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File: Maclisp-Commands, Node: Top, Up: (Languages)Maclisp
atom SUBR 1 arg
The atom predicate is nil if its argument is a dotted-pair or a
list, and t if it is any kind of atomic object such as a number,
a character string, or an atomic symbol.
fixp SUBR 1 arg
The fixp predicate returns t if its argument is a fixnum or a
bignum, otherwise nil.
floatp SUBR 1 arg
The floatp predicate returns t if its argument is a flonum, nil
if it is not.
numberp SUBR 1 arg
The numberp predicate returns t if its argument is a number, nil
if it is not.
typep SUBR 1 arg
typep is a general type-predicate. It returns an atomic symbol
describing the type of its argument, chosen from the list
(fixnum flonum bignum list symbol string random)
eval LSUBR 1 or 2 args
(eval x) evaluates x, just as if it had been typed in at top
level, and returns the result. Note that since eval is an lsubr,
its argument actually will be evaluated twice.
apply LSUBR 2 or 3 args
(apply f y) applies the function f to the list of arguments y.
Unless f is an fsubr or fexpr such as 'cond' or 'and' which
evaluates its arguments in a funny way, the arguments in the list
y are used without being evaluated.
(setq f '+) (apply f '(1 2 3)) => 6
(setq f '-) (apply f '(1 2 3)) => -4
(apply 'cons '((+ 2 3) 4)) =>
((+ 2 3) . 4) not (5 . 4)
(apply f y p) works like apply with 2 arguments except that the
application is done in the binding environment specified by the
"a-list" pointer p.
function FSUBR
Function is like quote except that its argument is a function.
It is used when passing a functional argument. Example:
(f00 x (function (lambda (p q)
(cond ((numberp q) p)
((numberp p) q)
;or any other random function in here
(t (cons p q)) )))
calls f0 with 3 arguments, the second of which is the function
defined by the lambda-expression.
Note: quote and function are completely equivalent in the
interpreter. The compiler sometimes needs function to tell it
that a lambda-expression is a function to be compiled rather than
a constant.
comment FSUBR
comment ignores its arguments and returns the atomic symbol
comment. Used in commenting code. ; is preferred.
prog2 LSUBR 2 or more args
Prog2 evaluates its arguments from left to right, like any
lsubr, and returns the value of its second argument.
(prog2 (do-this) (do-that)) ;get 2 things evaluated
(setq x (prog2 nil y
(setq y x))) ;parallel assignment.
;exchanges x and y.
progn LSUBR 1 or more args
progn essentially evaluates all of its arguments and returns the
value of the last one. Although lambda-expressions, prog-forms,
do-forms, cond-forms and iog-forms all use progn implicitly,
there are occasions upon which one needs to evaluate a number of
forms for side-effects when not in these forms. progn serves this
purpose. Example:
(progn (setq a 1) (cons a '(stuff))) => (1 stuff)
arg SUBR 1 arg
(arg nil), when evaluated inside a lexpr, gives the number of
arguments supplied to that lexpr.
(arg i), when evaluated inside a lexpr, gives the value of the
i'th argument to the lexpr. i must be a fixnum in this case. It
is an error if i is less than 1 or greater than the number of
arguments supplied to the lexpr. Example:
(defun foo nargs ; define a lexpr foo.
(print (arg nil)) ; print the number of args supplied.
(print (arg 2)) ; print the second argument.
(+ (arg 1) (arg 3))) ; return the sum of 1st and 3rd args.
setarg SUBR 2 args
Setarg is used only inside a lexpr. (setarg i x) sets the
lexpr's i'th argument to x. i must be greater than zero and not
greater than the number of arguments passed to the lexpr. After
(setarg i x) has been done, (arg i) will return x.
listify SUBR 1 arg
listify is a function which efficiently manufactures a list of n
of the arguments of a lexpr. With a positive argument n, it
returns a list of the first n arguments of the lexpr. With a
negative argment n, it returns a list of the last (abs n)
arguments of the lexpr.
funcall LSUBR 1 or more args
(funcall f a1 a2 ... an) calls the function f with the arguments
a1, a2, ..., an. It is similar to apply except that the seperate
arguments are given to funcall, rather than a list of arguments.
If f is an expr, a lexpr, a subr, or an lsubr, the arguments are
not re-evaluated. If f is a fexpr or an fsubr there must be
exactly one argument. f may not be a macro.
(setq cons 'plus)
(cons 1 2) => (1 . 2)
(funcall cons 1 2) => 3
cdr SUBR 1 arg
Note: the cdr of an atomic symbol is its property list.
assoc SUBR 2 args
(assoc x y) looks up x in the association list (list of dotted
pairs) y. The value is the first dotted pair whose car is equal
to x, or nil if there is none such.
