
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - tops20v41_execsrcmod - exec/mic.mac
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	SUBTTL F.D. Brown 27-Mar-80




; AC definitions

	F=0			; flags
	A=1			; reserved for JSYS'S
	CF=5			; Character flags
	T1=6			; temporary ACS
	X=10			; points to current process
	CH=11			; holds a char
	BP=12			; holds a byte pointer
	WD=13			; holds a sixbit word
	P1=14			; preserved ACS
	P=17			; pushdown pointer

; flag definitions

	F.SPCR==1B3		; supress crlf at end of this line
	F.BRK==1B4		; we are in break mode
	F.CMNT==1B5		; set if handling a comment
	F.ABT==1B6		; an abort (control-A) was typed
	F.TYP==1B7		; set if an input ready interrupt occured
	F.LABL==1B8		; set if we have a label on a line
	F.CLCM==1B9		; set if we want to clear comment flag
	F.XCT==1B10		; set if we want a single "execute"
	F.LNFD==1B11		; set if we have seen a <LF> on logging PTY
	F.ERR==1B12		; set if an error has occured
	F.MON==1B13		; set if the line contains a monitor command
	F.SUPR==1B14		; set when suppressing parameter substitution
	F.TI==1B15		; set if we have been in a TI state since BREAK
	F.OPER==1B16		; set if we have seen the OPER char
	SUBTTL	Initialisation

MIC:	MOVEM 0,MICPAG#		; where the parameters are
	SETZ X,			; zero X first time through
	RESET			; reset the world
	MOVE P,[IOWD PDL,PDP]	; setup pushdown pointer
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork
	SIR			; define them to the monitor
	MOVX B,1B0!1B1!1B2!1B3!1B4!1B35 ; activate channels 0,1,2,3 and 4
	AIC			; do it
	MOVE A,[.TICCA,,1]	; channel 1 is for control-A
	ATI			; enable that char
	MOVE A,[.TICCB,,2]	; channel 2 is for control-B
	ATI			; enable that char
	MOVE A,[.TICCP,,3]	; channel 3 is for control-P
	ATI			; enable that char
	MOVE A,[^D35,,4]	; channel 4 is for waiting for input
	ATI			; enable that condition
	MOVE A,[.TICCX,,^D35]	; channel 35 is for control-X
	ATI			; enable that char
MIC1:	MOVE T1,MICPAG		; get page number EXEC gave us
	LSH T1,^D9		; make into address
	CALL SETPRC		; setup the PDB
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork
	EIR			; enable the interrupt system for ourselves
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; error
	MOVX F,F.COL1		; assume we are at column-1

WAIT:	TXZ F,F.TI		; clear the TI bit
	SETZM WAITTM#		; clear the wait interval
WAIT2:	MOVE P,[IOWD PDL,PDP]	; reset the stack in case we forgot where we were
;	MOVE A,.PRIIN		; primary input
;	DIBE			; wait till input buffer empty
;	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; primary output
;	DOBE			; wait till output buffer empty
WAIT3:	MOVEI A,.PRIIN		; check primary input
	MOVEI B,.MOPIH		; check input ready flag
	MTOPR			; get flag
	JUMPN B,TYPELN		; it is ready
WAIT1:	MOVE A,WAITTM		; get the wait time
	CAIL A,^D1000		; less than one sec?
	 JRST DOWAIT		; no - do not increment
	ADDI A,^D100		; increment
	MOVEM A,WAITTM		; remember for next time
	TXZN F,F.TYP		; don't sleep if we got an interrupt
DOWAIT:	DISMS			; sleep tight
WAITPC:	JRST WAIT2		; look again

TYPELN:	TXO F,F.TI		; we are in TI now
	TXNE F,F.BRK		; are we in a break?
	 TXNE F,F.XCT		; yes - single execute?
	  CAIA			; not break - or single execute
	 JRST WAIT1		; break - go back to waiting
TYPEL1:	TXZ F,F.XCT		; we will execute a line
	SKIPN ERRCHR(X)		; see if the error stuff has changed
	SKIPE OPRCHR(X)		; or operator stuff
	CALL CHKPTY		; one of them has - check for PTY
	TXNE F,F.ERR		; have we seen an error?
	 JRST ERROR		; yes - handle it
	SKIPE T1,GTOLBL(X)	; a label to GOTO?
	 JRST .GOTO		; yes - handle it
	SKIPE T1,BKTLBL(X)	; a label to go BACKTO?
	 JRST .BACKTO		; yes - handle it
	CALL GETLIN		; read next line in
	 JRST EOF		; end of file
TYPEIT:	MOVE BP,[POINT 7,LINBUF(X)] ; set up byte pointer
	CALL CHKBAT		; check for MIC command and execute
	 JRST WAIT		; it was - go wait for next line
	CALL PUTLIN		; and print it
	JRST WAIT		; back round for the next line

SETPRC:	MOVEI T2,PARSTK-1(T1)	; address of start of stack minus one
	HRLI T2,-^D40		; make iowd
	MOVEM T2,STKPTR(T1)	; store it away
	JUMPE X,SETPR1		; if no current process - skip next bit
	MOVE T2,ERRCHR(X)	; otherwise copy appropriate information
	MOVEM T2,ERRCHR(T1)	;  from the old process area
	MOVE T2,OPRCHR(X)	;  to the new process area
	MOVEM T2,OPRCHR(T1)	;  so they can be used there
SETPR1:	MOVEM X,LSTPDB(T1)	; remember previous pdb address
	MOVE X,T1		; and set up new PDB pointer
	RET			; return to our caller
	SUBTTL - handle GOTO and BACKTO commands

