
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - steco_19840320_1er_E35 - 10,5676/teco/source/techp.mac
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	SUBTTL	Introduction

; Copyright (c) 1980 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey
; 07030.

; This software may be used and copied provided that this copyright notice
;is included, and provided that copies of all modifications are sent to:
;	TECO Project
;	Computer Center
;	Stevens Institute of Technology
;	Castle Point Station
;	Hoboken, New Jersey    07030
; The information in this software is subject to change without notice
; and should not be construed as a commitment by Stevens Institute of
; Technology.

  ; Search needed universals

	SEARCH	TECUNV		; TECO universal file

  ; Generate the prologue

	TECVER==200		; Major version number
	TECMIN==1		; Minor version number
	TECEDT==1126		; Edit level
	TECWHO==0		; Last editor

	PROLOGUE(HP,<TECO HP terinal support>)	; Generate the TITLE and other stuff

	$CODE			; Put into code PSECT
	SUBTTL	Table of Contents


;		Table of Contents for TECHP - HP terminal support
;			   Section			      Page
;   1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    1
;   2. Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
;   3. Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3
;   4. Tables
;        4.1.   HP-2600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5
;   5. Support routines
;        5.1.   HP-2640
;             5.1.1.     XY positioning . . . . . . . . . . .    6
;             5.1.2.     Control U. . . . . . . . . . . . . .    7
;             5.1.3.     Delete a line feed . . . . . . . . .    8
;             5.1.4.     Delete a vertical tab. . . . . . . .    9
;             5.1.5.     Delete a form feed . . . . . . . . .   10
;   6. Low segment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   11
;   7. End of TECHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   12

;.end lit.pag
	SUBTTL	Revision History

1000	Start of this version

1123	By: Robert McQueen		On: 30-August-1981
	Incorporate the support give to use from University of Delaware (Richard
	Braun) for HP2621 terminals.
	Modules: TECHP

Start of Version 200A(1126)
; Macro to define a word of five characters

<	BYTE	(7)A,B,C,D,E>

	SUBTTL	Tables -- HP-2600

	CRTENT	DLF,<PUSHJ P,HP2DLF>	; Routine to delete a line feed
	CRTENT	DVT,<PUSHJ P,HP2DVT>	; Routine to delete a vertical tab
	CRTENT	DFF,<PUSHJ P,HP2DFF>	; Routine to delete a form feed
	CRTENT	CTU,<PUSHJ P,HP2CTU>	; Routine to handle control U
	SUBTTL	Tables -- HP2621

; Hewlett-Packard HP2621 terminal

 CRTENT	INT,<PUSHJ P,H21INT>	; Initialize the terminal handling
 CRTENT	WID,^D79		; 80 wide by
 CRTENT	LIN,^D24		; 24 lines long (HP2621)
 CRTENT	BCK,<TB(.CHCNH)>	; Back cursor (non-destructive)
 CRTENT	CIN,<PUSHJ P,H21CIN>	; Cost initialization
 CRTENT	CRP,<PUSHJ P,H21CRP>	; Cost of replace character
 CRTENT	CIC,<PUSHJ P,H21CIC>	; Cost of insert character
 CRTENT	CDC,<PUSHJ P,H21CDC>	; Cost of delete character
 CRTENT CIL,<MOVX T1,<<INSVL.($OPICH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(2,CS$CST)>>> ; Cost of insert line
 CRTENT CDL,<MOVX T1,<<INSVL.($OPDCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(2,CS$CST)>>> ; Cost of insert line
 CRTENT	CPP,<PUSHJ P,H21CPP>	; Cost of point to point move
 CRTENT	SPC,<TB(.CHESC,"C")> 	; Forward cursor (non-destructive)
 CRTENT	DBS,<TB(" ",.CHCNH)>	; String to delete a character
 CRTENT	DLF,<PUSHJ P,H21DLF>	; Routine to delete a line feed
 CRTENT	DVT,<PUSHJ P,H21DVT>	; Routine to delete a veritcal tab
 CRTENT	DFF,<PUSHJ P,H21DFF>	; Routine to delete a form feed
 CRTENT	CRB,<TB(.CHCNH)>	; String to cancel effect of rubout
 CRTENT	CTU,<PUSHJ P,H21CTU>	; String to delete entire line
 CRTENT	FIN,<PUSHJ P,H21FIN>	; String to put cursor home
 CRTENT	ERS,<TB(.CHESC,"H",.CHESC,"J")> ; String to home and erase screen
 CRTENT	DEL,<PUSHJ P,H21DEL>	; String to delete to end of line
 CRTENT	DSP,.CHSPC		; Destructive forward space
 CRTENT	INL,<PUSHJ P,H21INL>	; Routine to insert lines
 CRTENT	DLL,<PUSHJ P,H21DLL>	; Routine to delete lines
 CRTENT	DCH,<PUSHJ P,H21DCH>	; Routine to delete a character
 CRTENT	ICH,<PUSHJ P,H21ICH>	; Routine to insert a character
 CRTENT	TCH,<PUSHJ P,H21TCH>	; Routine to type a character
 CRTENT	XYP,<PUSHJ P,H21XY>	; XY positioning instruction
 CRTENT CDE,<MOVEI T1,3>	; Cost of 3
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Initialization routine

