and 13.4.4, respectively.)

        CALL TEST (A,B,C(2))

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES


   Functions and subroutines use dummy arguments to indicate the type  of
   the  actual  arguments they represent and whether the actual arguments
   are variables, arrays, subroutine names,  or  the  names  of  external
   functions.   Each  dummy  argument  must  be used within a function or
   subroutine as if it were a variable, array,  subroutine,  or  external
   function identifier.

   Dummy arguments are given in an  argument  list  associated  with  the
   identifier  assigned  to the subprogram; actual arguments are normally
   given in an argument list associated with a call made to  the  desired

   The position, number, and type of each dummy argument in a  subprogram
   list  must  agree with the position, number, and type of each argument
   list of the subprogram reference.


           If the /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS compiler switch  is  specified
           (see   Section   16.3),   optional  type  checking  is
           performed at load time on dummy and actual arguments.

   Dummy arguments may be:

        1.  variables

        2.  array names

        3.  subroutine identifiers

        4.  function identifiers

        5.  the symbols *, $, or & that are used to denote  the  position
            of alternate return labels

   When you reference a subprogram, its dummy arguments are  replaced  by
   the  corresponding  actual  arguments  supplied in the reference.  All
   appearances of a dummy argument within a function  or  subroutine  are
   related   to  the  given  actual  arguments.   Except  for  subroutine
   identifiers and character constants, a valid association between dummy
   and  actual  arguments  occurs  only  if  both  are  of the same type;

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   otherwise,  the  results  of  the  subprogram  computations  will   be

   Argument association may be carried through more  than  one  level  of
   subprogram reference if a valid association is maintained through each
   level.  The dummy/actual  argument  associations  established  when  a
   subprogram  is  referenced  are terminated when the desired subprogram
   operations are completed.

   The following rules govern the use and form of dummy arguments:

        1.  The number and type of the dummy  arguments  of  a  procedure
            must  be  the  same  as  the  number  and  type of the actual
            arguments given each time the procedure is referenced.

        2.  Dummy argument names may not appear in EQUIVALENCE, DATA,  or
            COMMON statements.

        3.  A variable dummy argument should have a  variable,  an  array
            element  identifier,  an  expression,  or  a  constant as its
            corresponding argument.

        4.  An array dummy argument should have either an array  name  or
            an  array  element  identifier  as  its  corresponding actual
            argument.  If the actual argument is an array, the length  of
            the  dummy  array should be less than or equal to that of the
            actual array.  Each element of a dummy  array  is  associated
            directly with the corresponding elements of the actual array.

        5.  A dummy argument representing a subroutine identifier  should
            have a subroutine name as its actual argument.

        6.  A dummy argument representing an external function must  have
            an external function as its actual argument.

        7.  A dummy argument may be defined or redefined in a  referenced
            subprogram  only  if  its  corresponding actual argument is a
            variable.  If dummy arguments are array names, then  elements
            of the array may be redefined.

   Additional information regarding the use of dummy and actual arguments
   is  given  in  the  description  of  how  subprograms  are defined and
   referenced.  Length of Character Dummy and Actual Arguments - The  length
   of  a  dummy  argument  of type character must not be greater than the
   length of its associated actual argument.  Note that if the  character
   dummy  argument's  length  is  specified  as  *(*), the length used is
   exactly the length of the associated actual argument.  This  is  known
   as a passed length character argument.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   The length of the dummy  argument  is  determined  each  time  control
   transfers  to  the function.  The length of the actual argument can be
   the length of a  character  variable,  array  element,  substring,  or

   A character array dummy argument can have passed length.   The  length
   of each element in the dummy argument is the length of the elements in
   the actual argument.  The passed  length  and  the  array  declaractor
   together determine the size of the passed length character array.

   The following example of a function subprogram uses  a  passed  length
   character  argument.  The function finds the position of the character
   with the highest ASCII code value; it uses the length  of  the  passed
   length  character  argument  to control the iteration.  (Note that the
   intrinsic function  LEN  is  used  to  determine  the  length  of  the
   argument.  See Table 13-1 for a description of the LEN function.)

             CHARACTER*(*) CVAR
             ICMAX = 1
             DO 10 I = 2, LEN(CVAR)

   Each of the following function references specifies a different length
   for the dummy argument:

        CHARACTER VAR*10, CARRAY(3,5)*20

        I1 = ICMAX(VAR)
        I2 = ICMAX(CARRAY(2,2))
        I3 = ICMAX(VAR(3:8))
        I4 = ICMAX(CARRAY(1,3)(5:15))
        I5 = ICMAX (VAR(3:4)//CARRAY(3,5))  Character and  Hollerith  Constants  as  Actual  Arguments -
   Actual arguments and their corresponding dummy arguments must agree in
   data type.  If the  actual  argument  is  a  Hollerith  constant  (for
   example, 4HABCD), the dummy argument must be of numeric data type.

   In FORTRAN-10/20, if an actual argument is a character  constant  (for
   example  'ABCD'),  the  corresponding  dummy  argument can have either
   numeric or character data type.  If the dummy argument has  a  numeric
   data type, the character constant 'ABCD' is, in effect, converted to a
   Hollerith constant by the FORTRAN compiler and the loader.

                         FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES

   An exception to this occurs when the function or  subroutine  name  is
   itself  a  dummy argument.  It is not possible to determine at compile
   time or load time whether a character constant or  Hollerith  constant
   is  required.   In this case, a character constant actual argument can
   correspond only to a character dummy argument.



                                 CHAPTER 14

                          BLOCK DATA SUBPROGRAMS  

   Block data subprograms provide initial values for variables and  array
   elements in named common blocks.

   A block data subprogram must start with the BLOCK DATA statement.  The
   only   valid  statements  within  a  block  data  subprogram  are  the
   specification and DATA  statements  (COMMON,  DIMENSION,  EQUIVALENCE,
   IMPLICIT, PARAMETER, SAVE, type statements, and DATA statements).  The
   last statement of a block data subprogram must be an END statement.

   You can enter initial values into more than one labeled  common  block
   in a single subprogram of this type.

   An executable program can contain more than one block data subprogram.


   The form of the BLOCK DATA statement is:

        BLOCK DATA [sub]


        sub  is the optional symbolic name of a block data subprogram  in
             which the BLOCK DATA statement appears.

             The name sub is a global name and must therefore be a unique
             symbolic name within the executable program.

   The following is an example of a block data subprogram:

        DATA CIRCLE,RECTAN,PI/1.,2.,3.14159/

                          BLOCK DATA SUBPROGRAMS  

   This example initializes the COMMON variables CIRCLE, RECTAN,  and  PI
   to 1., 2., and 3.14159 respectively.


                                 CHAPTER 15

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   This chapter is a guide for writing effective programs  with  FORTRAN.
   It  contains techniques for optimization, interaction with non-FORTRAN
   programs, and other useful programming hints.


   The  following  paragraphs  describe  programming  considerations  you
   should  observe  when  preparing  a  FORTRAN program to be compiled by

   15.1.1  Accuracy and Range of Double-Precision Numbers

   Floating-point and real numbers may consist of up to 16  digits  in  a
   double-precision mode.  Their range is specified in Chapter 3, Section
   3.2.  You must be careful when testing the value of  a  number  within
   the  specified  range,  since,  although  numbers  up to 10**38 may be
   represented, FORTRAN can only test numbers of up to eight  significant
   digits (REAL precision) and 16 significant digits (DOUBLE precision).


           For KL model B systems,  if  the  /GFLOATING  compiler
           switch  is  specified  (see Section 16.1.3 or 16.2.3),
           double-precision  numbers  up  to   10**307   can   be

   You must also be careful when testing floating-point computations  for
   a  result of 0.  In most cases the anticipated result, that is, 0 will
   be obtained; however, in some cases the result may  be  a  very  small
   number  that  approximates  0.   Such an approximation of 0 will cause
   tests for equality to 0 to fail.

   To increase the accuracy of its compile-time arithmetic, the  compiler

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   does  all  floating  point arithmetic in double precision (it converts
   back to single precision when necessary).  For KL model B systems,  if
   the  /GFLOATING  compiler  switch  is specified (see Section 16.1.3 or
   16.2.3), the compiler does its compile-time arithmetic  in  G-floating
   double-precision.  If the /DFLOATING compiler switch is specified (the
   default), the compiler does its compile-time arithmetic in  D-floating

   Compile-time arithmetic done in G-floating  double-precision  may  not
   overflow  or  underflow  as  it might with D-floating double-precision
   arithmetic.  G-floating double-precision  has  a  greater  range  than
   D-floating double-precision (see Section 3.4).

   15.1.2  Writing FORTRAN Programs for Use on Other Computers

   If you prepare a program to run on both TOPS-10 or TOPS-20 and another
   manufacturer's computer, you should:

        1.  Avoid using  any  blue  print  language  extensions  in  this
            manual.  (All information in blue print represents aspects of
            FORTRAN that are extensions to the FORTRAN-77 Standard.)

        2.  Consider the accuracy and size of the  numbers  that  another
            manufacturer's computer is capable of handling.

   You can use the /FLAG compiler  switch  to  invoke  the  compatibility
   flagger.  This feature provides warning messages for language elements
   that  are  extensions  to  the  FORTRAN-77  standard   or   that   are
   incompatible with VAX FORTRAN (see Section 16.6).

|  Remote Links - A remote network  link  is  established  each
|  time  an  OPEN  statement  or  INQUIRE-by-file  for  a  remote file is
|  performed.  The link remains open until the  file  is  closed  or  the
|  INQUIRE  statement completes.  The maximum number of simultaneous open
|  links  available  to  a  user  process  is  a  site-dependent  monitor
|  parameter.
|  Reducing  Network  Overhead - A  substantial  part  of   the
|  overhead  associated  with remote file access consists in establishing
|  the remote link.  Since a READ, READ, WRITE sequence for a file opened
|  for  read  access  causes  FOROTS  to  close  and  reopen the file for
|  read/write access, network overhead can be reduced  by  ensuring  that
|  remotes  files  to  be written to are opened with an ACCESS specifying
|  both read and write access.  Likewise, file  specifications  in  CLOSE
|  statements  for  remote  files, which cause FOROTS to establish a link
|  for a network rename operation, should not be routinely used unless  a

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  full remote rename is required.

   15.1.3  Using Floating-Point DO Loops

   FORTRAN permits you to use noninteger,  single-  or  double- precision
   numbers  as  the parameter variables in a DO statement.  This lets you
   generate a wider range of values for  the  DO  loop  index  variables,
   which may, in turn, be used inside the loop for computations.


           If  a  noninteger  index  is  used,  accumulation   of
           rounding  errors may lead to unexpected values for the
           loop variable.

   15.1.4  Computation of DO Loop Iterations

   The number of times through a DO loop is computed outside the loop and
   is  not  affected by any changes to the DO index parameters within the
   loop.  The formula for the number of times a DO loop is executed is:

        DO 10 I=M1,M2,M3

        Number of cycles=MAX (INT((M2-M1+M3)/M3),0)

   The values of the parameters M1, M2, M3 can  be  of  any  type  except
   complex.   If  the  iteration count is less than or equal to zero, the
   body of the loop is not executed.   The  index  variable  retains  its
   assigned value (M1).  (See Section 9.3.)


           The interpretation of  the  iteration  count  and  the
           index  variable described above is different from that
           of earlier versions of FORTRAN-10/20.  If  the  /NOF77
           compiler  switch  is  specified (see Section 16.1.3 or
           16.2.3), and the iteration count is less than or equal
           to  zero,  the  body of the loop is executed once.  In
           addition, the final value of the index variable of the
           DO statement is undefined after a normal exit.

   15.1.5  Subroutines - Programming Considerations

   Consider the following items when preparing and executing subroutines:

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

        1.  During execution, no check is  made  to  see  if  the  proper
            number  of  arguments  is passed (unless the /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS
            compiler switch is specified, see Section 16.3).

        2.  If the number of actual arguments passed to a  subroutine  is
            less than the number of dummy arguments specified, the values
            of  the  unspecified  arguments  are  undefined  (unless  the
            /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS  compiler  switch  is specified, see Section

        3.  If the number of actual arguments passed to a  subroutine  is
            greater  than the number of dummy arguments given, the excess
            arguments are ignored (unless the  /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS  compiler
            switch is specified, see Section 16.3).

        4.  If an actual argument is a  constant  and  its  corresponding
            dummy  argument  is  set to another value (an illegal usage),
            all references made to the constant in  the  calling  program
            may be changed to the new value of the dummy argument.

        5.  No check is made to see if the arguments passed  are  of  the
            same type as the dummy arguments (unless the /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS
            compiler switch is specified, see Section 16.3).


                    An exception is that a check is  always  made
                    for G-floating and D-floating type mismatches
                    regardless  of  the  /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS  switch
                    being specified.

                    In addition, when you pass character data  to
                    a  subroutine  or  function  that is compiled
                    with the /EXTEND switch, the calling  program
                    must   also  be  compiled  with  the  /EXTEND

            If an actual parameter is a constant  and  the  corresponding
            dummy  is  of type real, be sure to include the decimal point
            in the constant.  If the dummy is double-precision,  be  sure
            to specify the constant with a "D".


           You are given no warning  if  any  of  the  situations
           described  in  items  1,2,3,4,  or 5 occur (unless the
           /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS compiler  switch  is  specified,  see
           Section 16.3).


                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   If a function F has a single dummy argument of  type  real,  and  that
   function is called with:


   F interprets the integer 2 as an unnormalized  floating-point  number.
   In this instance, F(A) should be called with:


   Similarly, if the function F1(D) is called with:


   and D is double-precision, F1 assumes that its  parameters  have  been
   specified  with  two  words of precision and picks up whatever follows
   the constant 2.5 in memory.  The proper method is to use:


   15.1.6  Reordering of Computations

   Computations that are not enclosed within parentheses may be reordered
   by  the  compiler.   Sometimes  it  is necessary to use parentheses to
   ensure proper results from a specific computation.

   For example, assuming that:

        1.  RL1 represents a large number, such that RL1*RL2  will  cause
            an overflow condition, and

        2.  RS1 is a very small number, that is, less than 1, the program


            will not produce an overflow when evaluated  left  to  right,
            since  the  first  computation  in  each expression (that is,
            RS1*RL1 and RS2*RL2) will produce an interim result  that  is
            smaller than either large number (RL1 or RL2).

   However, the compiler may recognize RL1*RL2 as a common  subexpression
   (see Section and generate the following sequence:

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

        temp = RL1*RL2
        A    = RS1*temp
        B    = RS2*temp

   The computation of temp will cause an overflow.

   You should write the program as follows to  ensure  that  the  desired
   results are obtained:


   Computations may be reordered even when  global  optimization  is  not

   15.1.7  Dimensioning of Dummy Arrays

   When you specify an array as a dummy argument to  a  subprogram  unit,
   you  must  indicate  to the compiler that the parameter is an array by
   dimensioning the array in a specification statement.  This is the only
   way  the  compiler is able to distinguish a reference to such an array
   from a function reference.  A  dummy  array  can  be  dimensioned  the
   following ways:

        1.  Assumed size

        2.  Adjustable dimensioned

        3.  Fixed dimension bound

   Dimensioning the array  with  a  size  of  1  is  a  common,  although
   dangerous,  practice.   The  alternative  to  this  practice is to use
   assumed-size arrays (see Section 7.1.2).


        DIMENSION A(1)

   There are disadvantages to using the above technique  because  it  may
   prevent the compiler from diagnosing illegal programs, specifically:

        1.  Reading or writing the array by name

                 DIMENSION ARRAY (10)
                 READ (1) ARRAY

            The above is a binary read that  will  read  ten  words  into

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS


                 SUBROUTINE SUB1(A)
                 DIMENSION A(1)

            This binary read will cause one word to be read into A.

        2.  Using the array as a format

                 SUBROUTINE SUB2(FMT)
                 DIMENSION FMT(1)
                 READ (1,FMT)

            Only the first word of the format specification contained  in
            FMT is used.

        3.  Using  the  /DEBUG:BOUNDS  compilation  switch  (see  Section
            16.3),  the  dimension  information  used  is  that  which is
            specified in the array declaration

            SUBROUTINE SUB3(A)
            DIMENSION A(1)

            The reference to A(2) will cause  the  out-of-bounds  warning
            message to be generated.


   You  have  the  option  of  invoking  the  global   optimizer   during
   compilation.   The optimizer treats groups of statements in the source
   program as a single entity.  The purpose of the global optimizer is to
   prepare a more efficient object program that produces the same results
   as the original unoptimized  program,  but  takes  significantly  less
   execution time.

   The output of the lexical and syntactic analysis phase of the compiler
   is  developed into an optimized source program equivalent (in results)
   to the original.  The optimized  program  is  then  processed  by  the
   standard compiler code generation phase.

   15.2.1  Optimization Techniques

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS  Elimination  of  Redundant  Computations - Often  the   same
   subexpression  will  appear  in more than one computation throughout a
   program.  If the values of the operands of such  a  common  expression
   are not changed between computations, the subexpression may be written
   as a separate arithmetic expression.  Also, the variable  representing
   its resultant may then be substituted where the subexpression appears.
   This eliminates unnecessary recomputation of the  subexpression.   For
   example, the instruction sequence:

        IF((B*C)-H) 10,20,30

   contains the subexpression B*C three times when it really needs to  be
   computed only once.  Rewriting the preceding sequence as:

        IF(T-H) 10,20,30

   eliminates two computations of the subexpression B*C from the  overall

   Decreasing the number of arithmetic operations performed in  a  source
   program  by  the  elimination  of  common  subexpressions shortens the
   execution time of the resulting object program.  Reduction  of  Operator  Strength - The  time  required   to
   execute  arithmetic  operations  varies  according  to the operator(s)
   involved.  The hierarchy of arithmetic  operations  according  to  the
   amount of execution time required is:

        LEAST TIME       +,-

   During program optimization,  the  global  optimizer  replaces,  where

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   possible   some  arithmetic operations that require the most time with
   operations  that  require  less  time.   For  example,  consider   the
   following DO loop that is used to create a table for the conversion of
   from 1 to 20 miles to their equivalents in feet:

            DO 10 MILES=1,20
        10  IFEET(MILES)=5280*MILES

   The execution time of the loop would be shorter if the  time-consuming
   multiply operation, that is, 5280*MILES, could be replaced by a faster
   operation.  Since you increment MILES on each pass,  you  can  replace
   the multiply operation by an add and total operation.

   In its optimized form, the  loop  would  be  replaced  by  a  sequence
   equivalent to:

            DO 10 MILES=1,20
        10  K=K+5280

   In the optimized form of the loop, the value of K is set to  5280  for
   the  first  iteration  of  the loop, and is increased by 5280 for each
   succeeding iteration of the loop.

   This  situation  occurs  frequently  in  subscript  calculations  that
   implicitly contain multiplications.  Removal of Constant Computation from Loops - The speed  with
   which   a  given  algorithm  may  be  executed  can  be  increased  if
   instructions and/or computations are moved out of frequently traversed
   program sequences into less frequently traversed program sequences.

   Movement of code is possible only if none  of  the  arguments  in  the
   items  to  be moved are redefined within the code sequences from which
   they are to be  taken.   Computations  within  a  loop  consisting  of
   variables  or  constants that are not changed in value within the loop
   may be moved outside the loop.  Decreasing the number of  computations
   made  within  a  loop greatly decreases the execution time required by
   the loop.

   For example, in the sequence:

            DO 10 I=1,100
        10  F=2.0*Q*A(I)+F

   the value of the computation  2.0*Q,  once  calculated  on  the  first

   Numerical analysis considerations severely limit the number  of  cases
   where this is possible.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   iteration, will remain unchanged during the remaining 99 iterations of
   the loop.  Reforming the preceding sequence to:

            DO 10 I=1,100
        10  F=QQ*A(I)+F

   moves the calculation 2.0*Q outside  the  scope  of  the  loop.   This
   movement of code eliminates 99 multiply operations.

   In addition, it is possible to  remove  entire  assignment  statements
   from  loops.   This  action  can  be  easily  detected  from the macro
   expanded listings.  The internal  sequence  number  remains  with  the
   statement and appears out of order in the leftmost column of the macro
   expanded listing (LINE).  Constant  Folding  and  Propagation - In  this   method   of
   optimization,  expressions  containing determinate constant values are
   detected and the constants are replaced, at  compile  time,  by  their
   defined or calculated value.  For example, assume that the constant PI
   is defined and used in the following manner:


   At compile time, the optimizer will have used the defined value of  PI
   to  calculate  the  value  of  the  subexpression 2*PI.  The optimized
   sequence would then be:


   thereby eliminating a multiply operation from the object code program.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   The evaluation of constant  expressions  at  compile  time  is  called
   "folding";  the replacement of variables with their constant values is
   called "constant propagation".


           For KL model B systems, use of the /GFLOATING compiler
           switch  (see  Section  16.1.3  or  16.2.3)  may affect
           compile-time arithmetic.  Removal of Inaccessible  Code - The  optimizer  detects  and
   eliminates any code within the source program that cannot be accessed.
   In general, this will not happen since  programmers  do  not  normally
   include  such  code  in their programs; however, inaccessible code may
   appear in a program during the  debugging  process.   The  removal  of
   inaccessible  code  by  the  optimizer  reduces the size of the object

   A warning message is generated for each inaccessible line removed.  Global Register Allocation - During  the  compilation  of  a
   source  program, the optimizer controls the allocation of registers to
   minimize computation  time  in  the  optimized  object  program.   The
   allocation  process  is  designed  to  minimize the number of MOVE and
   MOVEM machine instructions that will appear  in  the  most  frequently
   executed portions of the code.  I/O Optimization - Every effort  is  made  to  minimize  the
   number of required calls to the FOROTS system.  This is done primarily
   through extensive analysis of implied DO loop constructs on  I/O  data
   transfer   statements.   The  formats  of  these  special  blocks  are
   described in Chapter 18.  These optimizations reduce the size  of  the
   program  (argument  code  plus  argument  block  size  is reduced) and
   greatly improve the performance of programs that use implied  DO  loop
   I/O statements.  Uninitialized Variable Detection - A warning message may  be
   generated  when a scalar variable is referenced before it has received
   a value (only when optimizing).

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS  Test Replacement - If the only use of a DO loop index is  to
   reduce  operator strength (see Section and the loop does not
   contain exits (GO TOs out of the loop),  the  DO  loop  index  is  not
   needed and can be replaced by the reduced variable.

   For example:

            DO 10 I=1,10
        10  CONTINUE

   Reduction of operator strength and test replacement together transform
   this loop into:

            DO 10 I=7,70,7
        10  CONTINUE

   This situation occurs  frequently  in  subscript  computation.   After
   execution of these statements, I=11.

   15.2.2  Programming Techniques for Effective Optimization

   Observe the following recommendations during the coding of  a  FORTRAN
   source program.  They will improve the effectiveness of the optimizer:

        1.  Do not use DO loops with an extended range.

        2.  Specify label lists when using assigned GO TOs.

        3.  Nest loops so that the innermost index is the  one  with  the
            largest range of values.

        4.  Avoid the use of associated I/O variables.

        5.  Avoid unnecessary use of COMMON and EQUIVALENCE.


   Unpredictable results can occur  if  a  statement  includes  calls  to
   different functions that modify the same variables.

   Consider the following example:

        COMMON A

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS


        FUNCTION F(X)
        COMMON A

        FUNCTION Q(Y)
        COMMON A

   In the preceding sequence, if P is evaluated by calling  F  before  Q,
   the  value  of  P will be 2.  If P is evaluated by calling Q before F,
   the value of P will be 7.


   15.4.1  Using The Sharable High-Segment FOROTS

   If your program does not contain a FORTRAN main  program  module,  and
   you wish to have the sharable FOROTS GETSEGed at run time, you must do
   the following:

        1.  Force the loading of the FOROTS initialization routine RESET.
            by declaring it as an external.

        2.  Define the symbol FOROT% as a global with a positive, nonzero
            value before FORLIB.REL is searched.

        3.  Initialize FOROTS by the appropriate initialization call:

                 JSP 16, RESET.
                 EXP 0

   15.4.2  Calling Sequences

   The following paragraphs describe the standard procedures for  writing
   subroutine calls.

        1.  Procedure

            a.  The calling program must load  the  accumulator  (AC)  16
                with  the  address  of the first argument in the argument

            b.  The subroutine is then  called  by  a  PUSHJ  instruction

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

                using AC 17.

            c.  The return will be made to  the  instruction  immediately
                after the PUSHJ 17 instruction.

            d.  The FOROTS trace facility requires the  calling  sequence
                to be:

                     XMOVEI 16,AP
                     PUSHJ 17,F

                where AP is the pointer to the argument list and F is the
                subprogram name.  The word preceding the first word of an
                entry point should have its name in SIXBIT.

        2.  Restrictions

            a.  Skip returns are not permitted.

            b.  The contents of the pushdown  stack  located  before  the
                address specified by AC 17 belong to the calling program;
                they cannot be read by the called subprogram.

            c.  FOROTS  assumes  that  it  has  control  of  the   stack;
                therefore,  you  must  not  create  your  own stack.  The
                FOROTS stack is initialized by the call to  RESET.   (See
                Section 15.4.1).

   15.4.3  Accumulator Usage

   The specific functions performed by accumulators (AC) 17,16,0,  and  1

        1.  Pushdown Pointer - AC 17 is always maintained as  a  pushdown
            pointer.   In section zero, its right half points to the last
            location in use on the stack, and its left half contains  the
            negative  of  the  number  of  words  allocated to the unused
            remainder of the stack.

            In non-zero  sections,  the  pushdown  pointer  contains  the
            global address of the last location in use on the stack.

        2.  Argument  List  Pointer - AC  16  is  used  as  the  argument
            pointer.  The called subprogram does not need to preserve its
            contents.  The calling program cannot depend on getting  back
            the  address  of  the  argument  list  passed  to  the called
            subprogram.  AC 16 cannot point to the ACs or to the stack.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

        3.  Temporary and Value Return Registers - AC 0 and 1 are used as
            temporary  registers  and  for  returning values.  The called
            subprogram does not need to preserve the contents of AC 0  or
            1  (even if not returning a value).  The calling program must
            never depend on getting back the  original  contents  of  the
            data passed to the called subprogram.

        4.  Returning Values - A  subroutine  subprogram  may  pass  back
            results by modifying arguments.

            A numeric function subprogram always returns the value of the
            function in AC 0 (or ACs 0-1 if the value is double precision
            or complex).   A  function  subprogram  may  also  pass  back
            additional  results by modifying the arguments.  (See Section
            15.4.4 for a description of character functions.)

        5.  Preserved ACs - FORTRAN function subprograms preserve  ACs  2
            through 15; subroutine subprograms do not.

   The design of the called subprogram cannot depend on the  contents  of
   any  of the ACs being set up by the calling subprogram, except for ACs
   16 and 17.   Passing  information  must  be  done  explicitly  by  the
   argument  list mechanism.  Otherwise, the called subprograms cannot be
   written in either FORTRAN or COBOL.

   15.4.4  Argument Lists

   Since the FORTRAN compiler uses the indirect bits  on  argument  lists
   (note  that  this  permits  shared,  pure  code argument lists), it is
   essential for code that accesses parameters to take this into account.
   Specifically, sequences that obtained the values of parameters through
   use of operations such as:

        HRRZ R,1(16)

   to pick up the address of the second argument should be changed to

        XMOVEI R,@1(16)

   The latter operation will work when interfacing with FORTRAN.

   The format of the argument list is as follows:

                         Arg count word
        Arg list addr.---First arg entry
                         Second arg entry
                         Last arg entry

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   The format of the arg count word is:

        bits 0-17   These contain -n,  where  n  is  the  number  of  arg
        bits 18-35  Reserved for future DIGITAL development, and must  be

   The format of an arg entry is as  follows  (each  entry  is  a  single

        bit  0      IFIW (Instruction Format Indirect Word) flag, must be
        bits 1-8    Reserved for future DIGITAL development, must be 0.
        bits 9-12   Arg type code.
        bit  13     Indirect bit if desired.
        bits 14-17  Index field, must be 0.
        bits 18-35  Address of the argument.

   For character functions, the  first  argument  points  to  the  return
   value,  which  is  a character string descriptor (see Section 15.4.6).
   The actual arguments to the function  start  in  the  second  argument

   The following restrictions should be observed:

        1.  Neither the argument list nor the arguments themselves can be
            on  the  stack.  The same restriction applies to any indirect
            argument pointers.

        2.  The called program may not modify the argument  list  itself.
            The argument list may be in a write-protected segment.

            Note that the arg count word is at position -1  with  respect
            to  the contents of AC 16.  This word is always required even
            if the subroutine  does  not  handle  a  variable  number  of
            arguments.   A  subroutine  that  has no arguments must still
            provide an argument list consisting of two  words,  that  is,
            the  argument  count  word with a 0 in it and a zero argument


             XMOVEI 16,AP   ;SET UP ARG POINTER
             PUSHJ 17,SUB   ;CALL SUBROUTINE
             ...            ;RETURN HERE
             ;ARGUMENT LIST
        AP:  IFIW 4,A

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

             IFIW 4,B
             IFIW 4,C


        SUB:    MOVE        T,@0(16)      ;GET FIRST ARG
                ADD         T,@1(16)      ;ADD SECOND ARG
                MOVEM       T,@2(16)      ;SET THIRD ARG
                POPJ        17,           ;RETURN TO CALLER

   15.4.5  Argument Types

   Table 15-1:  Argument Types and Types Codes

        Type Code                     Description

                          FORTRAN Use              COBOL Use

            0             Unspecified            Unspecified
            1             FORTRAN Logical        Not applicable
            2             Integer                1-word COMP
            3             Reserved               Reserved
            4             Real                   COMP-1
            5             Reserved               Reserved
            6             Octal                  Reserved
            7             Label                  Procedure address
           10             Double real            Not applicable
           11             Not applicable         2-word COMP
           12             Double octal           Not applicable
           13             Double real            Not applicable
           14             Complex                Not applicable
           15             Character              Byte string descriptor
           16             Reserved               Reserved
           17             Hollerith              Not applicable

   Literal arguments are permitted, but they must reside  in  a  writable
   segment.   This  is because the FORTRAN compiler makes a local copy of
   all non array elements and may copy dummy arguments back to the actual
   arguments.   All  unused  type  codes  are reserved for future DIGITAL

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   15.4.6  Description of Arguments

   The types of the arguments that may be passed are:

        1.  Type 0 - Unspecified

            The calling program has not specified the type.   The  called
            subprograms should assume that the argument is of the correct
            type if it is checking types.  If several types are possible,
            the  called subprogram should assume a default as part of its
            specification.  If none of the above conditions is true,  the
            called  subprogram  should  handle the argument as an integer
            (type 2).

        2.  Type 1 - FORTRAN logical

            A 36-bit binary value containing 0  or  positive  to  specify
            .FALSE.  and negative to specify .TRUE..

        3.  Type 2 - Integer and 1-word-COMP

            A 36-bit 2's complement signed binary integer.

        4.  Type 4 - Real and COMP-1

            A 36-bit floating-point number.

                 bit 0         sign
                 bits 1-8      excess 128 exponent
                 bits 9-35     mantissa

        5.  Type 6 - Octal

            A 36-bit unsigned binary value.

        6.  Type 7 - Label and procedure address

            The address of the parameter is the address of  an  alternate
            return label or a subprogram.

        7.  Type 10 - Double real (D-floating)

            A  double-precision  floating-point  number  represented   in
            D-floating form.  (See Section 3.4.)

        8.  Type 11 - 2-word COMP

            A 2-word (72-bit) 2's complement signed binary integer.

                 word 1, bit 0         sign
                 word 1, bits 1-35     high order
                 word 2, bit 0         same as word 1, bit 0

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

                 word 2, bits 1-35     low order

        9.  Type 12 - Double octal

            A 72-bit unsigned binary value.

       10.  Type 13 - Double real (G-floating) (KL model B only)

            A  double-precision  floating-point  number  represented   in
            G-floating form.  (See Section 3.4.)

       11.  Type 14 - Complex

            A complex number represented as an  ordered  pair  of  36-bit
            floating-point  numbers.  The first represents the real part,
            and the second represents the imaginary part.

       12.  Type 15 - Character string descriptor

            The format of the character string descriptor is:

                 word 1:  ILDB-type  pointer,  that  is,  aimed  at   the
                          character  preceding the first character of the
                 word 2:  EXP character count

            The character descriptor may not be modified  by  the  called
            program.   The  character  string  itself  must  consist of a
            string of contiguous 7-bit ASCII characters.

       13.  Type 17 - Hollerith

            A string of contiguous 7-bit ASCII characters left  justified
            on  the  word  boundary of the first word and terminated by a
            null character in the last word.

            The FORTRAN compiler emits constants  that  are  padded  with
            spaces to a word boundary, followed by a full-word containing

   15.4.7  Interaction with COBOL

   FORTRAN  programs  can  call  COBOL  programs  as  subprograms,   and,
   conversely,   the   COBOL   programs  can  call  FORTRAN  programs  as

   Note that I/O operations can be performed only in subprograms that are
   written  in the same language as the main program.  Also note that APR
   trap handling will be done in a manner consistent  with  the  language
   used in the main program.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS  Calling  FORTRAN  Subprograms  from  COBOL  Programs - COBOL
   programmers  may  write subprograms in FORTRAN to use the conveniences
   and facilities provided by this language.  The  COBOL  verb  ENTER  is
   used to call FORTRAN subroutines.  The form of ENTER is as follows:

                                      identifier-1           identifier-2
   ENTER FORTRAN program name USING   literal-1           ,  literal-2...
                                      procedure-name-1       procedure-2

   The USING clause names the data within the COBOL program that is to be
   passed to the called FORTRAN subprogram.  The passed data must be in a
   form acceptable to FORTRAN (see Table 14-1).


           G-floating double-precision does not exist as  a  data
           type in COBOL.

   The calling sequence used by COBOL in calling a FORTRAN subprogram is:

        MOVEI 16, address of first entry in argument list
        PUSHJ 17, subprogram address

   If the USING clause appears  in  the  ENTER  statement,  the  compiler
   creates an argument list that contains an entry for each identifier or
   literal in the order  of  appearance  in  the  USING  clause.   It  is
   preceded  by  a word containing, in its left half, the negative number
   of the number of entries in the list.  If no USING clause is  present,
   the  argument  list  contains an empty word, and the preceding word is
   set to 0.  Each entry in the list is one 36-bit word of the form:

        0-8          9-12          13-35

|         0          type        Effective address (E)
|  where:
|        type     is a  4-bit  code  that  indicates  the  USAGE  of  the
|                 argument,  and bits 13-35 contain the effective address
|                 (E) of the first word of the argument.
|  If the passed argument is a 1-word COMP item, the type code is 2 and E
|  is the location of the argument.
|  If the passed argment is a 2-word COMP  item,  the  type  code  is  11
|  (octal)  and  E is the location of the first word of the argument; the
|  second word of the argument is at E+1.
|  If the passed argument is a COMP-1 item, the code is 4 and  E  is  the
|  location of the argument.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  if the passed argument is a COMP-2 item, the code is 10 (octal) and  E
|  is  the location of the first word of the argument; the second word of
|  the argument is at E+1.
|  If the passed argument is a DISPLAY-6, DISPLAY-7, DISPLAY-9, or COMP-3
|  item,  the  code  is  15  (octal)  and  E  is the location of a 2-word
|  descriptor for the argument.  The first word of the  descriptor  is  a
|  byte  pointer  word  pointing to the argument.  Its byte-size is 6 for
|  DISPLAY-6, 7 for DISPLAY-7, and 9 for DISPLAY-9 or COMP-3.
|  The second word of the descriptor is of the form:
|       Bit 0          Reserved
|       Bit 1-4         Type code:
|                      1= DISPLAY-6
|                      2= DISPLAY-7
|                      3= DISPLAY-9
|                      4= COMP-3
|       Bit 5           Item is a literal
|       Bit 6           item is a figurative constant (such as SPACES)
|       Bit 7           Item is numeric
|            if bit 7 = 0;
|       Bit 8-11        Reserved
|       Bit 12-35      Size of item in bytes
|            If bit 7 = 1;
|       Bit 8           Item is signed
|       Bit 9           Item is scaled (such as PICTURE contains "P's" to
|                       left of implied decimal point, for example,
|                       999PP)
|       Bit 10          Item is numeric edited
|            If bit 9 = 0;
|       Bits 11-25      Reserved
|       Bits 26-30      Number of decimal places
|       Bits 31-35      Size of item in bytes
|            If bit 9 = 1;
|       Bits 11-25      Reserved

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|       Bits 26-30      Scale factor (such as, 2 if picture was 999PP)
|       Bits 31-35      Size of item in bytes (such as, 3 if picture was
|                       999PP)
   The return from a subprogram (through POPJ 17,) is  to  the  statement
   after the call.  Calling COBOL Subroutines from  FORTRAN  Programs - To  call
   COBOL subprograms use the CALL statement:

        CALL sub (args...)

   where sub is a COBOL subprogram.
|                                   NOTE
|          COBOL 12C subroutines  called  from  FORTRAN  programs
|          must  be  compiled with the /R COBOL switch to prevent
|          an undefined global error at LINK time.

   15.4.8  Interaction with BLISS-36

   FORTRAN programs can  call  BLISS-36  routines  as  subprograms,  and,
   conversely, BLISS-36 programs can call subprograms written in FORTRAN.

   BLISS routines called by FORTRAN programs  must  be  able  to  coexist
   compatibly with FOROTS.  For instance, they must use FUNCT.  functions
   (see Section 18.6) for dynamic memory management  within  the  section
   that  FOROTS  is  in, since FOROTS assumes that it has control of that

   One problem that the BLISS routines can encounter is  stack  overflow.
   The size of the program stack as set up by FOROTS may be too small for
   BLISS routines which have  several  STACKLOCAL  variables.   The  only
   supported  way  to  increase the size of the stack is to use a copy of
   FORLIB that has been assembled with a larger stack.  Calling FORTRAN Subprograms From BLISS-36 Programs - To call
   a  FORTRAN  subprogram from a BLISS-36 program, the FORTRAN subprogram
   must be declared an EXTERNAL ROUTINE in any  module  that  contains  a
   call  to  the subprogram.  In addition, if the FORTRAN subprogram is a
   subroutine, it must be declared with a linkage  type  of  FORTRAN_SUB.
   If the FORTRAN subprogram is a function, then it must be declared with
   a linkage of FORTRAN_FUNC.  For example:

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

                         BAR:  FORTRAN_FUNC;

   declares FOO to be the name of a  FORTRAN  subroutine  which  will  be
   called  in  this  module, and declares BAR to be the name of a FORTRAN
   function.   After   the   FORTRAN   subprogram   has   been   declared
   appropriately,  it  can  be  called  just like any function written in
   BLISS.  Calling BLISS-36 Routines From FORTRAN - A BLISS-36  routine
   that  is  to  be  called  from  a FORTRAN program must have either the
   FORTRAN_SUB linkage attribute (if the routine  is  to  be  used  as  a
   subroutine)  or  the FORTRAN_FUNC linkage attribute (if the routine is
   to be used as a function).

