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This is the scheme info node.  Somebody should probably make this

File: Scheme, Node: Top, Previous: (Languages)Ilisp, Up: (Languages)Lisp

Invoke via: "Scheme"
Default extension: ".SCM"
Emacs interface: "(edit)" ;from scheme

* Menu:

* Abstract::		My (JOSHM's) little flame about scheme
* SchMan::		My attempt to infoize the scheme manual.
			  List of scheme functions normally handed out to
			  6.001 students.

File: Scheme, Node: Abstract, Up: Top, Next: Schman

Scheme is  the  lisp used  in  MIT's  6.001, Structure  and  Interpretation  of
Computer Programs.  It is an interpreter that runs on top of Maclisp, and  thus
is somewhat slow.  It differs from most other lisps in that it is lexically (as
opposed to dynamically) scoped.  Also a small effort seems to have been made to
make some of the function names more pneumonic, such as replacing remprop  with
remove!-prop.  It is "nicer"  than Maclisp in that  virtually all data  objects
incuding functions are  considered "first class"  (i.e. they don't  have to  be
quoted when passed  to other  functions and  can be  returned as  the value  of
another  function   without   special  quoting   or   FUNARGing.)   It   is   a
pedagologically oriented language.  Much of the power that Maclisp has (such as
Jsys calls,  macros, fexprs,  etc) has  been sacrificed  in order  to make  the
language more suitable for learning with.  However, its lexical scoping enables
the student to have more control  over environments, frames, thus allowing  him
to study  topics such  as  message passing,  object oriented  programming,  and
decentralization of control in a more straightforward manner.

On  line  documentation  is  availiable  (at  the  time  of  this  writing)  in
PS:<SCHEME.MC-6001>SCHMAN.LSP (this is the same thing that 6.001 students  get)
However, it is a little more readable in its XINFO form.  It has been  menuized
by chapters and then functions.  However, the individual function  descriptions
could be a little  more computer readable.   If anyone wants  to do that,  feel

(comments to JOSHM@OZ)

File: Scheme, Node: Schman, Previous: Abstract, Up: Top

Book:		Scheme Manual, Version 2
Copyright:	Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This manual has been infoized (by JoshM).  At this level you can select
chapters, and similarly, on the chapter level you can select the documentation
for individual functions.  At the function level, things might have been made a
little more computer readable.  If someone wants to do that, feel free.

* Menu:	Chapters

* Special Forms::
* Arithmetic::
* Compound Data::
* Reading and Printing::
* Advanced Special Forms::
* System Support::

File: Scheme, Node: Special Forms, Up: Schman, Next: Arithmetic

* Menu:	Functions

* LET::
* SET!::
* IF::
* COND::
* AND::
* OR::
* NOT::
* NIL?::

File: Scheme, Node: LAMBDA, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(LAMBDA (var1 var2 ...) exp1 exp2 ...)
Description:	LAMBDA constructs procedure objects.  It makes an unnamed
                procedure with formal parameters var1, var2, ... and a
                body consisting of exp1, exp2, ....  The procedure object
                is executed by applying it to a number of arguments.
		In such a procedure application, each formal parameter is
		bound to the value of the corresponding argument supplied to
		the procedure producing a frame with which variable references
		in the body of the procedure can be resolved.  The expressions
		in the body are then evaluated sequentially.  Free variables
		in the procedure body, ie, variables other than the formal
		parameters, are evaluated in the lexically enclosing frame.  
		A LAMBDA combination consists of a LAMBDA expression
                together with argument expressions.
Demo:		;; A lambda expression
		(LAMBDA (X Y) (+ X Y))
		;; A lambda combination
		((LAMBDA (X) (+ X 3)) 5)
End-Entry:	LAMBDA

File: Scheme, Node: LET, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(LET bindings exp1 exp2 ...)
Description:	LET is used to declare and initialize local variables. bindings
                is a list of two-element lists; the first element of each list
                is the variable name and the second element of the list is an
                expression whose value is being named:
                   bindings  ((name1 val1) (name2 val2) ...).
                The variables only have these values in the expressions in the
                body of the LET.  This is called the "scope" of the
		The expressions in the body of the LET are
		sequentially evaluated
		and the value of the last one is returned. All of the
                whose values are being named in the LET are evaluated
		in the context before the local names exist. So, the
		value of
                one variable in the bindings list may not, in
		particular, depend
                on the new value assigned to a variable preceding it
		in the list.
                LET is "syntactic sugar" for the LAMBDA combination:
		((LAMBDA (name1 name2 ...) exp1 exp2 ...) val1 val2 ...).
Demo:		(LET ((X 3) (Y 4))
		  (LET ((Z (+ X Y)) (X 1))
		    (* X Y Z)))
End-Entry:	LET


File: Scheme, Node: DEFINE, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:    (DEFINE name exp)
Description:	Defines name to be a local variable and initializes it to the
                value of exp (name is not evaluated). A special syntax is provided
                for defining named procedures, namely,                        
Code:		(DEFINE (name var1 var2 ...) exp1 exp2 ...)
Description:	which is equivalent to
Code:		(DEFINE name (LAMBDA (var1 var2 ...) exp1 exp2)).
Example:        (DEFINE H 4)                    => H
Example:        H                               => 4
Example:        (DEFINE J (LAMBDA (X) (+ 2 X))) => J
Example:        (J 4)                           => 6
Example:	(DEFINE (F X) (+ X 5))		=> F
Example:	(F 23)				=> 28
Example:	(DEFINE (G X Y) (* (F X) X Y)) 	=> G
Example:	(G 3 4)				=> 96
End-Entry:	DEFINE

File: Scheme, Node: SET!, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(SET! var exp) 
Description:    SET! is used to assign a new value to a previously DEFINE'd
       		(or LAMBDA bound) variable.  The value
                of exp becomes the new value of var.  var itself is not
                evaluated.  An error will occur if var has not been
                already DEFINE'd (or LAMBDA bound).  Use of SET! is
                rare in well written SCHEME code.
End-Entry:	SET!

File: Scheme, Node: IF, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(IF condition consequent alternative)
Description:    IF is the primitive conditional statement. If condition evaluates
                to non-NIL, the consequent is evaluated, otherwise the alternative
                is evaluated. If no alternative is supplied and the condition
                fails, NIL is returned.
Example:	(IF (NULL? NIL) 'A 'B)			=> A
Example:        (IF (= 3 4) 'yes 'no)                   => no
Example:	(IF NIL 0 (+ 3 4))		=> 7
End-Entry:	IF

File: Scheme, Node: SEQUENCE, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(SEQUENCE exp1 exp2 ...)
Description:	SEQUENCE is used for the evaluation of sequential
		expressions. It evaluates exp1 exp2 ... in order (from left to 


File: Scheme, Node: COND, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(COND clause1 clause2 ...)
Description:	COND is a generalized conditional facility.  Each clause is a 
                list (P E1 E2 ...) consisting of a predicate expression, and 
                any number of consequent expressions, E1, E2, ....  The predicate
                expressions are evaluated sequentially until one 
		evaluates to a non-NIL value.  
		Once a non-nil predictate is found its consequents are
		evaluated then control leaves the COND.
		The syntactic token, ELSE, may be used as the predicate part of
                the final clause, causing the consequent sequence of that clause 
                to be evaluated when the predicates of all other clauses evaluate 
                to NIL.
Example:	(COND (NIL 'LOSE) ((ZERO? 1) 3) (ELSE 'WIN))	=> WIN
Example:	(COND ((EQ? 'A 'A) 'SAME) (ELSE 'HUH?))		=> SAME
Example:	(COND ((EQ? 'A 'B) 'FOO))			=> NIL
End-Entry:	COND

