
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - steco_19840320_1er_E35 - 10,5676/teco/newsrc/tectek.mac
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	SUBTTL	Introduction

; Copyright (c) 1980 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey
; 07030.

; This software may be used and copied provided that this copyright notice
;is included, and provided that copies of all modifications are sent to:
;	TECO Project
;	Computer Center
;	Stevens Institute of Technology
;	Castle Point Station
;	Hoboken, New Jersey    07030
; The information in this software is subject to change without notice
; and should not be construed as a commitment by Stevens Institute of
; Technology.

  ; Search needed universals

	SEARCH	TECUNV		; TECO universal file

  ; Generate the prologue

	TECVER==200		; Major version number
	TECMIN==0		; Minor version number
	TECEDT==1067		; Edit level
	TECWHO==0		; Last editor

	PROLOGUE(TEK,<TECO Tektronix terminal support routines>)	; Generate the TITLE and other stuff

	$CODE			; Put into code PSECT
	SUBTTL	Table of Contents

	SUBTTL	Revision History

1000	Start of this version

1056	By: Nick Bush		On: 21-November-1980
	Add routines for Tektronix 4025.
	Also fix an off by one case with Hazeltine 1420's.

1061	By: Nick Bush		On: 18-December-1980
	1) Finish and debug Tektronix 4025 support.
	2) Add FW command.
	3) Add capability of logging screen update info in log file.

1067	By: Robert McQueen/Nick Bush		On: 6-January-1981
	The cost algorithms where wrong for a few cases (ANSII mode positioning
	only).  Fix them.
	SUBTTL	Macro definitions

; Macro to define a word of five characters

<	BYTE	(7)A,B,C,D,E>
	SUBTTL	Tables -- Tektronix 4025

	ND	D$NLIN,	^D34	; Number of lines to use (1-34)

 CRTENT	INT,<PUSHJ P,T25INT>	; Initialize the terminal handling
 CRTENT	WID,^D79		; 80 wide by
 CRTENT	LIN,D$NLIN		; whatever
 CRTENT	BCK,<TB(.CHCNH)>	; Back cursor (non-destructive)
 CRTENT	CIN,<PUSHJ P,T25CIN>	; Cost initialization
 CRTENT	CRP,<PUSHJ P,T25CRP>	; Cost of replace character
 CRTENT	CIC,<PUSHJ P,T25CIC>	; Cost of insert character
 CRTENT	CDC,<PUSHJ P,T25CDC>	; Cost of delete character
 CRTENT	CIL,<PUSHJ P,T25CIL>	; Cost of insert line
 CRTENT	CDL,<PUSHJ P,T25CDL>	; Cost of delete line
 CRTENT	CPP,<PUSHJ P,T25CPP>	; Cost of point to point move
 CRTENT	SPC,<[$STRING(<RIG^M^J>)]> ; Forward cursor (non-destructive)
 CRTENT	DBS,<TB(" ",.CHCNH)>	; String to delete a character
 CRTENT	DLF,<PUSHJ P,T25DLF>	; Routine to delete a line feed
 CRTENT	DVT,<PUSHJ P,T25DVT>	; Routine to delete a veritcal tab
 CRTENT	DFF,<PUSHJ P,T25DFF>	; Routine to delete a form feed
 CRTENT	CRB,<TB(.CHCNH)>	; String to cancel effect of rubout
 CRTENT	FIN,<PUSHJ P,T25FIN>	; String to put cursor home
 CRTENT	ERS,<[$STRING(<ERADOW^M^J>)]> ; String to home and erase screen
 CRTENT	DEL,<PUSHJ P,T25DEL>	; String to delete to end of line
 CRTENT	DSP,.CHSPC		; Destructive forward space
 CRTENT	INL,<PUSHJ P,T25INL>	; Routine to insert lines
 CRTENT	DLL,<PUSHJ P,T25DLL>	; Routine to delete lines
 CRTENT	DCH,<PUSHJ P,T25DCH>	; Routine to delete a character
 CRTENT	ICH,<PUSHJ P,T25ICH>	; Routine to insert a character
 CRTENT	TCH,<PUSHJ P,T25TCH>	; Routine to type a character
 CRTENT	XYP,<PUSHJ P,T25XY>	; XY positioning instruction
 CRTENT CDE,<PUSHJ P,T25CDE>	; Routine to get cost to delete to end of line
	SUBTTL Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete the end of line

;.hl1 T25DEL
;This routine will delete to the end of the line.
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	T1,# of characters to delete
;.end literal

; Note that the 4025 does not have a real delete to end of line
;sequence. However, it does have a delete character operation. The
;delete to end of line can therefore be simulated by the delete character.
;Since the delete character takes at least 6 characters to work, we will
;delete up to 6 characters by spacing over them, and 7 or more by
;the delete character sequence.