   The programmer that wishes to write a BLISS-36 routine  to  be  called
   from  FORTRAN  must  be  familiar  with  the  calling sequence used by
   FORTRAN to call subprograms (see  Section  15.4.2),  FORTRAN  argument
   lists  (see  Section  15.4.4),  and  FORTRAN argument descriptors (see
   Sections 15.4.5 and 15.4.6).  This knowledge is necessary because  the
   values of the formal arguments of the BLISS-36 routine are the FORTRAN
   argument list entries that correspond to actual arguments of the BLISS

   In   general,   the   BLISS   routines   must   be    compiled    with
   ADDRESSING_MODE(INDIRECT),  or  MACHOP  calls must be used to generate
   any instruction that references formals since  all  FORTRAN  arguments
   must  be  accessed  through  indirect  addressing.   This must be done
   because the FORTRAN compiler  frequently  sets  the  indirect  bit  in
   argument lists (see Section 15.4.4).

   See the BLISS-36 Language Guide for more information.


           ADDRESSING_MODE(INDIRECT)  can   have   far   reaching
           effects  on  your program, which you should understand
           fully before using.

   15.4.9  LINK Overlay Facilities

   LINK provides several routines that are  accessible  directly  from  a
   FORTRAN  program.  These routines are presented here briefly, together
   with the FORTRAN specification of their parameters.  In general,  LINK
   performs  these functions automatically.  These routines are available
   only for your convenience.  Full details of the  use  of  the  overlay
   facilities can be found in the LINK Reference Manual.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS


           Overlays  are  not  allowed  when   TOPS-20   extended
|          addressing  is used.  In addition, the overlay handler
|          does not support programs using long symbols  (symbols
|          longer than six characters).

   The following terms are  used  to  describe  the  parameters  to  LINK
   overlay routines.

        File spec           A   character   expression   consisting    of
                            'dev:file.ext[directory]'    (TOPS-10),    or
                            'dev:<directory>file.typ.gen' (TOPS-20).

        Name                A quoted string giving a  link  name,  or  an
                            integer  constant  or  variable giving a link

        List of link names  A sequence of name items separated by commas.

   The routines available are:

        CLROVL                        Specifies a non-writable overlay.

        GETOVL(List of link names)    Used   to   change   the    overlay
                                      structure in core.

        INIOVL(File spec)             Used to specify the overlay file to
                                      be   found   if   the   load   time
                                      specification is to be overridden.

        LOGOVL(File spec)             Used to specify where the log  file
                                      is  to be written.  If no arguments
                                      are given, the log file is closed.

        REMOVL(List of link names)    Removes the  specified  links  from

        RUNOVL(Name)                  Loads  the   specified   link   and
                                      transfers to that LINK.

        SAOVL                         Specifies a writable overlay.

   For a full description of these routines, refer to the LINK  Reference


           The SAVE statement retains  the  values  stored  in  a
           variable,  array, or common block after execution of a
           RETURN  or  END  statement  in  a  subprogram.    When

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

           overlays  are used, the SAVE statement must be used to
           ensure retention of values.  When the  SAVE  statement
           is  used,  it  is  not  necessary  to specify the LINK
           switch /OVERLAY:WRITABLE when loading a  program  (see
           Section 7.10).

   15.4.10  FOROTS and Overlay Memory Management

   For sharable FOROTS, the FOROTS static  data  area  is  several  pages
   located  at  the top of FOROTS.  FOROTS dynamic memory is allocated at
   runtime below FOROTS and in a downward direction  (toward  the  user's

   For nonsharable FOROTS (FOROTS loaded from FORLIB),  the  FOROTS  data
   area  is  located  in  the low segment, so that it will be linked with
   variables used by  the  user's  program.   FOROTS  dynamic  memory  is
   allocated  at  runtime  starting  at the page designated by the symbol
   STARTP  in  FORPRM.MAC,  downward  toward  the  user   program.    The
   distributed  value for this page number is 577.  If the user's program
   has two segments, FOROTS allocates memory  down  to  the  user's  high
   segment,  skips  over  the  high segment, and begins allocating memory
   below the user's high segment toward the user's low segment.

   For both sharable and nonsharable FOROTS, when FOROTS  can  no  longer
   allocate  memory  downward toward the user's low segment, it allocates
   memory starting at the top of memory downward.   When  FOROTS  can  no
   longer allocate any memory, it reports:

        ?Memory full

   and returns to the monitor after attempting to close all files.

   Figure 15-1 illustrates the run-time memory layout.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   Figure 15-1:  Run-time Memory Layout for Section Zero

   FOROTS has a separate memory manager specifically designed for use  by
   OVRLAY.   This  memory  manager  allocates  memory  at  the top of the
   users's low segment.  In general,  user  programs  that  use  overlays
   should  not use the FUNCT. calls GAD, COR, and RAD.  OVRLAY expects to
   be able to use memory beginning at the top of the user's low  segment,
   allowing  for  a  special FOROTS scratch space allocated by the /SPACE

   Under certain  circumstances,  notably  when  concatenating  character
   expressions   whose   length   is  not  known  until  runtime,  FOROTS

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

   dynamically allocates a special scratch  area  using  the  FUNCT.  COR
   function  (see Section 18.6).  This area is allocated the first time a
   dynamic concatenation is performed.

   The /SPACE switch  to  LINK  determines  the  maximum  size  for  such
   "dynamic  concatenations"  if  overlays  are  used.  The default value
   given by LINK for this value is 4000 (octal).  (See the LINK Reference

   You can allocate space for dynamic character concatenation  using  the
   ALCCHR subroutine (see Section

   15.4.11  Extended Addressing Memory Layout (TOPS-20 only)

   The FORTRAN compiler must determine which psect every word of data  or
   code  should reside in.  For non-extended addressing compilations, the
   data and code reside in either the low segment or  the  high  segment.
   For   extended  addressing  compilations,  there  are  three  segments
   (psects) in which the data and code can be allocated:

        1.  The code psect corresponds to the non-extended high  segment.
            The default name is .CODE..

        2.  The data psect corresponds to the non-extended  low  segment.
            The default name is .DATA..

        3.  The .LARG. psect is where large data resides.  (Note that the
            name of this psect cannot be changed.)

   A data item can be placed  in  the  .LARG.  psect  by  either  of  the
   following ways:

        1.  The data item is an array or any character scalar whose  size
            is  greater  or equal to the value of the /EXTEND:DATA switch
            (default 10,000 words).  (See Section 16.5).

        2.  The data item is placed in  a  COMMON  block  or  EQUIVALENCE
            group that is in the .LARG. psect.

   Table 15-2 describes the various memory allocations for  extended  and
   non-extended compilations.

   Table 15-2:  Memory Allocations for /EXTEND and /NOEXTEND

     Item                          /NOEXTEND        /EXTEND

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

     User subprogram               Hiseg            Code

     FORLIB                        Hiseg            .CODE.

     Argument blocks               Hiseg            Code

     Compile-time constant         Hiseg            Code  
     character descriptors         

     Array dimension information   Hiseg            Code

     EFIWS                         N/A              Code

     Symbol tables (from LINK)     Lowseg or Hiseg  .DATA. (by default)

     FORMAT statements             Lowseg           Data

     Constants                     Lowseg           Data

     Small arrays and scalars      Lowseg           Data

     Large arrays                  Lowseg           .LARG.

     COMMON variables              Lowseg           .LARG. (by default)

     Variables EQUIVALENCED to     Lowseg           .LARG.
     large arrays

     PDV                           N/A              .DATA.


           When the sharable FOROTS is  used,  LINK  loads  the
           /NOEXTEND  high-segment  into the low-segment.  This
           is done so that the sharable FOROTS can be  used  as
           the high-segment (see Section 16.9)


|  Traditionally, sequential and direct access have been the only  file
|  access modes available to FORTRAN programs.  To overcome some of the
|  limitations of these  access  modes,  FORTRAN-20  supports  a  third
|  access mode, called keyed access (see Section 10.2.3).  Keyed access
|  allows you to retrieve records, at random or in sequence,  based  on
|  key  fields that are established when you create a file with indexed
|  organization.
|  You  can  access  files  with  indexed  organization  using   either

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  sequential or keyed access, or a combination of both.
|       1.  Keyed  access  retrieves  records  randomly  based  on  the
|           particular key fields and key values that you specify.
|       2.  Sequential  access  retrieves  records  in   an   ascending
|           sequence  based  on  the  values  within the particular key
|           field that you specify.
|  The combination of keyed and sequential access is commonly  referred
|  to  as  the  Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM).  Once you have
|  read a record by means of an indexed read request, you can then  use
|  a  sequential  read  request  to retrieve records with ascending key
|  field values, beginning with the  key  field  value  in  the  record
|  retrieved by the initial read request.
|  Indexed organization is especially suitable for maintaining  complex
|  files  in  which  you want to select records based on one of several
|  criteria.  For example, a  mail-order  firm  could  use  an  indexed
|  organization file to store its customer list.  Key fields could be a
|  unique customer order number, the customer's zip code, and the  item
|  ordered.   Reading  sequentially  based  on  the  zip code key would
|  enable you to produce a mailing list sorted by zip code.  A  similar
|  operation  based  on  customer order number or item number key would
|  enable you to list the records in  customer  order  number  or  item
|  number sequence.
|  The remainder of this section provides information on the  following
|  topics:
|        o  Creating an indexed file (Section 15.5.1)
|        o  Writing records to an indexed file (Section 15.5.2)
|        o  Reading records from an indexed file (Section 15.5.3)
|        o  Updating records in an indexed file (Section 15.5.4)
|        o  Deleting records from an indexed file (Section 15.5.5)
|  Information is also provided about the effects  of  read  and  write
|  operations  on positioning your program to records within an indexed
|  file (Section 15.5.6) and about how to build logic into your program
|  to handle exception conditions that commonly occur (Section 15.5.7).
|  15.5.1  Creating an Indexed File
|  You can create a file with an indexed organization by  using  either
|  the FORTRAN OPEN statement or the RMSUTL utility.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|        o  Use  the  OPEN  statement  to  specify  the  file   options
|           supported by FORTRAN.
|        o  Use the RMSUTL utility  to  select  features  not  directly
|           supported by FORTRAN.
|  When you create an indexed file, you define  certain  fields  within
|  each record key fields.  One of these key fields, called the primary
|  key, is identified as key number zero and must be present  in  every
|  record.   Additional  keys,  called  alternate  keys,  can  also  be
|  defined; they are numbered from 1 through  a  maximum  of  254.   An
|  indexed  file  can  have  as  many  as  255  key fields defined.  In
|  practice, however, few applications require more than  3  or  4  key
|  fields.
|  The data types used  for  key  fields  must  be  either  INTEGER  or
|  In designing an indexed file, you must decide the byte positions  of
|  the key fields.  For example, in creating an indexed file for use by
|  a mail-order firm, you might define a file record to consist of  the
|  following fields:
|       INTEGER ORDER_NUMBER     ! Positions 1:4, key 0
|       CHARACTER*20 NAME        ! Positions 5:24
|       CHARACTER*20 ADDRESS     ! Positions 25:44
|       CHARACTER*19 CITY        ! Positions 45:63
|       CHARACTER*2 STATE        ! Positions 64:65
|       CHARACTER*9 ZIPCODE      ! Positions 66:74, key 1
|       INTEGER ITEM_NUMBER      ! Positions 75:76, key 2
|  Given this record definition,  you  could  use  the  following  OPEN
|  statement to create an indexed file:
|       3     RECL=19,
|       4     KEY=(1:4:INTEGER, 66:74:CHARACTER, 75:76:INTEGER),
|       5     IOSTAT=IOS, ERR=9999)
|  This  OPEN  statement  establishes  the  attributes  of  the   file,
|  including  the  definition  of a primary key and two alternate keys.
|  The data type  size  are  determined  by  the  number  of  character
|  positions allotted to the key fields, which in this case are 4 and 2
|  character positions, respectively.
|  If you specify the KEY= specifier (see Section 11.3.21) when opening
|  an  existing  file,  the key specification that you give is ignored.
|  However, RMS does update the key XAB chain with key information from
|  the  file.   (See  Chapter  18  for  more  information  on  RMS data
|  structures.)

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  FORTRAN uses RMS default key attributes  when  creating  an  indexed
|  file.  These default are:
|        o  The values in primary key fields cannot be changed  when  a
|           record is rewritten and cannot have duplicates.
|        o  The values in alternate key fields can be changed  and  can
|           have duplicates.
|  You can use the RMSUTL utility or a  USEROPEN  routine  to  override
|  these  defaults  and  to  specify  other  values  not  supported  by
|  FORTRAN-20, such as null key field values, null key names,  and  key
|  data types other than integer and character.
|  See Section  18.9  for  information  on  the  use  of  the  USEROPEN
|  specifier  in  OPEN  statements.   The RMS-20 Programmer's Reference
|  Manual has more information on indexed file  options.   Use  of  the
|  RMSUTL utility is explaind in the TOPS-20 RMS User's Guide.
|  15.5.2  Writing Indexed Files
|  You can write records to an indexed file with  either  formatted  or
|  unformatted  indexed  WRITE  statements  (see Section 10.6.3).  Each
|  write operation inserts a new record into the file and  updates  the
|  key  index(es)  so  that  the  new  record  can  be  retrieved  in a
|  sequential order based on the values in the respective key fields.
|  For example, you could  add  a  new  record  to  the  file  for  the
|  mail-order  firm,  described  in  Section 15.5.1, with the following
|  statement:
|       WRITE (UNIT=1,IOSTAT=IOS,ERR=9999)
|  The following two sections describe considerations  that  relate  to
|  write operations:
|        o  The effect of writing records with duplicate values in  key
|           fields (Section
|        o  The method by which you can prevent an alternate key  field
|           in  a  record  from  being indexed during a write operation
|           (Section
|  Duplicate Values in Key Fields - It is possible  to  write
|  two  or more records with the same value in a single key field.  The
|  attributes specified for the  file  when  it  is  created  determine
|  whether  this  duplication  is allowed.  By default, FORTRAN creates

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  files that allow duplicate alternate key field values  and  prohibit
|  duplicate  primary  key field values.  If duplicate key field values
|  are present in a file, the records with equal values  are  retrieved
|  on a first-in/first-out basis.
|  For example, assume that five records are written to an indexed file
|  in this order (for clarity, only key fields are shown):
|           1023         70856          375
|            942         02163         2736
|            903         14853          375
|           1348         44901         1047
|           1263         33032          690
|  If the file is later opened and read  sequentially  by  primary  key
|  (ORDER_NUMBER),  the order in which the records are retrieved is not
|  affected by the duplicated value (375) in the ITEM_NUMBER key field.
|  In this case, the records would be retrieved in the following order:
|           903          14853          375
|           942          02163         2736
|          1023          70856          375
|          1263          33032          690
|          1348          44901         1047
|  However, if the read operation is based on the second alternate  key
|  (ITEM_NUMBER),  the  order  is  which  the  records are retrieved is
|  affected by the duplicate  key  field  value.   In  this  case,  the
|  records would be retrieved in the following order:
|          1023          70856          375
|           903          14853          375
|          1263          33032          690
|          1348          44901         1047
|           942          02163         2736
|  Notice that the records containing the same key  field  value  (375)
|  are retrieved in the order in which they were written to the file.
|  Preventing the Indexing  of  Alternate  Key  Fields - When
|  writing  to  an  indexed file that contains variable-length records,
|  you can prevent entries from being added to the key indexes for  any
|  alternate  key  fields.   This  is done by omitting the names of the
|  alternate  key  fields  from  the  WRITE  statement.   The  ommitted

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  alternate  key  fields must be at the end of the record; another key
|  field cannot be specified after the omitted key field.
|  For example, assume that the last record (ORDER_NUMBER 1263) in  the
|  mail-order example is written with the following statement:
|       1      NAME, ADDRESS, CITY,
|       1      STATE, ZIP_CODE
|  Because the  field  name  ITEM_NUMBER  is  omitted  from  the  WRITE
|  statement,  an entry for that key field is not created in the index.
|  As a result, an attempt to read the  file  usng  the  alternate  key
|  ITEM_NUMBER would not retrieve the last record and would produce the
|  following listing:
|           1023         70856          375
|            903         14853          375
|           1348         44901         1047
|            942         02163         2736
|  You can omit only trailing alternate keys from a record; the primary
|  key must always be present.
|  15.5.3  Reading Indexed Files
|  You can read records in an indexed file with  either  sequential  or
|  indexed  READ  statements (formatted or unformatted) under the keyed
|  mode of access (see Section 10.5.3).  By  specifying  ACCESS='KEYED'
|  in  the  OPEN  statement  (see  Section  11.3.1),  you  enable  both
|  sequential and keyed access to the indexed file.
|  Indexed READ statements position  the  file  pointers  (see  Section
|  15.5.6)  at  a particular record, determined by the key field value,
|  the key-of-reference, and the match criterion.  Once you retrieve  a
|  particular  record  by  an  indexed READ statement, you can then use
|  sequential  access  READ  statements  to   retrieve   records   with
|  increasing key field values.
|  The form of the external record's key field must match the  form  of
|  the  value  you specify in the KEY= specifier (see Section 11.3.21).
|  Thus, if the key field contains character data, you  should  specify
|  the KEY= specifier value as a CHARACTER data type.  If the key field
|  contains binary data, then the KEY= specifier  value  should  be  of
|  INTEGER data type.
|  Note that if you write a record to an indexed  file  with  formatted
|  I/O,  the data type is converted from its internal representation to

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  an external representation.  As a result,  the  key  value  must  be
|  specified  in  the external form when you read the data back with an
|  indexed read.  Otherwise, a match will occur when you do not  expect
|  it.
|  The following FORTRAN program segment prints the  order  number  and
|  zip  code  of each record where the first five characters of the zip
|  code are greater than or equal to '10000' but less than '50000':
|       C    Read first record with ZIP_CODE key greater than or
|       C    equal to '10000'.
|                 READ (UNIT=1,KEYGE='10000',KEYID=1,IOSTAT=IOS,ERR=9999)
|                 1     ORDER_NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS,
|                 1     CITY,STATE,ZIP_CODE,ITEM_NUMBER
|       C    While the zip code previously read is within range, print
|       C    the order number and zip code, then the next record.
|                 DO WHILE (ZIP_CODE .LT. '50000')
|                   PRINT *, "Order number',ORDER_NUMBER, 'has zip code',
|                 1       ZIP_CODE
|                   READ (UNIT=1,IOSTAT=IOS,END=200,ERR=9999)
|                 1       ORDER_NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS
|                 1       CITY, STATE, ZIP_CODE, ITEM_NUMBER
|       C    END= branch will be taken if there are no more records
|       C    in the file.
|                 END DO
|       200       CONTINUE
|  The error branch on the keyed READ in this  example  is  taken  if  no
|  record  is  found with a zip code greater that or equal to '10000'; An
|  attempt to access a nonexistent record is an error.  If the sequential
|  READ  has  accessed  all  records in the file, however, an end-of-file
|  status occurs, just as with other file organizations.
|  If you wish to detect a failure of the keyed READ, you can examine the
|  I/O  status variable (IOS) for the appropriate error number (see Table
|  D-1 for a list of the returned error codes).
|  15.5.4  Updating Records
|  The REWRITE statement (see Section 10.14) updates existing records  in
|  an  indexed  file.   You  cannot  replace an existing record simply by
|  writing it again; a WRITE statement would attempt to add a new record.
|  An update operation is accomplished in two  steps.   First,  you  must
|  read  the  record  in  order to make it the current record.  Next, you

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|  execute the REWRITE statement.  For  example,  to  update  the  record
|  containing  ORDER_NUMBER  903  (see  prior  examples) so that the NAME
|  field becomes 'Theodore Zinck', you might use  the  following  FORTRAN
|  code segment:
|       READ (UNIT=1,KEY=903,KEYID=0,IOSTAT=IOS,ERR=9999)
|       1     ITEM_NUMBER
|       NAME = 'Theodore Zinck'
|  When you rewrite a record, key  fields  may  change.   The  attributes
|  specified  for  the  file  when it was created determines whether this
|  type of change is permitted.
|  15.5.5  Deleting Records
|  To delete records from an indexed file, you use the  DELETE  statement
|  (see Section 10.13).  The DELETE and REWRITE statements are similar; a
|  record must first be locked by a  READ  statement  before  it  can  be
|  operated on.
|  The following FORTRAN code segment deletes the second  record  in  the
|  file with ITEM_NUMBER 375 (see previous examples):
|       READ (UNIT=1,KEY=375,KEYID=2,IOSTAT=IOS,ERR=9999)
|       IF (ITEM_NUMBER .EQ. 375) THEN
|           DELETE (UNIT=1, IOSTAT=IOS, ERR= 9999)
|       ELSE
|           PRINT *, 'There is no second record,'
|       END IF
|  Deletion removes a record from all defined indexes in the file.
|  15.5.6  Current Record and Next Record Pointers
|  The RMS file system maintains two pointers into an open indexed  file:
|  the "next record" pointer and the "current record" pointer.
|        o  The next record pointer indicates the record to be  retrieved
|           by  a  sequential  read.   When you open an indexed file, the
|           next record pointer indicates  the  record  with  the  lowest
|           primary   key   field   value.   Subsequent  sequential  read
|           operations cause the next record pointer to be the  one  with
|           the  next  higher  value  in  the same key field.  In case of
|           duplicate key field values,  records  are  retrieved  in  the
|           order in which they were written.

                           WRITING USER PROGRAMS

|        o  The current record pointer indicates the record most recently
|           retrieved  by  a  READ  operation;  it  is the record that is
|           locked from access by other programs sharing the  file.   The
|           current  record  is  the  one  operated  on  by  the  REWRITE
|           statement and the DELETE statement.  The  current  record  is
|           undefined  until  a  read operation is performed on the file.
|           Any file operation other  than  a  read  causes  the  current
|           record  pointer  to become undefined.  Also, an error results
|           if a rewrite  or  delete  operation  is  performed  when  the
|           current record pointer is undefined.
|  15.5.7  Exception Conditions
|  You can expect to encounter certain exception  conditions  when  using
|  indexed  files.  The two most common of these conditions involve valid
|  attempts to  read  locked  records  and  invalid  attempts  to  create
|  duplicate  keys.   Provisions  for  handling  both of these situations
|  should be included in a well-written program.
|  When an indexed file is shared by several users,  any  read  operation
|  may  result  in a "record locked" error.  One way to recover from this
|  error condition is to ask if the user  would  like  to  reattempt  the
|  read.   If  the  user's  response is positive, then the program can go
|  back to the READ statement.
|  You should avoid simply looping back to  the  READ  statement  without
|  first  providing some type of delay (caused by a request to try again,
|  or to discontinue).  If your program  reads  a  record  but  does  not
|  intend to modify the record, you should place an UNLOCK statement (see
|  Section 10.15) immediately after the READ statement.   This  technique
|  reduces the time that a record is locked and permits other programs to
|  access the record.
|  The second exception condition, creation  of  duplicate  keys,  occurs
|  when your program tries to create a record with a key field value that
|  is already in use.  When duplicate key field values are not desirable,
|  you  might have your program prompt for a new key field value whenever
|  an attempt is make to create a duplicate.


                                 CHAPTER 16

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   This chapter explains how to use the FORTRAN compiler.   Section  16.1
   describes  using  the  FORTRAN-10  compiler and Section 16.2 describes
   using the FORTRAN-20 compiler.


   This section describes how use the FORTRAN-10 compiler.  You should be
   familiar  with  the  TOPS-10  operating system.  The TOPS-10 Operating
   System provides commands that enable  you  to  compile,  execute,  and
   debug FORTRAN programs.  These commands are known as the COMPILE-Class

   16.1.1  TOPS-10 COMPILE-Class Commands

   You can invoke the FORTRAN-10 compiler by using TOPS-10  COMPILE-Class
   commands.   These commands enable you to compile, execute, and debug a
   program by giving the commands at TOPS-10 command level.

   The COMPILE-Class commands are:




   The compiler switches OPTIMIZE,  CREF,  and  DEBUG  may  be  specified
   directly  in  COMPILE-Class  commands  and  may  be  used  globally or
   locally.   (See  Section  16.1.3  for  a  description  of   FORTRAN-10

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER



   The other compiler switches must be passed  in  parentheses  for  each
   specific source file.



   Refer to the TOPS-10 Operating  System  Commands  Manual  for  further
   information about the COMPILE-Class commands.


   On TOPS-10, the command to run the FORTRAN compiler directly is:

        .R FORTRA

   The compiler responds with an asterisk  (*),  and  is  then  ready  to
   accept  a  command  string.   The form of the FORTRAN compiler command
   string is:

        object filespec, listing filespec=source filespec(s)

   You are given the following options:

        1.  File specifications consist of an optional device name, a one
            to six character filename, an optional one to three character
            file extension, and an optional directory path specification.
            The path may include SFDs.

        2.  You may specify more than one source file in the  compilation
            command  string.   These files will be logically concatenated
            by the compiler and treated as one source file.

        3.  More than one program unit  may  be  contained  in  a  single
            source file.

        4.  A program unit may consist of more than one source file.

        5.  If no object file is specified, no relocatable binary file is

        6.  If no listing file is specified, no listing is generated.

        7.  If no extension is given, the defaults are the following  for
            the respective files:

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                  .LST (listing)

                  .REL (relocatable binary)

                  .FOR (source)

                  .CRF (cross  reference)  if  the  /CROSSREF  switch  is
                  specified (see Section 16.1.3)

   16.1.3  TOPS-10 Compiler Command Switches

   Switches to the FORTRAN-10  compiler  are  accepted  anywhere  in  the
   command  string.   They  are  totally  position  and file independent.
   Table 16-1 lists the switches.

   Table 16-1:  FORTRAN-10 Compiler Switches

     Switch                      Meaning                    Defaults

     /CROSSREF    Generates a file with extension .CRF        OFF
                  that can be input to the CREF program.

     /DEBUG       Includes debugging information in your      NONE
                  program (see Section 16.3).

     /DFLOATING   Indicates that double-precision             ON
                  numbers are stored in D-floating
                  format. (See Section 3.4.)

     /EXPAND      Includes the octal-formatted version        OFF
                  of the object file in the listing.

     /F66         The FORTRAN-66 standard rules apply for     OFF
                  DO loops and EXTERNAL statements. (Same
                  function as the /NOF77 switch.)

     /F77         The FORTRAN-77 standard rules apply for     ON
                  DO loops and EXTERNAL statements.

     /FLAG        Invokes  the compatibility  flagger (see    OFF
                  Section 16.6).

     /GFLOATING   Indicates that double-precision             OFF
                  numbers are stored in G-floating
                  format. (See Section 3.4.) 

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

     /INCLUDE     Compiles a D in card column 1 as            OFF

     /LNMAP       Produces a line number/octal location       OFF
                  map in the listing only if /MACROCODE
                  was not specified.

     /MACROCODE   Adds the mnemonic translation of the        OFF
                  object code to the listing file.

     /NOFLAG      Indicates  that no  compatibility           ON
                  flagging will be done (see Section

     /NOF77       The FORTRAN-66 standard rules apply for     OFF
                  DO loops and EXTERNAL statements. (Same
                  function as the /F66 switch.)

     /NOERRORS    Does not print error messages on the        OFF

     /NOWARN      Suppresses warning messages (see            NONE
                  Section 16.4).

     /OPTIMIZE    Performs global optimization.               OFF

     /SYNTAX      Performs syntax check only.                 OFF

   Each switch must be preceded by a slash (/).  Switch names  need  only
   contain  those  letters  that  are  required  to  make the switch name
   unique.  You are encouraged to use at least three letters  to  prevent
   conflict with switches in future implementations.


        .R FORTRA

   The /MAC switch will cause the MACRO  code  generated  for  SFILE  and
   S2FILE to appear in LFILE.LST.

   All switches, used or implied, are printed at the top of each  listing

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER


   This section describes how to use the FORTRAN-20 compiler.  You should
   be  familiar with the TOPS-20 Operating System.  The TOPS-20 Operating
   System provides commands that enable  you  to  compile,  execute,  and
   debug  FORTRAN program.  These commands are known as the COMPILE-Class

   16.2.1  TOPS-20 COMPILE-Class Commands

   The TOPS-20 COMPILE-Class commands enable you to initiate compilation,
   execution,  and  debugging  of  FORTRAN  programs from TOPS-20 command

   The TOPS-20 COMPILE-Class commands are:




   The following FORTRAN compiler switches (see Section  16.2.3)  can  be
   specified directly in a COMPILE-Class command:



                When you specify the  switches  /BINARY,  /DEBUG,
                /LIST,    and    /NOWARNINGS    directly   in   a
                COMPILE-Class command, the switches  cannot  have
                arguments as they can when running the compiler.

        All other switches must be specified by using  Language-switches,
        as shown in the following example:


                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

        Refer  to  the  TOPS-20  Commands  Reference  Manual   for   more
        information about the COMPILE-Class commands.


                You cannot use long TOPS-20  filenames  with  the
                COMPILE-Class commands.


        On TOPS-20, the command to run the FORTRAN compiler directly is:


        The compiler responds with the following prompt:


        and is then ready to accept a command string.

        You can use the question mark to list the commands beginning with
        a  specific  letter  or  letters.   Type  the  letter  or letters
        followed by a  question  mark.   (Refer  to  the  TOPS-20  User's

        You can type commands to the system by using either  full  input,
        recognition  input,  abbreviated input, or a combination of these

        To give a command using full input,  type  the  complete  command
        name,  arguments, or switches (if any), using a space to separate
        the fields.

        To give a command using recognition input, type a portion of  the
        switch  or  filename and press the ESC key.  You must type enough
        of the switch or filename to make it unique.  Continue typing and
        pressing  the  ESC  key until the switch or filename is complete.
        Recognition input requires less typing than full  input,  so  you
        are  less  likely  to make a mistake.  You can use recognition in
        typing switches, switches  arguments,  and  file  specifications.
        When  typing  file  specifications,  you  can  also use CTRL/F to
        complete the rest of a partial file specification.

        To give a command using abbreviated input, type  only  enough  of
        the switch or filename to distinguish one switch or filename from
        another.  (Refer to the TOPS-20 User's Guide.)

        You should enter a command string in one of the following forms:

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

|       1.  [COMPILE] <source-file-spec> [switches]

            If no switches are specified, the compiler  produces  a  .REL
            file,  with  the  same filename as the source file.  The user
            must use a /LISTING switch to get a listing file (see Section
            16.2.3  for  a  description of FORTRAN-20 compiler switches).
            COMPILE is optional if the command begins with  a  switch  or
            begins with a file specification that cannot be confused with
            the words EXIT, HELP, TAKE, or COMPILE.
|       2.  [COMPILE]           <source-file-spec>+<source-file-spec>+...
|           [switches]

            The source files are treated as  if  they  were  concatenated
            together prior to the beginning of compilation.

            If no switches are specified, the compiler  produces  a  .REL
            file,  with  the same filename as the last source file in the
            list.  The user must use a /LISTING switch to get  a  listing
            (see  Section 16.2.3 for a description of FORTRAN-20 compiler
            switches).  COMPILE is optional if the command begins with  a
            switch  or  begins  with  a file specification that cannot be
            confused with the words EXIT, HELP, TAKE, or COMPILE.

        3.  TAKE <file-spec> [/ECHO]

            The compiler reads the file specified as  the  command  input
            stream.   The TAKE command is legal within 'take' files.  The
            maximum nesting depth is 10 'take' files.

            The /ECHO switch optionally causes commands to  be  displayed
            on  TTY:   as they are executed.  The optional /NOECHO switch
            can be used on a nested take command to cancel the affect  of
            the /ECHO switch while processing that nested command file.

        4.  RUN <file-spec> [/OFFSET:<integer>]

            This command runs another program (for  example,  LINK).   It
            causes  an  exit  from  the FORTRAN compiler and the start of
            execution of the program indicated by the file specification,
            with  the  additional  option  of starting that program at an
            OFFSET relative to the normal starting address.

        5.  HELP

            This command prints information on the user's terminal  about
            how to use the FORTRAN compiler.

        6.  EXIT

            This command exits from FORTRA.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

        You are given the following options:

        1.  Filename specifications consist of the following:

                  An optional device name (the default device is DSK:)

                  An optional directory name

                  An up to 39 alphanumeric character filename

                  An optional up to 39 alphanumeric character file type

                  An  optional  generation  number  that  identifies  the
                  version of the file

                  An  optional  file  attribute  to  specify  distinctive
                  characteristics of a file specification

             (Refer to the TOPS-20 User's Guide)


                 LINK is  restricted  to  6-character  filenames  and
                 3-character extensions.

         2.  You may specify more than one source file in the compilation
             command  string.   These  files  will be concatenated by the
             compiler and treated as one source file.  The  name  of  the
             last  source  file is used as the default name of the object
             and listing files.  If the last source file does not have  a
             name  (such as, TTY:), FORTRAN-OUTPUT is used as the default

         3.  More than one program unit may  be  contained  in  a  single
             source file.

         4.  A program unit may consist of more than one file.

         5.  If no /LISTING switch is specified (see Section 16.2.3),  no
             listing is generated.

         6.  If no extension is given, the defaults are the following for
             the respective files:

                  .LST (listing) if the /CROSSREF switch is not specified

                  .CRF (cross  reference)  if  the  /CROSSREF  switch  is
                  specified (see Section 16.2.3)

                  .REL (relocatable binary)

                  .FOR (source)

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   16.2.3  TOPS-20 Compiler Commands Switches

   Switches to the FORTRAN-20  compiler  are  accepted  anywhere  in  the
   command  string.   They  are  totally  position  and file independent.
   Table 16-2 lists the switches.

   Table 16-2:  FORTRAN-20 Compiler Switches

     Switch                           Meaning                    Defaults

     /ABORT                 Causes the compiler to exit at the      OFF
                            end of a compilation that contains

     /BINARY[:relfile]      Indicates that a relocatable binary     ON
                            file is generated. You can 
                            optionally specify the file

     /CROSS-REFERENCE       Generates a file with extension         OFF
                            .CRF that can be input to the
                            CREF program.

     /DEBUG[keys:]          Includes debugging information in       NONE
                            your program (see Section 16.3).

     /DFLOATING             Indicates that double-precision         ON
                            numbers are stored in D-floating
                            format. (See Section 3.4.)

     /ECHO-OPTION           Echo switches selected from the         OFF
                            SWITCH.INI file.

     /EXPAND                Includes the octal-formatted version    OFF
                            of the object file in the listing.

     /EXTEND[keys:]         Indicates extended addressing.          OFF
                            Programs can have up to 30
                            sections of code and data (see
                            Section 16.5).

     /F66                   The FORTRAN-66 standard rules apply     OFF
                            for DO loops and EXTERNAL state-  
                            ments. (Same function as the /NOF77 

     /F77                   The FORTRAN-77 standard rules apply     ON
                            for DO loops and EXTERNAL

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

     /FLAG-NON-STANDARD     Invokes the compatibility flagger       OFF
                            (see Section 16.6).

     /GFLOATING             Indicates that double-precision         OFF
                            numbers are stored in G-floating
                            format. (See Section 3.4.) 

     /INCLUDE               Compiles a D in card column 1 as        OFF

     /LISTING[:listfile]    Indicates a list file will be           OFF
                            generated. You can optionally 
                            specify the file specification.

     /LNMAP                 Produces a line number/octal            OFF
                            location map in the listing only
                            if /MACHINE-CODE was not specified.

     /MACHINE-CODE          Adds the mnemonic translation of        OFF
                            the object code to the listing
                            file. This command will cause
                             a default /LISTING.

     /NOBINARY              Indicates that no relocatable           OFF
                            binary file is generated.

     /NOF77                 The FORTRAN-66 standard rules apply     OFF
                            for DO loops and EXTERNAL 
                            statements. (Same function as
                            the /F66 switch.)

     /NOFLAG-NON-STANDARD   Indicates that no compatibility         ON
                            flagging will be done (see Section 

     /NOERRORS              Does not print error messages           OFF
                            on the terminal.

     /NOEXTEND              Indicates extended addressing           ON
                            is not in effect (see Section 16.5).

     /NOWARN                Suppresses warning messages (see        NONE
                            Section 16.4).

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   Table 16-2:  FORTRAN-20 Compiler Switches (Cont.)

     Switch                           Meaning                    Defaults

     /OPTIMIZE              Performs global optimization.           OFF

     /OPTION[:option]       Only read lines from the SWITCH.INI     OFF
                            file that start with FORTRA:option.

     /SYNTAX                Performs syntax check only.             OFF

   Each switch must be preceded by a slash (/).  Switch names  need  only
   contain  those  letters  that  are  required  to  make the switch name
   unique.  You are encouraged to use at least three letters  to  prevent
   conflict with switches in future implementations.


           When  using  switches  in  control  files,   you   are
           encouraged to type the full name of the switch.



   The /MAC switch will cause the MACRO  code  generated  for  SFILE  and
   S2FILE  to  appear  in  LFILE.LST.  An relocatable binary file will be
   created with the name S2FILE.REL.

   All switches, used or implied, are printed at the top of each  listing


   The /DEBUG switch tells FORTRAN  to  compile  a  series  of  debugging
   features   into   your   program.    Several  of  these  features  are
   specifically designed to be used with the  FORTRAN  debugging  program
   (FORDDT).   Refer  to  Chapter  17 for more information.  By using the
   DEBUG switch arguments listed in Table 16-3, you can include  specific
   debugging features.

   The form of the /DEBUG switch is:



                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER


   Table 16-3:  Arguments to /DEBUG Switch

       Arguments                           Meaning

     DIMENSIONS      Includes dimension information in  .REL  file  for

     TRACE           Generates references to FORDDT  required  for  its
                     trace features (automatically activates LABELS).

     LABELS          Generates a label for each statement of  the  form
                     <line-number>L.   (This option can be used without

     INDEX           Forces  DO  LOOP  indexes  to  be  stored  at  the
                     beginning  of each iteration rather than held in a
                     register for the duration of the loop.

                     In  addition,  this  switch  forces  all  function
                     values to be stored in memory prior to return from
                     the function.  If this switch  is  specified,  you
                     can  set  a  FORDDT  pause on the RETURN statement
                     (see Section 13.4.4) and then examine the value to
                     be returned.

     BOUNDS          Generates the bounds checking code for  all  array
                     references   and   substring  references.   Bounds
                     violations will produce run-time  error  messages.
                     Note  that  the technique of specifying dimensions
                     of 1 for subroutine arrays will cause bounds check
                     errors.  (You may use this option without FORDDT.)

     ARGUMENTS       Generates type checking information at  load  time
                     for  actual  argument  types  and associated dummy
                     argument  types.   Type  violations  will  produce
                     non-fatal  load-time  error messages.  This switch
                     also performs type checking  at  compile-time  for
                     statement functions.

     NONE            Do not include any debug features.

     ALL             Enable all debugging aids.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

|                                   NOTE
|          If the /DEBUG switch is specified  without  arguments,
|          then the defaults are used for all the arguments.  The
|          /DEBUG switch used without arguments is  the  same  as
|          TRACE).
|          You can invoke a single aspect  of  debugging  without
|          affecting the other features controlled by the switch.
|          For  example,  specifying  /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS  does  not
|          cause  BOUNDS  checking  to also be invoked.  However,
|          you can change multiple features of the /DEBUG  switch
|          in    the    same    command   line.    For   example,
|          /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS  /DEBUG:BOUNDS  would   invoke   both
|          argument checking and bounds checking.

   Options available with the /DEBUG arguments are:

        1.  No debug features - Either do not specify the  /DEBUG  switch
            or include /DEBUG:NONE.

        2.  All debug features - Either /DEBUG or /DEBUG:ALL.

        3.  Selected features - Either a  series  of  modified  switches,
            that is:


                 or a list of modifiers


        4.  Exclusion of features - If  you  wish  all  but  one  or  two
            modifiers  and  do not wish to list them all, you can use the
            prefix "NO" before the  switch  you  wish  to  exclude.   The
            exclusion of one or more features implicitly includes all the
            others,   that   is,   /DEBUG:NOBOU   is    the    same    as

   If you include more than one statement on  a  single  line,  only  the
   first  statement  will  receive  a  label  (/DEBUG:LABELS)  or  FORDDT
   reference (/DEBUG:TRACE).


