
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - info/mit-dm.txt
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                    DYNAMIC MODELING SYSTEM


         SERVER     COMPUTER: DEC-1040(KA)    HOST 1/IMP 6

         MIT-DMS is a research facility that offers Network users access
         to its major programming system MDL, with well-documented and
         catalogued programs in the areas of computer-aided programming,
         message systems, and Morse-code systems.


         Massachusetts Institute of Technology
         Laboratory for Computer Science
         Dynamic Modeling System
         545 Technology Square, Room 218
         Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139


           Albert Vezza (AV@MIT-XX)          (617) 253-1450

           Stuart W. Galley (SWG@MIT-DMS)    (617) 253-1418

           Stuart W. Galley (SWG@MIT-DMS)    (617) 253-1418

           Stuart W. Galley (SWG@MIT-DMS)    (617) 253-1418

           Stuart W. Galley (SWG@MIT-DMS)    (617) 253-1418

           None                              (617) 253-2910



         Currently there is no accounting or access control, except for 
         a password demanded only at login time.  Casual users can use 
         the USERS* disk directories for short-term storage.  Long-term 
         storage is available by mutual agreement.  Disk storage is 
         backed up frequently on magnetic tape, but magnetic-tape storage is 
         not generally available.  For registration as a user, either send a 
         message to ACCOUNTS@MIT-DMS, giving relevant information and 
         justification, or establish a TELNET connection, attempt to log in,
	 and a program will ask for relevant information.

         Anyone who intends to use MIT-DMS more than once should enter 
         name and whereabouts in the data base of users by running the 
         INQUIR program.

         MIT-DMS does not sell computer time.


         MIT-DMS services are available to the network all the time, 
         except during preventive maintenance, alternate Tuesdays 
         07:00-11:00 Eastern time.  However, network users are 
         discouraged during 10:00-18:00 Eastern time and whenever the 
         system is heavily loaded (more than five users).

         TYPICAL LOAD = 5 users weekdays 10:00-18:00 Eastern time
                        2 users at other times.
         MAXIMUM NO. USERS = up to 20 combined local and network
                             (depends on number of processes)
         NO. NETWORK SLOTS = 8


         TELNET INFO:

         . Appropriate transmission mode = Character-at-a-time

         . Appropriate echo mode = Full-duplex
           Half-duplex terminals must be explicitly declared with the
           TCTYP program, but even then many user programs will continue
           to echo.

         . The system accepts both upper and lower case.  User programs
           may make a distinction.

         . The default terminal type on initial connection is NVT with
           remote echo.  The user may change the terminal
           type with the TCTYP program; the most common uses are to
           change width/length parameters.  The TCTYP program is also
           used to declare a terminal to be Half-duplex.
           For information, type:
             [*]:tctyp <SP> help <CR>

         . Local character set is ASCII and is thus the same as NVT.

         . TIP settings (assuming a full-duplex terminal) - t e 0, e r
           (transmit every zero characters, echo remote)

         USER INFO:

         . IDENT = USERID, typically personal initials


         . ACCOUNT NO. = None needed

         A user with no file directory may use a USERS* disk directory.


           Connect to MIT-DMS, then type:
              :login <SP> USERID <CR> 
              [Password:  ] PASSWORD <CR> [[OK]]
           NOTE:  No attention-getting character is needed initially.
           Also the user must type the colon.

         SUBSYSTEM INTERRUPT = CONTROL-Z (SUB)  This interrupts the
           current process and takes you one level higher in the
           process tree.  The system will type "??" if the user is
           already in top-level DDT.  NOTE:  Running another program
           does not discard the previous one!

         SUBSYSTEM CONTINUE = [*]:continue <CR>
           This takes you one level lower in the process tree, normally
           returning to the subsystem with which you were
           previously communicating.

           * for DDT (normal top-level), MIDAS
           @ for CALICO, BATCH, IMLOAD



           [*]:logout <CR>

         Logout does not break connections.  Type:
               CONTROL-Z (SUB)
         to be able to login again without reconnecting.


         Not-logged-in jobs will be killed after a few minutes.

         Logged-in users with no useful processes will be logged out
         after about 30 minutes of idleness; users with useful processes
         will be detached after 30 minutes of idleness, and logged out
         two hours after that if not reattached.

