PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named xlisp.emacs in the archive.
!* -*- Teco -*- Library created and maintained by KMP@MC !
!* Bugs, feature requests, etc... !
!* !
!* [Source: KMP (07/16/80)] !
!* This needs to be sure it has a good ..D or else floating point !
!* numbers and other screws will happen -- eg, PRINC+T function in !
!* RAB;OUTMIS will get mistaken for a PRINC if not careful. -kmp !
!* !
!* [Source: CWH] !
!* (cond (condition then-clause) (t else-clause)) !
!* <=> (IF condition then-clause else-clause) !
!* !
!* [Source: KMP] !
!* (and exp1 exp2) <=> (IF exp1 exp2) !
!* (or exp1 exp2) <=> (IF (NOT exp1) exp2) ; Maybe IFN, too? !
!* Old-DO <=> New-DO !
!* (PROG (...) ...) => (LET (..) ...) ; if no RETURN or GOs !
!* ; Maybe find leading SETQs and move into the BVL. Super-tricky !
!* ; due to the evaluation environment differences. !
!* (TERPRI), (TYO ...), (PRIN1 ...), (PRINC ...), ... ; Sequences only !
!* <=> (FORMAT ...) !
!* !
!* [Source: RWK (07/16/80) !
!* Do these allow one to do M-X Undo? !
!* !
!* [Source: CWH (07/16/80)] !
!* You may also want to include WHEN and UNLESS. I have been using !
!* these recently after RWK convinced me they were winners. You may !
!* also want to write one completely hairy macro which figures out !
!* which of the above transformations you want applied. As long as it !
!* can be undone with M-X Undo, such a frob wouldn't be too dangerous. !
!* !
!* [Source: CWH (07/21/80)] Re: LAMBDA->LET !
!* I would prefer it if ((LAMBDA (X) Z) NIL) became !
!* (LET ((X NIL)) Z) instead of (LET (X) Z). Perhaps a switch? !
!* Also, modernizing ((LAMBDA (X Y) Z) 0 0) inserts a spurious !
!* space after the first 0. !
!~Filename~:! !Macros for transforming Lisp Code!
!& Query Loop:! !& Loop doing things and asking for confirmation!
<m();w !* Execute Entry Condition !
:i* C Change?_ fsechodispw @v !* Prompt for input !
@:fi uC !* Peek for command !
qC-4110."e ?uC '"# :fiuC ' !* Get ascii in qC !
@ft C_... !* Tell the user we saw input !
qC-^"e fi !* If cmd = ^ !
.:ww1:<> oPause' !* Go to previous !
qC f _ , . :"l fi !* If cmd = Space or Comma, !
.u0 m() q0j !* Run change macro !
qC-,"e !* If comma, show result !
!Pause! !* Come here to pause !
:i* C Ok?_ fsechodisp w @v !* Wait while (s)he approves !
:fi uC !* Peek for command !
qC-4110."e ?uC '"# :fiuC ' !* Get ascii in qC !
@ft C_... !* Tell the user we saw input !
qC-_ "e fi !* If space, !
oLoop' !* then go on !
qC f QqXx :"l fi !* If Q or X, !
' !* then Exit !
qC-^"e fi !* If ^, !
.:ww1:<> oPause' !* Go to previous !
qC-"e fi !* If Control-R, !
oPause' !* then edit and re-pause !
"e fi !* If Control-L, !
@m(m.m^R_New_Window) !* Redisplay !
oPause ' !* and then pause !
qC-?"e fi !* If ? or Help, !
ft Space__=_Continue____C-L_=_Redisplay____C-R____=_Edit
--Pause-- oPause' !* Show help info !
' !* No Such Option. Exit. !
qC-."e ' !* Return if dot !
oLoop' !* Continue looking if not comma !
qC-"e fi !* If cmd = Control-R, !
oLoop ' !* Edit and Loop !
qC-"e fi !* If cmd = Rubout !
:-."n .' fkr oSkipLoop ' !* Skip this entry and find next !
"e fi !* If cmd = Control-L, !
@m(m.m^R_New_Window)w oLoop' !* Redisplay and loop !
qC f ? :"l fi !* If cmd = ? or Help !