.BACKTO:MOVE A,MICJFN(X)	; get file's handle
	SETZ B,			; set to start of file
	SFPTR			; do it
	 ERJMP BDJSYS		; error - handle it
	SETZM BKTLBL(X)		; no longer looking for a label
	JRST .GOTO2		; same as for GOTO
.GOTO:	SETZM GTOLBL(X)		; no longer looking for a label
.GOTO2:	STKVAR (LAB)		; somewhere to store label
	MOVEM T1,LAB		; remember label
.GOTO1:	CALL GETLIN		; read a line
	 JRST .GTOERR		; end of file
	MOVE T1,LAB		; get the label
	CAME T1,LABEL(X)	; same as the one on this line?
	 JRST .GOTO1		; no -  keep looking
	JRST TYPEIT		; yes - go handle the command

?MICFEF -  Found End of File While Searching For >
				; tell him we blew it
	MOVE WD,T1		; get the label
	CALL PUTLAB		; and print it
	JRST EOF		; and handle as for and of file
	SUBTTL Handle Error Condition

ERROR:	CALL GETLIN		; get next line of file
	 JRST ERREOF		; eof - tell him
	SKIPE T1,LABEL(X)	; get any label
	 JRST ERROR1		; there was one - go check it
	TXNN F,F.MON		; is this a monitor command?
	 JRST ERROR		; no - keep looking
	MOVE BP,[POINT 7,LINBUF(X)] ; set up byte pointer
	CALL GETCOM		; try to parse a batch command
	 JRST ERROR2		; its not - just look for %labels
	CAIN A,%IF		; it is - is it an IF command?
	 JRST TYPEIT		; yes - go handle it
	JRST ERROR2		; no - go look for a %label

ERROR1:	CAMN T1,[SIXBIT/%ERR/]	; %ERR:: label?
	 JRST ERROR3		; yes - we are done
	CAME T1,[SIXBIT/%FIN/]	; %FIN:: label?
	 JRST ERROR		; no - keep looking
[MICFES - %FIN:: Encountered while Searching for %ERR::]
ERROR3:	TXZ F,F.ERR		; yes - clear the error flag
	JRST TYPEIT		; warn him and continue processing

ERROR2:	CALL GETLIN		; get next line
	 JRST ERREOF		; EOF found
	SKIPN T1,LABEL(X)	; get label
	 JRST ERROR2		; none there - keep looking
	 JRST ERROR1		; yes - handle it
	 JRST ERROR3		; yes - we are done
	JRST ERROR2		; otherwise keep looking

?MICFEF - Found End of File while searching for %ERR:: or %FIN::

	JRST EOF		; handle as for eof
	SUBTTL Get a line of input to be typed

GETLIN:	TXZ F,F.MON		; assume this is not a monitor command
	MOVEI P1,^D80		; initialise char count
	MOVE BP,[POINT 7,LINBUF(X)]	; set up where to put a line
	TXNN F,F.COL1		; in column 1?
	 JRST GETLN1		; no - don't reset label
	MOVE WD,[POINT 6,LABEL(X)] ; yes - where to put a label
	SETZM LABEL(X)		; clear where label will be assembled
	TXZ F,F.LABL		; we no longer have a label on this line
GETLN1:	CALL NXTCHR		; get the next character
	 RET			; end of file - non-skip return
	JUMPE CH,GETLN2		; just return if a null character
	IDPB CH,BP		; save the character away
	TXNN CF,C.BRK		; is this character a break char?
	 SOJG P1,GETLN1		; no - loop back unless line too long
GETLN2:	SETZ CH,		; end-of-line - make ASCIZ
	IDPB CH,BP		; do it
	RETSKP			; and return

NXTCHR:	CALL GETCHR		; go get a char
	 RET			; eof - give non-skip return
	TXNN F,F.LABL		; have we read a label yet?
	 CALL CHKLBL		; no - check for possible label
	TXNE F,F.COL1		; are we in column 1?
	 TXNN CF,C.COL1		; and is the character special in column 1?
	  CAIA			; no - no special checking
	   JRST 0(CF)		; yes - go handle the special char
COL2:	TXNE CF,C.SPEC		; special character?
	 JRST 0(CF)		; yes - go do special handling
	TXZ F,F.COL1		; no longer in column 1
TYPCHR:	MOVEI CH,(B)		; move the char where getlin expects it
	RETSKP			; and give skip return

VTAB:	JRST TYPCHR		; type the char but don't clear col 1

FFEED:	JRST TYPCHR		; type the char but don't clear col 1

CRET:	TXO F,F.COL1		; set column-1 flag
	TXNE F,F.SUPR		; re-typing due to @IF?
	 TXOA CF,C.BRK		; yes - light break bit and skip
	  TXO F,F.CR		; no - set suppress LF flag
	TXNN F,F.CMNT		; are we handling a comment?
	TXNN F,F.SPCR		; no - do want this CR suppressed?
	 JRST TYPCHR		; no, or in comment - go type the char
	SETZ CH,		; yes - dummy up a null byte
	RETSKP			; and give skip return - we are done

LNFEED:	TXNE F,F.CMNT		; handling a comment?
	 JRST [TXO F,F.CLCM	; yes - we want to clear flag after typing
		JRST TYPCHR]	;      and go type character
	TXZN F,F.CR!F.SPCR	; CR typed?, or do we want this LF suppressed?
	  JRST TYPCHR		; no - go type the char
	SETZ CH,		; yes - dummy up a null byte
	RETSKP			; and give skip return

CNTRL:	TXNE F,F.SUPR		; suppressing parameters etc.?
	 RET			; yes - just return
	CALL CHKDUP		; no - check for duplicate
	 RET			; eof
	  JRST CNTRL2		; duplicate found
	CALL LOWUP		; different - convert to upper-case
	 JFCL			; ignore errors (for now)
	CAIL B,100		; in range for control-chars?
	 CAILE B,137		; well?
	  JRST CNTRL1		; no - print ^ char
	SUBI B,100		; yes - make control-char
	JRST TYPCHR		; and go type that

CNTRL1:	MOVEM B,SAVCHR(X)	; save this character
	MOVEI B,"^"		; get the up-arrow
	JRST TYPCHR		; and type it

