
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - integ_tools_tops20_v7_30-apr-86_dumper - tools/com/
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$ Save_Verify := 'F$Verify(0)
$ If p1       .nes. ""  Then filename :== 'p1'
$ If filename .eqs. ""  Then inquire/global filename "File"
$ First = 1
$ OK := "y"
$ @Com:Check  'filename'  return
$ IF  .not. Check_Error  Then  Goto LOOP
$ Inquire  OK "OK to create new file?"
$ If  .not. OK  Then  Goto  END
$ assign/user sys$command sys$input
$! edit/ftedt /command=com:edtini.edt  'filename'
$ edit /command=com:edtini.edt  'filename'
$ goto END
$ file :=  'F$Search(filename,1)'
$ If file .eqs. ""  Then  Goto END
$ If  First  Then  Goto EDIT_FILE
$ Inquire OK "(Q to quit) Edit next file : ''file' ?"
$ If  OK .eqs. "Q"  Then  GoTo END
$ If  .not. OK      Then  Goto END_LOOP
$ assign/user sys$command sys$input
$! edit/ftedt /command=com:edtini.edt  'file'
$ edit /command=com:edtini.edt  'file'
$ First = 0
$ if f$locate("*",filename) .ne. f$length(filename)  then  goto LOOP
$ if f$locate("?",filename) .ne. f$length(filename)  then  goto LOOP
$ Save_Verify := 'F$Verify(Save_Verify)