;.HL1 H21INT
;This routine will initialize the terminal handling routines for the
;specific terminal.  It will also initialize the HP2621 terminal
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21INT:	SETZM	INSFLG		; Flag not in insert mode
	MOVX	T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"R"> ; Get string to take out of insert mode
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And output it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Reset terminal

;.HL1 H21FIN
;This routine will reset the terminal to set up for exiting from
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21FIN:	SKIPN	INSFLG		; In insert mode?
	 POPJ	P,		; No, just return
	SETZM	INSFLG		; Flag not in insert mode
	MOVX	T1,<BYTE(7).CHESC,"R"> ; Get string to take out of insert mode
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And output it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Delete a line feed

;.HL1 H21DLF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a line feed.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21DLF:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"A"> ; Get the string
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And output it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Delete a vertical tab

;.HL1 H21DVT
;This routine will send the character string to delete a vertical tab.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21DVT:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVX	P1,4		; Get the number of times to repeat
H21CMN:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"A"> ; Get the string
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Output the string
	SOJG	P1,H21CMN	; Loop until done
	POPJ	P,		; Return to the caller

	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Delete a form feed

;.HL1 H21DFF
;This routine will send the character string to delete a form feed.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21DFF:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVX	P1,10		; Get the number of times to repeat
	PJRST	H21CMN		; Go to the common routine
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Control-U

;.HL1 H21CTU
;This routine will process the control U in the command parser.  It
;may be called without CRT being set up.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

;	MOVX	T1,<BYTE(7).CHCRT,.CHESC,"K"> ; Get the characters
	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7) .CHESC,"M",.CHESC,"L"> ;try a real hack
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Output them
	MOVX	CH,.CHCRT	; And the free carriage return
	PJRST	T$OCHR		; Output it
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Insert character

;This routine will cause a character to be inserted.  It is called
;with the character.  It is assumed that the positioning has been done
;before this routine is called.
; Usage:
;	MOVX	CH,Character
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;.end literal

H21ICH:	SKIPE	INSFLG		; In insert mode ?
	 PJRST	SC$CHR		; Yes, then just type it
	PUSH	P,T1		; Save T1
	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"Q"> ; Enter insert mode string
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Type the string
	POP	P,T1		; Restore T1
	SETOM	INSFLG		; Flag we are now in insert mode
	PJRST	SC$CHR		; Type the character
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Type a character

;.HL1 H21TCH
;This routine will type a character on the terminal.  It will first check
;to see if the terminal is in insert character mode and take it out if it
;is in insert character mode.
; Usage:
;	MOVX	CH,Character
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21TCH:	SKIPN	INSFLG		; In insert character mode ?
	 PJRST	SC$CHR		; No - Type the character
	PUSH	P,T1		; Save T1
	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"R"> ; Get the string
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Type the string
	POP	P,T1		; And return
	SETZM	INSFLG		; Not in insert mode now
	PJRST	SC$CHR		; Type the character
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Delete N lines

;.HL1 H21DLL
;This routine will cause N lines to be deleted from the screen.  It is
;called with a repeat count.
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	T1,Repeat.count
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21DLL:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVE	P1,T1		; Copy the repeat count
H21DL0:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"M"> ; Get the text to send
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Output the string
	SOJG	P1,H21DL0	; Loop for all the lines
	POPJ	P,		; Return
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Insert N lines

;.HL1 H21INL
;This routine will cause N lines to be inserted on the screen.  It is
;called with a repeat count.
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	T1,Repeat.count
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21INL:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVE	P1,T1		; Copy the count
H21IN0:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"L"> ; Get the text to send
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Output the string
	SOJG	P1,H21IN0	; Loop for all the lines
	POPJ	P,		; Return to the caller
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Delete a character

