
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - saio_sources - 5sources/phyc1.mac
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;<5.ISI.MONITOR>PHYC1.MAC.5110	29-Nov-82 08:08:07	Edit by SMITH
;#511 Do not give CC1HRE BUGCHK unless short IORB (Paging failure)
;<5.ISI.MONITOR>PHYC1.MAC.5000	22-Oct-82 08:44:14	Edit by SMITH
;#500 Adapt to release 5
;<ISI.MONITOR>PHYC1.MAC.4620	28-Aug-82 09:02:25	Edit by SMITH
;#462 Add consistancy check on sense bytes for data checks and env. data.
;#431 <ISI.MONITOR>PHYC1.MAC.4310	16-Jun-82 11:48:46	Edit by SMITH
;#431 Generate CC1SRE BUGCHKs for ECC errors too.
;#431  Change CC1SRE,CC1SWE to every 32'd error.
;#232 BUGCHK on hard disk errors, BUGINF every ^D16 soft disk errors
;#232	Removed CC1CUE & CC1BS1 BUGINFs
;<4.ISI-MONITOR>PHYC1.MAC.250	31-Mar-81 13:07:37	Edit by SMITH
;#25 Support IBM-3330 compatable disks on SA10 channel.
;#25 Entire module supports disks on SA10
;#[T] collecting timing data
;#[P] Positioning separated from transfer

	SEARCH PROLOG,SERCOD	;system parameters
	TTITLE (PHYC1,,< - Device dependent code for CalComp/IBM 3330 disks>)

	SUBTTL Dennis R. Smith  5-Dec-79

;	Copyright 1982, All Rights Reserved
;	University of Southern California

	SEARCH PHYPAR		;parameters
	ENTRY CC1DSP		;dispatch vector

;******                                                                  *****
;******                              Notes                               *****
;******                                                                  *****


	In order to  use the  Calcomp 3330 disks  efficently, it  is
	necessary to block the 'sectors' of 128 words which  Tops-20
	uses as its  logical records into  larger physical  records.
	For various reasons, in  particular, the fact that  probably
	99 percent of the transfers  are for one 'page', a  blocking
	factor of  4 was  chosen.   This means  that there  are  512
	words, or 1152  bytes per  physical record.   This allows  5
	pages per track, which is the same density that is  achieved
	on RP06s.   Since  almost  all  I/O is  for  one  page,  the
	standard command program is set  up to transfer a full  page
	(or record) with one Device Command Word (DCW) and one  Data
	Chaining Word (sometimes called an  IOW).  In the rare  case
	where less than a  page is read,  incorrect length error  is
	suppressed, any quarter pages  not desired are skipped  with
	an IOW having an address field of zero, and the desired data
	is read into the user's buffer.   In the case of a write  of
	less than one  page, a command  program is set  up to  first
	read the page into a buffer, and then to write out the page,
	writing out the data  just read in  except for that  portion
	supplied by the user.

COMMENT	~  Nomenclature used in this module

 Name		 Abrev.	   Meaning 
Cylinder 	C, CYL	- Cylinder of disk or tracks thereron 
Track	 	Trk	- Track of disk: data of 1 cylinder under 1 head
Head	 	H, Hd	- R/W head of disk, or any track under that head
Surface	 	Srf	- Same as Head
Record	 	R, Rec	- Hardware record (=1 page)
Sector	 	Sec	- Hardware sector (not same as 'sector', q.v.)
'Sector' 		- Software 'sector' = Logical record (1/4 page)
  Record 	LRC	- Logical record (referred to as 'sector' by PHYSIO)


; Retry Counts

DEVCNT==3			;Retries on device error before recalibrate
RCLCNT==3			;Recalibrates after DEVCNT tries
DSKNTR==^D16			;Number of tries on unknown errors

;Status bits in LH(UDBERR)

ES.HRD==1B0			;hard error
ES.ECC==1B1			;ECC-corrected error
ES.DAT==1B2			;data error
ES.DEV==1B4			;device error

; UDB Extensions

	DOPC(C1,UDBDDD)		;#500 define UDB Device Dependent Part

SC1 CC1STS,1			;extra status bits
SC1 CC1SCP,1			;BMX pointer to standard channel program
 MSKSTR(CC1SPA,CC1SCP(P3),BMX%AD) ;address of standard channel program
SC1 CC1CCP,1			;BMX pointer to current channel program
SC1 CC1DVL,1			;addr of device list entry for device
SC1 CC1CYL,1			;number of cylinders per unit
SC1 CC1SCL,1			;'sectors' per cylinder (logical records)
SC1 CC1SSF,1			;'sectors' per surface
SC1 CC1UHS,1			;number of microseconds per (HW) sector
SC1 CC1USF,1			;number of microseconds per surface
SC1 CC1IOW,1			;IOW for current operation
SC1 CC1RMW,1			;count of times Read/Modify/Write needed
SC1 CC1ES1,1			;error status word 1 (copy of SSACS1)
SC1 CC1ES2,1			;error status word 2 (copy of SSACS2)
SC1 CC1SNB,6			;sense bytes (6 words)
SC1 CC1ESB,6			;error sense bytes (6 words)
SC1 CC1PSF,1			;pages per surface
SC1 CC1TIM,4			;#[T] timing data (start, elapsed, #, average)
SC1 CC1PTM,4			;#[P] timing data on positioning (as CC1TIM)
SC1 CC1TST,10			;statistics gathering time storage

SC1 L.CC1,0			;length of UDB for CC1

; CC1STS bits

C1.TNK==1B0			;Type of drive Not Known
C1.SNS==1B1			;sense in progress
C1.RCL==1B2			;recalibrate in progress
C1.RBW==1B3			;read before write (read/modify/write cycle)
C1.WAR==1B4			;write after read - only used if the RBW
				; got a CDC that broke the chaining
C1.RMW==C1.RBW!C1.WAR		;read/modify/write cycle includes both
C1.TIM==1B5			;#[T] do timing statistics

; Pointers

DEFSTR(DP%CYL,DPOSEK,31,16)	;Cylinder. 16 bits in 1st word of seek buffer
DEFSTR(DP%SRF,DPOSEK+1,15,16)	;Surface. 16 bits in 2nd word of seek buffer
DEFSTR(DP%REC,DPOSEK+1,23,8)	;Record. 8 bits in 2nd word of seek buffer
DEFSTR(DP%LRC,DPOSEK+1,25,2)	;Logical Record within physical record (SW) - 2
				; bits in 2nd word of seek buffer
DEFSTR(DP%SEC,DPOSEK+2,7,8)	;Sector. 8 bits (HW: 1/128 of track) - in
				; 3rd word of seek buffer (for convenience) 

MSKSTR(DP%CCF,DPOOPC,SC%CCF)	;Channel command flags

CC1DSP:	JRST CC1INI		;0 - Initialization
	JRST CC1SIO		;1 - Start I/O
	JRST CC1INT		;2 - Handle interrupt
	JRST CC1ERR		;3 - Error recovery
	JRST CC1HNG		;4 - Hung device
	JRST CC1CNV		;5 - Convert blk # to cylinder/surf-sec
	JRST CC1LTM		;6 - Latency computation
	JRST CC1POS		;7 - Start positioning
	JRST CC1ATN		;10- Attention interrupt
	JRST CC1PRQ		;11- Skip if positioning required
	JRST CC1STK		;12- Stack second transfer command
	RET			;#500 13- check existance of unit (not called)
	RET			;#500 14- check for halted controller (not called)



CC1ATN:	RET			;no attention interrupts generated by drives

CC1PRQ:	RET			;if asked, say no positioning required

CC1STK:	RET			;say unable to stack

CC1FCN:				;table to translate internal to external
				; functions
	XWD 0,0			;0- no such function
	XWD .ICRDD,0		;1- read
	XWD 0,0			;2- read format
	XWD .ICWRD,0		;3- write
	XWD 0,0			;4- write format
MXEXFN==.-CC1FCN-1		;maximum external function
MXCC1F==.-CC1FCN-1		;maximum legal function

