
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - walsh_goodStuff_1600 - more-uns/ms.doc
There are 8 other files named ms.doc in the archive. Click here to see a list.
New MS features:

1) You may cause additional information to be inserted into the header
   of any message which you send by creating a file on your login
   directory on PS: called MS.HEADER-OPTIONS containing the text
   to be inserted.  This is useful in conjunction with the next

2) If a message you are replying to has a field in the header called
   "Reply-to:", MS will reply to the user specified there rather
   than to the user in the "From:" field.  This is useful if you
   frequently log in to more than one system, but wish to receive
   all your mail in one place.  Just create a MS.HEADER-OPTIONS
   containing the single line "Reply-to: <address to send mail>".

3) MS now understands the logical name EDITOR: and will run the
   appropriate program in response to the EDIT and ctrl-E commands.
   Editors supported are TV, EMACS, and EDIT. The system default
   editor is EDIT. To change this to another editor, put one of
   the following commands in your LOGIN.CMD file:
