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Node: Top		Up: (DIR)		By: Walter Haas (HAAS@UTAH-20)							Revised: 7 May 1979

RSX20F is the name of the software for the PDP-11 front end for the
DECsystem-20.  This documentation has been prepared to help the programmer
who wishes to modify RSX20F.

* Menu:
* Getting started::	This is the place to begin, if you are a novice
* Files under RSX20F::	Introduction to the RSX20F internal file system
* PIP::			How to copy, delete and rename RSX20F files
* Transferring files::	How to transfer files between the PDP-11 and
* Rebuilding RSX20F::	How to build a new version of RSX20F
* TSK and SYS files::	How to deal with the PDP-11 core image files
* Autobaud 1200::	Extending dialup autobaud support to 1200 baud

Node: Getting started		Up: Top		Next: Files under RSX20F

<<reference to a manual describing basic architecture of -20 goes here>>

RSX20F is a hacked version of RSX-11D, a multitasking operating system
for the PDP-11.  RSX20F maintains its own file system on a disc which
is shared with TOPS-20.  Optionally, the front end PDP-11 may also be
interfaced to additional discs which are independent of TOPS-20.  RSX20F
does not normally access its portion of the shared disc during operation.
This is an important specification, because the disc is shared by
contention with the PDP-11 having priority.  If you try to do development
work on the front end while TOPS-20 is actively using the shared disc,
the message %PROBLEM ON DEVICE etc. will be printed on the console at
frequent intervals.  Additionally, TOPS-20 performance will be severely
degraded.  Therefore, you should plan on doing development either
1) when TOPS-20 is down or 2) on a separate disc not used by TOPS-20.

Maintaining RSX20F at a TOPS-20 installation is not a joyful task.  The system
appears to have been designed by Rube Goldberg at 3 AM after too much beer and
pizza.  It is very clear that RSX20F was not developed under either TOPS-20
or RSX20F itself.  Apparently, an RSX-11D or RSX-11M configuration was used for
program development.  Many of the command files provided on the source disc
will not run under RSX20F.  Furthermore, many of the listing files on the
source disc contain cross-references; there is no CRF under RSX20F.

It is possible to modify RSX20F at the source, object or core image level.
A utility program called ZAP is used to modify core image files on disc.
This program has the usual self non-documenting feature common to such
programs, and so is shunned by all programmers who concern themselves with
their future sanity.  FILDDT under TOPS-20 can also be used to alter RSX20F
core image files.

A program called the task builder (TKB) is used to link object modules together
into a core image, known in the RSX world as a task.  The task builder will
optionally accept as input patches to be applied to the output core image as it
is being built.  If you wish to use this feature, you can document the fact by
taking advantage of the indirect command file facility.

The source code for RSX20F can be edited to produce a modified version, which
can then be assembled and taskbuilt into the system.  Editing can be carried
out on RSX20F, or files can be transferred to the 20, editted, and transferred
back to the PDP-11.

If you do any serious work on RSX20F, you will definitely need to obtain
the sources from DEC.  The sources, as distributed for version 3A of TOPS-20,
contain only one editor, a program called SLIPR.  SLIPR is very bad for
interactive editing; however, it is useful for documenting and distributing
updates.  If you want to do any serious interactive editing, you will want to
do it on the 20 and transfer the result to the 11.  It is also possible to
assemble source code on the 20 and transfer the object code to the 11.  The
crossassembler is named MACY11.

The documentation for RSX20F ranges from sketchy to nonexistant.  The only
document which specifically describes RSX20F is AA-H213A-TK, "RSX-20F
System Specifications".  However, the RSX-11D operating system is fairly
well documented; if you can, you will want to obtain a set of -11D manuals.

Before doing any serious work on RSX20F, you will need to make a number of
minor "repairs" to the source disc.  To make these repairs, you will need
to use the various utility programs described later in this document.  If
you are completely unfamiliar with RSX, it would probably be best to study
the rest of this tree first and then come back here.  The necessary repairs
are as follows:

1. Copy some non-privileged programs into [5,5] where INSTAL can find them,
   and the executive assembly parameter file to the place where it's supposed
   to be:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run PIP	PAR>M PIP
	tell PIP to copy files	PIP>=[20,5]LBR.TSK,MAC,SLP,TKB
	^Z to exit		PIP>^Z

2. Transfer [20,40]PRVBLD.CMD to the 20, edit it to remove the reference to
   [100,40]EXEBLD.CMD, and transfer the corrected file back to the PDP-11.
   Apparently [100,40]EXEBLD.CMD existed in some previous release, and its
   functions have been assumed by [100,40]T10BLD.CMD and [100,40]T20BLD.CMD.