; prototype channel program

; Table of data to copy at initial error recovery time

CC1DAT:	SEBPTR 0,SBTEVC,SEC%SD	;block type (SA10 disk error)
	SEBPTR MB%CS0,SBTWD,CDBCS0(P1) ; (Currently unused)
	SEBPTR MB%CS1,SBTWD,CDBCS1(P1) ;Status word 1 (Base+1)
	SEBPTR MB%CS2,SBTWD,CDBCS2(P1) ;Status word 2 (Base+2)
	SEBPTR SD%IOW,SBTWD,CC1IOW(P3) ;IOW from transfer
	SEBPTR SD%STS,SBTWD,CC1STS(P3) ;Device specific status
	SEBPTR SD%ES1,SBTWD,CC1ES1(P3) ;Error status (Base+1)
	SEBPTR SD%ES2,SBTWD,CC1ES2(P3) ;More error status (Base+2)
	SEBPTR SD%SEN+0,SBTWD,CC1ESB+0(P3) ;Sense bytes (24 bytes = 6 words)
	SEBPTR SD%CCP,SBTWD,CC1CCP(P3) ;Current Channel Program address

;CC1INI - Initialize disk unit on given channel
; [Note: this differs from device "INI" routines on RH20's]
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ 0
; Q2/ unit number (0,1,...)
;	CALL UDSINI(ac)		;where ac/ CC1DSP
; RETURNS +1: Always
;  P3/ UDB if device found on this channel, else 0
;  P1, Q1-Q4 preserved; other AC's destroyed

	MOVEI T1,CC1PGA/PGSIZ	;page used for Read/Modify/Write
	CALL NOCASH		;turn off caching on that page
	SETZM CC1XCP		;show RMW page not in use

; We will begin by attempting a 'Read count' command on Cylinder 800.
; What happens to this command should tell us whether the device
; is on this channel, and if so, whether it is a mod I or a mod II.
; Possible outcomes:
;	(1) No response, or 'Select error' status: Device is not there
;		(this will be indicated by a +1 return from SAINGO).
;	(2) Unit check, with sense showing 'command reject': Unit was
;		there, but had no Cyl 800 (Mod I drive).
;	(3) Normal status (Channel end + Device end): Device was there and
;		has a Cyl 800 (Mod II drive).

	MOVE T1,SAXFRE		;get -length,,next free space
	CAML T1,[XWD -DPOLEN-6,0] ;room for CP and sense buffer?
	 JRST CC1INF		;failed
	CALL CC1MCP		;put channel program in space
	 JFCL			;will always skip
	HRRZM T1,P6		;save CP address
	CALL CC1SRC		;set up Read Count program
	SETZ Q1,		;show device type uncertain
	SETZ T2,		;reset desired on channel
	CALL SAINGO		;try the operation
	 JRST CC1INX		;unit not there
	MOVE T1,CDBCS1(P1)	;get status word
	TXNE T1,FLD(.S1ATN!.S1SMD!.S1CUE!.S1BSY!.S1UEX,S1%DVS) ;unusual err?
	JRST CC1INE		;yes
	TXNN T1,FLD(.S1UCK,S1%DVS) ;unit check?
	MOVEI Q1,.UTCC2		;no, this must be a mod II
	MOVEI T1,DPOSNP(P6)	;get address of sense program
	SETO T2,		;do not want reset (would clear sense)
	CALL SAINGO		;do the sense
	 JRST CC1INX		;give up if sense fails
	MOVE T1,@DPOSNP+1(P6)	;get 1st word of sense buffer
	TXNE T1,SN%CRJ		;command reject?
	MOVEI Q1,.UTCC1		;yes, must be mod I
	JUMPE Q1,CC1INX		;ignore if model not determined
	CALL CC1IUN		;initialize unit
	 JRST CC1INX		;failed, P3/0
	RET			;successful initialization

CC1INE:	BUG(CC1UEI,<<T1,SW1>,<Q2,UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Unusual error on 1st I/O>
	JRST CC1INX		;treat as not there
CC1INF:	BUG(CC1AL1)		;<PHYC1 - No space for channel program>
CC1INX:	RET			;return (unsuccessful)

; CC1IUN - initialize unit	; CC1SUN - set up UDB for unit
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB (If call is to CC1SUN)
; Q1/ unit type code
; Q2/ unit number
; RETURNS +1: couldn't get necessary resources (UDB or uncached space)
; RETURNS +2: success 
;  P3/ UDB address
;  T1-T4 destroyed

CC1IUN:	MOVE T3,[CC1DSP,,L.CC1]	;dispatch,,length
	 RETBAD			;give up if no space
CC1SUN:	MOVSI T2,-NDSKUT	;search to find physical param table
CC1SU2:	CAMN Q1,DSKUTP(T2)	;match?
	JRST CC1SU3		;yes
	AOBJN T2,CC1SU2		;no, loop
	BUG(CC1PNF,<<Q1,TYPE>,<Q2,UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Disk physical parameters not found>
CC1SU3:	MOVE T2,DSKSIZ(T2)	;get pointer to physical parameters table
	MOVEM T2,UDBSIZ(P3)	;save in UDB
	MOVE T3,CYLUNT(T2)	;;get number of cylinders
	MOVEM T3,CC1CYL(P3)	;save cylinders
	MOVE T3,SECCYL(T2)	;get 'sectors' (records) per cylinder
	MOVEM T3,CC1SCL(P3)	;save records/cyl
	MOVE T3,SECSRF(T2)	;get 'sectors' (records) per surface
	MOVEM T3,CC1SSF(P3)	;save records/surface
	IDIV T3,SECPAG(T2)	;get pages per surface
	MOVEM T3,CC1PSF(P3)	;save pages/surface
	MOVE T3,SECSRF(T2)	;get back 'sectors' per surface
	MOVE T1,USSECU(T2)	;get number of microseconds per "latency unit"
	LSH T1,6		;number of microseconds per RP04 'sector'
	IMULI T3,(T1)		;compute number of microseconds per surface
	MOVEM T3,CC1USF(P3)	;save microseconds per surface
	IDIVI T3,DPKSPT		;compute microseconds per HW sector
	MOVEM T3,CC1UHS(P3)	;store microseconds per HW sector
	MOVX T4,US.PRQ!US.DSK	;#500 disk, positioning required
	IORM T4,UDBSTS(P3)	;set status
	MOVX T4,C1.TIM		;#[T] collect timing data
	IORM T4,CC1STS(P3)	;#[T] .
	STOR Q1,USTYP,(P3)	;store device type
	CALL CC1GDL		;Get device list for channel
	 JRST CC1ALF		;allocation failure
	ADDI T1,(Q2)		;entry for this unit
	HRRZM T1,CC1DVL(P3)	;save address in UDB
	CALL CC1GSB		;get a sense buffer if none yet
	 JRST CC1ALF		;allocation failure
	SETZ T1,		;signal CC1MCP to allocate CP space
	CALL CC1MCP		;make a channel program
	 JRST CC1ALF		;allocation failure
	IORX T1,FLD(.BMXS,BMX%CM) ;block mux start program
	MOVEI T2,.IDDSK(Q2)	;get device address of unit
	STOR T2,BMX%DV,T1	;store device address in Mux pointer
	MOVEM T1,CC1SCP(P3)	;save for later insertion in DVL
	LOAD T1,SC%ADR,DPOSNP+1(T1) ;get address of sense buffer
	LOAD T1,BYTE0,1(T1)	;get sense byte 4
	MOVE T2,T1		;copy physical unit designator
	ANDI T1,7		;isolate drive index (0="A", 7="G")
	LSH T2,-6		;isolate controller bits
	IMULI T2,^D100		;multiply controller by 100
	ADDI T1,(T2)		;make <controller*100+drive>
	MOVEM T1,UDBDSN(P3)	;store in serial number word
	MOVX T1,CS.MUX		;show this is a multiplexor channel
	RETSKP			;now return UDB to caller

