
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-BT99V-BB_1990 - 10,7/tsu/tsu.mem
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                TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Software Update User's Guide

             This  guide  describes  TOPS-10/TOPS-20   Software
             Update, a method for distributing updated versions
             of the software  products  developed  for  Digital
             Equipment  Corporation's 36-bit operating systems,
             TOPS-10 and TOPS-20.

             TOPS-10/TOPS-20  Software  Update   replaces   the
             Automatic Patching Facility.  This manual replaces
             the TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Autopatch Procedures/Reference
             Manual, order number AA-H729A-TK.

             Operating Systems:            TOPS-10 Version 7.04
                                       TOPS-20 Version 4.1, 7.0

             Software:               TOPS-10 GALAXY Version 5.1
                                TOPS-20 GALAXY Version 4.2, 6.0

   Electronically distributed:        TOPS-20 Update Tape 1, January 1990
                                     TOPS-10 Update Tape 1, February 1990

   The information in this document is subject to change  without  notice
   and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment
   Corporation.  Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no  responsibility
   for any errors that may appear in this document.

   The software described in this document is furnished under  a  license
   and  may  only  be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such

   No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on
   equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its
   affiliated companies.

   Copyright  (C)  1990 Digital Equipment Corporation.

   All Rights Reserved.

   The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation:

   CI             DECtape     LA50             SITGO-10
   DDCMP          DECUS       LN01             TOPS-10
   DEC            DECwriter   LN03             TOPS-20
   DECmail        DELNI       MASSBUS          TOPS-20AN
   DECnet         DELUA       PDP              UNIBUS
   DECnet-VAX     HSC         PDP-11/24        UETP
   DECserver      HSC-50      PrintServer      VAX
   DECserver 100  KA10        PrintServer 40   VAX/VMS
   DECserver 200  KI          Q-bus            VT50
   DECsystem-10   KL10        ReGIS
   DECSYSTEM-20   KS10        RSX              d i g i t a l



           1.1     SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
           1.2     UPDATE TAPE STRUCTURE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
           1.2.1     Current Update Saveset . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
           1.2.2     Subsequent Savesets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
           1.3     DISTRIBUTION OF UPDATE TAPES . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
           1.4     THE UPDATE ENVIRONMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
           1.4.1     Directory Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
           1.5     THE UPDATE PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5






           6.1     THE APUTIL PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1
           6.1.1     The READ Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
           6.1.2     The DECRYPT Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
           6.1.3     The VERIFY Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
           6.1.4     The HELP Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
           6.1.5     The EXIT Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
           6.2     APUTIL ERROR MESSAGES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5


           A.1     RESTORING COBOL V12C/SORT V4D  . . . . . . . . . . A-1
           A.2     RESTORING BASIC-PLUS-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2



           A-1     Using LODCBL.CTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
           A-2     Using LODBP2.CTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3


           1-1     TSU Minimum Resource Requirements  . . . . . . . . 1-2
           1-2     Contents of Current Update Saveset . . . . . . . . 1-3
           2-1     Distribution Retrieval Files . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
           4-1     Updating Subdirectories  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
           4-2     Distribution Retrieval Files . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
           6-1     APUTIL Error Messages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
           B-1     TOPS-10 -- Correspondance of Autopatch Directories 
                   to TSU Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2
           B-2     TOPS-20 -- Correspondance of Autopatch Directories 
                   to TSU Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-5


                     Advice for Current Autopatch Users

   TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Software Update differs from  the  Automatic  Patching
   process in several significant areas.

   Autopatch used a database to track updates to products.  Patch  files,
   which  sometimes  were complete product replacements, were applied and
   an updated product was built  and  installed.   TSU  replaces  updated
   components   in   product   sets   that  are  based  on  the  original
   distribution.   The  TSU  process  does  not  include  the   building,
   installation,  or  backup of any products; in most cases, the products
   are delivered "ready-to-run".

   The TSU process is a static retrieval process  based  on  the  use  of
   logical names.  A logical name is used for each set of files that were
   distributed in a saveset on the product distribution  tape.   In  most
   cases,  these  savesets  distinguish  the  files  as either associated
   documentation files,  product  source  files,  or  product  executable

   Eliminating the product build process makes the update simpler and, in
   most  cases,  faster.   If  you  do  not  need  to  rebuild any of the
   products, you can indicate that updated executable files only  are  to
   be  restored.   If,  for  any reason, you need to rebuild a product or
   products, you may indicate that source updates are  desired  and  then
   use the build procedures that may be specific to your site.

   If, for any reason, you do  not  want  to  use  the  original  product
   distribution as the base for the TSU process, you may use your current
   Autopatched files on disk.  Refer to Appendix B for instructions to do

                                 CHAPTER 1


   TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Software Update (TSU) is  a  combination  of  software
   tools  and  operational  procedures  for  easily  installing pre-built
   sources, executables, and updates to the supported  software  products
   developed for DIGITAL's 36-bit operating systems, TOPS-10 and TOPS-20.

   TSU is designed to be an automatic process.  Once the  software  tools
   are  installed  at  your  site, you will be able to install the latest
   versions of DIGITAL's software with little effort.

   The TSU process is based  on  the  original  distribution  of  TOPS-10
   Version  7.04  and  TOPS-20 Versions 4.1 and 7.0.  The TSU update tape
   looks  like  an  all-product  distribution  tape  with  the  following

         o  Only the files for those products  that  have  changed  since
            last product release are distributed.

         o  Unbundled product files are encrypted and must  be  decrypted
            using separately distributed keyfiles.

         o  Files that are new with each tape are duplicated in a  single
            saveset near the beginning of the first tape.

   Before installing and using the tools provided on the update tape, you
   should  verify  that  you have the system requirements for updating at
   your site.


   TSU can be used on all supported configurations  of  DECsystem-10  and
   DECSYSTEM-20  hardware  that  have  sufficient  on-line  mass storage.
   Table 1-1 lists the minimum resources required in order to update your
   system using the procedures outlined in this guide.


   Table 1-1:  TSU Minimum Resource Requirements



   Operating System   System Software    Hardware

   TOPS-10 V 7.04     GALAXY V 5.1       KS10, KL10 CPU
                      BACKUP             1 RP06 disk, in addition to the 
                                           system disk
                                         1 9-track tape drive, 1600 bpi


   TOPS-20 V 4.1      GALAXY V 4.2       KS10 CPU
                      DUMPER             1 RP06 disk, in addition to the
                                           system disk
                                         1 9-track tape drive, 1600 bpi

   TOPS-20 V 7.0      GALAXY V 6.0       KL10 CPU
                      DUMPER             1 RP06 disk, in addition to the
                                           system disk
                                         1 9-track tape drive, 1600 bpi


   The update tape is organized into several savesets.  A  saveset  is  a
   group  of  files  on tape, stored as the result of one SAVE command to
   either BACKUP (TOPS-10) or DUMPER (TOPS-20).

   1.2.1  Current Update Saveset

   The first saveset contains files used by TSU and information about the
   current  update.   The most important files in this set are listed and
   described in  Table  1-2.   Unless  otherwise  noted,  all  files  are
   provided for TOPS-10 and TOPS-20 systems.


   Table 1-2:  Contents of Current Update Saveset


   File name     Contents       

   README.nn     Summary  information about  the  Current Update Saveset.
                 The filename follows the format README.nn  where "nn" is
                 the number of the current update tape.  Print the README
                 file and use it in conjunction with this guide.

   BLDTSU.CTL    Build  Control  File.   TOPS-20 only.   Use this file to
                 build  the  updating  directories  needed  for  the  TSU

   LODxxx.CTL    Distribution Retrieval Files.   These files are named in
                 the  format LODxxx where "xxx" indicates a product name.
                 For example,  LODCBL.CTL is the  Distribution  Retrieval
                 File for COBOL.  Use these files to restore the software
                 from the original product distribution tapes to disk.

   COPYAP.CTL    Autopatch Retrieval File.   This file is provided in the
                 event  that original product distribution  tapes are not
                 available for your use.  It is recommended that you make
                 every effort to use the software on the original product
                 distribution  tapes  as  the  base  for the TSU process.
                 However,  if this  is  not possible, you  may  use  your
                 current Autopatched  files.   Use  this control  file to
                 copy  the files  from your Autopatching directories into
                 the TSU directories.