(assoc 'r '((a . b) (c . d) (r . x) (s . y) (r . z)))
=> (r . x)
(assoc 'fooo '((foo . bar) (zoo . goo))) => nil
assq SUBR 2 args
Assq is like assoc except that the comparison uses eq instead of
sassoc SUBR 3 args
(sassoc x y z) is like (assoc x y) except that if x is not found
in y, instead of returning nil sassoc calls the function z with
no arguments.
sassq SUBR 3 args
(sassq x y z) is like (assq x y) except that if x is not found in
y, instead of returning nil sassq calls the function z with no
length SUBR 1 arg
Length returns the length of its argument, which must be a list.
The length of a list is the number of top-level conses in it.
The warning about dotted lists given under last applies also to
member SUBR 2 args
(member x y) returns nil if x is not a member of the list y.
Otherwise, it returns the portion of y beginning with the first
occurrence of x. The comparison is made by equal. y is searched
on the top level only. Example:
(member 'x '(1 2 3 4)) => nil
(member 'x '(a (x y) c x d e x f)) => (x d e x f)
memq SUBR 2 args
Memq is like member, except eq is used for the comparison.
sxhash SUBR 1 arg
Sxhash computes a hash code of an S-expression, and returns it as
a fixnum which may be positive or nagative. A property of sxhash
is that (equal x y) implies (= (sxhash x) (sxhash y)). The
number returned by sxhash is some possibly large number in the
range allowed by fixnums. It is guaranteed that:
1) sxhash for an atomic symbol will always be positive.
2) sxhash of any particular expression will be constant in a
particular implementation for all time.
3) Two different implementations may hash the same expression
into different values.
4) sxhash of any object of type random will be zero.
5) sxhash of a fixnum will = that fixnum.
cons SUBR 2 args
This is a primitive function to construct a new dotted pair
whose car is the first argument to cons, and whose cdr is the
second argument to cons. Thus the following identities hold:
(eq (car (cons x y)) x) => t
(eq (cdr (cons x y)) y) => t
(cons 'a 'b) => (a . b)
(cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c nil))) => (a b c)
(cons 'a '(b c d e f)) => (a b c d e f)
ncons SUBR 1 arg
(ncons x) = (cons x nil) = (list x)
xcons SUBR 2 args
xcons ("exchange cons") is like cons except that the order of
arguments is reversed.
(xcons 'a 'b) => (b . a)
list LSUBR 0 or more args
list constructs and returns a list of the values of its
(list 3 4 'a (car '(b . c)) (+ 6 -2)) => (3 4 a b 4)
append LSUBR 0 or more args
The arguments to append are lists. The result is a list which is
the concatenation of the arguments. The arguments are not
changed (cf nconc). For example,
(append '(a b c) '(d e f) nil '(g)) => (a b c d e f g)
subst SUBR 3 args
(subst x y z) substitutes x for all occurrences of y in z, and
returns the modified z. The original z is unchanged, as subst
recursively copies all of z replacing elements eq to y as it
goes. If x and y are nil, z is completely copied, which is a
convenient way to copy arbitrary list structure.
(subst 'Tempest 'Hurricane
'(Shakespeare wrote (The Hurricane)))
=> (Shakespeare wrote (The Tempest))
sublis SUBR 2 args
sublis makes substitutions for atomic symbols in an S-expression.
The first argument to sublis is a list of dotted pairs. The
second argument is an S-expression. The return value is the
S-expression with atoms that are the car of a dotted pair
replaced by the cdr of that dotted pair. The argument is not
modified - new conses are created where necessary and only where
necessary, so the newly created structure shares as much of its
substructure as possible with the old. For example, if no
successful substitutions are made, the result is eq to sublis's
second argument.
(sublis '((x . 100) (z . zprime))
'(plus x (minus g z x p) 4))
=> (plus 100 (minus g zprime 100 p) 4)
rplaca SUBR 2 args
(rplaca x y) changes the car of x to y and returns (the modified)
x. Example:
(setq x '(a b c))
(rplaca x 'd) => (d b c)
Now x => (d b c)
rplacd SUBR 2 args
(rplacd x y) changes the cdr of x to y and returns (the modified)
x. Example:
(setq x '(a b c))
(rplacd x 'd) => (a . d)
Now x => (a . d)
nconc LSUBR 0 or more args
nconc takes lists as arguments. It returns a list which is the
arguments concatenated together. The arguments are changed,
rather than copied. (cf. append)
(nconc '(a b c) '(d e f)) => (a b c d e f)
Note that the constant (a b c) has been changed to (a b c d e f).
If this form is evaluated again, it will yield (a b c d e f d e
nreverse SUBR 1 arg
nreverse reverses its argument, which should be a list. The
argument is destroyed by rplacd's all through the list (cf.
(nreverse '(a b c)) => (c b a)
delete LSUBR 2 or 3 args
(delete x y) returns the list y with all top-level occurrences of
x removed. Equal is used for the comparison. The argument y is
actually modified (rplacd'ed) when instances of x are spliced
(delete x y n) is like (delete x y) except only the first n
instances of x are deleted. n is allowed to be zero. If n is
greater than the number of occurences of x in the list, all
occurrences of x in the list will be deleted.