CC1ALF:	BUG(CC1AL2)		;<PHYC1 - insufficient uncached core for new disk unit>
	RETBAD			;show failure
	SUBTTL CC1SRC - Set up Read Count program

;CC1SRC - set up "Read Count" program: C800, H1, R1 
; T1/ channel program address
; RETURNS +1: Always 
;  T2, T3 destroyed

CC1SRC:				;set up read count program
	MOVEI T3,^D800		;Cylinder 800.
	STOR T3,DP%CYL,(T1)	;store in seek buffer
	MOVEI T3,^D1		;Surface 1
	STOR T3,DP%SRF,(T1)	;store in seek buffer
	STOR T3,DP%REC,(T1)	;Record 1: to seek buffer
	MOVE T3,DPKSEC(T3)	;get sector for this record
	STOR T3,DP%SEC,(T1)	;store in seek buffer
	MOVEI T3,.ICRDC		;read count command
	STOR T3,DP%CMD,(T1)	;store in command program
	MOVEI T3,.SCXCT!.SCILE!.SCBYT ;eXiCuTe, Ignore Length Error, BYTe mode
	STOR T3,DP%CCF,(T1)	;store flags
	LOAD T2,SC%ADR,DPOSNP+1(T1) ;address of sense buffer
	IORX T2,<IOW 8,.-.>	;8 byte read, no chaining
 	MOVEM T2,DPOADR(T1)	;store in program
	MOVX T2,<HLT.H>		;halt
	MOVEM T2,DPOADR+1(T1)	;end of program marker
	SUBTTL CC1LTM - compute best latency

;CC1LTM - Compute best latency 
; P1/ CDB 
; P3/ UDB 
; T1/ Minimum latency in microsecseconds (0 for command stacking computation)
;	CALL UDSLTM(ac)		;where ac/ CC1DSP 
; RETURNS +1: no requests available (always if T1 was 0) 
;  destroys P4-P5, T1-T4 
; RETURNS +2: request found 
;  T1/ Latency of closest request greater than specified minimum (uSEC) 
;  T2/ Predicessor of IORB corresponding to time in T1 
;  T3/ IORB corresponding to time in T1 
; NOTE: This routine does not function exactly as its parallel for RP04/6's,
; 	because we do not separate positioning and transfers.  This code
;	is therefore not going to help if a seek is still needed, but only
;	if we are really already on cylinder.  
;	This routine procedes as follows:
;	The IORB with the smallest latency greater than the
;	minimum is returned, along with its latency (same as for
;	RP04's), except that the code assumes we are on cylinder.
;	The positions used are HW sector numbers.  
; AC usage: 
;  Q1/ current cylinder 
;  Q2/ minimum latency,,current position
;  Q3/ best latency so far,,predecessor IORB 
;  P4/ current IORB 
;  P5/ predecessor to best IORB,,best IORB so far

CC1LTM:	JUMPE T1,R		;if command stacking, quit
	SAVEQ			;save Q registers
	DMOVE Q1,UDBPS1(P3)	;get current cylinder, sector within
	IDIV Q2,CC1PSF(P3)	;find out what page of surface we are on
	HRRZ Q2,DPKSEC+1(Q3)	;get HW sector we "SET SECTOR" to
	ADDI Q2,DPKSPR		;assume we are one record further
	CAIL Q2,DPKSPT		;wrap around?
	SUBI Q2,DPKSPT		;yes, position on next time around
	HRL Q2,T1		;minimum latency,,current pos
	HRROI Q3,UDBTWQ(P3)	;initialize best latency,,predecessor
	SETZB P4,P5		;initialize current and best IORBs
CC1LT3:	HRRZ P4,IRBLNK(Q3)	;set current from predecessor
	JUMPE P4,CC1LT5		;end of list?
	CALL CC1CNV		;no - get address. T2/ cyl, T3/ relative LRC
	MOVE T1,T3		;copy LRC relative to cyl
	IDIV T1,CC1PSF(P3)	;get T2/ page on the track
	HRRZ T1,DPKSEC+1(T2)	;get HW Sector
	SUBI T1,(Q2)		;compute distance to this request
	IMUL T1,CC1UHS(P3)	;compute latency to this request
	SKIPGE T1		;if negative,
	ADD T1,CC1USF(P3)	;get absolute distance
	HLRZ T2,Q2		;get minimum latency specified
	CAMGE T1,T2		;is this request greater?
	ADD T1,CC1USF(P3)	;no - must do it one revolution later
	HLRZ T2,Q3		;compare to best latency so far
	CAML T1,T2		;less?
	JRST CC1LT4		;no - do next request
	HRL Q3,T1		;yes - save as current best LAT
	MOVE P5,P4		;copy current IORB
	HRL P5,Q3		;copy predecessor IORB
CC1LT4:	HRR Q3,P4		;current IORB becomes predecessor 
	JRST CC1LT3		;look at next IORB
CC1LT5:	JUMPE P5,CC1LTE		;if none found, error
	HLRZ T1,Q3		;get best latency found
	HLRZ T2,P5		;get predecessor to best IORB
	HRRZ T3,P5		;get best IORB

CC1LTE:	BUG(CC1LTF)		;<PHYC1 - Failed to find TWQ entry at CC1LTM>
	SUBTTL CC1POS  - Position disk

;#[P] CC1POS - Positon for transfer (Seek)
;#[P]  P1/ CDB
;#[P]  P3/ UDB
;#[P]  P4/ IORB
;#[P] 	CALL UDBPOS(ac)		;where ac/ CC1DSP
;#[P]  RETURNS +1: failure (never)
;#[P]  RETURNS +2: success (always)

CC1POS:	SAVEQ			;#[P] save ACs
	CALL GETMST		;#[P] get time
	MOVEM T1,CC1PTM(P3)	;#[P] store time positioning started
	MOVEI Q1,0		;#[P] indicate positioning (no command)
	CALL CC1SET		;#[P] setup
	 RETBAD			;#[P] failure
	MOVE T1,CC1SCP(P3)	;#[P] get pointer to standard program	
	HRRI T1,DPOPSK(T1)	;#[P] point to the seek-only program
	CALL CC1GOM		;#[P] start I/O
	RETSKP			;#[P] return

;CC1SIO - Start I/O operation
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
;	CALL UDBSIO(ac)		;where ac/ CC1DSP
; RETURNS +1: failure
; RETURNS +2: success

	SKIPE UDBERC(P3)	;in error recovery?
	JRST [	CALL CC1GCP	;yes, get address of channel program
		JRST CC1SI1]	;and restart it
	CALL GETMST		;get time
	MOVEM T1,CC1TIM(P3)	;store time I/O started
	LDB T3,IRYFCN		;get function
	CAIG T3,MXCC1F		;check maximum legal
	SKIPN CC1FCN(T3)	;and one we can handle
	BUG(CC1FEX,<<T3,FUNCTION>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Illegal function>
	HLRZ Q1,CC1FCN(T3)	;translate function to hardware function
	CALL CC1SET		;setup
	 RETBAD			;failure
CC1SI1:	CALL CC1GOM		;start the I/O (Multiplexor mode)
	RETSKP			;give good return
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler

;CC1INT - handle interrupts
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
;	CALL UDSINT(ac)		;where ac/ CC1DSP
; RETURNS +1: Error detected
;  P4/ 0 : request PHYSIO to dismiss interrupt
;      negative : Request Schedule cycle
;      IORB : I/O completed on this IORB
;  P1,P3 only preserved
; RETURNS +2: success
;  P4/ 0 : request PHYSIO to dismiss interrupt
;      negative : Request Schedule cycle
;      IORB : I/O completed on this IORB
;  P1,P3 only preserved

CC1INT:	JUMPE P3,CC1ONL		;new device coming online
	MOVX T2,US.POS		;#[P] positioning?
	TDNE T2,UDBSTS(P3)	;#[P] ?
	JRST CC1INP		;#[P] yes
	MOVX T1,C1.TNK		;looking for device type?
	MOVX T2,US.ACT		;or not active?
	TDNE T2,UDBSTS(P3)	; not active?
	TDNE T1,CC1STS(P3)	; looking for type?
	TDZA P4,P4		;yes, show no IORB
	CALL SETIRB		;set up IORB in P4
	MOVE T3,CDBCS1(P1)	;get 1st word of channel status
	LOAD T4,S1%DVS,T3	;get device status
	CAIE T4,.S1CHE+.S1DVE	;check for normal case first
	JRST CC1UCI		;no, unusual contdition
CC1NRM:				;normal completion (CE+DE)
	MOVX T1,C1.SNS		;was this on a sense?
	TDNE T1,CC1STS(P3)	; ?
	JRST CC1SND		;yes, check sense info
	JUMPE P4,CC1INR		;handle completion if no IORB
	CALLRET CC1DUN		;finished.

