PDP-10 Archives
There are no other files named dskio.mac in the archive.
TITLE DSKIO - Disk I/O routines for editor AMIS -*-Macro-*-
dsk==2 ;Channel for disk I/O.
dsksize==^D640 ;Size of disk block, in chars.
opdef call[ pushj p,]
define bugerr(msg),<
jrst[ movei 2,[
asciz "'msg'"]
pushj p,bug##]
>;End of bugerr macro.
define DBP(ac,%lbl),< ;Decrement Byte Pointer
caml ac,[35b5]
jrst[ sub ac,[340000,,1]
jrst %lbl]
add ac,[7b5]
>;End of DBP macro
TWOSEG 600000 ;make a shareable highsegment
;PROCEDURE dskinit;
;(* Initialises the DSKIO-module *)
dskini::SETZM ds.opn ; no files open yet
SETZM proflg ; no funny renameing done yet
SETZM notdir ; no device checks yet
SETZM tcrflg ; we haven't fiddled
SETZM tcrdev ; with TMPCORE yet
setzm prsarg ; No parameters from TMP:EDS yet.
; Make a temporary filename based on the jobnumber.
PJOB t1, ; get our job number
IDIVI t1,^D100 ; I don't really want to explain..
IDIVI t2,^D10 ; ..this code sequence...
ROT t2,-6
ROTC t1,-6
TLO t2,'000'(t3)
TRO t2,'AMI' ; ...
MOVEM t2,tmpnam ; store it
;PROCEDURE blankstring (VAR txt: STRING);
;(* Blanks the string 'txt' *)
blanks: push p,t1 ;Save T1.
move t1,[BYTE (7) " "," "," "," "," "]
movem t1,(txt) ;Blank first word
HRLZ t1,txt ;get pointer to string
HRRI t1,1(txt)
BLT t1,strsiz/5-1(txt) ; blank the string
POP p,t1
; This routine is called upon initialization to rescan the command line.
rrspar::setzm rsccnt ;No chars rescanned yet.
rescan 1 ;Try rescan the command line.
skipa ; OK, start parsing.
popj p, ; Not OK, just return.
setz t4, ;Clear word.
move t5,[point 6,t4] ;Load byte pointer.
movei t6,6 ;Load char count.
rrs.2: pushj p,rrsgch ;Try get a character.
popj p, ; No more, give up.
caie t1," " ;Loop until some non-blank char.
cain t1,.chtab
jrst rrs.2
rrs.3: cail t1,"0" ;While char is alphanumeric, collect word.
caile t1,"9"
cail t1,"A"
caile t1,"Z"
cail t1,"a"
caile t1,"z"
jrst rrs.5
sojl t6,rrs.4
cail t1,"a"
subi t1,40
subi t1,40
idpb t1,t5
rrs.4: pushj p,rrsgch ;Get next char of word.
tdza t1,t1 ; No more, flag in T1 and skip.
jrst rrs.3
rrs.5: came t4,['A '] ;Do we know this initial command?
camn t4,['AM ']
jrst rrs.8
came t4,['AMI ']
camn t4,['AMIS ']
jrst rrs.8
jumpe t1,.popj ;No, quit if this was eol.
rrs.6: caie t1,"!" ;Not eol, scan for comment start or "-".
cain t1,";"
jrst read6c
cain t1,"-"
jrst rrs.7
pushj p,rrsgch
popj p,
jrst rrs.6
read6c: pushj p,rrsgch ;We found a command, skip to eol.
popj p,
jrst read6c
rrs.7: pushj p,rrsgch ;Found a hyphen, eat it and use rest.
popj p,
rrs.8: setom offset## ;'AMIS' started command, flag it.
jumpe t1,.popj ;Allow eol after command.
caie t1," " ;Start of arguments -- skip leading blanks.
cain t1,.chtab
jrst rrs.7
move t5,[point 7,tcrbuf+1]
rrs.9: idpb t1,t5
aos rsccnt
pushj p,rrsgch
skipa t1,[ascii "AMIS "]
jrst rrs.9
movem t1,tcrbuf+0 ;Store initial part of TMP:EDS
movei t1,^D13 ;Terminate file with CRLF.
idpb t1,t5
movei t1,^D10
idpb t1,t5
setzm offset## ;No need to read the file we just wrote...
movsi t0,'EDS' ;Load tempcore file name.
move t1,rsccnt ;Get count of bytes rescanned.
addi t1,5+4+2 ;Add one word, two chars and adjustment.
idivi t1,5 ;Compute number of words.
movn t1,t1 ;Negate.
hrl t1,t1 ;Put in left half.
hrri t1,tcrbuf-1 ;Make IOWD to buffer.
movx t2,<.tcrwf,,t0>
tmpcor t2, ;Write TMP:EDS
jfcl ; Oh well...
popj p, ;Done with all this junk.
rrsgch: inchwl t1 ;Get a character.
movei t0,1B35 ;Load a bit.
lsh t0,(t1) ;Shift according to character.
trne t0,^B10000000000001;Ignore CR and NULL.
jrst rrsgch
tdnn t0,[^B1100000101000001110010001000]
aos (p)
popj p,
;function GetParameters: boolean;
;(* Reads TMP:EDS and prepares for special things. *)
getpar::skipe offset## ;Check runoffset.
jrst getpa0 ; Set, look for and read TMP:EDS
hrlz t1,rsccnt ;Zero, check what we rescanned.
jumpe t1,retf ;Nothing, tell MAIN the fact.
hrri t1,tcrbuf+1 ;Something, make len,,addr.
movem t1,prsarg ;Set up for DSKOPEN
jrst rett ;Return true.
getpa0: MOVSI t3,'EDS' ; read from TMP:EDS
HRLZI t4,-50 ; negative count of words in buffer
HRRI t4,tcrbuf-1 ; addr-1 to buffer
MOVE t1,[.TCRRF,,t3]
jrst retf ; No tmp:eds maybe.
MOVE t3,[POINT 7,tcrbuf]
IMULI t1,5
;come here to find first blank or <TAB>
getpa1: jumple t1,retf ;Abort now if no chars left.
ILDB t4,t3
CAIE t4," "
SOJA t1,getpa2
soja t1,getpa1
;now scan past all blanks or <TAB>s
getpa2: jumple t1,retf
ILDB t4,t3
CAIN t4," "
SOJA t1,getpa2
;come here to shift the string to the left
move t5,[POINT 7,tcrbuf]
tdza t6,t6
getpa3: ildb t4,t3
caie t4,.chcnv ;^V?
cail t4," " ; No, other control char?
cail t4,177 ; or rubout?
jrst quit ; Terminator.
idpb t4,t5
addi t6,1 ;Count chars moved.
sojg t1,getpa3
quit: jumpe t6,retf ;No chars moved means no parameters.
hrli t6,tcrbuf ;set up swapped pointer.
movsm t6,prsarg ;store.
jrst rett
retf: tdza t1,t1
rett: movei t1,1
movem t1,1(p)
popj p,
;(* Local function to parse a filespec.
; Returns the following "error" codes in ac0: *)
errnoe==101 ; no error, success
erricf==102 ; illegal character in filspec.
errtlf==103 ; too long field in filespec.
errdfn==104 ; duplicate filename
errdex==105 ; duplicate extension
errddr==106 ; double directory
errcnd==107 ; colon, but no device
errddv==110 ; duplicate device
errils==111 ; illegal separator in directory
errtms==112 ; too many sfds
errnls==113 ; null sfd
errilf==114 ; illegal format for directory
errilp==115 ; illegal protection code
errdpr==116 ; duplicate protection
errnw8==117 ; cant write 8-bit files.
X==7 ;Duplicate use of these.