File: Scheme, Node: QUOTE, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(QUOTE obj)
Description:	QUOTE returns obj unevaluated.  A symbolic constant is
		using QUOTE. 'obj is a syntactic abbreviation for
                (QUOTE obj); both forms are equivalent, but
		the abbreviation is preferable for legibility.
Example:	(QUOTE (A B))	=> (A B)
Example:	(QUOTE (+ 3 5))	=> (+ 3 5)
Example:	'X		=> X
End-Entry:	QUOTE

File: Scheme, Node: AND, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(AND exp1 exp2 ...)
Description:	AND evaluates expressions
                from left to right. If any evaluates to NIL, AND returns
                NIL and the remaining expressions are not evaluated.
Example:	(AND NIL (PRINT 'FOO))	=> NIL ; Nothing is printed
Example:	(AND 'A 'B)		=> B
Example:        (AND (< 3 4) (> 6 5))   => 
End-Entry:	AND

File: Scheme, Node: OR, Up: Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(OR exp1 exp2 ...)
Description:	OR evaluates
                expressions from left to right. If some expression
                evaluates to a non-NIL value, OR returns the value of that
                expression and the remaining expressions are not evaluated. 
Example:	(OR NIL 'Q)			=> Q
Example:	(OR 'A 'B)			=> A
Example:	(OR (EQ? 'X 'Y) (EQ? 'Z 'Y))	=> NIL
End-Entry:	OR


File: Scheme, Node: NOT, Up: Special Forms

Syntax:		(NOT obj)
Args:		1 arg
Description:	NOT is used to complement a true/false value. NOT evaluates obj  
                and returns  if its value is NIL, and returns NIL if its value
                is non-NIL. NOT is equivalent to NIL? . The former is often used
                as a logical operator while the latter is used as a predicate.
                Stylistic conventions determine which is more appropriate in a
                particular context.
Example:	(NOT CAR)		=> NIL
Example:	(NOT (EQ? 'A 'B))	=> 
End-Entry:	NOT

File: Scheme, Node:    NIL?, Up: Special Forms

Syntax:         (NIL? obj)
Args:           1 arg
Description:    NIL? is the NIL predicate.  It evaluates obj and returns 
                if its value is NIL, and returns NIL if its value is non-NIL.
Example:        (DEFINE A 3)           => A
Example:        (NIL? (EQ? A 3))       => NIL
Example:        (NIL? (EQUAL? A 3))    => 
End-Entry:      NIL?

File: Scheme, Node: Arithmetic, Up: Schman, Previous: Special Forms, Next: Compound Data

* Menu: Functions

* MUL::
* +::
* -::
* /::
* IDIV::
* MOD::
* -1+::
* 1+::
* ABS::
* MAX::
* MIN::
* SIN::
* ASIN::
* COS::
* ACOS::
* TAN::
* ATAN::
* LOG::
* EXP::
* EXPT::
* SQRT::
* ODD?::
* EVEN?::
* ZERO?::
* =::
* >::
* >=::
* <::
* <=::
* HASH::

File: Scheme, Node: MUL, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(* n1 n2 ...)
Args:		0 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the product of its arguments. * is equivalent to MUL.
End-Entry:	*

File: Scheme, Node: +, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(+ n1 n2 ...)
Args:		0 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the sum of its arguments. + is equivalent to ADD.
End-Entry:	+

File: Scheme, Node: -, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(- n1 n2 n3 ...)
Args:		0 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the difference of its arguments. n1-n2-n3-...
		When applied to one argument, negates the argument. - is
                equivalent to SUB.
Example:	(- 10)		=> -10
Example:	(- 3 -7)	=> 10
End-Entry:	-

File: Scheme, Node: /, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(/ x1 x2)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	General division.  Returns the quotient of x1 and x2.
		When applied to one argument, returns its reciprocal. 
                / is equivalent to DIV.
                Note: (/ 0) returns 1 while (/ x1 0) gives an error.
End-Entry:	/

File: Scheme, Node: IDIV, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(IDIV x1 x2)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Integer division. Returns the integer part of the quotient of
		x1 and x2.
Example:	(IDIV 10 5)	=> 2
Example:	(IDIV 11 3)	=> 3
Example:	(IDIV 10 2.5)	=> 4
End-Entry:	IDIV

File: Scheme, Node: MOD, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(MOD x1 x2)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the remainder of dividing x1/x2.
End-Entry:	MOD

File: Scheme, Node: -1+, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(-1+ n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Subtracts one from its argument.
End-Entry:	-1+

File: Scheme, Node: 1+, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(1+ n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Adds one to its argument.
End-Entry:	1+


File: Scheme, Node: ABS, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(ABS n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Absolute value function.  Returns the positive
		difference between the number n and zero.
Example:	(ABS -3.2)	=> 3.2
Example:	(ABS 0)		=> 0
Example:	(ABS 3.2)	=> 3.2
End-Entry:	ABS

File: Scheme, Node: FLOOR, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(FLOOR n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the greatest integer, i, such that i is
		less than or equal to n.
Example:	(FLOOR 2.4)	=> 2
Example:	(FLOOR -2.4)	=> -3
Example:	(FLOOR 2)	=> 2
End-Entry:	FLOOR

File: Scheme, Node:    CEILING, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (CEILING n)
Args:           1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns the smallest integer, i, such that i is
                greater than or equal to n.
Example:        (CEILING 4.2)     => 5
Example:        (CEILING -4.2)    => -4
Example:        (CEILING -4)      => -4
End-Entry:      CEILING

File: Scheme, Node:    TRUNCATE, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (TRUNCATE n)
Args:           1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns the integer part of the number n. For positive 
                numbers, this is the same as FLOOR while for negative 
                numbers, this is the same as CEILING.
Example:        (TRUNCATE 2.4)    => 2
Example:        (TRUNCATE -4.2)   => -4
End-Entry:      TRUNCATE

File: Scheme, Node: MAX, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(MAX n1 n2 ...)
Args:		1 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the largest numerical value in its argument
Example:	(MAX -1 3 0)	=> 3
End-Entry:	MAX

File: Scheme, Node: MIN, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(MIN n1 n2 ...)
Args:		1 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the smallest numerical value in its argument list.
Example:	(MIN -1 3 0)	=> -1
End-Entry:	MIN


File: Scheme, Node: SIN, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(SIN n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the trigonometric sine of th angle n.  n
		is assumed to be given in radians.
End-Entry:	SIN

File: Scheme, Node:    ASIN, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (ASIN y r)
Args:           1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns the arcsine, in radians, of y/r. This is the
                measure of the angle of a right triangle with hypotenuse
                of length r and side opposite to angle of length y.
End-Entry:      ASIN

File: Scheme, Node: COS, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(COS n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the trigonometric cosine of the angle n.  n
		is assumed to be given in radians.
End-Entry:	COS

File: Scheme, Node:    ACOS, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (ACOS x r)
Args:           1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns the arccosine, in radians, of x/r. This is the
                measure of the angle of a right triangle with hypotenuse
                of length r and side adjacent to angle of length x.
End-Entry:      ACOS