           If a source file contains line sequence  numbers  that
           occur  more  than  once  in  the  same subprogram, the
           /DEBUG option cannot be used.  Also, the /DEBUG option
           and  the  /OPTIMIZE  option cannot be used at the same

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   The following formulas may be  used  to  determine  the  increases  in
   program  size  that  will occur as a result of the addition of various
   /DEBUG options.

        DIMENSIONS     For each array, 3+3*N words where N is the  number
                       of  dimensions, and up to three constants for each

        TRACE          One instruction per executable statement.

        LABELS         No increase.

        INDEX          One  instruction   per   inner   loop   plus   one
                       instruction  for  some  of  the  references to the
                       index of  the  loop.   Also  one  instruction  per

        BOUNDS         For  each  array,  the  formula  is  the  same  as

                       For each reference to an array element, 5+N  words
                       additional  words  are  generated,  where N is the
                       number of dimensions in the array.  If you do  not
                       specify BOUNDS, approximately 1+3*(N-1) words will
                       be used.  For each reference to a substring, add 5

        ARGUMENTS      No increase.

   If the /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS switch argument is specified, type checking is
   performed  at  LINK time for calls to external programs and at compile
   time for calls to statement functions.  Non-fatal error  messages  are
   issued at LINK time for the following cases:

        1.  If the number of arguments in the called subprogram  and  the
            calling program unit are not equal.

        2.  If the length of an array or character scalar actual argument
            is less than that of the corresponding dummy argument.  (This
            is checked only if the length  of  the  actual  is  known  at
            compile time.)

        3.  If the associations of actual argument data types with  dummy
            argument  data  types are other than those indicated as legal
            in Table 16-4.

        4.  If a non-routine name is  passed  where  a  routine  name  is
            expected,  or  a  routine  name is passed where a non-routine
            name is expected.

   Non-fatal error messages are issued at compile time for the  following
   cases (only for statement functions):

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

        1.  If a non-routine name is  passed  where  a  routine  name  is
            expected,  or  a  routine  name is passed where a non-routine
            name is expected.

        2.  If the length of the actual character expression being passed
            to   a   statement   function   is  less  than  that  of  the
            corresponding character expression dummy argument.

   Table 16-4:  Legal Dummy and Actual Argument Associations


   The /NOWARN switch is used to suppress compiler warning messages.   If
   this  switch  is  used  with  no  arguments,  all warning messages are
   suppressed.  The /NOWARN switch may also be  used  with  arguments  as
   shown in Table 16-5.

   Table 16-5:  Arguments to /NOWARN Switch

     Arguments                   Meaning

     ALL             Suppress all warning messages.

     NONE            Do not suppress warning messages.

     xxx             Where xxx is the three  character  error  mnemonic

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                     for  the  error message to be suppressed.  This is
                     the three letters that follow  %FTN,  for  example

   For example,


   will suppress all warnings of  an  identifier  having  more  than  six

   A list of arguments is also allowed.  For example,


   would suppress both LID and DIM types of warning messages.

   (See Appendix C for a list of all compiler error mnemonics.)


   Support for extended addressing is almost  completely  transparent;  a
   program  compiled with the /EXTEND switch will use extended addressing
   without requiring changes to the FORTRAN source program.

   When /EXTEND is specified, arrays and COMMON blocks can extend  across
   multiple  sections.   Executable  code  can  also  reside  in multiple
   sections, with the restriction that a single subprogram must not cross
   a section boundary.

   The /EXTEND switch can be  specified  without  arguments  to  use  the
   default  extended  address  space  layout.   This is suitable for most
   applications in  which  the  executable  code  fits  within  a  single
   section, but which may employ data structures that require more than a
   section of memory.  When  such  an  application  is  compiled  /EXTEND
   without  further  arguments,  a  default  memory  layout  is used that
   depends on the default size settings for arrays and strings:

   Table 16-6:  /EXTEND Default Memory Layout

     Section         Pages           Contents

       1             0-477           Executable code
                                     Argument blocks
                                     Non-COMMON scalars
                                     Non-COMMON arrays smaller than 

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                                      10,000 words
                                     Non-COMMON strings smaller than
                                      10,000 words

       1             500-577         FOROTS

       1             600-777         Reserved

       2-31            0-777         COMMON blocks
                                     Arrays larger than 10,000 words
                                     Strings larger than 10,000 words

   Additional arguments to /EXTEND (COMMON:, DATA:, PSECT:, and CODE), in
   conjunction  with the /SET switch to LINK, can be supplied to override
   these  defaults  and  direct  specific  placement  of  COMMON  blocks,
   non-COMMON  arrays  and  scalars, and executable code.  For example, a
   decimal argument  can  be  specified  for  the  DATA:  keyword,  which
   overrides  the  10,000  word default minimum size for large arrays and
   character scalars.  /EXTEND:COMMON can  be  used  to  direct  specific
   named  COMMON  blocks  to  non-default  sections  of  extended memory.
   (Section 16.5.3 describes the /EXTEND arguments.)
|                                   NOTE
|          If the /EXTEND switch is specified without  arguments,
|          then the defaults are used for all the arguments.  The
|          /EXTEND switch used without arguments is the  same  as
|          (See Section 16.5.3.)
|          You can invoke a single aspect of extended  addressing
|          without affecting the other features controlled by the
|          switch.  For example, specifying /EXTEND:DATA does not
|          cause COMMON blocks to be placed into the large psect,
|          which  is  done  with  the  /EXTEND:COMMON   argument.
|          However,  you  can  change  multiple  features  of the
|          /EXTEND switch in the same command line.  For example,
|          /EXTEND:CODE:100/EXTEND:COMMON    would    place   all
|          non-common data items not less than 100 words long and
|          all COMMON blocks into the large psect.

   16.5.1  /EXTEND and Applications with Large Arrays

   The simplest usage of extended addressing is for applications in which
   the  executable code fits in one section.  These applications may have
   very large arrays or common blocks.  In many cases, these applications
   can  be  compiled with the /EXTEND switch with no arguments, using the
   default memory layout in Table 16-6.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   In some cases, you may need to use the DATA  or  COMMON  arguments  to
   /EXTEND  to  redirect the placement of variables in areas when default
   placements cannot be used.  Specifying a smaller /EXTEND:DATA size may
   be necessary if the total size of non-COMMON scalars and arrays causes
   them to  overlap  FOROTS  pages.   If  such  overlap  occurs,  program
   execution will terminate with the error messages:

|       "?Can't get FORO11.EXE"


        "?Can't overlay existing pages"

   A smaller DATA size will force these data structures into a non-FOROTS

   16.5.2  /EXTEND and Applications with Large Executable Code

   A  more  complex  use  of  extended  addressing  is  one   where   the
   application's  executable  code is larger than a section.  In order to
   build an application that has more  than  one  section  of  executable
   code,  you have to specify which program units will be linked together
   in each section.

   When /EXTEND is specified, the extended code will be in three  PSECTS,
   one  analogous  to  the  present  hiseg,  one analogous to the present
   lowseg, and one containing the large variables.  If the user does  not
   specify the extended addressing switch, FORTRAN will generate a TWOSEG
   REL file as it always has.  The three PSECTS generated  under  /EXTEND

        1.  The "large data area" psect (.LARG.) has a maximum size of 30
            sections.   It  will consist of user-specified COMMON blocks,
            arrays  and  character  scalars  that  are  larger   than   a
            user-specified size (or default).

            There is no restriction on the size of an individual array or
            COMMON block, beyond the restriction on the total size of the
            large data area.

        2.  The "small data  area"  psect  (default  name  .DATA.)  of  a
            program consists of user-specified COMMON blocks, and scalars
            and arrays that are smaller than a  user-specified  size  (or
            default).   If  FORDDT  is used, it will reside in the .DATA.

        3.  The "executable code and sharable data area"  psect  (default
            name  .CODE.)  of  a program consists of all executable code,
            argument  blocks  and  literals.    Library   functions   and

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

            subroutines  used  by  the  program  are placed in the .CODE.
            psect.  This does not  include  space  used  by  SORT,  which
            occupies its own section.

   For  each  "executable  code  area"  (code  psect)  there  will  be  a
   corresponding  "small  data  area" (data psect).  The combined size of
   these two areas must not exceed 256K words.  The default  psect  names
   .DATA.  and .CODE. can be changed at compile time by the /EXTEND:PSECT
   command switch (see Section 16.5.3).  /EXTEND PSECT Placement - The three psects will  be  set  up
   according to the table below:

       Psect   Default     Attributes

       data    1001000     Single section, Non-zero section,
                           Concatenated, Writable
       code    1300000     Single section, Non-zero section,
                           Concatenated, Read-only
       .LARG.  2000000     Non-zero section, Concatenated, Writable

   You can alter the default  psect  origins  when  loading  programs  by
   giving  a  /SET  switch to LINK (see the LINK Reference Manual).  This
   may be necessary if a program has too much code or local data  to  fit
   in  the regions allocated for them by the default psect origins.  This
   would cause the psects to overlap, and would be indicated  by  a  LINK
   warning  message  (%LNKPOV).   Altering the defaults is also useful if
   the user wants to reserve one or more sections for some purpose  (such
   as telling the monitor where dynamic libraries should be loaded).

   The first page (locations 000-777) of any section that  contains  code
   is  reserved  for  use  by  FORDDT.   The  LINK /SET switch should not
   specify a psect origin less than 1000 for any such section.  Building Large-Code Applications - When compiling large-code
   applications, the following considerations apply:

        1.  The code and small data psects for a single program unit must
            always reside together in the same section, since the PC will
            not advance across section boundaries,  and  the  small  data
            area is assumed to be in the same section.

        2.  You  will  need  to  use  the  /EXTEND:CODE  keyword.    This
            specifies  that  the  object  code  emitted  by  the compiler
            assumes that all subprograms  that  it  calls  may  be  in  a
            separate section.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

        3.  You must also use the PSECT argument to  /EXTEND  to  specify
            the psect names for code and small data.  If you wish to link
            the program units in several different  compilations  (source
            files)  together in the same section, you should use the same
            psect names for those program units.

   At link-time, you must specify the starting  address  for  each  psect
   using the /SET switch, according to the following rules:

        1.  The code and small data psects for a  program  unit  must  be
            linked in the same section with each other.

        2.  If a section contains any executable code,  page  0  of  that
            section is reserved for FORDDT and FOROTS.

        3.  You must always allocate space  for  the  .CODE.  and  .DATA.
            psects, since FORLIB routines will be linked in these psects.

        4.  Pages 500-577 of the section that contains .CODE. and  .DATA.
            are reserved for FOROTS.

        5.  Pages 600-777 are reserved for FOROTS I/O buffers and DDT.

        6.  You must always allocate space for the .LARG. psect.

   16.5.3  Arguments to /EXTEND

   By using the /EXTEND switch arguments listed in Table  16-7,  you  can
   include specific extended addressing features.

   The form of the /EXTEND switch is:




   Table 16-7:  Arguments to /EXTEND Switch

   Arguments             Meaning

   CODE                  Specifies that the object code produced  by  the
                         compiler  has to assume that any subprogram that
                         it calls could be in a separate section.  NOCODE
                         is the default.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   COMMON[:name]         Without a  common  block name specified,  causes
   or                    all common blocks   that   have not already been
   COMMON:(name,...)     allocated by /EXTEND:[NO]COMMON to be  allocated
                         in  the  .LARG.  psect.   This  is  the default.
                         Individual   common   blocks   can   be   placed
                         explicitly in .LARG. by putting their names in a
                         list after COMMON:.  When you  explicitly  place
                         an individual common block in .LARG., any common
                         blocks that have not already been  allocated  by
                         /EXTEND:[NO]COMMON  are placed in the small data

   DATA[:decimal number] Specifies a decimal argument that is the minimum
                         size   (in  words)  for  non-common  arrays  and
                         character scalars, which will  be  allocated  to
                         the .LARG. psect.  The default is 10,000.

   NOCODE                Allows the compiler to assume that  all  of  the
                         code  will  be  in  the same section.  A program
                         compiled with the NOCODE  argument  cannot  call
                         any subprograms compiled with the CODE argument.
                         This is the default.

   NOCOMMON[:name]       Without a common  block name  specified,  causes
   or                    all common blocks to be   allocated in  the data
   NOCOMMON:(name,...)   psect.  Individual common blocks can  be  placed
                         explicitly  in  the  data psect by putting their
                         names in a list after COMMON:.   COMMON  is  the

   NODATA                Specifies that  all  non-common  variables  will
                         reside   in   .DATA.    This  is  equivalent  to
                         DATA:1073741823, which  excludes  all  variables
                         from .LARG.

   PSECT[:[data psect]   Allows  users to  set the  code  and data  psect
        [:[code psect]]] names explicitly (the large data psect is always
                         called  .LARG.)  If  PSECT is specified with one
                         argument, that argument becomes the name of  the
                         small  data  area  psect.   Any  second argument
                         becomes the name of the code psect.  This allows
                         separate  program  units  to  be put in separate
                         psects,  then  the  psect  can  be   placed   in
                         different  sections with the /SET switch at LINK
                         time (see the LINK Reference Manual).


           When using the PSECT argument, the  small  data  psect
           and  code  psect  for  any  given program unit must be
           loaded into the same memory section.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   16.5.4  Linking With TWOSEG REL Files

   If a main program unit compiled with /EXTEND is linked with subprogram
   units  (FORTRAN  or not) that were compiled for non-extended use, then
   LINK will automatically place the LOWSEG of non-extended units in  the
   .DATA. psect, and the HISEG of such units into the .CODE. psect.

   A program compiled with /EXTEND can call  a  subprogram  that  is  not
   compiled with /EXTEND; however, it is illegal for a subprogram that is
   not compiled with /EXTEND to call a subprogram that is.

   Programs that were compiled by old versions of FORTRAN-10/20 (prior to
   Version 7) will not work if loaded in a non-zero section.

   Most  MACRO  routines  written  for  non-extended  use  will   require
   conversion to run in non-zero sections.  Data structures accessed with
   18-bit address fields, indexed and indirect words, stack pointers  and
   some  monitor  calls  may  need  modification  to perform correctly in
   extended sections.  See the TOPS-20 Monitor Call User's Guide for more
   information concerning extended MACRO programs.


   The /FLAG switch invokes the compatibility flagger.


           For  TOPS-20  systems,  the  full  switch  names   are
           /FLAG-NON-STANDARD  and  /NOFLAG-NON-STANDARD; however
           /FLAG and /NOFLAG work.

   This feature provides warning messages for language elements used that
   are the following:

         o  Extensions to the ANSI FORTRAN-77 standard

         o  Features not found in VAX FORTRAN

         o  Features that could cause logically  different  results  when
            used on the VAX FORTRAN system


|          VAX  FORTRAN  is  used  on  the  VAX/VMS  and   ULTRIX
|          operating systems.

   This allows the flagging of any element that  could  cause  conversion
   problems  for  programs written on the TOPS-10/20 system that might be
   compiled and executed  on  a  VAX/VMS  system  or  an  ANSI-compatible

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   system.   This  includes  problems that could occur at object time, as
   well as compilation incompatibilities.

   By using the FLAG switch arguments  listed  in  Table  16-8,  you  can
   specify which features to flag.

   The form of the /FLAG switch is:




   Table 16-8:  Arguments to /FLAG Switch

     Arguments    Meaning

     ALL          Gives  warning   messages   for   language   elements
                  incompatible with both FORTRAN-77 and VAX FORTRAN.

     ANSI         Gives warning messages whenever a language element is
                  an extension to the FORTRAN-77 standard.

     NOANSI       Does not flag FORTRAN-77 extensions.

     NONE         Does not flag.

     NOVMS        Does not flag VAX incompatibilities.

     VMS          Gives warning messages whenever a language element is
                  incompatible with VAX FORTRAN.

   If no /FLAG switch is specified, no flagging is done.  If no arguments
   are  given  with  the  /FLAG  switch,  then  flagging is done for both
   FORTRAN-77 and VAX incompatibilities.

   The /NOFLAG switch indicates that no flagging will be done.


   When you request a listing from the FORTRAN compiler, it  may  contain
   the   following   information,  depending  on  the  switches  used  at
   compilation time:

        1.  A printout of the source program plus  an  internal  sequence
            number  assigned to each line by the compiler.  This internal
            sequence  number  is  referenced  in  any  error  or  warning

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

            messages generated during the compilation.  If the input file
            is line-sequenced, the number from the file is used.  If code
            is  added  by  means  of  the INCLUDE statement, all INCLUDEd
            lines  will  have  an  asterisk   (*)   appended   to   their
            line-sequence number.

        2.  A summary of the names and  relative  program  locations  (in
            octal)   of   scalars   and  arrays  (including  unreferenced
            character scalars and arrays)  in  the  source  program  plus
            compiler-generated variables.

        3.  All COMMON blocks and the relative locations  (in  octal)  of
            the variables in each COMMON block.

        4.  A listing of all equivalenced variables or arrays  and  their
            relative  locations.   Note  that  all equivalenced variables
            that are also in COMMON are listed only as being in COMMON.

        5.  A listing of the subprograms  referenced  (both  user-defined
            and FORTRAN-defined library functions).

        6.  A summary of temporary locations generated by the compiler.

        7.  A heading on each page of the listing containing the  program
            unit  name  (MAIN.,  .BLOCK, program, subroutine or function,
            principal entry), the input filename, the  list  of  compiler
            switches, and the date and time of compilation.

        8.  If you used the /MACRO switch, a  mnemonic  printout  of  the
            generated  code (in a format similar to MACRO) is appended to
            the listing.  This section has four fields:

                 LINE:  This column contains the internal sequence number
                 of  the  line  corresponding  to  the mnemonic code.  It
                 appears  on  the  first  line  of  the   code   sequence
                 associated  with  that  internal  sequence  number.   An
                 asterisk indicates a compiler inserted line.

                 LOC:  The relative location in the object program of the

                 LABEL:   Any  program  or  compiler   generated   label.
                 Program  labels  have  the  letter "P" appended.  Labels
                 generated by the compiler are  followed  by  the  letter
                 "M".   Labels  generated  by the compiler and associated
                 with the /DEBUG:LABELS switch consist  of  the  internal
                 sequence number followed by an "L".

                 GENERATED CODE:  The MACRO mnemonic code.

            If you use the /LNMAP  switch  and  do  NOT  use  the  /MACRO
            switch,  a  line number/octal location map is appended to the
            listing.  This section lists the line numbers  in  increments

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

            of  10  on  subsequent lines and each number from 0 through 9
            for each line in adjacent  columns.   The  numbers  appearing
            inside  the  matrix  are  the relative octal locations of the
            statements in the FORTRAN program unit.

            For example, to find the  relative  octal  location  of  line
            number  001043,  find the row marked 001040 and then column 3
            on that line.  The  number  in  that  place  is  the  desired
            relative location.  This listing can be very large and sparse
            for line-numbered files with large increments, such as  those
            produced  by the editor SOS on TOPS-10 (or the editor EDIT on


                    A single FORTRAN line  can  produce  multiple
                    machine  instructions.  In this case the line
                    number map lists only the first location.

        9.  A list of all argument blocks generated by the  compiler.   A
            zero  argument  appears first followed by argument blocks for
            subroutine calls and function references (in order  of  their
            appearance  in  the  program).   Argument  blocks for all I/O
            operations follow this.

       10.  FORMAT statement listings.

       11.  A summary of  errors  detected  or  warning  messages  issued
            during compilations.

   16.7.1  Compiler-Generated Variables

   In certain  situations  the  compiler  generates  internal  variables.
   Knowing  what  these  variables  represent can help you read the macro
   expansion.  The variables are of the form:

        .letter digit digit digit digit

   The function of these variables can be determined by the first  letter
   of the variable name as described below:

        Letter              Function of Variable

          A       Register save area.

          D       Compile-time constant character descriptor

          F       Arithmetic statement function formal parameters.

          I       Result  of  a  DO  LOOP  initial  value  expression  or
                  parameter of an adjustable dimensioned array.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

          O       Result  of   a   common   subexpression   or   constant

          Q       Temporary storage for expression values.

          R       Result of reduced operator strength expression.

          S       Result of the DO LOOP step size expression of  computed
                  iteration count for a loop.

   For example:


   You may find these variables on the listing under SCALARS and ARRAYS.

   The following examples show listings where all of these  features  are
   pointed out.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER


           Note that in the scalars and arrays list, 'NO EXPLICIT
           DEFINITION'  indicates  that  the  variable  was never
           explicitly  defined,  as  in  a  TYPE   or   DIMENSION
           statement.   Also, 'NOT REFERENCED' indicates that the
           variable was declared, but never used,  and  therefore
           was never allocated any storage in the program.

           Character  variables  that  are  declared,   but   not
           referenced,   appear  under  the  scalars  and  arrays
           section of the listing.  No storage is  allocated  for

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

           either the character descriptor or the character data.


   If an error occurs during the initial pass of the compiler (while  the
   actual  source  code is being read and processed), an error message is
   printed on the listing immediately following the  line  in  which  the
   error occurred.  When pertinent and possible, the error references the
   internal sequence number of the incorrect line.   The  error  messages
   along with the statement in error are output to the user terminal.


        TYPE DAY.FOR
        01000            I=10
        01100            IMPLICIT INTEGER (X)
        01200            J=I**4
        01300            K1
        01400            X=I+J+K1
        01500     100    CONTNUE
        01600       C
        01700            TYPE 200,X
        01800     200    FORMAT(1X,I8)
        01900            END

        01100            IMPLICIT INTEGER (X)
        %FTNSOD LINE:01100  IMPLICIT statement out of order
        01300            K1
        ?FTNNRC LINE:01300 Statement not recognized
        01500   100      CONTNUE
        ?FTNMSP LINE:01500 Statement name misspelled
        01600     ?
        ?FTNICL LINE:01600 Illegal character C in label field

        ?FTNFTL   MAIN.        3 fatal errors and 1 warning

   If errors are detected after the initial pass of  the  compiler,  they
   appear in the list file after the end of the source listing.  They are
   output to your terminal without the statement in error, but  they  may
   reference its internal sequence number.

   16.8.1  Fatal Errors and Warning Messages

   There are two levels of messages, warning and  fatal  error.   Warning
   messages  are  preceded  by  "%" and indicate a possible problem.  The

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

   compilation will continue, and the  object  program  may  be  correct.
   Fatal  errors  are preceded by a "?".  If a fatal error is encountered
   in any pass of the compiler, the remaining passes will not be  called,
   and no relocatable binary file will be generated.

   Additional errors that would be detected in later compiler passes  may
   not  become  apparent until the first errors are corrected.  It is not
   possible to generate a correct object program  for  a  source  program
   containing a fatal error.

   The format of messages is:

        ?FTNxxx Line:n text


        %FTNxxx Line:n text


        ?         indicates a fatal message
        %         indicates a warning message
        FTN       is the FORTRAN mnemonic
        xxx       is the 3-letter mnemonic for the error message
        Line:n    is the optional line number where error occurred
        text      is the explanation of error

   The printing of fatal errors and warning messages on your terminal can
   be  suppressed  by  the use of the /NOERRORS switch; however, messages
   will still appear on the listing.  The /NOWARN  switch  will  suppress
   warning  messages  on  both  the  user  terminal  and  in the listing.
   Specific warnings can be suppressed by using options  to  the  /NOWARN
   switch (see Section 16.4).

   16.8.2  Message Summary

   At the end of the listing file and on the terminal, a message  summary
   is  printed after each program unit is compiled.  This message has two

        1.  When one or more messages were issued

            ?FTNFTL  name 1 fatal error and no warnings
                     name 2 fatal errors and no warnings
            %FTNWRN  name no fatal errors and 1 warning
                     name no fatal errors and 2 warnings


        2.  When no messages were issued

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

            name [No errors detected]

   where name is the program or subprogram name.  Appendix C  contains  a
   complete list of fatal errors and warning messages.


   For non-extended addressing  programs,  the  FORTRAN  compiler  always
   generates  two  segment code for a program unit.  However, by default,
|  LINK loads all FORTRAN code into the low segment to allow the sharable
   run-time  system to be bound to the program at run-time rather than at

|  This default action of LINK can be overridden by using the LINK switch
|  /OTSEGMENT:NONSHARABLE  when  loading  the program.  If this switch is
|  given, LINK loads the impure code (the data areas) in the low segment,
   loads  the  pure  code (the machine instructions) in the high segment,
   and binds a private copy of the run-time  system  to  the  program  at

|  On TOPS-10, a program loaded with  the  /OTSEGMENT:NONSHARABLE  switch
|  can  be  saved  to  produce  an  executable  file with a sharable high
|  segment using the TOPS-10 SSAVE  command  or  the  TOPS-20  EXEC  SAVE
|  command.   (The  LINK  switch  /SSAVE  can also be used to produce the
   sharable executable file.) This is an advantage if a large application
   program  is  to be run by several users simultaneously.  Both the code
   unique to the program and the copy of the FORTRAN run-time system that
   is private to the program are shared between all the program's users.

|  On TOPS-20, all pure  and  impure  pages  of  all  programs  begin  as
|  sharable  pages,  however,  as  impure  pages  are modified by stores,
|  TOPS-20 creates non-sharable copies of the pages.  The default  action
|  of LINK in programs that do not use extended addressing is to load all
|  FORTRAN code into the low segment.  This results  in  the  impure  and
|  pure code of each program unit being loaded as one contiguous unit.
|  Since the presence of impure code on a page will ultimately result  in
|  the page becoming non-sharable, the effective number of pages that are
|  sharable in the program  is  less  that  the  maximum  that  could  be
|  achieved.   However, if the /OTSEGMENT:NONSHARABLE switch is used, all
|  of the pure code of the program is  loaded  with  a  private  copy  of
|  FOROTS into the high segment.  Since the pure code in this case is not
|  mixed with the impure code, a greater number of pages remain  sharable
|  in the program (also, the number of page faults may be reduced).
|  Note that extended addressing programs  on  TOPS-20  by  default  have
|  impure  code  and  pure  code  loaded  into  disjoint  areas  so  that
|  /OTSEGMENT:NONSHARABLE does not increase the sharability  or  decrease
|  the  number  of  page  faults  of  these programs.  In addition, these
|  programs use the system-wide sharable FOROTS, and thus make  the  best
|  use of system resources.

                         USING THE FORTRAN COMPILER

|  On both TOPS-10 and TOPS-20, the possible benefits gained by the users
   of  the  application program sharing the high segment of their program
   containing both user and FOROTS code must be weighed against the  loss
   of not sharing the common copy of FOROTS with all other users.

|  (See the LINK Reference Manual for more information on the  /OTSEGMENT
|  switch.)



                                 CHAPTER 17


   FORDDT is an interactive program used to debug  FORTRAN  programs  and
   control  their execution.  By using the symbols created by the FORTRAN
   compiler, FORDDT allows you to examine and modify the data and  FORMAT
   statements   in  your  program,  set  breakpoints  at  any  executable
   statement or routine, trace your program  statement-by-statement,  and
   make use of many other debugging techniques described in this chapter.

   Table 17-1 lists all the commands available to the user of FORDDT.

   Table 17-1:  FORDDT Commands

         Command                           Purpose

     Control Commands

     CONTINUE               Continues   execution   after   a    FORDDT

     DDT                    Enters DDT.

     GOTO                   Transfers control to some program statement
                            within the open program unit.

     NEXT                   Traces execution of the program.

     START                  Begins execution of the FORTRAN program.

     STOP                   Terminates  the  program  and  returns   to
                            monitor mode.

     Data Access Commands

     ACCEPT                 Modifies variables or FORMAT statements.


     TYPE                   Displays variables.  Declarative Commands

     CHARACTER              Defines dimensions of character arrays  for
                            FORDDT   references.    (This   command  is
                            unnecessary  if  /DEBUG  is  specified   at
                            compile time.  See Table 16-3.)

     DIMENSION              Defines  dimensions  of  real  and  integer
                            arrays   for   FORDDT   references.   (This
                            command  is  unnecessary   if   /DEBUG   is
                            specified   at  compile  time.   See  Table

     DOUBLE                 Defines dimensions of double-precision  and
                            complex   arrays   for  FORDDT  references.
                            (This command is unnecessary if  /DEBUG  is
                            specified   at  compile  time.   See  Table

     GROUP                  Defines indirect lists for TYPE statements.

     MODE                   Specifies format of typeout.

     OPEN                   Accesses program unit symbol table.

     PAUSE                  Sets FORDDT breakpoints.

     PAUSE ON ERROR         Sets FORDDT breakpoints (for errors such as
                            arithmetic overflows).

     REMOVE                 Clears FORDDT breakpoints.

     REMOVE ON ERROR        Clears PAUSE ON ERROR breakpoints.

     Other Commands

     LOCATE                 Lists program unit names in which  a  given
                            symbol is defined.

     STRACE                 Displays  routine  traceback   of   current
                            program status.

     WHAT                   Displays  current  DIMENSION,  GROUP,   and
                            FORDDT breakpoint information.

   The FORDDT commands are described in detail in Section 17.5.


   FORDDT commands consist of  alphabetic  FORTRAN-like  identifiers  and


   need  consist  of  only  those characters required to make the command
   unique.  If you wish  to  specify  parameters,  a  space  is  required
   following the command name.  Comments may be appended to command lines
   by preceding the comment with an exclamation point (!).

   17.1.1  Variables and Arrays

   FORDDT allows you to access and modify the data in your program  using
   standard  FORTRAN  symbolic  names.  Variables are specified simply by
   name.  For example:



        name is a variable name.

   Array elements are specified in the following formats:

        name (s1,...,sn)


        name         is the name of the array

        (s1,...,sn)  are the  subscripts  of  a  particular  array.   The
                     subscripts must be integer constants or variables.

   You may reference an entire array simply  by  typing  the  array  name
   (without  subscripts).   You  may specify a range of array elements by
   typing the first and last element in the chosen range, separated by  a
   dash (-).

   The following examples show the various ways of  specifying  variables
   and arrays to FORDDT:


   17.1.2  Constant Conventions

   FORDDT accepts optionally signed numeric data in the standard  FORTRAN
   input formats:


        1.  INTEGER - A string of decimal digits.

        2.  REAL - A string of  decimal  digits  optionally  including  a
            decimal  point.   Standard  engineering  and double-precision
            exponent formats are also accepted.

        3.  OCTAL - A string of octal digits  optionally  preceded  by  a
            double quote (").

        4.  COMPLEX - An  ordered  pair  of  integer  or  real  constants
            separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses.

        5.  LOGICAL - A Boolean argument, either .TRUE.  or .FALSE.

        6.  CHARACTER - A string of printable ASCII  characters  enclosed
            by apostrophes.

        7.  HOLLERITH  -  A  string  of   alphanumeric   and/or   special
            characters   delimited   by   any   alphanumeric  or  special
            character, excluding the  space  character,  which  does  not
            occur  with the string itself.  Such as, #  12AB#, where # is
            the delimiting character.

   17.1.3  Statement Labels and Source Line Numbers

   FORTRAN statement labels  are  input  and  output  by  straightforward
   numeric reference, such as 1234.  However, source line numbers must be
   input to FORDDT with a number sign (#) preceding them.  This mandatory
   sign distinguishes statement labels from source line numbers.

        PAUSE #3    !This causes a pause at source line number 3.

        PAUSE 3     !This causes a pause at the statement labeled 3.


   Most facilities of FORDDT are available  without  the  FORTRAN  /DEBUG
   features.  However, if you do not use the /DEBUG switch when compiling
   a FORTRAN program, the trace  features  (NEXT  command)  will  not  be
|  available,  and  several of the other commands will be restricted.  In
|  addition, the /DEBUG switch must be used if long  symbols  are  to  be
|  made  available  to  FORDDT.  If long symbols are used in your FORTRAN
|  program, and you do not use the /DEBUG switch when compiling, only the
|  first six characters of each symbol is available to FORDDT.

   Using the /DEBUG switch tells FORTRAN to compile extra information for
   debugging.  (See Chapter 16 for more information.) These features are:


        1.  /DEBUG:DIMENSIONS, which generates dimension  information  in
            the  .REL  file for all arrays dimensioned in the subprogram.
            The  dimension  information  is  automatically  available  to
            FORDDT  if you wish to reference an array in a TYPE or ACCEPT
            command.   This  feature  eliminates  the  need  to   specify
            dimension  information  for  FORDDT  by  using  the DIMENSION

        2.  /DEBUG:LABELS, which generates labels  for  every  executable
            source  line in the form <line-number>L.  If these labels are
            generated, they may be used  as  arguments  with  the  FORDDT
            commands PAUSE and GOTO.

            This switch  also  generates  labels  at  the  last  location
            allocated  for  a  FORMAT statement so that FORDDT can detect
            the end  of  the  statement.   These  labels  have  the  form
            <format-label>F.   If they are generated, you can display and
            modify FORMAT statements by means  of  the  TYPE  and  ACCEPT

            Note that the :LABELS switch is automatically activated  with
            the  :TRACE switch, since labels are needed to accomplish the
            trace features.

        3.  /DEBUG:TRACE, which generates a reference  to  FORDDT  before
            each  executable  statement.  This switch is required for the
            trace command NEXT to function.

            Note that if more than one FORTRAN statement is placed  on  a
            single  input  line,  only  the  first statement has a FORDDT
            reference and line-number label  associated  with  it.   This
            also applies to the :LABELS switch.

        4.  /DEBUG:INDEX, which forces  the  compiler  to  store  in  its
            respective  data  location,  as well as a register, the index
            variable of all DO  loops  at  the  beginning  of  each  loop
            iteration.   You  will  then  be  able to examine DO loops by
            using FORDDT.  If you modify a DO loop index using FORDDT, it
            will  not  affect  the  number  of  loop iterations because a
            separate loop count is used.

            In addition, this switch forces all  function  values  to  be
            stored  in memory prior to return from the function.  If this
            switch is specified, you can set a FORDDT pause on the RETURN
            statement  (see Section 13.4.4) and then examine the value to
            be returned.

        5.  /DEBUG:BOUNDS, which generates the bounds checking  code  for
            all  array  references.   Bounds  violations produce run-time
            error  messages.   Note  that  the  technique  of  specifying
            dimensions  of  1  for  subroutine arrays causes bounds check
            errors.  (You can use this option without FORDDT.)


        6.  /DEBUG:ARGUMENTS, which performs type checking at  load  time
            for  actual  argument  types  and  associated  dummy argument
            types.  Type violations produce  non-fatal,  load-time  error
            messages.    This  switch  also  performs  type  checking  at
            compile-time for statement functions.


        1.  On TOPS-10, the simplest method of debugging with FORDDT is:

                 .DEBUG filespec(DEBUG)

            On TOPS-20, the corresponding command is:

                 @DEBUG filespec /DEBUG

            On both systems, FORDDT responds with:

                 STARTING FORTRAN DDT

                 Program name:

            When FORDDT prompts you for a program  name,  type  the  same
            name  specified in the PROGRAM statement of the program being
            debugged.  If the  PROGRAM  statement  is  not  used  in  the
            program  being  debugged,  FORDDT  uses  MAIN.,  and will not
            prompt for a program name.

            FORDDT next prints its command prompt:


            The angle brackets indicate that FORDDT is ready to receive a

        2.  If you are on TOPS-20, you can type a question  mark  to  the
            prompt to get a list of all FORDDT commands, as follows:

            >>?  One of the following:
            GOTO     GROUP        HELP      LOCATE      MODE      NEXT 
            OPEN     PAUSE        REMOVE    START       STOP      STRACE 
            TYPE     WHAT

            Also on TOPS-20, you can use the ESCape key  for  recognition
            of FORDDT commands.  For example:



            On both systems, you need only type the  unique  abbreviation
            of a specific FORDDT command.

        3.  You may  wish  to  load  your  compiled  program  and  FORDDT
            directly  with  the  linking  loader.   (Loading with LINK is
            accomplished implicitly in the  DEBUG  command  string.)  The
            command sequence is as follows:

            On TOPS-10, to start LINK, type:

                 .R LINK

            On TOPS-20, type:


            On both systems, when LINK prompts you with an asterisk,  you
            can type a command string in any of the following forms:

            *filespec /DEB/G                         (loads DDT)

            *filespec /DEB:{FORDDT}/G                (loads FORDDT)

            *filespec /DEB:(DDT,{FORDDT})/G          (loads DDT
                                {FORTRA}             and FORDDT)

            *filespec /DEB:({FORDDT},DDT)/G          (loads FORDDT
                            {FORTRA}                 and DDT)

             In the last two command forms  shown,  the  first  debugging
             program  specified  (FORDDT or DDT) in the command string is
             the one you communicate with after the LINK  command  string
             is executed.

             See  Section  17.9  for  information  on  loading   extended
             addressing programs.


   Each program unit has its own symbol table.  When you initially  enter
   FORDDT,  you  automatically open the symbol table of the main program.
   All references to names or labels through FORDDT  must  be  made  with
   respect to the currently open symbol table.

   If you have given the main program a name other than MAIN.   by  using
   the PROGRAM statement (see Section 6.4.1), FORDDT asks for the defined
   program name.  After you enter the  program  name,  FORDDT  opens  the
   appropriate  symbol  table.   At this point, symbol tables in programs
   other than the main program can be opened by using the OPEN command.


   References to  statement  labels,  line  numbers,  FORMAT  statements,
   variables,  and  arrays  must  have  labels  that  are  defined in the
   currently open symbol table.  However, FORDDT will accept variable and
   array  references  outside  the currently open symbol table, providing
   the name is unique with respect to all program units in the given load


   This section gives a detailed description of all commands  in  FORDDT.
   The commands are given in alphabetical order:

   ACCEPT         Allows  you  to  change  the  contents  of  a   FORTRAN
                  variable, array, array element, array element range, or
                  FORMAT statement.  The command format is:

                       ACCEPT name[/mode] value


|                   name    is  the  variable,  substring,  array,  array
                            element,   array  element  range,  or  FORMAT
                            statement to be modified.

                    mode    is  the  format  of  the  data  value  to  be
                            entered.   The  mode keyword must be preceded
                            by a slash (/) and  immediately  follows  the
                            name.   Intervening  blanks  are not allowed.
                            (Note that /mode does  not  apply  to  FORMAT

                    value   is the new value to be assigned.  The  format
                            of  the  input  value  must correspond to the
                            specified mode.

                            DATA LOCATION MODIFICATION

                                    Data Modes

                  The following data modes are accepted:

                  Mode            Meaning              Example

                  A      ASCII (left-justified)    /FOO/
                  C      CHARACTER                 'ABC'
                  D      DOUBLE-PRECISION          123.4567890
                  F      REAL                      123.45678
                  I      INTEGER                   1234567890
                  O      OCTAL                     7654321
                  L      LOGICAL                   .TRUE. or .FALSE.


                  R      RASCII (right-justified)  \BAR\
                  S      SYMBOLIC                  PSI(2,4)
                  X      COMPLEX                   (1.25,-78.E+9)

                  If not specified, the default mode is REAL (F).

                  1.  Two-Word Values

                      For the data modes ASCII  (A),  OCTAL  (O),  RASCII
                      (R),  and SYMBOLIC (S), FORDDT will accept a "/BIG"
                      modifier  on  the  mode  switch.    This   modifier
                      indicates that the variable and the value are to be
                      interpreted as two words long.


