PDP-10 Archives
There is 1 other file named vt100.txt in the archive. Click here to see a list.
VT100's have a new criterion for selecting control characters on the
keyboard. The implementors of the VT100 decided that there will be
no shift-control codes on the terminal, sooo.... in order to generate
ASCII codes 36 (C-^) and 37 (C-_) you have to type C-` and C-/ respectively.
This is somewhat strange, but it is not EMACS that is at fault. This
obscure bit of information is to be found in the VT100 manual, but it is
not in an obvious place.
In addition to the above crock, we offer the VT100 library, which
defines the keys on the numeric keypad to supply arguments for
following commands, and defines the arrow keys to move around in the
buffer. Just load it and these changes take effect.
In addition, the Dot key is equivalent to the standard meaning of the
Help Character, and the Enter key starts or finishes defining a
keyboard macro.
The function C132 Mode is provided, which switches to displaying 132
columns. The function C80 Mode switches back. Unfortunately, in 132
column mode, the cretinous VT100 insists on sending ^S and ^Q
characters, so it is necessary to use them for flow control and you
cannot have them as commands. The following command rearrangements
are made so that you can still get at the functions usually performed
by those characters:
1) C-X C-S becomes C-X S
2) C-S becomes C-\
3) C-Q within a search becomes C-^ (or C-` on VT100 kbd).
4) C-Q outside a search becomes C-H (backspace).
5) C-X C-Q becomes C-X ~
Inserting a ^L (C-L) in the buffer maybe accomplished by typing C-M-L
instead of C-Q C-L. This is true in the default environment as well. To
insert a C-Q in the buffer type M-*.