
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-CH18A-BM_1985 - sna-rje/rjespl.mac
There are no other files named rjespl.mac in the archive.
;    RJESPL - Emulation spooler for SNA RJE Workstations
		       COPYRIGHT (c) 1984, 1985
;     This software is furnished under a license and may  be  used
;     and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license
;     and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This
;     software  or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
;     otherwise made available to any other person.  No  title  to
;     and ownership of the software is hereby transferred.
;     The information  in  this  software  is  subject  to  change
;     without  notice  and should not be construed as a commitment
;     DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability
;     of  its  software  on  equipment  which  is  not supplied by
;     DIGITAL.
	SUBTTL	Table of Contents

;		Table of Contents for RJESPL
;			   Section			      Page
;   1. Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    2
;   2. Searches and version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    3
;   3. Edit history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    4
;   4. Symbol definitions
;        4.1.   AC Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    5
;        4.2.   Feature Test Switches . . . . . . . . . . . .    6
;        4.3.   Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    7
;        4.4.   External symbol definitions . . . . . . . . .    7
;        4.5.   Device/task type codes. . . . . . . . . . . .    8
;        4.6.   Message processor status bits (in S). . . . .    8
;        4.7.   Debug bits (in word 135). . . . . . . . . . .    8
;        4.8.   Task status bits (in S while task is running)    8
;        4.9.   Checkpoint request block offsets (from QUASAR)   8
;   5. Macro definitions
;        5.1.   $DSCHD, de-schedule a task. . . . . . . . . .    9
;        5.2.   $SIGNL, indicate wakeup condition . . . . . .   10
;        5.3.   $WBUSY, Wait if Workstation busy. . . . . . .   11
;        5.4.   SKPTSK, skip if in task context . . . . . . .   12
;   6. Database definitions
;        6.1.   Random static storage . . . . . . . . . . . .   13
;        6.2.   Constant static storage . . . . . . . . . . .   14
;        6.3.   IB, Initialization block for GLXLIB . . . . .   14
;        6.4.   HELLO, message for QUASAR at startup. . . . .   14
;        6.5.   ITEXT strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   14
;        6.6.   Miscellaneous cells . . . . . . . . . . . . .   14
;        6.7.   Interrupt system database . . . . . . . . . .   15
;   7. Dynamic storage definitions
;        7.1.   Active task list (ATL) entry "". . . . .   16
;        7.2.   Argument block offsets  "" . . . . . . .   17
;        7.3.   Workstation list entry "". . . . . . . .   18
;        7.4.   Task block list entry "" . . . . . . . .   19
;   8. Interrupt code
;        8.1.   INTINI, Interrupt system initialization . . .   20
;        8.2.   INTIPC, IPCF Interrupt routine. . . . . . . .   20
;        8.3.   INTDEC, DECnet Interrupt routine. . . . . . .   20
;   9. Initialization code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   21
;  10. Scheduler
;       10.1.   MAIN loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   22
;       10.2.   SCHED, Schedule a task. . . . . . . . . . . .   24
;       10.3.   DESCHD, Deschedule a task . . . . . . . . . .   25
;       10.4.   ACTTSK, activate a task . . . . . . . . . . .   26
;       10.5.   DEATSK, Deactivate a task . . . . . . . . . .   27
;       10.6.   WAKTSK, wake a task unconditionally . . . . .   28
;       10.7.   SGNTSK, signal a task . . . . . . . . . . . .   29
;       10.8.   SGNLIN, signal all tasks on a line. . . . . .   30
;       10.9.   POLL, active device signalling. . . . . . . .   31
;  11. Scheduler IPCF handling
;       11.1.   MSGCHK, message checker . . . . . . . . . . .   32
;       11.2.   MSGPRC, IPCF message processor. . . . . . . .   33
;  12. Message processors
;       12.1.   TEXTMS, Text message response . . . . . . . .   35
;       12.2.   SETUP, Setup/shutdown message . . . . . . . .   36
;       12.3.   SETALL, setup a new station . . . . . . . . .   37
;       12.4.   SHTDWN, shutdown station (signoff). . . . . .   41
;       12.5.   USRCN, User cancel message. . . . . . . . . .   42
;       12.6.   OPRCN, Operator cancel message. . . . . . . .   43
;       12.7.   OPRRQ, Operator requeue message . . . . . . .   44
;       12.8.   NXTJB, Nextjob message. . . . . . . . . . . .   45
;       12.9.   SHWSTS, Show status message . . . . . . . . .   46
;       12.10.  RQCHK, Request checkpoint message . . . . . .   47
;       12.11.  CHKPNT, CHKPNB, send checkpoint . . . . . . .   48
;       12.12.  SNDCI, send console input to IBM. . . . . . .   49
;  13. Tasks
;       13.1.   Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   50
;       13.2.   TKSND, console output distribution. . . . . .   51
;       13.3.   TKCTL, control for SNA-Workstation. . . . . .   52
;       13.4.   .  CTSGON, set workstation on . . . . . . . .   53
;       13.5.   .  CTSGOF, do shutdown. . . . . . . . . . . .   59
;       13.6.   .  CTLNGN, link gone while active processing.   60
;       13.7.   TKCDR, Card Reader. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   61
;       13.8.   .   DOJOB, process "batch" job. . . . . . . .   62
;       13.9.   .   FILE, copy a disk file to IBM . . . . . .   64
;       13.10.  .   NXTFIL, advance to next file in job . . .   67
;       13.11.  TKHCDP, Card Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   68
;       13.12.  TKHLPT, Line Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . .   68
;       13.13.  .  LPTJOB, process printer job. . . . . . . .   69
;       13.14.  TKHCNI, Console Input to IBM. . . . . . . . .   70
;  14. Subroutines
;       14.1.   Initialization and Main Loop subroutines. . .   71
;       14.2.   .  OPDINI, Get operating system information .   71
;       14.3.   .  QUIESC, wait for tasks to settle . . . . .   72
;       14.4.   IPCF message subroutines. . . . . . . . . . .   73
;       14.5.   .  SNDQSR, send a message to QUASAR . . . . .   73
;       14.6.   .  SNDBAK, IPCF reply to last sender. . . . .   74
;       14.7.   .  RSETUP, response to setup (to QUASAR). . .   75
;       14.8.   .  QRLSE, requeue/release (to QUASAR) . . . .   76
;       14.9.   .  INIXBA, set up single page buffer. . . . .   77
;       14.10.  .  INIPAG, set up job pages . . . . . . . . .   77
;       14.11.  Task control subroutines. . . . . . . . . . .   78
;       14.12.  .  MAKWS, Create a Workstation. . . . . . . .   78
;       14.13.  .  BLDTSK, Create a task. . . . . . . . . . .   79
;       14.14.  .  INITSK, initialize a device task . . . . .   82
;       14.15.  .  RELTKB, release task block . . . . . . . .   83
;       14.16.  .  RELWS, Delete a Workstation. . . . . . . .   84
;       14.17.  Search subroutines. . . . . . . . . . . . . .   85
;       14.18.  .  FNDWS, Find Workstation. . . . . . . . . .   85
;       14.19.  .  FNDTSK, Find task from node name,dev,unit.   86
;       14.20.  .  FNDSID, Find task from IBM stream ID . . .   87
;       14.21.  .  TSKCUR, Make TK value current entry. . . .   88
;       14.22.  .  FNDOBJ, Find task from QUASAR object block   89
;       14.23.  I/O subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   90
;       14.24.  .  LOGCHR, put character in log . . . . . . .   90
;       14.25.  .  LOGBUF, get another log buffer . . . . . .   91
;       14.26.  .  PUTCNI, send console input to IBM. . . . .   92
;       14.27.  .  PUTCNO, put a record into CNO queue. . . .   93
;       14.28.  Gateway message subroutines . . . . . . . . .   94
;       14.29.  .  ERRMSG, process an ERROR message . . . . .   94
;       14.30.  .  EVTMSG, process an EVENT message . . . . .   95
;       14.31.  .  EVTSPC, process a special event. . . . . .   96
;       14.32.  .  EVTSTA, process a stream started event . .   97
;       14.33.  .  EVTABO, process a stream aborted event . .   98
;       14.34.  .  EVTEND, process a stream ended event . . .   99
;       14.35.  .  EVTLGN, process IBM link gone. . . . . . .  100
;       14.36.  .  EVTDEA,  process a stream deactivated event 101
;       14.37.  Task Control Subroutines. . . . . . . . . . .  102
;       14.38.  .  DEVCHK, Check device status. . . . . . . .  102
;       14.39.  .  TSKDIE, Kill off a task. . . . . . . . . .  103
;       14.40.  .  ABTDEV, Abort IO stream on a device. . . .  104
;       14.41.  Miscellaneous subroutines . . . . . . . . . .  105
;       14.42.  .  TRANSX, process character translation file  105
;       14.43.  .  TBFINI, initialize task IO buffer. . . . .  106
;       14.44.  .  INIJOB, initialize a job . . . . . . . . .  107
;       14.45.  .  MISLP, sleep for specified time. . . . . .  108
;  15. Debugger
;       15.1.   DEBUG, Output debugging messages. . . . . . .  109
;       15.2.   .  DBGLST   Output Task List. . . . . . . . .  110
;       15.3.   .  DBGATL   Output ATL. . . . . . . . . . . .  110
;       15.4.   .  DBGTRC   Set DECnet message trace. . . . .  111
;  16. Literals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  112
	SUBTTL	Searches and version

	SALL				; Make nice clean listings

	.DIRECTIVE FLBLST		; List only 1st binary word in
					;  multi word text strings

	SEARCH	IBMMAC			; IBMSPL specific definitions
	SEARCH	GLXMAC			; Use GALAXY group's macros/symbols
	SEARCH	QSRMAC			; Symbols for setup message
	SEARCH	ORNMAC			; ORION communications symbols
	SEARCH	RJESYM			; Search SNA RJE Symbols
	PROLOGUE (RJESPL)		; Initialize Galaxy symbol definitions

; Version

	XP	RJEVER,	1		; Major version number
	XP	RJEMIN,	0		; Minor version number
	XP	RJEEDT,	10		; Edit level
	XP	RJEWHO,	0		; Who did last edit (0=DEC)

; Version

	%%.RJE=:<VRSN. (RJE)>		; Set value of edit level/version

; Print title/version information to log during compilation

Define VOUTX ($S1,$S2,$S3,$S4)
 <TITLE $S1 $S2'$S3'('$S4')
  PRINTX $S1 $S2'$S3'('$S4')>

 IFN <RJEMIN>,<VOUTX (RJESPL - RJE Emulation Spooler for DECnet/SNA Gateway,\RJEVER,\"<"@"+RJEMIN>,\RJEEDT)>
 IFE <RJEMIN>,<VOUTX (RJESPL - RJE Emulation Spooler for DECnet/SNA Gateway,\RJEVER,,\RJEEDT)>
    > ;End If PASS1

IF2,<PRINTX Pass 2.>

	LOC	137		; Jobver

RJENAM:	ASCIZ	/RJESPL/	; Name of program
	EXP	0
SUBTTL Edit history

Edit	Date		Who	Why

1(0)	 1-May-84	DRB	Development of new product from IMBSPL.MAC
1(1)	23-Oct-84	DRB	Call R%RNW to get next WS number
1(2)	31-Oct-84	DRB	Add code to load translation table
1(3)	 9-Nov-84	DRB	Check why LPT task wakes before calling LPTJOB
1(4)	20-Nov-84	DRB	Don't let QUIESC wake a task waiting for event
1(5)	26-Nov-84	DRB	Don't use events to signal completion for
				reader streams
1(6)	27-Nov-84	DRB	Use $WBUSY to make sure previous request
				completes before sending next request
1(7)	25-Jan-85	DRB	Wait in TSKDIE before sending "deassign" to
				avoid fatal race condition in RJSRV in Gateway
1(10)	 8-Feb-85	DRB	Report error when translation table looading
SUBTTL	Symbol definitions -- AC Definitions

; Preserved AC's

	J=:13			; Job context pointer (address of 3-page area:
				; request page, buffer page, log buffer page)
	WS=:14			; Workstation pointer
	TK=:15			; Task block pointer
	S=:16			; Status flags

; Symbolic register definitions for when absolute register numbers
; must be used (so we can see them in the cross reference)

	REGS			; Generate mnemonic names for physical
				; registers, i.e. R0, R1, etc.
SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- Feature Test Switches


  The following symbols enable or disable certain features in IBMSPL; the
only supported settings of these switches are the default settings given
below (although it is expected that this may change in the future).

  All the symbol enable the feature with a non-zero value, and disable the
feature with a zero value WITH ONE EXCEPTION, namely FTDEBUG which (for
ease of assembly) enables the debug code if defined (with any value) and
disables the debug code if undefined.  Its default is undefined, and it
is not included in the list below.

  These feature test symbols are then converted to macros, to make testing
for the feature easier (and more readable) in the code.  Each macro has the
same name as the feature test switch.


	ND FTCLOG, 0		; Write user log file

SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- Parameters

; Parameters which may be changed at assembly time

	ND	PDSIZE,450	; Size of pushdown list (from 120)
	ND	TKPDLN,450	; Size of per task PDL (from 150)
	ND	LGNUM,10	; Number of log pages to keep
	ND	MAXDEV,^D50	; Maximum number of devices we will service
	ND	INSIGN,^D15	; Time delay between receipt and
				;  start of job considered insignificant

; System dependent parameters

	SYSPRM	SYSNML,5,10	; Number of word in system name

; Constant parameters

	XP MSBSIZ,30		; Size of message block
	XP MXLNBT,^D40		; Maximum bytes on a line of status info
	XP MXCDBF,<^D80/4>+2	; Maximum record buffer size for card reader
	XP MXLPBF,<^D144/5>+2	; Maximum record buffer size for printer
	XP POLINT,^D10*3	; Polling interval, in UDT units - when all is quiet

SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- External symbol definitions
SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- Device/task type codes

	.TCTL==0		; Control task type
	.TLPT==1		; LPT device type
	.TCDP==2		; CDP device type
	.TCDR==3		; CDR device type
	.TCNI==4		; Console in device type
	.TCNO==5		; Console out device type
	.TSND==6		; "Send console messages to "watchers"
				;  (programs OPR and IBM) task type

; NOTE: the routine BLDTSK uses the fact that all the device
; (as opposed to task) codes are contiguous and begin with .TLPT
; and end with .TCNO.

SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- Message processor status bits (in S)

	F.IPCSY==1B0		; Message was from a GALAXY component

SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- Debug bits (in word 135)

	DB.TSK==1B34		; Debug tasks
	DB.TRC==1B33		; Debug trace of DECnet messages

SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- Task status bits (in S while task is running)

	LGA==1B0		; DECnet link to gateway has gone away
	ABORT==1B1		; We should abort
	CANCEL==1B2		; We are cleaning up (we are cancelling)
	QSRREQ==1B3		; Request page has data in it
	ACTIVE==1B4		; Active (i.e. console msgs should be logged)
	JVALID==1B5		; Pointer to job pages is set up
	RQB==1B6		; Job must be requeued
	SHUTDOWN==1B7		; Shutdown this device
	STREAM==1B8		; A Stream is assigned for this device
	RDA==1B9		; Read error occured during file transfer

SUBTTL Symbol definitions -- Checkpoint request block offsets (from QUASAR)

	XP	CKFIL,0		; Number of files processed
	XP	CKTRS,3		; Total records processed
	XP	CKFLG,4		; Flags
	  XP	  CKFREQ,1B0	;  Requeued by operator
	  XP	  CKFCHK,1B1	;  Job was checkpointed
SUBTTL Macro definitions -- $DSCHD, de-schedule a task

; Macro - $DSCHD
; Function - Set wake conditions and return to scheduler (de-schedule).
;	This macro generates code that sets the bits for wakup conditions and
;	the wakeup delay time and calls the scheduler.  If an argument is
;	omitted the corresponding function is not done.
; Parameters -
;	BITS	Bits defining wakeup event flags
;		 or keywords:
;		  DELETE	Indicates task no longer exists
;		  DEACTIVATE	Indicates task is removed from ATL
;	TIME	Time delay (in 1/3 secs) for unconditional wakeup

  %%.DS==0				;; Flag keyword not found yet
  IFIDN <BITS>,<DELETE>,<		;; If task has been deleted
	SETZ	TK,			;;  Clear task block pointer
	PJRST	DESCHD			;;  Jump back to MAIN context
    > ;;End if DELETE
  IFIDN <BITS>,<DEACTIVATE>,<		;; If task has been deactivated
	SETZB	TF,CURATE		;;  Clear Active Task List pointer
	$CALL	DESCHD			;;  Call descheduler
    > ;;End if DEACTIVATE
  IFE %%.DS,<				;; If normal task descheduling
	MOVX	TF,<BITS,,TIME>		;;  Set wakeup conditions
	$CALL	DESCHD			;;  Call descheduler
    > ;;End if normal deschedule

	MOVE	TF,TIME			;;  Set wakeup conditions
	$CALL	DESCHD			;;  Call descheduler
SUBTTL Macro definitions -- $SIGNL, indicate wakeup condition

; Macro - $SIGNL
; Function - To signal either a task or all the tasks on a line of a
;	schedulable event.  Any task that matches it's wakeup flags
;	against the event signaled to it on the next scheduler pass
;	is run.
; Parameters -
;	BITS	Wakeup event flags
;	TYPE	"LINE" or "TASK", the default is "TASK"

  IFE ..TM,<
    PRINTX ?Illegal argument "type" in $SIGNL call -- using TASK
   >;END IFE ..TM
SUBTTL Macro definitions -- $WBUSY, Wait if Workstation busy

; Macro - $WBUSY
; Function - Wait until Workstation has no outstanding requests
;	This macro generates code that checks the BUSY bit for the
;	workstation, and if it is set the task is descheduled for
;	1 second.

%A:	MOVE	S1,W$STS(WS)	; Get status bits for Workstation
	TXNN	S1,W.BSY	; Is request outstanding?
	 JRST	%B		;  No
	$DSCHD	(,1)		;  Yes, wait a while
	JRST	%A		; And try again
SUBTTL Macro definitions -- SKPTSK, skip if in task context

SUBTTL Database definitions -- Random static storage

LOWBEG==.			; Start of area to zero

; Scheduler cells

NOW:	BLOCK	1		; Current date/time (in UDT format)
WAKTIM:	BLOCK	1		; Time when to do next task scheduling loop
POLTIM:	BLOCK	1		; Time when to poll active devices on all ports
LSTPOL:	BLOCK	1		; last time poll happened
CURATE:	BLOCK	1		; Address of current Active Task List entry
SCHDGO:	BLOCK	1		; If non-zero, do another scheduling pass

; Handles for data structure linked lists

WSNAM:	BLOCK	1		; Handle for Workstation list
TSKNAM:	BLOCK	1		; Handle for task block list
ATLNAM:	BLOCK	1		; Handle of list of (potentially) active tasks

; Environmental information

CNF:	BLOCK	SYSNML		; Monitor name string
CNTSTA:	BLOCK	1		; Node number of central station
NODNAM:	BLOCK	1		; Node name of this node (in SIXBIT)

; IPCF Message handling cells

MDBADR:	BLOCK	1		; Message data block address for IPCF
SAB:	BLOCK	SAB.SZ		; Send argument block for sending messages
MSGBLK:	BLOCK	MSBSIZ		; Block to build messages in
MSGLIM:	BLOCK	<<MXLNBT+4>/5>+1 ; Buffer area for status line overflow

; Block in which to build FDB's

FDBARE:	BLOCK	FDXSIZ		; Maximum area for file name

; File open block (long form)

FOB:	BLOCK	FOB.SZ		; Reserve space for a long-form FOB

LOWEND==.			; End of zeroed area plus 1

PDLSAV:	BLOCK	1		; Temporary storage for stack pointer
PDL:	BLOCK	PDSIZE		; Stack for MAIN context
SUBTTL Database definitions -- Constant static storage

TOPS10 <
	INTVEC==VECTOR		; Define interrupt vector address
    >;End if TOPS10

TOPS20 <
	INTVEC==:LEVTAB,,CHNTAB	; Define interrupt vector address
    >;End if TOPS20

SUBTTL Database definitions -- IB, Initialization block for GLXLIB

IB:	$BUILD	IB.SZ			; Initialization block
	  $SET	(IB.PRG,,%%.MOD)	;  Sixbit program name (from PROLOG)
	  $SET	(IB.INT,,INTVEC)	;  Interrupt system base
	  $SET	(IB.OUT,,T%TTY)		;  Global TTY handling routine
	  $SET	(IB.PIB,,PIB)		;  Address of PSI block
	  $SET	(IB.FLG,IP.STP,1)	;  Send stopcodes to ORION

PIB:	$BUILD	PB.MXS			; PSI information block
	  $SET	(PB.HDR,PB.LEN,PB.MNS)	;  Length of block is standard
	  $SET	(PB.FLG,IP.PSI,1)	;  PSI notification of IPCF message
	  $SET	(PB.INT,IP.CHN,0) 	;  Use PSI channel 0
	  $SET	(PB.FLG,IP.RSE,1) 	;  Return send errors immediately
	  $SET	(PB.SYS,IP.SQT,511) 	;  Its send quota is large
	  $SET	(PB.SYS,IP.RQT,511) 	;  Likewise its receive quota
	  $SET	(PB.NAM,FWMASK,RJENAM)	;  Set name to be

SUBTTL Database definitions -- HELLO, message for QUASAR at startup

HELLO:	$BUILD	HEL.SZ			; "HELLO" message block
	  $SET	(.MSTYP,MS.TYP,.QOHEL)	;  Message type is "hello" message (1)
	  $SET	(.MSTYP,MS.CNT,HEL.SZ)	;  Its size
	  $SET	(HEL.NM,,<'RJESPL'>)	;  Name of the spooler in SIXBIT
	  $SET	(HEL.FL,HEFVER,%%.QSR)	;  QUASAR version
	  $SET	(HEL.NO,HENNOT,1)	;  Max objects spooler handles
	  $SET	(HEL.NO,HENMAX,MAXDEV)	;  Max number of jobs it will handle
	  $SET	(HEL.OB,,.OTSNA)	;  Object

SUBTTL Database definitions -- ITEXT strings

; USRSPC is user'S name and PPN (TOPS10) or directory (TOPS20)

TOPS10 <
    >;End if TOPS10

TOPS20 <
    >;End if TOPS20

; Log file stamps

IBMSG:	ITEXT	(<^C/[-1]/ IBMSG	>)
IBDAT:	ITEXT	(<^C/[-1]/ IBDAT	>)
IBCON:	ITEXT	(<^C/[-1]/ IBCON	>)
IBLPT:	ITEXT	(<^C/[-1]/ IBLPT	>)
JOBREQ:	ITEXT	(<Job ^W/.EQJOB(J)/ Req # ^D/.EQRID(J)/>)

SUBTTL Database definitions -- Miscellaneous cells

MSNDR:	Z			; last IPCF msg sender name

; Dummy Object block for SNA-Workstation

SNABLK:	EXP	.OTSNA		; We are an IBM SNA object
	EXP	0		; No unit number
	EXP	0		; No station

; Dummy Object block (used for some error messages)

OBJBLK:	EXP	0		; Object type
	EXP	0		; Unit number
	EXP	0		; Station

; Text processing utility

TEXTBP:	Z			; Byte pointer used by DEPBP

DEPBP:	IDPB	S1,TEXTBP	; Store byte at byte pointer
	$RETT			; and return true
SUBTTL Database definitions -- Interrupt system database

TOPS10 <
VECTOR:	BLOCK	0		; Start of interrupt vectors
VECIPC:	BLOCK	4		; IPCF vectors
	ENDVEC==.-1		; Symbol marking last vector
    >;End if TOPS10

TOPS20 <
LEVTAB:	EXP	LEV1PC		; Where to store level 1 PC
	EXP	LEV2PC		; Where to store level 2 PC
	EXP	LEV3PC		; Where to store level 3 PC

CHNTAB:	XWD	1,INTIPC	; IPCF interrupt on level 1, channel 0
	XWD	1,INTDEC	; DECnet interrupt on level 1, channel 1
	BLOCK	^D34		; Rest of table

LEV1PC:	EXP	0		; Level 1 PC
LEV2PC:	EXP	0		; Level 2 PC
LEV3PC:	EXP	0		; Level 3 PC
    >;End if TOPS20
SUBTTL Dynamic storage definitions -- Active task list (ATL) entry ""

;	!=======================================================!
;	!             Time to wake up in UDT format             !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!     Wakeup event bits     !   Address of task block   !
;	!=======================================================!