!"! ft Space__=_Replace_entry_and_move_on__________C-L_=_Redisplay
--Pause-- oLoop ' !* Show help info !
qC f XxQq "l fi !* If cmd = Q or X, !
' !* Just exit, eating char !
' !* Exit if unknown command !
!Loop! :-."n.' !SkipLoop!> !* Continue looping !
!Modernize FUNCTION References:! !S Change (FUNCTION form) => #'form !
@:i*| :s(FUNCTION( fkc )|,( !* Search for (FUNCTION !
@:i*| .[0 fll 1f[noquitw -d !* Go kill ending paren !
q0j 9d @f_
k !* Kill (FUNCTION & whitespace !
.u0 !"! i#' 2r !* Insert #' !
m(m.m &_XLISP_Indent_SEXP) !* Re-Indent S-Expression !
!* Go to top of S-Expression !
|) !"<! m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Modernize:_(FUNCTION_exp)_=>_#'exp
!* Loop asking about this stuff !
!Modernize Old CATCH/THROW References:! !S CATCH/THROW => *CATCH/*THROW !
@:i*| :s(CATCH(THROW( !* Search for (CATCH or (THROW !
fkc )|,( !* and hop back over it !
@:i*| .[0[1 1f[noquitw c @fll !* Insert missing star !
<:@fll 1a-;:@; l> @fll !* Pas first arg !
:@fll 1a-;"e !"! :i*CH; Can't_hack_comment fserr '
@m(m.m ^R_Transpose_Sexps) !* Interchange !
-2@fll !"! i' q0+1j i* !* Back up and quote arg1 !
!* Go to top of S-Expression !
|) !"<! m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Modernize:_(CATCH/THROW_form_tag)_=>_(*CATCH/*THROW_'tag_form)
!* Loop asking about this stuff !
!Modernize QUOTE References:! !S Change (QUOTE form) => 'form !
@:i*| :s(QUOTE( fkc )|,( !* Search for (QUOTE !
@:i*| .[0 fll 1f[noquitw -d !* Go kill ending paren !
q0j 6d @f_
k !* Kill (QUOTE & whitespace !
.u0 !"! i' 2r !* Insert #' !
m(m.m &_XLISP_Indent_SEXP) !* Re-Indent S-Expression !
!* Go to top of S-Expression !
|) !"<! m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Modernize:_(QUOTE_exp)_=>_'exp
!* Loop asking about this stuff !
!Modernize LAMBDA References:! !S Change '(LAMBDA ...) => #'(LAMBDA ...) !
@:i*| !"! :s#'(LAMBDA( fkcc )|,( !* Search for '(LAMBDA !
@:i*| i# r m(m.m&_XLISP_Indent_SEXP)
|) !"<"! m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Modernize:_'(LAMBDA_...)_=>_#'(LAMBDA_...)
!* Loop asking about this stuff !
!Modernize MAP References:! !S Change (MAPxxx '... ...) => (MAPxxx #'... ...)!
@:i*| [0<:s(MAP"e 0' !* Look for MAP, fail if none !
.-4u0 !* Remember place we started from !
1a:"b @fll ' !* Go to end of printname if not MAP!
l !* Move to beginning of next object !
!"! 1a-'"e q0j -1 '>
|,( !* If just singlequote, win !
@:i*| c @fll !"! s' r i# r m(m.m&_XLISP_Indent_SEXP)
|) !"<"! m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Modernize:_(MAPx_'fun_...)_=>_(MAPx_#'fun_...)
!Modernize Strings:! !S Search for things in |...| => "..."!
@:i*~ :s/|"e 0' r -1 ~,( !* Look for | !
@:i*~ 1f[noquit !* Defer interrupts !
f[vbwf[vz !* Bind buffer bounds !
!"! 0,0a-'"e -d ' !* Maybe delete singlequote !
.,( s/| -d . )fsbound !* Narrow bounds !
j d <.-z; 1a-/"e c' !* Loop, skip slashed things !
"# 1af"|!'!:"l i/ '' !* Slashify " or | !
c > !* Move forward !
j i"!'! zj i"!'! j !* Insert Doublequotes !