                      ACCEPT VAR/RASCII/BIG '1234567890'

                      assumes that VAR is two words long and  stores  the
                      given 10-character literal into it.

                      The /BIG modifier can also be used to display  more
                      than  the  first  256  characters of long character

                  2.  Character Variables

                      A character variable can be initialized by using an
                      ACCEPT command of the following form:

                           ACCEPT VAR/C 'string'

|                     Note that the length of the variable is that  which
                      is  specified in the source program.  If the string
                      is  longer  than  the   variable,   the   rightmost
                      characters are truncated.  If the string is shorter
                      than the variable, it is stored left-justified  and
                      padded on the right with blanks.

                  3.  Initialization of Arrays

                      If  the  name  field  of  an  ACCEPT  contains   an
                      unsubscripted  array  name  or  a  range  of  array
                      elements,  all  elements  of  the  array   or   the
                      specified range are set to the given value.


                           ACCEPT ARRAY/F 1.0



                           ACCEPT ARRAY(5)-ARRAY(10)/F 1.0

                      Note that this applies only  to  modes  other  than
                      ASCII and RASCII.

                      For  character  arrays,  if  the  value  has  fewer
                      characters  than  the  length of the array element,
                      the rightmost character positions  of  the  element
                      are initialized with spaces.  If the value has more
                      characters than the length of  the  array  element,
                      the value is truncated to the right.

                  4.  Long Literals

                      When the value  field  of  an  ACCEPT  contains  an
                      unsubscripted   array   name   or  range  of  array
                      elements, and the specified data mode is ASCII, the
                      value  field  is expected to contain a long literal
                      string.  ACCEPT stores the string linearly into the
                      array  or array range.  If the array is not filled,
                      the remainder of the array or range is filled  with
                      zeroes.   If the literal is too long, the remaining
                      characters are ignored.


                           ACCEPT ARRAY/ASCII

                  5.  FORMAT Statement Modification

                      When the name field of an ACCEPT contains a  label,
                      FORDDT  expects this label to be a FORMAT statement
                      label and that  the  value  field  contains  a  new
                      format specification.


                           ACCEPT 10 (1H0,F10.2,3(I2))

                      The new specification cannot  be  longer  than  the
                      space  originally  allocated  to  the FORMAT by the
                      compiler.  The remainder of the area is cleared  if
                      the new specification is shorter.

                      Note that FOROTS performs some encoding  of  FORMAT
                      statements  when  it  processes  them for the first
                      time.  If any I/O statement referencing  the  given
                      FORMAT  has  been executed, the FORTRAN program has
                      to be restarted (re-initializing FOROTS).

   CHARACTER      Defines the  dimensions  of  a  character  array.   The


                  result of this command is the same as for the DIMENSION
                  command  except  that  the  array  so  dimensioned   is
                  understood  by  FORDDT  to  be  a character array.  The
                  command format is:

                       CHARACTER arrayname ([L1:]U1[,[L2:]U2,...])


                      This  declarator  cannot  be  used  to  specify
                      element  length.   The  length specified in the
                      user program will be used.

   CONTINUE       Allows the program to resume execution after  a  FORDDT
                  pause.   After  a  CONTINUE  is  executed,  the program
                  either runs to completion or  until  another  pause  is
                  encountered.  The command format is:

                       CONTINUE [n]

                  where the n is optional and, if omitted, is assumed  to
                  be  one.   If  a value is provided, it can be a numeric
                  constant or program variable, but it is treated  as  an
                  integer.   When  the  value n is specified, the program
                  continues execution until the nth  occurrence  of  this
                  pause.  For example,

                       CONTINUE 20

                  continues execution until the 20th  occurrence  of  the
                  pause, or until a different pause is encountered.

   DDT            Transfers control of the program to DDT,  the  standard
                  system  debugging  program.  Any files currently opened
                  by FOROTS are unaffected, and a  return  to  FORDDT  is
                  possible so that program execution may be resumed.

                  %FDDT is the global symbol used to  return  control  to
                  FORDDT.  The command format is:


                  Your program will be in the same  condition  as  before
                  unless you have modified your core image with DDT.

   DIMENSION      Sets, displays, or removes the user-defined  dimensions
                  of   an   array  for  FORDDT  access  purposes.   These
                  dimensions need not agree with those  declared  to  the
                  compiler  in  the  source  code.   FORDDT allows you to
                  redimension an array to have a larger scope  than  that
                  of  the  source program.  If this is done, a warning is



                      The DIMENSION command cannot be used to declare
                      double-precision,  complex, or character arrays
                      (see the CHARACTER and DOUBLE commands).

                  The command format is:

                       DIMENSION name ([L1:]U1[,[L2:]U2,...])


                       name                is the name of the array

                       ([L1:]U1...)        specifies the  bounds  of  the
                                           array,  where  L  is the lower
                                           bound  and  U  is  the   upper
                                           bound.  The default value of L
                                           is  1.   The  bounds  must  be
                                           integer      constants      or

                  For example:

                       DIMENSION ALPHA(7,5:6,10)

                  FORDDT remembers the dimensions of the array until they
                  are redefined or removed.

                  The command:


                  gives a full list of all  the  user-defined  dimensions
                  for all arrays.

                       DIMENSION ALPHA

                  displays the current information for  the  array  ALPHA

                       DIMENSION ALPHA/REMOVE

                  removes any  user-defined  array  information  for  the
                  array ALPHA.

   DOUBLE         Defines the dimensions of a double-precision or complex
                  array.   The  result of this command is the same as for
                  the  DIMENSION  command  except  that  the   array   so
                  dimensioned is understood by FORDDT to be an array with
                  two-word elements.

                  The command format is:


                       DOUBLE arrayname ([L1:]U1[,[L2:]U2,...])

   GOTO           Allows you to continue your program from a point  other
                  than  the one at which it last paused.  The GOTO allows
                  you to continue at a statement  label  or  source  line
                  number  provided that the /DEBUG:LABELS switch has been
                  used or the contents of a  symbol  previously  ASSIGNed
                  during the program execution has been used.

                  Note that the  program  must  be  STARTed  before  this
                  command  can  be used, and also note that a GOTO is not
                  allowed  after  the  <CTRL/C>,  REENTER  sequence  (see
                  Section 17.6).

                  The command format is:

                       GOTO n

   GROUP          Sets up a string of text for input to a  TYPE  command.
                  You  can  store  TYPE statements as a list of variables
                  identified by the numbers 1 through  8.   This  feature
                  eliminates   the  need  to  retype  the  same  list  of
                  variables each time you wish to examine the same group.
                  Refer  to the TYPE command for the proper format of the

                  The command format is:

                       GROUP [n list]


                       n         is the group number 1-8

                       list      is a list of group numbers preceded by a
|                                slash   (/)   and/or   variable   names,
|                                substrings, array  elements,  and  array
|                                element ranges to be typed when you give
                                 the command:  TYPE /n, where  n  is  the
                                 group  number.  The validity of the list
                                 is not checked.


                  with no arguments causes FORDDT to type out the current
                  contents of all the groups.

                       GROUP n

                  types  out  the  contents  of  the   particular   group

                  Note that one group may refer to another.


                  For example:

                       GROUP 2 VAR2,VAR3
                       GROUP 3 /1,/2

   LOCATE         Lists the program unit names in which a given symbol is
                  defined.   This is useful when the variable you wish to
                  locate is not in the currently open program unit and is
                  defined  in  more  than  one program unit.  The command
                  format is:

                       LOCATE n

                  where n may be any FORTRAN variable, array, label, line
                  number, or FORMAT statement number.

   MODE           Defines the display format for succeeding  FORDDT  TYPE
                  commands.   You  need  type only the first character of
                  the  mode  to  identify  it  to  FORDDT   because   all
                  characters after the first are ignored.  The modes are:

                       Mode      Meaning

                        C    CHARACTER
                        F    REAL
                        D    DOUBLE-PRECISION
                        X    COMPLEX
                        I    INTEGER
                        O    OCTAL
                        A    ASCII (left-justified)
                        R    RASCII (right-justified)
                        L    LOGICAL

                  Unless the MODE command is given, the  default  typeout
                  mode is the REAL (F) format.

                  The command format is:

                       MODE list

                  where list contains one or more of the mode identifiers
                  separated  by  commas.   The  current  setting  can  be
                  changed by issuing another MODE command.  If more  than
                  one  mode  is  given,  the  values are typed out in the
                  order:  C, F, D, X, I, O, A, R, L.

                  A typical command string might be:

                       MODE A,I,OCTAL

   NEXT           Allows you to  cause  FORDDT  to  trace  source  lines,
                  statement   labels,   and   entry  point  names  during
                  execution of your program.  This command only  provides


                  trace  facilities  if  the program is compiled with the
                  FORTRAN /DEBUG switch.  If this switch is not used, the
                  NEXT  command  acts as a CONTINUE command.  The command
                  format is:

                       NEXT [n][/sw]


                       n         is a program variable or integer numeric

                       sw        is one of the following switches

                                      /S= statement label
                                      /L= source line
                                      /E= entry point

                  The  default  starting  value  of  n  is  1,  a  single
                  statement trace.  The default switch is /L.

                  The command

                       NEXT 20/L

                  traces the execution of the next 20 source line numbers
                  or until another pause is encountered.

                  Note  that  if  no  argument  is  specified,  the  last
                  argument given is used.

                  For example:

                       NEXT /E

                  changes the  tracing  mode  to  trace  only  subprogram
                  entries using the numeric argument previously supplied.

   OPEN           Allows you to open a particular  program  unit  of  the
                  loaded  program so that the variables are accessible to
                  FORDDT.  Any previously opened program unit  is  closed
                  automatically  when  a  new one is opened.  Only global
                  symbols, symbols in the currently open unit, and unique
                  locals  are  available  at  any  one  time.   Note that
                  starting FORDDT automatically opens the main program.

                  The command format is:

                       OPEN name

                  where name  is  the  subprogram  name.   OPEN  with  no
                  arguments reopens the main program.


   PAUSE          Allows you to place a FORDDT breakpoint at a  statement
                  number,  source line number, or subroutine entry point.
                  Up to ten breakpoints may be set at any one time.  When
                  a  breakpoint is encountered, execution is suspended at
                  that point and control  is  returned  to  FORDDT.   The
                  symbol  table  of that subprogram is also automatically

                  The command formats are:

                       PAUSE p
                       PAUSE p AFTER n
                       PAUSE p IF condition
                       PAUSE p TYPING /g
                       PAUSE p AFTER n TYPING /g
                       PAUSE p IF condition TYPING /g


                       P         is the point  where  the  breakpoint  is
                       n         is an  integer  constant,  variable,  or
                                 array element
                       g         is a group number

                       PAUSE 100

                  sets  a  breakpoint  at  statement  label  100,  causes
                  execution  to  be  suspended,  and  causes FORDDT to be
                  entered on reaching 100 in the program.

                       PAUSE #245 AFTER MAX(5)

                  causes a break to occur at source line number 245 after
                  encountering  this  point the number of times specified
                  by MAX(5).  Note that AFTER can not be abbreviated.

                       PAUSE DELTA IF LIMIT(3,1).GT.2.5E-3

                  causes  a  FORDDT  break  to  occur  if  the   variable
                  LIMIT(3,1)  is  greater  than the value 2.5E-3.  The IF
                  can not  be  abbreviated,  and  the  following  FORTRAN
                  logical connectives are allowed:

                       .GT., .GE., .LT., .LE., .EQ., .NE.

                  Double-precision comparisons and arithmetic  operations
                  are  not  allowed.   However,  comparisons  can be made
                  between variables,  constants,  and  logical  constants
                  (such as .TRUE.  and .FALSE.).

                       PAUSE 505 TYPING /5


                  sets  a  FORDDT  breakpoint  at  label  505,  and   the
                  variables   in  group  5  are  displayed.   The  TYPING
                  specification can not be abbreviated.

                       PAUSE #24 AFTER 16 TYPING /3

                  causes a break at source line number 24 after 16  times
                  through; however, the contents of group 3 are displayed
                  every time.

                  When the TYPING option is used with the PAUSE  command,
                  control  can  be  transferred  to  FORDDT  at  the next
                  typeout by typing any character on the terminal.

                  Note  that  pause  requests  remain  after  a  <CTRL/C>
                  REENTER  sequence, a START command, or a <CTRL/C> START

   PAUSE ON ERROR Causes the program to enter FORDDT  whenever  an  error
                  occurs  (such  as  an arithmetic overflow).  It has the
                  same command format as the PAUSE command.

        REMOVE    Removes the previously  set  FORDDT  breakpoints.   The
                  command format is:

                       REMOVE [p]

                  For example,

                       REMOVE L#123

                  removes a  breakpoint  from  the  program  source  line
                  number 123.

                       REMOVE ALPHA

                  removes a  breakpoint  from  the  subroutine  entry  to

                  REMOVE  with  no  arguments  removes  all  your  FORDDT
                  breakpoints,  and,  in  this  case,  no abbreviation of
                  REMOVE is allowed.

   REMOVE ON ERROR Removes a PAUSE ON ERROR breakpoint.  It has the same
                   command format as the REMOVE command.

   START          Starts your program at the normal FORTRAN main  program
                  entry point.  The command format is:


   STOP           Terminates the program,  closes  all  files  opened  by
                  FOROTS,  and  causes an exit to the monitor.  The usual


                  command format is:


                       STOP /RETURN

                  allows a  return  to  monitor  mode  without  releasing
                  devices  or  closing  files  so  that a CONTINUE can be

   STRACE         Displays a subprogram level traceback  of  the  current
                  state of the program.  The command format is:


|  TYPE           Displays FORTRAN defined variables, substrings, arrays,
                  or array elements on your terminal.  The command format

                       TYPE list

|                 where list may be one or more variables, substrings, or
                  array   references   and/or   group   numbers.    These
                  specifications must be separated by commas,  and  group
                  numbers  must  be preceded by a slash (/).  The command
                  with no arguments uses the last argument list submitted
                  to FORDDT.

                  An array element range  can  also  be  specified.   For

                       TYPE PI(5)-PI(13)

                  displays the values from PI(5) to PI(13) inclusive.  If
                  an  unsubscripted  array  name is specified, the entire
                  array is typed.

                  There are several  methods  of  choosing  the  form  of
                  typeout in conjunction with the MODE command:

                  1.  If you do not specify  a  format,  the  default  is

                  2.  You can specify a format through the  MODE  command
                      described in this chapter.

                  3.  You can change the format(s) previously  designated
                      by the MODE command by including print modifiers in
                      the TYPE or GROUP string.  The print modifiers are:

                           A   ASCII(left-justified)
                           B   LONG
                           C   CHARACTER


                           D   DOUBLE-PRECISION
                           F   REAL
                           I   INTEGER
                           L   LOGICAL
                           O   OCTAL
                           R   RASCII(right-justified)
                           X   COMPLEX

              4.  If you type a  variable  in  mode  CHARACTER  (C),  the
                  number  of  characters  printed  is equal to the length
                  declared in the FORTRAN source program, up to a maximum
                  of  256  characters.   The  /B  switch  can  be used to
                  override the 256 character maximum.

                  The B switch may be used in conjunction with the A,  O,
                  and  R  switches.   This  modifier  indicates  that the
                  variable is to be interpreted as two words long.  The B
                  switch  can  also  be used with the C switch to display
                  more than the first 256 characters  of  long  character
                  strings.  The B switch can not be used alone.

                  The first print  modifier  specified  in  a  string  of
                  variables  determines  the  mode  for the entire string
                  unless another mode is placed directly to the right  of
                  a particular variable.  For example, in:

                       TYPE /I K,L/O,M,N/A,/2

                  the typeout mode  is  integer  until  another  mode  is
                  specified.  Therefore,

                       K, M are integer - the default mode for group 2 is
                       L is OCTAL
                       N is ASCII

   WHAT           Displays on your terminal the  name  of  the  currently
                  open  program  unit,  any currently active breakpoints,
                  any  group  specifications,  and  any  user-set   array
                  dimensions.  The command format is:



   If a program enters an infinite loop, you  can  recover  by  typing  a
   <CTRL/C>(twice)  REENTER  sequence.   This  action  causes  FORDDT  to
   simulate a pause at the point of reentry and  allows  you  to  control
   your run-away program.

   Most commands can  be  used  once  the  program  has  been  reentered;


   however,  GOTO,  STRACE, TYPE, and ACCEPT cause transfer of control to
   routines external to FORDDT.  No guarantee can be made to ensure  that
   any  of  these commands following a <CTRL/C> REENTER sequence will not
   destroy the program integrity.  The program  must  be  returned  to  a
   stable  state  before  any  of  these four commands can be issued.  In
   order to restore program integrity, you should set a pause at the next
   label  and then CONTINUE to it.  If the /DEBUG:TRACE switch is used, a
   NEXT 1 command can be issued to restore program integrity.


   You should never attempt to use FORDDT with a program  that  has  been
   compiled  with  the  /OPTIMIZE  switch.   The  global optimizer causes
   variables to be kept in ACs.  For this reason, attempts to examine  or
   modify variables in optimized programs will not work.


   FORDDT can be called  directly  from  a  user  FORTRAN  program.   The
   appropriate statement is:


   where no argument is required.  FORDDT must be loaded and  initialized
   before a CALL to FORDDT is made.  This is done by starting the program
   in debug mode prior to the first call (see Section 17.3, item 1).  All
   FORDDT  commands are allowed.  A CONTINUE will resume normal execution
   of the user program (similar to a RETURN from a subroutine).


           Since FORDDT is defined  as  a  global  symbol,  users
           should  be  careful  if they decide to use FORDDT as a
           program, subroutine, or function name.


   FORDDT V10 has been modified to be able to  run  in  any  section  and
   access data and code in all sections.  The user interface to FORDDT is
   the same  regardless  of  whether  or  not  a  program  uses  extended

   FORDDT V10 is section independent.  The same FORDDT.REL will  work  in
   either section 0 or a non-zero section.

   If a program is loaded  with  the  /DEBUG:FORDDT  option,  LINK  loads


   FORDDT.REL  with  the  program.  FORDDT.REL is a single-segment module
   (it has only low segment code); therefore, when loaded with a  FORTRAN
   object  program that was compiled with the /EXTEND switch (see Section
   16.5), FORDDT, by default, is redirected to the .DATA. psect.

   FORDDT Version 10  will  not  be  guaranteed  to  work  with  previous
   versions of FORTRAN-10/20.

   FORDDT and FORLIB must be in the same section.  Since  they  would  by
   default go into the .DATA./.CODE. section, the user normally would not
   need to be concerned about this.  However, you should be cautious when
   you use the LINK /REDIRECT switch.


           The first page of any section that  contains  code  is
           reserved for FORDDT and FOROTS.



                                 CHAPTER 18


   This chapter describes the facilities that  the  FORTRAN  Object  Time
   System  (FOROTS) provides for the FORTRAN user.  FOROTS implements all
   standard FORTRAN  I/O  operations  as  set  forth  in  the  FORTRAN-77
   standard  In  addition  it  provides  the  user  with capabilities and
   programming features beyond those defined in the ANSI standard.

   The primary function of FOROTS is to act as a direct interface between
   user-object  programs  and the TOPS-10 or TOPS-20 monitor during input
   and output operations.  Other capabilities include:

        1.  Job initialization

        2.  Channel and memory management

        3.  Error handling and reporting

        4.  File management

        5.  Formatting of data

        6.  Mathematical library

        7.  User library (nonmathematical)

        8.  Specialized applications packages

        9.  Overlay facilities
|      10.  RMS-20 interface (TOPS-20 only)
|      11.  Network file access (TOPS-20 only)

   FOROTS runs on any TOPS-10 or TOPS-20 system.  FOROTS interfaces  with
   all TOPS-10 or TOPS-20 peripheral devices.



   The following list briefly describes many specific features of FOROTS;
   more  detailed  information  concerning  the  implementation  of these
   features is given later in this chapter.

        1.  Your program can run in  either  batch  or  timesharing  mode
            without  requiring a program change.  All differences between
            batch-mode and timesharing-mode operations  are  resolved  by

        2.  Your programs can  access  both  directory  and  nondirectory
            devices in the same manner.

        3.  FOROTS helps provide complete data file compatibility between
            all system devices.

        4.  FOROTS treats devices located at remote stations in the  same
            way it treats local devices.

        5.  Programs  written  for  magnetic  tape  operations  will  run
            correctly on disk under FOROTS supervision.  FOROTS simulates
            the commands needed for magnetic tape operations.

        6.  You may change or specify  object  program  device  and  file
            specifications with a FOROTS interactive dialogue.

        7.  Non-FORTRAN binary data files may be read in  IMAGE  mode  by

        8.  FOROTS   provides   interactive   program/operating    system
            error-processing  routines.   These  routines  permit  you to
            route   the   execution   of   the   program   to    specific
            error-processing routines whenever designated types of errors
            are detected.

        9.  An error traceback facility for  fatal  errors  provides  the
            active  execution path (by subroutine calls) between the main
            program and the subroutine where the fatal error occurred.

       10.  FOROTS  provides  a  trap-handling  system   for   arithmetic
            functions, including default values and error reports.

       11.  FOROTS permits your program to switch from READ to  WRITE  on
            the same I/O device without loss of data or buffering.

       12.  Although primarily designed for use  with  the  FORTRAN-10/20
            object  programs,  you  can also use FOROTS as an independent
            I/O system, and as an I/O system for MACRO object programs.
|      13.  FOROTS  provides  an  interface  to  RMS-20  (TOPS-20  Record
|           Management  Services) for I/O to RMS-20 sequential, relative,


|           and indexed file organizations.
|      14.  FOROTS allows transparent  access  from  TOPS-20  systems  to
|           remote  RMS  and  non-RMS files residing on other TOPS-20 and
|           VMS systems.


   Whenever a run-time error is  detected,  the  FOROTS  error-processing
   system takes control of program execution.  This system determines the
   class of the error and either outputs an appropriate  message  at  the
   controlling  terminal  or  branches  the  program  to  a predesignated
   processing routine.


   On TOPS-10, FOROTS uses monitor-buffered I/O for SEQUENTIAL, SEQINOUT,
   SEQIN,   and   SEQOUT  files  access,  and  uses  dump  mode  I/O  for
   DIRECT(RANDOM), RANDIN, and dump mode files access.

   On TOPS-20, FOROTS uses PMAP monitor calls for disk files access other
   than  APPEND,  and  uses  monitor-buffered  I/O  for  all  other  file

|  On TOPS-20, FOROTS uses the RMS-20  subsystem  for  disk  I/O  if  the
|  ORGANIZATION  keyword  specifies  an  RMS file organization, or if the
|  file is remote.

   The following sections describe I/O data channel and access modes.

   18.3.1  Input/Output Channels Used By FOROTS (TOPS-10 Only)

   FOROTS  uses  extended  channels  starting  at  channel  20  for   I/O
   operations.   User  programs  can  request  I/O  channels 0 through 17
   through the ALCHN. and FUNCT. routines.

   When a request is made for an I/O channel, a table is scanned until  a
   free  channel  is  found.   The  first free channel is assigned to the
   requesting program.  On completion of the assigned  transfer,  control
   of the I/O channel is returned to FOROTS by using the DECHN. routine.

   18.3.2  File Access

   Data can be  transferred  between  processor  storage  and  peripheral


   devices using either sequential or direct (random) access.

   18.3.3  Closing Files After Non-standard Termination

   When a FORTRAN program is aborted by <CTRL/C> or an error, open  files
   cannot  be  closed  with  the  monitor  command  CLOSE.  The following
   command should be used:


   FOROTS then asks if you want the files to be closed.   If  you  answer
   YES, then, the files are closed.  Sequential   Access - In   a   sequential-access    transfer
   operation,  the  records involved are transferred in the same order as
   they appear in the source file.  Each I/O statement executed transfers
   the  record immediately following the last record transferred from the
   accessed source file.

   A type of the  sequential  access  is  available  for  output  (write)
   operations.   This type of access is called APPEND and is specified by
   the OPEN statement specifier  ACCESS='APPEND'  (see  Section  11.3.1).
   APPEND  lets  you  write  a  record immediately after the last logical
   record of the accessed file.   During  APPEND  transfer,  the  records
   already  in  the  accessed  file  remain  unchanged; the only function
   performed is the appending of the transferred records to  the  end  of
   the file.

   You must specify transfer types (other than SEQINOUT) by  setting  the
   ACCESS  option  of a FORTRAN OPEN statement to one of several possible
   arguments.  For the sequential access, the arguments are:

        ACCESS='SEQIN'      (file is opened for read-only access)
        ACCESS='SEQOUT'     (file is opened for output)
        ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' (file is opened for input or output)
        ACCESS='SEQINOUT'   (same as SEQUENTIAL)
        ACCESS='APPEND'     (sequential append access)


           A common way to append data  to  a  file  opened  with
           SEQUENTIAL access is to read past the end of file, and
           then begin writing.  The FORTRAN-77 standard  requires
           that  a  BACKSPACE  operation be done to back over the
           'end file record' preceding the WRITE.

               USING THE FORTRAN OBJECT TIME SYSTEM (FOROTS)  Direct (Random) Access Mode - Direct access permits  records
   to  be  accessed  and  transferred  from  a source file in any desired
   order.  Direct access can only be used with disk files that have  been
   set  up  for  direct  access.   Direct-access  files  must  contain  a
   specified number of identically sized records that may be individually
   accessed by a record number.

   Direct-access transfers may be done in either a  read/write  direction
   or  a  special  read-only direction.  You must specify random transfer
   direction by setting the ACCESS  option  of  an  OPEN  statement  (see
   Section 11.3.1) to one of several possible arguments.

        ACCESS='DIRECT' (direct read/write access)
        ACCESS='RANDOM' (same as DIRECT)
        ACCESS='RANDIN' (direct read-only access)
|       ACCESS='KEYED'  (direct indexed-file read/write access)


   The following sections describe the  types  of  data  files  that  are
   acceptable to FOROTS.

   18.4.1  ASCII Data Files

   Each record within an ASCII data file consists of a set of  contiguous
   7-bit  characters.  A vertical paper-motion character (that is, a form
   feed, a vertical tab, or a line feed) terminates  each  set.   Logical
   records  may  be  split  across  physical blocks.  There is no maximum
   length for logical records.

   18.4.2  FORTRAN Binary Data Files

   Each logical record in a FORTRAN binary data file contains  data  that
   the  executing  program  can  reference  with either a READ or a WRITE
   statement.  A logical record is preceded and ended by a  control  word
   and may have one or more control words embedded within it.  In FORTRAN
   binary data files, there is no relationship  between  logical  records
   and  physical  device block sizes.  There is no implied maximum length
   for logical records.  Format of Binary Files - A FOROTS binary  file  can  contain
   three forms of Logical Segment Control Words (LSCW).  These LSCWs give
   FOROTS the ability to distinguish ASCII files from binary files.   The
   value  in  the high-order 9 bits of an LSCW tells what kind of LSCW it


   is:  START, CONTINUE, or END.

        START          001+ the number of words in the segment  including
                            the  START  LSCW  word  (exclusive of the END
        CONTINUE       002+ the number of words in the segment  including
                            the CONTINUE LSCW
        END            003+ the number  of  words  in  the  whole  record
                            including all LSCWs

   If the access you specify  for  a  file  through  the  OPEN  statement
   ACCESS=  argument  is  'SEQIN', 'SEQOUT', 'SEQUENTIAL', or 'SEQINOUT',
   all three LSCWs can appear in a record.  If you specify a record size,
   all records are of the same length, and there are no CONTINUE LSCWs.

   The following examples illustrate the LSCW.  The direct-access  binary
   file contains only 001 and 003 LSCWs.

        C    CONTROL WORDS.

             1     RECORDSIZE=100)

             WRITE(1'1) (I, J=1,10)

             WRITE(1'2) (J,K=1,10)




   On TOPS-10, in the sequential-access binary file,  the  second  record
   crosses the disk block boundary and contains an 002 (CONTINUE) LSCW.

   On TOPS-20, the CONTINUE LSCW occurs on buffer boundaries, whose  size
   is  determined  by  the BUFFERCOUNT keyword in the OPEN statement (see
   Section 11.3.5) (default is four pages, 4000 octal words).

        C    CONTROL WORDS.


             WRITE(1) (I, J=1,100)

             WRITE(1) (J,K=1,100)




   Image files contain no LSCWs.  You can only backspace  an  IMAGE  file
   that is created with a record size.

        C    CONTROL WORDS.


             WRITE(1) (I, J=1,100)

             WRITE(1) (J,K=1,100)




   The following example illustrates the  LSCWs  for  character  data  in
   binary files.


             OPEN (UNIT=1,MODE='BINARY')

             WRITE (1) 3, 'ABCDEF',4,'GHIJKL'

             WRITE (1) 'MNOPQR','STUVWX'

        0/     001000,000007
        1/     000000,000003
        2/     406050,342212
        3/     430000,000000
        4/     000000,000004
        5/     436211,145226
        6/     460000,000000
        7/     003000,000010
        10/    001000,000004
        11/    466351,750242
        12/    512472,452654
        13/    536600,000000
        14/    003000,000005

   The following example illustrates the  format  of  character  data  in
   image files.  Image files contain no LSCWs.


             OPEN (UNIT=1,MODE='IMAGE')

             WRITE (1) 3, 'ABCDEF',4,'GHIJKL'

             WRITE (1) 'MNOPQR','STUVWX'

        0/     000000,000003
        1/     406050,342212
        2/     430000,000000
        3/     000000,000004
        4/     436211,145226
        5/     462331,647640
        6/     506452,352252
        7/     532573,000000


|  18.4.3  RMS Data Files (TOPS-20 only)
|  The FOROTS/RMS-20 interface can be used to access RMS-20  (and  remote
|  VMS RMS-32) files with sequential, relative, or indexed organizations.
|  An RMS record file consists of a prologue section and a data  section.
|  The  prologue section is the repository of the file's attributes.  The
|  data section contains data records (and indexes, if applicable).
|  See the TOPS-20 RMS User's Guide for  more  information  on  RMS  file
|  formats.


   FOROTS has been designed to lend itself for use as an I/O  system  for
   programs  written  in  languages other than FORTRAN.  Currently, MACRO
   programmers may employ FOROTS as  a general  I/O  system  by   writing
   simple MACRO calls that simulate the calls made to FOROTS by a FORTRAN
   compiler.  The calls made to FOROTS are  to  routines  that  implement
   FORTRAN I/O statements such as READ, WRITE, OPEN, or CLOSE.

   FOROTS will provide automatic memory allocation, data conversion,  I/O
   buffering, and device interface operations to the MACRO user.

   18.5.1  FOROTS Entry Points

   FOROTS provides the following entry points for  calls  from  either  a
   FORTRAN  compiler  or  a  non-FORTRAN program.  These entry points are
   contained in FORLIB.REL.


   Table 18-1:  FOROTS Entry Points

     Entry Point                         Function

     ALCHN.         Allocates  an  I/O  channel  for  use  by  a  MACRO
                    subroutine (see Section

     ALCOR.         Allocates memory (see Section

     CLOSE.         Closes a file.  In a FORTRAN program, this call  is
                    made  when  the  CLOSE  statement  is executed (see

     DBMS.          DBMS interface.

     DEC.           DECODE routine.  This call, coupled with an  IOLIST
                    call, handles decoding.

     DECHN.         Deallocates an I/O channel that was  obtained  from
                    ALCHN (see Section

     DECOR.         Deallocates memory that was allocated by  an  ALCOR
                    call (see Section

|    DELTR.         Deletes an RMS relative or indexed file record.  In
|                   a  FORTRAN program, this call is made when a DELETE
|                   statement is executed (see Section 10.13).

     ENC.           ENCODE routine

     EXIT.          Closes all  files,  clears  interrupt  system,  and
                    terminates   program   execution.    In  a  FORTRAN
                    program, this call is made when an END statement is
                    executed in the main program.

     EXIT1.         Writes out buffers, closes and unmaps all files

     FIN.           I/O list termination routine (see Section

     FIND.          FIND statement

     FORER.         Error processor

     FOROP.         Miscellaneous FOROTS utilities


   Table 18-1:  FOROTS Entry Points (Cont'd)

     Entry Point                        Function

     FUNCT.         OTS-independent   interface   to   provide   common
                    functions  (like memory and I/O channel management)
                    for programs such  as  overlay  handler  and  DBMS.
                    FUNCT. is an interface that works the same way with
                    FORTRAN, COBOL, and  ALGOL  run-time  systems  (see
                    Section 18.6).

     IFI.           Internal file input (see Section

     IFO.           Internal file output (see Section

     IN.            Formatted input  routine  (see  Sections,
          ,, and

     IOLST.         I/O list routine (see Section

     MTOP.          REWIND,  BACKSPACE,  and  ENDFILE  statements  (see

     NLI.           NAMELIST input routine (see Section

     NLO.           NAMELIST output routine (see Section

     OPEN.          Opens a file.  Connects FORTRAN Logical Unit Number
                    to a file for I/O (see Section

     OUT.           Formatted output routine  (see  Sections,
          ,, and              

     RESET.         Job initialization entry

|    REWRF.         Formatted REWRITE output  routine.   In  a  FORTRAN
|                   program, this call is made when a formatted REWRITE
|                   statement is executed for RMS  files  (see  Section
|                   10.14.1).
|    REWRU.         Unformatted REWRITE output routine.  In  a  FORTRAN
|                   program,  this  call  is  made  when an unformatted
|                   REWRITE statement is executed for  RMS  files  (see
|                   Section 10.14.2).

|    RTB.           Binary input routine  (see  Sections  and

     TRACE.         Traces subroutine calls


|    UNLOC.         UNLOCK record routine  for  RMS  files.   (See  the
|                   UNLOCK statement, Section 10.15.)

     WTB.           Binary output routine (see  Sections  and

   18.5.2  Calling Sequences

   You must use the following general form for all calls made to FOROTS:

        XMOVEI    16,ARGBLK
        PUSHJ     17,Entry Point
                  (control is returned here)


        ARGBLK         is  the  address  of  a   specifically   formatted
                       argument block that contains information needed by
                       FOROTS to accomplish the desired operation.

        Entry Point    is an entry point identifier (see Table 18-1) that
                       specifies  the  entry  point of the desired FOROTS

   With three exceptions, all returns from FOROTS will  be  made  to  the
   program  instruction  immediately  following the call (PUSHJ 17, entry
   point instruction).  The exceptions are:

        1.  An error return to a specified  statement  number,  that  is,
            READ or WRITE statement ERR=option (see Section 10.4.7),

        2.  An end-of-file return to a statement number, that is, READ or
            WRITE statement END=option (see Section 10.4.6),

        3.  A fatal error that returns to the monitor.

   Sections through give the MACRO calls and  required
   argument  block  formats  needed  to  initialize FOROTS and FOROTS I/O

   18.5.3  MACRO Calls for FOROTS Functions

   The following sections describe the forms of the MACRO calls to FOROTS
   that  are  made  by  the  FORTRAN  compiler.   The calls described are
   identified  by  the  language  statement  that  they  implement.   The
   following  terms  and abbreviations are used in the description of the
   argument block (ARGBLK) of each call:


               =  pointer to the second word in the argument block  (This
                  is the address pointed to by the argument ARGBLK in the
                  calling sequence.)

        u      =  FORTRAN logical unit number

        n      =  count of ASCII characters

        f      =  FORMAT statement address

        list   =  an Input/Output list

        name   =  a NAMELIST name

        r      =  a variable specifying the  logical  record  number  for
                  random access mode

        *      =  list-directed I/O (the FORMAT statement is not used)

        type   =  type specification of a variable or constant

   The argument block for all I/O statements is  a  sequence  of  keyword
   specifiers.  Bits 2-8 of each argument specify which argument is being
   supplied, as follows:

        1   UNIT
        2   FMT address
        3   FMT size (in words)
        4   END= address
        5   ERR= address
        6   IOSTAT= address
        7   REC=
        10  NAMELIST table address
        11  File-positioning function code
        12  ENCODE/DECODE array address
        13  Internal record length
|       14  Relational type for indexed READ
|       15  Key number of key for indexed READ
|       16  Key relational value


   The format of ARGBLK is:

             0-1         2-8        9-12    13     14-17  18-35

             (-count - negative of number of words in       0
             block not including this one)

   ARGBLK:   1 0         kwd        type     I       0      y
             . .
             . .
             . .
             1 0         kwd        type     I       0      y

        I =   indirection bit
        y =   18-bit address or data
        kwd = keyword number


           Future versions of FOROTS will  not  support  argument
           blocks  with  index  registers specified either in the
           arguments or in memory locations referenced indirectly
           by  these arguments.  Arguments must not reside in the
           ACs.  In  addition,  so-called  'immediate'  arguments
           (those   with  a  type  code  of  zero)  will  not  be
           supported.  Sequential-Access  Calling  Sequences - The READ  and  WRITE
   statements for formatted sequential data transfer operations and their
   calling sequences are:

        READ(u,f) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, IN.


        WRITE(u,f) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, OUT.

   The following arguments must be specified in ARGBLK:

        1    UNIT
        2    FMT address
        3    FMT size


   The following may also appear:

        4    ERR
        5    END
        6    IOSTAT

   The READ and WRITE statements for unformatted sequential data transfer
   operations and their calling sequences are:

        READ(u) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, RTB.


        WRITE(u) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, WTB.

   The following arguments must be specified in ARGBLK:

        1    UNIT

   The following may also appear:

        4    END
        5    ERR
        6    IOSTAT  Internal  File  Calling   Sequences - The  READ  and   WRITE
   statements  for  formatted  sequential  data transfer operations using
   internal files and their calling sequences are:

        READ(u,f) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, IFI.


        WRITE(u,f) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, IFO.

   The following arguments must be specified in ARGBLK:


        1    UNIT (must be a character scalar or array)
        2    FMT address
        3    FMT size

   The following may also appear:

        4    ERR
        5    END
        6    IOSTAT  NAMELIST I/O, Sequential-Access Calling Sequences - The READ
   and  WRITE  statements  for NAMELIST-directed sequential data transfer
   operations and their calling sequences are:

        READ (u, name)

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, NLI.


        WRITE (u, name)

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, NLO.

   The following arguments must be specified in ARGBLK:

        1    UNIT
        10   NAMELIST address

   The following may also appear:

        4    END 
        5    ERR
        6    IOSTAT

   The NAMELIST table is generated from the FORTRAN  NAMELIST  statement.
   The first word of the table is the NAMELIST name; following that are a
   number of 2 word entries for scalar variables, and a number  of  (N+4)
   word entries for array variables, where N is the dimensionality of the

   The names you specify in the NAMELIST statement are stored, in  SIXBIT
   format,  first  in  the  table.   Each  name  is followed by a list of
   arguments associated with the name.  The NAMELIST table is  terminated
   by  a zero entry.  The name argument list can be in either a scalar or
   an array form.

               USING THE FORTRAN OBJECT TIME SYSTEM (FOROTS)  Array Offsets and Factoring - Address calculations  used  to
   reference  a  given  array  element  involve factors and offsets.  For

        Array A is dimensioned

        DIMENSION A (L1:U1,L2:U2,L3:U3,...Ln:Un)

   The size of each dimension is represented by:

        S1 = U1-L1+1
        S2 = U2-L2+1

   In order to calculate the address of an element referenced by:

        A (I1,I2,I3,...In)

   the following formula is used:


   The terms are factored out depending on the dimensions of  the  array,
   not on the element referenced, to arrive at the formula:


   The  parenthesized  part  of  this  formula  is  the  offset   for   a
   single-precision array; it is referred to as the Array Offset.