Example: (delete 'a '(b a c (a b) d a e)) => (b c (a b) d e)
delq LSUBR 2 or 3 args
delq is the same as delete except that eq is used for the
comparison instead of equal.
prog FSUBR
prog is the "program" function. It provides temporary variables
and the ability to do "go-tos."
The first thing in a prog is a list of temporary variables
<var>. Each variable has its value saved when the prog is
entered and restored when the prog is left. The variables are
initialized to nil when the prog is entered, thus they are said
to be "bound to nil" by the prog.
The rest of a prog is the body. An item in the body may be an
atomic symbol which is a <tag> or a non-atomic <statement>.
prog, after binding the temporary variables, evaluates its
body sequentially. <tag>s are skipped over; <statement>s are
evaluated but the values are ignored. If the end of the body is
reached, prog returns nil. If (return x) is evaluated, prog
stops evaluating its body and returns the value of x. If (go
tag) is seen, prog jumps to the part of the body labelled with
the tag. The argument to 'go' is not evaluated unless it is
setq FSUBR
setq is used to assign values to variables (atomic symbols.)
setq takes its arguments in pairs, and processes them
sequentially, left to right. The first member of each pair is
the variable, the second is the value. The value is evaluated
but the variable is not. The value of the variable is set to the
value specified. You must not setq the special atomic-symbol
constants t and nil. The value returned by setq is the last
value assigned, i.e. the value of its last argument.
Example: (setq x (+ 1 2 3) y (cons x nil))
returns (6) and gives x a value of 6 and y a value of (6).
Note that the first assignment is processed before the second
assignment is done, resulting in the second use of x getting the
value assigned in the first pair of the setq.
set SUBR 2 args
Set is like setq except that the first argument is evaluated;
also set only takes one pair of arguments. The first argument
must evaluate to an atomic symbol, whose value is changed to the
value of the second argument. Set returns the value of its
second argument. Example:
(set (cond ((predicate) 'atom1) (t 'atom2))
evaluates to stba and gives either atom1 or atom2 a value of
boundp SUBR 1 arg
The argument to boundp must be an atomic symbol. If it has a
value, cons of nil with that value is returned. Otherwise nil is
returned. Example:
(boundp 't) => (nil . t) ;since the value of t is t
definedp SUBR 1 arg
This predicate returns t if its argument (a symbol) has a value,
and nil otherwise.
makunbound SUBR 1 arg
The argument to makunbound must be an atomic symbol. Its value
is removed and it becomes undefined, which is the initial state
for atomic symbols.
get SUBR 2 args
(get x y) gets x's y-property. x can be an atomic symbol or a
disembodied property list. The value of x's y property is
returned, unless x has no y-property in which case nil is
getl SUBR 2 args
(getl x y) is like get except that y is a list of properties
rather than just a single property. Getl searches x's property
list until a property in the list y is found. The portion of x's
property list beginning with this property is returned. The car
of this is the property name and the cadr is what get would have
returned. Getl returns nil if none of the properties in y appear
on the property list of x.
putprop SUBR 3 args
(putprop x y z) gives x a z-property of y and returns y. x
may an atomic symbol or a disembodied property list. This is
like defprop except that the arguments are evaluated. After
somebody does (putprop x y z), (get x z) will return y.
defprop FSUBR
(defprop x y z) gives x a z-property of y. The arguments are not
remprop SUBR 2 args
(remprop x y) removes x's y-property, by splicing it out of x's
property list. The value is t if x had a y-property, nil if it
didn't. x may be an atomic symbol or a disembodied property
list. Example:
samepnamep SUBR 2 args
The arguments to samepnamep must evaluate to atomic symbols or to
character strings. The result is t if they have the same pname,
nil otherwise. The pname of a character string is considered to
be the string itself.
(samepnamep 'xyz (maknam '(x y z))) => t
(samepnamep 'xyz (maknam '(w x y))) => nil
(samepnamep 'x "x") => t
alphalessp SUBR 2 args
(alphalessp x y), where x and y evaluate to atomic symbols or
character strings, returns t if the pname of x occurs earlier in
alphabetical order than the pname of y. The pname of a
character string is considered to be the string itself.
(alphalessp 'x 'x1) => t
(alphalessp 'z 'q) => nil
(alphalessp "x" 'y) => t
getchar SUBR 2 args
(getchar x n), where x is an atomic symbol and n is a number,
returns the nth character of x's pname, where n = 1 selects the
first character. The character is returned as a character
object. nil is returned if n is out of bounds.
maknam SUBR 1 arg
Maknam takes as its argument a list of characters, like readlist,
and returns an uninterned atom whose pname is determined by the
list of characters. Example:
(maknam '(a b 60 d)) => ab0d
gensym LSUBR 0 or more args
gensym creates and returns a new atomic symbol, which is not
interned on the obarray (is not recognized by read.) The atomic
symbol's pname is of the form <prefix><number>, e.g. g0001. The
<number> is incremented each time.
