PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named draw.emacs in the archive.
!* -*-TECO-*- *!
!~Filename~:! !DRAW file!
!MARK:! !& Marks the beginning of a line.!
!* Replaces the characters following pointer with the argument, !
!* leaving the pointer where it started. !
!* Leaves the following in Q-registers 6-9: !
!* Q9 = argument !
!* Q8 = buffer contents replaced by argument !
!* Q7 = horiz. position of beginning of mark !
!* Q6 = loc. of beginning of marked line !
:I9 !* Put argument in Q9. !
.U8 0L .U6 Q8-.U7 Q8J !* Set up Q6 and Q7, Q8 = ptr. !
:L .-Q8-FQ9"L !* Add blanks if necessary to make sure !
FQ9+Q8-.<I_>' !* there are |Q9| chars. on line to !
Q8J !* right of ptr. !
.,.+FQ9FX8 G9 !* Save buf. chars and insert mark. !
-FQ9C !* Restore pointer. !
!& Line Setup:! !& Setup for drawing line, etc.!
!* Leaves ptr at beginning of mark, and following Q-reg values: !
!* Q4 = offset = delta x position/|delta y position| !
!* Q3 = | line no. of ptr - line no. of mark | !
!* Q2 = 0 if line no. of pointer lt line no. of mark (line goes up) !
!* 1 otherwise (line goes down) !
.U1 0L .U5 Q1-.U1 !* Set up Q1 and Q5. Ptr at beg. of line. !
1U2 .-Q6"L 0U2' !* Set up Q2. !
0U3 < !* Loop to set up Q3. !
.-Q6"E 1; ' !* Invariant: Final val of Q3 = current val !
Q2"E 1L'"# -1L' !* + |line no of ptr - line no of mark|. !
Q3+1U3 > !* ptr at beginning of line. !
1U4 Q3"N (Q1-Q7)/Q3U4 ' !* Setup Q4. !
Q7C !* Move ptr to beginning of mark. !
!DRAW:! !& Draw line from mark to pointer.!
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5
M(M.M&_LINE_SETUP) !* Call line setup subroutine. !
M(M.M&_XDRAW) !* Draw line. !
]5 ]4 ]3 ]2 ]1
!& XDRAW:! !& Draws line using parameters of MARK and & LINE SETUP.!
!* Leaves Q7 = horiz pos of first char in last strip of line. !
!* Q5 = loc of beginning of that last line. !
!* Q3 = 0 !
!* ptr at beg of first char in last strip of line. !
100< !* Invariant: Ptr at beginning of last horiz !
!* strip of chars. drawn. !
!* Q7 = horiz. pos of ptr. !
!* Q3 = number of strips left to draw. !
Q3"E 1; ' Q3-1U3 !* Exit if Q3 zero, else decrement. !
Q2"E -1L'"# 1L' !* Go to next line. !
Q7+Q4U7 .U5 !* Update Q7. !
:L .-Q5-Q7-FQ9U1 !* Move Q7 + |Q9| chars right, adding blanks !
Q1"L -Q1<I_>'"# !* to pad line if necessary. !
-Q1C '
.-FQ9,.K G9 -FQ9C !* Replace chars to left with Q9, move ptr !
> !* to beginning of replaced chars. !
!STRETCH:! !& Stretch along line from mark to pointer.!
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5
M(M.M&_LINE_SETUP) !* Call line setup subroutine. !
FQ9D G8 -FQ9C !* Replace mark by original contents. !
M(M.M&_XSTRETCH) !* Do stretching. !
]5 ]4 ]3 ]2 ]1
!& XSTRETCH:! !& Do stretching, using MARK and & LINE SETUP parameters. !
!* Assumes buffer contents restored. !
100< !* Invariant: Ptr at next horiz !
!* strip to be stretched !
!* Q7 = horiz. pos of ptr. !
!* Q3 = number of strips left to draw - 1 !
Q3"L 1; ' Q3-1U3 !* Exit if Q3 neg, else decrement. !
0AU1 Q1-10"E 32U1' !* Insert |Q9| copies of char to left of ptr,!
FQ9<Q1I> !* except insert sp if at beg of line. !
Q2"E -1L'"# 1L' !* Go to next line. !
Q7+Q4U7 .U5 !* Update Q7. !
:L .-Q5-Q7U1 !* Move Q7 chars right, adding blanks !
Q1"L -Q1<I_>'"# !* to pad line if necessary. !