   TSU.NUL       Logical Definition File.   This file is shipped with the
                 extension  .NUL to prevent rewriting an existing Logical
                 Definition file.  You  will rename it with the extension
                 .CMD (TOPS-20) or .MIC (TOPS-10) after restoring it from
                 the  update  tape.  Definitions in  this  file determine
                 what software will be copied from the update tape.

   BACKUP.EXE    The  versions of  BACKUP (TOPS-10)  and DUMPER (TOPS-20)
   DUMPER.EXE    used by  the  Retrieval Process Control files.  Commands
                 to these versions of  BACKUP and  DUMPER are included in
                 the control files.

   TSUNEW.CTX    Retrieval  Process  Control  Files.   These   files  are
   TSUALL.CTX    shipped with the extension .CTX to prevent rewriting any
                 existing  Retrieval  Process  Control  Files.  You  will
                 rename  them  with the  proper extensions  (.CTL)  after
                 restoring  them  from  the  update  tape.  The Retrieval
                 Process   Control  Files  contain  commands  to   BACKUP
                 (TOPS-10) or  DUMPER  (TOPS-20)  to  restore the updated
                 software,  and  to  APUTIL  to  decrypt  and  verify the



   APUTIL.EXE    APUTIL is a program that decrypts and verifies software.
                 Commands to APUTIL to  decrypt  and  verify the software
                 are  included  in  the Retrieval Process  Control Files.
                 APUTIL  can also be used  interactively.  See  Chapter 6
                 for information about APUTIL.

   1.2.2  Subsequent Savesets

   The savesets following the Current Update Saveset contain the  updated
   files for those products that have changed since the last update tape.
   They are grouped together in one saveset.  You can restore these files
   by using the Retrieval Process Control File TSUNEW.CTL.

   All other savesets contain  the  files  for  all  products  that  have
   changed  since  the last product release.  You can restore these files
   by using the Retrieval Process Control File TSUALL.CTL.


   Additional update tapes will be made available to you periodically, as
   changes  are  made  to  the  software.   Each tape contains the latest
   versions of all software products, so that you can update any software
   product at any time.


   Before you can update the software on  your  system,  you  must  first
   prepare   an  appropriate  environment,  consisting  of  several  disk
   directories.  Then you  will  restore  the  files  from  the  original
   product distribution tapes.  You only need to set up these directories
   and restore the original product distribution files once, because they
   are  to  be retained on disk and used whenever you want to update your
   software.  Directions for preparing your system for the update process
   can  be  found in Chapter 2 if you are preparing a TOPS-10 system.  If
   you are  preparing  a  TOPS-20  system,  you  will  find  the  TOPS-20
   directions in Chapter 4.

   1.4.1  Directory Requirements

   We recommend that you dedicate a separate disk  pack  for  the  update
   process  so  that  you  need  to  mount  only  one  disk  pack to have


   everything you need.  Our examples refer to  this  disk  structure  as

   It is also recommended that you use the naming conventions used in the
   procedures,  so  that  your  names  and those used by both TSU and the
   sample procedures shown in this guide will be compatible.   Conforming
   to  the  naming  conventions  will  allow  you  to update the software
   products in use at your site simply by  executing  the  procedures  as


   The update process is initiated by using BACKUP  (TOPS-10)  or  DUMPER
   (TOPS-20)  to  obtain  the  necessary files from the update tape.  All
   activities are then controlled by  either  of  the  Retrieval  Process
   Control Files.

        1.  Restore the files from the first saveset on the  update  tape
            to  the  updating  directory  on  disk  so that all the files
            needed for the automatic update process are accessible.  Read

        2.  Submit the appropriate  Retrieval  Process  Control  File  to
            restore, decrypt, and verify the updated software.

        3.  Copy the updated files to their appropriate directories.



                                 CHAPTER 2

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-10 SYSTEM

   Before you can update the software on your system,  you  must  prepare
   the  appropriate environment.  To prepare the appropriate environment,
   you will:

        1.  Run CREDIR to create the updating directory.

        2.  Mount the first update tape and restore the Current Update

        3.  Print and read the README file, if you have not already done

        4.  Rename the Retrieval Process Control Files and the Logical
            Definition File.

        5.  Edit the Logical Definition File.

        6.  Restore the files from the original product distribution
            tapes to the TSU directories.

   If you have already used TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Software Update once, or have
   already prepared your system, go on to Chapter 3.

   In the steps that follow, anything that you are expected  to  type  is
   underscored;  anything  that  the  system  prints  back  to you is not

   Step 1: Log in under [1,2].

   Note:  You must be logged in to [1,2] for the procedure to work.

        .LOGIN 1,2<RET>
        [LGNJSP Other Jobs Same PPN]
        18:41    3-Aug-89         Thu

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-10 SYSTEM


   Step 2: Mount the updating structure.

   Mount the structure to be used for  all  the  operations  involved  in
   updating.   To  be  consistent  with our examples, call this structure
   TSU:.  It should be a dedicated disk so that others  can  continue  to
   use the system as you process new update tapes.

        .MOUNT TSU:<RET>
        [Mount request TSU queued, request #657]
        [Structure TSU mounted]


   Step 3: Make the updating structure the only  structure  your  job  is
             looking at.



   Step 4: Create the updating directory.

   If you already have a User File Directory (UFD)  established  for  the
   updating  directory,  skip this step.  Otherwise, run CREDIR to create
   the UFD for the updating process.  This directory will be TSU:[10,7].

        .R CREDIR<RET>

        Create directory: TSU:[10,7]<RET>
          Created TSU0:[10,7].UFD/PROTECTION:775
        Create directory: <CTRL/C>


   The Sub-File Directories (SFDs) for each product will be automatically
   created by BACKUP when you restore the files from the TSU tapes.

   Step 5: Select a tape drive and SET it available.

   Ensure that the tape drive you will use is available to the  Mountable
   Device Allocator (MDA) by using the OPR command SET TAPE-DRIVE.

   MTA0 is used in the following examples; if the update  tape  is  on  a
   different drive, use the correct physical device name.

        .R OPR<RET>

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-10 SYSTEM

        13:37:19        Device MTA0  -- Available for use  --



   Step 6: Put the first update tape on drive MTA0 and MOUNT it.

   There will be one or more update  tapes,  and  they  will  be  clearly
   labelled  following the convention 1 of n, 2 of n, and so forth, where
   "n" is the total number of tapes.

   The update tape is called TSUTAP.

        [Mount request MTA queued, request #691]


   Step 7: Run OPR and IDENTIFY the tape drive with  the  request  number

        .R OPR<RET>

        13:41:52        Device MTA0   -- Volume UPDATE reassigned -- 
                        User: TSU-TEST [1,2] Job #30



   Step 8: Run BACKUP to RESTORE the Current Update Saveset to [1,2].

   The Current Update Saveset is the first  saveset  on  the  tape.   The
   files  on  the  tape  are restored from the directories on tape to the
   directories you have created on disk.  Only one  saveset  is  restored
   for  each  RESTORE command given.  Each file restored is listed, until
   the end of the saveset is reached.

        .R BACKUP<RET>

        /TAPE TSUTAP:<RET>
        /BLOCK 32<RET>
        /RESTORE TSU:[1,2]=DSKB:[10,7,TSU]*.*<RET>

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-10 SYSTEM

        !10,7   DSKB



   Step 9: DISMOUNT the update tape.


        [MTA0:UPDATE Read(C/H/S) = 318400/0/0]
        [MTA0 dismounted]


   Step 10: PRINT the README file.

   Print the documentation file README.nn., where "nn" is the  number  of
   the current update tape.  This file contains summary information about
   the first saveset, and is to be printed and used in  conjunction  with
   this guide.  In the following example .01 is used, but remember to use
   the number of the current update tape.

        .PRINT README.01<RET>
        [Printer job 1 queued, request #703, limit 1]


   Step 11: RENAME the Retrieval Process Control Files  and  the  Logical
            Definition File.

