
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - emacs/auto-save-mode.emacs
There are no other files named auto-save-mode.emacs in the archive.
!* -*-TECO-*- *!

!~FILENAME~:! !New version of Auto Save Mode and its associates.!
!& Setup AUTO-SAVE-MODE Library:! !S Install hooks, create variables.
Runs Auto-Save-Mode Setup Hook, if it is non-0, in which case it
must take care of setting keys, fsClkMacro, fsClkInterval, ..F and
.F.  We set those only when there is no hook.!

 m(m.m& Declare Load-Time Defaults)
    Auto-Save-Mode Setup Hook,
	If non-0, called when AUTO-SAVE-MODE is loaded: 0


 !* First make sure no previous MM-variables are going to cover our functions:!

 m.mKill Variableuk			!* K: Killer.!
 mkMM & Auto Save Setupw		!* Kill kill kill!
 mkMM & Auto Save Filew		!* ...!
 mkMM ^R Save Filew			!* ...!
 mkMM & Secretary Macrow		!* ...!
 mkMM & Auto Save All Buffersw		!* ...!
 mkMM & Real-time Interruptw		!* ...!

 !* Now do some of our own installing: !

    !* Note that we will PREpend our exit hook, so that in case there!
    !* was already some other auto-saver hook there, we go first and!
    !* theirs probably will be a no-op since the buffers wont be!
    !* modified any more.!

 0fo..qExit Hookf"ew :i*'u1		!* 1: Old hook.!
 @:i*|ff"e m(m.m& Auto Save All Buffers)'	!* Prepend our hook.!
     1|m.vExit Hookw		!* ...!

 !* Some installing is only if there is no hook: !

 qAuto-Save-Mode Setup Hookf"nu1 m1'	!* Run hook, if non-0.!
 "#w					!* No hook.  We install.!
    m.m& Secretary Macrof(u.f)u..f	!* .F, ..F: Install our one.!
    m.m& Real-time InterruptfsClkMacrow	!* Install our clock!
						!* interrupt handler.!
    fsClkInterval"e 4*60*60fsClkIntervalw'	!* set interval if none!
    m.m^R Save Fileu:.x()'		!* C-X C-S: our save file function!

!& Auto Save Setup:! !S Decide whether to turn on auto saving for file!
 0[1					!* 1: to save or not to save!
 qBuffer Index[2			!* 2: index into .B of current buffer!
 qBuffer Filenamesf"nf[DFile		!* if buffer filenames, examine them!
    fsDVersion"e			!* saving to >!
	q:.b(q2+12)"e			!* and not read-only!
	    1u1'''			!* then we save!
 q1u:.b(q2+10) 			!* just store the answer!
!& Auto Save File:! !S Subroutine that may write out an auto save file.
NUMARG is Buffer Index of buffer in .B to save.
We run Before Auto Save Hook and After Auto Save Hook if non-0.!

 m(m.m& Declare Load-Time Defaults)
    Before Auto Save Hook, If non-0 is run just before auto saving: 0
    After Auto Save Hook, If non-0 is run just after auto saving: 0
    Auto Save Star, * If non-0, user wants * in mode line after auto-save: 0 

 [1[2[3[4 0f[VB 0f[VZ		    !* Wide bounds.!

 -qBuffer Index"e qBuffer filenamesu1'	    !* 1: buffer filenames!
 "# q:.b(+2)u1'				    !* ...!
 q1"e @ftNo auto save filenames.  0fsEchoActivew '

 q1f[DFile			    !* set default to buffer filenames.!

				    !* Now figure what version to use.!

 fsURead"n e[fne]'		    !* maybe push input file!
 1:< 1,er fsIFileu3 fsIFVersionu4 fsIFCDateu2 ec
				    !* 3: Full filename of highest version.!
				    !* 4: Its version number.!
				    !* 2: Its creation date.!

     q2-(0fo..qASav 3 File)"e    !* Was an auto save version already.!
	q4fsDVersionw		    !* so save to that version again!
	fsDFileu1		    !* ...!
	etASAVE OUTPUT'	    !* but open ASAVE.OUTPUT on TNX to!
				    !* prevent a crash from leaving a zero!
				    !* length file!
     >w				    !* end of errset!

 qBefore Auto Save Hookf"nu2 m2'w	    !* Run before hook if non-0.!

 fsUWrite"n e\fne^'		    !* maybe push output file!
 ei fsOFCDateu2		    !* 2: Its creation date.!
 hp ef1			    !* restore filenames to force EF to!
				    !* rename, and write it out.!
 fsOFVersionf"gu:.b(+9) 1fsModeChange'w !* save actual version number!
 zu:.b(+5+6)			    !* Update size last read/saved.!
 fsOFileu1			    !* 1: Auto save files full name.!
 q2u:.b(+8)			    !* Update buffer date field.!
 q2m.vASav 1 Filew		    !* Declare it an autosave file.!
 @ftAuto saved: 1
				    !* tell user exact filename written!

 qAfter Auto Save Hookf"nu1 m1'w	    !* Run after hook if non-0.!

 0fsXModifiedw			    !* Lets not save it again.!
 qAuto Save Star"e 0fsModifiedw' !* if user wants star to go away, make it!
				    !* go away!
!^R Save File:! !^R Write out a user-save file if needs it.
A user-save file is one written by user decision, and therefore never to
    be touched by auto saving.  E.g. a high-level backup point.
Declares this version to be a user-saved file, i.e. NOT an auto saved
    one.  Thus, auto saving will not occur to this version again.
Given an explicit NUMARG, we just run & Auto Save File, to ensure that the
    file is currently safe, if not user-level consistent:  thus this will
    keep the file declared an auto save file.
A NUMARG of 16 or greater calls & Auto Save All Buffers.!