   For each dimension of a given array, there is a  corresponding  factor
   by  which  a  subscript in that position will be multiplied.  From the
   last expression, one can determine the factor for dimension n to be:


   For double-precision and complex arrays, the expression becomes:


   Therefore, the array offset for a double-precision array is:


   and the factor for the nth dimension is:


   The factor for the first dimension  of  a  double-precision  array  is
   always  2.   The  factor for the first dimension of a single-precision


   array is always 1.

   For character arrays, the offset is calculated  in  bytes  instead  of
   words.   The  byte  offset  from  the start of a character array whose
   elements are of length X is:


   This offset is X times the offset of a single-precision numeric array.


        0                                                      35

                          NAMELIST name in SIXBIT

                              NAMELIST entry 1

                              NAMELIST entry 2




                              NAMELIST entry n

                         4000,,0 (FOROTS FIN. word)


        0 1   2-8       9-12       13 14-17       18-35


        1 0   type         0        I    0        Scalar addr


        0-1   2-8      9-12  13    14-17     18-35



        1 0   #DIMS    type  I       0       BASE ADDR

                             ARRAY SIZE      


                             Factor 1

                             Factor 2

                             Factor n  I/O Statements, Direct-Access Calling  Sequences - The  READ
   and  WRITE  statements  for formatted direct-access data transfers and
   their calling sequences are:

        READ (u'r,f) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, IN.


        WRITE (u'r,f) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, OUT.

   The following arguments must be specified in ARGBLK:

        1    UNIT
        2    FMT address
        3    FMT size
        7    REC

   The following may also appear:

        4    END 
        5    ERR
        6    IOSTAT

   The READ and WRITE statements for unformatted direct-access  transfers


   and their calling sequences are:

        READ (u'r)

        XMOVEI 16,ARGBLK
        PUSHJ P,RTB.


        WRITE (u'r)

        XMOVEI 16,ARGBLK
        PUSHJ P,WTB.

   The following argument must be specified in ARGBLK:

        1    UNIT
        7    REC

   The following may also appear:

        4    END
        5    ERR
        6    IOSTAT  Default Devices Statements, Calling Sequences - The  FORTRAN
   statements  that  require  the use of a reserved system default device
   and their calling sequences are:

                               Default Device

        ACCEPT f, list      UNIT=-4        (TTY)
        READ f, list        UNIT=-5        (CDR)
        REREAD f, list      UNIT=-6        (REREAD)

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, IN.


        PRINT f, list       UNIT=-3        (LPT)
        PUNCH f, list       UNIT=-2        (PTP)
        TYPE f, list        UNIT=-1        (TTY)

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, OUT.

   The arguments for these  calls  are  the  same  as  for  the  standard
   formatted sequential READ and WRITE statements.

               USING THE FORTRAN OBJECT TIME SYSTEM (FOROTS)  Statements to Position Files - The formatted and unformatted
   FORTRAN  statements  that  can  be  used to control the positioning of
   files and their calling sequences are:

             Function            FOROTS Code
        (FORTRAN Statement)

          SKIPFILE (u)               7
          BACKFILE (u)               3
          BACKSPACE (u)              2
          ENDFILE (u)                4
          REWIND (u)                 0
          SKIPRECORD (u)             5
          UNLOAD (u)                 1


        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, MTOP.

   The following arguments must be specified in ARGBLK:

        1    UNIT
        11   FOROTS code

   The following may also appear:

        4    END
        5    ERR
        6    IOSTAT


           For disk files, UNLOAD is the same as REWIND; BACKFILE
           and SKIPFILE are ignored.  List-Directed Input/Output Statements - You  may  write  any
   form  of  a  sequential  I/O statement as a list-directed statement by
   replacing the referenced FORMAT statement number with an asterisk (*).

   The list-directed forms of the READ and  WRITE  statements  and  their
   calling sequences are:

        READ (u, *) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, IN.



        WRITE (u, *) list

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, OUT.

   The arguments for these  calls  are  the  same  as  for  the  standard
   formatted sequential READ and WRITE statements, except that the FORMAT
   statement address and FORMAT statement size must be specified as zero.  Input/Output Data Lists - The compiler generates  a  calling
   sequence  to  the  run-time system for the I/O list in a READ or WRITE
   statement.  The argument block associated with  the  calling  sequence
   contains  the  addresses of the variables and arrays to be transferred
   to or from an I/O buffer.

   The general form of an I/O list calling sequence is:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, IOLST.

   Any number of elements may be included in the ARGBLK.  The end of  the
   argument block is specified by a zero entry or a FIN entry.

        Mnemonic Name            FOROTS Value

           DATA                       1
           SLIST                      2
           ELIST                      3
           FIN                        4
           F77 SLIST                  5
           F77 ELIST                  6

   The elements of an I/O list are:

        1.  DATA

            The DATA element converts one single- or double-precision  or
            complex  item  from  external  to  internal  form  for a READ
            statement and from internal to  external  form  for  a  WRITE
            statement.  Each DATA element has the following format:

                 0-1   2-8    9-12    13   14-17   18-35

                 1 0   DATA   type    I      0     SCALAR ADDR


        2.  SLIST

            The SLIST argument converts an entire array from internal  to
            external  form  or  vice  versa,  depending  on  the  type of
            statement (that  is,  READ  or  WRITE)  involved.   An  SLIST
            consist of a table of arguments that has the following form:

                 0-1   2-8    9-12    13   14-17   18-35

                 1 0   SLIST  type    I      0     #ELEMENTS

                 1 0     0    type    I      0     INCREMENT

                 1 0     0    type    I      0     BASE ADDR1

            For example, the sequence:

             DIMENSION A(100),B(100)


             READ(-,-)(A(I),I=1,100) !only when the /OPT switch is used

            develops an SLIST argument of the form:

                 0-1   2-8     9-12   13     14-17    18-35

                 1 0    2       2     0        0      [144]
                 1 0    0       2     0        0       [1]
                 1 0    0       2     0        0        A
                 0 0    4       0     0        0        0

            More than one base address may appear in a SLIST as  long  as
            the increment is the same.  The sequence:

                 DIMENSION A(100), B(100)
                 WRITE (-,-) (A(I),B(I),I=100) !only when the /OPT
                                                 switch is used

            develops an SLIST argument of the form:

                 0-1   2-8    9-12    13   14-17   18-35

                 1 0    2       2     0      0     [144]
                 1 0    0       2     0      0      [1]


                 1 0    0       2     0      0       A
                 1 0    0       2     0      0       B
                 0 0    4       0     0      0       0

        3.  ELIST

            The SLIST format  permits  only  a  single  increment  to  be
            specified  for  a  number  of arrays, while the ELIST permits
            different increments to be specified  for  different  arrays.
            An  ELIST  consists  of  a  table  of  arguments that has the
            following form:

            The format of the ELIST is:

                 0-1    2-8   9-12    13   14-17      18-35

                 1 0   ELIST  type    I      0     No. Elements to
                                                   increment 1

                 1 0   0      type    I      0     Base ADDR 1
                                                   increment 2

                 1 0   0      type    I      0     Base ADDR 2
                                                   increment N

                 1 0   0      type    I      0     Base ADDR N

            For example, the FORTRAN sequence:

                 DIMENSION IC(6,100), IB(100)
                 WRITE(-,-) (IB(I),IC(1,I),I=1,100)

            produces the ELIST:

                 0-1   2-8    9-12    13   14-17   18-35

                 1 0    3      2      0      0     [144]
                 1 0    0      2      0      0      [1]
                 1 0    0      2      0      0       IB
                 1 0    0      2      0      0      [6]
                 1 0    0      2      0      0       IC
                 0 0    4      0      0      0       0

            The increment may be zero.  This could  be  produced  by  the

        WRITE(-,-)(K,I=1,100)  !only when the /OPT switch is used

   Produces the ELIST:


                 0-1   2-8    9-12    13     14-17    18-35

                 1 0    3       2     0        0      [144]

                 1 0    0       2     0        0       [0]

                 1 0    0       2     0        0        K

                 0 0    4       0     0        0        0

        4.  FIN

            The end of an I/O list is indicated by a FIN  element.   When
            the I/O processor interprets this element, it performs a call
            to FIN to terminate the I/O.  This call must  be  made  after
            each I/O initialization call, including calls with a null I/O

            The FIN routine may be entered by an explicit call or  by  an
            argument in this I/O list argument block.  Both calls can not
            be used.  The FIN element has the following format:

                 0-1   2-8     9-12   13     14-17   18-35

                 0 0    4       0     0        0       0

                 EXPLICIT CALL:

                 PUSHJ 17, FIN.

        5.  F77 SLIST

            This is the same as  SLIST  except  that  if  the  number  of
            elements is less than or equal to zero, no I/O is done.

        6.  F77 ELIST

            This is the same as  ELIST  except  that  is  the  number  of
            elements is less than or equal to zero, no I/O is done.  OPEN and CLOSE Statements, Calling Sequences - The form and
   calling sequences for the OPEN and CLOSE FORTRAN statements are:

   OPEN statement call:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, OPEN.


   CLOSE statement call:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, CLOSE.

   where ARGBLK is:

        0-1      2-8    9-12  13        14-17         18-35

        Negative of
        the number
        of words in
        block not                                      0
        this one.

        1 0          G   type I           X            H
        1 0          G   type I           X            H
        1 0          G   type I           X            H
        . .          .     .  .           .            .
        . .          .     .  .           .            .
        . .          .     .  .           .            .
        . .          .     .  .           .            .
        1 0          G   type I           X            H

   The G field (bits 2 through 8)  contains  a  value  that  defines  the
   argument  name;  the  H field (bits 18 through 35) contains an address
   that points to the value of the  argument.   Note  that  the  G  field
   values  for  OPEN  and  CLOSE statements are not the same as those for
   other I/O statements.


   The numeric codes that may appear in the G field are:

        G Field      Open Argument    G Field   Open Argument

          01         DIALOG               31    PADCHAR=
          02         ACCESS=              32    RECORDTYPE= 
          03         DEVICE=              
          04         BUFFERCOUNT=         33    STATUS= 
          05         BLOCKSIZE=           34    TAPEFORMAT=
          06         FILE=                35    READONLY=
          07         PROTECTION=          36    UNIT=
          10         DIRECTORY=           37    ERR=
|         11         LIMIT=               40    EXIST=
          12         MODE=                41    FORMATTED=
          13         FILESIZE=            42    NAMED=
|         14         RECORDSIZE=          43    NEXTREC=
|         15         DISPOSE=             44    NUMBER=
|         16         VERSION=             45    OPENED=
|         17         ORGANIZATION=        46    SEQUENTIAL=
|         20         SHARED               47    UNFORMATTED=
          21         IOSTAT=              50    NAME= 
|         22         ASSOCIATEVARIABLE=   51    KEY=
|         23         PARITY=              52    USEROPEN=
          24         DENSITY=             53    DIALOG=

|         25         BLANK=               54    DEFAULTFILE=
|         26         CARRIAGECONTROL=     55    KEYED=
|         27         FORM=                       56 NOSPANBLOCKS
|         30         BYTESIZE=                  57 MAXREC=
                    Memory Allocation Routines - The memory  management  module
   is  called  to  allocate  or  deallocate memory blocks.  There are two
   entry points (ALCOR. and DECOR.) that control  memory  allocation  and

   When TOPS-20 extended addressing is in effect, ALCOR. and  DECOR.  can
   be  used; however, memory will be allocated in FOROT's section instead
   of  in  the  user's  section.    You   can   use   the   LINK   switch
   /OTSEGMENT:NONSHARABLE to put FOROTS in the user's section.

   Use the ALCOR.  entry to allocate the number of words specified in the
   argument  block  variable.   Upon return, AC 0 will contain either the
   address of the allocated memory block  or  -1,  which  indicates  that
   memory is not available.


   The calling sequence for an ALCOR. call is:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, ALCOR.

   where ARGBLK is:

        0-1       2-8       9-12   13     14-17    18-35

                  -1                                  0

        1 0       Reserved  type   I       0       Address of
                                                   number of words

   Use the DECOR. entry to deallocate a  previously  allocated  block  of
   memory;  the  argument variable must be loaded with the address of the
   memory block to be returned.

   If the number of desired words is N, ALCOR. actually removes N+2 words
   from  free  storage.   The  pointer  returned points to the third word
   (word 2 as opposed to word 0) removed from free  storage.   The  first
   two  words  are  used  by FOROTS to maintain linked lists of allocated
   (using ALCOR.) and free storage, and must not be modified.

   The calling sequence for a DECOR. call is:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, DECOR.

   where ARGBLK is:

        0-1       2-8      9-12    13     14-17    18-35

                  -1                               0

                                                   Pointer to word
        1 0       Reserved type    I       0       containing
                                                   address of block
                                                   to be returned  Channel  Allocation  and  Deallocation  Routines - You  may
   allocate  software channels in MACRO programs by means of calls to the
   ALCHN. routine and deallocate them by calls  to  the  DECHN.  routine.


   Values are returned in AC 0.

   Use the ALCHN. entry to allocate a  particular  channel  or  the  next
   available  channel.   The  channel  to  be  allocated  is passed as an
   argument to ALCHN.  Zero is passed as an argument to allocate the next
   available channel.  Allowed channels are 1 through 17 (octal).  If the
   channel requested is not available, or all channels are in use, ALCHN.
   returns  with  a  -1  in  AC  0.  In normal returns, AC 0 contains the
   assigned number.

   The calling sequence of an ALCHN. routine is:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, ALCHN.

   where ARGBLK is:

        0-1       2-8      9-12    13     14-17    18-35

                  -1                               0

                                                  Pointer to a word
        1 0       Reserved type    I       0      containing
                                                  the channel #
                                                  or zero

   Use the DECHN. entry to deallocate a previously assigned channel.  The
   channel  to  be  released  is  passed as an argument to DECHN.  If the
   channel to be deallocated was not assigned by ALCHN. and  thus  cannot
   be deassigned, AC 0 is set to -1 on return.

   The calling sequence for a DECHN. routine is:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, DECHN.

   where ARGBLK is:

        0-1       2-8      9-12    13     14-17    18-35

                  -1                               0

                                                  Pointer to a word
        1 0       Reserved type    I       0      containing
                                                  the channel #
                                                  to be released



   FOROTS provides a subroutine (FUNCT.) to serve as  an  interface  with
   the  LINK  overlay  handler.   This  subroutine consists of a group of
   functions that allow  the  overlay  handler  to  perform  I/O,  memory
   management, and error message handling.  These functions have only one
   entry point, FUNCT.; and they are called by the sequence:

        XMOVEI 16, ARGBLK
        PUSHJ 17, FUNCT.

   The format of the ARGBLK is:

        ARGBLK:         IFIW 2,address of integer function code
                        IFIW 17,address of 3-letter ASCII error prefix
                        IFIW 2,address of status code on return
                        IFIW type,address of first argument
                        . . .
                        IFIW type,address of nth argument


        type               is the FORTRAN argument type (see Chapter 14)
        function code      is the number of one of the required functions
        error prefix       is ignored by FOROTS
        status             is undefined on the call and set on the return
                           with one of the values below.

                                -1      Function not implemented
                                0       Successful return
                                1....n  Specific error message

   When TOPS-20 extended addressing is in effect,  FUNCT.  can  be  used;
   however,  memory  will  be allocated in FOROTS's section instead of in
   the   user's   section.     You    can    use    the    LINK    switch
   /OTSEGMENT:NONSHARABLE to put FOROTS in the user's section.


   Table 18-2:  Function Numbers and Function Codes

     Number       Function
     (Octal)      Mnemonic     Function Description

          0          ILL       Illegal function; returns -1 status
          1          GAD       Gets a specific segment of memory
          2          COR       Gets  a  given  amount  of  memory  from
                               anywhere  in  the space allocated to the
                               overlay handler
          3          RAD       Returns a specific segment of memory
          4          GCH       Gets an I/O channel
          5          RCH       Returns an I/O channel
          6          GOT       Gets memory from the space allocated  to
                               the object-time system
          7          ROT       Returns memory to the object-time system
          10         RNT       Gets  the  initial  run  time  from  the
                               object-time system
          11         IFS       Gets   the   initial   run   time   file
                               specification   from   the   object-time
          12         CBC       Cuts back memory (if possible) to reduce
                               job size
          13         RRS       Reads RETAIN status (DBMS)
          14         WRS       Writes RETAIN status (DBMS)
          15         GPG       Allocates memory on a page boundary
          16         RPG       Deallocates memory obtained by  function
          17         GPSI      Gets TOPS-20 PSI channel
          20         RPSI      Returns TOPS-20 PSI channel
          21         MPG       Gets a contiguous set of pages
          22         UPG       Returns a contiguous set of pages

   Each function of the  FUNCT.   subroutine  is  described  below.   The
   arguments described in each of the following functions are what should
   be in the addresses pointed to by the argument block described above.

   ILL (0) FUNCTION - This function is illegal.  The  argument  block  is
   ignored, and the status returned is -1.

   GAD (1) FUNCTION - This function gets memory from a  specific  address
   in the space allocated to the overlay handler.  The arguments are:

        arg 1     address of requested memory
        arg 2     address of number of words of memory to allocate

   A call to GAD with arg 2 equal to -1 requests all available memory.


   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful allocation
        1         not enough memory available
        2         memory not available at specified address
        3         illegal arguments (such as, address + size  is  greater
                  than 256K)

   COR (2) FUNCTION - This function gets memory from any available  space
   allocated to the overlay handler.  The arguments are:

        arg 1     undefined (address of allocated memory on return)
        arg 2     address of size of requested allocation

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         memory allocated
        1         not enough memory available
        3         illegal argument (that is, size is greater than 256K)

   RAD (3) function - This  function  returns  memory  at  the  specified
   address  within  the  space  allocated  to  the  overlay handler.  The
   arguments are:

        arg 1     address of memory to be return
        arg 2     address of size of memory to be returned (in words)

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful return of memory
        1         memory cannot be returned
        3         illegal argument (that is,the address or  the  size  is
                  greater than 256K)

   GCH (4) FUNCTION - This function gets an I/O channel.   The  arguments

        arg 1     undefined  (address  of  channel  number  allocated  on
        arg 2     ignored

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful channel allocation
        1         no I/O channels available

   RCH (5) FUNCTION - This  function  returns  an   I/O   channel.    The
   arguments are:

        arg 1     address of number of channel to be returned
        arg 2     ignored


   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         channel released
        1         invalid channel number

   GOT (6) FUNCTION - This function gets memory from the space  allocated
   to the object-time system.  The arguments are:

        arg 1     undefined (address of allocated memory on return)
        arg 2     address of size of memory requested

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful allocation
        1         not enough memory available
        3         illegal argument (such as, size is greater than 256K)

   This function differs from function  1  in  that  if  the  object-time
   system  has two free memory lists, then function 1 is used to allocate
   space for links, and this function is used to allocate space  for  I/O
   buffers.   Function 1 uses the free memory list for LINK, and function
   6 uses the list for the object-time system.

   ROT (7) FUNCTION - This function returns  memory  to  the  object-time
   system.  The arguments are:

        arg 1     address of memory to be returned
        arg 2     address of size of memory to be returned (in words)

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful return of memory
        1         memory cannot be returned
        3         illegal argument (such as, the address or the  size  is
                  greater than 256K)

   RNT (10) FUNCTION - This function returns the initial  run  time  from
   the  object-time  system.   (At  the  beginning  of  the  program, the
   object-time system will have executed a RUNTIM UUO; that result is the
   time returned by RNT.) The arguments are:

        arg 1     undefined (contains address  of  initial  run  time  on
        arg 2     ignored

   On return, the run time is in arg 1, and the status is 0.  The  status
   is 0.

   IFS (11) FUNCTION (TOPS-10 only) - This function returns  the  initial
   run-time  file  specification  from  the  object-time  system.   (This
   initial file specification is the one used to begin the program;  that
   is, it was given with the system RUN command.) The arguments are:


        arg 1     undefined (address of SIXBIT device on return)
        arg 2     undefined (address of SIXBIT filename on return)
        arg 3     undefined  (project-programmer  number  on  return   or
                  address of path block if run from SFD

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful return
        1         error

   This function tells the overlay handler which file to read  after  the
   initial RUN command.

   CBC (12) FUNCTION - This function cuts back memory if possible,  which
   reduces the size of the user job.  There are no arguments.

   The returned status is:

        0         always

   WRS (14) FUNCTION - These functions are reserved for use by DBMS.

   GPG (15) FUNCTION - This function gets memory on a page boundary.  The
   arguments are the same as for FUNCTION 6, GOT.

        arg 1     ignored
        arg 2     address of number of words of memory to allocate

   On return, arg 1 has the address of the allocated memory.  It will  be
   on a page boundary.  (That is, it will be a multiple of 1000 octal.)

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful
        1         not enough memory available
        3         illegal argument

   RPG (16) FUNCTION - This function returns memory obtained by  FUNCTION
   15.  The arguments are the same as for FUNCTION 7, ROT.

        arg 1     address of memory to be returned
        arg 2     address of size of memory to be returned (in words)

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful return of memory
        1         was not allocated
        3         illegal argument

   GPSI (17) FUNCTION - This function gets the TOPS-20 PSI  channel.   It
   assigns  a  software  interrupt  channel  number.   GPSI provides only


   controlled access to the PSI tables.   It  arranges  that  the  tables
   exist  and that SIR and EIR have been done, but does not do AIC or any
   other JSYS necessary  to  set  up  the  channel  (ATI  or  MTOPR,  for

        arg 1     address  of  channel  number  to  allocate,  or  -1  to
                  allocate any user-assignable channel
        arg 2     address of level number
        arg 3     address of interrupt routine (if the FORTRAN program is
                  running  on a system that supports extended addressing,
                  the interrupt routine address may be a  30-bit  address
                  in  any  section,  including section 0.  Otherwise, the
                  interrupt address must be an 18-bit address.)

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         allocated OK (arg 1 is the channel  number  if  -1  was
        1         requested channel was already assigned
        2         no free channels
        3         argument error

   RPSI (20) FUNCTION - This function returns the  TOPS-20  PSI  channel.
   It returns a PSI channel allocated by FUNCTION 17.  RPSI provides only
   controlled access to the PSI tables.  It  removes  the  given  channel
   from  the  tables.   This  function  does not do DIC or any other JSYS
   necessary to remove an interrupt condition from a channel.

        arg 1     address of channel number to return

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         OK
        1         channel was not allocated
        3         argument error

   MPG (21) FUNCTION - This function gets a contiguous set of pages.  The
   pages  requested  are  always allocated from the section FOROTS is in.
   The user cannot depend upon this call to either create or destroy  the

        arg 1     first page number to allocate.  The page number must be
                  in the range 0 to 777.

        arg 2     number of pages to allocate

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful allocation of all given pages
        1         one or more pages were already allocated
        3         illegal argument (bad page number or count)


   UPG (22) FUNCTION- This function returns a contiguous  set  of  pages.
   The  pages  returned are considered to be in the section FOROTS is in.
   The user cannot depend upon this call to either create or destroy  the

        arg 1     first page number to deallocate.  The page number  must
                  be in the range 9 to 777

        arg 2     number of pages to deallocate

   On return, the status is one of the following:

        0         successful deallocation of all given pages
        1         one or more pages was not allocated by MPG
        3         illegal argument (bad page number or count)


   You make FORTRAN logical and physical device assignments at run  time,
   or  standard  system assignments are made according to a FOROTS Device
   Table, that is,  DEVTB.   Table  10-3  in  Section  10.4.3  shows  the
   standard assignments contained by the Device Table.


   See Section 11.7 for a description of the INQUIRE statement.

   If no device is given for the FILE= specifier, FOROTS uses DSK: as the
   default.  If no extension is given, FOROTS uses .DAT.  For TOPS-20, if
   no generation number is given, FOROTS uses a generation number of 0.

   FOROTS determines if the device specified is a disk.  If the device is
   a disk, the following happens:

         o  FOROTS  determines  if  a   file   exists   with   the   file
            specification given in the INQUIRE statement.  It returns the
            answer (either .TRUE.  or .FALSE.) in the variable  specified
            by  the  EXIST=  specifier,  if  any.  If such a file exists,
            FOROTS 'expands' the file specification as follows:

             o  A logical name is translated into a physical device name.

             o  For TOPS-20, the file specification, which is overlaid by
                the  user-specified  directory,  filename, extension, and


             o  For  TOPS-20,  an  actual  file  generation   number   is
                substituted for a generation number of 0, -1, or -2.

            The resultant file specification, in string form,  is  called
            the 'full (expanded) file string.'

         o  FOROTS searches for a match between  the  file  specification
            given  in  the  INQUIRE  statement  and  a file specification
            associated  with  a  logical  unit  for  which  there  is   a
            "connection."  This is to determine the values to be returned
            for the INQUIRE specifiers OPENED= and NUMBER=  (see  Section
            11.7.3).  FOROTS looks at all FORTRAN logical units for which
            there is a connection in ascending order, starting with zero.

            FOROTS compares the file specification given in  the  INQUIRE
            statement  (with  FILE= defaults applied) with the exact file
            specification  given  in  the  OPEN  statement  (with   FILE=
            defaults applied) if the following is true:

             o  The file does not exist on the directory.

             o  An OPEN statement has been executed and  STATUS='UNKNOWN'
                and ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL' (see Section 11.3.1).

             o  No data transfer statements have been executed using  the

            If the file exists, FOROTS  compares  the  full  file  string
            associated with the unit with the full (expanded) file string
            given in the INQUIRE  statement.   The  file  exists  if  the
            following is true:

             o  An  OPEN  has  been  executed  with  STATUS  other   than
                'UNKNOWN' or ACCESS other than 'SEQUENTIAL'.

             o  An I/O transfer statement has been executed.

            If neither of these two comparisions are  successful,  FOROTS
            returns  the  current  unit  number in the variable specified
            with the NUMBER= specifier, and returns 'YES' in the variable
            specified  with  the  OPENED= specifier.  If the same file is
            connected on several units, the matching technique  described
            will  return  the  smallest  unit number for which there is a

   For non-disk devices specified in the INQUIRE  statement  file  string
   specification, FOROTS looks at all the FORTRAN logical units for which
   there is a connection in ascending order, starting with zero.

   If the device in the file string specified in the INQUIRE statement is
   not   the   user's  controlling  terminal,  FOROTS  expands  the  file


   specification given in the INQUIRE statement by translating a  logical
   name  given  as  the  device into its corresponding physical name.  It
   then compares the device part of this expanded file specification with
   the device part of the full (expanded) file string associated with the
   logical unit.

   If the device is  the  user's  controlling  terminal  (device  'TTY'),
   FOROTS  determines  if  the device associated with the logical unit is
   also the user's controlling terminal.


|  The USEROPEN keyword in a FORTRAN OPEN statement (see Section 11.3.39)
|  provides  a  way  to  access  RMS-20 facilities that are otherwise not
|  available to FORTRAN programs.
|  The USEROPEN keyword specifies a user-written external procedure  that
|  controls the opening of a file.  It has the form
|       USEROPEN = procedure-name
|  where
|  procedure-name is the symbolic name of a user-written  function.   The
|  procedure must be declared in an EXTERNAL statement.
|  When an OPEN statement (with  or  without  the  USEROPEN  keyword)  is
|  executed  on  an  RMS file, FOROTS uses the OPEN statement keywords to
|  establish the RMS File Access Block (FAB),  the  Record  Access  Block
|  (RAB), and optionally one or more Extended Argument Blocks (XABs).
|  If a USEROPEN keyword  is  included  in  the  OPEN  statement,  FOROTS
|  establishes defaults for some of the data structure fields, then calls
|  your USEROPEN routine instead of opening the  file  according  to  its
|  normal  defaults.   The  USEROPEN  routine can then provide additional
|  parameters to RMS, as well as read values from the FAB, RAB, and  XABs
|  as returned by RMS.
|  FOROTS will call a USEROPEN routine  with  an  argument  list  of  the
|  following form:
|              -3,,0
|       xM:    IFIW TP%INT,address of unit
|              IFIW TP%LBL,address of FAB
|              IFIW TP%LBL,address of RAB
|  Using these arguments, the  USEROPEN  routine  can  then  perform  the
|  following operations:


|       1.  Modify the FAB/RAB or XAB(s).  (Optional)
|       2.  Issue the $OPEN or $CREATE RMS service  calls  (depending  on
|           whether the file exists or is to be created), followed by the
|           $CONNECT RMS service call to prepare the file for record I/O.
|           (Required)
|       3.  Check the status indicators returned by RMS after each of the
|           above   service   calls.    Your   procedure   should  return
|           immediately with the RMS error code in AC0 if RMS  returns  a
|           failure status.  (Required)
|       4.  Read file attribute information returned by RMS to  the  FAB,
|           RAB, or XAB(s).  (Optional)
|       5.  Return a success or failure status value in  AC0  to  FOROTS.
|           (Required).  AC0 must be zero on success.
|  18.9.1  Example of a USEROPEN
|  The following  example  shows  a  FORTRAN  OPEN  statement  calling  a
|  USEROPEN  routine  UOPN,  which  changes  the  default  "No duplicate"
|  attribute for the primary index in an indexed file.
|       1       STATUS='NEW',KEY=(1:10),RECL=40,
|       1       USEROPEN=UOPN)
|  A USEROPEN routine may cause  a  first-time  invocation  of  RMS.   To
|  ensure  that RMS is invoked compatibly with FOROTS, the following code
|  must be placed in all USEROPEN and MACRO routines that may invoke RMS:
|       SEARCH  RMSINJ          ;RMS/dynamic library universal file
|        .REQUIRE SYS:RMSZER    ;Dynamic library boot-strap files
|  The following function UOPN creates an RMS indexed file after  setting
|  the  FLG XAB field in the primary index XAB to allow duplicate primary
|  keys:
|       TITLE  UOPN


|        STDAC.                    ;Standard AC definitions
|        T0==0
|  UOPN:   XMOVEI  T1,@1(16)        ;Get FAB address
|          MOVX    T2,FB$SUP        ;Get "Supersede existing" bit
|          $STORE  T2,FOP,<(T1)>    ;Set in FAB
|          $FETCH   T1,XAB,<(T1)>   ;Get address of 1st XAB in chain
|          MOVX     T2,XB$DUP       ;Get "allow dupe" bit
|          $STORE   T2,FLG,<(T1)>   ;Set in XAB
|          $CREATE @1(16)           ;Create the file
|          CAIL    T2,ER$MIN        ;Error?
|           JRST   BADRET           ;Yes
|          $CONNECT @2(16)          ;CONNECT RAB
|          CAIL    T2,ER$MIN        ;Error?
|           JRST   BADRET           ;Yes
|          SETZ    T2,              ;Return success
|          POPJ    P,
|  BADRET: MOVE    T0,T2            ;Return error code in AC0
|          POPJ    P,
|         END      UOPN
|  To allow an existing file to be superseded with a  higher  generation,
|  the routine first turns on the FB$SUP bit in the FAB.  It then fetches
|  the address of the first XAB in the XAB chain (in this case  the  only
|  XAB)  and  sets  the  XB$DUP  bit  in the FLG field to allow duplicate
|  primary keys (the RMS/FOROTS default is to disallow duplicate  primary
|  keys.)
|  For local RMS indexed files, the XAB field  of  the  FAB  will  always
|  point  to  the  first key XAB in any XAB chain.  For all remote files,
|  the XAB field of the FAB points to a  CONFIG  XAB  containing  network
|  system  information; the NXT field of the CONFIG XAB will point to the
|  start of  the  key  XAB  chain.   Refer  to  the  RMS-20  Programmer's
|  Reference Manual and the TOPS-20 RMS User's Guide for more information
|  of RMS data structures.
|  18.9.2  RMS/FOROTS Data and Control Structures
|  When RMS is invoked to access a file  on  a  particular  unit,  FOROTS
|  allocates  and  initializes the following RMS data structures for each


|  such unit:
|        o  FAB - File Access Block
|        o  RAB - Record Access Block
|        o  XAB - Extended Attribute Block.  One or more are allocated if
|           the file is indexed or remote.
|  In addition, a statically allocated NAM and TYP block are linked to  a
|  unit's FAB block during OPEN processing.
|  Values in these control structures are set or defaulted by FORTRAN  as
|  described below.  In addition, RMS may update these control structures
|  with information derived from the file after it is opened.
|  Unless an error intervenes, these data structures are not  deallocated
|  until  the  unit  is  closed.   User-written  subroutines and USEROPEN
|  functions may alter or examine field values in these  structures,  but
|  they  must  not  alter  their allocation.  Caution should be exercised
|  when changing fields that  have  been  set  as  a  result  of  FORTRAN
|  keywords  (such as MRS or FAC values), since unpredictable results may
|  occur during subsequent I/O.  In general, if a desired  value  can  be
|  obtained through the use of a FORTRAN keyword, use the keyword.
|  The following RMS FAB, RAB and XAB fields are  either  initialized  by
|  FORTRAN  and/or examined upon return from an RMS service call.  Fields
|  not listed here take the RMS defaults, or are returned by RMS.
|                                FAB FIELDS
|  Field   Name                    FORTRAN OPEN keyword/value
|  F$BSZ   Bytesize                n if BYTESIZE=n, else 7 for TOPS-20, 8 for
|                                  VMS files
|  F$CTX   Context                 Reserved for Digital
|  F$FAC   File access             Set at OPEN depending on STATUS, ACCESS
|                                  and READONLY or SHARED keywords.  Set to
|                                  FB$GET for read access files, else to
|                                  FB$GET+FB$PUT+FB$DEL+FB$UPD+FB$TRN
|                                  FB$BRO also for remote non-RMS files
|  F$FNA   File specification      FILE= filename + DEFAULTFILE= file name if
|          string address          present, else FORnn.DAT if neither given


|  F$FOP   File-processing options
|   FB$SUP Supersede               Set at OPEN depending on STATUS and
|                                  ACCESS keywords
|   FB$DLT Delete on close         Set at CLOSE depending on DISPOSE keyword
|                                  in OPEN or CLOSE, or STATUS keyword in
|                                  CLOSE
|   FB$SPL Spool to printer        Set at CLOSE depending on DISPOSE keyword
|                                  in OPEN or CLOSE, or STATUS keyword in
|                                  CLOSE
|   FB$SCF Submit command          Set at CLOSE depending on DISPOSE keyword
|                                  in OPEN or CLOSE, or STATUS keyword in
|                                  CLOSE
|  F$MRS   Maximum record size     For RMS files, set to n if RECORDSIZE=n,
|                                  else to 0
|  F$MRN   Maximum record number   For RMS files, set to n if MAXREC=n, else
|                                  to 0
|  F$NAM   Name block address      Set to address of name block; both the
|                                  expanded and resultant string areas are
|                                  set up
|  F$TYP   Type block address      Set to address of type block for remote
|                                  non-RMS files. T$CLA is set to TY$IMA
|  F$ORG   File organization       FB$IDX if ORGANIZATION='INDEXED'
|                                  FB$REL if ORGANIZATION='RELATIVE'
|                                  FB$SEQ if ORGANIZATION='SEQUENTIAL' or
|                                  omitted
|  F$RAT   Record attributes
|   FB$BLK Do not cross page       1 if NOSPANBLOCKS
|          boundaries
|  F$RFM   Record format           FB$FIX if RECORDTYPE='FIXED'
|                                  FB$VAR if RECORDTYPE='VARIABLE'
|                                  FB$STM if RECORDTYPE='STREAM'
|                                  FB$FIX if no RECORDTYPE and ORGANIZATION
|                                  is 'RELATIVE' or 'INDEXED'
|  F$SHR   File sharing
|   FB$PUT Allow other PUTs        1 if SHARED
|   FB$GET Allow other GETs        1 if SHARED


|   FB$DEL Allow other DELETEs     1 if SHARED
|   FB$UPD Allow other UPDATEs     1 if SHARED
|  F$XAB   Extended attribute      0 if the file is not indexed or is not
|                                  remote.  For all remote files, contains the
|                                  address of a CONFIG XAB, whose X$NXT 
|                                  points to the beginning of the key XAB
|                                  chain, if any.  For local indexed files,
|                                  contains the address of the first key
|                                  XAB.
|                                RAB FIELDS
|  Field   Name                    FORTRAN OPEN keyword/value
|  R$BKT   Bucket code             Set to n during remote non-RMS processing
|  R$CTX   Context                 Reserved for DIGITAL
|  R$FAB   FAB address             Set to address of file argument block
|  R$KBF   Key buffer address      Set to address of record number if
|                                  ACCESS='DIRECT' or address of key data
|                                  if ACCESS='KEYED'
|  R$KRF   Key of reference        Set to key of reference for indexed files
|  R$KSZ   Key size                Set to size of key for indexed files
|  R$MBF   Multibuffer count       n if BUFFERCOUNT=n, else 0
|  R$RAC   Record access mode      RB$KEY if ACCESS='DIRECT' or 'KEYED'
|                                  RB$SEQ if ACCESS='SEQUENTIAL', 'APPEND'
|                                  or ACCESS is omitted
|                                  RB$BLK for remote non-RMS files
|  R$RBF   Record buffer address   Set during READ or WRITE
|  R$ROP   Record-processing options
|   RB$EOF End-of-file             1 if ACCESS='APPEND'
|   RB$KGE Key .GE.                If indexed READ
|   RB$KGT Key .GT.                If indexed READ
|  R$RSZ   Record size             Set during READ and WRITE


|  R$UBF   User record area        Set during READ and WRITE
|          address
|  R$USZ   User record area size   Set during READ and WRITE
|  The following KEY XAB fields are set by FORTRAN for indexed files:
|                                XAB FIELDS
|  Field   Name                    FORTRAN OPEN keyword/value
|  X$DTP   Key datatype            XB$STG if CHARACTER (default), else
|                                  XB$IN4 if INTEGER
|  X$FLG   Key options flags       XB$DUP!XB$CHG for each secondary index
|  X$REF   Key of reference        Set depending on OPEN KEY= position of
|                                  key specifier
|  X$POS   Key position            From OPEN KEY= specifier
|  X$SIZ   Key size                From OPEN KEY= specifier
|  X$NXT   Link address            Address of next XAB in chain, or 0



                                 CHAPTER 19



   The FORRTF library subroutines are designed to allow  the  timesharing
   FORTRAN  user  to  do real-time programming on TOPS-10 systems.  These
   subroutines, described in Section 19.3, are listed below:


   With these subroutines, the timesharing job  can  dynamically  connect
   real-time  devices  to  the Priority Interrupt (PI) system, respond to
   these devices at interrupt level,  remove  the  devices  from  the  PI
   system,  and  change  their  PI level.  Use of these routines requires
   that you have real-time privileges and are able to lock  your  job  in
   core.  The privilege bits required are:

        JP.RTT  (bit 13) - real-time privileges
        JP.LCK  (bit 14) - locking privileges

   The number of real-time devices that can be handled at one time is  an
   assembly-time   constant   (RTDEVN)   in   the   FORRTF  source.   The
   DIGITAL-distributed software has RTDEVN equal to  2,  but  it  can  be
   changed  (up  to 6) by editing the statement "RTDEVN==2" in FORRTF.MAC
   and reassembling.


   The error messages output by FORRTF can  be  in  either  full  message
   format  or  coded  format  (refer to Table 19-1).  Use of the code and
   format saves over 100 words of run-time core.   If  core  is  limited,
   reassembly of FORRTF.MAC with the assembly-time constant SHORT changed
   from the DIGITAL-distributed 0 (full  format)  to  -1  (coded  format)
   accomplishes the core saving.

