
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - steco_19840320_1er_E35 - 10,5676/teco/source/steco.err
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,!W0ALWAYS already exists in current command tableThe ALWAYS option of the command table was already in use in the current command table and an FC(q-reg)INSERT command was done that included the ALWAYS option.Ambiguous terminal abbreviation DThe abbreviation D matches the initial parts of more than one terminal type.  More of the name must be typed to make it unique.  The only valid terminals currently supported are: 5f.Ambiguous terminal parameter D.The abbreviation D matches the initial parts of more than one terminal parameter.  More of the parameter must be typed to make it unique.  The valid terminal parameters are: 5g.Already existing file 
AThe file 
A already exists.  This error message should not occur.Ambiguous keyword value DThe keyword D matches more than one valid keyword argument for the switch b.Ambigious switch name /DThe switch name /b matches more that one switch of cImproper ArgumentsThe following argument combinations are illegal:
1)	,	(no argument before comma)
2)	m,n,	(where m and n are numeric terms)Bad EXE directory for 
AThe file 
A has a bad EXE file directory.  This message is not expected to occur.Bad extension for .EXE file 
AThe file 
A'hasanbadcextensionfforaane.EXEmfile.taThiswcangonlyihappenFoncamRUNdorTGETSEGnanduisrnoteexpectedttooccur.BadeFCocommandtable in Q-register '
AThe file 
A got a block not free opening the file.  This error is not expected to occur.COMMAND-BUFFER not displayedIt is illegal to use video mode when COMMAND-BUFFER is not displayed on the screen.Can not rename across structuresThe file 
A can not be renamed ascross structures.Can not supercede directory 
AThe file 
A is a directory file.  This file can not be superceded, because it may contain files.FC(Q-reg)DELETE$ without a command table definedAn attempt was made to delete commands from the current command table without the command table being defined.  An FC(Q-reg)INSERT$ must be done before you can delete command from itDouble device name DOnly one device name is legal on a file specification.  A device name is delimited by a colon.Double extension is illegal DOnly one extension is valid on a file specification.  An extension follows a periodDouble file name D is illegalOnly a single file name is legal in a TOPS-10 file specificationDigit expected after ^O, not A digit was expected after the ^O, and not .  ^O sets the input radix to octal, so there must be a numeric following itA digit was expected after the ^O, and not .  ^O sets the input radix to octal, so there must be a numeric following itDevice not available for 
AThe device in 
A was not available to the user.  This is because the device should first be MOUNTed using the MOUNT command to the monitor.The directory 
A is not empty and can not be deletedThe user can not delete non-empty directorys.  The directory 
A'stillhcontainssfiles.Doublecnode namesisnillegalaDMore.thandonecnode nameisillegal in a file specification.  A node name is delimited by either two colons or an underscore.Device implies path, but a path was givenThe device given is either an ersatz device, or a logical name for a path, and a path specification was also given.Display only Q-register '
A is too big.The .EXE file directory for 
A is too big.  This error message is not expected to occur since it can only be gotten from a GETSEG or RUN.Attempt to delete an undefined ALWAYSAn FC(Q-rg)DELETE$ command was done and the command attempted to delete the ALWAYS option of the current command table.  The current command table does not contain an ALWAYS option.Attempt to delete an undefined OTHERAn FC(Q-rg)DELETE$ command was done and the command attempted to delete the OTHER option of the current command table.  The current command table does not contain an OTHER option.Attempt to delete an undefined stringAn FC(Q-reg)DELETE$ command was done and the Q-register contained a command string that was not defined in the current command table.  A command string must be defined in the current command table before you can attempt to delete it.Can not edit a back up file 
AThe user can not edit a file with the extension of .BAK.  The file 
