
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - emacs/justify.emacs
There are no other files named justify.emacs in the archive.
!* -*-TECO-*- *!					

!~Filename~:! !Library of routines to do automatic justification.!
!& Setup JUSTIFY Library:! !S Sets up for automatic justification.!

   0FO..Q JUSTIFY_Setup_Hook[1	        !* Does loader have setup hook? *!
   Q1"N M1'				!*    yes, execute it *!
     "#					!*    no, so do the default *!

     0FO..Q Auto_Justify_Mode F"E 	!* Setup the justify flag variable. *!
       0M.VAuto_Justify_Mode' 		!* Initially it is turned off. *!

       !** Setup the description of the mode variables. **!

            1FS MODE CHANGE		!* Signal a mode change. *!
            32FS ^R INITU_		!* Put space back like it was. *!
            "E '			!* Do nothing else, if out of mode. *!
              "# 0UAuto_Fill_Mode	!* Take us out of Auto Fill Mode. *!
                 M.M^R_Auto-Justify_SpaceU_'| !* Redefine space. *!
       M.CAuto_Justify_Mode1    !* Set up the description. *!

            1FS MODE CHANGE		!* Signal a mode change. *!
            32FS ^R INITU_		!* Put space back like it was. *!
            "E '			!* Do nothing else, if out of mode. *!
              "# 0UAuto_Justify_Mode !* Take us out of Auto Justify Mode.*!
                 M.M^R_Auto-Fill_SpaceU_'| !* Redefine space. *!
       M.CAuto_Fill_Mode1 	!* Set up the description. *!

      !** Append code to the Set Mode Line Hook which will make the **!
      !** appropriate display when in Auto Justify Mode. **!

        FQ1"L :I1'			!* If nothing before, null it out. *!
        QAuto_Justify_Mode"N [2 :I2_Justify' !* Add the string Justify *!
                            "# [2 :I2' !*    if in that mode. *!
        :I* 12' (]1)| !* Return the string pointer. *!

      1FS MODE CHANGE 			!* Indicate mode has changed. *!
      0				!* End of the setup stuff. *!
!& File JUSTIFY Loaded:! !? If this is defined, JUSTIFY is loaded.!
    Note macro bodies are not allowed to be empty.
!Auto Justify Mode:! !C Break lines between words at right margin and justify.
A positive argument turns Auto Justify mode on; zero or negative,
turns it off.  With no argument, the mode is toggled.  When  Auto
Justify mode  is  on,  lines  are  broken  at  the  right  margin
(position controlled by Q$Fill Column$) at spaces, by doing a LF.
Then the paragraph is justified to  that point.  You can set  the
Fill Column with the ^R Set Fill Column.!

    [0					!* Place the argument in Q0. *!
    FF"N "N 1U0' "# 0U0''		!* Arg => set from the arg. *!
      "# 0FO..Q Auto_Justify_Mode"E 1U0' "# 0U0'' !* No arg => toggle. *!
    Q0M.L Auto_Justify_Mode		!* Set the Auto Justify variable. *!
    Q0"N 0M.L Auto_Fill_Mode 		!* These are mutually exclusive. *!
         M.M ^R_Auto-Justify_SpaceU_' !* Setup the definition of space. *!
    1FS MODE CHANGE			!* Update and display the update. *!
!Auto Fill Mode:! !C Break lines between words at the right margin.
A positive  argument  turns  Auto  Fill  mode  on;  zero  or
negative, turns  it  off.  With  no  argument, the  mode  is
toggled.  When Auto Fill mode is on, lines are broken at the
right margin  (position  controlled by  QFill  Column)  at
spaces, by doing a LF.  You can set the Fill Column with the
^R Set Fill Column.!

    !** This is a modified version of Auto Fill Mode. **!

    [0					!* Place the argument in Q0. *!
    FF"N "N 1U0' "# 0U0''		!* Arg => set from the arg.!
      "# 0FO..Q Auto_Fill_Mode"E 1U0' "# 0U0''	!* No arg => toggle.!
    Q0M.L Auto_Fill_Mode		!* Set the Auto Fill variable. *!
    Q0"N 0M.L Auto_Justify_Mode ' 	!* These are mutually exclusive. *!
         M.M ^R_Auto-Fill_SpaceU_' 	!* Setup the definition of space. *!
    1FS MODE CHANGE			!* Update and display the update. *!
!^R Auto-Justify Space:! !^R Insert space, but if at margin, justify paragraph to that point.
QFill Column controls where the margin is considered to be.
QSpace Indent Flag, if 0, inhibits indenting new lines.
With arg of 0, inserts no space, but may break line.
With arg > 1, inserts several spaces and does not break line.!