T25DEL:	SKIPN	INSFLG		; In insert mode?
	 CAXL	T1,^D7		; Enough to make it worthwhile?
	 JRST	.+2		; If in insert mode, can't overwrite chars
	  PJRST	SC$DEL		; No, use spacing over the characters
	$SAVE	<P1>		; Yes, save P1
	MOVE	P1,T1		; Get the count
	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<DCH^D/P1/^M^J>)] ; Get the string
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Print it out

	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Cost to delete to end of line

;.HL1 T25CDE
; This routine will return the cost of deleting to the end of line.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,Number of characters on line
;	(return, cost in T1)
;.end lit

T25CDE:	CAXG	T1,^D6		; If only 6 chars, use num chars as cost
	 POPJ	P,		;  .  .  .
	CAXLE	T1,^D9		; More than 10 chars?
	 SKIPA	T1,[EXP ^D8]	; Yes, need 8 chars
	  MOVX	T1,^D7		; No, only 7 chars
	POPJ	P,		; Return
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Initialization routine

;.HL1 T25INT
;This routine will initialize the terminal handling routines for the
;specific terminal.
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

; This will set up the terminal as follows:
;	Workspace length D$NLIN.
;	Margins 1,80

T25INT:	SETZM	INSFLG		; Flag not in insert mode
	MOVX	T4,D$NLIN	; Get the number of lines
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Output the initialization string

	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Reset terminal

;.HL1 T25FIN
;This routine will reset the terminal to set up for exiting from
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25FIN:	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<COM~^M^J>)] ; Get the string to reset the character
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Output it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- XY positioning

;.hl1 H19XY
;This routine will do the positioning.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	X,X.postion
;	MOVE	Y,Y.postion
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.index
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25XY:	$SAVE	<X,Y>		; Save X and Y
	DMOVE	T1,CURPOS	; Get the current position
	DMOVEM	X,CURPOS	; Save the current position
	SUB	T1+$OFSX,X	; Determine if it is an up/down/right/left by one
	SUB	T1+$OFSY,Y	;  movement
	SKIPE	T1+$OFSX	; Is the X zero ?
	 SKIPN	T1+$OFSY	; Or the Y ?
	  SKIPA			; Yes - Handle differently
	JRST	T25XYA		; No - Handle normally
	JUMPN	T1+$OFSX,T25XYX	; Just moving in the X direction
	JUMPN	T1+$OFSY,T25XYA	; Just moving in the Y direction
	POPJ	P,		; If we get here, we don't have to move at all

; Here if we are just moving in the X direction

T25XYX:	SETZM	INSFLG		; No longer in insert mode after this operation
	JUMPL	T1+$OFSX,T25XYA	; If going right, just go do it
	CAXLE	T1+$OFSX,^D6	; For 6 or less columns, use backspaces
	 JRST	T25XYA		; Otherwise use positioning op
	$SAVE	<CH>		; Save CH
	MOVX	CH,.CHCNH	; Get the backspace character
	PUSHJ	P,SC$IMG	; Output it
	SOJG	T1+$OFSX,.-1	; Loop for enough positions
	POPJ	P,		; And return

; Here if we are not moving on the same line or same column.
; We must do the full addressing operation

T25XYA:	SETZM	INSFLG		; Not in insert mode now
	SETZ	T3,		; Assume plus X and plus Y
	JUMPGE	T1+$OFSX,.+2	; Positive X?
	 AOJ	T3,		; No, bump the index
	JUMPGE	T1+$OFSY,.+2	; Positive Y?
	 ADDI	T3,2		; No, bump the index
	MOVM	X,T1+$OFSX	; Get the amount to move
	MOVM	Y,T1+$OFSY	; And the other
	MOVE	T1,ADRTBL(T3)	; Get the string
	SKIPN	X		; Any X movement?
	 MOVE	T1,ADYTBL(T3)	; No, only Y movement
	SKIPN	Y		; Any Y movement?
	 MOVE	T1,ADXTBL(T3)	; No, only X movement
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And output it



	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete a line feed

;.HL1 T25DLF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a line feed.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25DLF:	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<UP^M^J>)] ; Get the up cursor string
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Output it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete a vertical tab

;.HL1 T25DVT
;This routine will send the character string to delete a vertical tab.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25DVT:	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<UP4^M^J>)] ; Get the string to delete 4 line feeds
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And print it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete a form feed

;.HL1 T25DFF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a form feed.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25DFF:	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<UP8^M^J>)] ; Get the string to delete 4 line feeds
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And print it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Insert character

;This routine will cause a character to be inserted.  It is called
;with the character.  It is assumed that the positioning has been done
;before this routine is called.
; Usage:
;	MOVX	CH,Character
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;.end literal

