
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - emacs/latex.tec
There are no other files named latex.tec in the archive.
!* -*-TECO-*- *!

!~Filename~:! !LATEX file!
!LATEX CHECK:! !& Check for matching LaTeX delimiters !

!*  Q0 = starting pt.                                                      !
!*  Q1 = mode: 0 = {                                                       !
!*             1 = \begin                                                  !
!*             2 = $                                                       !
!*             3 = $$                                                      !
!*             4 = \(                                                      !
!*             5 = \[                                                      !
!*            -1 = initial value                                           !
!*  Q2 = location of current left delimiter.                               !
!*  Q3 = environment name if Q1 = 5                                        !
!*                                                                         !
.U0                 !* Q0 := ptr                                           !
."N                 !* IF ptr /= 0                                         !
  -1C               !*  THEN  move ptr one to left; type warning           !
'                  !* FI                                                  !
-1U1                !* Initialize Q1                                       !
< !loop!            !* BEGIN LOOP                                          !
                    !* Find next delimiter, or exit.                       !
  -1C               !* ptr := start of delimiter.                          !
  1A-{"E          !* IF current delim = {                                !
    [1 [2 [3        !*   THEN push stack.                                  !
    0U1 .U2         !*        set mode and curr. delim.                    !
    Oloop'         !*        GOTO loop                                    !
                    !* FI                                                  !

 1A-n"E           !* IF current delim = \begin                           !
 2A-{"E           !*   THEN IF followed by {                             !
   [1 [2 [3         !*          THEN  push level                           !
   .-5U2            !*                Q2 := start of \begin                !
   .+1U4 :S}"E FT
   -1C Q4,.X3
                    !*                Q3 := environment name               !
   1U1              !*                Q1 := 1                              !
 '                  !*         FI                                          !
   Oloop           !*         GOTO loop                                   !
 '                  !* FI                                                  !

 Q1-1"G             !* IF in math mode                                     !
  -1U4              !*   THEN  Q4 := -1                                    !
  1A-$"E          !*         IF current delim = $                        !
    2A-$"E        !*           THEN IF next char = $                     !
      3U4 1C        !*                  THEN Q4 := 3 ; advance ptr 1 pos.  !
     '"# 2U4        !*                  ELSE Q4 := 2                       !
     '              !*                FI                                   !
  '"# 1A-]"E 5U4' !*           ELSE IF current delim = ] THEN Q4 := 5 FI !
      1A-)"E 4U4' !*                IF current delim = ] THEN Q4 := 4 FI !
   '                !*         FI                                          !
   Q4-Q1"E          !*         IF Q4 = curr mode                           !  
    ]3 ]2 ]1 Oloop'!*           THEN  pop level ; goto LOOP FI            !
    Oerror         !*         GOTO error                                  !
  '                 !* FI                                                  !

  1A-}"E          !* IF current delim = }                                !
    Q1"E            !*   THEN IF mode = {                                  !
     ]3 ]2 ]1       !*          THEN  pop level                            !
    Oloop          !*                GOTO loop                            !
    '"# Oerror     !*          ELSE  GOTO error                           !
   ''               !* FI     FI                                           !

  1A-$"E          !* IF current delim = $                                !
    [1 [2 [3 .U2    !*   THEN push level ; Q2 := ptr                       !
    2A-$"E        !*        IF next char = $                             !
      3U1 1C        !*          THEN Q1 := 3 ; move ptr right one pos.     !
     '"# 2U1        !*          ELSE Q1 := 2                               !
  '                 !*        FI                                           !
  Oloop            !*        GOTO loop                                    !
 '                  !* FI                                                  !

1A-d"E            !* IF \end                                             !
 2A-{"E           !*    IF followed by {                                 !
  Q1-1"N            !*      THEN  IF mode /= 1                             !
    Oerror         !*              THEN GOTO error                        !
  '"#               !*              ELSE IF Q3 = argument                  !
   .+1U4 :S}"E FT
   .-1U5 Q4J :S3"N
      ]3 ]2 ]1      !*                     THEN pop level                  !
      Oloop        !*                          GOTO loop                  !
   '''              !*             FI     FI                               !
                    !*            error                                    !
 FT \begin3}_ENDED_BY_\end4} FS^R_THROW
'"# Oloop          !*      ELSE  GOTO loop                                !
''                  !* FI FI                                               !