A has this extension.EB before current EB file closedAn EB command may not be given while an EB command is already in effect for a file. Give an EK command to abort the current EB command or an EF command to close the current EB'ed file before giving another EB command.Extension is longer than six characters DAn extension is allowed to be only three characters or less in length.  D is longer than three characters.Illegal EM argument 
	The argument given to EM must be a positive number.Exceeded network capacity for file 
AThe opening of 
A has caused the network capacity to be exceeded. Try again later.EN command errorOn an EN command, either there was no input file or the file was opened by an EB command.The file 
A still has outstanding locks set.The file 
A still has outstanding locks set for it.  The locks must be first removed. This is not expected to occur.EO argument 
	 is too largeThe argument 
	 given with an EO command is larger than the standard (maximum) setting of EO= 
=5 for this version of TECO.  This must be an older version of TECO than you think you are using.An end of 
A has been encountered.The end of the file 
A has been encountered.  This message is not expected to occur.ENQ. UUO failed - Error code 
The ENQ. for locking the file you are editing failed and the error code returned by the operating system is 
ET argument 
	 is out of rangeThe ENQ. for locking the file you are editing failed and the error code returned by the operating system is 
ET argument 
	 is out of rangeET argument 
	 is out of rangeThe only legal arguments to the ET command are 0 (normal typeout), 1 (literal typeout), or 2 (image typeout).EU argument 
	 is out of rangeThe only legal arguments to the EU command are -1 (no case flagging), 0 (lower case flagged), or 1 (upper case flagged).File 
A is being modifiedThe file 
A'isobeingsmodified by anothernuser.FCntablesnottallowed forFQ-register argumentTheQ-register '
A can not be updatedThe file 
A can not be put in update mode.  The files is protected against you.First argument must be a stringThe first argument to a @ command must be a string argument.First argument may not be a stringThe first argument for a @ command may not be a string argument.Incomplete ... or (...) in a macroA macro contained in a Q-register and being executed by an M command contains an iteration that is not enclosed within the Q-register by ..., or a parenthetical expression that is not closed within the Q-register by a ).Illegal control-E command in search stringAn illegal control-E command was encountered in a search string. The only valid control-E commands are ^EA, ^EV, ^EW, ^ED, ^EL, ^ES, ^Ennn, or ^E[A,B,...].Illegal control-G command in stringA control-G may not be the last character in an insert or search string.Illegal control command '' in text argumentIn order to be entered as text in an insert command or search command, all control characters must be preceded by ^R or ^T.  Otherwise they are interpreted as commands. The control character '' is an undefined text argument control command.Illegal FC command typeThe valid command types are: 
`.  The pointer in the Q-register is pointing after the invalid keyword.Illegal immediate command tableA command table refers to a PREVIOUS command table and there is none, or the text to be processed through another command table is incomplete.Illegal keyword for @ commandThe valid keywords for @ commands are: dIllegal command @The command @ is not a valid TECO command.Illegal argument in UUO for 
AThe argument block for 
A was incorrectly set up.  This is an internal TECO error.Illegal mode for device 
AThe mode specified for the device in 
A is illegal.Illegal operation for DUMP mode filesThe command given is illegal for a file open with /MODE:DUMP.Input or output error for file 
A. File status is .An input or output error occured for the file 
A. The monitor file status is Illegal ^P or ^Y argument 
	The argument to an ^P or ^Y command is an absolute page number in the file.  It must be greater than the current page number.Illegal project-programmer number in 
AThe project programmer number in 
A is illegal.Illegal path specification for 
AThe file specification 
A'containsQaneillegalnpathsspecification.Q,ThisXerror%was,detected,inGparsingctheafileuspecification.Illegal command The onlyovalidercommandseareG,eL,eN,hE, C,aA,mD,bV, W, T, F, S, and U.The only valid  commands are G, L, N, E, C, A, D, V, W, T, F, S, and U.Illegal Q-register name '
a)The number of times a match must be found before the search is considered successful, in which case it must be non-zero.  If it is negative, the search is performed in reverse. 