3. Assemble TKTN and KLRING:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run MAC	PAR>M MAC
	assemble TKTN		MAC>@[47,10]TKTASM
	assemble KLRING		MAC>@[54,40]KLRASM
	^Z to exit		MAC>^Z

4. Build the library needed to taskbuild KLINIT:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run PIP	PAR>M PIP
	catenate object files	PIP>@[50,40]KLIPIP
	^Z to exit		PIP>^Z
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run LBR	PAR>M LBR
	build library		LBR>@[50,40]KLILBR
	^Z to exit		LBR>^Z

Node: Files under RSX20F	 Up: Top	Previous: Getting started							Next: PIP

The RSX20F file system is a subset of the RSX-11 file system, which bears a
strong family resemblance to the TOPS-20 file system.  There are, however, just
enough subtle differences to comletely louse up the unwary programmer.

An RSX file is specified by a string of the following form:


		dd	is the device code.  Some common values are:
			TT	teletypewriter terminal
			DB	RP04/6 disc
			DX	floppy disc
			CR	card reader
			LP	line printer
			SY	system pseudo-device
			FE	DTE20 pseudo-device

		u	is the device unit number.  It is an octal number
			in the range 0 to the number of units of the specified
			device type.  Omitting u is equivalent to specifying
			a value of 0.  For example, TT: is the same as TT0:,
			which is the RSX20F file system name for the console
			LA36 (TOPS-20 device CTY:). If both dd and u are
			omitted, the colon must also be omitted; this is
			equivalent to specifying SY0:

		[x,y]	is called the UIC (User Identification Code]. It is
			equivalent to a TOPS-20 directory.  x and y are octal
			numbers in the range 1:377.  UIC [0,0] is also legal
			for certain purposes, and has a special significance.
			Omitting the UIC is equivalent to specifying a UIC of

		filename is a string of zero to nine alphanumeric characters.
			If filename is omitted, the following period must
			always appear to indicate that the null filename string
			is specified.

		ext	is a string of zero to three alphanumeric characters.
			The effect of omitting ext depends on the context.

		v	is the version number.  RSX version numbers are octal
			numbers in the range 1 to 32000.  Omitting the version
			number is equivalent to specifying the latest (highest
			numbered) version.  Specifying a version number of 0 is
			also equivalent to specifying the latest version.
			Specifying a version number of -1 is equivalent to
			specifying the earliest version (smallest version
			number).  When omitting the version number, the
			semicolon before it must also be omitted.

The jargon for a file specification is "filespec".  Some sample filespecs are:

	SY:			the device RSX20F was booted from

	SY0:			equivalent to above

	DB2:[20,5]RSX20F.MAP	the latest version of file RSX20F.MAP to be
				found in directory [20,5] on disc DB2.

	KLINIT.TSK		the latest version of file KLINIT.TSK to be
				found in directory [5,5] on disc SY0.

The various RSX utility programs have certain defaults which they apply if the
ext portion of a filespec happens to be omitted.  By convention, ext is used to
indicate the type of file (source, object, etc.) and so ext is sometimes
referred to as "filetype".  The assembler, for example, expects input files to
be named something.MAC, and will produce object and list files named
something.OBJ and something.LST respectively.  These defaults can be overridden
by specifying any legal value of ext.  For example:

	MAC>SCOMM=SCOMM		takes SCOMM.MAC as input and produces
				SCOMM.OBJ as output

	MAC>SCOMM=SCOMM.P11	takes SCOMM.P11 as input and produces
				SCOMM.OBJ as output

	MAC>SCOMM=SCOMM.	takes SCOMM. as input (ext is a null string)
				and produces SCOMM.OBJ as output

The effect of completely omitting the filespec depends on the context.  In the
case of the assembler, the list of input and output filespecs defines the work
to be done.  The assembler takes a command of the form:


		object	is a filespec specifying the output file to receive the
			object code.  If this filespec is omitted, the
			assembler will not produce any object code

		listing	is a filespec specifying the output file to receive the
			listing.  If this filespec is omitted, the assembler
			will not produce any listing

		source1,..,sourcen are filespecs specifying the input file(s)
			to be assembled.  If there is more than one filespec
			in this list, then the assembler will effectively
			catenate these files together and assemble them as a
			single input file.