T25ICH:	SKIPE	INSFLG		; In insert mode ?
	 PJRST	SC$CHR		; Yes, Just type the character
	$SAVE	<T1>		; Save T1
	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<ICH;>)] ; Get the string to start insertion
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Type it
	SETOM	INSFLG		; Flag we are in insert character now
	PJRST	SC$CHR		; And type the character
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Type a character

;.HL1 T25TCH
;This routine will type a character on the terminal.  It will first check
;to see if the terminal is in insert character mode and take it out if it
;is in insert character mode.
; Usage:
;	MOVX	CH,Character
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25TCH:	SKIPN	INSFLG		; In insert character mode ?
	 PJRST	SC$CHR		; No - Type the character
	PUSH	P,CH		; Save CH
	MOVX	CH,.CHCRT	; Get the CR to end the insert
	PUSHJ	P,SC$IMG	; Output it
; Following two instructions might be necessary
	SETZM	CURPOS+$OFSX	; Clear the column
	AOS	CURPOS+$OFSY	; And bump the line number
	POP	P,CH		; Restore CH
	PJRST	SC$CHR		; And type the character
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete N lines

;.HL1 T25DLL
;This routine will cause N lines to be deleted from the screen.  It is
;called with a repeat count.
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	T1,Repeat.count
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25DLL:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	SETZM	INSFLG		; Not insert mode anymore
	MOVE	P1,T1		; Get the number to delete
	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<DLI^D/P1/^M^J>)] ; Get the string
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And go output it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Insert N lines

;.HL1 T25INL
;This routine will cause N lines to be inserted on the screen.  It is
;called with a repeat count.
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	T1,Repeat.count
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25INL:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	SETZM	INSFLG		; No longer in insert mode
	MOVE	P1,T1		; Get the count
	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<UPILI^D/P1/^M^J>)] ; Get the string
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Output it
	SOJ	P1,		; Decrement the count of lines
	ADDM	P1,CURPOS+$OFSY	; And fix up the position
	POPJ	P,		; And return
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete a character

;.HL1 T25DCH
;This routine will cause n characters to be deleted from the screen.
;It is assumed that all cursor positioning has been done before this
;routine is called.
; Usage:
;	MOVX	T1,
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

T25DCH:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVE	P1,T1		; Get the count
	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<DCH^D/P1/^M^J>)] ; Get the string
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And print it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Cost initialization routine

;.hl 1 T25CIN
; This routine will return the initial cost word for the character
;by character comparison of a line.
; Usage:
;	 (return, first array element in T1)
;.end literal
	CS$INS==1		; Insert mode flag

T25CIN:	MOVX	T1,<INSVL.(0,CS$DEP)>!<INSVL.($OPACH,CS$OPR)> ; Get the default cost
	SKIPE	INSFLG		; In insert mode?
	 MOVX	T1,<INSVL.(CS$INS)>!<INSVL.($OPACH,CS$OPR)> ; Yes, use the correct entry
	POPJ	P,		; Return

	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Replacement cost calculation

;.hl 1 T25CRP
; This routine will return the cost of replacing a character in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVX	X,[XWD -n,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[XWD -n,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

T25CRP:	MOVE	T2,T1		; Get the old word
	MOVX	T1,<<INSVL.($OPRCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(1,CS$CST)>> ; Get the basic cost
	TXNN	T2,<INSVL.(CS$INS,CS$DEP)> ; Check if in insert mode
	 POPJ	P,		; No, just return
; The 10 in may need to be only 1 if we can get out of insert mode without
;moving the cursor.
	STORI.	^D10,T2,CSTCST,+T1 ; Yes, taking out takes 4 chars
	POPJ	P,		; Return the cost
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Insert cost calculation

;.hl 1 T25CIC
; This routine will return the cost of inserting a character in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVX	X,[XWD -n,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[XWD -n,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

T25CIC:	MOVE	T2,T1		; Get the old word
	TXNE	T2,<INSVL.(CS$INS,CS$DEP)> ; Already in insert mode?
	 POPJ	P,		; Yes, just return
	STORI.	5,T2,CSTCST,+T1	; No, must put in insert mode first
	POPJ	P,		; Return the cost
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete cost calculation

;.hl 1 T25CDC
; This routine will return the cost of deleting a character in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVX	X,[XWD -n,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[XWD -n,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