If gensym is given arguments, a numeric argument is used to set
the <number>. The pname of an atomic-symbol argument is used to
set the <prefix>. E.g. (gensym 'foo 40) => f0032
Note that the <number> is in decimal and always four digits, and
the <prefix> is always one character.
args LSUBR 1 or 2 args
(args 'f) determines the number of arguments expected by f. If f
wants n arguments, args returns (nil . n). If f can take from m
to n arguments, args returns (m . n). If f is an fsubr or a
lexpr, expr, or fexpr, the results are meaningless.
defun FSUBR
defun is used for defining functions. The general form is:
(defun <name> <optional-type>
( <lambda-variable>...)
however, <name> and <type> may be interchanged. <type> may be
expr, fexpr, or macro. If it is omitted, expr is assumed.
(defun addone (x) (1+ x)) ;defines an expr
(defun quot fexpr (x) (car x)) ;defines a fexpr
(defun fexpr quot (x) (car x)) ;is the same
(defun zzz expr x
(foo (arg 1)(arg 2))) ;this is how you define a lexpr.
Note: the functions defprop and putprop may also be used for
defining functions.
bigp SUBR 1 arg
The predicate bigp returns its argument if that argument is a
bignum, and nil otherwise.
smallnump SUBR 1 arg
The smallnump predicate returns its argument if it is a fixnum
(as opposed to a bignum or a flonum), nil otherwise.
zerop SUBR 1 arg
The zerop predicate returns t if its argument is fixnum zero or
flonum zero. (There is no bignum zero.) Otherwise it returns
plusp SUBR 1 arg
The plusp predicate returns t if its argument is strictly greater
than zero, nil if it is zero or negative. It is an error if
the argument is not a number.
minusp SUBR 1 arg
The minusp predicate returns t if its argument is a negative
number, nil if it is a non-negative number. It is an error if
the argument is not a number.
oddp SUBR 1 arg
The oddp predicate returns t if its argument is an odd number,
otherwise nil. The argument must be a fixnum or a bignum.
signp FSUBR
The signp predicate is used to test the sign of a number. (signp
c x) returns t if x's sign satisfies the test c, nil if it does
not. x is evaluated but c is not. It is an error if x is not a
number. c can be one of the following:
l means x<0
le " x<0
e " x=0
n " x/=0
ge " x>0
g " x>0
(signp le -1) => t
(signp n 0) => nil
= SUBR 2 args
(= x y) is t if x and y are numerically equal. x and y must be
both fixnums or both flonums.
greaterp LSUBR 2 or more args
Greaterp compares its arguments, which must be numbers, from left
to right. If any argument is not greater than the next, greaterp
returns nil. But if the arguments to greaterp are strictly
decreasing, the result is t.
> SUBR 2 args
(> x y) is t if x is strictly greater than y, and nil otherwise.
x and y must be both fixnums or both flonums.
lessp LSUBR 2 or more args
Lessp compares its arguments, which must be numbers, from left to
right. If any argument is not less than the next, lessp returns
nil. But if the arguments to lessp are strictly increasing, the
result is t.
< SUBR 2 args
(< x y) is t if x is strictly less than y, and nil otherwise. x
and y must be both fixnums or both flonums.
max LSUBR 1 or more args
Max returns the largest of its arguments, which must be numbers.
min LSUBR 1 or more args
Min returns the smallest of its arguments, which must be numbers.
fix SUBR 1 arg
(fix x) converts x to a fixnum or a bignum depending on its
magnitude. Examples:
(fix 7.3) => 7
(fix -1.2) => -2
float SUBR 1 arg
(float x) converts x to a flonum. Example:
(float 4) => 4.0
abs SUBR 1 arg
(abs x) => |x|, the absolute value of the number x.
minus SUBR 1 arg
Minus returns the negative of its argument, which can be any kind
of number.
plus LSUBR 0 or more args
Plus returns the sum of its arguments, which may be any kind of
+ LSUBR 0 or more args
+ returns the sum of its arguments. The arguments must be
fixnums, and the result is always a fixnum. Overflow is ignored.
(+ 2 6 -1) => 7
(+ 3) => 3 ;trivial case
(+) => 0 ;identity element
+$ LSUBR 0 or more args
+$ returns the sum of its arguments. The arguments must be
flonums and the result is always a flonum. Examples:
(+$ 4.1 3.14) => 7.24
(+$ 2.0 1.5 -3.6) => -0.1
(+$ 2.6) => 2.6 ;trivial case
(+$) => 0.0 ;identity element
add1 SUBR 1 arg
(add1 x) => x + 1. x may be any kind of number.
1+ SUBR 1 arg
(1+ x) => x+1. x must be a fixnum. The result is always a
fixnum. Overflow is ignored.
1+$ SUBR 1 arg
(1+$ x) => x+1.0. x must be a flonum. The result is always a
difference LSUBR 1 or more args
difference returns its first argument minus the rest of its
arguments. It works for any kind of numbers.
- LSUBR 0 or more args
This is the fixnum-only subtraction function. It does not detect
(-) => 0, the identity element
(- x) => the negative of x.
(- x y) => x - y.