;filespec. flags ; device found
f.nam==1B34 ; file name found
f.ext==1B33 ; extension found
f.dir==1B32 ; directory found ; protection found
filprs: SETZ flags, ; clear flag word
PUSH p,pos ; save some accumulators
PUSH p,separ
PUSH p,word
PUSH p,sfdpnt
PUSH p,pth
PUSH p,err
SETZM cvseen ; no CTRL-V seen yet
SETZM PG.VAL ;[JE] No /Page yet.
SETZM LN.VAL ;[JE] No /Line yet.
SETZM CH.VAL ;[JE] No /Char yet.
SETZM FLAG8 ;[JE] No bytesize yet.
HLRZM n,prslen ;[JE] save string length.
HRLI n,(POINT 7,0) ; set up bytepointer to string
MOVEI pos,1 ; pos points to first char in n
filpr1: CALL nxtsix ; get next sixbit char
JRST .firet ; illegal character
JUMPL separ,.finrt ; end of string
filpr2: DBP n ; decrement byte pointer
SUBI pos,1 ; reset pos to last read char
CALL nxtwrd ; get a sixbit word
JRST .firet ; too long field
CAIN separ,':' ; is it device?
JRST fildev ; yes
JUMPE word,filpr3 ; if null, not filename
MOVEI err,errdfn ; assume double filenam error
TROE flags,f.nam ; check double filename error
JRST .firet ; yes, duplicate filename error
MOVEM word,.RBNAM(lkb) ; save filename
filpr3: CAIN separ,'.' ; is it extension?
JRST filext ; yes
CAIN separ,'<' ; protection or directory?
JRST filpro ; see if protection
CAIN separ,'[' ; directory?
JRST fildir ; yes
JUMPLE separ,.finrt ; at end of string?
MOVEI err,erricf ; no, we don't recognise it
JRST .firet
; here if "<" seen - check if it is protection
filpro: MOVEM n,save.n ; save position in
MOVEM pos,savpos ; name string
CALL nxtoct ; get prortection code
JRST .firet ; error
CAIE separ,'>' ; was it protection?
JRST[ MOVE n,save.n ; no, try directory instead
MOVE pos,savpos
JRST fildir]
MOVEI err,errdpr ; assume duplicate protection
TROE flags, ; duplicate?
JRST .firet ; yep
MOVEI err,errilp
CAILE word,777 ; check if legal
JRST .firet ; illegal
DPB word,[POINT ^D9,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D8] ; store protection code
JRST filpr1 ; back for next field
; here if colon seen - we should have a device
fildev: MOVEI err,errilf ; assume illegal format
TRNE flags,f.nam+f.ext+f.dir ; device must be first in spec.!!
JRST .firet
JUMPE word,[
MOVEI err,errcnd ; no device before colon, error
JRST .firet]
MOVEI err,errddv ; assume double device error
TROE flags,
JRST .firet ; yes, duplicate device
MOVEM word,dsopbk+.OPDEV ; save device
DEVCHR word, ; what kind of device?
TXNE word,DV.DIR ; directory device?
JRST filpr1 ; yes, go back for more
SETOM notdir ; it was not a directory device
JUMPN word,filpr1 ; but it was a device
MOVE word,dsopbk+.OPDEV ; see if it was TMP:
CAXN word,SIXBIT /TMP/ ; tmpcore?
SETOM tcrdev ; yes, remember it
JRST filpr1
; here if period seen - next word should be extension
filext: MOVEI err,errdex ; assume duplicate extension
TROE flags,f.ext ; check for double extension
JRST .firet ; yes, double extension
CALL nxtwrd ; get next sixbit word
JRST .firet ; too long field
HLLM word,.RBEXT(lkb) ; save extension
JUMPG separ,filpr2 ; go back for more, if there is any
JRST .finrt ; ok, we're finished
; here if left bracket seen - directory should come next
fildir: SKIPE notdir ; directory device?
JRST fild.1 ; no, don't check default path
MOVE pth,.RBPPN(lkb) ; get pointer to PATH.-block
MOVE separ,dsopbk+1 ; get device
MOVEM separ,.PTFCN(pth) ; put device in PATH.-block
MOVEI err,ERDNA% ; assume device not available
PATH. pth, ; find out default path for this device
JRST .firet ; yep, it wasn't there
GETPPN word, ; get job's PPN (*JMR*)
JFCL ; (*JMR*)
MOVEM word,.PTPPN(pth) ; save PPN
fild.1: MOVEI err,errddr ; assume duplicate directory
TROE flags,f.dir ; check duplicate directory error
JRST .firet ; yes, duplicate directory
CALL nxtoct ; read an octal number (project)
JRST .firet ; error, too long field
CAIE separ,'-' ; default directory?
JRST fildr1 ; no, proceed
CALL nxtsix ; get next char
JRST .firet ; error, illegal char
JRST fildr3 ; finish directory parsing
fildr1: SKIPE word ; null project?
HRLM word,.PTPPN(pth) ; no, save project
MOVEI err,errils ; assume illegal separator in directory
CAIE separ,',' ; check it
JRST .firet ; yes, illegal separator
CALL nxtoct ; read an octal number (programmer)
JRST .firet ; error, too long field
SKIPE word ; null programmer?
HRRM word,.PTPPN(pth) ; no, save programmer
MOVEI sfdpnt,.PTSFD(pth) ; set pointer to first sfd
fildr2: CAIE separ,',' ; sfd next?
JRST fildr3 ; no, finish directory parsing
MOVEI err,errtms ; assume too many sfds
CAIL sfdpnt,.PTMAX(pth) ; how many sfds now?
JRST .firet ; too many
CALL nxtwrd ; get next sixbit word
JRST .firet ; too long field
MOVEM word,(sfdpnt) ; save the sfd
ADDI sfdpnt,1 ; increment sfd-pointer
JUMPN word,fildr2 ; if not null sfd, get next
MOVEI err,errnls ; null sfd, illegal
JRST .firet
fildr3: SETZM (sfdpnt) ; null word must be last in path
MOVEI err,errilf ; assume illegal format for directory
JUMPLE separ,filpr1 ; hack to allow missing right bracket
CAIE separ,']' ; must be at end of directory
CAIN separ,'>' ; check end of 2741 directory too
JRST filpr1 ; back for next field
JRST .firet ; yep, it was error all right
.finrt: MOVEI err,errnoe ; return success
SKIPE notdir ; is it a directory device?
JRST .firet ; no
TRNN flags,f.dir ; directory found?
SETZM .RBPPN(lkb) ; directory wasn't seen, use default
TRNE flags, ; protection found?
JRST .firet ; yep
MOVX t1,<-1,,.GTDFL>
GETTAB t1, ; find out default protection
SETZ t1, ; that should give us default later
TXNN t1,JD.SDP ; did user set default prot?
JRST[ MOVX t1,%LDSTP ; no, get system default
MOVX t1,057B8 ; well...
JRST .+1]
LDB t1,[POINT ^D9,t1,^D8] ; extract prot.
DPB t1,[POINT ^D9,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D8] ; store it
.firet: MOVE t0,err ; return error code
POP p,err ; restore some accumulators
POP p,pth
POP p,sfdpnt
POP p,word
POP p,separ
POP p,pos
;get next sixbit char
;skip return if succesful, with char in ac 'separ',
; negative "char" if end of string.
;nonskip return if failure, with error code in 'err'
nxtsix: CAMLE pos,prslen ; past last char?
JRST[ SETO separ, ; yes, return negative "char"
JRST .nsret]
ILDB separ,n ; get next ascii char
CAIL separ,"a"
CAILE separ,"z"
SUBI separ," " ; convert to capitals
CAIL separ," " ; is char in sixbit range?
CAILE separ,"_"
JRST[ MOVEI err,erricf ; assume it's illegal
CAIE separ,"V"-"@" ; is it CTRL-V?
POPJ P, ; no it isn't, sorry
SKIPE cvseen ; CTRL-V already typed?