;.HL1 H21DCH
;This routine will cause n characters to be deleted from the screen.
;It is assumed that all cursor positioning has been done before this
;routine is called.
; Usage:
;	MOVX	T1,
;	MOVEI	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21DCH:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVE	P1,T1		; Copy the value
H21CI0:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"P"> ; Get the string to delete a char
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Type it
	SOJG	P1,H21CI0	; Loop back
	POPJ	P,		; Return to the caller
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Cost initialization routine

;.hl 1 H21CIN
; This routine will return the initial cost word for the character
;by character comparison of a line.
; Usage:
;	 (return, first array element in T1)
;.end literal

	CS$INS==1		; Term dependent info - terminal in insert mode

	SKIPE	INSFLG		; In insert mode?
	POPJ	P,		; Return the cost word
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Replacement cost calculation

;.hl 1 H21CRP
; This routine will return the cost of replacing a character in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVE	X,[-n,,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[-n,,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

H21CRP:	MOVE	T2,T1		; Copy the old word
	MOVX	T1,<<INSVL.($OPRCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(1,CS$CST)>> ; Get the operation
	TXNN	T2,<INSVL.(CS$INS,CS$DEP)> ; Check if in insert mode
	 POPJ	P,		; No, return now
	STORI.	3,T2,CSTCST,+T1	; Store the cost if we are coming from insert mode
	POPJ	P,		; And return
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Insert cost calculation

;.hl 1 H21CIC
; This routine will return the cost of inserting a character in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVE	X,[-n,,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[-n,,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

H21CIC:	MOVE	T2,T1		; Get a copy of the old entry
	TXNE	T2,<INSVL.(CS$INS,CS$DEP)> ; Already in insert mode?
	 POPJ	P,		; Yes, return
	STORI.	3,T2,CSTCST,+T1	; Store the cost if we must put into insert mode
	POPJ	P,		; And return
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Delete cost calculation

;.hl 1 H21CDC
; This routine will return the cost of deleting a character in the
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,CST entry
;	MOVE	X,[-n,,Column]
;	MOVE	Y,[-n,,Row]
;	 (return, T1=CST entry
;.end literal

H21CDC:	ANDX	T1,CS$DEP	; Keep only the dependant portion
	TXO	T1,<<INSVL.($OPDCH,CS$OPR)>!<INSVL.(2,CS$CST)>> ; Store the operation
	POPJ	P,		; And return
	SUBTTL Support routines -- HP2621 -- Delete to End of line

;.hl1 H21DEL
;This routine will delete to the end of the line.
; Usage:
;	MOVEI	T1,# of characters to delete
;.end literal

	PJRST	SC$STR		; Print out the string
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- XY positioning

;.hl1 H21XY
;This routine will do the positioning for the Hewlett Packard HP2621 terminal.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	X,X.postion
;	MOVE	Y,Y.postion
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.index
;	(Return)
;.end literal

H21XY:	$SAVE	<X,Y>		; Save X and Y
	DMOVE	T1,CURPOS	; Get the current position
	DMOVEM	X,CURPOS	; Save the current position
	SUB	T1+$OFSX,X	; Determine if it is an up/down/right/left by one
	SUB	T1+$OFSY,Y	;  movement
	SKIPE	T1+$OFSX	; Is the X zero ?
	 SKIPN	T1+$OFSY	; Or the Y ?
	  SKIPA			; Yes - Handle differently
	JRST	H21XYA		; No - Handle normally
	JUMPN	T1+$OFSX,H21XYX	; Just moving in the X direction
	JUMPN	T1+$OFSY,H21XYY	; Just moving in the Y direction
	POPJ	P,		; If we get here, we don't have to move at all

; Here to do a full address

H21XYA:	SKIPN	X		; Going home?
	 JUMPE	Y,H21XYH	;  .  .  .
	 MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<&a^D/Y/r^D/X/C>)] ; Get the string address
	PJRST	SC$STR		; And go position the cursor

; Here if we are just going to home the cursor

H21XYH:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"H"> ; Get the string
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Type the string

; Here to move only in the X direction

H21XYX:	MOVM	T3,T1		; Get the number of spaces to move
	CAXN	T3,1		; Only one space?
	 JRST	H21X.1		; Yes, go handle it
	JRST	H21XYA		; Go address the cursor

; Here to move in the X direction one position

H21X.1:	SKIPG	T1		; Backwards
	 SKIPA	T1,[BYTE(7).CHESC,"C"] ; Go forward one
	  MOVX	T1,<BYTE(7).CHCNH> ; Go backwards one
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Go output the string

