
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - emacs/slowly.emacs
There are no other files named slowly.emacs in the archive.
!* -*- TECO -*-!
!~Filename~:! !Library of macros for slow displays!
!& Slow Draw Line:! !S Print a line of dashes or the pre-comma arg with
post-comma arg lines from the top of the screen.  If the second arg is
negative, counting occurs from the bottom of the screen instead of the top.
If the second arg is 0 explicitly, it re-displays the line it used before.
Intended for use in FS ^R Display and FS Refresh, it zeros FS ^R Display!

    0fs ^R Display		    !* don't call via FS ^R Display again!
    F"E qShort_Display_Size'[1  !* get where to do it!
    q1"l fslines+'(fstoplin)+q1u1 !* For negative size, count from bottom.!
    FF&2"E QDefault_Separator' "# '[2	    !* Get line of dashes or first arg!
    q2"e 0'			    !* If we don't have a separator do nothing!
    FF&1"n "e q1,q1+1 @F 0'' !* If zero arg, tell which line to fix!
    fs PJ ATY+1"g		    !* If redisplay is actually needed!
       q1 f[ Top Line		    !* Start drawing on the indicated line!
       :FT2			    !* Draw the separator!
       0u..h'			    !* allow display!
!^R Set Screen Size:! !^R Shorten the part of the screen to use to ARG lines.
ARG defaults to 3, or whatever was used last time.  A negative argument means
to use the bottom of the screen rather than the top.  A zero arg means to
use the whole screen.

A pre-comma arg is the separator to use, and inhibits setting the default.!

    "e 0FSRefresh		    !* Arg is 0 => restore old screen area.!
      0UShort_Display_Mode	    !* note we aren't shortened any more!
      0m(m.m &_Slow_Draw_Line) 0'	    !* clear the line we were on!
    F"E QShort_Display_Size'[1  !* get the window size!
    QShort_Display_Mode"n	    !* If we're shortened already!
      0m(m.m &_Slow_Draw_Line)'    !* fix the line we drew before!
    "# fstoplin*100+(fslines)UShort_Display_Mode'   !* note we're in short display mode!
    Q1 UShort_Display_Size	    !* Change current binding of default size!
    m.m &_Slow_Draw_Line FS ^R Display  !* Draw the separator according to args!
    FS ^R Display FS Refresh	    !* and when the screen gets cleared!

    q1fs lines		    !* Specify number of lines we want.!
    q1"g .,.'			    !* That's all, if want top of window.!
				    !* If we're hacking at the bottom!
    fs linesF"N+(fs toplin)'[2    !* Get current window bottom (or 0 if screen bottom).!
    q2f"e w FS Height-(FS Echo Lines)-1'(	 !* calculate where top line is!
	    )+q1 fs Top Line 0	    !* and set that, and exit!
!^R Slow Display I-Search:! !^R Incremental Search with limited redisplay
As characters are typed in, the accumulated string is
searched for.  Characters may be rubbed out.
^Q quotes special characters.
^S repeats the search, forward, and ^R repeats it backward.
If the accumulated string is empty, ^R or ^S either
reverses the direction of search or gobbles the previous
search string and searches for it again.
Altmode or any random control character exits
(anything but altmode is then executed).
If the accumulated string fails to be found,
you will be notified with one bell.  You can then exit,
rub the bad characters out (or ^G them all away),
or try searching in the opposite direction.
Quitting a successful search goes back to the starting
point of the search;  quitting a failing search rubs out
enough characters to make it successful again.
Altmode when the string is empty makes the search
non-incremental by calling ^R String Search.
If the display would go off the screen, it narrows the
screen to Slow Search Lines Used lines until the search
exits, to cut down on redisplay!

    1fo..qSlow_Search_Lines_Used[.1	    !* Q1 gets number of lines to use!
    QDefault_Separator fo..qSlow_Search_Separator[.2
    0[.3			    !* 1=> Screen has shrunk!
    FS Lines+(fs Top Line)[.4	    !* Bottom line before shrinking!
    q.4[.5			    !* Bottom line after any shrinking!
    @FN~ Q.3"N F' ~		    !* If screen has shrunk, need full redisplay.!
    f[ Top Linew f[Lines	    !* don't shrink it permanantly!
    f[ Refresh
    [Short_Display_Size	    !* don't permanently change the screen size!
    [Default_Separator	    !* or the separator!
    [Short_Display_Mode	    !* we're only in the mode temporarily!
    m(m.m &_End_Of_Screen_Address)[.6  !* Calculate where the end of screen is!
    fswindow[.7		    !* Q.7 says what FS WINDOW to use after exit.!
    fn q.7fswindow 		    !* By default, it's the same one as before.!