    !** This is a modified version of ^R Auto-Fill Space. **!

    M(32FS ^R INIT) 		!* First, insert spaces the ordinary way. *!
    -1"G 0'			!* Then, if argument 0 or 1, and we're *!
				!*   past the margin *!
    0FO..QFill_ColumnF"N F[ ADLINE '	!* Set the line size. *!
    FS ADLINE[1		!* Q1 gets margin column. *!
    FS HPOS-Q1-:"G 0'	!* (not counting spaces just inserted in *!
				!*   that test), then *!
    Z-.[0  FN Z-Q0J		!* (after arranging that we can move *!
				!*   point temporarily) *!
    < .-1,(0L .):FB_"E 0'	!* find the space before this one.  *!
				!*   Return if none. *!
      Q1-FS HPOS;>		!* If that space also too far right, *!
				!*   go to previous. *!
    @F_L			!* Kill all spaces there, *!
    @-F_K			!*   in case they are multiple. *!
    :FX1			!* Copy away stuff after it, *!
				!*   so we are at EOL. *!
				!* So we can gobble following blank line *!
				!*   if any. *!
    .-Z(			!* If we do that, Q0 must be changed *!
				!*   the same amount *!

    !*** Go to new line and indent, maybe, or start a comment if nec. *!
         )+Z-.+Q0U0		!* that Z-. now changes. *!

    :0@L .[3 .[4		!* Mark this as start of updated region. *!

    0FO..QComment_Start[2	!* Are there comments? *!
    Q2"N			!* If there are comments, *!
      :FB2"N			!*    and if we are in a comment, *!
        :@L QComment_EndU2	!*    flush the comment terminator *!
				!*    that was just inserted *!
        Q2"N -FQ2F~2"E	!*    and adjust the final *!
          -FQ2D Q0-FQ2U0''	!*    position of point. *!
        :@L G1'			!* Get back what followed the space *!
				!*    on the line. *!

      "# F~MODELISP"E	!* If in LISP mode, *!
         @M(M.M ^R_Indent_According_to_Mode) !* Indent *!
         :@L G1 '		!*    and then get what followed the space. *!

      "#			!*** This could cause problems with code. ***!
      .U4 @M(M.M ^R_Backward_Paragraph) !* Find start of the paragraph. *!

J !* Go to first nonblank character. *!
      .-Q4"G Q4J' .U3		!* Save this point. *!
      :@L G1			!* Get back what followed the space *!	
				!*    on the line. *!
      Q3,.FA '''		!*    and then justify it. *!

      "#			!* Otherwise, justify the paragraph. *!
      .U4 @M(M.M ^R_Backward_Paragraph) !* Find start of the paragraph. *!

J !* Go to first nonblank character. *!
      .-Q4"G Q4J' .U3		!* Save this point. *!
      :@L G1 			!* Get back what followed the space *!	
				!*    on the line. *!
      Q3,.FA '			!*    and then justify it. *!

    FS RGETTY"E :0T'		!* Echo reasonably on printing tty. *!
    Q3,.			!* Return range since where that space was. *!
!^R Auto-Fill Space:! !^R Insert space, but CRLF at margin.
QFill Column controls where the margin is considered to be.
QSpace Indent Flag, if 0, inhibits indenting new lines.
With arg of 0, inserts no space, but may break line.
With arg > 1, inserts several spaces and does not break line.!

    M(32FS ^R INIT) 		!* First, insert spaces the ordinary way. *!
    -1"G 0'			!* Then, if argument 0 or 1, and we're *!
				!*   past the margin *!
    0FO..QFill_ColumnF"N F[ ADLINE '	!* Set the line size. *!
    FS ADLINE[1		!* Q1 gets margin column. *!
    FS HPOS-Q1-:"G 0'	!* (not counting spaces just inserted in *!
				!*   that test), then *!
    Z-.[0  FN Z-Q0J		!* (after arranging that we can move *!
				!*   point temporarily) *!
    < .-1,(0L .):FB_"E 0'	!* find the space before this one.  *!
				!*   Return if none. *!
      Q1-FS HPOS;>		!* If that space also too far right, *!
				!*   go to previous. *!
    @F_L			!* Kill all spaces there, *!
    @-F_K			!*   in case they are multiple. *!
    :FX1			!* Copy away stuff after it, *!
				!*   so we are at EOL. *!
				!* So we can gobble following blank line *!
				!*   if any. *!
    .-Z(			!* If we do that, Q0 must be changed *!
				!*   the same amount *!