JRST[ SETZM cvseen ; yes, sorry
SETOM cvseen ; set the CTRL-V flag
ADDI pos,1 ; we have read on more char
JRST nxtsix ; ignore this char and get next
SUBI separ," " ; convert to sixbit
ADDI pos,1 ; increment pos
CAIE separ,'/' ;[JE] Attempt to read switches.
JRST .nsret ;[JE] Normal char, return.
PUSHJ P,SWTCHK ;[JE] Check for switches.
SETO separ, ;[JE] Call this end of string.
.nsret: AOS (p) ; bump return address
; Here to check for switches. Don't look too close...
swtchk: push p,word ;Save current word.
push p,t7 ;Save this one too.
swtlup: pushj p,atom ;Read an atom.
camn word,['8 '] ;Want eight bit bytes?
jrst sw.8bt ; Yes, go handle.
camn word,['I '] ;Want I*M eight bits?
jrst ; Yes, go handle.
caie separ,':' ;Terminated by colon?
jrst swtret ; No, then we don't know about it.
came word,['P '] ;/P?
camn word,['PA '] ; /Pa?
jrst ; Yes, go handle.
came word,['PAG '] ;/Pag?
camn word,['PAGE '] ; /Page?
jrst ; Yes, go handle.
came word,['L '] ;/L?
camn word,['LI '] ; /Li?
jrst sw.line ; Yes, go handle.
came word,['LIN '] ;/Lin?
camn word,['LINE '] ; /Line?
jrst sw.line ; Yes, go handle.
came word,['C '] ;/C?
camn word,['CH '] ; /Ch?
jrst sw.char ; Yes, go handle.
came word,['CHA '] ;/Cha?
camn word,['CHAR '] ; /Char?
jrst sw.char ; Yes, go handle.
came word,['R '] ;/R?
camn word,['RU '] ; /Ru?
jrst ; Yes, go handle.
camn word,['RUN '] ;/Run?
jrst ; Yes, go handle.
swtret: pop p,t7
pop p,word
popj p,
; Here to handle /8 and /I skipa numb,["I"]
sw.8bt: movei numb,"8"
movem numb,flag8
jrst swtlup
; Here to decode /Page
sw.pag: pushj p,decnum ;Get decimal argument.
movem numb,pg.val ;Store argument.
jrst swtlup ;Loop for more.
; Here to decode /Line
sw.lin: pushj p,decnum ;Get decimal argument.
movem numb,ln.val ;Store argument.
jrst swtlup ;Loop for more.
; Here to decode /Char.
sw.cha: pushj p,decnum ;Get decimal argument.
movem numb,ch.val ;Store argument.
jrst swtlup ;Loop for more.
; Here to decode /Run. MOVEI X,6 ;Load a loop counter.
SETZM RUNBLK-1(X) ;Clear a word.
SOJG X,.-1 ;Loop over them all.
RUNLUP: PUSHJ P,ATOM ;The rest should be obvious.
JUMPLE SEPAR,swtret ;Restore and return after all is done.
CAIE SEPAR,'<';'>'
CAIN SEPAR,'[';']'
decnum: movei numb,0 ;Start with zero.
decn.2: pushj p,getchr ;Get next char.
cail separ,'0' ;In range?
caile separ,'9'
popj p, ; No, return now.
imuli numb,^D10 ;Shift...
addi numb,-'0'(separ);Add...
jrst decn.2 ;Loop...
JRST[ SETO SEPAR, ; No, return -1.
ILDB SEPAR,N ;Yes, get next char.
;get next sixbit word
;skip return if succesful,
; with sixbit value in ac 'word' and break char in ac 'separ'
;nonskip return if failure, with error code in 'err'
nxtwrd: PUSH p,t7 ; save an ac
SETZ word, ; clear result
MOVEI t7,6 ; max 6 chars in a sixbit word
nxtwr1: CALL nxtsix ; get next char
JRST[ POP p,t7 ; unsave an ac
POPJ P,] ; error, illegal char
JUMPL separ,.nwret ; end of string
SKIPN separ ; null char?
JRST nwillc ; yes, just return
CAIGE separ,'0' ; legal char?
JRST nwillc ; no
CAIG separ,'9' ; try again
JRST nxtwr2 ; yes, definitely legal
CAIL separ,'A' ; last chance
CAILE separ,'Z'
nwillc: JRST[ SKIPN cvseen ; have we seen a CTRL-V?
JRST .nwret ; sorry, illegal char
SETZM cvseen ; yes, clear the CTRL-V flag
JRST nxtwr2 ; and pretend it's a legal char
nxtwr2: JUMPE t7,nxtwr1 ; t7 = 0 means word is full -- don't store...
LSH word,6 ; shift left SIX BITs
IOR word,separ ; append next char
SOJA t7,nxtwr1 ; get next char, if room for more
.nwret: IMULI t7,6
LSH word,(t7) ; left justify
POP p,t7 ; restore an ac
AOS (p) ; bump return pc
;read an octal number
;skip return if succesful,
; with octal value in ac 'word' and break char in ac 'separ'
;nonskip return if failure, with error code in 'err'
nxtoct: PUSH p,t7 ; save an ac
SETZ word, ; clear result
MOVEI t7,6 ; max six digits in an octal halfword
nxtoc1: CALL nxtsix ; get next char
JRST[ POP p,t7 ; error, illegal char (error code -2)
SKIPN separ ; null char?
JRST .noret ; yes, just return
CAIL separ,'0' ; legal digit?
CAILE separ,'7'
JRST .noret ; no
JUMPE t7,[ ; yes, but halfword is full
MOVEI err,errtlf
POP p,t7
LSH word,3 ; shift left one octal digit
SUBI separ,'0' ; convert to octal
IOR word,separ ; append next digit
SOJA t7,nxtoc1
.noret: POP p,t7 ; restore an ac
AOS (p) ; bump return pc
; Routines to handle "List Files". Currently just dummies.
; function LsFOpen(s: string; l: integer): boolean;
; function LsFMore: boolean;
; function LsFChar: char;
; function LsFClose: boolean;
LSFOPE::movei 1,[[ASCIZ "LSF? List Files not yet implemented"]]
movem 1,errtab
setzm lsterr
movni 1,2
movem 1,1(p)
popj p,
movei 2,[ASCIZ "DSKIO: LSFxxx routine called."]
pushj p,bug##
;(* Opens the file "n" in access "a". Returns 0 if success,
; otherwise -1 if file wasn't found, and -2 on all other errors *)
dskope::HRLI n,strsize ;Load default string length.
skipe prsarg ;Special case?
move n,prsarg ; Yes, use another argument.
setzm prsarg ;... but only once.
SKIPE ds.opn ; check if we already have an open file
bugerr <DSKOPEN: File is already open>
cain a,"R" ;Map new access codes to old.
movei a,1
cain a,"W"
movei a,2
cail a,1 ;Range check the new access code.
caile a,2
bugerr <DSKOPEN: Illegal access code>
DMOVE t0,[
EXP .IOASC ; use ascii mode
SIXBIT 'DSK'] ; default device
DMOVEM t0,dsopbk+.OPMOD
MOVEI t1,dslkln ; length of LOOKUP-block
MOVEM t1,dslkbk+.RBCNT ; it might be clobberd
MOVEI t0,dslkpt ;Pointer to path.
SETZ t1, ;Empty file name.