File: Scheme, Node:    TAN, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (TAN n)
Args:           1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns the tangent of the angle n. n is assumed 
                to be given in radians.
End-Entry:      TAN

File: Scheme, Node: ATAN, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(ATAN y x)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the arctangent, in radians, of y/x. This is
                the measure of the angle of the triangle with side
                opposite to angle of length y, and side adjacent to
                angle of length x.
End-Entry:	ATAN

File: Scheme, Node: LOG, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(LOG n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Natural logarithm.  Returns the log, base e, of n.
End-Entry:	LOG

File: Scheme, Node: EXP, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(EXP x)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns e raised to the x power.
End-Entry:	EXP

File: Scheme, Node: EXPT, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(EXPT x y)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Exponentiation.  Returns x raised to the y power.
End-Entry:	EXPT

File: Scheme, Node: SQRT, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(SQRT n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Square root.  Returns the squareroot of n.
End-Entry:	SQRT

End-Family:	Numerical Functions


Begin-Family:	Numerical Predicates

File: Scheme, Node: NUMBER?, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(NUMBER? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns  if obj is a number, otherwise returns NIL.
Example:	(NUMBER? 'A)	=> NIL
Example:	(NUMBER? 3)	=> 
Example:	(NUMBER? 2.0)	=> 
End-Entry:	NUMBER?

File: Scheme, Node: INTEGER?, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(INTEGER? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if obj is an integer, otherwise NIL.
End-Entry:	INTEGER?

File: Scheme, Node: ODD?, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(ODD? n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns  if n is an odd integer, otherwise, NIL is
End-Entry:	ODD?

File: Scheme, Node:    EVEN?, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (EVEN? n)
Args:           1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns  if n is an even integer, otherwise, NIL is
End-Entry:      EVEN?

File: Scheme, Node: ZERO?, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(ZERO? n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if n = 0 , otherwise NIL.
		n must be a number.
Example:	(ZERO? 0)	=> 
Example:	(ZERO? 0.0)	=> 
Example:	(ZERO? 65)	=> NIL
End-Entry:	ZERO?

File: Scheme, Node: NEGATIVE?, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(NEGATIVE? n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if n < 0 , otherwise NIL.
		n must be a number.
Example:	(NEGATIVE? -238472234234234233)	   => 
Example:	(NEGATIVE? 0)  		           => NIL
Example:	(NEGATIVE? 4.5)			   => NIL
End-Entry:	NEGATIVE?

File: Scheme, Node: POSITIVE?, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(POSITIVE? n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if n > 0 , otherwise NIL.
		n must be a number.
Example:	(POSITIVE? 4)  	           => 
Example:	(POSITIVE? 0.0)	           => NIL
Example:	(POSITIVE? -0.0002)	   => NIL
End-Entry:	POSITIVE?


File: Scheme, Node: =, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(= x1 x2 ...)
Args:		2 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if all of the arguments have the same
		numerical magnitude, else NIL.  The arguments must be numbers.
Example:	(= 3 3.0)			=> 
Example:	(= 3.5 3.0)			=> NIL
End-Entry:	=

File: Scheme, Node: >, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(> x1 x2 ...)
Args:		2 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if each argument is strictly greater than
		all subsequent arguments, otherwise NIL.
Example:	(> 3.0 4 5.6)	=> NIL
Example:	(> 5.3 3 2)	=> 
Example:	(> 5.3 2 3)	=> NIL
End-Entry:	>

File: Scheme, Node:    >=, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (>= x1 x2 ...)
Args:           2 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Predicate; returns  if each argument is greater than or equal
                to all subsequent arguments, otherwise NIL.
Example:        (>= 4.0 5.0 5.0)   => NIL
Example:        (>= 4.6 3.8 3.8)   => 
End-Entry:      >=

File: Scheme, Node: <, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(< x1 x2 ...)
Args:		2 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if each argument is strictly less than
		all subsequent arguments, otherwise NIL.
Example:	(< 3.0 4 5.6)	=> 
Example:	(< 5.3 3 2)	=> NIL
Example:	(< 5.3 2 3)	=> NIL
End-Entry:	<

File: Scheme, Node:    <=, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:         (<= x1 x2 ...)
Args:           2 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Predicate; returns  if each argument is less than or equal
                to all subsequent arguments, otherwise NIL.
Example:        (<= 3 3 4 5.8)   => 
Example:        (<= 2 1.7 4 4)   => NIL
End-Entry:      <=

End-Family:	Numerical Predicates


Begin-Family:	Miscellaneous Numerical Procedures

File: Scheme, Node: RANDOM, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(RANDOM n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns a random integer between 0 and n-1, inclusive.
End-Entry:	RANDOM

File: Scheme, Node: RANDOMIZE, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(RANDOMIZE q)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	RANDOMIZE is used to initialize the random number generator.  
                If q is NIL, the generator is initialized with an arbitrary
		(random) seed.  Otherwise, q should be an integer and
		the generator is initialized with q as its seed.

File: Scheme, Node: HASH, Up: Arithmetic

Syntax:		(HASH object n)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns an integer between 0 and n-1, inclusive, which
		can be used as a hash value for object.
Example:	(HASH 'ABC 87)		=> 18
Example:	(HASH 'DEF 87)		=> 69
Example:	(HASH '(A B) 23)	=> 12
End-Entry:	HASH

End-Family:	Miscellaneous Numerical Procedures

File: Scheme, Node: Compound Data, Up: Schman, Previous: Arithmetic, Next: Reading and Printing

List Structure Constructors

	The pair  is an  object which  is used  to bond  two objects  together.
These component objects  may be  atoms or they  may themselves  be pairs.   Any
structure built out  of pairs  is called  a "list  structure", but  confusingly
enough, list itself describes a special type of structure.  In a list, the  CDR
of each pair is another pair, with the exception that the CDR of the last  pair
is a special atom  NIL, which denotes  the empty list. Thus  the elements of  a
list are stored in the CAR slots of its pairs, while the CDR slots are used  to
link the elements together.

* Menu:

* CONS::
* CONS*::
* LIST::
* CAR::
* CDR::
* C...R::
* SET!-CAR::
* SET!-CDR::
* ATOM?::
* PAIR?::
* LIST?::
* NULL?::
* EQ?::
* EQUAL?::
* NTH::
* CONC!::
* MEMQ::
* ASSQ::
* ARRAY?::
* AREF::
* ASET!::

File: Scheme, Node: CONS, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(CONS obj1 obj2)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	CONS is the constructor of a pair whose CAR is obj1 and whose CDR 
		is obj2. 
		By definition, (CAR (CONS a b)) = a and
		(CDR (CONS a b)) = b.
                A property of lists is that if obj2 is a list, CONS makes a new list
                which has obj1 as its first element and obj2 as the rest of the elements.
Example:	(CONS '(A B) '(C D))	=> ((A B) C D)
Example:	(CONS 'A '(B C))	=> (A B C)
Example:	(CONS 'A 'B)		=> (A . B)
End-Entry:	CONS

