
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-FB49A-RM - sources/snause.r36
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! *********************************************************************************************************************************
!  Created  2-AUG-1984 01:18:55  by  VAX-11 SDL V2.1       Source:  7-MAY-1984 16:21:34 SNA$:[SNA.DEV.VMS.AI.AI.SRC]SNALIBDEF.SDL;3 
! *********************************************************************************************************************************
!  SNA Library Definitions
! ****************************************************************************
! *									     *
! *  Copyright (C) 1984, 1985                                                *
! *  by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass.			     *
! * 									     *
! *  This software is furnished under a license and may be used and  copied  *
! *  only  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  such  license and with the  *
! *  inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software or  any  other  *
! *  copies  thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any  *
! *  other person.  No title to and ownership of  the  software  is  hereby  *
! *  transferred.							     *
! * 									     *
! *  The information in this software is subject to change  without  notice  *
! *  and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by digital equipment  *
! *  corporation.							     *
! * 									     *
! *  Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or  reliability  of  its  *
! *  software on equipment which is not supplied by digital.		     *
! *									     *
! ****************************************************************************
! *++
! * FACILITY:	SNA Gateway Access Routines
! *
! * ABSTRACT:	SNA Library Definitions
! *
! *
! *	VAX/VMS Operating System
! *
! * AUTHOR:  Distributed Systems Software Engineering
! *
! * CREATION DATE:  14-July-1982
! *
! * Modified by:
! *
! * 1.01  19-Oct-1983  Dave Garrod
! *	  Add ASYNCEFN and NOTPAR parameters to the CONNECT and LISTEN
! *	  functions.
! *
! * 1.02  21-Mar-1984  Dave Garrod
! *	  Define fields in BIND that are used by LU6.2. Add Conditional
! *	  End Bracket to RH definitions.
! *
! *--
!  Access Routine Events
literal SNAEVT$K_MIN = 1;
literal SNAEVT$K_RCVEXP = 1;            !  Data received on expedited flow
literal SNAEVT$K_UNBHLD = 2;            !  UNBIND HOLD event
literal SNAEVT$K_TERM = 3;              !  Session terminated by IBM host or gateway
literal SNAEVT$K_COMERR = 4;            !  Gateway Communication Error
literal SNAEVT$K_MAX = 4;
macro SNAEVT = 0,0,32,0 %;
literal SNAEVT$S_SNAEVT = 4;
macro SNAEVT$L_DUMMY = 0,0,32,0 %;      !  Dummy entry to keep SDL happy
!  Gateway Access Routine Buffer Definitions
literal SNABUF$K_FHDLEN = 2;            !  Function header length
literal SNABUF$K_HDLEN = 7;             !  Standard buffer header size
literal SNABUF$K_LENGTH = 263;          !  Buffer Length
macro SNABUF = 0,0,0,0 %;
literal SNABUF$S_SNABUF = 263;
macro SNABUF$B_FCT = 0,0,8,0 %;         !  Function code
macro SNABUF$B_FCTMOD = 1,0,8,0 %;      !  Function modifier
macro SNABUF$W_SEQ = 2,0,16,0 %;        !  Sequence number
macro SNABUF$T_RH = 4,0,24,0 %;
literal SNABUF$S_RH = 3;
macro SNABUF$T_DATA = 7,0,0,0 %;
