
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-FB49A-RM - sources/sntmes.mac
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	TITLE	MESAGE	Message data and processor
;		======	--------------------------

; Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 by
; DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754
; This software is furnished under a license and may be used and  copied
; only  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of  such  license and with the
; inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software or  any  other
; copies  thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any
; other person.  No title to and ownership of  the  software  is  hereby
; transferred.
; The information in this software is subject to change  without  notice
; and  should  not  be  construed  as  a commitment by Digital Equipment
; Corporation.
; Digital assumes no responsibility for the use or  reliability  of  its
; software on equipment which is not supplied by Digital.
;       DECnet/SNA TOPS-20 Trace Utility Message Tables.
;	This module defines the message table and message symbols
;       for SNT.
;       TOPS-20 Operating Systems, user mode.
;       Dennis Brannon,       CREATION DATE: April 7, 1984.
;	D. Brannon, 11-Oct-84 : VERSION 1.00
; 1.01  D. Brannon, 22-Feb-85
;       Fixed SRVLNKABO and GATINTERR to correctly display the error data.

	SALL				; Keep listing clean looking

	SUBTTL	Declarations

	SEARCH	GLXMAC			; GALAXY universal definitions
	SUBTTL	MESEMC	Expand Message Code

	;	Function to expand a message code into a text string
	;	and severity code
	;	Calling sequence:  Galaxy Conventions
	;	    S1 contains the message code
	;	on return:
	;	    S1 contains FAO_count,,Address of ASCIZ string
	;	    S2 contains severity code
	;	none.
	;	TRUE if successful.
	;	FALSE if message code is not defined
	;	none.
	;	none.


	IDIVI	S1,10		; msg # to S1; severity code to S2
	CAILE	S1,0		; If out
	CAIL	S1,MSGLEN	;  of range
	JRST	.RETF##		;   return failure
	MOVE	S1,MSGTAB(S1)	; Get table entry
	JRST	.RETT##		; Return true
; Local Modes:
; Mode:MACRO
; Auto Save Mode:2
; Comment Column:40
; Comment Rounding:+1
; End:
	SUBTTL	Declarations and Message Table

;       Severity = 1  => SUCCESS
M00001=:^D9			; SNT$_NORMAL
;       Severity = 3  => INFORMATIONAL
M00002=:^D19			; SNT$_BEGIN
M00003=:^D27			; SNT$_ENDED
M00004=:^D35			; SNT$_NEWHEADER
M00005=:^D43			; SNT$_SETUP
M00006=:^D51			; SNT$_USERDISC
;       Severity = 0  => WARNING
M00007=:^D56			; SNT$_DATALOST
M00008=:^D64			; SNT$_TRUNC
;       Severity = 2  => ERROR
M00009=:^D74			; SNT$_ASSIGN
M00010=:^D82			; SNT$_BADINPUT
M00011=:^D90			; SNT$_BADKEY
M00012=:^D98			; SNT$_BADLOGIC
M00013=:^D106			; SNT$_BADPURGE
M00014=:^D114			; SNT$_BADVALUE
M00015=:^D122			; SNT$_BUFSIZE
M00016=:^D130			; SNT$_CANCEL
M00017=:^D138			; SNT$_CLOSEIN
M00018=:^D146			; SNT$_CLOSEOUT
M00019=:^D154			; SNT$_CONFQUAL
M00020=:^D162			; SNT$_CONNFAIL
M00021=:^D170			; SNT$_JSYS
M00022=:^D178			; SNT$_NSP
M00023=:^D186			; SNT$_INCVERSION
M00024=:^D194			; SNT$_INIT
M00025=:^D202			; SNT$_INVCIRCID
M00026=:^D210			; SNT$_INVFILE
M00027=:^D218			; SNT$_INVNODE
M00028=:^D226			; SNT$_MAXPARM
M00029=:^D234			; SNT$_NETREAD
M00030=:^D242			; SNT$_NOCIRCUIT
M00031=:^D250			; SNT$_NODATA
M00032=:^D258			; SNT$_NOLINK
M00033=:^D266			; SNT$_NOSESSION
M00034=:^D274			; SNT$_NOVALUE
M00035=:^D282			; SNT$_OPENFAIL
M00036=:^D290			; SNT$_OPENIN
M00037=:^D298			; SNT$_OPENOUT
M00038=:^D306			; SNT$_READERR
M00039=:^D314			; SNT$_RECEIVE
M00040=:^D322			; SNT$_REJECT
M00041=:^D330			; SNT$_REQDATA
M00042=:^D338			; SNT$_SNACOMM
M00043=:^D346			; SNT$_SNDINIT
M00044=:^D354			; SNT$_SRVLNKABO
M00045=:^D362			; SNT$_START
M00046=:^D370			; SNT$_SYNTAX
M00047=:^D378			; SNT$_TRALOAFAI
M00048=:^D386			; SNT$_TRANSMIT
M00049=:^D394			; SNT$_UNRCMD
M00050=:^D402			; SNT$_WRITEERR
;       Severity = 4  => FATAL (SEVERE)
M00051=:^D410			; SNT$_ABNSESTER
M00052=:^D418			; SNT$_CIRNOTAVA
M00053=:^D426			; SNT$_CIRTOOLON
M00054=:^D434			; SNT$_CIRNOTSPE
M00055=:^D442			; SNT$_FATINTERR
M00056=:^D450			; SNT$_GATINTERR
M00057=:^D458			; SNT$_GETMSG
M00058=:^D466			; SNT$_ILLTRCTYP
M00059=:^D474			; SNT$_INCMSGTYP
M00060=:^D482			; SNT$_INSGATRES
M00061=:^D490			; SNT$_INTERRHOS
M00062=:^D498			; SNT$_INTMSG
M00063=:^D506			; SNT$_TXTLIB
M00064=:^D514			; SNT$_GETMEM
M00065=:^D522			; SNT$_LIBGETMSG
M00066=:^D530			; SNT$_RETMEM
M00067=:^D538			; SNT$_FILASSFAI
M00068=:^D546			; SNT$_ACCVERFAI
M00069=:^D554			; SNT$_NOBUFFERS
M00070=:^D562			; SNT$_NOTINIMSG
M00071=:^D570			; SNT$_NOTRECORD
M00072=:^D578			; SNT$_PROTOCOL
M00073=:^D586			; SNT$_READCHAR
M00074=:^D594			; SNT$_SESIN_USE
M00075=:^D602			; SNT$_SESNOTAVA