File: Scheme, Node:    CONS*, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:         (CONS* obj1 obj2 ...)
Args:           0 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    CONS* CONSes together an arbitrary number of arguments.CONS*
                constructs a pair whose CAR is obj1 and whose CDR is 
                (CONS* obj2 ...) : (CONS obj1 (CONS* obj2 ...)). When it has
                only two arguments, it behaves in the same way as CONS. 
Example:        (CONS* 'A 'B 'C)                => (A B . C)
Example:        (CONS* '(A B) 'C '(D E))        => ((A B) C D E)
Example:        (CONS* 'A 'B)                   => (A . B)
End-Entry:      CONS*

File: Scheme, Node: LIST, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(LIST obj1 obj2 ...)
Args:		0 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    LIST constructs a list whose elements are obj1, obj2,.. etc.
Example:	(LIST 'A 'B 'C)			=> (A B C)
Example:	(LIST '(A B) '3 '(FOO BAR))	=> ((A B) 3 (FOO BAR))
End-Entry:	LIST

End-Family:	List Structure Constructors


Begin-Family:	List Structure Selectors

File: Scheme, Node: CAR, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(CAR pair)				
Args:		1 arg					
Type:		Procedure
Description:	CAR selects the CAR component of a pair. If pair is a list,
                the CAR is the first element of the list.
Example:	(CAR '(A))		=> A
Example:	(CAR '(A B))		=> A
Example:	(CAR '((A B) C D))	=> (A B)
Example:	(CAR NIL)		=> NIL	; By convention
Example:	(CAR '((A B) . (C D)))	=> (A B)
Example:	(CAR '(Y . X))		=> Y
End-Entry:	CAR

File: Scheme, Node: CDR, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(CDR pair)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	CDR selects the CDR component of a pair. If pair is a list,
                the CDR is the list of all of the elements except the first one.
Example:	(CDR '(A))		=> NIL
Example:	(CDR '(A B))		=> (B)
Example:	(CDR '((A B) C D))	=> (C D)
Example:	(CDR NIL)		=> NIL	;By convention
Example:	(CDR '((A B) . (C D)))	=> (C D)
Example:	(CDR '(Y . X))		=> X
End-Entry:	CDR

File: Scheme, Node: C...R, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(C...R l)
Type:		Procedure
Args:		1 arg
Description:	Short names for up to four levels of CAR/CDR compositions are
                provided in Scheme. eg, (CAAR l) is (CAR (CAR l)) and (CADAAR l)
                is (CAR (CDR (CAR (CAR l)))).
Example:	(CAR '(A (B C) D))		=>	A
Example:	(CADR '(A (B C) D))		=>	(B C)
Example:	(CDDR '(A (B C) D))		=>	(D)
Example:	(CADADR '(A (B C) D))		=>	C
End-Entry:	C...R

End-Family:	List Structure Selectors


Begin-Family:	List Structure Mutators

File: Scheme, Node: SET!-CAR, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(SET!-CAR pair newcar)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Mutates obj so that its CAR becomes newcar. 
Example:	(SET! A '(A B))		=> (A B)
Example:	A			=> (A B)
Example:	(SET!-CAR (CDR A) 3)	=> (3)
Example:	A			=> (A 3)
End-Entry:	SET!-CAR

File: Scheme, Node: SET!-CDR, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(SET!-CDR pair newcdr)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Mutates obj so that its CDR becomes newcdr.
Example:	(SET! B '(A B C))	=> (A B C)
Example:	(SET!-CDR B 'E)		=> (A . E)
Example:	B			=> (A . E)
End-Entry:	SET!-CDR

End-Family:	List Structure Mutators

Begin-Family:	List Structure Predicates

File: Scheme, Node: ATOM?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(ATOM? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Atomic predicate that returns  if obj is an atom and otherwise
                returns NIL. In our structure view of the world, pairs are the
                bond by which lists (molecules) are constructed from the basic
                elements, or atoms. An atom is anything which cannot be further
                decomposed via CAR or CDR  ; in other words, everything that is 
                not a pair is an atom.
Example:	(ATOM? 3)	=> 
Example:	(ATOM? NIL)	=> 
Example:	(ATOM? 'CAR)	=> 
Example:	(ATOM? CAR)	=> NIL
Example:	(ATOM? '(A 3))	=> NIL
End-Entry:	ATOM?


File: Scheme, Node: SYMBOL?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(SYMBOL? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	SYMBOL? is a predicate that returns  if obj is an 
		atomic symbol (variable or NIL), otherwise returns NIL.
Example:	(SYMBOL? 3)	=> NIL
Example:	(SYMBOL? 'CAR)	=> 
Example:	(SYMBOL? CAR)	=> NIL
Example:	(SYMBOL? NIL)	=> 
End-Entry:	SYMBOL?

File: Scheme, Node: PAIR?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(PAIR? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	PAIR? is a predicate that returns  if obj is of datatype
                PAIR. Same as LIST? except in the case of '. ' 
		represents the empty list which is a list but not a pair.
Example:	(PAIR? '(A B))	=> 
Example:	(PAIR? ')	=> NIL
Example:	(PAIR? 'A)	=> NIL
End-Entry:	PAIR?

File: Scheme, Node: LIST?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(LIST? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	LIST? is a predicate that is used to determine whether
                an object is a list.  For reasons of efficiency, LIST? employs
                a very weak rule, namely, an object is considered a list if it
                is a pair (even a dotted pair) or ', the empty list, i.e.,
                (LIST? obj)  (OR (EMPTY? obj) (PAIR? obj))
                Thus if LIST? returns NIL, the object is definitely not a list, 
                but if it returns ,the object may not be a list in the strict
                sense of the term. The dotted pair in the last example below
                is not really a list.
		Note: Many programs, such as APPEND, construct structure using CONS.
Example:	(LIST? 'A)	 => NIL
Example:	(LIST? ')	 => 
Example:	(LIST? '(A B))	 => 
Example:        (LIST? '(A . B)) => 
End-Entry:	LIST?


File: Scheme, Node: NULL?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(NULL? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	NULL? is the empty list predicate which returns  if obj
                is ', and NIL if obj is non-'. 
Example:	(NULL? '(A B C))			=> NIL
Example:        (NULL? ')                             => 
End-Entry:	NULL?

File: Scheme, Node: EQ?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(EQ? obj1 obj2)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:  	EQ? is the primitive equivalence predicate. It returns  
                if obj1 and obj2 are the same object.
		Unless you are rather
		advanced, do not use EQ? to test identity of objects other
		than atomic symbols.  In particular, two numbers which are
		equal in value may not be EQ? -- use "=" to test numerical
		equality.  Also, two lists which have the same elements and
		print the same may not be EQ? -- use EQUAL? to test if lists
		have the same elements.
Description:	For more advanced users only:  Two structures are EQ? if
		any attempt to modify one of them modifies the other in
		the same way. From a pragmatic point of view, EQ? tests if the
                two structures share the same location in the memory space.
Example:	(SET! X '(A B))			=> (A B)
Example:	(SET! Y '(A B))			=> (A B)
Example:	(SET! Z X)			=> (A B)
Example:	(EQ? X Y)			=> NIL
Example:	(EQ? X Z)			=> 
Example:	(EQ? Y Z)			=> NIL
Example:	(SET! X 'FOO)			=> FOO
Example:	(SET! Y 'FOO)			=> FOO
Example:	(SET! Z X)			=> FOO
Example:	(EQ? X Y)			=> 
Example:	(EQ? X Z)			=> 
Example:	(EQ? Y Z)			=> 
Example:	(EQ? 1000 1000) 		=> NIL
End-Entry:	EQ?


