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Network File Transfer Using NFT
The Network File Transfer (NFT) utility allows you to access files
residing on DECnet hosts that provide network file access
capabilities. By using NFT, you can perform a variety of operations
such as copying, deleting, renaming, or listing files; listing
directories; and submitting files to a batch system. NFT allows you
to perform operations at the local host as well as at a remote host.
You may also use NFT to copy a file from one remote host to another.
NFT processes text files, programs, data files, control files, or any
other sequential file. However, only ASCII file transfers are
supported between a TOPS-10 host and a non-TOPS-10 host.
* command output-file-spec = input-file-spec/switches
where: command is one of the NFT commands described below. file-spec
is one or more standard file specifications. Depending on the
command, either the output-file-spec or both file-specs may be
The NFT commands are:
Command Action
COPY [output file-spec=] Copies files from:
input file-spec local node to remote node
local node to local node
remote node to local node
remote node to remote node
DELETE file-spec(s) Deletes files from a local or remote
DIRECT [output file-spec=] Lists the directory from the
input file-spec specified node.
EXIT Exits from NFT.
HELP Displays a list of NFT commands.
PRINT file-spec Prints a file at the specified node.
NFT does not check that the file is
actually printed at a remote node. The
file must be located at the node in an
acceptable format; and print spooling
must be available at the node.
RENAME output file-spec(s)=
input file-spec Changes the name or attributes of a
file. Valid only for nodes that support
remote renaming.
SET DEFAULT [node::=]
/USERID[:uid[:acct[:psw]]] Sets the defaults for the access
information for one or more remote
nodes. The defaults remain in effect
until you change them using another SET
DEFAULT command or exit from NFT. NFT
applies the defaults in SWITCH.INI after
it sets the defaults from the SET
DEFAULT command.
SUBMIT file-spec Submits a batch control file or a
command file on a local or remote node.
NFT does not check that the file is
actually submitted. The control/command
file must be at the node in an
acceptable format; and the batch or
command file facility must be supported
and available at the node.
TYPE [output file-spec=] Displays the specified file on your
input file-spec terminal.
In addition to the standard commands, commands called DAP-mode
commands are available. They are the DDELET (delete), DDIREC
(direct), DRENAM (rename), and DSUBMI (submit) commands. You can use
these commands to quickly manipulate a single file on a single host,
or if the remote host does not appear to accept the standard NFT
command. If you use these commands, you can include only one input
file specification. These commands may execute faster than the
standard commands because they do not have the same command scanning
and checking as the standard commands. In some cases, they may not
give the same amount or type of information as the standard commands.
All NFT and DAP-mode commands described above work between TOPS-10
hosts, and with your files on the local host. However, a command
works on a non-TOPS-10 host only if that host has also implemented
that facility. For example, you can copy files between a TOPS-10 host
and a VMS host because both hosts have implemented the COPY facility.
For those commands with input and/or output file specifications, the
defaults for the command string are listed below. Though most of the
defaults are the same for all the commands, some commands have
different defaults. The exceptions are noted with each field's
Field Default
node local node
all remote nodes for SET DEFAULT
unchanged for RENAME output
device DSK: for local node, none for remote node
TTY: for DIRECT and TYPE output
unchanged for RENAME output
directory no explicit directory
unchanged for RENAME output
file name output - input file name
- generated name for DIRECT
- unchanged for RENAME
input - *
- must be specified for DELETE
file type output - input file type
- unchanged for RENAME
input - *
- must be specified for DELETE
- none for PRINT
I/O mode file creation mode, assumed to be ASCII
The switches you can use with NFT are listed below:
/ASCII Transfers in ASCII mode. Use the /ASCII switch for all
ASCII file transfers to or from a non-TOPS-10 host.
/[NO]BAUD Does [not] print the baud rate of data transfer in the
totals summary. This switch applies to the COPY and
TYPE commands only. The default for network transfers
is /BAUD, /NOBAUD is the default for local transfers.
/BINARY Transfers in binary mode. Use the /BINARY switch for
all file transfers between TOPS-10 hosts.
/[NO]MOAN Does [not] issue general warning complaints. Use the
/MOAN switch to instruct NFT to issue warnings when it
encounters a dubious condition. Such a condition
typically requires NFT to make a guess (for example, in
a file copy operation, the data type or data byte size)
in order to complete the command. The default is
/[NO]OKERROR Use the /[NO]OKERROR switch to control whether NFT
aborts the command if an error occurs. /OKERROR
directs NFT to ignore file access and I/O errors,
issuing warning messages. /NOOKERROR instructs NFT to
abort the current command on the first occurrence of a
file access or I/O error. The default setting is
/TOTALS[:list] Use the /TOTALS switch to control the totals summary
displayed at the end of the command execution. The
various TOTALS quantities (files, errors, baud rate,
and so on) can be individually controlled by specifying
the :list argument. If a quantity-name is preceded
with a NO, that quantity will not be listed. If more
than one quantity is specified, separate them with
commas, and enclose the list with parentheses. /TOTALS
or /TOTALS:ALL directs NFT to print a totals summary of
all applicable quantities at the completion (successful
or otherwise) of the current command. /TOTALS:NONE
instructs NFT to omit the summary. The /TOTALS
quantities are:
o BITS - List the total number of data bits.
o BYTES - List the total number of data bytes.
o WORDS - List the total number of 36-bit words.
o RECORDS - List the total number of records.
o BLOCKS - List the total number of 128-word blocks.
o PAGES - List the total number of 512-word pages.
o FILES - List the total number of files.
o BAUD - List the effective data transfer rate (bits
per second).
o ERRORS - List the total number of execution errors.
The default quantities are WORDS, BLOCKS, FILES, and
BAUD. NFT ignores inappropriate arguments.
/USERID:id Use this switch to specify the access information
(userid, account, and password) when using NFT for a
non-TOPS-10 host. You include the /USERID switch with
the file specification of the remote file. If you omit
an argument from the switch, NFT prompts you for that
argument. If the remote host does not require the
information, you can press the <RET> key. The form of
the /USERID switch is:
where uid is user-name, acct is an account string, and
psw is a password. If you omit the account or password
argument, you must still include its preceding colon
(:). For example, if you omit the password:
NFT prompts you for it. You then supply a password,
which NFT does not echo.
NFT automatically prompts you for access information if
you include /USERID without arguments in the form:
You can include this command and switch in your
SWITCH.INI file. If you include arguments with the
/USERID switch in SWITCH.INI, you are specifying a
particular userid. You can override this switch
setting by including an explicit /USERID:uid switch on
a command line to NFT. You can also use the SET
DEFAULT command to specify access information for one
or all remote nodes. Defaults set this way apply for
the duration of the current NFT session.
For a TOPS-10 remote file, you can omit the PPN if the
userid and the project-programmer number are identical.
For example, you can enter:
*DIRECT IRIS::[27,777]/USERID:27,777::FOO
The NFT program:
Requires LOGIN.
Destroys your core image.
Leaves your terminal at user level.
1. Copy a file from the local node to a remote VMS host.
Override the /USERID specified in your SWITCH.INI file.
For remote ROSE::*.*
User-id: BARSTOW
Total of 398 words in 4 blocks in 1 file at 20395 baud
2. Copy a file from a TOPS-20 host to a RSTS host while logged
in on a TOPS-10 host. You must specify a /USERID switch for
each remote host.
User-id: THRING
For remote LILY::*.*
User-id: 15,177
LILY::SY:[15,177]PLANNI <=
Total of 483 words in 4 blocks in 1 file at 5851 baud
3. Delete all the files with name UUOSYM from a directory on a
TOPS-20 host. You must include the /USERID switch, but need
not explicitly specify the directory because it is the same
as the userid.
For remote DAISY::UUOSYM.*
User-id: THRING
Total of 33 blocks in 2 files
4. Access a directory not your own on a remote TOPS-10 host
called IRIS. Since your account on the system allows you
read access to the directory, you can specify the other
directory and your userid and read the directory.
For remote IRIS::[17,353]*.*
User-id: 27,777
Total of 7 files
5. To access accounts with different access information on
several remote nodes, set the default access information for
all of them.
For remote DAISY::FCC.ASC.*
6. Submit a command file to the VMS command file processor on
host ROSE:. You have included a /USERID switch for that host
in your SWITCH.INI file so you do not have to include that
switch in the command string.
Total of 1 file