T25CDC:	$SAVE	<P1,P2,P3>	; Save some room
	LOAD.	P1,CSTOPR,+T1	; Get the last operation
	LOAD.	P2,CSTRPT,+T1	; And the repeat count
	SETZ	P3,		; Get the basic cost
	ANDX	T1,CS$DEP	; Keep only dependant portion
	TXO	T1,<INSVL.($OPDCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(5,CS$CST)> ; Store the operation
	CAXE	P1,$OPDCH	; Was the last operation the same?
	 POPJ	P,		; No, return now
	AOJ	P2,		; Add one to the repeat count
	CAXN	P2,2		; Is this the second delete?
	 AOJ	P3,		; Yes, bump the cost
	CAXN	P2,^D10		; Is it the first that requires two digits?
	 AOJ	P3,		; Yes, bump the cost
	STOR.	P3,CSTCST,+T1	; Store the cost
	POPJ	P,		; And return
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Insert line cost calculation

;.hl 1 T25CIL
; This routine will return the cost of inserting a line in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVX	X,[XWD -n,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[XWD -n,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

T25CIL:	LOAD.	T2,CSTOPR,+T1	; Get the previous operation
	CAXE	T2,$OPICH	; Already inserting?
		POPJ	P,]	; Return a three for the initial cost
T25CID:	LOAD.	T2,CSTRPT,+T1	; Get the number of inserts already done
	ANDX	T1,CS$OPR	; Keep only the operation
	SETZ	T3,		; Clear basic cost
	CAIN	T2,1		; Going to first insert that needs a digit?
	 AOJ	T3,		; Yes, count the first digit
	CAIN	T2,^D9		; First that requires two digits?
	 AOJ	T3,		; Yes, count that
	STOR.	T3,CSTCST,+T1	; Store the cost
	POPJ	P,		; And return
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Delete line cost calculation

;.hl 1 T25CDL
; This routine will return the cost of deleting a line in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVX	X,[XWD -n,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[XWD -n,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

T25CDL:	CFXN.	T2,CSTOPR,+T1,$OPDCH ; Last operation a delete?
	 JRST	T25CID		; Yes, go calculate any extra cost
	MOVX	T1,<<INSVL.($OPDCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(5,CS$CST)>> ; Get the initial cost
	POPJ	P,		; And return it

	SUBTTL	Support routines -- 4025 -- Move cost calculation

;.hl 1 T25CPP
; This routine will return the cost of moving the cursor from
;one point to another.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,[XWD X pos,Y pos] ; Source position
;	MOVE	T2,[XWD X pos,Y pos]
;	 (return, T1= cost in characters)
;.end literal

T25CPP:	CAMN	T1,T2		; Really moving somewhere?
	 PJRST	.RET0		; No, return a zero

	HRRZ	T3,T1		; Get the Y positions
	HRRZ	T4,T2		; Of both
	HLRZ	T1,T1		; Keep only the X position
	HLRZ	T2,T2		; . . .
	CAIE	T3,(T4)		; Same line?
	 JRST	T2CP.1		; No, go check for same column
	MOVE	T3,T2		; Get the destination column
	SUB	T2,T1		; Get the dest-source positions
	MOVE	T4,T1		; Get the destination column
	MOVM	T1,T2		; Get the magnitude
	JUMPL	T2,T2CP.3	; Skip if going backwards

; Here for either a forward cursor or an up cursor

T2CP.4:	MOVEI	T1,5		; Assume simple case of one char
	CAIE	T2,1		; Is it?
	 AOJ	T1,		; No, need at least one more
T2CP.0:	CAIL	T2,^D10		; Need two digits
	 AOJ	T1,		; Yes, count the second
	POPJ	P,		; And return

; Here if position is on the same line before current position
; or is in the same column, but below the current line

T2CP.3:	CAXG	T1,^D6		; Too many to send repeated LF's or backspaces
	 POPJ	P,		; No, return the number of positions to move
	MOVE	T2,T1		; Get the number of columns to move
	MOVEI	T1,6		; Basic cost is 6
	JRST	T2CP.0		; Go count the digits we need

; Here if new position is on a different line.

T2CP.1:	CAIE	T1,(T2)		; Same column?
	 JRST	T2CP.2		; No, try for home
	SUB	T4,T3		; Yes, get the number to move
	MOVM	T1,T4		; And the magnitude
	JRST	T2CP.4		; No, go handle like forward cursor

; Here if not the same column or line

T2CP.2:	MOVE	T2,T1		; Get the destination column
	MOVEI	T1,^D8		; Get the basic cost
	CAIL	T3,^D9		; Before line 10?
	 AOJ	T1,		; No, takes another digit
	CAIL	T2,^D9		; Before column 10
	 AOJ	T1,		; No, another digit
	POPJ	P,		; All done
	SUBTTL	Low segment for TECTEK


INSFLG:	BLOCK	1		; Flag whether we are in insert mode (0 if not)

	LOWVER(TEK,<.-TEKBEG>)	; Define the version number

	END			; End of TECTEK