
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - k20v7d - unsupported/jstrap.hlp
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This program allows you to  load a program into  an inferior fork and  log
the use  of  any JSYS,  any  class of  JSYSES  or all  JSYSES.  Additional
information in the log file  can be the PC which  called the JSYS and  the
arguments if any.

Commands are the following:

  ALLOW arg		Add the set of JSYSes specified to the set
			which is being trapped and logged.

  DISALLOW arg		Remove the set of JSYSes specified from the
			set which is being trapped and logged.

  CLOSE			Close the log file and stop trapping of JSYSes.

  EXIT			Close log file and exit from program.

  FORKS arg		Tell whether or not you expect the core image
			of all forks to be the same.  This command only
			affects the symbolic listing in the log file.

  GET program		Read the specified program into an inferior fork.
			The program is not started.

  INTERRUPT char	Set which control character to use to interrupt
			the program being run.  The default is ^P.

  LOG spec		Begin logging of the JSYSes to the specified
			file.  The default file is JSTRAP.LOG.

  MAXIMUM number	Set how many identical JSYSes in a row can be
			logged.  Any further identical JSYSes are
			ignored.  Default value is 1000.

  PROCEED		Return from a terminal interrupt.

  RESET			Close the log file and restart the program.

  START			Begin execution of the program being watched.

  SYMBOLS addr		Set what address to use for reading in symbols.
			The default address is .JBSYM (116).

  TELL jsys		Tell whether or not a particular JSYS is being
			trapped.  The argument ALL will list all JSYSes
			which are being trapped.