(- x y z) => x - y - z
-$ LSUBR 0 or more args
This is the flonum-only subtraction function.
(-$) => 0.0, the identity element
(-$ x) => the negation of x.
(-$ x y) => x - y.
(-$ x y z) => x - y - z.
*dif SUBR 2 args
This is an obsolete arithmetic difference function.
(*dif x y) => x - y.
sub1 SUBR 1 arg
(sub1 x) => x-1. X may be any kind of number.
1- SUBR 1 arg
(1- x) => x-1. x must be a fixnum. The result is always a
fixnum and overflow is not detected.
1-$ SUBR 1 arg
(1-$ x) => x-1.0. x must be a flonum.
times LSUBR 0 or more args
Times returns the product of its arguments. It works for any
kind of numbers.
* LSUBR 0 or more args
* returns the product of its arguments. The arguments must be
fixnums. Th result is always a fixnum. Overflow is not
detected. Examples:
(* 4 5 -6) => -120.
(* 3) => 3 ;trivial case
(*) => 1 ;identity element
*$ LSUBR 0 or more args
*$ returns the product of its arguments. The arguments must be
flonums and the result is always a flonum. Examples:
(*$ 3.0 2.0 4.0) => 24.0
(*$ 6.1) => 6.1 ;trivial case
(*$) => 1.0 ;identity element
quotient LSUBR 1 or more args
Quotient returns its first argument divided by the rest of its
arguments. The arguments may any kind of number. (cf. / and
/$) Examples:
(quotient 3 2) => 1 ;fixnum division truncates
(quotient 3 2.0) => 1.5 ;but flonum division does not..
(quotient 6.0 1.5 2.0) => 2.0
// LSUBR 0 or more args
This is the fixnum-only division function. The arguments must be
fixnums and the result of the division is truncated to an
integer and returned as a fixnum. Note that the name of this
function must be typed in as //, since LISP uses / as an
escape character.
(//) => 1, the identity element.
(// x) => the fixnum reciprocal of x, which is 0 if |x| > 1.
(// x y) => x/y.
(// x y z) => (x/y)/z.
//$ LSUBR 0 or more args
This is the flonum-only division function. Note that the name
of this function must be typed in as //$, since LISP uses / as
an escape character.
(//$) => 1.0, the identity element
(//$ x) => the reciprocal of x.
(//$ x y) => x/y
(//$ x y z) => (x/y)/z.
remainder SUBR 2 args
(remainder x y) => the remainder of the division of x by y. The
sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the dividend.
The arguments must be fixnums or bignums.
SUBR 2 args
(x y) returns the remainder of x divided by y, with the sign of
x. x and y must be fixnums. Examples:
(5 2) => 1
(65. -9.) => 2
(-65. 9.) => -2
gcd SUBR 2 args
(gcd x y) => the greatest common divisor of x and y. The
arguments must be fixnums or bignums.
expt SUBR 2 args
(expt x y) = x
The exponent y may be a bignum if the base x is 0, 1, or -1;
otherwise y must be a fixnum. x may be any kind of number.
sqrt SUBR 1 arg
(sqrt x) => a flonum which is the square root of the number x.
isqrt SUBR 1 arg
(isqrt x) => a fixnum which is the square root of x, truncated to
an integer.
exp SUBR 1 arg
(exp x) = e
log SUBR 1 arg
(log x) = ln x, the natural log of x.
sin SUBR 1 arg
(sin x) gives the trigonometric sine of x. x is in radians. x
may be a fixnum or a flonum.
cos SUBR 1 arg
(cos x) returns the cosine of x. x is in radians. x may be a
fixnum or a flonum.
atan LSUBR 1 or 2 args
(atan x) returns the arctangent of x, in radians. x and y may be
fixnums or flonums. (atan x y) returns the arctangent of x/y, in
radians. y may be 0 as long as x is not also 0.
random LSUBR 0 or 1 arg
(random) returns a random fixnum.
(random nil) restarts the random sequence at its beginning.
(random x), where x is a fixnum, returns a random fixnum between
0 and x-1 inclusive.
ascii SUBR 1 arg
(ascii x), where x is a number, returns the character object for
the ascii code x.
(ascii 101) => A
(ascii 56) => /.
explode SUBR 1 arg
(explode x) returns a list of characters, which are the
characters that would have been typed out if (prin1 x) was done,
including slashes for special characters but not including extra
newlines inserted to prevent characters from running off the
right margin. Each character is represented by a character
(explode '(+ 1x 3)) => ( /( + / // /1 x / /3 /) )
;;Note the presence of slashified spaces in this list.
explodec SUBR 1 arg
(explodec x) returns a list of characters which are the
characters that would have been typed out if (princ x) was done,
not including extra newlines inserted to prevent characters from
running off the right margin. Special characters are not
slashified. Each character is represented by a character object.