	DATAST	A,S2			; Data structure prefixed by "A"
					; offset by register S2

$	WKT				; Time to wakeup (UDT) or 0
$	WKB,^D18			; Wakeup conditions that occurred
$	TKB,^D18			; Address of task block
$					; Force new word
$	SIZ,0				; Size of block
SUBTTL Dynamic storage definitions -- Argument block offsets  ""

; Argument block offsets for R%xxx

;	!=======================================================!
;	!       Status Flags        !       Station number      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	! RC !  P Code  ! Data Size !    Return Data Address    !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/							/
;	/	       Call-dependent arguments			/
;	/							/
;	!=======================================================!

	DATAST	B,S1			; Data structure prefixed by "B"
					; offset by register S1
$	ARG,,,1				; Argument block header
  $.      FLG,^D18			;  Flags / Interrupt channel number
	    B.BIN==1B10			;   Don't translate data received on
					;     this stream
	    B.XLT==1B10			;   Translate (Set if LOGON DATA is
					;     in ASCII)
	    B.SPL==1B11			;   Spool files received on this stream
	    B.EOS==1B12			;   End of Stream
	    B.NTB==1B13			;   Set if user specified /NOTAB
  $.      NUM,^D18			;  Workstation number

$	RET,,,1				; Return word
  $.	  COD,^D2			;  Return code
  $.	  PRO,^D8			;  Protocol code
  $.	  DSZ,^D8			;  Return Data Size
  $.	  DAT,^D18			;  Return data block address

$	GWY,,,1				; Pointer to Gateway name
$	SID,0				; Stream ID
$	ACC,0				; Pointer to Access Name
$	CIN,0				; Pointer to Console Input Data
$	OFF,0				; OFF / ON State
  $.      LTC,^D18			;  Count of translation data
  $.      SEQ,^D18			;  Sequence Number

$	NAM,,,1				; Pointer to Workstation name
$	CIR,0				; Pointer to Circuit-ID
$	SIP,0				; Pointer to Stream ID Definition
$	LTT,0				; Pointer to translation data
$	FIL,0				; Pointer to filespec

$	LOM,,,1				; Pointer to LOGON MODE Table name
  $.	  RSV,^D18			; Reserved
  $.	  WRK,^D18			; Address of Work area

$	PLU,,,1				; Pointer to PLU name

$	LOD,,,1				; Pointer to LOGON DATA

$	SLU,,,1				; SLU Table (unused)

$	SIZ,0
SUBTTL Dynamic storage definitions -- Workstation list entry ""

;	!=======================================================!
;	!                   Workstation Status                  !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!     First task block      !      Last task block      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                   Workstation Number                  !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!            Gateway name (SIXBIT node name)            !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!               Object Block Type (.OTSNA)              !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                  Object Unit Number                   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!            Station name (SIXBIT node name)            !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                 Station name (ASCIZ)                  /
;	/			(2 words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                 Gateway name (ASCIZ)                  /
;	/			(2 words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                      Access Name                      /
;	/			(3 words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                      LOGON Data                       /
;	/			(7 words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                      LOGON Mode                       /
;	/			(2 words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                      Application                      /
;	/			(2 words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                        Circuit                        /
;	/			(2 words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/                  Translation File FD                  /
;	/		      (FDXSIZ words)			/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!   Translation Seq Num     ! Translation Table Address !     
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!     Work Area Address     !  Argument Block Address   !     
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!   Console output queue    !    Console input queue    !
;	!=======================================================!

	DATAST	W,WS			; Data structure prefixed by "W"
					; offset by register WS

$	STS,,,1				; Status bits
	  W.WON==1b0			;  Workstation is ON
	  W.SDR==1b1			;  Shutdown requested
	  W.CON==1b2			;  DECnet Link to gateway is connected
	  W.BSY==1b3			;  Workstation has request outstanding
	  W.TRC==1b4			;  Workstation DECnet Trace Flag
$	TKB,,,1				; Task block chain head
  $.	  FTK,^D18			;  First task in chain
  $.	  LTK,^D18			;  Last task in chain
$       NUM				; Workstation number
$	GW6				; Gateway name in SIXBIT
$	OBJ,,3,1			; Object block for workstation
  $.	  OTY				; Station object type
  $.	  OUN				; Station unit number
  $.	  ONO				; Station name in SIXBIT
$	NAM,,2				; Station name in ASCIZ
$	GWY,,2				; Gateway name in ASCIZ
$	ACC,,3				; Access Name in ASCIZ
$	LOD,,7				; LOGON Data in ASCIZ
$	LOM,,2				; LOGON Mode in ASCIZ
$	PLU,,2				; Application (PLU) in ASCIZ
$	CIR,,2				; Circuit in ASCIZ
$	CHS,,FDXSIZ			; FD of Character Translation File
$	LTT,,,1				; Load Translation Table data
  $.	  LTS,^D18			; Translation table sequence num
  $.	  LTA,^D18			; Address of translation table
$	PAG,,,1				; Page of dynamic memory
  $.	  WRK,^D18			; Address of work area
  $.	  ARG,^D18			; Address of argument block
$	QUE,,,1				; Console I/O queues for this link
  $.	  CNO,^D18			; Console output queue (from IBM)
  $.	  CNI,^D18			; Console input queue (to IBM)
$	SIZ,0				; Size of Workstation
SUBTTL Dynamic storage definitions -- Task block list entry ""

;	!=======================================================!
;	!    Wakeup event flags     ! Wake time delay (1/3 sec) !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!   Events causing wakeup   !  Active task list entry   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                                                       !
;	\                   Task's registers                    \
;	!                                                       !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                                                       !
;	\                     Task's stack                      \
;	!                                                       !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!     Task/device type      !        Unit number        !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!     Next task on line     !   Previous task on line   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                Address of object block                !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                      Object type                      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                      Object unit                      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                      Object node                      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!               Stream ID for this device               !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/							/
;	!           string associated with this Stream ID       !
;	/							/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                     Stream Flags                      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	/							/
;	!              ASCIZ string of current file             !
;	/							/
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                    $WTOR ACK code                     !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!     Initial byte pointer for transmission buffer      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                                                       !
;	\                Addresses of log pages                 \
;	!                                                       !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!               Count of log pages in use               !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                  Count of log lines                   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                   Input byte count                    !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                  Input byte pointer                   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!   State string address    !  Other task (2780/3780)   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                   Time job received                   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                   Time job started                    !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                   Time file started                   !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                   Time file done                      !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!              Number of files in request               !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!               Number of files processed               !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!             Number of records transferred             !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                 Log file spec address                 !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                 Record buffer address                 !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!               Record buffer byte count                !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!              Record buffer byte pointer               !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!                Disk buffer byte count                 !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!            Transmission buffer byte count             !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	!           Transmission buffer byte pointer            !
;	!-------------------------------------------------------!
;	! LH of ptr for Xmt buffer  !  Max bytes in Xmt buffer  !
;	!=======================================================!

	DATAST	T,TK			; Data structure prefixed by "T"
					; offset by register TK

$	STS,,,1				; Task wakeup status
  $.	  WKB,^D18			; Desired wakeup bits
		TW.ACK==1B35		;  ACK response
		TW.COT==1B34		;  COT message
		TW.ERR==1B33		;  ERR response
		TW.EVT==1B32		;  EVT response
		TW.RDA==1B31		;  RDA response
		TW.RDD==1B30		;  RDD response
		TW.SCH==1B29		;  SCH, SCO, WCH, WCO response
		TW.VER==1B28		;  VER response
		TW.UNK==1B27		;  Unknown response
		TW.LGN==1B26		;  DECnet Link to Gateway is gone

		TW.BSY==1B25		;  Workstation has request outstanding

		TW.CNI==1B24		;  Console input queued to CNI queue
		TW.CNO==1B23		;  Console output queued to CNO queue

		TW.ON==1B22		;  Set workstation on requested
		TW.OFF==1B21		;  Set workstation off requested
		TW.WON==1B20		;  Workstation is ON
		TW.QRQ==1B19		;  QUASAR request received
		TW.XFI==1B18		;  File transfer has been initiated

  $.	  WKD,^D18			; Wake time delay (in UDT units)
$	WCN,^D18			; Wakeup conditions causing SCHED
$	ATE,^D18			; Entry in active task list

$	ACS,,20				; Task's AC's
$	PDL,,TKPDLN			; Task's stack

$	DEV,,,1				; Device information
  $.	  TYP,^D18			;  Device (or task) type
  $.	  UNI,^D18			;  Unit number

$	CHN,,,1				; Chain of tasks on a Workstation
  $.	  PFW,^D18			;  Forward link
  $.	  PBK,^D18			;  Backward link

$	OBA				; Address of object block
$	OBJ,,3,1			; Object block
  $.	  OTY				;  Type
  $.	  OUN				;  Unit
  $.	  ONO				;  Node
$	SID				; Stream ID for this device
$	SIT,,DSTSIZ			; Associated text for Stream ID
$	FLG				; Device flags
$	CFS,,FDXSIZ			; File spec of current file
$	WAC				; $WTOR ack code
$	XBA				; Initial byte pointer for xmt buffer
$	GBA,,LGNUM			; Addresses of log pages
$	GCT				; Count of log pages in use
$	GLN				; Count of log lines
$	GIC				; Input byte count
$	GIP				; Input byte pointer
$	DST,^D18			; State description address (ASCIZ)
$	OTK,^D18			; Other task address (used by 2780/3780
					;  CDR to save LPT and LPT to save CDR
$	TMR				; Time job received
$	TMS				; Time job started
$	TFS				; Time of 1st io to/from front end
$	TFD				; Time of last io to/from front end
$	NFL				; Number of files in request
$	NFP				; Number of files processed
$	NRS				; Number of records transferred
$	LFS				; Address of log file spec
$	RIA				; Record buffer address
$	RIC				; Record buffer byte count
$	RIP				; Record buffer byte pointer
$	DIC				; Disk buffer byte count
$	XRC				; Transmission buffer byte count
$	XRP				; Transmission buffer byte pointer
$	XBT,^D18			; Left half of byte ptr for xmt buffer
$	XBN,^D18			; Max bytes fitting into xmt buffer
$	SIZ,0				; Size of block
SUBTTL Interrupt code -- INTINI, Interrupt system initialization

; Here to initialize interrupt system

TOPS10 <
INTINI:	MOVEI	S1,INTIPC		; Address of IPCF interrupt routine
	MOVEM	S1,VECIPC+.PSVNP	; Save it in the vector
	$RETT				; Return true always
    >;End if TOPS10

TOPS20 <
INTINI:	MOVX	R1,.FHSLF		; Get fork handle
	MOVX	R2,1B0!1B1		; Set channels 1 and 0
	AIC				; Activate interrupt channels
	$RETT				; Return
    >;End if TOPS20

SUBTTL Interrupt code -- INTIPC, IPCF Interrupt routine

INTIPC:	$BGINT	1,			; Set up interrupt context
	$CALL	C%INTR			; Call GLXLIB routine to post interrupt
	$DEBRK				; Exit interrupt

SUBTTL Interrupt code -- INTDEC, DECnet Interrupt routine

INTDEC:	$BGINT	1,			; Set up interrupt context
	$DEBRK				; Exit interrupt
SUBTTL Initialization code

RJESPL:	RESET				; Clear out I/O system in case of start
	MOVE	P,[IOWD PDSIZE,PDL]	; Load stack pointer with initial value
	MOVEI	S1,IB.SZ		; Put size of initialization
	MOVEI	S2,IB			; block and address in argument regs
	$CALL	I%INIT			; and initialize GLXLIB
	MOVEI	S1,<LOWEND-LOWBEG>	; Get size of area to be zeroed
	MOVEI	S2,LOWBEG		; and start address
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; and call GLXLIB routine to do it

	$CALL	INTINI			; Initialize interrupt system
	$CALL	OPDINI			; Get operating system information
	$CALL	I%ION			; Turn on interrupts
	PUSH	P,P1			; send hello to QUASAR when it comes up
	MOVEI	P1,^D300/^D30		; 30 second retries for 5 minutes
RJESP1:	MOVEI	T1,HELLO		; Point to "hello" message
	$CALL	SNDQSR			; and send it to QUASAR
	JUMPT	RJESP2			; did it!
			 JRST	QSRDTH]	; die ignomineously
	HRROI	S1,[ASCIZ	\RJESPL sleep - waiting for QUASAR to start
	$CALL	K%SOUT			; tell the user
	MOVEI	S1,^D30			; still hoping for the best
	$CALL	MISLP			; retire a while
	JRST	RJESP1			; and try again

RJESP2:	POP	P,P1			; QUASAR is alive & well
	$CALL	L%CLST			; Create a linked list
	MOVEM	S1,TSKNAM		; Save handle for task list
	$CALL	L%CLST			; Create another
	MOVEM	S1,WSNAM		; Save handle for workstation list
	$CALL	L%CLST			; Create list for the active task list
	MOVEM	S1,ATLNAM		; Save name for future use
	JRST	MAIN			; Start main loop
SUBTTL Scheduler -- MAIN loop

; Routine - MAIN
; Function - This is the main scheduling loop.  Whenever there is a task
;	to be scheduled this loop is executed.  Also there are two special
;	tasks that get scheduled after a pass through the active task list.
;	These are the IPCF message processor and the Workstation POLLer.
;	After all tasks have been conditionally run, a check is made against
;	the flag SCHDGO.  If this is non-zero, another scheduling pass will
;	be made of the active task list immediately.  Otherwise the job will
;	go to sleep.  This flag is set non-zero by ACTTSK (activate task)
;	and SGNTSK (signal task).
;	The sleep time is the minimum of three values: WAKTIM (least time
;	set by any task to wakeup), POLTIM (time to poll for activity flags),
;	and 30 seconds.
;	After sleeping a check against WAKTIM is done to see if it is time
;	to schedule active tasks.  If not, the IPCF message queue is checked
;	and POLLing is conditionally done.
;	The flow of the scheduler is such that each routine that uses a
;	substantial amount of time is responsible for updating the cell NOW
;	which contains the current time.  The routines that currently update

MAIN:	$CALL	I%NOW			; Get current time
	MOVEM	S1,NOW			; Save it
	MOVEM	S1,POLTIM		; Save as next time to poll
	SETOM	SCHDGO			; make sure we schedule 1st time around
	JRST	MAIN.3			; enter the primary schedule loop

MAIN.1:	SETZM	SCHDGO			; Clear scheduling pass flag
	MOVE	S1,POLTIM		; poll time is the outer bound time
	MOVEM	S1,WAKTIM		; Save as next time to wakeup scheduler
	MOVE	S1,ATLNAM		; Get name of Active Task List
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Point to first entry on list
	JUMPF	MAIN.3			;  If none .. go check IPCF queue

MAIN.2:	$CALL	SCHED			; Go conditionally schedule task
	$CALL	I%NOW			; update the local clock
	$CALL	MSGCHK			; Check for IPCF messages
	MOVE	S1,ATLNAM		; Get name of list again
	$CALL	L%NEXT			; Point to next entry on active list
	JUMPT	MAIN.2			;  If there is one, try to sched it

MAIN.3:	$CALL	MSGCHK			; Check for IPCF messages
	$CALL	DEBUG			; Check for debugging
	$CALL	POLL			; Always poll for new activity
	SKIPE	SCHDGO			; Check for another pass to be done
	JRST	MAIN.1			;  Yes .. some task has been signaled
	MOVE	S1,WAKTIM		; Get minimum time to make next pass
	CAMG	S1,NOW			; Check if it's time already
	JRST	MAIN.1			;  Yes .. go do another pass
	SUB	S1,NOW			; Calculate time to sleep
	ADDI	S1,2			; in seconds, insuring
	IDIVI	S1,3			; at least one second sleep
	CAIL	S1,^d30			; Check for greater than 1/2 minute
	MOVEI	S1,^d30			;  Yes .. limit to 1/2 minute max
	$CALL	I%SLP			; Go to sleep
	$CALL	I%NOW			; Get current time
	MOVEM	S1,NOW			; Save it
	JRST	MAIN.3			; check messages and new device activity
SUBTTL Scheduler -- SCHED, Schedule a task

; Routine - SCHED
; Function - To conditionally schedule tasks.  This routine is called
;	with the address of an Active Task List entry.  This entry
;	is checked against NOW and the flags in the associated TasK Block
;	to see if the task should be run.  If it is to be run the
;	wakeup conditions are set, MAIN context PDL saved, and the task
;	context restored.  If it is not to be run, WAKTIM is updated
;	to the the minimum of this task's wake time and the previous
;	value.
;	See also the co-routine DESCHD, which is called when a task
;	wishes to switch back to MAIN context.
; Parameters -
;	S2/	Address of Active Task List entry
; Note - This routine destroys all registers except the stack pointer.