If both object and listing filespecs are omitted, only error messages (if any)
will be output by the assembler.  It is an error to omit all input filespecs.
If only a listing is to be produced, omit the first output filespec, code the
following comma, and specify the listing output file.  For example:


will assemble file SCOMM.MAC and produce listing file SCOMM.LST but no object

The assembler has been used as an illustrative example because it is typical
of RSX utilities which convert files from one form to another.  In general,
the commands to RSX utilities adhere much more closely to the canonical form
than do the commands to TOPS-20 utilities.  In the case of PIP, there are
commands which refer to all files in a directory, or to all files with some
attribute; these commands have a form which is a simple extension of the form
illustrated above.  Detailed descriptions of the commands accepted by the
various utilties will be found in the documentation for the individual utility.

Node: PIP			Up: Top		Previous: Files under RSX20F							Next: Transferring files

PIP (Peripheral Interchange Program) is a utility program which permits the
user to copy, delete and rename a file or group of files; list the files in a
directory; and set the protection status of a file or group of files.

PIP commands are of the form


or of the form


PIP filespecs accept the wild card (*) notation in the UIC, filename, ext and
version number positions.  The * means "all files that meet the rest of the
specification".  For example, the filespec SCOMM.* refers to the latest
version of files SCOMM.MAC, SCOMM.OBJ, SCOMM.LST, etc. which are to be found
in UIC [5,5] on disc SY0:.  The filespec DB2:[*,40]*.MAC;* refers to all
versions of files having the ext of MAC which are to be found under UICs
[1,40], [2,40], ..., [377,40] on disc DB2:.  Unfortunately, it is necessary
to apply the wild card to an entire field; the notation AB* of TOPS-20,
meaning any file with a name beginning AB, is not legal under RSX.

The UIC [0,0] may be referenced using PIP.  This UIC contains the directory
files for the other UICs, plus some files used by the system.  By listing
[0,0] it is possible to see what directories exist on any disc.  The directory
for UIC [x,y] has a filename of six octal digits; the first three are the
value of x, and the last three are the value of y.  The ext is .DIR and there
would normally be only version 1.  For example, the directory for UIC [17,32]
on disc DB2 would be file DB2:[0,0]017032.DIR;1.  PIP cannot create these
directories; this is done only by a utility program called UFD.

The various functions of PIP are described individually in the subnodes
indicated in the menu.

* Menu:
* Copying files::			Equivalent to COPY
* Renaming files::			Equivalent to RENAME
* Appending a file::			Equivalent to APPEND
* Deleting files::			Equivalent to DELETE
* Protecting files::
* Listing a directory::			Equivalent to DIR
* Typing files::			Equivalent to TYPE
* Purging obsolete versions::
* Unlocking files::

Node: Copying files		Up: PIP		Next: Renaming files

The basic copy command is simply


		destination is the filespec to receive a copy of the source
		source	is the filespec of the file(s) to be copied.  The
			source file in a copy operation is not altered.


If no filename or ext is specified on the destination side, the source
filename, ext and version number will be preserved across the copy.


would produce an output file named FOO.BAR;3 in directory [20,30] on DB0:.
If there were already such a file, a diagnostic would be printed and the
operation would be aborted.  Two switches may be used to deal with this
situation: /SU will cause the old file to be superseded, and /NV will cause
the destination file to become a newer version of any existing file by that
name (ie. the destination version number will be made one greater than the
highest version number of an existing file of the same name).