DMOVEM t0,dslkbk+.RBPPN
MOVE t1,[
dslkbk+.RBEXT,,dslkbk+.RBPRV]; set up to clear lookup block
SETZM dslkbk+.RBEXT ; clear first word
BLT t1,dslkbk+.RBDEV ; clear the block
PUSH p,3 ; save ac3
MOVEI 3,dslkbk ; prepare to parse for lookup-block
CALL filprs ; parse the filename
POP p,3 ; unsave ac3
CAIE t0,errnoe ; check if no error
JRST fatal
SKIPE tcrdev ; tmpcore?
tcropn ; yes, go read in from TMP:
opnret ; yes, but nothing special when writing
MOVEI t0,ERDNA% ; assume device not available
OPEN dsk,dsopbk ; open device
JRST fatal
MOVE t1,dsopbk+.OPDEV
DEVTYP t1, ; ask monitor what kind of device
bugerr <DSKOPEN: DEVTYP failed>
opread ; open for read
opwrit ; open for write
tcropn: HLLZ t4,dslkbk+.RBNAM ; no, read from TMP:
MOVE t5,[IOWD dsksiz/5,dsbuf1+3]
MOVE t3,[.TCRRF,,t4]
JRST[ MOVEI t0,ERFNF% ; wasn't there
JRST warn]
MOVEM t3,tcrsiz ; save number of read words
JRST opnret
; come here if open for read
TXNN t1,DV.IN ; can device can do input?
JRST fatal
MOVX t0,.INFIN ; infinitely large
MOVEM t0,blknum ; file assumed
SKIPE notdir ; is it a directory device?
JRST opre10 ; no, don't do LOOKUP
LOOKUP dsk,dslkbk
JRST[ HRRZ t0,dslkbk+.RBEXT; failed, return with error code
SKIPE t0 ; fatal error?
JRST fatal ; yes
JRST warn] ; no, just warning
MOVE t0,dslkbk+.RBSIZ ; get size in words
IDIVI t0,dsksiz/5 ; how many blocks?
SKIPE t1 ; exact?
ADDI t0,1 ; no, but we still want the last block
MOVEM t0,blknum ; save it
MOVEI t1,dsk ; disk channel
MOVEM t1,dslkpt+.PTFCN ; to path-block
MOVE t1,[.PTMAX,,dslkpt]
PATH. t1, ; get real path to the file
bugerr <Can't get real path to file> ; should never happen
opre10: MOVEI t1,dsbfih ; use buffers for input
CALL bufbld ; build buffers
JRST opnret
; Routine to get file name and extension from Tops-10. (7.02)
XWD 2,[
FILOP. T1, ;Try get Name and Ext. from Topsy.
POPJ P, ; Nope, just ignore this.
MOVE T1,EXPFIL+.FOFFN;Get file name, and store in LOOKUP block.
MOVE T1,EXPFIL+.FOFEX;Get extension, and store in LOOKUP block.
POPJ P, ;Return, with LOOKUP/ENTER block updated.
; come here if open for write
TXNN t1,DV.OUT ; can device do output?
JRST fatal
movei t0,errnw8 ;Assume /8 set.
skipe flag8 ;Is it?
jrst fatal ; Yes, then we cannot write.
MOVEM t1,dslkpt+.PTSWT ; don't use fishy switches
LDB t1,[POINT ^D9,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D8] ; save original prot.
MOVEM t1,orgpro
SKIPN notdir ; is it a directory device?
LOOKUP dsk,dslkbk ; see if it is an existing file
JRST nfound ; no open a new one
MOVEI t1,dslkpt
MOVEM t1,dslkbk+.RBPPN ; set pointer to path block
MOVEI t1,dsk
MOVEM t1,dslkpt+.PTFCN ; channel
MOVE t1,[11,,dslkpt] ; length,,arg
PATH. t1, ; find out path to this file
bugerr <Can't get path to file>
SETOM xxbak ; yes, indicate that we're using backup
SKIPE orgpro ; do we have an original prot already?
JRST opwr05 ; yes
LDB t1,[POINT ^D9,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D8] ; save original prot.
MOVEM t1,orgpro
opwr05: HLLZ t1,dslkbk+.RBEXT ; save original extension
MOVEM t1,orgext
MOVE t1,dslkbk+.RBNAM ; save original filename
MOVEM t1,orgnam
MOVE t1,tmppro ; use temporary protection
DPB t1,[POINT ^D9,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D8]
MOVE t1,tmpnam ; use the temporary name
MOVEM t1,dslkbk+.RBNAM
MOVE t1,tmpext ; use temporary fileextension
HLLM t1,dslkbk+.RBEXT
MOVEI t0,ERDNA% ; assume device not available
OPEN dsk,dsopbk ; open device again
JRST fatal
nfound: HLLZS dslkbk+.RBEXT ; clear creation-date (high order bits)
SETZ t1,
DPB t1,[POINT ^D23,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D35] ; and low bits
MOVE t1,[dslkbk+.RBSIZ,,dslkbk+.RBVER]
push p,dslkbk+.rbspl ;*****
push p,dslkbk+.rbver ;***
BLT t1,dslkbk+.RBDEV ; clear rest of LOOKUP block
pop p,dslkbk+.rbver ;***
pop p,dslkbk+.rbspl ;*****
ENTER dsk,dslkbk ; create a file
JRST[ HRRZ t0,dslkbk+.RBEXT ; error
JRST fatal]
SKIPE notdir ; is it a directory device?
JRST opwr10 ; no, don't try to get path
MOVEI t1,dsk ; disk channel
MOVEM t1,dslkpt+.PTFCN ; to path-block
MOVE t1,[.PTMAX,,dslkpt]
PATH. t1, ; get real path to the file
bugerr <Can't get real path to the file>
opwr10: MOVEI t1,dsbfoh ; use buffers for output
CALL bufbld ; build buffers
OUT dsk, ; try a dummy OUT
bugerr <DSKOPEN: Dummy OUT failed>
opnret: MOVE t1,a
MOVEM t1,ds.opn ; the file is now open
POPJ P, ; all's well, return with 0
;build buffers, arg is pointer to buffer header control block in t1
PUSH p,t0
MOVX t0,<BF.VBR+dsbuf1+.BFHDR>; pointer to current buffer
MOVEM t0,.BFADR(t1) ; put it in buffer-header
MOVE t0,[POINT 7,0,35]
MOVEM t0,.BFPTR(t1) ; set up byte-pointer
SETZM .BFCTR(t1) ; clear byte-counter
HRLZI t0,dsksiz/5+1 ; buffer size + 1
HRRI t0,dsbuf2+.BFHDR
MOVEM t0,dsbuf1+.BFHDR ; set up first buffer
HRRI t0,dsbuf3+.BFHDR
MOVEM t0,dsbuf2+.BFHDR ; set up second buffer
HRRI t0,dsbuf4+.BFHDR
MOVEM t0,dsbuf3+.BFHDR ; set up third buffer
HRRI t0,dsbuf5+.BFHDR
MOVEM t0,dsbuf4+.BFHDR ; set up fourth buffer
HRRI t0,dsbuf6+.BFHDR
MOVEM t0,dsbuf5+.BFHDR ; set up fifth buffer
HRRI t0,dsbuf1+.BFHDR
MOVEM t0,dsbuf6+.BFHDR ; set up sixth buffer
POP p,t0
;PROCEDURE truename (VAR namstr: string; fields: char);
;(* Gives the name of the opened file. *)
;flags to decide what fields to return
devp==1B35 ; 1
namep==1B34 ; 2
typep==1B33 ; 4
dirp==1B32 ; 8
attrp==1B31 ; 16
nodep==1B30 ; 32
truena::cain fields,"B" ;Map from new calling standard...
movei fields,<namep>
cain fields,"D"
movei fields,<nodep+devp+namep+typep+dirp>
cain fields,"F"
movei fields,<devp+namep+typep+dirp+attrp>
push p,namstr ;Save argument, for retry.
pushj p,.truen ;First try...
jumpge t1,tnret ;All OK, return.
trz fields,<nodep+attrp>
move namstr,(p)
pushj p,.truen ;second try...
jumpge t1,tnret ;Did it without protection, good.
trz fields,dirp
move namstr,(p)
pushj p,.truen ;Last try...
tnret: pop p,(p) ;restore stack.
popj p, ;return.