(explodec '(+ 1x 3)) => ( /( + / /1 x / /3 /) )
exploden SUBR 1 arg
(exploden x) returns a list of characters which are the
characters that would have been typed out if (princ x) was done,
not including extra newlines inserted to prevent lines characters
from running off the right margin. Special characters are not
slashified. Each character is represented by a number which is
the ascii code for that character. cf. explodec. Example:
(exploden '(+ 1x 3)) => (50 53 40 61 170 40 63 51)
flatc SUBR 1 arg
Flatc returns the length of its argument in characters, if it was
printed out without slashifying special characters. (flatc x) is
the same as (length (explodec x)).
flatsize SUBR 1 arg
Flatsize returns the length of its argument in characters, if it
was printed out with special characters slashified. (flatsize x)
is the same as (length (explode x)).
readlist SUBR 1 arg
The argument to readlist is a list of characters. The characters
may be represented either as numbers (ascii codes) or as
character objects. The characters in the list are assembled into
an S-expression as if they had been typed into read (See chapter
12 for a description of read.) If macro characters are used, any
calls to read, readch, tyi, or tyipeek in the macro character
functions take their input from readlists's argument rather than
from an I/O device or a file.
(readlist '(a b c)) => abc
(readlist '( /( p r 151 n t / /' f o o /) ))
=> (print (quote foo))
;;Note the use of the slashified special characters left paren,
space, quote, right paren in the argument to readlist.
*array LSUBR 3 or more args
(*array x y b1 b2 ... bn) defines x to be an n-dimensional array.
The first subscript may range from 0 to b1-1, the second from 0
to b2-1, etc. If y is t a normal array is created; if y is nil
an "ungarbage-collected" array is created.
array FSUBR
(array x y b1 b2 ... bn) is like (*array x y b1 b2 ... bn) except
that x is not evaluated. The other arguments are evaluated.
*rearray LSUBR 1 or more args
*rearray is used to redefine the dimensions of an array.
(*rearray x) gets rid of the array x. x is evaluated - it must
evaluate to an atomic symbol. The value is t if it was an array,
nil if it was not.
(*rearray x type dim1 dim2 ... dimn) is like (*array x type dim1
dim2 ... dimn) except that the contents of the previously
existing array named x are copied into the new array named x.
store FSUBR
The first argument to store must be a subscripted reference to an
array. The second argument is evaluated and stored into the
referenced cell of the array. Store evaluates its second
argument before its first argument.
(store (data i j) (plus i j))
(store (sine-values (fix (*$ x 100.0)))
(sin x))
arraydims SUBR 1 arg
(arraydims 'x), where x is an array, returns a list of the type
and bounds of x. Thus if x was defined by (array x t 10 20),
(arraydims 'x) => (t 10 20)
bltarray SUBR 2 args
Bltarray is used to copy one array into another.
(bltarray x y) moves the contents of the array x into the
contents of the array y. If x is bigger than y, it is truncated.
If x is smaller than y, the rest of y is unchanged. x and y must
evaluate to atomic symbols which have array properties.
fillarray SUBR 2 args
(fillarray <array> <list>) fills the array with consecutive items
from the list; thus fillarray could have been defined by:
(defun fillarray (a x)
(do ((x x (cdr x)) ((n 0 (1+ n)))
((null x))
(store (a n) (car x))
If the array is too short to contain all the items in the list,
the extra items are ignored. (This is not reflected in the LISP
definition above.) If the list is too short to fill up the
array, the last element of the list is used to fill each of the
remaining slots in the array. An additional flaw in the LISP
definition is that fillarray will work with arrays of more than
one dimension, filling the array in row-major order. fillarray
returns its first argument.
listarray SUBR 1 arg
(listarray <array-name>) takes the elements of the array
specified by <array-name> and returns them as the elements of a
list. The length of the list is the size of the array and the
elements are present in the list in the same order as they are
stored in the array, starting with the zeroth element.
map LSUBR 2 or more args
The first argument to map is a function, and the remaining
arguments are lists. Map "goes down" the lists, applying the
function to the lists each time. The value returned by map is
its second argument. Map stops as soon as one of the lists is
exhausted. Example:
(map '(lambda (x y z) (print (list x y z)))
'(1 2 3 4) '(a b c d e) '(+ - * |))
((1 2 3 4) (a b c d e) (+ - * |))
((2 3 4) (b c d e) (- * |))
((3 4) (c d e) (* |))
((4) (d e) (|))
and returns (1 2 3 4).
mapc LSUBR 2 or more args
Mapc is just like map except that the function is applied to
successive elements of the lists rather than to the lists
themselves. Thus the example given under map would print
(1 a +)
(2 b -)
(3 c *)
(4 d |)
and return (1 2 3 4)
mapcar LSUBR 2 or more args
Mapcar is like mapc except that the return value is a list of the
results of each application of the function. Thus the example
given with mapc would return, not (1 2 3 4), but
((1 a +) (2 b -) (3 c *) (4 d |))
maplist LSUBR 2 or more args
Maplist is like map except that the return value is a list of the
results of each application of the function. Thus the example
given with map would return, not (1 2 3 4), but
(((1 2 3 4) (a b c d e) (+ - * |)) ((2 3 4) (b c d e) (- * |))
((3 4) (c d e) (* |)) ((4) (d e) (|)))
mapcan LSUBR 2 or more args
Mapcan is like mapcar except that the values returned by the
function are nconc'ed together instead of being listed together.