It is possible to copy the entire contents of one directory into another
directory with one command:


The above will copy all versions of all files.  However, the following
command will copy only the latest versions of the specified files:


To copy all versions of only those files with an ext of MAC specify:


The copy command can be used to create an output file which is the catenation
of two or more input files.  For example:


would create a new version of file SOURCE.MAC in UIC [20,30] consisting of
a copy of [100,10]ASMPARMS.MAC followed by a copy of [100,20]PRDL.MAC.

Node: Renaming files		Up: PIP		Previous: Copying files								Next: Appending a file

Files may be renamed across directories, but not across devices (an RSX
directory specifies files on only one device).  The command is of the form


or of the form


		oldname	is a filespec giving the current file name(s)
		newname is a filespec giving the new name(s)

If there is already a file of the new name, a diagnostic message will be
printed and the operation will be aborted.  Two switches may be used to deal
with this situation: /SU will cause the old file to be superseded, and /NV
will cause the renamed file to become a newer version of any existing file by
that name (ie. the renamed file's version number will be made one greater than
the highest version number of an existing file of the same name).


It is possible to apply wild cards to the rename operation:


If there is only one version of each file in some collection, it is even
possible to rename them all to a given version number:


The above command is a quick way to find out if there really IS only one
version of each file.

Node: Appending a file		Up: PIP		Previous: Renaming files							Next: Deleting files

PIP can append a copy of a file to an existing file without making a new
copy of the target file.  The form of the command is:


		target	is the file to be appended to
		newfile1,...,newfilen are the files to be appended to the
			target file

The appended files (newfilex) are not altered.  No new version of the target
file is created; the existing version is updated directly.

Node: Deleting files		Up: PIP		Previous: Appending a file							Next: Protecting files

PIP can be used to delete a file or group of files from a directory.  The form
of the command is:


PIP will delete all files which conform to the filespec(s).  If more than one
filespec is given, PIP will process the filespecs in left to right order.  An
error encountered in processing will abort processing of all filespecs to the
right on the same command line.

The version number MUST be specified explicitly in a delete command.  PIP will
NOT delete the latest version of a file if the version number is omitted;
instead, it will print a diagnostic message and abort the operation.  To delete
the latest version without knowing what it is, specify ;0.  To delete the
earliest version, specify ;-1.  To delete all versions specify ;*.



Exercise great care when deleting files under RSX.  This process is permanent;
there is no way to undelete a file under RSX.  Do not allow yourself to lapse
into careless habits based on familiarity with the forgiving delete command in

Node: Protecting files		Up: PIP		Previous: Deleting files							Next: Listing a directory

RSX-11D contains a fairly elaborate scheme for protecting files from
unauthorized use.  A vestigial remnant of this scheme appears in RSX20F,
where it can be used to make it harder to clobber files by accident.  A file or
group of files can be made read-only by the PIP command:


or the shorter equivalent:


This protection can be removed by the command:


or the shorter equivalent:


Example: Make it impossible to delete the original version by accident:

To find out what protection a given file has, list it with the /FU option
of the PIP directory listing function.

Node: Listing a directory	Up: PIP		Previous: Protecting files							Next: Typing files

PIP can generate a file listing the files in a directory or group of
directories.  The general form of the command is:


which places the listing in the file specified by filespec target.  The short
form of the command is:


which sends the listing to TT0: (the console LA36).  Hence the short form is
equivalent to:


The usual defaults apply; if the filename, ext and version are omitted, all
files in the indicated directory on the indicated device will be listed.


	lists the latest version of files with ext MAC in SY0:[20,30].  The
	listing file is written into SY0:[5,5]DIRLST.FIL.


	lists all files in SY0:[5,5] on the console LA36

When using the long form of the command, the default output filename and ext
are null, and a new version of the listing file is produced.

The listing produced by the /LI switch has the form:

18-APR-79 17:28

SRCDSK.LST;1        273.    CL 19-MAR-79 14:35
SRCDSK.LST;2        275.       19-MAR-79 14:42


	Line 1:		Device and directory being listed

	Line 2:		Date and time listing produced

	Lines 3 to (n-1): Filename.ext;version.
			Number of 512-byte blocks used by the file.
			CL: C and L are two independent flags.  C, if present,
			    indicates that the blocks allocated to the file are
			    physically contiguous on the disc.  Task image
			    files must have this attribute.  L, if present,
			    indicates that the file is locked.  A file becomes
			    locked when a task opens it for write or extend
			    access; the file becomes unlocked when the task
			    closes it.  A file can be left in the locked
			    condtion if the using program blows up, or the
			    system crashes, while the file is locked.
			Date and time file created.