         Jobs that are detached by carrier loss will be logged out after
         two hours if not reattached.


         These control characters are always available:

            Is-system-still-there?          CONTROL-Z  :continue <CR>
            Go up to superior process       CONTROL-Z (SUB)
            Command ITS terminal code       CONTROL-UNDERSCORE (US)

         These control characters are honored by most subsystems:

            Delete last character           RUBOUT (DEL)
            Abort command                   CONTROL-G (BEL)
            Abort print                     CONTROL-S (DC3)
            Redisplay command cleanly       CONTROL-L (FF) 
            Help                            ? <CR>


         In ITS DDT and most subsystems, type: ? <CR>
         For tree-structured documentation on some subsystems, type:
           [*]:info <CR>
         and follow instructions.  This documentation is in files in the
         disk directory INFO, and such a file may be named below as a 
         source of documentation for a user program.  Other useful 
         information is in the file directory .INFO., though it is not 
         always current.

         For online consultation, if the appropriate contact is logged 
         in (see LIST-ACTIVE-USERS), link up (see LINK-TO-ACTIVE-USER), 
         and ask your question.

         WARNING:  ITS is a research-oriented time-sharing system 
         intended for maximum flexibility, and it has few safeguards.  
         Rather than building in a "security" which would forever after 
         impede our work, we ask users to behave responsibly.  Please do
         not use a trial-and-error approach; most people online are 
         willing to help if asked.



            Login to ITS DDT, then type:
              [*]:who <CR>

            This will list active users' terminal numbers and idents.  
              [*]:name <CR>
            will list active users' idents, full names, current 
            subsystems (NOTE: HACTRN means top-level process, usually 
            DDT), terminal numbers, and terminal locations (including 
            Network host name).


            Login to ITS DDT and type:
              [*]:peek <SP> a <CR>
              ...(list of sockets and connections)...
              q [:kill]


            To send a single message to an active user, type:
               [*]:send <SP> USERID <SP> MESSAGE <CONTROL-C>

            It is considered polite to use :SEND and let the other 
            person link back rather than linking without warning.

            To begin a conversation, type:

            - Response from an able and willing user will be "OK", after
              which either person begins typing conversation.
            - Input to your process tree is suspended during the
            - The USERID can be obtained by typing:
                [*]:who <CR>

            To end a conversation, type:
              CONTROL-UNDERSCORE n


            Login to ITS DDT, then type:
              [*]:mail <CR>
              [To: ] USERID@HOST, ... <ESC>
              [Subject: ] ... <ESC>
              ... <ESC>
              [Send: ] <ESC> [Normally]
              [Message queued.]


            Printed upon login to ITS DDT

            To see if you have received mail since login, type:
                [*]:prmail <CR>


            There is no "operator", but any staff member should be able 
            to help you.  They can be contacted by typing:
              [*]:luser <CR>
              [Asking IDENT to help you.]
              [Asking IDENT to help you.]
              [Now please wait for one of them to respond.]

            Telephoning the terminal or computer room at (617) 253-1410
	    or -2910 may also work.


         File names have four parts:  device, directory, first
         name, and second name.  The most useful devices for FTP
         are DSK (disk), ARC ("archive" file on disk), and MT0
         (magnetic tape).  The directory provides a one-level 
         subdivision of DSK and ARC.  The first and second names are arbitrary 
         identifiers; the special name > results in access to the 
         highest-numbered name.

         Syntactically, the device part is commonly designated
         by a colon suffix, the directory by a semicolon, and 
         the first name by a space.  (The operating system has 
         no user interface for file names, hence these syntax
         conventions are not rigid.)  Each part consists of up
         to six printing-ASCII characters.  Case for characters
         is not significant.




            TELNET, Old  standard       1              NIC 15372
            TELNET, New  standard       1, 23 decimal  NIC 18639 etc.
            FTP          standard       3              NIC 17759/RFC 542
            HOSTAT       private       15 decimal      NIC 17048/RFC 523
            Time         standard      37 decimal      NIC 42218/RFC 738
            NAME         standard      79 decimal      NIC 42758/RFC 742
            SUPDUP       private       95 decimal      NIC 41953/RFC 734


            TELNET (new), FTP, HOSTAT, NAME, and SUPDUP protocols are 
            supported by the user-programs of the same name.  The 
            Time-server protocol is supported by user program, TIMES.  
            The user program, HISTORY, can retrieve current and 
            long-term HOSTAT data.