literal SNABUF$S_DATA = 256;            !  Data area
!  Gateway Access Routine Termination Buffer Definitions
literal SNATRM$K_LENGTH = 11;           !  Length of termination buffer
macro SNATRM = 0,0,0,0 %;
literal SNATRM$S_SNATRM = 11;
macro SNATRM$L_REASON = 0,0,32,0 %;     !  VMS reason code
macro SNATRM$W_SENSE0 = 4,0,16,0 %;     !  Sense code word 0
macro SNATRM$W_SENSE1 = 6,0,16,0 %;     !  Sense code word 1
macro SNATRM$B_UNBCOD = 8,0,8,0 %;      !  Unbind code
macro SNATRM$B_GWYCOD = 9,0,8,0 %;      !  Gateway abort code
macro SNATRM$B_GWYQUA = 10,0,8,0 %;     !  Gateway abort code qualifier
!  Gateway Access Routine IOSB definitions
literal SNAIOS$K_LENGTH = 8;            !  Length of IOSB
macro SNAIOS = 0,0,0,0 %;
literal SNAIOS$S_SNAIOS = 8;
macro SNAIOS$L_STATUS = 0,0,32,0 %;     !  Status field
macro SNAIOS$L_QUAL = 4,0,32,0 %;       !  Qualifier field
!  RH Definitions :-
!  The definitions are in reverse order to IBM because of
!  the differing bit labeling conventions between DEC and IBM
literal SNARH$K_LENGTH = 3;             !  Length of RH
literal SNARH$M_ECI = 1;
literal SNARH$M_BCI = 2;
literal SNARH$M_SDI = 4;
literal SNARH$M_FI = 8;
literal SNARH$M_RE0 = 16;
literal SNARH$M_RUC = 96;
literal SNARH$M_RRI = 128;
literal SNARH$M_PI = 256;
literal SNARH$M_QRI = 512;
literal SNARH$M_RE1 = 3072;
literal SNARH$M_ERI = 4096;
literal SNARH$M_DR2I = 8192;
literal SNARH$M_RE2 = 16384;
literal SNARH$M_DR1I = 32768;
literal SNARH$M_CEB = 65536;
literal SNARH$M_PDI = 131072;
literal SNARH$M_EDI = 262144;
literal SNARH$M_CSI = 524288;
literal SNARH$M_RE4 = 1048576;
literal SNARH$M_CDI = 2097152;
literal SNARH$M_EBI = 4194304;
literal SNARH$M_BBI = 8388608;
literal SNARH$M_RE5 = 255;
literal SNARH$M_RE6 = 3840;
literal SNARH$M_RTI = 4096;
literal SNARH$M_RE8 = 16711680;
literal SNARH$K_RRI_RQ = 0;             !  Request
literal SNARH$K_RRI_RSP = 1;            !  Response
!  RU Categories
literal SNARH$K_RUC_MIN = 0;
literal SNARH$K_RUC_FMD = 0;            !  Function management data
literal SNARH$K_RUC_NC = 1;             !  Network Control data
literal SNARH$K_RUC_DFC = 2;            !  Data Flow Control data
literal SNARH$K_RUC_SC = 3;             !  Session Control data
literal SNARH$K_RUC_MAX = 3;
!  Data Flow Control request definitions.
literal DFC$K_RQ_LUSTAT = 4;            !  Logical Unit Status
literal DFC$K_RQ_RTR = 5;               !  Ready to Receive brackets
literal DFC$K_RQ_BIS = 112;             !  Bracket Initiation Stopped
literal DFC$K_RQ_QC = 129;              !  Quiesce Complete
literal DFC$K_RQ_CANCEL = 131;          !  Cancel
literal DFC$K_RQ_CHASE = 132;           !  Chase
literal DFC$K_RQ_SHUTC = 193;           !  Shutdown Complete
literal DFC$K_RQ_RSHUTD = 194;          !  Request Shutdown
literal DFC$K_RQ_SIG = 201;             !  Signal
literal DFC$K_RQ_SBI = 113;             !  Stop Bracket Initiation
literal DFC$K_RQ_QEC = 128;             !  Quiesce at End of Chain
literal DFC$K_RQ_RELQ = 130;            !  Release Quiesce
literal DFC$K_RQ_SHUTD = 192;           !  Shutdown
literal DFC$K_RQ_BID = 200;             !  Bid to begin bracket
literal SC$K_RQ_BIND = 49;              !  Bind session
literal SC$K_RQ_UNBIND = 50;            !  Unbind session
literal SC$K_RQ_SDT = 160;              !  Start Data Traffic
literal SC$K_RQ_CLEAR = 161;            !  Clear session to Data-Traffic-Reset