CNTRL2:	CALL CHKDUP		; check for a third ^
	 JRST [MOVEI B,"^"	; eof - restore the up-arrow
		JRST TYPCHR]	; and type it
	  JRST [MOVEI B,36	; duplicate - set to type a control-uparrow
		JRST TYPCHR]	; do it
	MOVEM B,SAVCHR(X)	; save this character
	MOVEI B,"^"		; restore the up-arrow
	JRST TYPCHR		; and type it
	SUBTTL	Handle special characters

MONMOD:	CALL CHKDUP		; check for duplicate
	 RET			; eof
	  JRST TYPCHR		; duplicate
	TXO F,F.MON!F.LABL	; can no longer have a label and have a command
	JRST COL2		; go type type char

RETNUL:	SETZ CH,		; return a null byte
	RETSKP			; and give skip return

USRMOD:	CALL CHKDUP		; check for second one
	 RET			; eof
	  JRST TYPCHR		; duplicate - go type it
	TXO F,F.LABL		; can no longer have a label
				; different - we should check user mode here
	JRST COL2		; but for now we will just type the char

SUPPRS:	CALL CHKDUP		; check for second one
	 RET			; eof
	  JRST TYPCHR		; duplicate - go type it
	TXO F,F.SPCR		; no - say we should suppress the CRLF
	TXO F,F.LABL		; can no longer have a label
	JRST COL2		; and go look at this char

GETLAB:	TXNE F,F.LABL		; have we seen a label?
	 JRST TYPCHR		; yes - return - we can only see one
	CALL CHKDUP		; check for second colon
	 RET			; eof
	 JRST GETLB1		; we got one - must be a label
	CAIN B,15		; is 2nd char a <CR>
	 JRST GETLB2		; yes - handle it
	MOVEM B,SAVCHR(X)	; no - save new char
	MOVEI B,":"		; restore colon
	JRST TYPCHR		; and type it

GETLB1:	TXOA F,F.COL1!F.LABL	; we are in column 1 again and we have a label
GETLB2:	TXO F,F.COL1!F.LABL!F.SPCR ; say we have a label and suppress <LF>
	TXZ F,F.CMNT!F.CLCM	; no longer have a comment (or want to clear it)
	MOVEI P1,^D80		; re-initialise char count
	MOVE BP,[POINT 7,LINBUF(X)]	; set up where to put a line
GETLB3:	CALL GETCHR		; get a character
	 RET			; eof
	CAIE B," "		; a space?
	 CAIN B,11		; or a tab?
	  JRST GETLB3		; yes - ignore it
	MOVEM B,SAVCHR(X)	; no - save it for re-analysis
	JRST NXTCHR		; and start this line again
	SUBTTL	Handle comments

	MOVEM B,CMNTCH		; remember current comment char
	CALL CHKDUP		; check for second one
	 RET			; eof
	  JRST TYPCHR		; duplicate - go type it
	MOVE CH,CMNTCH		; restore comment char
	MOVEM B,SAVCHR(X)	; save the char
	TXO F,F.CMNT		; light the comment flag
	TXO F,F.LABL		; can no longer have a label
	RETSKP			; return to the caller

	TXNE CF,C.LABL		; is this a colon?
	 RET			; yes - just return
	TXNN CF,C.ALPH		; can this be a label?
	 JRST CHKLB1		; no - say so
	MOVEM B,SAVCH		; yes - save the char
	CALL LOWUP		; convert to UPPER-CASE
	 JFCL			; may not be a letter (could be %)
	SUBI B," "		; convert to SIXBIT
	TLNE WD,770000		; room for label?
	 IDPB B,WD		; yes - save it
	MOVE B,SAVCH		; restore the original character
	RET			; and return

CHKLB1:	SETZM @WD		; cannot have a label
	TXO F,F.LABL		; but make look like we had one
	RET			; and return
; CHKDUP - Check for duplicate character

CHKDUP:	PUSH P,B		; remember old char
	CALL GETCHR		; get next character
	 JRST CHKDP1		; eof
	AOS -1(P)		; set for skip return
	CAME B,0(P)		; same as original char?
	 AOS -1(P)		; no - give double skip
CHKDP1:	POP P,(P)		; correct stack
	RET			; and return
; CHKBAT - check for batch commands and execute them

CHKBAT:	TXNN F,F.MON		; do we have a monitor command?
	 RETSKP			; no - give skip return
	PUSH P,BP		; save byte pointer
	CALL GETCOM		; go get a command
	 JRST [POP P,BP		; not batch - restore BP
		RETSKP]		; and skip return (line will be typed)
	POP P,T1		; remember original byte pointer
	PUSH P,A		; save A around PUTLAB
	SKIPE WD,LABEL(X)	; was there a label on this line?
	 CALL PUTLAB		; yes - output it
	POP P,A			; restore A
	CALL @DISPCH(A)		; BATCH/MIC - parse it
	RET			; and return but don't type line

GETCOM:	MOVE WD,[POINT 7,COMBUF] ; pointer to special command buffer
GETC1:	ILDB B,BP		; load a byte from input line
	CALL LOWUP		; convert to upper case
	 JRST GETC2		; not alphabetic - exit loop
	IDPB B,WD		; alphabetic--deposit in command buffer
	JRST GETC1		; continue eating command

GETC2:	SETZ B,			; null byte
	IDPB B,WD		; deposit at end of command
	SETO T2,		; set to back up one byte
	ADJBP T2,BP		; back up the byte pointer
	MOVEM T2,BP		; store new buffer pointer
	MOVEI A,COMTBL		; address of command table
	HRROI B,COMBUF		; buffer pointer
	TBLUK			; look up a command
	TXNN B,TL%EXM		; did we get an exact match ?
	 RET			; no--give failure return
	PUSH P,A		; save command table entry
	CALL SPACE		; eat spaces and tabs
	POP P,A			; restore command table entry
	HRRZ A,0(A)		; get command index
	RETSKP			; and give successful return to caller

SPACE:	ILDB B,BP		; get next char
	 CAIE B," "		; space?
	  CAIN B,11		; or tab?
	   JRST SPACE		; yes - go get next
	SETO T1,		; no - adjust byte pointer
	ADJBP T1,BP		; by one
	MOVEM T1,BP		; and save it
	RET			; return
	SUBTTL	batch/MIC command and dispatch table




