PDP-10 Archives
There are 3 other files named vmmtomail.dif in the archive. Click here to see a list.
The following commands have been modified or added to MAIL to produce
VMM. New commands are in UPPERCASE, other additions are in Mixed case.
Commands and their synonyms are listed together (no blank line inbetween).
Command: Summary of Changes:
-------- -------------------
BLANK Blank the terminal screen
Cc <user1>,<user2@site>,@list Carbon Copy field added
DAYTIME Displays current system time.
DELETE x:y Better display of ranges acted on.
Msgs not actually deleted, marked
/FLAG Delete flagged messages.
/FROM <string> Delete msgs FROM <string>
/NEW Delete 'New' msgs
/SUBJECT <string> Delete msgs with <string> in subject
/UNSEEN Delete 'Unseen' msgs
DIRECTORY x:y New switches added and status field
HEADERS added (flagged,deleted,new)
/DELETED Display 'deleted' msgs.
/FLAG Display 'flagged' msgs.
/FROM <string> Display msgs 'From' <string>
/NEW Display 'new' messages.
/SUBJECT <string> Display msgs with <string> in subject
/UNSEEN Display 'unseen' msgs.
EXIT EXPUNGE msgs and update file on exit.
EXPUNGE Delete messages marked for delete.
PURGE Display of messages acted on.
FLAG x:y Better display of ranges acted on.
/FROM <string> Flag msgs FROM <string>
/NEW Flag 'New' msgs
/SUBJECT <string> Flag msgs with <string> in subject
/UNSEEN Flag 'Unseen' msgs
FORWARD Prompt for CC field and use Send Mode
? Updated to use newer VMS Help facilites
Init file [MAIL.INI] VMM reads this file FIRST and sets
up OPTIONS with it -- uses the OPTIONS
command parser
NEXT Fixed for deleted messages.
OPTIONS New command mode for setting up
session long switches.
DAYTIME Display current system time
HELP Display option list and help
MAIL_PROMPT <string> Change 'VMM>' prompt to <string>
NONOTIFY Don't notify users of new mail
NOPAUSE Don't pause terminal at end of page
NOTIFY Notify users of new mail
OPTION_PROMPT <string> Change 'OPT>' prompt to <string>
PAUSE Pause terminal at end of page
PUSH Spawn a sub process
READ_PROMPT <string>
REPLY Set reply qualifiers for session
/ALL Reply to everyone in messages list
/NOALL Turn of session reply/all
/SELF Cc yourself in replies.
/NOSELF Don't Cc yourself in replies
SEND Set SEND/self or noself
/SELF Include yourself in CC field
/NOSELF Don't automatically include yourself
SEND_PROMPT <string> Change 'S>' prompt to <string>
SHOW Show options status <on/off>
SPAWN Spawn a sub process
? Same as HELP
PUSH Spawn a sub process
QUIT Update file but do not EXPUNGE
Ranges Allow user to specify ranges on
x:y certain commands. For messages
beginning at x ending at y
READ x:y Read a range of messages and pause
in read mode.
/DELETED Read 'deleted' msgs.
/FLAG Read 'flagged' msgs.
/FROM <string> Read msgs 'From' <string>
/NEW Read 'new' messages.
/SUBJECT <string> Read msgs with <string> in subject
/UNSEEN Read 'unseen' msgs.
Read Mode
BLANK Blank screen
PREVIOUS Back to previous message
DAYTIME Display current system date and time
DELETE Delete current message
FILE <filename> File current message in <filename>
FLAG Flag current message
FORWARD Forward current message to userlist
HELP <topic> Display help on <topic>
PRINT Print current message
/QUEUE <queuename> in queue <queuename>
MOVE <filename> File current message in <filename> and
delete it.
NEXT Proceed to next message
SPAWN Spawn a subprocess
QUIT Exit read mode.
REPLY Reply to current message
/ALL Include everyone in TO and CC lists
/SELF CC yourself
SEARCH <string> Search for string in messages
TYPE Type current message
UNDELETE Undelete Current message
UNFLAG Unflag Current message
REPLY Prompt for CC list and use Send Mode
/ALL Include everyone in TO and CC lists
/NOALL Disable option /all temporarily
/SELF CC yourself
/NOSELF Disable option /self temprorarily
SEND Prompt for CC list and use Send Mode
/SELF Include yourself in CC list
Send Mode
ABORT Abort and quit
DAYTIME display current system time
BCC Blind Carbon Copy
CC Add user or users to CC field
DISPLAY Display message fields
/ALL Display all message fields
/BCC Display Blind CC list
/CC Display CC list
/TEXT Display message TEXT
/TO Display TO field
EDIT Edit message before sending
ERASE Erase message fields
/ALL Erase all fields (no text)
/BCC Erase the BCC field
/CC Erase the CC list
/TO Erase the To list
HELP What send commands are available
PUSH spawn a sub process
QUIT Abort
REMOVE Remove user or users from lists
SEND Send the message NOW!
SPAWN spawn a sub process
SUBJECT <string> Change SUBJECT field to <string>
TO Add user or users to TO field
? Same as HELP
SPAWN Spawn a sub process
TYPE Redisplay the most current message
UNDELETE x:y Better notification of msgs acted on
/FROM <string> Undelete msgs FROM <string>
/SUBJECT <string> Undelete msgs with <string> in subject
UNFLAG x:y Better notification of msgs acted on
/FLAG Unflag 'Flagged' msgs
/FROM <string> Unflag msgs FROM <string>
/SUBJECT <string> Unflag msgs with <string> in subject
Verification Tell the user what messages have
been acted on. Tell users what users
received messages.
In addition VMM is set up to handle arpanet style mail
addresses of the format
automatically. The Eunice SMTP interface is used to send Arpanet msgs,
but the user need only supply an program to process the files queued
to the <MAILER> directory in order to interface to another network.
Ramon Curiel July 25, 1984