literal SC$K_RQ_STSN = 162;             !  Set and Test Sequence Numbers
literal SC$K_RQ_RQR = 163;              !  Request Recovery
literal SC$K_RQ_CRV = 192;              !  Crypto-verify
macro SNARH = 0,0,24,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_SNARH = 3;
macro SNARH$R_RHBYT = 0,0,24,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RHBYT = 3;              !  RH bytes
macro SNARH$B_B0 = 0,0,8,0 %;           !  Byte 0
macro SNARH$B_B1 = 1,0,8,0 %;           !  Byte 1
macro SNARH$B_B2 = 2,0,8,0 %;           !  Byte 2
macro SNARH$V_FULL_RH = 0,0,24,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_FULL_RH = 3;            !  Whole of the RH
macro SNARH$R_RQDEF = 0,0,24,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RQDEF = 3;              !  Request definitions
macro SNARH$V_ECI = 0,0,1,0 %;          !  End chain indicator
macro SNARH$V_BCI = 0,1,1,0 %;          !  Begin Chain indicator
macro SNARH$V_SDI = 0,2,1,0 %;          !  Sense Data Included indicator
macro SNARH$V_FI = 0,3,1,0 %;           !  Format indicator
macro SNARH$V_RE0 = 0,4,1,0 %;          !  Reserved
macro SNARH$V_RUC = 0,5,2,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RUC = 2;                !  Request-Response unit category
macro SNARH$V_RRI = 0,7,1,0 %;          !  Request-Response indicator
macro SNARH$V_PI = 0,8,1,0 %;           !  Pacing indicator
macro SNARH$V_QRI = 0,9,1,0 %;          !  Queued Response indicator
macro SNARH$V_RE1 = 0,10,2,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RE1 = 2;                !  Reserved
macro SNARH$V_ERI = 0,12,1,0 %;         !  Exception Response indicator
macro SNARH$V_DR2I = 0,13,1,0 %;        !  Definite Response 2 indicator
macro SNARH$V_RE2 = 0,14,1,0 %;         !  Reserved
macro SNARH$V_DR1I = 0,15,1,0 %;        !  Definite Response 1 indicator
macro SNARH$V_CEB = 0,16,1,0 %;         !  Conditional End Bracket
macro SNARH$V_PDI = 0,17,1,0 %;         !  Padded Data indicator
macro SNARH$V_EDI = 0,18,1,0 %;         !  Enciphered Data indicator
macro SNARH$V_CSI = 0,19,1,0 %;         !  Code Selection indicator
macro SNARH$V_RE4 = 0,20,1,0 %;         !  Reserved
macro SNARH$V_CDI = 0,21,1,0 %;         !  Change Direction indicator
macro SNARH$V_EBI = 0,22,1,0 %;         !  End Bracket indicator
macro SNARH$V_BBI = 0,23,1,0 %;         !  Begin Bracket indicator
!  Byte 2
!  Byte 1
macro SNARH$R_RSPDEF = 0,0,24,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RSPDEF = 3;             !  RH response definitions
macro SNARH$V_RE5 = 0,0,8,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RE5 = 8;
macro SNARH$V_RE6 = 0,8,4,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RE6 = 4;                !  Reserved
macro SNARH$V_RTI = 0,12,1,0 %;         !  Response Type indicator
macro SNARH$V_RE7 = 0,13,3,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RE7 = 3;                !  Reserved
!  Byte 2
macro SNARH$V_RE8 = 0,16,8,0 %;
literal SNARH$S_RE8 = 8;                !  Reserved
!  Byte 1
!  Byte 0
!  Byte 0
!  RH field values
macro SNARH$R_DFCDEF = 0,0,8,0 %;
literal DFC$S_DFCDEF = 1;
macro DFC$B_DUMMY = 0,0,8,0 %;          !  Dummy field, keeps SDL happy
!  Session Control request definitions.
macro SNARH$R_SCDEF = 0,0,8,0 %;
literal SC$S_SCDEF = 1;
macro SC$B_DUMMY = 0,0,8,0 %;           !  Dummy field, keeps SDL happy
!  Bind definitions.