	Line n:		Total number of blocks used and number of files IN THIS
			LIST (NOT in the UIC)

There are two alternative forms of the listing which can be produced.  The
brief form is produced by using switch /BR instead of (or in addition to, if
you like to type) switch /LI.  For example:


produces something that looks like:



The other alternative form is the full listing, produced by the /FU switch.
The command:


produces something like:

18-APR-79 17:28

SRCDSK.LST;1        (2247,2)        275./273.    CL 19-MAR-79 14:35
  [5,5]    [RWED,RWED,RWE,R]     19-MAR-79 14:36(2.)
SRCDSK.LST;2        (3174,6)        275./275.       19-MAR-79 14:42
  [5,5]    [RWED,RWED,RWE,R]     19-MAR-79 14:43(2.)


where the new information is:

    (first line per file):
	parenthesized number is (file id,sequence number).  The file id
		identifies the file by its offset in the system index file.
		The sequence number tells how many files in times past have
		occupied this index file block.  The two numbers together
		uniquely identify an instance of a file.

	number/number is the blocks used by/blocks allocated to the file (the
		shorter form of the listing gives only the blocks used).

    (second line per file):
	[5,5]	UIC which owns the access rights to the file (file owner).
		In RSX, the directory which contains a file does not determine
		the access rights to a file; indeed, the containing directory
		may HAVE no access rights.  The file owner UIC controls access.

	[RWED,etc] specifies which UIC's can do what to the file.  The four
		groups of letters specify the rights of [system,owner,group,
		world] respectively.  The system is defined to be any program
		running under UIC [x,*] where x is 1 to 7.  The owner is any
		program running under the file owner UIC.  The group is any
		program running under UIC [x,*] where x is the same as the
		first number of the owner UIC.  The world is any program.
		The access rights which may be granted are: R=program can read,
		W=program can write, E=program can extend, D=program can delete
		this file.  The presence of a letter indicates that the
		specified class of users has the specified right.  The default
		is [RWED,RWED,RWE,R].  All this is largely irrelevant, because
		[5,5] is the only UIC a program can run under in RSX20F.

	date time is the date and time that the file was last updated.

    (summary line):
	TOTAL OF number/number BLOCKS indicates the total blocks used by/
		total blocks allocated to the LISTED files (NOT all files in
		the UIC).

If you only want to know the amount of space being used by a collection of
files there is a fourth alternative form:


which produces something that looks like:

19-APR-79 15:31

	TOTAL OF 1213./1213. BLOCKS IN 34. FILES

giving the number of blocks used by/allocated to the specified file(s).

Node: Typing files		Up: PIP		Previous: Listing a directory							Next: Purging obsolete versions

There is no special command to type files.  To print a file on the system
console, give the command:


Before giving this command, be sure that you want to! There is no way to cancel
this (or any) command while it is executing.  However, striking CTRL/O on the
LA36 keyboard will turn printing off or on.  Turning printing off will not
drastically reduce execution time.

Node: Purging obsolete versions	       Up: PIP		Next: Unlocking files
							Previous: Typing files

The RSX file system does not automatically delete obsolete versions of files.
This housekeeping chore must be performed by the user.  To help with this, PIP
provides the PURGE facility.  This facility deletes all but the latest version
(highest version number) of the specified file(s).  The form of the command


where filespec1,...,filespecn specify the file collections to be purged.



Purging is permanent.  There is no way to unpurge a file which has been purged
by accident.  Therefore, exercise great care when purging files. In particular:

1.  Periodic blanket purges are apt to be troublesome, since the latest version
    of a file may not be the only one needed.

2.  Be sure that the latest version is indeed good.  Some utilities will leave
    useless zero-length output files if they terminate abnormally.  There are
    usually a few of these on any development system.

Node: Unlocking files	     Up: PIP	    Previous: Purging obsolete versions

Files become locked when a program opens them for write or extend access.
Normally, a file will become unlocked when the program closes it.  Sometimes a
program will blow up or the system will crash while a file is locked.  In this
case, it is impossible for a program to access the file until a programmer
manually unlocks the file with PIP.  This condition should be suspected when
a program complains that it is UNABLE TO ACCESS FILE xyz.  The /LI function of
PIP will show an L flag for any file which is locked.  To unlock the file, give
the PIP command:


Node: Transferring files		Up: Top		Previous: PIP									Next: Rebuilding RSX20F

Files may be transferred between TOPS-20 and the RSX20F file system by copying
them across the DTE20 interface.  A format conversion is necessary; it is done
on the TOPS-20 side by a program called RSXFMT.  The process is controlled from
the front end by the RSX utility program PIP.  A program called FE runs under
TOPS-20 and acts as a daemon to handle the 20 side of the interface according
to commands passed to it from PIP.

To transfer files, it is first necessary to translate the TOPS-20 directory
to/from which files are to be transferred into an RSX UIC.  A UIC is a string
of the form [x,y] where x and y are octal numbers in the range 1:377 (the
UIC [0,0] is also legal for some purposes; it has a special meaning).  Within
RSX, a UIC defines a directory.  Every file in the RSX file system is stored
under some UIC.  When PIP transfers a file across the DTE20, however, the UIC
specified for the DTE20 indicates a TOPS-20 directory rather than an RSX

If the TOPS-20 directory is:<SYSTEM>	then the UIC is:[1,1]
			    <OPERATOR>			[1,2]
			    <SUBSYS>			[1,4]
			    <FRONT-END>			[5,5]

If the directory is not one of the above, then the UIC must be calculated
according to the following algorithm:

1.  Use the TOPS-20 TRANSLATE command to convert the directory to a project-
    programmer number [proj,prog].

2.  Divide prog by 400 octal, and add 340 octal to the quotient.  The resulting
    sum is the x in UIC [x,y].  The remainder found when prog was divided by
    400 is the y.

Example: Transfer to/from PS:<ROBISON>

PS:<ROBISON> (IS) PS:[4,454]

	x = 340 + (454/400) = 341
	y = 454 - (1*400) = 54
	UIC = [341,54]

When the necessary UICs are known, start the protocol programs on the two sides
of the interface.  First, start the TOPS-20 daemon by logging in under an
account with operator privileges, ENABLEing, and running FE:

	$r fe

Next, go to the CTY and mount the FE: device by invoking the parser, running
MOU and specifying FE: :

	(type CTRL/\ to invoke the parser)
	tell parser to run MOU		PAR>M MOU
	tell MOU to mount device FE:	MOU>FE:
	after a while, MOU finishes	MOU -- MOUNT COMPLETE
	type CTRL/Z to get out		MOU>^Z

If you don't get FE running on TOPS-20 first, MOU will not be able to mount
FE:.  MOU will simply hang indefinitely; there is no way to get rid of it from
the PDP-11 side.  If you get into this situation, however, running FE under
TOPS-20 will cause MOU to terminate with an error message.

To transfer files from the PDP-11 to TOPS-20, do the following:

	(type CTRL/\ to invoke the parser)
	tell parser to run PIP		PAR>M PIP
	tell PIP to transfer to FE:	PIP>FE:[x,y]=filespec[,filespec]
	exit from PIP, if desired	PIP>^Z
	run RSXFMT under TOPS-20	@rsxfmt
	set format of RSX files		RSXFMT>crlf spec
	specify files to convert	RSXFMT>con filespec

Example: Transfer [20,5]RSX20F.MAP to PS:<ROBISON>


RSX files exist in several formats, and RSXFMT must be told which format a
file is in to perform the correct conversion.  Text files are in either
imbedded carriage control or implied carriage control format.  You can
infer the format from the filetype; files with filetype .MAP are normally
in imbedded format, while files with filetype .MAC or .LST are in implied
format.  If you use the PIP /LI command to produce a file containing a
directory listing, the output file will be in imbedded carriage control format
(and the extension will default to the null string).   Tell RSXFMT the format
of the file as follow:

	for implied carriage control	RSXFMT>cr imp
	for imbedded carriage control	RSXFMT>cr imb

The default is imbedded (as shown in the example).