	XX (IF)

	SUBTTL MIC commands

%MICUIC - Unimplemented Command: >
	CALL TYPEMC		; tell him what we cannot do and return
	RET			; return

$GOTO:	CALL TYPEMC		; type the current command
	SETZM GTOLBL(X)		; zero old label
	MOVE WD,[POINT 6,GTOLBL(X)] ; point to GOTO label slot
	JRST $GOTO1		; and read a label

$BACKT:	CALL TYPEMC		; type the current command
	SETZM BKTLBL(X)		; zero old label
	MOVE WD,[POINT 6,BKTLBL(X)] ; point to BACKTO label slot
$GOTO1:	ILDB B,BP		; get next char
	CAIG B," "		; control char?
	 RET			; yes - we are done
	CALL LOWUP		; no - convert to upper case
	 JFCL			; ignore non-skip return
	MOVE CF,CHRTAB(B)	; get characteristics
	TXNN CF,C.ALPH		; can this be a label?
	 JRST NOTLAB		; no - tell him
	SUBI B," "		; make it SIXBIT
	TLNE WD,770000		; room in label word?
	 IDPB B,WD		; yes - store it
	JRST $GOTO1		; and back for more

%MICICL - Illegal character in label - Command ignored>
	RET			; type error message and return

$ERROR:	CALL TYPEMC		; type the line
	ILDB B,BP		; get next char
	CAIG B," "		; control char?
	 MOVEI B,"?"		; yes - make it question MARK
	MOVEM B,ERRCHR(X)	; and save it for later
	CALLRET CHKPTY		; set up pty checking if necessary and return

$NOERR:	CALL TYPEMC		; type the line
	SETZM ERRCHR(X)		; no longer looking for errors
	RET			; return

$OPERA:	CALL TYPEMC		; type the line
	ILDB B,BP		; get next char
	CAIG B," "		; control-char?
	 MOVEI B,"$"		; yes - make it a dollar
	MOVEM B,OPRCHR(X)	; and save it
	CALLRET CHKPTY		; set up pty checking if necessary and return

$NOOPE:	CALL TYPEMC		; type the line
	SETZM OPRCHR(X)		; no longer any oper char
	RET			; and return

TYPEMC:	MOVE A,T1		; get byte pointer
	PSOUT			; and type it
	MOVEI A,12		; o/p a <lf>
	PBOUT			; ..
	RET			; return
	SUBTTL @IF Command

$IF:	PUSH P,T1		; save the command pointer
	MOVE WD,[POINT 7,COMBUF] ; get pointer to special command buffer
	ILDB B,BP		; get next char
	CAIE B,"("		; left paren?
	 JRST IFERR		; no - error
	IDPB B,WD		; yes - save it

$IF1:	ILDB B,BP		; get next char
	CALL LOWUP		; convert to upper case
	 JRST $IF2		; not alphabetic - must be done
	IDPB B,WD		; else store
	JRST $IF1		; and go back for more

$IF2:	CAIE B,")"		; close paren?
	 JRST IFERR		; no - error
	IDPB B,WD		; yes - save it
	SETZ B,			; make ASCIZ
	IDPB B,WD		;  ..
	MOVEI A,[2,,2		; get address of lookup table
		[ASCIZ/(ERROR)/],,0 ; condition 0 - ERROR
		[ASCIZ/(NOERROR)/],,1] ; condition 1 - NOERROR
	HRROI B,COMBUF		; where the command is
	TBLUK			; look up option
	TXNN B,TL%EXM		; exact match?
	 JRST IFERR		; no - give error
	HRRZ A,0(A)		; yes - get condition
	TXZN F,F.ERR		; test error flag (and clear)
		JRST IFTRUE]	; true
				; false - fall into IFFLSE

IFFLSE:	POP P,T1		; false - recover old pointer
	CALLRET TYPEMC		; type command and return

IFTRUE:	CALL SPACE		; true - gobble spaces
	HRRZ A,BP		; get address of current pointer
	HRRZ B,0(P)		; address of old pointer
	SUBI A,0(B)		; find the difference
	IMULI A,5		; there are five bytes per word
	LDB B,[POINT 6,0(P),5]	; get byte number of old pointer
	LDB C,[POINT 6,BP,5]	; get byte number of current pointer
	SUBI B,0(C)		; find the difference
	IDIVI B,7		; there are seven bits per byte
	ADDI A,0(B)		; calculate byte difference
	MOVNI C,0(A)		; put negative of number in C
	POP P,B			; recover old pointer
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; primary output device
	SOUT			; output just enough bytes
>				; terminate with CRLF
	MOVE T1,STKPTR(X)	; get parameter stack pointer
	AOBJP T1,TOOMNY		; check for recursion
	MOVE T2,PARPTR(X)	; get current parameter pointer
	MOVEM T2,0(T1)		; and save it away
	MOVEM T1,STKPTR(X)	; save the stack pointer
	MOVEM BP,PARPTR(X)	; and save new byte pointer
	TXO F,F.SUPR!F.COL1	; say no parameter substitution and column 1
	RET			; and return (with our fingers crossed)

IFERR:	POP P,T1		; error in IF command - pop old pointer
?MICIIC - Invalid IF Condition: >
	CALL TYPEMC		; tell him he blew it
	RET			; and return
	SUBTTL PTY handling code

