PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named dm.emacs in the archive.
!* -*-TECO-*- !
!~Filename~:! !Commands to activate the Datamedia Keypad.!
!& Setup DM Library:! !S Set up for DM environment.!
0fo..q DM_setup_hook[0
fq0"g m0 ' !* Run users macro if any.!
m.m^R_Down_Real_Line u..J !* Go down with M-<LF>.!
16.fs ^R init u..M !* Make M-CRLF do beginning of next line.!
m.m^R_Up_Real_Line u..^ !* Up with M-^.!
m.m^R_Forward_Word u..) !* Forward word M-).!
m.m^R_Backward_Word u..( !* Backward word M-(.!
m.m^R_Previous_Screen u..+ !* Previous screen M-+.!
m.m^R_Next_Screen u..\ !* Next screen M-\.!
m.m^R_Count_Lines_Region u..~ !* Count lines region M-~.!
2fs ^R init u..< !* Backward character M-<.!
6fs init u..> !* Forward character M->.!
q..>, 440.fs ^R c macro
m.m^R_Goto_Beginning u..{ !* Beginning of buffer M-{.!
m.m^R_Goto_End u..} !* End of buffer.!
4fs ^R init u..K !* Kill forward character.!
m.m^R_DM_Return_to_superior u:.x() !* Exit and blank screen.!
q.= u..=
!^R DM Return to Superior:! !^R Clears the screen first.!
f+ !* that was easy enough.!
f m(m.m^R_Return_to_Superior)
!& Read Filename:! !S Read a filename from the tty.
A non-zero argument means file will be use for output
(for version number defaulting). The prompt should be
supplied as a string argument, without trailing colon or
space. Returns a string of the filename read.!
:I*[1 !* Read prompt argument.!
ET:<>FOO..0 ET !* Clear all defaults.!
FN FS RGETTY"N !* Set up for when done (in case ^G).!
0FO..QFlush_Prompts"N !* Maybe erase what just happened.!
"# FS ECHO LINES-1"N !* Else at least a crlf.!
@ FT !* Provided it wont erase it.!
FS LISTEN"E !* Prompt unless user's starting typing.!
FS ECHO DIS CFS ECHO DIS' !* Clear echo area.!
^ FT 1:_' !* Give prompt.!
"N 400000.+' 60000. :ET !* Get filename from tty.!
FS D FILE !* And return a string of it.!