!* Return !
~) !<! m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Modernize:_|...|_=>_"..." !''!
!Lowercase Lisp Buffer:! !S Lowercase a buffer of lisp text
respecting things that should not get lowercased.!
[S !* State Register !
j 0uS !* Initial state 0 !
< .-z; !* Stop at end of virtual buffer !
qS"e 1af"|!'!:"l 1auS ' ' !* Complement state on | or " !
"# 1a-qS"e 0uS ' ' !* Unless in a | or " already... !
qS"e 1 fc ' !* Force case if appropriate !
1a-/"e c ' !* Slash says skip next char !
"ezj'''"# 1a-;"ed:s comments !
:c !* Go forward !
> !* Loop !
j z !* Set region around text changed !
h !* Return !
!Uppercase Lisp Buffer:! !S Uppercase a buffer of lisp text
respecting things that should not get uppercased.!
[S !* State Register !
j 0uS !* Initial state 0 !
< .-z; !* Stop at end of virtual buffer !
qS"e 1af"|!'!:"l 1auS ' ' !* Complement state on | or " !
"# 1a-qS"e 0uS ' ' !* Unless in a | or " already... !
qS"e 1 @fc ' !* Force case if appropriate !
1a-/"e c ' !* Slash says skip next char !
"ezj'''"# 1a-;"ed:s comments !
:c !* Go forward !
> !* Loop !
j z !* Set region around text changed !
h !* Return !
!Lowercase Lisp Region:! !S Lowercase a region of Lisp text!
f[vbf[vz !* Bind buffer bounds !
.,(w.)f fsbound !* Narrow bounds !
m(m.m Lowercase_Lisp_Buffer) !* Call aux macro !
!Uppercase Lisp Region:! !S Uppercase a region of Lisp text!
f[vbf[vz !* Bind buffer bounds !
.,(w.)f fsbound !* Narrow bounds !
m(m.m Uppercase_Lisp_Buffer) !* Call aux macro !
!Change LAMBDA Combination to LET:! !& The name says it, man...!
[0[1[2 !* Bind temp qregs !
[L[A !* Buf for Lambda and Args !
f[noquit !* Bind fsnoquit !
g( flx*( f[bbind ) ) q..OuL !* Get it in temp buffer !
j fll -d j d fll !* Strip outer parens !
g( zfx*( f[bbind ) ) q..OuA !* Get args in qA buffer !
j qLu..O !* Go back to Lambda !
j c 1a-l"e @flk ilet ' !* make lambda -> let !
"# @flk iLET ' !* or LAMBDA -> LET !
s( r flfsbound !* Narrow to just formals !
j c .,(z-1)fsbound !* Don't count parens either!
< < @f_
k !* Kill white space !
0,1a-;"e l' "# 0; ' > !* Skip comments !
.-z; !* Stop if no more formals !
qAu..O !* Go to args buffer !
< @f_
k !* Jump leading whitespace !
0,1a-;"e l' "# 0; ' > !* Skip comments !
3 f~NIL"e 0,4a"b 3di() 2r '' !* Convert NIL to () !
2 f~()"e !* If we have a (), !
2d -@f_ k !* Kill it and whitespace !
@f_ k !* both forward and back !
0,1a-;"e l' !* Maybe take comments !
g( b,.fx*( qLu..O @fll ) ) i_' !* Get any comments in LET !
"# !* Else, !
:i*TFA Too_Few_Actual_Args fserr '
@f_ l !* Go across arg and space !
0,1a-;"e l ' !* Take comment if any !
g( b,.fx*( qLu..O i( @fll i_))!* Insert ( & jump formal !
i)_' !* close arg field !
> !* Loop !
zj !* Jump to end of arglist !
qAu..O @f_
k !* Kill whitespace forward !
0,1a-;"e g( hfx*( qLu..O i_ ) ) '!* Get trailing comments !
"# .-z"e qLu..O '
"# :i*TMA Too_Many_Actual_Args fserr ''
zj -@f_ k !* Delete trailing space !
0,(fsz)fsboundw !* Widen buffer bounds !