    [D			    !* QD is direction and # times to search.!
    0[L				    !* QL > 0 iff failed to find current search string,!
    10.[R			    !* QR is state register: !
				    !* 40. => ^R or ^S repeating search or gobbling default.!
				    !* 10. => just starting.!
				    !* 4 => printing char just read.!
				    !* 2 => rubout just done wants full redisplay.!
				    !* 1 => rubout just done.!

    [Q @:iQ`			    !* MQ pushes current info:  ., qL, q2, q0, qD.!
      q4+1*5-fq3"e		    !* We are going to push in q3, so make sure space exists.!
	q3[..o zj
	200,0i ]..o'
      .u:3(%4)			    !* Push point, search string,!
      q0u:3(%4)			    !* this character, and current direction of search.!

    fs tyi sourc"e
     @:iT`			    !* MT updates the echo area.!
      Q9-Q.9"N 2[R' Q9U.9	    !* Q9 holds prompt for echo area.  Redisplay if changed.!
      fs rgetty"n 2&qR"n	    !* If we need to redisplay the whole thing,!
	qc fs echo dis		    !* home up and clear line first,!
	@ft 9:_ q2u8''	    !* then type the prompt and decide to retype whole string.!
      @ft 8 :i8 	    !* Update displayed search string.!
      ` '
     "# :iT'			    !* Don't display if inside a macro.!

    [C :IC TL		    !* QC has string to home up in echo area and clear line.!
    [0				    !* Q0 holds type-in character being processed.!
    [2 :i2			    !* Q2 holds accumulated search string.!
    [8 :i8			    !* Q8 has accumulated stuff to type in echo area.!
    [9				    !* Q9 has [Failing ][Reverse ]Search for echo area.!
    0[.9			    !* Q.9 has last value of Q9 actually displayed.!
    1fo..qSearch_Exit_Option	    !* QE nonzero => random control chars exit.!
    200fs q vector [3		    !* Q3 holds stack for partial search strings.!
    -1[4			    !* Q4 is stack pointer.!
    [5				    !* Q5 is random temp.!
    .[P				    !* QP has old point (to maybe push at end).!
    [S :IS M.M&_Isearch_RuboutUS :MS    !* QS has & Isearch Rubout (autoloading)!
    :I* M(M.M&_Isearch_Help) F[Help Mac
    [6 [7			    !* Q6 and Q7 are the success and failure echo strings.!
    qD"g :i6I-Search :i7Failing_I-Search'
    qD"l :i6Reverse_I-Search :i7Failing_Reverse_I-Search'
    q6u9			    !* Search starts out successful.!

    0[I				    !* QI is nonzero when we are reading input.!

    fs rgetty"e
       fs tyi sourc"e @ft _S:_'   !* On printing tty, start typing out.!


    1:< 1uI -2f[noquit		    !* Set up an errset to catch quits.!
     < qL"e q6' "# q7'u9 q9-q.9"n mt'	    !* Display direction and status in echo area.!
      q.3"e			    !* If we still have wide display!
        (.-(fs Window))*(	    !* If we're before the top, or!
	  q.6-.)"L		    !* after bottom of the screen!
           q.2,q.1 m(m.m ^R_Set_Screen_Size)'  !* Shrink display temporarily!
	  fs Top Line + (FS Lines) u.5  !* Bottom line after shrinking!
	  1u.3''		    !* and flag that we've shrunk already!
	  1uI :fiu0 0uI @fiu5
      q5fs^r indir-(fo..q Search_Exit_Char)"e fq2:@;
         !<! 0;> 0fsnoquitw qD:m(m.m ^R_String_Search)'
      q5-8"e  o Funny'
      q5-176."g  o Funny'
      q5-"e  o Control'	    !* If Altmode isn't the exit char, it's like a ctl char!
"e   q5-


      4uR			    !* Handle printing char.!
      mQ			    !* Push ., qL, q2, q0 and qD into q3, for rubbing out.!
      :i2 2 0	    !* stick this char at end of search string,!
      fs tyi source"e		    !* If not inside a keyboard macro,!
        fq8"n mt'		    !* Update the display.!
        @ft 0

   !Try!  !* Note if fall through we are inside a failing conditional.!

          mt			    !* Update the displayed search string.!
      qL"n !<!>'		    !* No point in searching if know it would fail.!