1A-["E            !* IF current delimiter = \[                          !
 [1 [2 [3 .U2 5U1   !*   THEN push level and set Q1, Q2                   !
 Oloop '           !*        GOTO loop                  FI               !

1A-("E            !* IF current delimiter = \(                          !
 [1 [2 [3 .U2 4U1   !*   THEN push level and set Q1, Q2                   !
 Oloop '           !*        GOTO loop                  FI               !

Oerror             !* Delimiter = $  \) or \] outside math mode.         !

>                   !* ENDLOOP                                            !

Q1+1"G Q2J          !* IF not at initial level THEN error                 !
  '"# Q0J           !*    ELSE ok.  FI                                     !

  Q1"L              !* IF mode = initial                                   !
                    !*   THEN  unmatched terminator error                  !
   '"# Q1-1"G       !*   ELSE IF math mode                                 !
    Q4"G            !*         THEN IF Q4 > 0                              !
                    !*                THEN wrong math mode closing         !
     '"# 1A-["E   !*                ELSE IF curr delim = \[              !
                    !*                       THEN \[ in math mode error FI !
         1A-("E   !*                     IF curr delim = \(              !
                    !*                       THEN \( in math mode error FI !
    ''              !*        FI    FI                                     !
    Q2 J            !*  ptr := Q2                                          !
   '                !* FI                                                  !

!COLOR:! !& Insert Color-list Arguments for SLiTeX environments.
Argument is list of colors, separated by commas. !

!* BJ M(M.M LATEX_CHECK) Start by calling LATEX CHECK            !

!* Q9 := argument for search command for colors                         !
   ZJ .U0 I Q0J
   <i\ :s,; -1d i> Q0J .,ZX9 .,ZK
!* Q0 = count of slides and overlays                                        !
!* Q1 = beginning of argument location for slide or overlay                 !
!* Q2 = end of current slide or overlay                                     !
!* Q3,Z = list of colors for current slide.                                 !
!* Q4 = current pointer                                                     !
!* Q5 = current color outside of slides                                     !

BJ 0U0 0,0X5        !*  Initialize ptr, Q0 and Q5                           !

< .U4               !*  BEGIN LOOP  find next slide or overlay or EXIT      !
  Q0+1U0            !*  Increment Q0                                        !
  .U1               !*  Q1 := ptr                                           !
  1A-{"E          !*  IF followed by {                                    !
   S} Q1,.K '      !*    THEN delete argument FI                           !
                    !*  Set Q2                                              !
  S\end{slide}\end{overlay} .U2

  ZU3 Q4J           !*  Initialize Q3 and ptr                               !
  <                 !*    BEGIN LOOP                                        !
    :S9;         !*     find next color or EXIT if none                  !
    .U6 -s\        !*     Q6 := next color                                 !
    .+1,Q6X6        !*                                                      !
    Q1-."G          !*     IF color before current slide                    !
     :I56        !*       THEN Q5 := Q6                                  !
     '"# Q2-."G     !*       ELSE IF color in current slide                 !
      .U7           !*              THEN Q7 := ptr                          !
      Q3J :S6"E  !*                  IF color not in Q3,Z                !
        ZJ G6 I,   !*                     THEN add `color,` at Z           !
        Q7J         !*                     restore ptr                      !
       '            !*                  FI                                  !
      '"# 1;        !*              ELSE exit                               !
    ''              !*     FI     FI                                        !
    1c              !*     advance ptr                                      ! 
  >                 !*    END LOOP                                          !

 Q3J FQ5"N :S5"E !*    IF Q5 nonempty and color Q5 not in Q3,Z           !  
    ZJ G5 I,''     !*      THEN insert it at end  FI                       !
 Q3-Z"N ZJ -1D'     !*    IF Q3,Z nonempty THEN delete comma FI             !
 Q3,ZX7 Q3,ZK       !*    Q7 := color list ; delete Q3,Z                    !
 Q1J i{ G7 i}     !*    Insert color list as argument                     !
 Q2J                !*    ptr := Q2                                         !
>                   !*  END LOOP                                            !