   The Retrieval Process Control Files and the  Logical  Definition  File
   are  shipped  with the file extensions .CTX and .NUL.  These files are
   included in the Current Update Saveset, which you restored in Step  8.
   Rename  these  files  to  include the correct extension:  .CTL for the
   Retrieval  Process  Control  Files  and  and  .MIC  for  the   Logical
   Definition File.

   Rename the control files:

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-10 SYSTEM

        .RENAME *.CTL=*.CTX<RET>
        Files renamed:


   Rename the Logical Definition File:

        .RENAME *.MIC=*.NUL<RET>
        Files renamed:


   Step 12: Edit the Logical Definition File (TSU.MIC).

   The Logical Definition File contains directory  definitions  for  each
   product  that  can  be  delivered on an update tape.  As supplied, the
   Logical Definition File points all product files to a nonexistant area
   (NUL:).   Edit  this file to point to existing disk areas ONLY for the
   updated products you want.

   Before editing, the Logical Definition File contains definitions  that
   look like this:


        .ASSIGN NUL: TSU704:
        ; If [10,7,*,*,*] is not where you want DECNET and the TOPS-10
        ; bundled components, a change is required to the 
        ; TSUNEW.CTL and TSUALL.CTL files.
        .PATH CBLSYS:=NUL:[10,7,CBLSYS]        ;COBOL executable files
        .PATH CBLSRC:=NUL:[10,7,CBLSRC]        ;COBOL source files



   Use the editor of your choice to edit the file to point to the product
   subdirectories  for  only those products that you want to update.  You
   do not have to use the [10,7] PPN for the updating directory.  If  you
   want to use a different PPN, edit the file to include the PPN you want
   to use.

   In the following example, the same locations  shown  above  have  been

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-10 SYSTEM

   defined.  The locations that have been defined are underlined.


        .ASSIGN TSU: TSU704:   
        .ASSIGN TSU: TSUDEC:   
        ; If [10,7,*,*,*] is not where you want DECNET and the TOPS-10
        ; bundled components, a change is required to the 
        ; TSUNEW.CTL and TSUALL.CTL files.
        .PATH CBLSYS:=TSU:[10,7,CBLSYS]        ;COBOL executable files
        .PATH CBLSRC:=TSU:[10,7,CBLSRC]        ;COBOL source files



   Now copy TSU.MIC to a structure listed in the  standard  login  search
   list for [1,2].

   Step 13: RESTORE files from the original product distribution tapes.

   The original  distribution  provides  the  base  for  the  new  update
   process.   Control  files  are provided to assist you in restoring the
   files from the distribution tapes.  You restored these files when  you
   restored the contents of the Current Update Saveset.


        If, for  any  reason,  you  must  use  the  files  from  the
        Autopatch areas, see Appendix B for an alternate method.

   Table 2-1 lists each  distribution  tape,  the  name  of  the  product
   contained  on  the  tape,  and  the name of the control file that will
   restore the files.  Refer to the table and, for each product that  you
   want  to  restore, put the tape on drive MTA0:  and submit the control

   See Appendix A for an example of how to restore COBOL and SORT.

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-10 SYSTEM

   Table 2-1:  Distribution Retrieval Files


   Product Name                  Distribution Tape         Control File

   COBOL V12C/SORT V4D           BB-H580E-SB               LODCBL.CTL
   SORT KEYS                     BB-PANKA-BB

   7.04 CUSPS                    BB-X128C-SB               LODCSP.CTL

   7.04 Customer Supported       BB-X130C-SB               LODCUS.CTL

   DECNET 7.04                   BB-X116C-BB               LODDEC.CTL

   FORTRAN V11                   BB-D480G-SB               LODFTN.CTL

   IBMCOM/ET V4                  BB-J992D-SB               LODIET.CTL
   IBMCOM ET KEYS                BB-PANJA-BB

   IBMCOM/HASP V1                BB-V552B-SB               LODIHS.CTL

   7.04 MONITOR                  BB-X140C-SB               LODMON.CTL

   SORT V4D                      BB-D489F-SB               LODSRT.CTL
   SORT KEYS                     BB-PANKA-BB

   The version of MX provided on the original distribution tapes has been
   superseded  by  another version, provided on the update tapes.  Delete
   the version of MX that was restored:

        .DELETE TSU:[10,7,DECMAI,MX]*.*<RET>
        Files deleted:
        n blocks freed


   Now that you have created the directories and restored the files  from
   the  original product distribution tapes, you are ready to restore the
   updated software from the TSU update tape.  The  steps  for  restoring
   the updated software are listed in Chapter 3.



                                 CHAPTER 3

                         UPDATING TOPS-10 SOFTWARE

   This chapter lists the steps you must follow to update your  software.
   If  you  have just finished setting up your system for the first time,
   go to Step 10.

   If your system is already set up for the TSU  process,  and  you  have
   used this process at least one other time, begin with Step 1.

   Step 1: Log in under [1,2].

   Note:  You must be logged in to [1,2] for the procedure to work.

        .LOGIN 1,2<RET>
        [LGNJSP Other jobs same PPN]
        08:15    7-Nov-1989       Tue


   Step 2: MOUNT the disk structure TSU:.

        .MOUNT TSU:<RET>
        [Mount request TSU queued, request #657]
        [Structure TSU mounted]


   Step 3: Make the updating structure the only  structure  your  job  is
           looking at.


   Step 4: Run OPR, select a tape drive, and SET it AVAILABLE.

                         UPDATING TOPS-10 SOFTWARE

   Ensure that the tape drive you will use is available to the  Mountable
   Device Allocator (MDA) by using the OPR command SET TAPE-DRIVE.

   MTA0 is used in the following examples; if the update  tape  is  on  a
   different drive, use the correct physical device name.

        .R OPR<RET>
        13:37:19        Device MTA0  -- Available for use --



   Step 5: Put the first update tape on drive MTA0 and MOUNT it.

   There will be one or more update  tapes,  and  they  will  be  clearly
   labelled  following the convention 1 of n, 2 of n, and so forth, where
   "n" is the total number of tapes.

   The update tape is called TSUTAP.

        [Mount request MTA queued, request #691]


   Step 6: Run OPR and IDENTIFY the tape drive with  the  request  number

        .R OPR<RET>

        13:41:52        Device MTA0   -- Volume UPDATE reassigned --
                        User: TSU-TEST [1,2] Job #30



   Step 7: Run BACKUP to RESTORE the Current Update Saveset to [1,2].

   The Current Update Saveset is the first  saveset  on  the  tape.   The
   files  on  the  tape  are restored from the directories on tape to the
   directories you have created on disk.  Only one  saveset  is  restored
   for  each  RESTORE command given.  Each file restored is listed, until
   the end of the saveset is reached.

                         UPDATING TOPS-10 SOFTWARE

        .R BACKUP<RET>

        /TAPE TSUTAP:<RET>
        /BLOCK 32<RET>
        /RESTORE TSU:[1,2]=DSKB:[10,7,TSU]*.*<RET>
        !10,7   DSKB



   Step 8: DISMOUNT the update tape.


        [MTA0:UPDATE Read(C/H/S) = 318400/0/0]
        [MTA0 dismounted]


   Step 9: PRINT the README file.

   Print the documentation file README.nn, where "nn" is  the  number  of
   the current update tape.  This file contains summary information about
   the first saveset, and is to be printed and used in  conjunction  with
   this guide.

   In the following example, .01 is used, but remember to use the  number
   of the current update tape.

        .PRINT README.01<RET>
        [Printer job 1 queued, request #703, limit 1]


   Step 10: Select the desired Retrieval Process Control file (TSUALL.CTL
            or TSUNEW.CTL) to restore updated software.

   You are supplied with two batch control files but will only  use  one.

                         UPDATING TOPS-10 SOFTWARE

   Use  TSUNEW.CTL  to  retrieve updated software from the NEW saveset on
   the update tape.  The  NEW  saveset  contains  only  those  files  for
   products  that  are  newly  updated  for the current update tape.  Use
   TSUNEW.CTL only if you are up-to-date as of the previous update  tape.
   Use  the other control file, TSUALL.CTL, to restore the latest version
   of ALL products updated since the last product release.


        If this is your first time using the  TSU  process  and  you
        have   just   finished   restoring   the   original  product
        distribution files, use the TSUALL.CTL control file.