1 fsnoquit !* Turn off interrupts !
qAu..O f]bbind !* Kill arg buffer !
g( hfx*( f]bbindw flk ) ) !* Get it back !
-@fll @m(m.m &_XLISP_Indent_SEXP) !* Indent this S-Expression !
!* Return !
!Modernize LAMBDA Combinations:! !S Change ((LAMBDA ...)...) => (LET (...)...)!
@:i*| :s((LAMBDA(fkc)| ,(
m.m Change_LAMBDA_Combination_to_LET (
) ) m(m.m &_Query_Loop)LAMBDA_Combinations:_((LAMBDA_...)_...)_to_(LET_(...)_...)
!Modernize NIL Occurrences:! !S Change NIL to ()!
@:i*| :sNIL( fkcc ) |,(
@:i*| 3d i() |) m(m.m &_Query_Loop)NIL:_NIL_=>_()
!& XLISP Indent Sexp:! !& Like ^R Indent SEXP but tries not to err out!
[0 !* Push q0 !
.( 1:<@fll>w .u0 )j !* Find end of SEXP !
.( 1:<:fll>w .-q0"g )j 0' !* See if next list is farther !
0,1a-("n )j 0' !* Don't fill if no close paren!
)j !* Resume state and proceed !
]0 !* Pop q0 !
f:m(m.m ^R_Indent_Sexp) !* Jump to ^R Indent SEXP !
!Change / to \:! !S Update buffer for the new Lisp backslash syntax!
j @f
l !* Jump over blank lines !
1:fb-*-"e !* If there's no file prop list !
!* Make a default one !
js-*-' !* Search for start of -*- !
1:fbEscape:"e !* If no escape marked !
i_Escape:_Slash;' !* Make a default setting !
"# :fwl !* Go to head of field !
.,(s;-:fwl.)f~slash"n !* Compare escape char with slash !
0fsechoactive l 0,.( j )'' !* Maybe return early !
!* !
[S !* State Register !
j 0uS !* Initial state 0 !
< .-z; !* Stop at end of virtual buffer !
qS"e 1af"|!'!:"l 1auS ' ' !* Complement state on | or " !
"# 1a-qS"e 0uS ' ' !* Unless in a | or " already... !
qS"e !* Only outside of |s or "'s !
"ez1a-;"eo:s'' !* Ignore commented stuff !
1a-\"e i\ oLoop' !* Make \ quote itself !
1a-#"e !* Skip # !
2a-/"e 2c' !* #/ is as before !
2a-\"e 2c' oLoop' !* #\ is as before !
1a-/"e 0,2a-/"e d' !* // goes to / !
"# f\' !* / goes to \ otherwise !
c oLoop' !* Update display and loop !
!Loop! !* Come here to continue looping !
:c !* Go forward !
> !* Loop !
j s-*- sEscape: :fwl !* Kill old escape info !
iBack !* Say we are using Backslash now !
:i*CConversion_of_/_to_\_complete.Afsechodisplay 0fsechoactive
j z !* Set region around text changed !
h !* Return !
!Interchange slash and backslash:! !S Swap slash and backslash !
@:i*| :< :s57"e zj 0;' 0,-2a:"d 0,-2a:"a 0,1a:"d 2r 0;''' > .-z | ,(
@:i*| 2d i#// | (
) ) m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Change_/_to_\:__Maybe_change_octal_57_to_#//
@:i*| :< :s47"e zj 0;' 0,-2a:"d 0,-2a:"a 0,1a:"d 2r 0;''' > .-z | ,(
@:i*| 2d 0,1a-."e d' i#// | (
) ) m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Change_/_to_\:__Maybe_change_decimal_47_to_#//
@:i*| :< :s#o57"e zj 0;' 0,1a:"d 0;' > .-z | ,(
@:i*| 2d i#// | (
) ) m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Change_/_to_\:__Maybe_change_#o57_to_#//
@:i*| :s slash | ,(
@:i*| 5r -4 f~BACK"e -4d '
"# 1a-s"e iback'
"# 2a-L"e iBACK'
"# iBack fs''' 5c | (
) ) !""""! m(m.m &_Query_Loop)Change_/_to_\:__Maybe_interchange_``slash''_and_``backslash
j z