!  The definitions are in reverse order to IBM because of
!  the differing bit labeling conventions between DEC and IBM
literal SNABND$M_P_SEB = 1;
literal SNABND$M_P_CMP = 2;
literal SNABND$M_R0 = 12;
literal SNABND$M_P_CHR = 48;
literal SNABND$M_P_RMS = 64;
literal SNABND$M_P_CHU = 128;
literal SNABND$M_S_SEB = 1;
literal SNABND$M_S_CMP = 2;
literal SNABND$M_R1 = 4;
literal SNABND$M_S_TPC = 8;
literal SNABND$M_S_CHR = 48;
literal SNABND$M_S_RMS = 64;
literal SNABND$M_S_CHU = 128;
literal SNABND$M_BRQ = 1;
literal SNABND$M_BIS = 2;
literal SNABND$M_SNA = 4;
literal SNABND$M_ACS = 8;
literal SNABND$M_BTP = 16;
literal SNABND$M_BRU = 32;
literal SNABND$M_FMU = 64;
literal SNABND$M_SEG = 128;
literal SNABND$M_CNR = 1;
literal SNABND$M_R4 = 14;
literal SNABND$M_BFS = 16;
literal SNABND$M_RCR = 32;
literal SNABND$M_NFM = 192;
literal SNABND$M_SSW = 63;
literal SNABND$M_R5 = 64;
literal SNABND$M_SSI = 128;
literal SNABND$M_SRW = 63;
literal SNABND$M_R6 = 192;
literal SNABND$M_S_EXP = 15;
literal SNABND$M_S_MAN = 240;
literal SNABND$M_P_EXP = 15;
literal SNABND$M_P_MAN = 240;
literal SNABND$M_PSW = 63;
literal SNABND$M_R7 = 64;
literal SNABND$M_PSI = 128;
literal SNABND$M_PRW = 63;
literal SNABND$M_R8 = 192;
literal SNABND$M_LUT = 127;
literal SNABND$M_PUF = 128;
literal SNABND$M_R12 = 31;
literal SNABND$M_ASB = 224;
literal SNABND$M_GDS = 1;
literal SNABND$M_PAS = 2;
literal SNABND$M_RER = 12;
literal SNABND$M_R11 = 16;
literal SNABND$M_SYL = 96;
literal SNABND$M_R13 = 128;
literal SNABND$M_R14 = 127;
literal SNABND$M_PSA = 128;
literal SNABND$K_LENGTH = 27;           !  Length of defined part of BIND image
!  (the BIND image can be longer)
macro SNABND = 0,0,0,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_SNABND = 27;
macro SNABND$B_B0 = 0,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B0 = 1;                !  Byte 0
macro SNABND$B_CMD = 0,0,8,0 %;         !  Bind command
macro SNABND$B_B1 = 1,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B1 = 1;                !  Byte 1
macro SNABND$B_BFMT = 1,0,8,0 %;        !  Bind format
macro SNABND$B_B2 = 2,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B2 = 1;                !  Byte 2
macro SNABND$B_FMP = 2,0,8,0 %;         !  FM profile
macro SNABND$B_B3 = 3,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B3 = 1;                !  Byte 3
macro SNABND$B_TSP = 3,0,8,0 %;         !  TS profile
macro SNABND$B_B4 = 4,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B4 = 1;                !  Byte 4 - Primary LU protocols
macro SNABND$V_P_SEB = 4,0,1,0 %;       !  Send End Bracket indicator	
macro SNABND$V_P_CMP = 4,1,1,0 %;       !  Compresion indicator
macro SNABND$V_R0 = 4,2,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_R0 = 2;                !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_P_CHR = 4,4,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_P_CHR = 2;             !  Chaining Responses
macro SNABND$V_P_RMS = 4,6,1,0 %;       !  Request mode selection
macro SNABND$V_P_CHU = 4,7,1,0 %;       !  Chaining use
macro SNABND$B_B5 = 5,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B5 = 1;                !  Byte 5 - Secondary LU protocols
macro SNABND$V_S_SEB = 5,0,1,0 %;       !  Send End Bracket indicator
macro SNABND$V_S_CMP = 5,1,1,0 %;       !  Compresion indicator
macro SNABND$V_R1 = 5,2,1,0 %;          !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_S_TPC = 5,3,1,0 %;       !  Two Phase Commit Supported
macro SNABND$V_S_CHR = 5,4,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_S_CHR = 2;             !  Chaining Responses
macro SNABND$V_S_RMS = 5,6,1,0 %;       !  Request mode selection
macro SNABND$V_S_CHU = 5,7,1,0 %;       !  Chaining use
macro SNABND$B_B6 = 6,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B6 = 1;                !  Byte 6 - Common Protocols
macro SNABND$V_BRQ = 6,0,1,0 %;         !  BIND response queue capability
macro SNABND$V_BIS = 6,1,1,0 %;         !  BIS sent
macro SNABND$V_SNA = 6,2,1,0 %;         !  Sequence number availability
macro SNABND$V_ACS = 6,3,1,0 %;         !  Alternate Code Selection
macro SNABND$V_BTP = 6,4,1,0 %;         !  Bracket Termination Protocol
macro SNABND$V_BRU = 6,5,1,0 %;         !  Bracket usage
macro SNABND$V_FMU = 6,6,1,0 %;         !  FM Header usage
macro SNABND$V_SEG = 6,7,1,0 %;         !  Session segmenting
macro SNABND$B_B7 = 7,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B7 = 1;                !  Byte 7 - Common Protocols
macro SNABND$V_CNR = 7,0,1,0 %;         !  Contention Resolution
macro SNABND$V_R4 = 7,1,3,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_R4 = 3;                !  Reserved	
macro SNABND$V_BFS = 7,4,1,0 %;         !  Bracket First Speaker
macro SNABND$V_RCR = 7,5,1,0 %;         !  Recovery Responsibilty
macro SNABND$V_NFM = 7,6,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_NFM = 2;               !  Normal Flow Mode
macro SNABND$B_B8 = 8,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B8 = 1;                !  Byte 8
macro SNABND$V_SSW = 8,0,6,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_SSW = 6;               !  Secondary CPMGRs send Window Size
macro SNABND$V_R5 = 8,6,1,0 %;          !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_SSI = 8,7,1,0 %;         !  Secondary CPMGRs Staging Indicator
macro SNABND$B_B9 = 9,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B9 = 1;                !  Byte 9
macro SNABND$V_SRW = 9,0,6,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_SRW = 6;               !  Secondary CPMGRs receive Window Size
macro SNABND$V_R6 = 9,6,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_R6 = 2;                !  Reserved
macro SNABND$B_B10 = 10,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B10 = 1;               !  Byte 10
macro SNABND$B_S_MRU = 10,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_S_MRU = 1;             !  Maximum RU size sent by SLU
macro SNABND$V_S_EXP = 10,0,4,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_S_EXP = 4;
macro SNABND$V_S_MAN = 10,4,4,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_S_MAN = 4;
!  Mantissa
!  Exponent
macro SNABND$B_B11 = 11,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B11 = 1;               !  Byte 11
macro SNABND$B_P_MRU = 11,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_P_MRU = 1;             !  Maximum RU size sent by PLU
macro SNABND$V_P_EXP = 11,0,4,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_P_EXP = 4;
macro SNABND$V_P_MAN = 11,4,4,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_P_MAN = 4;
!  Mantissa
!  Exponent
macro SNABND$B_B12 = 12,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B12 = 1;               !  Byte 12
macro SNABND$V_PSW = 12,0,6,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_PSW = 6;               !  Primary CPMGRs send window size
macro SNABND$V_R7 = 12,6,1,0 %;         !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_PSI = 12,7,1,0 %;        !  Primary CPMGRs staging indicator
macro SNABND$B_B13 = 13,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B13 = 1;               !  Byte 13
macro SNABND$V_PRW = 13,0,6,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_PRW = 6;               !  Primary CPMGRs receive window size
macro SNABND$V_R8 = 13,6,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_R8 = 2;                !  Reserved
macro SNABND$B_B14 = 14,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B14 = 1;               !  Byte 14 - PS Profile
macro SNABND$V_LUT = 14,0,7,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_LUT = 7;               !  LU type
macro SNABND$V_PUF = 14,7,1,0 %;        !  PS Usage Field
macro SNABND$R_PS_CHAR = 15,0,0,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_PS_CHAR = 11;          !  Bytes 15-25 - PS Characteristics
macro SNABND$R_BYTES = 15,0,0,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_BYTES = 11;            !  Straight bytes
macro SNABND$B_B15 = 15,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 15
macro SNABND$B_B16 = 16,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 16
macro SNABND$B_B17 = 17,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 17
macro SNABND$B_B18 = 18,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 18
macro SNABND$B_B19 = 19,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 19
macro SNABND$B_B20 = 20,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 20
macro SNABND$B_B21 = 21,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 21
macro SNABND$B_B22 = 22,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 22
macro SNABND$B_B23 = 23,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 23
macro SNABND$B_B24 = 24,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 24
macro SNABND$B_B25 = 25,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 25
macro SNABND$R_LU2 = 15,0,0,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_LU2 = 11;              !  LU2 PS usage
macro SNABND$B_R9 = 15,0,0,1 %;
literal SNABND$S_R9 = 5;                !  Bytes 15-19 - Reserved
macro SNABND$B_DFR = 20,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 20 - Default Number of Rows
macro SNABND$B_DFC = 21,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 21 - Default Number of Columns
macro SNABND$B_ANR = 22,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 22 - Alternate Number of Rows
macro SNABND$B_ANC = 23,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 23 - Alternate Number of Columns
macro SNABND$B_SSS = 24,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 24 - Session Screen Size
macro SNABND$B_R10 = 25,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 25 - Reserved
macro SNABND$R_LU62 = 15,0,0,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_LU62 = 11;             !  LU6.2 PS usage