      40.&qR"e			    !* For ^S, ^R suppress the moving back so don't no-op.!
	qD"g fq2-1r'		    !* Move back, so that from FO/\O we find the FOO.!
	  "# fsz-qP f[ vz
	     fq2-1"g fq2:c"e zj''
	     f]vz''		    !* After finding FO backwd, move fwd 3 so can find FOO.!
      qD:s2"l !<!>'
      q5j 1uL fg !<!>		    !* But if search fails, undo that motion back.!


      q5-177."e  o Rubout'
  !* Only control characters and backspace get past here.!
      q5&537.-S"e  o Forward'    !* Check for C-S and C-s (ignore case bit).!
      q5&537.-R"e  o Backward'   !* Note: mustn't change q5 since Control rereads it.!
      q5&537.-Q"e  o Quote'
      qE"e  o normal'
      o Control

   !Quote!	!* ^Q quotes the next character.!

      fs osteco"n -1f[helpch'
      fs osteco"n f]helpch'
      o normal

   !Forward!      !* ^S means search again forward.!

      qD"l :i6I-Search :i7Failing_I-Search'
      q4"L qD"g  o Default'	    !* ^S as 1st char going fwd => gobble default string.!
	     "# 1uD !<!>''	    !* ^S as 1st char, going backward, changed to fwd.!
      mQ			    !* Push ., qL, q2, q0 and qD into q3.!
      qD"L 0uL'			    !* If reversing direction, don't assume search will fail.!
      1uD			    !* String not null:  make sure going fwd,!
      40.uR			    !* Mark us as a ^S so don't change search string,!
      o try			    !* just search for it a second time.!

   !Backward!      !* ^R means search again backward.!

      qD"g :i6Reverse_I-Search :i7Failing_Reverse_I-Search'
      q4"L qD"l  o Default'	    !* ^R as 1st char going backwd => gobble default string.!
	     "# -1uD !<!>''	    !* ^R as 1st char, going forward, changed to backwd.!
      mQ			    !* Push ., qL, q2, q0 and qD into q3.!
      qD"g 0uL'			    !* If reversing direction, don't assume search will fail.!
      -1uD			    !* String not null:  make sure going backwd,!
      40.uR			    !* Mark us as a ^R so don't change search string,!
      o try

   !Default!	!* Come here to use default search string.!

      mQ			    !* Push current state so can rub the default out.!
      qSearch_Default_Ring[..o    !* Find the default!
      .fs word u2  ]..o	    !* and gobble it.!
      fq2"l :i2'
      40.uR			    !* Inhibit moving back before starting to search.!
      o try

      q4"l fg !<!>'		    !* Rubout when string is empty does nothing.!
      ms			    !* Call & Isearch Rubout.!
      qL"e q6' "# q7'u9		    !* Fix displayed direction and status for echo area.!
      mt !<!>			    !* Redisplay and loop back.!


      q5 fs reread

      >>u0 @feqit-q0"e @fg	    !* If we quit, record in journal file.!
				    !* Record Rubout if quit while searching,!
				    !* record :^G if failing or waiting for input.!
	     qL"'gqI"N :i*:' "# :i*_' fsjrn wr
	     QL"g <ms -ql;>  mt	    !* If failing, rub out the unfound chars and restart.!
	          o Restart'
	     qI"e ms mt o Restart' !* If quit while actually searching, restart.!
	     QPJ 0fsnoquit
	        -1fsquit'	    !* If succeeding, restore starting point and quit.!
	q0f"n fs err'		    !* Error not a quit => pass it on.!

    q.3"n fs windowu.7'	    !* If we have narrowed,!
				    !* display starting with first line that's there now.!

      qSearch_Default_Ring [..o   !* New search char, save prev default.!
      fq(.fsword)-1"G 5c .-z"e j'' !* If previous default is worth saving, push it!
      q2,.fsword		    !* Store current (new) default!

    fs tyi source"e @ft  '	    !* Echo an altmode to show we have exited.!
    qP mMM_&_Maybe_Push_Point	    !* Maybe leave mark at place search started.!
!& Slow Minibuffer:! !S Call EMACS's & Minibuffer with FS LINES and
FS TOP LINE already set up for SLOWLY style top-or-bottome hacking!
    QMinibuffer_Size [1	    !* get the size for our minibuffer!
    QShort_Display_Mode"N	    !* redraw any lines needing redrawing!
      FS Refresh"n		    !* should be there, but just in case!
	QShort_Display_Size[2	    !* get the current size of our buffer!
	Q1,0F[3  q2,0F[4    !* get the absolute values!
	Q1*Q2"G			    !* if on the same side!
	  Q4-Q3:"G		    !* then if there is overlap!
	    @FN~ M(FS Refresh) w@V~''	    !* set up to redisplay our line on exit!
	"#			    !* but if from opposite sides!
	  FS Height-Q4-Q3-(FS Echo Lines)-1"l	    !* the test is for overlap hairy!
	    @FN~ M(FS Refresh) w@V~''''    !* but set up for refresh if overlap!

