
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-4160E-BM - sort-doc/sort.rd
There are 6 other files named sort.rd in the archive. Click here to see a list.
 BLDSRT.CTL.4;P777700     1 1431(7)    14-Feb-79 16:30:57 713724  
   .LOG.1;P777700         1 2385(7)    24-Sep-79 22:06:28 134712  
 C74OTS.MAP.1;P777700    20 9897(36)   24-Sep-79 22:10:58 172202  
 FORSRT.REL.1;P777700     1 235(36)    24-Sep-79 22:11:05 416723  
 LIBOL.MAP.1;P777700     20 9855(36)   24-Sep-79 22:10:35 264034  
 PKGSRT.CTL.6;P777700     1 1927(7)    24-Sep-79 13:07:39 405171  
 SORT.CMD.2;P777700       1 572(7)     14-Feb-79 13:23:01 470424  
   .CTL.9;P777700        10 24479(7)   15-Feb-79 15:50:49 642214  
   .LOG.1;P777700         8 19085(7)   24-Sep-79 22:11:25 170751  
   .MAP.1;P777700         4 1539(36)   24-Sep-79 22:09:20 463112  
 SRTCBL.REL.1;P777700     9 4323(36)   24-Sep-79 22:09:26 470065  

 Total of 76 pages in 11 files, Checksum = 635330