SCHED:	LOAD	TK,,A.TKB		; Get address of TasK Block
	LOAD	T1,,A.WKB		; Get events to wake up task with
	LOAD	T2,,T.WKB		; Get events task is waiting for
	LOAD	T3,,A.WKT		; Get time to wakeup task at
	AND	T2,T1			; Mask events
	JUMPN	T2,OKSCHD		; If event hit, schedule task
	JUMPE	T3,.POPJ		; If no wakeup time, return to MAIN
	CAMG	T3,NOW			; Check against current time
	 JRST	OKSCHD			; Yes .. schedule task
	CAMG	T3,WAKTIM		; No, check against minimum sleep time
	 MOVEM	T3,WAKTIM		; Minimum seen so far .. save it
	$RET				; Return to MAIN

OKSCHD:	HRRZM	S2,CURATE		; Save address of current active task
	ANDCM	T1,T2			; Clear events causing wakeup
	STORE	T1,,A.WKB		; Save events yet to be woken on
	STORE	T2,,T.WCN		; Save event flags causing wakeup
	ZERO	,A.WKT			; Clear wakeup time
	MOVEM	P,PDLSAV		; Save MAIN stack context
	MOVSI	R17,T%ACS		; Swap registers for the
	BLT	R17,R17			; current task's registers
	POPJ	P,			; Return to task
SUBTTL Scheduler -- DESCHD, Deschedule a task

; Routine - DESCHD
; Function - To deschedule a task and return to MAIN context.  This routine
;	saves the current task context (if it still exists), updates the
;	current time.
;	If the task descheduling itself is deactivated the cell CURATE
;	(Current Active Task list Entry) should be cleared.  If the task
;	has deleted itself (task no longer exists) the task block pointer
;	(register TK) should be cleared.
;	The normal manner for calling is this routine is through the
;	$DSCHD macro.
; Parameters -
;	TF/	Wakeup-events,,Wakeup-time-delay
;	TK/	Address of this task's task block
;		 (If zero, then this task has deleted itself)
;	CURATE/	Address of pointer into Active Task List
;		 (If zero, then this task has deactivated itself)

DESCHD:	SETOM	SCHDGO			; ensure a second scheduling loop
	JUMPE	TK,[MOVE P,PDLSAV	; If task deleted itself
		    SETZM CURATE	;  Yes .. reset from task context
		    $RET]		;  Return to main context
	MOVEM	TF,T%STS		; Save wakeup status flags
	MOVEM	R0,R0+T%ACS		; Save a scratch register
	MOVEI	R0,R1+T%ACS		; Save the task's register
	HRLI	R0,1			; context
	BLT	R0,R17+T%ACS		; in the task block
	MOVE	P,PDLSAV		; Get MAIN stack context back

	SKIPN	CURATE			; Is task still active
	$RET				;  No .. just retun to MAIN context
	SETZM	CURATE			; Clear task context flag
	ZERO	,T.WCN			; Clear events woken on
	LOAD	S2,,T.ATE		; Point to Active Task List entry
	JUMPE	S2,.POPJ		; If deactivated, return to MAIN
	$CALL	I%NOW			; Get current time
	MOVEM	S1,NOW			; Save what time it is

DESCH1:	ZERO	,A.WKT			; Clear time to wake up at
	LOAD	T1,,T.WKD		; Get wakeup time delay
	JUMPE	T1,.POPJ		; If none, go try to SCHED on events
	ADD	T1,NOW			; Get time when to wake task
	STORE	T1,,A.WKT		; Save for SCHED
SUBTTL Scheduler -- ACTTSK, activate a task

; Routine - ACTTSK
; Function - Trys to activate a task, puts new entry on active task list for
;	the newly activated task.  If task already active it just returns.
; Parameters - TK/ Address of task to be activated.
; Returns - True it task activated, false if cannot make ATL entry
; Note - Destroys S2
;	 Changes current entry for active task list

ACTTSK:	SKPE	S1,,T.ATE		; Get active task list pointer
	 $RETT				;  Already active, so return
	MOVE	S1,ATLNAM		; Get name of Active Task List
	MOVEI	S2,A$SIZ		; Get size of entry
	$CALL	L%CENT			; Create an entry
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			;  If cannot, propagate failure
	STORE	TK,,A.TKB		; Save task address in ATL entry
	STORE	S2,,T.ATE		; Save ATL entry address in task block
	LOAD	S1,,T.WCN		; Get saved wakeup conditions
	STORE	S1,,A.WKB		; Save in wakeup bits
	ZERO	,T.WCN			; Clear wakeup conditions
	LOAD	S1,NOW			; Get current time
	STORE	S1,,A.WKT		; store as wakeup time so task will run
	SETOM	SCHDGO			; Force another scheduling pass
	$RETT				; Return true
SUBTTL Scheduler -- DEATSK, Deactivate a task

; Routine - DEATSK
; Function - Removes a task from the Active Task List (ATL) and goes back
;	to the scheduler.  This routine assumes normal operation of the
;	scheduler.  Also it assumes that only the task that is running
;	can deactivate itself.  Therefore the Active Task List should
;	be pointing directly at the task.
; Parameters - TK/ Address of task to deactivate
; Returns - Doesn't return until task is reactivated
; Note - Changes "current" entry of active task list


	MOVE	S1,ATLNAM		; Get handle for list
	LOAD	T1,,T.ATE		; Get pointer to current entry
	$CALL	L%CURR			; Position to current entry
	 JUMPF	DEATS1			;  If none, start at beginning
	CAMN	T1,S2			; Is this the proper entry?

DEATS1:	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Start from top of list
	 JUMPF	DEAERR			; If no entries at all .. stop

DEATS2:	CAMN	T1,S2			; Is this our entry?
	 JRST	DEAFND			;  Yes, go delete it
	$CALL	L%NEXT			; No, point to next entry
	 JUMPF	DEAERR			;  No more entries .. error
	JRST	DEATS2			; Go try this entry

DEAFND:	LOAD	S1,,A.WKB		; Get events that have already happened
	STORE	S1,,T.WCN		; Save in convenient place
	LOAD	S1,ATLNAM		; Get handle for active task list again
	$CALL	L%DENT			; Delete it
	 JUMPF	DEAERR			;  If we cannot, stop
	ZERO	,T.ATE			; Clear active task entry
	$RET				; Task has been re-activated

DEAERR:	$STOP	TNE,<Task not active>
SUBTTL Scheduler --  WAKTSK, wake a task unconditionally

; Routine - WAKTSK
; Function -  If task is not active it is activated; then it set wakeup time
;	to "NOW" so scheduler will pick it up on next pass.
; Parameters - TK/ Address of task block to be awakened
; Returns - True always
; Note - Destroys S1 and S2
;	 May move current entry for active task list (ATL)
;	 Stopcodes if active task entry cannot be created.

WAKTSK:	SKPE	S2,,T.ATE		; Is task active?
	 JRST	WAKTS1			;  Yes, just set time
	$CALL	ACTTSK			; No, activate it
	 JUMPF	WAKERR			;  If failed .. fatal error
WAKTS1:	MOVE	S1,NOW			; Get current time
	STORE	S1,,A.WKT		; Store it as wake time
	SETOM	SCHDGO			; Force another scheduler pass
	$RETT				; Return true

WAKERR:	$STOP CAT,<Cannot activate task>
SUBTTL Scheduler -- SGNTSK, signal a task

; Routine - SGNTSK
; Function -  Sets argument bits in active list entry to flag a condition
;	for a task.
; Parameters - TK/ Task to be signalled
;	       S1/ Bits to signal task with in RH
; Returns - True if task is active, false if task is not already active
; Note - Destroys S2

SGNTSK:	LOAD	S2,,T.ATE		; Get active list entry
	JUMPE	S2,.RETF		; If not active return error
	PUSH	P,S1			; save original bits [4(240)]
	PUSH	P,S2			; Save it for a bit
	LOAD	S2,,A.WKB		; Get existing bits
	IOR	S1,S2			; OR into desired bits
	POP	P,S2			; Get ATL entry address back
	STORE	S1,,A.WKB		; Store the new wakeup bits
	POP	P,S1			; get back original bits [4(240)]
	SETOM	SCHDGO			; Force another scheduler pass
	$RETT				; Return true
SUBTTL Scheduler -- SGNLIN, signal all tasks on a line

; Routine - SGNLIN
; Function - Sets argument bits for all tasks on a particular line.
; Parameters - WS/ Line whose tasks are to be signalled
;	       S1/ Bits in RH to signal tasks with
; Returns - True always
; Note - Destroys S2

SGNLIN:	$SAVE	<TK>			; Save task pointer
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		; Get first in Workstation chain
	JUMPE	TK,.RETT		; If none, done

SGNLI1:	$CALL	SGNTSK			; Set bits
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		; Get pointer to next task
	JUMPN	TK,SGNLI1		; If there is one, go back to loop
	$RETT				; Return true
SUBTTL Scheduler -- POLL, active device signalling

; Routine - POLL
; Function - This routine loops through the list of Workstations making a
;	call to Service each workstation that has been initialized.  If
;	the call returns a status flag, this routine checks all tasks for
;	the Workstation and signals those tasks waiting for the returned
;	flag.  Finally, it sets up a new value for POLTIM (when to do next
;	poll).

POLL:	SKIPN	S1,WSNAM		; Is there a "Workstation" list yet?
	JRST	POLLEX			;  No, so don't bother checking
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Yes, point to first entry

; Loop to look at each Workstation

POLL1:	JUMPF	POLLEX			; Exit loop if no entry
	MOVE	WS,S2			; Get pointer to entry for this station
	LOAD	S1,,W.NUM		; Get station number
	CAIN	S1,-1			; If not set up yet
	  JRST	POLL1E			;  try next Workstation
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	T1,,W.NUM		; Get workstation number
	$CALL	R%SWR##			; Service workstation
	LOAD	P2,,B.FLG		; Get the status bits
	LOAD	T1,P2,TW.BSY		; Get busy status
	STORE	T1,W$STS(WS),W.BSY	; Save busy flag in Workstation
	TXZ	P2,TW.BSY		; Clear it
	CAXN	P2,TW.COT		; If console output
	 JRST	[$CALL	PUTCNO		;  queue it up
		 JRST	POLL1E]		;  and go on to next Workstation
	CAXN	P2,TW.EVT		; If an event
	 JRST	[$CALL	EVTMSG		;  go process it
		 $CALL	EVTSPC		;   and see if a special event
		 JRST	POLL1E]		;  and go on to next Workstation
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK 		; Get control task TKB pointer
	CAXN	P2,TW.LGN		; If DECnet Link to Gateway is gone
	 JRST	[$CALL	ACTTSK		;  Activate control task
		 $SIGNL	TW.LGN		;  Signal it, link has gone
		 JRST	POLL1E]		;  and go on to next Workstation

; Loop to look at each task on a Workstation

POLL2:	LOAD	S1,,T.WKB		; Get bits task wants to wake on
	TDNN	P2,S1			; Is this one of them?
	 JRST	POLL2E			;  No, go look at next task
	TXNN	P2,TW.RDD!TW.RDA	; Is this a "stream completion"
	 JRST	POLL2A			;  No, go signal task
	LOAD	S1,,W.ARG		; Get argument block
	MOVE	S2,B$SID(S1)		; Get Stream ID
	CAME	S2,T%SID		; Belong to this task?
	 JRST	POLL2E			;  No, go look at next task
POLL2A:	$SIGNL	@P2			;  Yes, signal that the event happened

; Advance to next device in task chain for current link

POLL2E:	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		; Get next TKB entry
	JUMPN	TK,POLL2		; If we got one, go back to check it

; Advance to next Workstation

POLL1E:	MOVE	S1,WSNAM		; Get handle name
	$CALL	L%NEXT			; Advance to next entry
	JRST	POLL1			; and go back

; Done polling

POLLEX:	$CALL	I%NOW			; Get current time
	MOVEM	S1,LSTPOL		; track time polled
	ADDI	S1,POLINT		; Add polling interval
	MOVEM	S1,POLTIM		; to make new poll time
	$RET				; Return to MAIN context
SUBTTL Scheduler IPCF handling -- MSGCHK, message checker

; Routine - MSGCHK
; Function - This is a special purpose task executed by the MAIN routine.
;	For each IPCF message that exists the routine MSGPRC is called.
;	If any message processing routine causes the change in state
;	of a task the flag SCHDGO is set.  After each message is processed
;	the current time NOW is updated.
; Returns - always
;	NOW/	Most current time
;	SCHDGO/	Turned on if any task state is changed

MSGCHK:	$CALL	C%RECV			; Get the next IPCF message
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			;  If none .. just return
	$CALL	MSGPRC			; Process this message
	 $CALL	C%REL			;  Now, .. release it
	$CALL	I%NOW			; Get current time
	MOVEM	S1,NOW			; Save it
	JRST	MSGCHK			; Go onto next message
SUBTTL Scheduler IPCF handling -- MSGPRC, IPCF message processor

; Routine - MSGPRC
; Function - This subroutine processes IPCF messages received from QUASAR
;	and ORION.  MSGPRC determines if message is from someone it knows,
;	and then dispatches to the proper message processing routine.
;	Upon entry, S1 has the address of the Message Data Block (MDB) for the
;	message. When this routine dispatches to the message processors, P1
;	will have the address of the message and S will have flags indicating
;	what type of program sent the message, whether or not it is for
;	HASP line, etc.

MSGPRC:	MOVEM	S1,MDBADR		; Store message data block address
	MOVE	S2,MDB.SI(S1)		; Get special index word
	SETZ	S,			; Clear flags
	TXZN	S2,SI.FLG		; Are we using special system index?
	$RET				;  No, don't process it
	TXO	S,F.IPCSY		; Indicate we have a system message
	CAIE	S2,SP.OPR		; It better be ORION
	 JRST	MSGPR1			;  Yes, go process it
	$WTOJ	<Bad IPCF message>,<Message received from unknown system component (^O/S2/)>,SNABLK
	$RET				; Return to main loop after error

; Here after checking system message source

MSGPR1:	LOAD	P1,MDB.MS(S1),MD.ADR	; Get address of message
	CAIE	S2,SP.OPR		; save name of sender
	LOAD	S1,.MSTYP(P1),MS.TYP	; Get message type
	MOVSI	S2,-NMSGT		; Make AOBJN pointer for table

; Loop to scan MSGTAB for processing routine for this message

MSGPR2:	HRRZ	T1,MSGTAB(S2)		; Get message type from current entry
	CAMN	T1,S1			; Is it the same as our message?
	 JRST	MSGPR3			;  Yes, go process it
	AOBJN	S2,MSGPR2		; No keep looking
	$WTOJ	<Bad IPCF message>,<Message received from ^T/@MSNDR/ with unknown type code (^O/S1/)>,SNABLK
	$RET				; Return to main loop

; Here when we have found MSGTAB entry for this message type

MSGPR3:	HLRZ	T2,MSGTAB(S2)		; Get entry vector address for msg type
	JUMPE	T2,.POPJ		; If no vector, ignore message
	MOVE	T2,@T2			; Get contents of vector
	TXNE	S,F.IPCSY		; Are we processing system request?
	 MOVS	T2,T2			;  Yes, swap vector
	HRRZ	T2,T2			; Clear out inappropriate half
	JUMPN	T2,@T2			; If we still have an address, go to it
	$WTOJ	<Invalid IPCF message type>,<"^T/MSGTNM(S2)/" message received from ^T/@MSNDR/ not valid for this component type>,SNABLK
	$RET				; Return to main loop after error

; Table of type,,entry vector for message process dispatch
; Entry vector points to a word that contains dispatch addresses:
;	system-message-routine,,non-system-message-routine

MSGTAB:	XWD	VSETUP,.QOSUP		; Setup/shutdown message
	XWD	VUSRCN,.QOABO		; User cancel
	XWD	VOPRCN,.OMCAN		; Operator cancel
	XWD	VSNDCI,.OMSND		; Send console message to IBM
	XWD	VSTATS,.OMSHS		; ORION show status command
	XWD	VRQCHK,.QORCK		; Request for a checkpoint
	XWD	TEXTMS,MT.TXT		; Text message
	XWD	0,.OMPAU		; Stop message
	XWD	0,.OMCON		; Continue message
	XWD	VRQMSG,.OMREQ		; Requeue message
	XWD	0,.OMSHP		; ORION show parameters command
NMSGT==.-MSGTAB				; Size of table

MSGTNM:	ASCIZ	\Setup/shutdown\
	ASCIZ	/User cancel/
	ASCIZ	/Nextjob/
	ASCIZ	/Operator cancel/
	ASCIZ	/Send console message to IBM/
	ASCIZ	/ORION show status command/
	ASCIZ	/Request for a checkpoint/
	ASCIZ	/Text/
	ASCIZ	/Stop/
	ASCIZ	/Continue/
	ASCIZ	/Requeue/
	ASCIZ	/ORION show parameters command/
SUBTTL Message processors -- TEXTMS, Text message response

; Routine - TEXTMS
; Function - To send a text IPCF message that IBMSPL has received to
;	OPR.

;	P1/QUASAR message ptr


TEXTM1:					;QUASAR sends these(null) to see who
					; is still around
	$RET				; Return to main loop
SUBTTL Message processors -- SETUP, Setup/shutdown message

; Routine - SETUP
; Function - This routine loads P3 and P4 and then decides what to do:
;	whether to setup or shutdown a whole station or a single object.
;       Throughout this	processing, P1 has the address of the message,
;       P3 has the object type and P4 the unit number.

VSETUP:	XWD	SETUP,0			; Only system msgs may setup/shutdown

SETUP:	MOVE	P3,SUP.TY(P1)		; Get object type
	MOVEM	P3,OBJBLK		; Save away
	MOVE	P4,SUP.UN(P1)		; Get unit number
	MOVEM	P4,OBJBLK+1		; Save away
	MOVE	S1,SUP.NO(P1)		; Get station name from message
	MOVEM	S1,OBJBLK+2		; Save away

	MOVE	T1,SUP.FL(P1)		; Get flags word from message
	TXNE	T1,SUFSHT		; Is it really shutdown?
	 JRST	SHTDWN			;  Yes, Shut down object
		;			;  No .. go setup object
SUBTTL Message processors --  SETALL, setup a new station

; Routine - SETALL
; Function - To build the Workstation and associated tasks for a new
;	station.
;	The tasks created are chained to the Workstation and have
;	forward/reverse links between all of them.  For an SNA Workstation
;	there is a control task (to do station startup and shutdown), a card
;	reader task (to send jobs to the IBM host),  a console input task
;	(to accept data, from the operator, to be sent to the IBM host as
;	console	input), and a send task (which sends the console output
;	back to the operators).
;	After all the tasks are built the card reader task is started.
;	When the Gateway acknowledges that the link to the IBM host has
;	been established, a setup response message is sent back to
;	QUASAR indicating either success or failure.  If a failure occured,
;	the tasks that were setup are marked for SHUTDOWN and subsequently
;	deleted.
; Parameters -
;	P1/	Address of setup message
;	P3/	Object type
;	P4/	Object unit number
;	S1/	Station name (in SIXBIT)

SETALL:	LOAD	T1,SUP.ST(P1),NT.TYP	; Get station type field
	CAIE	T1,DF.SNA		; Is it SNA Workstation?
	 JRST	[MOVEI	P2,%MSNSW	;  No, should never happen!!
		 PJRST	SETSND]		;  Send response and return

	CAIL	P4,1			; Is unit number in range?
	CAILE	P4,7			; Only 1-7 are valid
	 JRST	[MOVEI	P2,%MSBUN	;  No, set error message
		 PJRST	SETSND]		;  Send response and return

	CAIN	P3,.OTBAT		; Is this the main batch stream
	CAIE	P4,1			; (Batch Stream 1) ?
         JRST SETOBJ			;  No, just go setup object
					;  Yes, so setup the workstation now
	$CALL	MAKWS			; Create a Workstation Block
	 JUMPF	SETCHK			; If we can't, do some checking
	MOVE	T1,[XWD -SETTKN,SETTSK]	; Get task table

; Loop to add all tasks in appropriate task table

SETAL1:	HLRZ	S1,0(T1)		; Get current task table entry
	SETZ	S2,			; Make a default device 0
	$CALL	BLDTSK			; Build task for it
	 JUMPF	[MOVE	P2,S1		; Get error code
		 PJRST	SETSND]		;  send error to QUASAR
	$CALL	ACTTSK			; Activate the task
	AOBJN	T1,SETAL1		; Loop through whole table

; Here to setup a task for an object

SETOBJ:	MOVEI	S1,SUP.TY(P1)		; Point to object block
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Search existing tasks for this device
	 JUMPT	SETOB1			; If there go find out why

	SETZ	S2,			; Start with zero
	MOVEI	P2,%MSUDE		;  and a pessimistic error code
	CAIN	P3,.OTBAT		; Is this a batch stream object?
	 MOVEI	S2,.TCDR		;  Yes, use card reader device
	CAIN	P3,.OTLPT		; Is this a line printer object?
	 MOVEI	S2,.TLPT		;  Yes, use line printer device
	CAIN	P3,.OTCDP		; Is this a card punch object?
	 MOVEI	S2,.TCDP		;  Yes, use card punch device
	CAIN	P3,.OTRDR		; Is this a card reader object?
	 MOVEI	P2,%MSMUB		;  Yes, must use batch; special error
	JUMPE	S2,SETSND		; Device is not supported

	MOVE	S1,SUP.NO(P1)		; Get node name
	$CALL	FNDWS			; Has a workstation been setup yet
	 JUMPF	[MOVEI	P2,%MSNWS	;  No, set error message
		 PJRST	SETSND]		;  Send response and return

	MOVE	S1,S2			; Get device type
	MOVE	S2,P4			; Get unit number
	$CALL	BLDTSK			; Build task for it
	 JUMPF	[MOVE	P2,S1		; Get error code
		 PJRST	SETSND]		;  send error to QUASAR

; Here when task is built

	$CALL	ACTTSK			; Activate the task

;  Here when object being setup already exists

SETOB1:	MOVEI	P2,%MSSIP		; Assume a shutdown is underway
	LOAD	S1,,W.STS		; Get station status
	TXNE	S1,W.SDR		; Is shutdown pending?
	 JRST	SETSND			;  Yes
	MOVE	S1,S+T%ACS		; Get task bits for task
	TXNE	S1,SHUTDOWN		; Is shutdown pending?
	 JRST	SETSND			;  Yes
					;  No, should not happen
					; Send message but don't tell QUASAR
	$WTOJ	<Startup failed>,<Object already started>,OBJBLK

;  Here when attempt to build a Workstation fails

SETCHK:	MOVEI	P2,%MSISR		; Assume insufficient resources
	 JUMPE	WS,SETSND		;  If no WS, fail now.
	LOAD	S1,,W.STS		; Get station status
	TXNN	S1,W.SDR		; Is shutdown pending?
	SETZ	WS,0			;  Yes, don't force shutdown now
	MOVEI	P2,%MSSIP		; Setup message

; Here to send failure "response to setup" to QUASAR
;	P1/	address of SETUP message
;	P2/	SETMSG index of message to return

SETSND:	MOVEI	S1,%RSUDE		; Device not available
	$CALL	RSETUP			; Send the response to setup message
	$WTOJ	<Startup failed>,<^T/@SETMSG(P2)/>,OBJBLK

SETMSG:	[ASCIZ /Node is not an SNA Workstation/]
	[ASCIZ /Illegal unit number for an SNA Workstation object/]
	[ASCIZ /START NODE before starting additional SNA Workstation objects/]
	[ASCIZ /Device not available on an SNA Workstation/]
	[ASCIZ /Previous SHUTDOWN still in progress for this node/]
	[ASCIZ /Insufficient resources for creating Workstation block/]
	[ASCIZ /No destination string specified/]
  %MSNSW==0				; Not an SNA Workstation
  %MSBUN==1				; Illegal unit number
  %MSNWS==2				; No Workstation setup, yet
  %MSUDE==3				; Illegal object type
  %MSMUB==4				; Must use batch object
  %MSSIP==5				; SHUTDOWN still in progress
  %MSISR==6				; Insufficient resources
  %MSNDS==7				; No Stream Destination Supplied

; Task tables
;	Entry format is type code (.Txxx where xxx is device)
;	in LH, and first entry point of task in RH.

SETTSK:	XWD	.TCTL,TKCTL		; Control task (must be first)
	XWD	.TCNI,TKHCNI		; Console input sender task
	XWD	.TSND,TKSND		; Console output distributor
SETTKN==.-SETTSK			; Length of table
SUBTTL Message processors --  SHTDWN, shutdown station (signoff)

; Routine - SHTDWN
; Function - To shutdown a Workstation or one of its objects.  If an entire
;	Workstation is to be shutdown, the control task for the Workstation
;	is awakened and it will wait for all activity to cease before
;	shutting down the devices.  If shutdown of an individual object is
;	requested, the SHUTDOWN bit for the task is set.
; Parameters -
;	P1/ QUASAR message ptr
;	S1/ Workstation Name

SHTDWN:	$CALL	FNDWS			; Go find Workstation for this node
	 JUMPE	WS,SHTERR		; If no Workstation, stop
	CAIN	P3,.OTBAT		; Is this the main batch stream
	CAIE	P4,1			; (Batch Stream 1) ?
         JRST SHTOBJ			;  No, just go shutdown object

; Here to shutdown all

	LOAD	S1,,W.STS		; Get status bits
	TXO	S1,W.SDR		; Set workstation shutdown requested
	STORE	S1,,W.STS		; and save status bits
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		; Get control task TKB
	 JUMPE	TK,[$CALL RELWS		; If none, just release Workstation
	$CALL	ACTTSK			; activate control task
	$SIGNL	TW.OFF,TASK		; Wake him to do shutdown
	$RET				;  return to message processor

; Here to shutdown an individual object

SHTOBJ:	MOVEI	S1,SUP.TY(P1)		; Point to object block
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Search existing tasks for this device
	 JUMPF	SHTERR			; Not here

	MOVE	S1,S+T%ACS		; Get task's S
	TXO	S1,SHUTDOWN		; Set flag
	MOVEM	S1,S+T%ACS		;  and put status back
	TXNN	S1,ACTIVE		; Device currently active
	$CALL	WAKTSK			;  No, wake task

; Here if device does not exist that QUASAR is shutting down.

SHTERR:	$WTOJ	<QUASAR Shutting down inactive device>,,<SUP.TY(P1)>
SUBTTL Message processors -- USRCN, User cancel message

; Routine - USRCN
; Function - This routine tests if the job is already aborting or exiting,
;	and if so exits.  
;	It sets the CANCEL bit in the task's S, wakes the task,
;	makes an entry into the log file and sends a message to operators.

;	P1/QUASAR message ptr

VUSRCN:	XWD	USRCN,0			; Only system components can do cancels

USRCN:	MOVEI	S1,ABO.TY(P1)		; Point to object block in message
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Set up TK, WS and J
	JUMPF	.POPJ			; Return if we cannot find it
					; TK,WS,J setup
	LOAD	S,S+T%ACS		; Get S
	TXOE	S,CANCEL		; Set cancel processing bit
	 $RET				;  If already on, ignore request
	STORE	S,S+T%ACS		; Put back updated status bits
	$CALL	WAKTSK			; Wake up task unconditionally
FTCLOG<	$TEXT	(LOGCHR,<^I/IBMSG/Job cancelled by user ^U/ABO.ID(P1)/>)>
	MOVEI	S1,[ITEXT()]		; Start with null
	TXNE	S,JVALID		; If job page set up
	MOVEI	S1,[ITEXT(^R/.EQJBB(J)/)] ; Use Job Status
	$WTOJ	<Cancelling by user ^U/ABO.ID(P1)/>,<^I/(S1)/>,@T%OBA
	$RET				; Exit
SUBTTL Message processors -- OPRCN, Operator cancel message

; Routine - VOPRCN
; Function - This routine does effectly the same thing as USRCN except
;	the cancel request has come from the operator instead of a user.

;	P1/QUASAR message ptr

VOPRCN:	XWD	OPRCN,0			; Operator cancel legal only from
					; system component

OPRCN:	MOVEI	S1,.OHDRS+1(P1)		; Point to object block
	LOAD	S2,-1(S1),AR.TYP	; Get type of block
	CAIE	S2,.OROBJ		; Is it ORION object block?
	 $RET				;  No, ignore bad message
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Find the task for the object type
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			;  Return if we cannot find it
					; TK,WS,J setup
	LOAD	S,S+T%ACS		; Get status
	TXOE	S,CANCEL		; Set cancel processing bit
	 $RET				;  If it was already doing it, exit
	STORE	S,S+T%ACS		; Stash status again
	$CALL	WAKTSK			; Make task wake up
FTCLOG<	$TEXT	(LOGCHR,<^I/IBMSG/Job cancelled by operator>)>
	MOVEI	S1,[ITEXT()]		; Start with null
	TXNE	S,JVALID		; If job page set up
	MOVEI	S1,[ITEXT(^R/.EQJBB(J)/)] ; Use Job Status
	$WTOJ	<Cancelling>,<^I/(S1)/>,@T%OBA
SUBTTL Message processors -- OPRRQ, Operator requeue message

; Routine - VOPRRQ
; Function - this routine checks to see if the job is already aborting
; or exiting and if so, returns. If not, we set the RQB bit and
; the CANCEL and ABORT bits in the task status and calls WAKTSK to
; cause a scheduler cycle, make a log entry and send a message to the
; operator.

VRQMSG:	XWD	OPRRQ,0			; operator cancel is legal only
					; from system components.

OPRRQ:	MOVEI	S1,.OHDRS+1(P1)		; Point to object block
	LOAD	S2,-1(S1),AR.TYP	; Get type of block
	CAIE	S2,.OROBJ		; Is it ORION object block?
	 $RET				;  No, ignore bad message
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Find the task for the object type
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			;  Return if we cannot find it
					; TK,WS,J setup
	LOAD	S2,,T.TYP		; find out which flavor task
	CAIE	S2,.TCDR		; is it a CDR?
	 JRST	RQDER			; no, can't requeue it
	LOAD	S,S+T%ACS		; yes, get status
	TXNE	S,CANCEL!ABORT!RQB	; Are we already stopping?
	 $RET				; yes, no more can be done
	TXO	S,CANCEL!RQB		; no, we are now though!
	STORE	S,S+T%ACS		; store the status ac away in context
	$CALL	WAKTSK			; wake up the task
FTCLOG<	$TEXT	(LOGCHR,<^I/IBMSG/ Job Requeued By Operator>)>
	$WTOJ	<Requeuing>,<^R/.EQJBB(J)/>,@T%OBA
	$RET				; and wait for the scheduler

RQDER:	$WTOJ	<Can't requeue a job being received, use the ABORT command.>
SUBTTL Message processors -- NXTJB, Nextjob message

; Routine - NXTJB
; Function - This routine save the current time as that when the request
;	was received, copies the request into the first job page for
;	the task (also sets the bit indicating that it is present)
;	and finally signals a "request from QUASAR" wake condition
;	for the task.

;	P1/QUASAR message ptr

VNXTJB:	XWD	NXTJB,0			; Only system programs can give a job

NXTJB:	MOVEI	S1,.EQROB(P1)		; Point to object block
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Set up world
	 JUMPF	NXTJER			;  Issue message if we cannot find it
					; TK,WS,J setup
	LOAD	S1,,T.TYP		; Get task type
	CAIE	S1,.TCDR		; We only process batch requests
	 $STOP	NNB,<NEXTJOB Request not for batch processor>

	LOAD	S,S+T%ACS		; Get task status bits
	TXOE	S,QSRREQ		; Indicate we have a request
	 $STOP	MRR,<Request received while another active>

	STORE	S,S+T%ACS		; Save S for task
	$CALL	I%NOW			; Get current time
	STORE	S1,,T.TMR		; Save it as receive time of request
	HRR	S1,J			; Get destination for request in RH
	HRL	S1,P1			; and source in LH
	LOAD	S2,.MSTYP(P1),MS.CNT	; Get length of message
	ADDI	S2,-1(J)		; Compute last word address
	BLT	S1,0(S2)		; Copy message
	$SIGNL	TW.QRQ,TASK		; Tell task request is there
	$RET				; And exit

NXTJER:	$WTOJ	<Nextjob error>,<Link gone away - job requeued>,@T%OBA
	TXO	S,RQB			; set requeue flag
	MOVE	J,P1			; set job page ptr to msg block
	$CALL	QRLSE			; release the job
SUBTTL Message processors -- SHWSTS, Show status message

; Routine - SHWSTS
; Function - This routine sets up the ack message to send to the
;	operator (OPR) telling him what the status of the emulation
;	devices on a particular node are doing.

;	P1/QUASAR message ptr

VSTATS:	XWD	SHWSTS,0		; Only system programs for now.

SHWSTS:	$SAVE	<S,J,P2,P3,P4,T2,T3,T4,WS,TK>	; Save some registers

	SETZB	P2,P4			; init msg counter

SHWST0:					; P2 will hold the work page for the duration
					; P3 will hold node name requested
					; P4 will hold count of nodes reported on
					; T3 will hold ptr to current message block
					; T4 will hold correct node name
	MOVE	P3,.OHDRS+ARG.DA+OBJ.ND(P1) ; Get node name (SIXBIT)
	MOVE	S1,WSNAM		; Get name of Workstation list
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Point to first entry on list

SHWLP1:	JUMPF	SHWER1			; If no more .. didn't find node
	PUSH	P,S1			; save list handle
	MOVE	WS,S2			; Put Workstation addr in correct place
	LOAD	S2,,W.ONO		; Get name of node for this line
	CAME	P3,[-1]			; check for "all"
	CAMN	S2,P3			; Check if one we are looking for
	$CALL	SHWFND			;  Yes .. found Workstation for node
	POP	P,S1			; restore list handle
	JUMPF	.POPJ			; exit if error happened
	CAME	P3,[-1]			; check for "all"
	JUMPN	P4,SHWER1		; done if only requested one
	$CALL	L%NEXT			; No .. continue looking
	JRST	SHWLP1			; Go check next list entry

SHWFND:	MOVE	T4,S2			; copy current node name
	JUMPN	P2,SHWFN1		; check if message started yet

SHWFN0:	$CALL	SHWMSI			; init msg

SHWFN1:	$CALL	SHWNXT			; make sure there is room for more
	JUMPE	P2,SHWFN0		; check if the partial message went
	$CALL	SHWTIT			; insert node title and set up body
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<^T/STSHDR/>^A)	; Output the status header string

	AOS	P4			; count this node status
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		; Get address of first task block

SHWLP2:	MOVE	S,S+T%ACS		; Get status registers
	LOAD	S2,,T.TYP		; Get task type
	CAIL	S2,.TLPT		; Check for within range of
	CAILE	S2,.TCDR		;  device type tasks
	 JRST	SHWTST			;   No .. ignore control tasks
	LOAD	S1,,T.DST		; Get address of task state string
	LOAD	T2,,T.UNI		; Get unit number
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<^T12/@STSNAM-1(S2)/^D2/T2/   ^T30/0(S1)/  ^A>)
	MOVE	J,J+T%ACS		; Get pointer to JOB pages
	LOAD	S2,,T.TYP		; Get device type again
	CAIE	S2,.TCDR		; Check for a card reader (batch strm)
	 JRST	SHWLPT			;  No .. go show LPT or CDP
	TXNN	S,QSRREQ		; Check for request page setup
	 JRST	SHWLF			;  No .. just end the line
	MOVE	S2,.EQRID(J)		; Get request ID number of job
TOPS20<	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<^D6/S2/  ^W9/.EQJOB(J)/^T/.EQOWN(J)/>)>
TOPS10<	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<^D6/S2/  ^W9/.EQJOB(J)/^W6/.EQOWN(J)/^W6/.EQOWN+1(J)/>)>

	JRST	SHWRUN			; Go output transfer start time

SHWLF:	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<>)		; Put CRLF at end of line if needed
SHWRUN:	TXNN	S,ACTIVE		; Check for an active task
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<  Started at: ^H/T%TMS/>)
	LOAD	S1,,T.CFS		; A current file name?
	SKIPE	S1			;  No
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<  File is: ^T/T%CFS/>)

SHWTST:	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		; Get next task on this line
	JUMPN	TK,SHWLP2		; If there is one .. continue output

	$CALL	SHWTRM			; terminate current message block

SHWNXT:	MOVE	S1,T3			; find out how much room left
	SUBI	S1,(P2)
	CAIGE	S1,PAGSIZ*5-^D80*6	; need six lines worth
	MOVX	S1,WT.MOR		; send what we have

SHWLST:	MOVE	S1,T3			; do final formatting of message
	SUBI	S1,(P2)
	HRLM	S1,.MSTYP(P2)		; total length

	$CALL	SNDOPR			; ship it
	SETZ	P2,			; this message no longer exists

SHWER1:	JUMPN	P4,SHWLST		; check if we reported something
	CAMN	P3,[-1]			; check for "all"
	JRST	SHWEND			; not an error if "all" request

	$ACK	(<SNA Workstation ^N/.OHDRS+ARG.DA+OBJ.ND(P1)/ status>,<	Unknown workstation status requested>,,<.MSCOD(P1)>)

SHWEND:	$ACK	(<no SNA Workstations started>,,,<.MSCOD(p1)>)

SHWMSI:	$CALL	M%GPAG			; get a work page
	$ACK	(<SNA Workstation ^N/.OHDRS+ARG.DA+OBJ.ND(P1)/ status>,<	failed to get workspace to build response>,,<.MSCOD(P1)>)
	$RETF				; ignore request
SHWMS0:	MOVE	P2,S1			; put message ptr in its permanent home
	MOVEI	S1,.OMACS		; do some formatting
	MOVEI	T3,.OHDRS(P2)		; T3/ptr to current message block

SHWTIT:	$CALL	SHWARG			; set up new message block
	$CALL	I%NOW			; get time stamp
	AOS	TEXTBP			; push text ptr to next word
					; insert title for this node status
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,< SNA Workstation ^N/T4/ on gateway ^N/W$GW6(WS)/ ^A>)

	$CALL	SHWTRM			; terminate this message

SHWART:	SKIPA	S1,[.CMTXT]		; set up body of node status message

SHWARG:	MOVEI	S1,.ORDSP		; set up title of node status message
	MOVEI	S1,ARG.DA(T3)		; now init byte ptr for msg text
	AOS	.OARGC(P2)		; count this message block in whole

SHWTRM:	SETZ	S1,			; terminate message
	AOS	S1,TEXTBP		; count size of it
	SUB	S1,T3
	HRLM	S1,ARG.HD(T3)		; stuff it in msg block hdr
	HRRZ	T3,TEXTBP		; ptr to next msg block

   Device           Status                        Req#   Jobname  Username
--------------   ------------------------------  ------  -------  --------

STSNAM:	[ASCIZ	\Line printer\]
	[ASCIZ	\Card punch\]
	[ASCIZ	\Card reader\]
SUBTTL Message processors -- RQCHK, Request checkpoint message

; Routine - RQCHK
; Function  - This routine merely sets up the task context and calls
;	the CHKPNT to build and send the message; if the request
;	was from a non-system program it calls the subroutine at the
;	CHKPNB entry point.

;	P1/QUASAR message ptr

VRQCHK:	XWD	RQCHK,RQCHK		; Both types can request checkpoints

RQCHK:	MOVEI	S1,RCK.TY(P1)		; Point object block sent by QUASAR
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Set up TK and WS and J
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			;  Ignore it if we cannot find it
					; TK,WS,J setup
	LOAD	S1,S+T%ACS		; Set task's status bits
	TXNN	S1,QSRREQ		; See if we are processing a request
	 $RET				;  No, QUASAR doesn't expect chkpnt
	MOVEI	T1,CHKPNT		; Assume only to QUASAR
	TXNN	S,F.IPCSY		; See if request came from system
	MOVEI	T1,CHKPNB		; No, use other entry point
	PJRST	@T1			; Go there and then return to main loop
SUBTTL Message processors --  CHKPNT, CHKPNB, send checkpoint

; Routine - CHKPNT, CHKPNB
; Function - CHKPNT is the subroutine to build a checkpoint message in
;	the message block and then send it to QUASAR; CHKPNB is an entry
;	point that can be used only from the message processing level to
;	send a checkpoint message both to QUASAR and to the NON-SYSTEM PROGRAM
;	that sent the request.
; Parameters - WS must be set up
;	P1/QUASAR message ptr
; Returns - True if SNDQSR does
; Note - Destroys S1 and S2

CHKPNB:	TDZA	S2,S2			; Entry to send checkpoint to both
CHKPNT:	 SETOM	S2			; Set QUASAR-only flag true

	$SAVE	<S,TK,J,T1,T2,T3,T4>	; Save registers
	LOAD	S1,,T.TYP		; Get caller's context type
	SETZ	T4,			; Provisionally clear register to hold
					; device selected for checkpoint information
	CAIN	S1,.TCDR		; Is it a card reader device?
	 HRRZ	T4,TK			;  Yes, use it
	MOVEI	T1,MSGBLK		; Point to block in which to build
					;  message (can do this since we are
					;  not interruptible until WE do
					;  a $DSCHD
	MOVX	S1,CH.FCH		; Indicate that we have checkpoint info
	STORE	S1,CHE.FL(T1)		; Store flags in message
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		; Point to first device on line
	JUMPE	TK,CHKLO4		; If none, we are done

CHKLOP:	LOAD	T2,,T.TYP		; Get task/device type
	SKIPE	T4			; Selected device for checkpoint info?
	 JRST	CHKLO1			;  Yes, go see if they match
	CAIE	T2,.TCDR		; No, see if this is a candidate
	 JRST	CHKLO2			;  No, just do continue
	HRRZ	T4,TK			; Yes, select him

CHKLO1:	CAME	TK,T4			; Device we wish to checkpoint?
	 JRST	CHKLO2			;  No, just continue to next task
	LOAD	S1,,T.NFP		; Get number of files processed
	STORE	S1,CHE.IN+CKFIL(T1)	; Save it in checkpoint block
	LOAD	S1,,T.NRS		; Get number of records processed
	STORE	S1,CHE.IN+CKTRS(T1)	; Save it too
	LOAD	J,J+T%ACS		; Get address of request
	LOAD	S1,.EQITN(J)		; Get internal number from request
	STORE	S1,CHE.IT(T1)		; and save it also
	MOVX	S1,CKFCHK		; Flag that job has been checkpointed
	STORE	S1,CHE.IN+CKFLG(T1)	; Set it in block

CHKLO2:	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		; Get next task in chain
	JUMPN	TK,CHKLOP		; If there was one, go back to loop
CHKLO4:	MOVX	S1,CHE.ST		; Get length of message
	STORE	S1,.MSTYP(T1),MS.CNT	; Save as length of message
	MOVX	S1,.QOCHE		; Get function (checkpoint)
	STORE	S1,.MSTYP(T1),MS.TYP	; And save it in header too
	SKIPE	S2			; See it we are to send to caller
	 JRST	CHKLO5			;  No, just to QUASAR
	SKPTSK				; Only message processors can send back to caller
	$CALL	SNDBAK			; Send it back
	JUMPF	QSRDTH			; die if can't do it
SUBTTL Message processors -- SNDCI, send console input to IBM

; Routine - SNDCI
; Function -   This routine receives a message from either OPR (send to
;	batch stream) or a non-system component (with the same codes for
;	simplicity) which is a console line intended to be sent to IBM.
;	After some validity checking, it merely copies it into a console
;	input queue (CNI) entry and signals TW.CNI to the appropriate task.