            Local programs written in both MDL and assembly language can
            treat the network as part of the file system, with special 
            features.  Programs use special calls (MDL SUBRs or ITS 
            UUOs) to test status, accept connections, flush output 
            buffers, etc.



            TYPE          CORE AMOUNT    CORE SPEED        WORD LENGTH
            DEC-1040(KA)  512K           1.0-2.2 microsec  36 bits
            DEC-11/10      56K           1 microsec        16 bits

            The DEC-1040 is augmented by a Systems Concepts DM-10 memory 


            HOW MANY      TYPE                    MAKE     MODEL
               3          5 million x 36 bits     DEC      RP02
               3         10 million x 36 bits     DEC      RP03
               1        1.3 million x 16 bits     Computer RK05

            DRUMS None

               1          9-track magtape drive   DEC      TU20

               1          upper/lower case chain  ODEC     2423MI

               1          paper-tape reader       DEC      760
               1          paper-tape punch        DEC      761
               1          radio receiver          Collins  651S-1


            HOW MANY      TYPE                   MAKE      MODEL
             1            typewriter             DEC       LA36
	     1            display                DEC       VT52
             1            programmable display   DEC       VT71
             6            display                DEC       VT100
             1            programmable display   HP        2645
             4            programmable display   IMLAC*    PDS-1(D)
	     1            display                Zenith    H19

            * The IMLAC terminals are specially modified and programmed.


         The ITS operating system, developed by the MIT Artificial 
         Intelligence Laboratory, is a paging, swapping, interactive 
         time-sharing system.  Each active ITS user possesses a tree of 
         user-mode processes.  Each process has a virtual memory space of
         up to 256 pages of 1024 words each.  ITS itself has a minimal 
         user interface, allowing subsystems to construct diverse and 
         flexible interfaces.


         NOTE:  Many user programs come unmodified from other MIT ITS 
         hosts.  See the write-up for MIT-AI for more program 
         descriptions.  Most of the user programs listed here do not 
         exist at any of those hosts.


            TYPE:  Background/absentee-user facility

                      S. W. Galley (SWG@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1418

            DESCRIPTION:  The BATCH system permits programs to be run 
            without direct human interaction.  The BATCH system is 
            designed to permit users to run jobs 'in the background', 
            when ITS is lightly loaded, and/or at specified times, typically
            periodically and at night.  The BATCH system helps to 
            even out the load on MIT-DMS facilities, and to relieve 
            people from performing periodic 'bookkeeping' tasks.

              [*]:batch <CR>
              [calico version mbN in operation]
              [@]quit <CR>

              DMS Document SYS.14.12
              MIT-DMS files:  DSK: .INFO.; BATCH *


            TYPE:  Language

            CONTACT:  C@MIT-DMS
                      Eliot Moss (EBM@MIT-DMS)  (617) 253-5982

            DESCRIPTION:  C is a systems programming language.

              [*]:cc "FILE NAME"<CR>      (NOTE: the quotation marks are
                                          necessary if ITS file-name
                                          syntax is used.)

              1.  C Reference Manual
              2.  MIT-DMS files:  DSK: .INFO.; CC RECENT (brief info)


            TYPE:  Coherent Human Interface for MDL (which see)


            DESCRIPTION:  CALICO provides the user with a well-developed
            human interface including command and parameter completion, 
            helpful prompting, a tailorable control-character set, macro
            definition, and transcript capabilities.  All the facilities
            of MDL are also available.  Several MIT-DMS program 
            resources are embedded in the CALICO environmment, e.g.

              [*]:calico <CR>
              [@]quit <CR>

            DOCUMENTATION:  None given


            TYPE:  Communication system

                      Dave Lebling (PDL@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1440

            DESCRIPTION:  COMSYS provides communication among people 
            (anywhere on the network) and processes.  It includes 
            facilities for composing messages, sending messages to a 
            group, receiving acknowledgments, and storing all 
            information about messages in a data base.

