PDP-10 Archives
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Field Maintenance Policies and Procedures
The following maintenance policies and procedures apply to the
use and maintenance of Red Packs for 2020 by DEC Field Service.
Red is a product built for DEC internal usage and will at all
times remain the exclusive property of Digital Equipment
Corporation. The SDC (Software Distribution Center) is the sole
distributor of the Red Pack.
Ordering Procedure
The ZT002-RW (RM03 Pack) KS10 Installation Kit or ZT002-RL (RPO6
Pack) includes the Red Pack and the appropriate Red Tapes,
currently Red Tape 1 (BB-H214D-RM) and Red Tape 3 (BB-H216D-RM).
If you wish to order the tapes with no disk pack use this
number"ZT002-RM". You will receive Red Tapes 1 and 3 and all
the appropriate Red Pack documentation. To order, send a TWX or
IOF to Lisa Andrellos M/S NR4. All orders are subject to LCG
Product Support approval.
Installation Policy
It is mandatory that all end-user customer systems installed by
Digital Equipment be installed with the use of a compatibly
revisioned Red Pack. Information relating to the use of Red
Pack may be found in the micro-fiche under the headings RED 01 -
RED 07. This documentation is also contained on Red.
Open me first instructions documented in "Getting Started with
Red20" (<RED>RED20.HLP) are found in ZT002. This will provide
sufficient step by step information to get the installer
The Red Pack is the tool used to demonstrate to the customer,
the forty-eight hour Hardware Reliability portion of System
Acceptance. Complete instructions for the forty-eight hour
hardware reliability test of the 2020 are found by referencing
the "Hardware Reliability Test System" document
Page 2
Pack and Tape Storage
If the customer has contracted maintenance to Digital, the Red
Pack should be left on site accessable by the operator for use
during local or remote maintenance. The backup Red Tapes should
be safely stored to provide a backup if the disk pack should
become faulty. Also, Red Tape 3 can be used to diagnose faults
in the event that the pack cannot be used due to faulty
hardware. The Red Pack and Tapes must be removed off site and
returned to DEC if no maintenance contract exists.
Periodically the Red Master will be updated to reflect changes,
corrections and/or enhancements to the contents of Red. Update
status information will be distributed via a "Good-Stuff"
Phase-in to Manufacturing will result in the updating of the
ZT002-RW or RL KS10 installation kit to ensure the latest
revision of the Red Tapes. The update information (patches)
will be delivered in the form of cover letters with the kit.
New tapes can be ordered by an Internal Order Form.
Refer to the document "Red Pack Revision Control"
(<RED>RED20.REV) for detailed revision information. Refer to
"Red Pack Internals" (<RED>RED20.MEM) for complete update