File: Scheme, Node: EQUAL?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(EQUAL? obj1 obj2)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	EQUAL? is a list structure equivalence predicate which 
                returns  if both args are EQ? atoms, or are lists 
		of the same length and component-wise EQUAL?.
		That is, EQUAL? lists
                have an identical arrangement of atoms, with each such
                atom in obj1 being EQ? to the corresponding 
		atom in obj2.
		As illustrated below, EQ? and EQUAL? are quite different.
Example:	(EQ? '(A B) '(A B))		=> NIL
Example:	(EQUAL? '(A B) '(A B))		=> 
Example:        (SET! X '(A B))                 => (A B)
Example:        (SET! Y '(A B))                 => (A B)
Example:        (EQUAL? X Y)                    => 
Example:	(EQUAL? 3 3)			=> 
End-Entry:	EQUAL?

End-Family:	List Structure Predicates

Begin-Family:	Commonly Useful List Functions

File: Scheme, Node: NTHCDR, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(NTHCDR n l)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	NTHCDR selects the nth CDR of the list l.
                (if n=0, l is returned).
Example:	(NTHCDR 0 '(A B))	=> (A B)
Example:	(NTHCDR 2 '(A B C D))	=> (C D)
End-Entry:	NTHCDR

File: Scheme, Node:    NTH, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:         (NTH n l)
Args:           2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    NTH is the short form for (CAR (NTHCDR n l)). 
		It selects the (n+1)th element of the list l.
		If n=0, NTH returns the CAR of the argument.
Example:        (NTH 0 '(A B C D))      => A
Example:        (NTH 2 '(A B C))        => C
Example:        (NTH 4 '(A B))          => NIL
End-Entry:      NTH

File: Scheme, Node: LENGTH, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(LENGTH l)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the length of its argument l, which must be a list.
Example:	(LENGTH NIL)		=> 0
Example:	(LENGTH '(A B C))	=> 3
Example:	(LENGTH '(A . B))	=> 
End-Entry:	LENGTH


File: Scheme, Node: APPEND, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(APPEND l1 l2 ...)
Args:		0 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Constructs a list whose elements are, in order,
		the elements of each of the lists given as its
		arguments.  Cf. LIST.
Example:	(APPEND '(A) '(B C) '(D))	=> (A B C D)
Example:	(APPEND '((A B) C) '((D E)))	=> ((A B) C (D E))
Example:	(APPEND '(A B) NIL)		=> (A B)
End-Entry:	APPEND

File: Scheme, Node: REVERSE, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(REVERSE l)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Constructs a list which contains the elements of the list l
                in reverse order.
Example:	(SET! A '(A B C))	=> (A B C)
Example:	(REVERSE A)		=> (C B A)
Example:	A			=> (A B C)
Example:	(REVERSE '(A (B C) D))  => (D (B C) A)
End-Entry:	REVERSE

File: Scheme, Node:    CONC!, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:         (CONC! list1 list2)
Args:           2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Mutates list1 so that it includes all the elements of the original
                list1 and the elements of list2 in that order. CONC! is
                similar to APPEND except that it is a mutator while APPEND is
                a constructor.
Example:        (DEFINE l1 '(A B))              => l1
Example:        (DEFINE l2 '(C D))              => l2
Example:        (APPEND l1 l2)                  => (A B C D)
Example:        l1                              => (A B)
Example:        l2                              => (C D)
Example:        (CONC! l1 l2)                   => (A B C D)
Example:        l1                              => (A B C D)   
Example:        l2                              => (C D)
End-Entry:      CONC!

End-Family:	Commonly Useful List Functions


Begin-Family:	Lists as sets and tables

File: Scheme, Node: MEMQ, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(MEMQ obj list)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Using EQ?, tests each object in list to see
		if it is the same as obj.  Returns the first sublist of list beginning
		with obj, or NIL if obj doesn't occur in list.
Example:	(MEMQ 'B '(A B C A B C))	=> (B C A B C)
Example:	(MEMQ 'Q '(A B C A B C))	=> NIL
Example:	(MEMQ 'A '((A B) A D))		=> (A D)
Example:	(MEMQ '(A B) '(A (A B) C))	=> NIL
End-Entry:	MEMQ

File: Scheme, Node: MEMBER, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(MEMBER obj list)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Using EQUAL?, tests each object in list to see
		if it is the same as obj. Returns the first sublist of list beginning
		with obj, or NIL if obj doesn't occur in list.
Example:	(MEMBER '(A B) '(A (A B) C))	=> ((A B) C)
Example:	(MEMBER 'B '(A B C))		=> (B C)
Example:	(MEMBER 3.0 '(3 4 5))		=> NIL
End-Entry:	MEMBER

File: Scheme, Node: ASSQ, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(ASSQ obj alist)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	alist is presumed to be a list of pairs representing a table.
		The CAR of each pair is the key to the table and the CDR is the
		information stored in the table under that key.  ASSQ tests each pair in alist
		to see
		if its CAR is EQ? to OBJ.  ASSQ returns the first element of
		alist whose CAR is obj, or NIL if obj doesn't occur in the CAR
		of any element of alist.  Thus ASSQ is useful for table lookup if the keys
		are atomic symbols.
Example:	(ASSQ 'A '((D E) (A B) (C D)))		=> (A B)
Example:	(ASSQ '(A B) '((D E) ((A B) C) (B D)))	=> NIL	;see below
End-Entry:	ASSQ

File: Scheme, Node: ASSOC, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(ASSOC obj alist)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	alist is presumed to be a list of pairs representing a table.  The CAR
		of each pair is the key to the table and the CDR is the information
		stored in the table under that key.  ASSOC tests each pair in alist to
		see if its CAR is EQUAL? to OBJ.  ASSOC returns the first element of
		alist whose CAR is obj, or NIL if obj doesn't occur in the CAR of any
		element of alist.  Thus ASSOC is useful for table lookup in situations
		where the table keys are not symbols.
Example:	(ASSQ '(A B) '((D E) ((A B) C) (B D)))	=> ((A B) C)
Example:	(ASSOC 3 '((1 A) (2 B) (3 C))) => (3 C)
Example:	(ASSOC 4 '((1 A) (2 B) (3 C))) => NIL
End-Entry:	ASSOC

End-Family:	Lists as sets and tables


Begin-Family:	Arrays

Description:    There are two sets of commands for creating and using arrays.
		MAKE-ARRAY and AMAKE are similar
                in that they both create initialized arrays.
		SET!-ARRAY and ASET! are
                similar in that they are both used to assign values to the slots
                in arrays. ACCESS-ARRAY and AREF are similar in that they are both
                used to retrieve values from slots in arrays. However, they differ
                in the way slots are referenced. In MAKE-ARRAY, SET!-ARRAY and
                ACCESS-ARRAY, the slot is specified by one argument, a list of the
                coordinates of the slot. AMAKE, ASET! and AREF, on the other
                hand, accept the coordinates as individual arguments. Though the
                syntax used in the former case is more systematic and consistent, 
                the syntax of the latter case is easier for typing.

File: Scheme, Node: MAKE-ARRAY, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(MAKE-ARRAY bounds initproc)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Constructs an array with the given bounds and initializes
                slots as specified by initproc. bounds is a list of integers
                and each element gives the  number of distinct subscript 
                values for the corresponding dimension.  Arrays in
		SCHEME are zero-based; the maximum subscript along any
		dimension is one less than the bound.  initproc is a procedure
                of one argument, a list of coordinates identifying one array
                slot, which computes the initial value for that array slot.
                initproc can be NIL, in which case the array is not initialized.