    !*** Go to new line and indent, maybe, or start a comment if nec. *!
         )+Z-.+Q0U0		!* that Z-. now changes. *!

    :0@L .,(			!* Mark this as start of updated region. *!

    !* In a comment, continue the comment on the next line. *!
    Q2"N :FB2"N		!* If we are in a comment, *!	
        :@L QComment_EndU2	!*    flush the comment terminator *!
				!*    that was just inserted *!
        Q2"N -FQ2F~2"E	!*    and adjust the final *!
          -FQ2D Q0-FQ2U0''''	!*    position of point. *!
    :@L G1			!* Get back what followed the space *!

    FS RGETTY"E :0T'		!* Echo reasonably on printing tty. *!
    ).			!* Return range since where that space was. *!
!^R Fill Region:! !^R Fill text from mark to point.
QFill  Column  specifies  the  desired  text  width.    An
explicit positive  argument (or  Auto Justify  Mode)  causes
adjusting instead of  filling.  A  negative argument  causes
"un-filling": removal of excess spaces.!

    !** This is a modified version of ^R Fill Region. **!

    [1					!* Justify the region? *!
    QAuto_Justify_Mode"E :I1justify'	!* If in justify mode, justify. *!
    "# FF"E :I1fill' 		!*    If no arg *!
       "# "L :I1fill'		!*    or negative arg, fill, *!
          "# :I1justify'''		!*    else justify. *!
    Q1M(M.M &_Save_Region_and_Query)F"E '

    F[VB F[VZ
    0FO..Q Fill_Prefix[1		!* Get the Fill Prefix if any. *!
    Q1"E FQComment_End-1"L		!* If editing code, *!
					!*    use comment start *!
					!*    as fill prefix *!
     QComment_Start F"N U1'''		!* So paragraphs of comments can be *!
                                        !*    edited. *!
					!* But this won't work if comments *!
					!*    need terminators. *!
    0FO..QFill_ColumnF"N F[ ADLINE '	!* Set the line size. *!
    .,(W.)FFSBound			!* Push bounds and set the to *!
					!*    region. *!
    FQ1"G J<.-Z; FQ1F=1"E FQ1D' L>' !* Delete the prefix from the *!
					!*    front of each line. *!
    FN B: ZJ				!* When we exit, leave mark at *!
					!*    front and point at end. *!
    J< .-Z; :L 0,0AF2+1"G I_' L>	!* Put an extra space after each *!
					!*    sentence-end at eol. *!
    FF"N				!* Adjust? *!

     J  :S_				!* Start at the beginning of the *!
					!*    text for justification. *!
        <:S__; 0,-2AF2+1"E -D'	!* If find 2 spaces, delete 2nd if *!
					!*    not after period, etc, *!
        @F_K>'			!*    and in any case delete any *!
					!*    more spaces. *!

     QAuto_Justify_Mode-1"E HFA'	!* If in Auto Justify Mode, justify.*!
       "# FF"E @HFA'		!*    If no arg *!
          "# "L @HFA'			!*    or negative arg, fill, *!
             "# HFA'''			!*    else justify. *!
    FQ1"G J <.-Z; G1 L>'		!* Put the prefix (if any) back in *!
					!*    on each line. *!
    ZJ H
!^R Fill Paragraph:! !^R Fill (or adjust) this (or next) paragraph.
Point stays the same (but text may move past it due to filling).
A positive numeric argument says adjust rather than fill.!

    !*** This is a modified version of ^R Fill Paragraph. ***!

    .[0				    !* Save point. *!
    @M(M.M ^R_Mark_Paragraph)	    !* Put region around this or *!
    W				    !*    next paragraph. *!


J .: !* If adjusting, make *!
				    !*    sure of the para. beginning. *!

    :-Z[1			    !* Save address of end, relative to Z. *!
    F@M(M.M ^R_Fill_Region)(	    !* Fill it, save range returned *!
				    !*    to pass on. *!
      Q1+Z-Q0"L Q1+ZU0'		    !* Without moving past end of paragraph,*!
      Q0:J"L			    !* restore old point if possible. *!
        0,1A-10"E C'		    !* If between CR and LF, move out. *!
	Q1+Z-Q0"E 0@F"E :@0L''' 