Thus the example would return
(1 a + 2 b - 3 c * 4 d |)
mapcon LSUBR 2 or more args
Mapcon is like maplist except that the values returned by the
function are nconc'ed together instead of being listed together.
This can have disastrous effects on the arguments to mapcon if
one is not careful. The example would return
((1 2 3 4) (a b c d e) (+ - * |) (2 3 4) (b c d e) (- * |)
(3 4) (c d e) (* |) (4) (d e) (|))
sort SUBR 2 args
The first argument to sort is an S-expression array, the
second a predicate of two arguments. The domain of the predicate
must include all objects in the array; thus if the array contains
only atomic symbols, the predicate need only apply to atomic
symbols, but if the array also contains S-expressions, the
predicate must apply to them also. The predicate should take two
arguments, and return non-nil if and only if the first argument
is strictly less than the second (in some appropriate sense).
The sort function proceeds to sort the contents of the array
under the ordering imposed by the predicate, and returns its
first argument. Note that since sorting requires many
comparisons, and thus many calls to the predicate, sorting will
be much faster if the predicate is a compiled function rather
than interpreted.
Example: (defun mostcar (x)
(cond ((atom x) x)
((mostcar (car x)))))
(sort fooarray
(function (lambda (x y)
(alphalessp (mostcar x) (mostcar y)))))
If fooarray contained these items before the sort:
(tokens (the lion sleeps tonight))
(carpenters (close to you))
((rolling stones) (brown sugar))
((beach boys) (i get around))
(beatles (i want to hold your hand))
then after the sort fooarray would contain:
((beach boys) (i get around))
(beatles (i want to hold your hand))
(carpenters (close to you))
((rolling stones) (brown sugar))
(tokens (the lion sleeps tonight))
sortcar SUBR 2 args
sortcar is exactly like sort, but the items in the array
should all be non-atomic. sortcar takes the car of each item
before handing two items to the predicate. Thus sortcar is to
sort as mapcar is to maplist.
(status date) returns a 3-list indicating the current date as
(year-1900. month-number day)
(status daytime) returns a 3-list of the 24-hour time of day as
(hour minute second).
(status time) is the same as (time), the number of seconds the
system has been up.
(status runtime) is the same as (runtime), the number of
microseconds of cpu time that has been used.
(status system x) returns a list of the system properties of the
atomic symbol x, which is evaluated. This list may contain subr,
fsubr, macro, or lsubr if x is a function, and value if this
atomic symbol is a system variable.
(status uname) returns an atomic symbol whose pname is the
current user's name. In the Multics implementation this is in
the format User.Project; the dot will be slashified if print is
used to display this.
(status udir) returns the name of the user's directory. In the
ITS implementation this is the same as the user's name as
returned by (status uname). In the Multics implementation this
is the user's default working directory.
(status lispversion) returns the version number of lisp.
lisp environment "foo bar"
sysp SUBR 1 arg
The sysp predicate takes an atomic symbol as an argument. If the
atomic symbol is the name of a system function (and has not been
redefined), sysp returns the type of function (subr, lsubr, or
fsubr). Otherwise sysp returns nil.
(sysp 'foo) => nil
(sysp 'car) => subr
(sysp 'cond) => fsubr
runtime SUBR no args
(runtime) returns the number of microseconds of cpu time used so
far by the process in which LISP is running. The difference
between two values of (runtime) indicates the amount of
computation that was done between the two calls to runtime.
time SUBR no args
(time) returns the time that the system has been up, in seconds.
(As a flonum.)
sleep SUBR 1 arg
(sleep n) causes a real-time delay of n seconds, then returns n.
n may be a fixnum or a flonum.
lisp is (mapc 'eval errlist), which allows the user programs to
start up.
quit SUBR no args
(quit) causes the lisp subsystem to remove itself and return to
its caller. The current environment is lost. (cf. save).
namelist SUBR 1 arg
Namelist converts its argument to a namelist. Omitted or *
components in the argument produce *'s in the result.
namestring SUBR 1 arg
Namestring converts its argument from a namelist to a namestring.
It is the opposite of namelist.
shortnamestring SUBR 1 arg
shortnamestring is just like namestring except that there is no
mention of directory or device in the resulting string. Example:
(shortnamestring '(abc d e)) => "d.e"
names LSUBR 1 or 2 args
(names f), where f is a file object, gets f's namelist.
(names nil) gets the default namelist. In Multics MACLISP, the
default namelist is initially set to
(<working-directory> . *)
when lisp is entered.
In ITS MACLISP, the default namelist is initially set to
(<udir> . *)
when lisp is entered, where <udir> is the name by which the user
logged in.