CHKPTY:	SKIPE PTYJFN		; do we have a PTY?
	 RET			; yes - just return
	MOVE A,['PTYPAR']	; name of pty parameter table
	SYSGT			; get pty parameters
	MOVEM A,PTYPAR		; save them for future reference
	CALL GETPTY		; get us a pseudo teletype
	MOVEM A,PTYJFN		; save the jfn of the pty
	DVCHR			; get the device characteristics of pty
	ADD A,PTYPAR		; convert to terminal line number
	ADDI A,.TTDES		; convert device to terminal designator
	HRRZM A,PTYLIN		; save the line number of the pty
	MOVX B,MO%OIR!FLD(<5-1>,MO%SIC)+.MOAPI ; PI channel 5 for O/P ready
	MTOPR			; set it up
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork
	MOVX B,1B5		; the new channel
	AIC			; enable it
	MOVX A,TL%SAB!TL%ABS	; enable terminal linking
	HRR A,PTYLIN		;  for the pty
	TLINK			; do it
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; failed
	MOVX A,TL%EOR+.CTTRM	; O/P from our terminal
	MOVE B,PTYLIN		; is typed on PTY
	TLINK			; set it up
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; failed
	RET			; return

	MOVEM A,CTLBUF		; put in beginning of a BUFFER
	HLRZ T1,PTYPAR		; get number of ptys in T1
	MOVNS T1		; make it a negative number
	MOVSI T1,0(T1)		; and convert to an AOBJN word

GETP1:	MOVE A,[POINT 7,CTLBUF,20] ; pointer to character after "pty"
	MOVEI B,0(T1)		; get next pty number
	MOVEI C,10		; radix 8
	NOUT			; convert number to ASCII
	 JSHLT			; shouldn't happen
	MOVEI B,":"		; follow with a colon
	IDPB B,A		; place char in buffer
	SETZ B,			; null character
	IDPB B,A		; place char in buffer
	MOVX A,GJ%ACC!GJ%SHT	; get a jfn which lower process can't see
	HRROI B,CTLBUF		; file name in buffer
	GTJFN			; get the jfn
	 JRST GETP3		; couldn't get it
	PUSH P,A		; save jfn on stack
	MOVX B,FLD(7,OF%BSZ)!OF%RD!OF%RTD ; ASCII exclusive read access
	OPENF			; open the pty
	 JRST GETP2		; couldn't--try next pty
	POP P,A			; restore jfn
	RET			; return to caller with JFN in A

GETP2:	POP P,A			; recover JFN
	RLJFN			; release it
	 JFCL			; ignore error
GETP3:	AOBJN T1,GETP1		; go back for another PTY
%MICCGP -  Couldn't get a PTY
>				; tell user we failed
	SETZM ERRCHR(X)		; and pretend we didn't see @ERROR
	SETZ A,			; and say we don't have a pty
	RET			; and return
;PUTLIN - puts the line in LINBUF out either using STI (for input)
;				OR PSOUT (for output)

PUTLIN:	TXNN F,F.MON		; monitor command?
	 JRST PUTLN2		; no - continue
	CALL CHKMON		; yes - are we in monitor mode?
	 CAIA			; yes - don't need to type control-C
	  CALL PUTCC		; no - output one
PUTLN2:	SKIPE WD,LABEL(X)	; was there a label on this line?
	 CALL PUTLAB		; yes - put it out
	TXNE F,F.CMNT		; a comment (to be output)?
	JRST PUTCMN		; yes - output that
	MOVEI A,.PRIIN		; no - set up for STI JSYS
PUTLN1:	ILDB B,BP		; load next byte
	JUMPE B,R		; all done on null byte
	STI			; type the char
	 ERJMP [MOVEI A,100	; error -  sleep for 100ms
		DISMS		; in case it is buffer full
		MOVEI A,.PRIIN	; restore A for STI
		JRST .-1]	; and try it again
	MOVE CF,CHRTAB(B)	; get character flags
	TXNN CF,C.SBRK		; should we pause on this char?
	 JRST PUTLN1		; no - go get next char
	MOVEI A,^D2000		; yes - sleep for a while
	DISMS			; so we can be interrupted
	MOVEI A,.PRIIN		; restore AC for STI JSYS
	JRST PUTLN1		; and back for more

PUTCMN:	MOVE A,BP		; get address of the line to be typed
	PSOUT			; type it
	TXZE F,F.CLCM		; do we want to clear comment flag?
	 TXZ F,F.CMNT		; yes - clear it
	RET			; return

PUTCC:	MOVEI T1,100		; maximum of 10 seconds
	MOVEI B,3		; send control-C
	MOVEI A,.PRIIN		; primary input
	STI			; force it out
	 ERJMP [MOVEI A,100	; error -  sleep for 100ms
		DISMS		; in case it is buffer full
		MOVEI A,.PRIIN	; restore A for STI
		JRST .-1]	; and try it again
	MOVEI T1,^D20		; maximum  no. of secs to wait
PUTCC1:	CALL CHKMON		; are we there yet?
	 RET			; yes - we are done - return
	MOVEI A,^D100		; no - and wait 100 millisecs
	DISMS			; ..
	SOJG T1,PUTCC1		; and go wait
	RET			; can't help hard luck

	TMSG <::
	RET			; output the colons and return

PUTSIX:	PUSH P,T1		; save an AC
	PUSH P,T2		;  or two
	MOVE T2,WD		; get word into T2
PUTSX1:	SETZ T1,		; where we will put char
	LSHC T1,6		; get next char
	MOVEI A," "(T1)		; get ASCII char into A
	PBOUT			; and output it
	JUMPN T2,PUTSX1		; continue till done
	POP P,T2		; restore the ACs
	POP P,T1		;  ..
	RET			; then return
GETCHR:	CALL GETCH		; get a basic char
	 RET			; end of file
	CAIN B,"'"		; parameter?
	 TXNE F,F.SUPR		; and not suppressing parameters?
	  JRST GTCHR1		; no - give caller the char
	CALL GETCH		; yes - get next char
	 RET			; end of file
	CAIN B,"'"		; a second prime?
	 JRST GTCHR1		; yes - give user the prime
	CALL LOWUP		; convert to upper-case
	 JRST [MOVEM B,SAVCHR(X)	; wasn't letter save this char
		MOVEI B,"'"	; restore the prime
		JRST GTCHR1]	; and return to our caller
	MOVE T1,STKPTR(X)	; no - get parameter stack pointer
	AOBJP T1,TOOMNY		; check for recursion
	MOVE T2,PARPTR(X)	; get current parameter pointer
	MOVEM T2,0(T1)		; and save it away
	MOVEM T1,STKPTR(X)	; save the stack pointer
	ADDI B,PARAM(X)		; point to parameter area
	MOVE T1,-"A"(B)		; get new parameter pointer
	MOVEM T1,PARPTR(X)	; and save it away
	JRST GETCHR		; get next char (using new parameter)