b)The boundaries of the search, in which case the first occurrence of the string therein is found.  If the second argument is greater that the first, the search is performed in reverse.Illegal sequence of UUOs executed for 
AThe file 
A may be on your library, or TECO has an internal error.Illegal TMP: functionThe only valid commands for TMP: are ER and EWIllegal TTCALL type value 
	The extended TTCALL command must take the form ':arg1,arg2^T' where arg1 is the (optional) TTCALL argument and arg2 is the TTCALL type is decimal.  The second argument must be a legitimate TTCALL type, with 0-13 legal except for 3 (OUTSTR).  Type 8 (RESCAN) will do a RESCAN unless the is an arg1, in which case it tests for CCL mode.  Other legal values of arg2 are -1 and -2 which serve to turn the terminal echo on and off, respectively.Illegal TMP: file specification 
AThe file specification 
A is not a valid TMP: file specification.  A valid file specification for TMP: may only contian a three character file nameInvalid character The character  is not valid in a file specificationThe character  is not valid in a file specificationIllegal version number in file specificationThe version number specified in the file specification 
A is illegal.  The correct format of a version number is VVMM(EEEE)-W.  MM is optional minor version number (as alphabetic characters), -W is a single digit octal number from 0 to 7 and the other numbers are octal numbers that must be specified.The low segment overlaps the high segment for 
AThe low segment for 
A overlaps the high segment.  This can only occur on a GETSEG and therefore is not expected to occur.The line number 

 is out of rangeThe screen only has 
( lines, so the lines 

 cannot be displayed on the terminalSub file directories are nested too deeply for 
AThe operating system can not support sub file directories nested as deeply as 
A!has.Missing'Inaattempting toeexecute anconditional skipecommandl(abscommandvwhose.argument'doesdnotgsatisfysthetcondition) not'mcommandaclosingtthetconditionalhexecutionrcanbefound.toNote thatts...s'Qcommands mustAbe completedwithintaasingleamacro-level.Multiplyadefinedotagv! as the command.Missing left angle bracket ()There is a right angle bracket not matched by a left angle bracket somewhere to its left.  (Note that an iteration must be complete within a single macro level.Missing '('Command string contains a right parenthesis that is not matched by a corresponding left parenthesis.Missing right angle bracket ()In attempting to exit from an iteration field with a ';' command (or to skip over an iteration field with a zero argument) the  was not closed by a .  Note that the iteration field must be complete within a single macro level.Missing right parenthesis ')'The command string contains, within an iteration field, a parenthetical expression that is not closed by a right parenthesis or a Q-register name is not ended correctly.Missing second argument for @The second argument for the @ command was not present.Macro ending with ^^A command macro being executed from a Q-register ends with control-^ or ^^.  This is an incomplete command.  The ^^ command takes a single character text argument that must be in the Q-register with the ^^.No argument allowed for @ commandAn argument was given to @ which does not take any arguments.Attempt to EB a file which is not on a disk device.An EB command was given for the file 
A which is not on a disk device. Only files on disk devices can be edited with an EB command.No altmode after nIUnless the EO value has been set to 1, the numeric insert command nI must be immediately followed by an altmode.No altmode after nELThe required altmode after an EL command with a numeric argument was missing.No-create for all structures in the users search listThe file 
A could not be written, because you do not have a structure you can create a file on.Not enough core for 
AThe is not enough core to run 
A. This message is not expected to occur.Not enough table space for 
AThe monitor has run out of internal table space for 
A, try again later.No file for inputBefore issuing an input command (EY or A) it is necessary to open an input file by use of an ER, EB, or TECO command.No file for outputBefore giving an output command (PW, P, ^P, N, EX, or EG) it is necessary to open an output file by use of an EA, EB, EW, EZ, MAKE, or TECO command.No log file open for nEL commandAn EL command with a numeric argument was given before the log file was opened with an ELfilespec$ command.The user is not logged in.The user is not allowed to run a program unless he is logged in. This is not expected to occur.No room for 
ANo room on this file structure or the quota is exceeded for 
A'tobehcreated.Non-numeric Q-register'work support required for file 
AThe file 
A is not on the local node. This requires the operating system to support network file operations.No such device as 
AThe device specified in the file specification 
A does not exist.The file 
A is not a saved fileThe file 