;	P1/QUASAR message ptr

VSNDCI:	XWD	SNDCI,SNDCI		; Both types can do this

SNDCI:	MOVEI	S1,.OHDRS(P1)		; Point past message header
	LOAD	S2,ARG.HD(S1),AR.TYP	; Get type of first block
	LOAD	T1,ARG.HD(S1),AR.LEN	; and length
	ADD	T1,S1			; Compute address of next block
	SETZM	SNDCEC			; Initialize error code
	CAIE	S2,.OROBJ		; Is first block object block?
	 JRST	SNDCIE			;  No, inform world of error
	AOS	SNDCEC			; Increment error code
	AOS	S1			; Point to start of object type
	$CALL	FNDOBJ			; Yes, set up TK properly
	JUMPF	SNDCIE			; If cannot, something is very wrong
					; TK,WS,J setup
	LOAD	S2,ARG.HD(T1),AR.TYP	; Get type of second block
	AOS	SNDCEC			; Increment error code to 2
	CAIE	S2,.CMTXT		; It better be text type
	 JRST	SNDCIE			;  It isn't, so complain
	AOS	SNDCEC			; next possible error
	HRRI	S1,1(T1)		; Point to start of data part
	HRLI	S1,440700		; and make it into a byte pointer
	LOAD	T2,ARG.HD(T1),AR.LEN	; get the text length
	SOS	T2			; flush word count
	IMULI	T2,5			; make bytes
					; now scan line for =>

SNDCI0:	SOJL	T2,SNDCIE		; msg too short
	ILDB	S2,S1			; Get next character
SNDCI1:	CAIE	S2,"="			; Is it = ?
	 JRST	SNDCI0			;  No, keep looking
					; =
	SOJL	T2,SNDCIE		; msg too short
	ILDB	S2,S1			; Get next character
	CAIE	S2,76			; Is it right angle bracket?
	 JRST	SNDCI1			; no, keep scanning
					; => ...the IBM console msg  follows
	MOVE	T3,S1			; save the ptr, T2/no. bytes in msg
	LOAD	S1,,W.CNI		; Get CNI queue list handle
	MOVE	S2,T2			; Copy length in bytes
	ADDI	S2,4+5			; Compute length
	IDIVI	S2,5			; in words (accounting for length word)
	AOS	SNDCEC			; Increment error code to 3
	$CALL	L%CENT			; and get a new entry
	 JUMPF	SNDCIE			;  If no room, go complain
	MOVEM	T2,0(S2)		; Store length in first word
	ADD	S2,[XWD 440700,1]	; Make entry address into byte pointer

SNDCI4:	JUMPE	S1,SNDCI5		; when the null char is found, stop source
	ILDB	S1,T3			; Get next character
SNDCI5:	IDPB	S1,S2			; Store it in entry
	SOJG	T2,SNDCI4		; Loop till no more characters left

	TDZA	S1,S1			; make sure there is a null char to stuff
	TLNE	S2,760000		; only done when last dest word is filled

	$SIGNL	TW.CNI,LINE		; and inform world its there

	$RET				; Return to MSGPRC

SNDCIE:	MOVE	S2,SNDCEC		; Get error code
	$WTOJ	<Console error>,<Error "^T/@SNDERR(S2)/" processing send message.>,@T%OBA

	EXP	[ASCIZ /illegal error code/]
SNDERR:	EXP	[ASCIZ /first block in msg not object/]
	EXP	[ASCIZ /can't find task for object block/]
	EXP	[ASCIZ /second block in msg not text/]
	EXP	[ASCIZ /illformed IBM console msg/]
	EXP	[ASCIZ /cannot create CNI queue entry/]
SUBTTL Tasks -- Description


  The tasks RJESPL uses can be divided into common tasks (TKCTL, TKSND,
TKHCNI) and device-type tasks (TKCDR, TKHLPT, TKHCPD).

  TKSND takes console output from the CNO queue (it was placed there
during the POLL of the workstation) and distributes it
to all "watchers" of the console line.

  The control task (TKCTL) is responsible for startup and shutdown.

  The card reader tasks copy (TKCDR) jobs to IBM.

  The lineprinter and punch (TKHLPT and TKHCDP) tasks receive jobs
from the IBM host.

  The console input (TKHCNI) task copies messages from the CNI queue
to the IBM host; entries are placed in the queue by the send message

SUBTTL Tasks -- TKSND, console output distribution

; Task - TKSND
; Function - This task distributes console output arriving from the IBM
;	host to all programs that have declared themselves "watchers" of
;	the console line. (OPRs)
;	This tasks wakes upon an TW.CNO signal, which is set up during
;	polling by PUTCNO after it has queued console
;	output to the CNO list for the workstation.
;	This task dequeues messages from this list.
;	Then it loops over the list of watchers, sending the message
;	to all.

TKSND:	LOAD	S1,,W.STS		; Get status
	TXNN	S1,W.SDR		; If shutdown requested
	TXNE	S,LGA			; or line gone away
	 JRST	TSKDIE			;  Exit and wait to die
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ \Waiting for console output from IBM\]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;set state

	$DSCHD	TW.CNO,0		; Wait only on CNO queued signal
	$CALL	DEVCHK			; Check to see if 

	LOAD	S1,,W.CNO		; Get handle for CNO list
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Position to the beginning of the list

TSLOOP:	JUMPF	TKSDON			; If none, send to OPR then wait again
	MOVE	T1,S2			; Copy address of message entry
	$CALL	TSSTSH			; Store in collected messages
	LOAD	S1,,W.CNO		; Get list handle back
	$CALL	L%DENT			; Delete current entry, just sent it
	$CALL	L%NEXT			; And get next entry
	JRST	TSLOOP			; Go back to check if we won or lost

TSOPR:	JUMPE	P3,.POPJ		;exit if no current byte pointer
	SETZ	S1,			;get a null
	IDPB	S1,P2			;wipe out last CRLF (OPR adds it)
	$WTOJ	<Console output>,<^T/0(P1)/^A>,W%OBJ,<$WTFLG(WT.SJI!WT.NFO)>
	MOVE	S1,P1			;point to start of page
	$CALL	M%RPAG			;releases it
	$CALL	M%CLNC			;and clean up working set
	SETZB	P1,P3			;zero out pointers
TKSDON:					;here to send collected message to OPR
	$CALL	TSOPR			;send it
	JRST	TKSND			;go wait for more work
TSSTSH:					;subroutine to stash messages in page
					;P1=start of page or 0, P2=pointer to last CRLF
					;P3=current byte pointer, P4=count to go
	$SAVE	<S1,S2,T1,T2,T3,T4,J>	;save registers
	MOVE	J,T1			;save start of message
TSSTR:					;restart point if page got full
	MOVE	S2,J			;get address of message
	HRLI	S2,440700		;make into byte pointer
	DMOVE	T1,P1			;save current page parameters
	DMOVE	T3,P3			; in T1-4
	SKIPN	P3			;page already there?
	$CALL	TSCRPG			;no, create one -- will set up P's
	SETZ	P2,			;current attempt has no CRLF yet
TSST0:					;loop to look at message characters
	ILDB	S1,S2			;get source character
	JUMPE	S1,TSST1		;if null, we are done
	CAIE	S1,12			;if LF
	CAIN	S1,15			; or CR
	$CALL	TSUPL			;update P2
	CAIN	S1,14			;also FF (for safety)
	$CALL	TSUPL			;update P2
	IDPB	S1,P3			;store it page
	SOJG	P4,TSST0		;continue till no room in page
	DMOVE	P1,T1			;restore old pointers
	DMOVE	P3,T3			; ...
	$CALL	TSOPR			;send this page to OPR
	JRST	TSSTR			;and restart us
TSST1:					;here when null seen
	$RET				;exit
TSUPL:					;update CRLF pointer
	SKIPN	P2			;don't update if we already have value
	MOVE	P2,P3			;save current as CRLF pointer
	$RET				;exit
TSCRPG:					;subroutine to create the page
	$SAVE <S1,S2>
	MOVE	P1,S1			;copy start address
	MOVE	P3,S1			;copy address again
	HRLI	P3,440700		;and make into a byte pointer
	MOVEI	P4,^D512*3		;get number of characters that will fit
					;we don't use whole page because WTOJ croaks
SUBTTL Tasks -- TKCTL, control for SNA-Workstation


  This task wakes on TW.ON (a "set workstation on" request from
a main [i.e. CDR] task), on TW.OFF (a signoff request
by a special shutdown message from QUASAR) and TW.LGN
(a line gone signal because of front end crash or line abort
set by any task getting such an error).


TKCTL:					;SNA Workstation control task
	MOVE	T1,TK			;save task block pointer
	LOAD	S1,,W.ONO		;get station name
	MOVEI	S2,1			;Unit # 1
	HRLI	S2,.TCDR		;get card-type,,1 as dev,,unit
	$CALL	FNDTSK			;get main card reader task address
	LOAD	S1,,T.OBA		;address of object block
	EXCH	T1,TK			;get our task block back
	STORE	S1,,T.OBA		;save address of object block
TKCTL0:	$DSCHD	<TW.ON!TW.OFF!TW.LGN>	;wait for "on" request, "off" request
					; or link gone
TKCTL1:	SKPN	S1,,T.WCN		;get conditions which caused us to wake
	 $STOP	ILW,<Illegal wakeup>
	TXZE	S1,TW.ON		;if "set workstation on" request
	JRST	CTSGON			;go process it
	TXZE	S1,TW.LGN		;if link gone (which thus has priority
					; over off)
	JRST	CTLNGN			;go process it
	TXZE	S1,TW.OFF		;if "set workstation off" request
	JRST	CTSGOF			;go do it
; Here to exit control task

CTEXT:	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ \inactive\]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;set state
	$CALL	DEATSK			;deactivate
	JRST	TKCTL0			;and go back to beginning
SUBTTL Tasks -- .  CTSGON, set workstation on

CTSGON:	MOVE	T1,TK			;save task block pointer
	LOAD	S1,,W.ONO		;Get station name
	MOVEI	S2,1			;Unit # 1
	HRLI	S2,.TCDR		;get card-type,,1 as dev,,unit
	$CALL	FNDTSK			;find its task
	EXCH	TK,T1			;swap task block addresses
					; (restoring ours)
	STORE	T1,,T.OTK		;save pointer to master card reader
;   Connect to SNA Gateway
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ \connecting to gateway\]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;set state

	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	$CALL	R%RNW##			; Get next workstation number
	LOAD	T1,,B.NUM		; Get workstation number returned
	STORE	T1,,W.OUN		; Save in object block
					;  so next message looks correct

	$WTOJ	<Initializing>,<connecting to gateway ^N/W%GW6/ ...>,W%OBJ
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	MOVEI	T1,1			; Interrupt on Channel 1
	MOVEI	T1,W%GWY		; Get address of gateway name
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	STORE	T1,,B.GWY		; Save it
	MOVEI	T1,W%NAM		; Get address of station name
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	STORE	T1,,B.NAM		; Save it
	LOAD	T1,,W.WRK		; Address of work area
	STORE	T1,,B.WRK		; Save it

	$CALL	R%INI##			; Initialize workstation
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	SKIPT				; See if failed
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
		 JRST	CTSGOF]		;  and force a shutdown
	LOAD	T1,,B.NUM		; Get workstation number
	STORE	T1,,W.NUM		; Save in Workstation
	STORE	T1,,W.OUN		;  and object block in Workstation

	$DSCHD	<TW.VER!TW.ERR!TW.OFF!TW.LGN>	; Wait for gateway response

	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		;get conditions which caused us to wake
	TXZE	T1,TW.ERR		;if error response
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
	TXZN	T1,TW.VER		;if version confirmation continue on
	JRST	TKCTL1			; otherwise make one last try

	MOVX	S1,W.CON		; "link up" flag is set
	$WTOJ	<Initializing>,<connected to gateway ^N/W%GW6/>,W%OBJ
;   Set Workstation Characteristics

	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ \setting workstation characteristics\]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;set state
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	T1,,W.NUM		; Get Workstation number
	MOVEI	T1,1			; Get a 1
	STORE	T1,B$FLG(S1),B.XLT	; Set Translate Bit
	MOVEI	T1,W%ACC		; Get address of Access Name
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T1,B$ACC(S1)		; Save it
	MOVEI	T1,W%CIR		; Get address of Circuit
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T1,B$CIR(S1)		; Save it
	MOVEI	T1,W%LOM		; Get address of LOGON Mode
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T1,B$LOM(S1)		; Save it
	MOVEI	T1,W%PLU		; Get address of Application
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T1,B$PLU(S1)		; Save it
	MOVEI	T1,W%LOD		; Get address of LOGON Data
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T1,B$LOD(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%CHA##			; Set characteristics
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	SKIPT				; See if failed
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR!TW.OFF!TW.LGN>	; Wait for gateway response

	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		;get conditions which caused us to wake
	TXZE	T1,TW.ERR		;if error response
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
	TXZN	T1,TW.ACK		;if ACK, continue on
	JRST	TKCTL1			; otherwise make one last try
;   Load Translation Table

	LOAD	S1,,W.CHS		; Translation Table specified
	JUMPE	S1,CTSGN4		;  No, continue on
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ \loading character set table\]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; set state
	MOVEI	T1,1			; Get starting sequence number
	STORE	T1,,W.LTS		; Save in Workstation

	MOVEI	T1,FDXSIZ-1		; Build an FD Header
	MOVEI	T1,FDBARE+1		; Area to build an FD spec
	HRLI	T1,W%CHS		; Get address of Filespec
	BLT	T1,FDBARE+FDXSIZ-2	; Set it up

	$CALL	M%GPAG			; Get a page of memory
	STORE	S1,,W.LTA		; Save address of translation table
	MOVE	S2,S1			; Address to S2
	MOVEI	S1,FDBARE		; Address of FD to S1
	$CALL	TRANSX			; Read file
	 JUMPT	CTSGN1			; If OK, continue on
					; Otherwise, report error
	$WTOJ	<Initializing>,<failed to load character set from ^T/W%CHS/^I/(S2)/>,W%OBJ
	LOAD	S1,,W.LTA		; Address of page
	$CALL	M%RPAG			; Release page
	JRST	CTSGOF			;  and force a shutdown

CTSGN1:	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK

	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	T1,,W.NUM		; Get Workstation number
	MOVEI	T1,^D128		; Get byte count
	STORE	T1,,B.LTC		; Save it
	LOAD	T1,,W.LTS		; Get sequence number
	STORE	T1,,B.SEQ		; Save it
	LOAD	T2,,W.LTA		; Get address of translation table
	CAIN	T1,1			; Set offset into translation table
	 ADDI	T2,^D128		;  depending on which section
	CAIN	T1,2			;  is being transferred
	 ADDI	T2,^D128+^D64		;
	CAIN	T1,4			;
	 ADDI	T2,^D64			;
	HRLI	T2,(POINT 18)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T2,B$LTT(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%LTT##			; Initialize workstation
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	SKIPT				; See if failed
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
		 JRST	CTSGOF]		;  and force a shutdown

	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR!TW.OFF!TW.LGN>	; Wait for gateway response

	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		;get conditions which caused us to wake
	 JRST	CTSGN2			; continue on
	LOAD	S1,,W.LTA		;Address of page
	$CALL	M%RPAG			;Release page
	TXZE	T1,TW.ERR		;if error response
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
	JRST	TKCTL1			; otherwise make one last try

CTSGN2:	LOAD	S1,,W.LTS		; Get sequence #
	STORE	S1,,W.LTS		; Update sequence # in Workstation

	LOAD	S1,,W.LTA		;Address of page
	$CALL	M%RPAG			;Release page
;   Terminate Translation Table Loading;  Load Filespec

	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK

	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	T1,,W.NUM		; Get Workstation number
	LOAD	T1,,W.LTS		; Get sequence number
	STORE	T1,,B.SEQ		; Save it
	MOVEI	T1,W%CHS		; Get address of Filespec
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T1,B$FIL(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%LTF##			; Specify filespec
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	SKIPT				; See if failed
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
		 JRST	CTSGOF]		;  and force a shutdown

	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR!TW.OFF!TW.LGN>	; Wait for gateway response

	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		;get conditions which caused us to wake
	TXZE	T1,TW.ERR		;if error response
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
	TXZN	T1,TW.ACK		;if ACK, continue on
	JRST	TKCTL1			; otherwise make one last try

	$WTOJ	<Initializing>,<loaded character set from ^T/W%CHS/>,W%OBJ
;   Set Workstation State to ON

CTSGN4:	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ \activating workstation\]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;set state
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	T1,,W.NUM		; Get Workstation number
	MOVEI	T1,RS%ON		; ON State Code
	MOVEM	T1,B$OFF(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%SWS##			; Initialize workstation
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	SKIPT				; See if failed
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR!TW.OFF!TW.LGN>	; Wait for gateway response

	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		;get conditions which caused us to wake
	TXZE	T1,TW.ERR		;if error response
	JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
	TXZN	T1,TW.ACK		;if ACK, continue on
	JRST	TKCTL1			; otherwise make one last try

	MOVX	S1,W.WON		; set "workstation on" flag
	$SIGNL	TW.WON,LINE		;let everyone know station is on
	JRST	CTEXT			;and exit task

CTSSTP:	$STOP	IW1,<Illegal wakeup>
SUBTTL Tasks -- .  CTSGOF, do shutdown

CTSGOF:					;here to do SHUTDOWN processing
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ \waiting for active tasks to finish\]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; Set dying state
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		; Get first real task
	 JUMPE	TK,CTSDIE		; If none, continue on
CTSGO1:					; Loop setting SHUTDOWN for tasks
	MOVE	S1,S+T%ACS		; Get task's S
	TXO	S1,SHUTDOWN		; Set flag
	MOVEM	S1,S+T%ACS		;  and put status back
	TXNN	S1,ACTIVE		; Device currently active
	$CALL	WAKTSK			;  No, wake task
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		; Point to next task
	JUMPN	TK,CTSGO1		; And process it too

;  Here when appropriate task status bits have been set
;  and we are waiting for tasks to die

CTSDIE:	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		; Point to our task block again
	$CALL	QUIESC			; Wait for tasks to go away
	$CALL	RELTKB			; Release our task block
	$CALL	RELWS			; Release Workstation
	$DSCHD	DELETE			; Deschedule this task forever
SUBTTL Tasks -- .  CTLNGN, link gone while active processing

	$WTOJ	<Shutting down>,<Link to gateway ^N/W%GW6/ disconnected>,W%OBJ

CTLABT:	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		;get first task pointer (ctl task)
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		;get first real task
	JUMPE	TK,CTSDIE		;if none, we don't have to wait
CTLNG0:					;loop setting ABORT and LGA for tasks
	MOVE	S1,S+T%ACS		;get task's S
	TXO	S1,ABORT+LGA		;set abort and link gone
	MOVEM	S1,S+T%ACS		;and put status back
	$CALL	WAKTSK			;activate and wake it
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		;point to next task
	JUMPN	TK,CTLNG0		;and process it too, if there

	JRST	CTSDIE			;and finally shut down
SUBTTL Tasks -- TKCDR, Card Reader

; Task - TKCDR
; Function -   This task is given control by the setup routine; it first
;	checks if the station is up and signed on; if not, it activates
;	the control task, signals signon request, and waits for signon done.
;	Once the station is signed on, it waits on TW.QRQ
;	(a request arrived from QUASAR).
;	On receipt of a QUASAR request it calls the DOJOB subroutine
;	to copy the files of the request to IBM.

TKCDR:	LOAD	S1,,W.STS		; Get status
	TXC	S1,W.CON!W.WON		;  check both link up and station on
	TXCN	S1,W.CON!W.WON		; Put em back and skip if not both on
	 JRST	TKCDR1			;  Go immediately to initialize
	LOAD	T1,,T.OUN		; Get unit number
	CAIE	T1,1			; Are we the master batch stream?
	 JRST	TKCDR0			;  No
	LOAD	T1,,W.FTK		;  Yes, Get address of control task
	EXCH	T1,TK			; Save our task pointer
	$CALL	ACTTSK			; Activate control task
	$SIGNL	<TW.ON>,TASK		; Tell it to set workstation on
	MOVE	TK,T1			; Get our pointer back

TKCDR0:	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Waiting for LOGON to IBM/]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; State for status message
	$DSCHD	TW.WON,0		; Wait for workstation to come on

TKCDR1:	$CALL	DEVCHK			; Check if everything OK
	$CALL	INITSK			; Initialize task
	LOAD	S1,,T.WCN		; Get wakeup conditions
	TXNE	S1,TW.QRQ		; Has QUASAR been fast?
	JRST	TKCDR3			;  Yes, don't do delay

TKCDR2:	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Idle/]	; Display idle
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; State for message
	$DSCHD	TW.QRQ,0		; Wait for job

TKCDR3:	$CALL	DEVCHK			; check if everything OK

	$CALL	DOJOB			; Get next job and do it
	$CALL	DEVCHK			; See if everything still viable

	JRST	TKCDR2			; Go back for more
SUBTTL Tasks -- .   DOJOB, process "batch" job

; Routine - DOJOB
; Function - Loops through files of request, copying them to IBM if
;	necessary.
; Parameters - TK, WS and J must be set up, P1 must have device handle
; Returns - False when line goes away.
; Note - MUNGS S1,S2,T1,T2,P2,P3

DOJOB:					;here to fulfill a request from QUASAR
	$CALL	INIJOB			;clean up job-related task block entries
	ZERO	,T.CFS			;Clear out current file spec
	TXZ	S,ABORT!CANCEL!RQB!RDA	;clear possible abort from last time
	TXO	S,ACTIVE		;indicate we are active and checking records
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Sending job/];our current state
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; is now visible
	$CALL	CHKPNT			;make sure QUASAR knows it
					;put first line in log file
	$TEXT	(LOGCHR,<^M^J^I/IBDAT/RJESPL version ^V/[%%.RJE]/	^T/CNF/>)
	$TEXT	(LOGCHR,<^I/IBDAT/Job ^W/.EQJOB(J)/ sequence #^D/.EQSEQ(J),EQ.SEQ/ on CDR ^D/S1/ on SNA Workstation ^W/S2/ using Gateway ^W/T1/>) ;and next
	SKIPN	T2,.EQCHK+CKFLG(J)	;was this job requeued?
	JRST	DOJOB0			;no, just process it
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ /system failure/];assume it was because of system failure
	TXNE	T2,CKFREQ		;was it really operator requeue?
	MOVEI	T1,[ASCIZ /requeue by operator/];yes, use proper string
	$TEXT	(LOGCHR,<^I/IBMSG/Job being restarted after ^T/0(T1)/>) ;write it into log
DOJOB0:					;here after writing initial log file lines
      >	;end FTCLOG

	$CALL	I%NOW			;get time
	STORE	S1,,T.TMS		;save as time we started job
	LOAD	S2,,T.TMR		;see when we received it
	SUB	S1,S2			;get time difference
	CAILE	S1,INSIGN		;if it is insignificant, skip message
	$TEXT	(LOGCHR,<^I/IBMSG/Job received at ^C/S2/ and delayed ^C/S1/>) ;put entry into log file
      >	;end FTCLOG

