
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10_tools_bb-fp64a-sb - 10,7/galaxy/qsrcvt.mac
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	TITLE	QSRCVT - Convert master queues
	SUBTTL	Universals


	PROLOG	QSRCVT			; Generate GLXLIB info

; Parameters

	IDXSIZ==PAGSIZ			; Index is one page
	IDXCNT==PAGSIZ-6		; Number of entries per index block
	SECSIZ==200*PAGSIZ		; Number of words per section

	PDLLEN==^D100			; Stack length
	SUBTTL	Initialization block

CVTINI:	$BUILD	IB.SZ			; Start the block
	$SET	IB.PIB,,PIB		; Address of PIB
	$SET	IB.PRG,,%%.MOD		; Program name
	$EOB				; End of block

PIB:	$BUILD	PB.MNS			; Smallest possible PIB
	$EOB				; End of PIB

	$SET	FOB.FD,,FILFD		; Address of the FD
	$SET	FOB.CW,FB.BSZ,^D36	; Byte size
	$EOB				; End of block

FILFD:	$BUILD	FDMSIZ			; Minimum size FD
	$SET	.FDSTR,,<SIXBIT |DSK|>	; Device
	$SET	.FDNAM,,<SIXBIT |QSRMS1|> ; File name
	$SET	.FDEXT,,<SIXBIT |QSR|>	; Extension
	$SET	.FDPPN,,<0-0>		; PPN (default path)
	$EOB				; End of FD

	$SET	SAB.SI,SI.FLG,1		; Use SI.IDX field
	$EOB				; End of block
	SUBTTL	Start-up

; After initializing GLXLIB, we will make sure QUASAR is running, and
;determine which version is running by checking if the PID for
;[SYSTEM]MDA is in use.  We will then open the copy of QUASAR's master
;queue on our default path, and proceed to read the requests and
;send them to the running QUASAR.

	QSRV2==0			; Version 2 is index 0
	QSRV4==1			; Version 4 is index 1

QSRCVT:	JFCL				; Ignore CCL entry
	RESET				; Clear the world
	MOVE	P,[IOWD	PDLLEN,PDL]	; Get the stack pointer

	MOVX	S1,IB.SZ		; Get the size of our IB
	MOVEI	S2,CVTINI		; And the address
	$CALL	I%INIT			; And initialize GLXLIB

	MOVX	S1,SP.QSR		; Get the PID to find
	$CALL	C%RPRM			; Get it
	JUMPT	QSRC.1			; Got it, check if MDA is there
	$FATAL	<QUASAR not running, no conversion possible>

QSRC.1:	MOVX	S1,SP.MDA		; Get the MDA's PID
	$CALL	C%RPRM			;  .  .  .
	MOVX	S1,QSRV2		; Assume version 2 GALAXY
	SKIPF				; Is the MDA running?
	 MOVX	S1,QSRV4		; Yes, must be version 4.1
	MOVEM	S1,QSRVER		; Save the index

; Now open the file and determine which version it is.

	MOVX	S1,FOB.MZ		; Get the FOB size
	MOVEI	S2,FILFOB		; And the address
	$CALL	F%IOPN			; Open it
	JUMPT	QSRC.2			; Did we get it?
	$FATAL	<Cannot open master file ^F/FILFD/ - ^E/S1/>

	MOVEI	S2,200			; Position to first block of indices
	$CALL	F%POS			; Position it
	JUMPF	FILERR			; Error, punt

	MOVE	S1,FILIFN		; Get the IFN back
	$CALL	F%IBYT			; And get the word
	HLRZ	S1,S2			; Get the version of the protocol
	MOVSI	S2,-QVRLEN		; Get the pointer into the table

QSRC.3:	CAME	S1,QVRTBL(S2)		; Is this the version?
	 AOBJN	S2,QSRC.3		; No, loop
	JUMPL	S2,QSRC.4		; Did we get a valid version number?
	$FATAL	<File format version number (^O/S1/) is unknown.>

QSRC.4:	HRRZM	S2,FILVER		; Save the version of the file
	SUBTTL	Main loop

; This is the main loop. It will read in each index page in succession,
;and then process the requests in that section.