   Put the first update tape on drive MTA0:  and submit the batch control

        [Batch job TSUALL queued, request #717, limit 1:00:00]


   Run OPR and IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given.

        .R OPR<RET>

        14:33:23       Device MTA0:  -- Volume TSU reassigned --
                       User: TSU-TEST [1,2] Job #34


   For each tape after the first (tape 1 of n), you will be notified that
   the  mount request for the next tape (tape 2 of n, tape 3 of n, and so
   forth) is waiting in the queue.  When you are notified, take the first
   tape  off  the  drive and put the sceond tape on, and so forth.  Then,
   tell OPR to RECOGNIZE the drive.  Finally,  IDENTIFY  the  tape  drive
   with the request number given.

   The mount request for the next tape is waiting in the queue:

        14:37:37         -- Magtape mount request #722 --
                       User: TSU-TEST [1,2] Job #34
                       Volume-set name: TSUTAP

                       Volume-ID   Write   Labels  Track  Density
                       ---------  -------  ------  -----  -------
                       TSU2       Locked   No        9    1600

                         UPDATING TOPS-10 SOFTWARE


   Put the next tape on the drive and tell  OPR  to  RECOGNIZE  the  tape

        14:40:20        Device MTA0 -- Unlabeled volume mounted --
                        Density 1600 BPI, write-locked


   Now IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given:

        14:41:00        Device MTA0  -- Volume TSU2 reassigned --
                        User: TSU-TEST [1,2] Job #34



   When the batch job has finished, you will be notified:

        [From SYSTEM: Job TSUALL request #722 finished executing...]

   Check the log file for errors.  This file will be named TSUNEW.LOG  or
   TSUALL.LOG,  depending  on  the  control file you used.  If any errors
   have occurred, you can use APUTIL interactively to decrypt and  verify
   a specific product.  See Chapter 6 for a description of APUTIL.

   Step 11: Build the TOPS-10 monitor.

   Refer to the TOPS-10  Software  Installation  Guide,  Chapter  9,  for
   information  on  building  your  monitor.   Chapter 9 describes how to
   build your monitor using the MONitor GENerator program, MONGEN.

   Step 12: Rebuild software.

   If you restored  source  files  because  your  site  uses  nonstandard
   versions  of  the  software, you must accomplish two steps in order to
   incorporate the changes specific to your site.  First, you compare the
   updated  sources with your site's edited sources.  Then, merge the two
   sources together.  After you have compared and merged the sources, you
   can rebuild the product.  Use the procedures that are specific to your
   site or refer to the appropriate product manuals for  instructions  on
   building a specific product.

                         UPDATING TOPS-10 SOFTWARE

   Step 13: Copy updated software to system areas.

   The updated software is available in the updating directory and can be
   copied   to   the   system  areas.   Refer  to  the  TOPS-10  Software
   Installation  Guide,  Chapter  7,  for  instructions  on  copying  the

   Before copying it, however, you may want to try running it out of  the
   updating   directory   to   determine  whether  it  performs  to  your

   If you are going to copy the updated files now, you must be careful to
   avoid  interfering  with  the  work others are doing if your system is
   running under timesharing.


                                 CHAPTER 4

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

   Follow the procedures in this chapter to prepare your system  for  the
   TSU  process.   Before you can update the software on your system, you
   must prepare the appropriate environment.  To prepare the environment,
   you will:

        1.  Build the updating directory.

        2.  Mount the first update tape and restore the Current Update

        3.  Print and read the README file, if you have not already done

        4.  Rename the Retrieval Process Control Files and the Logical
            Definition File.

        5.  Edit the Logical Definition File.

        6.  Build the updating subdirectories.

        7.  Restore the files from the original product distribution
            tapes to the TSU directories.

   If you have already used TOPS-10/TOPS-20 Software Update once, or have
   already prepared your system, go on to Chapter 5.

   In the steps that follow, anything that you are expected  to  type  is
   underscored;  anything  that  the  system  prints  back  to you is not

   Step 1: Log in to a privileged account.

   You may log  in  to  any  account  having  WHEEL  or  OPERATOR  access
   privileges.  Once you have logged in, enable these privileges.

        @LOGIN WHEEL password<RET>

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

         Job 57 on TTY21 03-Aug-89  08:22:01
        @ENABLE <RET>

   Step  2: Prepare  a  disk  structure  to  be  used  for  all  updating

   To be consistent with our examples,  call  this  structure  TSU:.   It
   should  be  a  dedicated  disk so that you can continue to update your
   system as new update tapes are distributed.  First, you  must  declare
   TSU: a  domestic structure.  If you are updating the software on a KL,
   you will run OPR; if you are updating the software on a KS,  you  must
   edit  your PS:<SYSTEM>MOUNTR.CMD file.  If you plan to use an existing
   domestic structure for updating, you can skip this step.

   For KL:

        14:59:32          -- Set Structure Command --
                         Structure TSU: set DOMESTIC

   For KS:

   Before you can edit MOUNTR.CMD, you  must  connect  to  the  directory
   where it is located, PS:<SYSTEM>.


   Type out your MOUNTR.CMD file.  A  sample  MOUNTR.CMD  file  is  shown


   Use the editor of your choice to add the line below to your MOUNTR.CMD
   file.  This line declares TSU: as a domestic structure.


   Step 3: Mount the disk structure TSU:.


                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

        Structure TSU: mounted
        Status of structure TSU:
        Mount count: 1, open file count: 0, units in structure: 1
        Users who have MOUNTed TSU: WHEEL
        No users are ACCESSing TSU:
        No users CONNECTed to TSU:

   Step 4: BUILD the updating directory.

   The  updating  directory  is  called  TSU:<UPDATE>.   There  are   two
   different  examples  below, one for a KL and one for a KS.  The number
   of permanent and  working  pages  for  the  KL  is  set  to  INFINITE.
   INFINITE  cannot  be  specified  on  the KS but the same effect can be
   achieved by using 1 billion (1 and nine zeroes).

   For KL:

        $$USER-GROUP 10<RET>

   For KS:

        $$PERMANENT 1000000000<RET>
        $$WORKING 1000000000<RET>
        $$USER-GROUP 10<RET>

   Step 5: CONNECT to the updating directory.


   Step 6: Select a tape drive and SET it available.

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

   Ensure that the tape drive you will use  is  available  to  MOUNTR  by
   using the OPR command SET TAPE-DRIVE.

   MTA0 is used in the following examples; if the update  tape  is  on  a
   different drive, use the correct physical device name.

        17:01:41       -- Tape Drive Set Available --
                    MTA0: set available for assignment by MOUNTR

   Step 7: Put the first update tape on drive MTA0 and MOUNT it.

   There will be one or more update  tapes,  and  they  will  be  clearly
   labelled  following the convention 1 of n, 2 of n, and so forth, where
   "n" is the total number of tapes.

   The update tape is called TSUTAP.

        [Mount request TSUTAP queued, request #38]

   Step 8: Run OPR and IDENTIFY the tape drive with  the  request  number


        12:09:52         -- MTA0: Given To Request 38 --
                        Volume TSUTAP now in use by
                        User WHEEL, Job 146, Terminal 331, Account E0H
        [Tape set TSUTAP, volume TSUTAP mounted]
        [TSUTAP: defined as MT0:]

   Step 9: Run DUMPER to RESTORE the Current Update Saveset.

   The Current Update Saveset is the first  saveset  on  the  tape.   The
   files  on  the  tape  are restored from the directories on tape to the
   directories you have created on disk.  Only one  saveset  is  restored
   for  each  RESTORE command given.  Each file restored is listed, until
   the end of the saveset is reached.

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

        CURRENT saveset 14-Sep-89 0958
         Loading files into TSU:<UPDATE>

   Step 10: DISMOUNT the update tape.

        [Tape dismounted, logical name TSUTAP: deleted]

   Step 11: PRINT the README file.

   Print the documentation file README.nn, where "nn" is  the  number  of
   the current update tape.  This file contains summary information about
   the first saveset, and is to be printed and used in  conjunction  with
   this guide.  In the following example .01 is used, but remember to use
   the number of the current update tape.

        $PRINT README.01<RET>
        [Job README Queued, Request-ID 20, Limit 27]

   Step 12: RENAME the Retrieval Process Control Files  and  the  Logical
            Definition File.

   The Retrieval Process Control Files and the  Logical  Definition  File
   are  shipped  with the file extensions .CTX and .NUL.  These files are
   included in the Current Update Saveset, which you restored in Step  9.
   Rename  these  files  to  include the correct extension:  .CTL for the
   Retrieval Process Control Files, and .CMD for the  Logical  Definition

   Rename the control files:

        $RENAME *.CTX *.CTL<RET>
         TSUALL.CTX.1 => TSUALL.CTL.1 [OK]

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

         TSUNEW.CTX.1 => TSUNEW.CTL.1 [OK]

   Rename the Logical Definition File:

        $RENAME *.NUL *.CMD<RET>
         TSU.NUL.1 => TSU.CMD.1 [OK]

   Step 13: Edit the Logical Definition File (TSU.CMD).

   The Logical Definition File contains directory  definitions  for  each
   product  that  can  be  delivered on an update tape.  As supplied, the
   Logical Definition File points all product files to a nonexistant area
   (NUL:).   Edit  this file to point to existing disk areas ONLY for the
   updated products you want.

   Before editing, the Logical Definition File contains definitions  that
   look like this:

        DEFINE BP2SYS: NUL:<UPDATE.BP2SYS>        ;BASIC executable files
        DEFINE CBLSYS: NUL:<UPDATE.CBLSYS>        ;COBOL executable files

   Use the editor of your choice to edit the file to point to the product
   subdirectories for only those products that you want to update.

   In the following example, the same locations  shown  above  have  been
   defined.  The locations that have been defined are underlined.

        DEFINE BP2SYS: TSU:<UPDATE.BP2SYS>   ;BASIC executable files
        DEFINE CBLSYS: TSU:<UPDATE.CBLSYS>   ;COBOL executable files

   Step 14: Submit BLDTSU.CTL to create the updating subdirectories.

   The Build Control  File  BLDTSU.CTL  is  provided  to  assist  you  in
   creating the updating subdirectories.  BLDTSU.CTL contains commands to
   the monitor to create the subdirectories, set the number of  permanent
   and working pages, and designate the directory group.

   For TOPS-20 KL systems, BLDTSU.CTL uses the definitions  made  in  the
   Logical  Definition  File  (TSU.CMD).   The  TOPS-20 KS system's BUILD
   command, however, does not recognize logical names.  Therefore, if you
   are  preparing  a  KS system for updating, you must edit BLDTSU.CTL to
   include real structure names.  For those products  that  you  want  to

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

   update,  replace  XXX:  with the real name of the  structure  you  are
   using  for  the  update process.  In this guide,  the  structure  name
   that is being used is TSU:.

   The updating subdirectories are named following the convention


   where "subdirectory" is the name of each product saveset.

   Table 4-1 lists the subdirectories that are  built  when  the  control
   file is submitted.

   The  subdirectories  are  created  with  the  number  of  working  and
   permanent  pages  set  to  INFINITE on the KL and 1 billion on the KS.
   These values were chosen based on the use of a  dedicated  disk  pack.
   If  you  do not dedicate a disk pack to the update process, you may be
   interested in the number of pages  required  for  each  product.   The
   approximate  numbers  of permanent and working pages required for each
   product are also listed in Table 4-1.  The values listed are  somewhat
   higher  than the actual requirements for the product in order to allow
   additional  space  for  temporary  files  created  during  the  update

   Table 4-1:  Updating Subdirectories


                          KL Pages    Approximate Values    KS Pages
   Subdirectory       Working/Permanent                 Working/Permanent

   <UPDATE.BP2SYS>           200                               200
   <UPDATE.CBLSYS>           800                               3000
   <UPDATE.CBLSRC>           3000                              2000
   <UPDATE.DBMALL>           1000                              1000
   <UPDATE.DECMCB>           600                               
   <UPDATE.DECSRC>           500                               
   <UPDATE.DECSYS>           900                               
   <UPDATE.FTNCSR>           2800                              2800
   <UPDATE.FTNOSR>           1800                              1800
   <UPDATE.FTNSYS>           800                               800
   <UPDATE.GALSRC>           2300                              
   <UPDATE.GALSYS>           700                               
   <UPDATE.IETSRC>           800                               
   <UPDATE.IETSYS>           500                               
   <UPDATE.IHSSRC>           800                               
   <UPDATE.IHSSYS>           700                               
   <UPDATE.LNGSRC>           2000                              2000
   <UPDATE.SRTSRC>           600                               600
   <UPDATE.SRTSYS>           200                               200
   <UPDATE.T20SRC>           10000                             5000

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

   <UPDATE.T20SUB>           4600                              4000
   <UPDATE.T20SYS>           2000                              2000
   <UPDATE.TCPSRC>           4000                              
   <UPDATE.TCPSUB>           300                               
   <UPDATE.TCPSYS>           500                               
   <UPDATE.T20DIL>                                             1000
   <UPDATE.T20EDT>                                             1000

   Step 15: RESTORE files from the original product distribution tapes.

   The original  distribution  provides  the  base  for  the  new  update
   process.   Control  files  are provided to assist you in restoring the
   files from the distribution tapes.  You restored these files when  you
   restored the contents of the Current Update Saveset.


        If, for any reason, you must use the files  from  your  most
        recent  Autopatch  areas,  see  Appendix  B for an alternate

   Table 4-2 lists each  distribution  tape,  the  name  of  the  product
   contained  on the tape, the name of the control file that will restore
   the files, and whether the product is KL or KS specific.  Refer to the
   table  and, for each product that you want to restore, put the tape on
   drive MTA0:  and submit the control file.

   Three of the control  files  contain  a  logical  definition  for  the
   structure  and  directory  used  in  the examples.  If you are using a
   structure and directory other than TSU:<UPDATE>, you must  edit  these
   files.   The  files that contain this definition are indicated with an

   See Appendix A for an example of how to restore BASIC-Plus-2.

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

   Table 4-2:  Distribution Retrieval Files


   System    Product                         Distribution      Control 
   Type      Name                            Tape              File

   KL, KS    BASIC-Plus-2 V2A                BB-5543F-BM       LODBP2.CTL
   KL, KS    BASIC-Plus-2-KEYS               BB-PANMA-BM       LODBP2.CTL

   KL        COBOL V13/SORT V5               BB-Z759A-SM     * LODCBL.CTL
       KS    COBOL V12C/SORT V4D             BB-H506E-SM     * LODCBL.CTL

   KL        SORT V5                         BB-Z761A-SM     * LODSRT.CTL
       KS    SORT V4D                        BB-4160G-SM     * LODSRT.CTL

   KL, KS    DBMS V6.1                       BB-4148F-BM       LODDBM.CTL
   KL, KS    DBMS Keys                       BB-PAM0A-BM       LODDBM.CTL

   KL        DECnet V4                       BB-H240E-BM     * LODDEC.CTL

   KL, KS    FORTRAN V11                     BB-4157J-SM       LODFTN.CTL

   KL        IBMCOM E/T                      BB-D351C-SM       LODIET.CTL
   KL        IBMCOM E/T Keys                 BB-PALZA-BM

   KL        IBMCOM HASP                     BB-J724B-SM       LODIHS.CTL
   KL        IBMCOM HASP Keys                BB-PANNA-BM        

   KL        TOPS-20 V7.0 Installation       BB-H137F-BM       LODT2I.CTL

   KL        TCP/IP                          BB-EV83B-BM       LODTCP.CTL

   KL        TOPS 20 V7.0 Distribution 1/2   BB-H138F-BM       LODTD1.CTL
   KL        TOPS-20 V7.0 Distribution 2/2   BB-LW55A-BM       LODTD2.CTL

       KS    TOPS-20 V4.1 Distribution 1/2   BB-D868E-BM       LODT2D.CTL
       KS    TOPS-20 V4.1 Distribution 2/2   BB-V895A-BM       LODT2D.CTL

       KS    TOPS-20 V4.1 Update # 5         BB-R775E-BM       LODT2U.CTL

             Note:  The TOPS-20  V4.1  Update  tape, BB-R775E-BM, must be
             restored AFTER the TOPS-20 V4.1 Distribution tapes.  Restore
             the tapes in the same order as they are listed.