To transfer files from TOPS-20 to the PDP-11, the procedure is reversed.
First, run RSXFMT to convert the file(s) to be transferred:

	RSXFMT>crlf spec
	RSXFMT>con filespec

Then, run PIP to transfer the converted files across the DTE20:

	(type CTRL/\ to invoke parser)
	tell parser to run PIP		PAR>M PIP
	tell PIP to transfer files	PIP>filespec=FE:[x,y]filename.ext;v
	type CTRL/Z to exit PIP		PIP>^Z

Node: Rebuilding RSX20F		 Up: Top	  Previous: Transferring files							  Next: TSK and SYS files

All of the privileged tasks used by RSX20F contain pointers to addresses inside
the RSX20F executive.  Therefore, it is necessary to rebuild these tasks if a
change to the executive results in a change in any of the addresses pointed to
by the privileged tasks.  For safty's sake, assume that any global symbol
defined inside the executive is referenced by at least one privileged task.
Assuming that you have editted your change into the RSX20F source code and have
on the source disc a complete set of correct object modules, follow the step-
-by-step procedure below.  Times are given for some of the longer steps; these
times assume that the disc device is an RP06, that the PDP-11 is the only
user of this disc, and that the front end is not very busy.

1. If you have not already done so, apply the fixes to the source disc
   described previously in node "Getting started".

2. Use PIP to produce a file containing the executive object modules
   concatenated together:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run PIP	PAR>M PIP
	catenate object modules	PIP>@[100,40]EXEPIP
	^Z to exit		PIP>^Z

3. Use the librarian program (LBR) to build a library file containing the
   object modules which make up the executive [80 seconds]:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run LBR	PAR>M LBR
	tell LBR to build file	LBR>@[100,40]EXELBR
	^Z to exit		LBR>^Z

4. Use the taskbuilder (TKB) to taskbuild the executive [6 minutes]:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run TKB	PAR>M TKB
	tell TKB to build exec	TKB>@[100,40]T20BLD
	^Z to exit		TKB>^Z

5. If necessary, use TKB to taskbuild the privileged tasks [80 minutes]:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run TKB	PAR>M TKB
	tell TKB to build tasks	TKB>@[20,40]PRVBLD
	^Z to exit		TKB>^Z

6. Obtain two blank floppy discs.  Place one each in drives 0 and 1.  Then
   initialize them as follows:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run INI	PAR>M INI
	tell INI to label DX0	INI>DX:
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run INI	PAR>M INI
	tell INI to label DX1	INI>DX1:
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run MOU	PAR>M MOU
	tell MOU to mount DX0	MOU>DX:
	tell MOU to mount DX1	MOU>DX1:
	^Z to exit		MOU>^Z
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run UFD	PAR>M UFD
	tell UFD to create a
	 directory on DX0	UFD>DX:[5,5]
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run UFD	PAR>M UFD
	tell UFD to create a
	 directory on DX1	UFD>DX1:[5,5]

7. Copy the new system image and privileged tasks to the floppies by the
   commands below.  It is crucial that F11ACP.TSK begin at logical block 5
   of DX0, since the executive expects to find it there.  The other task
   allocations shown below could be altered somewhat, if you have need to;
   but the commands shown will work reliably if given exactly as shown:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run PIP	PAR>M PIP
	tell PIP to copy the necessary files onto the floppies:


	^Z to exit		PIP>^Z

8. Boot the new system from the floppies:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run BOO	PAR>M BOO
	tell BOO to boot system	BOO>DX1:RSXT20

9. Save the new system onto the floppies:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run SAV	PAR>M SAV
	tell SAV to save system	SAV>SY:/WB

	the new system starts	RSX-20F VB...

				[DX0: MOUNTED]
				[DX1: MOUNTED]

After this procedure, the new system can be run off floppies indefinitely.  You
will probably wish to transfer the new system to the shared RP0x drive at some
point. Do so as follows:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run MOU	PAR>M MOU
	tell MOU to mount DB0	MOU>DB0:
	^Z to exit		MOU>^Z
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run PIP	PAR>M PIP
	tell PIP to copy files	PIP>DB:/NV=*.TSK
	^Z to exit		PIP>^Z
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run RED	PAR>M RED
	redirect SY to DB	RED>DB:=SY:
	^Z to exit		RED>^Z
	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run SAV	PAR>M SAV
	save onto DB0		SAV>SY:/WB

The system will now boot itself and run from DB0.