A'isnoteintheiformatcoftaisavedtfile.The-errorecandonlyeoccurfrom a RUN or GETSEG UUOTerminal does not support screen modeThe terminal type currently in effect is not supported in screen mode. The E$ command is not available for this terminal type.Null subfile directory specifiedIn specifing a sub file directory path all subfile directories must be specified.Null tags are illegalThe O command must specifiy the name of a tag that is defined by two exclaimation marks.No text in Q-register '
AThe device specificed in the 
A file specification does not exist.OTHER already exists in current command tableThe OTHER option of the command table was already in use in the current command table and an FC(q-reg)INSERT command was done that included the OTHER option.'' in octal digit stringIn a digit string preceded by ^O, only the octal digits 0 to 7 may be used.The file 
A is not openThe file 
A is not open for input or output. This message is not expected to occur.Confused use of parenthesisA string of the form (......)... has been encountered.  Parenthesis should be used only to enclose combinatins of numeric arguments.  An iteration may not be opened and not closed between a left and right parenthesis.Main stack overflowThe main stack has overflowed. This indicates an internal error in TECO. Please report your commands to your systems programmer.Q-register stack overflowThe Q-register stack has overflowed. This is caused by pushing too many q-registers onto the Q-register stack with the '[' command.Execution stack overflowThe execution stack has overflowed. This is caused by nesting commands too deeply in angle brackets or having too many nested macro calls, or both.Partial allocation only for 
AThe file 
A could not have all of the block requested in the estimated size allocated on the enter of the file. This is not expected to occur.Attempt to move pointer off pageThe argument specified with a J, C, R, or D command must point to a position within the current size fo the buffer, i.e., between 0 and Z, inclusive.File protection is out of range /PROTECTION:EThe file protection must be within the range of 000 to 777 octalProtection failure or directory full on a DECtape for 
AThe file 
A is protected from either being read or written, or the DECtape that the file is being written onto is full.Page number 
	 is too largeIn processing a ^P or ^Y command, the end of file was reached before the requested page was encountered.  At this point the editing buffer is empty, the last page of the file has been output, and the value of ^P is now the number of the last page in the file.Q-register name not allowed for the @ keyword The  keyword does not allow a Q-register name in the @ command.  The format of this command is @$A Q-register name is required for the @ keyword The  keyword requires a Q-register be named in the @ command.  The correct format of this command is @(Q-register)$Attempt to read from 
A, which is not open for readingAn attempt was made to read from 
A.  This file is not open for reading. This is not expected to occur.Attempt to assign a value to a read only parameterAn EVD$ command was given with a numeric argument. The parameter D is a read only parameter, i.e., its value may only be read, not set.FC REMOVE command given without previous FC OVERLAY commandThe FC REMOVE command is used to remove a command table previously defined with an FC OVERLAY command.  It may not be used unless an FC OVERLAY command was done first.Second argument (
	) less than first (

).In a two argument K, P, T, or X command, the first argument must not be greater than the second, nor must the first argument be greater than Z.Second argument not allowedTwo arguments were given to a command which takes at most one argument.The job's search list is empty for 
AThe job's search list is empty and the device specified by 
A is a disk device with no implicit search list.Second argument must be numericThe second argument to a @ command must be a numeric valueSecond argument must be a stringThe second argument to a @ command must be a string argument.Initial search with no argumentA search command with null argument has been given, but there was no preceding search command from which the argument could be taken.The sub file directory for 
A was not foundThe file 
A contains a path specification to a sub file directory that does not exist.';' not in an iterationThe semicolon command may be used only with a string of commands enclosed by angle brackes, i.e., in an iteration field.The segment 
A is not on the swapping spaceA GETSEG from a locked low segment to a high segment which is not a dormant, active, or idle segment occured. This is not expected to occurSFDs nested too deeply in 
AThe maximum depth for a sub-file directory is  5, which the user attempted to exceed with 
A.Theeswitch/DarequiresoalvalueThe switchn/DTrequiresthat a value be specified.Search string too longThe maximum length of a search string is 80 characters, including all string control commands and their arguments.Search string too longThe maximum length of a search string is 36 charater positions, not counting extra characters required to specify a single position.Missing tag !