	MOVE	S1,FILIFN		; Get the IFN
	MOVX	S2,FI.SIZ		; Get the size of the file
	$CALL	F%INFO			; Get it
	IDIVX	S1,SECSIZ		; Get the number of sections
	MOVNI	S1,1(S1)		; Make it negative
	MOVSI	P1,(S1)			; Get the counter set up

	MOVEI	S2,(P1)			; Get the section number
	IMULX	S2,SECSIZ		; Convert to byte number
	ADDI	S2,200			; Plus offset for first empty block
	$CALL	F%POS			; Position the file
	MOVE	S1,FILIFN		; Get the IFN again
	MOVE	S2,[XWD -IDXSIZ,IDXBLK]	; Get the pointer
	$CALL	REDBLK			; And read the block

	MOVSI	T1,-IDXCNT		; Get the pointer to the entries

MAIN.0:	SKIPN	S1,IDXENT(T1)		; Get an entry
	 JRST	MAIN.1			; None here, try the next
	HLRZ	S2,S1			; Get the entry type
	CAXE	S1,-1			; Is it a -1?
	 CAIE	S2,1			; Want this type of entry?
	  JRST	MAIN.1			; No, skip it
	MOVNI	S2,(S1)			; Get the length of the request
	CAXGE	S2,-MXEQSZ		; Will it fit?
	 $FATAL	<Entry in ^F/FILFD/ is too large (^D/S1,RHMASK/)>
	MOVSI	S2,(S2)			; Put in left half
	HRRI	S2,EQBUFF		; Get the buffer address
	PUSH	P,S2			; Save the pointer
	MOVX	S1,MXEQSZ		; Get the max EQ size
	MOVEI	S2,EQBUFF		; And the address
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Clear the block
	MOVEI	S1,DATSIZ		; Get the independent data size
	MOVEI	S2,DATA			; Get the address of the interface data
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Clear the block
	MOVEI	S2,(P1)			; Get the section number
	IMULX	S2,SECSIZ		; Convert to word offset to first
	MOVEI	S1,(T1)			; Get the index
	IMULX	S1,200			; Make it the word offset
	ADDI	S2,5*200(S1)		; Get the overall word address
	MOVE	S1,FILIFN		; Get the IFN
	$CALL	F%POS			; Position the file
	POP	P,S2			; Restore the pointer
	JUMPF	FILERR			; Position fail?
	MOVE	S1,FILIFN		; Get the IFN
	$CALL	REDBLK			; Read the block
	 JUMPF	FILERR			; Couldn't
	SKIPN	S1,CURPAG		; Get the page address (if any)
	 $CALL	M%GPAG			; No, get one
	MOVEM	S1,CURPAG		; Save it
	MOVE	S1,FILVER		; Get the version index
	$CALL	@REDEQT(S1)		; And call correct routine
	 JUMPF	MAIN.1			; Couldn't, try the next
	MOVE	T2,S1			; Get the pointer to the FD's
	MOVE	S1,CURPAG		; Save the page address for later send
	MOVE	S2,QSRVER		; Get QUASAR's version
	$CALL	@WRTEQT(S2)		; And send the request
	 JUMPF	MAIN.1			; Punt if bad
	MOVE	T3,S1			; Get the pointer for writing the FD's
MAIN.2:	MOVEI	S1,FPFDLN		; Get the length of the FP/FD data
	MOVEI	S2,FPFDAT		; And the address
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Clear it
	MOVE	S1,T2			; Get the pointer for the next FD
	MOVE	S2,FILVER		; Get the version
	$CALL	@REDFDT(S2)		; Read the FD
	 JUMPF	MAIN.1			; Error?
	JUMPE	S1,MAIN.3		; All of the FD's finished?
	MOVE	T2,S1			; Get the updated pointer
	MOVE	S1,T3			; No, get the pointer for where to write
	MOVE	S2,QSRVER		; Get QUASAR's version
	$CALL	@WRTFDT(S2)		; Write it
	 JUMPF	MAIN.1			; Couldn't
	MOVE	T3,S1			; Get the updated pointer
	JRST	MAIN.2			; Try again

; Here when we have run out of FD's

MAIN.3:	MOVE	S1,T3			; Get the last pointer
	MOVE	S2,QSRVER		; And the version of QUASAR
	$CALL	@ENDFDT(S2)		; End the request

MAIN.1:	AOBJN	T1,MAIN.0		; Loop for all entries in the index
	AOBJN	P1,MAIN			; And all indicies

	$TEXT	(,<All jobs converted>)
	MOVE	S1,FILIFN		; Get the IFN
	$CALL	F%REL			; Release the file
	$CALL	I%EXIT			; And exit
	JRST	.-1			; Shouldn't reall get here

; Here on a read error

FILERR:	$FATAL	<Error reading ^F/FILFD/ - ^E/S1/>
	SUBTTL	REDBLK - Read a block

; This routine will read a block from the file
;	MOVE	S1,IFN for file
;	MOVE	S2,[XWD -num words,address]
;	 False return if error
;	True return if successful