.truen: CALL blanks ; blank the string
HRLI namstr,(POINT 7,0) ; make a bytepointer
MOVEI t1,strsiz ; length of string
txnn fields,nodep ;Node name wanted?
jrst no.nod ; Nope, skip a bit.
movei x1,2 ;Set up argument list length.
movei x2,.gtloc
gettab x2, ;Get number of local node.
jrst no.nod ; Oops...
movx sixwrd,<.ndrnn,,x1>
node. sixwrd, ;Convert to node name.
jrst no.nod ; Oops...
call trusix ;Store in string.
movei char,":" ;Store double colon.
call putnam
call putnam
no.nod: SKIPN sixwrd,dslkbk+.RBDEV ; if nothing there
SKIPA sixwrd,dsopbk+1 ; then try here
TRZ sixwrd,007777 ; only first 4 chars, thank you
MOVEM sixwrd,dsopbk+1 ; save device name
TXNN fields,devp
CALL trusix ; output to the namestring
MOVEI char,":" ; colon finishes
CALL putnam MOVE t7,dsopbk+1 ; get device name again
HLRZ t6,t7 ; we need it once more
DEVTYP t7, ; get charcteristics
bugerr <TRUNAME: DEVTYP failed>
TXNE t7,TY.MAN+TY.SPL ; directory device or spooled device?
JRST trufil ; yes, print at least filename
CAIE t6,'TMP' ; no, is it TMP: ?
POPJ P, ; no, don't do anything more
SETO t7, ; make sure we don't go past filename
trufil: TXNN fields,namep
JRST no.nam
MOVE sixwrd,dslkbk+.RBNAM ; filename
CALL trusix
no.nam: TXNE t7,TY.SPL ; spooled device?
POPJ P, ; yes, don't print any more junk
TXNN fields,typep
JRST no.typ
MOVEI char,"." ; separates from extension
CALL putnam
HLLZ sixwrd,dslkbk+.RBEXT ; get extension
CALL trusix ; print the extension
no.typ: TXNN fields,dirp
JRST no.dir
trudir: MOVEI char,"[" ; here comes directory
CALL putnam
SKIPE dslkbk+.RBPPN ; null pointer
JRST trudi1 ; no, proceed
MOVE t8,dsopbk+1
MOVEM t8,dslkpt+.PTFCN ; device
MOVE t7,[.PTMAX,,dslkpt]
PATH. t7, ; get default path
bugerr <TRUENAME: Can't get path of device>
trudi1: HLRZ number,dslkpt+.PTPPN ; get project
CALL truoct
MOVEI char,"," ; separate with comma
CALL putnam
HRRZ number,dslkpt+.PTPPN ; get programmer
CALL truoct
MOVEI t7,dslkpt+.PTSFD ; get first sfd
trudi2: SKIPN (t7) ; null sfd?
JRST trudi3 ; yes, end of directory
MOVEI char,"," ; separator
CALL putnam
MOVE sixwrd,(t7) ; get sfd-name
CALL trusix
AOJA t7,trudi2 ; get next sfd
trudi3: MOVEI char,"]" ; finishes the directory
CALL putnam
no.dir: TXNN fields,attrp
JRST no.att
trupro: MOVEI char,"<" ; start of protection field
CALL putnam
MOVEI t8,3 ; three digits in protection code
MOVE t7,[POINT 3,dslkbk+.RBPRV] ; pointer to protection code
trupr1: ILDB char,t7 ; get a digit
ADDI char,"0" ; convert to ascii
CALL putnam ; put it in string
SOJG t8,trupr1 ; get next digit
MOVEI char,">" ; end of protection field
CALL putnam
skipn flag8 ;[JE] Eight bit?
jrst no.att ;[JE] Nope, skip this.
movei char,"/" ;[JE] Yes, add "/" to string.
pushj p,putnam
move char,flag8 ;[JE] Add kind of eight-bit.
pushj p,putnam
no.att: popj p,
; put a sixbit word in the string.
; sixbit word in ac 'sixwrd'.
trusix: JUMPE sixwrd,[POPJ P,] ; null word
trusi1: SETZ char,
LSHC char,6 ; get a sixbit byte
ADDI char," " ; convert to ascii
CAIGE char,"0" ; legal char?
JRST trusi2 ; no
CAIG char,"9" ; try again
JRST trusi3 ; yes, definitely legal
CAIL char,"A" ; last chance
CAILE char,"Z"
trusi2: JRST[ HRLZ char,char ; save char in left half of ac
CALL putnam ; put the ^V
HLRZ char,char ; get back the char
JRST trusi3] ; go put the char too
trusi3: CALL putnam ; put it in namestring
JUMPN sixwrd,trusi1 ; get next byte
; put an octal number in the string.
; number in ac 'number'. number+1 is destroyed.
truoct: IDIVI number,^D8 ; get quotient and remainder
PUSH p,number+1 ; push remainder
SKIPE number ; IF quotient /= 0 THEN
CALL truoct ; trueoct (quotient)
POP p,char ; ELSE fall thru to put-routine
ADDI char,"0" ; but first convert to ascii
; put a character in the string..
; character in ac 'char'.
putnam: SUBI t1,1 ;[JE]Decrement char counter
SKIPL t1 ;[JE]Room left in string?
IDPB char,namstr ;[JE] No, deposit the byte
;FUNCTION TrueMode: majors;
;(* Return our opinion of what major mode this buffer shall have, *)
;(* based on what extension we have. *)
TRUEMO::HLRZ T1,DSLKBK+.RBEXT ;Get extension from lookup/enter block
MOVEI T2,MODLEN ;Get length of mode table
TMOD.2: HRRZ T3,MODTAB(T2) ;Get next extension from table
CAIN T3,(T1) ;Is this it?
JRST TMOD.4 ; Yes, go return corresponding mode
SOJGE T2,TMOD.2 ;No, decrement counter, and maybe loop back
MOVEI T1,MD%FUN ;No table left, assume fundamental mode
MOVEM T1,1(P) ;Return value for pascal
TMOD.4: HLRZ T1,MODTAB(T2) ;We found a match, get the mode from table
MOVEM T1,1(P) ;Return it for pascal
POPJ P, ;All done!
;*** NOTE *** These must agree with the type 'majors' in MAIN.PAS
MD%C== 7
MODTAB: XWD MD%TXT,'DOC' ;Documentation files
XWD MD%TXT,'HLP' ;Help files
XWD MD%TXT,'MAN' ;Manuals
XWD MD%TXT,'MSS' ;Scribe something
XWD MD%TXT,'PL ' ;Prolog (NIL says text mode is best...)
XWD MD%TXT,'RFC' ;Request For Comments...
XWD MD%TXT,'TXT' ;General text files
XWD MD%ALG,'ALG' ;Algol-60
XWD MD%ALG,'SIM' ;Simula
XWD MD%MAC,'MAC' ;Macro-10
XWD MD%MAC,'P11' ;Macro-11
XWD MD%PAS,'PAS' ;Pascal
XWD MD%C, 'C ' ;C
XWD MD%C, 'H ' ;C 'include' files
XWD MD%TEX,'TEX' ;TeX sources
XWD MD%ADA,'ADA' ;Frog code.
XWD MD%BLI,'BLI' ;Bliss (yeach) code.
XWD MD%BLI,'B36' ; -""-
XWD MD%BLI,'R36' ; -""-
XWD MD%BLI,'REQ' ; -""-
;PROCEDURE TruePos(var pagenumber, linenumber, charnumber: bufpos);
;(* Give back information about where in the file to start. *)
TRUEPO::move 1,pg.val
movem 1,(2) ;Give page #.
move 1,ln.val
movem 1,(3) ;Give line #.
move 1,ch.val
movem 1,(4) ;Give char #.
popj p, ;Return.
;FUNCTION dskcd(d: string): integer;
;(* This implements the function "Connect to Directory". *)
dskcd:: SETZM dslkpt ;Clear first word of PATH. block.