File: Scheme, Node: ACCESS-ARRAY, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:         (ACCESS-ARRAY a coords)
Args:           2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns the value located in the slot of the array, a,
                specified by coords, the list of subscript values i1, i2, ...

File: Scheme, Node: SET!-ARRAY, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(SET!-ARRAY a coords val)
Args:		3 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Stores val into the slot of the array, a, specified by coords,
                the list subscript values i1, i2, ...
Example:	(DEFINE A (MAKE-ARRAY '(10 20) (LAMBDA (list) (+ (CAR list) (CDR list))))) => A
Example:	(ACCESS-ARRAY A '(9 17)) => 26
Example:	(SET!-ARRAY A '(3 14) 'FOO) => FOO
Example:	(ACCESS-ARRAY A '(3 14)) => FOO
Example:	(DEFINE B (MAKE-ARRAY '(5 5) NIL)) => B
Example:	(SET!-ARRAY B '(2 1) 'BAR) => BAR
Example:	(ACCESS-ARRAY B '(2 1)) => BAR
End-Entry:	SET!-ARRAY

File: Scheme, Node: BOUNDS-ARRAY, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(BOUNDS-ARRAY a)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns a list of the bounds of the array, a.
Example:	(BOUNDS-ARRAY (MAKE-ARRAY '(3 5) NIL))	=> (3 5)

File: Scheme, Node: ARRAY?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(ARRAY? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Predicate; returns  if obj is an ARRAY, otherwise NIL.
Example:	(DEFINE A (MAKE-ARRAY '(10) NIL)) => A
Example:	(ARRAY? A) => 
Example:	(ARRAY? 'A) => NIL
End-Entry:	ARRAY?

File: Scheme, Node:    AMAKE, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:         (AMAKE initproc bound1 bound2 ...)
Args:           2 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Constructs an array with the given bounds. initproc,
                a procedure of n arguments (where n is the order of 
		the array), is used to initialize the array. When 
                initproc is NIL, the array is not initialized.
End-Entry:      AMAKE


File: Scheme, Node:    AREF, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(AREF a i1 i2 ...)
Args:		2 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the value located in the slot of the array, a,
		specified by the subscripts i1, i2, ... 
End-Entry:	AREF

File: Scheme, Node:    ASET!, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(ASET! val a i1 i2 ...)
Args:		3 or more args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Stores val into the slot of the array, a, specified by the
		subscripts i1, i2, ... 
Example:	(DEFINE A (AMAKE (LAMBDA (X Y) (+ X Y)) 5 8)) => A
Example:	(AREF A 3 7) => 10
Example:	(ASET! 'FOO A 3 3) => FOO
Example:	(AREF A 3 3) => FOO
End-Entry:      ASET!

End-Family:	Arrays


Begin-Family:	Properties

File: Scheme, Node: PUT!-PROP, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(PUT!-PROP sym propname val)
Args:		3 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	PUT!-PROP is used to specify the properties of an atomic symbol.
                It assigns val to the propname of sym.
End-Entry:	PUT!-PROP

File: Scheme, Node: GET-PROP, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(GET-PROP sym propname)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	GET-PROP is used to retrieve properties of atomic symbols. It
                gets the value of the propname of sym.
End-Entry:	GET-PROP

File: Scheme, Node: REMOVE!-PROP, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(REMOVE!-PROP sym propname)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	REMOVE!-PROP is used to remove properties of atomic symbols.
		It removes
                the value assigned to the propname of sym. If sym had such a 
                value, the portion of its property list beginning with the value
                is returned, otherwise NIL is returned.

File: Scheme, Node: LIST-PROP, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(LIST-PROP sym)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	LIST-PROP returns an association list representing the property
                list of sym. This association list has the form:
                ((propname1 val1) (propname2 val2) ...).
Example:	(LIST-PROP 'JOE)			=> NIL
Example:	(LIST-PROP 'JOE)	       	        => ((FATHER ARTHUR))
Example:	(PUT!-PROP 'JOE 'MOTHER 'ANNE)	        => ANNE
Example:	(LIST-PROP 'JOE)

Example:	(LIST-PROP 'JOE)	       	=> ((FATHER ARTHUR))
End-Entry:	LIST-PROP

End-Family:	Properties


Begin-Family:	Miscellaneous

File: Scheme, Node: PRIMITIVE-TYPE, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(PRIMITIVE-TYPE obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    Returns the datatype of obj. 
Example:	(PRIMITIVE-TYPE 3)	  	         => NUMBER
Example:	(PRIMITIVE-TYPE 'A)	      	         => SYMBOL
Example:	(PRIMITIVE-TYPE NIL)		         => NULL
Example:	(PRIMITIVE-TYPE '(A B))		         => PAIR

File: Scheme, Node: EXTEND?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(EXTEND? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	EXTEND? is a predicate which returns  if obj is neither an 
                atom or a list, and returns NIL otherwise.  Procedures, arrays,
                and environment representations are all extended objects.
Example:	(EXTEND? CAR)		=> 
Example:	(EXTEND? 'CAR)		=> NIL
End-Entry:	EXTEND?

File: Scheme, Node: PROCEDURE?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(PROCEDURE? obj)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	PROCEDURE? is a predicate which returns  if obj is either
                a primitive or compound procedure. 
Example:	(PROCEDURE? CAR)		=> 
Example:	(PROCEDURE? (LAMBDA (X) X))	=> 

File: Scheme, Node: ALPHALESS?, Up: Compound Data

Syntax:		(ALPHALESS? sym1 sym2)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Both arguments must be atomic symbols. ALPHALESS? returns
                 if sym1 precedes sym2 in alphabetical order, otherwise
		returns NIL.  (Note that ASCII values are used for
		ordering, which means that lowercase letters, digits,
		or other odd characters may cause unexpected results
		for those not familiar with the table of ASCII codes.) 
Example:	(ALPHALESS? 'COT 'CAT)	 => NIL
Example:	(ALPHALESS? 'ANT 'AXE)	 => 
Example:        (ALPHALESS? 'SAME 'SAME) => ^F

End-Family:	Miscellaneous

File: Scheme, Node: Reading and Printing, Up: Schman, Previous: Compound Data, Next: Advanced Special Forms

* Menu: Functions

* READ::
* PRIN1::
* TYI::
* TYO::
* CHAR::

File: Scheme, Node: READ, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(READ [prompt])
Args:		0 or 1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Reads one expression from the terminal and returns it as a
		value.  prompt, if supplied, will be printed to prompt the user.
End-Entry:	READ

File: Scheme, Node: PRINT, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(PRINT value)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	This is the normal LISP printer.  It puts out a carriage-return, then
		prints out value, then puts out a space:

			   (PRIN1 X)
			   (PRINC " "))
End-Entry:	PRINT

File: Scheme, Node: NEWLINE, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(NEWLINE)
Args:		No args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Types a carriage return on the console.
End-Entry:	NEWLINE

File: Scheme, Node: PRINC, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(PRINC value)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Prints value on the console.
End-Entry:	PRINC

