
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - walsh_goodStuff_1600 - more-uns/ms.txt
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MS version 4.1 has three major new features:  init files, the set commands,
and saved-message files.

Init files:

If you have a file in your logged-in directory called MS.INIT, it will be
read once when MS starts up, and the commands in it will be executed.  It
may contain any legal MS commands;  the set commands are particularly useful.

Set commands:

set [no] concise-mode
	Shortens some messages that MS types.

set default-cc-list <address-list>
	Causes the addressees named to be cc'ed on every outgoing message.

set [no] include-me-in-replies
	Controls whether you receive copies of your replies to messages.

set only-headers-shown <name1>, <name2>, ...
	Causes MS to only display the named headers when displaying
	received mail (in either the read or type commands).  Particularly
	useful on a slow terminal.  May be overridden with the verbose-type

set personal-name <your full name>
	Causes MS to insert your real name into outgoing mail.  In network
	mail this causes the from line to look like:
	From:  My name here <USER1 at NODE1>
	In local mail it causes a header line to be added to the message:
	From-the-terminal-of: My name here

set reply-address <address list>
	Causes outgoing mail to contain a header line of the form:
	Reply-to: <address list>
	If a recipient of such a message uses the reply command to
	reply to it, the reply will go to the addresses named in
	the address list, instead of the address in the from field.

set reply-to-all-default
set reply-to-sender-only-default
	Controls destination of your replies to messages.

set [no] type-initial-summary
	Controls whether MS prints its initial line of status information
	about your message file when it starts up.  This information is
	also printed by the status command.

set [no] show-to-in-header-command
	Causes the header command to display the to field of messages
	instead of the from field.  Particularly useful when perusing
	your own saved-messages file.

Saved messages:

The command

save-outgoing-messages <filespec>

causes MS to save a copy of all outgoing messages in the named file, in
a format that MS can understand (the same format as a message file).