(names nil x) sets the default namelist to x and returns x.
open LSUBR 1 or two args
OPEN takes one or two arguments. It may take a namelist, namestring,
short namestring, or file-object as the first argument. It takes an
optional list of modes as the second, or a single atom if there is only
one mode. The most important modes are IN and OUT, the default is IN
except in the case of the file-object, in which case it defaults to the
mode it was opened in in the first place.
(open <file or namelist or namestring> <mode>)
close SUBR 1 arg
(close x), where x is a file, closes x and returns t. If x is
already closed nothing happens, otherwise the file system is
directed to return x to a quiescent state.
read LSUBR 0 to 2 args
This is the S-expression input function.
(read) reads an S-expression from the default input source.
(read f), where f is a file or nil meaning the terminal, reads an
S-expression from f. During the reading, infile and ^q are bound
so that evaluation of (read) within a macro-character function
will read from the correct input source.
(read x), where x is not a file and not nil, passes x as an
argument to the end-of-file function of the input source if the
end of the file is reached. Usually this means that read will
return x if there are no more S-expressions in the file.
(read t) suppresses the calling of the end-of-file function if
the end of the file is reached. Instead, read just returns t.
(read x f) or (read f x) specifies the end-of-file value x and
selects the input source f.
readch LSUBR 0 to 2 args
Readch reads in one character and returns a character object.
The arguments are the same as for read.
readline LSUBR 0 to 2 args
readline reads in a line of text, strips off the newline
character or characters at the end, and returns it in the form of
a character string. The arguments are the same as for read. The
main use for readline is reading in file names typed by the user
at his terminal in response to a question.
tyi LSUBR 0 to 2 args
Tyi inputs one character and returns a fixnum which is the ascii
code for that character. The arguments are the same as for read.
tyipeek LSUBR 0 or 1 arg
(tyipeek) is like (tyi) except that the character is not eaten;
it is still in the input stream where the next call to an input
function will find it. Thus (= (tyipeek) (tyi)) is t. If the
end of the file is reached, tyipeek returns 3, (the ascii code
for "end of text.") The end of file function is not called.
(tyipeek n), where n is a fixnum < 200 octal, skips over
characters of input until one is reached with an ascii code of n.
That character is not eaten.
(tyipeek n), where n is a fixnum > 1000 octal, skips over
characters of input until one is reached whose syntax bits from
the readtable, logically anded with (lsh n -9.), are nonzero.
(tyipeek t) skips over characters of input until the beginning of
an S-expression is reached. Splicing macro characters, such as
";" comments, are not considered to begin an object. If one is
encountered, its associated function is called as usual (so that
the text of the comment can be gobbled up or whatever) and
tyipeek continues scanning characters.
prin1 LSUBR 1 or 2 args
(prin1 x) outputs x to the current output destination(s), in a
form suitable for reading back in.
(prin1 x f) outputs x on the file f, or the terminal if f is
print LSUBR 1 or 2 args
Print is like prin1 except that the output is preceded by a
newline and followed by a space. This is the output function
most often used.
(print x) prints x to the default output destinations.
(print x f) prints x to the file f, or to the terminal if f is
princ LSUBR 1 or 2 args
Princ is like prin1 except that special characters are not
slashified and strings are not quoted.
(princ x) outputs x to the current output destination(s).
(princ x f) outputs x to the file f, or the terminal if f is nil.
tyo LSUBR 1 or 2 args
(tyo n) types out the character whose ascii code is n on the
current output destination(s).
(tyo n f) types out the character whoe ascii code is n on the
file f or on the terminal if f is nil. Tyo returns its first
terpri LSUBR 0 or 1 arg
(terpri) sends a newline to the current output destination(s).
(terpri x) sends a newline to x, where x may be an output file or
nil meaning the terminal.
cursorpos LSUBR 0 or 2 args
The cursorpos function is used to manipulate the cursor on a
display terminal.
With no arguments it returns the dotted pair (line . column),
where line is the line number, starting from 0 at the top of the
screen, and column is the column position, starting from 0 at the
left edge of the screen. If the terminal being used is not a
display terminal with this type of cursor, nil is returned
With two arguments, (cursorpos line column) moves the display
cursor to the indicated position and returns t if it was
successful, or nil if the terminal was incapable of doing this.
listen SUBR no args
(listen) returns a fixnum which is non-zero if there is any input
that has been typed in on the terminal but has not yet been read.
deletef SUBR 1 arg
(deletef x), where x specifies a file, deletes that file. The
return value is the namelist of the file actually deleted, i.e.
x mergef'ed over the defaults.
rename SUBR 2 args
(rename x y), where x and y are namelists or namestrings, renames
the file specified by (mergef x (names nil)) to the name
specified by (mergef y x (names nil)). The directory part of y
is ignored; a file may not be renamed onto a different device or
directory. The return value is the namelist of the new name of
the file.
clear-input SUBR 1
(clear-input x), where x is a file or nil meaning the terminal,
causes any input that has been received from the device but has
not yet been read to be thrown away, if that makes sense for the
particular device involved.
force-output SUBR 1
(force-output x), where x is a file or nil meaning the terminal,
causes any buffered output to be immediately sent to the device.