!STYLE COMPRESS:! !& Converts .DOC file into .STY file.                !
  [1 [2 [3 
  bj (FSMODIFIED)"N              !*  IF buffer modified               !
        M(M.M^R_Save_File)'      !*   THEN save it       FI           !
 <:s%; -1c 1k>                   !*                                   !
 bj <:s__; -2c 1d>               !*  Delete comments.                 !
 bj <.-z"E 1;' .u1                !*  Break long lines:                !
       :l .u2                     !*    Q1,Q2 := beg,end of line.      !
     q2-q1-79"G                   !*    IF Q2-Q1 > 79                  !
       q1j s_                    !*     THEN  find first space in line! 
       .-q1-79"G  q1j             !*           IF > 79 chars away      ! 
         FTType_space,_break_line,_hit_Ctl-Meta-Z    !* THEN user breaks !
        '"# .U3 <:S ; .-Q1-79"G  !*             ELSE  Find best place !
                     Q3J 1;' .U3> !*                   to break line.  !
            -1d 13I 10I           !*                   Add CR LF.      !
       '                          !*           FI                      !
        '"# 1l                    !*     ELSE  go to next line         !
      '  >                        !*    FI                             !
bj <:s
_; -1d>            !* Delete blanks at start of line.   !
bj <:s

; -4c 2d>  !* Delete extra CR LF's              !
bj M(M.M LATEX_CHECK)            !* Check Resulting File.             !
M(M.M WRITE_FILE).STY       !* Write it out.                     !
!LINE COMPRESS:! !& Finds lines > 79 chars long and lets you fix them. !
  [1 [2 [3 
 bj <.-z"E 1;' .u1                !*  Break long lines:                !
       :l .u2                     !*    Q1,Q2 := beg,end of line.      !
     q2-q1-79"G                   !*    IF Q2-Q1 > 79                  !
                                  !*     THEN  type message.           !
         FTType_space,_break_line,_hit_Ctl-Meta-Z  '
      ' 1l  >                     !*    FI  GOTO next line             !
!INDEX:! !& Processes .IDX file (in buffer) created by \makeindex.
Makes permutations of multiple word entries, from 'on the bar'
creating additioal entries 'bar, on the' and 'the bar, on'.
A \noindex{the} appearing in the buffer will suppress the former.
All lines with '\noindex' in them are deleted.!
[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 [7 [8 [9 [A

BJ :I9                  !* Q9 := list of \noindex arguments, surrounded !
<:S\noindex{;             !*       by ^A characters.                      !
 .U1 S} -1C I
 Q1,.@X9 >
BJ                         !* Delete every line containing '\noindex'      !
<:S\noindex; 0L 1K>
BJ G9 13I 10I .U9          !* 0,Q9 := list of \noindex arguments,          !
                           !*         surrounded by ^A characters.         !
<:S\indexentry{;          !* FOR EVERY \indexentry command:               !
   .U1 :L -2S} .U2        !*   Q1,Q2 := its argument                      !
  1L .U3                   !*   Q3    := beginning of next line            !
  Q1U4                     !*   Q4    := Q1                                !
  <Q4J Q4,Q2:FB_;         !*   FOR EVERY space in argument:               ! 
   -1C .U5                 !*     Q4,Q5 := word preceding space            !
    Q1,Q5X6                !*     Q6 := first part of argument             !
    Q5+1,Q2X7              !*     Q7 := second part of argument            !
    Q1,Q2X8                !*     Q8 := whole argument                     !
    Q1,Q2K 0L 1XA Q1J G8   !*     GA := line without argument              !
    Q3J GA                 !*     insert GA at Q3                          !
    -1L S\indexentry{     !*     insert reversed argument in new line     !
      .UA                  !*        with ~^A instead of comma             !
      G7 I~_ G6         !*       GA := beginning of argument            !
   1L .U3                  !*     Q3 := beginning of next line             !
   QAJ S~_            !*     Q6 := first word of created entry        !
   0,Q9:FB6"L       !*     IF Q6 a \noindex word:                   !
     Q3J -1L 1K .U3        !*       THEN kill line and reset Q3            !
    '                      !*                                              !
   Q5+1U4                  !*     Q4 := Q5+1                               !
  >                        !*                                              !
  Q3J                      !*   . := beginning of next line                !

0,Q9K                      !*  Delete 0,Q9                                 !

<:S\indexentry{;          !* FOR EVERY \indexentry command:               !
  1A-\"E                 !*  IF first character = \                      !
  1D                       !*    THEN delete and                           !
  :L -S{ I|\           !*         mark entry with |\^A                 !

<:S\indexentry{;          !* FOR EVERY \indexentry command:               !
  1A-91"L   1A-64"G        !*  IF first character uppercase                !
  1AU1 1D Q1+32I           !*    THEN change to lowercase                  !
  :L -S{ I|*           !*         mark entry with |*^A                 !