   On multiprocessor systems, the  real-time  traps  apply  only  to  the
   processor   specified   by   the  job's  CPU  specification.   If  the
   specification indicates more than one processor, the specification  is
   changed to indicate CPU0.  Note that the priority interrupt channel is
   only for the indicated CPU.


   Users of FORTRAN-10 real-time software must consider the following:

        1.  Use of memory

        2.  Device control in block or single mode

        3.  Priority-interrupt levels

        4.  Masks

   19.2.1  Memory

   The job being  executed  must  be  locked  in  memory  with  the  LOCK
   subroutine  (see Section 19.3.1).  Any data being read into memory can
   only be read into the low segment and above  the  protected  job  data
   area  (the  first  140  locations).  The BLKRW subroutine (see Section
   19.3.5) tests the validity of the locations specified to receive  data
   in block reading to ensure that no overwritings occur.

   However, when in block mode, the block pointer must  be  reset  before
   dismissing  the end-of-block interrupt; otherwise, all memory could be

   19.2.2  Modes

   Real-time jobs can control their devices in one of  two  ways:   block
   mode  or  single mode.  In block mode, an entire block of data is read
   or written before the  user-interrupt  routine  is  run;  whereas,  in
   single  mode,  the user-interrupt program is run every time the device


   There are two types of block mode:  fast-block mode  and  normal-block
   mode.   A  device  in  fast-block  mode  requires that a PI channel be
   dedicated entirely to itself.

   19.2.3  Priority-Interrupt Levels

   Priority-interrupt levels 1 through  6  are  legal  depending  on  the
   system  configuration.   The lower the number of the level, the higher
   the priority of that level.  Programs that execute  for  a  long  time
   should  not be put on high-priority interrupt levels, since they could
   cause  other  real-time  programs  on  lower  levels  to  lose   data.
   Specification  of  the PI level as zero for a particular device causes
   the device to be removed from the PI system.

   19.2.4  Masks

   For a description of the bits included  in  the  startmsk  and  intmsk
   parameters  of  RTSTRT and the status word in STATO and STATI, see the
   DECsystem-10 Hardware Reference Manual.


   Each of the 14 subroutines associated with FORTRAN real-time  software
   is  described  briefly  in  Sections  19.3.1  through  19.3.14.  These
   subroutines have  been  programmed  to  be  compatible  with  programs
   written according to the TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual.

   19.3.1  LOCK

   LOCK locks the  job  in  memory  and  allocates  and  initializes  the
   internal  controlling  tables for all real-time devices.  LOCK must be
   called before any of the other real-time routines, and must be  called
   exactly once.

   The form of the LOCK subroutine is:

        CALL LOCK

   19.3.2  RTINIT

   RTINIT initializes the internal tables controlling a real-time device.
   RTINIT must be called for each individual device being used.


   The form of the RTINIT subroutine is:

        CALL RTINIT (unit, dev, pi, trpadr, intmsk)


        unit      is the real-time device unit number (any number from  1
                  to  RTDEVN).   This  number is not connected in any way
                  with the FORTRAN logical unit number.

        dev       is the device code for the real-time  device  (see  the
                  DECsystem-10 Hardware Reference Manual).

        pi        is the priority-interrupt level on which the  real-time
                  device  is  to  be  run.   Each  individual  device  in
                  fast-block mode must have a level dedicated to  itself.
                  If  the  level  is  equal  to  zero, the device will be
                  removed from the priority-interrupt system altogether.

                  If it is necessary to connect  one  device  to  several
                  levels  simultaneously,  a  negative value for PI tells
                  the system not to remove any other occurrences  of  the
                  device  from  any  other (or the same) PI level.  (Note
                  that this counts as another real-time device.)

        trpadr    is the address of a FORTRAN entry  to  which  real-time
                  interrupts  are  to  trap.   This  can be a function or
                  subroutine subprogram.   Any  variables  that  must  be
                  shared    between   the   user-level   code   and   the
                  interrupt-level routine must  be  passed  by  means  of
                  COMMON.   Passing  them as parameters causes disastrous

        intmsk    is the mask of all interrupting flags for the real-time
                  device.   This  is actually set up by RTSTRT and should
                  be zero whenever the real-time device is inactive (that
                  is,  in  a  call  to  RTINIT,  except  in  the  case of
                  fast-block mode).  In fast-block mode, intmsk  must  be
                  set to -1.

   19.3.3  CONECT

   CONECT tells the system to connect a real-time device to the proper PI
   level  and  sets up several elements of the device-controlling tables.
   Every device must be CONNECTED.

   The form of the CONECT subroutine is:

        CALL CONECT (unit, mode)



        unit      is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

        mode      is either:

                  -2, write a block of data, fast mode; then interrupt.
                  -1, write a block of data, normal mode; then interrupt.
                  0, interrupt every word
                  +1, read a block of data, normal mode; then interrupt.
                  +2, read a block of data, fast mode; then interrupt.

   19.3.4  RTSTRT

   RTSTRT can be used to start a real-time device, as well as to stop  it
   and  zero its interrupt mask.  A device must be started to be used and
   should be stopped before it is disconnected.  The form of  the  RTSTRT
   subroutine is:

        CALL RTSTRT (unit, startmsk, intmsk)


        unit           is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

        startmsk       is the flags necessary to start  the  device  (see
                       the  DECsystem-10  Hardware Reference Manual).  If
                       the device is being stopped, this parameter should
                       be zero.

        intmsk         is the mask  of  all  interrupting  bits  for  the
                       particular  device  (see the DECsystem-10 Hardware
                       Reference Manual).  If the device is in fast-block
                       mode  and  being  started, intmsk should equal -1;
                       if, however, the  device  in  any  mode  is  being
                       stopped, the parameter must be 0.

   19.3.5  BLKRW

   BLKRW is used with either of the block modes.  It sets up the size and
   starting  address  of  the  data block being handled.  A new count and
   starting address must be set up each time the current one runs out.

   The form of the BLKRW subroutine is:

        CALL BLKRW (unit, count, blkadr)



        unit      is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

        count     is the number of words to be read or written.

        blkadr    is the array into which the data is to  be  written  or
                  from which it is to be read.

   19.3.6  RTREAD

   RTREAD, used with a device in single mode, reads a single word of data
   from the device.

   The form of the RTREAD subroutine is:

        CALL RTREAD (unit, datadr)


        unit      is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

        datadr    is the address of the location in which  to  store  the
                  data read.

   19.3.7  RTWRIT

   RTWRIT sends a single word of data to a  real-time  device  in  single

   The form of the RTWRIT subroutine is:

        CALL RTWRIT (unit, datadr)


        unit      is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

        datadr    is the location of the data word  to  be  sent  to  the

   19.3.8  STATO

   STATO sends the specified status word to  the  status  register  of  a
   real-time device.

   The form of the STATO subroutine is:


        CALL STATO (unit, statadr)


        unit      is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

        statadr   is the location of the word of status bits to  be  sent
                  to the real-time device.

   19.3.9  STATI

   STATI reads the current device status bits into the location specified
   for inspection by the FORTRAN program.

   The form of the STATI subroutine is:

        CALL STATI (unit, adr)


        unit      is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

        adr       is the location into which the device status  bits  are
                  to be read.

   19.3.10  RTSLP

   RTSLP is called from the timesharing level and causes the FORTRAN  job
   to  sleep  until  RTWAKE  is called from interrupt level.  The program
   goes to sleep for the specified number of seconds (up to 60).  When it
   wakes  up,  it  checks to see if RTWAKE has been called from interrupt
   level.  If RTWAKE has  been  called,  RTSLP  returns  to  the  calling
   program; otherwise the job goes back to sleep again.

   The form of the RTSLP subroutine is:

        CALL RTSLP (time)


        time      is the length of sleep time in seconds.

   19.3.11  RTWAKE

   RTWAKE is called at interrupt level to wake up the FORTRAN program.


   The form of the RTWAKE subroutine is:


   19.3.12  DISMIS

   DISMIS  dismisses  the  interrupt  currently  being  processed.    The
   user-interrupt  routine  must  be  sure  to dismiss the interrupt that
   causes its execution to begin.

   The form of the DISMIS subroutine is:


   19.3.13  DISCON

   DISCON disconnects a real-time device from its PI level.  All  devices
   should  be  disconnected  through  calls  to  DISCON before the job is

   The form of the DISCON subroutine is:

        CALL DISCON (unit)


        unit      is the real-time device unit number (see RTINIT).

   19.3.14  UNLOCK

   UNLOCK unlocks the  job  from  core.   When  execution  of  a  job  is
   complete,  the  job is automatically unlocked before the return to the
   monitor.  The UNLOCK subroutine provides a  method  to  unlock  a  job
   before execution is complete.  Note that all real-time device handling
   must be finished before the job is unlocked.

   The form of the UNLOCK subroutine is:


   19.3.15  Error Messages

   Table 19-1 lists real-time software error messages, including the code
   format,  the  full  message  format,  and  the subroutine in which the


   message occurs.


   Table 19-1:  Error Messages - Code Format and Full Message Format

                                                         Subroutine in
                                                         which message
     Code Format         Full Message Format             occurs

         1             ?ILLEGAL UNIT NUMBER.             "RTDEVN"
                       TO HANDLE MORE DEVICES,
                       REASSEMBLE FORRTF WITH A
                  A    ?ERROR COMES FROM THE
                       SUBROUTINE "subroutine name"

         2             ?RTINIT MUST BE CALLED BEFORE     CONECT

                       RTSTRT OR BLKRW

         4             ?REAL TIME BLOCK OUT OF BOUNDS
                  A    ?END OF BLOCK TOO HIGH            BLKRW
                       [such as, overwrites some program
                       or in high segment]
                  B    ?END OF BLOCK TOO LOW,
                       such as, start address less
                       than 140

         5             ?JOB CANNOT BE LOCKED IN          LOCK
                  A    ?JOB NOT PRIVILEGED
                  B    ?NOT ENOUGH CORE AVAILABLE
                       FOR LOCKING

         6             ?APR ERROR AT INTERRUPT
                  A    ?PDL OVERFLOW
                  B    ?ILLEGAL MEMORY REFERENCE

         7             ?RTTRP ERROR
                       realtime trap error of the
                       following sort
                  A    ?ILLEGAL PI NUMBER
                       PI channel not available
                  B    ?TRAP ADDRESS OUT OF BOUNDS
                  C    ?SYSTEM LIMIT FOR REALTIME
                       DEVICES EXCEEDED
                  D    ?JOB NOT LOCKED IN CORE OR NOT
                  E    ?DEVICE ALREADY IN USE BY
                       ANOTHER JOB


                    0  ?OCCURRED IN THE DISCON           DISCON
                    1  ?OCCURRED IN THE CONECT           CONECT

         8        A    ?NOT ENOUGH CORE AVAILABLE
                       FOR THE CONTROL BLOCKS            LOCK
                  B    ?NOT ENOUGH CORE AVAILABLE



                                 APPENDIX A

                       SUMMARY OF FORTRAN STATEMENTS

   This appendix summarizes the  forms  of  all  FORTRAN  statements  and
   provides  a  section  reference  where  each statement is described in

                       SUMMARY OF FORTRAN STATEMENTS

                       SUMMARY OF FORTRAN STATEMENTS

                       SUMMARY OF FORTRAN STATEMENTS


                                 APPENDIX B

                       ASCII-1968 CHARACTER CODE SET

   The character code  set  defined  in  the  X3.4-1968  Version  of  the
   American  National  Standard  for  Information  Interchange (ASCII) is
   given in this appendix.

                       ASCII-1968 CHARACTER CODE SET

                       ASCII-1968 CHARACTER CODE SET

                       ASCII-1968 CHARACTER CODE SET


                                 APPENDIX C

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   The FORTRAN compiler issues two types of messages:  warning and  fatal
   error.   While  compiling  the  program,  if the compiler encounters a
   situation that does not prevent it from  completing  the  compilation,
   but  does  warrant your knowing about, it prints a warning message and
   continues compilation.  If, however, the problem in  your  program  is
   such   that   compilation  cannot  continue,  the  compiler  prints  a
   fatal-error message and stops compilation of the program.  Whenever  a
   fatal  error  is  generated  a  relocatable  object module will not be

   Compiler messages are printed in the following form:

        ?FTNxxx LINE:n text
        %FTNxxx LINE:n flag: text


        ?      indicates a fatal message
        %      indicates a warning message
        FTN    is the FORTRAN mnemonic
        xxx    is the 3-letter mnemonic for the error message
        Line:n is the optional line number where the error occurred
        text   is the explanation of error
        flag:  is the prefix for  warning  messages  generated  when  the
               compatibility  flagger  is invoked.  This prefix describes
               the type of incompatibility the message refers to, and can
               be one of the following:

                o  Extension to Fortran-77:

                o  VMS incompatibility:

                o  Fortran-77 and VMS:

   See Section 16.6 for more information on the compatibility flagger.

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   Square brackets ([ ]) in this appendix signify variables and  are  not
   output on the terminal.

   Fatal Errors

   Each fatal error in the following list is preceded by ?FTN on the user
   terminal  and  on  listings.   They are presented here in alphabetical

   ABD       [symbolname] has already been defined [definition]

             The usage given conflicts with current information about the
             symbol.   For  example,  a  symbol defined in an EQUIVALENCE
             statement cannot be referenced as a subprogram name.

   AHE       IF at line [number] already has ELSE

   AOA       Assumed-size arrays only allowed in subprograms

   ASA       Assumed-size arrays cannot be used

   ATL       ARRAY [name] too large

             The total amount of memory  necessary  to  accommodate  this
             array is greater than 512P.

   AWN       Array reference [name] has wrong number of subscripts

             The array was defined to have more or fewer dimensions  than
             the given reference.

   BOV       Statement too large to classify

             To determine statement type, some portion of  the  statement
             must  be examined by the compiler before actual semantic and
             syntactic analysis begins.  During this classification,  the
             entire  portion  of the required statement must fit into the
             internal statement buffer (large enough for a normal 20-line

             This error message is issued when the  portion  of  a  given
             statement required for classification is too large to fit in
             the buffer.  Once FORTRAN-10/20 has classified a  statement,
             there is no explicit restriction on its length.

   CER       Compiler error in routine [name]

             Submit an SPR for any occurrence of this message.

   CEL       Character entry points must have the same length

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   CEN       Character expression used where numeric expression required

   CEX       Constant or constant expression required

   CFF       Cannot find file

             The file referenced in an INCLUDE statement was not found.

   CFL       Reference to character function [name]  must  have  a  fixed

   CNE       Character and numeric entry points cannot be mixed

   CPE       Checksum or parity  error  in  [source/listing/object]  file

   CQL       No closing quote in character constant

   CSA       Can't split string across numeric and character variables

   CSF       Illegal statement function reference in CALL statement

   DDA       [symbolname] is duplicate dummy argument

   DDN       DO loops too deeply nested - reduce nesting

   DFC       Variable dimension [name] must be scalar, defined as  formal
             or in COMMON

   DFD       Double [type] name illegal

             Duplicate  fields  were  encountered  in  an  INCLUDE   file

   DIA       DO index variable [name] is already active

             In any nest of DO loops, a given index variable may  not  be
             defined for more than one loop.

   DID       Cannot initialize a dummy parameter in DATA

   DLN       Optional data value list not supported

             The extended FORTRAN statement form that allows data  values
             to  be  defined  in  type  specification  statements  is not
             supported by FORTRAN-10/20.

   DNL       Implied  DO  specification  without   associated   list   of

   DPR       Dummy parameter [name] referenced before definition

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   DSF       Argument [name] is same as FUNCTION name

   DTI       The dimensions of [arrayname] must be of the type integer

   DVE       Cannot use dummy variable in EQUIVALENCE

   ECS       [variable]  EQUIVALENCE-d  to  COMMON  is  illegal  in  SAVE

   ECT       Attempt to enter [symbolname] into COMMON twice

   EDN       Expression too deeply nested to compile

   EID       ENTRY statement illegal inside a block IF or DO loop

   EIL       Expression illegal in an input list

   EIM       ENTRY statement illegal in main program

   ENF       Label [number] must refer to an executable statement, not  a

   ETF       Enter failure [number] [filespec]

   EXB       EQUIVALENCE extends COMMON block [name] backwards

   FEE       Found [symbol] when expecting either [symbol] or [symbol]

             General syntax error message.

   FER       [file error text]

             An  error  has  occured  when  processing  a  command   file

   FID       Can't initialize character function name

   FNE       Label [number] must refer to a  FORMAT,  not  an  executable

   FWE       Found [symbol] when expecting [symbol]

   IAC       Illegal ASCII character [character] in source

   IAL       Incorrect argument type for library function [name]

   IAN       Illegal assignment between character and numeric data

   IBD       Illegal substring bound in DATA statement

   IBK       Illegal statement in BLOCK DATA subprogram

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   ICL       Illegal character [character] in label field

   ICN       Illegal combination of character and numeric data

   IDN       DO loop at line:  [number] is illegally nested

             You are attempting to terminate a DO loop before terminating
             one or more loops defined after the given one.

   IDS       Implicit DO indices may not be subscripted

   IDT       Illegal or misspelled data type

   IDV       Implied DO index is not a variable

   IED       Inconsistent EQUIVALENCE declaration

             The given EQUIVALENCE declaration would cause some  symbolic
             name to refer to more than one physical location.

   IFD       INCLUDEd files must reside on disk

   IFE       [INCLUDE file error]

             This error  occured  while  trying  to  open  the  specified
             INCLUDE file on the DECSYSTEM-20.

   IFS       Illegal format specifier

   IID       Non-integer implied DO index

   IIP       Illegal implicit specification parameter

   IIS       Incorrect INCLUDE switch

   ILF       Illegal statement after logical IF

             Refer to Section 9.2.2 for restrictions on logical IF object

   IND       Improper nesting:  DO at line [number] has not terminated

   INI       Improper nesting:  IF at line [number] has not terminated

   INN       INCLUDE statements may not be nested

   IOC       Illegal operator for character data

   IOD       Illegal statement used as object of DO

   ION       Numeric operand of concatenation operator

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   IOR       Substring bound out of range

   IQB       INQUIRE - both UNIT and FILE keywords were specified

   IQN       INQUIRE - neither UNIT nor FILE keywords were specified

   ISD       Illegal subscript expression in DATA statement

             Subscript expressions may be formed only  with  implicit  DO
             indexes and constants combined with +, -, *, or /.

   ISN       [symbolname] is not [symboltype]

             The symbol cannot be used in the attempted manner.

   ISS       [variable] illegal in SAVE statement

   ITL       Illegal transfer into loop to label [number]

   IUT       Program units may not be terminated within INCLUDEd files

   IVC       Invalid character constant

   IVH       Invalid hollerith constant

   IVP       Invalid PPN

   IXM       Illegal mixed mode arithmetic

             Complex and  double-precision  cannot  appear  in  the  same

   IXS       Illegal [OPEN specifier] specifier

   IZM       Illegal [datatype] size modifier [number]

   KA        FORTRAN will not run on a KA

   KAS       FORTRAN can not compile for a KA

   LAD       Label [number] already defined at line:  [number]

   LED       Illegal list directed [statement type]

   LFA       Label arguments illegal in FUNCTION or array reference

   LGB       Lower bound greater than upper bound for array [name]

   LLS       Label too large or too small

             Labels cannot be 0 or greater than five digits.

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   LND       Label  [number]  must  refer  to  a   [statement],   not   a

   LNI       List directed I/O with no I/O list

   LTL       Too many items in list - reduce number of items

             In rare instances, a combination of long lists in  a  single
             statement can exhaust the syntax stack.

   MCE       More than 1 COMMON variable in EQUIVALENCE group

   MSP       Statement name misspelled

   MST       [OPEN specifier] must be [integer or array]

   MWL       Attempt to  define  multiple  RETURN  without  formal  label

   NCC       Can't store numeric constant in character variable

   NCF       Not enough core for  the  file  specs.   Total  K  needed  =

   NEX       No exponent after D or E in constant

   NFS       No filename specified

             The INCLUDE statement requires a filename.

   NGS       Cannot get segment [segment name] - error code [GETSEG error

             This message means the system is unable to GETSEG one of the
             compiler segments on the DECsystem-10.

   NIF       No matching IF

   NIO       NAMELIST directed I/O with I/O list

   NIR       Repeat count must be an unsigned integer

   NIU       Non-integer unit number in I/O statement

   NLF       Wrong number of arguments for library function [name]

   NLS       [variable] may not be declared length star

   NMD       No matching DO

   NNA       NAMELIST not allowed in ENCODE, DECODE, and REREAD

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   NNF       No statement number on FORMAT

   NNN       NML= must specify a NAMELIST

   NRC       Statement not recognized

   NUO       .NOT.  is a unary operator

   NWB       Numeric variable must be aligned on word boundary

   NWD       Incorrect use of * or ?  in [filespec]

   NYI       Not yet implemented

   OAG       Octal or logical argument illegal to generic function

   OBO       [variable] may only be specified once

   OPW       OPEN/CLOSE parameter [name] is of wrong type

   OUB       Only upper bound of last dimension  of  [arrayname]  may  be

   PD6       FORTRAN will not run on PDP6

   PIC       The DO parameters of [index name] must be integer constants

   PN4       Project number must be 4 in ppn

             This error is for DECsystem-10 file  specifications  on  the

   PRF       Protection failure [number] [filespec]

   PTL       Program too large

             The program unit takes up more than 512P.

   QEF       Quota exceeded or disk full [number] [filespec]

   RDE       Rib or directory error [number] [filespec]

   RFC       [function name] is a recursive function call

   RIC       Complex constant cannot be used to  represent  the  real  or
             imaginary part of a complex constant

   RUS       Relational expression illegal as UNIT specifier

   SAD       Array [name] - signed dimensions may appear only as constant
             range limits

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   SMC       Size modifier conflict for variable [name]

   SNC       Substring of non-character variable

   SNL       [statement name] statements may not be labeled

   SOR       Subscript out of range

   STD       Statement [number] is a declaration

   TDO       [symbol type] type declaration out of order

   TFL       Too many FORMAT labels specified

   UCE       User core exceeded at location [address] in phase  [segment]
             while processing statement [number]

   UEC       Label [number] previously used in executable context

   UFC       Label [number] previously used in FORMAT context

   UKW       Unrecognized keyword

   UMP       Unmatched parentheses

   UNS       UNIT may not be specified

   USI       [symbol type] [symbol name] used incorrectly

             The given symbol cannot be used in this way.

   VNA       Subscripted variable in EQUIVALENCE, but not an array

   VSE       EQUIVALENCE subscripts must be integer constants

   VSO       Variable dimension allowed in subprograms only

   WIF       [I/O type] is illegal with internal files

   ZLD       Zero-trip DO loop illegal in DATA statement

   Warning Messages

   Each warning message in the following list is preceded by %FTN on  the
   user   terminal   and   on  listings.   They  are  presented  here  in
   alphabetical order.

   ACB       Argument out of range of CHAR, high order bits ignored

   ADS       Variable [name] already declared in SAVE statement

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   AGA       Opt - object variable, of  assigned  GOTO  without  optional
             list, was never assigned

   AIL       Illegal length argument for ICHAR, first character used

   AIS       Extension to Fortran-77:  Apostrophe in I/O specifier

   ANS       VMS incompatibility: ASSOCIATEVARIABLE not  set  by  VMS  on

   CAI       COMPLEX expression used in arithmetic IF

   CAO       Consecutive arithmetic operators illegal

   CAP       Extension to Fortran-77: Consecutive arithmetic operators

   CCC       Fortran-77 and VMS: Carriage control character

   CCN       CHARACTER constant used where numeric expression required

   CIS       Conflicting INCLUDE switches

   CNM       Character and numeric variables mixed

   CNS       Extension to  Fortran-77:  Concatenation  with  variable  of
             non-specific length

   COS       Extension to Fortran-77: Comment on statement

   COV       Extension  to  Fortran-77:  Assigned  variable  appears   in
             character expression

   CSM       Extension to Fortran-77: Comma field separator is missing

   CTR       Complex terms used in a relational other than EQ or NE

             The result of the other relational  operators  with  complex
             operands is undefined.

   CUO       Constant underflow or overflow

             This  message  is  issued  when  overflow  or  underflow  is
             detected  as  the result of building constants or evaluating
             constant expressions at compile time.

   DEB       Extension to Fortran-77: DEBUG lines

   DFN       VMS incompatibility: Default file name on VMS  differs  from

   DII       Previous declaration of intrinsic function is ignored

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   DIM       Possible DO index modification inside loop

             A program that does this may be incorrectly compiled by  the
             optimizer, since it assumes that indexes are never modified.
             Note that the number of  iterations  is  calculated  at  the
             beginning  of the loop and is never affected by modification
             of the index within the loop.

   DIS       Opt - program is disconnected - optimization discontinued

             Submit an SPR if this message occurs.

   DOW       Extension to Fortran-77: DO WHILE statement

   DPE       VMS incompatibility: Different precedence in exponentiation

   DWE       Fortran-77 and VMS:  Default  widths  with  edit  descriptor

   DWL       Extension to Fortran-77: DO without statement label

   DXB       DATA statement exceeds bounds of array [name]

   EDD       Extension to Fortran-77: END DO statement

   EDS       Extension to Fortran-77: DECODE statement

   EDS       Extension to Fortran-77: ENCODE statement

   EDX       Fortran-77 and VMS: FORMAT edit descriptor [descriptor]

   EOC       Fortran-77 and VMS: Exponential operator ^

   EXD       Extension to Fortran-77: Transfer of control into DO loop at
             label [label]

   FAR       Extension to Fortran-77: Format in numeric array

   FIF       Extension to Fortran-77: [function name] is not an intrinsic
             function in Fortran-77

   FIN       Extension to Fortran-77: FIND statement

   FMR       Multiple RETURNs defined in a FUNCTION

   FMT       VMS incompatibility: Keyword FMT instead of NML

   FNA       A function without an argument list

   FNG       Extension to Fortran-77: [function name] is  not  a  generic
             function in Fortran-77

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   FNS       Extension  to  Fortran-77:  [name]  is  not   a   FORTRAN-77

   FOO       Statement function  declared  out  of  order  or  array  not

   HCP       VMS incompatibility: Hollerith constant padded with spaces

   HCN       Hollerith constant used where numeric expression required

   HCU       Extension to Fortran-77: Hollerith constant

   IAT       Illegal type for argument [number] for statement function

   ICC       Illegal character, continuation field of initial line

             Continuation lines cannot follow comment lines.

   ICD       Inaccessible code.  Statement deleted

             The optimizer will delete statements that cannot be  reached
             during execution.

   ICS       Illegal character in line sequence number

   IDN       Opt -  illegal DO nesting -  optimization discontinued

             A GO TO within a DO loop goes to the ending statement of  an
             inner, nested DO loop.  The line number printed out with the
             warning message is that of the OUTER DO.

                  DO        20
                  GO TO     10
                  DO        10
             10   CONTINUE
             20   CONTINUE

   IFL       Opt - infinite loop.  Optimization discontinued


                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   INC       Extension to Fortran-77:  INCLUDE statement

   INS       VMS incompatibility: /NOCREF switch

   INS       VMS incompatibility: /CREF switch

   INS       VMS incompatibility: Default for VMS is /NOLIST

   IUA       Illegal use of an array - use scalar variable instead

   KIS       Obsolete switch /KI

   KWU       Fortran-77 and VMS: Keyword [keyword name]

   KWV       Fortran-77 and VMS: Keyword value for [keyword name]

   LID       Identifier [name] more than six characters

             The remaining characters are ignored.

   LNC       Fortran-77 and VMS: Non-numeric operand in numeric context

   LNE       VMS   incompatibility:   Logical   and   numeric   variables

   LOL       VMS incompatibility: List of labels

   LSP       Extension to Fortran-77: [data type] length specifier

   MBD       IMPLICIT NONE - [variable] must be explicitly declared

   MLN       Fortran-77 and VMS: Mixing logical and numeric

   MSL       Fortran-77 and VMS: Multi-statement line

   MVC       Number of variables  [is  less  than/is  greater  than]  the
             numbers of constants in DATA statement

   NAM       Extension to Fortran-77: NAMELIST statement

   NDP       Fortran-77 and VMS: No decimal places with edit descriptor

   NEC       Extension to Fortran-77:  Numeric  expression  in  character

   NED       No END statement in program

   NIB       Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer substring bounds

   NIG       Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer as  index  to  computed

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   NIK       Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer used with [keyword]

   NIS       Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer subscript

   NIX       Extension to Fortran-77: Non-integer as index to RETURN

   NLC       Fortran-77 and VMS: Non-logical operand in logical context

   NLK       Extension to Fortran-77: Use of NAMELIST

   NOD       Global optimization not supported with /DEBUG - /OPT ignored

   NOF       No output file given

   NPC       VMS incompatibility: Null padding before [symbolic name]

   NPP       Extension to Fortran-77:  No  parentheses  around  PARAMETER

   NSC       Fortran-77 and VMS: Non-standard character in column 1

   OCU       Fortran-77 and VMS: Octal constant

   OHC       Octal or hexadecimal constant

   OIO       Extension to Fortran-77: [statement name] statement

   OIO       Fortran-77 and VMS: [statement name] statement

   PAV       PARAMETER used as associative variable

   PLP       PARAMETER list must be enclosed in parentheses

   PPS       PROGRAM statement parameters ignored

             Used for compatibility purposes.

   PSR       Pound sign (#) in random access - use REC= or apostrophe (')

   PWS       Fortran-77 and VMS: PRINT (Specifiers) statement

   RDI       Attempt to redeclare implicit type

   RIM       RETURN statement illegal in main program

   RLC       Extension to Fortran-77: & used with return label

   RLC       Fortran-77 and VMS: $ used with return label

   RLX       Fortran-77 and VMS: Return label [label]

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

   SBC       Extension to Fortran-77: Substring bounds not constant

   SEP       VMS incompatibility: [symbolic name] is the same as  program
             name or entry point

   SID       Slash (/) in dimension bound - use colon (:) instead

   SMD       Extension   to    Fortran-77:    Single    subscript    with
             multi-dimensioned array [array name]

   SNN       VMS incompatibility: [symbolic name] is the same as NAMELIST

   SOD       [name] statement out of order

   SOR       Fortran-77 and VMS: Subscript out of range for array  [array

   SPN       VMS  incompatibility:  [symbolic  name]  is  the   same   as
             PARAMETER name

   SRO       Fortran-77 and VMS: Symbolic relational operator [operator]

   SVN       VMS incompatibility:  [symbolic name] is same as variable or
             function name

   TLF       Fortran-77 and VMS:  Two-branch logical IF

   TSI       Type of symbolic constant ignored

   VAI       [name] already initialized

   VFS       VMS incompatibility: [function name] is  a  Fortran-supplied
             routine on VMS

   VGF       VMS incompatibility: [function name] is a  generic  function
             on VMS

   VIF       VMS  incompatibility:  [function  name]  is   an   intrinsic
             function on VMS

   VND       FUNCTION return value is never defined

   VNF       VMS incompatibility: [function name]  is  not  an  intrinsic
             function on VMS

   VNG       VMS  incompatibility:  [function  name]  is  not  a  generic
             function on VMS

   VNI       Opt - variable [name] is not initialized

             The optimizer analysis determined that  the  given  variable

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

             was never initialized prior to its use in a calculation.

   VNS       VMS incompatibility: [subroutine name] is not a VMS-supplied

   VSD       VMS incompatibility: Subroutine [subroutine name] may differ

   WDU       Fortran-77 and VMS: WRITE with default unit

   WNA       Wrong number of arguments for statement function

   WOP       Opt - warnings given in Phase  1.   Optimized  code  may  be

             One or more of the messages issued  prior  to  this  message
             resulted  from  situations  that violate assumptions made by
             the optimizer, and thus may cause it to generate  code  that
             does not execute as desired.

   XCR       Extraneous carriage return

             Carriage return was not immediately preceded or followed  by
             a line termination character.

   XEN       Fortran-77 and VMS: [* or &] with external name

   XOR       Extension to Fortran-77: Logical .XOR. operator

   ZMT       Size modifier [number] treated as [data type]

             This message is issued  when  one  of  the  data  type  size
             modifiers that is accepted only for compatibility is used.

   Internal Compiler Errors

   An internal compiler error is an attempt by either the compiler or the
   monitor  to  document  an  error  inside  the  FORTRAN  compiler.   An
   occurrence of an internal compiler error signifies that  something  is
   wrong with the FORTRAN compiler.

   Monitor-detected internal errors are of the form:

        ?  Internal compiler error
        ?  [message] at location [address] in phase [segment]
        ?  While processing statement [line-number]

   where [message] can be one of the following for TOPS-10:

        Illegal memory reference
             A read or write was attempted to a non-existent page

                             COMPILER MESSAGES

        Stack exhausted
             Monitor detected PDL overflow

        Memory protection violation
             Illegal reference to high segment

   or where [message] can be one of the following for TOPS-20:

        Illegal memory reference
             A read was attempted to a non-existent page

        Non-existent memory write
             A write was attempted to a non-existent page

        Illegal memory read
             A memory read failed

        Illegal memory write
             A memory write failed

        Stack exhausted
             Monitor detected PDL overflow

   Compiler-detected errors are of the form:

        ? Internal compiler error-processing statement [line-number]
        ? Call to [routine-name] from [address]

   Submit an SPR if you receive an internal compiler error.

   At the end of program unit compilation, the compiler prints  an  error
   summary line, which is one of the following:

        [ No error detected ]
        %FTNWRN   no warning(s)
        %FTNWRN   [warning count] warnings(s)
        ?FTNFTL   [fatal count] fatal error(s) and no warning(s)
        ?FTNFTL   [fatal count] fatal error(s) and [warning count]



                                 APPENDIX D

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Errors detected  at  run  time  by  FOROTS  fall  into  the  following

        1.  System errors (SYS) - errors internal to FOROTS

        2.  Open errors (OPN) - I/O errors that occur during a file  OPEN
            and CLOSE

        3.  Arithmetic   fault   errors   (APR) - errors    in    numeric

        4.  Library errors (LIB) - errors  generated  by  FORLIB  library

        5.  Data errors (DAT) - errors in data conversion on I/O

        6.  Device errors (DEV) - I/O hardware errors

        7.  Compatibility  errors   (COM) - errors   generated   by   the
            compatibility flagger
|       8.  RMS-returned errors - errors returned by RMS-20 to FOROTS

   The messages generated by FOROTS contain the following elements:

        1.  A 3-letter code that identifies the type of message  (TOPS-10

        2.  The  message  itself,  which  describes   what   FOROTS   has

        3.  For I/O errors, two integer values which are retrieved by the
            ERRSNS subroutine

        4.  For compatibility errors, a prefix precedes the message  that
            describes the type of incompatibility the messages refers to;
            one of the following:

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

             o  Extenstion to FORTRAN-77:

             o  VMS incompatibility:

             o  FORTRAN-77 and VMS:

            See Section 16.6 for more information  on  the  compatibility
|       5.  For RMS errors, the RMS STS and STV codes,  where  available,
|           are  included  in  the  error  message  itself,  and  can  be
|           retrieved by the ERRSNS subroutine.

