
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - info/
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This file documents EFORK.

EFORK  Node: Top,   Up: (EMACS)

The EFORK library

The EFORK library consists of several functions to make it possible
for the user to invoke (multiple) inferior forks running whatever
program he wants.  Typically it is used to invoke an inferior EXEC
or LISP.  It consists of macros to create or resume a fork, destroy
a fork, and list the "names" of the forks you have created.

* Menu:

* Create::	How to create (or resume) an inferior fork
* Destroy::	How to destroy a previously created fork
* List::	How to list the "names" of inferior forks

EFORK	Node: Create,  Up: Top, Previous: Top, Next: Destroy

Creating or resuming an inferior fork

In order to utilize EFORK, it first must be loaded by doing:
MM Load Library$EFORK$
Once loaded a fork is created by pressing M-+.  EFORK will prompt
for a "handle" by saying handle: at the bottom of your screen.  Any
"name" is legal here, but EFORK will use the name to try to figure
out which program you mean to run.  If you reply "exec", EFORK will
assume you mean to create a new EXEC.  If you reply "lisp" it will
assume you mean to create a new LISP fork.  In general,	; if the
file SYS:"name".exe exists, EFORK will assume that you mean to run
that program.  If SYS:"name".exe does not exist, EFORK will assume
you are trying to run "name".exe on your own directory.  In any
event, it will ask you before it runs anything, giving you a chance
to tell it different.

To resume a previously created fork, just type M-+ and give the "name"
of the fork.  If the "name" is the previous fork created or resumed, then
just type carriage return.

EFORK  Node: Destroy,  Up: Top, Previous: Create, Next: List

Destroying an inferior fork

To destroy an inferior fork type M-,.  EFORK will prompt for the
"name" of the fork to destroy and will then destroy it.

EFORK  Node: List,  Up: Top,  Previous: Destroy

Listing the "name"s of all of your forks.

MM List Handles$ will type a list of the "name"s of all of your forks.