GTCHR1:	MOVE CF,CHRTAB(B)	; get characteristics
	RETSKP			; and give good return

GETCH:	SKIPE B,SAVCHR(X)	; is there a saved char?
	JRST [SETZM SAVCHR(X)	; yes - clear it down
		RETSKP]		; and give a skip return
GETCH1:	SKIPE PARPTR(X)		; are we reading a parameter?
	 JRST GETPCH		; yes - get a parameter char
	CALL GETFIL		; get char from file
	 JRST R			; eof - fail return
	RETSKP			; got data - good return

GETPCH:	ILDB B,PARPTR(X)	; get next char
	JUMPN B,RSKP		; non-zero means we have a char
	MOVE T1,STKPTR(X)	; null means we are done with this parameter
	POP T1,PARPTR(X)	; get the next parameter from the stack
	MOVEM T1,STKPTR(X)	; re-save the pointer
	TXZ F,F.SUPR		; no longer suppressing parameter substitution
	JRST GETCH1		; and go get a char

GETFIL:	ILDB B,FILPTR(X)	; get next char
	 JUMPE B,CHKEOF		; if nul - check for eof
	RETSKP			; otherwise success return

	GTSTS			; get file status
	TXNN B,GS%EOF		; end of file?
	 JRST GETFL2		; no - get next line
	RET			; yes - eof (non-skip) return

GETFL2:	MOVX T1,RD%JFN		; jfn supplied
	MOVE T1,MICJFN(X)	; the file's jfn
	HRLZM T1,TXTIBK+.RDIOJ	; where TEXTI needs it
	HRROI T1,FILTXT(X)	; where we want the text
	MOVEM T1,TXTIBK+.RDDBP	; where TEXTI needs it
	MOVEI T1,TXTLEN*5-2	; how much space there is
	MOVEI A,TXTIBK		; where the TEXTI block is
	TEXTI			; do the JSYS
	 JFCL			; ignore errors - we will check later
	SETZ T1,		; make sure ASCIZ
	MOVE T1,[POINT 7,FILTXT(X)] ; set up byte pointer
	MOVEM T1,FILPTR(X)	; to start of text
	JRST GETFIL		; and go get the char
LOWUP:	CAIG B,"z"		; greater than lower-case z?
	CAIGE B,"a"		; or less than lower-case a?
	CAIA			; yes - don't convert
	TRZ B,40		; no - make upper case
	CAIG B,"Z"		; a letter?
	CAIGE B,"A"		; well?
	RET			; no - non-skip return
	RETSKP			; yes - skip return

EOF:	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork
	DIR			; disable interrupt system
	SKIPE LSTPDB(X)		; do we have a previous pdb?
	 JRST EOF2		; yes - don't say eof
	SKIPN PTYJFN		; did we have a pty?
	 JRST EOF1		; no - don't release it
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; yes - de-activate pty interrupt channel
	MOVX B,1B5		; correct channel
	DIC			; no more interrupts
	MOVX A,TL%CRO!TL%COR+.CTTRM ; set to break the link
	MOVE B,PTYLIN		; from the pty
	MTOPR			; to the TTY
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore any errors
	MOVE A,PTYJFN		; get pty's JFN
	CLOSF			; and close it
	 ERJMP .+1		; ignore errors
	SETZM PTYJFN		; no longer have a PTY
	MOVE A,DOSWT(X)		; get do command switches
	TXNE A,DO.SUP		; want message suppressed?
	 JRST EOF2		; yes - don't print it
[MICEMF - End of MIC File: >	; print message
	MOVEI A,.PRIOU		; where to print message
	MOVE B,MICJFN(X)	; the file name
	SETZ C,			; default string
	JFNS			; print string
	TMSG < ]
>				; give him a new-line
EOF2:	HRRZ A,MICJFN(X)	; get the JFN of the file
	CLOSF			; and close it
	ERCAL BDJSYS		; error - tell the world
	MOVE T1,LSTPDB(X)	; save previous PDB address
	MOVE B,X		; get our current PDB
	LSH B,-^D9		; make it into page
	HRLI B,.FHSLF		; our fork
	SETO A,			; set to unmap page
	SETZ C,			; no special flags
	PMAP			; unmap it
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; failed - report it
	SOS MICPAG		; we are now back one page
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork
	MOVE X,T1		; get previous PDB into X
	EIR			; enable interrupt system
	JUMPE X,EOF3		; if no previous PDB, we are done
	SKIPN ERRCHR(X)		; does outer process want to see errors?
	 TXZ F,F.ERR		; no - clear any error indication
	ANDX F,F.BRK!F.ERR	; remember relevant bits
	IOR F,FSAV(X)		; and merge in old flag word
	JRST WAIT		; and go back to waiting

EOF3:	MOVEI A,.TICCA		; channel 1 is for control-A
	DTI			; disable that char
	MOVEI A,.TICCB		; channel 2 is for control-B
	DTI			; disable that char
	MOVEI A,.TICCP		; channel 3 is for control-P
	DTI			; disable that char
	MOVEI A,.TICCX		; channel 35 is for control-X
	DTI			; disable that char
	WAIT%			; wait for an interrupt
	ERCAL BDJSYS		; should never get here

CHKMON:	SETO A,			; -1 means our job
	HRROI B,GJIBLK		; block to store the required info
	MOVEI C,.JIT20		; monitor-mode bit
	GETJI			; get it
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; we blew it!!
	SKIPN GJIBLK		; -1 means "monitor-mode"
	 AOS (P)		; no - we are not in monitor mode
	RET			; yes - we are - give non-skip return