MOVE 1,[dslkpt,,dslkpt+1]
BLT 1,dslkpt+.PTMAX ;Clear rest of block.
HRLI 2,strsize ;Load string size.
MOVEI 3,dslkbk ;Load stupid argument pointer.
CALL filprs ;Call parser to fill in data.
CAIE t0,errnoe ;Any error?
JRST fatal ; Yes, conplain.
MOVEM 1,dslkpt+.PTFCN ;Set up function code.
MOVE 1,[.PTMAX,,dslkpt]
MOVEI t0,errccd ;Assume error.
PATH. 1, ;Try change default path.
JRST fatal ; Bad, propagate error.
SETZM 1,1(p) ;Give good return.
;FUNCTION dskrecognition(VAR f: string; VAR len: integer; ch: char): boolean;
;(* This is the file name recognition routine. It just returns FALSE *)
;(* in this implementation. *)
DSKREC::SETZM 1(P) ;Clear return value. (Means FALSE)
POPJ P, ;Return and show that this did not work.
;(* Reads data from the file into x.
; Returns number of read characters if success, -1 if EOF and
; -2 if other error. *)
dskrea::SKIPN ds.opn ; check if file is open
bugerr <DSKREAD: File is not open>
SKIPE tcrdev ; tmpcore?
JRST tcrrea ; yes
IN dsk,
JRST dskr10
STATZ dsk,IO.EOF ; check for end-of-file
JRST[ SETOM 1(P) ; return -1 in case of EOF
STATZ dsk,IO.ERR ; hard error?
bugerr <DSKREAD: Hard error. Please reboot>
bugerr <DSKREAD: Strange error>
dskr10: HRRZ t1,dsbfih+.BFADR ; address to current buffer
ADDI t1,2 ; get pointer to start of buffer
SETAM t1,(x) ; to where it should end up
MOVE t3,dsbfih+.BFCTR ; get number of read bytes
skipe flag8 ;[JE] Eight-bit bytes?
jrst dskr.8 ;[JE] Yes, have to convert block.
SOSLE blknum ; last block?
JRST .inret ; no, just return count
pushj p,getlwd ;[JE] Get last word in buffer.
TXNN t5,000000000377 ; [BD] Ends with <NUL> ?
SUBI t3,1 ; [BD] yes, decrement count
TXNN t5,000000077777 ; [BD] Ends with <NUL> <NUL> ?
SUBI t3,1 ; [BD] yes, decrement count
TXNN t5,000017777777 ; [BD] Ends with <NUL> <NUL> <NUL> ?
SUBI t3,1 ; [BD] yes, decrement count
TXNN t5,003777777777 ; [BD] Ends <NUL> <NUL> <NUL> <NUL> ?
SUBI t3,1 ; [BD] yes, decrement count
.inret: MOVEM t3,1(p) ; return count
; Get last data word in buffer.
getlwd: move t2,dsbfih+.bfptr;Get byte pointer.
movei t4,-1(t3) ;Get number of 7-bit bytes, minus one.
idivi t4,5 ;Get number of words minus one.
add t2,t4 ;Increment byte pointer.
ibp t2 ;... to last word somewhere.
move t5,(t2) ;Fetch last word.
popj p, ;return.
dskr.8: move t1,t3 ;Get number of bytes.
imuli t1,4 ;Convert to 8-bit bytes.
idivi t1,5
sosle blknum ;Last block?
jrst dskr8b ; Nope, just convert buffer.
pushj p,getlwd ;Get last word in buffer.
txnn t5,000000007777 ;Check for one null.
subi t1,1
txnn t5,000003777777 ;Check for two nulls.
subi t1,1
txnn t5,001777777777 ;Check for three nulls.
subi t1,1
dskr8b: movem t1,1(p) ;Set return value.
jumple t1,.popj ;Save some work for empty buffers.
movei t6,[jrst (t3)] ;Default to no conversion.
move t2,flag8 ;What kind of eight-bit?
cain t2,"I" ;I*M specials?
movei t6,cvtibm ; Yes, load conversion routine.
cain t2,"A" ;ANSI eight bit?
movei t6,cvtansi ; Yes, load conversion routine.
move t7,dsbfih+.bfptr;Get seven-bit byte pointer.
move t8,t7 ;Copy it.
tlc t8,001700 ;Convert to eight-bit pointer.
dskr8c: ildb t2,t8 ;Get eight-bit byte.
jsp t3,(t6) ;Possibly convert it.
idpb t2,t7 ;Store seven-bit byte.
sojg t1,dskr8c ;Decrement and loop.
popj p,
; Routine to convert eight-bit char in T2 to suitable seven-bit character.
define convert(c8,c7),<
cain t2,100+c8
movei t2,c7
>;convert macro
cvtibm: caig t2,200 ;High bit set?
jrst (t3) ; No, save compares.
convert "A","~"
convert "B","`"
convert "D","{"
convert "F","}"
convert "N","["
convert "O","]"
convert "P","@"
convert "T","|"
convert "Y","\"
convert "Z","^"
jrst (t3) ;Return from JSP call.
cvtansi:jrst (t3) ;Just return for now.
tcrrea: skipe tcrflg ; have we read a block already?
jrst[ setom 1(p) ; yes, return EOF
popj p,]
move t3,tcrsiz ; get number of words read
subi t3,1 ; minus one
move t4,t3 ; compute number..
imuli t3,5 ; ..of bytes
movei t0,dsbuf1+3 ; get pointer to buffer
movem t0,(x) ; give to caller
hrli t0,(POINT 7,0) ; make a bytepointer to the buffer
add t4,t0 ; adjust to last word - 1
tcrr10: ildb t5,t4 ; get that byte
skipe t5 ; <NUL>?
aoja t3,tcrr10 ; no, get next
movem t3,1(p) ; give number of read bytes to caller
setom tcrflg ; indicate we've read from TMP:
popj p,
;(* Returns the address of the next available diskbuffer. *)
dsknex::HRRZ t1,dsbfoh+.BFADR ; address of buffer header
SKIPE tcrdev ; tmpcore?
MOVEI t1,dsbuf1+.BFHDR ; yes, use predefined buffer
ADDI t1,2 ; offset to get beginning of text
MOVEM t1,1(p)
;(* Writes count bytes of data on the file from x.
; Returns 0 if success, -2 otherwise. *)
dskwri::SKIPN ds.opn ; check if file is open
bugerr <DSKWRITE: File is not open>
CAILE count,dsksiz
bugerr <DSKWRITE: Too large diskblock>
MOVE t3,count ; get number of bytes to write
IDIVI t3,5
;[je] n'th try to get the correct byte pointer...
movei t5,dsbuf1+3
hrli t5,(point 7)
skipn tcrdev
move t5,dsbfoh+.bfptr
add t3,t5
dskw10: JUMPE t4,dskw20
IBP t3
SOJA t4,dskw10
dskw20: SETAM t3,dsbfoh+.BFPTR
CAIE count,dsksize ; check if disk block full (*JMR*)
CALL filnul
MOVNI t3,9(count) ; calculate number of full words(*JMR*)
IDIVI t3,5 ; in the buffer (*JMR*)
HRLZ t3,t3 ; make an AOBJN pointer out of (*JMR*)
HRR t3,dsbfoh+.BFADR ; it (*JMR*)
ADDI t3,1 ; (*JMR*)
MOVEI t4,1 ; bit to clear (*JMR*)
dskw30: AOBJP t3,dskw40 ; more words to clear bit in? (*JMR*)
ANDCAM t4,(t3) ; yes, clear least significant (*JMR*)
JRST dskw30 ; bit and loop (*JMR*)
dskw40: SKIPE tcrdev ; tmpcore?