; Here to move only in the Y direction

H21XYY:	MOVM	T1,T1+$OFSY	; Get the number to move
	CAXN	T1,1		; Only one line?
	 JRST	H21Y.1		; Yes, go handle it
	JRST	H21XYA		; Go address the cursor

; Here to move one position in the Y direction

H21Y.1:	SKIPL	T2		; Up or down?
	 SKIPA	T1,[BYTE(7).CHESC,"A"] ; Up, use escape seqeunce
	  MOVX	T1,<BYTE(7).CHLFD> ; Down, use a line feed
	PJRST	SC$STR		; All done
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP2621 -- Move cost calculation

;.hl 1 H21CPP
; This routine will return the cost of moving the cursor from
;one point to another.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	T1,[XWD X pos,Y pos] ; Source position
;	MOVE	T2,[XWD X pos,Y pos]
;	 (return, T1= cost in characters)
;.end literal

H21CPP:	MOVE	T3,T2		; Get a copy of where we want to go
	XOR	T3,T1		; See if they are the same
	JUMPE	T3,.RET0	; Return a zero if not moving
	TXNN	T3,LH.ALF	; Same X position line ?
	 JRST	H21.X		; Yes - Check more
	TXNN	T3,RH.ALF	; Same Y position ?
	 JRST	H21.Y		; Yes - Check more
	JUMPE	T2,.RET2	; If going home, return 2
	JRST	H2.ADD		; Go calculate full cursor address

H21.X:	MOVEI	T2,(T2)		; Get the Y position
	SUBI	T2,(T1)		; Find the difference
	MOVM	T1,T2		; Get the magnitude
	SOJG	T1,H2.ADD	; If greater than one, calculate cursor addr
	JUMPL	T2,.RET2	; If going up, use 2
	JRST	.RET1		; If going down, use 1

H21.Y:	HLRZ	T2,T2		; Get the X position
	JUMPE	T2,.RET1	; Going to left column?  Use <CR>
	HLRZ	T1,T1		; Get the old X position
	SUBI	T1,(T2)		; Take the difference
	MOVM	T3,T1		; Get the magnitude
	SOJG	T3,H2.ADD	; If greater than one, calculate full address
	JUMPL	T1,.RET1	; If going left, use 1
	JRST	.RET2		; If going right, use 2

;  Here to count characters needed for cursor positioning

H2.ADD:	MOVE	T2,T1		; Get the destination column
	MOVEI	T1,5		; Get the basic cost
	CAIL	T3,^D9		; Before line 10?
	 AOJ	T1,		; No, takes another digit
	CAIL	T2,^D9		; Before column 10
	 AOJ	T1,		; No, another digit
	POPJ	P,		; All done
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP-2640 -- XY positioning

;This routine will do the positioning for the HP-2640 terminal.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	X,X.postion
;	MOVE	Y,Y.postion
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.index
;	(Return)
;.end literal

HP2XY:	ADDX	X," "		; Convert to a position
	ADDX	Y," "		; Convert to a position
	MOVEI	T1,[$STRING(<_[Y^8/Y/^8/X/>)]
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Output the string
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP-2640 -- Control U

;This routine will process the control U in the command parser.  It
;may be called without CRT being set up.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Output the string to the terminal
	MOVX	T1,.CHCRT	; Get the ending character
	PJRST	T$OCHR		; Output the character
	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP-2640 -- Delete a line feed

;This routine will send the character string to delete a line feed.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

HP2DLF:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"A">	; Get the string
	PJRST	SC$STR		; Output the string

	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP-2640 -- Delete a vertical tab

;This routine will send the character string to delete a vertical tab.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

HP2DVT:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVX	P1,4		; Get the number of times to loop
HP2CMN:	MOVX	T1,<BYTE (7).CHESC,"A"> ; Get the string
	PUSHJ	P,SC$STR	; Output the string
	SOJG	P1,HP2CMN	; Loop
	POPJ	P,		; Return to the caller

	SUBTTL	Support routines -- HP-2640 -- Delete a form feed

;This routine will send the character string to delete a form feed.
; Usage:
;	MOVE	CRT,CRT.block.address
;	(Return)
;.end literal

HP2DFF:	$SAVE	<P1>		; Save P1
	MOVX	P1,10		; Get the number of times to loop
	PJRST	HP2CMN		; Go to the common routine

	SUBTTL	Low segment

	$IMPURE			; Put in correct place

INSFLG:	BLOCK	1		; Flag whether we are in insert mode (0 if not)

	LOWVER(HP,<.-HPBEG>); Define the version number

	END			; End of TECHP