?MICPND - Parameters Nested too Deeply - Aborting

BDJSYS:	AOSE ERRLP		; is this the second error?
?MICTME - Too Many Errors - MIC will exit
>				; tell him we are trully dead
		SETO A,		; close all files
		CLOSF		; do it
		 JFCL		; ignore errors this time
		HALTF		; and exit
		JRST .-1]	; all done
?MICJSE - JSYS Error: >		; output error message
	MOVX A,.PRIOU		; primary output for error
	HRLOI B,.FHSLF		; our fork,,last error
	ERSTR			; give him error message
	 JFCL			; ignore errors
>				; give him a new-line
	JRST EOF2		; look like end of file

MICABT:	TXOE F,F.ABT		; are we already aborted?
	JRST MICAB1		; yes - just dismiss this interrupt
	MOVEI A,EOF		; change the PC for the DEBRK
	MOVEM A,LVL1PC		; do it
[MICABT - MIC is aborting]
>				; tell him what we are doing
MICAB1:	DEBRK			; back to eof
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; we blew it

MICBRK:	TXOE F,F.BRK		; are we already in a break?
	 JRST MICBK1		; yes - don't retype message
	PUSH P,A		; save an AC
[MICBRK - MIC is breaking]
>				; tell user we are breaking
	POP P,A			; restore the ac
MICBK1:	DEBRK			; yes - dismiss interrupt
	ERCAL BDJSYS		; how did we get here!!!!?

MICPRC:	TXZN F,F.BRK		; are we in a break?
	JRST MICPC1		; no - just dismiss interrupt
[MICPRC - MIC is proceeding]
>				; tell user we are continuing
MICPC1:	DEBRK			; dismiss the interrupt
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; we blew it

MICXCT:	TXNE F,F.BRK		; are we in a break?
	 TXO F,F.XCT		; yes - light the execute flag
	DEBRK			; and dismiss interrupt
	ERCAL BDJSYS		; what!!!

MICTYP:	TXO F,F.TYP		; say we got an input ready interrupt
	PUSH P,A		; save an AC
	HRRZ A,LVL1PC		; get where we were
	CAIN A,WAITPC		; is it the DISMS in WAIT?
	JRST [MOVEI A,WAIT	; yes - change it to the beginning
		MOVEM A,LVL1PC	; so that we stop sleeping
		JRST .+1]	; and return to main-line code
	POP P,A			; restore the ac we used
	DEBRK			; and return
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; blew it!

MICNST:				; here when we receive a nested call from exec
	MOVEM F,FSAV(X)		; save our flag word
	AOS MICPAG		; go to next page
	SETZM ERRLP		; zero recursive error flag
				; re-assign terminal codes in case gone away
	MOVE A,[.TICCA,,1]	; channel 1 is for control-A
	ATI			; enable that char
	MOVE A,[.TICCB,,2]	; channel 2 is for control-B
	ATI			; enable that char
	MOVE A,[.TICCP,,3]	; channel 3 is for control-P
	ATI			; enable that char
	MOVE A,[.TICCX,,35]	; channel 35 is for control-X
	ATI			; enable that char
	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; our fork
	DIR			; disable the interrupt system for a while
				; (MIC1 turns it on again)
	MOVEI A,MIC1		; get address of where to restart
	HRRM A,LVL1PC		; and make it look like old PC
	DEBRK			; dismis interrupt
	 ERCAL BDJSYS		; we blew it
PTYOUT:	ADJSP P,4		; make room for some acs
	DMOVEM A,-3(P)		; save A and B
	DMOVEM C,-1(P)		; and C and D
PTYOU1:	MOVE A,PTYLIN		; get line number of pty
	SOBE			; is anything there ?
	 SKIPA			; yes--enter code to get it
	  JRST PTYOU3		; no--go resume program
	MOVE A,PTYJFN		; get jfn of PTY
	CAILE B,PTYSIZ*5	; too many characters for buffer ?
	 MOVEI B,PTYSIZ*5	; yes--get maximum size
	MOVE C,B		; number of characters
	HRROI B,CTLBUF		; pointer to pty input buffer
	MOVEI D,.CHLFD		; read until linefeed
	SIN			; get a string from pty
	TXZN F,F.LNFD		; first char at start of line ?
	 JRST PTYOU2		; no--don't do error checking

	LDB D,[POINT 7,CTLBUF,6] ; get first character in buffer
	JUMPE D,PTYOU2		; null character doesn't match
	CAMN D,OPRCHR(X)	; is it the "operator" character ?
	 JRST [TXO F,F.OPER	; yes - say we have seen the OPER char
		MOVEI A,.FHSLF	; set up for software interrupt
		MOVX B,1B2	; assume its a "break"
;		TXNE F,F.BRK	; is it?
;		 TXNN F,F.TI	; yes - have we been in TI?
;		  CAIA		; not in a break
;		   MOVX B,1B3	; in BREAK and have seen TI - say PROCEED
		IIC		; give ourselves an interrupt
		MOVEI A,100	; wait for it
		DISMS		; ..
		JRST .+1]	; and continue
	SKIPGE ERRCHR(X)	; are we paying attention to errors ?
	 JRST PTYOU2		; no--skip the test
	CAIE D,"?"		; is char a question mark ?
	CAMN D,ERRCHR(X)	; or is it the selected error char ?
	 TXO F,F.ERR		; mark that an error has occurred

PTYOU2:	LDB D,B			; get last character in buffer
	CAIE D,.CHLFD		; is it a linefeed ?
	 JRST PTYOU1		; no - go back for more
	TXO F,F.LNFD		; yes, mark it
	TXZE F,F.TI		; have we been in TI
	TXZN F,F.OPER		; and did we see the OPER char?
	 JRST PTYOU1		; no - go back for more
XXXXXX:	MOVEI A,.FHSLF		; set up for software interrupt
	MOVX B,1B3		; say PROCEED
	IIC			; give ourselves an interrupt
	MOVEI A,100		; wait for it
	DISMS			; ..
	JRST PTYOU1		; and back for more

