PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named modlin.emacs in the archive.
!* -*- TECO -*- Library created and maintained by KMP@MC !
!~Filename~:! !Fancy Mode Line handler!
!& Setup MODLIN Library:! !& Put winning mode line in effect!
1,m(m.m &_Get_Library_Pointer)KMPTIME"e
m(m.m Load_Library)TIME'
m.m&_Fancy_Mode_Line fs Mode Macro
m.m&_Fancy_Mode_Line M.V MM_&_Set_Mode_Line
m.m&_Check_for_Correct_Superior fs ^R Display'
!& Kill MODLIN Library:! !& Get rid of this mode line!
)m.v MM_&_Set_Mode_Line
)fs Mode Macro
0 fs ^R Display'
!& Check for Correct Superior:! !S Update Job Superior in Mode Line
For use with LISPT if superior is changing. Checks to see if superior
has changed, and calls MM& Set Mode Line if it has. This should be put
in FS^R Display in order to win. Takes a minimal amount of overhead to
check when superior has not changed. If job is a LISPT, runs
qLISPT Autoload Hook if nonzero. !
fsOSTeco"n 0' !* Return if not ITS.!
!* Should never run off ITS anyway. !
fsxjname-(f6MAILT)"e 0 ' !* Ignore MAILT Superior !
2 FO..QLast_Correct_Superioru1 !* Get last superior info in Q1 !
fs%oplspu0 !* Put FS %OPLSP in Q0 !
q0+q1"n !* If superior has changed. !
q1-2"e 2M.VLast_Correct_Superior' !* Make a new variable !
"# 2uLast_Correct_Superior' !* Or use the old one !
1 fs mode change !* Set up to change the mode line !
0-q0uLast_Correct_Superior' !* Save new superior !
!& Fancy Mode Line:! !S Set the ..J Mode to display options.
When setting the major mode, call this with a nonzero argument
and the major mode name as a string argument. It will change the mode
and run the <modename> Mode Hook variable, if there is one.!
-(fsqpptr*2)fsmodech !* Setup for re-call if qpdl is popped. !
!* !
[0[1[2[3[4 [.1[.2[.3[.4 !* Bind scratch qregs !
!* !
!* Because we are called at interrupt !
!* level, we should bind all kinds of !
!* things to be sure not to screw !
!* interrupted code... !
!* !
f[inslen !* Bind length of last inserted frob !
f[sstring !* Bind default search string !
!* !
qEditor_Nameu0 !* q0 = Editor Name !
qModeu1 !* q1 = Major Mode !
qBuffer_Indexu3 !* q3 = Buffer Index !
0u.1 !* q.1 = A counter (init to 0) !
fsreadonlyu.2 !* q.2 = ReadOnliness of buffer !
:i*u.3 !* q.3 = Macro to run upon return !
fsvz+b u.4 !* q.4 = nonzero if buffer narrow !
fnm.3 !* Set up to macro q.3 !
!* !
"n !* If an arg given, ... !
:i1 q1uMode !* Get string arg of new major mode !
0fo..Q 1_Mode_Hooku2 !* Get mode hook, if any, in q2 !
q2"n m2'' !* If a hook was found, macro it !
!* !
f[BBind !* Bind the buffer for fast insert !
f[DFile !* Bind default filenames !
!* !
g..J j !* Get old mode line in buffer !
:s[ w .-1u.1 !* Search for a non-[ to count ^R levels!
q.1j fq0f f~0-fq0-1"n 0' !* Exit if non-standard modeline inside !
!* (Standard= begins with Editor Name) !
!* !
hk !* kill text from buffer !
!* !
g0 i_ !* Insert Editor Name + space in buffer !
!* !
g(M(M.M &_Get_Current_Time)) !* Get ahold of the time !
!* !
fsOSTeco"n !* Put in load ave, but on T(w)enex only!
fs load av[0 !* !
i_ g0' !* Drop in load av !
!* !
i_[ !* Insert a a left bracket !
!* !
fsOSTeco"e !* For ITS only.. !
fs%OPLSP"n !* If we are an inferior, !
fsxjname-(f6MAILT)"n !* If not a MAILT !
0fo..Q LISPT_AutoLoad_Hookf"nu.3'
iLISP:_' !* then insert LISP: into modeline !
"# !* Else we are a MAILT !
iMAIL:_''' !* so say so !
!* Else (not inferior) !
!* Then DDT: is the thing to use !
