
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10and20_integ_tools_v9_3-aug-86 - tools/crc/ind/ind.sht
There are no other files named ind.sht in the archive.

	New features in Version 2 are indicated by change bars (:) in the
left-hand margin.

		For further explanation, see HLP:IND.MEM.

 Lines starting with ";" are messages for user, lines starting with "." are
IND directives, lines starting with ".;" are comments. All others are routed
to TOPS20.

	Summary of directives, special symbols, enable/disable keywords.

Label definition:
 .label:                Assigns a name to a line in the command file so that the
                line may be referenced.
Symbol definition:
 .ASK           Defines or redefines a logical symbol by asking the user  a  Y/N
                question and assigns the logical symbol a true or false value.
 .ASKN          Defines or redefines a numeric  symbol  by  asking  the  user  a
                question and assigns a numeric value to the symbol.
 .ASKS          Defines or redefines a  string  symbol  by  asking  the  user  a
                question  and  assigns  the  symbol a value which is a string of
 .ASKF          Defines or redefines a file symbol by promptig the  user  for  a
                filename and associates the symbol with that filename.
 .SETT/.SETF    Defines or redefines a logical symbol and assigns the  symbol  a
                true or false value.
 .SETN          Defines or redefines a numeric symbol and assigns the  symbol  a
                numeric value.
 .SETS          Defines or redefines a string symbol and assigns  the  symbol  a
                character string value.
| .LOGICAL,.STRING, .NUMERIC, .FILE Declares a symbol list of the appropriate
|		type, initializing all symbols to default values.
File access:
 .DATA          Specifies a single line of data to be sent to an output file.
 .CLOSE         Closes an output data file.
 .OPEN          Opens an output data file (creates a new version if necessary).
 .OPENA         Opens an existing output data file and appends data to it.
| .OPENI	Opens a data file for input
| .READ		Reads a line from the currently open input data file to a string
|		variable.
| .REWIND	Rewinds the current input data file.
| .CLOSEI	Closes the current input data file.
Logical control:
 .CALL          Invokes another IND file, keeping all symbols defined.
 .GOSUB         Branches to a label identifying a subroutine within the  command
 .GOTO          Branches to a label within a command file.
 .RETURN                Effects an exit from a subroutine - returns  control  to
                the line following the .GOSUB that called it.
 .RUN           Runs a program, but allows input for the program  to  come  from
                the terminal rather than the command file.
 .STOP          Terminates the current command file.
| .LOGFILE	Defines and opens a terminal logfile.
| .ENDLOG	Closes the current terminal logfile.
Logical tests:
 .IF            Determines whether or not a string or numeric  symbol  satisfies
                one of a number of possible conditions.
 .IFDF/.IFNDF   Determines whether or not a symbol is defined.
 .IFT/.IFF      Determines whether a logical symbol is true or false.
 .TEST          Tests the length of a string symbol.
 .TESTFILE      Tests to see if a file exists.  Enable/disable operating mode:
 .DISABLE/.ENABLE       Turns on or off the following parameters:  Substitution,
                command   echoing,  data  mode,  extended  EXEC,  trace,  CTRL/Z
|                recognition, command startup file execution, logfile writing,
|		ability of lower fork to logout job.
Loop control:
 .INC           Increments the value of a numeric symbol.
 .DEC           Decrements the value of a numeric symbol.
Execution control:
 .DELAY         Delays further execution for the specified number of seconds.
 .PAUSE         Stops the indirect command file temporarily, allowing  the  user
                to enter commands to TOPS20.

		Special symbols
Symbol name     Type                    Value
___________     ____                    ______
<STRLEN>        Numeric         Length of last string symbol in .TEST directive,
                                or entered in response to .ASKS.
<SYSTEM>        String          Name of system  as  printed  when  a  CTRL/C  is
                                struck to login, eg 
                                Installation test system,TOPS20 Monitor 4(3417).
<DATE>          String          Current date in form 25-Dec-81.
<TIME>          String          Current time in form 13:00:00
<USER>          String          User name of current job, eg T-BENN
<DIRECTORY>     String          Currently connected directory, with structure,eg
<FILESTAT>      Numeric         Result of last .TESTFILE directive.
<EOF>		Logical		Status of input data file - true if at end.

		ENABLE/DISABLE keyword defaults
        DATA - disabled
        EXTENDED-EXEC - disabled
        ESCAPE - disabled
        CONTROL-Z-EXITS - enabled
        TRACE - disabled
        SUBSTITUTION - Enabled 
	QUIET - Disabled
	COMAND-CMD - enabled
	LOGGING - disabled
	LOGOUT - disabled