macro SNABND$B_LUL = 15,0,8,0 %;        !  Byte 15 - LU level
macro SNABND$B_R11 = 16,0,0,1 %;
literal SNABND$S_R11 = 7;               !  Bytes 16-22 - Reserved
macro SNABND$V_R12 = 23,0,5,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_R12 = 5;               !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_ASB = 23,5,3,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_ASB = 3;               !  Access security bits for FMHs
macro SNABND$V_GDS = 24,0,1,0 %;        !  CNOS GDS variable flow support
macro SNABND$V_PAS = 24,1,1,0 %;        !  Parallel session support
macro SNABND$V_RER = 24,2,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_RER = 2;               !  Reinitiation responsibility
macro SNABND$V_R11 = 24,4,1,0 %;        !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_SYL = 24,5,2,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_SYL = 2;               !  Synchronization Level
macro SNABND$V_R13 = 24,7,1,0 %;        !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_R14 = 25,0,7,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_R14 = 7;               !  Reserved
macro SNABND$V_PSA = 25,7,1,0 %;        !  Priority session alloc for resync
macro SNABND$B_B26 = 26,0,8,0 %;
literal SNABND$S_B26 = 1;               !  Byte 26
macro SNABND$B_CRY = 26,0,8,0 %;        !  Cryptography Option
!  Define all the SNA Gateway Access Interface Routines
!  Accept
!external routine SNA$ACCEPT;            !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Connect
!external routine SNA$CONNECT;           !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Listen
!external routine SNA$LISTEN;            !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Read Event
!external routine SNA$READEVENT;         !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Receive
!external routine SNA$RECEIVE;           !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Reconnect
!external routine SNA$RECONNECT;         !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Reject
!external routine SNA$REJECT;            !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Terminate session
!external routine SNA$TERMINATE;         !	: ADDRESSING_MODE( GENERAL );
!  Transmit
! File:  SNAMSGDEF.R32    Created:   2-AUG-1984 01:21:39.49
    SNA$_FACILITY	! %X'00000203'
   ,SNA$_NORMAL	! %X'02038009'
   ,SNA$_TOOFEWPAR	! %X'02038012'
   ,SNA$_TOOMANPAR	! %X'0203801A'
   ,SNA$_INVACCPAR	! %X'02038022'
   ,SNA$_INVAPPPAR	! %X'0203802A'
   ,SNA$_INVASTADR	! %X'02038032'
   ,SNA$_INVASTPAR	! %X'0203803A'
   ,SNA$_INVBINBUF	! %X'02038042'
   ,SNA$_INVBINLEN	! %X'0203804A'
   ,SNA$_INVBUFPAR	! %X'02038052'
   ,SNA$_INVCIRPAR	! %X'0203805A'
   ,SNA$_INVDATPAR	! %X'02038062'
   ,SNA$_INVEVFNUM	! %X'0203806A'
   ,SNA$_INVEVTCOD	! %X'02038072'
   ,SNA$_INVNOTADR	! %X'0203807A'
   ,SNA$_INVGWYNOD	! %X'02038082'
   ,SNA$_INVIOSB	! %X'0203808A'
   ,SNA$_INVLENADR	! %X'02038092'
   ,SNA$_INVLMTPAR	! %X'0203809A'
   ,SNA$_INVPASPAR	! %X'020380A2'
   ,SNA$_INVPORTID	! %X'020380AA'
   ,SNA$_INVRECCOU	! %X'020380B2'
   ,SNA$_INVRHPAR	! %X'020380BA'
   ,SNA$_INVSENCOD	! %X'020380C2'
   ,SNA$_INVSEQNUM	! %X'020380CA'
   ,SNA$_INVSESPAR	! %X'020380D2'
   ,SNA$_INVTRAFLG	! %X'020380DA'
   ,SNA$_INVUSEPAR	! %X'020380E2'