CC1INP:				;#[P] interrupt when positioning
	SETZ P4,		;#[P] default case is "not done"
	MOVE T3,CDBCS1(P1)	;#[P] get channel status word 1
	LOAD T4,S1%DVS,T3	;#[P] get device status
	CAIE T4,.S1DVE		;#[P] normal case for seek completed?
	CAIN T4,.S1CHE+.S1DVE	;#[P] norm. case for seek completed immediately?
	JRST CC1PDN		;#[T] yes, positioning done
	CAIN T4,.S1CHE		;#[P] normal case for seek started?
	 RETSKP			;#[P] yes, return to PHYINT, not done
	JRST CC1UCI		;#[P] unusual case, try to handle

CC1PDN:	CALL PHYPDN		;#[P] say positioning done
	SETO P4,		;#[P] show scheduling wanted
	MOVX T2,C1.TIM		;#[T] ;#[P] timing?
	TDNN T2,CC1STS(P3)	;#[T] ;#[P] ?
	RETSKP			;#[T] ;#[P] no, return to PHYINT
	CALL GETMST		;#[T] ;#[P] get time
	SUB T1,CC1PTM(P3)	;#[T] ;#[P] subtract time positioning started
	ADDB T1,CC1PTM+1(P3)	;#[T] ;#[P] add to sum
	AOS T2,CC1PTM+2(P3)	;#[T] ;#[P] count times
	IDIV T1,T2		;#[T] ;#[P] compute average
	MOVEM T1,CC1PTM+3(P3)	;#[T] ;#[P] store average
	RETSKP			;#[P] return to PHYINT
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler: CC1UCI - unusual condition int.

CC1UCI:				;Unusual Condition Interrupt
	TRNE T4,.S1UCK		;is it a unit check?
	JRST CC1XER		;yes
	TRNE T4,.S1BSY		;rejected because of busy?
	JRST CC1BSY		;yes
	TRNE T4,.S1CUE		;control unit end?
	JRST CC1CUI		;yes
	TXNN T3,FLD(.S1SER!.S1BIP!.S1CSE!.S1PIF!.S1LNE,S1%CHS) ;Funny channel bits?
	TRNE T4,.S1ATN!.S1UEX	; or funny device bits?
	JRST CC1GBS		;funny bits, try to restart it
	TRNE T4,.S1DVE		;device end alone?
	JRST CC1DVE		;yes, Asynchronous, probably
				;channel end or nothing at all, ignore
	BUG(CC1FSB,<<T3,SW1>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Unusual status from disk>
CC1XND:	SETZ P4,		;show not done
	RETSKP			;do not indicate error

CC1GBS:	BUG(CC1BSB,<<T3,SW1>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Bad status bits>
CC1RDV:	MOVX T1,US.ACT		;see if device was active
	TDNN T1,UDBSTS(P3)	;was it active?
	JRST CC1XND		;no, just dismiss
CC1AGN:	MOVE T1,CC1CCP(P3)	;get current program pointer for unit
	CALL CC1GOM		;go restart operation
	JRST CC1XND		;dismiss interrupt

CC1DVE:				;here on device end alone
	MOVX T1,US.OFS		;see if it was offline
	TDNN T1,UDBSTS(P3)	;offline?
	BUG(CC1UDE,<<CDBCS1(P1),SW1>,<CDBCS2(P1),SW2>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;no <PHYC1 - Unexpected Device End>
CC1DV1:				;Device end 
	MOVX T1,C1.TNK		;is type undetermined yet?
	MOVX T2,US.ACT		;or is unit active?
	TDNN T2,UDBSTS(P3)	; active?
	TDNE T1,CC1STS(P3)	; type known?
	JRST CC1AGN		;unit active, or type unknown, try again
	CALL CC1DUP		;DE out of the blue, drive up now

CC1XER:				;exit, error detected
	JUMPE P4,CC1IER		;handle differently if initialization
	MOVX T1,IS.ERR		;error bit
	IORM T1,IRBSTS(P4)	;set error in IORB
	RETBAD			;indicate error to PHYSIO
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler: CC1BSY - Busy status

CC1BSY:				;busy seen
	MOVX T1,C1.SNS		;sense in progress?
	TDNE T1,CC1STS(P3)	; ?
	JRST CC1BSS		;yes, handle differently
;;#232	BUG(CC1BS1,<<CDBCS1(P1),SW1>,<CDBXFR(P1),OWNER>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Busy status from disk>
	MOVE T1,CC1CCP(P3)	;get pointer to current Channel Program
	MOVEM T1,@CC1DVL(P3)	;reset device list for whenever in mux mode
	JRST CC1XND		;exit, not done yet

CC1BSS:	BUG(CC1BS2,<<CDBCS1(P1),SW1>,<CDBXFR(P1),OWNER>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>)	;<PHYC1 - Busy status on Sense read>
	LOAD T1,CC1SPA		;get standard channel program address
	MOVEI T1,DPOSNP(T1)	;get address of sense program
	CALL CC1GOS		;(re)start in selector mode
	JRST CC1XND		;exit, not done yet
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler: CC1CUI - Control Unit end Int

CC1CUI:				;Control Unit End seen
; Any unit that got BSY should be ready to restart the next time I/O is
; started in MUX mode.  One would expect that this would be at the end of a
; sense, due to some Unit Check that caused the problem. Therefore we ignore
; the CUE.  Only time will tell if this was the correct procedure. -DRS
;;#232	BUG(CC1CUE,<<CDBCS1(P1),SW1>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Control Unit End seen>
	JRST CC1XND		;exit, not done yet
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler: CC1INR - Initialization Normal sts.

CC1INR:	MOVX T2,C1.TNK		;were we trying to find out unit type?
	TDNN T2,CC1STS(P3)	; ?
	JRST CC1UST		;no, that's funny
	MOVEI Q1,.UTCC2		;good status on access to C800, must be Mod II
	HRRZ Q2,UDBAKA(P3)	;get unit number
	CALL CC1SUN		;reset unit for correct type
	 RET			;just return if no core
	CALLRET CC1DUP		;Device UP (online)

CC1UST:	BUG(CC1UES,<<CDBCS1(P1),SW1>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - unexpected ending status>
	CALLRET CC1DUP		;force reread of home blocks
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler: CC1IER - Initialization Error sts.

