
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - mit_emacs_170_teco_1220 - info/
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-*- Text -*-
This stuff was assembled by JOSHM.  Someone should fix the broken
pointers which were left over form Mit-EE, and maybe infoize the

File: Sail, Node: Top, Up: (Languages), Previous: (Languages)Fortran, Next: (Languages)Pascal

Sail stands for  Stanford Artificial  Intelligence Language. Sail  is based  on
Algol but also has fairly extensive list processing capability. Sail allows one
to include inline  assembly code,  and call  most jyses  directly.  Sail's  i/o
handling is  awesome, but  a  bit tricky  at first.  Overall,  Sail is  a  good
language to hack in,  but probably shouldn't be  tackled by someone  unfamiliar
with block structured languages.

The documentation availiable from this info node was not written to be used  in
the XINFO program.  However,  there is nothing wrong  with doing so.  The  only
problem is that the  only way you can  get from one of  these files to  another
node is by coming back to  this node with the "L"  command or by going back  to
the top level of the info tree with  the "D" command.  One more thing, most  of
this documentation was obtained from Stanford  University, and it may refer  to
unfamiliar facilities.  Occasionally, you might be pointed to a source file  or
a program  that is  not  where it  is  supposed to  be.   Look in  the  <SAIL*>
directories for it, and then contact a Sail hacker and he'll try to get it from
Score for you.

* Menu:	On-line information about Sail:

* Help:		(SAIL.HLP)*	
		A general overview of the Sail system.

* Leap:		(LEAP.DOC)*
		A description of the Leap portion of Sail.

* Documentation:(SAIL.DOC)*
		A breif description concerning how you would use Sail if you
		were at Lots, some of it is applicable here, and mostly, you
		can figure out what the appropriate thing would be here at Oz.

* Bail:		(BAIL.DOC)*
		Information on Bail.

* Examples:	(SAIL-EXAMPLES.DOC)*
		Some simple examples of Sail.

* Libraries:	(SAIL-LIBS)
		Information on Sail libraries.

		How to make Sail Libraries.

		Documentation on the sail I/O system.

		More documentation on the sail I/O system

* Jsys:		(SAIL.JSYS)*
		How to use the Jsys (Jump to System) facilities of Sail.

* Manual:	(<SAIL.MAN>SAIL.MAN)*
		The 1976 version of the sail manual.

* New Stuff:	(<SAIL.MAN>SAIL.DOC)*
		Updates for the 1976 version of the sail manual.

* Source::	Where sail comes from, and a more technical description.

* Tutorial:	(<SAIL.MAN>SAIL.TUT)*
		It's quite long, but if you want to teach yourself Sail
		it beats the reference manual, especially if you come from
		a Fortran background.

* More:         (<SAIL.MAN>SAIL.BEG)*
		This is another tutorial, which is more concise, while
		not as clear as the one above.

File: Languages, Node: Source, Up: Top, Next: Manual

Sail (Stanford Artificial Intelligence Labs language): compiler

 > Comes from: Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
   Distributed by:
Charles Hedrick (Hedrick@RUTGERS)
Laboratory for Computer Science Research
Hill Center, Busch Campus
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ  08903
 > Invoke via: 'sail' or load-class command. Extension: .SAI
 > System orientation: Mostly Tenex, some -20 (but no -10!).
 > Description:

A superset of Algol-60.  Additional features include dynamic strings,
records, additional control structures, in-line assembly code,
built-in access to monitor calls (JSYS's), a complete set of
compile-time arithmetic and logic as well as a macro processor,
conditional compilation and compile-time i/o, sets and lists,
interrupt facilities, plus just about every other feature that could
be imagined.  Also included is another language called LEAP, which
allows manipulation of associative data structures.  Sail can be
linked with external routines in Sail, Fortran, and assembly language.
Sail is not entirely free of idiosyncrasies and bugs - it was written
by many different people over a long period.  But it is quite usable.
Sail only runs on DEC-10's and -20's, but a machine-independent Sail
(Mainsail) is available; it's not the same language, but it's very
close in spirit.
 > Debugging: Bail, a source-level interactive debugger.
 > References:

Shapiro, Marvin,  "A Beginner's Guide to Sail",
 Division of Computer Research and Technology,
 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD 20014 (July 1976).

Smith, Nancy,   "Sail Tutorial",
Reiser, "SAIL", Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Memo
 AIM-289, Computer Science Department Report No. STAN-CS-76-574.
 This reference manual is indispensible for Sail users.

Smith, "Sail Tutorial", Sail Memo AIM-290,
 C.S. Dept Report STAN-CS-76-575.

Feldman, "An Algol-Based Associative Language", CACM Aug 1969.
 (This is about Leap).