
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10_tools_bb-fp64b-sb - 10,7/amis/discon.exe
There is 1 other file named discon.exe in the archive. Click here to see a list.
?p`@?xI';wKb*#<h`INXg#	ty{q$B5{rE@A C3h{
+*>	`@d^x d+x@ I';w7+ @@; "5	b.+!"	b/+  " B5@@6 &	b/++ "{ B7@@8 1	b/+6 " B9@@: <	b/+@\8	x+HO	z+R
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	j+;Z` ? (@
 .	b7+F!,=	l+O 
,ah@+S2Jan7+ST	b'+Y+3J+W^	f+c	b7+n+@@; A"\B< r
7+_s	b' "0B1B+f+z ~
+[<	d
++  B0!" B0 "0	bC+[00BZ/$2D4+h " Z0	bB+$+/5:r`x+:!&M+BZ"xQ	b>+B F	b+Jax	b
66@;7+t+Q+[+b+iZ".2Q3B8+X"x53B8O@;+ax	b!"	b"+ Z"m	b+t""	b&+ "	b
	b+	`/+ +|&"4B
",~S7]7?DSCCCL No CCL entry
2\8	x@ax
&	b+|=?DSCPII Couldn't initialize PSI system
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCPSI Couldn't turn PSI on
2\8	x@ax
&	b+$?DSCTLE Couldn't trap time limit exceeded
2\8	x@ax
&	b+t /?DSCJBI Couldn't trap cross job interrupts
2\8	x@ax
&	b+w@:?DSCDAT Couldn't trap attach/detach
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCSTS Couldn't get job status
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCCTJ Couldn't get number of controlling job
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCRSC Couldn't rescan command line
2\8	x@ax
&	b+H^@
0(D"$)!'''"!*249177721:?DSCSCN This program doesn't use SCAN for command decoding
2\8	x@ax
&	b+@\?DSCPUD Please use the DISCONNECT command
2\8	x@ax
&	b+@\,     FREAKFEVERDUCKH?DSCILC Illegal character '' in terminal name
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCTLT Too long terminal name
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCICE Illegal character '' after command end
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCNSD No such device
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCNAT Not a terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCNAD Not allowed to disconnect terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCGTN Couldn't get terminal node number
2\8	x@ax
&	b+(?DSCGCD Couldn't check if command decoder on terminal node
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCGCN Couldn't get command decoder node number
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDDT Couldn't disconnect dataset terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+H?DSCGPT Couldn't get physical terminal name
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDNT Couldn't disconnect network non dataset terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+;?DSCDLT Couldn't disconnect local node non dataset terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+;?DSCGIS Couldn't get IMP status
2\8	x@ax
&	b+` ;?DSCCOI Couldn't close other job's IMP
2\8	x@ax
&	b+ ;?DSCCMI Couldn't close my IMP
2\8	x@ax
&	b+@?DSCDNT DNET. failed
2\8	x@ax
&	b+@?DSCFOO Couldn't disconnect DECnet terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCBAR Disconnected DECnet terminal failed to disconnect
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDCT Won't disconnect controlling terminal of logged in job
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCPOP Couldn't pop command level
2\8	x@ax
&	b+@aj0?DSCHIB Couldn't hibernate
2\8	x@ax
&	b+[DSCBTJ Back to job .
&N	b
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCFRK Freaks are not allowed
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSC39C 39 degrees centigrade
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCQCK Quack quack
2\8	x@ax
&	b+ggY>=}:?DSCRUN Couldn't run SYS:LOGOUT
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDBK Couldn't debreak from interrupt
2\8	x@ax
&	b+