
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10_tools_bb-fp64b-sb - 10,7/amis/discon.rel
There is 1 other file named discon.rel in the archive. Click here to see a list.
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",~	 "S7]7?DSCCCL No CCL entry
2\8	x@ax
&	b+|CPII Couldn't initialize PSI system
2\8	x@ax
&	b+	  ?DSCPSI Couldn't turn PSI on
2\8	x@ax
&	b+	"! ?DSCTLE Couldn't trap time limit exceeded
2\8	x@ax	(@ *
&	b+t +?DSCJBI Couldn't trap cross job interrupts
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&	b+w@6?DSCDAT Couldn't trap att	 D;ach/detach
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCSTS Couldn't get job 	 @Cstatus
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCCTJ Couldn't get number of	 L controlling job
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCRSC Couldn't res	 8Tcan command line
2\8	x@ax
&	b+H.@L0(D"	 ]$)!'''"!*2491777	 e21:?DSCSCN This program doesn't use SCAN for command decoding
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2\8	x@ax
&	b+@?DSCPUD Please use the DISCONNECT comman	"pvd
2\8	x@ax
&	b+@(     FREAKFEVERDUCKH?DSCI	 DLC Illegal character '' in terminal name
2\8	x@ax	(@
&	b+?DSCTLT Too long terminal name
2\8	x@ax
&	"	b+?DSCICE Illegal character '' after command end
2\8	 	x@ax
&	b+?DSCNSD No such device
2\8	x@ax	(@!
&	b+?DSCNAT Not a terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+	 @)?DSCNAD Not allowed to disconnect terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b	(2+?DSCGTN Couldn't get terminal node number
2\8	x@ax
&	":	b+(?DSCGCD Couldn't check if command decoder on terminal node
2	  C\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCGCN Couldn't get command decoder node number	("K
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDDT Couldn't disconnect da	 DTtaset terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	b+H?DSCGPT Couldn'	  \t get physical terminal name
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDNT Co	 euldn't disconnect network non dataset terminal
2\8	x@ax
&	"@m	b+?DSCDLT Couldn't disconnect local node non dataset terminal	("@v
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCGIS Couldn't get IMP status	("@~
2\8	x@ax
&	b+` ?DSCCOI Couldn't close other job's 	"PIMP
2\8	x@ax
&	b+ ?DSCCMI Couldn't close my IMP	("
2\8	x@ax
&	b+@?DSCDNT DNET. failed
2	  \8	x@ax
&	b+@?DSCFOO Couldn't disconnect DECnet terminal	(" 
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCBAR Disconnected DECnet terminal fai	 )led to disconnect
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDCT Won't discon	 @1nect controlling terminal of logged in job
2\8	x@ax
&	b	(:+?DSCPOP Couldn't pop command level
2\8	x@ax
&	b+	 "B@aj0?DSCHIB Couldn't hibernate
2\8	x@ax
&	b+[DSCB	 
KTJ Back to job .
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2\8	x@ax
&	b+	 "S?DSCFRK Freaks are not allowed
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSC3	  \9C 39 degrees centigrade
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCQCK Quack q	"@duack
2\8	x@ax
&	b+ggY>=}:?DSCR	  mUN Couldn't run SYS:LOGOUT
2\8	x@ax
&	b+?DSCDBK Co  uuldn't debreak from interrupt
2\8	x@ax
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