
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - emacs/scribe.emacs
There are no other files named scribe.emacs in the archive.
!* -*-TECO-*- *!

!~Filename~:! !EMACS support for Scribe.!
!& Setup SCRIBE Library:! !C Create variables etc.!
 m(m.mKill_Variable)MM_Scribe_Mode	!* kill patch file version, sigh.!
 m(m.mKill_Variable)Scribe_..D	!* kill bad ..D!
 m.m^R_Backward_Paragraphm.vMM_^R_Backward_Paragraph	!* Mode function!
!Scribe Mode:! !C Set up for editing Scribe source text.
Comments are defined, and suitable parenthesis matching is enabled.
The following keys are redefined:
	Tab	^R Tab to Tab Stop
	C-M-A	Move up to beginning of containing environment.
	C-M-D	Move inside first environment after point.
	C-M-E	Move after end of containing environment.
	C-M-G	Change name of containing environment.
	C-M-H	Put point and mark around containing environment.
	C-M-N	Move after end of next environment.
	C-M-P	Move before start of previous environment.
	C-M-Q	Change short form environment to long or vice versa.!

    m(m.m&_Init_Buffer_Locals)		!* back to Fundamental mode!
    m.q..D				!* make Syntax table local to buffer!
    0fo..qScribe_..Df"n u..D'		!* if already an exiting Scribe table,!
					!* use it!
    "#w :g..Du..D			!* otherwise copy current one!
       q..Dm.vScribe_..D		!* save for reuse!
       5*.:f..D__			!* period is break!
       !"! 5*':f..DAA		!* apostrophe is alphabetic!
					!* Define <>, (), [], and {} as!
					!* parenthesis.  " and ' are defined!
					!* to be string quote characters.!
       2m(m.m&_Alter_..D)<>()[]{}""''	!* add proper pairing!
					!* used in ^R Forward!
					!* Environment!
    1,(m.m^R_Tab_to_Tab_Stop)m.qI	!* Tab is Tab to Tab Stop!
    1m.lComment_Multi_Line		!* don't put in Comment End on auto fill!
    0m.lComment_Column			!* Comments go in first column if possible.!
    :i*f"n/8+1*8'm.lComment_Rounding	!* otherwise one tab over from text.!

	    e?"n @ft(No_errors) 0fsEchoActive '
	    m(m.mNext_Scribe_Error)|) m.lAfter_Compilation_Hook
    1m(m.m&_Set_Mode_Line)Scribe	!* put Scribe in mode line!
!^R Forward Environment:! !^R Move after end of next environment.
Find start of first environment after point, and move past end of it.
An argument serves as a repeat count.!
 !* If pre-comma argument is specified, it is a string to stop at.!
 !* Returns 0 if close delimiter found, 1 if moved over environment.
    -1 if couldn not do either.!
 "l -(f):m(m.m^R_Backward_Environment)'	!* negative argument for!
						!* backward!
 [1[2[3					!* save regs!
 "n u1 :i11@'"# :i1@'	!* 1: if pre-comma argument, use that!
					!* as a delimiter to search for in!
					!* addition to @!
 < .u3 !Search!			!* 3: place to return on failure!
     :s1f"ew q3j fg -1'+1"e 0'	!* find next @ or close delimiter!
					!* return 0 to indicate close found!
     @f@f(c)&1"n oSearch'		!* go find another if @@, @@@@, etc.!
     0,1af+-:"l c oAfter_name'	!* @+ and @- are environments,!
					!* unfortunately!
     0,1a"b oSearch'			!* if @; or the likes, ignore it!
     fwf~BEGIN"e  6c :i2@END		!* if @BEGIN, then close delimiter is!
					!* @END!
	< q2,1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment):f"gu1 0;' > !* move forward over nested!
						!* environments until the!
						!* specified close delimiter!
						!* is found!
	q1"e fll''			!* now move over the (NAME) after the!
					!* @END!
     "# fwl !After_name! @f_l	!* @FOO and not @BEGIN!
	1af<([{"'!>!:"l		!* if @FOO not followed by a!
					!* Scribe open delimiter,!
					!* ignore this command!
	  c 0a*5+2:g..d:i*u2		!* get corresponding close delimiter!
	  < q2,1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment):"g 0;' >	!* move forward over nested!
	  ''					!* environments until the!
						!* specified close delimiter!
						!* is found!
     >					!* iterate argument times!
 1					!* return 1 to indicate moved over!
					!* environment!
!^R Backward Environment:! !^R Move before start of previous environment.
An argument serves as a repeat count.!
 "l -(f):m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment)'	!* negative argument is forward!
 [1[2[3[4[5				!* save regs!
 < .u1 -u2				!* 1: point to restore on error!
					!* 2: current guess as to previous!
					!* environment!
    !<!-@:f@>)]}"'l .u3		!* 3: starting place for backward!
					!* movement!
    <	-:s@"e q1j fg -1'		!* find previous @, feep if none!
	-@f@&1"e fwf~@END"n	!* if even number of @s, and not @END!
	    .u5 1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment)
	    .-q3"e q5j 0;'		!* if comes exactly to where we!
					!* started from, then this is it!
	    .-q3"g q2"l q1j fg 1' q4j 0;'
					!* if past starting place, then we7ve!
					!* reached a containing environment,!
					!* so no need to look further.  use!
					!* best previous environment, or feep!
					!* if none!
	    .-q2:"l .u2 q5u4'		!* if closer than previous, remember!
	    q5j''			!* it, then back to environment start!
	-@f@l >			!* back over extra @s!
 > 1
!^R Down Environment:! !^R Move inside first environment after point.
An argument serves as a repeat count.!
 !* Feeps and returns -1 on failure.!
 "l -(f):m(m.m^R_Backward_Up_Environment)'	!* negative argument is upward!
 .[1					!* 1: where to go on failure!
 < :s@"e q1j fg -1'		!* find next @!
     @f@f(c)&1"n !<!@>'		!* go find another if @@, @@@@, etc.!
     0,1a"b !<!@>'			!* if @; or the likes, ignore it!
     fwl @f_l c 0af<([{"'!>!"l !<!@>'	!* if @FOO not followed by!
						!* open delimiter, ignore it!
     .u1 >				!* 1: where to go on failure!
!^R Backward Up Environment:! !^R Move before start of containing environment.
An argument specifies the Nth containing environment.!
 !* Feeps and returns -1 on failure.!
 !* This code has a bug: @; etc. will confuse it.!
 "l -(f):m(m.m^R_Down_Environment)' !* negative argument is downard!
 [1[2					!* save regs!
 <.u1					!* 1: where we started from.  used to!
					!* restore point on errors and for!
					!* completion test!
    <	-:s@"e q1j fg -1'		!* find previous @, feep if none!
	.u2 -@f@&1"e 0,2a"c	!* 2: before @.  if not @@, @@@@, etc.!
					!* and not @; etc.!
	    1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment)"l 0;'
					!* then find end of this environment!
	    q1-.:; q2j''		!* if end is past starting position,!
					!* we're done!
	    -@f@l >			!* otherwise skip over the extra @s!
					!* (probably none) and try again!
    q2j >				!* back to before @, do ARG times!
!^R End of Environment:! !^R Move after end of containing environment.
An arugment specifies the Nth containing environment.!
!^R Mark Environment:! !^R Put point and mark around containing environment.
An argument specifies the Nth containing environment.!
 .( 1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment)w .:w )j 1
!^R Change Environment Name:! !^R Change name of containing environment.
Prompts for new environment name.  An argument specifies Nth containing
 [1[2 .[3				!* 3: where we started from!
 f@m(m.m^R_Backward_Up_Environment)"l 1'	!* find containing!
						!* environment!
 .u2					!* 2: start of containing environment!
 q3j 1,fEnvironment:_u1		!* 1: new environment name!
 q2j fwf~@BEGIN"e			!* if @BEGIN form!
    1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment)	!* find end!
    r -fwk				!* delete name inside @END()!
    ,f1f"lw g1'"# ,0:g1'	!* if new name contains a comma then!
					!* insert up to the comma, otherwise!
					!* insert whole thing!
    q2j 6c @f_l			!* goto to beginning again, and move!
					!* to close delimiter!
    z-q3( fl(c)-2d g1 ),zj '	!* delete inside delimiters, and!
					!* restore point to starting place!
 "# z-q3(c .(fwk g1),.f ),zj 1'	!* @FOO form.  delete the FOO, insert!
					!* new name, and restore point to!
					!* starting place!
!^R Change Form:! !^R Change @FOO to @BEGIN(FOO) or vice versa.
Change containing environment from long to short form or vice versa.
An argument specifies the Nth containing environment.!
 [1[2 .[3 [4				!* 3: where we started from!
 f@m(m.m^R_Backward_Up_Environment)"l 1' .u2
					!* 2: start of environment!
 fwf~@BEGIN"e				!* @BEGIN form!
    6c @f l .u1 fll .u4		!* 1: before open delimiter after!
					!* @BEGIN!
					!* 4: after matching close delimiter!
    q1,.:fb,"l q3j fg 1'		!* if comma inside @BEGIN, then cant!
					!* convert to short form!
    q2j 1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment)	!* find end of environment!
    .(-fll -@f l 4r),.:k i]	!* delete the @END(name), insert ]!
    q4j z-q3( -di[ q2+1,q1+1k ),zj	!* goto close delimiter of @BEGIN,!
					!* replace with [, and delete BEGIN!
					!* and its open delimiter, and!
					!* finally restore point!
    '					!* whew, were done!
					!* @FOO form!
 1m(m.m^R_Forward_Environment)		!* find end of environment!
 z-.u4					!* 4: distance from end of!
					!* environment to end of buffer!
 q2j c z-q3(				!* goto environment start, skip @!
	ibegin[ fwf(l)x1 i] d		!* put in @BEGIN[, move over and pick!
					!* up next word, put in ], and delete!
					!* old open delimiter!
	),zu3				!* 3: where we started from updated!
					!* after inserting/deleting!
 z-q4j -d i@end[1] q3j		!* back to end of environment, delete!
					!* old close delimiter, insert!
					!* @END(name), and restore point!
!^R Backward SCRIBE Paragraph:! !^R Move backward to start of paragraph.
Paragraphs are delimited by blank lines.  Lines composed
of one SCRIBE command which fills the whole line, and lines
which start with @; or a page delimiter, count as blank.
Also, lines starting with space or tab start a paragraph.!

