
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-AI48A-BM - dtr20-doc/
There are no other files named in the archive.
		Datatrieve-20 V1.0

!	Datatrieve-20 "Sources":
!ADTSTR.MAC	All text for the Application Design Tool
!B362LB.REL	From BLISS Version 4 for DDMF.EXE
!CUSCOM.CTL	Batch control file to recompile sources
!DTR201.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for DTR20.EXE
!DTRAD1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for ADT.EXE
!DTRCL1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for DTRLIB.REL
!DTRDD1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for DDMF.EXE
!DTRNT1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for NETJOB.EXE
!DTRRG1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for REGIS.EXE
!DTRRM1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for REMDTR.EXE
!DTRSR1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for DTRSRV.EXE
!ERR.MAC	All text for error messages
!LINK.CTL	Batch control file to relink all EXEs
!STR.MAC	All other Datatrieve text
!	Run Time Library "Sources":
!DYNRL1.REL	Autopatch relocatable library for the Run Time Library