File: Scheme, Node: PRIN1, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(PRIN1 value)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Prints value on the console.  If any symbol has as part of its
		printed representation a character which would normally terminate
		a symbol (such as space, left-parentheses, right-parentheses, comma, etc.)
		PRIN1 prints the symbol in a special way -- known as slashification.
End-Entry:	PRIN1

End-Family:	Essential Knowledge


Begin-Family:	Advanced Knowledge

File: Scheme, Node: TYI, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(TYI [prompt])
Args:		0 or 1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Reads a character from the current input source and returns the
		character's ASCII code, an integer.  A prompt may be supplied.
End-Entry:	TYI

File: Scheme, Node: TYO, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(TYO n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Types the character whose ascii value is n on the console.
End-Entry:	TYO

File: Scheme, Node: READC, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(READC [prompt])
Args:		0 or 1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Reads a character from the terminal and returns it as a symbol.
End-Entry:	READC

File: Scheme, Node: PEEKC, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(PEEKC)
Args:		No args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Peeks at a character from the terminal, without
		actually reading it, and returns it as a symbol.
End-Entry:	PEEKC

File: Scheme, Node: TYIPEEK, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(TYIPEEK)
Args:		No args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Peeks at a character from the current input source
		without actually reading it.  Returns the character
		code, an integer.
End-Entry:	TYIPEEK

File: Scheme, Node: CHAR, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(CHAR n)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the ascii character (symbol) whose ASCII code is n.
Example:	(CHAR 65)	=> A
End-Entry:	CHAR

File: Scheme, Node: ASCII, Up: Reading and Printing

Syntax:		(ASCII sym)
Args:		1 arg
Description:	Returns the ASCII code of the character (symbol) sym.
Example:	(ASCII 'A)	=> 65
End-Entry:	ASCII

End-Family:	Advanced Knowledge

Begin-Family:	Printer Control

Description: 	The printer has two adjustable parameters:  the value of the
		global variable *PRINT-DEPTH* is the maximum
		depth to which lists are printed; lists nested deeper than
		*PRINT-DEPTH* levels will be abbreviated when printed.  The
		value of *PRINT-BREADTH* is the maximum number of elements of a
		list which will be printed; lists longer than *PRINT-BREADTH*
		will be abbreviated when printed.  Initially, these variables
		have very tolerant values.  You may assign their values as
		desired, but they must, of course, be integers.

End-Family:	Printer Control

File: Scheme, Node: Advanced Special Forms, Up: Schman, Previous: Reading and printing, Next: System Support

* Menu:	Functions

* EVAL::

File: Scheme, Node: EVAL, Up: Advanced Special Forms

SpecialForm:	(EVAL exp [env])
Args:		1 arg
Description:	EVALuates exp in the lexical environment, lexical
		environment unless env
		is supplied, in which case exp will be evaluated in the
		environment env.  Forces another evaluation of exp.
Example:	'(+ 3 5)	=> (+ 3 5)
Example:	(EVAL '(+ 3 5))	=> 8
Example:	(SET! L '(LIST 'LIST (LIST 'QUOTE +) 3 5)) 
		=> (LIST 'LIST (LIST 'QUOTE +) 3 5)
Example:	(EVAL L)
		=> (LIST '+ 3 5)
Example:	(EVAL (EVAL L))
		=> (+ 3 5)
Example:	(EVAL (EVAL (EVAL L)))
		=> 8
End-Entry:	EVAL

File: Scheme, Node:    APPLY, Up: Advanced Special Forms

SpecialForm:    (APPLY fn arglist)
Description:    Applies fn to arglist, returning the resulting value. fn must
                be an applicable object such as a procedure.
Example:        (APPLY CAR '(A B))                        => A
Example:        (APPLY (LAMBDA (X Y) (+ X Y 1)) '(3 4))   => 8
End-Entry:      APPLY

End-Family:     Evaluation and Application

Begin-Family:   Environments

File: Scheme, Node:    THE-ENVIRONMENT, Up: Advanced Special Forms

SpecialForm:    (THE-ENVIRONMENT)
Description:    THE-ENVIRONMENT returns the current environment.

File: Scheme, Node:    MAKE-ENVIRONMENT, Up: Advanced Special Forms

SpecialForm:    (MAKE-ENVIRONMENT exp1 exp2 ...)
Description:    MAKE-ENVIRONMENT produces a new environment which is contained 
                statically in the environment in which MAKE-ENVIRONMENT is
                called . The new environment contains any variables DEFINEd
                by the expressions exp1, exp2 ...


File: Scheme, Node: ACCESS, Up: Advanced Special Forms

SpecialForm:    (ACCESS sym env)
Description:    ACCESS retrieves the value of sym in the environment env.
Demo:           (DEFINE RECT-PACKAGE
		      (LIST REAL IMAG))
                    (DEFINE (REAL-PART Z) (CAR Z))
                    (DEFINE (IMAG-PART Z) (CADR Z)) ...))
End-Entry:      ACCESS

File: Scheme, Node:    FRAME-PROCEDURE, Up: Advanced Special Forms

Syntax:         (FRAME-PROCEDURE env)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    FRAME-PROCEDURE returns the procedure object which was applied
                to produce the environment env.

File: Scheme, Node:    FRAME-BINDINGS, Up: Advanced Special Forms

Syntax:         (FRAME-BINDINGS env)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    FRAME-BINDINGS returns the association list representing the
                bindings of the variables to their values in the environment 
End-Entry:      FRAME-BINDINGS

File: Scheme, Node:    FRAME-PARENT, Up: Advanced Special Forms

Syntax:         (FRAME-PARENT env)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:    FRAME-PARENT returns the environment in which the environment
                env was created.
End-Entry:      FRAME-PARENT

End-Family:     Environments

File: Scheme, Node: System Support, Up: Schman, Previous: Advanced Special Forms

* Menu:	Functions

* LOAD::
* PP::
* TOFU::
* BKPT::
* QUIT::
* EDIT::
* STEP::
* PETS::
* Interrupts::	Control character interrupts that Scheme knows about.

File: Scheme, Node: Interrupts, Up: System Support

Here is a list of the interrupts that TOPS-20 scheme understands:

^B	Enter a breakpoint.
^C	Go back to the exec (you can continue with @continue).
^G	Go back to scheme's top-level.
Tab	Tab to next tab stop.
LineFeed	Works the same as carriage-return.
^R	Reprint current s-expression.
^S	Temporarily stop output (resume with ^Q)
^T	Instant System status report.
^U	Pop up a level.
^W	Erase last "atom".
^X	Abort whatever you are doing.
^Z	Go back to the exec.

File: Scheme, Node: LOAD, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(LOAD filename [echo])
Args:		1 or 2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Reads and evaluates sequentially each of the expressions in
		the specified filename.  If echo is provided, and is non-NIL, 
		the value of each expression will be typed on the console as
		it is loaded.  
End-Entry:	LOAD

File: Scheme, Node: PP, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(PP expression)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	pretty-prints expression on the terminal.
End-Entry:	PP

File: Scheme, Node: PHOTO, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(PHOTO filename)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Used in conjunction with TOFU and the TOPS-20 PRINT
		command to produce a hardcopy listing of your console
		session.  PHOTO begins recording the console session;
		file filename is created to hold the photo.  The TOFU
		command is used to stop the recording process.  The
		TOPS-20 PRINT command should be used to actually print
		the photo on the lineprinter.
End-Entry:	PHOTO

File: Scheme, Node: TOFU, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(TOFU)
Args:		No args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Closes the photo file and stops the recording process. 
End-Entry:	TOFU

File: Scheme, Node: BKPT, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(BKPT msg [env])
Args:		1 or 2  args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Sets a breakpoint -- useful in debugging.
		msg is typed and a breakpoint is set in the specified
		environment, or the current environment if no
		environment is specified.  Within a breakpoint,
		expressions may be typed and will be evaluated in the
		breakpoint environment.  The bkpt message, 
		environment, and the history list are saved in the
		global variables *BKPT-MESSAGE*, *BKPT-WHERE*, and
		*BKPT-HISTORY*, respectively, for easy access.  To
		exit from the breakpoint and proceed with the
		interrupted process, type the symbol $P (escape P)
		followed by a space.  