	$WTOJ	<Begin>,<^R/.EQJBB(J)/>,@T%OBA
	$CALL	TBFINI			;initialize the buffer
	LOAD	P2,.EQLEN(J),EQ.LOH	;get length of header of request
	ADD	P2,J			;add to start to get beginning
					;of file blocks (P2 is pointer
					;to next file block within DOJOB)
	LOAD	S1,.FPLEN(P2),FP.LEN	;get length of parameters
	MOVE	P3,P2			;copy base address
	ADD	P3,S1			;point to FDB
	LOAD	T2,.EQSPC(J),EQ.NUM	;get number of files in request
	STORE	T2,,T.NFL		;save as number of files
	SKIPN	.EQCHK+CKFLG(J)		;is this a restarted job?
	JRST	DOJOB4			;no, just start at beginning
	LOAD	T1,.EQCHK+CKFIL(J)	;yes, get how many files already done
	STORE	T1,,T.NFP		;save as number of files processed
DOJOB1:					;loop to skip already send files
	SOJL	T1,DOJOB2		;jump if we have skipped enough
	$CALL	NXTFIL			;advance to next file block
	JUMPF	DOJOB7			;finish up processing if we skipped them all
	JRST	DOJOB1			;go try to skip another
DOJOB2:					;here after skipping already done files
	LOAD	T1,.EQCHK+CKTRS(J)	;get checkpointed count of
					;total number of records sent
	STORE	T1,,T.NRS		;save as our num records sent
DOJOB4:					;here to loop sending files
	$CALL	FILE			;do a file
	JUMPF	.POPJ			;return failure to caller if error
	TXNE	S,RQB!RDA		;did job get requeued or did xfer fail
	JRST	DOJEND			;yes, go end job
	INCR	,T.NFP			;increment number of files processed
	$CALL	CHKPNT			;and make sure the world knows it
					; by sending checkpoint to QUASAR
	$CALL	NXTFIL			;advance to next file
	JUMPT	DOJOB4			;if there was one, go process it
DOJOB7:					;here when all files processed
	SKPN	P2,,T.LFS		;get address of log file spec	(set
					; by NXTFIL)
	JRST	DOJEND			;if none, end job
	TXZ	S,ABORT			;clear abort flag

DOJEND:					;here when all done with job
	ZERO	,T.CFS			;Clear out current file spec
	TXZ	S,QSRREQ!ACTIVE		;indicate we no longer have a request
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Finished job/]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;save state
	$CALL	CHKPNT			;and make sure world knows
	$CALL	QRLSE			;send release/requeue message
	$RETT				;return to caller
SUBTTL Tasks -- .   FILE, copy a disk file to IBM

; Routine - FILE
; Function - Writes message into log file, opens disk input file, copies
;	from disk to IBM till either EOF or error, writes appropriate
;	message into log file, and exits
; Parameters - TK, WS and J must be set up
;		P2/ptr to file block
;		P3/ptr to file FD
; Note - Destroys S1

FILE:	TXNN	S,ABORT!SHUTDOWN!LGA	;if flag set, exit immediately
	TXO	S,RQB			;exiting - make sure requeue is set
	$RETT				;pretend we copied file

FILE.0:	TXNE	S,CANCEL		; If cancel flag set,
	 JRST	[TXZ	S,QSRREQ!ACTIVE	; Indicate we no longer have a request
		 $RETF]			; Fail (DEVCHK will do actual cancel)

	MOVEI	S1,FDBARE		; Point to area to build file string
	HRLI	S1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	S1,TEXTBP		; Save it for DEPBP

	MOVEI	S2,1(P3)		; Make a pointer
	HRLI	S2,(POINT 7)		;  to file specification
FIL0.1:	ILDB	S1,S2			; Get a character
	 JUMPE	S1,FIL0.2		;  All done
	CAIE	S1,":"			; A colon?
	 JRST	FIL0.1			;  No keep looking
	ILDB	S1,S2			; Get next byte
	CAIE	S1,":"			; A double colon?
FIL0.2: $TEXT	(DEPBP,^W/NODNAM/::^A)	;  No, so we need to furnish node
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,^F/(P3)/^0)	; Add file spec in FD

	$WBUSY				; Wait until workstation not busy
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	T1,,W.NUM		; Get Workstation number
	MOVEI	T1,1			; Get a 1
	LOAD	T2,,T.NFL		; Get number of files left
	CAIN	T2,2			; If just us and a log file,
	STORE	T1,B$FLG(S1),B.EOS	;  set End of Stream Bit
	SKIPN	T2			; Was /TAB specified?
	STORE	T1,B$FLG(S1),B.NTB	;  No, so set NOTABS flag
	SKIPE	T2			; Was /NOTRANSLATE specified?
	STORE	T1,B$FLG(S1),B.BIN	;  Yes, so set BINARY flag
	LOAD	T1,,T.SID		; Get Stream ID
	MOVEM	T1,B$SID(S1)		; Save it
	LOAD	T1,.FPINF(P2),FP.RCL	; Get Record Length
	HRLM	T1,B$SID(S1)		; Save it
	MOVEI	T1,FDBARE		; Get address of File Spec
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	T1,B$FIL(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%SUB##			; Submit job
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	SKIPT				; See if failed
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; go process it
		 TXO	S,RQB		; force a requeue
		 $RETT]			; We are done with this file
	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR>		; Wait for gateway response

	TXNN	S,ABORT!LGA		; If flag set, quit now
	TXO	S,RQB			;exiting - make sure requeue is set
	$RETT				;pretend we copied file

FILE.2:	TXNE	S,CANCEL		; If cancel flag set,
	 JRST	[TXZ	S,QSRREQ!ACTIVE	; Indicate we no longer have a request
		 $RETF]			; Fail (DEVCHK will do actual cancel)

	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		; Get conditions that caused us to wake
	TXZE	T1,TW.ERR		; If error response
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; Go process it
		 TXO	S,RDA		; Must be something wrong with file
		 $RETT]			; We are done with this file
	TXZN	T1,TW.ACK		; If ACK, continue on
	 JRST	CTSSTP			;  otherwise die

	$DSCHD	<TW.RDD!TW.RDA>		; Wait for file transfer

	TXNN	S,ABORT!LGA		; If flag set, quit now
	TXO	S,RQB			;exiting - make sure requeue is set
	$RETT				;pretend we copied file

FILE.3:	TXNE	S,CANCEL		; If cancel flag set,
	 JRST	[TXZ	S,QSRREQ!ACTIVE	; Indicate we no longer have a request
		 $RETF]			; Fail (DEVCHK will do actual cancel)

	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		;get conditions which caused us to wake
	TXZE	T1,TW.RDA		;if error response
	 JRST	[TXO  S,RDA		; Force job termination
		 $RETT]			; We are done with this file
	TXZN	T1,TW.RDD		; If success, continue on
	 JRST	CTSSTP			;  otherwise die
SUBTTL Tasks -- .   NXTFIL, advance to next file in job

; Routine - NXTFIL
; Function - Advances P2 and P3 to the next file-spec in the QUASAR request
; Parameters - P2 must point to current parameter area of FDB within request.
; Returns - P2 on true points to next parameter area, P3 to next FDB
;	    true if another file to process, false otherwise
; Note - destroys S1, decrements file count (T.FLN), sets T.LFS if
;	 log-file spec encountered.


  This routine advances the pointer to the current file
(kept in P2 and P3) to point to the next file-spec in the request sent
by QUASAR; if the next specification is for a log-file, it
saves its address (at T.LFS) and goes to the next one.
If there are no more, it returns false.


NXTFIL:					;subroutine to advance P2 to next file spec
	SOSG	T%NFL			;decrement count of files
	$RETF				;if no more, return false
	AOS	T%NFP			;If more, count one more done.
	LOAD	S1,.FPLEN(P2),FP.LEN	;get length of the file parameter area
	ADD	P2,S1			;advance to next FDB
	LOAD	S1,.FDLEN(P2),FD.LEN	;get length of FDB
	ADD	P2,S1			;advance to next parameter area
	LOAD	S1,.FPLEN(P2),FP.LEN	;get length of parameter area
	MOVE	P3,P2			;copy address of parameter area
	ADD	P3,S1			;set up P3 to point to FDB
;	LOAD	S1,.FPINF(P2),FP.FLG	;get log-file flag
	LOAD	S1,,T.NFL		;?? get number of files left
	SUBI	S1,1			;?? if just 1, we have real file
	JUMPN	S1,.RETT		;return if not log file
	STORE	P2,,T.LFS		;save log-file address for later
	JRST	NXTFIL			;and go get next real spec (if any)
SUBTTL Tasks -- TKHCDP, Card Punch
SUBTTL Tasks -- TKHLPT, Line Printer

; Function - To service line-printer and card-punch streams.

	LOAD	S1,,W.STS		; Get status
	TXC	S1,W.CON!W.WON		;  check both link up and station on
	TXCN	S1,W.CON!W.WON		; Put em back and skip if not both on
	 JRST	TKLPT0			;  Go immediately to initialize
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Waiting for LOGON to IBM/]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; State for status message
	$DSCHD	TW.WON,0		; Wait for workstation to come on

TKLPT0:	$CALL	DEVCHK			; check if everything OK
	$CALL	INITSK			; Initialize task

TKLPT1:	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Idle/]	; Get state
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; and save it for status

	$DSCHD	TW.XFI			; Wait for activity

	$CALL	DEVCHK			; check if workstation still viable
	LOAD	T1,,T.WCN		; Get conditions that caused us to wake
	TXZN	T1,TW.XFI		; If  transfer initiated, proceed
	 JRST	TKLPT1			;  otherwise, go back and wait

	$CALL	LPTJOB			; Call common routine to process file
	JRST	TKLPT1			; No, go back and look for more work
SUBTTL Tasks -- .  LPTJOB, process printer job

; Routine - LPTJOB
; Function - Sets task ACTIVE bit and waits for transfer to complete.
;	Task will be signalled with transfer complete during special
;	event message processing.
; Returns -	Always true

LPTJOB:	TXO	S,ACTIVE		; Device is active
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /receiving file from IBM/]
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; Save status for display messages
	$CALL	I%NOW			; Get starting time
	STORE	S1,,T.TMS		; Save it in task starting time

	$DSCHD	<TW.RDD!TW.RDA>		; Wait for transfer to complete

	TXZ	S,ACTIVE		; Device no longer active

	$RETT				; Return
SUBTTL Tasks -- TKHCNI, Console Input to IBM

; Task - TKHCNI
; Function - To take entries from the console input queue and send them
;	down the console input pipe.

TKHCNI:					;Here to send console input to IBM
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Waiting to send console input/];get state
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;and make it visible

	$DSCHD	TW.CNI,0		; Wait for some

	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Sending console input/];our new state
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		; in the usual place

	$CALL	PUTCNI			; use  the worker fcn
	$CALL	DEVCHK			; check if line is viable
	JUMPF	TSKDIE			; no - expire gracefully

	JRST	TKHCNI			; and try to continue
SUBTTL Subroutines -- Initialization and Main Loop subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  OPDINI, Get operating system information

; Routine - OPDINI
; Function - Gets central site node number and monitor name
; Parameters - None
; Returns - True always
;	    CNTSTA is set to node number
;	    CNF is set to monitor name
; Note - Destroys T1-T3

OPDINI:					;operating system dependent
					; initialization
TOPS10 <
	CNFDSP==(%CNFG0)		;get displacement
	CNFDSP==CNFDSP&RHMASK		; of first word in table
	MOVE	T3,[XWD -SYSNML,CNFDSP]	;LH=number of words to get,
					; RH=first index for GETTAB
OPDIN1:	MOVEI	T2,.GTCNF		;get table number in RH
	HRL	T2,T3			;get current index in LH
	GETTAB	T2,			;get that word into T2
	  SETZ	T2,			;no GETTAB, no monitor name
	MOVEM	T2,CNF-CNFDSP(T3)	;put the word into the proper place in CNFG
					; (the -CNFDSP is only necessary in
					; case its value (now 0) changes
	AOBJN	T3,OPDIN1		;loop control, index register advancement
					; and index advancement for GETTAB
					; in one instruction

	MOVEI	T1,.GTLOC		;table name for location
	GETTAB	T1,			;get central site number
	  SETZ	T1,			;set to 0 if we don't have UUO
	HRRZM	T1,CNTSTA		;save it
    >;End if TOPS10

TOPS20 <
	SETZM	CNTSTA			; set central site number to 0
	$CALL	I%HOST			; Get local node name
	MOVEM	S1,NODNAM		; Where nodename goes

	MOVX	R1,'SYSVER'		;get name of table
	SYSGT				;convert into table number
	HRLZ	T1,R2			;get table#,,0
	MOVEI	T2,SYSNML		;get number of words
OPDNI1:	MOVS	R1,T1			;get n,,table#
	GETAB				;get the entry
	  SETZ	S1,			;use 0 if error
	MOVEM	S1,CNF(T1)		;store the result
	CAILE	T2,(T1)			;done enough?
	AOJA	T1,OPDNI1		;no, go back for more
    >;End if TOPS20
	$RETT				;always return true
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  QUIESC, wait for tasks to settle

; Routine - QUIESC
; Function - Waits for all tasks to be idle
; Parameters - none (TK and WS must be set up)
; Returns - always .POPJ when all tasks are idle
; Note - Destroys S1, S2

QUIESC:					;here to wait for all tasks to
					; exit gracefully (i.e. DSCHD for
					; neither time nor bits)
	$SAVE	<P1,P2>			;get a couple of registers
	MOVE	P1,TK			;save original TK
QUILOP:	SETZ	P2,			;clear non-waiting count
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		;point to control task
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		;get first real task
	JUMPE	TK,QUIDON		;if no tasks, we are done
QUIES0:					;loop to check tasks
	LOAD	S2,,T.ATE		;point to active task list
	 JUMPE	S2,[$CALL RELTKB	; Illegal, delete task
		    JRST  QUILOP]	;  and start over

	LOAD	S1,,A.WKT		;get wakeup time
	JUMPN	S1,QUIES2		;if there, can't kill him yet
	LOAD	S1,,T.WKB		;get his wakeup bits
	SKIPN	S1			;if none,
	$CALL	WAKTSK			; wake task up
QUIES2:	AOS	P2			;indicate another task not ready
QUIES1:					;here if we cannot kill this
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		;get next task
	JUMPN	TK,QUIES0		;if we got one, try to kill it
	JUMPE	P2,QUIDON		;if none not-waiting, we are finished
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		;point to control task (us)
	$DSCHD	0,^D6			;wait a couple of seconds
	JRST	QUILOP			;and try again

QUIDON:	MOVEM	P1,TK			;restore original TK
SUBTTL Subroutines -- IPCF message subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  SNDQSR, send a message to QUASAR

; Routine - SNDQSR
; Function - Gets system index flag, puts QUASAR's index in, puts length
;	and address of message in, and calls C%SEND to send message
; Parameters - T1/ Address of message
; Returns - true if send succeeds
;	    false if not, S1/C%SEND error code
; Note - Destroys S1, S2
;	 Changes SAB (send argument block for C%SEND)

SNDOPR:	SKIPA	S1,[SP.OPR]		;here to send message to ORION
SNDQSR:					;here to send message to QUASAR
	MOVX	S1,SP.QSR		;get QUASAR's system PID index
	TXO	S1,SI.FLG		; and turn on flag to indicate we
					; are using system PIDs
	STORE	S1,SAB+SAB.SI		;store in system index word of send
					; argument block
	SETZM	SAB+SAB.PD		;clear the destination PID word
	LOAD	S1,.MSTYP(T1),MS.CNT	;get length of message from the header
	STORE	S1,SAB+SAB.LN		;and store in length word
	STORE	T1,SAB+SAB.MS		;store message address also
	MOVEI	S1,SAB.SZ		;put length of send argument block into
					; parameter register
	MOVEI	S2,SAB			;and its address
	$CALL	C%SEND			;call GLXLIB routine to send message
	$RET				; return results of C%SEND

QSRDTH:	$STOP	SQF,<Send to QUASAR failed> ; SNDQSR users can come here to die
					; when they cannot tolerate failure
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  SNDBAK, IPCF reply to last sender

; Routine - SNDBAK
; Function - Gets PID from current message, puts it in header, puts length
;	and address of message in and calls C%SEND to send message.
; Parameters - none
; Returns - True always
; Note - Destroys S1, S2
;	 Changes SAB (send argument block for C%SEND)

SNDBAK:					;here to send message back
	SETZ	S1,			;clear system PID indicator
	STORE	S1,SAB+SAB.SI		;store in system index word of send
					; argument block
	LOAD	S2,MDBADR		;get MDB address
	LOAD	S1,MDB.SP(S2)		;get sender's PID
	STORE	S1,SAB+SAB.PD		;store it in the SAB
	LOAD	T1,MDB.MS(S2),MD.ADR	;get message address
	LOAD	S1,.MSTYP(T1),MS.CNT	;get length of message from the header
	STORE	S1,SAB+SAB.LN		;and store in length word
	STORE	T1,SAB+SAB.MS		;store message address also
	MOVEI	S1,SAB.SZ		;put length of send argument block into
					; parameter register
	MOVEI	S2,SAB			;and its address
	$CALL	C%SEND			;call GLXLIB routine to send message
	$RETT				;ignore errors
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  RSETUP, response to setup (to QUASAR)

; Routine - RSETUP
; Function - Builds a response to setup message in MSGBLK and sends it
;	to QUASAR; if the response was not ok (%RSUOK set) it also
;	disables the line (so that dial-up phone hangs up).
; Parameters - S1/ Condition code to return to QUASAR
; Returns - True if succeeds, dies otherwise
; Note - Destroys S1, S2, T1 and T2
;	 Changes contents of MSGBLK

RSETUP:					;subroutine to send response to setup
	MOVE	T2,S1			;save condition code
	MOVEI	S1,RSU.SZ		;get length of this message
	MOVEI	S2,MSGBLK		;and start of where we want to build it
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			;zero out the message
	STORE	S1,.MSTYP(S2),MS.CNT	;store size
	MOVX	S1,.QORSU		;get message function code
	STORE	S1,.MSTYP(S2),MS.TYP	;save it in message also
	MOVEI	S1,SUP.TY(P1)		;get address of object block
	MOVS	S1,S1			;get it into LH for BLT pointer
	HRRI	S1,RSU.TY(S2)		;get destination address in RH
	BLT	S1,RSU.TY+OBJ.SZ-1(S2)	;copy object block into message
	STORE	T2,RSU.CO(S2)		;store response code
	MOVE	T1,S2			;get address of message for SNDQSR
	$CALL	SNDQSR			;go send message to QUASAR and return to caller
	JUMPF	QSRDTH			; die if can't do it
	$RET				; return true
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  QRLSE, requeue/release (to QUASAR)

; Routine - QRLSE
; Function - Sends message to operator and then builds a release/requeue
;	message for QUASAR.
; Parameters - none
; Returns - True always
; Note - Destroys S1, S2 and MSGBLK contents

QRLSE:					;send a  requeue/release message to QUASAR
	$WTOJ	<End>,<^R/.EQJBB(J)/>,@T%OBA
	MOVEI	S1,MSBSIZ		;get size of message block
	MOVEI	S2,MSGBLK		; and its address
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			;zero it out
	MOVEI	T1,MSGBLK		;point to start of block
	TXZE	S,RQB			;are we requeuing the job?
	JRST	QRLSE0			;yes, go set up for it
	LOAD	S1,.EQITN(J)		;get internal identification number (ITN)
	STORE	S1,REL.IT(T1)		;and put it into message
	MOVX	S1,REL.SZ		;load size of release message
	MOVX	S2,.QOREL		; and function for
	JRST	QRLSE1			; common code

QRLSE0:					;here on job requeue
	LOAD	S1,.EQITN(J)		;get internal identification
	STORE	S1,REQ.IT(T1)		;save in message
	LOAD	S1,,T.NFP		;get number of files processed
	STORE	S1,REQ.IN+CKFIL(T1)	;store in message
	MOVX	S1,CKFREQ		;get requeue bit
	STORE	S1,REQ.IN+CKFLG(T1)	;store it in message
					;don't set RQ.HBO in REQ.FL
	MOVX	S1,REQ.SZ		;get size of requeue message
	MOVX	S2,.QOREQ		; and function

QRLSE1:					;common code for requeue and release
	STORE	S1,.MSTYP(T1),MS.CNT	;save size
	STORE	S2,.MSTYP(T1),MS.TYP	; and function in header
	MOVEI	T1,MSGBLK		;get address of message
	$CALL	SNDQSR			;send it to QUASAR
	JUMPF	QSRDTH			; die if can't do it
	$RET				;return true
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  INIXBA, set up single page buffer

INIXBA:					;get and setup T.XBA buffer
	$CALL	M%GPAG			;get a page from QUASAR
	JUMPF	@.POPJ			;propagate error if we cannot
	STORE	S1,,T.XBA		;store as transmission buffer
	PJRST	INIXBF			; and initialize rest

SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  INIPAG, set up job pages

INIPAG:					;set up job pages if necessary
	LOAD	S1,S+T%ACS		;get task's status bits
	TXNE	S1,JVALID		;already set up?
	$RETT				;yes, return
	MOVEI	S1,3			;number of pages to acquire
	$CALL	M%AQNP			;get them
	JUMPF	.POPJ			;if we have error, return it
	PG2ADR	S1			;convert page addr to real address
	STORE	S1,J+T%ACS		;save it as task's J register
	LOAD	S2,S+T%ACS		;get task's S register (flags)
	TXO	S2,JVALID		;set the J register valid bit
	STORE	S2,S+T%ACS		;and put it back
	ADDI	S1,1000			;calculate address of 2nd page
	STORE	S1,,T.XBA		;store as device buffer address
	ADDI	S1,1000			;get address of third page
	STORE	S1,,T.GBA		;store as log file page number 1
INIXBF:	MOVEI	S1,440700		;default byte pointer is ASCII
	HRLM	S1,T%XBA		;save in LF of buffer address
	MOVEI	S1,1000*5		;default number of bytes
	STORE	S1,,T.XBN		;save for later
SUBTTL Subroutines -- Task control subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  MAKWS, Create a Workstation