   The 3-letter code (TOPS-10 only) and  the  message  are,  by  default,
   printed  at  your terminal when an error occurs; the two ERRSNS values
   are stored within the arguments  you  have  supplied  for  the  ERRSNS
   subroutine.   If you do not include a call to the ERRSNS subroutine in
   your program, your program  cannot  have  access  to  the  two  ERRSNS

|  When an RMS-detected error occurs, the second  ERRSNS  value  contains
|  the STS code from RMS (a number between 300000 and 377777 octal).  The
|  STV code, which further amplifies the reason  for  an  RMS  error,  is
|  available to your program through an additional argument to the ERRSNS
|  subroutine.  For instructions on how to use the ERRSNS subroutine, see

   Table D-1 contains a list of all the 3-letter message  codes  and  the
   ERRSNS values that are generated by FOROTS.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

        0                                No error detected
                 0                       No error detected

        1                                Arithmetic trap
                 n (7)      IDC (3)      Integer divide check

        2                                Input Conversion Error
                 n (7)      IOV (3)      Integer overflow

        3                                Input Conversion Error
                 n (7)      FOV (3)      Floating overflow

        4                                Arithmetic trap
                 n (7)      FOV (3)      Floating overflow

        5                                Arithmetic trap
                 n (7)      FDC (3)      Floating divide check

        6                                Arithmetic trap
                 n (7)      FUN (3)      Floating underflow

        7                                Input Conversion Error
                 n (7)      FUN (3)      Floating underflow

        9                                Output Conversion Error
                 0          FTS (3)      Output  field   width   too

        21                               FORLIB errors and warnings
                 104        IDU          DIVERT:  illegal to  divert
                                         to unit
                 105        UNO          DIVERT:  unit not open
                 106        NOF          DIVERT:  unit not open  for
                                         formatted I/O
                 107        CWU          DIVERT:   Can't  write   to
                 108        CLE          Concatenation result longer
                                         than expected
                 109        ICE          Illegal  length   character
                 110        NCS          No     character      stack

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont'd)

        1st      2nd        
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

                 112        AQS          First argument of SORT must
                                         be a quoted string
                 113        SSE (3)      Substring range error
                 114        SRE (3)      Subscript range error
                 115        TMA          Too many arguments in  call
                                         to SORT
                 116        CGP          Can't get pages 600:677 for
                 117        CRP (1)      Can't return pages  600:677
                                         after call to SORT
                 118        NSS (2)      No free  section  available
                                         for SORT
                 119        CFS (2)      Can't find SYS:SORT.EXE
                 120        CGS (2)      Can't get SYS:SORT.EXE
                 121        CPP (3)      Can't   preallocate   pages
                                         600:677 for SORT
                 122        IPN          Illegal page number
                 123        CCS          Not   enough   memory   for
                                         creating character stack
                 124        ECS          Not   enough   memory   for
                                         expanding character stack
                 125        ALZ          Argument less than or equal
                                         to zero
                 126        DMA (2,3)    Must give lower  and  upper
                                         bounds  to dump in non-zero

        22                               I/O warnings
                 509        ETL (3)      Attempt  to  WRITE   beyond
                                         fixed-length record
                 532        ARC (3)      Ambiguous repeat count
                 583        FVM (3)      Format and variable type do
                                         not match
                 584        RIF (3)      Reading     into     FORMAT
                 590        DQW (2,3)    Disk full or quota exceeded
                                         - Please EXPUNGE, then type

        23                               FORLIB     bounds     check
                 113        SSE (3)      Substring range error
                 114        SRE (3)      Subscript range error

        24                               End of file
                 -1         EOF          End of file

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

        25                               Record  or  record   number
                 302        BBF          Bad format binary file
                 510        RNR          Attempt to  read  a  record
                                         that has not been written
                 512        IRN          Illegal record number
                 517        RTL          Record too large  -  memory
                 536        CBI          Cannot backspace image file
                                         with no RECORDSIZE
                 536        CSI          Cannot   skiprecord   image
                                         file with no RECORDSIZE
                 570        ICD          Non-digit     in     record
                 572        RSM          Record size different  from
                                         that specified in OPEN
                 573        FCL          Unexpected     continuation
                                         LSCW found
                 576        WBA          Attempt  to  WRITE  beyound
                                         variable or array
                 577        SLN          Record length  negative  or

        26                               OPEN/CLOSE warnings
                 502        CSF (2,3)    Can't set FORTRAN  carriage
                                         control attribute
                 535        BSI (3)      BLOCKSIZE ignored:   device
                                         is not a magnetic tape
                 541        UOA (3)      Unknown    OPEN    keyword,
                 542        NCK (3)      OPEN-only keyword specified
                                         in CLOSE, ignored
                 550        CQF (1,3)    Cannot QUEUE file
                 595        OGX (1,3)    Galaxy   version   2    not
|                609        NNI(1)       Node name ignored

        28                               CLOSE error
                 J          CLF (2)      Cannot CLOSE file
                 J          RNM (2)      Cannot RENAME file
                 250+n      CLS (1)      "Close" FILOP. error n (4)
                 250+n      DEL (1)      "Delete" FILOP. error n (4)
                 250+n      RNM (1)      "Rename" FILOP. error n (4)
|                610        UDO (2)      Unsupported /DISPOSE option
|                                        for RMS files

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

        30                               OPEN error
                 J          APP (2)      Cannot set up to append  to
                                         magnetic tape file
                 240        FRR          /RECORDTYPE:FIXED  requires
                 240        RR1          Random     I/O     requires
                                         RECORDSIZE   specifier   in
                                         OPEN statement
                 240        RRR          Random     I/O     requires
                 242        NFC (1)      Too many OPEN units
                 243        CIR          /CARRIAGECONTROL:TRANSLATED
                                         illegal      with      this
                 244        RLB          /RECORDSIZE   larger   than
                 245        NSD          No such device
                 248        IAC          Specified  ACCESS   illegal
                                         for this device
                 249        IDM          Specified MODE  is  illegal
                                         for this device
                 250+n      OPN (1)      Cannot OPEN file
                 405        PPN (2)      JSYS error - PPN cannot  be
                 503        CEF (2)      End   of    command    file
                 506        ICA          Incompatible attributes
                 540        SDO          Same device open on another
                                         unit    with    conflicting
                 569        TFM          Tape format conflicts  with
                                         OPEN statement or default
                 585        IAV          Illegal  value   for   OPEN

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

|                600        ATC (2)      File's attribute  different
|                                        from that specified in OPEN
|                601        URT (2)      RECORDTYPE    value     not
|                                        supported   for  this  file
|                                        type
|                602        URS (2)      Unsupported remote system
|                603        BME (2)      Bytesize must be 8
|                604        MEU (2)      Missing    EXTERNAL     for
|                                        USEROPEN routine
|                606        KER (2)      Missing required KEY=
|                607        TKS (2)      Too many KEY= specifiers
|                608        RMS (2)      RMS      file      requries
|                                        ORGANIZATION=
|                611        DFR (2)      Default   /RECORDTYPE:FIXED
|                                        requires /RECORDSIZE
|                612        KDB (2)      KEY   datatype    CHARACTER
|                                        conflicts with BYTESIZE
|                613        RIR (2)      New  RELATIVE  or   INDEXED
|                                        file requires /RECL
|                615        RNA (2)      RMS not available on SYS:

        31                               Mixed ACCESS modes
                 315        CDR          Can't  do  direct  I/O   to
                                         sequential file
                 315        CDS          Can't do sequential I/O  to
                                         direct file
                 593        POI          Illegal for DIRECT (RANDOM)
                 594        CDF          Can't   determine   whether
                                         formatted or unformatted
|                605        KRI(2)       Can't do keyed I/O to  this
|                                        file type
|                614        SIF(2)       Statement illegal for  this
|                                        type of access

        32                               Illegal logical unit number
                 239        IUN          Illegal unit number

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

        33                               Compatibility error
                 321        CFC (3)      FORTRAN-77     and     VMS:
                                         Carriage control character
                 322        CFF (3)      VMS        incompatibility:
                                         Intrinsic  routine  invoked
                 323        CFR (2,3)    FORTRAN-77       extension:
                                         FORTRAN-20 supplied routine
                 323        CFX (2,3)    FORTRAN-77     and     VMS:
                                         FORTRAN-20 supplied routine
                 323        CFR (1,3)    FORTRAN-77       extension:
                                         FORTRAN-10 supplied routine
                 323        CFX (1,3)    FORTRAN-77     and     VMS:
                                         FORTRAN-10 supplied routine
                 324        CFK (3)      FORTRAN-77 and VMS: Keyword
                 325        CFT (3)      FORTRAN-77     and     VMS:
                                         Trailing  spaces  in output
                 326        CFO (3)      FORTRAN-77       extension:
                                         Overlap     of    character
                 327        CFG (3)      FORTRAN-77:  and   VMS:   G
                                         format descriptor used with

        39                               REREAD error
                 310        RBR          REREAD  not  proceeded   by

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

        45                               OPEN/CLOSE statement syntax
                 241        ESV          Unknown    or     ambiguous
                 241        USW (1)      Unknown switch
                 241        ASW (1)      Ambiguous switch
                 533        DLT          Dialog string too long
                 539        EDS/EDA (2)  Error parsing DIALOG string
                 544        NDI (1)      No  device  specified  with
                 545        IPP (1)      Illegal PPN
                 546        TMF (1)      Too many SFDs
                 547        NSI (1)      Null SFD
                 548        IDD (1)      Illegal character in DIALOG

                 551        NQS (1)      PADCHAR  must   be   single
                                         character in double quotes

        47                               WRITE on READ-only file
                 263        CDT          Cannot WRITE  to  READ-only
                 554        CWL          Cannot write  a  file  with

        62                               Syntax error in FORMAT
                 301        ILF          Illegal character in FORMAT
                 306        DLF          Data in I/O list but not in
                 524        RIC          Reading   into    character
                                         format illegal
                 538        IRC          Illegal repeat count
                 552        IHC          Illegal Hollerith constant
                 553        IFW          Illegal field width
                 575        UDT          Undefined  data   type   or
                                         internal FOROTS error
                 583        FVF          Format and variable type do
                                         not match

        64                               Input conversion error
                 307        ILC          Illegal character in data

        81                               FOROTS calling errors
                 501        UNS          Unit not specified
                 508        IOL          Bad I/O list

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

                 574        IMV          Illegal MTOP value
                 579        IDI (1)      Illegal DUMP mode I/O list
                 581        DLL (1)      Dump mode I/O list too long
                 582        IWI          Illegal to initiate another
                                         I/O statement
                 599        ICE          Illegal     length      for
                                         character expression
        96                               Error  in   magnetic   tape
                 J          ILM (2)      Unexpected MTOPR% error (2)
                 J          UMO (2,3)    Error trying to set tape
                 530        UTE (1)      Unexpected TAPOP. error
                 537        UTO (1)      Unexpected   TAPOP.   error
                                         trying to set parameters
                 537        UTO (1,3)    Unexpected   TAPOP.   error
                                         trying to set parameters
                 587        ITE (1)      Tape is not usable by  your

        97                               NAMELIST data errors
                 309        VNN          Variable not in namelist
                 513        NEQ          "=" not found  in  namelist
                 514        NRP          Missing right paren
                 515        ILN          Variable or  namelist  does
                                         not start with letter
                 516        ILS          Illegal subscript
                 519        CCC          Cannot convert constant  to
                                         correct type
                 521        RPE          Illegal repeat count
                 522        SNV          Sign with null value

                 580        NLS          Null string illegal
                 596        NEC          Found    character     when
                                         expecting ":"
                 597        ISS          Substring        descriptor
                 598        SNQ          String  not  within  single

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        1st      2nd
        Value    Value(5)   Code(1)      Meaning

        98                               Unclassifiable       device
                 J          ISW (2)      Cannot switch to input
                 J          IOE (2)      General purpose I/O error
                 J          OSW (2)      Cannot switch to output
                 250+n      ISW (1)      Cannot switch to input
                 250+n      OSW (1)      Cannot switch to output
                 400        IOE (1)      General-purpose I/O error
                 586        MFU          Memory full
                 590        DQE (2)      Disk full or quota exceeded

                                         No ERRSNS values

                            BLK (3,6)    Blocks  allocated  but  not
                            CCP (1,6)    Cannot create page
                            CDP (1,6)    Cannot destroy page
                            CGD (6)      Can't get DBMS
                            DBM (6)      DBMS not loaded
                            DST (1,6)    Error in dialog string
                            EFS (6)      Enter correct file specs
                            FFX (6)      FOROP function code exceeds
                            IEM (6)      Error in memory management
                            IJE (2,6)    "Impossible" JSYS error
                            MFU (6)      Memory full
                            NOR (3,6)    Error number out of range
                            PAG (3,6)    Pages  allocated  but   not
                            PGD (6)      Deallocating   more   pages
                                         than allocated
                            POV (6)      PDL overflow
                            SNH (6)      Internal FOROTS error
                            TDT (6)      Trap  occured  during  trap

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   Table D-1:  FOROTS Error Codes (Cont.)

        (1) TOPS-10 only

        (2) TOPS-20 only

        (3) This is a warning, not an error.  The  error  cannot  be
        trapped  with  an ERR= branch, but IOSTAT and ERRSNS will be

        (4) See the TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual  for  the  list  of
        FILOP. error codes and their meanings.

        (5) "J" means the TOPS-20 JSYS error code.  This number will
        be between 600000 and 610000 (octal).

        (6) No ERRSNS values

        (7) Where n is the number of times the error occurs

   APR and LIB errors are usually reported as warnings, and  the  program
   continues.   The  number  of  APR  and LIB errors listed on the user's
   terminal can be changed by the FORTRAN Library Subroutine ERRSET  (see
   Section   The  I/O  errors  either  cause  messages to be
   printed on the terminal or can be trapped by an  error  exit  argument
   (ERR=statement number) on OPEN, READ, WRITE, and CLOSE.

   The FORTRAN Library Subroutine ERRSNS (see Section  allows
   you to find out which I/O error occurred.  When called, ERRSNS returns
   one or two integer values that describe the status  of  the  last  I/O
   operation   performed   by  FOROTS.   (The  second  integer  value  is
   optional.) For example,

        CALL ERRSNS (I,J)

   calls this subroutine.  J, the second integer value, is optional.


   This section contains alphabetical descriptions of  each  warning  and
   fatal  error  message  that  is  generated  by  FOROTS  during program
   execution.  Each message is first listed; then is followed by a  brief
   description  of  how  it  is  generated; followed by, in some cases, a
   recovery procedure; and finally, where  applicable,  followed  by  the
   ERRSNS values associated with the message.

   ALZ ?  Argument less than or equal to zero

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Cause:    An argument (such as a memory size) was specified  with
                  a value less than or equal to zero.

        Recovery: Specify the correct value for the argument.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 125

   APP ?  Can't setup to append to magtape  file  <JSYS  error>  (TOPS-20

        Cause:    The MTOPR% JSYS failed trying to position the  magnetic
                  tape with the function .MOFWF or .MOBKR.

        Recovery: Use the information provided to determine a recovery.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = JSYS error

   AQS ?  First argument to SORT must be a quoted string

        Cause:    The SORT routine detected that the first  argument  was
                  of type CHARACTER, but the string was not word aligned.

        Recovery: If the first argument to the SORT program  is  of  type
                  CHARACTER, it must be word aligned and terminated by an
                  ASCII null.  The most reliable way to generate such  an
                  argument is to use a character constant.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 112

   ARC % Ambiguous repeat count

        Cause:    In a FORMAT statement,  a  number  between  two  format
                  specifiers can be considered belonging to either one.

        Recovery: Insert a comma before or after the number, depending on
                  which specifier the number belongs with.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 22    Second Value = 532

   ASW ?  Ambiguous switch /<sw> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    In dialog mode, a switch was specified, but not  enough
                  of  the  switch  was  given  to  uniquely specify which
                  switch was intended.

        Recovery: Retype the line, completely specifying which switch you

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 241

|  ATC ?  File's <attribute> conflicts with  OPEN  statement  or  default
|  (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    You opened an RMS file with RECORDTYPE or  ORGANIZATION
|                 attributes  in your OPEN statement, which conflict with
|                 the actual attributes of the file.
|       Recovery: Specify the correct attributes, or omit them from  OPEN
|                 to use the file's attributes.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 600

   BBF ?  Bad format binary file

        Cause:    The control information stored  in  a  binary  file  is
                  incorrect.     The    file   cannot   be   read   using
                  MODE='BINARY'.  This error can be caused when the  file
                  you  are  reading  was  not  written  by  FORTRAN using

        Recovery: Make sure that you are using the correct file and  data
                  mode.   Any  file  can be read with MODE='IMAGE'.  (See
|                 Section 11.3.24)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 302

   BLK % Pages allocated but not deallocated

        Cause:    Internal FOROTS error in memory management.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR and include your program.

|  BME ?  Bytesize must be eight (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    You specified a BYTESIZE= other than 8 when accessing a
|                 VMS RMS file.
|       Recovery: Change BYTESIZE=, or omit the specifier to default  VMS
|                 files to 8.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 603

   BSI % Blocksize ignored:  device is not a magnetic tape

        Cause:    A BLOCKSIZE specifier was given in  an  OPEN  statement

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

                  (see  Section  11.3.4)  but  was  not  used because the
                  device being opened is not a magnetic tape.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 535


        Cause:    An OPEN statement with the MODE='IMAGE' specifier  (but
                  not  the RECORDSIZE= specifier) was executed prior to a
                  BACKSPACE statement that referred to the open unit.

        Recovery: If you are  using  fixed-length  records,  specify  the
                  RECORDSIZE parameter in the OPEN statement (see Section
|                 11.3.33).  Otherwise, the BACKSPACE cannot be done.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 536

   CCC ?  Can't convert constant to correct type

        Cause:    In NAMELIST input, a variable was assigned a value that
                  does  not  match.   For  example,  if  C  is  a complex
                  variable, the input:


                  is in error,  since  .TRUE.  is  not  a  legal  complex

        Recovery: Correct the error in the source program.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 519

   CCP ?  Can't create page <n> (PAGE.  error <n>) (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    FOROTS attempted to use a page of memory for some task,
                  but  was  unable  to.  The monitor error code gives the
                  reason.   This  can  be  caused  by   erroneous   MACRO
                  subroutines.   If  no  such  cause  is  found, it is an
                  internal FOROTS error.

   CCS ?  Not enough memory for creating character stack

        Cause:    A character stack was requested that was larger than 36
                  sections   (larger  that  the  maximum  virtual  memory

        Recovery: Specify correct call argument.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 124

   CDF ?  Can't determine whether formatted or unformatted

        Cause:    The  specified  file  has  had   both   formatted   and
                  unformatted I/O operations (or OPENs) performed on it.

        Recovery: Use I/O  operations  and  OPENs  with  the  same  FORM=

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 31    Second Value = 594

   CDP ?  Can't destroy page <n> (PAGE.  error <n>) (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    FOROTS attempted to use a page of memory for some task,
                  but  was  unable  to.  The monitor error code gives the
                  reason.   This  can  be  caused  by   erroneous   MACRO
                  subroutines.   If  no  such  cause  is  found, it is an
                  internal FOROTS error.

   CDR ?  Can't do direct I/O to sequential file

        Cause:  An attempt was made to perform I/O  to  a  file  that  is
                  already open in a conflicting mode.

        Recovery:  Open file in the appropriate mode.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 31    Second Value = 315

|  CDS ?  Can't do sequential I/O to direct file

        Cause:    An attempt was made to perform I/O to a  file  that  is
                  already open in a conflicting mode.

        Recovery:  Open file is the appropriate mode.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 31    Second Value = 315

   CDT ?  Can't <read/write> an <input/output>-only file

        Cause:    An attempt was made to perform I/O to a file,  but  the
                  file is not open for I/O in the appropriate direction.

        Recovery: Open the file with ACCESS='SEQINOUT'  or  'RANDOM',  as
                  appropriate.   It  is  not  possible to open a file for
                  APPEND access and then  read  from  it.   (See  Section

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 47    Second Value = 263

   CEF ?  End of command file encountered (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    An indirect file was specified as  a  DIALOG  argument,
                  and  the  end  of  the  file  was  encountered before a
                  terminator character (line-feed).

        Recovery: Edit the file and insert a line-feed.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 503

   CFC % Fortran-77 and VMS:  Carriage control character

        Cause:    A  carriage-control  character   was   used   that   is
                  incompatible with ANSI FORTRAN and VAX FORTRAN.

        Recovery: If you want the program  to  be  compatible  with  ANSI
                  FORTRAN    or    VAX    FORTRAN,   use   a   compatible
                  carriage-control character.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 321

   CFF % VMS incompatibility:  Intrinsic routine invoked incompatibly

        Cause:    An  intrinsic  routine  was   invoked   in   a   method
                  incompatible  with  VAX  FORTRAN  (such  as  use  of an
                  EXTERNAL statement for an intrinsic function).

        Recovery: If you want the  program  to  be  compatible  with  VAX
                  FORTRAN,  change  to  a  method  of  invoking intrinsic
                  routines that is compatible with VAX.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 322

   CFG % Fortran-77 and VMS: G format descriptor used with character

        Cause:    The G format descriptor was used with  character  data,
                  which is an extension to ANSI FORTRAN and VAX FORTRAN.

        Recovery: If you want the program compatible with ANSI FORTRAN or
                  VAX FORTRAN, do not use the G format descriptor to edit
                  character data.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 327

   CFK % Fortran-77 and VMS:  Keyword [keyword]

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Cause:    An OPEN or CLOSE keyword was used that is  incompatible
                  with ANSI FORTRAN and VAX FORTRAN.

        Recovery: If you want the program compatible with ANSI FORTRAN or
                  VAX FORTRAN, use a compatible OPEN or CLOSE keyword.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 324

   CFO % Fortran-77 extension:  Overlap of character assignments

        Cause:    A character assignment statement was used in which  the
                  character  positions defined in the character variable,
                  array element or substring on the  left  of  the  equal
                  sign  are referenced in the character expression on the
                  right of the equal sign.   This  is  incompatible  with
                  ANSI FORTRAN.

        Recovery: If you want the program  to  be  compatible  with  ANSI
                  FORTRAN, use a character assignment statement that does
                  not overlap the character expression and the  character
                  variable, array element, or substring.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 326

   CFR %  Fortran-77  extension:   FORTRAN-20  supplied  routine  invoked
   (TOPS-20 only)
   CFR %  Fortran-77  extension:   FORTRAN-10  supplied  routine  invoked
   (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    A FORTRAN-10/20-supplied subroutine was invoked that is
                  not available with ANSI FORTRAN.

        Recovery: If you want your  program  to  be  compatible  to  ANSI
                  FORTRAN, use a compatible subroutine.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 323

   CFS ?  Can't find SYS:SORT.EXE - <JSYS error> (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    The file SORT.EXE cannot be found on SYS:.   A  monitor
                  supplied error message will give more detail.

        Recovery: Use  the  information  provided  by  the   monitor   to
                  determine the proper course of action.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 119

   CFT % Fortran-77 and VMS:  Trailing spaces in output record

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Cause:    Your program contains a FORMAT that specifies  trailing
                  blanks   (X  format  and  $  format).   In  this  case,
                  FORTRAN-10/20 preserves the trailing spaces.

        Recovery: If you want the program compatible  with  ANSI  FORTRAN
                  and  VAX  FORTRAN,  do  not use this form of the FORMAT

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 325

   CFX  %  Fortran-77  and  VMS:   FORTRAN-20  supplied  routine  invoked
   (TOPS-20 only)
   CFX % Fortan-77 and VMS:  FORTRAN-10 supplied routine invoked (TOPS-10

        Cause:    A FORTRAN-10/20-supplied subroutine was invoked that is
                  not available with ANSI FORTRAN or VAX FORTRAN.

        Recovery: If you want the program  to  be  compatible  with  ANSI
                  FORTRAN or VAX FORTRAN, use a compatible subroutine.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 33    Second Value = 323

   CGP ?  Can't get pages 600:677 for SORT

        Cause:    The SORT subroutine brings the SORT program  into  core
                  in  pages  600  through  677.  Some of these pages were
                  already occupied by programs or data at the  time  that
                  SORT was called.

        Recovery: Decrease the size of your program.  Having fewer  files
                  open   or  using  a  BUFFERCOUNT=1  specifier  in  OPEN
                  statement may help (see Section 11.3.5).  If this  does
                  not  help,  you can segment the program by using LINK's
                  overlay facility (see the LINK Reference Manual).

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 116

   CGS ?  Can't get SYS:SORT.EXE - <JSYS error> (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    The file SORT.EXE was found on SYS:, however  for  some
                  reason  it  could  not  be  merged into your program in
                  order to sort files.  A monitor supplied error  message
                  will give more detail.

        Recovery: Use  the  information  provided  by  the   monitor   to
                  determine the proper course of action.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 120

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES




        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 243

   CLE ?  Concatenation result larger than expected

        Cause:    The specified substring bounds are out of range.

        Recovery: Specify legal substring bounds.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 108

   CLS ?  CLOSE failed, <I/O error message> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    A CLOSE UUO. or FILOP. CLOSE function failed.

        Recovery: Use the information provided to determine a recovery.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 28    Second Value = 250+n

   CPP % Can't preallocate pages 600:677 for SORT

        Cause:    A  call  to  the  SRTINI  subroutine  was   unable   to
                  preallocate  SORT's  pages  because  they  were already

        Recovery: Decrease the size of your program.  Having fewer  files
                  open  or  using  a  BUFFERCOUNT=1 specifier in the OPEN
                  statement may help (see Section 11.3.5).

        ERRSNS values:      First Value = 21      Second Value = 121

   CQF % Can't queue file:  QUEUE. UUO ERROR <N> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    This error may occur when executing a  CLOSE  statement
                  in which the DISPOSE specifier is given with one of the
                  values:   'LIST',  'PRINT',  or  'PUNCH',  and   GALAXY
                  release 4 is running.  (See Section 11.5.4.)

        Recovery: Refer to  the  TOPS-10  Monitor  Calls  Manual  for  an
                  explanation of the QUEUE. error number <n>.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 550

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   CRP ?  Can't return pages 600:677 after call to SORT (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    Before the SORT subroutine  returns  to  the  user,  it
                  tries  to  deallocate  the  pages that the SORT program
                  resides in.  The pages could not be deallocated.   This
                  is not expected to occur.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 117

   CSF % Can't set FORTRAN carriage control attribute (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    You are running a TOPS-20 system  that  does  not  have
                  Edit   2981,  which  allows  support  for  the  FORTRAN
                  carriage-control attribute.

        Recovery: Autopatch the monitor to include Edit 2981.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 502

   CSI ?  Can't skiprecord image file with no RECORDSIZE

        Cause:    A SKIPRECORD statement was executed for a  file  opened
                  with   MODE=IMAGE,   and   the  file  did  not  have  a
                  RECORDSIZE(RECL) specified.  Since there are no  record
                  markers  in  IMAGE  mode files, FOROTS cannot determine
                  how far to skip.

|       Recovery: Add a RECL= specifier (see Section 11.3.33) to the OPEN

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 536

   CWL ?  Can't write a file with MODE='LINED'

        Cause:    The program attempted to execute  an  output  operation
                  such  as  a WRITE statement after an OPEN statement for
                  the  same  unit.   The  OPEN  statement   contained   a
                  MODE='LINED' specifier.

        Recovery: Change the OPEN statement  specifier  to  MODE='ASCII'.
|                 (See Section 11.3.24.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 47    Second Value = 554

   CWU ?  DIVERT:  Can't write to unit <n>

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Cause:    DIVERT file is not opened for output.

        Recovery: Open DIVERT file for output.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 107

   DBM ?  DBMS not loaded

        Cause:    A DBMS call to a sharable FOROTS was attempted  without

        Recovery: The system manager must build DBMS into sharable FOROTS
                  or  remove  the  file from FORLIB that directs the DBMS
                  call to the sharable FOROTS.

   DEL ?  Can't delete file:<FILOP.  error message> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    The "DELETE" FILOP.  failed.  The file is not deleted.

        Recovery: Usually you can correct the problem when the program is
                  finished  and  delete  the file with the monitor DELETE

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 28      Second Value = 250+n

|  DFR ?  Default RECORDTYPE:FIXED requires /RECORDSIZE (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    You attempted to create a new RMS relative  or  indexed
|                 file  with  a default /RECORDTYPE of FIXED, but did not
|                 specify /RECORDSIZE.
|       Recovery: Specify /RECORDSIZE.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30      Second Value = 611

   DLF % Data in IO list but not in format

        Cause:    An I/O statement has requested data to be  transferred,
                  but   the   FORMAT   statement  does  not  specify  any
                  descriptor that would translate the data.

        Recovery: Fix the FORMAT statement.  It must contain one  of  the
                  following descriptors:


        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 306

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   DLL ?  DUMP mode I/O list too long (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    The I/O list specified for a DUMP mode  READ  or  WRITE
                  statement is too long for the FOROTS internal DUMP mode
                  control list.

        Recovery: Split the I/O list across two or  more  READ  or  WRITE

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 81    Second Value = 581

   DMA % Must give lower and upper bounds to dump  in  non-zero  sections
   (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    A call to PDUMP or DUMP  was  made  without  specifying
                  memory bounds.  In section zero, this is interpreted as
                  'all of memory'.  For extended  addressing,  lower  and
                  upper bounds must be specified.

        Recovery: Specify lower and upper bounds for memory.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 126

   DQE ?  Disk full or quota exceeded

        Cause:    The disk quota for the disk on which a  file  is  being
                  written  is  exhausted, or the entire disk structure is
                  full.  If this error is encountered while running under
                  batch, the program is aborted and an attempt is made to
                  close all files.  If this error  is  encountered  while
                  timesharing,  the  user is requested to type an EXPUNGE
                  command and then a CONTINUE command.

        Recovery: EXPUNGE or create  more  room  on  the  specified  disk

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 98    Second Value = 590

   DQW % Disk full or quota exceeded - Please EXPUNGE, then type CONTINUE
   (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    The file or files being written on the disk have either
                  exhausted your disk quota or filled the structure.

        Recovery: FOROTS leaves the terminal at EXEC level  so  that  you
                  have  more  options to use to provide space on the disk
                  structure.  You can type CONTINUE to resume  processing
                  if you don't reset the current fork.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 22    Second Value = 590

   DSS % DISPOSE='SAVE' assumed - device is not a disk

        Cause:    A DISPOSE value other than 'SAVE' was specified  for  a
                  file  on  a  device  other  than  disk.   (See  Section
|                 11.3.15.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 549

   DST ?  Error in dialog string (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    A syntax error in the DIALOG= specifier.

        Recovery: Correct the error in the program  or  in  DIALOG  mode.
                  (See Section 11.5.3.)

   DTL % Dialog string too long

        Cause:    The argument to DIALOG= cannot be parsed because it  is
                  too long.

        Recovery: Use a shorter string.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 533

   ECS ?  Not enough memory for expanding character stack

        Cause:    More memory than is available on a KL10  was  requested
                  by  either  a  dynamic  concatenation (concatenation of
                  character variables of length*) or by  a  call  to  the
                  ALCCHR subroutine.

        Recovery: Reduce the size of your concatenation  or  argument  to
                  ALCCHR.   If  you  are running extended addressing, you
                  can present parts of the character  stack  by  invoking
                  SORT  and  dynamic  libraries  at  the beginning of the

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 124

   EDS/EDA ?  Error in DIALOG string - <message> (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    A syntax error in the DIALOG= specifier.  (See  Section

        Recovery: Retype the specifier correctly in DIALOG mode.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 539

   EFS [ Enter correct file specs ]

        Cause:    Dialog mode.  You should respond  to  this  message  by
                  entering  any  information you wish to change about the
                  indicated file.  This can include the device, filename,
                  directory,  or  any  OPEN  parameter.   The  form  of a
                  response is:


                  All parts of this specification are optional.

   EOF ?  End of file

        Cause:    An input statement has attempted to read more data than
                  the file contains.

        Recovery: Use  an  END=  specifier  in  the  READ  statement,  or
                  lengthen the file.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 24    Second Value = -1

   ESV ?  <unknown/ambiguous> keyword value /<switch>:<value> (TOPS-20

        Cause:    A switch entered in dialog mode was not  recognized  or
                  was not specified uniquely.

        Recovery: Retype the line, specifying the correct switch.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 241

   ETL % Attempt to write beyond fixed-length record

        Cause:    In an  ENCODE  statement,  the  format  specified  more
                  characters  than  the  string  will  hold.   The excess
                  characters are ignored.  (See Section 10.12.)

        Recovery: Shorten the format or lengthen the string.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 22    Second Value = 509

   FCL ?  Found unexpected continuation LSCW

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Cause:    A  RECL(RECORDSIZE)  has  been  specified  in  an  OPEN
                  statement,  and  FOROTS  has encountered a continuation
                  (type 2) logical segment  control  word  (LSCW).   This
                  type  LSCW  is  never  written  in  fixed-length binary

        Recovery: Remove the RECL(RECORDSIZE) specification in  the  OPEN

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 573

   FDC % Floating divide check

        Cause:    The program contains a floating-point division in which
                  the  divisor  is  too small compared to the dividend to
                  yield a result that is in the floating-point range.

        Recovery: Correct   program   so   that   division   is    within
                  floating-point range.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 5     Second Value = n
                                                            where n is
                                                            the number
                                                            of times the
                                                            error occurs

   FFX ?  FOROP. function code exceeds range

        Cause:    A library routine has called for an operation  that  is
                  not   available.    This  can  be  caused  by  using  a
                  mismatched FOROTS and FORLIB, or by an erroneous  MACRO

        Recovery: Make sure the versions  of  FOROTS.EXE  and  FORLIB.REL
                  that  you  are  loading from are matching versions.  If
                  this doesn't help,  find  the  subroutine  causing  the
                  problem and alter or remove the erroneous call.

   FOV % Floating overflow

        Cause:    A REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION number was read that is  too
                  large  in  magnitude  (see  Chapter 3).  This is only a
                  warning and does not stop  execution  of  the  program.
                  The  results of a calculation that overflows are set to
                  the largest representable number with the sign  of  the
                  correct result.

        Recovery: Modify the data so that its values fall in the range of
                  values that can be represented for the data type.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 3 or 4 Second Value = n
                                                             where n is
                                                             the number
                                                             of times the
                                                             error occurs


        Cause:    A RECORDTYPE='FIXED' was specified in an OPEN statement
                  without a RECORDSIZE (RECL) specifier.

        Recovery: Specify  RECL  in  the  OPEN  statement  (see   Section
|                 11.3.33).

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 240

   FTS % Output field width too small

        Cause:    The field width specified in a FORMAT statement was not
                  large  enough  to allow the printing of the value being
                  output.  For example, this error  would  occur  if  the
                  number 100 is output with the format specifier "I2".

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 9     Second Value = 0

   FUN % Floating underflow

        Cause:    A REAL or DOUBLE PRECISION number was read that is  too
                  small  in  magnitude  (see  Chapter  3).   This  only a
                  warning and does not stop  execution  of  the  program.
                  The  result  of a calculation that underflows is set to

        Recovery: Modify the data so that its values fall in the range of
                  values that can be represented for the data type.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 6 or 7 Second Value = n
                                                             where n is
                                                             the number
                                                             of times the
                                                             error occurs

   FVF ?  Format and variable type do not match

        Cause:    An attempt was made to READ  or  WRITE  character  data
                  with other than A or G format.

        Recovery: Specify A or G edit descriptors when reading  character

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES


        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 583

   FVM % Format and variable type do not match

        Cause:    An I/O statement has been executed that uses  a  format
                  edit descriptor with a type that does not match the I/O
                  list item being processed.

        Recovery: Specify the appropriate format edit descriptor for  the
                  I/O list item.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 22    Second Value = 583

   IAC ?  /ACCESS illegal for this device

        Cause:    An attempt was made to OPEN  a  device  for  which  the
                  access specified (or implied) is illegal.

        Recovery: Change the ACCESS specifier in the  OPEN  statement  or
                  data transfer statement.  (See Section 11.3.1.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 248

   IAV ?  Illegal value for OPEN specifier

        Cause:    An OPEN statement specifier has  a  value  illegal  for
                  that specifier.

        Recovery: Specify a legal value for that OPEN specifier.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 585

   ICA ?  Incompatible attributes

        Cause:    An illegal combination  of  open  attributes  has  been

        Recovery: Change one or more of the conflicting specifiers.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 506

   ICD ?  Non-digit in record delimiter

        Cause:    The  format  of  the  tape  being  read  is   not   'D'
                  (DELIMITED).  The Record Control Word (RCW) contained a

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

                  non-digit, or the data on the tape is incompatible.

        Recovery: Specify the correct TAPEFORMAT in the OPEN statement.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 570

   ICE ?  Illegal length for character expression

        Cause:    A program has  specified  a  zero  length  or  negative
                  length character substring as an I/O list element.

        Recovery: Fix program to specify a positive length substring.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 81    Second Value = 599

   IDC % Integer divide check

        Cause:    Program contains an integer division by 0.

        Recovery: Correct division in program.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 1     Second Value = n
                                                            where n is
                                                            the number
                                                            of times the
                                                            error occurs

   IDD ?  Illegal character <chr> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    An illegal character was encountered in dialog mode.

        Recovery: Retype the response without illegal characters.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 548

   IDI ?  Illegal DUMP mode I/O list (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    An I/O list entry has been specified whose  entry  size
                  (number  of  words)  is  different  from its increment.
                  This can only happen if an implied DO loop is specified
                  for the I/O list, the index increment is set to a value
                  other  than  1,  and  the  program  is  compiled   with

        Recovery: Use an index increment of 1,  or  do  not  compile  the
                  program with /OPTIMIZE.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 81    Second Value = 579

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   IDM ?  /MODE:<mode> illegal for this device

        Cause:    Not all devices can do I/O in all modes.  For  example,
                  terminals cannot do binary I/O.

        Recovery: Change the MODE= specifier or the device.  (See Section
|                 11.3.24.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 249

   IDU ?  DIVERT:  illegal to divert to unit <n>

        Cause:    Unit specified is an input-only device.

        Recovery: Specify a unit for which output is legal.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 104

   IEM ?  FOROTS internal error in memory management

        Cause:    This is an internal  error  that  is  not  expected  to
                  occur.   It  means  that the memory management routines
                  have detected a problem with their control information.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR.

   IFW ?  Illegal field width

        Cause:    An illegal (negative) field width was  specified  in  a
                  FORMAT statement.

        Recovery: Specify a legal field width in the FORMAT statement.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 553

   IHC ?  Illegal Hollerith constant

        Cause:    A format specification contains an  H  edit  descriptor
                  that  is  not  preceded by a length or does not contain
                  enough characters.

        Recovery: Use the correct format for an H edit descriptor.   (See
                  Section 12.4.2.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 552

   IJE ?  "Impossible" JSYS error at <PC> - <JSYS ERROR> (TOPS-20 only)

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Cause:    This is an internal FOROTS error that is  not  expected
                  to  occur.  A monitor call failed that was not expected
                  to.   A  monitor-supplied  error  message  may  be   of
                  assistance in avoiding the problem.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR.

   ILC ?  Illegal character in data

        Cause:    A format descriptor that  requires  a  number  found  a
                  nonnumeric character.

        Recovery: Fix the input data or FORMAT statement.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 64    Second Value = 307

   ILF ?  Illegal character in format

        Cause:    A format specification contains  a  character  with  no
                  defined meaning.

        Recovery: Correct the error in the  format  list  and  rerun  the

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 301

   ILM ?  Unexpected MTOPR% ERROR (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    An error was encountered during a file  operation  that
                  FOROTS did not expect.

        Recovery: This type of error should not happen.  Please submit an

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 96    Second Value = JSYS error

   ILN ?  Variable or namelist does not start with letter

        Cause:    NAMELIST input contains something other  than  a  legal
                  variable or NAMELIST name in a context where a variable
                  or NAMELIST name is required.

        Recovery: Correct the source program with  a  legal  variable  or
                  NAMELIST name.  (See Section 12.6.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 515

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   ILS ?  Illegal subscript

        Cause:    In NAMELIST I/O, an illegal subscript was given for  an

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 516

   IMV ?  Illegal MTOP value

        Cause:    A MARCO program has issued an MTOP call to FOROTS  with
                  an illegal value for the function.

        Recovery: Specify a legal function value in the call.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 81    Second Value = 574

   IOE ?  <IO error message>

        Cause:    An I/O error has occurred.  The monitor error  code  is
                  given,  along  with  an  interpretation of the probable
                  meaning of  the  error  bits.   This  message  normally
                  indicates  that the data recorded on an external device
                  has been damaged and cannot be read correctly.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 98    Second Value = 400 (TOPS-10)

                                                            JSYS error

   IOL ?  Bad format IO list

        Cause:    The code generated by the compiler for an I/O  list  is
                  not   understood   by  this  version  of  FOROTS.   The
                  erroneous entry in  the  I/O  list  is  ignored.   This
                  probably indicates an internal error in the compiler or
                  in FOROTS.

        Recovery: Locate the problem area of the I/O  list  and  simplify

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 81    Second Value = 508

   IOV % Integer overflow

        Cause:    An attempt was made to read data that was out of  range
                  for an integer variable.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 2     Second Value = 0

   IPP ?  Illegal PPN (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    A directory specification starts with something that is
                  not a legal PPN specification.  The forms of legal PPNs

                       [n,n], [n,], [,n], or [,]

                  where n represents a 1- to 6-digit octal number.

        Recovery: Use a legal directory specification.

        ERRSNS values:      First Value = 45      Second Value = 545

   IPN ?  Illegal page number <n>

        Cause:    A call to TOPMEN or SRTINI has specified a page  number
                  outside the range 1:777.

        Recovery: Specify a correct page number

        ERRSNS values:      First Value = 21      Second Value = 122

   IRC ?  Illegal repeat count

        Cause:    An  illegal  repeat  count  was  given  in   a   FORMAT

        Recovery: Correct the FORMAT statement.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 538

   IRN ?  Illegal record number <n>

        Cause:    A direct-access I/O statement has  specified  a  record
                  number that is zero or negative.

        Recovery: Correct the invalid record number in the program.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 512

   ISS ?  Illegal substring descriptor

        Cause:    An  I/O  statement  refers  to  an  illegal   substring
                  delimiter (substring not within bounds of string).

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Recovery: Correct the substring specifier.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 597

   ISW ?  Can't switch to input

        Cause:    A file that  was  being  written  cannot  be  open  for
                  output.   The file is either protected against reading,
                  or has  been  deleted  before  the  OPEN  for  read  is

        Recovery: Specify correct protection for OPEN write.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 98    Second Value = 250+n

                                                            JSYS error

   ITE ?  Tape is not usable by your job (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    A tape unit was specified or implied that is not  owned
                  by your job, and is probably owned by another job.

        Recovery: ASSIGN the drive or MOUNT the tape.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 96    Second Value = 587

   IUN ?  Illegal unit number <n>

        Cause:    An I/O statement has specified a unit  number  that  is
                  negative or too large.

        Recovery: Change the UNIT specifier value and rerun the program.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 32    Second Value = 239

   IWI ?  Illegal to initiate  another  I/O  statement  while  processing
           <I/O statement)

        Cause:    An I/O statement, STOP statement,  or  PAUSE  statement
                  has   been   initiated  while  processing  another  I/O
                  statement (such as in a function reference used  as  an
                  I/O  list element), or while within a subroutine called
                  as a result of an I/O error through ERRSET.