REDBLK:	$SAVE	<P1>			; Save P1
	MOVE	P1,S2			; Get the pointer

REDB.1:	$CALL	F%IBYT			; Get a word
	 $RETIF				; Punt if bad
	MOVEM	S2,(P1)			; Store it
	AOBJN	P1,REDB.1		; Loop for all of the block
	$RETT				; And return
	SUBTTL	Tables

; Table of file version numbers to convert to GALAXY version index

QVRTBL:	EXP	%%.QV2##		; Version of QSRMAC for release 2
	EXP	%%.QV4##		; Version for releae 4.1

REDEQT:	EXP	REDQV2##		; Read a version 2 EQ
	EXP	REDQV4##		; Read a version 4.1 EQ

WRTEQT:	EXP	WRTQV2##		; Send a version 2 EQ
	EXP	WRTQV4##		; Send a version 4 EQ

REDFDT:	EXP	RFDQV2##		; Read version 2 FP/FD
	EXP	RFDQV4##		; Read version 4 FP/FD

WRTFDT:	EXP	WFDQV2##		; Write version 2 FP/FD
	EXP	WFDQV4##		; Write version 4 FP/FD

ENDFDT:	EXP	ENDQV2##		; End version 2 FD list
	EXP	ENDQV4##		; End version 4 FD list
	SUBTTL	Storage

QSRVER:	BLOCK	1			; Version of QUASAR running
FILVER:	BLOCK	1			; Version of file
CURPAG::BLOCK	1			; Address of page for building new EQ

IDXBLK:	BLOCK	IDXSIZ			; Block for storing the index
IDXENT==IDXBLK+6			; First real entry

EQBUFF::BLOCK	PAGSIZ			; EQ block buffer
MXEQSZ==.-EQBUFF			; Max size of EQ block read in

EQITN::	BLOCK	1			; Internal task name
EQRDV::	BLOCK	1			; Request device (INP, LPT, ...)
EQJOB::	BLOCK	1			; Job name
EQSEQ::	BLOCK	1			; External sequence number
EQDSN::	BLOCK	1			; Default station number
EQPRV::	BLOCK	1			; Creator was priveleged
EQSPL::	BLOCK	1			; Request contains spooled files
EQPRI::	BLOCK	1			; External priority
EQPRO::	BLOCK	1			; Request protection
EQNUM::	BLOCK	1			; Number of files
EQAFT::	BLOCK	1			; After param
EQNRS::	BLOCK	1			; Non-restartable bit
EQDEP::	BLOCK	1			; Dependency count
EQUNI::	BLOCK	1			; Uniqueness
EQOUT::	BLOCK	1			; /OUTPUT: value
EQFRM::	BLOCK	1			; Forms type
EQNBL::	BLOCK	1			; Number of blocks in request
EQPGS::	BLOCK	1			; Page limit (output)
EQCOR::	BLOCK	1			; Core limit (pages)
EQTIM::	BLOCK	1			; Time limit (seconds)
EQLPT::	BLOCK	1			; Page limit (input)
EQCDP::	BLOCK	1			; Card limit (input)
EQPTP::	BLOCK	1			; Tape limit (input)
EQPLT::	BLOCK	1			; Plotter limit (input)
EQNOT::	BLOCK	2			; /NOTE value
EQACT::	BLOCK	10			; Account string
EQUSR::	BLOCK	2			; User name
EQOWN::	BLOCK	1			; Owners PPN
EQSCN::	BLOCK	1			; /SCAN should be set on login
EQPAT::	BLOCK	6			; Default path for login

; FP data


FPFFF::	BLOCK	1			; File format
FPFPF::	BLOCK	1			; Paper format
FPFSP::	BLOCK	1			; Spacing code
FPDEL::	BLOCK	1			; Delete flag
FPFLG::	BLOCK	1			; Log file flag
FPNFH::	BLOCK	1			; No headers flag
FPSPL::	BLOCK	1			; Spooled file flag
FPIGN::	BLOCK	1			; Ignore flag
FPFCY::	BLOCK	1			; Copy count
FPFST::	BLOCK	1			; Starting point info
FPFR1::	BLOCK	1			; Report word 1
FPFR2::	BLOCK	1			; Report word 2

; FD info

FDSTR::	BLOCK	1			; Structure
FDNAM::	BLOCK	1			; File name
FDEXT::	BLOCK	1			; Extension
FDPAT::	BLOCK	5			; Path

FPFDLN==.-FPFDAT			; Length of FP/FD data

	END	QSRCVT			; End of program