CC1IER:				;error doing read count on Cyl 800
	MOVX T1,C1.SNS		;sense in progress bit
	TDZN T1,CC1STS(P3)	;already in progress?
	JRST CC1SEN		;no, do a sense
	BUG(CC1UCO,<<CDBCS1(P1),SW1>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Unit check on Sense: offline device>
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler: Sense operation completed

CC1SND:				;Sense done
	JUMPN P4,R		;ret if not new device, CC1ERR will handle
CC1ISN:				;Sense done for unit coming online
	ANDCAM T1,CC1STS(P3)	;clear sense in progress bit
	MOVE T1,@SSASBA(P1)	;get 1st word of sense buffer
	TXNN T1,SN%CRJ		;command reject?
	JRST CC1BPK		;no, ingore funny business
	CALLRET CC1DUP		;yes, must be MOD I, like we assumed

CC1BPK:				;seems to be a bad pack
	MOVX T1,CS.AC1		;clear bit saying channel is tied up
	RET			;but leave US.OFS & C1.TNK
	SUBTTL CC1INT - Interrupt handler: CC1DUP - Device UP subroutine

CC1DUP:				;device up
	MOVX T1,C1.TNK		;Type is now known
	ANDCAM T1,CC1STS(P3)	; ..
;#500 	MOVX T1,US.CHB!US.PSI	;#500 need to check home blocks
;#500 	SKIPL UDBSTR(P3)	;... if in a structure ...
;#500 	IORM T1,UDBSTS(P3)	;check home blocks
	SUBTTL CC1ONL - Interrupt from new device coming online

;CC1ONL - Interrupt from new device coming on line
; P1/ CDB
;	entered from CC1INT
; RETURNS +1: failed to initialize unit (resource problem)
;  T1-T4, Q1-Q4 destroyed
; RETURNS +2: success
;  P3/ UDB
;  T1-T4, Q1-Q4 destroyed

CC1ONL:	LOAD Q2,S1%DEV,CDBCS1(P1) ;get device code
	ANDI Q2,MAXSAU-1	;unit on SA10
	MOVEI Q1,.UTCC1		;assume MOD I for now
	CALL CC1IUN		;initialize unit
	 JRST [	SETZ P3,	;failed, no UDB
		RETBAD]		;failure return
	MOVX T1,C1.TNK		;show unit's type not known
	IORM T1,CC1STS(P3)	; ...
	MOVX T1,US.OFS		;show unit still not online
	IORM T1,UDBSTS(P3)	; ...
	LOAD T1,CC1SPA		;get address of channel program for unit
	CALL CC1SRC		;set up Read Count program
	CALL CC1GOM		;start I/O
	RETSKP			;return to SSAINT
	SUBTTL CC1ERR - Error handler

;CC1ERR - handle errors
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
;	CALL UDSERR(ac)		;where ac/ CC1DSP
; RETURNS +1: not done yet
; RETURNS +2: finished (hard eror or recovered)

CC1ERR:	SAVEQ			;save accumulators
	MOVX T1,IS.ERR		;is error bit still on?
	TDNN T1,IRBSTS(P4)	; ??
	JRST [	LDB T1,IRYFCN	;no, get function
		CAIN T1,IRFRED	;read?
		 CALL CC1ESR	;#431 ;#232 yes. count and BUGCHK if many
 		CAIN T1,IRFWRT	;write?
		 CALL CC1ESW	;#431 yes
		CALLRET CC1DUN]	;show that we are done
				;error bit still on.
	MOVX T1,C1.SNS		;test for sense in progress
	TDNN T1,CC1STS(P3)	;sense in progress?
	JRST CC1SEN		;no, do a sense
	ANDCAM T1,CC1STS(P3)	;clear sense in progress bit
	HRLZ T1,SSASBA(P1)	;get address of sense buffer read into
	HRRI T1,CC1SNB(P3)	;get address of sense buffer for device
	BLT T1,CC1SNB+5(P3)	;move sense bytes
	CALL CC1GO		;start it up again in multiplexor mode
	AOS Q3,UDBERC(P3)	;retry count
	SOJE Q3,CC1ER1		;if this was 1st error, save info
	MOVE T1,CC1ESB(P3)	;get 1st word of original sense bytes
	CAIE T1,SN%EDP		;was 1st error just statistics?
	JRST CC1ER2		;no, retain info about 1st error
	; ..
	; ..

; here on the first error, or 2nd if 1st was "statistics"

CC1ER1:	HRLZI T1,CC1SNB(P3)	;move from sense bytes
	HRRI T1,CC1ESB(P3)	; to error sense bytes
	BLT T1,CC1ESB+5(P3)	;move sense info

	HRRZ Q1,UDBERP(P3)	;get error block
	JUMPE Q1,CC1ER2		;none, no report
	MOVE T1,Q1		;copy error block address
	MOVE T2,[-CC1NDA,,CC1DAT] ;size & address of SEBCPY parms
	CALL SEBCPY		;copy some things to error block
	CALL PHYBLK		;get block number
	MOVEM T2,SEBDAT+MB%LOC(Q1) ;save in report

	LOAD T2,CC1SPA		;get channel program address
	MOVEI T2,DPORCL(T2)	;point to 1st command
	HRLZI T1,0(T2)		;point to 1st command
	HRRI T1,SEBDAT+SD%CP1(Q1) ;point into error block
	BLT T1,SEBDAT+SD%CP2-1(Q1) ;copy program
	HRLI T2,SD%CP1-SD%CP2	;negative length
	MOVEM T2,SEBDAT+SD%SCP(Q1) ;store pointer
	HRLI T1,CC1XCP+DPORCL	;point to eXtra channel program
	BLT T1,SEBDAT+SD%CPE-1(Q1) ;copy that program too
	MOVE T2,[SD%CP2-SD%CPE,,CC1XCP+DPORCL] ;neg count, loc of XCP
	; ..
	; ..
CC1ER2:				;not the first entry to error routine
	MOVE T1,CC1SNB(P3)	;get 1st word of sense bytes
	AOJE T1,CC1HRD		;still -1, no sense info read
	MOVX T1,IS.IER		;error recovery inhibited?
	TDNE T1,IRBSTS(P4)	; ??
	JRST CC1HRD		;yes, all errors are hard
	MOVE T4,CC1SNB(P3)	;get 1st 4 sense bytes
	CAMN T4,[SN%DC!SN%COR]	;correctable data check?
	JRST CC1CDC		;yes
	CAIN T4,SN%EDP		;statistics?
	JRST CC1EDP		;#462 yes, ignore, restart operation
	TXNE T4,SN%IRQ		;intervention required?
	JRST CC1IRQ		;yes
	TXNE T4,SN%WIN		;write inhibit?
	JRST CC1WLK		;yes
	TXNE T4,SN%DC		;data error?
	JRST CC1DAE		;yes
	MOVX T1,ES.DEV		;no, device error
	IORM T1,UDBERR(P3)	;indicate device error on unit
	MOVX T1,IS.DVE		;indicate device error ...
	IORM T1,IRBSTS(P4)	; ... on request too
	MOVE T1,Q3		;get retry count
	IDIVI T1,DEVCNT		;retry count/# of times to retry
	MOVE Q3,T1		;get dividend
	JUMPN T2,CC1TRY		;Simple retry unless MOD(retry count,DEVCNT)=0
	CAIG Q3,RCLCNT		;recalibrated enough?
	JRST CC1RCL		;no, recalibrate and try again
;;	CALLRET CC1HRD		;yes, call it a Hard Error

CC1HRD:	MOVX T1,ES.HRD		;indicate hard error
	IORM T1,UDBERR(P3)	; ... on unit
	MOVX T1,IS.NRT!IS.DVE	;indicate hard error
	IORB T1,IRBSTS(P4)	;#511  ... on request
	LDB T3,IRYFCN		;#511 get the function
	CAIN T3,IRFRED		;#511 read?
	 JRST [	AOS T2,UDBHRE(P3) ;#232 yes, one more hard read error
		TXNE T1,IS.SHT	;#511 No bugchk if not a short (PAGEM) IORB
		CALLRET CC1DUN]	;#232 .
;;;#232 CAIN T3,IRFWRT		;#511 write?
	AOS T2,UDBHWE(P3)	;yes, one more hard write error
	CALLRET CC1DUN		;return, saying we give up

HEX.60==6*^D16                  ;hex 60
CC1EDP:	LOAD T1,BYTE3,+CC1SNB+1(P3) ;#462 env. data: check format code
	CAIE T1,HEX.60          ;#462 is it format 6?
	BUG(CC1IS6,<<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;#462 no, bad
	CAIL Q3,DSKNTR		;#462 too many retrys?
	JRST CC1HRD		;#462 yes, very strange, give up
	JRST CC1TRY             ;#462 retry