              To send a messsage, type:
              [*]:mail <CR>
              [To: ] USERID@HOST, ... <ESC>
              [Subject: ] ... <ESC>
              ... <ESC>
              [Send: ] <ESC> [Normally]
              [Message queued.]

              MIT-DMS files: DSK: .INFO.; MAIL *


            TYPE:  File utility

            CONTACT:  FIND@MIT-DMS
                      Dave Lebling (PDL@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1440

            DESCRIPTION:  FIND searches MIT ITS disk directories for 
            file names that match a given pattern.  In the pattern an 
            embedded asterisk matches any character, and a lone asterisk
            matches any filename component.

              [*]:find <SP> FILENAME-PATTERN <CR>
              [:kill ]

              MIT-DMS files:  DSK: INFO; FIND >


            TYPE:  Debugger

                      Dave Lebling (PDL@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1440

            DESCRIPTION:  GRADE is an IMLAC program to aid in the 
            debugging of other IMLAC programs.  It is a descendant of 
            the DEBUG program at AMES-67.

              The file GRADE IML is accessed via IMLOAD (which see).

              1. DMS Document SYS.52.06
              2. MIT-DMS files:  DSK: IMAINT; GRADE *


            TYPE:  Information retrieval

                      S. W. Galley (SWG@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1418

            DESCRIPTION:  The HISTORY program formats and outputs 
            current and long-term ARPANET host-availability data 
            gathered by SURVEY (which see).

              [*]:history <SP> HOST <CR>

              HISTORY provides its own short explanation.  Type:
                [*]:history <SP> ? <CR>


            TYPE:  Utility

                     Dave Lebling (PDL@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1440

            DESCRIPTION:  IMLOAD loads a program into an IMLAC terminal.
            It translates a binary program output by MIDAS (which see) 
            into IMLAC block-loader format and transmits it to an IMLAC 
            connected to MIT-DMS locally or via a TELNET connection.

              The following loads your own console:  (For the source
              file, the default directory is IMLAC, and the default
              file is SSV IML.)
                [*]:imload <SP> SOURCE-FILE <CR>

              1. DMS Document SYS.52.03-1


            TYPE:  Assembler

                      Dave Lebling (PDL@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1440

            DESCRIPTION:  MIDAS is a DEC-10 assembler with extensive  
            string-processing and macro-instruction capabilities.  It 
            was taken from MIT-AI unmodified.  Programs for IMLAC 
            terminals can be assembled by logically inserting a file of 
            definitions (DSK: IMSRC; IMDEFS >) into the source file.

              [*]:midas <CR>
              [*]OBJECT-FILE _ SOURCE-FILE <CR>

              1. DMS Document SYS.05.01
              2. MIT-DMS files: DSK: .INFO.; MIDAS *


            TYPE:  Language

            CONTACT: MDL@MIT-DMS

            DESCRIPTION:  MDL is an interactive interpreter for the MDL 
            language, which is similar to LISP but has more data types, 
            more readable syntax, extensibility, flexible input/output 
            (including the network), graphics, coroutining, and 
            debugging facilities.  A compiler and assembler are 
            available.  Facilities for putting generally-useful, 
            documented programs in a library and for sharing compiled 
            code are available.  MDL runs under the ITS, TENEX and 
            TOPS-20 operating systems.

              [*]:mdl <CR>
              [mdl NN in operation.]
              [listening-at-level 1 process 1]
              <QUIT> <ESC>  (NOTE: '<QUIT>' must actually be typed
                             as shown.)

              NOTE:  MDL primitives are defined in upper case,
              so most input is normally in upper case; to have
              your input translated to upper case, type:
                [*]:tctyp <SP> upper <CR>

              1. The MDL Programming Language, MIT/LCS Document
              2. The MDL Programming Environment, DMS Document SYS.11.xx
              3. MIT-DMS files:  DSK: MUDMAN; * *


            TYPE:  Text Formatter

            CONTACT: R@MIT-DMS
                     Eliot Moss (EBM@MIT-DMS)  (617) 253-5982

            DESCRIPTION:  R is a text formatter that produces output for
            printing devices and the Xerox Graphics Printer.