   Now that you have created the directories and restored the files  from
   the  original product distribution tapes, you are ready to restore the
   updated software from the TSU update tape.  The  steps  for  restoring

                       PREPARING YOUR TOPS-20 SYSTEM

   the updated software are listed in Chapter 5.


                                 CHAPTER 5

                         UPDATING TOPS-20 SOFTWARE

   This chapter lists the steps you must follow to update your  software.
   If  you  have just finished setting up your system for the first time,
   go to Step 10.

   If your system is already set up for the TSU  process,  and  you  have
   used this process at least one other time, begin with Step 1.

   Step 1: Log in to a privileged account.

   You may log  in  to  any  account  having  WHEEL  or  OPERATOR  access
   privileges.  Once you have logged in, enable these privileges.

        @LOGIN WHEEL password<RET>
         Job 57 on TTY21 03-Aug-89  08:22:01
        @ENABLE <RET>

   Step 2: MOUNT the disk structure TSU:.

        Structure TSU: mounted

   Step 3: CONNECT to the updating directory.


   Step 4: Select a tape drive and SET it AVAILABLE.

   Ensure that the tape drive you will use  is  available  to  MOUNTR  by
   using the OPR command SET TAPE-DRIVE.

                         UPDATING TOPS-20 SOFTWARE

   MTA0 is used in the following examples; if the update  tape  is  on  a
   different drive, use the correct physical device name.

        17:01:41       -- Tape Drive Set Available --
                    MTA0: set available for assignment by MOUNTR

   Step 5: Put the first update tape on drive MTA0 and MOUNT it.

   There will be one or more update  tapes,  and  they  will  be  clearly
   labelled  following the convention 1 of n, 2 of n, and so forth, where
   "n" is the total number of tapes.

   The update tape is called TSUTAP.

        [Mount request TSUTAP queued, request #38]

   Step 6: IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given.

        12:09:52          -- MTA0: Given To Request 38 --
                         Volume TSUTAP now in use by
                         User WHEEL, Job 146, Terminal 331, Account E0H
        [Tape set TSUTAP, volume TSUTAP mounted]
        [TSUTAP: defined as MT0:]

   Step 7: Run DUMPER to RESTORE the Current Update Saveset.

   The Current Update Saveset is the first  saveset  on  the  tape.   The
   files  on  the  tape  are restored from the directories on tape to the
   directories you have created on disk.  Only one  saveset  is  restored
   for  each  RESTORE command given.  Each file restored is listed, until
   the end of the saveset is reached.

        $RUN DUMPER<RET>
        CURRENT saveset 14-Sep-89 0958

                         UPDATING TOPS-20 SOFTWARE

         Loading files into TSU:<UPDATE>
         End of Saveset.

   Step 8: DISMOUNT the update tape.

        [Tape dismounted, logical name TSUTAP: deleted]

   Step 9: PRINT the README file.

   Print the documentation file README.nn, where "nn" is  the  number  of
   the current update tape.  This file contains summary information about
   the first saveset, and is to be printed and used in  conjunction  with
   this guide.

   In the following example .01 is used, but remember to use  the  number
   of the current update tape.

        $PRINT README.01<RET>
        [Job README Queued, Request-ID 20, Limit 27]

   Step 10: Select the desired Retrieval Process Control file (TSUALL.CTL
            or TSUNEW.CTL) to restore updated software.

   You are supplied with two batch control files but will only  use  one.
   Use  TSUNEW.CTL  to  retrieve updated software from the NEW saveset on
   the update tape.  The  NEW  saveset  contains  only  those  files  for
   products  that  are  newly  updated  for the current update tape.  Use
   TSUNEW.CTL only if you are up-to-date as of the previous update  tape.
   Use  the other control file, TSUALL.CTL, to restore the latest version
   of ALL products updated since the last product release.


        If this is your first time using the  TSU  process  and  you
        have   just   finished   restoring   the   original  product
        distribution files, use the TSUALL.CTL control file.

                         UPDATING TOPS-20 SOFTWARE

   Put the first update tape on drive MTA0:  and submit the batch control

        [Batch job TSUALL queued, request # 42, limit 1:00:00]

   Run OPR and wait to be notified of your mount request.

        12:09:32         -- Tape Mount Request # 42 --
                        Mount volume TAPE1, READ-ONLY
                        User WHEEL, Job 147, Terminal 242, Account E0H

   IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given.

        12:09:52         -- MTA0: Given To Request 42 --
                        Volume TAPE1 now in use by
                        User WHEEL, Job 147, Terminal 242, Account E0H

   If there is more than one update tape, you will be notified  that  the
   mount request is waiting in the queue.

        16:03:56         -- Tape Mount Request # 46 --
                        Mount Unlabeled volume TAPE2, 9-TRACK, READ-ONLY
                        User WHEEL, Job 147, Terminal 242, Account E0H

   Take the first tape off the drive, put the second tape on and IDENTIFY
   the tape drive with the request number given:


        16:04:56         -- MTA0: Unlabeled tape mounted --
        16:05:03         -- MTA0: Given To Request 46 --
                        Volume TAPE2 now in use by
                        User WHEEL, Job 147, Terminal 242, Account E0H

   When the batch job has finished, you will be notified:

        16:03:56         -- Tape Drive Released By User --
                        MTA0: Tape Being Unloaded

   Check the log file for errors.  This file will be named TSUNEW.LOG  or

                         UPDATING TOPS-20 SOFTWARE

   TSUALL.LOG,  depending  on  the  control file you used.  If any errors
   have occurred, you can use APUTIL interactively to decrypt and  verify
   a specific product.  See Chapter 6 for a description of APUTIL.

   If you restored product executable files, go on to Step 12.

   Step 11: Rebuild updated software.

   If your site uses nonstandard  versions  of  the  software,  you  must
   accomplish  two  steps in order to incorporate the changes specific to
   your site.  First, compare the updated sources with your site's edited
   sources.   Then,  merge  the  two  sources  together.   After you have
   compared and merged the sources, you can rebuild the product.  Use the
   procedures  that are specific to your site or refer to the appropriate
   product manuals for instructions on building a specific product.

   Step 12: Copy updated software to system areas.

   The updated software is available in the updating directory and can be
   copied  to the system areas.  Before copying it, however, you may want
   to try running it out of the updating directory to  determine  whether
   it performs to your satisfaction.

   If you are going to copy the updated files now, you must be careful to
   avoid  interfering  with  the  work others are doing if your system is
   running under timesharing.



                                 CHAPTER 6



   APUTIL is a program for decrypting and verifying the files provided on
   the  TOPS-10/TOPS-20  Software  Update  Tapes.   Commands to APUTIL to
   decrypt and verify software are contained  in  the  Retrieval  Process
   Control  Files that are supplied for the TSU update procedure.  APUTIL
   may also be used interactively.

   TSU uses the tape utilities BACKUP (TOPS-10) and DUMPER  (TOPS-20)  to
   restore  the  files  into  directories created for the update process.
   This operation is controlled by the Retrieval  Process  Control  File.
   The unbundled product files are encrypted and must be decrypted, using
   special key files, after they are restored.  The command to decrypt is
   included  in  the Retrieval Process Control File, so the decryption is
   done automatically as the files are restored.   Each  directory  in  a
   product  saveset  contains  a  Verify  File (.VFY), and each .VFY file
   contains the file specifications and checksums of all  files  in  that
   directory.   The  key file is supplied with each product release tape,
   or as a separate key file distribution.

   APUTIL has five commands:  HELP,  READ,  DECRYPT,  VERIFY,  and  EXIT.
   When  used with the Retrieval Process Control File, commands to APUTIL
   within the file direct APUTIL to READ the .VFY file for  each  product
   and  to  DECRYPT  all files listed there with the product's associated
   key file.  Then, the file is closed.  It is closed with the same  file
   specification  as the original file, including the same version number
   and creation date.  The original encrypted files  are  not  preserved.
   After  the  file is closed, a command to VERIFY compares the checksums
   of all files to the checksums in the .VFY file in order to verify  the
   integrity of the files.

   The .VFY file is a checksummed directory listing.  There is  one  .VFY
   file  for  each  directory  in  the  product  savesets.  The .VFY file
   includes products not changed since distribution.


   6.1.1  The READ Command

   The READ command closes any previously opened .VFY file and then reads
   the  .VFY  file  in  the  specified  directory.   If  no  directory is
   specified, the default is the connected directory.  The  default  file
   extension  is  .VFY.  The .VFY file must be READ before the DECRYPT or
   VERIFY operation can be performed.

   The arguments to the READ command are:  the device, directory and name
   of  the  .VFY  file.  If the device and directory have been assigned a
   logical name, the logical name may be used in place of the device  and
   directory the logical name represents.

   The READ command has the following form:

        APUTIL>READ device:[directory]filename.vfy
        APUTIL>READ logicalname:filename.vfy

   If you wanted to read the  .VFY  file  for  the  IBMCOM/ET  executable
   files, you would type:

   For TOPS-10:


   For TOPS-20:


   Or, for both TOPS-10 and TOPS-20:


   After you issue the command to read IETSYS.VFY, APUTIL sends a message
   to the terminal:

        [Reading TSU:IETSYS.VFY[10,7,IETSYS]]

   6.1.2  The DECRYPT Command

   The DECRYPT command uses the product key file to decrypt all files for
   a  specific  product.   The  files  to  be decrypted are listed in the
   verify file for the product.  Then, the file is closed, with the  same
   file  specification  as  the original file, including the same version
   number and creation date, and the original, encrypted  files  are  not

   The arguments to the DECRYPT command are:  the device, directory,  and
   name of the .KEY file.  If the device and directory have been assigned


   a logical name, that name may be used  in  place  of  the  device  and
   directory as long as the logical name points to only one directory.

   If no directory is specified, DECRYPT uses the directory specified  in
   the previous READ command as the default, and the previously specified
   .VFY file name as the default for the  key  file,  with  .KEY  as  its
   extension.   In  most  cases the key file name will be the same as the
   previously specified .VFY file name.  If it is different,  the  switch
   /KEY  must  be  used  to  specify  the  key file name.  APUTIL sends a
   message to the terminal to show which files are being decrypted.

   The DECRYPT command has the following form:

        APUTIL>DECRYPT device:[directory]
        APUTIL>DECRYPT logicalname:

   Optionally, if the key file name is different from the .VFY file  name
   used in the previous read command:

   For TOPS-10:

        APUTIL>DECRYPT device:/KEY:keyfilename.key[directory]
        APUTIL>DECRYPT logicalname:/KEY:keyfilename.key

   For TOPS-20:

        APUTIL>DECRYPT device:[directory]/KEY:keyfilename.key
        APUTIL>DECRYPT logicalname:/KEY:keyfilename.key

   To decrypt the IBMCOM/ET executable files that have been encrypted:

        [Decrypting TSU:[10,7,IETSYS]]
         D60SPD.EXE has been decrypted
         D6LQ3.BIN has been decrypted

   6.1.3  The VERIFY Command

   The VERIFY command computes  a  standard  18-bit  folded  (sequential)
   checksum for each file in the specified directory and compares it with
   the checksum provided in the .VFY file.

   VERIFY compares the checksums of the files listed  in  the  .VFY  file
   last  read  with  the  checksums  of files in the specified directory.


   Files must be decrypted before using the VERIFY command, otherwise the
   checksums  will  not  match.  Error messages are issued if any file is
   missing or if  the  checksums  do  not  match.   The  default  is  the
   directory  specified  in the READ or DECRYPT command, whichever is the
   most recent.

   The arguments to the VERIFY command are:  the file names and checksums
   from the .VFY file.

   The VERIFY command has the following form:

        APUTIL>VERIFY device:[directory]
        APUTIL>VERIFY logicalname:

   To VERIFY the IBMCOM/ET files just decrypted:

        [Verifying TSU:[10,7,IETSYS]]
         D60SPD.EXE has been verified
         D6LQ3.BIN has been verified
        [Successfully verified n of n files, n errors, n checksum errors]

   6.1.4  The HELP Command

   HELP prints out the help file HLP:APUTIL.HLP  on  the  terminal.   The
   HELP  command  followed  by a keyword will print out the help text for
   just that keyword.

   For help on all commands, the HELP command has the following form:


   For help on just one command, HELP  accepts  the  command  name  as  a

        APUTIL>HELP commandname

   6.1.5  The EXIT Command

   The EXIT command closes all opened files and exits to the monitor.  An
   alternate  form  of EXIT is <CTRL/Z>.  This is the standard method for
   terminating a program on TOPS-10, but this feature is not  allowed  on



   The following table lists error messages and  an  explanation  of  the

   Table 6-1:  APUTIL Error Messages


   Error Message:               When:

   A READ command must precede "command"

                                A  READ  command  was not issued before a
                                DECRYPT or VERIFY command.

   Does not match file or user name

                                The directory name  specified by the user
                                for a  DECRYPT or VERIFY command does not

   File not found: "dir:filename.ext"

                                The .VFY file  or  key file  specified by
                                the user  for the READ  command  does not
                                exist, or the  file  is not  found in the
                                .VFY file.

   File checksum mismatch; "dir:filename.ext"

                                The   checksum   of  this  file  in  this
                                directory  does not match the checksum in
                                the .VFY file.

   Mismatch checksums, file "filename.ext" not decrypted

                                The checksum of a decrypted file does not
                                match  the  checksum for  that  file,  as
                                listed in the .VFY file.

   Syntax error in line   of file "filename.ext"

                                A  syntax  error is found while reading a
                                line from the .VFY file.


                                 APPENDIX A


   This  appendix  contains  examples  showing  you  how   to   use   the
   Distribution  Retrieval  Files.  If you are updating a TOPS-10 system,
   continue with Section A.1.  If you are updating a TOPS-20  system,  go
   on to Section A.2.


   LODCBL.CTL is the Distribution Retrieval File that  contains  commands
   to restore the files for the products COBOL and SORT from the original
   distribution  tapes  (BB-H580E-SB  and   BB-PANKA-BB)   to   the   TSU
   directories CBLSYS:, CBLSRC:, SRTSYS:, and SRTSRC:.

   Briefly, the control file contains commands to the  monitor  to  mount
   the  first  tape  (BB-H580E-SB)  with  the  reel  ID "TSU," and to run
   BACKUP.  It also contains commands  to  BACKUP  to  restore  files  to
   specific directories, to rewind the tape and to exit to monitor level.
   Once the files from the first tape are restored, commands are given to
   the  monitor  to  dismount the first tape and to mount the second tape
   (BB-PANKA-BB), also with the reel ID "TSU." Again, BACKUP is  run  and
   commands are given to restore files to specific directories, to rewind
   the tape, and to exit to monitor level.   After  the  files  from  the
   second  tape  are  restored,  commands  are  given  to  the monitor to
   dismount the tape, and the procedure is complete.

   Example A-1:  Using LODCBL.CTL

   1.  Put the distribution tape numbered BB-H580E-SB on MTA0.

   2.  Submit the COBOL/SORT control file LODCBL.CTL:

        [Batch job LODCBL queued, request # 22, limit 0:30:00]

   3.  Run OPR and IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given.


        .R OPR<RET>

        12:09:52         Device MTA0:  -- Volume TSU reassigned --
                         User TSU-TEST [1,2] Job # 22


   4.  After the files have been restored from the first tape,  you  will
   be notified of the mount request for the second tape.

        12:09:32           -- Magtape mount request # 62 --
                         User: TSU-TEST [1,2] Job # 22
                         Volume-set name: TSUTAP
                         Volume-ID   Write   Labels   Track   Density
                         ---------  -------  ------   -----   -------
                         TSU        Locked   No         9     1600


   Take the first tape  off  the  drive  and  put  on  the  second  tape,
   BB-PANKA-BB.  The key files for SORT are on tape BB-PANKA-BB.

   Tell OPR to RECOGNIZE the tape drive:

        12:32:20          Device MTA0 -- Unlabeled volume mounted --
                          Density 1600 BPI, write-locked

   IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given.