A is not availableThe task 
A'isnoteavailableeat'theedestinationsnode.TextgonlyrQ-register 'ing displayed or it is an internal Q-register that can only contain text.TAPOP. UUO for EM command failedThe TAPOP. UUO done for an EM command failed.  The error code returned is  for 
.Transmission error for 
AThe file 
A'gotnonenoftthe,followingcerrors.doAstransmission,edeviceaoradataeerrorbecauserofnatRUN^orcGETSEG.Ahardware-detectedtdevicetorodataderrorbdetectednwhile readingsthe UFDrRIBooriUFD'datatblock. tOr ansoftware detected inconsistencyserror detectedewhiletreadingitheeUFDmRIBdorefileRIB.TextinoteallowedTheQ-registero'nd has been replaced by 'EY', because it is too easy to accidentally destroy the editing buffer by typeing 'Y'.  This applies only to typed in command string, and not to macros executed by the 'M' command, on the assumption that macros have been debugged.Unterminated file specificationThe file specification is unterminated, this is because the file specification in a Q-register did not terminate with an altmode in the same Q-register.Unterminated insert commandAn insert command (possibly an @ insert command) has been given without terminated the text argument at the same macro level.Unknown keyword value b for switch BThe keyword b is not a valid argument for the switch B. The valid arguments for B are c.Unknown monitor error A FILOP. UUO returned an unknown error code .  This is not expected to occur.  Contact your systems programmer.Unterminated keyword in @ commandThe keyword in the Q-register for the @ command must be terminated by a space before the end of the Q-register.Undefined network node for 
AThe network node for 
A either does not exist or is currently out of contact.Unknown switch /DThe switch /D is not valid on this file specification.  The legal switches for this command are: C. The switches valid on any file specification are {. Unterminated search commandA search command (possibly an @ search command) has been given without terminated the text argument at the same macro level.USETI errorAn attempt to use the USETI feature met with on of the following:
1) EB in force.
2) ER not in force.
3)Blocksnumberuwasnnegative,szero,ortooilarge,rinewhichlcaseiadUSETI1was done.Unterminated tagA command string tag has been indicated by a ! command, but there is no corresponding ! to mark the end of the tag.  Tags must be complete within a single command level.Unterminated keyword in @ commandThe keyword argument for an @ command must be terminated by an altmode at the same macro level as the @ command.Unknown terminal type or parameter bThe word b is not a valid terminal type or parameter for use in an EV command. The valid terminal types are 5f.  The valid parameters are 5g.Illegal UUOAn internal error has caused TECO to execute an illegal UUO. Please contact your systems programmer and explain what you were doing.Unknown parameter in EV command bThe word b is not a valid EV parameter.  The valid parameters are 5g.Value only Q-registerThe Q-register 
	 out of range.The value given for the video parameter block index, 
	, was either negative or larger than the size of the parameter block.Wrong CPU typeThe central processor that TECO was assembled for is different that the central processor that it is running on.The device for 
A is write lockedThe file 
A can not be written on a hardware write locked device.Word boundary not foundAn insufficient number of word boundaries were found to satisfy an FW command. The pointer has not been moved at allAttempted write to 
A, which is not open for writingThe file 
A is not open for output, but the user attempted to write to this file.Executing current text buffer is illegalAn M or W command with the current text buffer as its argument is illegal.