CC1WLK:	MOVX T1,IS.WLK		;set write lock in IORB
	TXCA T1,<US.WLK^!IS.WLK> ;and mark only write lock in UDB
CC1IRQ:	MOVX T1,US.OFS!US.CHB	;mark offline, homeblock check needed
	IORM T1,UDBSTS(P3)	;mark in status
	JRST CC1HRD		;quit, indicating no more we can do

CC1DAE:	MOVX T1,ES.DAT		;data errors
	IORM T1,UDBERR(P3)	;mark in UDB
	MOVX T1,IS.DTE		;indicate data error
	IORM T1,IRBSTS(P4)	; ... on request also
HEX.40==4*^D16                  ;hex 40
HEX.4F==4*^D16+^D15             ;hex 4F
	LOAD T1,BYTE3,+CC1SNB+1(P3) ;#462 check format code
	CAIL T1,HEX.40          ;#462 is it format 4 (ECC correctable)?
	CAILE T1,HEX.4F         ;#462 is it format 4 (ECC correctable)?
	BUG(CC1IS4,<<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>,<T1,FMT>>) ;#462 no, bad
	CAIL Q3,DSKNTR		;too many retrys?
	JRST CC1HRD		;yes, give up
	JRST CC1TRY		;no, retry

CC1CDC:	MOVX T1,ES.ECC		;correctable data check
	IORM T1,UDBERR(P3)	; ... flag in UDB
HEX.50==5*^D16                  ;hex 50
HEX.5F==5*^D16+^D15             ;hex 5F
	LOAD T1,BYTE3,+CC1SNB+1(P3) ;#462 check format code
	CAIL T1,HEX.50          ;#462 is it format 5 (ECC correctable)?
	CAILE T1,HEX.5F         ;#462 is it format 5 (ECC correctable)?
	BUG(CC1IS5,<<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>,<T1,FMT>>) ;#462 no, bad
	CALL CC1ESR		;#431 count as a soft read error
	MOVE T3,CC1SNB+5(P3)	;get error pattern
	TXZ T3,^-<BYTE(8)-1,-1,-1> ;3 bytes only
	MOVEI T4,0		;make word pair in T3,T4
	LDB T1,[POINT 16,CC1SNB+4(P3),31] ;get position from end
	MOVNS T1		;negative count
	ADDI T1,NBREC		;number of bytes per record - count
	IDIVI T1,^D9		;T1/ word pairs, T2/ bytes to err
	ADDI T1,(T1)		;convert # of double words to # of words
	IMULI T2,-^D8		;convert # of bytes to negative # of bits
	ROTC T3,(T2)		;move the error bits around
	ROT T4,4		;odd word= bytes 5,6,7,8, last 4 bits of 4
	CAML T2,[7*<0,,-^D8>]	;byte 7 or 8?
	AOJA T1,[EXCH T3,T4	;yes, 1st byte is odd, exchange patterns
		JRST .+1]	;and continue
	SKIPE T3		;don't bother if no need
	CALL CC1XOR		;XOR into buffer if bytes are in buffer
	ADDI T1,1		;next word
	SKIPE T3,T4		;next pattern, skip if nothing to do
	CALL CC1XOR		;XOR into buffer if bytes are in buffer
	MOVX T1,IS.ERR		;error bit
	ANDCAM T1,IRBSTS(P4)	;turn off
	MOVX T1,C1.RMW		;read/modify/write cycle?
	TDNE T1,CC1STS(P3)	; ??
	JRST [	XORM T1,CC1STS(P3) ;yes, change from RBW to WAR
		MOVE T1,CC1SCP(P3) ;get pointer to rest of CP 
		CALLRET CC1GOM]	;make transfer resume
	SOS UDBERC(P3)		;not a retry
	CALLRET CC1DUN		;say we are done

CC1ESR:	AOS T2,UDBSRE(P3)	;#431 ;#232 count soft read errors
	TRNN T2,<^D32-1>	;#232 multiple of 32?
	RET			;#431 return

CC1ESW:	AOS T2,UDBSWE(P3)	;#431 count soft write errors
	TRNN T2,<^D32-1>	;#431 ;#232 multiple of 32?
	RET			;#431 return
	SUBTTL CC1SEN - Do a Sense operation

;CC1SEN - Do a Sense on device
; T1/ C1.SNS
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; Returns +1: always
; T1,T2 destroyed

CC1SEN:	IORM T1,CC1STS(P3)	;turn on "sense in progress" bit
	DMOVE T1,CDBCS1(P1)	;get status words
	DMOVEM T1,CC1ES1(P3)	;save them for later
	LOAD T1,CC1SPA		;get standard channel program address
	MOVEI T1,DPOSNP(T1)	;get address of sense program
	HRRZ T2,1(T1)		;get address of sense buffer
	SETOM 0(T2)		;set invalid sense
	CALL CC1GOS		;start the I/O, selector channel mode
	RET			;not done yet

;CC1GOS - Start I/O in selector channel mode
; T1/ address of channel program (CP)
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; RETURNS +1: always
;  T1,T2 destroyed

CC1GOS:	HRLI T1,(TCH)		;add transfer command to CP address
	MOVX T2,CS.AC1		;set channel active, if not already, so ...
	IORM T2,CDBSTS(P1)	; ... that no other things will start on it
	HRRZ T2,UDBAKA(P1)	;get unit
	MOVEM T2,CDBXFR(P1)	;show who owns the channel now
	JRST CC1GO1		;store in base and start I/O

;CC1GOM - Start I/O in multiplexor channel mode
; T1/ address of channel program
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; RETURNS +1: always
;  T1,T2 destroyed

CC1GOM:	MOVE T2,T1		;copy address
	MOVE T1,CC1SCP(P3)	;get standard channel program
	STOR T2,BMX%AD,T1	;put in current address
	MOVEM T1,@CC1DVL(P3)	;store entry for this unit
	MOVEM T1,CC1CCP(P3)	;remember current entry
	HRROS CDBXFR(P1)	;nobody owns channel, but recall who was last

;CC1GO - (Re)Start I/O in multiplexor channel mode
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; RETURNS +1: always
;  T1,T2 destroyed

CC1GO:	MOVX T1,CS.ACT		;set channel not active, so ...
	ANDCAM T1,CDBSTS(P1)	; ... that other units can be started
	MOVE T1,SSADVL(P1)	;get pointer to device list
CC1GO1:	CALLRET SSAGO		;start the I/O
	SUBTTL CC1XOR - XOR ECC bits into buffer

;CC1XOR - XOR ECC bits in T3 into user buffer at position T1
; T1/ Displacement into block of 1st byte of correction
; T3/ Correction bits
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; All AC's preserved

CC1XOR:	SAVET			;save temp AC'S
	LOAD T4,CC1SPA		;get channel program address
	MOVX T2,C1.RMW		;test for Read-Modify-Write cycle
	TDNE T2,CC1STS(P3)	;RMW in progress?
	MOVEI T4,CC1XCP		;yes, use CP of the Read
CC1XO1:	LOAD T2,SC%CNT,DPOADR(T4) ;get count
	JUMPE T2,CC1XO3		;zero count is end of CP
	ORCMI T2,.RTJST(SC%CNT,SC%CNT) ;extend sign
	ADD T1,T2		;sub count from displacement
	JUMPL T1,CC1XO2		;jump if word was in this buffer
	MOVX T2,SC%LST		;see if data chaining
	TDNN T2,DPOADR(T4)	;test for data chaining
	AOJA T4,CC1XO1		;yes, process next IOW
	RET			;no, done 

CC1XO2:	SUB T1,T2		;compute displacement into buffer
	LOAD T2,SC%ADR,DPOADR(T4) ;get buffer address
	JUMPE T2,CC1XO3		;zero address means no data transfer
	ADD T1,T2		;compute address of word to change
	CALL PHYMOV		;get the word
	XOR T2,T3		;correct it
	CALL PHYSTO		;put the word back
CC1XO3:	RET			;return
	SUBTTL CC1DUN - Finish up completed request

;CC1DUN - I/O done - finish up 
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
;	CALL CC1DUN		;(actually called with CALLRET CC1DUN
;				; so a skip return, meaning DONE, is
;				; given to PHYSIO from CC1INT or CC1ERR)
; RETURNS +2: Always
;  T1-T3 destroyed

CC1DUN:				;I/O done (success or failure)
	LDB T3,IRYFCN		;get function code
	CALL PHYCNT		;get length of transfer
	LSH T1,-7		;as blocks
	MOVX T2,C1.RMW		;read/modify/write cycle?
	TDNE T2,CC1STS(P3)	; ??
	 JRST [	ANDCAM T2,CC1STS(P3) ;yes, clear bits
		SETZM CC1XCP	;clear flag saying CC1PG in use
		AOS CC1RMW(P3)	;count occurrances
		JRST .+1]
	CAIN T3,IRFRED		;read?
	ADDM T1,UDBRED(P3)	;yes, count it
	CAIN T3,IRFWRT		;write?
	ADDM T1,UDBWRT(P3)	;yes, count it
	MOVX T2,C1.RCL		;clear bits related to this I/O
	TXNN T2,C1.TIM		;#[T] doing timing statistics?
	RETSKP			;#[T] no
	CALL GETMST		;#[T] get time
	SUB T1,CC1TIM(P3)	;#[T] subtract time I/O started
	ADDB T1,CC1TIM+1(P3)	;#[T] add to sum
	AOS T2,CC1TIM+2(P3)	;#[T] count times
	IDIV T1,T2		;#[T] compute average
	MOVEM T1,CC1TIM+3(P3)	;#[T] store average
	RETSKP			;I/O op done, return IORB

;CC1SET - setup for I/O operation
; Q1/ Command code (IBM)
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
; RETURNS +1: unable to start partial page write because CC1PG is busy
; RETURNS +2: success
;  T1/ Device list entry

CC1SET:	MOVX T1,US.WLK!US.OFS	;clear write locked and offline
	CALL CC1CNV		;get HW address
	CAME T2,UDBPS1(P3)	;same cylinder as last time?
	AOS UDBSEK(P3)		;no, count it as another seek
	DMOVEM T2,UDBPS1(P3)	;save cylinder, remainder
	CALL CC1GHA		;get HW fmt address
	LOAD Q3,CC1SPA		;get address of standard CP
	DMOVEM T2,DPOSEK(Q3)	;store seek arguments
	JUMPE Q1,RSKP		;#[P] quit now if just postioning
	LOAD T1,DP%REC,(Q3)	;get physical record number
	MOVE T1,DPKSEC(T1)	;get sector for that record
	JFCL			;room to patch in modifying instruction
	ANDI T1,DPKSPT-1	;don't let it get out of range
	STOR T1,DP%SEC,(Q3)	;store for set-sector command
	STOR Q1,DP%CMD,(Q3)	;store command code
	MOVEI T1,.SCXCT		;normal flags: eXeCuTe
	STOR T1,DP%CCF,(Q3)	;store flags
	CALL PHYCNT		;get word count
	CAIE T1,PGSIZ		;is it one page?
	JRST CC1SE1		;no, it's a hard one
	TXNN T3,DP%LRC		;make sure it is on page boundary
	JRST CC1SE9		;it is
	BUG(CC1IRN,<<T3,UDBPS2>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>)	;<PHYC1 - Illegal record number for page I/O>
	RETBAD			;fail (hope it was bad DSKOP)

CC1SE9:	CALL CC1GIW		;get IOW for user data in T1
CC1SE6:	MOVEM T1,DPOADR(Q3)	;store last IOW in CP
	MOVX T1,<HLT.C>		;end of CP command, do not hang when done
	MOVEM T1,DPOADR+1(Q3)	;terminate CP
	CALL CC1GCP		;get starting address of appropriate CP
	RETSKP			;setup done
CC1SE1:				;here when transfer not a page
	CAIL T1,PGSIZ		;is it less than a page?
	BUG(CC1ISZ,<<T1,SIZE>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - Illegal size for disk I/O>
	CAIN Q1,.ICWRD		;is it a write?
	JRST CC1SE3		;yes, that's harder still
	MOVX T1,FLD(.SCILE,SC%CCF) ;ignore length error bit
	IORM T1,DPOOPC(Q3)	;turn bit on (want to ignore length error)
	LOAD T1,DP%LRC,(Q3)	;get logical record number (0,1,2, or 3)
	JUMPE T1,CC1SE9		;1st logical record: nothing to skip
	HLLZ T1,CC1IO1-1(T1)	;Get IOW to skip 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 pg
	MOVEM T1,DPOADR(Q3)	;store in CP
	AOJA Q3,CC1SE9		;adjust CP pointer and finish CP

CC1SE3:				;partial page write.
	SKIPE CC1XCP		;see if blocking page is in use
	RETBAD			;yes, cannot do the write now
	MOVE T4,T1		;save count for later
	MOVX T1,C1.RBW		;read/modify/write sequence needed
	IORM T1,CC1STS(P3)	;remember special sequence
	HRLZ T1,Q3		;get address of CP for this device
	MOVEI T2,CC1XCP		;destination CP
	ADD T1,[DPORCL,,CC1XCP+DPORCL] ;from recal of dev CP to recal of xtra
	BLT T1,DPOOPC-1(T2)	;move it, devadrs and all
	MOVEI T1,DPOOPC-3(T2)	;address of seek
	HRRM T1,DPOOPC-1(T2)	;put it in the 'TCH'
	LOAD T3,DP%DEV,(Q3)	;get device address
	STOR T3,DP%DEV,(T2)	;store device address for read
	HRRM Q3,DPOADR+1(T2)	;store addr of normal CP in TCH in xtra prog.
	MOVEI T3,.ICRDD		;want to read in the page
	STOR T3,DP%CMD,(T2)	;store the read command
	LOAD T3,DP%LRC,(Q3)	;get logical record to write
	JUMPE T3,CC1SE5		;first one, that is special
	MOVE T2,CC1IO1-1(T3)	;get 1/4, 2/4 or 3/4 page IOW from CC1PGA
	MOVEM T2,DPOADR(Q3)	;store
	AOJ Q3,			;bump pointer
CC1SE5:	LSH T3,^D35-POS(PGSIZ/4) ;# records times length of each
	ADDB T3,T4		;add counts together
	SUBI T3,PGSIZ		;subtract page size to get neg. remainder
	JUMPE T3,CC1SE9		;no remainder, finish CP
	CALL CC1GIW		;get IOW for user data in T1
	TXZ T1,SC%LST		;show this is not last IOW
	MOVEM T1,DPOADR(Q3)	;store in CP
	MOVEI T1,CC1PGA(T4)	;address of remainder of page
	STOR T3,SC%CNT,T1	;store count, making IOW
	TXO T1,SC%LST		;set as last IOW
	AOJA Q3,CC1SE6		;store IOW and terminate CP

; partial page IOW's - use full word for to/from CC1PGA, use LH,0 for skips

CC1IO1:	IOW PGSIZ*1/4,CC1PGA,C	; 1/4 pg 
CC1IO2:	IOW PGSIZ*2/4,CC1PGA,C	; 1/2 pg 
CC1IO3:	IOW PGSIZ*3/4,CC1PGA,C	; 3/4 pg 
	SUBTTL CC1GCP - Get Channel program address
;CC1GCP - Get address of approptiate channel program
; P1/ CDB
; P2/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
; Returns +1: always
;  T1/ pointing to beginning of appropriate CP

CC1GCP:	MOVE T1,CC1SCP(P3)	;get beginning of standard CP
	MOVE T2,CC1STS(P3)	;get status
	TXNE T2,C1.RBW		;is this Read Before Write?
	HRRI T1,CC1XCP		;yes, start CP elsewhere
	TXNE T2,C1.RCL		;recalibrate needed?
	HRRI T1,DPORCL(T1)	;yes, start at recalibrate command
	MOVEM T1,CC1CCP(P3)	;save current channel program pointer
	RET			;return
	SUBTTL CC1GDL - Get Device List for channel