!* but no one wants to see it... !
!* !
g1 !* Insert the major mode !
!* !
qSubmodeu2 !* Get Submode, if any, in q2. !
fq2"g i-2 ' !* and insert it as a subscript !
!* !
qAuto_Fill_Mode"n i_Fill' !* If in Auto Fill Mode, say so !
!* !
q:.B(q3+10)"n i_Save' !* If buffer is in autosave mode !
"# qAuto_Save_Default"n !* Or if it is unusual to have it off !
i_NoSave'' !* mention it is off !
!* !
qVisit_File_Save_Old[0 !* Bind value !
q0"l i_SaveOld' !* Mention if writeback forced !
"# q0"e i_NoSaveOld'' !* Or if inhibited !
]0 !* No mention means it will query !
!* !
q:.B(q3+12)f"n[0 !* If readonliness exists, !
i _ReadOnlyFile !* mention it !
q0"l i /Buf ' !* and what it spans !
]0' !* and close this off !
"# q.2"n i_ReadOnlyBuf'' !* Or maybe Teco readonliness involved !
!* !
fs ^R Replace"n i_OverWrite' !* Mention overwrite mode !
!* !
fs Tyi Sink"n i_Def' !* Mention KBDMAC def mode !
!* !
Q.4"N I_Narrow' !* Mention narrow buffer bounds !
!* !
MSet_Mode_Line_Hook+0 u2 !* q2: Result of user insertion hook !
fq2"g g2' !* If stuff was returned, insert it !
!* !
0fo..Q Editor_Typeu2 !* q2: Editor Type, if any !
fq2"n i_<2>' "# i_- ' !* Insert <type> or a dash !
!* !
qBuffer_Filenamesu1 !* q1: Buffer Filenames !
qBuffer_Nameu2 !* q2: Buffer Name !
!* !
q1"N et1 !* Set file default to buffer filenames !
fsdfileu1 !* Get formatted form of q1 in q1 !
f~(fsdfn1:f6)2"e !* If fn1 is the same as buffer name !
0u2'' !* Zero out buffer name !
!* !
q2"n i_2' !* Insert space + buffer name if any !
"# 0a--"e -2d'' !* Else look for hyphen and flush it !
!* !
i]_ !* In any case, insert the right bracket!
!* !
fq1"g g1 fq1r !* If a filename exists, insert it !
0u4 .fsvb !* Remember this point !
fs osteco"n !* If not on an ITS, ... !
.( !<! s> z-.u4 )j !* Remember fn1 point !
fshsname:f6u2 !* Back up and get HSNAME in q2 !
fsosteco-1"e !* If on a 20X, ... !
fq2 f~2"e fq2d'' !* Leave the PS:<hsname> out. !
"# 4 f~DSK:"e 4d !* If on a 10X, maybe delete DSK: !
fq2+2 f~<2>"e !* and if that worked, hsname !
fq2+2d''' !* if possible also !
zj fs dvers"e -2d q4-2u4'' !* And if version 0, leave it out. !
"# !* Else, on ITS... !
.( s:_ z-.u4 )j !* Remember fn1 point !
fsmachine:f6u2 !* Put machine name in q2 !
:s;"l !* Find end of dir name !
1a-_"e d' !* Flush space after dir name !
3 f~2:"e 4d' !* Delete machine name if local !
:s:"l !* Find end of dev name !
1a-_"e d'''' !* Flush space after dev name !
qInvert_Filenames"n !* If user requested it, ... !
z-q4j g( :fx* ( j ) ) i_' !* Change filename order !
0fsvb !* Widen buffer bounds !
zj !* Jump to the end, !
fsdversion"'e+( !* Include actual file version number !
fsdversion+2"'e)"l !* !
i_= q:.b(q3+9)[0 !* Set up for including true version !
q0"g q0\' !* Insert true version if worthwhile !
"# -d q0+1"e i# ' !* Or a # if something wierd !
"# i~ g0 '' !* Or ~filename if a non-numeric name !
]0'' !* Pop qregs !
!* !
zj Q.1< I_^R] > J Q.1,[I !* Put back on indicators of ^R level. !
!* !
zj i_ !* Kill all back into ..J !
!* !
hf=..j"n hx..j' !* Set ..j unless no difference.If same,!
!* keep old one since Teco can then !
!* avoid redisplaying the mode line. !
!* !
0 !* Return, saying no region got changed !