
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10_tools_bb-fp64b-sb - 10,7/amis/root.mac
There are no other files named root.mac in the archive.
title	amis
search	jobdat,uuosym
extern	main,bug
entry	amis,catch,throw,new,free,corerr,offset

ifndef cdebug,<cdebug==0>	;Track core usage.
ifndef cdblen,<cdblen==^D20>	;... for these block sizes.

t0=0				; temporary accumulators
a1=2				; arguments to procedures
fp=15				; frame pointer
np=16				; new pointer which holds top of stack
sp=17				; stack pointer

false=0				; representation of false
true=1				; representation of true
nil=0				; representation of nil

loc	.jbren			; start address for reenter command
exp	amis

twoseg	400000			; start of reentrant code

; program amis;
; main program written in assembly language

amis:	tdza	a1,a1		; run entry
	 movei	a1,1		; ccl entry
	movem	a1,offset	; save run offset
	skipn	total		; check if restart,
	 jrst	amis.2		;  and skip once-only things if so.
	reset			; reset world otherwise
	movei	sp,stkblk+1	; Need stack for rrspar call.
	skipn	offset		; If no run offset, -
	 pushj	sp,rrspar##	;  rescan the command line.

amis.2:	move	fp,[		; initialize pointer registers
		xwd	stkblk,stkblk]
	movei	np,stkend-1
	move	sp,[
		xwd	400000,stkblk+1]
	move	a1,total	; get total initialization flag,
	setzm	total		;  and clear it for restart
	pushj	sp,main		; call main procedure
	movei	a1,[		; main procedure may never terminate
		asciz	"AMIS main loop terminated"]
	pushj	sp,bug

; procedure catch(ref catchblock: context);
; saves context in catchblock
; accumulators used: a1, a2

context=a1			; address of catchblock

catch:	caig	np,100(sp)	; check if we have enough stack
	 pushj	sp,corerr	; no, so catching is meaningless
	movem	np,0(context)	; save top of stack pointer
	movem	fp,1(context)	; save frame pointer
	movem	sp,2(context)	; save stack pointer
	move	a2,0(sp)	; fetch return address,
	hrlm	a2,0(context)	;  and save it in catchblock
	movei	a2,false	; return false this time
	movem	a2,1(sp)
	popj	sp,

; procedure throw(var Context: catchblock);
; restores context from catchblock
; accumulators used: a1, a2, np, fp, sp

context=a1			; address of catchblock

throw:	move	a2,0(sp)	; fetch program counter with status flags
	hrrz	np,0(context)	; restore top of stack pointer
	move	fp,1(context)	; restore frame pointer
	move	sp,2(context)	; restore stack pointer
	hlr	a2,0(context)	; restore old return address
	 movem	a2,0(sp)	;  and save on stack
	movei	a2,true		; return true this time
	movem	a2,1(sp)
	popj	sp,

; procedure new(pointer: ^any data type);
; implements the standard procedure new
; length of data type comes in a1, address of allocated object is left in a1
; ackumulator used: a1
; accumulators saved before use: a2, a3, a4, a5, a6

overhead=1			; one word memory manager overhead
extra=2000			; allocate two extra memory pages

length=a1			; length to allocate
this=a2				; block which we are trying to allocate
pred=a3				; that block's predecessor in linked list
succ=a4				; that block's successor in linked list

new:	jumple	a2,[
		movei	a1,[
			asciz	"New: Allocating 0 or negative length"]
		pushj	sp,bug]
ifn cdebug,<
	caig	a2,cdblen	;In range?
	 aos	cortab(a2)	; Yes, count this block.
	cain	a2,200		;Text chunk?
	 aos	cortab		; Yes, count it.
>;ifn cdebug
	push	sp,this		; saving accumulators is neccessary, since
	push	sp,pred		;  this is a runtime system routine
	push	sp,succ
	push	sp,a5
	push	sp,a6
	movei	pred,freelist	; start with pointer to pointer to free list
newloop:hrrz	this,(pred)	; scan the free list for nil, which means that
	cain	this,nil	;  we have reached the end of the free list
	 jrst	newzero		;  without finding an appropriate chunk,
	hlrz	a5,(this)	;  or a chunk which is long enough to keep the
	cail	a5,overhead(length);  data type plus the memory manager's
	 jrst	newtwo		;  overhead
	move	pred,this
	jrst	newloop
newzero:move	this,.jbff	; we didn't find an appropriate chunk, so we
	move	a5,this		;  have to reserve some memory after the last
	addi	a5,overhead(length);  allocated chunk
	hrrz	a6,.jbrel	; do we have to ask the operating system for
	cail	a6,-1(a5)	;  more memory?
	 jrst	newmos		; no, we already have that much memory
	movei	a6,extra-1(a5)	; yes, try to allocate some extra memory at
	core	a6,		;  the same time
	 skipa			; did operating system give us extra memory?
	  jrst	newmos		; yes, go on
	movei	a6,-1(a5)	; no, try to allocate just as much as we need
	core	a6,
	 skipa			; successfull this time?
	  jrst	newmos		; yes, go on
	movei	a1,[		; no, go print error message
		ascii	"URK? Buffer Space Exhausted             "]
	jrst	error##		; *** try to do something smarter here ***
newmos:	movei	a6,overhead(length); set up chunk length in overhead word
	movsm	a6,(this)
	movem	a5,.jbff	; update address of first free location
	hrlm	a5,.jbsa
	jrst	newret
newtwo:	hlrz	a5,(this)	; we found a chunk, now check if we can split
	caig	a5,2*overhead(length);  it into two parts
	 jrst	newone		; too short, don't split it
	move	succ,this	; long enough, calculate start address of 2nd
	addi	succ,overhead(length);  part
	subi	a5,overhead(length); calculate length of 2nd part and store
	hrl	a5,(this)	;  length and pointer in overhead word of 2nd
	movsm	a5,(succ)	;  part
	movei	a5,overhead(length); change length of 1st part
	hrlm	a5,(this)
	hrrm	succ,(pred)	; finally remove 1st part from free list
	jrst	newret
newone:	hrrz	succ,(this)	; remove unsplit chunk from free list
	hrrm	succ,(pred)
newret:	movei	a1,overhead(this); return address of first word after overhead
	pop	sp,a6		; restoring accumulators is also neccessary
	pop	sp,a5
	pop	sp,succ
	pop	sp,pred
	pop	sp,this
	popj	sp,