JRST tcrwri ; yes
OUT dsk,
JRST[ SETZM 1(p) ; all's well
POPJ p,]
STATZ dsk,IO.ERR ; hard error?
bugerr <DSKWRITE: Hard error.Error code later>
bugerr <DSKWRITE: Strange error>
tcrwri: HLLZ t4,dslkbk+.RBNAM ; get filename
MOVN t5,count ; negative number of bytes to write
IDIVI t5,5 ; convert
JUMPE t6,tcrw10 ; into
SUBI t5,1 ; words
tcrw10: HRLZ t5,t5 ; make an
HRRI t5,dsbuf1+2 ; IOWD
MOVE t3,[.TCRWF,,t4]
TMPCOR t3, ; write the TMP: file
JRST[ MOVEI t0,ERNRM% ; too large possibly
JRST fatal]
SETZM 1(p) ; all's well
filnul: SETZ t0, ; if not, nullpad last word (*JMR*)
TLNN t3,37B22 ; check if thru last word (*JMR*)
POPJ p, ; done, exit from small loop (*JMR*)
IDPB t0,t3 ; store a null in buffer ring (*JMR*)
JRST filnul ; and loop back for next byte (*JMR*)
;(* Closes the open file. Returns 0 if succesful,
; -1 if file not found, -2 otherwise. *)
dskclo::SKIPN ds.opn ; check if file is open
bugerr <DSKCLOSE: File is not open>
SKIPE tcrdev ; tmpcore?
JRST dskcl1 ; yes
RELEAS dsk, ; release the channel
SKIPN xxbak ; do we have backup?
JRST dskcl1 ; no we're finished
MOVE t1,orgnam ; get original name
SETAM t1,dslkbk+.RBNAM
MOVE t1,bakext ; get backupextension
HLLM t1,dslkbk+.RBEXT
MOVEI t0,ERDNA% ; assume device not available
OPEN dsk,dsopbk ; open the device
JRST fatal ; sorry...
LOOKUP dsk,dslkbk ; do we have an old backup file?
JRST newbak ; no
SETZ t0, ; yes
RENAME dsk,t0 ; delete old backup file
JRST[ MOVEI t0,errbkd ; can't delete old backup
JRST fatal]
newbak: MOVE t1,orgnam ; get original name back
SETAM t1,dslkbk+.RBNAM
MOVE t1,orgext ; get original extension back
HLLM t1,dslkbk+.RBEXT
MOVEI t0,ERDNA% ; assume device not available
OPEN dsk,dsopbk ; try open a device
JRST fatal
LOOKUP dsk,dslkbk ; lookup the original file
JRST rentmp ; never mind, perhaps we don't have one
SETOM proflg
HRRZ t2,dslkbk+.RBEXT ; get creation date
HLL t2,bakext ; get backup extension
tobakr: MOVEM t2,dslkbk+.RBEXT
RENAME dsk,dslkbk ; rename original file
JRST[ MOVEI t0,errbkr
SKIPN proflg ; have we tried before?
JRST fatal ; yes, tell'm we're sorry
LDB t1,[POINT 3,dslkbk+.RBPRV,2]
MOVEI t0,errbkr
CAIE t1,2 ; is it protection code 2 ?
JRST fatal ; no we can't rename
MOVE t1,orgext
HLLM t1,dslkbk+.RBEXT
MOVEI t1,1
DPB t1,[POINT 3,dslkbk+.RBPRV,2]
MOVEI t0,errbkr
RENAME dsk,dslkbk ; try to change the protection
JRST fatal ; can't lower prot, sorry
MOVEI t1,2
MOVE t1,orgpro
ANDI t1,477 ; safety measure in case of FILE DAEMON
DPB t1,[POINT ^D9,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D8]
SETZM proflg ; don't try this again
JRST tobakr ; go try rename to backup name again
rentmp: MOVE t1,tmpnam ; get name of tmp-file
SETAM t1,dslkbk+.RBNAM
MOVE t1,tmpext ; get extension of tmp-file
HLLM t1,dslkbk+.RBEXT
MOVEI t0,ERDNA% ; assume device not available
OPEN dsk,dsopbk ; try open a device
JRST fatal
LOOKUP dsk,dslkbk ; lookup the tmp-file
JRST[ HRRZ t0,dslkbk+.RBEXT ; error
JRST warn
JRST fatal]
MOVE t1,orgnam ; get name of original file
SETAM t1,dslkbk+.RBNAM
MOVE t1,orgext ; get extension of original file
HLLM t1,dslkbk+.RBEXT
MOVE t1,orgpro ; get original protection
DPB t1,[POINT ^D9,dslkbk+.RBPRV,^D8]
RENAME dsk,dslkbk ; rename tmp-file to original file
JRST[ HRRZ t0,dslkbk+.RBEXT; failed, return with error code
JRST warn
JRST fatal]
RELEAS dsk, ; don't need device any more
SETZM xxbak ; reset backup flag
dskcl1: SETZM ds.opn ; file isn't open any more
SETZM tcrflg
SETZM tcrdev
SETZM notdir
setzm 1(p)
popj p,
;PROCEDURE dskmessage (VAR errstr: STRING);
;(* Returns latest disk-error. *)
dskmes::CALL blanks ; blank the string
MOVE t1,errtab ; get what table
ADD t1,lsterr ; add offset into table
MOVE t1,(t1) ; get address of errorstring
HRLI t1,(POINT 7,0) ; make a bytepointer
MOVEI t4,strsiz ; max length of a string
MOVE t6,[POINT 7,(errstr)] ; make byte pointer to dest.
dskme1: ILDB t5,t1 ; get next char
JUMPE t5,dskme2 ; break on <NUL>
IDPB t5,t6 ; put byte in dest.
SOJG t4,dskme1 ; get next char, if room for more
dskme2: MOVEI t1,otherr
CAME t1,errtab ; misc. error?
popj p, ; no, just return
MOVEI t1,errbkr-errmis
CAME t1,lsterr ; errbkr error-code?
popj p, ; no, return
MOVE t6,[POINT 7,jobpos/5(errstr),<jobpos-jobpos/5*5>*7-1]
MOVE t1,[pOiNT 6,tmpnam] ; pointer to jobnumber in SIXBIT
MOVEI t4,3 ; mAx 3 digits in jobnumber
dskm10: ILDB t5,t1 ; get next digit
ADDI t5," " ; convert to ascii
IDPB t5,t6 ; store it
SOJG t4,dskm10 ; get next digit
popj p,
; routine to set latest error, argument in ac0, which is preserved on exit
PUSH p,t0
PUSH p,t1
PUSH p,t2
CAILE t0,1000 ; misc. error?
JRST[ SUBI t0,errmis ; subtract to get offset
MOVEI t1,otherr ; use misc. error table
MOVEI t2,othmax ; check
JRST setchk ; boundaries
CAILE t0,100 ; parsing error codes are > 100
JRST[ SUBI t0,errnoe ; subtract first error to get offset
MOVEI t1,prserr ; use parsing error table
MOVEI t2,prsmax ; check
JRST setchk ; boundaries
MOVEI t1,monerr ; use monitor error table
MOVEI t2,monmax
setchk: JUMPL t0,setch1 ; IF offset < 0 OR
CAMG t0,t2 ; offset > max allowed
JRST seter1 ; THEN
setch1: MOVEI t1,errset ; use special error-error
SETZ t0, ; FI
seter1: SETAM t1,errtab ; set what table to use
SETAM t0,lsterr ; set latest error
CLOSE dsk, ; close the file
SETZM tcrflg
SETZM tcrdev
SETZM notdir
SETZM ds.opn ; and remember it
SETZM xxbak ; clear backup-flag too
POP p,t2
POP p,t1
POP p,t0
popj p,
fatal: CALL seterr ; set latest error
movx t1,-2
movem t1,1(p)
popj p,
warn: CALL seterr ; set latest error
setom 1(p)
popj p,
;High segment data and literals
tmppro: EXP 100 ; temporary protection
tmpext: SIXBIT 'TMP' ; temporary extension
bakext: SIXBIT 'BAK' ; backup extension
;special error-error
errset: [ASCIZ "UNK? Unknown error in DSKIO"]
;error table, misc. errors
[ASCIZ "IOF? This is no error"]
[ASCIZ "IOF? Can't delete old backup file"]
[ASCIZ "IOF? Backup failed, saving as nnnAMI.TMP"]
; 123456789012345678901234567890^
[ASCIZ "CCD? Can't change directory"]
;error table, parsing errors.
