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Subj: Creating a bootable source pack
The attached document explains how to take a released RSX-20F
source pack from SDC and make it into a bootable RSX-20F system
pack. The process differs for each operating system and the
document attempts to explain these differences.
This document deals with source packs for TOPS-20 release 4,
TOPS-10 release 7.00, and later.
This document explains how to convert a RSX-20F source pack into a
bootable RSX-20F system device. The pack is not shipped as a
bootable system because of the three different front end systems
available on the pack (TOPS-10/1090, TOPS-10/1091,
Through out the rest of this document the following terms will be
used to distinguish between systems:
1. TOPS-10 will refer to a TOPS-10/1090 system and TOPS-20
will refer to a TOPS-10/1091 and TOPS-20/2040/2050/2060
system unless otherwise specified. Although the systems
are different the procedures for a TOPS-10/1091 and a
TOPS-20/2040/2050/2060 are the basically the same because
of the front end system device(floppy).
2. The front end default system device is refered to as dd0:
where dd is DX (floppy) for TOPS-20 and DT (DECtape) for
3. The system UIC on the source pack will be refered to as
uic where uic has the following values:
1. 10 - TOPS-10/1090
2. 15 - TOPS-10/1091
3. 20 - TOPS-20/2040/2050/2060
The following items are necessary for creating a bootable RSX-20F
system pack from a released RSX-20F source pack:
1. Bootable RSX-20F system pack on dual ported drive
2. Released RSX-20F source pack on dual ported drive
3. One hour stand-alone time on KL system
4. Scratch Front End default system device media:
1. One DECtape for TOPS-10
2. Two floppies for TOPS-20
In brief:
1. Boot front end stand-alone
2. Initialize scratch media
3. Mount source pack and scratch media
4. Create system area on scratch media
5. Copy system dependent area to default area on source pack
6. Copy minimum system tasks to scratch media
7. Boot source pack
8. Define source pack as system pack
9. Save system and write bootstrap on source pack
3.1 Boot Front End Stand-alone
The process of making the source pack bootable requires a quiescent
system (ie. no jobs running on the KL10) and a bootable RSX-20F
system to run under until the source pack is ready to boot. When
this process is started timesharing should be halted and the front
end should be re-booted from the switch registers with switch 2
off. Make sure that the 2 packs and scratch media are mounted.
Once this is accomplished the PARSER task should be invoked with
the control-\ command at the CTY. The PARSER will then prompt
3.2 Initialize Scratch Media
The scratch media should be initialized so as to be certain of what
is on the media. For TOPS-10 the /INDX=MID switch should be used
and for TOPS-20 the process should be repeated except substituting
DX1: for DX0: the second time.
PAR> M INI <cr>
INI> dd0: (/INDX=MID for TOPS-10 DECtape) <cr>
^\ (control \)
3.3 Mount Source Pack And Scratch Media
The source pack and scratch media are mounted now so they can be
accessed. The source pack should be mounted write enabled.
PAR> M MOU <cr>
MOU> DBn: <cr> (n is unit number source pack mounted on)
MOU> dd0: <cr>
MOU> ^Z (control Z)
^\ (control \)
3.4 Create System Area On Scratch Media
A default system UIC must be created on the scratch media. This
area will be searched when the virgin system is booted.
PAR> M UFD <cr>
UFD> dd0:[5,5] <cr>
^\ (control \)
3.5 Copy System Dependent Area To Default Area On Source Pack
The particular system images of the system being created must be
copied from the correct area ([10,5]=TOPS-10/1090,
[15,5]=TOPS-10/1091, [20,5]=TOPS-20/2040/2050/2060) to the default
system area. Only the RSX-20F system image, map and tasks are
PAR> M PIP <cr>
PIP> DBn:[5,5]/NV=DBn:[uic,5]RSX20F.*;0,*.TSK;0 <cr>
3.6 Copy Minimum System Tasks To Scratch Media
Once the new system is booted only the default system area ([5,5])
on the default system device (floppy or DECtape) is known about.
When control-backslash is typed dd0:[5,5] is searched for
PARSER.TSK. If it is not found an error occurs. Inorder to find
PARSER.TSK the file system (F11ACP.TSK) must be loaded from
dd0:[5,5]. To mount the new system pack the task terminator
(TKTN.TSK) and mount task (MOU.TSK) must also reside on dd0:[5,5].
PIP> dd0:[5,5]=DBn:[5,5]F11ACP.TSK;0,TKTN,PARSER,MOU <cr>
PIP> ^Z (control Z)
^\ (control \)
3.7 Boot Source Pack
Now the system image on the source pack must be booted into core.
When the new system is in core the system device is directed to the
default media, as a result of this till the system device is
redirected to the source pack the commands after the booting will
be relatively slow due to the speed of the default system media.
PAR> M BOO <cr>
BOO> DBn: <cr>
^\ (control \)
3.8 Define Source Pack As System Pack
Inorder to write the bootstrap block onto the source pack the
system device must be redirected to the source pack. Once the
source pack is mounted any known task can be requested because
RSX-20F searches all mounted devices for the task not just SY:.
PAR> M MOU <cr>
MOU> DBn: <cr>
MOU> ^Z (control Z)
^\ (control \)
PAR> M RED <cr>
RED> DBn:=SY: <cr>
^\ (control \)
3.9 Save System And Write Bootstrap On Source Pack
Now the bootstrap block can be written on the source pack. Before
this is done any default parameters can be set by the PARSER and
then saved. Once the bootstrap is written the system is
automatically rebooted and SY: is redirected to the device the
system was booted from.
PAR> set date and any other permenant default parameters
PAR> M SAV <cr>
SAV> /WB <cr>
^\ (control \)
The RSX-20F source pack is now a bootable system pack, the only
thing it needs now to make it a complete system are the microcode
(*.MCB) files and the KL boot (*.EXB) files. These files can be
can be gotten from the floppies of the same release as the source
pack. Assuming the correct files are on the device dd0: then they
can be copied to the source pack as follows:
PAR> M PIP <cr>
PIP> DBn:/NV=dd0:[5,5]*.EXB;0 <cr>
PIP> DBn:=dd0:[5,5]*.MCB;0 <cr>
PIP> ^Z (control Z)
^\ (control \)
At this point the source pack can now be used as a system pack.