Node: TSK and SYS files		 Up: Top	   Previous: Rebuilding RSX20F							   Next: Autobaud 1200

RSX20F files of types .TSK and .SYS can be easily manipulated on the 20 side
by the use of FILDDT.  The procedure is as follows:

1. Transfer the files by the normal method to the 20 side.  However, do NOT
   attempt to convert these files with RSXFMT.

2. Using FILDDT, GET the file in question.  The file is stored as two PDP-11
   words in a DEC20 word.  The first, or low address PDP-11 word is in bits
   2-17 of the 20 word; the second, or high address PDP-11 word is in bits
   20-35 of the 20 word.  In human terms, this means that the FILDDT display
   looks almost the same as the MACRO-11 listing.

3. The file addresses must be converted.  To convert a given PDP-11 address,
   divide it by 4 and add 400 (octal) for a .SYS file or a .TSK file built
   without a task header (ie. /-HD was specified at taskbuild time).  If the
   task has a header, add another 400 octal (I think!).

4. Don't forget that PDP-11 bytes are stored with the low-order byte in the
   low-order bits.  Thus the assembler instrucion

		.BYTE	15,12

   appears in core as 5015, not 6412.

Node: Autobaud 1200		Up: Top		    Previous: TSK and SYS files

A simple modification can be applied to RSX20F to extend support for the
autobaud feature to 1200 baud.  The modification is applied to the source pack
as distributed by DEC, and RSX20F is then reassembled and retaskbuilt.  The
modification is supplied as a SLIPR command file to modify [100,30]TTYDRR.MAC.
The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

1. If you have not already applied the corrections to the source pack described
   above in "Getting started", do so now.

2. Transfer files AB1200.CMD and TTYDRRASM.CMD to the source pack (they may be
   stored in any UIC which you find convenient; [5,5] is assumed in the

3. Apply the modification as follows:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run SLP	PAR>M SLP
	apply modification	SLP>@AB1200
	^Z to exit		SLP>^Z

4. Assemble the modified module:

	(^\ to invoke the parser)
	tell PAR to run MAC	PAR>M MAC
	^Z to exit		MAC>^Z

5. Rebuild RSX20F according to the directions in node "Rebuilding RSX20F".

The autobaud feature works by reading at 300 baud the first character received
on a line.  When autobaud is in effect, the first character received is
compared to a table of bit patterns.  If a match is found, it is assumed that
the match occurred because a ^C or carriage return was received at some baud
rate which can be deduced from the bit pattern.  If no match is found, the
input character is ignored.  Notice that this scheme can be fooled; if the
first character is not, in fact, ^C or carriage return, then the wrong
inference may well be taken based on the bit pattern received.

The autobaud feature could be extended to 1200 baud by one or the other of two
basic strategies; raise the initial input baud rate to 1200, or attempt to see
a 1200 baud character with a receiver set to 300 baud.  The first strategy
does not work very reliably, apparently because it makes the receiver too
sensitive to noise.  The second strategy has certain practical difficulties
because the start bit of a 1200 baud character is not long enough to be
recognized by a receiver set for 300 baud.

The method actually used consists of receiving the first input character at
300 baud, and adding one entry to the bit pattern table which will permit the
recognition of many characters which come in at 1200 baud.  The modification
does not, unfortunately, permit the use of ^C or carriage return as the 1200
baud character to be recognized; the ideal first input character is @ (at
sign), but any character with a zero in the low order bit and most of the high
order bits turned off will probably work.  This approach has one limitation, in
that it cannot distinguish between 600 baud and 1200 baud or higher; this is
not a serious limitation in practice, because nobody actually uses 600 baud.
The approach has one major advantage; it is highly unlikely to ever affect
an established community of users at 110 to 300 baud.

The content of file AB1200.CMD is:

		MOV	#12,R1		;;; LOOP COUNT
		.BYTE	376		; CR OR ^C AT 1200 BAUD
		.WORD	23107		;1200 BAUD

The content of file TTYDRRASM.CMD is:
