
Trailing-Edge - PDP-10 Archives - BB-H311C-RM - swskit-hacks/tvsm-diff.txt
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;differences between TV and TVSM

0,n^B	returns logical comp of n
1,n^B	returns -1 if n<0, 0 if n>=0
2,n^B	returns 0 if n<0, -1 if n>=0
3,n^B	returns 0 if n=0, else -1
4,n^B	returns signum n
5,n^B	returns absolute n

nF	change the ascii value of the next character to n. If at end,
	insert as if nI

n:Qi	move n into Qi and return old value of Qi

n:Ui	move n into Qi, and return n as value

:%i	decrement Qi and return as value

^Fstring$	move string into the input buffer.

^Astring	can have funny characters if quoted by ^V.

-1^T	returns -1 if no characters are in the input buffer, else 0.
n^T	if n is 0, do normal ^T, except don't clear ^O
	if n>0 and n<200, output character whose ascii is n.
	if n=>200, sleep for n milliseconds, then act as -1^T.
^T	input character as normal, but also clear ^O.

^C	HALTF immediately. (CONT works).

WLOAD1$	type 1-min load ave.
WLOAD5$	same for 5-min
WLOADF$	same for 15-min

WHOUR$	type the time
WDATE-AND-TIME$	insert date and time
WDAY$	insert day, date & time
WDATE-ONLY$	insert the date

WGARBAGE-COLLECT$	force a qreg garbage collect
WINVISIBLE$	make the cursor marker into 2 spaces.
WVISIBLE$	make the cursor marker "/\"
WPHASE$		insert the phase of the moon string.
nWPHASE$	type the phase of the moon string. (any nonzero value of n).
WZAP$		Close, release, and then re-open COMMANDS.TV.

	qreg names: still A-Z and 0-9, but also :(n) where n=0 to 150;
	and :(n+i) where n=0 to 150 and i is any qregname. (May be of
	colon form, ie, :(100+:(1)) works. only one + per level of (). )

	Numeric output does not force a newline of output.

	This list is not complete.