;40 chars: " "
[ASCIZ "FSE? No error, success"] ;errnoe==101
[ASCIZ "FSE? Illegal character in filespec."] ;erricf==102
[ASCIZ "FSE? Too long field in filespecification"] ;errtlf==103
[ASCIZ "FSE? Duplicate filespec"] ;errdfn==104
[ASCIZ "FSE? Duplicate extension"] ;errdex==105
[ASCIZ "FSE? Double directory"] ;errddr==106
[ASCIZ "FSE? Colon, but no device"] ;errcnd==107
[ASCIZ "FSE? Duplicate device"] ;errddv==110
[ASCIZ "FSE? Illegal separator in directory"] ;errils==111
[ASCIZ "FSE? Too many sfds"] ;errtms==112
[ASCIZ "FSE? Null sfd"] ;errnls==113
[ASCIZ "FSE? Illegal format for directory"] ;errilf==114
[ASCIZ "FSE? Illegal protection code"] ;errilp==115
[ASCIZ "FSE? Duplicate protection"] ;errdpr==116
[ASCIZ "FOO? Cannot write 8-bit files"] ;errnw8==117
[ASCIZ "IOE? File not found"] ;ERFNF%==0
[ASCIZ "IOE? Incorrect ppn"] ;ERIPP%==1
[ASCIZ "IOE? Protection failure"] ;ERPRT%==2
[ASCIZ "IOE? File being modified"] ;ERFBM%==3
[ASCIZ "IOE? Already existing file name"] ;ERAEF%==4
[ASCIZ "IOE? Illegal sequence of uuos"] ;ERISU%==5
[ASCIZ "IOE? Transmission error"] ;ERTRN%==6
[ASCIZ "IOE? Not a save file"] ;ERNSF%==7
[ASCIZ "IOE? Not enough core"] ;ERNEC%==10
[ASCIZ "IOE? Device not available"] ;ERDNA%==11
[ASCIZ "IOE? No such device"] ;ERNSD%==12
[ASCIZ "IOE? Ill. mon. call for getseg and filop"] ;ERILU%==13
[ASCIZ "IOE? No room"] ;ERNRM%==14
[ASCIZ "IOE? Write-locked"] ;ERWLK%==15
[ASCIZ "IOE? Not enough table space"] ;ERNET%==16
[ASCIZ "IOE? Partial allocation"] ;ERPOA%==17
[ASCIZ "IOE? Block not free"] ;ERBNF%==20
[ASCIZ "IOE? Can't supersede a directory"] ;ERCSD%==21
[ASCIZ "IOE? Can't delete non-empty directory"] ;ERDNE%==22
[ASCIZ "IOE? Sfd not found"] ;ERSNF%==23
[ASCIZ "IOE? Search list empty"] ;ERSLE%==24
[ASCIZ "IOE? Sfd nest level too deep"] ;ERLVL%==25
[ASCIZ "IOE? No-create for all s/l"] ;ERNCE%==26
[ASCIZ "IOE? Segment not on swap space"] ;ERSNS%==27
[ASCIZ "IOE? Can't update file"] ;ERFCU%==30
[ASCIZ "IOE? Low seg overlaps hi seg (getseg)"] ;ERLOH%==31
[ASCIZ "IOE? Not logged in (run)"] ;ERNLI%==32
[ASCIZ "IOE? File has outstanding locks set"] ;ERENQ%==33
[ASCIZ "IOE? Bad .EXE file directory (getseg,run"] ;ERBED%==34
[ASCIZ "IOE? Bad ext. for .EXE file(getseg,run)"] ;ERBEE%==35
[ASCIZ "IOE? .EXE directory too big(getseg,run)"] ;ERDTB%==36
[ASCIZ "IOE? TSK - exceeded network capacity"] ;ERENC%==37
[ASCIZ "IOE? TSK - task not available"] ;ERTNA%==40
[ASCIZ "IOE? TSK - undefined network node"] ;ERUNN%==41
[ASCIZ "IOE? Rename - sfd is in use"] ;ERSIU%==42
[ASCIZ "IOE? Delete - file has an ndr lock"] ;ERNDR%==43
[ASCIZ "IOE? Job count high (A.T. read cnt ovrfl"] ;ERJCH%==44
[ASCIZ "IOE? Cannot rename sfd to a lower level"] ;ERSSL%==45
;Lowsegment storage
; OPEN block
dsopbk: EXP 0 ; I/O status and flags
EXP 0 ; Sixbit device name or UDX
dsbfoh,,dsbfih ; Buffer ring header pointers
dslkbk: EXP dslkln ; .RBCNT, Number of args following
XWD 0,dslkpt ; .RBPPN, Pointer to path
; Job's PPN (*JMR*)
jobppn: BLOCK 1 ; Logged in PPN (*JMR*)
; PATH.-block
dslkpt: BLOCK .PTMAX+1
prslen: BLOCK 1 ;String length when parsing file names.
prsarg: block 1 ;Special input pointer for parser.
tcrsiz: BLOCK 1 ; place to save number of read words
tcrdev: BLOCK 1 ; flag for TMP:
tcrflg: BLOCK 1 ; flag for reading TMP:
notdir: BLOCK 1 ; flag for non-directory devices
ds.opn: EXP 0 ; file-is-open flag
; buffer ring headers
dsbfoh: BLOCK 3 ; output header
dsbfih: BLOCK 3 ; input header
; buffers
dsbuf1: BLOCK 3 ; first buffer
BLOCK dsksiz/5
dsbuf2: BLOCK 3 ; second buffer
BLOCK dsksiz/5
dsbuf3: BLOCK 3 ; third buffer
BLOCK dsksiz/5
dsbuf4: BLOCK 3 ; fourth buffer
BLOCK dsksiz/5
dsbuf5: BLOCK 3 ; fifth buffer
BLOCK dsksiz/5
dsbuf6: BLOCK 3 ; sixth buffer
BLOCK dsksiz/5
; data for backup
tmpnam: BLOCK 1 ; temporary filename
orgpro: BLOCK 1 ; original protection
orgnam: BLOCK 1 ; original file name
orgext: BLOCK 1 ; original extension
xxbak: BLOCK 1 ; backup flag
; storage for the error-handler
errtab: BLOCK 1 ; pointer to last error tabel
lsterr: BLOCK 1 ; offset into last error table
proflg: BLOCK 1 ; protection-code flag
cvseen: EXP 0 ; CTRL-V flag
save.n: BLOCK 1 ; place to save pointer to filename
savpos: BLOCk 1 ; place to save position in filename
blknum: BLOCK 1 ; number of blocks in file
TCRBUF: BLOCK 50 ;Buffer for TMP:EDS reading/writing.
RSCCNT: block 1 ;Count of argument chars rescanned.
RUNBLK:: ;[JE] Argument for /RUN:file
RUNDEV::!EXP 0 ;Device.
RUNFIL::!EXP 0 ;File name.
RUNEXT::!EXP 0 ;Extension.
EXP 0 ;Some zero word.
EXP 0 ;Another zero word.
EXPFIL: BLOCK ^D11 ;Expand file name here.
PG.VAL: BLOCK 1 ;Value of /Page:nn
LN.VAL: BLOCK 1 ;Value of /Line:nn
CH.VAL: BLOCK 1 ;Value of /Char:nn
FLAG8: BLOCK 1 ;Byte size of input file.