
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - 6.1_emacs_manuals_1er - manuals/qerror.frm
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QERROR.FRM		Quality Assurance Report	 DEC QAR #: 
V011						      Local Site #: ________
Product under test: ____________________
Program: _________   Monitor: ______________   Date: ____/____/____
Version: _________   Version/Load: _________   Page ___ of ___
		     Reported by: __________   Site: ______________
Priority:  ___ Low  ___ Normal  ___ High  ___ Urgent
___ Software error.
___ Documentation error.
___ Poor performance.
___ Suggestion.
___ Other.
Problem Summary (<62 Chars):

Answered by: ______________________	Date: ____/____/____
___ Fixed in edit/MCO:
___ More information required:
___ Deferred for future correction; see comments.
___ Not a problem.  See documentation:
___ Documentation error.
___ Known problem.
___ Suggestion  ___ Accepted  ___ Rejected  ___ Deferred
___ Not under field test.  ___ Please submit as an SPR.
___ Other.