    0s 1 			    !* Search for page delim or nothing.!
    "l 0@l'			    !* Move in reverse to line-beginning if not at one.!
    "# 0@f"n @l''

!* Note: we won't stop before line we start at, because Q3 is initially 1.!

    [3 [4 [5
    <			    !* As many times as wanted, find next P.   is ABS!
      1u3 0u5
      < q3u4			    !* Q4 is 1 if previous line was "blank".!
	0u3 :@f"e 1u3'	    !* Q3 gets 1 if this line is blank!
	"# .-(s.(0@l))"l 1u3'	    !* Stop on line starting with page delimiter.!
	   "# 1a-@"e
	      c 0,1a-;"e 1u3'	    !* @; starts a "blank" line.!
	      1a:"b fwl		    !* Move over command name.!
	        1af<([{ !>!"l 1u3'   !* No delimiter after => line is "blank"!
		"# fsz-(:f+.)f[vz
		   1:< :f-( fl)"e 1u3'>  !* Expression is entire line => "blank"!
	q3"n q4"e q5-1"g 0;' :;'' !* Stop at first "blank" line we see, if we've gone > 1!
				    !* or are going forward.!
        "g :rw 0@l b-.;'	    !* Advance one line.!
	"l @l .-z; q3"n !<!>''    !* Don't stop, going fwd, on line after "blank" line.!
	0,1af_	;	    !* Stop on line starting with space or tab.!
	> >

    "g q3"n q4"e @L''		    !* If we stopped moving backwards under a line that!
         -@F-2"E -@L''	    !* is really empty, include it as well.!
!Next Scribe Error:! !C Put next error in window 1, with source in window 2.!
 f~Buffer_Name*Errors*"n		!* if not already in *Errors*!
    m(m.mSelect_Buffer)*Errors*'	!* then get in it!
 [0[1[2[3				!* save regs!
 .u0					!* 0: current point!
 !* Find next <filename>, p.n/L.m: in error file!
 < :s,_p."e q0j fg 1' .u1		!* 1: just after filename!
   \u2 q2"n				!* 2: page number!
     3f=/L."e			!* insure line number follows!
       3c \u3 q3"n 1a-:@;''		!* 3: line number!
 .(q1-4j 0x0 et0 0fsDVersionw fsDFileu0)j	!* 0: filename!
 fsMSnamefsDSnamew et0 fsDFileu0	!* default to connected directory,!
					!* parse filename!
 f 1@:f				!* tell TECO to put . on line 1 of!
					!* window!
 2u1 .(4< l :f@; %1w >)j		!* 1: number of lines in error!
					!* message!


 m(m.mFind_File)0			!* read in file!
 j q2-1s
 q3-1l			!* goto page Q2, line Q3!

    fsLinesf"ew fsHeight-(fsEchoLines)-1'm.vTotal_Size
 * Local Modes:
 * Comment Column:40
 * End: