PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named ctls.inf in the archive.
;List of files used in the monitor build procedures
BUILD.CTL ;Actual build control file
COMPIL.CTL ;Compiles modules going into TOPS10.REL
START.CTL ;Cleans up a PPN to start a build
SWITCH.INI ;Some convenient switches
TOPS10.TEC ;Massages TOPS10.FIL into TOPS10.CCL and TOPS10.CMD
TOPS10.FIL ;List of files to compile and where they go
DECNET.FIL ;List of DECnet files to compile and where they go
UNSUP.FIL ;List of customer-supported modules to compile
MPE.FIL ;List of MPE files to compile and where they go
TREE.TEC ;Massages BUILDS.PTH into micro to build directories
;You will need to create BUILDS.PTH, UNIV.CTL, and GEN.CTL to conform to your
;peculiarities, use the ones supplied ONLY as templates or models.
;List of files used by release engineering in the weekly update process
BUILDS.DCL ;Command definitions (CN, CPO, CM)
BUILDS.MIC ;Submits all the build control files
BUILDS.PTH ;Defines the build areas
COMCTL.TEC ;Massages COMCTL.MIC into a module.CTL
COMCTL.MIC ;template module compiling control file
COMPIL.MIC ;Submits a control file to compile a source file
DONE.MIC ;Submits a batch job to create .CFCs and move sources
DONE.TEC ;Massages data from DONE.MIC to produce DONE.CTL
GEN.CTL ;Runs MONGEN dialogs
GEN.MIC ;Modifies GEN.CTL to account for load number
UNIV.CTL ;Compiles all the universals in all areas
UUOSYM.CTL ;Compiles UUOSYM, rel->REL:, unv->UNV:, new DDT->SYS: