
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops10and20_integ_tools_v9_3-aug-86 - tools/crc/ind/indfil.cmd
There are no other files named indfil.cmd in the archive.
;	Test IND file handling - .ASKF, .OPENI, .READ
;	-5 for symbol table dump, -4 for no default, -3 for .READ test
.enable extended-exec
.start: .askn gen Default generation number ?
.if gen eq -5 .goto stat	;status command wanted
.if gen eq -4 .goto nogen	;try it without generations
.if gen eq -3 .goto input
.asks nam File symbol name ?
.askf ['gen'] 'nam' File to use ?
.goto start
.stat: .status
.ask y Continue ?
.goto start
.nogen: .asks nam File symbol name ?
.askf 'nam' File to use ?
.goto start
.input: .ASKF [0] inp File to read ?
.openi 'inp'
.setf twice
.input1: .READ string
;	Input was 'string'
.sets END "false"
.ift <eof> .sets end "true"
;	End of file is 'end'
.ask more Again ?
.ift more .goto input1
.IFT TWICE .goto end
.sett twice
.goto input1