        12:09:52          Device MTA0  -- Volume TSU reassigned --
                          User: TSU-TEST [1,2] Job #22


   LODBP2.CTL is the Distribution Retrieval File that  contains  commands
   to  restore  the  files for the product BASIC-Plus-2 from the original
   distribution  tape  BB-5543F-BM  to   the   TSU   directory   BP2SYS:.
   LODBP2.CTL also contains commands to restore the BASIC-Plus-2 key file
   from the original distribution tape, BB-PANMA-BM.


   Briefly, the control file contains commands to the  monitor  to  mount
   the  first  tape  (BB-5543F-BM)  and  to run DUMPER.  It also contains
   commands to DUMPER to restore files to specific directories, to rewind
   the  tape and to exit to monitor level.  Once the files from the first
   tape are restored, commands are given to the monitor to  dismount  the
   first  tape and to mount the second tape (BB-PANMA-BM).  Again, DUMPER
   is  run  and  commands  are  given  to  restore  files   to   specific
   directories,  to rewind the tape, and to exit to monitor level.  After
   the files from the second tape are restored, commands are given to the
   monitor to dismount the tape, and the procedure is complete.

   Example A-2:  Using LODBP2.CTL

   1.  Put the distribution tape numbered BB-5543F-BM on MTA0.

   2.  Submit the BASIC-Plus-2 control file LODBP2.CTL:

        [Batch job LODBP2 queued, request # 22, limit 0:30:00]

   3.  Run OPR and IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given.

        12:09:52          -- MTA0: Given To Request 22 --
                         Volume TAPE now in use by
                         User WHEEL, Job 101, Terminal 242, Account E0H

   4.  After the files have been restored from the first tape, take  tape
   BB-5543F-BM  off  the  drive  and put on the second tape, BB-PANMA-BM.
   The key file for BASIC-Plus-2 is on tape  BB-PANMA-BM.   You  will  be
   notified of your mount request.

        12:09:32           -- Tape Mount Request # 62 --
                         Mount volume TAPE2, READ-ONLY
                         User WHEEL, Job 141, Terminal 242, Account E0H

   IDENTIFY the tape drive with the request number given.

        12:09:52          -- MTA0: Given To Request 62 --
                         Volume TAPE2 now in use by
                         User WHEEL, Job 141, Terminal 242, Account E0H


                                 APPENDIX B

                              USING COPYAP.CTL

   The information in this Appendix is provided  for  those  of  you  who
   choose  to  use your current Autopatched files on disk as the base for
   the TSU process.  In order to use your Autpatched files you must  copy
   them   from   the  old  Autopatching  directories  into  the  new  TSU
   directories.  The control file COPYAP.CTL is provided in  the  Current
   Update  Saveset to facilitate this task.  COPYAP.CTL contains commands
   to copy all the files from the Autopatching directories into  the  TSU


        Please be advised that some of the files that were  included
        in  the  original product distribution were not required for
        Autopatch.  This may result in error messages when verifying
        decrypted  files.   It is likely that the missing files will
        not prevent the decryption  or  operation  of  the  affected
        products,  but you may want to bypass TSU VERIFY processing.
        To  do  this,  edit  the  Retrieval  Process  Control   File
        (TSUNEW.CTL  or  TSUALL.CTL)  before submitting it for batch

   There are two tables provided to show you the  correspondance  between
   the  old  Autopatch  directories  and the TSU directories.  If you are
   setting up a TOPS-10 system, refer to Table B-1; if you are setting up
   a TOPS-20 system, refer to Table B-2.

                              USING COPYAP.CTL

   Table B-1:  TOPS-10 -- Correspondance of Autopatch Directories to  TSU


   To TSU Directory:                   From Autopatch Directories:

   TSU704:[10,7,ACCT]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,ACTSYM]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,ANF10]                 DSKP:[7,6,ANF]
   TSU704:[10,7,BACKUP]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,BOOT]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,BUILD]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,COMPIL]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,CREDIR]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,CREF]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,CRSCPY]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,CTHNRT]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,D60JSY]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DAEMON]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DDT]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DDT11]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DECLAR]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DECMAI]                DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,RSX20F,DECTAP]         DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DELFIL]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DIL,DILBLD]            DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DIL,DILDOC]            DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DIL,DILICS]            DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DIL,DILSRC]            DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DIL,DILSYS]            DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DIRECT]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,DSKLST]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DSKRAT]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,DTELDR]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,F11]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,FAL]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,FE]                    DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,FEFILE]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,FELOAD]                DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,FILCOM]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,FILDAE]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,RSX20F,FLOPPY]         DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,BATCON]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,CATLOG]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,CDRIVE]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,GLXLIB]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,LPTSPL]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,NEBULA]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,OPERAT]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,PLEASE]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 

                              USING COPYAP.CTL

   Table B-1, continued


   To TSU Directory:                   From Autopatch Directories:

   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,PULSAR]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,QUASAR]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,QUEUE]          DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GALAXY,SPRINT]         DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,GLOB]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,HELP]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,HELPER]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,INITIA]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,JOBDAT]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,KDPLDR]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,KSU]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,LINK]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,LOGIN]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,LP20]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MACDLX]                DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MACRO]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MACSYM]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MACTEN]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MAKLIB]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MIC]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MON]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,MON] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MON,CTLS]              DSKP:[7,6,MON] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MONDIR]                DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MON,KL]                DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,MONSYM]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DECMAI,MS]             DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,DECMAI,MX]             DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,NCPTAB]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,NETLDR]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,NETWOR]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,NFT]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,OPSER]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,PATH]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,PIP]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,PROJCT]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,QUOLST]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,RMS10]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,RMS10,RMSSRC]          DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,RSX20F]                DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,RSXT10]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,RUNOFF]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SCAN]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 

                              USING COPYAP.CTL

   Table B-1, continued


   To TSU Directory:                   From Autopatch Directories:

   TSU704:[10,7,SCDSET]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SETSRC]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SMFILE]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SOUPR]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SPEAR]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SWIL]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SYSDPY]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SYSTAT]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSU704:[10,7,SYSTEM]                DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,TECO]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,TGHA]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSU704:[10,7,UFDPRM]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,UNSMON]                DSKP:[7,6,MON] 
   TSU704:[10,7,UUOSYM]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP]
   TSU704:[10,7,WILD]                  DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,CSP] 
   TSUDEC:[10,7]                       DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSUDEC:[10,7,MCB]                   DSKP:[7,6,DECNET] 
   TSUDEC:[10,7,NETGEN]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,DECNET] 
   TSUDEC:[10,7,NIPGEN]                DSKP:[7,6,INS], DSKP:[7,6,DECNET] 
   TSUDEC:[10,7,NML]                   DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSUDEC:[10,7,TKB36]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   TSUDEC:[10,7,VNP36]                 DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   CBLSRC:                             DSKP:[7,6,CBL] 
   CBLSYS:                             DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   FTNCMP:                             DSKP:[7,6,FTN] 
   FTNOTS:                             DSKP:[7,6,FTN] 
   FTNSYS:                             DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   IETSRC:                             DSKP:[7,6,IBMET] 
   IETSYS:                             DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   IHSSRC:                             DSKP:[7,6,IBMHSP] 
   IHSSYS:                             DSKP:[7,6,INS] 
   SRTSRC:                             DSKP:[7,6,SRT] 
   SRTSYS:                             DSKP:[7,6,INS] 

                              USING COPYAP.CTL

   Table B-2:  TOPS-20 -- Correspondance of Autopatch Directories to TSU


   From Autopatch Directory:                     To TSU Directory: 

   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           BP2SYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.CBL13>                         CBLSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           CBLSYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.DBMS>                          DBMALL: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.CBL13>                         DBMALL: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           DBMALL: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.DECNET>                        DECMCB: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.DECNET>                        DECSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           DECSYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.FORTRAN>                       FTNCSR: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.FORTRAN>                       FTNOSR: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           FTNSYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.TOPS-20>                       GALSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           GALSYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.IBMET>                         IETSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           IETSYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.IBMHSP>                        IHSSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           IHSSYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.TOPS-20>                       LNGSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.SRTV5>                         SRTSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           SRTSYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.TOPS-20>                       T20SRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.TOPS-20>                       T20SRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.MS>                            T20SRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           T20SUB: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           T20SYS: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.TOPS-20>                       TCPSRC: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           TCPSUB: 
   AP20:<AUTOPATCH.INS>                           TCPSYS: 