Demo:	       	---> (SEQUENCE (PRIN1 'FOO) (BKPT 'TEST-2) (PRIN1 'BAR) 'DONE)

		1-Bkpt-> (+ 3 3)	
		1-Bkpt-> $P
End-Entry:	BKPT


File: Scheme, Node: ERROR, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(ERROR msg [data] [env])
Args:		1 to 3 args
Description:	Signals an error.  Types message (and data) on the console and
		creates a debugging breakpoint in the specified
		environment (the current environment is used if no env
		is supplied).  data is optional, but, by convention,
		msg is a description of the error and data is the
		offending expression, or "irritant".  The error message, data,
		environment, and the history list are saved in the
		global variables *ERROR-MESSAGE*, *ERROR-IRRITANT*,
		*ERROR-WHERE*, and *ERROR-HISTORY*, respectively.
End-Entry:	ERROR

File: Scheme, Node: QUIT, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(QUIT)
Args:		No args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Suspend SCHEME and return to the TOPS-20 monitor.  QUIT
		doesn't reset the SCHEME fork. 
End-Entry:	QUIT

File: Scheme, Node: EDIT, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(EDIT)
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Internal link to the text editor.  Requests that
		SCHEME suspend itself temporarily and transfer to 
		the editor, EMACS.  Once in EMACS, make necessary fixes and use
		one or more of the following commands to send the
		altered code back to SCHEME.  Note:  EMACS
		automatically saves your buffer before returning to SCHEME. 
Display:	{esc}Z	Mark current DEFINE for eventual transmission back to SCHEME.
		^X Z	Return to Scheme, sending any marked DEFINE's.
		^Z Y	Transmit the current DEFINE back to SCHEME -- a combination of {esc}Z and ^X Z.
		^Z O	Transmit entire buffer back to SCHEME.
End-Entry:	EDIT

Begin-Family:	Advising Procedures

Description:	Giving advice to procedures is a powerful debugging
		technique.  TRACE and BREAK are familiar examples of
		advice-giving procedures.  The global variable
		*ADVISED-PROCEDURES* lists the procedures which have
		been advised.

File: Scheme, Node: TRACE-ENTRY, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(TRACE-ENTRY proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Causes an informative message to be printed whenever
		the procedure proc is entered.  The message is of the
		form "[Entering (fn v1 v2 ...)]", where "v1 v2 ..." is
		the list of values for the procedure's parameters.

File: Scheme, Node: TRACE-EXIT, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(TRACE-EXIT proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Causes an informative message to be printed when
		procedure proc terminates.  The message contains the
		procedure, its argument values, and the value of the
		last expression evaluated.

File: Scheme, Node: BREAK-ENTRY, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(BREAK-ENTRY proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Like TRACE-ENTRY with the additional effect
		that a breakpoint is entered when procedure proc is
		invoked.  proc and its arguments are saved in the
		global variables *PROC* and *ARGS*, respectively, for
		easy access inside the breakpoint.


File: Scheme, Node: BREAK-EXIT, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(BREAK-EXIT proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Like TRACE-EXIT with the additional effect that
		a breakpoint is entered just prior to leaving
		procedure proc.  proc, its arguments, and the result
		are saved in the global variables *PROC*, *ARGS*, and
		*RESULT*, respectively, for easy access inside the
		breakpoint.  The result computed by proc is 
		automatically returned from the breakpoint, but the user
		may return any value by setting *RESULT* prior to proceeding
		via $p.

File: Scheme, Node: TRACE, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(TRACE proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	TRACEs proc both when it is invoked and when it
		terminates.  A combination of TRACE-ENTRY and TRACE-EXIT.
End-Entry:	TRACE

File: Scheme, Node: BREAK, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(BREAK proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Sets a breakpoint at the beginning and at the end of
		proc.  A combination of both BREAK-ENTRY and
End-Entry:	BREAK

File: Scheme, Node: ADVISE-ENTRY, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(ADVISE-ENTRY proc advice)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	General entry-advising procedure.  TRACE-ENTRY and
		BREAK-ENTRY are examples of entry-advising procedures.
		ADVISE-ENTRY gives advice to proc.  advice should be a
		procedure of three arguments.  When proc is invoked,
		advice is passed proc, a list of proc's argument
		values, and the current environment.

File: Scheme, Node: ADVISE-EXIT, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(ADVISE-EXIT proc advice)
Args:		2 args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	The general exit-advising procedure.  TRACE-EXIT and
		BREAK-EXIT are implemented as calls to ADVISE-EXIT.
		advice should accept four arguments: proc, its
		argument values, the result computed by proc, and the
		current environment.  advice is responsible for
		returning the value produced by proc.

File: Scheme, Node: ADVICE, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(ADVICE proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Returns the advice, if any, given to proc.  
Example:	(DEFINE (ID X) X)	=> ID
Example:	(ADVICE ID)		=> NIL
Example:	(TRACE-ENTRY ID)	=> (ID)
End-Entry:	ADVICE


File: Scheme, Node: UNADVISE-ENTRY, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(UNADVISE-ENTRY proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Removes entry advice from proc.

File: Scheme, Node: UNADVISE-EXIT, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(UNADVISE-EXIT proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Removes exit advice from proc.

File: Scheme, Node: UNADVISE, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(UNADVISE proc)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Removes all advice from proc -- a combination of

End-Family:	Advising Procedures

File: Scheme, Node: STEP, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(STEP)
Args:		No args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Turns on the application stepper.  Before every
		application, the procedure and its argument list are displayed on the
		console and the user is consulted before continuing.
End-Entry:	STEP

File: Scheme, Node: PETS, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(PETS)
Args:		No args
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Turns off the application stepper.
End-Entry:	PETS

File: Scheme, Node: HISTORY, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(HISTORY historylist)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Enters a mode in which the recent process history
		which has been saved can be examined.  Type ? for
		a list of one-character commands.  A history of the
		last several applications is saved everytime a
		breakpoint is entered.
End-Entry:	HISTORY

File: Scheme, Node: SETUP-HISTORY, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(SETUP-HISTORY q)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	If q is , the current length of the history
		collector is returned.
		If q is an integer, the length will be set to q,
		meaning that only the q most recently evaluated
		applications will be recorded for examination.  If q is
		NIL, no history will be collected.

File: Scheme, Node: WHERE, Up: System Support

Syntax:		(WHERE env)
Args:		1 arg
Type:		Procedure
Description:	Enters a mode in which the environment env can be examined.
		Type ? for a list of one-character commands.
End-Entry:	WHERE