; procedure free(pointer: ^any data type);
; implements the standard procedure dispose
; address of object to deallocate comes in t0 and length in t1
; accumulators saved before use: a1, a2, a3, a4

overhead=1			; one word memory manager overhead
keep=1000			; keep spare memory if less than one page

this=a1				; block which we are about to deallocate
pred=a2				; that block's predecessor in linked list
succ=a3				; that block's successor in linked list

free:	jumpe	a1,[		; address must not be zero or nil
		movei	a1,[
			asciz	"Dispose: Deallocating 0 or NIL"]
		pushj	sp,bug]
ifn cdebug,<
	caig	a2,cdblen	;In range?
	 sos	cortab(a2)	; Yes, discount this block.
	cain	a2,200		;Text chunk?
	 sos	cortab		; Yes, discount it.
>;ifn cdebug
	dmove	t0,a1		;*** STUPID GERMANS ***
	move	this,t0
	push	sp,this		; saving accumulators is neccessary, since
	push	sp,pred		;  this is a runtime system routine
	push	sp,succ
	push	sp,a4
	movei	pred,freelist	; start with pointer to pointer to free list
	movei	this,-overhead(this); point to memory manager data instead
disloop:hrrz	succ,(pred)	; scan the free list for nil, which means that
	caie	succ,nil	;  we reached the end of the free list, or a
	 caml	succ,this	;  higher address, which means that we shall
	  jrst	dispred		;  insert this chunk there
	hrlz	pred,pred
	hrr	pred,succ
	jrst	disloop
dispred:camn	succ,this	; chunk addresses must not be equal
	 jrst[	movei	a1,[
			asciz	"Dispose: Deallocating object twice"]
		pushj	sp,bug]
	hlrz	a4,(pred)	; see if this chunk starts at the same address
	addi	a4,(pred)	;  as the previous one ends at
	came	a4,this
	 jrst	disinto		; it doesn't, go insert it into list
	hllz	a4,(this)	; it does, concatenate the two adjancent chunks
	addm	a4,(pred)	;  by increasing the size of the first one
	hrrz	this,pred	; back up pointers for further calculations
	hlrz	pred,pred
	jrst	dissucc
disinto:hrrm	succ,(this)	; not adjancent, so just insert this chunk into
	hrrm	this,(pred)	;  the free list
dissucc:hlrz	a4,(this)	; see if this chunk ends at the same address
	add	a4,this		;  as the next one starts at
	came	a4,succ
	 jrst	diszero		; it doesn't, go check if at end of memory
	hrrz	a4,(succ)	; it does, concatenate the two adjancent chunks
	hrrm	a4,(this)	;  by moving a pointer and increasing the size
	hllz	a4,(succ)	;  of the first one
	addm	a4,(this)
	jrst	disret
diszero:came	a4,.jbff	; is this the last allocated chunk in memory?
	 jrst	disret		; no, so there's nothing more to do
	movei	a4,nil		; yes, discard this chunk from the free list
	hrrm	a4,(pred)	;  and try to deallocate some memory
	movem	this,.jbff
	hrlm	this,.jbsa
	andi	this,777000
	hrrz	a4,.jbrel
	caige	this,1-1000-keep(a4)
	 core	this,
disret:	pop	sp,a4		; restoring accumulators is also neccessary
	pop	sp,succ
	pop	sp,pred
	pop	sp,this
	popj	sp,

; procedure corerr;
; implements the runtime system routine for stack overflow
; accumulators used: a1, np, fp, sp

corerr:	caie	np,stkend-1	; executing on normal stack?
	 jrst	corbug		; no, hard bug
	movei	np,sofend-1	; initialize pointer registers
	move	fp,[
		xwd	sofblk,sofblk]
	move	sp,[
		xwd	400000,sofblk+1]
	movei	a1,[		; get error message string address
		ascii	"SOF? Stack Overflow                     "]
	pushj	sp,error	; soft error
corbug:	movei	a1,[		; hard stack overflow detected
		asciz	"Stack Overflow"]
	pushj	sp,bug

srerr::	movei	a1,[		; These routines shall not be used anyway...
		asciz	"Horrendeous system error"]
	pushj	sp,bug

repeat	^D36,<
	exp	1B<i>
>;End of bit table.

lit				; put literals in reentrant segment
reloc				; start of non reentrant data area

ifn cdebug,<			; Count use of core blocks:
cortab:	exp	0		; Text chunks.
	repeat cdblen,<exp 0>	; Blocks 1..cdblen words.
>;ifn cdebug

total: exp	1		; total initialization flag is true initially
offset:	block	1		; run offset stored here
freelist: xwd	0,nil		; pointer to first element in free list
stkblk:	block	1000		; runtime stack
stkend:				; end of runtime stack
sofblk:	block	100		; stack overflow stack
sofend:				; end of stack overflow stack

end	amis