-Q1C '
!SHRINK:! !& Shrink along line from mark to pointer.!
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5
M(M.M&_LINE_SETUP) !* Call line setup subroutine. !
M(M.M&_XSHRINK) !* Do shrinking. !
]5 ]4 ]3 ]2 ]1
!ERASE:! !& Erase line from mark to pointer - only works going down. !
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5
M(M.M&_LINE_SETUP) !* Call line setup subroutine. !
Q2"N !* If line going down, then: !
.U1 [1 [3 [7
M(M.M&_XSHRINK) !* First shrink. !
]7 ]3 ]1 Q1J
M(M.M&_XSTRETCH) ' !* Then stretch back. !
]5 ]4 ]3 ]2 ]1
!& XSHRINK:! !& Shrink along line using MARK and & LINE SETUP parameters. !
100< !* Invariant: Ptr at next horiz !
!* strip to be deleted !
!* Q7 = horiz. pos of ptr. !
!* Q3 = number of strips left to kill - 1 !
Q3"L 1; ' Q3-1U3 !* Exit if Q3 neg, else decrement. !
FQ9D !* Delete |Q9| chars to right of ptr. !
Q2"E -1L'"# 1L' !* Go to next line. !
Q7+Q4U7 .U5 !* Update Q7. !
:L .-Q5-Q7-FQ9U1 !* Move Q7+|Q9| chars right, adding blanks !
Q1"L -Q1<I_>'"# !* to pad line if necessary. !
-Q1C '
-FQ9C !* Move |Q9| chars left. !
!FCOPY:! !& Puts figure specified by MARK and ptr. in indicated Q-Reg. !
[0 [1 [2 [3 [4 [5
.U0 !* Save ptr in Q0. !
M(M.M&_Line_Setup) !* Call & Line Setup to set up Q2-Q4. !
FQ9D G8 -FQ9C !* Replace Mark by original contents. !
Q0J 0L Q0-.-Q7U4 !* Q4 := H-pos of ptr - H-pos of mark !
Q4"L 0U1 '"# !* Q1 := 0 if Q4 neg. (backwards) !
1U1 ' !* 1 if Q4 non-neg. (forwards) !
Q6J .,.X0 !* Ptr := beginning of marked line. !
< !* Invariant: !
!* Q3 = no. of lines left to gobble - 1. !
!* Q0 = prev. lines of pict., with crs. !
!* ptr = beginning of next line to get. !
.U5 :L .-Q5-Q7-1U5 !* Move x chars right, adding blanks !
Q1"N Q5-Q4U5' !* to pad line if necessary, where !
Q5"L -Q5<I_>'"# !* x = Q7+Q4 +1 if Q1 = 1 !
-Q5C ' !* = Q7+1 if Q1 = 0 !
Q1"N .-Q4-1,.@X0 '"# !* Append line to Q0 - backwards if Q0 = 0 !
1-Q4<-1C .,.+1@X0>' !* else forwards. !
Q3"E 1;' Q3-1U3 !* If Q3 = 0 then exit, else decrement Q3. !
.-2,.@X0 -2D !* Append CR LF to Q0 !
Q2"E -1L'"# 1L' !* Go to beginning of next line. !
> !* !
:I0 !* Move Q0 to Q-reg spec. by argument !
]5 ]4 ]3 ]2 ]1 ]0 !* !
!FIGURE:! !& Draws figure from indicated Q-reg.!
!* Alpha argument = Q-reg. name (not 0-9) !
!* mark = 1 corner, ptr = opposite ptr. !
!* if right - left then reverse columns. !
!* if botttom - top then reverse rows. !
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7
.U3 0L Q3-.U3 .U6 HFX5 !* Save buffer in Q5, beg of line in !
!* Q6, Horiz pos of buffer in Q3. !
G BJ !* Move figure from Q-Reg to Buffer. !
< Z"E 1; ' !* Repeat while buffer not empty: !
:L 0,.X4 0L 1K HFX7 !* First line of buffer to Q4 & del.!
!* Save rest of picture in Q7. !
G5 Q6J !* Restore buffer & ptr. !
Q3+FQ4U1 !* Horiz pos + length of string to Q1.!
.U2 :L !* Move Q1 chars. to right: !
.-Q2-Q1"L Q1+Q2-.<I_>'"# !* If puts past end of line, !
Q1+Q2J ' !* Then add blanks, else go there.!
-FQ4D G4 !* Replace chars to left with Q4. !
1L !* Go to next line. !