    q1 [Short_Display_Size	    !* size of our screen is as above!
				    !* use our separator!
    QDefault_Separator FO..Q Minibuffer_Separator [2
    q2 [Default_Separator
    f[ Top Linew f[Lines	    !* don't shrink it permanantly!
    f[ Refresh [Short_Display_Size	    !* don't permanently change screen size!
    [Default_Separator	    !* or the separator!
    [Short_Display_Mode	    !* we're only in the mode temporarily!
    @FN~ 0m(m.m &_Slow_Draw_Line)~ !* fix the line on exit!
    q1 "l @fn ~FS Top Line,(FS Lines) @F~'	    !* neg -> must tell ^R ourself!
    q2,q1 m(m.m ^R_Set_Screen_Size)	    !* shrink down the display temporarily!

    Q..O,-1 m(m.m &_Slow_Old_Minibuffer)    !* Call the old minibuffer!
!^R Quiet Editing:! !^R Edit with no redisplay for a while.
Enters a recursive ^R mode with redisplay inhibited.
When you exit the recursive ^R, all pending redisplay will be done.
Meanwhile, C-L causes one redisplay, and two C-L's in a row
clear the screen and redisplay.

Exit this mode via C-M-C (^C^C) or Control-altmode.!

    [..J :I..J Quiet_Editing	   !* quiet mode line!
    1F[ ^R INHIBIT		   !* inhibit re-display!
    [.L Q.L UQuiet_Edit_Saved_C-L  !* we need to access C-L later!
    m.m ^R_Quiet_Editing_Redisplay u.L  !* use our version of C-L!
    0 0			   !* recursively edit the buffer!
!^R Quiet Editing Redisplay:! !^R C-L for ^R Quiet Editing!
    0F[^R INHIBIT			   !* allow display to happen temporarily!
    FF"E			   !* If we had no arg!
      FS ^R PREV :FC-200.-L"N   !* If we didn't just do a C-L!
        0@V 0''		   !* then this is just "let there be display"!
    F@MQuiet_Edit_Saved_C-L	   !* otherwise do a real C-L!
    0@V 0				   !* and be sure the screen really is updated!
!& Setup SLOWLY Library:! !S Stuff to do on loading this lib.
Places ^R Slow .... on appropriate keys if on slow terminal
or calls user hook (SLOWLY Setup Hook).  Default setup is:

& Slow Minibuffer		 -- variable MM & Minibuffer
^R Slow Display I-Search	 -- Control-S
^R Slow Display Reverse I-Search -- Control-R
^R Set Screen Size		 -- Meta-O
^R Quiet Editing		 -- C-X Q!

    0fo..q MM_&_Slow_Old_Minibuffer"n !* If we have already loaded!
       @FT (Slowly_Being_Loaded_Twice)  !* tell him!
       0fs echo active w0'	   !* and exit without clearing echo area!
    fsrgetty"e'			   !* Can't help printers!
    3m.c Minibuffer_Size		   !* size of the current minibuffer
    !    *_Number_of_lines_to_use_for_the_minibuffer.__If_negative,_use_the
    :i*------ m.c Default_Separator*_Default_Separtator_Used_In_Short_Screen_and_incremental_searches.
    Part_of_the_SLOWLY_library	   !* default the separator to "------"!
    3 M.V Short_Display_Size	   !* Default size of Shortened display!
    0 M.V Short_Display_Mode	   !* Initially not in Short Mode!
    M.V Quiet_Edit_Saved_C-L	   !* create a var for ^R Quiet Editing!
    m.m &_Slow_Draw_Line m.v Mini_Re-display  !* use our line-drawer instead!
    m.m &_Minibuffer m.v MM_&_Slow_Old_Minibuffer  !* save prior definition!
    m.m ^R_Incremental_Search[1
    m.m^R_Slow_Display_I-Search [2
    0fo..q SLOWLY_Setup_Hook[3
    q3"e	   !* If we don't have a setup hook!
       1m.c Slow_Search_Lines_Used	   !* defaultly create the var for user
!      *_Number_of_lines_to_use_for_display_during_incremental_searches.__If
       fs o speed-(1200 fo..q SLOWLY_Maximum_Speed+1)"L  !* slow terminal?!
         q2 m.v MM_^R_Incremental_Search !* For the sake of PAGE library!
				    !* Also, C-R will indirect through it.!
	 q1-q.S"E Q2 u.S'	    !* put on slow stuff!
	 m.m &_Slow_Minibuffer M.V MM_&_Minibuffer	    !* activate our definition!
	 m.m ^R_Quiet_Editing u:.x(Q)    !* Quiet editing on C-X Q!
	 m.m ^R_Set_Screen_Size U..O''   !* Set screen size by M-O!
    "# :m3'		!* Else execute the setup hook.!