 -16:"l m(m.m& Auto Save All Buffers)w 1'
 :i*CfsEchoDis		    !* clear echo area!
 ff"g			    !* NUMARG.!
   fsXModified"e @ft(No changes need to be written)
    0fsEchoActivew 1'	    !* tell user buffer doesnt need changing!
   @ft(auto save)
				    !* or tell him auto save started!
   qBuffer Indexm(m.m& Auto Save File)   !* auto save current buffer!
   1'				    !* !

 [1[2[3[4 f[DFile		    !* Should we be saving default?!
 0f[VB 0f[VZ			    !* Wide bounds.!
 qBuffer Filenamesf"ew :i*No filenames to save underfsErr
    'u1				    !* 1: User-save filenames.!
 et1				    !* Set default!
 q1u2				    !* 2: Start with filename in case the!
				    !* input below gives an error.!
 fsURead"n e[fne]'		    !* maybe push input file!
 1:< 1,er fsIFileu2 fsIFVersionu3 fsIFCDateu4 ec
				    !* 2: Highest version filename.!
				    !* 3: Its version number.!
				    !* 4: Its creation date.!
     q4-(0fo..qASav 2 File)"e    !* That is an auto save file.!
	q3fsDVersionw		    !* So re-use that version.!
	fsDFileu1		    !* ...!
	etASAVE OUTPUT'	    !* on TNX, open different filename to!
				    !* prevent a crash from leaving a zero!
				    !* length file!

     q:.b(qBuffer Index+8)u3	    !* read or wrote the file.!
     q4"n q3"n q4-q3"n		    !* If not, warn user he may be losing.!
        ftThis file has been written on disk since you last read or wrote it.
Should I write it anyway
        m(m.m& Yes or No)(f 0u..h)"e 0''''

 fsXModified"e @ft(No changes need to be written)
 "# fsUWrite"n e\fne^'	    !* maybe push output file!
    ei fsOFCDateu3		    !* 3: Its creation date.!
    hp ef1			    !* restore filenames to force EF to!
				    !* rename, and write it out.!
    fsOFVersionf"gu:.b(+9) 1fsModeChange'w	    !* save actual version number!
    zu:.b(qBuffer Index+5+6)	    !* Update size last read/saved.!
    fsOFileu2			    !* 2: User save files full name.!
    q3u:.b(qBuffer Index+8)	    !* Update buffer date field.!
    @ftUser saved: 2

    0fsXModifiedw'		    !* no longer needs auto saving!
 fs^RMDlyfs^RMCntw		    !* not even in near future!
 0fsModifiedw			    !* no longer needs user saving!

 m(m.mKill Variable)ASav 2 Filew
	    !* Remove any assertion that this was an auto save file.  Note!
	    !* that this is not conditional on fsModified since the buffer!
	    !* may have just been written out due to an auto save.!
	    !* However, we must at least declare that auto saved file to!
	    !* now be a user saved file.!

 0fsEchoActivew 1 
!& Secretary Macro:! !S ..F:  Auto save for use in ^R mode editing.
The buffer is auto saved after every fs^RMDly characters.
Auto saving happens by calling & Auto Save File.!
!* I (ECC) think that Teco must be the one to reset fs^RMCnt, and it
 * does it after we are done -- and if we get an error it is not reset.
 * So if we are not careful if someone gets a write error (e.g. no
 * access) the ..F will go off again the very next character they type.
 * For now, until we have a better solution, I am having ..F reset
 * fs^RMCnt from fs^RMDly itself once it decides to call & Auto Save File.!

 qBuffer Index[1			!* 1: index of current buffer!
 q:.b(q1+4)[..o				!* Teco-select the current EMACS!
					!* buffer -- i.e. dont let any temp!
					!* teco buffers get in the way.!
 fsXModified"e 1'			!* Buffer doesnt need saving.!
 q:.b(q1+10)"e 1'			!* Not supposed to save it.!

 :i*CfsEchoDis @ft(auto save)
 0fsEchoActivew			!* tell user what we are up to.!
 fs^RMDlyfs^RMCntw			!* Reset count before chance of bad error!
 q1m(m.m& Auto Save File)		!* auto save current buffer!
!& Auto Save All Buffers:! !S For each buffer that requires it.
I.e. for each that is modified and has auto saving on.
& Auto Save File is called.!

 0[1 [2 -1[3 [..o		    !* 1: .B index, 3: saved count!
 < 1f<!Test!			    !* exit this if no auto save!
     q:.b(q1+10)@;		    !* exit if saving not desired!
     q:.b(q1+4)u..o		    !* Teco select buffer!
     fsXModified@;		    !* this buffer modified?!
     %3"e :i*CfsEchoDis @ft(auto save)
    0fsEchoActivew'		    !* tell user if first buffer!
     q1m(m.m& Auto Save File)	    !* yes, save buffer!
     >				    !* end auto save test catch!
   q1+q:.b(q1)u1		    !* 1: move to next buffer slot.!
   q1-(fq.b/5); >		    !* Continue till done .B!
!& Real-time Interrupt:! !S Save file after 5 minutes of idle time.!
 0fsTyiCount"n 0'		    !* User has been typing in last 5 minutes!
				    !* so dont save -- this is an easy way of!
				    !* avoiding possible messup of the screen!
				    !* at funny times (like in & Read Line) or!
				    !* to avoid being obnoxious to use and!
				    !* saving the current buffer 2 characters!
				    !* after it was just saved.!
 m(m.m& Auto Save All Buffers)
 0@v 0