; Routine - MAKWS
; Function - Tries to find the specified workstation (if it is already there)
;	then creates an entry in the workstation list, initializes it, and
;	loads WS with the address.
; Parameters -	S1/  Station name (SIXBIT)
;		P1/  QUASAR SETUP message pointer
; Returns - False if entry already exists or L%CENT fails to create one
;	    WS/ Address of Workstation
; Note - All registers preserved (except WS)
;	 Changes Workstation list "current" entry

MAKWS:					;subroutine to create a Workstation
	$CALL	FNDWS			;see if one already exists
	JUMPT	.RETF			;return false if it does
	$SAVE	<T1,T2,S1,S2>		;save some registers
	MOVE	T1,S1			;copy station name

	MOVE	S1,WSNAM		;get name of Workstation list
	$CALL	L%LAST			;position to end of list
	MOVE	S1,WSNAM		;get name again
	MOVX	S2,W$SIZ		;get size of entry
	$CALL	L%CENT			;create entry
	JUMPF	.POPJ			;if it failed, propagate false return
	MOVE	WS,S2			;get address of new Workstation
	MOVEI	S1,.OTSNA		; Get Object Type
	STORE	S1,,W.OTY		; Save in block
	STORE	T1,,W.ONO		; Save name of station in Workstation
	MOVEI	S1,W%NAM		; Get address for ASCIZ station name
	HRLI	S1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	S1,TEXTBP		; Save it
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<^N/W%ONO/^0>)	; Save ASCIZ string
	MOVE	T1,SUP.GW(P1)		; Get Gateway name
	STORE	T1,,W.GW6		; Save name of Gateway in Workstation
	MOVEI	S1,W%GWY		; Get address for ASCIZ gateway name
	HRLI	S1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	S1,TEXTBP		; Save it
	$TEXT	(DEPBP,<^N/W%GW6/^0>)	; Save ASCIZ string
	HRLI	T1,SUP.AN(P1)		; Get Access Name
	HRRI	T1,W%ACC		;  Where to save it in Workstation
	BLT	T1,W$LOD-1(WS)		; Save it
	HRLI	T1,SUP.AB(P1)		; Get Node Attribute Block
	HRRI	T1,W%LOD		;  Where to save it in Workstation
	BLT	T1,W$PAG-1(WS)		; Save it
	MOVEI	S1,-1			; Indicate no
	STORE	S1,,W.NUM		;  workstation number

	$CALL	L%CLST			;get a list handle
	JUMPF	MAKWS4			;if we cannot, better undo this
	STORE	S1,,W.CNO		;save as console output queue
	$CALL	L%CLST			;get another list handle
	JUMPF	MAKWS4			;if cannot, abort this
	STORE	S1,,W.CNI		;save as console input queue

	$CALL	M%GPAG			; Need 1 page for work space
	JUMPF	MAKWS4			; If cannot, abort this
	STORE	S1,,W.ARG		; Save first part
	ADDI	S1,B$SIZ		;  for argument block
	STORE	S1,,W.WRK		; Rest is work area
	$RETT				; and return true

MAKWS4:					;here to delete WS entry and return
					; false
	SETZ	WS,0			;Workstation is not valid
	MOVE	S1,WSNAM		;point to WS list
	$CALL	L%DENT			;delete current entry
					; (we just created it)
	$RETF				;tell caller of error
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  BLDTSK, Create a task

; Routine - BLDTSK
; Function - Acquires a TKB (task block), links it into TKB chain (chain of
;	tasks for a particular workstation), and initializes task registers.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
;	       S1/ Type code for task
;	       S2/ Unit number for device (if applicable)
; Returns - If true: TK/ Address of task block
;	    If false: S1/ Error Code
; Note - Destroys S1 and S2
;	 Changes TKB chain for workstation
;	 Makes the new TKB current entry of list

BLDTSK:					;subroutine to build a task
	$CALL	.SAVET			;save the T's
	DMOVE	T1,S1			;copy the parameters to them
	SETZ	TK,0			;no task block created yet
	CAIL	S1,.TCTL		;make sure task/device type is
	CAILE	S1,.TSND		; within range
	  $STOP	IDC,<Illegal task/device type code> ; No

	LOAD	S1,TSKNAM		;get handle for task list
	MOVEI	S2,T$SIZ		;and get size of TKB
	$CALL	L%CENT			;create an entry
	MOVEI	S1,%MSISR		;prepare for error return
	  JUMPF	.POPJ			;if we cannot, return failure
	MOVE	TK,S2			;let everyone know we have a new TKB!
	MOVEI	S1,-1+T%PDL		;get address of stack-1
	HRLI	S1,-TKPDLN		;put -length into LH
	HRRZ	T3,TSKTAB(T1)		;get 0,,entry address of task
	PUSH	S1,T3			;and store it on top of stack
	HRL	T2,T1			;get device/task type,,unit
	MOVEM	S1,P+T%ACS		;save stack pointer in task's ACs
	MOVEM	TK,TK+T%ACS		;as well as TK register
	SETZ	S1,			;zero task status bits
	MOVEM	S1,S+T%ACS		;store it

	STORE	T2,,T.DEV		;and also save type,,unit
	STORE	WS,WS+T%ACS		;save Workstation address for task
	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /Initializing/];get initial device state
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;and save it for checkpointers
	HLRZ	T1,T2			;get 0,,type
	CAIL	T1,.TLPT		;if less than first device
	CAILE	T1,.TCDR		;or greater than last device
	  JRST	BLDTS2			; don't set device attributes

	MOVE	S1,SUP.TY(P1)		; Get object type from message
	STORE	S1,,T.OTY		; Store in task block
	MOVE	S1,SUP.UN(P1)		; Get object unit from message
	STORE	S1,,T.OUN		; Store in task block
	MOVE	S1,SUP.NO(P1)		; Get object node from message
	STORE	S1,,T.ONO		; Store in task block
	MOVEI	S1,T%OBJ		; Get address of object block
	STORE	S1,,T.OBA		; and store it away

	LOAD	S1,SIDTAB-.TLPT(T1)	;get starting stream ID
					; for this device type
	LOAD	S2,,T.UNI		;get unit number
	ADDI	S1,-1(S2)		;make stream ID for this unit
	STORE	S1,,T.SID		;and save for later in TKB
	MOVE	T1,SUP.TY(P1)		; Get object type from message
	CAIE	T1,.OTBAT		; Is this a batch stream
	JRST	BLDTS0			;  No
	MOVE	S1,[ASCII/Batch/]	;  Yes, get stream ID text
	STORE	S1,,T.SIT		;   and save for later in TKB
	$CALL	INIPAG			; Set up job pages
	MOVEI	S1,%MSISR		; Prepare for error return
	 JUMPF	BLDERR			;  Cannot; return failure

BLDTS0:					; Here for LPT and CDP objects
	MOVEI	S1,SUP.AB(P1)		; S1 contains address of NOB
	MOVE	T1,NOBFLG(S1)		; Get flags
	STORE	T1,,T.FLG		; Save in task block
	MOVEI	T1,NOBDST(S1)		; Source of Stream ID text
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
BLDTS1:	ILDB	T2,T1			; Get a character
	JUMPE	T2,[MOVEI S1,%MSNDS	; If terminator, set error code
		    JRST  BLDERR]	;  and quit
	CAIN	T2," "			; Is it a blank?
	 JRST	BLDTS1			;  Yes, keep looking
	CAIN	T2,"	"		; Is it a tab?
	 JRST	BLDTS1			;  Yes, keep looking
					; No, some string is here
	MOVEI	T1,T$SIT(TK)		; Destination for Stream ID text
	HRLI	T1,NOBDST(S1)		; Source of Stream ID text
	BLT	T1,DSTSIZ-1(T2)		; Move it

BLDTS2:					;here to link task in the WS's chain
	LOAD	S1,,W.LTK		;get last TKB in chain
	JUMPN	S1,BLDTS3		;if there is one, go handle that
	STORE	TK,,W.LTK		;if none, its easy; store us as last
	STORE	TK,,W.FTK		;and first
	JRST	BLDTS4			;and we are done
					; (our link word is already 0)

BLDTS3:					;here to add when chain already exits
	STORE	TK,,W.LTK		;we are new last entry
Q==T.PFW				;mask ??
	STORE	TK,T$PFW(S1),Q		;store us in previous last's
					; forward pointer
	STORE	S1,,T.PBK		;and point our backward pointer
					; to previous last

BLDTS4:					;here when TKB attached to WS chain
	$RETT				;take success return

; here if error building task after TKB acquired

BLDERR:	PUSH	P,S1			;Save error code
	LOAD	S1,TSKNAM		;point to task list
	$CALL	L%DENT			;delete the entry we created
	SETZ	TK,			;and wipe out pointer to him
	POP	P,S1			;return error code
	$RETF				;take error return

; Task tables
;	Entry format is type code (.Txxx where xxx is device)
;	in LH, and first entry point of task in RH.

TSKTAB:	XWD	.TCTL,TKCTL		; Control task (must be first)
	XWD	.TLPT,TKHLPT		; Line printer task
	XWD	.TCDP,TKHCDP		; Card punch task
	XWD	.TCDR,TKCDR		; Card reader task
	XWD	.TCNI,TKHCNI		; Console input sender task
	XWD	.TCNO,TKERR		; Console output (not used)
	XWD	.TSND,TKSND		; Console output distributor

TKERR:					;dummy entry for illegal tasks
	$STOP	IT2,<Illegal task type for SNA-Workstation>

SIDTAB:					;table of stream IDs
	EXP	SI%PR1			;stream ID for LPT 1
	EXP	SI%PU1			;stream ID for CDP 1
	EXP	SI%RD1			;stream ID for CDR 1
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  INITSK, initialize a device task

; Routine - INITSK
; Function -
; Parameters -	TK/ Address of task block to initialize
; Returns - If true: 

	$SAVE	<P1,S1,S2>		; Return these as is
	LOAD	S1,,T.TYP		; Get device type
	CAIL	S1,.TLPT		; If not a
	CAILE	S1,.TCDR		;  device
	$RETT				;   all done

	MOVEI	S1,[ASCIZ /establishing stream to IBM/] ;get state
	STORE	S1,,T.DST		;and make it visible

	$WBUSY				; Wait until workstation not busy
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.NUM		; Get workstation number
	MOVEI	P1,1			; Get a 1
	LOAD	S2,,T.FLG		; Get Special Flags
	STORE	P1,B$FLG(S1),B.BIN	; Set argument flag
	STORE	P1,B$FLG(S1),B.SPL	; Set argument flag
	LOAD	S2,,T.SID		; Get Stream ID
	MOVEM	S2,B$SID(S1)		; Save it
	MOVEI	S2,T$SIT(TK)		; Get Stream ID text
	HRLI	S2,(POINT 7)		; Make a pointer
	MOVEM	S2,B$SIP(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%ASS##			; Assign stream
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	 JUMPF	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; If failed, go process error
		 TXO	S,ABORT		; Set for task abort
		 $CALL	DEVCHK]		; Go handle it

	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR>		; Wait for gateway response

	$CALL	DEVCHK			; See if everything still viable
	LOAD	P1,,T.WCN		; Conditions which caused us to wake
	TXZE	P1,TW.ERR		; If error response
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		;  Go process it
		 TXO	S,ABORT		; Set for abort
		 JRST	DEVCHK]		; Go handle it
	TXZN	P1,TW.ACK		; If ACK, continue on
	 JRST	CTSSTP			;  otherwise die

	TXO	S,STREAM		; Flag that task has associated stream
	MOVEI	S1,%RSUOK		; Code for unit is OK
	LOAD	P1,,T.OBA		; Address of object block
	SUBI	P1,SUP.TY		; Dummy up for RSETUP
	PJRST	RSETUP			; Send "response to setup" and return
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  RELTKB, release task block

; Routine - RELTKB
; Function - Releases all storage associated with a task block, then deletes
;	the task list entry for the block.
; Parameters - TK/ Task block address to be released
; Returns - True always
; Note - Destroys S1 and S2
;	 Stopcodes if any of the called routines fail

RELTKB:					;subroutine to release a task block
	$SAVE	<T1,T2>			;save some registers
	$CALL	TSKCUR			;make TK value current tast table entry
	SKIPT				;skip error message if we succeed
	$STOP	RTT,<Couldn't find task to be released>

RELTK0:					;here to check for storage to release
	LOAD	S1,S+T%ACS		;get task's S
	TXNN	S1,JVALID		;is J set up to 3-page block?
	JRST	RELTK1			;no, continue
	LOAD	S2,J+T%ACS		;yes, get address of 3-page block
	ADR2PG	S2			;convert to page number
	MOVEI	S1,3			;number of pages
	$CALL	M%RLNP			;release them all
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;stopcode if we get error
	$CALL	M%CLNC			;and delete them (why not?)
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;if we cannot, something must be VERY wrong
RELTK1:					;here to check for log pages
	LOAD	T2,,T.GCT		;get count of log pages in use
	CAIG	T2,1			;is it only the first?
	JRST	RELTK3			;yes, try next test
	SOS	T2			;make into index
	MOVEI	T1,T%GBA		;get address of first entry
	ADD	T1,T2			;make address of last entry
RELTK2:					;loop to delete log pages
	LOAD	S1,0(T1)		;get current entry
	$CALL	M%RPAG			;release the page
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;if we cannot, die
	$CALL	M%CLNC			;clean up working set
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;we couldn't?? ugh
	SOS	T1			;decrement slot pointer
	SOJG	T2,RELTK2		;loop till no more
RELTK3:					;here to check for active task list entry
	LOAD	T1,,T.ATE		;get pointer to ATL entry
	JUMPE	T1,RELTK6		;if none, skip this business
	LOAD	S1,ATLNAM		;get name of list
	$CALL	L%FIRST			;get address of first entry
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;if none, we also blew it
RELTK5:					;loop looking for our entry
	CAMN	S2,T1			;compare this entry with one from TKB
	JRST	RELTK7			;if the same, delete it
	$CALL	L%NEXT			;find next one
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;blew it if none
	JRST	RELTK5			; and try again
RELTK7:					;here to delete ATL entry
	$CALL	L%DENT			;delete the entry
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;if we cannot, die
RELTK6:					;here to de-link from WS chain
	LOAD	S1,,T.PFW		;get our forward pointer
	LOAD	S2,,T.PBK		; and backward pointer
	MOVEI	T1,T$PFW(S2)		;get normal destination of forward pointer
	SKIPN	S2			;see if there really is a next TKB
	MOVEI	T1,W%FTK		;no, change destination to be list head
	STORE	S1,0(T1),LHMASK		;and store pointer to next TKB
	MOVEI	T1,T$PBK(S1)		;get normal dest (back pointer cell of next TKB)
	SKIPN	S1			;see if there is a next TKB
	MOVEI	T1,W%LTK		;no, store it in Workstation instead
	STORE	S2,0(T1),RHMASK		;store pointer to previous WS
	MOVE	S1,TSKNAM		;get handle for task block list
	$CALL	L%DENT			;delete this entry
	JUMPF	RELTKE			;if cannot, die
	$RETT				;and return

RELTKE:					;here on unexpected error
	MOVE	T1,1(P)			;get return PC from last call
	$STOP	ERT,<Unexpected error in RELTKB>
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  RELWS, Delete a Workstation

; Routine - RELWS
; Function - Deletes the Workstation pointed to by WS.
;	was the last line on the port).  Stopcodes if WS not in port chain or
;	still has TKBS attached.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
; Returns - False if L%DENT fails
; Note - Destroys S1
;	 Changes current entry of Workstation list and port list

RELWS:					;subroutine to release a Workstation
	$SAVE	<T1,S1,S2>		;save some registers

	LOAD	S1,,W.TKB		;get task chain
	SKIPE	S1			;if zero, OK
	$STOP	TSQ,<Tasks still queued to Workstation on release>

	LOAD	S1,,W.ONO		;get station name
	MOVE	T1,WS			;save WS address
	$CALL	FNDWS			;make sure that it is the current entry
	CAME	T1,WS			;check that he found ours
	$STOP	NWS,<Error finding Workstation>

	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	T1,,W.NUM		; Get Workstation number
	MOVEI	T1,RS%CLR		; CLEAR State Code
	MOVEM	T1,B$OFF(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%SWS##			; CLEAR the workstation
					;  we don't care if this fails
	LOAD	S1,,W.ARG		;get address of work page
	$CALL	M%RPAG			;release it
	MOVE	S1,WSNAM		;get handle for Workstation list
	$CALL	L%DENT			;delete this entry
	$RET				;and return
SUBTTL Subroutines -- Search subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  FNDWS, Find Workstation

; Routine - FNDWS
; Function - Scan Workstation list to find one with specified node name.
; Parameters - S1/ Sixbit node name
; Returns - True: WS/ Workstation address
;	    False:WS/0, other registers preserved .. didn't find entry
; Note - "Current" entry for Workstation list is changed.

FNDWS:	$SAVE	<S1,S2,T1>		; Save parameter regs and a work reg
	MOVE	T1,S1			; Copy port,,line
	LOAD	S1,WSNAM		; Get handle for WS list
	SETZ	WS,0			; preset false exit value
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Position it to the first entry
	JUMPF	.POPJ			; If none, propagate false return

; Loop to compare WS's against given node name

FNDWS1:	CAMN	T1,W$ONO(S2)		; Is this the right Workstation?
	 JRST	FNDLOK			;  Yes, go return it in WS
	$CALL	L%NEXT			; Advance to next WS
	JUMPF	.POPJ			; If none, propagate failure
	JRST	FNDWS1			; else continue looking

; Here when we have found the WS we want

FNDLOK:	LOAD	WS,S2			; Copy into Workstation register
	$RETT				; and return true
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  FNDTSK, Find task from node name,dev,unit

; Routine - FNDTSK
; Function - Find Workstation for station name and then search for task
;       associated with device/unit on the task chain given in the Workstation.
; Parameters - S1/ Station name
;	       S2/ Device,,unit
; Returns - False: if didn't find either Workstation or task block
;	    True: WS/ Workstation address
;		  TK/ Task block address
; Note - Changes "current" entry for line and task lists

FNDTSK:					;subroutine to find a set up TK
	$CALL	FNDWS			;find Workstation
	JUMPF	.POPJ			;if none, propagate failure
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		;get first task in Workstation chain
FNDTS1:					;loop to see if this is correct task
	JUMPE	TK,.RETF		;if none, exit false
	CAMN	S2,T%DEV		;compare with type,,unit
	$RETT				;return true if the same
	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		;get next entry in forward chain
	JRST	FNDTS1			;else go looking some more
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  FNDSID, Find task from IBM stream ID

; Routine - FNDSID
; Function - Find task block for station name and then search for task
;       associated with device/unit on the task chain given in the Workstation.
; Parameters - WS/ Workstation
;	       S2/ Stream ID
; Returns - False: if didn't find either Workstation or task block
;	    True: WS/ Workstation address
;		  TK/ Task block address

FNDSID:					;subroutine to find a set up TK
	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK		;get first task in Workstation chain
					;loop to see if this is correct task
FNDSI1:	LOAD	TK,,T.PFW		;get next entry in forward chain
	JUMPE	TK,.RETF		;if none, exit false
	LOAD	T1,,T.TYP		;get device type
	CAIL	T1,.TLPT		;if less than first device
	CAILE	T1,.TCDR		;or greater than last device
	 JRST	FNDSI1			;keep looking
	CAME	S2,T%SID		;compare with stream ID
	 JRST	FNDSI1			;different, go look some more
	$RETT				;return true if the same
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  TSKCUR, Make TK value current entry

; Routine - TSKCUR
; Function - Scans task (TSK) list for entry whose address is in TK.
; Parameters - TK/ Task block (TKB) address that is to be made "current".
; Returns - False: no entry on task list matches address in TK
; Note - Destroys S1, S2
;	 Sets TSK (task list) "current" pointer to specified task.

TSKCUR:					;subroutine to make TK current task
	LOAD	S1,TSKNAM		;get list handle
	$CALL	L%FIRST			;point to first entry
TSKCU0:					;loop looking at TSK list entries
	JUMPF	.POPJ			;propagate error if none there
	CAMN	S2,TK			;compare this entry with requested
	$RETT				;return true if they are identical
	$CALL	L%NEXT			;point to next (if any)
	JRST	TSKCU0			;and try again
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  FNDOBJ, Find task from QUASAR object block

; Routine - FNDOBJ
; Function - Scan TSK (task) list for one with the specified object type.
; Parameters - S1/ Object block address (GALAXY format)
; Returns - False: cannot find task with specified object type
;	    True: TK/ Task block address
;		  WS/ Workstation address
;		   J/ Job page address
; Note - Destroys S1, S2

FNDOBJ:					;subroutine to set up TK and J from object type
	$CALL	.SAVET			;save the temporary registers
					; we will use them for the parts of the object type
	LOAD	T1,.ROBTY(S1)		;get type from object block
	LOAD	T2,.ROBAT(S1)		; and unit
	LOAD	T3,.ROBND(S1)		; and node
	LOAD	S1,TSKNAM		;get task list handle
	$CALL	L%FIRST			;position list to first entry
	JUMPF	.POPJ			;error return if none
FNDOB1:					;loop to compare object block in TKB with desired
					; object block (T1-T3)
	CAMN	T1,T$OTY(S2)		;if type doesn't match
	CAME	T2,T$OUN(S2)		;or unit
	JRST	FNDOB2			;go on to next entry
	CAMN	T3,T$ONO(S2)		;is node the same?
	JRST	FNDOB3			;yes, go set up regs and exit

FNDOB2:					;here on mismatch to bump to next TKB
	$CALL	L%NEXT			;get next entry
	JUMPT	FNDOB1			;if there is one, do compare again
	$RETF				;propagate failure to caller

FNDOB3:					;here when match found
	MOVE	TK,S2			;load pointer to task block
	MOVE	WS,WS+T%ACS		;get Workstation ptr
	MOVE	J,J+T%ACS		;and load address of job page
	$RETT				;return true
SUBTTL Subroutines -- I/O subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  LOGCHR, put character in log

; Routine - LOGCHR
; Function - Stores character in log buffer.  If no room, get another page
;	until limit of LGNUM is reached, then starts throwing away characters.
; Parameters - S1/ Character to store
; Returns - True always
; Note - May change log file pointer, count, count of log pages
;	 and addresses of log pages.