PTYOU3:	DMOVE C,-1(P)		; restore C and D
	DMOVE A,-3(P)		; restore A and B
	ADJSP P,-4		; deallocate space on stack
	DEBRK			; dismiss the interrupt
	SUBTTL CHAR - character table

	C.SPEC==1B0		; this character is special
	C.CMNT==1B1		; this character is a comment char
	C.MON==1B2		; this character is the monitor-mode char
	C.USER==1B3		; this character is the user-mode char
	C.LABL==1B4		; this character is the label char
	C.SPRS==1B5		; this character means suppress <CR><LF>
	C.BRK==1B6		; this character is a break char
	C.PARM==1B7		; this character donotes a parameter
	C.COL1==1B8		; this character is special in col-1
	C.CRET==1B9		; this is the <CR> character
	C.LNFD==1B10		; this is the <LF> character
	C.ALPH==1B11		; this is a valid label character
	C.SBRK==1B12		; this is a special break (must pause on it)


CHRTAB:	0			; (0) <null>
	X C.BRK!C.SBRK		; (1) control-A
	X C.BRK!C.SBRK		; (2) control-B
	X C.BRK			; (3) control-C
	0			; (4) control-D
	0			; (5) control-E
	0			; (6) control-F
	X C.BRK			; (7) control-G (bell)
	0			; (10) control-H
	0			; (11) <tab>
	X C.SPEC!C.BRK,VTAB	; (13) <VT>
	0			; (16) control-N
	0			; (17) control-O
	0			; (20) control-P
	0			; (21) <xoff>
	0			; (22) control-R
	0			; (23) <xoff>
	0			; (24) control-T
	0			; (25) control-U
	0			; (26) control-V
	0			; (27) control-W
	0			; (30) control-X
	0			; (31) control-Y
	X C.BRK			; (32) control-Z
	X C.BRK			; (33) <esc>
	0			; (34) control-\
	0			; (35) control-]
	0			; (36) control-^
	0			; (37) control-_
	0			; (40) space
	X C.CMNT!C.COL1,COMNT	; (41) !
	0			; (42) "
	0			; (43) #
	0			; (44) $
	X C.ALPH		; (45) %
	0			; (46) &
	X C.PARM		; (47) '
	0			; (50) (
	0			; (51) )
	X C.USER!C.COL1,USRMOD	; (52) *
	0			; (53) +
	0			; (54) ,
	0			; (55) -
	0			; (56) .
	0			; (57) /
	X C.ALPH		; (60) 0
	X C.ALPH		; (61) 1
	X C.ALPH		; (62) 2
	X C.ALPH		; (63) 3
	X C.ALPH		; (64) 4
	X C.ALPH		; (65) 5
	X C.ALPH		; (66) 6
	X C.ALPH		; (67) 7
	X C.ALPH		; (70) 8
	X C.ALPH		; (71) 9
	X C.CMNT!C.COL1,COMNT	; (73) ; 
	0			; (74) <less>
	X C.SPRS!C.COL1,SUPPRS	; (75) =
	0			; (76) <greater>
	0			; (77) ?
	X C.MON!C.COL1,MONMOD	; (100) @
	X C.ALPH		; A
	X C.ALPH		; B
	X C.ALPH		; C
	X C.ALPH		; D
	X C.ALPH		; E
	X C.ALPH		; F
	X C.ALPH		; G
	X C.ALPH		; H
	X C.ALPH		; I
	X C.ALPH		; J
	X C.ALPH		; K
	X C.ALPH		; L
	X C.ALPH		; M
	X C.ALPH		; N
	X C.ALPH		; O
	X C.ALPH		; P
	X C.ALPH		; Q
	X C.ALPH		; R
	X C.ALPH		; S
	X C.ALPH		; T
	X C.ALPH		; U
	X C.ALPH		; V
	X C.ALPH		; W
	X C.ALPH		; X
	X C.ALPH		; Y
	X C.ALPH		; Z
	0			; [
	0			; \
	0			; ]
	0			; _
	0			; `
	X C.ALPH		; a
	X C.ALPH		; b
	X C.ALPH		; c
	X C.ALPH		; d
	X C.ALPH		; e
	X C.ALPH		; f
	X C.ALPH		; g
	X C.ALPH		; h
	X C.ALPH		; i
	X C.ALPH		; j
	X C.ALPH		; k
	X C.ALPH		; l
	X C.ALPH		; m
	X C.ALPH		; n
	X C.ALPH		; o
	X C.ALPH		; p
	X C.ALPH		; q
	X C.ALPH		; r
	X C.ALPH		; s
	X C.ALPH		; t
	X C.ALPH		; u
	X C.ALPH		; v
	X C.ALPH		; w
	X C.ALPH		; x
	X C.ALPH		; y
	X C.ALPH		; z
	0			; {
	0			; |
	0			; }
	0			; ~
	0			; <DEL>

	PURGE X			; Don't want the macro and the AC confused

BRKLST:	EXP 2,3,12,13,14,15,33

ERRLP:	EXP -1			; error count

LEVTAB:	EXP LVL1PC		; where to store the PC & flags

CHNTAB:	XWD 1,MICNST		; (0) nested call interrupt - from EXEC
	XWD 1,MICABT		; (1) control-A interrupt
	XWD 1,MICBRK		; (2) control-B interrupt
	XWD 1,MICPRC		; (3) control-P interrupt
	XWD 1,MICTYP		; (4) waiting for input interrupt
	XWD 2,PTYOUT		; (5) output available on pty
	BLOCK ^D29		; (6-34) not assigned
	XWD 1,MICXCT		; (35) single statement execute


GJIBLK:	BLOCK 1			; where to store sub-system name

TXTIBK:	EXP 4			; argument block for TEXTI
	BLOCK 4			; only need first 4 words

COMBUF:	BLOCK 20		; enough space for a command string

PTYJFN:	0			; jfn of "error" pty

PTYPAR:	0			; pty parameters

PTYLIN:	0			; line number of pty

	PTYSIZ==100		; max length of line (words)
CTLBUF:	BLOCK PTYSIZ		; space for logging etc.



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