	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-I-BEGIN, beginning trace at %y %z@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-I-ENDED, trace ended at %y %z@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-I-NEWHEADER, new header record encountered@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-I-SETUP, failed to setup CTRL/Z trap@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-I-USERDISC, user disconnect@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-W-DATALOST, trace data lost@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-W-TRUNC, data truncated@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-ASSIGN, failed to assign JFN@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-BADINPUT, invalid trace input file format@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-BADKEY, '%a' is an invalid keyword@]
	XWD ^D2,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-BADLOGIC, internal logic error (module %a, routine %a)@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-BADPURGE, failed to purge output files@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-BADVALUE, '%a' is an invaild keyword value@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-BUFSIZE, maximum buffer size exceeded@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-CANCEL, command cancelled@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-CLOSEIN, error closing %a as input@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-CLOSEOUT, error closing %a as output@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-CONFQUAL, conflicting qualifiers@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-CONNFAIL, network connect failed@]
	XWD ^D2,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-JSYS, JSYS error: %O   %-1J@]
	XWD ^D2,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-NSP, NSP error: %M  %a@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-INCVERSION, incompatible version numbers@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-INIT, initialization failure@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-INVCIRCID, invalid circuit specification '%a'@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-INVFILE, invalid file specification '%a'@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-INVNODE, invalid node specification@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-MAXPARM, maximum parameter count exceeded '%a'@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-NETREAD, failed to read network status@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-NOCIRCUIT, circuit is unknown@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-NODATA, no data in queue at request time@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-NOLINK, logical link terminated@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-NOSESSION, session is unknown@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-NOVALUE, '%a' keyword requires a value@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-OPENFAIL, Open failed@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-OPENIN, error opening %a as input@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-OPENOUT, error opening %a as output@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-READERR, error reading %a@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-RECEIVE, network receive error@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-REJECT, connect rejected by server@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-REQDATA, request data failed@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-SNACOMM, SNA communication error@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-SNDINIT, failed to transmit initiate message@]
	XWD ^D3,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-SRVLNKABO, server aborted link with unknown reason (%(3)P:%(3)P:%(3)P)@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-START, failed to receive start message@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-SYNTAX, error parsing '%a'@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-TRALOAFAI, fail to load translation table from file %a@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-TRANSMIT, network transmit error@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-UNRCMD, unrecognized commmand '%a'@]
	XWD ^D1,[ASCIZ@%%SNT-E-WRITEERR, error writing %a@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-ABNSESTER, session terminated abnormally@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-CIRNOTAVA, circuit has not been activated@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-CIRTOOLON, circuit name is too long@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-CIRNOTSPE, circuit name is not specified@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-FATINTERR, fatal internal error@]
	XWD ^D2,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-GATINTERR, server detected gateway internal error, code %%O'%(3)P', subcode %%O'%(3)P'@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-GETMSG, get message error@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-ILLTRCTYP, illegal trace type requested@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-INCMSGTYP, incorrect start message@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-INSGATRES, insufficent Gateway resources for session establishment@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-INTERRHOS, server detected host error@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-INTMSG, unexpected interrupt message received from server@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-FILASSFAI, file JFN assign failed@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-ACCVERFAI, access verification failed@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-NOBUFFERS, not enough buffers@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-NOTINIMSG, received message not INIT@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-NOTRECORD, message other than 'Record Data' received@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-PROTOCOL, protocol error@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-READCHAR, failed to read device information@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-SESIN_USE, trace already in progress for this circuit@]
	XWD ^D0,[ASCIZ@?SNT-F-SESNOTAVA, session address has not been activated@]



M00064=:^D516			; SNT$_LIBGETVM
M00065=:^D524			; SNT$_LIBGEMSG
M00066=:^D532			; SNT$_LIBSCOPY
M00067=:^D540			; SNT$_MBXASSFAI
M00068=:^D548			; SNT$_NETASSFAI
M00069=:^D556			; SNT$_NOBUFFERS