;CC1GDL - Get Device List
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; Returns +1: failed - no device list yet and no space available
; Returns +2: success - device list is set up, pointed to by SSADVL(P1)
;  T1/ address of device list 

CC1GDL:	SKIPE T1,SSADVL(P1)	;got one already?
	 RETSKP			;yes
	MOVEI T1,MAXSAU+1	;length needed
	CALL SSAALC		;get the space
	 RETBAD			;failure
	HRLI T1,(BMX.LP)	;set for multiplexor channel
	MOVEM T1,SSADVL(P1)	;save pointer to device list for SSABAS
	PUSH P,T2		;save AC
	MOVX T2,<FLD(.BMXT,BMX%CM)+FLD(.IDDSK,BMX%DV)> ;terminated cmd
	HRLI T1,-MAXSAU		;put count of devices in LH for AOBJN
	MOVEM T2,0(T1)		;initialize 1
	AOBJN T1,.-1		;initialize them all
	SETZM 0(T1)		;end of list indicator
	HRRZ T1,SSADVL(P1)	;get back pointer
	POP P,T2		;restore AC
	RETSKP			;give good return
	SUBTTL CC1MCP - Make Channel Program 

;CC1MCP - Make Channel Program
; P1/ CDB
; T1/ Where to move channel program, or 0 to allocate space
; Q2/ Unit number
; Returns +1: failure to allocate space (only if T1 was 0)
; Returns +2: success
;  T1/ address of channel program
;  T2,T3,T4 destroyed

CC1MCP:	JUMPN T1,CC1MC1		;jump if destination specified
	MOVEI T1,DPOLEN		;how much space is needed
	CALL SSAALC		;allocate space in un-cached page
	 RETBAD			;failure if no space
CC1MC1:	PUSH P,T1		;save address
	ADDI Q2,.IDDSK		;make device address
	MOVE T2,[-DPOLEN,,CC1PCP+DPORCL] ;AOBJN pointer for move
CC1MC2:	MOVE T3,0(T2)		;get 1 word
	LOAD T4,SC%CCF,T3	;get channel flags
	CAIN T4,.RTJST(TCH,SC%CCF) ;is it a transfer-in-channel?
	JRST CC1MC4		;yes, fixup address
	CAIE T4,.RTJST(HLT.C,SC%CCF) ;is it a halt (continue)
	CAIN T4,.RTJST(HLT.H,SC%CCF) ;is it a halt (hang)
	JRST CC1MC5		;halt - no fixup needed
	STOR Q2,SC%DEV,T3	;store device address in command
	TXNE T4,.SCNMX		;memory transfer?
	JRST CC1MC5		;no, store and go on to next command
	MOVEM T3,0(T1)		;yes, store the command
	ADDI T1,1		;point to where the IOW goes
	AOBJN T2,.+1		;point to source IOW
	MOVE T3,0(T2)		;get the IOW
CC1MC4:	TRNN T3,-1		;is there an address here?
	JRST CC1MC5		;no, leave it zero
	SUBI T3,0(T2)		;compute displacement from source
	ADDI T3,0(T1)		;make address in destination
CC1MC5:	MOVEM T3,0(T1)		;store the fixed-up cmd word
	ADDI T1,1		;next cmd stg location
	AOBJN T2,CC1MC2		;next word to move, if any more
	POP P,T1		;restore destination address
	MOVEI T1,-DPORCL(T1)	;point to normal starting cmd
	SKIPN T2,SSASBA(P1)	;get address of sense buffer for this channel
	MOVEI T2,CC1PGA		;not set up yet, use our special page
	STOR T2,SC%ADR,DPOSNP+1(T1) ;store in sense program
	SUBI Q2,.IDDSK		;make unit number again
	RETSKP			;return with T1/ CP
	SUBTTL CC1GSB - Get a Sense Buffer for channel

;CC1GSB - Get Sense Buffer for channel
; P1/ CDB
; Returns +1: failure - no space
; Returns +2: success - address of sense buffer stored in SSASBA(P1)
;  T1/ Address of sense buffer

CC1GSB:	SKIPE T1,SSASBA(P1)	;get address of sense buffer if exists
	 RETSKP			;return with Sense buffer address
	MOVEI T1,6		;need 24 bytes for sense buffer
	CALL SSAALC		;allocate core
	 RETBAD			;no space
	MOVEM T1,SSASBA(P1)	;save address for later
	RETSKP			;return successfully
	SUBTTL CC1GIW - get I/O word for transfer

;CC1GIW - Get I/O word for this transfer (and flush XFR page from cache)
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
; Q1/ IBM command code (either .ICWRD or command is a "read")
; RETURNS +1: always
;  T1/ IOW for transfer
;  T2 destroyed

CC1GIW:				;get I/O word
	PUSH P,T3		;save T3
	PUSH P,T4		;save T4
	CALL PHYXFL		;get I/O list
	CAIE T1,-1(T2)		;one word list?
	BUG(CC1LTL,<<T1,FIRST>,<T2,LAST>,<UDBAKA(P3),UNIT>,<SSASCI(P1),SUBCHN>>) ;<PHYC1 - I/O list too long>
	LOAD T1,SC%PAG,(T1)	;get page of user buf
	CAIN Q1,.ICWRD		;if this is a write, ...
	CALL CASHVP		;... then validate page from cache
	CAIE Q1,.ICWRD		;if not a write, ...
	CALL CASHIP		;... then just invalidate page
	MOVE T1,-1(T2)		;get the IOW
	MOVEM T1,CC1IOW(P3)	;save in case of error
	POP P,T4		;restore AC
	POP P,T3		;restore AC

;CC1CNV - convert to cylinder, 'sector' within cylinder, given IORB
; P3/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
;	CALL UDSCNV(ac)		;where ac/ CC1DSP
; RETURNS +1: always
;  T2/ Cylinder (for UDBPS1)
;  T3/ 'Sector' within cylinder (for UDBPS2)

CC1CNV:	CALL PHYBLK		;get unit relative block number
	HRRZ T3,CC1SCL(P3)	;get 'sectors' per cylinder
	IDIVI T2,(T3)		;convert

;CC1GHA - get HWFMT cylinder/surface/record address
; T2/ Cylinder
; T3/ 'sector' within cylinder
; P3/ UDB
; RETURNS +1: always
;  T2/ HWFMT 1st word of seek: search address containing cylinder
;  T3/ HWFMT 2nd word of seek: search address containing surface, record,
;			quarter page within physical record
;  T4 destroyed

CC1GHA:	HRRZ T4,CC1SSF(P3)	;get records per surface
	IDIVI T3,(T4)		;get surface, record
	LSH T2,<^D35-POS(DP%CYL)> ;position cylinder for hardware
	LSH T3,<^D35-POS(DP%SRF)> ;position surface
	DPB T4,[POINTR(T3,DP%REC!DP%LRC)] ;insert record, logical record
	ADDI T3,FLD(1,DP%REC)	;record numbers start with 1
; note that T3 will work as the 2nd word of seek/search arguments, and
; if this is not a normal 1 page transfer, byte 3 contains which quarter
;  of the page to start with.
	SUBTTL Retry routines CC1RCL, CC1TRY

;CC1RCL, CC1TRY - retry a transfer after an error, W/ or W/O recalibrate
; P1/ CDB
; P3/ UDB
; P4/ IORB
; RETURNS +1: transfer restarted
;  P4/ 0
; Returns +2: failure, hard error recorded

CC1RCL:	MOVX T1,C1.RCL		;retry with recalibrate
	IORM T1,CC1STS(P3)	;set recalibrate bit

CC1TRY:	MOVX T1,C1.RCL		;retry without recalibrate
	ANDCAM T1,CC1STS(P3)	;turn off recalibrate bit

CC1TR0:	CALL SETIO		;clear error bits in IORB, CDBDSP to T1
	CALL CDSSIO(T1)		;start I/O
	 JRST CC1HRD		;very strange
	SETZ P4,		;tell PHYSIO to dismiss the interrupt
	RET			;and wait for next one