LOGCHR:					;here to log a character
	TXNN	S,JVALID		; If no job pages set up,
	$RET				;  just return

	CAIE	S1,.CHLFD		;is it LF?
	CAIN	S1,23			; or DC3?
	INCR	,T.GLN			;yes, count another line
LOGCH1:					;here to put char in buffer
	SOSGE	T%GIC			;any room in buffer?
	JRST	LOGCH2			;no, get a new buffer
	IDPB	S1,T%GIP		;yes, store character
	$RETT				;and exit

LOGCH2:					;here to get another buffer and retry
					; storing character
	PUSH	P,S1			;save character
	$CALL	LOGBUF			;get another buffer
	POP	P,S1			;get character back
	JUMPT	LOGCH1			;if we succeeded, go store character
	$RETT				;else throw it away
	>; end FTCLOG
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  LOGBUF, get another log buffer

; Routine - LOGBUF
; Function - Gets another page and adds it to the log file buffer list.
; Parameters - none
; Returns - True if another buffer available
; Note - Changes buffer count, log character pointer and count.


LOGBUF:					;get another log buffer
	$CALL	.SAVE1			;save P1
	AOS	P1,T%GCT		;increment count of buffers in use
	CAIN	P1,1			;see if first time
	JRST	LOGBU0			;yes, just initialize
	CAIL	P1,LGNUM		;if too many
	JRST	LOGBU2			;signal error
	PUSHJ	P,M%GPAG		;get a page of memory
	JUMPF	LOGBU2			;if cannot, set erroor
	ADDI	P1,-1(TK)		;calculate address
	MOVEM	S1,T$GBA(P1)		;and store in appropriate slot
	CAIA				;skip next instruction
LOGBU0:	LOAD	S1,T$GBA(TK)		;load with address of first buffer
LOGBU1:					;here to initialize pointer and count and return
	HRLI	S1,(POINT 7,0)		;make a byte pointer
	MOVEM	S1,T%GIP		;save it
	MOVEI	S1,<5*1000-1>		;get count
	MOVEM	S1,T%GIC		;store it too
LOGBU2:					;here if we cannot do it
	SOS T%GCT			;decrement count again
	SETZM T%GIC			;and zero count
	$RETF				;before returning false
	>; end FTCLOG
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  PUTCNI, send console input to IBM

; Routine - PUTCNI
; Function - sends all console msg queued up to IBM,then does an EOF to
;	     clear the output state.
; Parameters - task context, gets msgs from W.CNI queue
;		P1/device handle
; Returns - TRUE unless a D60JSY error occurs
; Note: mungs S1,S2,T1,T2

PUTCNI:	LOAD	S1,,W.CNI		; Get handle for CNI queue
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Point to first entry
	SKIPT				; make sure there is something to do

; loop to process console messages to IBM

PUTCI0:	MOVE	T2,S2			; Save msg address

	$WBUSY				; Wait until workstation not busy
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.NUM		; Get workstation number
	HRRZI	S2,1(T2)		; Point to start of data
	HRLI	S2,(POINT 7)		; Make a byte pointer
	MOVEM	S2,B$CIN(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%CIN##			; Send message
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	 JUMPF	[$CALL	ERRMSG		;  Go report it
		 JRST	PUTCI1]		; On to next message

	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR>		; Wait for gateway response

	$CALL	DEVCHK			; See if everything still viable
	LOAD	P1,,T.WCN		; Conditions which caused us to wake
	TXZE	P1,TW.ERR		; If error response
	 JRST	[$CALL	ERRMSG		;  Go report it
		 JRST	PUTCI1]		; On to next message
	TXZN	P1,TW.ACK		; If ACK, continue on
	 JRST	CTSSTP			;  otherwise die

PUTCI1:	LOAD	S1,,W.CNI		; Get list handle
	$CALL	L%DENT			; Delete this entry
	$CALL	L%NEXT			; and on to next
	JUMPT	PUTCI0			; if any
	$RET				; return whatever
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  PUTCNO, put a record into CNO queue

; Routine - PUTCNO
; Function - Copies record into entry in CNO (console output) queue for
;	SND (console sending) task.  Signals SND task that it has something
;	to process.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
; Returns - True always
; Note - Destroys S1, S2

PUTCNO:					;subroutine to put records into console
					; output queue
	$SAVE	<T1,T2,T3>		;preserve these registers
	LOAD	S1,,W.ARG		;Address of argument block
	LOAD	T1,,B.DAT		;Address of data
	LOAD	T2,,B.DSZ		; and data size
	JUMPLE	T2,PUTCN2		;if no data, just do EOF processing
	ADDI	T2,5			;fudge to byte count
	IDIVI	T2,5			; and calculate number of words
PUTCN1:					;here to create CNO entry
	MOVE	S2,T2			;get length
	LOAD	S1,,W.CNO		; and list handle
	$CALL	L%CENT			;create an entry
	  JUMPF	PUTCND			;if we fail, go wait and try later
	HRL	S2,T1			;make BLT word
	HRRI	S1,-1(S2)		;get address before destination
	ADD	S1,T2			; and add length for end of BLT
	BLT	S2,(S1)			;send all of it

					;here when done copying data into entry
	MOVE	T3,TK			;save TK
	LOAD	S1,,W.ONO		; Get station name
	HRLZI	S2,.TSND		;    type,,number
	$CALL	FNDTSK			;find it
	$SIGNL	TW.CNO,TASK		;wake task
	MOVE	TK,T3			;restore task pointer

PUTCN2:					;here when all done
	$RETT				;and return

PUTCND:					;here to delay and try again
	$DSCHD	0,^D10			;wait three seconds
	JRST	PUTCN1			; and try again
SUBTTL Subroutines -- Gateway message subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  ERRMSG, process an ERROR message

; Routine - ERRMSG
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
; Returns - true 

	$SAVE	<S1,S2>			; Return these as is
	LOAD	S1,,W.ARG		; Address of argument block
	LOAD 	S2,,B.DAT		; Address of data
	LOAD	S1,,B.DSZ		; Size of data
	$CALL	MSGERR##		; Format a message
	$WTOJ	<Gateway Error>,<^T/@S1/>,W%OBJ
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  EVTMSG, process an EVENT message

; Routine - EVTMSG
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
; Returns - true 

	$SAVE	<S1,S2,P1>		; Return these as is
	MOVEI	P1,W%OBJ		; Get object block for workstation
	LOAD 	S2,,B.DAT		; Address of data
	LOAD	S1,,B.DSZ		; Size of data
	$CALL	MSGEVT##		; Format a message
	$WTOJ	<Gateway Event>,<^T/@S1/>,@P1
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  EVTSPC, process a special event

; Routine - EVTSPC
; Function -    This routine checks for special Gateway Event Messages
;		that require additional processing.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
; Returns - true 

EVTSPC:	$SAVE	<S1,S2,T1,T2>		; Return these as is
	LOAD 	S1,,B.DAT		; Address of data
	MOVSI	S2,-EVTTND		; Make AOBJN pointer to table

EVTS.1:	HRRZ	T1,EVTTAB(S2)		; Get special event from table
	CAMN	T1,(S1)			; A match
	 JRST	[HLRZ	T1,EVTTAB(S2)	;  Yes, get dispatch address
		 JRST	@T1]		;   and branch
	AOBJN	S2,EVTS.1		; Keep looking
	$RETT				; Return if no match

;  Table of sepcial events

EVTTAB:	XWD	EVTSTA,M00048##			; Stream started
	XWD	EVTABO,M00026##			; Stream aborted
	XWD	EVTABO,M00023##			; File open failed
	XWD	EVTABO,M00024##			; File read failed
	XWD	EVTABO,M00030##			; File write failed
	XWD	EVTEND,M00046##			; Stream ended
	XWD	EVTLGN,M00052##			; Received UNBIND
	XWD	EVTLGN,M00050##			; Unexpected line condition
	XWD	EVTDEA,M00054##			; Stream deactivated
EVTTND==.-EVTTAB				; Size of table
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  EVTSTA, process a stream started event

; Routine - EVTSTA
; Function -    This routine signals the associated task that a
;		data transfer on this stream has started.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
;	       S1/ Address of Data Block
; Returns - true 

EVTSTA:	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; Address of argument block
	MOVE	S2,B$SID(S2)		; Get stream ID that was returned
	$CALL	FNDSID			; Get associated task
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			; Return if no match

	MOVE	T2,4(S1)		; Get byte pointer in T2
	ILDB	S1,T2			; Get char count in S1
	MOVEI	T1,T$CFS(TK)		; Address where file spec goes
	HRLI	T1,(POINT 7)		; Make a byte pointer

	JRST	E.STA2			; All done here
	ILDB	S2,T2			; Get a byte
	IDPB	S2,T1			; Store it

E.STA2:	SETZ	S2,0			; Ensure an ASCIZ
	IDPB	S2,T1			;  string
	LOAD	T1,,T.TYP		; Get device type
	CAIN	T1,.TCDR		; If a card reader
	 $RETT				;  All done
	$SIGNL	TW.XFI			; LPT / CDP output has started
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  EVTABO, process a stream aborted event

; Routine - EVTABO
; Function -    This routine signals the associated task that the
;		data transfer on this stream has been aborted.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
;	       S1/ Address of Data Block
; Returns - true 

EVTABO:	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; Address of argument block
	MOVE	S2,B$SID(S2)		; Get stream ID that was returned
	$CALL	FNDSID			; Get associated task
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			; Return if no match

	ZERO	,T.CFS			; Clear current file spec
	LOAD	T1,,T.TYP		; Get device type
	CAIN	T1,.TCDR		; If a reader,
	 $RETT				;  quit now.
	$SIGNL	<TW.RDA>		; Otherwise, signal transfer aborted
	$RETT				; Return
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  EVTEND, process a stream ended event

; Routine - EVTEND
; Function -    This routine signals the associated task that the
;		data transfer on this stream has completed.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
;	       S1/ Address of Data Block
; Returns - true 

EVTEND:	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; Address of argument block
	MOVE	S2,B$SID(S2)		; Get stream ID that was returned
	$CALL	FNDSID			; Get associated task
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			; Return if no match

	ZERO	,T.CFS			; Clear current file spec
	LOAD	T1,,T.TYP		; Get device type
	CAIN	T1,.TCDR		; If a reader,
	 $RETT				;  quit now.
	$SIGNL	<TW.RDD>		; Otherwise, signal transfer completed
	$RETT				; Return
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  EVTLGN, process IBM link gone

; Routine - EVTLGN
; Function -    This routine signals the control task that the
;		communication link is no longer available.
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
;	       S1/ Address of Data Block
; Returns - true 

EVTLGN:	LOAD	TK,,W.FTK 		; Get control task TKB pointer
	$CALL	ACTTSK			;  Activate control task
	$SIGNL	TW.LGN			;  Signal it, link has gone

SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  EVTDEA,  process a stream deactivated event

; Routine - EVTDEA
; Function -    This routine sets the ABORT bit for a task when the
;		Gateway sends an event message indicating that the
;		stream has been deactivated
; Parameters - WS/ Address of Workstation
;	       S1/ Address of Data Block
; Returns - true 

EVTDEA:	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; Address of argument block
	MOVE	S2,B$SID(S2)		; Get stream ID that was returned
	$CALL	FNDSID			; Get associated task
	 JUMPF	.POPJ			; Return if no match

	MOVE	S1,S+T%ACS		; Get task's S
	TXO	S1,ABORT		; Set flag
	MOVEM	S1,S+T%ACS		;  and put status back
	$CALL	WAKTSK			;  No, wake task
SUBTTL	Subroutines -- Task Control Subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  DEVCHK, Check device status

; Routine - DEVCHK
; Function -
;	 Called to return status information
; Parameters -  WS/ address of Workstation
; Returns - True: unless line goes away
;		S1/ Workstation status word (W.STS)

DEVCHK:	LOAD	S1,,W.STS		; Get Workstation status bits
	TXNN	S1,W.WON		; Workstation still "on"?
	 JRST	TSKDIE			;  No, go kill off this task
	TXZE	S,CANCEL		; Are we cancelling this job
	 PJRST	ABTDEV			;  Yes, clear flag and go do it
	TXNE	S,ABORT			; Are we aborting?
	 JRST	TSKDIE			;  Yes, go kill off this task
	TXNE	S,SHUTDOWN		; Are we shutting down?
	TXNE	S,ACTIVE		;  Yes, only do it if not active
	$RETT				; Things seem to be ok
	JRST	TSKDIE			;  Go kill off this task
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  TSKDIE, Kill off a task

; This is where tasks jump when settling down to be killed off. 

	 JRST	TSKD.1			;  No
					;  Yes, Deassign it
	TXNE	S,LGA			; If link already gone,
	 JRST	TSKD.1			;  don't even try

	$DSCHD	(,3)			; Unconditionally wait for 1 second
					;  before sending RJ$DAS.  This
					;  prevents a race condition with V1.2
					;  of Gateway.
	$WBUSY				; Wait until workstation not busy
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.NUM		; Get workstation number
	LOAD	S2,,T.SID		; Get Stream ID
	MOVEM	S2,B$SID(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%DAS##			; Deassign stream
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	 JUMPF	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; If failed, go process error
		 JRST	TSKD.1]		; Go handle it

	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR>		; Wait for gateway response
					; We don't care what wakes us
TSKD.1:	MOVEI	S1,%RSUDE		; Code for device doesn't exist
	LOAD	P1,,T.OBA		; Get address of object block
	JUMPE	P1,TSKD.2		; Send no response if no object block
	SUBI	P1,SUP.TY		; Dummy up for RSETUP
	$CALL	RSETUP			; Send response to setup

TSKD.2:	$CALL	RELTKB			; Release task block
	$STOP	KTR,<Killed task was reincarnated>
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  ABTDEV, Abort IO stream on a device

; Routine - ABTDEV
; Function - sends appropriate stream abort to IBM
; Parameters - P1/device handle
; Returns - nothing of particular interest

ABTDEV:	TXNE	S,LGA			; If link already gone,
	 $RET				;  don't even try

	$WBUSY				; Wait until workstation not busy
	MOVEI	S1,B$SIZ		; S1 is size of argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.ARG		; S2 Points to argument block
	$CALL	.ZCHNK			; Initialize ARGBLK
	MOVE	S1,S2			; S1 points to argument block
	LOAD	S2,,W.NUM		; Get workstation number
	LOAD	S2,,T.SID		; Get Stream ID
	MOVEM	S2,B$SID(S1)		; Save it

	$CALL	R%SAB##			; Abort stream
	LOAD	TF,,B.COD		; Get return code
	 JUMPF	[$CALL	ERRMSG		; If failed, go process error

	$DSCHD	<TW.ACK!TW.ERR>		; Wait for gateway response

	$CALL	DEVCHK			; See if everything still viable
	LOAD	S1,,T.WCN		; Get conditions that caused us to wake
	TXZE	S1,TW.ERR		; If error response
	$CALL	ERRMSG			;  report it
SUBTTL	Subroutines -- Miscellaneous subroutines
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  TRANSX, process character translation file

; This module reads in a rel file that contains
; ASCII/EBCDIC to EBCDIC/ASCII translation information
; and formats the data in to two translation tables
; in the form of 
;	0/	0,,1
;	1/	2,,3
; ect. with two bytes per word. The two tables are each
; 128 words, the first table is for EBCDIC to ASCII,
; the second ASCII to EBCDIC.  It directly follows the
; first in memory, so that 256 words of storage in all
; are needed.
; This module accepts the address of the FD of the rel
; file in S1, and the address of the 256 word buffer to
; deposit the resulting table in S2.
; Error codes are returned in S1 with TF set accordingly.
; On error, S2 contains address of ITEXT string of error message

	MOVE	T3,S2				; Save the buffer address
	MOVEI	T1,^D36				; Byte Size
	MOVEM	T1,FOB+1			; Store in the FOB
	MOVEI	S2,FOB				; Address of FOB
	$CALL	F%IOPN##			; open the source file
	 JUMPF	BADOPN				; Any error is fatal
	$CALL	F%IBYT##			; Get a BYTE
	 JUMPF	BADOPN				; Any error is fatal
	CAME	S2,[XWD 4,0]			; Must be a type 4 REL blk
	 JRST	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
	MOVEI	S2,6				; Skip over the crud
	MOVE	T1,S1				; Save IFN
	$CALL	F%POS##				; Position to the correct word
	 JUMPF	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
	MOVE	S1,T1				; Restore IFN
BLOOP:	$CALL	F%IBYT##			; Get the count
	 JUMPF	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
	HRRZ	T1,S2			
	SOS	T1				; Have to adjust the count
	ADD	T2,T1				; Update count
	$CALL	F%IBYT##			; Skip over Rel
	 JUMPF	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
	$CALL	F%IBYT##			; block info
	 JUMPF	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
LOOP:	$CALL	F%IBYT##			; Get a Byte (36-bits)
	 JUMPF	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
	MOVEM	S2,(T3)				; Store in the buffer
	CAIL	T2,^D256			; Done with table?
	JRST	DONE				; Yes
	AOS	T3				; Up the index
	SOJG	T1,LOOP				; A Word a a time
	 JUMPF	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
	HLRZ	S2,S2				; Ignore count field
	CAIE	S2,2				; Must be a type 2 REL blk
	 JRST	BADFIL				; Any error is fatal
	$CALL	F%REL##				; all done		
;  TRANSX Error Processing

BADOPN:	MOVEI	S2,[ITEXT(^M^J^E/S1/)] 	; Galaxy error code

BADFIL:	MOVEI	S2,[ITEXT(^M^Jfile is not a valid translation table)]
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  TBFINI, initialize task IO buffer
; Routine - TBFINI
; Function -	initialize task IO buffer
; Parameters -	TK/task block ptr
; Returns -	TRUE always

SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  INIJOB, initialize a job

; Routine - INIJOB
; Function -	initialize a job
; Parameters -	TK/task block ptr
; Returns -

	SETZM	T$NFP(TK)		;set no files processed
SUBTTL Subroutines -- .  MISLP, sleep for specified time

; Routine - MISLP
; Function - sleep for a specified amount of time
; Parameters - S1/no. of seconds
; RETURNS - TRUE always

MISLP:	IMULI	S1,3			;sleep for a while in spite of interrupts
	$CALL	I%NOW			; get now
	ADDM	S1,(P)			; keep wake time on pdl
MISLP1:	$CALL	I%NOW			; get new now
	SUB	S1,(P)			; find out how long to go
	MOVNS	S1			; forwards
	IDIVI	S1,3			; make seconds
	AOS	S1			; at least 1
	$CALL	I%SLP			; try to sleep the whole time
MISLPX:	POP	P,S1			; time to awake
SUBTTL Debugger -- DEBUG, Output debugging messages

; Routine - DEBUG

DEBUG:	MOVE	S1,135			; Get debugging flags
	TXZN	S1,DB.TSK		; Check task trace flag and clear it
	 PJRST	DBGTRC			; Check for other debugging flags
	MOVEM	S1,135			; Restore DEBUG word

	$TEXT	(,<Active Task List>)	; Begin Task Trace Debugging
	MOVE	S1,ATLNAM		; Index of ATL

	$TEXT	(,<^M^JTask List>)
	MOVE	S1,TSKNAM		; Index of Task List
	PJRST	DBGTRC			; Check for other debugging flags
SUBTTL Debugger -- .  DBGLST   Output Task List

;	$CALL with S1 containing  list index
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Get first entry in list
	  JUMPF	.POPJ			; Return if no entry

DBGL1:	MOVE	TK,S2			; Set up Task Block Address

	$TEXT	(,<^M^J  Task at: ^O/TK/>)

	LOAD	T1,,T.TYP		; Get task type,,unit number
	$TEXT	(,<  Task type: ^O/T1/>)

	LOAD	T1,,T.DST		; Get address of task state string
	$TEXT	(,<  State: ^T/0(T1)/>)

	$CALL	L%NEXT			; Get next entry
	  JUMPT	DBGL1			; If one, loop for processing
	$RET				;  Otherwise, wrap it up

SUBTTL Debugger -- .  DBGATL   Output ATL

;	$CALL with S1 containing  list index
	$CALL	L%FIRST			; Get first entry in list
	  JUMPF	.POPJ			; Return if no entry

DBGA1:	LOAD	TK,,A.TKB		; Set up Task Block Address

	$TEXT	(,<  Task at: ^O/TK/>)

	$CALL	L%NEXT			; Get next entry
	  JUMPT	DBGA1			; If one, loop for processing
	$RET				;  Otherwise, wrap it up
SUBTTL Debugger -- .  DBGTRC   Set DECnet message trace


DBGTRC:	MOVE	S1,135			; Get debugging flags
	TXNN	S1,DB.TRC		; Check trace flag
	SUBTTL	Literals


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