   ,SNA$_ACCTOOLON	! %X'020380EA'
   ,SNA$_APPTOOLON	! %X'020380F2'
   ,SNA$_BUFTOOSHO	! %X'020380FA'
   ,SNA$_CIRTOOLON	! %X'02038102'
   ,SNA$_DATTOOLON	! %X'0203810A'
   ,SNA$_EVFOUTRAN	! %X'02038112'
   ,SNA$_LENTOOLON	! %X'0203811A'
   ,SNA$_LMTTOOLON	! %X'02038122'
   ,SNA$_PASTOOLON	! %X'0203812A'
   ,SNA$_RECTOOLAR	! %X'02038132'
   ,SNA$_USETOOLON	! %X'0203813A'
   ,SNA$_FAIBLDNCB	! %X'02038142'
   ,SNA$_FAIALLBUF	! %X'0203814A'
   ,SNA$_FAIALLCTX	! %X'02038152'
   ,SNA$_FAIASSCHA	! %X'0203815A'
   ,SNA$_FAICOPBIN	! %X'02038162'
   ,SNA$_FAICOPBUF	! %X'0203816A'
   ,SNA$_FAICREMBX	! %X'02038172'
   ,SNA$_FAIESTLIN	! %X'0203817A'
   ,SNA$_FUNCABORT	! %X'02038182'
   ,SNA$_FUNNOTVAL	! %X'0203818A'
   ,SNA$_GATCOMERR	! %X'02038192'
   ,SNA$_ILLASTSTA	! %X'0203819A'
   ,SNA$_INSRESOUR	! %X'020381A2'
   ,SNA$_INVRECLOG	! %X'020381AA'
   ,SNA$_MAXSESACT	! %X'020381B2'
   ,SNA$_NOEVEPEN	! %X'020381BA'
   ,SNA$_NO_GWYNOD	! %X'020381C2'
   ,SNA$_TERMPEND	! %X'020381CA'
   ,SNA$_TEXT	! %X'020381D2'
   ,SNA$_UNBINDREC	! %X'020381DB'
   ,SNA$_ABNSESTER	! %X'020381E2'
   ,SNA$_ACCINTERR	! %X'020381EA'
   ,SNA$_APPNOTSPE	! %X'020381F2'
   ,SNA$_BINSPEUNA	! %X'020381FA'
   ,SNA$_CIRNOTAVA	! %X'02038202'
   ,SNA$_CIRNOTSPE	! %X'0203820A'
   ,SNA$_CONREQREJ	! %X'02038212'
   ,SNA$_GATINTERR	! %X'0203821A'
   ,SNA$_INSGATRES	! %X'02038222'
   ,SNA$_INCVERNUM	! %X'0203822A'
   ,SNA$_LOGUNIDEA	! %X'02038232'
   ,SNA$_NO_SUCACC	! %X'0203823A'
   ,SNA$_NO_SUCCIR	! %X'02038242'
   ,SNA$_NO_SUCSES	! %X'0203824A'
   ,SNA$_PROUNBREC	! %X'02038252'
   ,SNA$_SESIN_USE	! %X'0203825A'
   ,SNA$_SESNOTAVA	! %X'02038262'
   ,SNA$_SESINUNAC	! %X'0203826A'
   ,SNA$_UNUUNBREC	! %X'02038272'
   ,SNA$_FATINTERR	! %X'0203827C'
   ,SNA$_ABOCTXPRE	! %X'02038284'
   ,SNA$_ABOWAIACC	! %X'0203828C'
   ,SNA$_ASTBLKZER	! %X'02038294'
   ,SNA$_BINDATREC	! %X'0203829C'
   ,SNA$_CANCELFAI	! %X'020382A4'
   ,SNA$_CTXBLKINU	! %X'020382AC'
   ,SNA$_DCLASTFAI	! %X'020382B4'
   ,SNA$_FAICONMBX	! %X'020382BC'
   ,SNA$_FAICOPMBX	! %X'020382C4'
   ,SNA$_FAICOPRH	! %X'020382CC'
   ,SNA$_FAIDEAMBX	! %X'020382D4'
   ,SNA$_FAIFREBUF	! %X'020382DC'
   ,SNA$_FAIFRENCB	! %X'020382E4'
   ,SNA$_FAIGETCHA	! %X'020382EC'
   ,SNA$_FAIGETMBX	! %X'020382F4'
   ,SNA$_FAITRIBLA	! %X'020382FC'
   ,SNA$_FLUBUFREC	! %X'02038304'
   ,SNA$_GATTRAFAI	! %X'0203830C'
   ,SNA$_GETDVIFAI	! %X'02038314'
   ,SNA$_ILLMBXMSG	! %X'0203831C'
   ,SNA$_INVRECCHK	! %X'02038324'
   ,SNA$_LIBFREFAI	! %X'0203832C'
   ,SNA$_LIBGETFAI	! %X'02038334'
   ,SNA$_MBXIOSERR	! %X'0203833C'
   ,SNA$_MBXREAFAI	! %X'02038344'
   ,SNA$_NOTNORDAT	! %X'0203834C'
   ,SNA$_OBJTRAFAI	! %X'02038354'
   ,SNA$_PORUNKSTA	! %X'0203835C'
   ,SNA$_PORREFNON	! %X'02038364'
   ,SNA$_PORREFOUT	! %X'0203836C'
   ,SNA$_PROERRBIN	! %X'02038374'
   ,SNA$_RECBUFINU	! %X'0203837C'
   ,SNA$_RECFREFAI	! %X'02038384'
   ,SNA$_RECPENMSG	! %X'0203838C'
   ,SNA$_STANOTRUN	! %X'02038394'
   ,SNA$_UNINUMUNK	! %X'0203839C'
   ,SNA$_UNKDATMSG	! %X'020383A4'
   ,SNA$_UNKMSGREC	! %X'020383AC'
   ,SNA$_UNKPMRMSG	! %X'020383B4'
   ,SNA$_UNKUNBREC	! %X'020383BC'
   ,SNA$_UNSUSEREC	! %X'020383C4'
   ,SNA$_INVAEFPAR	! %X'020383CA'
   ,SNA$_INVNOTPAR	! %X'020383D2'
   ,SNA$_AEFOUTRAN	! %X'020383DA'
   ,SNA$_FAIFREEF	! %X'020383E2'
   ,SNA$_INVARGLEN	! %X'020383EA'