
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-5372D-BM - traffic/documentation/traffic-v2a.mem
There are no other files named traffic-v2a.mem in the archive.

!D!I!G!I!T!A!L!                                 QT037   

            TRAFFIC-20 VERSION 2A  -  JULY, 1981

Version 2A is a maintenance release to TRAFFIC-20 version 2,
meant  to  provide users with a clean set of sources.  There
are 4 save sets on the tape.

The first set contains the documentation and  checksums  for
the  other  files.  The remaining save sets contain the .rel
files, source,  and  demo  files.   The  demo  programs  are
intended  to show coding conventions and are not necessarily
complete, running programs.

The package is to be used with version 12B of COBOL,  either
-68  or  -74.   No special patches are necessary to run with
LIBOL (C7LIB), as was necessary  with  Version  2.   TOPS-20
Monitor Version 4 is the required operating system.