.U6 HFX5 G7 BJ !* Save buffer and bring in rest of !
> !* picture. !
HK G5 Q6J -1L Q1C !* Restore buffer. !
!TRANSPOSE:! !& Puts transpose of fig in Q-reg arg1 into Q-reg arq2. !
[0 [1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9
.U8 HFX9 [8 !* Save buffer, ptr in Q8, Q9. !
G BJ !* Put figure in buffer. !
0U0 !* !
< !* Invariant: !
Z"E 1;' !* prev. lines of figure on stack !
:L 0,.X1 [1 !* (without crs) !
1L 0,.K Q0+1U0 !* rest of figure in buffer !
> !* Q0 = no of lines on stack !
HX8 !* !
< !* Invariant: !
Q0"E 1;' Q0-1U0 !* buffer empty !
!* Q0 = no of lines left on stack!
!* Q8 = rest of picture !
!* !
]1 G1 BJ !* Get next line and put in buffer.!
I < 1C .-Z"E 1;' I
> !* Rotate it. !
BJ 1C !* Move to top right +1 char. !
!* !
!* Q8: !
.U3 0L Q3-.U3 .U6 HFX5 !* Save buffer in Q5, beg of line in !
!* Q6, Horiz pos of buffer in Q3. !
G8 BJ !* Move figure from Q-Reg to Buffer. !
< Z"E 1; ' !* Repeat while buffer not empty: !
:L 0,.X4 0L 1K HFX7 !* First line of buffer to Q4 & del.!
!* Save rest of picture in Q7. !
G5 Q6J !* Restore buffer & ptr. !
Q3+FQ4U1 !* Horiz pos + length of string to Q1.!
.U2 :L !* Move Q1 chars. to right: !
.-Q2-Q1"L Q1+Q2-.<I_>'"# !* If puts past end of line, !
Q1+Q2J ' !* Then add blanks, else go there.!
-FQ4D G4 !* Replace chars to left with Q4. !
1L !* Go to next line. !
.U6 HFX5 G7 BJ !* Save buffer and bring in rest of !
> !* picture. !
HK G5 !* Restore buffer. !
HFX8 !* Put buffer in Q8 and kill. !
> !* !
:I8 !* Move picture from Q8 to final Q. !
HK G9 ]8 Q8J !* Restore original buffer. !
!* !
!& PSEUDOMARK:! !& Simulates a MARK and & LINE SETUP call for V commands. !
!* Does not set up Q8 or Q9. !
.U5 0L Q5-.U7 .U6 !* Setup Q7 and Q6. !
0U4 !* Q4 = 0 !
FS^R ARGP&1"E 0U3'"# !* If arg: then dec and put in Q3 !
FS^R ARG-1U3' !* else put 0 in Q3 !
FS^R ARGP&4"E 1U2'"# 0U2' !* Set up Q2. !
Q5J !* Restore pointer. !
!VDRAW:! !& Draws a vertical line specified by arguments. !
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9
:I9 !* Q9 = alpha argument. !
.U5 :L .-Q5-FQ9U1 !* Move |Q9| chars right, adding blanks !
Q1"L -Q1<I_>'"# !* to pad line if necessary. !
-Q1C '
-FQ9D G9 -FQ9C !* Draw first strip of line. !
M(M.M&_XDRAW) !* Draw rest of line. !
!DDRAW:! !& Draws a diagonal line.!
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9
:I9 !* Q9 = alpha argument. !
FQ9U4 !* Set Q4 (offset) to length of Q9 (arg.) !
.U5 :L .-Q5-FQ9U1 !* Move |Q9| chars right, adding blanks !
Q1"L -Q1<I_>'"# !* to pad line if necessary. !
-Q1C '
-FQ9D G9 -FQ9C !* Draw first strip of line. !
M(M.M&_XDRAW) !* Draw rest of line. !
!VSTRETCH:! !& Stretch as indicated by args. !
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9
:I9 !* Q9 = alpha argument. !
!VSHRINK:! !& Shrink as indicated by args. !
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9
:I9 !* Q9 = alpha argument. !
!VERASE:! !& Erase as indicated by args -- only if erasing down. !
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9
:I9 !* Q9 = alpha argument. !
Q2"N !* If line goes down, then: !
.U1 [1 [7 [3
M(M.M&_XSHRINK) !* First shrink. !
]3 ]7 ]1 Q1J
M(M.M&_XSTRETCH) ' !* Then stretch. !
!& Setup DRAW Library:! !& Initialization.!