              [*]:r <SP> "FILE NAME"<CR>      (NOTE: the quotation marks
                                               are necessary if ITS
                                               file-name syntax is

              1. R Reference Manual
              2. MIT-DMS files:
                 DSK: R; R INFO  (brief info)
                 DSK: R; R RECENT  (recent info)
                 DSK: R; RMACRO INFO (info on standard macros)
                 DSK: R; RMACRO RECENT (recent info on macros)


            TYPE:  IMLAC monitor

            CONTACT:  SST@MIT-DMS
                      Dave Lebling (PDL@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1440

            DESCRIPTION:  SST is the program normally resident in 
            MIT-DMS IMLAC terminals.  It provides communication with the
            DEC-1040 and fast cursor movement.  SST as currently written 
            requires an inexpensive ($5), upward-compatible modification
            to a standard IMLAC.

              The file SST IML is accessed via IMLOAD (which see).

              NOTE: SST requires some special features on the IMLAC
              terminal.  Consult the contact above.

              1. MIT-DMS files: DSK: .INFO.; SST *


            TYPE:  IMLAC monitor/editor

            CONTACT:  SSV@MIT-DMS
                      Dave Lebling (PDL@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1440

            DESCRIPTION:  SSV is the program sometimes resident in 
            MIT-DMS IMLAC terminals.  It provides communication with the
            DEC-1040, copious local storage for characters and graphics, 
            flexible local editing functions, and ARDS-compatible 
            graphics.  SSV as currently written requires an inexpensive 
            ($5), upward-compatible modification to a standard IMLAC.

              The file SSV IML is accessed via IMLOAD (which see).

              NOTE: SSV requires some special features on the IMLAC
              terminal.  Consult the contact above.

              1. MIT-DMS files: DSK: .INFO.; SSV *


            TYPE:  Network utility


            DESCRIPTION:  Every 20 minutes or so SURVEY connects automatically
            to the Telnet Logger of most network server hosts, to 
            determine the availability and response time of the host.  
            The results are kept in an MIT-DMS file and transmitted 
            daily to the Datacomputer.

              The SURVEY program itself is not accessed.  Current
              results and long-term summaries can be retrieved by a user
	      via the HISTORY program (which see).  Remote users can
	      create a TELNET connection to MIT-DMS socket 15 (dec)
	      to obtain the latest data; see RFC 523 for details.  

              1.  RFC 308, "ARPANET host availability data"
              2.  RFC 523, "SURVEY is in operation again"
              3.  RFC 530, "A report on the SURVEY project"


         1.  Automatic Morse system

         We are developing a system that will perform most, if not all, 
         of the functions of a human Morse-code operator in a Morse-code
         radio network.  The functions of such a system include:

          . Controlling radio transceivers in order to capture a signal
            in the face of interference, fading, planned frequency
            changes, etc.
          . Separating a Morse-code signal of interest from competing
            signals by "tuning" the reception to the ideosyncrasies of 
	    the operator and the signal.
          . Transcribing the hand-sent Morse code into a character
          . Correcting sender's errors in English text through low-level
            understanding via a sentence parser and English dictionary
          . Recognizing, understanding, and acting on Morse-code network
            protocol and abbreviations
          . Generating and transmitting appropriate short Morse-code


         Nearly all documentation is generated online locally. Formatted
         DMS Documents are primarily offline but in some instances are 
         available online in MIT-DMS files.  For a general introduction 
         to MIT-DMS, see:

         . "A Novice's Introduction to the Dynamic Modeling System",
           by S. W. Galley, DMS Document SYS.00.00
           (MIT-DMS file DSK: %SYS; 0000 MEMO)
         . "An Introduction to ITS for the MACSYMA User"
           by Ellen Lewis, Mathlab Memo #3
           (MIT-DMS file DSK: .INFO.; ITS INTRO)

         For descriptions of research projects, see:

         . MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Progress Report

	 . "Machine Recognition and Understanding of Manual Morse"
	   by Vezza et al, in "Distributed Sensor Nets", Proceedings
	   of a Workshop held at Carnegie-Mellon University,
	   December 1978, pp. 125-136.

         NOTE: When MIT-DMS files are specified herein as documentation 
         for a user program, an asterisk in the file name is a wild 
         card, understood only by FIND (which see).


         Documents may be ordered from:
         Janet Schoof (JAN@MIT-DMS) (617) 253-1458