        Recovery: Remove the offending I/O statement, STOP statement,  or

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

                  PAUSE statement.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 81    Second Value = 582

|  KDB ?  KEY datatype CHARACTER conflicts with BYTESIZE (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    You  specified  or  defaulted  a   KEY=   datatype   to
|                 CHARACTER,  but  specified  a  BYTESIZE  not equal to 7
|                 (TOPS-20 file) or 8 (VMS file).
|       Recovery: Specify correct BYTESIZE or omit to use system default.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 612
|  KER ?  New indexed file requires KEY= (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    You attempted to create a new RMS indexed file  without
|                 specifying a primary index
|       Recovery: Specify one or more KEY= specifiers in your OPEN.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 606
|  KRI ?  Can't do keyed I/O to <sequential/relative> file (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    You  attempted  a  keyed  (indexed)  READ  to  an   RMS
|                 sequential or relative file.
|       Recovery: Correct the invalid READ statement in the program.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 31    Second Value = 605
|  MEU ?  Missing EXTERNAL declaration in  a  call  to  USEROPEN  routine
|  (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    You specified a USEROPEN routine but did not declare it
|                 EXTERNAL in the program.
|       Recovery:  Supply the EXTERNAL declaration.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 604

   MFU ?  Memory full

        Cause:    There is insufficient memory to complete  execution  of
                  the program.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Recovery: Some memory can be saved by opening fewer  files  at  a
                  time, by using BUFFERCOUNT=1 in OPEN statements, and by
                  using minimal tape block sizes.  If these techniques do
                  not  help,  you  can  segment  the program using LINK's
                  overlay facility (see the LINK Reference Manual).

   NCA ?  No memory available for character stack

        Cause:    For non-overlay programs, this message  indicates  that
                  the  memory  manager  has allocated all available space
                  between the user's low segment and FOROTS.  For overlay
                  programs,  this  messages  indicates  that /SPACE:0 has
                  been specified to LINK.

        Recovery: For non-overlay programs, LINK with /OTS:NONSHARE.  For
                  overlay  programs,  specify at least 1000 to the /SPACE
                  switch in LINK (see the LINK Reference Manual).

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 111

   NCK % <keyword> in CLOSE is meaningless - ignored

        Cause:    Options have been included in the CLOSE statement  that
                  are meaningless for closing the file.

        Recovery: Use valid CLOSE options.  (See Section 10.17.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 542

   NCS ?  No character stack allocated - compiler error

        Cause:    An internal compiler error has occurred.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 110

   NDI ?  No device specified with ":" (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    An OPEN statement has specified a null device name.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 544

   NEC ?  Found "<chr>" when expecting ":"

        Cause:    Substring parameters not separated by ":"

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Recovery: Insert a ":" between substring parameters.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 596

   NEQ ?  Found "<chr>" when expecting "="

        Cause:    NAMELIST input found an illegal character in a  context
                  that requires an equal sign.

        Recovery: Replace illegal character with equal sign.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 513

   NFC ?  Too many open units (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    On TOPS-10 monitors before version 7.00, at most,  only
                  16 units can be open at the same time.

        Recovery: Arrange the program so that it never needs to have more
                  than 16 simultaneously open units.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 242

   NLS ?  Null string illegal

        Cause:    An attempt was made to input to a  zero  length  string
                  during list-directed input.

        Recovery: Insert characters into the string, or remove the string
                  delimiting quotes.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 580

|  NNI % Node name ignored (TOPS-10 only)
|       Cause:    Remote file access is not supported on TOPS-10.
|       Recovery: Omit the node specification from the filespec.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 609

   NQS ?  PADCHAR must be single char in double quotes (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    In dialog mode, the PADCHAR specifier must be  followed
                  by the pad character in double quotes.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 551

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   NRP ?  Missing right paren

        Cause:    In NAMELIST or list-directed complex input, the closing
                  right  parenthesis  that  ends a complex number was not

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 514

   NSD ?  No such device <dev>

        Cause:    The specified device does not exist.

        Recovery: Change the device name to one that does exist.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 245

   NSI ?  Null SFD (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    A directory specification contains a null SFD.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 547

   NSS ?  No free section available for SORT (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    SORT runs it its own section on machines  that  support
                  extended   addressing.   There  are  no  free  sections

        Recovery: There are 31 sections normally available when a  simple
                  FORTRAN  program  runs.   If  your  application  is not
                  trying to use extended addressing,  this  error  should
                  not occur, and you should submit an SPR.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 118

   OGX % Galaxy version 2 not supported (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    Your system is using an unsupported version of GALAXY.

        Recovery: Inform the  system  administrator  to  upgrade  to  the
                  supported version of GALAXY.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 595

   OPN ?  Can't OPEN file

        Cause:    The specified file could not  be  opened.   The  reason

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

                  given  is  taken  from  the monitor error code (see the
                  TOPS-10 Monitor Calls Manual).

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 250+n

   OSW ?  FILOP.  error n - can't switch to output

        Cause:    An attempt to open a file for write  access  which  has
                  previously been open for read-only access failed.

        Recovery: Change protection code; remove other file access.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 98    Second Value = 250+n

                                                            JSYS error

   PAG % Pages allocated but not deallocated

        Cause:    Internal FOROTS error in memory management.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR and include your program.

   PGD ?  Deallocating more pages than allocated

        Cause:    Internal FOROTS error in memory management.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR and include your program.

   POI ?  <file positioning operation> Illegal for DIRECT (RANDOM) file

        Cause:    A  file  positioning  operation  (such  as  REWIND   or
                  BACKSPACE)   was   attempted   on   a   file  open  for
                  DIRECT(RANDOM) access.

        Recovery: Remove the file positioning statement.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 31    Second Value = 593

   PPN ?  <JSYS error> (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    A TOPS-20 OPEN statement has specified a PPN instead of
                  a   directory   name,  but  the  PPN  has  no  matching

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Recovery: Specify the correct PPN, or  better  yet,  specify  the
                  directory name instead.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 405

   RBR ?  REREAD not preceded by READ

        Cause:    A REREAD statement  was  encountered  before  any  READ
                  statement.   A  READ must be executed first so there is
                  something to reread.

        Recovery: Cause a READ statement to be executed first.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 39    Second Value = 310

   RLB ?  /RECORDSIZE larger than /BLOCKSIZE

        Cause:    A RECORDSIZE was specified in an OPEN statement that is
                  larger than the specified or implied BLOCKSIZE.

        Recovery: Correct either  RECORDSIZE  or  BLOCKSIZE,  or  specify
                  BLOCKSIZE if it is not specified.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 244

   RIC ?  Reading into character format illegal

        Cause:    An attempt was made to READ into a character format.

        Recovery: Correct program to avoid this construct.  READ  into  a
                  character  variable  and  use  this  variable  (perhaps
                  concatenated with other character  expressions)  for  a
                  modifiable format.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 524

   RIF % Reading into FORMAT nonstandard

        Cause:    A READ statement was executed that reads  data  into  a
                  Hollerith or quoted string in a FORMAT statement.  This
                  is a practice contrary to  the  ANSI  standard  and  is
                  likely not to work in future releases of FORTRAN-10/20.

        Recovery: READ  into  character  variables   and   use   (perhaps
                  concatenated with character constants) as the FORMAT.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 22    Second Value = 584

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

|  RIR ?  New RELATIVE or  INDEXED  file  requires  /RECORDSIZE  (TOPS-20
|  only)
|       Cause:    You tried to create (STATUS='NEW') an RMS  relative  or
|                 indexed file without specifying a record length.
|       Recovery:  Specify /RECORDSIZE.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 613
|  RMS ?  RMS file requires ORGANIZATION in OPEN statement (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    The OPEN statement did not specify an RMS file by means
|                 of  ORGANIZATION=, but the file you tried to open is an
|                 RMS file.
|       Recovery: Supply an ORGANIZATION attribute.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 608
|  RNA ?  RMS not available on SYS:
|       Cause:    Your program tried to invoke RMS (an OPEN  specified  a
|                 remote  or  RMS file, or an INQUIRE-by-file specified a
|                 remote file) when RMS is not available on your system.
|       Recovery: Make sure your system supports RMS V3 and/or RMSFAL V1.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 615

   RNM ?  Can't rename file

        Cause:    An attempt to rename the specified file failed.

        Recovery: Change file protection, remove other file access.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 28    Second Value = 250+n

                                                            JSYS error

   RNR ?  Record <n> has not been written

        Cause:    In direct-access input, an attempt was made to  read  a
                  record  that  was never written.  This may indicate the
                  use of an incorrect record number.

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Recovery: Make sure you are requesting the correct record.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 510

   RPE ?  Illegal repeat count

        Cause:    In NAMELIST or list-directed input, a repeated constant
                  was  found,  but  the  repeat  count  is not a positive

        Recovery: Correct the input and try again.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 521

   RR1 ?  Random I/O requires RECORDSIZE specifier in OPEN statement

        Cause:    Direct-access I/O was attempted to a file that has  not
                  been  opened  with  the RECL or RECORDSIZE specifier to
                  give the size of the record(s).

        Recovery: Specify  a  record  size.   The  record  size   is   in
                  characters  for  formatted files, words for unformatted
|                 files.  (See Section 11.3.33.)

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 240

   RRR ?  Random IO requires /RECORDSIZE

        Cause:    An  OPEN  statement  was   attempted   that   specified
                  ACCESS=DIRECT(RANDOM) with no record size specified

        Recovery: Specify a record size.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 240

   RSM ?  Record size different from that specified

        Cause:    A record size found in a  binary  record  is  different
                  than that specified in the OPEN statement.

        Recovery: Specify the correct record size in the OPEN statement.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 572

   SDO ?  Same device open on unit with conflicting specifiers

        Cause:    An OPEN statement was attempted for a device for  which

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

                  another  OPEN  or  data  transfer  statement  had  been
                  already executed, and the file specifications  were  in

        Recovery: Change file specifications

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 540

|  SIF ?  <statement> illegal for this file type or access (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    Your program attempted to  execute  a  statement  on  a
|                 non-RMS  file,  which is legal only for RMS files; or a
|                 file-positioning, DELETE, UNLOCK or  REWRITE  statement
|                 was  attempted  on  an  RMS file when either /ACCESS or
|                 /ORGANIZATION does not permit the operation.
|       Recovery: Correct the invalid statement in the program.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 31    Second Value = 614

   SLN ?  Record length negative or zero

        Cause:    An ENCODE or DECODE statement was initiated that has  a
                  negative or zero value for the record (string) length.

        Recovery: Correct program to specify a legal record length.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 577

   SNH ?  Internal FOROTS error at <PC>

        Cause:    This error is  not  expected  to  occur.   An  internal
                  consistency check has found a bug.

        Recovery: Please submit an SPR if you get this message.

   SNQ ?  String not within single quotes

        Cause:    A character data item read as list-directed or NAMELIST
                  input is not enclosed in single quotes.

        Recovery: Enclose character data item in single quotes.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 598

   SNV ?  Sign with null value

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

        Cause:    List-directed or NAMELIST input contains a + or -  sign
                  not followed by a value.

        Recovery: Correct the input and try again.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 522

   SRE % Subscript range error - subscript <n> of array  <name>  on  line

        Cause:    An illegal subscript or range has been specified for an
                  array reference.

        Recovery: Specify a legal array reference.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 23    Second Value = 114

   SSE % Substring range error <var(bound)> on line <n>

        Cause:    An illegal substring bound or range has been  specified
                  in a character expression.

        Recovery: Specify a legal reference.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 23    Second Value = 113

   TFM ?  Tape format conflicts with OPEN statement or default

        Cause:    The actual format of  the  tape  (either  CORE-DUMP  or
                  INDUSTRY)  conflicts  with  the format specified in the
                  OPEN statement or by the monitor.  At this  point,  the
                  file is already opened in the wrong format.

        Recovery: Specify the correct TAPEFORMAT in the OPEN statement or
                  with the EXEC.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 569

|  TKS ?  Too many KEY specifiers (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    RMS allows a maximum of  255  indexes  for  an  indexed
|                 file.
|       Recovery: Reduce the number of KEY= specifiers.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 607

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   TMA ?  Too many arguments in call to SORT

        Cause:    When the  first  argument  in  a  call  to  SORT  is  a
                  character constant, the argument list must be copied in
                  order to convert the argument to a Hollerith  constant.
                  At most, 10 arguments can be copied.

        Recovery: Change the first argument to a Hollerith  constant,  or
                  use less than 10 arguments.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 115

   TMF ?  Too many SFDs (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    A directory specification contains more than five SFDs.

        Recovery: Specify the correct directory.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 546

|  UDO ?  Unsupported /DISPOSE:<option> for  RMS files (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    PRINT, LIST, PUNCH, SUBMIT or PLOT was specified for  a
|                 TOPS-20  RMS file; or PUNCH or PLOT specified for a VMS
|                 RMS file.
|       Recovery: Correct the specifier.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 28    Second Value = 610

   UDT ?  Undefined data type or internal FOROTS error

        Cause:    Internal FOROTS error.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 62    Second Value = 575

   UME ?  Unexpected MTCHR error <n> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    This message is not expected to  occur.   It  indicates
                  that  a  MTCHR  UUO  has  failed.  The monitor-supplied
                  error code may give some indication of the reason.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 96    Second Value = 531

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   UMO % <JSYS error> trying to set tape <density/parity/data mode>
         (TOPS-20 only)

        Cause:    It was not possible to set the indicated  parameter  of
                  the tape.  The monitor error message gives the reason.

        Recovery: Make sure you are  using  a  drive  that  supports  the
                  requested operations.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 96    Second Value = JSYS error

   UNO ?  DIVERT:  unit <n> is not open

        Cause:    The file to which error messages are diverted  must  be
                  opened for output before DIVERT is called.

        Recovery: Open the file for output before calling DIVERT.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 21    Second Value = 105

   UNS ?  Unit not specified

        Cause:    A call was made to FOROTS which did not contain a  unit

        Recovery: Correct calling code.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 81    Second Value = 501

   UOA % Unknown OPEN keyword <n>, ignored

        Cause:    The compiler has generated an OPEN call  that  contains
                  an unknown keyword.  The keyword is ignored.

        Recovery: Make sure you are using the  correct  versions  of  the
                  compiler, FORLIB, and FOROTS.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 26    Second Value = 541

|  URS ?  Unsupported remote system (TOPS-20 only)
|       Cause:    A remote file access specified a remote system that  is
|                 not either TOPS-20 or VMS.
|       Recovery: Specify a TOPS-20 or VMS node.
|       ERRSNS values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 602

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

|  URT ?  Recordtype <type> not supported for  this  file  type  (TOPS-20
|  only)
|       Cause:    /RECORDTYPE:STREAM was  specified  for  a  TOPS-20  RMS
|                 file;  or  RMS returned a recordtype other than STREAM,
|                 VARIABLE or FIXED for an existing remote file.
|       Recovery: Correct the invalid /RECORDTYPE.
|       ERRSNS Values:   First Value = 30    Second Value = 601

   USW ?  Unknown switch /<sw> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    In dialog mode, an unknown switch was specified.

        Recovery: Retype the line, specifying the correct switch.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 45    Second Value = 241

   UTE ?  Unexpected TAPOP error <n> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    This message is not expected to  occur.   It  indicates
                  that  a  TAPOP  UUO  has  failed.  The monitor-supplied
                  error code may give some indication of the reason.

        Recovery: Submit an SPR.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 96    Second Value = 530

   UTO % Unexpected TAPOP.  error <n> trying to set  <density/parity/data
          mode/blocksize> (TOPS-10 only)

        Cause:    It is not possible to set the  indicated  parameter  of
                  the tape.  The monitor error message gives the reason.

        Recovery: Make sure you are  using  a  drive  that  supports  the
                  requested operation.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 96    Second Value = 537

   VNN ?  Variable <var> not in namelist

        Cause:    NAMELIST input contains an  assignment  to  a  variable
                  that is not in the namelist.

        Recovery: Correct the input and try again.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 97    Second Value = 309

                           FOROTS ERROR MESSAGES

   WBA ?  Attempt to WRITE beyond variable or array

        Cause:    An attempt was made  to  write  beyond  the  end  of  a
                  character variable or array with an internal file WRITE

        Recovery: Correct program to  stay  within  limits  of  character
                  variable or array.

        ERRSNS values:   First Value = 25    Second Value = 576


                                 APPENDIX E


   FORDDT responds with two levels of messages - fatal error and warning.
   Fatal  error  messages indicate that the processing of a given command
   has been terminated.  Warning messages  provide  helpful  information.
   The format of these messages is:

        ?FDTxxx text
        %FDTxxx text


        ?    indicates a fatal message
        %    indicates a warning message
        FDT  is the FORDDT mnemonic
        xxx  is the 3-letter mnemonic for error message
        text is the explanation of error

   Square brackets ([ ]) in this section signify variables  and  are  not
   output on the terminal.

   Fatal Errors

   The fatal errors in the following list are each preceded  by  ?FDT  on
   the user terminal.  They are listed in alphabetical order.

   BDF       [symbol] is undefined
             [symbol] is multiply defined

   BOI       Bad octal input

             An illegal character was detected in an octal input value.

   CCN       Cannot continue

             A pause has been placed on some  form  of  skip  instruction
             causing  FORDDT  to  loop;  should  never  be encountered in
             FORTRAN-compiled programs.


   CFO       Core file overflow

             The storage area for GROUP text has been exhausted.

   CNU       The command [name] is not unique

             More letters of the command are required to  distinguish  it
             from the other commands.

   CSH       Cannot START here

             The specified entry point is not an acceptable FORTRAN  main
             program entry point.

   DNA       Double-precision comparisons not allowed

   DTO       Dimension table overflow

             FORDDT does not have the space  to  record  any  more  array
             dimensions until some are removed.

   FCX       Format capacity exceeded

             An attempt was made to specify a FORMAT statement  requiring
             more  space  than  was  originally  allocated by the FORTRAN

   FNI       Formal not initialized, please retype

             There  was  a  reference  to  a  formal  parameter  of  some
             subprogram that was never executed.

   FNR       [array name] is a formal and may not be redefined

             Formal parameters may not be DIMENSIONed.

   IAF       Illegal argument format [rest of user line]

             The parameters to  the  given  command  were  not  specified
             properly.  Refer to the documentation for correct format.

   IAT       Illegal argument type = [number]

             An  unrecognized  subprogram  argument  type  was  detected.
             Submit an SPR if this message occurs.

   ICC       Comparison of two constants is not allowed

             A conditional test involves two constants.

   IER       Internal FORDDT error [number]


             Internal FORDDT error - please report through an SPR.

   IGN       Invalid group number

             Group numbers must be integers and in the range one  through

   INV       Invalid value [rest of user line]

             A syntax error was detected in the numeric parameter.

   IPN       Illegal program name

   IRS       Illegal range specification

             The particular range specified for an array is not defined.

   ITM       Illegal type modifier - S

             The mode S is only valid for ACCEPT statements.

   IWI       I/O within I/O error

             An attempted TYPE  or  ACCEPT  command  cannot  be  executed
             because  a  fatal  "I/O  within I/O" error from FOROTS would
             result, since the user program is  currently  processing  an
             IOLST call.

   JSE       [JSYS error message]

             Error reading program name (on TOPS-20 or some other  FORDDT

   LGU       [array name] lower subscript .GE.  upper

             The lower bound of any given dimension must be less than  or
             equal to the upper bound.

   LNF       [label] is not a FORMAT statement

   MCD       Compile program with the  DEBUG  switch  to  type  a  FORMAT

   MLD       [array name] multi-level array definition not allowed

             The same array cannot be  dimensioned  more  than  once  (by
             means of the [dimensions] construct) in a single command.

   MSN       More subscripts needed

             The array is defined  to  have  more  dimensions  than  were
             specified in the given reference.


   NAL       Not allowed

             An attempt has been made to modify something other than data
             or a FORMAT.

   NAR       Not after a reenter

             The given command is not allowed until program integrity has
             been restored by means of a CONTINUE or NEXT command.

   NDT       DDT not loaded

   NFS       Cannot find FORTRAN start address for [program name]

             Main program symbols are not loaded.

   NFV       [symbol] is not a FORTRAN variable

             Names must be  6-character  alphanumeric  strings  beginning
             with a letter.

   NGF       Cannot GOTO a FORMAT statement

   NPH       Cannot insert a PAUSE here

             An attempt has been made to place a breakpoint at other than
             an executable statement or subprogram entry point.

   NSP       [symbol] no such PAUSE

             An attempt has been made to REMOVE  a  breakpoint  that  was
             never set up.

   NUD       [symbol] not a user-defined array

             An attempt has been made to remove dimension information for
             an array that was never defined.

   PAR       Parentheses required, please retype

             Parentheses are required for  the  specification  of  FORMAT
             statements and complex constants.

   PRO       Too many PAUSE requests

             The PAUSE table has been exhausted.  The  maximum  limit  is

   RGR       Recursive group reference

             A group may not reference itself.


   SER       Subscript error

             The subscript specified is outside the range of its  defined

   STL       [array name] size too large

             An attempt has been made to  define  an  array  larger  than

   TMS       Too many subscripts [dimensions]

             The array is defined  to  have  fewer  dimensions  than  are
             specified in the given element reference.

   URC       Unrecognized command [command]

   Warning Messages

   Each warning message is  preceded  by  %FDT  on  your  terminal.   The
   warning messages are listed here in alphabetical order.

   ABX       [array name] compiled array bounds exceeded

             FORDDT has detected another symbol defined in the  specified
             range  of  the  array.  Note that this will occur in certain
             EQUIVALENCE cases and can be ignored at that time.

   CAB       Cannot allocate buffer for help file

   CHI       Characters ignored:  "[text]"

             The portion of the command string  included  in  "text"  was
             thought to be extraneous and was ignored.

   ECI       Buffer full - excess characters ignored

   EOH       Error opening help file

   IOE       I/O error reading help file

   IWI       I/O within I/O

             FORDDT has PAUSEd at a breakpoint while the user program  is
             currently   processing  an  IOLST  call.   TYPE  and  ACCEPT
             commands cannot be processed at this breakpoint.

   NAA       [symbol] is not an array

   NHF       Cannot find help file; I'm sorry I can't help you


   NSL       No symbols loaded

             FORDDT cannot find the symbol table.

   NST       Not STARTed

             The specified command requires that a  START  be  previously
             issued to ensure that the program is properly initialized.

   POV       Program overlayed by [program name]
             Program overlayed by ***

             The symbol table is different from the last time FORDDT  had
             control.   The  program  name  is  printed  only  if  it has
             changed, otherwise '***' is printed.

   SCA       Supersedes compiled array dimension

             The FORTRAN generated dimension is being superseded for  the
             given array.

   SPO       Variable is single-precision only

   WSP       Writing to shared page

   XPA       Attempt to exceed program area with [symbol name]

             An attempt has  been  made  to  access  memory  outside  the
             currently defined program space.


                                 APPENDIX F


   The FORTRAN subroutine library contains a set of subroutines that  are
   used  with  plotting  devices.   To successfully use these routines, a
   plotter must be  connected  to  your  system.   The  FORTRAN  software
   contains the following plotter subroutines:

   PLOTS     The PLOTS subroutine initializes the plotter or  reports  if
             the  plotter  is  not  available.   This  must  be the first
             plotter subroutine specified.  (See Section F.1.)

   AXIS      The AXIS subroutine draws an axis with tic marks  and  scale
             values  at 1-inch increments.  An identifying label may also
             be plotted along the axis.  (See Section F.2.)

   CAXIS     The CAXIS subroutine performs the same functions as the AXIS
             subroutine.  (See Section F.3.)

   LINE      The  LINE  subroutine  draws  a  line  through  the   points
             specified.  (See Section F.4.)

   MKTBL     The MKTBL subroutine  specifies  a  special  character  set.
             (See Section F.5.)

   NUMBER    The NUMBER subroutine causes floating-point  numbers  to  be
             plotted as text.  (See Section F.6.)

   PLOT      The PLOT subroutine moves the plotter pen to a new position.
             Raising  and  lowering the pen is also specified in the PLOT
             subroutine.  (See Section F.7.)

   SCALE     The SCALE subroutine selects scale values for  the  AXIS  or
             CAXIS subroutine.  (See Section F.8.)

   SETABL    The SETABL  subroutine  specifies  a  character  set.   (See
             Section F.9.)

   SYMBOL    The SYMBOL subroutine raises the plotter pen,  moves  it  to
             the  position  specified  by  x and y, and plots a string of


             characters.  (See Section F.10.)

   WHERE     The WHERE subroutine reports on the current position of  the
             plotter pen.  (See Section F.11.)



   The PLOTS subroutine initializes the plotter or reports if the plotter
   is   not  available.   This  must  be  the  first  plotter  subroutine

   The form of the PLOTS subroutine is:

        CALL PLOTS(i[,steps])


        i         is an integer variable, which  is  set  to  -1  if  the
                  plotter is not available, or set to 0 if the plotter is

                  The plotter may not be available because:   the  system
                  does  not  have  a  plotter;  the  plotter is in use by
                  another user; the plotter is turned off; or the plotter
                  is  being  spooled,  but  you are trying to write to it

        steps     is an optional floating-point variable or constant that
                  specifies  the  number  of steps (per inch) used by the
                  plotter.  The default is 100 steps per inch, and may be
                  changed  by  the installation.  Commonly, plotters plot
                  100 steps per inch, 200 steps per inch,  or  100  steps
                  per centimeter (about 254 steps per inch).




   The AXIS subroutine draws an axis with tic marks and scale  values  at
   1-inch increments.  An identifying label may also be plotted along the


           The AXIS subroutine is provided for compatibility with
           previous   versions   of   FORTRAN-10/20.    The  AXIS
           subroutine uses a numeric array to contain  the  label
           that  is plotted along the axis.  The CAXIS subroutine
           (see Section F.3) allows  a  character  expression  to
           contain the label.

   The form of the AXIS subroutine is:

        CALL AXIS(x,y,asc,nasc,size,theta,xmin,dx)


        x,y       is a variable  or  constant  pair  that  specifies  the
                  starting point of the axis.

        asc       is the name of a numeric array that  contains  a  label
                  that is plotted along the axis.

        nasc      is an integer constant or variable that  specifies  the
                  number  of  characters contained in array asc.  If nasc
                  is negative, the label in the array is  placed  on  the
                  clockwise  side  of the axis.  If nasc is positive, the
                  tic marks, label, and scale values are  placed  on  the
                  counterclockwise side of the axis.

        size      is a constant or variable that specifies the length  of
                  the axis in inches.

        theta     is a constant or variable that specifies the  angle  at
                  which  the  axis  is  plotted.   The  value of theta is
                  usually 0.0 or 90.0.

        xmin      is a variable or constant that specifies the  value  of
                  the scale at the beginning of the axis.

        dx        is a variable or constant that specifies the change  in
                  scale for a 1-inch increment.


                      The proper  values  for  xmin  and  dx  may  be
                      determined by calling the SCALE subroutine (see


                      Section F.8).



   The CAXIS subroutine draws an axis with tic marks and scale values  at
   1-inch increments.  An identifying label may also be plotted along the

   The form of the CAXIS subroutine is:

        CALL CAXIS(x,y,asc,sign,size,theta,xmin,dx)


        x,y       is a variable  or  constant  pair  that  specifies  the
                  starting point of the axis.

        asc       is the name of a character expression that  contains  a
                  label that is plotted along the axis.

        sign      If nasc is negative, the label in the array  is  placed
                  on  the  clockwise  side  of  the  axis.   If  nasc  is
                  positive, the tic marks, label, and  scale  values  are
                  placed on the counterclockwise side of the axis.

        size      is a constant or variable that specifies the length  of
                  the axis in inches.

        theta     is a constant or variable that specifies the  angle  at
                  which  the  axis  is  plotted.   The  value of theta is
                  usually 0.0 or 90.0.

        xmin      is a variable or constant that specifies the  value  of
                  the scale at the beginning of the axis.

        dx        is a variable or constant that specifies the change  in
                  scale for a 1-inch increment.



                      The proper  values  for  xmin  and  dx  may  be
                      determined by calling the SCALE subroutine (see
                      Section F.8).



   The LINE subroutine draws a continuous line through a set of points.

   The form of the LINE subroutine is:

        CALL LINE(x,y,n,k)


        x    is the name of an array  that  contains  the  floating-point
             x-coordinates of the points to be plotted.

        y    is the name of an array  that  contains  the  floating-point
             y-coordinates of the points to be plotted.

        n    is an integer constant or variable that specifies the  total
             number of points to be plotted.

        k    is an integer constant or variable that equals the number of
             elements of x and y.  Since single-precision one-dimensional
             arrays are usually used, this value is usually 1.



   The MKTBL subroutine defines a special character set to be  used  when


   plotting;  the  SETABL subroutine (see Section F.9) enables you to use
   the character set defined by the MKTBL subroutine.

   The form of the MKTBL subroutine is:

        CALL MKTBL(setnumber,tableaddress)


        setnumber      is an integer variable from 1 to 10 that specifies
                       the  numeric  identifier of the character set, for
                       example, the number of the ASCII character set  is
                       1.   If  the  character set cannot be defined by a
                       call to MKTBL, a value of zero is returned in this

        tableaddress   is a  constant  or  variable  that  specifies  the
                       starting address of a character table that has 128
                       (200 octal)  consecutive  words.   Each  character
                       table  word  contains  the number of strokes (line
                       segments) for the character in the left half,  and
                       the  address  of the table of strokes in the right
                       half.  See Section  F.5.1  for  a  description  of
                       these tables.

   F.5.1  Character Tables

   The next sections describe how to define and organize a character  set
   table.  The character set, called by the MKTBL subroutine, enables you
   to create and use a character set other than the default character set
   that  is  used to plot characters.  (Usually the default character set
   is ASCII.)

   To create your own character set, you need to create a character table
   and  a  character  stroke  table.   These  two tables are described in
   Sections F.5.1.1 and F.5.1.2, respectively.

   F.5.1.1  Creating a Character Table - A character table  contains  128
   entries (200 octal).  Each entry in the character table, regardless of
   whether the table is defined in the plotter subroutine library  or  by
   you through a call to the MKTBL subroutine, indicates the character to
   be plotted for the ASCII character that has that numerical value.

   Figure F-1 is a diagram of an entry word in a character table.


   Figure F-1:  Plotter Character Table Entry

   As shown in Figure F-1, each entry in the character table contains the
   number  of  strokes  (line segments) required to plot the character in
   its left half and an address reference in the right half of the  word.
   The  address in the right half of the entry references an entry in the
   character stroke table for the character set.   The  character  stroke
   table is described in the next section.

   F.5.1.2  Creating a Stroke Table - Each  character  in  the  character
   table  has a corresponding character stroke table.  The purpose of the
   character stroke table is to define the number  and  type  of  strokes
   (drawn line segments) it takes to produce a character in the character

   Figure F-2 is a diagram of an entry in a character stroke table.

   Figure F-2:  Character Stroke Table Entry

   As shown in Figure F-2, each stroke  is  described  in  the  character
   stroke  table  by  three  5-bit  bytes.  The possible values for these
   three bytes are:

        Byte                   Value and Meaning

          1          0     pen is raised (off the paper)
                     1     pen is lowered (on the paper)

          2          x-coordinate value at end of stroke


          3          y-coordinate value at end of stroke

   When determining the height and width of each character to be plotted,
   consider the following conventions:

        1.  Characters are drawn within a grid that is 15 units  high  by
            eight units wide.

        2.  Characters are generally plotted six  units  above  the  base
            line.   Two  units  are  generally left blank to the right of
            each character; one unit is generally left blank  on  top  of
            each character.  The spacing above, below, and on either side
            of  each  character   provides   adequate   spacing   between
            characters and between lines.

        3.  The plotter starts drawing each character at the  lower  left
            corner  of  the character grid.  If the grid is set up in the
            conventional manner, the lower left corner is  grid  position
            (0,6).  Normal width characters end at the lower right corner
            of  the  character  grid  after  allowing   spacing   between

            The last coordinate in each character grid is usually  (8,6).
            The  character  grid for the next character has as its origin
            (0,0) at the ending coordinate in the previous grid (8,6).

        4.  Accents, circumflexes, underscores, and other characters that
            are  to  be  plotted  in  the  same character grid as another
            character should end at the same grid position as they began.
            By   doing  this,  for  example,  the  ASCII  character  that
            represents  the  accent  character  is  plotted  before   the
            character that is the letter to be accented.

   F.5.1.3  Sample Character Stroke Table - In this sample, you  want  to
   plot the Greek letter beta as a normal sized character.  When plotted,
   the letter is drawn on a 15  x  8  unit  grid  above  the  base  line,
   allowing for spacing between characters and between lines.

   The  strokes  (line  segments)  for  beta,  including  the   invisible
   segments,  are  then  determined.   The character will be plotted more
   smoothly if as many of the line segments as  possible  are  connected,
   and  if  doubled segments are avoided.  Note that stroke 9 (the return
   stroke for the crossbar of the beta) and stroke 15 (moving the pen  to
   ending point (8,6) are not visible; the pen is raised.


   Figure F-3:  Sample Character Stroke Table

   If the address at  the  beginning  of  the  table  that  includes  the
   character  in Figure F-3 is called GREEK, then the FORTRAN call to set
   up the table could be:


   The above call to the MKTBL subroutine  defines  the  GREEK  character
   table  to  be  the fourth character table.  To use the GREEK table for
   plotting, use the FORTRAN call:


   The entry in the character table for beta is:


   Note that the character table entry for beta contains the starting
   address of the character stroke table (TBETA) in its right half.

   The character stroke table for beta is:


                RADIX ^D10   ;ALL VALUES ARE IN DECIMAL
        TBETA:  BYTE(5) SEEN,2,8,SEEN,2,13
                BYTE(5) SEEN,3,14,SEEN,5,14
                BYTE(5) SEEN,6,13,SEEN,6,12
                BYTE(5) SEEN,5,11,SEEN,2,11
                BYTE(5) UNSEEN,5,11,SEEN,6,10
                BYTE(5) SEEN,6,9,SEEN,5,8
                BYTE(5) SEEN,3,8,SEEN,2,9
                BYTE(5) UNSEEN,8,6

   F.5.1.4  FORTRAN- and User-Defined Character Sets - The standard ASCII
   character  set  is  always defined and is character set 1 for calls to
   the SETABL subroutine, unless character set 1 is redefined by  a  user
   call  to  the  MKTBL  subroutine.   If SETABL is not called, the ASCII
   character set is the default.

   The Cyrillic (Russian) character set is available as character set  2,
   and  the  Feanorian  character  set  is  available  as character set 3
   (unless character sets 2 or 3 has been redefined by a user call to the
   MKTBL  subroutine).   In  order  to use these character sets, the user
   program  must  contain  an  EXTERNAL  statement  for  variable   PLOTF
   (Feanorian) or PLOTC (Cyrillic).

   User-defined character sets should use character sets 4 through 10  to
   avoid conflicts with the standard character sets.



   The NUMBER subroutine causes floating-point numbers to be  plotted  as

   The form of the NUMBER subroutine is:

        CALL NUMBER(x,y,size,fnum,theta,ndigit)



        x,y       are variables or constants that specify  the  x  and  y
                  coordinates  of the point to be plotted.  The specified
                  point is the lower left corner of the  first  character
                  to be plotted.

        size      is a variable or constant that specifies the  size  (in
                  inches)  of  the  digits  to be plotted.  The specified
                  value  should  be  a  multiple  of   .08   inches   (or
                  centimeters  if  plotter is metric) if a small value is

        fnum      is a variable or constant that  is  the  floating-point
                  number to be plotted.

        theta     is a variable or constant that specifies the  direction
                  (in  degrees)  of the base line on which the characters
                  are plotted.

        ndigit    is a variable or constant that specifies the number  of
                  digits to be plotted to the right of the decimal point.
                  If ndigit is negative, only the  integer  part  of  the
                  number is plotted; the resulting integer is rounded.



   The PLOT subroutine moves the plotter pen to a new position.   Raising
   and lowering the pen is also specified in the PLOT subroutine.


           The plotter is not released after  completion  of  the
           specified movement.

   The form of the PLOT subroutine is:

        CALL PLOT(x,y,penup/down)


        x,y            are the variables or constants that specify the  x
                       and  y  coordinates for the point to which the pen
                       will be moved.


        penup/down     is an integer constant or variable that  specifies
                       whether  the  pen  is  on  the  paper or above the
                       paper.  The possible values for this variable are:

                       3 = raise pen before movement
                       2 = lower pen before movement
                       1 = leave pen in current state (raised or lowered)

                       -1, -2, or -3 = same  as  corresponding   positive
                                       values  except  that on completion
                                       of the indicated motion,  the  new
                                       pen  position  is  taken  as a new
                                       origin and the  output  buffer  is
                                       sent  to  the  plotter.  Using the
                                       negative values is helpful if  you
                                       are      plotting      consecutive
                                       characters in the same program.



   The SCALE subroutine scales values for the AXIS subroutine.

   The form of the SCALE subroutine is:

        CALL SCALE(x,n,s,xmin,dx)


        x         is an array name of  a  one-dimensional  floating-point
                  array to be scaled for the AXIS subroutine.

        n         is an integer constant or variable that  specifies  the
                  length of the array in words (36-bit).

        s         is a constant or variable that specifies the length (in
                  inches) of the desired axis.

        xmin      is a constant or variable that specifies  the  smallest
                  element  in  array  x.   The  value of xmin will be the
                  value of the scale at the beginning of the axis.

        dx        is a constant or variable that  equals  the  change  in


                  scale  for  a  1-inch  interval  so that array x can be
                  plotted in inches.



   The SETABL subroutine enables you to select the character set that  is
   used to plot characters.

   The form of the SETABL subroutine is:

        CALL SETABL (setnum,status)


        setnum    is an integer constant  or  variable  that  equals  the
                  number  of  the  character  set.   The  standard  ASCII
                  character set is  defined  to  be  set  1  and  is  the
                  default.   Character  sets  are  defined  by  the MKTBL
                  subroutine (see Section F.5).

        status    is an integer variable whose value after  the  call  to
                  the SETABL subroutine is either 0, if the character set
                  specified in setnum is valid, or -1, if  the  character
                  set specified by setnum is invalid.


                      If you use  a  character  set  other  than  the
                      character   sets  defined  by  default  in  the
                      plotter subroutine library, you must  call  the
                      MKTBL  subroutine  before  calling  the  SETABL




   The SYMBOL subroutine plots a specified  string  of  characters  (from
   either the default character set or the character set specified by the
   last successful call to the SETABL subroutine).

   The form of the SYMBOL subroutine is:

        CALL SYMBOL(x,y,size,asc,theta[,nasc])


        x         is a constant or variable that equals the x  coordinate
                  of  the  lower left corner of the first character to be

        y         is a constant or variable that equals the y  coordinate
                  of  the  lower left corner of the first character to be
                  plotted.  The  plotter  pen  is  raised  and  moved  to
                  position   x,y  before  the  string  of  characters  is

        size      is a constant or variable that specifies the height (in
                  inches)  of the character to be plotted.  The specified
                  value  should  be  a  multiple  of   .08   inches   (or
                  centimeters if you have a metric plotter).

        asc       is the name of a character expression or numeric  array
                  that contains the ASCII characters to be plotted.

        theta     is a constant or variable that specifies the  direction
                  (in  degrees)  of the base line on which the characters
                  are to be plotted.

        nasc      is an integer constant or variable that is equal to the
                  number  of  characters in numeric array asc that are to
                  be plotted.  This is ignored if a character  expression
                  is specified for asc.



   The WHERE subroutine reports on the current position  of  the  plotter


   pen, in inches, relative to the origin.


           The plotter origin is  set  by  a  call  to  the  AXIS
           subroutine or a call to the PLOT subroutine that has a
           negative value for the penup/down variable.  Also, the
           WHERE  subroutine  does  not  allow  you  to determine
           whether the plotter pen is raised or lowered.

   The form of the WHERE subroutine is:

        CALL WHERE(x,y)


        x    is  a  variable  in  which  the  subroutine  returns  the  x
             coordinate of the current print position.

        y    is  a  variable  in  which  the  subroutine  returns  the  y
             coordinate of the current pen position.