<:S\indexentry{; .U4      !* FOR EVERY \indexentry command:               !
 :L -s{ .+1U1 S} .-1U2   !*  Q1,Q2 := page number                        !
 Q2-Q1U3                   !*  Q3 := number of digits                      !
                           !*  Q4 := beginning of argument                 !
 Q1J -S} .-Q4-20"L        !*  Pad argument to right with ^@s to make at   !
  20-.+Q4<I>'           !*    least 20 characters long.                 !
 Q1J                       !*  . := Q1                                     !
 1A-9"G                  !*   IF page number not numeric                 !
  '                        !*     THEN add 12 ^@ characters                !
12-Q3<I>                !*  Pad number on left with ^@ characters       !

S\indexentry{$ :L 1L   !* Sort Entries                               !

BJ <:S; -1D>            !*  Delete ^@ characters                       !

<:S|*;                 !* Restore uppercase letters.                   !
 -3D 0L :S\indexentry{    
 1AU1 1D Q1-32I
 :L -S}{ I*           !* Put marker into argument                     !

<:S|\;                 !* Restore backslashes letters.                 !
 -3D 0L :S\indexentry{

<:S~;                  !* Put commas in place of ~^As.                 !
 -2D i,

<:S\indexentry{;          !* FOR EVERY \indexentry command:               !
  .U1 :L -2S} .U2         !*   Q1,Q2 := Argument                          !
  S{ .U3 S} .-1U4        !*   Q3,Q4 := Page number                       !
  1L .U5                   !*   Q5    := Beginning of next entry           !
  <Q5J :S\indexentry{;    !*   FOR EACH SUCCEEDING ENTRY                  !
    .U6 :L -2S} Q6,.X6    !*     Q6 := its argument                       !
    Q1,Q2:FB6;          !*     IF Q6 /= preceding entrys argument:      !
    .-Q2"N 1;'             !*       THEN exit FOR loop.                    !
    Q5J :L -S} .U6        !*     Q6 := entrys page number.                !
      -S{ .+1,Q6X6        !*                                              !
    0L 1K                  !*     Delete entry                             !
    Q3,Q4:FB6"E         !*     IF number not in previous entry          !
      Q4J I,_ G6 .U4      !*       THEN add it, update Q4 and Q5          !
      1L .U5               !*                                              !

<:S*; -2D>   !* Delete uppercase markers.                          !

]A ]9 ]8 ]7 ]6 ]5 ]4 ]3 ]2 ]1 
!ITEM:! !& Turns entries made by INDEX into \item's and \subitem's.
Successive entries with same first word are turned into \item plus

[1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 

<:S\indexentry{;          !* FOR EVERY \indexentry command:               !
   .U1 0L .,Q1K            !*   Delete the '\indexentry{' .                !
  .U1 S_,} -1C .U2    !*   Q1,Q2 := first word of entry.              !
  1L 0U9                   !*   Q9 := 0 [switch set if match found]        !
  <:S\indexentry{;        !*   FOR following EVERY \indexentry commands:  !
   .U3 S_,} -1C .U4   !*     Q3,Q4 := first word of entry.            !
   Q3,Q4X5 Q1,Q2:FB5;   !*     Exit FOR loop if words not the same.     !
     .-Q2"N 1;'            !*                                              !
   1U9                     !*     Q9 := 1 [switch indicates match found.   !
   Q3J 0L .,Q4K            !*     Delete the \indexentry and first word    !
   1A-,"E 1D'            !*     Delete comma if it follows.              !
   I__\subitem_           !*     Insert \subitem and fix rest of entry    !
     :L -S} 1D -S}{      
     2D I,_                      
   Q9"N                    !* IF match was found                           !
     0U9                   !*   Q9 := 0                                    !
     Q2J 1A-}"N          !*   IF not a single-word item                  !
       1U9                 !*     THEN  Q9 := 1                            !
       1A-,"E 1D'        !*           Delete comma if it follows.        !
       13I 10I Q1J I\item_ !*          Insert \item before first word     !
       1L I__\subitem_     !*          Make rest a separate \subitem      !
       :L -S} 1D -S}{      
       2D I,_                      
   Q9"E                    !* IF Q9 = 0                                    !
     Q1J I\item_          !*   THEN make an \item                         !
     :L -S} 1D -S}{      
     2D I,_                      

]6 ]5 ]4 ]3 ]2 ]1